Ohio Gas & Oil September 2020

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How and What are You Thinking? Guest Editorial

GREG KOZERA | Shale Crescent USA I just finished an interview for the First Light Show airing nationally on Westwood One next week. We talked about how and why we need to bring manufacturing back to the USA creating high wage jobs. Our Region is advantaged because of our proximity to markets, abundant natural gas and natural gas liquids. It was a great opportunity to tell our story to the nation. Shale Crescent USA’s thought leadership made this

“When we change our thinking, we change our life.” possible. Dr. Clay Marsh, West Virginia Covid-19 Czar said something profound this week I haven’t heard anyone in the medical community say directly. “We are entering a new time period of learning to live with the virus.” I might not have the quote exactly but my understanding is, Covid-19 isn’t going away anytime soon even though we are working on vaccines and possible cures. If the virus isn’t going away we need to live our lives in a way that protects us and others as we move to normal activities. Going back to lockdown isn’t the answer. We may find extended lockdown was deadlier than the virus because of depression, stress, increased suicide, domestic abuse, substance abuse and deaths from other diseases like cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease that went untreated. One doctor said he has only diagnosed about 1/3 of the cancer cases he normally does. Cancer doesn’t take vacations. People chose not to go to the doctor out of fear.


When I had cancer over 30 years ago, my wife pushed me to see a doctor and made the appointment. It was serious enough for me to have surgery the next day. Fortunately, the cancer was found early. My type of cancer spreads quickly. A delay could have been deadly. How many cancer cases have spread into something incurable during Covid-19? Industries like trucking, healthcare, petrochemicals and others learn to successfully deal with risks every day. Driving to the store, church or the beach is a risk most of us are willing to take. In industry following common sense rules like wearing PPE or seatbelts lowers the risk. Wearing a mask, social distancing and washing our hands does the same for us when dealing with Covid-19. The question isn’t “if” we can get back to business, school or athletics it is, “How can we?” This question assumes we can, will and must. We know how we can bring manufacturing back to the USA. I got a new crown from my dentist this week. It was made in the USA out of ceramic and zirconium on a 3D printer instead of by hand in China. My dentist said it won’t crack or chip. We are us-

“Give first without any expectation of receiving anything” ing high tech computerized 3D printing capabilities to make critical healthcare PPE, essential medical equipment, products like Covid-19 tests and parts we are currently getting overseas. Small and medium manufacturing companies in our Region have the Thinking continued on page 8



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