Interact Insider | Issue 17

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District District News News

1) Donating to charities: Many non-profit organizations open up donations of toys or presents for children that anyone can contribute to on their own schedules. To simplify the process, organizations such as Charity On Top allow donors to solely fund their work while they find a suitable gift for each individual recipient.

2) Sharing holiday cheer: Service is not necessarily about giving up your own possessions in the name of helping others; Service can be as simple as expressing your gratitude for loved ones, sharing holiday cheer by decorating neighbors’ mailboxes or houses, or simply spending time with friends and family to celebrate the season!

3) Writing letters to the elderly: Making appreciative letters for elderly people is a year-round opportunity to share one ’ s happiness and care with others. Many organizations exist for this purpose, like Love For Our Elders, which easily connects anyone to seniors in hospitals in need of cheering up.

4) Donate to the District Projects: The Ripple Effect and Cultivating Our Communities are still in action, and any donation to our District Projects counts. Add to the cause through the Interact 5170 website today!

Aside from giving, remember to value receiving equally during this holiday season to continue sharing greatness with the world. Happy holidays, and here’s to the new year, Area 4!

Starting the New Year: Interact Edition

Happy New Year Interactors! I hope you all have been enjoying a lovely holiday break and had a year full of love and growth. Even if you feel overwhelmed or lost, know that there are countless other Interactors that feel the same way because – let’s face it – time flies really fast. As Interactors, though we stand behind “service above self,” we must ensure we ’ re in peak condition to do so. So to help you tackle the 2023 year, here’s how to reset, prepare, and strive to be the best Interactor you can be!

1) Clean your environment. The term “environment” can include your room, workspace, and even closet. Though this may seem daunting, taking small steps is always the way to go. By tidying up your

space, you are free to fully focus on your work or other activities without needing to ignore the mess around you.

2) Implement good habits/systems into your life. One of the best habits to have is getting a good night’s sleep everyday, since sleep can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You will be doing your mind and body a huge favor. Some other beneficial habits are moving distractions away once you start working, tidying up every week, or picking up a book before you sleep. Know that you will more likely be consistent if you focus on one habit at a time.

3) Set goals! Goals are great at setting a direction for what you want to achieve and do in the new year. A great follow-up is to create a system or a set of habits so

Area 11 Resolutions

This year, Prospect Interact President Kelly Pham and Vice President Ryan Fuhrman took the initiative to revive their school’s Interact club. As they enter 2023, they are optimistic and have even more ideas and goals in store.

Fuhrman describes his Interact experience as a Vice President as one that is busy, but rewarding. “Last year we had the opportunity to revitalize our club after it died down for a few years, ” Fuhrman said. “As a vice president, I focus on club meetings, presentations, communication, and organization.” However, one major challenge for starting the club up again was getting their message out on campus.“Starting Interact, we really wanted to get the

name out there,” Fuhrman said. “We wanted people to know what Interact was and spread the news, as a lot of people didn’t know what it was.”Being a communication, part of a club board has been a rewarding one for Fuhrman. Involvement,and events are some of the things he enjoys. “It really felt like we were in control and we had the chance to do something for ourselves,” Fuhrman said. “This was our chance to lead something and do something good. It really felt like we were a part of something bigger than ourselves.”

As the second semester approaches, Prospect Interact hopes to achieve more as a club. “Next semester, we really want to step it up, especially with service opportunities. This semester, we wanted to build connections with service organizations, so we want to take what

Prospect Interact

we learned and apply it to the club.”Fuhrman encourages Interactors across the district to involve themselves with service, even if their club isn’t as active anymore.“If your school’s Interact club has died down, take action right now to bring it back up. It can bring so many good things to your life, the lives of your school, and the lives of your area, ” Fuhrman said.

AreaNews AreaNews

The Season of Grades, Gratitude,

and Gifts

Happy December Area 1! ‘Tis the season of gift giving, finals, and holiday fun.

There are only two weeks until it’s Winter Break for me (although I’m probably on break by the time you read this), and the AIMS Interact Club has prepared an Interact Holiday Spirit Week to help club members connect and de-stress before Winter Break. From December 12-16, club members will be able to participate in fun bonding events such as writing letters to Santa, painting ornaments, building gingerbread houses, and creating thank-you baskets for teachers and staff. This last event is especially important because teachers

and staff work hard to prepare us for what comes next in life, whether that be teaching us soft or hard skills or motivating us to become a better version of ourselves. They deserve lots of love and appreciation for what they do, and there’s no better way to express gratitude than with a thank-you basket made with their interests in mind.

Additionally, there will be a service event with the Oakland City Hall on December 17th, where all Interactors are welcome to come and support the 43rd Annual Mayor’s Community Toy Drive from 8:30am-3:30pm. Interactors can help separate and organize donated gift cards and toys, prepare the toy workshop for distribution or

deliver the gifts and toys directly to families. It’s a great opportunity to make the holidays merrier for the community while gaining work experience. From the AIMS Interact Club’s holiday spirit week to the Oakland City Hall’s toy drive, there is much to anticipate in the coming weeks. But until then, I wish everyone good luck on their finals, a cozy Winter Break, and a strong start in the new year!

Snow Place Like Service: Area 3 Closing Out the Year

Happy Holidays Area 3! I hope you ' re enjoying spending time with friends and family and celebrating the season of giving as we welcome the new year with open arms. Throughout this month Interactors across Area 3 have been pushing for service above self, from making cards for Martha’s Kitchen to Caroling for Coins.

This year has been a great one Area 3, and from the looks of it, we ’ re ready to introduce a new one. However, let’s recap some of our greatest feats of December.

Martha’s Kitchen Cards

Following up from the last issue, Dublin Interact had the opportunity to collaborate with DHS Cards 4 Kindness,

and made cards for Martha’s Kitchen volunteers and meal receivers. DHS Interact Event Coordinator Kaylin Hoang said that it was “enlightening to see some members so devoted to making cards for Martha’s Kitchen.” In total 76 cards were made, thank you to all the wonderful people who were able to contribute their time and effort to spread kindness!

Winter Boutique at Dublin High School

As you may also recall from our last issue, Dublin Interact was very successful at this year ’ s Winter Boutique. There, they were able to support this year ’ s projects by selling fresh pandan and mochi waffles, which were enjoyed by family, friends and staff as they watched DHS’s tree light up. Dublin was also able to introduce exclusive Area 3 stickers, featuring the strawberry seal and past Area 3 mascots. With this, DHS Interact was able to raise $187 in total. Caroling for Coins

This year, Foothill High School Interact was able to celebrate the holidays by bringing back their annual service event, Caroling for Coins! Within this event, Foothill Interactors went around houses caroling, and collected money that will go to the community and international projects this year. President Arya Krishna says that, “although the rain tried to stop [them] this year, [they’re] still hoping to get out there to spread some holiday cheer and raise money. ”

As we enter into 2023, Area 3 is excited to be sprinting towards th

A Winter-ful End of the Year: A5 Club Updates

Happy December District 5170! As the end of first semester approaches, Area 5 has been active in serving our community and creating meaningful connections within clubs. Through collaboration with other clubs on campus to raise money for our International and Community projects, Area 5 is dedicated to serving our communities during the holiday season and beyond. Let’s see what Area 5 has been up to these past few months!

To start off the new month, MSJ Interact had a December general meeting in which they made holiday ornaments for the Carlton Senior Living Center. They have also collaborated with Key Club, LEO Club, and L2 to host a food drive and are currently selling Christmas

Grams. MSJ also plans to collaborate with LEO club on a service event for Wreaths across Pleasanton and will be helping SWAB4MSJ with their registration drive at Christmas in the Park.

JFK Interact’s board committee continues to grow as they have recently introduced their new Board members for the term and have hosted an Interact Trivia game during their general meeting. They’ve also hosted two successful fundraisers with Suju’s Coffee in October and November. Plans for December include hosting a general meeting announcing Area and District updates and an upcoming fundraiser!

MSJ Interact's Christmas Grams JFK Interact's Suju's Coffee Fundraiser

WHS Interact appreciates their school community through their Letters of Treasure event in which they made letters and goodie bags for teachers on campus and are currently selling Christmas Grams. They have also hosted their Change Fundraiser that has raised over $200 for this year ’ s community project! Upcoming events include their Niles Train of Light event and volunteering at food kitchens.

IHS Interact raises money for this year ’ s International Project by selling ice cream sandwiches! They have also partnered with their Leadership committee for Service Week and have collaborated with IHS BASTA for their Cranes of Change service learning event.

As the end of the semester approaches, Area 5 is finishing off the year strong through collaborating with a variety of clubs on campus and raising money for our Community and International projects. Furthermore, Area 5 has many

exciting upcoming festivities such as a fundraiser at Suju’s Coffee during finals week and the A5 at Sharks Ice event. There is also an upcoming A5 Officer Retreat in January! Area 5 is thriving with a passion for service to its communities and is looking forward to executing its exciting plans for this month!

Interactors at A5's Sharks Ice event

A9 December Rewind

While we look back on the year we had, it’s time for it to finally come to an end. Area 9 had an amazing year and thank you to all the hedgehogs who made it possible!

Morgan Hill Rotary Bake Sale

On November 30th, Live Oak Interact had its annual bake sale at the Morgan Hill Rotary meeting! Live Oak Interact was very grateful to be attending this meeting and to have a chance to hear from their supportive Rotary Club. Members from the Live Oak Interact club baked many delicious treats such as red velvet cookies and brownies. They were able to raise over 200 dollars which will be going towards supporting our International project!

Area 9 First Social

Area 9 will be hosting its first area social in January! The social will be located inside the Live Oak High School Gym. Area 9 members can have fun together doing activities like white elephant and cookie decorating! There will also be lots of delicious food to enjoy and fun games. It’s a great opportunity for Area 9 members to get to know each other so if any hedgehogs are reading this now, make sure to mark your calendars! Hope to see you all there, it will be a time to remember and a great way to start the year for all the members.

Interact Resolutions

To start the new year, here are some Interact-related New Year resolutions or goals: Make a new friend from your school’s Interact club!

Go to one district event!

Talk to a Rotary member!

Make a new friend from a different area! Start a fundraiser for your home club! Help out your local communities!

Interacting Clubs and Committees

from Area 12! While we look back on our year, we must be able to recognize the club committees that drive the Interact clubs in Area 12 to prosperity. These school-specific committees have done everything - from event planning, working with officers, and even to brainstorming the future of their Interact clubs. Now, let’s take a look at the workings of these committees.

Happy holidays

Community Project Committees

A12’s Community Project Committees, or CPCs, not only focus on the workings of District 5170’s community project, Cultivating our Communities, but focus on building a stronger connection with the community. These committees bring life to their respective Interact clubs in

A12, hosting bondin as well as coordinating volunteer events wit members to allow a members to have a friend during their volunteering. In addition, CPC Interactors focus on centering themselves around food insecurity and aim to help the food volunteering cause.

some A12 members

International Project Committees

A12’s International Project Committees, or IPCs, not only focus on the workings on District 5170’s international project, Ripple Effect, but aim to connect all the Interact clubs across A12. IPCs focus on planning events that will bring together Interactors across A12 into the annual A12 mixer, an event where interactors from all Interact clubs can get to know each other,

Giving Back for the Holidays

Hello and happy holidays from Area 13!

As school winds down and finals approach, those at YCS-Interact are looking forward to time with family, travel, and of course, a nice long break. The holidays always mean good food, good music, and presents! But not everyone has the same opportunity to receive the gifts that make this season so special. This is why Interact strives to give back for the holidays.

At the end of 2022, Area 13 is promoting several different item drives. Accepting items from toys to coats to everyday toiletries, these events allow us to spread holiday cheer through our donations. They’re also great opportunities to strengthen friendships and meet the community. For me, some of my best

memories of the Christmas season are packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child with family and horsing around with my friends while weighing beans in an old storage room (for a food drive, of course, not for fun). Item drives give us a way to share the things we love—and, they might just make someone else’s day. Here are the drives that Area 13 currently loves!

City of Palo Alto Toy Drive

Accepting new and unwrapped toys, books, games, puzzles, and gift cards, the City of Palo Alto Toy Drive aims to give back to local youth this holiday season. Though unique to the Palo Alto area, there are drives like this in almost every city, so get out and explore!

Ecumenical Hunger Program Coat Drive Toys aren’t the only thing in demand. The EHP is accepting new and gently used

coats to give to those in need. They’re also calling on volunteers to help distribute during their Coat Drive. Everyday necessities like these are one ’ s we often take for granted, so we can spread joy by giving them back!

WeHope Christmas Giveaway

The WeHope Giveaway makes giving back easy. They have a wishlist on Amazon full of wanted items for underprivileged children, making it a breeze to purchase something meaningful for the holiday season. Donations don’t have to be hard. Sometimes all it takes is the click of a button.

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

The Gift of Giving

Happy December Area 2! I hope that wherever you are, you find nothing but joy during the holidays! One of the most significant aspects of this upcoming holiday season is giving. An easy but impactful way to give back to your community is by choosing to support local businesses rather than large corporations. Whether you ’ re looking for your morning coffee or trying to whip up that last-minute Christmas present, there will be a small business around the corner that would appreciate your support! With that in mind, here are some local favorites for you to choose from:

La Dolce Vita - Nestled right below Piedmont Hill in Oakland homes a cozy cafe by the name of La Dolce Vita! Their

large assortment of Baked Goods and BYOS (build your own sandwich) easily makes it a standout from other cafes in the area. Regardless, if you ’ re looking for a sweet treat or a quick lunch, La Dolce Vita hits ALL of the spots and is definitely worth your time.

Address: 3931 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609 Stella Pastry- Located in the heart of Downtown SF is Stella Bakery. This little hole-in-the-wall bakery has been serving San Franciscans for more than 80 years! Their baked goods are second to none and the bakery certainly is a hidden gem in San Francisco’s Little Italy.

Address: 446 Columbus Ave, San Francisco, CA 94133

Apart from being extremely Instagramable, the places mentioned above have five-star treats but most importantly, citizens of our community that could

benefit from you. Even if you aren’t able to visit the ones previously mentioned specifically, supporting other local shops is dire and is something that you can keep in the back of your mind.

HolidayInterviews with Area 7

Happy Holidays! As we settle into the Christmas season, it’s time for many of us to honor our traditions and express thanks to the people in our lives. To spread the holiday cheer, different members of A7 got a taste of their winter break. Here are some things they had to say!

Namita Hedge, Pioneer High School

1. What are your holiday plans or traditions at this time of this year?

My family likes to spend our Christmas break at Disneyland! We usually go there on Christmas Eve and during the day for all of the lights and decorations in the park.

2. What is the best gift you’ve received or given?

The best gift I've ever received has to be this dollhouse I got when I was 7 years old. It was my most prized possession for many years.

2. What is the best gift you’ve received or given? The best gift I have received are custom made cards :))

3. Who are you thinking of this Christmas? I am thinking of my close friends and family

4. What is your biggest New Year's resolution? My biggest resolution is to let go of people that are not healthy for me :DD


1. What are your holiday plans or traditions at this time of this year? Usually, my family opens gifts on Christmas day and a birthday party on the same day because my dad's birthday is on the 24th. So we host a Christmas/birthday party for our family at our house. There is also usually a football game playing and since my dad is a fan of sports, we watch the game together.

2. What is the best gift you’ve received or given?

The best gifts for me have always been food, and my favorite dessert is pie! We only have it twice a year, on Christmas and my birthday, so the best gifts are always hot pie and ice cream, because I can share it too!

3. Who are you thinking of this Christmas?

This is a cute question lol. I am thinking of my partner, Jay, because this is the second Christmas we are spending together. We usually go Christmas

shopping together to find gifts for our friends, and it's especially easy because we are part of the same friend group as well. Also, they are easy to find gifts for, because they always know exactly what they want �� 4. What is your biggest New Year's resolution? My biggest New Year's resolution is to relax more. I have been on the grind for too long and it literally took a toll on my body, as in I can't physically relax unless I was conscious of it. So for this next year, I want to mellow out and enjoy life, spending time with friends and family and remembering to tell them that I love them :D With the busy year ending, Area 7 members are winding down with family and friends, making New Year resolutions. What are you planning to do in the last moments of 2022?

A Rotarian Cross Over: The Christmas Holiday Shop

This holiday season to honor and exemplify the Interact motto “service above self,” Scotts Valley and San Lorenzo Valley Interactors have paired with their local Rotary to bring the Christmas Holiday Shop to life. At this event, Interactors and Rotarians will volunteer their time to ensure that disadvantaged youth and their families will have heartfelt gifts to brighten their Christmas celebrations. Specifically, they will help children select presents for them and their families at the Scotts Valley Target branch. This year, the Rotary is able to sponsor 18 kids to shop completely free of charge! They can choose from any array of

products at the store from clothes to decor, books, and even toys! The Rotary Club is so excited to reignite this old tradition, and the Interactors are eager to help in any way they can. They will be there to greet the kids and help them make a list for the day, as well as walking them through the store. They will also be able to help the kids pick out festive gift wrap to package their new gifts. Their ultimate priority is to make the kids feel special this holiday season. Overall, Rotarians and Interactors alike hope to create positive, cherishable memories for disadvantaged youth this month. In an expression of gratitude for their own good fortunes, they are eager to also spread love and happiness in the lives of these young kids.

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