Edgewater Church newsletter

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August/September, 2009

Volume 1, Issue 1

The Unnamed Newsletter Attention Edgewater! We need your help! We have a great team of volunteers to work on the new Edgewater newsletter, but we don’t have a great name to go along with it. We’ve decided to let you - the people of Edgewater - name your newsletter.

Upcoming Messages: AUGUST: • 8/02 Enter the Romance • 8/09 Solomon—Extreme Wisdom • 8/16

Solomon—Extreme Folly

• 8/23 Job: Where’s God When It Hurts? • 8/30 The Divided Kingdom: What Puts Community at Risk?

SEPTEMBER: • 9/06 What Matters Most • 9/13

Making the Most of Bad Breaks

• 9/20 Invasion of the Joy Snatchers • 9/27 Bob Haley Preaching

There is going to be a contest to pick the best name. To enter, just send an email with up to three suggestions to Edgenews@edgewaterchurch.com. You will have until September 1st to get all your ideas in for consideration. Anything after that deadline will not be accepted. The grand prize will be the honor of naming the newsletter and a special gift. The winner will be announced in the October issue of the newsletter. Be creative, have fun, and send us your ideas! Good luck Edgewater!

Summer Days….. I love summer! I always have. Those long summer days growing up as a kid in Indianapolis stay fresh in my memory. Family vacations. Trips to the neighborhood pool. Days full of doing everything and nothing all at the same time. Friendships were forged. Adventures were experienced. Back in those days, Mom would kind of push us out the door at the beginning of the day & say “See you at dinner!” and we were off to roam the neighborhood. It wouldn’t take long to run into a friend from down the street who’s mom had just told him the same thing. We run & play & explore. It was different kids on different days, but there was always somebody. Most of the time. There were always a few days throughout the summer that you’d go outside, and no one was there. Bobby had a doctor’s appointment. Rick was on vacation. Jodi was grounded. The day was a whole lot less interesting with no one around. I think that in our lives today, our culture has moved to the point where we end up spending a large portion of our lives on our own. We go to school. We go to work. We go to church. But we don’t take the necessary time to get connected with other people. But I’ve got to tell you: Our days are a whole lot less interesting with no one around. So take some time this summer to get connected with the Edgewater Church family. There are so many ways to do it! Invite some folks out to a meal after church. Get involved in a Sunday School class or some other type of small group. Find a way to volunteer. You will find more adventure, more purpose, and more excitement in your life if you make the effort to reach out and get connected to those around you. We weren’t created to make it through life on our own. So connect with the Edgewater Church family as we do life together.

The Unnamed Newsletter

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Better Sit Down For This One …. I Had To!

~Debi Lantzer

Here at Edgewater, the United Methodist Women really have it going on!! This writer was lucky enough to corral Sandy York, Vice President of United Methodist Women, for a very short 20 minutes, and was able to glean just enough information to overwhelm me!! On August 22, 2009, the United Methodist Women are hosting a “Back to School Celebration” with a school supply collection. Lunch will be provided, along with music and Nancy McAfee will be sharing her Sand Art Ministry. Be sure to check upcoming bulletins to find out the exact time of this event as well as the list of specific school supplies needed. Due to the recent problem with the lights, the United Methodist Women’s “Membership Invitational” was canceled. They will therefore double this event up with the August 22nd, Back to School Celebration. They will be sharing a short presentation on what it means to be a United Methodist Woman, and will be inviting women to join the group. On Thursdays, the Women’s Bible Study is studying the book, “What In the World Is Going On?: 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore” by Dr. David Jeremiah. This Thursday bible study is an hour and a half long, starting at 7:00 p.m. Although the group is currently in the third week of a ten week series, anyone can jump right in at any time. In the fall, the Women’s Bible Study will be studying another Beth Moore series entitled “Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman”. This bible study will be an in-depth study and personal examination of Esther’s great story of threat and deliverance. On Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., there is a bible study currently held in the chapel. This bible study is studying the “Old Testament Challenge: Creating a New Community (Volume 1)”. This bible study will be reviewing and discussing Pastor Dan’s sermons and the Old Testament itself. This study began on July 19, and is a twelve week series. All of these things sound so exciting!! There aren’t any women at Edgewater that will ever be able to say they can’t find something to do to get plugged in at our church!!

Alpha Chi: The Men of Edgewater

~Steve Costa

Alpha Chi is the men’s ministry at Edgewater United Methodist Church. The leader and principle organizer of this band of brothers is John Delaney. It’s not hard to find John or any of the other Alpha Chi members since they are frequently seen wearing the official Alpha Chi shirt which is emblazoned with the letters AX. These two letters, AX, represent the first two letters of the Greek words Adelphoi and Christou, or Brothers in Christ. Group membership, as well as all AX events, is open to all men over the age of 18 years. The group is much more than a typical men’s ministry. AX is a band of brothers striving to be God’s witnesses everyday in all facets of our life. Alpha Chi can be the doorway for men to meet, know, and serve Jesus Christ in a more fulfilling way. AX sponsors bible studies, small groups, as well as conferences and seminars. But, there are also social events scheduled including Fantasy Football Day scheduled for September 5, 2009. There are several events scheduled for this fall that will surely pique the interest of men who are looking to grow in their faith. All of the scheduled Alpha Chi events are listed on the official AX website, www.alphachi.info.

The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

SonRock Kids Camp!

Volume 1, Issue 1

~ Andrea Pye

This year at Edgewater’s Vacation Bible School-SonRock Kids Camp-we had so much fun! There were about 50 kids, ranging in age from 4 to 10. Members of our youth group volunteered alongside adults as part of their MERGE Camp. Each day of VBS had a theme and bible verse to learn about. All week long, the kids practiced learning dance motions to songs; and then they got to show them off. Each grade level was separated into a different camp group. Every morning all the kids gathered into the sanctuary to watch a camp video and sing songs. Then each group set off to their own age-specific adventure to learn about Jesus. At the end of the day, they all regrouped for more music fun while awaiting their parents arrival. This year, the youth group did something a little different. They volunteered as a part of VBS to help facilitate the numerous activities during the day, and had their own MERGE Camp with fun activities for them at night. The VBS kids enjoyed having the youth around, and the youth enjoyed helping the little ones. We all had fun working, playing, and learning side by side. Each day had a theme and bible verse that we learned about Jesus through dancing, bible study, crafts, and games. You might have seen the signs hanging by the sanctuary door as reminders that we are accepted, protected, saved, forgiven, and living for Jesus. It was so fun to see the kids learning new dance moves, but even more entertaining to watch them perform for the congregation on Father’s Day. It was easy to hear the laughter and amusement from the whole church family. It was a great week at SonRock Kids Camp! We can’t wait to have fun next summer with all the new and returning campers! A special thanks to ALL the volunteers that helped this amazing week come together for our little ones.


~ Denise Costa

Sprouts, is a service-based ministry, for children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Over the past year, approximately 20-30 kids and ten volunteers met from September through May on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30pm. Children share dinner and fellowship with their friends weekly. They gather in circle time to discuss weekly activities, share prayer time, and listen to bible stories. They may also participate in songs, games, and crafts. As an incentive for positive behavior, Sprout bucks were introduced and children could save them and redeem them for prizes at a later date. While learning about Jesus, Sprouts also strive to serve others. Children collected food for our food pantry and designed cards for our church shut-ins this year. The children also produced an exciting pageant for Christmas Eve for the congregation to enjoy. Volunteers are always welcome to join the Sprouts Team. Whether you can volunteer weekly or just once/month or just once in a while… we need you to join our amazing team to help our children learn all about Jesus love. Remember you do not have to cook dinner, join us Wednesday nights at 6:00pm for dinner and 6:30-7:30 to assist with teaching God’s word to the children of our community. We look forward to Sprouts beginning again on Wednesday, September 2, 2009, with a Volunteer meeting scheduled for August 26, 2009 at 7:00 pm. For questions or to assist with this ministry contact: Amy Hutchinson 941-429-9560 or Brandi Walker: 941-626-6831 or 941-625-3039 or brandi@edgewaterchurch.com (Director of Children’s Ministry).

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The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

New Member Update

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~Sandy Julian

2009 has been a very exciting and growing year for Edgewater!! The New Member Committee began to change the way the “Explore Edgewater” and “New Member Class” was held. The goal was to provide potential new members with more information about the various ministries, small groups and volunteer positions available at Edgewater, help them determine how their spiritual gifts fit in to those areas, and to help them get plugged in to the various ministries, small groups and volunteer positions. Although some people have been attending for a while, they wanted to make their commitment to be a part of this body of Christ, called Edgewater. It's when we work as the hands and feet of Christ that we are building God's kingdom. In March of 2009, the following people became members: Shannon Kelly & Eddie Haverty ( Lexus & Logan) Theresa Tester (Victoria Tester & Nicholas Pamos) Rita & William Clark ( Kaithlyn, Justin & Nikolus) Cathenne Francini Susan Davis Patricia & Jake Brewer Diane & Gary Jones Rev. Charles S. McAnulty Lila Button Kelli & Andrew Suite Connie T. Davidson Timothy Mullins Carol K. Campbell Donald E. Hall Oscar & Gayle Helling Ingrid Brummett ( Devyn & Jackson)

“Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will live you the desires of your heart…” ~ Psalm 37:3

In July of 2009, the following people joined Edgewater as members: Leah Sapien Colt Dougherty Zeus Gonzalez Robert Dube’ Christopher Toney David Micheel (Alexandria) Don Heider Anna Judson Jeff & Kari Hassall (Kayla) Matt & Coleen Fodness Debbie Trotter Amy Russell Loren & Sue Van Haitsma Jane Walton Donna Bunte Gloria Spackman Michael & Jennifer Zdorow Erica June Michael Argolewicz ( Matthew & Miranda) Lynn Lima ( David, Jonathan & Benjamin) Ryan McConnell Megan Perin Let’s make sure to give all of these new Edgewater members a big warm welcome!!!

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

~ Psalm 119:105

The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

Jack Weida

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~Tandra Knoepke

Many of have seen and met Jack Weida here at church, but with over 44 years of serving God as a United Methodist pastor, there is so much more than meets the eye! He has done so many good works in his life and now we are blessed to have him serve with us here at Edgewater. Jack was born and raised in the state of Iowa. The oldest of four children; one brother and two sisters. His parents had two very different religious backgrounds- his father a Roman Catholic and mother a Methodist. Thank God one day his mother made a decision and took him to her church. Jack was in junior high at that time when he met his Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Krocker, and heard the call from God. He says he always knew from that moment he had to dedicate his life and work to God. Being young, Jack had other dreams as well. He went on to college and pursued a career in entertainment, mostly dance and drama. I am amazed to say that Jack actually got to use his entertainment talents and dreams to serve God! He helped start a community theater with the local church and directed many plays; one being the musical “The Music Man�. Not only did he dance during worship at many churches, he also lectured, performed, and taught the art of liturgical dance as form of worship. He did this for over 30 years. Serving nine different charges in Iowa, several being multiple churches, he just loved serving God. Always involved with youth and children he helped start church camps for elementary kids. Also serving on many different conference levels with youth, he eventually served as a Jurisdictional Coordinator and as an adult delegate to the national level of youth ministries. Reluctantly he retired in 2005 due to the fact he turned 70. That is when both he and Carol, his wife of 50 years now, moved down here to be closer to one of their six sons. They took residence in North Port. Of course Jack and Carol attended church and eventually made Edgewater their home. However he did not want anyone to know he was a retired minister for many reasons. He just wanted to worship God! Then one day he was called to service again and took over the Sunday school program. There has been no turning back since and is still in passionate service. Not only is he part of the Edgewater Igniting Ministry Team, which was responsible for the Halloween block parties, Easter egg hunts, and other outreach ministries, but he also helped start SPROUTS for our little ones from kindergarten through fourth grade. I just want to say that we are so blessed to have both Jack and Carol here as part of the Edgewater family. They both do so much! If you ever go in the kitchen Carol is there cleaning, cooking, or preparing refreshments, and Jack usually is not far behind. I remember last year it was Jack's birthday and he brought cake, ice cream, and boxes of goodies for our little sprouts! In conclusion if you see either Jack or Carol (and most likely you will), just stop, say hi, and take the time to get to know them. I am very glad I did. Thanks Jack and Carol for being part of the Edgewater Church family!

THANK YOU!!! The Thrift Store would like to say thank you to all who helped get the thrift store cleaned and painted. The task was way overdue and quite a few people stepped up to the plate to help out and did an awesome job. Thank you so much for your time and energy!!

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The Unnamed Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 1

August/September Greeter Schedule In future newsletters, this section will be dedicated to listing the schedule for Greeters in two-month increments.

In the meantime, if you are interested in serving as a Greeter, please contact Gayle Helling at ghelling@comcast.net.

August/September Usher Schedule AUGUST/SEPTEMBER – 9:30 A.M. SERVICE 8/2









Ernie Ritta










Dave Watson







Rich Merkle







Mickey Graham



Debi Lantzer






Cliff Jewell







Ernie Ritta



Dave Watson


Joan Alexander-Hobson












9/27 X





Bill McCarty





Karen McCarty





Althea White





Baldwin White





Red Julian






The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

Faith Night at the Ball Park

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~Denise Costa

Our very own Edgewater United Methodist Church participated in Faith Night on Friday, June 5th at the Charlotte Sports Park; watching the Charlotte Stone Crabs take on the Daytona Cubs during this Inaugural Season. Over 110 Edgewater members were part of the 4,000 plus crowd who gathered to watch Pastor Dan throw out one of the first pitches. He threw an astounding pitch! The evening began with a pre-game concert featuring recording artist Julianna Zobrist (wife of Tampa Bay Rays infielder Ben Zobrist). A scrumptious buffet dinner served on the baseball boardwalk consisted of unlimited hot dogs, hamburgers, pulled BBQ, baked beans, pasta salad, chips, and drinks. It was set-up in an area for our Edgewater family to dine together on picnic tables. As part of our package deal, each individual also collected a blue Stone Crabs ball cap. With our seats in the lower box, near 3rd base, many Edgewater members caught fly balls, flying t-shirts, and had a chance to say an excited hello or cheer for the players. Stoney the Mascot walked through the stands posing for pictures with kids and adults, while dancing on the dugout in between innings. Many Edgewater kids enjoyed the playground area, the grassy hill, and the games on the boardwalk. The Stone Crabs were defeated 1 to 6, yet most fans were still present until the end of the 9th inning and were seen sporting their rally caps. Overall, it was a wonderful night with Edgewater members well represented, many wearing their new blue t-shirts, socializing, and having a great time together!

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The Unnamed Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Volunteer Positions Available If you are looking for ways to get connected and volunteer at Edgewater, there are often various positions that need help. The following is a list of the current volunteer needs: FOOD PANTRY – The Food Pantry needs someone willing to work a couple of times per month when the food supplies come in. This person will need to be able to lift 50 pounds. The Food Pantry also needs substitutes for vacations for an approximate total of 16 days per year. SPARROW’S NEST – The thrift store needs volunteers that can work either half days or full days. The store is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CHILD CARE – Child care volunteers are needed for special events, as well as bible studies and small groups. The days and times volunteers are needed varies. GREETERS – Volunteers are needed to greet at the door once or twice per month on Sunday mornings for the summer months. HOSPITALITY/KITCHEN – Volunteers are needed on Saturday night for setting up the refreshment table and making coffee and punch. Also, clean up and set up for Sunday morning. Arrive about 5:15pm and completely done by 8:00pm, including attending Saturday evening service. If you are interested in any of these positions, or if you have other ideas on how you might volunteer and serve Edgewater, please contact Diane Jones at volunteeredgewater@yahoo.com or (941) 412-0621.

Small Groups

~Laura Kollett

Small Groups play an important role here at Edgewater United Methodist Church. They bring people together in an informal setting and provide a unique way to study and learn many different subjects. We have a great variety of small groups to choose from and most groups meet at the church. The following is a list of current small groups. SUNDAY:

9:30a-Upstairs/Topical studies (John Delaney) 9:30a-Conference room/OTC & continuing studies (Nancy Fichter) 9:30a-Pastor’s office /Bible study (Charles Carroll) 11:00a-TBD/OTC 8 week study only (Sandy York) 11:00a-Pastor’s office/Bible 101 (Carmen Collazo-Edwards)


3:00p-Conference Room/New Testament (Barb Anderson)

THURSDAY: 7:00p-Church Lobby/Women’s Bible Study (10 week study, What in the world is Going On) This group continues year round (Sandy York) 7:00p-Small group at the Fichter’s house (starting Fireproof 6 week study in August) FRIDAY:

7:00p Conference Room/ Divorce Care

Ladies Night Out! Last Saturday of every month, meet in the Church lobby and go to dinner together. For more information about small groups please contact Sharon Prine 941-423-7141 or dsaprine@juno.com.

The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

Kelly Saunders

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~Kati Bartlett

Who would have ever imagined that Kelley Saunders would be able to endure a 4 month long mission trip to one of the roughest parts of the U.S.? Let alone dress in costume and preach to hundreds of inner-city children every week? Well, that is exactly what she has been doing. God greatly surprised and stretched her on this trip. In February, Kelley arrived in Brooklyn, N.Y. to begin her 4 month internship with Metro Ministries. Metro is an inner-city ministry that reaches over 20,000 kids each week. Interns from all over the world come to learn the principles of this ministry, which was started over 28 years ago by Pastor Bill Wilson. They were all taught how to preach the Word of God to children, youth, and adults. Upon her arrival in Brooklyn, Kelley was shocked to learn that she would be living in an abandoned infirmary that was completely under construction. God definitely decided to take Kelley out of her comfort zone this time around. Even harder for Kelley to grasp was the fact that her main job would be preaching in Harlem! Although, a few weeks into her internship, Kelley realized that not only did she enjoy it, she is also very good at it. Kelley's weeks were packed full. She typically worked 70+ hours each week with Monday being her only day off. Some of her favorite times were spent going door to door in the projects of Harlem to personally visit the homes of each of "her kids". The main focus of Metro is their Sidewalk Sunday Schools. Kelley and her team put on 3 of these every Friday at different locations in the projects. Each site would have approximately 200 kids show up every time! Kelley also helped with Sunday School, which is held on Saturdays there. There are also 3 of these sessions each week with approx 10,000 kids in attendance. Metro reaches over 20,000 kids each week at the various events they do. According to Kelley, the toughest part of the entire 4 months was saying goodbye to her kids. Not only was this work, this was fun! Thanks to the prayers and financial support of her Edgewater family, Kelley has been able to positively impact the lives of thousands of inner-city children. Thanks to all of you, these kids had the chance to hear the Word of God from someone who truly cared for them. What's next for Kelley? God has called her once again into the missions field. In January, she and Joel Burritt (from the praise team and youth band) will be headed to South Africa to work with the Zulu Tribe there. They will be doing many things, one of which will be helping in the orphanages. They will once again be in need of prayers and support in order for God's plans for them to work. If Kelley's life had a theme song, I am sure it would be "Go Where You Send Me" (I want to be your hands, I want to be your feet).

The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

We would like for folks to write a mini-biography of themselves and either email it to us at edgenews@edgewaterchurch.com, or place it in the newsletter mailbox located in the hallway near the children’s nursery so that we can have several folks to choose from for our “Guess Who?” section of the newsletter.

Volume 1, Issue 1

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The next newsletter is scheduled to go out on October 1, 2009. If you are interested in submitting a prayer request, birthday or anniversary notice, thank you, or other article, send it to edgenews@edgewaterchurch.com. If you do not have access to email, feel free to place your article in the newsletter mailbox located down the hallway past the children’s nursery by no later than September 15, 2009. Articles will be accepted from ministry heads, staff, volunteers and other church members. Suggestions on future articles of interest are always welcome!

We will print the mini-biography and you will have to guess who it belongs to. In the next issue, we will print the answer!! Thanks for your help!

Upcoming Concert Events The following are upcoming Christian music events in Florida. These concerts are subject to change.

Night of Joy – Disney’s Hollywood Studios Orlando Florida September 11, 2009 – Headliner Chris Tomlin – also playing: P.O.D., Newsboys, Leeland and Francesca Battistelli and more September 12, 2009 – Headliner Mercy Me – also playing Flyleaf, Skillet, Jars of Clay and more. For ticket information visit Walt Disney Worlds website.

Rock the Universe- Universal Orlando Resort September 11, 2009 – Headliner Switchfoot also playing David Crowder Band, Jeremy Camp and 4 other bands. September 12, 2009 – Headliner Casting Crowns also playing Third Day, Tobymac and 4 other bands. For ticket information please visit Universal Studios website.

The JOY FM Mega ticket concert series October 9, 2009 First Baptist Church, Ocala, Fl – Brandon Heath, Leeland and Francesca Battistelli. October 10, 2009 Countryside Christian Center, Clearwater, Fl – Brandon Heath, Leeland and Francesca Battistelli. For ticket information please visit the JOY FM website

The Unnamed Newsletter

The Unnamed Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1

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Our Mission: The mission of Edgewater United Methodist Church is to help people meet, know and serve Jesus Christ. Our target audience is families with youth and children. Student Ministry is a priority at Edgewater. Our outreach ministries focus on serving the needs of those at home, across the street and around the world. We are dedicated to creating a warm, welcoming environment in which people can hear, consider and respond to the message of Jesus.

Core Values: •

We’re on the web! www.edgewaterchurch.com

• • • •

Everyone needs a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Serving is the heart of following Jesus. Spiritual growth is fostered through small groups. It is essential to develop and deploy Christian leaders. Team-based ministry maximizes the impact of individual leaders.


~James Plautz

Every year sports fans line up hours early to do the infamous Tailgate Party. Hot dogs, brats, popcorn, and beverages. All in the name of what? Football!!!! Every Sunday people spend hours in preparation for their favorite teams to take the field of battle. The excitement can be hard to put into words!!!!

Score: GOD: All of Humanity SATAN: Not So Much

This past May EUMC got the chance to have the first Tailgate for Worship. The message by Pastor Prine: “We should put in as much time into celebrating and preparing for our weekly worship as we do preparing for a sporting event”. After all it is for the most glorious of all reasons-----God!!!! This past tailgate party was a huge success. EUMC volunteers handed out Hotdogs, Drink and Popcorn to hundreds of tailgaters. Along with the Balloons and wonderful music the fun of worship was abundant. We look forward to doing another “Tailgate for Worship” during the upcoming NFL Football season. We look forward to seeing you there.

NEWSLETTER TEAM: Debi Lantzer, Laura Kollett, Andrea Pye, Denise Costa, Tandra Knoepke, Kati Bartlett, James Plautz, Gabi Brown, Steve Costa, Greg Kollett, Jane Harry.

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