DL Capital Brochure

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Groundbreaking manifesto to reach supreme goals



Four steps to success and realizing high profits



Taking your business to the top



Giving your investments great results



Reliance and excellence for investors and clients

CONTACT Individualised counselling and support


‘I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.’ John Cage (1912 - 1992)

ABOUT DL CAPITAL Groundbreaking manifesto to reach supreme goals

DL Capital is a one stop shop platform for businesses ranging from upcoming service companies down to product development businesses to raise capital for unique projects. We cover all Project Finance, form seed to bond and even Exiting. The Crowdfunding section of our business will allow individuals and businesses to place requests for funding. In this part the new business will get not only the seed capital they need but also get validation from the market and seed investors. Allowing it to be a lot more appealing for possible Private Equity Investors. The Private Equity section of our business will allow us to take the new funded projects even higher. In this part the newly funded company will be able to present a Pitch to Private Equity Investors, this way it will not only get the funds needed

(normally from 100.000 to 250.000) but will also get a mentor to guide it on it-s way to become a well-established business. The Bond section of our business is meant to take the company into the corporate world. In this part the already mentored and established company will get access to our system of Bond building + fundraising. This way we can get the company to have from 5 million to 50 million of new funds to go global and to become a serious player on its market. The Exiting section of our business allow the company founders and shareholders to sell the same company. This is the final part of the project, when all the investors and owners get the most capital. In this way we cover all he possible scenarios for a company, form seed to exit.


Mision of DL Capital: Creating Entrepreneaurs Our Mission is to help all those people with fantastic ideas to become real entrepreneurs, guiding them through all the Funding process. We can achieve this by not only fundraising for our clients but also giving them a true insight on their market, studying if their project can become a real corporation or if it‘s just a dream. We do this by confronting their ideas and business plan with the real market statistics, in this way we can be sure that they have a realistic vision of their project. We do not only work on getting the new entrepreneurs the funds they need, we also connect them with expert entrepreneurs that can guide them in the process of becoming a corporation. Vision of DL Capital: Making global economy and innovation grow at a fastest rate. We believe that the true motor of innovation and economy are the entrepreneurs. That‘s why we have created this funding process. This is not the first time that we create and make a Start Up grow and we have always noticed that the hardest part is always to build the necessary funds to make a company grow on its first years of life. One of the most important factors that can define the success of a Start Up is its Board of Directors. But how can you get the right people if you can pay them their right value? You can‘t... That‘s one of the factors that made us create DL Capital.

As we create each day more successful companies the economy grows. We are contributing in creating more jobs and helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. We also have a passion for innovation and how new ideas can improve our world and our way of life but sadly a lot of brilliant ideas never make it to the market. With the first section of our business, Crowdfunding, we can get an actual indicator form the market, if people want that idea to be successful they will invest otherwise they will not. With the second section of our business, Private Equity, we make a connection between expert entrepreneurs that can actually guide the newly funded companies to became something greater and the new entrepreneurs on how to manage their companies. With the third part of our business, Bond emitting, we take the company a step further and get it into the corporate world, really getting its product to the people and contributing to the economy by making money flow and offering new jobs. Our vision at DL Capital is to become the recognized leader in our targeted market as a one stop shop where businesses and startup entrepreneurs can raise capital for their projects and also find advisory as to how to approach the corporate world. Our mission is to build a mechanism that will assist businesses and individuals in terms of raising fund for their business and also build them an exit strategy.


‘The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.’

BUSINESS MODEL Four steps to success and realizing high profits

We take it very seriously and are very open to become successful which is why this business plan is being penned down. This business plan also showcases the expected financials and operations over the next three years. DL Capital is an UK based corporation that acts in a Fundraising capacity to give the necessary finance to Projects and already established entrepreneurs that want to get to the next level. Our primary revenue center at DL Capital are our four sections to raise capital for our clients. This allows as to raise funds from Crowdfunding, Private Equity, Bond emitting and Exiting.

Our income arrives from ongoing success fees associated with a project that receives its funding (in full or in part) and by providing the services to help Investors find valid companies in whom to invest that are already approved by our proprietary algorithm that confronts Business Plans with the true market statistics and market tested from the process of having backers during their Crowdfunding round. In this way we are combining two key factors of success for a Project. A realistic Business Plan that follows the market statistics and market approval from the backers. Offering investors only projects that have a realistic possibility of becoming a corporation.


Our Products and Services Our Products and Services We at DL Capital will take 5% fee of the total amount of aggregate capital raised from our websites. Funds that have been raised via the website will be transferred via an automated clearing house transmission to the entrepreneur/ business designated verified bank account. We at DL Capital will also earn revenues each time a new project is submitted to the website. For each project profile that ads to the Crowdfunding platform, we will charge $19.95 as subscription and $5.00 for each project submitted. This we believe is an important secondary revenue center for the business as it will aid to make sure that we still earn revenue for projects that go unfunded or unattended in our website. We will choose the best Startups out of the Crowdfunding rounds, through our proprietary algorithm, and accompany them through the process of getting Private Equity funds from the investors that are already in our database. The next step consist in getting funds from the regulated and unregulated market as those can be used as leverage to the banks or to rapidly expand into the market. The Final step will be making a clear way out for the company and accompanying them to Exiting. Our business consist on a process that can take a company from the seed funding all the way to the corporate market and even to selling the created company. Our business

was born because of the lack of a similar service in the Market. Today there are a lot of companies that focus in only parts of it. Some companies focus on Crowdfunding but do not give any kind of support to make the necessary marketing process possible because their principal interest is to make money out of the projects that do not meet their goals. It is our interest to make that our clients meet their financial goals and we will support them with the right Marketing strategies because the bulk of our income comes from the results we deliver and not form the failure of our subscribers. We will be making 5% out of each step of funding so it is in our best interest to really make that all the projects get funded. The next step consist in getting the new funded Startups in front of Private Equity investors. We already have the basis for partnerships with some of the most important Italian Incubators. The ticket of every investor goes from 100 thousand to 250 thousand. Of course not every project has the necessary cards to make it to this step. We have an algorithm able to tell what project has a solid Business Plan and what project hasn’t. Our algorithm reviews if the numbers are right and confronts them with the actual statistics of the market. This way we are sure that a Startup can make it into the market. All paired with the fact of having backers from the Crowdfunding round as proof of market acceptance of the Project. During this step the newly funded entrepreneurs will be paired with expert entrepreneurs that will guide them into making a solid company before


Venture Capital

taking the third step on the ladder and going corporate. The fee for the service of getting Private Equity and being paired to a mentor is 5% of the received funds. We will contractually bind the Startups that make it through the cut to invest part of the funds received in the above step to buy a bond (for the value of 20 to 75 thousand) or present their project to institutional investors so that they can get from 2 million to 50 million. Allowing them to become a corporation and start to really make a difference on the market.



Hong Kong. In this step we will be hiring ex JP Morgan, Goldman Sacks and Ernst and Young advisors to make sure that the companies make the right use of the funds so they can grow very quickly. A final step is, when applicable, to make a “Way out� for our clients so that they can sell their companies to other big players in the market.

Right now we are working with more than 50 institutional investors and can get more than 600 brokers to sell their bond coupons in the markets of USA, UK, Dubai, Shanghai and



Getting started



Get to next level



Reaching the top



Enjoying results



t o s u c c e s s 13

Crowdfunding Donation-based crowdfunding is a way to source money for a project by asking a large number of contributors to donate a small amount to it. Getting in this way a Product Market Fit indicator directly form the market, more backers equals more likelihood of success. In return, backers may receive token rewards that increase in prestige as the size of the donation increases; for small sums, the funder may receive nothing at all. Sometimes referred to as rewards crowdfunding, the tokens for donations may include pre-sales of an item to be produced with funds raised. Donation-based crowdfunding can also be used in an effort to raise funds for charitable causes. Because this sort of crowdfunding is predicated on donations, funders do not obtain any ownership or rights to the project, nor do they become creditors to the project. If an entrepreneur or inventor has a great idea for a new product or service, crowdfunding offers an alternative way to raise money, as opposed to traditional methods of bank or private loans or by offering equity shares. Through donation-based crowdfunding, the entrepreneur can pre-sell his product to a large number of backers who each donate a relatively small sum toward the project. To encourage higher donation amounts, the entrepreneur may also offer token rewards of increasing value or significance, while retaining full ownership of the project or company being funded. Our first revenue is $ 19.95 per account subscription and $ 5.00 for each project. Our second revenue is 5% of any funds raised. 15

Private Equity Private equity is composed of funds and investors that directly invest in private companies, or that engage in buyouts of public companies, resulting in the delisting of public equity. Institutional and retail investors provide the capital for private equity, and the capital can be utilized to fund new technology, make acquisitions, expand working capital, and to bolster and solidify a balance sheet. Private equity comes primarily from institutional investors and accredited investors, who can, in our case, dedicate between $ 100.000 to $ 250.000. In most cases, considerably long holding periods are often required for private equity investments. This is why we have decided to bind our clients to go in the corporate market by acquiring a bond, so that the company can grow faster and the investors can capitalize sooner. Here at DL Capital we believe in making the Project grow so the majority of our Private Equity investors are expert entrepreneurs that cover the role of mentor for our clients and that can guide them to become a well-established business before going corporate. A Project will be considered ready to receive this kind of funds only after it has received Crowdfunding Funds or has acquired some clients and has been qualified by our Algorithm. This is our third form of income where we make 5% of the funds invested in our client company. 17



Fundraising through bonds: Our system works in two ways, building the bonds for our clients so that they have access to corporate finance and fundraising through the sales of bond coupons to investors. A coupon bond is a debt obligation with coupons attached that represent semi-annual interest payments. If an investor purchases a $1.000.000 DL Company coupon bond and the coupon rate is 10%, the issuer provides the investor 10% interest every year. This means the investor gets $100.000, the face value of the bond derived from multiplying $100.000 by 0.10, every year. For the investor to claim his interest on the bond, he simply takes the corresponding coupon from the provided bond certificate and gives it to an agent of the issuing institution. Within this step the newly funded company will be applying for a bond between $5.000.000 and $50.000.000 entering effectively in the corporate market. We will take care of the fundraising using our network of investors, online platforms and Brokers. At this point our team of experts, composed of ex JP Morgan, Goldman ad Ernst and Young advisors, will help the company to get established on the market, helping them with their Business strategies, product placement and Marketing. For the entire service we charge only 14% of the funds received. 19

EXITING This is the final and facultative step on the ladder of going corporate. We do not abandon our clients and will follow them through the process. The Exiting consist in an advisory service in which our experts will map the “Way Out� for our clients for selling their own companies. The key principle behind buying a company is to create shareholder value over and above that of the sum of the two companies. In an acquisition one company buys the other in cash, stocks or a combination of both. This is a process used for achieving synergy between the companies. Acquisitions are actions through which companies seek economies of scale, efficiencies and enhanced market visibility. For those who intend to sell their company we will make the necessary assessments and research of possible buyers. This is a very delicate process and we are proud to say that we are able to deliver all the necessary skills to successfully taking our clients company to the exit. The skills in play on this step are the research of the buyer, the legal and economics assessment of the company, the legal advisory for the contracts and most of all a team of experts on merge and acquisitions to council our clients in the whole process. 21

‘Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.’ Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC)

Opportunities Taking your business to the top

We offer four services to our Project Clients. Crowdfunding: Donation-based crowdfunding is a way to source money for a project by asking a large number of contributors to donate a small amount to it. Getting in this way a Product Market Fit indicator directly form the market, more backers equals more likelihood of success. Private Equity: Private equity comes primarily from institutional investors and accredited investors, who can, in our case, dedicate between $ 100.000 to $ 250.000. In most cases, considerably long holding periods are often required for private equity investments. The investors take part of the shares of the company and help it grow though their mentoring programs.

Bond: A coupon bond is a debt obligation with coupons attached that represent semi-annual interest payments. Within this step the newly funded company will be applying for a bond between $5.000.000 and $50.000.000 entering effectively in the corporate market. Exit: In an acquisition one company buys the other in cash, stocks or a combination of both. For those who intend to sell their company we will make the necessary assessments and research of possible buyers. In this way we cover all the possible steps of Project Finance, helping our clients to go from the seed investment to the corporate market and even selling their companies.


INVESTMENT Turning your investment into profits

For our Investors we offer a vast arrange of possibilities. Crowdfunding: This is the initial step for our clients, there is no limit to the amount of donations that can be done. The client company usually offers their own products at a really convenient rate or a part of its own shares in exchange of funds. Private Equity: Here our clients always offer shares of their companies in exchange of funds and mentorship. The investment tickets go from $ 100.000 to $ 250.000. This is a valid way of diversifying your investment portfolio investing in a company that has already been approved by the market and by our algorithm. Bond: We give the possibility of acquiring bond coupons that yields a fixed income of 10% interest per year for 3 to 5 years.

Usually at this interest rate what can be fond are high risk investments but in this case we offer bonds that are always backed by proven companies and expert investors and mentors that have been already working with our clients and had made sure that their companies are already established. Exit: Finally, we offer the possibility of buying our clients companies and help our clients and the investors t go through all the process.


EXPERT TEAM Reliance and excellence for investors and clients

Our President, David Llap, is a serial entrepreneur. He has the experience and knowledge of how to raise a Start Up from seed to bond and has done this process for his own companies. We trust he can advise and help our clients on how to build their companies to take them in the corporate market. Our team consist in several experts form the sectors of Project Finance, Crowdfunding, Private Equity Investments, Bond building and selling, Merge and acquisitions, Branding, Platform building, Social Marketing and Lead Generation. We have a strong focus on Marketing since we know is the key to our whole process and

our experts work on acquiring a continuous stream of Start Ups for our investors. Most of our Marketing team has worked as consultants for Colossus of Marketing like AdEspresso and several other Top Players. Our Finance Team consist in experts that have worked for several years in firms like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Ernst and Young. Giving our company the necessary expertise not only in the Financial Processes but also on how to build our Clients companies with a corporate like vision form the very beginning. Plus our team of lawyers, with bases in all the countries with the most important Stock Markets, assure us the compliance with every necessary jurisdiction.


David Llap President David Llap has been an entrepreneur and a Marketing and Sales director since 2010. He has over 6 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, and Management. David Llap is the founder of DL Capital, a complete Project Finance Ecosystem that can take a company from seed to Bond and even Exiting. In this role, David oversees the strategic direction of the firm and manages business development. Prior to founding DL Capital, David was the Chief Executive Officer at a Lead Generation Marketing company. Inspired by how the company used lead generation to create systems for its clients, David decided to apply this thinking in creating his company. He is also a serial entrepreneur and has founded and help developed a lot of Start Ups, from importexport, to real estate and even Digital Innovation. He loves to create new companies and has developed a method to help its own and many others go into the corporate market. A passionate fighter David spend he’s weekends training in Martial Arts or discovering new places for meditation.

LUcrezia Aria Sales & Marketing Lucrezia Aria has been business woman, a Copywriter and Marketing director since 2012. She has over 5 years of experience in Copywriting, Marketing, and Management. Lucrezia works at DL Capital, a complete Project Finance Ecosystem that can take a company from seed to Bond and even Exiting. In this role, Lucrezia oversees the Marketing strategies of the firm and manages the marketing and outsourcing contracts. Prior to working in DL Capital, Lucrezia was the Copywriter and Social Media Manager at a Lead Generation Marketing company. Inspired by how the company used lead generation to create systems for its clients, Lucrezia decided to apply this marketing strategies in working at this company. She is also a writer for a lot of Marketing online magazines where she writes about Lead Generation strategies, new marketing formulas and Social Media. She loves working on marketing because she believes that is a core necessity for any company, from Start Ups to big corporations.


‘Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.’ Dr. Seuss (1904 - 1991)

CONTACT Offering best individualised counselling

DL CAPITAL LIMITED Company Number 10793915 David Llap President 61-63 Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Reading RG5 3JP info@dlcapitalinvestment.com www.dlcapitalinvestment.com +39 340 7493096


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