DIVINE 2010 Anniversary Issue

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Anniversary Issue Vol. 3. No. 1





























Chris Tomlin Glory In The Highest


HEAVENLY BODIES 08 Health & Fitness

POWER & PURPOSE 17 Money Market


TOTAL BEING: INSIDE & OUT 12 Fashion & Beauty


1026 N. Germantown Parkway

6 Tips To Avoid Emotional Eating by Ginny Edwards

Eugene Michael’s Designer Apparel for Men and Women


Literature & Entertainment

TIME OFF 14 DIVINE Destinations

Top Destinations for 2010 by Travel Expert Eileen Civera


Cake, Brulee, & Cookies Oh My! by Warren Brown, Cake Love Owner


How To Stay Financially Fit by Joy R. Bowen

The Reciprocity of Forgiveness by Ariyana Rimson

FAITH & FAMILY 20 Generations

Cartridge World City Hall

105 N. Main

Davis Kidd Booksellers 387 Perkins Extended

Memphis/Shelby County Libraries Mother’s Family Restaurant 2661 North Hollywood

Putting Family First: Shielding Your Child from Sexual Abuse

Paradigm Dental Center-Memphis

by Christy Poindexter

Paradigm Dental Center-Parkin, AR

4730 Riverdale Road, Suite 3 101 West Parkin Avenue

Spin Street Music Store 3484 Poplar Avenue

Shelby County Building 160 N. Main

University of Memphis Visitor Center Email divinemagazine@gmail.com for more Distribution Locations.



any Christians have criticized the increasing evil in our world, yet do nothing to help change it. We have erroneously thought that the church’s mission must be confined to a building and that the marketplace (business, education and government) should be avoided at all costs. I, too, once believed those traditional teachings. However, when the opportunity to purchase a mall to provide a place of hope, safety and empowerment came along, the choice was obvious. I’m often asked questions like, “Why is a church buying a mall?” or “Aren’t churches only supposed to get souls saved?” the answers to those questions should be clear in Christ’s example. The majority of Christ’s ministry occurred in the marketplace. Jesus was not born in a church or synagogue, but in the stable of a business (an inn). He was not a priest by profession, but a carpenter (Mark 6:3). His parables focused on business principles: farming, investment, management, labor and use of money. Most of His miracles were performed in the marketplace. Businessmen, not priests, were His first disciples. Jesus even tells us to occupy until He returns. The word occupy in Greek actually means to engage in business (Luke 19:13). In the Old Testament, man (Adam) had work before there was a church. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, David and most of the prophets were all businessmen. The purpose of our church’s plan in purchasing and renovating the Hickory Ridge Mall is due in part to the fact that it places us in the marketplace, where masses of people congregate. It enables us to offer hope and opportunity to people who may never approach the doors of our church; not to push religion, but to show people a better way of life. We have found that many local community service agencies are unable to reach the people who need them. Hopefully, we will be able to provide a one-stop shop of agencies to make needed services available.

Some of the services we plan to provide at the mall will include: A SCHOOL OF FAMILY VALUES for domestic violence victims and abusers will help establish principles of family life. In an effort to decrease Memphis’ infant mortality rate, we will offer support to teen mothers, assist in prenatal care and provide training to help them avoid making the same choices in the future. In this way, these infants can

have a fair chance in life. We want to encourage these young fathers and mothers to marry so their children can grow up in a two-parent home. Family restoration is a focal point of our church’s vision. Our SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND WORKPLACE EXCELLENCE will provide job training for teens. By learning principles of excellence, keys for promotion, and business ethics, hopefully young people will avoid illegally seeking gain. Hickory Hill merchants may also be more apt to hire them. I originally sought retail space to offer members of the church an opportunity to start their own businesses without the initial financial pressure. I wanted to give them a jump start to find a better life. However, the mall will not only welcome members, but also non-members and previous mall business owners. The mall is open to all, regardless of race, color, creed or religion. In fact, several stores will cater to the Hispanic community’s unique culinary, entertainment and social services needs. In July 2008, more than 3,600 people attended our annual festival to enjoy free food and recreation. We saw the need for a permanent venue that will offer families a safe place to bond and have quality time. Our FAMILY FUN ENTERTAINMENT CENTER will accomplish this. THE YOUTH REFORMATION INITIATIVE will offer teens a safe haven for recreation and after-school training. Prayerfully, these various mall activities and ventures will offer jobs for teens and young adults. Our 1,500-SEAT BANQUET AND CONFERENCE CENTER FACILITY will provide a place where the community can hold both large and small event gatherings: workshops, seminars, banquets, conferences, wedding receptions, funeral repasts, family reunions and community meetings. We hope that the mall will stimulate the local Hickory Hill business economy by bringing businesses back to the area and hopefully prevent other businesses from leaving. The heart of any city is the marketplace. Yet, a wall stands between commercial pursuit and serving God. This wall has become a barrier to advancing God’s kingdom. We believe that the Hickory Ridge Mall acquisition will help empower us to start knocking down that wall and be an example for others to follow. Malls are no longer places to simply shop for merchandise but a marketplace to experience life-changing miracles. Apostle Alton R. Williams is pastor of World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church in Hickory Hill. 03 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE




Be Encouraged. Be Grateful. Be Inspired!


o much has been given to us if we take the time to think about it. We’ve been given life, freedom and luxuries. The list could go on and on but we all have so much that we can be thankful for and now it’s time to turn the table and be generous. This year, Photography:Courtney Long; Hair: Atlantis White I admonish you to be more generous with your time, your talents and your treasures. We often tell people, “If you ever need anything let me know,” when what we really mean is “I hope that if you ever need me I’m able to help.” However, what a person who has experienced a sudden loss of a job, a loved one, a home, etc., needs most is consistency and simple generosity. If you’ve ever had to depend on someone else for a ride to work, gas money, to watch your children, or to even pray for you, then you know what it means for someone to keep their word (consistency) and you know the value of someone doing something for you out of the kindness of their heart (generosity). If you’ve never needed anyone just keep living, one day you will. In John 15:12, Jesus reminds us of his commandment to love one another. Jesus showed us a level of love that is incomprehensible in that he died on the cross for our sins before we were even born. “No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends” John 15: 13. Jesus considered us to be his friends long before we were even born and he expects us to be selfless and generous to our family, friends and even strangers. “As I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples…” John 13:24

Time Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us that there is a time for

everything. Be generous in the time that you give to God in reading the Word, worship and prayer. Be generous in the time that you give to your place of worship and make time to serve on a ministry team. Be generous in the time that you 04 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

make for your family and for your friends. When you make time for others you plants seeds of prosperity, overflow and favor into your life. You need to also be generous in the time that you give yourself. You can’t be what you need to other people if you don’t take time for yourself.

Talents You’ve been

blessed with a talent to inspire, sing, encourage, dance and so on. If you are still trying to discover your purpose, draw from your natural gifts and talents. Whatever talent that you possess, you should be generous to share with others. If you have a talent to sing, but you aren’t a part of the Praise & Worship team, you might be missing out on an opportunity to change your life and someone else’s. If you have a heart for the homeless but you have never volunteered at a homeless shelter, then you may be missing your moment. Allow your talents to be a blessing to others. “A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.” Proverbs 18:16

Treasures God has blessed many of us with materials and treasures

such as nice homes, cars, boats, clothes, and money. You are not required to give away everything that you work hard for but you are expected to be generous to those in need. Don’t be so attached to things that you refuse to make room for more blessings that are stored up in heaven for you. When you give to others more will be given to you and you’ll be connected to the destiny of the person that you help. You also position yourself for overflow so that you can continue to pour into others. I hope that you enjoy this issue of DIVINE Magazine. My staff and I were generous in providing you with inspirational features and articles that will keep you on the right track in 2010. Warren Brown, owner of Cake Love and former host of Food Network’s Sugar Rush, shares some of his delicious dessert recipes and Eileen Civera, Destination Wedding and Honeymoon Planning Specialist, shares the top destinations of 2010. You’ll also find tips on staying financially fit, how to avoid emotional eating and how to protect your children from sexual predators and much more! Remember to be generous this year and always remember to “Be Encouraged. Be Grateful. Be Inspired.” Megan Mottley, Publisher

DIVINE Magazine is Celebrating 3 Years, Thank You For Your Support!


Megan R. Mottley publisher@divinemagazineonline.com


Dr. Nieika Parks editor@divinemagazineonline.com







Joy Bowen Warren Brown Eileen Civera Ginny Edwards Ricky Floyd Judy Jacobs Christy Poindexter Michael Richmond Ariyana Rimson A.R. Williams

MTLY Communications

1138 N. Germantown Parkway, Suite 101-107 Cordova, TN 38016 Phone: (901) 830-8756 publisher@divinemagazineonline.com www.divinemagazineonline.com www.myspace.com/divinemagazine DIVINE Magazine is a division of MTLY Communications. DIVINE is published quarterly. No portion of this magazine, including without limitation, articles and listing, may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright 2010 by DIVINE MTLY Communications All rights reserved Visit us online at www.divinemagazineonline.com Send us your feedback, comments and suggestions to publisher@divinemagazineonline.com 05 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE


By Pastor Ricky D. Floyd, The Pursuit of God Church Transformation Center

“Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful ... Flowing from my heart, are the issues of my heart.”


hat an awesome anthem of praise and a humble confession at the same time. I can’t help but wonder why the words and sentiments of this song are not directed toward the institution of marriage today. Unfortunately, in today’s society the marriage anthem is more like “Hateful, Hateful, Hateful”. With the aid of the social media revolution, top secular songs, the big-screen and television, we are living in a time when it is encouraged and easy to have affairs. I recently read a Facebook (online social network) comment where a local disc jockey stated that married couples on the verge of divorce were staying together because of the recession. My question is what happens to the marriage when the recession is over? Until one knows the purpose of God’s placement in his/her relationship, abuse is inevitable. I believe that 97% of men and women don’t even fully understand why GOD designed the institution of holy matrimony and why He allows couples to fall in love. Henceforth, 97% of marriages are abusive, draining, degrading, and unfulfilling, leaving couples feeling like they are in a prison cell. Instead of your mate being a help mate they become more like a cell mate and the goal is not restoration but a search for escape. My wife and I have been married almost 17 years and the first seven years were pure Hell. We did EVERYTHING wrong but now my wife, Sheila, is my best friend and co-pastor. It seems as if we laugh half the day and fulfill vision the other half. I never imagined that I could and would be this happy with one person. Question: What happened? Answer: Vision. Our marriage moved from dangling on a cliff of divorce to traveling the country teaching people how to convert their cell mate back to a help mate. Establish a vision for your marriage and be patient as it blossoms into a strong and healthy bond that can’t be broken. 06 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

Here are a few things that will cause immediate change in your marriage: 1. Make up your mind that divorce is not an option. 2. Get over the vain imagination that you married the wrong person and ask GOD why did he put or allow the two of you to get together. 3. Realize that it normally takes 7 years for two to become one (the 6th year is the # 1 year for divorce). Most people are right at the edge of a breakthrough that they can’t see. 4. Get connected to the source (GOD), get over your church wounds and get back in the temple. 5. Write the vision and make it plain. A marriage without a vision is a divorce (a form of DEATH) waiting to happen. 6. Repent and forgive. 7. Surround yourself with people who are happily married, or at least trying to be. 8. Plan a weekly meeting to discuss bills, disagreements and misunderstandings (NO MORE THAN 45 minutes). 9. Set and keep a weekly DATE NIGHT. 10. Attend THE SCHOOL OF MARRIAGE ENHANCEMENT every 4th Saturday at the Pursuit of God Church, East Campus from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Visit www.thepursuitofgod.org for more information.




Tips to Control Emotional Eating By Ginny Edwards

Ginny Edwards is a Christian life and health coach specializing in assisting her clients to find freedom and overcome emotional eating. You can find out more about Ginny at http://www.timesofrefreshingwc.com.

he new year is in full swing and sticking to your resolutions may be furthest thing from your mind. If your eating habits are out of control despite your efforts to get back on track, here are some tips to help you overcome emotional eating in 2010.

1 2 3 4

Create your quiet space. Take time to be quiet, meditate and rest your mind and heart. Allow God to take you to the “green pastures” so you will be refreshed and ready for each new day. This one tip alone can help keep you from eating out of stress and exhaustion, two common triggers for emotional eating. Say no. There will be many social opportunities

throughout the year, especially around the holidays. Be very intentional about the things you choose to do. Who are the people you really want to spend time with this year? What about ministry opportunities? Say yes to your top priorities and don’t allow guilt to cause you to overburden yourself.

Practice self-care. I can’t emphasize this enough. I define self-care as those habits and practices that help you to be the very best you can be. What self-care practices do you have in place now? Don’t neglect them because you have an overly crowded schedule. Choose a healthy eating lifestyle. Keep a good stock of healthy snacks and foods at work and at home so you will have choices. If you have put the above principles into place, making healthy choices will be so much easier because you will avoid being exhausted and stressed.


5 6

Reject perfectionism. Reject the idea that everything

has to be perfect in your life, in your home or on your job. The people who matter the most, your family and friends really just want you! Don’t spend time trying to be someone you’re not or trying to keep up with the Joneses. Work on improving yourself but don’t become a perfectionist.

Don’t go into debt. There can be so much pressure at the beginning of a new year, at the onset of warmer weather or upcoming special events to get a quick fit fix. However, if it’s not in your budget, don’t charge gimmicks and gadgets on credit cards. You’ll add unwarranted stress because of your debt and the impulse items that you bought will end up collecting dust within months of purchase.

These principles may not seem like they have much to do with overeating. But if you’re an emotional eater, stress, exhaustion and depression are just a few of the triggers for overindulgence in food. Use these principles to begin renewing your mind and creating permanent habits that will change you from the inside out. The changes that you desire can happen without another diet, without packaged and proportioned food and without pills! Then you will be truly free!




s you move forward in the New Year, are you moving toward new dreams, new opportunities, new moments with God? I know that God has His hand on your life, and He has a plan and a purpose for you in 2010. I want to get you so fired up in your faith, that you will never miss your moment. God wants to connect with you, to co-labor with you, to carry out His plan for your life. I’ve learned that God will offer you many moments to connect with Him, you just have to learn to recognize them and respond to Him. Be Patient, Not Hesitant In order not to miss your God-moments, you need to get your timing right. You need to be patient and at the same time you need to be ready to jump. King Saul is a good example of somebody who wasn’t patient enough to wait for his moment. The prophet Samuel gave him the clear command of the Lord, but he did not obey it. As a result, the Lord revealed the hard truth to Samuel: He now was going to reject Saul as the king of Israel, because he had missed his moment. Saul had disobeyed God’s command. (1 SAMUEL 15:1-9) The other Saul, the one who became Paul in the New Testament church, gives us an example of being quick to obey God. It seems like Paul never missed his God-

moments. Even from the beginning, he obeyed so quickly that the other disciples had a hard time keeping up with him. They didn’t know whether or not they could trust his conversion experience, because it was so sudden. Less than a week elapsed between his Damascus Road conversion and the beginning of

“You don’t have to worry about getting the timing right because it is always simply a matter of obedience.” his preaching ministry. “Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God…But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving that this Jesus is the Christ.—ACTS 9:19-22 (italics mine) That’s the way God wants us to do it, too. He has a magnificent design for each of our lives, and He wants us to step into it. His voice is not muffled. He makes sure it’s clear, because He wants us to understand. You don’t have to worry about getting the timing right because it is always simply a matter of obedience. Did you just hear Him say something?


Then obey it. You say you don’t know how He wants you to obey? Just ask Him. He’ll make that clear too. Know the Times and Seasons God is the Lord of your times and season. He is the only one who can change your seasons and He is the only one who can explain to you what He’s doing. For the most part, He wants to reveal things to you, even “deep and secret things,” nobody else knows, not even the wise. He is the giver of wisdom and He wants to give wisdom to you. He also wants to give you knowledge and understanding. Expect your times and seasons to change, and expect Him to keep you on track so you won’t miss what He is doing. Your Father in heaven delights to bless you. He delights to shift and change your times and seasons to make everything conform to His plan. He’s ready to make changes on your behalf. Are you ready to say yes to Him? Move from Ordinary to Extraordinary God calls people who are willing to push hard. He knows that if you can take it, you can make it. He gives more grace to you as you proceed. He takes you from the ordinary to the extraordinary. The difference between extraordinary and ordinary is five letters: E-X-T-R-A.

COVERSTORY “E” stands for Equipped. To rise up

to a level of excellence, you need to be equipped with the armor of the Spirit (see Eph. 6:10-18)—the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. You need to keep them on all the time. You need to be so familiar with your equipment that you use it instinctively.

“X” stands for Excitement. Excitement is contagious. You can catch it from someone else and other people can catch it from you. The Bible says, “Iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17). I want to always be around people who intimidate me to greatness. Someone who is more excited than I am, who has more faith than I do, who knows the Word more than I do. “T” stands for Teaching and Training.

The more teaching and training you receive, the more you can turn around and give to others. Our International Institute of Mentoring (IIOM) (www.iiomonline.com) is an extraordinary place to receive instruction, encouragement and

impartation from godly mentors who can coach you as you move through your God-moments to impact others for the kingdom of Christ.


stands for Righteousness. Extraordinary excellence demands a righteous walk. “Purify yourselves, you who carry the vessels of the Lord” (Isa. 52:11, NASB). You don’t want to do anything that would compromise your walk with a God of perfect love.

“A” stands for Action. Yes! All the

equipping and teaching and excitement and righteousness in the world don’t count for much if there’s no action. Faith without works is dead (see James 2:20). You’ve got to take action with all of those blessings.

Follow Your Internal Navigation System

The God who is inside you will surely tell you whether to turn to the right or to the left, whether to stop or to start. His Spirit inside you is like your internal navigation system, and you need to pay attention to it. Of course, God’s voice is not broadcasting loudly inside of you like a GPS. His voice is quiet, and you need to have a quiet mind and spirit in order to hear it. You’ve got to listen intently. You’ve got to determine whether what you’re hearing is His voice or some other voice. Is it consistent with His character? Can

“If you don’t take action, nothing will happen.” you feel your faith rising up to meet it?

If you’re in need of a mentor and want more information about the International Institute of Mentoring visit iiom.judyjacobs.org

Many times, people miss their moments because they aren’t even underway. It’s like the car is still in the garage. Your car can be well equipped with the latest navigational device, and it won’t do you a bit of good if you don’t put the key into the ignition and go someplace. If you don’t take action, nothing will happen.

Learn to Use Your Authority

You need to recognize the Father’s authority in your life as well as the voice of His direction. You need to recognize your own authority, which comes

from Him. Your voice represents your authority, just as God’s voice represents His authority. What is your calling? You’ve got to know what it is. You’ve got to understand what your anointing is all about. You’ve got to know who you are in Christ and you’ve got to tell your flesh and the devil who you are in Christ. You can rise up in more power and authority than you knew that you possessed, and you can operate on a whole new level of it. “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). The One in you is greater! The One in you is mightier! The God of Glory will shine out through you with power. Get ready!

Step Out!

God always knows what He is doing. If he tells you to start doing something, just step out and do it. Don’t try to convince Him that He has called the wrong person to the wrong thing. Instead, step out and expect to see Him move the mountains that may be in your way. Keep things in perspective. You don’t have to get flaky or weird to obey what He tells you. What He tells you will make sense to you, and you will understand that the times and the seasons are changing. God opens doors and He also shuts them. Determine whether you have an open door in front of you. If you do, step through it, fully convinced that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Don’t miss your moment!— Judy Jacobs is known for her dynamic, inspiring, and anointed ministry. A recording artist, ordained minister, teacher and sought-after conference speaker, she is the founder of His Song Ministries and the International Institute of Mentoring. She is the host of the television program Judy Jacobs Now! which is aired on major Christian networks, as well as the yearly “Press, Push, and Pursue” conferences at various locations worldwide. She is also the author of Take It by Force! and Stand Strong. For more information on Judy Jacobs visit www.judyjacobs.org




ugene Michael’s opened for business on March 23, 2009, and primarily focuses on designer clothing, eyewear, timepieces and jewelry for both men and women of all ages and cultures. Serving the Collierville community and the surrounding areas, co-owners Michael Richmond, Jr. and his wife Cortney Richmond, are dedicated to providing customers with the finest of high quality luxury goods at great prices. The Richmonds take pride in ensuring that their new and returning customers experience exceptional customer service and a pleasant shopping atmosphere. Michael Richmond is no stranger to the business world and he boasts a plethora of experience in the retail industry. Early in his life, Michael gleaned much of his business savvy from his father who owned a local car dealership. Michael studied business at the University of Memphis and did his research to become a solid entrepreneur. At the age of 21, Michael created his own clothing line and managed to get his items sold in the bookstore of one Memphis’ largest churches, World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church. Michael continues to fulfill his purpose of being a successful entrepreneur and can be found living out his vision at his fine apparel store located at 3670 South Houston Levee Road in Collierville, TN. Eugene Michael’s is open weekdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Call 901.221.8301 for more information or visit www.eugenemichaelsusa.com for a sneak peek! Eugene Michael’s will launch more fine apparel stores in Nashville, Atlanta, Houston & Miami in the coming months. No matter which location you visit, you will definitely return to Eugene Michael’s. 12 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

CHART toppers

SPIRITUALGIFTS Top 10 Most Popular Christian Books 1 JESUS CALLING by Sarah Young 2 CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan & Danae Yankoski 3 FEARLESS by Max Lucado 4 THE LOVE DARE by Stephen & Alex Kendrick 5 THE LOVE DARE DAY BY DAY by Stephen & Alex Kendrick 6 THE SHACK by William P. Young 7 FORGOTTEN GOD by Francis Chan 8 THE ME I WANT TO BE by John Ortberg 9 GOING ROGUE by Sarah Palin 10 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN by Don Piper

Top 5 Christian Music Albums 1 TONIGHT - TobyMac 2 THE CANADIAN TENORS - The Canadian Tenors 3 AWAKE -Skillet 4 UNTIL THE WHOLE WORLD HEARS – Casting Crowns 5 WOW HITS 2010 – Various Artists

Top 5 Gospel Music Albums 1 WOW GOSPEL 2010 - Various Artists 2 STILL – BeBe & CeCe Winans 3 ENCORE – James Fortune & FIYA 4 THE MASTER PLAN - Tamela Mann 5 LOVE UNSTOPPABLE-Fred Hammond




et your heart and soul take you to the places that you have only discovered in your dreams. Our world is a unique blend of cultures, religions and nature. Experience the glorious world around us through travel. It does not matter why you want to travel: family reunion, share a religious experience with your fellow church members, getting married or just to get away, there is a destination that will meet your expectations. The best deals will be in the low season for that particular destination, fly on non-peak days and last minute deals. If where you go is important, then plan wisely and you will reap the rewards.

is a popular location for destination weddings and honeymoons. The exchange rate of the Mexican peso to the US dollar makes Mexico a more budget friendly destination.

The Mediterranean

Las Vegas

From Italy with the Roman Empire, Greece with its cultural/religious influences, and the glorious Holy Land, the Mediterranean offers a beautiful combination of religion and cultural history. A Mediterranean cruise will enlighten you, giving you the opportunity to visit multiple countries with historical/cultural tours and culinary experiences. To make a Mediterranean cruise more rewarding, you can coordinate a fundraising group cruise to benefit your church or non-profit organization. There are themed cruises, highlighting St. Paul, Moses and the Passion Play. There are air/land packages, if a cruise is not for you.

Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico

Caribbean cruises go to the Bahamas, Jamaica, or Mexico which always makes for a top travel pick. Optional tours include water activities and historical sites. A cruise would be perfect for a family reunion or a honeymoon. Most cruises include accommodations, food and activities while on the ship; but tours and other amenities are extra. A cruise is popular because you travel to multiple ports of call and you only have to unpack once. There is something for everyone on a cruise. Land options are also popular, because after a short flight, you can find yourself in a place like Cancun, Mexico, lying on the beach for a mid-afternoon siesta. From moderate to luxury, there is an all-inclusive resort that will meet your needs. Most all-inclusive resorts include accommodations, all food/snacks, beverages and activities including non-motorized water sports. European Plan (no meals) resorts are also available. Cancun and the Riviera Maya have lots to offer from family friendly to adults-only resorts, beautiful beaches, historical Mayan ruins and a ton of activities. Mexico 14 DIVINE MAGAZINE |ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

Another short flight from the United States will take you to Jamaica. Once in Montego Bay, you can go to Ocho Rios for the activities, Negril for its 7 Mile Beach or stay in Montego Bay and lounge on its beautiful beaches. Jamaica also has all-inclusive resorts, so you know exactly what your vacation will cost before you leave home. There are many all-inclusive and European Plan resorts to choose from. Although popular to most for its gaming, Las Vegas, as quiet as it is kept, is also a good starting point to explore the Grand Canyon and South western United States. For an unforgettable highlight of your vacation, visit Zion National Park an oasis in the desert or take a quiet float trip down the Colorado River. Las Vegas is a popular destination for a family reunion or group tour. Even if children are included, there are activities that can keep their attention.


A world-class destination that is famous for its amusement parks and family atmosphere. Airfare to Orlando can be very reasonable, if you are willing to wait for the best fares. Disneyworld offers great incentives and Universal Studios has special pricing on packages as well. For families or adults that are young at heart, Orlando creates a fantasy for young and old. Orlando is a good location for family reunions and honeymoons.


A popular destination year-round is Hawaii. While there visit one or more of the six available islands, attend a luau and discover the history and traditions that make Hawaii so wonderful. Maui, the second largest Hawaiian island, is well-liked for its beaches and activities. Whale watching in the winter and sailing to Molokini with snorkelling in a dormant volcano are always popular activities. Honolulu highlights include breath-taking Waikiki Beach and the historical Pearl Harbor. A visit to the less populated island of Kauai is an alternative to the more popular islands but it is never short of rich history and best kept secrets

Destination Weddings

For the budget minded bridal couple, a destination wedding can cost less than a traditional wedding. Some resorts in Mexico and Jamaica offer great complimentary weddings. The resort’s wedding coordinators will do all the work to make your wedding more special than you’d imagine. However, be sure to check out the legal requirements that come along with hosting a destination wedding.

More Top 2010 Destinations

Amsterdam, Dominican Republic, London, Los Angeles, Miami, Montreal, New Orleans, New York City, Paris, Puerto Rico, Rome, San Diego, San Francisco, Virgin Islands, and Washington, D.C.

Travel Tips

With all the information that is available on the Internet, it is easy to find the lowest price. But is that what you really want? Most travellers want the best value for their money and that might not be the lowest price. The airfare might be a large part of your budget, so a short stay may look more expensive then a longer stay. The time it takes to get to your destination may reduce the amount of time you have to enjoy your destination. Take the guesswork out of your vacation and have a vacation to remember. Contact Eileen Civera for more information at 901.626.6258 or email eileenc@allabouthoneymoons.com. Eileen Civera (All About Honeymoons-The Romance Travel Experts) is a Destination Wedding and Honeymoon Planning Specialist, as well as, a Certified Specialist for Sandals, Couples Resorts, the Bahamas, Costa Rica and Panama. Civera has the expertise to customize any kind of travel.



Cake Brulee


Oh My!

Recipes by Warren Brown Former Host of Food Network’s Sugar Rush

Cranberry White Chocolate Cookies

These are super fitting for the winter holidays and make a nice presentation with the contrasting red, white and brown colors. Enjoy!

Maple Crème Brulee

Maple syrup and maple sugar are key ingredients to lend flavor without too much sweetness. Yield 6 ramekins 2 ½ cups heavy cream 1 vanilla bean 3 egg yolks 2 eggs ¾ cup maple syrup, grade A ¼ cup Turbinado sugar ¼ cup maple sugar Preheat the oven to 300°F. Place Six 4 ounce ramekins in a baking pan with 2” sides and set aside. Slice open the vanilla bean and scrape it before adding to a heavy bottom pot with the cream. Bring the cream and vanilla to a light simmer and turn off the heat. Remove the vanilla bean pod. Whisk the yolks and maple syrup until smooth. Slowly pour in the heavy cream while whisking. Pour the contents through a chinoise to collect any egg solids and into a vessel with a spout. Fill each ramekin with the batter. Pour boiling water into the baking pan so each ramekin is surrounded by the water at least half way up the sides of the ramekins. Bake for 40 minutes or until the custards are firm and don’t jiggle. Remove and cool at room temperature, then cover and chill. Just before serving, sprinkle on an even coat of maple and Turbinado sugar and burn under the broiler for 3 minutes or with a chef’s blow torch.

Yield: Ten 2 ounces cookies 4 ounces (½ cup) super-fine granulated sugar 7 ounces (1 ½ cups packed) light Muscovado sugar 4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg yolk 1 egg 10 ½ ounces (2 cups) all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon Kosher salt pinch (optional) cinnamon ½ cup white chocolate Pistoles ½ cup dried cranberries ¼ cup chocolate chips Preheat the oven to 325°F (conventional) or 300°F (convection). Set the rack in the middle of oven. Melt the butter and set aside until it’s cooled to room temperature. Combine the sugars in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a flat paddle attachment on low speed and mix to combine. Meanwhile set out the remaining sets of ingredients. Slowly drizzle the butter and vanilla into the sugars. Slowly add the egg and yolk. Scoop in the flour, baking soda and salt in 3 to 4 additions. Scoop in the white chocolate, cranberries and chocolate chips. Stop the mixer as soon as everything is added. Scrape the sides and scoop the dough with a 1 ½ to 2 ounce trigger release ice cream scooper. Place 2 to 4 inches apart on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Lightly flatten. Bake for approximately 15 minutes or until the edges are just firm to the touch and tops are soft. Remove and cool on a heat resistant surface. Use a spatula to remove from the cookie sheet.


Lemon, Pine Nut and White Chocolate Cookies

Mildly salty, the flavors in this soft cookie hugs the tongue due to the presence of honey. The white chocolate gives it nuggets of sweetness that blend well with the crisp lemon zest and anise seed. They’re soft, chewy and sweet! Yield: 12-14 two ounce cookies 4 ounces (½ cup) sugar 6 ounces dark brown sugar 6 ounces unsalted butter, melted 1 tablespoon raw honey 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon rose water 12 ounces (2 ½ cups) all-purpose flour, sifted ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon lemon zest ½ cup pine nuts 4 ounces white chocolate, chunks Spice Topping ¼ teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon anise seed, whole 1 tablespoon Turbinado sugar Preheat the oven to 300°F and place the rack on the middle shelf. Melt the butter and honey together in a heat proof bowl in the oven. Remove the honey and butter from the oven to cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, measure and combine the remaining ingredients and set aside. Be sure the sugars are in a large bowl. Drizzle the butter and honey into the sugars, followed by the eggs. Stir in the flour followed by the nuts and white chocolate. Scoop the dough onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and lightly press the top of each one. Sprinkle the topping onto each cookie. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes until they are puffed, golden and slightly browned on the edges. Cool before removing from the pan with a spatula.

Honey Cake with Cardamom

Some of my favorite ingredients include almonds, honey, cardamom and olive oil. Together in a cake they contribute toward a warm, light sensation—the olive oil softens the texture, the honey warms each bite and the almonds lend crunch and depth of flavor. Cardamom works like magic in a cake, gently lifting each morsel from an ordinary dessert into one that is fit for a queen. Creaming ingredients 6 ounces unsalted butter 18 ounces (¼ cup) super-fine granulated sugar 2 teaspoons orange zest 4 eggs 2 yolks Dry ingredients 12 ounces (about 2 ½ cups) all-purpose flour, sifted ¼ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon cardamom ¼ cup sliced almonds, hand crushed Liquid ingredients 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ orange fresh orange segments ¼ cup plain yogurt or sour cream Preheat the oven to 350°F and set the rack on the middle shelf. Prep each group of ingredients and lightly stir to combine the dry and liquid ingredients. Mix the butter, sugar and orange zest in a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment on medium speed until it is soft and thoroughly mixed. Add the eggs one at a time. Stop and scrape the mixer bowl. Alternately add the dry and liquid ingredients in 3 to 4 additions of each. Coat a Bundt pan with oil and starch non-stick spray and scoop the batter into the pan. Bake for 55 to 65 minutes or until a wooden skewer poked into it comes out clean. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before inverting the pan to remove the cake. Serve with dusting of confectioner’s sugar or pair with buttercream and fresh berries.

How Financially Fit Are You? Why You Should


By Joy R. Bowen


C REDIT When was the last time that I reviewed my credit bureau report? Have I made sure that all of the information is accurate? What is my credit score? Has it declined or improved since last year? What can I do to improve and/or maintain my score?

A SSETS What assets (i.e. cash, real estate, automobiles,

jewelry, investments) do I own/possess? How much do I owe on those assets? Do I plan to make any major purchases within the next year? How much do I plan to save this year? Do I have at least six months worth of expenses saved in case of emergencies?

R ETIREMENT Regardless of my age, do I have a retirement

plan in place? What retirement assets do I have? Does my employer have matching programs to enhance my retirement savings? Have I considered the tax implications of my retirement choices? Will I be financially able to retire at a particular age?

E STATE Have I addressed my long-term care and estate Individuals far and wide spend a great deal of time trying to keep up with the latest trends, exploring get rich quick schemes or gadgets and stocking up on products to improve themselves in one way or another. It’s always a plus to set personal goals (lose weight, eat right, take better care of your temple, etc.) but shouldn’t it also be time to assess your financial health? Sure, we can save a little more and spend a little less, but do you really know how you are positioned financially? Everyone needs to address four main areas of their financial lives: Credit, Assets, Retirement and Estate. Here’s a quick list of questions you should ask yourself in regards to your financial fitness. How well do you C.A.R.E. for yourself?

issues? How will my affairs be handled if I become unable to work or care for myself? Have I made provisions for my loved ones? Do I have a will? What about a power of attorney? Have I identified my beneficiaries? Do I want to include charitable giving in my estate plan? How will my estate be taxed upon my death? What are my final wishes?

While this list is not all inclusive, it gives you a few things to think about. Start now and get your financial fitness in tip top shape. Remember to C.A.R.E. about your finances, you’ll be glad that you did!

Joy R. Bowen is Vice President of Private Client Relationship Manager at First Tennessee Bank 17 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE




f o y t i c o r ecip


s s e n e v i org


here was a man who was unable to pay his debts so he had to sell himself and his family into slavery. He felt disappointment pondering the fact that the freedom he once had would never be fully experienced by his children. One day he and his family were told that in a few days they would be set free regardless of their owed debt. They became filled with anticipation and joy. Hope for God’s people has always been prevalent and in this situation hope for this family was found in the Year of Jubilee. In Leviticus 25, the Lord commands that the Year of Jubilee would be every 50 years. During the Year of Jubilee, people were able to redeem the land that they previously sold or they were set free if enslaved. Similar to Israel, the New Year is our time to focus on redemption. In Year 2010, I urge you to redeem those family members that you have enslaved through unforgiveness and bitterness. Forgiveness is a difficult concept for some people to grasp. Forgiveness means to excuse the offense of someone else; one factor that makes it hard to forgive is pride. Pride comes from an attitude that we should never be mistreated, verbally insulted, or rejected. The pride-filled attitude sounds like this, “You offended me and apparently you don’t know who I am.” We tend to have dialogues like this in our heads because of our own self-righteousness. With pride in the way, we can never have forgiveness in our hearts. When we feel that we’ve been wrongly treated we fail to see how we have sinned against God. Instead we tend to focus on how others always mistreat us. To fully grasp forgiveness, we need to look at the example of our Savior Jesus Christ who endured the worst possible treatment from men. “He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” (Isaiah 53:3). Our Savior took the ridicule of bystanders and naysayers; he even bore the weight of our sins before we were even born. At anytime, He could’ve decided not to go through with being nailed to a cross, pierced in the side, and punctured in his head with a crown of thorns. Nevertheless, He yelled out from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) The example Christ showed on the cross is humbling so how could we have the audacity to hold a grudge against someone when offended. It is possible for you to extend and receive grace and forgiveness when you remember the importance of redemption in Leviticus 25 and that unforgettable day on Calvary. We should remember the forgiveness that we received from Christ’s love for us and be quick to reciprocate forgiveness to others.

Let’s use the word REDEEM as our guide.

R – Remember we are all capable of committing sins. E – Evaluate the situation and define the cause of your anger or sadness. D – Discuss the matter with the Lord and ask for wisdom. E – Extend forgiveness to the offender or yourself. E – Examine your heart for resentment or bitterness. M – Make an effort to be reconciled.

2010 is your Year of Jubilee as you free your family, friends, yourself and others through forgiveness. Suggested Reading For Your Journey Towards Forgiveness: The Book of Philemon The Gift of Forgiveness by Charles Stanley The Art of Forgiving by Lewis B. Smedes Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall 18 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

by Ariyana Rimson


You are the first You go before You are the last Lord, You’re the encore Your name’s in lights for all to see The starry host declare Your glory Glory in the highest Glory in the highest Glory in the highest Apart from You there is no god Light of the world The Bright and Morning Star Your name will shine for all to see You are the one You are my glory And no one else could ever compare To You, Lord All the earth together declares ... Glory in the highest ... to You, Lord All the earth will sing Your praise The moon and stars, the sun and rain Every nation will proclaim That You are God and You will reign Glory, glory hallelujah Glory, glory to You, Lord Glory, glory hallelujah Hallelujah 19 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE



ne of the most misleading thoughts is that one can easily identify a pedophile or sexual predator. The truth is that it is very difficult to pinpoint a sex offender in a crowd. Contrary to what many adults learned as children, sexual offenders are those who may spend a great amount of time gaining the trust of others. They can be family, friends, acquaintances, or those who have access to a child. In fact, many are under the age of eighteen. Though picking a child molester out of a crowd may not be possible, instead parents and caregivers should focus on understanding the types of sexual abuse and preventative measures available to keep children safe.


Often abuse happens in or around someone’s home. This means making sure that doors that should be open, remain open. This can provide a means for a child to escape during a sexual abuse encounter. Keep a constant check on adults or older children that persuade or invite young children to hidden areas of the home, even during play.

Social Networks Cyber Predators In the age of social networking, it is imperative that parents and guardians be active protectors of children. Some child predators pose as teens or “tweens” to form friendships with young children. Since 20 DIVINE MAGAZINE | ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

If you suspect a child is being sexually abused, it is important to know the warning signs. One sign may not indicate abuse but several should gain the attention of caring adults. Some signs of sexual abuse include; sudden bedwetting, talk about a new adult or older friend, sexual promiscuity, resists removing clothes during appropriate times (i.e. bath time, bed time), changes in appetite, or possess of items such as money or new toys.

Getting Help

What is sexual abuse? Surprisingly, many people are not sure of what qualifies as sexual abuse. In short, any form of touching, showing, or looking at a child to meet the sexual needs or interest of another person is sexual abuse. These events are often gradual therefore, it is important to focus on prevention and warning signs.

At Home

Possible Signs of Sexual Abuse

many social networks lack privacy, it can be easy work for an adult or older child to form relationships based on information provided on internet sites.

Inappropriate Relationships While we may not be able to single out a child molester, there are some things that should raise concern when observed. Some of which are adults that lean on children for emotional support, share “secrets” with young children, insist on hugging and kissing, spends excessive time texting, emailing, or messaging with children, even teasing or belittling can be a warning sign for sexual abuse.

Should abuse occur, it is extremely important to report the event. Because of our own fears, all too often we do not proceed in getting a child and the potentially offending adult the much needed help which is imperative. For children, telling an adult about abuse is not simple. It could be a source of embarrassment because the event may have been pleasurable; in addition, threats, fear of punishment or breaking up the family are some reasons why reporting abuse can be difficult. Becoming an informed parent or guardian can make the difference. Remember it is our job to keep all children safe. Visit these helpful websites: HCFW website: www.highcallingforwomen.com;Sexual Offender Registry: www.nspdr.gov; Sexual Abuse Online Hotline: www.rainn.org Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE or 911 if you are in immediate danger. Christy Poindexter is founder of High Calling for Women, Inc., a non-profit organization that raises awareness about the effects of sexual abuse. HCFW offers seminars covering a variety of topics surrounding sexual abuse for parents, caregivers, churches, and other community organizations. Poindexter also offers monthly fellowships for women providing biblical teaching and encouragement to positively impact the lives of attendees. Visit her website at www.highcallingforwomen.com.

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