The ladder of success

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The ladder of Success

What happens when you climb the ladder of success only to find out the ladder is leaning on he wrong wall? This leads us to an even bigger question: What’s your definition of success? What is it based it on? As a Holistic Life Coach and Relationship expert, everyday people come into my office in search of Shangri-La (paradise). The funny part is most of them can’t find what they’re looking for despite the fact that the answer to that question is staring them head in the face. The problem is most people don’t know how or where to begin. The good news is by the time you finish reading this article you will not have that problem. Not only will you know if your ladder is leaning on the wrong wall, but I’m going to tell you what you need to do to move it. The first step in determining whether your life is on, or off, track starts with being honest with yourself. This begins with you not lying to you about you. Consider this. When is the last time you took an inventory of where you are supposed to be in life right now? Are you even close to the original plan you had for your life? If you’re like most people, the answer is no. And that’s where your problem starts. People don’t plan to fail; in fact, the real issue is most folk never constructed a plan to begin with. Making matters worse many of those that did based their plan on one of three foolish things  

Unrealistic Expectations SomeoneElse’sIdeas

A Fantasy-Not Rooted in Reality

With that stated, I’m going to expand on what those three things really mean. Let’s start with Unrealistic Expectations. Unrealistic Expectations are just that, UNREALISTIC. Here’s an example. Let’s say you plan to go to Harvard to attend medical school, BUT, at present, all you have is a GED. That within itself doesn’t make your goal unattainable, but you need to be realistic. Instead of packing up and moving to Boston next week, wouldn’t it make more sense to begin with enrolling in a local program at a community college? Once you’ve completed that, then seek admittance into a feeder school that will accept you as a transfer student despite your GED. After a couple of semesters on the dean’s list, engage the system, then seek acceptance into Harvard. Next, never base your goals on someone else’s ideas. Allowing someone else to limit, be responsible for, or govern your dreams will result in one thing - a night mare. God declared that “your” talents would bring YOU before great men, and that “your” dreams would make room for YOU. Sanctioning someone else to determine what you are capable of is not only foolish, it’s down right stupid. Have faith in what God gave you--if you don’t who will. Lastly, Fantasy is NOT Reality. Just because you’ve seen it on TV, heard it on the radio, or read about it on the internet, that does not make it real. Nor does it suggest that the gimmick of the week will work for you. Make-believe is for children. When something is too good to be true, it is just that -- too good to be true. Get rich quick schemes are just that -- schemes. If you could become a millionaire overnight by selling real estate, dope or coffee, everybody would be doing it. Everybody I know who tries pyramid schemes ends up just like the Pharaoh - entombed in a hot mess. If you want to be successful, you will have to work; the trick is to work smart. Explore things that come natural to you. Those things that you, by nature, are well suited for will work best. Next write out a plan that has a timeline. Having milestones will help keep you focused and on track. Next, make sure you access the cost. Only a fool begins a journey without doing such. Lastly, get off your butt and do the work. Faith without works is dead. God only steers moving vehicles. He feeds birds, but he doesn’t throw worm in their nest.

Dr. D Ivan Young America’s Leading Relationship Expert & Top Holistic Life Coach Dr. D Ivan Young 877.508.2025

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