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Leading whilst on your own

© Ann Holman 2009 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to public prosecution and civil claims for damages. !"#$%&'"($)*$+,,$-)./0,$()$1#$&2#,(&3#2$04$("#$05(")%$)*$("&4$6)%7$"04$1##,$044#%(#2$&,$088)%20,8#$6&("$("#$9):;%&'"(<$=#4&',4$ and Patents Act 1988. First published in 2009 by +,,$-)./0,$9)/:0,; >>$=;#%4$9)5%( 9)//#%8&0.$?)02 Exeter @AB$C=D United Kingdom 666E0,,")./0,E8)E57 0,,F0,,")./0,E8)E57

1. Don’t become a victim of distraction Those focused on the goals ahead are rarely distracted by the mundane. They are destined for greater success. It’s evident all around us. Small business people who get distracted, lack focus, forget what they were supposed to be doing and then wonder why they are just surviving or it takes them a long time to implement something. These people are the ones that only get a product/service to the introduction stage of the product lifecycle. Then they get bored or distracted by something they perceive to be more interesting. I call them Jackdaws. Examples: ­ Shiny things like new products where there is no market in the first place. ­ Worrying about the competition too much. ­ Feeling de motivated which leads to an ever­decreasing circle. ­ Chasing the wrong customers. ­ Coming up with lots of ideas they never execute. Not even one. ­ Focussing on numbers rather than value adding activity. Oh and one more, under confidence! It’s a hard line discipline you need to be aware of and learn to manage as soon as possible. Start today.

2. Eyes on the horizon People without goals are like lost sheep, hanging onto the one in front hoping they are going the right way. The question here is; are you pointing in the right direction? Have you set your milestones? And does the land you are pointing towards look full of promise? The only thing holding you back is not external factors but the internal, self ­ limiting aspects in your head. Fear is stoked up by you no one else. The successful business owner sees the ‘end result’ right from the beginning. He/she will know what the business will look like in five years time. Every day the business owner will focus on that vision and change the business to meet the achievement of that vision. You do reap what you sow. I’m not talking about long­winded business plans here, far from it. Having a clear idea what you want the damn thing to be and look like is pretty crucial. Reinforcing, inspiring and motivating your people and your customers towards that ‘end result’ is possibly your most important role. ­ ­ ­ ­

Where are you now? Where do you want to go? How are you going to get there? When will you know you are there?

There it is, a structure for your business strategy. One sheet of paper should do it!

like lost sheep..

3. Pursue nothing but excellence everyday no, every minute! Being deliberate about how you achieve excellence is critical. It’s a state of mind, it’s an attitude. Doing just enough, just turning up and thinking that will do were eradicated the day you set up your business. You now have no one to blame, no one to hide behind and no one to manipulate. Competition is so hot, so fierce that pursuing excellence is the only acceptable standard. And it’s in everything you do. The little detail matters, the big effort has to have an impact. What you are trying to achieve is a growing client base, a proven track record, a reputation for adding value, credibility that breeds word of mouth referrals and an understanding of what people are buying you for! An excellent ability to influence people is going to be one of the most significant differentiating factors after customer experience in the future.

it’s an attitude..

4. Self brand Decide who you are and who you are not? Then plan by the end of next year what four things you will have a reputation for in your market place. Those four things need to differentiate you. It’s not so much about what you do anymore i.e.: architect, designer, IT consultant, photographer etc. It’s about how you add value, how you influence and how you inspire people to think differently. Ask yourself what do I want to be? What values do I have and never want to compromise on? Does what I do make a difference? Why am I distinctive? Ask yourself these questions regularly and if you can’t answer them, get your customers to. This should start you thinking: ­ Who are you? ­ What is your product offering? ­ What is your value proposition? ­ How different is it to the others? You are the brand. You are the business there is no escape. It’s not about how well you manage your business, it’s actually how well you lead yourself, your customers and the team around you.

You are the brand..

5. Motivation during difficult times Don’t be unhappy and stuck in the mud doing the same thing as everyone else. You can see a disgruntled small business from a mile off. She’s the one moaning about life, blaming everything but herself for her demise or perceived failure. Yet she’s selling the most common products, supported by a mediocre service that is presented in the most boring manner. Be very clear, very clear why you are running your own business. Ensure that what you are doing is feeding your intrinsic motivators such as feeling valued, recognition, product creation, freedom, choice etc etc and not the extrinsic motivating factors such as a nice car, great premises, being seen in public at every networking event. In bad times those extrinsic factors will only drag you down cos’ they cost so much. It’s the intrinsic stuff that keeps you going when you have to dig deep into your soul. Stand back, take time out, sit down with a coach or mentor and go back to the beginning. Search for the real reasons you are doing this. Accept them and then use them to get you back on track again. It’s those values, those factors that stop you from running off the edge of the cliff, so to speak. Then don’t worry about the past, because often when you are looking at it, you trip over the future!

avoid extrinsic..

6. Building trust and credibility Some of the most important words that you will use and concentrate on are these; trust, credibility, reputation, influence, integrity, learning, thinking, evolvement, discipline and difference. Decide how you are going to develop these words. Consider how you can integrate them into your marketing and customer strategy. Focus on those areas you are outstanding in, where you are distinct from the rest of the crowd and that crowd are willing to pay good money for. How do you build trust and credibility? Well it’s about trust in your intentions and trust in your abilities. That’s what your customers and the people around you want to see. It’s about being open and honest... passionate. Transparent with a clear commitment to do what you say you are going to do. Conviction and being fair are important too. Be confident, have an abundance of optimism, achieve and drive towards being recognised for what you do.

being open and honest..

7. A big, fat dollop of change Leading isn’t so much about delegating, its emphasis has changed. Everyone now needs to be leader, the business world not only requires but also demands it. And, it’s your role to excel in its execution. Wow that’s a different way of looking at it! Leadership is about value creation: ­ Great leaders challenge the status quo even with prospects and customers. They change the normal stuff in sectors and market places, they remove the barriers that exist and they make it easy for people to have a conversation with each other. ­ Leadership is about being genuine and sincere. It’s about what you are doing when people aren’t looking! Being clear, transparent and honest are sure ways to build integrity and trust. ­ Your job is to inspire, motivate and change your customers and other stakeholder’s mindset. It’s not about managing a process, doing repetitive, mundane work. If it is go and work for somebody and get paid better for doing it. ­ Leaders have followers, in today’s new marketing environment; it’s essential you have followers. People who love what you do, celebrate what you do and sell what you do. Your customers want you to push them to places they never thought possible. Leading acts as a catalyst and helps you connect in a dynamic, different way than before. Your customers will adore it, your people will be astounded by it and your business will grow from it.

Your customers will adore it..

8. Ditch the management behaviours and deliver leadership There is a huge difference between the two. The simplest definition is that any interaction human to human must display leadership qualities not management techniques. Let me explain: ­ Manager’s focus on the present, leaders focus on the future ­ Managers seek order; leaders seek out change on a regular basis ­ Managers try to control, leaders rely on trust ­ Managers applies incentives, such as promotions, leaders influence and are valued more ­ Managers target efficiency, leaders inspire people Attempt to make these behaviours intrinsic in your business. Embed them in the way you do things. Communicate and demonstrate them to customers and experience why leadership makes your working life so much more enjoyable, fun and rewarding.

leaders focus on the future..

For more of Ann’s ideas and thinking go to www.annholman.co.uk where you’ll find free stuff, a blog and information about Ann’s seminars.

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