Hampshire Directory 2012

Page 73

Eastleigh College...

Training to meet your business needs

Are you looking for training tailored to the VSHFL¿ F QHHGV RI \RXU business or higher level VNLOOHG TXDOL¿ FDWLRQV" Eastleigh College is the proud holder of the Training Quality Standard (TQS) kitemark recognising our excellence in working with businesses. The award acknowledges the College as one of the leading training providers in the country. Supporting and meeting the training and development needs of employers sits at the heart of the College’s mission.

We have a team of industry trained advisors covering a wide DUUD\ RI VSHFLDOLVW ¿ HOGV 7KLV enables us to provide expert advice to employers, shaping and delivering training solutions to meet individual employers’ requirements.

We currently manage the largest contract in the South East on EHKDOI RI WKH 6)$ DQG WKURXJK this we are able to offer heavily subsidised, often fully funded, training and assessment in the following key areas:

‡ $FFRXQWDQF\ %RRNNHHSLQJ ‡ $XWRPRWLYH 6WXGLHV Workplace Learning ‡ %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ - Upskill your staff at ‡ %XVLQHVV 0DQDJHPHQW ‡ &DUH &KLOGFDUH little or no extra cost ‡ &RQVWUXFWLRQ Around 1.3 million people go to ‡ 'ULYLQJ /RJLVWLFV 'LVWULEXWLRQ work each day without the ‡ (QJLQHHULQJ VXI¿ FLHQW VNLOOV WKH\ QHHG WR GR ‡ *DV 3OXPELQJ +HDWLQJ WKHLU MRE SUR¿ FLHQWO\ 7KH ‡ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ *RYHUQPHQW DLPV WR PDNH WKH 8. ‡ 5HIULJHUDWLRQ $LU &RQGLWLRQLQJ workforce better skilled and more ‡ 5HWDLO &XVWRPHU 6HUYLFHV competitive. It works closely with ‡ 6XSSRUW 6HUYLFHV training providers such as ‡ 7HDP /HDGLQJ Eastleigh College to devise and ‌ and a wide selection of other fund quality vocational education industry areas and training. 5HPHPEHU PRVW RI WKH VROXWLRQV we offer can be undertaken through workplace learning and assessment, meaning that we come to you!

Contact us on 023 8091 1195 or email btraining@eastleigh.ac.uk and we will be happy to GLVFXVV \RXU VSHFLÂż F QHHGV and potential funding options. 3OHDVH TXRWH UHI &&%'

Engage Recruitment is a free service from Eastleigh College, giving you access to our pool of highly trained and motivated learners who are looking for a career with you! 7KLV )5(( VHUYLFH ZLOO ‡ 6DYH \RX PRQH\ RQ DGYHUWLVLQJ vacancies ‡ ,QFOXGH VFUHHQLQJ RI DSSOLFDWLRQV ‡ 6WUHDPOLQH \RXU UHFUXLWPHQW process ‡ ,GHQWLI\ ZRUN UHDG\ FDQGLGDWHV from our CV database of current students, of all ages, whom best suit your vacancy ‡ 8VH RXU VNLOOHG (PSOR\PHQW $GYLVRUV WR ¿ OO VSHFLDOLVW vacancies ‡ ,QFOXGH IXOO LQIRUPDWLRQ DGYLFH and guidance throughout the process, and continued support from your dedicated Employment Advisor to ensure that you are VDWLV¿ HG ZLWK \RXU QHZ UHFUXLW )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH contact one of our advisors on 023 8091 1246 or email engage@eastleigh.ac.uk


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