Dawson Trail Dispatch October 2012

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Vita Teen Reflects on Sleep Out

Annexation Deal Finalized By Marianne Curtis Councils for both the R M of Hanover and the City of Steinbach have given formal approval to an annexation agreement for 73.94 acres along McKenzie Avenue West. The historic agreement lays out the framework for an unprecedented level of cooperation between the two jurisdictions. Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen Candace Maxymowich spent a night under the stars during the CEO Sleep out held recently in support of homeless shelters and supportive programming.

“Reaching an amicable agreement on land annexation is an accomplishment of which both our councils can be very proud.” explained that the agreement was reached though a logical and orderly process. “This historic agreement between the RM of Hanover and the City of Steinbach is a great example of how neighboring municipalities can work together for the good of the region,” said Goertzen. “These types of agreements, though often difficult to achieve, are key to the success of the southeast region and its economy. Both the City and Hanover will benefit from this historic agreement.” The proposed land for annexation, which currently belongs to Hanover, is situated along McKenzie Avenue West, south of Steinbach’s Parkhill subdivision and west of the Meadows subdivision. Hanover Reeve Stan Toews added that the land deal would benefit both the municipality and the city. “Reaching an amicable agreement on land annexation is an accomplishment of which both our

By Marianne Curtis

Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen and Hanover Reeve Stan Toews sign historical land agreement.

councils can be very proud,” said Toews. “Our region is stronger when we work together to plan for and manage our future growth.” The annexation will allow the City of Steinbach to address the current shortage of land for urban development within its boundaries. The RM of Hanover will receive one percent of the gross municipal taxes, less local improvements on the lands being annexed commencing the year after the land is subdivided and continuing for 16 years. The proposed agreement will now be forwarded to the Province for approval. This is only the sixth annexation to take place in Steinbach since its incorporation in 1947. The last one happened in 1979.

Nineteen-year-old Candace Maxymowich from Vita was among 50 CEOs and community leaders who spent the night sleeping under the stars to raise awareness about homelessness and poverty issues. Maxymowich was among the group during the night of September 27 when they camped out at the corner of Portage Avenue and Main Street in Winnipeg. The young woman, who grew up in the small community of Vita, said the night was an eye opener. “Several homeless people came to spend the night with us and engaged us in dialogue sharing their stories and challenges,” Maxymowich said. “The Change for the Better CEO Sleep out is a great initiative and I’m glad I was able to participate.” The 2nd annual CEO Sleep out event supported Change for the Better, a program that helps people who are homeless get off the street into permanent paid employment and a healthier environment. Prior to the event the group raised $111,595 to employ homeless people. Donations will continue to be accepted to reach the initial goal of $150,000. “A lot of people live pay cheque to pay cheque. One life-changing event can have a devastating impact,” notes Maxymowich. Since 1992, over $235,000 has been raised and 100% of all donations support programs like Siloam Mission’s Mission: Off the Streets Team (MOST), which employs people who are homeless to help enhance the image and cleanliness of downtown Winnipeg while building life skills that may help participants get a full time job. Siloam Mission, Graffiti Art Programming and Red Road Lodge received proceeds from last year’s CEO Sleep out event.


October 2012

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch


October 2012

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

BBQ Raises Funds for Art Bursaries Over 300 people attended a charity BBQ that took place on September 8 at AD Penner Park in Steinbach. On September 8, several hundred people gathered to help raise funds for the Steinbach Art Council’s Creative Arts Bursary Fund. The program provides financial assistance for families who want to participate in an arts program but have financial challenges. According to Shannon Neufeld, with the Steinbach Arts Council, the event was more than a fundraiser. “It was an Arts in the Park event with visual artists painting live onsite, African drumming demos, workshops and dance and martial arts demos,” stated Neufeld. There were workshops by XCOMPANY Physical Arts Training School, line dancing with Debra Ward from The Dance Floor, balloons, face painting and a children’s mural. The event rose over $500 for the Steinbach Art Council’s Creative Arts Bursary Fund.

Daylon Braun was one of a few artists who painted live onsite during the Steinbach Art Council’s Creative Arts Bursary Fundraising BBQ.

SE Filipino Association Hosts Tournament

All the competing teams, the organizing committee and the officers of SEMFA.

The Southeastman Filipino Association, based in Steinbach, held their 2012 Basketball Tournament Opening Ceremony on September 21 at the Evangelical Mennonite Church. The eight teams competing are Maple Leaf Team, Granny’s Poultry Team, Hylife Team, Ben-R Auto Team, Solomon Furniture Team, Hespeler Team, Brandon Team, and Morris, Winkler, Altona Team. The tournament is scheduled to happen every Friday and Saturday from 5 to 10 pm until December 2012.

Medical Residents Welcomed to Eastern Manitoba By Marianne Curtis The Southern Regional Health Authority is hoping that a number of doctors who paid a visit to the region during a 2-day event in September will decide to practice in the community upon graduation. On September 28 and 29 approximately 80 first and second year residents participated in education sessions and activities to familiarize themselves with the Southern RHA and the local communities. The residents were in the region as part of the 2012 Family Medical Resident Retreat. This is the first time the University of Manitoba Family Medicine Program brought the retreat to the region. Kathy McPhail, chief executive officer for Southern RHA, was thrilled to have the event hosted in the region. “We recognize there are many options for practice that today’s residents are able to select from and we want to situate Southern RHA as their selected point of destination as we strive towards 2015 and our commitment provincially to a physician/provider for all,” stated McPhail. The students came from all four of the Family Medicine training streams of Northern Remote, Urban, Rural and Bilingual. Southern RHA Medical Vice President, Dr. Myron Thiessen, was also pleased with the opportunity. “We are delighted to host the Family Medicine Resident Retreat,” added Thiessen. “These doctors can virtually choose from dozens of practice sites in dozens of communities in Manitoba and throughout Canada as they make their decisions on where they will practice, live and raise their families.” The Southern RHA has been working hard over the last year in planning for this event and has had the support of many local businesses and community members. The goal was to overwhelm these new Physicians and their families with hospitality in the hopes that they will put Steinbach, the surrounding communities and Southern RHA at the very top of their list of potential practice sites.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Niverville Paralympian Brings Home Silver

October 2012


Caretaker Defends Safekeeping of Historic Site By Marianne Curtis

Derrick Helton of the U.S. attempts to get the ball from Jared Funk during the Mixed Wheelchair Rugby Open semi-final match on day 10 of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

By Marianne Curtis When the London Paralympics wound down, Jared Funk was among the Paralympians that made it to the podium when he added a silver medal to the Canadian’s growing collection. On the last day of the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Canada and Australia battled it out for gold while the USA and Japan went for the bronze in the wheelchair rugby competition. At the end of the match, Canada received the silver medal after being dominated by gold medalists, Australia, for a final score of 51-66. The veteran Paralympian said it was all business when he made his

third appearance in the Paralympics during his athletic career. “The first one you’re a little bit awestruck and you’re like, ‘Wow, I am at the Paralympics,’ and you have that kind of attitude,” Funk explained. “The second and third ones, you are there to play hard and bring home a medal.” Funk said his most enjoyable game during the event was the game his team played against the U.S. “It was an amazing game. We started out strong and we ended strong,” Funk recalled. The final score on that match was 50-49 for Canada. Prior to heading to London, Funk said this would be his last Olympics. “I still didn’t get that taste of gold yet. I want to, but we will see, I want to take a little break and then we will see from there,” Funk admitted that his wife is expecting and he wants to spend some time with his

family. “We are going to play it by ear.” Funk said the constant training four years prior to the Paralympics makes winning the medal worth that much more. “It’s the training, the constant getting up every morning and training, and when you get that medal it’s a huge weight off your shoulders. You did what you wanted to do. You brought home another medal for your country,” Funk added. Funk has competed in wheelchair rugby for 10 years. This is his third Paralympic Games medal. He brought home Silver in Athens, 2004 and Bronze in Beijing, 2008. He also won a Silver Medal at the 1995 World Championships in Nottwil, Switzerland. Wheelchair rugby is unique to the Paralympic Games. It was invented in the 1970’s in Winnipeg by persons who had become quadriplegic and were looking to continue to participate in a fastpaced, exciting sport. It is believed to be the fastest growing wheelchair sport in the world.

The caretaker, who voluntarily takes care of one of the oldest Catholic churches in the region, feels he has been unfairly criticized after a recent article in the Dawson Trail Dispatch. Last month, the Dispatch exclusively reported that a couple has contacted the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan in Winnipeg. They alleged the condition of the Sadlow Ukrainian Catholic Church and Cemetery in Spruce Siding was deplorable. The couple explained how they toured the area recently and found the church open, so they investigated further. They alleged the floors were dirty, the linens are soiled and the church was “coming apart at the seams.” When it came to the cemetery, they alleged crosses were toppled, trees were growing out of graves and the area was overgrown. In a special request, they approached the diocese in hopes to either gain more funding, push to make the site a historical site or accept their voluntary assistance with upkeep. While their intention was to gain assistance for the site, the current caretaker, Tony Mewusch, said he was personally offended by their comments. “I cut the grass in the church yard and do some upkeep on the church with some of our family and friends,” stated Mewusch. “The church is swept out a couple times a year. This is an empty church. There has been no service here since the 60’s.” He added that some things are not so easy to maintain. For Caretaker Tony Mewusch said that he is example, the antique linens irritated the public may think he does not dressing the altar in the tiny take care of the Sadlow Ukrainian Catholic church are so old they might Church Cemetery in Spruce Siding. fall apart if cleaned incorrectly. “I am finding all this irritating because some people are judging too harshly on what should be done,” Mewusch continued. “Anyone with questions about the place could have contacted the RM of Reynolds who would have referred them back to me.” The Sadlow Ukrainian Catholic Church and Cemetery goes back over 100 years and may even be the first Russian settlement in Manitoba.

Seine River Expands Students Leadership to Benefit Community The Seine River School Division has decided to expand the leadership-training program first initiated last year. According to Mike Borgfjord, the division has decided to expand the student leadership-training program after it proved to be successful during the last school year. “We are going to provide leadership training to some students in all our high schools and bring them together for two days,” Borgfjord stated. “We did it for one day last year and but we’ve expanded it to three, two at the beginning and then a followup later on.” Borgfjord said the division is hoping to build upon the work students and staff has been doing in terms of local and global social justice issues. “We are excited about this,” Borgfjord added. The Seine River School Division will train ten leaders from each of the division’s three high schools who are then expected to share their experience with others. “We have things that happen in each school but we also want to build partnerships between the schools.” Borgfjord continued. “Our students across the province do amazing things and really think about community involvement.” The Seine River School Division is moving in this direction to encourage students to become a bigger part of the community.


More Than Just News!

October 2012

Really? Yes, they are out shopping and they want to buy a Canadian oil company. They are willing to pay $15.1 billion for an oil company called Nexen. They are offering a good price. Until CNOOC showed interest, this particular Chinese government-owned company’s bid for a solid player in the Canadian oil patch, not more than one person out of a hundred had heard of Nexen. If the bid had come from south of the border or Europe this would not have made much news. However, this is China and for Canada, this is perceived as a political hot potato. Ottawa is reviewing the deal to see if it is a benefit under the “Investment Canada Act”. There are concerns that will be looked at, political fallout being the main one, but there are other considerations. First, does China have an ulterior motive, such as spying or picking up patents for free? A concern, but a minor one. I suspect their main ulterior motive would be the need for an abundant and steady supply of energy. Our laws and required permits should be able to protect us on all aspects of this industry whether we are dealing with the USA, China or anybody else. If they are not adequate, it is as good a time as any to legislate them. It is easy to recall some American curve balls that were less than in the spirit of “free trade”. Who doesn’t remember the softwood lumber episode? Point of origin stamps on packaged meat. Buy American if you are bidding on American

Yikes… the Chinese are Coming

Federal contracts. There have been many instances that have been costly to us and probably illegal on their part or at the very least definitely not in the spirit of free trade, but solved politically in their favour. Second, does it jeopardize our control of this resource sector? Maybe on the fifth or a tenth deal control of this particular resource becomes a factor but this one time is a comparatively small deal if we look at the entire size of the tar sands. The fear appears to be a knee jerk reaction to this deal because it is China that is knocking at the door. If this starts the ball rolling for even more attempts at oil patch purchasing,

then the dynamics change. Third, should we concern ourselves with the Chinese record on human rights? Yes, of course, we should. This should not impede our principles or our voice. Even us, with our enlightened principles, our human rights record has at times been an embarrassment to ourselves. Our history has exposed some disturbing fallibilities. Would we have any more credibility on this subject if we nixed this deal? Not likely. They can buy oil anywhere but do not wish to put all their eggs in one basket. Fourth, this CNOOC is Chinese Government owned, not a private company. This is the weak link as far as we should be concerned. This is where we must extract how the game is to be played. In this economic climate where successful Canadian national well-being depends on trading as a lifeline and a constant supply of energy as a necessity for all, we need to look to Asia for trade expansion. The culmination of this deal between Nexen and China will enhance our stock in all of Asia and open trading options other than the USA. The world order is changing. For Canadians to continue being stuck in yesteryear’s status quo is a dead-end street. China is a fact and is here to stay. Energy is a must for all. Environmental concerns are a challenge but we will manage them. Bottom line, we have energy. Let’s sell it.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

National Seniors Day We can all think of a senior who has made a difference in our lives. They are our mentors, teachers, grandparents and loved ones. They are our volunteers and role models. They have contributed generously, building our families, communities, workplaces and country. Every day, seniors’ right here in Provencher makes a big difference in our community. On October 1, National Seniors Day, I encourage you to take time to celebrate local seniors and show appreciation for everything they do. Find your own unique way to celebrate the seniors in your life. It can be as easy as a simple thank-you note. However, you choose to express your gratitude, the message that we value older Canadians will be heard – and appreciated. Through their commitment to remain active, engaged and informed, seniors across the country are demonstrating to Canadians of all ages exactly what it means to age well. We all benefit from their ongoing contributions. And that’s why our Conservative Government has consistently shown that we value their dedication and years of hard work. Since 2006, we have provided over $2.5 billion in annual tax relief specifically for seniors, completely removing 380,000 seniors from the tax rolls. We introduced pension income splitting, ushered in an automatic renewal of the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), and made significant investments in affordable housing for low-income seniors. In addition, we doubled the pension income credit, invested resources in preventing elder abuse, in all its forms, extended the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers, and eliminated the mandatory retirement age for federally regulated employees, giving seniors who want to remain active in the workforce the freedom to make that choice themselves. I encourage you to visit seniors.gc.ca for more ideas on how to celebrate National Seniors Day, as well as information about the services and benefits available for Canada’s seniors. Please feel free to contact my office if you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss. You may contact my office toll free at 1-866333-1933 or at (204) 326-9889 or in Lac du Bonnet at (204) 345-9762. You may write my office at 8 - 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by fax at (204) 346-9874 or by e-mail at toewsv1@parl.gc.ca.

Happy Anniversary to Me! Serving the communities along the historic Dawson Trail and beyond.

The Dawson Trail Dispatch is a monthly newspaper distributed free of charge to 50 Southeastern Manitoba communities. Published by: One One Consultants Inc. Box 308, Richer, MB R0E 1S0 Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Dan Guetre, Managing Editor One One Consultants Inc., Publisher News Writers: Marianne Curtis, and Dan Guetre Columnists: Lee Guetre, Peter Friesen, Anni Markmann, Peter Martens, Herman Unrau, Raylene Snow, Lorena Mitchell, Eileen Lewis, Travis Olifirowich Production/Design: Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck, Monica Guetre and Wilma Priebe Advertising: Karen Jorgenson and Dan Guetre

For Advertising Call: Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Email: sales@dawsontrail.ca Subscriptions: $29.95 annually plus GST for Canadian Subscriptions. $52.95 annually for International Subscriptions

Canada Post Agreement Number 42079020

This particular issue of the Dawson Trail Dispatch is a big one for me. I have officially completed 15 years as a freelance news writer for the southeast region. It sounds like a life sentence (and sometimes it has felt that way) but it has been an amazing experience. When I walked into the office years ago, Dan Guetre, editor and publisher extraordinaire, was not too impressed with what he saw or heard. With only a grade 10 education and never having had a real job, I had no previous writing, publishing or journalism experience. I also didn’t own a computer or camera and as a mother of four, my hands were full, to say the least. If someone told me that I would still be here 15 years later I would have laughed at them. Now, I am not laughing. I take my responsibility as a reporter very seriously. It is a thankless profession sometimes, but the overall personal satisfaction of making a positive difference in lives and communities makes it worthwhile. To have people trust a journalist with their stories is humbling and a rarity. Many people hear “reporter” and they run away screaming. Thankfully, I have only had that response once or twice. For the most part, people enjoy talking to me and I enjoy listening to them. In the past 15 years I have learned so much about this region. I have learned what people are passionate about, what they detest, what keeps communities or businesses flourishing and what kills them. I have learned to understand politics and what wins (or loses) elections. I have been touched by many examples of extraordinary human spirit; families who keep smiling after a devastating loss, people fighting for what they believe; people sacrificing everything to make a difference for someone else. I have met many ordinary, everyday heroes in one form or another. If the phones did not ring and the emails did not get sent, we would not be spreading your news. Thank you for trusting me with your stories and for making a difference in MY life. In the past 15 years I have strived to be good at what I do. Your stories continue to inspire and encourage me to be the best I can be. I went back to school and earned my grade 12 diploma (and a few other diplomas). I published my first book (my life story), Finding Gloria, which recently hit over 3,000 downloads across the world on top of the printed version, and am busy working on my next project which will feature YOUR stories (more on that at a later date). It all started here. Thank you to Dan for teaching me, mentoring and pushing me and not kicking me out of the office 15 years ago. Most of all, thank you to our readers for including me in your lives and being part of my personal journey.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

October 2012


Manitoba’s What’s Another Billion to the NDP? Debt and Deficit

Late in September on a Friday afternoon the NDP government announced the final financial numbers for fiscal year 2011/2012. It’s rarely good news that government issues on Friday afternoons and this certainly wasn’t good news for Manitobans. The NDP announced that the final deficit for 2011/2012 was $999 million. While the NDP obviously tried every kind of financial trickery they could come up with to ensure the number slipped just below the billion-dollar mark, the fact is that they are spending money at a rate that can’t be sustained. The billion-dollar deficit is more than double what they said it would be when they originally introduced their budget for last year. While they are now trying to tell Manitobans that going a billion dollars into the red is the result of flooding, the numbers tell a different story. In fact the NDP overspent in government departments almost right across the board and this despite the fact that revenues have remained steady for the government. What the NDP have isn’t a revenue problem it is a spending problem. The NDP continue to grow the debt at a record rate. In fact they have doubled it since they came to office. Perhaps another billion dollars isn’t much of a difference to the NDP. But, it is to Manitobans because it has an impact now and in the future. It has an immediate impact because it results in you paying more taxes. In the spring the NDP raised taxes overall in the province by nearly $300 million. And that is likely just the beginning. In the future, the debt of course has to be paid back along with the interest. The government is very fortunate right now those interest rates are at a record low. When interest rates increase, the billions of dollars of new debt that have been accumulated by the NDP will come with an even heavier price and Manitobans will be forced to pay more now and into the future. As well, transfer payments from the federal government have also been at record highs. As the rate at which those transfers have come to the provinces levels off, it will require a government that is both able and willing to manage efficiently. There is nothing in the most recent budget report and the billiondollar deficit that gives Manitobans hope that the NDP will ever be that kind of a government. I appreciate your comments and concerns. If you have any comments on these or other issues, you can contact me by writing, #3 – 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by phone at (204) 3265763, by fax at (204) 346-9913, by e-mail at kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca or by visiting my website at kelvingoertzen.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

This past year’s provincial budget was just another installment in the continuing saga of poor fiscal management on the part of the NDP. This tired government is facing record debts and deficits. To combat this Greg Selinger and his Finance Minister increased taxes. Hard-working Manitobans will now pay $184 million in new taxes and $114 million in new user fees each year. Despite the biggest tax increase in 25 years, the provincial debt will still increase by $2.5 billion. By year’s end, Manitobans will owe $27.6 billion, a new record. The new tax hikes do not make up the vast difference required to push the province back into the black. Of greater issue is the cost to service the debt. It now costs $857 million per-year in interest and that will increase drastically when interest rates begin to rise. The figure makes servicing the debt equivalent to being the fourth largest department in government. That is poor money management. The provincial budget deficit is predicted to be $504 million in 2012. That figure is 20 percent higher than the NDP predicted in its own five-year economic plan. This shows the government is basing its plans on fantasy and not reality. Manitobans can no longer afford the Selinger government’s high-cost, low-yield financial vision. If the government must borrow, at least it could borrow to ensure that Manitoba’s transport infrastructure is maintained and in good shape. A drive down just about any highway makes it clear that is not happening. The NDP government refuses to take responsibility for its own poor money management and instead chooses to cast the blame elsewhere. They continue to point the finger at the federal Conservatives. They suggest Manitoba isn’t being given enough money in transfers to keep up with costs like infrastructure and health care. The fact is federal transfers will account for $3.6 billion of provincial revenues this year. This includes over a billion from the Canada Health Transfer, an amount that has doubled since 2000. The federal government has guaranteed to increase this amount by 6 percent per year until 2016. Why then are health care services being reduced or cut back? Why doesn’t every Manitoban have a doctor? Why do people still have to go out-ofprovince for health care? The NDP will continue to blame the federal government and everyone else for Manitoba’s fiscal woes instead of taking responsibility. Is this the kind of government you want? I welcome all comments and concerns you may have. If you’d like to contact me, please feel free to call my office by phone at 204-424-5406, by Your government believes that all Manitobans deserve access to high-quality health care close to home. We fax at 204-424-5458, or by writing to Box 889, La Broquerie MB, R0A 0W0. You can also email me at dennis.smook@leg.gov.mb.ca. plan to protect the services families count on and continue to make investments we know work. We have added 120 new drugs to Pharmacare, giving Manitobans greater choice and easing the burden of drug costs for patients and families. These include medications for stroke prevention, psoriasis and hepatitis C, diabetes-testing supplies, as well as the first drug addition to our new Home Cancer Drug Program. We are covering the cost of cancer treatment medicine and support drugs for patients, both at home and in hospital no matter where they live in our province. We have expanded our cancer supports by creating a CancerCare hub in Steinbach to provide treatment services closer to home for the people of the southeast. With the help of the Canadian Cancer Society, we are working to provide the best cancer treatment in the country. Dear Editor: We are guaranteeing an appointment with a specialist within two weeks or less for referrals and introducing I read with interest the opinion piece by Lee Guetre “Ugliness of cancer patient journey advocates to monitor and help cancer patients and families through their entire journey Politics Sure to Have Ugly Consequences” and I am compelled to by identifying delays and issues and working to resolve them to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment. respond. Manitoba currently has the shortest wait time in Canada for radiation therapy. As I have stated on numerous occasions, our government does not We’re focused on recruiting and retaining health professionals. We have committed to expand the medical condone the use of torture, and certainly does not engage in it. My workforce by hiring 2,000 more nurses and 200 more doctors as well as more nurse practitioners and physician directive to agencies responsible for the security of Canadians is clear. assistants. Through a number of grants and incentive programs, we’ve seen gains in growing our own rural Their primary responsibility is to protect Canadian life and property, doctors and recruiting new doctors to rural areas. Today there are 116 more doctors in rural Manitoba than in while at all times abiding by Canadian law. In fact, our position of not 1999. We are also developing mobile diagnostic units, which will allow us to bring more services closer to endorsing torture is in marked contrast to the position of the Liberal home for rural patients. Party whose former leader Michael Ignatieff stated, “In a situation of We are also committed to expand training by adding 100 more nurse training seats with a focus on rural extreme necessity, the possibility, even the slight possibility, that it training and 22 more medical doctor residencies. We are also doubling the nurse practitioner training seats to (torture) might yield some lifesaving result that would almost certainly 18 and offering free tuition to students who will work in a rural community. overwhelm any consideration that it is evil.” To ensure that Manitobans have access to health care near their homes, we are adding medical facilities and If we get a tip from any source that Canadian lives are in danger, we expanding services. We are expanding both the Ste. Anne and Steinbach hospitals, including adding a CT will act to save those lives. It’s clear the NDP would not. scanner in Steinbach. We have opened our first rural Quick Care Clinic in Steinbach and are planning a new Canadians find dithering in the face of making tough choices to save ambulance station in Ile des Chênes. We have established a permanent Helicopter Ambulance program that lives entirely unacceptable. That’s why the NDP is in opposition. They will ensure rapid access to cardiac, trauma and pediatric critical care patients outside of Winnipeg. simply cannot be trusted on matters of security. Families count on having quick, effective healthcare when someone they love needs medical attention. Our Vic Toews, P.C., Q.C., M.P. government is committed to continuing to invest in healthcare in communities across Manitoba and especially Minister of Public Safety, in the fastest growing region of our province - the southeast. Regional Minister for Manitoba, As always, I appreciate hearing your comments and thoughts on these and other provincial initiatives. I and MP for Provencher encourage you to contact me by e-mail (dawsontrail1@yourmanitoba.ca), by phone (204) 878-4644, or by mail at 101-1309 Dawson Road, Box 517, Lorette, MB R0A 0Y0 and together we can continue to move Dawson Trail and Manitoba forward.

Health Care Focus and Expanded Pharmacare

Torture Not Condoned

Customers – Cast Your Ballots

Customers who frequent five of Steinbach’s businesses are encouraged to cast their ballots and help select this year’s Customer Service Award recipient. The Customer Service Award is presented to the business that consistently demonstrates excellence in service and hospitality. This year’s Customer Service Award nominees include Barkman Appliance Service, Loewen Chiropractic, Source for Sports, Summer Bounce Entertainment and last year’s winner, Super Splash Auto Cleaning. Voting is open to the public. Ballots can be cast on the Chamber’s website at SteinbachChamberofCommerce.com/Awards. Voting ends October 5 at midnight. Winners will be announced at the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce’s when the Business Excellence Awards are handed out at the Annual General Meeting at Mennonite Heritage Village on November 8.


More Than Just News!

October 2012

Hundreds Attend Fundraiser for New Bothwell Toddler

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Grumpy Bears Win Amazing Race

The Grumpy Bears was the first team to cross the finish line during the first ever Amazing Race: Steinbach Edition.

By Marianne Curtis

Jennifer and Cliff Friesen from New Bothwell have not left Cash’s side since he was diagnosed with a fast growing brain tumour back in August. Over $33,000 was raised during a fundraiser on September 30 to help the young family of six during this time.

By Marianne Curtis When a young couple from New Bothwell took their two year old son to the doctor, the last thing they expected to hear was that their baby had a brain tumor. Since then Jenn and Cliff Friesen have not left their little boy Cash’s side. After being diagnosed, Cash was taken into surgery and doctors were able to successfully remove ninety percent of the growth. The remaining mass is fast growing and chemotherapy treatments are underway with the hope of destroying the cancer. Since then the toddler has been fighting back, and with an emergency surgery September 4, is slowly returning to his old self. On October 1, Cash will be admitted to begin his second round of chemotherapy. “Cash will be admitted for round 2 of chemo,” stated Jenn. “We have chosen a different plan then the previous - this one has no drugs that cause kidney damage like the last one did. The last thing I need is for him to endure another unnecessary surgery.” Since Cash’s diagnosis, the Friesen’s, who have three other children, put their lives on hold to be close to their son. As a result, family and friends organized and hosted a fundraiser on September 30 to assist the family of five as they remain at their baby’s side while he goes through chemotherapy treatments. “We are putting this fundraiser on to help Clif and Jen during this difficult time as they are unable to work. We are also looking at the long term when they go home with Cash and the medical expenses to follow,” say organizers Cindy Froese and Lisa Mehling-Bueckert. Several hundred people came out to AD Penner Park to participate in an afternoon of live entertainment, bouncers, prizes and a fundraising supper. “We are so overwhelmed by all the love and support we were shown today,” Jenn says gratefully. “So many times we were both brought to tears just by looking around and seeing the sea of people!” Those wishing to contribute can still do so through a trust account set up at the Steinbach Credit Union. You can donate at either locations, in Steinbach or Winnipeg. The exact name of the Account is “The Cash Friesen Brain Cancer Trust Fund” or use the account #1101471267424.

“We are so overwhelmed by all the love and support we were shown today.”

The recent success of a new community game has organizers thinking they might have stumbled onto something. On September 8, 12 teams of four people gathered to compete in the first ever Amazing Race: Steinbach Edition. Organized by the Creative Youth Council and headed up by Alicia Loewen, the event was planned by a committee of young people ages 16-30. Loewen said the idea came to the committee after the Summer in the City. “We brainstormed a bunch of ideas for challenges, then chose businesses that these could take place at,” Loewen explained. “We sent out ten letters to ten businesses asking if they wanted to partner with us for this event. We received ten responses all the same. Yes!” After two months of planning, the Creative Youth Council had finalized the challenges for the anticipated Amazing Race: Steinbach Edition. Loewen said that some of the challenges included having teams locate a car on a parking lot with the clue in the windshield, find a woman dressed in Mennonite costume in the gallery of the museum and put water wings and goggles on for a challenge at Urban Life. “We also chose to have some challenges that gave back to the community such as purchasing a non-perishable food item from Sobeys` to donate to South-East Helping Hands, and picking up a rose from Heier Designs Florist and delivering it to a senior at Woodhaven Manor,” Loewen continued. The Race included Detours, where teams chose between two tasks to complete for their next clue. They also had to find Waldo for the “Where’s Waldo?” challenge. Waldo was walking around main street in his red and white striped shirt. Loewen said they planned for everything but were still surprised when the first team arrived at the final pit stop half an hour before they were expected. “They sprinted across the grass and celebrated on the final pit stop mat waiting for them on the big hill,” Loewen recalled. “They were the first team to arrive and clocked in at one hour and 14 minutes!” The Grumpy Bears were declared the winner and earned a $400 grand prize put together with donations from area businesses. Loewen said the Creative Youth Council is already looking at doing another edition next year and are even considering a winter edition. “I hope more people can now see that youth do give back to the community, even though a lot of negative attention is brought to the few youth who do not,” Loewen concluded.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Jobs in Limbo After Puratone Files for Bankruptcy Protection By Marianne Curtis On September 12, the province’s third largest hog producer, Puratone Corporation, filed for bankruptcy protection. According to court records, the Niverville based company has 30 days to restructure or sell its assets, leaving at least 350 jobs in limbo.

In a statement, Puratone President and CEO Ray Hildebrand said the company has been streamlining operations for the past two years to minimize cash flow burdens. Puratone issued a statement shortly after the action was revealed: “In spite of being highly competitive in both the domestic and global landscape, the market challenges

Art Exhibit Explores and Promotes Understanding

have now been exacerbated by the U.S. drought to the point where there are no further operational restructuring pursuits or austerity measures available to us that could protect us from the liquidity crisis the industry is facing,” Hilderbrandt’s said in the statement. “Our primary focus must continue to be employee safety, the care of our animals and the safeguarding of the environment.” Puratone began in 1973 as a small feed retailer and became a major feed supplier within Manitoba. Since then the company has grown into a major player in the pork industry with a system of 28,000 breeding sows and marketing over 500,000 hogs per year. There are over 40 farms dedicated to hog production, three feed mills that produce about 250,000 tonnes of feed annually and other agriculture related business interests.

October 2012 Karl Kynoch, Chairman of the Manitoba Pork Council, said this is a significant blow. “This is huge. This just emphasizes what the industry is going through,” he told media. “The fact that Puratone has done this — they’re reliant solely on hogs.” Puratone’s move came days after Big Sky Farms, Saskatchewan’s largest pork producer, went into receivership. Its financial problems are also linked to drought in the U.S., which has led to high feed prices in Canada. Record losses in Manitoba’s hog industry have forced hundreds of producers to leave the business. Fifteen years ago, there were almost 5,000 hog producers in the province but according to the pork council; this number has dwindled to fewer than 500. “I’ve been expecting stuff like this to happen,” Kynoch said. “I’d say


for the last two months, there’s been a number of independent small farms that have been shutting down quietly.” Dave Bauer, spokesperson for Maple Leaf, said he is not surprised by the troubles Puratone is facing. “It is no secret that the hog industry is facing challenging times, so the next six months will be difficult,” Bauer said. “The good news is that Canada remains one of the lowest-cost locations in the world for pork production, and Maple Leaf is confident the industry will recover.” Bauer said it’s too early to say if Maple Leaf would try to purchase Puratone, which supplies less than 10 percent of the meat that is processed at the Brandon plant. Maple Leaf has contingency plans in place to produce more hogs in Manitoba if Puratone goes out of business, he said.

By Marianne Curtis During the month of October, the Steinbach Arts Council is hosting a very special art exhibit that celebrates the ability of people to use art to recover from mental illness. The exhibit, called Expressions: Exploring Recovery Through Art, opens October 5 with a special event and will run until November 9. Expressions is a free community event held annually in conjunction with Mental Illness Awareness Week. According to Shannon Neufeld, with the Steinbach Arts Council, the purpose of the exhibit is to highlight and celebrate the outstanding ability of people who use art in the journey of recovery from a mental health problem and to promote better understanding of mental illness in our region. This is the ninth annual Expressions and the second year it is being held in partnership with the Steinbach Arts Council, noted Neufeld. The artists, who are all from the Eastman region, express themselves through a variety of media including watercolor, acrylic and oil paints, photography, textiles and collage. Come check our collection of Word Art collages. Niverville based Puratone Corporation has thirty days to either restructure or start selling off assets after filing for bankruptcy protection In addition, there will be artists who write and perform both music and on September 12. Photo by Marianne Curtis poetry. The exhibit will open October 5 at 7 pm with special guest Erin Propp at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre in Steinbach. Donations will be accepted towards the Expressions Event Fund.

Horse Enthusiasts Help Women with Breast Cancer Fight

September 16 was a crisp Sunday morning when riders converged on the Manitoba Horse Council Facility in Birds Hill Park to be a part of Helping Hooves Manitoba’s Windup. Starting off the day was a scenic fall trail ride through the park led by Deb and Bruce Champagne. After lunch they “let the games begin.” Following a BBQ Beef supper, Pam Glover, Helping Hooves Manitoba presented a cheque to Candace Propp, President of Helping Hands for Manitobans with Breast Cancer, totaling $5,872.20. These funds were raised by hosting five events around Manitoba over the spring and summer. Next year Helping Hooves will be hosting a 3-week long, 300-mile trail ride through rural Manitoba to raise funds for the same charity. Kickoff will be August 9, 2013 in Kleefeld ending on August 31 in Birds Hill Park. For information please see their website helpinghoovesmanitoba.com or call Pam Glover at 203-4228076. Pam Glover (left) presents a cheque to Candace Propp, President of Helping Hands for Manitobans with Breast Cancer.


More Than Just News!

October 2012

Help Needed to Find Missing Girl The RCMP St. Pierre-Jolys Detachment is seeking the public’s assistance in locating a female youth. Angelica Pruden, 15, of the RM of Tache is described as having black hair and dark brown eyes, 5’7" and 133 lbs. She was last seen wearing dark blue jeans and a dark hoody with a grey shirt underneath it. There are some indications that she may have headed to Winnipeg. Anyone with information on her whereabouts is urged to contact the RCMP St. PierreJolys Detachment at 204-4337908.

Angelica Pruden.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Arborgate Partially Opened On September 6, classes started in Arborgate School in La Broquerie after the opening was delayed by a few days so workers could put the final additions on the project. While the doors are formally open for classes not all the school is ready for occupancy. According to Principal Theresa Yestrau, temporary classrooms are still being used while the school’s fire system is updated. “We are only using a portion of the new building,” Yestrau explained. “All of the early years’ classes are in different spaces within the new building.” Currently the grade three students are housed in the Library and the grade two classes are in the multi-purpose room. The science lab has also been taken over by the grade four classes. Classes are going on in Arborgate School but not all the school is ready for occupancy. “We had people all over the place,” Photo by Marianne Curtis Yestrau noted. One of the major delays in the project has been the installation of a new fire system in the old part of the building. According to Yestrau, the fire commissioner requested the upgrade so that the system throughout the entire building was the same. Work is expected to be complete in Steinbach 55 Plus offers programs, activities, services and volunteer October. opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs. For more information drop by the Centre, Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm, call 204-320-4600 or online steinbach55plus.com. Membership at Steinbach 55 Plus is only $20 per year due in January of each year for those 55 years of age and older.

Up and Coming Events:

Seniors Day - Tuesday, October 16 from 1:30 – 4 pm Dance Lessons - Most Tuesdays and Thursday starting October 4 at 7 pm. Check schedule. Exclusive to members, get your flu shot on Tuesday, October 23 from 1 - 3 pm at Steinbach 55 Plus. Coffee and snacks will be for sale. SMD Wheelchair repair clinic – starts Monday, October 29 to Wednesday, October 31. Contact 204-975-3254 for an appointment. Closed on Monday, October 8 for Thanksgiving.

Monthly Programs

Single Ladies’ Night Out: The first Friday of the month at 5 pm. Enjoy supper out at a local restaurant. Call the centre for the place to meet. Foot Care: The first and third Tuesday of the month from 9 am - 3 pm. Run by Val Fry, a professional foot care nurse. Cost $30. Bring your own towel. Book an appointment. Pot Luck Supper: The second Thursday of every month at 6 pm. Meat and beverages are provided. Cost: $5 per person. Bring along a casserole, salad or desert. Reserve your seat. Birthday Party: The first Wednesday of the month. All members with a birthday are invited for complimentary cake and coffee. Guests are asked to pay $2. Entertainment provided. Beltone Hearing: The third Friday of each month. Call 1-800-661-2653 for appointment. Brain Injury Support Group: Meets fourth Monday of each month. Monday

Weekly Programs

9:30 - 10:30 am Fitness Class with DVD 1 pm Canasta 7:30 - 8:45 pm Tai Chi Tuesday 8:30 am - 3 pm Circle of friends Wednesday 9:30 – 10:30 am Fitness Class 9 - 11:30 am Tai Chi 10:30 am Choir Practice 1 pm - 4 pm Cribbage 1:30 pm Floor curling 7 pm Old Time Country Band Practice Thursday 1 - 4 pm Bridge and Whist 1:30 pm Wii bowling Friday 8:30 - 3 pm Circle of friends Noon meals are available Monday through Friday. Cost $5. Call 204-3204605 by 9 am to reserve your meal for that day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus available at the office or in the newsletter. Bring a friend. Monday to Friday 1 - 4 pm - Billiards 9 am - 12 pm and 1 - 4 pm - Computer Lab. Cost $1. 9 am - 12 pm - Lessons with Alex Cupples Volunteer Opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters, receptionists. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees. Membership at Steinbach 55 Plus is only $20 per year and due in January of each year. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

October 2012


Recreation Program Benefits from Chrysalis Fund By Marianne Curtis A recreation program geared to providing opportunities for lowincome families recently received a major funding boost from the members of the Chrysalis Fund. According to Simone Penner, the group decided that a grant of $6,600 be awarded to Recreation Opportunities for Children Inc. Eastman. “It was very exciting to be able to grant Recreation Opportunities for Children Eastman this year’s funding,” stated Penner. Since 2009 Recreation Opportunities for Children Eastman has worked with lowincome families throughout the southeast to with connect recreation and leisure opportunities. The organization works closely with families in communities throughout the area including Niverville, Ile des Chênes, St. Malo, Grunthal, Steinbach and La Broquerie. “I work with low income families in Eastman who are working very

Moni Loewen (left), with Recreation Opportunities for Children Eastman, accepts a cheque for $6,600 from Chrysalis Fund members Pat Warkentin and Carmel Wiebe.

hard to make positive changes in their lives,” explained Moni Loewen, from Eastman Recreation Opportunities for Children. “This money will us help provide programming.” This is the second grant presented by the Chrysalis Fund since it was established two years ago. Last year the group gave $5,000 to the U-Turn House in Steinbach for new flooring and the supper club hosted weekly by the Youth For Christ. The Chrysalis Fund is a group of women that have gathered together in a new philanthropic venture through a non-profit giving circle. The group has grown to 36 members who combine their money into a shared fund with each member contributing $1,000. Grants are then given out to various organizations from the earned interest. The Chrysalis Fund meets twice a year to review and celebrate the impact granting has made, receive feedback from the organizations they’ve funded and learn about new opportunities to give. Local organizations looking for some support from the Chrysalis Fund can pick up an application from the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce office. Anyone women interesting joining can make contact by emailing thechrysalisfund@gmail.com.


October 2012

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Music Loving Thieves

Author Most Compelling It is amazing the power some people have with words. How the writer can take words, ordinary words, and create a tale so compelling that, it is very hard to put it down until it has been read to completion. Sadly, I am not tooting my own horn. While yes, I am a writer, I am but a lowly columnist with only a short space to spin my words into a readable (maybe even enjoyable?) topical tale. No, the writer that has been on mind recently is Ted Dekker. He is not only a writer but an Author (with a capital A!). Man, can that guy craft a story. There has been many a night that I didn’t get enough sleep because I’d stayed up too late reading one of his books. While there are the occasional authors that can turn a good book or two, there are very few that can consistently create great ones. He is such an author. Off the top of my head a couple of other authors that can do this would be: Stephen King, Piers Anthony (although I’ve only read his Incarnations of Immortality series, but they were awesome!) and J.R.R. Tolkien (who is not putting out anything new, but he gets my acknowledgment for the Lord of the Ring series which, is much like a whole shelf of books crammed into three). Back to Ted Dekker... His writing is in the suspense / thriller grouping and he does do an outstanding job of it. While he focuses on the battle between good and evil, he does it in such a way that keeps you reading because you know that if you should happen to stop reading, your mind would continue to conjure up thoughts and ideas and you won’t be able to rest properly until you had received some closure. In case I have been too subtle with my writing, please let me be clearer. Get a Ted Dekker book, borrow it from a friend, library or just go to the store and buy a copy. However, you get it, find a quiet spot, open up the book and read it cover to cover. If you’re anything like me and all his other fans, you too will have just experienced some of the greatest fiction out there. What else can I say? I love his work. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

Family Honours Son’s Memory with Fundraiser A Lorette family that was devastated by the loss of their son to suicide eight years ago is turning things around and giving back to the community. On October 5 the first Annual Aaron Oliver Bud and Spud is taking place at the Dawson Trail Motor Inn in Lorette. Proceeds are going to Suicide Prevention, explained Brenda Oliver. “On October 8, 2004 we lost our son Aaron to suicide,” Oliver recalled. “In a two month period he was taken by us three times, ambulance once and RCMP once to the St. Boniface Hospital begging for help. They only turned him away.” Oliver said her 23-year-old son also called the Suicide Help Line to allegedly be told they could not help him due to a staff shortage. To ensure that no one feels that kind of pain, the family is

Foot Care for Seniors Foot care will be offered to the Ste. Anne seniors according to Seine River Services for Seniors. The foot care clinic will be located in the Southern Health Authority Building at 30 Dawson Rd Unit A. There will be two certified foot care nurses ready to help with any foot care concerns seniors may have. Nurses, Richard Rivard or Cheryl Palmer will be available on October 19. For more information or to make an appointment seniors can contact Juliette Rowan, Resource Coordinator at 204-424-5285.

raising money in Aaron’s memory for Suicide Prevention programs. “We don’t want any other family to go through the hell he went through,” stated Oliver. The first Annual Aaron Oliver Bud/ Spud will take place at the Dawson Trail Motor Inn in Lorette on Friday, October 5 from 5-7. Tickets are $15 with proceeds going to Suicide Prevention.

On September 26, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a break and enter at a residence on Proulx Boulevard in the RM of Ste Anne. Entry was gained through the front door. Stolen from the residence was an electric guitar and amplifier. Police believe the break in occurred between 1 pm and 4 pm and believe that the suspects may have been driving a U-Haul van. Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating the suspect vehicle and people responsible. If you have any information, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at (204) 326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 at manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ste. Anne Collision Hospitalized Two On September 25 shortly after 9 am, Steinbach RCMP responded to a 2- vehicle collision on Hwy 12 south of the Ste. Anne overpass at the junction of Hwy 210. A northbound car driven by a female was struck by an eastbound car driven by a male attempting to cross Hwy 12. Both drivers were taken to hospital. The female driver was reported in stable condition with non-life threatening injuries. The male driver was taken to a Winnipeg hospital with undetermined injuries.

More Than Just News!

October 2012


Goertzen Pleased with Pallister’s Leadership Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen is pleased that his party can get back to business now that Brian Pallister has officially been named as the new progressive conservative leader. “I am very pleased with the results,” stated Goertzen, who campaigned with Pallister over the summer. “He will now be able to do a number of things in terms of the roles MLA’s play within the legislature and move forward with a number of issues.” Goertzen added that he feels Pallister’s election means that supporters are looking to bring change to the province. “There are always stages that you go through after an election loss and a change of leadership,” he continued. “I think we’ve gone through the most difficult stages and there is a lot of optimism as we look forward.” Pallister recently complimented Goertzen for his hard work in the community and changed his portfolio from Justice Critic to Education Critic. “He has done a tremendous job with his assignments and I think everyone respects and knows how hard he works at his job,” Pallister stated. “I believe he could well be the best education critic this province has ever seen and more.” Goertzen said he likes being the new Education Critic. “It’s a big change for me. I was the justice critic for

Stuartburn Seeks Fire Funds The RM of Stuartburn is hoping the province will come up with a financial program to assist victims of wild fires this past spring. By way of resolution, the municipality is hoping the province will consider expanding funding through the Manitoba Disaster Financial Assistance Program. Council wants the program to provide compensation for costs incurred to both the municipality and residents during this past spring’s forest fires. The RM of Stuartburn has formally requested that the Manitoba Emergency Measures assist the municipality with compensation related to fire fighting efforts. They also want funding made available to private individuals with compensation due to loss of structures and fencing. In May, the RM of Stuartburn declared a state of local emergency due to a 4,100-hectare blaze. The RMs of Piney and La Broquerie were also forced to declare emergencies after wild fires raged through their areas. In the RM of Piney, a fire near Badger consumed approximately 5,300 hectares (53 square kilometres) in property.

Newly appointed P.C. Education Critic, Kelvin Goertzen, didn’t have to go far from home for his first official duty in his new role as he toured the new Clearspring Middle School in Steinbach with Hanover Superintendent Ken Klassen (centre) and school principal Ed Neufeld (right). Goertzen said he was impressed by how much thought went into the school by local officials noting that there are many unique details incorporated into the building to benefit the learning of middle school kids.

seven years,” Goertzen noted. “I think there are a lot of positive things happening in our schools and a lot of things that could be happening in the future.” In addition to being the new education critic, Goertzen is also the House Leader.

Black Bear Destroyed Due to Safety Concerns On September 5 at about 8:30 am, Steinbach RCMP were dispatched to a complaint of a black bear in the City of Steinbach. Police located an adult size black bear in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart in downtown Steinbach. They followed the highly agitated bear as it moved quickly throughout the city. The RCMP contacted Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship; however, their officers were not able to attend immediately. RCMP officers followed the bear into a residential area in the vicinity of a school. This was the first day of students returning to school and police report there were large numbers of children in the area. Since the bear was acting in an agitated manor in a residential area the decision was made to destroy the bear in the interest of public safety.

TFSA – A Review Some investors have been receiving notices of assessments from CRA to pay penalties on their Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA). I think it’s time for a quick review to make sure you are operating your accounts correctly so you can avoid any penalties. First some basics. The TFSA was introduced effective January 1, 2009. All individuals (18 and older) have started accumulating TFSA room of $5,000 per year. If you do not use your room, it does accumulate and allow you to use it in the future. So those of us that still have debt to repay and not using TFSA yet, we now have $20,000 TFSA contribution room. As the name indicates, any income earned in the account is tax free. No tax slip will be issued for any income earned. And you do not include it as income on your tax return. Remember that you can open more than just a savings account for your TFSA. Some of my clients are using dividend mutual funds in their TFSA. A great way to earn better income (not guaranteed of course) for those who have experience with investing in stock mutual funds. Basically anything you can put in your RRSP you can put in your TFSA. So how you can ensure you never pay any penalties on your TFSA? First, it’s up to you to keep track of all your TFSA. CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) has been providing you information on your income tax Notice of Assessment after you file your tax return, but not all financial institutions have reported quickly enough so I’d suggest not relying on this information. Some problems have occurred when an investor has TFSAs at more than one bank, credit union or other financial institution. Employees may suggest you open or add to your TFSA and if you have forgotten you already bought somewhere else, you may end up over your limit. The penalty is 1% for each month you are over your limit. So if your TFSA contribution limit is $5000 and you buy two $5000 TFSA in January, your penalty is $50 per month until you withdraw it or until you create more TFSA room the following January. A hefty price to pay! Also remember that if you withdraw from your TFSA, the amount of the withdrawal is added to your TFSA contribution room, but not until the following January. So unless you still have some contribution room, you cannot put it back in until January. Some people were operating their TFSA like a regular savings account: adding and withdrawing several times. That’s where you can get into trouble and end up overcontributing to your TFSA. Remember that you can transfer your TFSA to another Financial Institution, but make sure it’s done as a proper transfer, don’t just withdraw it and deposit it somewhere else. Otherwise you may face a penalty. If you want to avoid some potential transfer out fees, then you can make the withdrawal in December and make the deposit in January so you don’t get caught with an over-contribution to your TFSA. If you have received a notice of assessment from CRA about your TFSA and believe it’s an error, contact your financial institution(s) first and then contact CRA and explain. It’s possible one or more of your Financial Institutions have reported a deposit or withdrawal incorrectly. That happened to one of my clients. It took several weeks to get corrected, but CRA did receive the amendment from the bank and did cancel the request of penalty from my client. If you need help with a notice of assessment, give me a call and I can help you determine whether the penalty assessed is correct or not. Mistakes can happen, but if it’s correct, you will have to pay the penalty. Plus interest. Anni Markmann is a Certified Financial Planner, a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging and Tax Expert living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact her at 422-6631, annimarkmann@mymts.net or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne.


October 2012

More Than Just News!

Drive Away Hunger Hits Region in Support of Local Food Banks

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Enrolment Numbers Continue to Rise By Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis The South East Helping Hands Food Drive is well under way following the Palmlite Pie Eating Contest and the Farm Credit Canada BBQ recently. On September 14, the Farm Credit Corporation (FCC) in Steinbach hosted the Drive Away Hunger Kick off BBQ and Palmlite hosted a pieeating contest. According to, Pam Desrochers from Farm Credit Canada, Steinbach, the pie-eating contest raised $4,885 and the BBQ raised $1,667. For every $1 raised during the drive, 2 pounds of food can be purchased for the food bank. “We have raised tens of thousands of pounds of food for the area over the past few years and this year is shaping up to be another successful year with already over $6,500 raised,” stated Desrochers. Desrochers said that while the two events have been successful, the group is looking forward to two more events, which take place in October. On October 10 the Steinbach and area youth groups will be going door to door to ask for food donations. On October 11, the Farm Credit Corporation will be going to the schools that are participating in the Drive Away Hunger Campaign to pick up food and deliver it to the local food banks. “The success of the food drive is largely attributed to the youth group and schools which participate each year, so we would like to thank them in advance for all their assistance again this year,” added Desrochers.

Students returned to classes a few weeks ago and enrolment numbers are showing an increase in student population. In the Seine River School Division, Superintendent Mike Borgfjord said that even though the official numbers are not in, the schools are seeing an increase in enrolment. “We anticipate our growth to be about 50 to 100 students more than last year which is a good sign for us,” stated Borgfjord. “Fortunately, we are able to accommodate our growth without additional staffing pressures.” He noted that schools in St. Adolphe, Lorette and Richer have seen the most increase. Seine River School Division anticipated a final student population of about 3,900 students throughout the entire division. While the Seine River School Division has enough teachers, the Hanover School Division was forced to hire more teachers within the first two weeks of school. “There are more students than expected in several communities,” stated Superintendent Ken Klassen. Schools in Mitchell, Steinbach and Niverville showed strong growth and additional teachers are needed. At the beginning of the school year, Hanover anticipated about 7,500 students. On the first day of classes, well over 7,700 students showed up. Klassen anticipates the division will continue to grow as the school year started with almost 150 more students entering kindergarten than grade 12. “That’s guaranteed growth each year,” Klassen said. Dozens attended the South East Helping Hands Food Drive kickoff on September 14. Even local colleges are seeing an increase in student enrolment. Providence College Donations of cash or food can be North or Southeast Helping Hands dropped off at two main locations, food bank on Main Street in and Seminary recently announced that enrolment numbers are up 11 percent from last year. This includes a 25 percent increase in new enrolments. either the FCC Office at 330 Hwy 12 Steinbach.

Tache Looks for Infrastructure Funds The RM of Tache is looking for funding for three different projects under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund. In a recent resolution of council, the municipality agreed to put three projects forward under a recently announced 2-year program by the federal government. The RM of Tache is hoping to receive assistance in funding for a new air conditioning unit for the Tache Food Bank, repairs and upgrades required at the municipal office and roof repairs and compressor replacement in the Landmark Arena. The Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund is a 2-year program that will invest $150 million to rehabilitate and improve existing community infrastructure to assist communities at modernizing infrastructure and provide broad-based economic benefits to communities.

Guess Who’s Back? The leaves are changing colours and falling. The air is crisp and cool. The geese are flying overhead. Folks are sporting their warm fall clothes when they are out and about. And some of those folks are beginning with the cough, cold and flu that seems to be part of this change in season. A weakened immune system makes us susceptible to ailments and infectious diseases. All infections and allergies are diseases involving the immune system. At this time of year, as throughout the year, we need to recognize that the immune system always needs your support to maintain strength and vitality. If we do fall victim and become ill we must feed the immune system a lot of extras to boost its power. It is common knowledge that regular exercise and a very nutritious diet will help the body maintain general good health (this includes that mighty immune system). However, at this time of the year those extras are very important. Here are some tips to help: - WASH those hands as often as you can (pretend you are a surgeon). Wash above the wrist and between those fingers with hot water, lots of soap, and a good rinse. They say you should recite the alphabet to know how long to scrub. Any time you touch a public doorknob you have picked up some scary bugs!! - If you think you may be coming down with something, hit the Echinacea tea or tablets morning and night. This stimulates your immune system. - Vitamin A, C, E, and B6, plus selenium help to strengthen the immune system. For those of you who do not prefer to take oral vitamin pills, please learn about and shop for the foods very rich in these nutrients. - Siberian Ginseng enhances resistance to diseases. - Grated Ginger in any tea you drink is helpful, and if you are already “under the weather”, it will soothe the symptoms. I boil grated ginger, let it simmer, and then strain it. You can make extra and store it in the fridge. Add honey and drink it hot, or add it to your favorite tea. This tea is great for soothing a sore throat and will settle an upset tummy. - Get your juicer going! Or blend up some high nutrient food in your smoothie. - Drink plenty of fluids. Include ones with lots of vitamin C. - Get lots of rest. When you are tired and exhausted the immune system is too! Go to bed an hour earlier now that the days are shorter. - Some people take the flu shot, which can eliminate a few of (not all) the more severe viruses. There are people, who do not think the flu shot is for them, but if you are elderly, have an autoimmune disease or struggling with chronic illness, it is a good idea. - Up your probiotics. This helps keep the intestines very healthy. I drink the ancient drink of Mother Teresa this time of year, Kombucha. It is a very strong, organic probiotic. This can be made at home. You can either go online or shop your local health food store. Well, there you have it my friends. Since those “Unfriendly Bugs” are back, think about boosting your immune system. Help it repel nasty bacteria and viruses. Keep your body’s defenses strong and healthy. Stay well, be mindful. Raylene Snow owns and operates Raylene’s Wellness Spa located on Hwy 210 between Ste. Anne and Giroux.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

October 2012 Ste. Anne Racer Takes 2nd in Championship 13

Preschool Program Expands to Offer Drop-in Service Twenty-five year old Dylan Sabatini of Ste. Anne drove way with a second place (in points) win after an exciting season of Sprint car racing with the Northern Lightening Sprint Association.

By Marianne Curtis

The Steinbach Arts Council has expanded the Arts4Tots Preschool Program to include a new drop-in service.

By Marianne Curtis Parents of toddlers wishing to expose them to the arts on a part time basis are encouraged to take advantage of the newly expanded Arts4Tots Preschool Program. The Arts4Tots Preschool Program for ages 3 to 5 teaches early childhood development through Art forms. The program, which is offered by the Steinbach Arts Council, has been expanded to offer a drop-in service specifically geared to families requiring more flexibility and make it easier to fit their budget and time. Shannon Neufeld, with the Steinbach Arts Council, said the new program would benefit families. “Our unique drop in structure is a new concept that will allow parents more flexibility and options to attend this creative program, making it easier to fit into their budget and time,” explained Neufeld. “It’s a great opportunity for parents to watch their children as they socialize with other tots and to see which learning centres or arts disciplines their children are attracted to.” The Arts4Tots Preschool Program is a program that regularly

New Face in Piney Council

gets visits from professional dancers, actors, visual artists and music teachers. “Parents love our arts focus, indoor and outdoor learning environments and field trips,” Neufeld added. “Our preschool is very diverse and every year our tots love to share their culture with everyone.” Vicki Clayton has enrolled her daughter into the Arts4Tots Preschool Program two years in a row. “Some of my favorite memories are some of the field trips the Arts4Tots went on; they were really, really different,” Clayton said. She added that through the program she was able to see where her daughter’s interests lay so she could plan programming for her when she is older, “We are getting a feel for what she likes.” New this year, from October to December, the preschool term program will be available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 to 3:30 pm, parents can either drop off their child or stay and participate. It costs $75 for the term or a drop-in rate of $11 per day.

The RM of Piney has a new face at the table after a recent by-election took place in the municipality. On September 18, Ward 4 residents within the RM of Piney showed their confidence in Doug Laing. Laing, who is a well-known volunteer in the community, ran as Reeve in the last municipal election. He was elected to council after capturing 68 out of the 121 ballots cast. The remaining 52 ballots cast went to William Eckert who returned for a second try at the seat after he was defeated by Patrick in the previous election. The third candidate, John Starway, did not receive a single vote. Incidentally, there was one spoiled ballot at the end of the count. The by-election was called after former Councillor Mike Patrick stepped down from his position after serving two years of his term.

A twenty-five year Sprint car driver from Ste. Anne is on top of the world after taking second place in this year ’s Northern Lightening Sprint Association Championship. On September 27, Dylan Sabatini from Ste. Anne earned himself a solid second place finish in points after competing in fourteen races over the summer. This year the Northern Lightning Sprint Association had a field of 17 teams. Sabatini says this year was “by far the most intense year” of racing for the Sabatini Racing Team. He raced a total of fourteen times - 12 at Red River Co-op Speedway and 2 at ALH Speedway in Morden. “My crew did an amazing job all year taking care of the car and keeping me focused,” stated Sabatini. “I owe my success to them.” Sabatini’s success started on June 24 when he took on Morden’s ALH Motor Speedway where he competed for the first time for points. The next night, Sabatini secured a first place standing by winning the Lightening Sprint Feature at Red River Coop Speedway. “Each year the Sabatini Racing Team always improves so next year I’m aiming for the championship,” Sabatini predicts. Sabatini began his racing career in a go-kart at the age of seven. After eight years of racing he made the switch to stock cars. Six years ago, he drove away with the 2006 Enduro Challenge Series Championship. Before this big win he has managed to stay in the top 10 point standings for four consecutive years.

RCMP Investigate B&E in La Broquerie On September 28 the Steinbach RCMP received report that a residence on Horizon Place in La Broquerie had been broken into. The incident occurred around 7:45 am. Missing from the residence is electronic equipment/ accessories and Canadian and American Currency. RCMP are asking for the public assistance in identifying the suspect(s). If you have any information you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at (204) 326-4452. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can also call Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS) or SUBMIT a secure tip online at www.manitobacrimestoppers.com or TEXT: TIPMAN plus your message to CRIMES (274637).


October 2012

More Than Just News!

Steinbach Semi Driver Injured in Accident

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Anticipation Over October Book Sale By Marianne Curtis

A Steinbach truck driver was injured after he collided with a fire truck along the Trans-Canada Highway earlier this month.

On September 6 a livestock hauler from Steinbach was injured after the semi he was driving collided with a fire truck. The accident occurred along the Trans-Canada Highway west of Headingley. According to police, a semi was parked on the shoulder of the highway with a fuel leak. The driver pulled over and called the local fire department, fearing a fire. A fire truck from the RM of St. Francois Xavier arrived on scene, along with Headingley RCMP. Police and fire crews set up markers and closed one eastbound lane of traffic along the Trans-Canada to deal with the fuel spill, RCMP stated in their release. About 45 minutes later, an eastbound semi, hit the fire truck and the back of the first semi. RM of St. Francois Xavier Reeve Roger Poitras said he was surprised to hear about the accident. “It’s hard to understand how that accident could have happened with all of the lights and the cones and everything that were in place,” stated Poitras. “I mean, you could see those lights from a mile away.” The impact of the collision tossed two fire personnel and one RCMP officer onto the ground. They were slightly hurt. The driver of the first semi, a 65-year-old man from Ontario, was not injured. An off-duty paramedic stopped and gave care to the driver of the second semi. A 29-year-old Steinbach man was airlifted to hospital in critical but stable condition.

Book lovers and collectors alike mark your calendars for October 18 to 20 because the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary Book sale will be taking place at the Clearspring Centre in Steinbach. Verna Thiessen, with the Bethesda Auxiliary, said volunteers have already been hard at work for the past month sorting thousands of books, records, tapes, magazines, puzzles, and games priced to be sold. “We are grateful to have gotten use of a room in the back of Sobeys where we’ve been sorting Tuesdays,” explained Thiessen. “We are still collecting items until the week of the sale and looking for volunteers for sorting and during the sale.” Thiessen said the Auxiliary hopes the sale will fundraise a good portion of the $10,000 needed for their next project. “We have raised enough money to pay for the resuscitation unit for the recovery ward so we have a new smaller project,” Thiessen added. “We are buying suction units for each room in the rehabilitation unit; right now if someone is choking they have to get the portable suction unit which could be anywhere but where it is needed.” She noted that the Auxiliary chose a smaller project this time because the need was so great. “They need these machines as soon as possible,” Thiessen continued. “The quicker we raise the money for the suction machines the quicker we can move on to our next project.” Over the years, the Bethesda Hospital Auxiliary has hosted several successful sales, which have risen over $200,000. The money is used to purchase medical equipment for Bethesda Hospital deemed necessary for patient comfort or safety but not funded through Manitoba Health programs. Books can still be dropped off until the week of the sale at the drop-off bin in front of Sobeys at the Clearspring Centre. Volunteers are also needed and are asked to contact Tina Dyck at 204-326-9563.

Vet Warns to Look for Lyme Disease By Marianne Curtis Pet owners are advised to keep an eye on their pets for symptoms after a recent influx of lyme disease in household or family pets over the past few months.

According to Dr. Venessa Graydon, at the St. Pierre Veterinary Clinic, the clinic has seen at least 30 cases of exposure to Borrelia Bergdorferi, the agent that causes lyme disease. “Notice I said exposure to the agent and not 30 cases of actual Lyme Disease,” said Graydon. “The tests that are used in clinic can confirm exposure, and it is up to your veterinarian to decide if this exposure warrants treatment.” Pet owners who think their dog or cat may have been exposed should take their animal to the vet. “Vets will assess risk, clinical signs, and possibly further testing to determine whether treatment is necessary in your pet’s case,” Graydon noted. Lyme disease is spread through deer ticks. The bacteria live in the tick’s stomach and are transferred to a pet when the tick feeds. The bacteria enter the bloodstream where it has the potential to cause lyme disease. “Most pets can fight off this infection without us even noticing anything happened,” continued Graydon. “In some cases the pet gets sick.” Things to watch for include fever, general malaise, shifting leg lameness without apparent cause and frequent urination. These symptoms can appear long after the initial bite and the disease can remain dormant. “The most common symptom seen at our clinic is lameness,” she added. Lyme disease can be prevented by vaccinating against the disease and by preventing tick bites. There are also products available for the prevention of bites. However, the best defense is to keep your pet vaccinated, Graydon stressed.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

October 2012


Grace Given to us in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 ... 4) I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 5) For in him you have been enriched in every way–in all your speaking and in all your knowledge 6) because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. 7) Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8) He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9) God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful (NIV1984) Life has its ups and downs. Every person we know, or have ever known, and will ever know, has had to face tough issues. This is what the real world is like. For everyone, life is full of challenges. Positive ones and difficult ones; even so, we never seem to get used to it. Often we act surprised when those challenges come our way. Even Christians have struggles. Sometimes we are not victorious. So many times we dread problems just like people who do not have any faith in God. The temptation is to get lost in the problem, to focus on it. As Christians we need to focus on what makes us unique. What makes us unlike people who do not know God, is that Christ is masterfully reshaping the spiritual side of our lives. Jesus is living his life in us and through us. However, I understand we need to learn to look at a problem as those who have the Divine Son of God living within us. The Christian, after all, is called into a community whose boundaries include all earth and heaven. Can you imagine what this world would be like if all would lift their eyes beyond their own little circle and thought of themselves as a part of what God is doing throughout this wide world? No person, no Church has exclusive possession of Jesus Christ. True, He is our Lord but He is also the Lord of all humanity. It is remarkable that Christianity possesses all the love of Jesus Christ and that God loves each one of us as though there was only one of us to love. Paul says that God has been faithful to give us all that we need. We are told that we have been given grace, that we have been enriched in every way, that we do not lack any spiritual gift. The Bible teaches that every one of us here has been given a spiritual gift. Our task is to discover that gift and use it in serving others and in serving Christ. Our spiritual gift is a Divine empowerment to serve, and the only way we discover that gift is to begin to step out in faith in some area of service. God will use this process to lead you to that area of ministry in which you have been gifted. He has probably already placed a desire within your heart for some area of ministry. The Holy Spirit continues to invite you to act on that desire and see what God does with your calling. You and I have been given a divine partnership. We have been given the privilege to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. You and I, mere mortals, have been given the opportunity to come to Jesus Christ personally. We can actually interact with Him. We can communicate with Him through prayer; receive confirmation in our heart from Him that we truly belong to Him. Remember: Our God is faithful! He has given us a divine calling. We are called to be holy. We are set apart for His service, dedicated to God. Through His grace we have been enriched. We have been given gifts whereby we encourage and teach one another. All we need we already have. He has given us divine security. We are safe in his hands. Christ has promised to be with us to the end. You can share Him with others through your everyday activities and lives will be transformed. God is at work in all of this. God is the provider and the strength because He is faithful. All the best as you enjoy yourself this Thanksgiving Season. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that will fulfill my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honor Your Name. Amen”

More Than Just News!

October 2012


Local Store Shelves to See Marchand’s Crystal Clear Water

After being closed for over six months, the Canadian Gold Beverages company in Marchand has reopened under new ownership. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis After closing its doors six months ago, the bottled water plant west of Marchand has reopened for business under new ownership. The new owner of Canadian Gold Beverages is Pieter de Jong, a farmer from the La Broquerie area. He said that he took on the business venture because he was looking for a new challenge. “My children are getting bigger and there is certainly a business opportunity there,” stated de Jong. Now that he has reopened the plant he plans on refocusing the company and bringing it back to local shelves. “We want to focus on local supplies again and go back to the small communities and small store owners to see if they want to put our water on the shelves again like 20 years ago,” de Jong continued. “I

Indecent Act Under Investigation On August 31, Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of a male committing an indecent act in Steinbach. Investigation indicates that a woman was seated at an outdoor bench on Main Street at about 2 pm when an unknown male exposed himself to her before fleeing the area. The woman was not injured.

Suspect sketch.

The male is described as about 6 feet tall with a medium build and dark brown shaggy hair that was down to his jaw line. He was wearing a navy blue shirt with white stripes, blue jeans, white shoes and sunglasses. Anyone with information as to the identity of the man is asked to call the Steinbach RCMP at 204326-4452 or if you wish to remain anonymous, you can also call Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477 (TIPS) or SUBMIT a secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com or TEXT: TIPMAN plus your message to CRIMES (274637).

think the previous owners forgot the best support you can have for your plant and product is the local market.” Despite new company ownership, the product provided by Canadian Gold Beverages will remain similar to what was offered before the company closed its doors. The company offers a number of water products including sparkling water and organically flavoured water. The company also does private labeling. De Jong notes that he is already pounding the pavement, looking to bring his products back to local shelves. He will be going door to door to businesses across southern Manitoba and in the Kenora area to bring the product back to the consumer. Canadian Gold Beverages already has a credible track record. Drawn from wells located on the property, the water was marketed as “crystal clear artesian” water. As a result it was named the world’s best tasting water at the annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition two years in a row. In 2009 it took a gold medal and in 2012 it won a silver medal. The reopening of Canadian Gold Beverages will provide employment for up to five people.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Firefighters Respond in Force to New Bothwell Barn Blaze

By Marianne Curtis A former dairy barn turned into machine storage and repair building was destroyed by fire at an estimated loss of $1 million. On September 20 around 4:15 pm, New Bothwell fire crews responded to the million-dollar blaze at Staib Farms in the RM of Hanover. New Bothwell Fire Chief Ken Hiebert said this fire was a big one. “It was the largest fire I’ve seen in my 20 years with the department,” stated Hiebert. “Thankfully the wind was on our side or a new barn and houses on the property could have also been lost.” When fire crews arrived on scene, a nearly empty barn was fully engulfed in flames. Flames moved quickly to a bale shed and destroyed equipment inside. “The fire leapt more than halfway up nearby silos which created a lot of heat,” Hiebert added. The largest silo ended up warping in the blaze. “The silo actually twisted.” Hiebert said he was grateful for the arrival of crews from the Kleefeld and Grunthal Fire Departments along with crews from Niverville and Steinbach who arrived to help contain the blaze. At one point, there were almost 40 firefighters on scene. “If we had waited longer I have a feeling that silo would have buckled and toppled over,” Hiebert continued. Subscribers to a local high-speed internet provider were also affected by the fire as the company’s antenna, located on the top of a silo on the farm, was scorched by the fire. The fire was ruled as accidental. There is nothing left but twisted metal after a fire destroyed a nearly empty dairy barn and bale shed near New Bothwell.

Population Expected to Double Steinbach RCMP Seek Vehicle Thieves September 4, Steinbach RCMP received two reports of stolen vehicles. The in Marchand firstOnincident occurred on September 4, between the hours of 12:30 am and 7:45 The RM of La Broquerie is relying on a major population boom in Marchand over the next few years after recently approving two major subdivision projects. The municipality has given approval to an 89-lot subdivision in Marchand West and is entertaining a second 40-lot subdivision that has yet to be approved. RM of La Broquerie Reeve Claude Lussier says the community has already seen significant growth over the years. “About 20 years ago there was about 75 to 100 people living in Marchand. Now there are about 300,” Lussier says. “That number could double again in the next five to ten years.” Lussier anticipates the population of Marchand to grow up to 700 people in the next few years. While other small communities seem to be floundering, Lussier credits the large, treed lots and the proximity to snowmobile and quad trails along with fishing and hunting to be the draw.

am and a 2001 Blue Dodge Caravan bearing Manitoba licence plate GAD220 was stolen from Birch Street in Steinbach. The second incident occurred between August 31 and September 4. Also a 2001 Green Chevrolet Cavalier was stolen from Wolves Auto Sales in Steinbach. The vehicle did not have any licence plate. Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating the stolen vehicles. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at (604) 326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or at manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

October 2012


Diamond Jubilee Award Presented to Jorie Sawatzky Recently Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen presented a Diamond Jubilee Medal to Steinbach resident Jorie Sawatzky (with husband Ben) at a ceremony in Steinbach last week. Sawatzky is currently President of the Steinbach Mabuhay Wagon, which is a welcome wagon for new families arriving to the region from the Philippines. She was also a key member in starting the Southeast Manitoba Filipino Association that represents FilipinoCanadian families in the area. Goertzen noted at the ceremony that the growing Filipino community has been a welcome addition to Steinbach and the region and noted that Jorie was a key person in ensuring these new residents are quickly able to contribute and adapt to their new home. A limited number of Diamond Jubilee medals are being awarded this year to Canadians who have bettered their Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen (second from left) and wife Kim (far left) were pleased to present a Diamond Jubilee Medal to Steinbach resident Jorie Sawatzky (with husband Ben) communities, province and country in at a recent ceremony in Steinbach. celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year as Queen of Canada.

Students Remember Favourite Teacher In Niverville, the school year began on a sombre note as students and staff remembered one of their own. On September 6 students at the Niverville Collegiate officially said goodbye to their teacher Dana Dueck with a very special tribute. The special event included the release of 30 memorial balloons, one for each year she was alive. Dueck, who spent the 2011-2012 school year teaching physical education at the school, died tragically on July 8 in a traffic accident near Kenora. Hanover school superintendent

Ken Klassen said Dueck was a grade 6-8 teacher in Niverville and was a big part of the school. “It’s a huge loss for all of us and our hearts go out to the family and to the staff and students,” stated Klassen. During the memorial students, teachers and friends shared their memories with family members and the student body. Thirty blue balloons took to the sky over Niverville on September 6 when staff, students and family celebrated the life of teacher Dana Dueck.

Ile des Chênes Hosts Taekwondo Championships By Marianne Curtis For the first time in 12 years, the Ile des Chênes Taekwondo Association is hosting an inter-academy championship event. The one-day competition is taking place October 20 starting 10 am at the Trans Canada Centre in Ile des Chênes. According to Brenda Dufault, with the Ile des Chênes Taekwondo Association, Kangs has been operating a branch in Ile des Chênes since 1990, providing the community with “excellent programs enjoyed by all ages”. “This is the first time we are hosting the Inter-Academy Championships so we are looking forward to welcoming competitors and spectators from all over Manitoba to our community,” stated Dufault. “We are really excited about this.” Taekwondo helps to increase selfdiscipline, develop self-defence, build a positive attitude and is an excellent way to good physical condition and weight control, she added. “Ultimately, training in this sport improves ones overall condition and prolongs good health,” explained Dufault. “We are hoping to make this year’s event a huge success and to achieve that we need everyone’s support.”

The Ile des Chênes Taekwondo Association meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Ecole Ile des Chênes School gym. The group trains members ranging from the age of five to 55. The group is taught by six different instructors including Master Bill Tam. He is assisted by Master Kristy Tam, Master Sean Tam, Master Philip Jackson, Cathy Jackson, Jason Barnabe and Eric Cuillerier. Classes take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Ecole Ile des Chênes School gym.

Clarification Last month in the article titled “Coop Expands Further in St. Malo” we made a mistake. The Dawson Trail Dispatch mistakenly identified the Ste. Anne Co-op as the recent purchaser of the Coulombe Grocery Store and the Maison-Chappel in St. Malo. The purchase was done solely by the St. Malo Co-op; Ste. Anne Co-op was not involved. We apologise for any confusion this may have caused.

Generator Stolen from Falcon Lake Camp Falcon Beach RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance in the investigation of a theft that occurred at a remote camp on Falcon Lake. Sometime between the last week of July and August 23 of this year a Honda generator valued at about $5,000 was stolen from a remote camp on Falcon Lake. The camp has no road access and is only accessible by boat. The generator was reported to weigh about 250 to 300 pounds and would likely require more than one person to move it. Anyone with information regarding this theft is asked to call the Falcon Beach RCMP at 204-349-8035 or your local police agency. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can also call Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or Submit a secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com or TEXT: TIPMAN plus your message to CRIMES (274637).

Get Creative this Fall … it’s not too late to sign up for our wide range of classes! Try something new with Visual Arts like Mix n’ Match Acrylics & Watercolor, or become part of the Southeast Artists Group who paints together every Tuesday morning. Add some flavour to your life with Creative Cooking or Kids in the Kitchen. French and Spanish language classes will get you talking All NEW! The Dance Floor is a dance community and cultural experience offering dance classes for all levels, and FREE two hours practice times three nights a week. Bring another couple and receive 10 percent off. Experience the physical benefits of Belly Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Triple Benefit 30-20-10 or Sculpt & Tone. Try Dance & Martial Arts FREE with XCOMPANY Physical Arts Training School and the Southeast School of Dance! Until October 4th, try Ballet, Hip Hop, Broadway Stars, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Breakdance, Kung Fu, Filipino Martial Arts or Hawaiian Hula at no cost. Please call ahead 471-9266 or email info@xcomapny.net. Receive a $100 discount off any Ballet or Jazz/Tap class when you register for multiple classes. Bring a friend and receive a referral discount of 10 percent off our theatre, wellness, language or cooking classes, or $20 off XCOMPANY classes. For families with financial challenges, the Creative Arts Bursary Fund can help. Download request forms online or call for info. Here at Steinbach Arts Council, we believe that the Arts should be accessible to all. Enhance your Music skills with the Manitoba Conservatory of Music (voice, piano, theory and violin) or the Southeastern Manitoba Music Teachers, Southeastern Manitoba Festival and Eastman Choral Association. Kindermusik with Miss Rose offers creative music and movement classes for families with children age 0-7. For info call 370-8901 or email rfkindermusik@gmail.com. NEW ‘Drop In’ Arts4Tots Preschool Program for ages 3-5. Experience early childhood development through Art forms. Parents love our Arts focus, our indoor and outdoor lesson environments and our community field trips, can come regularly or casually, and choose to stay at the Centre or leave their child with us on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please give at least 24-hour advance notice, if possible. Concerts: Season tickets entitle you to the best seats for all our great shows, as well as benefits including 10 percent off all our added attractions, 10 percent off at Village Green and other membership benefits. Call now to reserve your seats as a season subscriber! Great seats left for the season ticket package! Makes great gifts for loved ones. Five concerts: Mike Janzen Trio, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Destino and Sound of Music. Coming up - Mike Janzen Trio (known for their jazzy grooves and funky, gospel undercurrents) on Friday, October 26 at SRSS Theatre. A Masters Class in Songwriting and Jazz Styling with Mike Janzen will be held at the Cultural Arts Centre on Monday, October 29. Register by October 24th.The public is welcome to audit the class. Learn how to build a frame and stretch a canvas at The Human Artist Workshop with celebrated local artist Daylon Brown. You can view Daylon’s work under the Buy or Lease tab on Steinbach Arts Council’s website. For more info, please email visualarts@steinbachartscouncil.ca. On now in our Hall Gallery Expressions: Exploring Recovery through Art. This exhibit highlights and celebrates the outstanding ability of people who use art in the journey of recover from mental health issues. Exhibit runs until November. NEW! Loewen Green Art Scene, 306 Reimer Avenue. Network with other Artists, enjoy local artworks on display. View hours online – and keep posted for monthly Open Houses with local art, live music and good coffee. Looking for five distinctive Homes of all shapes and sizes! Christmas Home Tour & Tea on November 25. Call our office if you would like to display your home or join the committee that makes this classic event come to life. Job Opportunities We are currently looking for substitute teacher and a casual dance instructor for the Arts4Tots Preschool Program. Please send resume, references and wage expectation to programs@steinbachartscouncil.ca.


October 2012

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

How to Close Your Pool for the Season After a summer ’s worth of memories and fun in the sun, pool owners know it’s time to close their pool for the coming fall and winter seasons. As the leaves begin to change color and the air starts to grow a little more crisp, homeowners turn their attention to winterizing their pools. The goal is to begin the work early on so that you’re not facing the hassle of leaves all over the ground or in the pool. Many times, closing the pool requires a team effort, so enlist the help of a spouse, friend or family member before beginning the process. The first thing that is essential to winterizing the pool is having all of your equipment ready. Depending on the type of pool you have, this equipment can vary. But have all tools, winterizing chemicals and water plugs at the ready. Although inground pools and above-ground ones have similar winterizing steps, there are a few differences between the two and it is important to be aware of the differences. Thoroughly vacuum the bottom of the pool and clean the walls. You want to remove as much organic material, such as algae and dead insects, as possible prior to covering the pool so that there is a higher propensity the water will be crystal clear next spring or summer when you reopen the pool. Once the pool has been vacuumed and cleaned, backwash the filter to remove any excess residue. Remove plugs or open drain ports on the filter and let all of the water flow out of the filter. Give the filter components, including skimmer baskets, a good rinse with water and allow them to dry. Next, disconnect the pool’s pump and filter. Everything should be totally drained of any water. With an above-ground pool, remove intake and output hoses and drain. For inground pools, use an air compressor or a shop vacuum to blow out any residual water from the return pipes, and then promptly plug up the ports. Some people prefer to plug-up the skimmer return as well and leave the water level of the pool as is. However, it is also possible to drain the pool water level below the skimmer level. Put duct tape or use some other blockage method on all exposed pipes or openings to the pools to prevent anything from getting inside — this includes any insects and rodents looking for places to set up winter camp. While some people keep their filters disconnected and outdoors for

the winter, the pump should be moved into a garage or shed. Do so with the filter if you have room in order to better safeguard the equipment. Homeowners should also test the pool water chemistry and adjust the pH, calcium hardness and total alkalinity according to recommended levels. Then prepare to add the desired mix of chemicals to the pool to sanitize it for the season. Most people use a combination of algaecide and chlorine as their winterizing chemicals. However, if the chlorine level is high enough, algaecide may not be necessary. Raise the chlorine to shock level — much higher than the recommended level for when the pool is running. Thoroughly mix granulated chemicals to prevent them from settling on the liner and

causing stains. The cover should be placed on the pool and properly secured. This is where an extra body comes in handy so that the cover can be maneuvered easily. In above ground pools, an inflated pillow is often used to alleviate ice expansion and prevent the walls of the pool from splitting. It is not to keep rainwater from accumulating on the top of the cover. Store all of the pool equipment for the winter season, and during the cold weather, periodically check the cover, air pillow and water tubes for any damage. Although closing a pool is not terribly difficult, it can be for those who have never owned a pool in the past. When in doubt, it is best to consult with a pool service.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

October 2012

Make the Most of Small Bathrooms claustrophobic. Instead, think light and bright and the room will instantly feel more airy. * Minimize wall hangings and keep fixtures smaller. Filling the walls with knickknacks may contribute to clutter and make the space appear closed in. Use decorative items sparingly. * If possible, store towels in a closet outside of the bathroom. This way you won't have to devote space inside the bathroom to a closet, leaving more room for other things. * While some people like the * When space is at a premium, it's * Use optical illusions to make the thought of a separate bath and best to look for fixtures and items bathroom appear more roomy. shower, in smaller bathrooms this that fit with the scale of the For example, lay tile diagonally to may not be possible. Instead, look bathroom. Although you may create the impression of space. A for a combined shower and bath, want a large vanity and cabinet in large mirror will reflect the room or select a walk-in shower with a which to hide all of your toiletries, back and make it appear much much smaller profile. this simply may not be practical -- larger than it really is. * Windows are often welcome in taking up most of the bathroom * Select lighter hues in paint colors bathrooms because of the real estate. Instead, look for and accessories. Dark paints and ventilation they provide, but they elegant pedestal sinks that have a fixtures could make the room feel could be a hindrance in smaller much smaller profile. They'll also cramped. Dark colors are bathrooms because they take up help you control the clutter in the generally used to make spaces feel prime wall space. Cover a window bathroom because there won't be more cozy. In a small bathroom, it in a shower stall to free up space. anywhere to hide it. may make the space feel Just be sure to install a venting fan to reduce moisture in the A frameless shower can take up less space in a small bathroom. bathroom. * Maximize wall space if you need storage. Find cabinets that will fit beneath windows or be able to fit in thin areas between sinks and toilets. Over the toilet is prime area for cabinetry. * Consider a frameless shower. This is a partitioned area of the bathroom that's set aside for the shower and is typically only cordoned off by a thin wall or piece of glass. Or a shower with no walls at all is the ultimate in space-saving. The entire bathroom floor is decked out in tile, and a portion is sloped toward a shower drain. * Think about installing a skylight if you prefer natural light, but there is no room for a traditional window. Thinking creatively can help turn a cramped bathroom into a space-saving and well-designed room homeowners desire. Renovating bathrooms is commonly at the top of home improvement to-do lists. Though some rooms around the house may remain timeless, bathrooms, like kitchens, show their age (and era) much more easily, which could be why homeowners are always on the lookout for new ideas. Although many people may dream about creating a spa-type oasis in their homes, not everyone is lucky enough to have a large bathroom, much less a large budget for a full-scale renovation. Small bathrooms are common, particularly in older homes, but they needn't force homeowners to compromise on style when renovating. Small bathrooms may be a half-bath on a main home level or even a full bath, depending on the home. By thinking creatively, homeowners can maximize their spaces and redo bathrooms in ways that bring out their best assets.



More Than Just News!

October 2012

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Seven Inexpensive Ways to Update a Home Now Oftentimes, buying a home opens up a bottomless pit of opportunities for projects and improvements. While some homeowners engage in different repairs and fix-ups out of necessity, many others like to freshen-up their spaces out of personal preference instead of need. But even the most well-intentioned projects can be waylaid if budgets are tight. What many homeowners may not realize is that there are many ways to make updates and changes to a home that do not require a major overhaul or a large price tag. The following are seven projects that won't break the bank. 1. Move around furniture. You may be able to change the look of a room without spending any money. Interior designers know how to arrange furniture for maximum appeal, but the average homeowner can do it, too. Find a focal point in the room and angle the furniture toward it. Don't make the focal point the television, however. Try changing the placement of chairs and sofas. Simply moving a curio cabinet from one corner to another may also make a difference. 2. Add lighting. Lighting at different levels in the room can create a vibrant impact. Many homeowners mistakenly put in a couple of table lamps and think that will be adequate. However, properly illuminating a room means varying the lighting to create different moods at different times. Plus, more light can make a room feel more welcoming. 3. Add new pillows or drapes. Changing a few aspects of a room can give it an entirely new look. If you want to add a splash of color but don't know what to do, think about incorporating some new throw pillows or change the curtains. An accessory here and there in a bright color also can incorporate a new hue without it being overwhelming. 4. Change knobs or small accents. Give a room a new look by focusing on the small details. Switch out cabinet knobs for something updated and modern. Take inventory of wall outlets and light switches and think about selecting new ones that coordinate with your home decor. 5. Use plants. Empty corners or spots you're not certain how to fill may benefit from a plant. Plants are inexpensive ways to add instant color and visual appeal to a room. Plus, having live plants can help improve indoor air by filtering out contaminants. A home with plants also feels more cozy. 6. Hang new wall art. It may be time to look at your photos and artwork and make a few adjustments. Finding new prints to hang could instantly change a room's ambience. And you needn't spend a lot of

How to Identify Septic Tank Problems When septic systems are working properly, homeowners seldom give them any thought. However, if there is a problem with a septic system, things can get messy and expensive very quickly. The key to keeping septic systems running smoothly is prevention. Ignoring your septic system can cause problems in the future.

How does a septic system work?

Most septic systems have two main components: where the waste enters from the house and breaks down and a filtering system where the waste water exits into the ground. Waste travels from toilets and sinks to the septic tank, where natural bacteria help break down the waste. Then the remaining water flows out through a filter into the surrounding ground.

Identifying problems

Septic system problems occur when waste doesn’t properly break down, leading to system backups. At the least, you may notice odors coming from the drains or toilets in your home. Or you may realize that sinks aren’t draining properly or toilets are not flushing with the right amount of power. At the worst, toilets and the septic tank itself may overflow. Outdoors you may notice soggy grass around the septic drain. Grass in one part of the leach field area may even be greener than in other areas. Each of these signs could indicate a septic system problem.

What causes problems?

The main culprits in septic system problems are blockages that cause the system to overflow or back-up into the home. Septic tanks need to be pumped out at regular intervals. A professional inspection is also necessary. Flushing or putting difficult-to-degrade items into the system also can cause problems. Be sure to heed the following: * Do not flush non-biodegradable items down the toilet or sink drains. Cotton balls or plastic can clog the system. * Do not pour cooking oil or grease down the sink drain. * Limit the amount of food particles that enter the system. * Set up a regular maintenance schedule to keep the system working. * Advise guests as to what is and is not allowed to go down the drain. Those without septic systems may be unaware.

Throw pillows are accessories that can easily and inexpensively change the look of a space.

money on professional photography, either. Grab your camera and take a few close-up shots of flowers or take in a landscape scenery. Many of today's home printers can produce professional-quality prints in minutes. 7. Try a new coat of paint. After you've exhausted other avenues, choosing a new paint color may be the new look you desire. Painting is one of the least expensive yet most dramatic methods of changing a home's interior. With dozens of hues to choose from, and new apps that enable you to take snapshots of things in nature or in your life and match them up to a paint color, you will have scores of opportunities to explore fresh new colors for your home. When you get inspired to make improvements to the home but fear how much it may take out of your wallet, consider inexpensive tricks that can induce a big "wow" factor.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Karate Comes to Ste. Genevieve

Shona McCormick is looking forward to offering an alternative activity for people of all ages after opening a karate school in the Ste. Genevieve Community Centre.

By Marianne Curtis Children and adults alike from Ste. Genevieve and area have a new recreational activity now that a karate club has set up shop in the local community centre. On October 1, the first International Meibukan Gojyu Karate class took place at the Ste. Genevieve Community Centre. Organized by Shona McCormick, the classes are aimed at students five years of age and up, including adults. The mother of five, who also teaches a similar class in Teulon, said she started the club for several reasons. “We have lived in the community for several years and I thought that giving rural children an opportunity

to learn something that will not only benefit their physical health but also their mental health and well being and help parents with enhancement of self discipline and self confidence,” McCormick explained. “I also thought this is something that a lot of rural children miss out on [and don’t have] the opportunity to do.” She added that she has seen hundreds of children over the past 15 years receive benefits from having been trained in karate, including her own son. “I have been training in Gojyu karate for almost 15 years and for most of those years, even before I was a black belt, I have taught children and in the later years have assisted in the teaching and coaching of adults,” explained McCormick. “I find that as adults training in a sport, is one way to enhance your training to teach children. Children ask many questions and this ensures that you are taking time to think on what you are asking them to do, to ensure that you are teaching them correctly. This also enhances your own training as now you start to think about how you are doing things.” Meibukan Gojyu Ryu Karate is an art and a way of life, she added. “It is for everyone, not just children, even adults and seniors can participate.” Registration is ongoing for children and youth ages 5 to 12 and adults ages 13 and up. Classes take place Monday and Thursday nights starting at 6 pm for ages 5 to 8, 7 pm for 9 to 12 year olds and 8 pm for 13 years of age and up. For more information contact (204) 422-9666 or (204) 451-0824.

Grand Pointe Man Charged in Fatality A 49-year-old man from Grande Pointe has been charged with numerous charges after a head on collision that killed a young Morden mother. Around 4 am on September 9, RCMP responded to a collision along the south Perimeter near St. Anne Road. According to police, a Chevy pickup traveling the wrong way along the Perimeter Highway collided with a Buick driven by 21-year-old Samantha Schlicting. The young mother of two and her 23-year-old passenger were taken to hospital in critical condition but she died. David Delisle has been charged with drunk driving causing death, drunk driving causing bodily harm, refusing to provide a breath sample and possession of a controlled substance. He was not injured in the accident. The next morning Delisle was released on a $35,000 bond pending trial. He has been barred from driving, consuming alcohol and drugs and must obey a 10 pm to 6 am daily curfew in his Grande Point home.

Fire Damages Restaurant On September 16 at approximately 3:14 am, Steinbach RCMP were informed of a fire at Joey’s Only Seafood restaurant on Hwy 12 in Steinbach. Police responded along with the Steinbach Fire Department and crews were able to extinguish the blaze. A significant amount of damage has been estimated and the site was secured as investigators looked through the scene. No injuries were sustained in the blaze nor were other nearby residences or businesses affected. The Steinbach RCMP, in consultation with the Manitoba Office of the Fire Commissioner, continue to investigate. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, however, arson has not been ruled out. The exact estimate of damage is not available at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at 326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or at manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

October 2012


Crackdown on Floodway Traffic The Manitoba Floodway Authority is cracking down on the use of unauthorized vehicles along the Red River Floodway including within the RM of Ritchot. According to the RM of Ritchot, the Red River Floodway Expansion Project is almost complete. In a notice sent to residents, council says they expect an increase in the number of Manitobans who will be using the newly constructed trail network for walking, jogging and biking. To prevent injuries and damage to the trail, signs have been posted reminding other users that the trail is not to be used by off road-vehicles. For public safety reasons, off-road vehicles users are reminded that motorized vehicles such as 4X4s, ATVs and dirt bikes are not permitted on the floodway. Violators may be fined up to $2,000 and/or prosecuted.

Top photo: The use of motorized vehicles along the Red River Floodway including through the RM of Ritchot has been banned. Bottom photo: Not even 100 feet from signs banning travel along the Floodway, dirt bike enthusiasts play on the cloverleaf into Grand Pointe. Photos by Marianne Curtis


October 2012


Niverville Elma Halloween Social - On October 27 at 8 pm at the Elma Emotional Health in a Stressful World - Niverville Community Recreation Centre. Costumes & Prizes, Advance Tickets $10. Fellowship Seminar with professionals in the fields of depression, grief, addictions and adolescent anxiety. All Ladies Night - On Saturday, December 1 starts 7 pm, shopping welcome. On Saturday, October 20 from 9 am - 12:30 pm, Cost at the Elma Community Centre located on Hwy 406. Shop with $25. Contact NCF at 204-388-4347. the girls and enjoy bubbly and hors d’oeuvres. Retailers include KMG Gold, Partylite, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Lia Sophia Jewelry, Moms N’ Tots Playgroup - Moms with children up to age six. Beauticontrol, clothing, crafts and many more. Tables are free Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am located in the lower and donations accepted for the silent auction. Cost advance level of Fourth Avenue Bible Church (62 4th Avenue S.). Free tickets only $10. Contact Karen Antle 204-771-4028 or e-mail drop-in program with coffee and snacks provided, along with a large open space for the kids to play while the moms visit. elmaccrental@gmail.com. Contact Karen at klenzrpeters@hotmail.com. Friedensfeld Oktoberfest – On Saturday, October 6 at Friedensfeld Otterburne Community Centre Inc. Happy hour 6:30 pm, supper 7 - 8:30 Pancake Breakfast and Family Fall Extravaganza - On Saturday, October 20 Pancake breakfast from 9 am – 10:30 am. Cost $5, pm, dance to follow. Advance tickets only $17/person. Children 5 and under $3. Extravaganza 9 am – 4 pm. Cost $2 Footloose 80’s Theme Teen Dance - For grades 6-12 on Friday, Children under 12 free. Car Show, Horse and Pony Rides, Train November 2 from 7 - 11 pm at the Friedensfeld Community Ride with HOBO the clown, Triple Slide and Bouncer Combo, Centre. Parents can drop off their kids to a safe environment. Bake Sale, Book Sale, Food Kiosk and a large Craft sale. No alcohol or smoking permitted. Adult supervision. Dress in Contact Margaret Schonewille at 204-433.7488 ext 236. 80’s wear, for $9, not dressed up $10. There will be coat/ jacket/bag check and a security checked before entering. One Pansy Annual Fall Supper- Doors open from 3 - 6. Adults $13, Children free drink provided and snacks. Extra drinks $1 each. 7-12 $8 and 6 and under free. Groups of 10 or more call Leanne 204-427-2996 and can come between 1 -3 pm with Hadashville Fall Supper – On Saturday October 20 at the Community Centre. bus tours. Ukrainian Buffet at the Pansy Hall. Contact Olga 204-434-6660. Contact 204-426-5448, 204-426-5422 or 204-426-5297. Tae Kwon Do - Every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Hadashville Community Club (Reynolds Recreational Centre) from 6 years old to adults. Cost after registration fee is $40/month per person. Ask about 2 week free trial. Contact Shelly at 204-426-5266 or e-mail KSTA.academy@gmail.com.

Paradise Village Old Time Dance - Saturday, October 13, 7:30 – 11:30 pm at the Rec. Hall. Buckskin & Satin Band. Advance Tickets $12. Lunch. Contact Larry & Carole 204-422-5424 or Bob & Martha 204-422-5008.

More Than Just News! Bob Barrow 204-392-3596, bob.r.barrow@gmail.com; or Ste. Agathe Darrell De Long204-371-0229, djdelong@mymts.net. Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 7, from 4 – 7 pm at the Ste. Agathe Cultural & Community Centre. Cost: Adults $13; Children Healthy Soil, Healthy Garden - Steinbach & Area Garden Club (5 – 12 years) $6; Children (4 years & under) Free. Contact meeting on Monday, October 15, at 7 pm at Mennonite Heritage Guy Gagnon 204-882-2493 sugagnon@mymts.net. Village. Gord Bone of Green Space Management will speak on Mulches and Fertilizers. Refreshments/door prizes/everyone 24th Tourond Creek Banquet - Sunday, October 14 at the Ste. welcome. Info at sagardenclub.com. Agathe Community Hall from 4 pm cocktails, 5:30 dinner. Tickets: $35 per person. A Ducks Unlimited Canada charity Weather Awareness - Canadian Way of Living.- Eastman fundraising event supporting wetland conservation. Contact Immigrant Services invites women to various workshops. Gary or Claire at (204) 388-6134. Refreshments, door prizes.—Protecting yourself from wind chill. At the EIS office, D4-284 Reimer Ave., Thursday, October Sainte Agathe Dinner Theatre - Play On, Play On, Play On. 18 at 7 pm. Contact Lois 204-346-6609, email Slapstick musical with Commedia Dell’ Arte cast and hilarious lois@eastmanimmigrantservices.com. characters. Written and directed by Charlotte Chateau. Performed by the Ste. Agathe Musical Dinner Theatre Troupe Fall Turkey Dinner - On Sunday, October 21 from 11:30 am – on Friday, November 9 and Saturday November 10. Friday, 1:30 pm for the Mennonite Heritage Village Auxiliary November 16 and Saturday, November 17. Discount Tickets Fundraising. Dinner with all the trimmings. Cost $15. Contact $30 ea on October 13 from10 am – 5 pm at the Sainte Agathe 204-326-9661 or Linda 204-326-2558. Cultural and Community Centre,183 Pembina Trail. Regular Tickets $35. Local non-profit groups cater the 3-course dinner Flea Market, Craft and Bake Sale - On Saturday, October 27 as a fundraiser. Contact cchateau@mymts.net or Charlotte at from 9 am – 5 pm at the Steinbach Legion Community Hall, (204) 882-2401. 294 Lumber Avenue. Homemade and handcrafted products; all day canteen featuring hot meals. Table rentals available, Ste. Anne $25 each. Contact Shirley 204-326-3220 or Jean 204-326Ste. Anne Parish Supper – On Sunday, October 28 at the Ste. 2751. Organized by the Steinbach Legion Ladies Auxiliary Anne Immersion School gymnasium from 4 – 7 pm. Spaghetti #190. and meat balls, homemade breads, Caesar salad and a large variety of desserts. Cost: $10, $5 from 6 to 11 years, free under Fundraiser for the Grunthal Youth Dropzone - Phillips Craig 5 years. and Dean performance at the Evangelical Free Church on Thursday, November 8 at 7:30 pm. Tickets available at Dropzone Bibliothèque Ste Anne Library Used Book Fundraiser – Sale in Grunthal, Hull’s, Providence University or online at of huge selection of used book proceeds will be used towards TicketScene.ca. Cost $45.00 or $100.00 for VIP tickets(includes new library books. For further information call Mona at 422Meet and Greet reception with the group, latest CD, Food and 9958 or drop in at the library at 16 Rue de l’Église. Cost of VIP seats for the concert.) Proceeds go towards the Dropzone. books $1-$5. Contact 204 355 7240 or e-mail ewdropzone@gmail.com.

Ile-des-Chênes Annual Fall Supper on Sunday, October 14 from 3 - 7:30 pm at the IDC Recreation Centre. Raffle and collection for local Food Bank and support for Seine River Minor Baseball. Tickets for adults $12, seniors and students $10, children 4-10 $5 and 3 & under free. Contact Yvette Bernat at 204-878-2661, Jennifer St. Laurent at 204-388-6332 or e-mail idcfallsupper@hotmail.ca.

The Ste. Anne Wellness and Leisure Centre invites you to attend a free card symposium and open house on Friday, October 12 from 1 pm to 3 pm at the Young at Heart Community Centre, 22 Dawson Road in Richer, and again on Friday October 19 from 1 pm to 3 pm at Place Ste. Anne, 25 Demers Street in Ste. Piney Anne. You choose the date that suits you best. Come and enjoy Fall Supper Roast Beef – On Saturday, October 20 at the an afternoon of unique activities and displays dealing with the Community Hall. Contact 204-423-2089 topic of playing cards. Anyone interested in having fun and learning about the Centre’s program is welcome to attend. A Prawda light lunch will be provided and prizes will be available to be Percy Keillor Memorial Fund Annual Pancake Breakfast - won. For more information, contact Rita Lambert or Carmelle Tentatively on Saturday, October 27 from 9 – 11 am at the Bernard from Wednesday to Friday at 204-422-5624 ext. 234. Reynolds Community Club. Contact Trudy 204-426-2180. We look forward to seeing you.

Kleefeld Community Playgroup - for parents, caregivers and children ages 0-5. Activities include time for playing, stories, songs and snacks. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Kleefeld Rec Centre. Contact Irene Ascough 377-5013.

Circuit 30 - Alternate aerobic and weight exercises, with cool down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean runners, and bring a bottle of water. Cost: $2/class Beginning October.1, Mondays and Thursdays at7 pm, in the Reynolds School Gym. Contact Wendy 204-348-2433.

La Broquerie Social Media and My Business - Making Them Work Together - Women’s Business Network. On Wednesday, October 10, begins at 11:30 am, at La Broquerie Hotel. Cost member $15, non-member $20. Reserve with Jeannette Brigit, info@turning-points.ca.

Busy Bodies Playgroup – Every Wednesday from 9 - 11 am at the Reynolds School Gym. Free to parents and children. Snacks Ste. Geneviève provided. Contact Cassie 204-793-8290. Library Night - Bibliothèque Taché Library at the Community Centre on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. From 6:30 Reynolds School Fundraising BINGO - On November 26, – 8 pm. Selection of books in both French and English, all Reynolds School PAC will be hosting its annual BINGO. Funds ages. Over 21,000 books including audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, raised support Christmas concert and a visit from Santa. Great large print books and magazines plus they can import books prizes to be won. Donations are gratefully accepted. from any library in Manitoba. Special requests can be made to the librarian, Brandi Schmitz at 204-878 - 9488, Richer bibliotachelibrary.com or in person. Monday Night Bingos - to raise funds for Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides Ste. Rita scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating Friendly Hands -Join us for Cribbage the 1st Thursday of the grades 8 and 12. Children Under 14 must be accompanied by month, Bingo on Sundays at 7 pm on Ducharme Rd. Ste. Rita. an adult to be on premises and must play bingo. Doors Open Contact Marcel 204-866-2219. at 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club in Richer. MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact: Doreen Pchajek at 422-5243 or email Steinbach doreen@spmf.ca. Happy Feet Fundraising Clothing Sale – Starting Thursday, October 4 starting at 9 am, goes to Saturday October 6, at the Rosa Clearspring Centre. Hundreds of new with tags along with Fall Supper and Dance – On Saturday, October 6 starting at 6 gently used children’s clothing. Contact Angela Zwaagstra 204pm at the Shevchenko Ukrainian Centre. Cost $20 for adults, 392-2288 or e-mail azwaa@shaw.ca. dinner and dance or $15 dinner only, ages 6 - 12 $8, Children under 6 free. Music by The Starlites. Contact 204-427-3102 or 9th Annual Expressions: Exploring Recovery Through Art - The 204- 427-2243. Manitoba Schizophrenia Society. Opening night reception on Friday, October 5 at 7 pm, Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. Free Roseau River event donations gratefully accepted. Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 21 at the Bible camp. Contact 204-427-2445. Tea To Celebrate Seniors & Elders – On Wednesday, October 10 at 2 pm at the Jake Epp Library. Refreshments, musical Sarto guests and poetry read. Contact 204-326-6841 or e-mail Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 14 at the Sarto Hall – from programming@jakeepplibrary.com. 3 – 6 pm. Adults $13, children 6 - 11 $7, 5 and under are free. Ukranian Meal- Tickets at the door only. Contact Liette Wyryha Use of Social media – Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Women’s 204 434-6049 or e-mail ronlie@xplornet.com Business Network Lunch and Learn seminar on Wednesday, October 10. What’s new and protection, Contact womensbiz.ca St. Adolphe for more details. Fall Supper - Sunday, October 21 from 4 – 7 pm at the Pioneer Hall on the St. Adolphe arena. Tickets: Adults $12; children (5 Ladies Get Fit Classes - sponsored by Eastman Immigrant - 12) $5; free for children under 5 years old. Contact Réginald Services. Every Wednesday, starting on October 10 at 7:15 pm at 204- 883-2563. at the Woodlawn School gym. Aerobic, circuit training, weights, mats and stretching exercises. Suitable for all ages and levels St. Malo of fitness. Register contact Lois 204-346-6609. Fall Supper – On Sunday, November 4 at Chalet Malouin. Contact 204-347-5753. Steinbach Legion #190 Fall Supper - On Sunday, October 14 from 4 – 7 pm at the Steinbach Legion Community Hall, 294 St. Pierre-Jolys Lumber Avenue. Cost $12 Adults; $6 Children (6 to 11 years); Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 28 at the Recreation Centre. free for children under 5 years. Tickets available at the door. Contact 204-433-2844. Bethesda Healthcare Auxiliary Book Fair – from Monday, October 15 to Saturday, October 20 at the Clearspring Centre. Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba – Support group Volunteers needed. contact Tina Dyck 204-326-9563. meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. Located at the Health Corner DeSalaberry Hospital. Contact Wanted: Seasoned Hockey Players - 60 years of age or older. Judy Dunn 444-5228. Monday mornings from 10:30 - 11:30 am at the Steinbach Recreation Centre. First skate on Monday, October 15. Contact

7th Annual Lobsterfest Fundraiser – On Saturday, October 20 support the Ste-Anne Hospital Fund at the La Broquerie Hotel. Includes live entertainment and silent auction. Cocktails at 6:30 pm. All you can eat lobster at 7 pm. Contact Ste. Anne Hospital 204-422-8837 or Helene 204-422-5273. Wii Love Seniors Bowling Challenge – Invitation to everyone to this event. The first challenge is in La Broquerie starting Wednesday, October 3 from 1 -3 pm, 5 challenges in different towns including La Broquerie, Lorette, Ste-Anne and St. Adolphe and then one more day of fun to end it all. Refreshments provided. We ask that each person donate a Loonie. Contact Juliette at 204-424-5285 or Denise at 204-883-2880. Landmark Preschool Dessert Fundraiser & Bake Sale starting Friday, October 12 at 6:30 pm to Saturday, October 13. Pre-school singing, local talent and entertainment with your coffee, tea and desserts or purchase baked goods. Looking for table sponsorship and donations. Contact Lorrie Penner 204-3554981 or e-mail lorrie25@gmail.com. Lorette Lorette Metis Local - Membership drive on Thursday, October 4 at 7 pm at Le Club Des Blés D’or at 1254 Dawson Road. Contact Lorraine at 204-878-3704. Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 7 at the Notre Dame de Lorette Parish Hall. Contact 204-878-3975 Sud, Spud and Steak/Chicken - for Club Les Bles D’Or at the Dawson Trail Motor Inn on Friday, October 26. From 5:30 - 9 pm. Cost $15. Contact - Evéline 878-2405 or Michelle 8782315. Collège Lorette Collegiate Blood Donor Clinic on Wednesday, October 17 from 2 - 7 pm. 135 blood donors needed. Middlebro Fall Supper – On Saturday October 13 at the Community Hall, supper served from 5 – 7 pm. Contact 437-24370 Mitchell Breakfast and Social - every Tuesday morning, 7:30 - 9:00 am except the last Tuesday of the month when the social is held instead. Lunch starts at noon at the Mitchell and Area Seniors Centre. Contact 204-326-6944.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Seine River Services for Seniors – Invite all seniors interested in the Wii Bowling game to come, try it out, and have fun. Monday afternoons, at Le Club Jovial. We would like to form six teams and spares are in need. Contact: Juliette Rowan at 204-424-5575 Community Resource Coordinator for local Ste. Anne services or e-mail labseinerss@gmail.com.

Home for the Holidays Craft Fair & Gift Show - For Agape House on Saturday, November 10 from 10 am – 4 pm at the Steinbach 55 Plus. Contact agapehouseecc@gmail.com or call 204-392-4650.

interested in auxiliary work. Contact Verna Thiessen at 3263028. Steinbach and Area Lions Club Lions Club - meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month at the Magnolia Restaurant. Contact 204-326-2313. Carillon Toastmasters - meetings are open to adults who want to improve their leadership and communication skills. Thursday evenings starting at 7 pm at the Steinbach and Area Lions Club - on the second and fourth Wednesdays every month starts at 6:30 pm at the Magnolia Restaurant. Contact 326-2313. Meetup Group for Women Solo-Entreprenuer group helps you connect with other women who are passionate about growing their business, lead by Doreen Penner and meets monthly for 1 hour. Free, except for food and beverage. Contact and to register Doreen at 392-2698. Steinbach AA 12 Step Recovery Program - Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7 pm. Steinbach United Church, 541 Main St. Ring the front door bell. Young moms to be - Bi-weekly support group starts at 4:30 pm at Anna’s House B-11, Hwy 12N. Contact 346-0413. Vita Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 21, BBQ Beef & Perogy Supper from 5 -8 pm. Contact 204-427-3172. Woodridge Bingo - Every 2nd Sunday night at 7 pm. Whitemouth Quilt Club- Every Monday from 4 – 6 pm at the Whitemouth School in the Home Ec Room. Cost $10 per session. Contact: Patti Enns 204-369-5577 or penns54@gmail.com. Shotokan Karate – For all ages, this martial art uses only the body to promote fitness, self-defense and confidence. Cost: $100 for all 10 class and pro-rated after. Classes held Thursday at 7 pm days at the Whitemouth School Gym. Contact Michel or Jenny to 204- 348-2473

Life on Ice — Driving tips Eastman Immigrant Services on Thursday, November 15 at 7 pm. At the EIS office, D4-284 Yoga Classes – at various locations all year and a 10 weeks Reimer Ave., Contact Lois at 204-346-6609, email Gentle Flow Yoga on Tuesdays until November 27, 6:30 – 8 pm. Cost: for Gentle Flow Yoga $14 -drop-in, $60 - 5-class lois@eastmanimmigrantservices.com. pass, $110 – 10-class pass at Moon Gate Bed & Breakfast Steinbach Girl Guides - Every Tuesday at the United Church of located 5 km south of Whitemouth on Hwy. 406, situated Steinbach, 541 Main St. Registration for girls 5-17. Develop along the Whitemouth River. Contact Chrissy 204-918-5359 or personal values and well-being, self-respect and respect for e-mail c_merritt@yahoo.com. others; promote fun, friendship, adventure and challenges through new experiences; develop leadership and decision- ZUMBA – Dance and burn up to 800 calories an hour. Ages making skills; give service to the community; value the natural 16+ No experience required. Cost: $100 for 10 weeks, Thursdays to November 22 from 8 – 9 pm at the Whitemouth environment. School Gym. Contact: Allison DePaulo 204- 866-2969 or eDealing with Difficult People - Women’s Business Network mail zumbaspringfield@hotmail.com. breakfast meeting on Wednesday, November 14 at 7:30 am, Circuit 30 - Alternate aerobic and weight exercises with cool Uncle Jake’s Restaurant. womensbiz.ca for more details. down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean Shopping Trips - Winnipeg’s St. Vital Mall every first Thursday runners and bring a bottle of water. Cost $2/class Beginning of the month, leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s October.1, Mondays from 6 -7 pm, in the Whitemouth School Clearspring Centre every last Thursday of the month, leaving at Gym. Contact Carolien 204-348-2932. 10 am - 1 pm. Cost $10. Contact Juliette at 204-424-5285 or Whiteshell Denise at 204-883-2880. Migration Weekend – On Friday, October 5 to Monday, October Sponsorship, Donation Requests, How to Say No - Women’s 8 at Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary. Contact Sloan Cathcart, Senior Business Network breakfast meeting on Wednesday, December Park Interpreter - Whiteshell Provincial Park 204-369-3157. 12 at 7:30 am, Uncle Jake’s Restaurant. womensbiz.ca for Fall Guided Hike, Amisk Trail – On Saturday, November 3. more details. Contact Sloan Cathcart, Senior Park Interpreter - 204-369Green Drinks South Eastman - South Eastman Transition 3157. Initiative presents Green Drinks South Eastman. Drop in on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at LBees, 5-275 Main St Zhoda to grab a coffee and discuss sustainable living. Contact email Fall Supper – On Sunday, October 28 at the Community Hall. Contact 204-425-3597or 204-434-6797. rebecca_hiebert@yahoo.com. Seniors (60 +) Shinny Drop-in Hockey - every Monday from General 10 -11 am at Centennial Arena. Contact Bob Barrow at 392- The Super Start Program, A Healthy Baby program with the Southern Regional Health Authority. Program for pregnant 3596 or email bob.r.barrow@gmail.com. women and families with infants up to one year of age. Sessions The Steinbach Rotary Club - meets every Monday at noon at include song and rhyme time, discussions and games on topics related to healthy babies and healthy moms. Door prizes, Steinbach 55 Plus Centre. Contact Cornie at 326-3155. nutritious snacks and milk coupons for all participating Mental Health Information and Support sessions - for family expectant moms or mothers who have babies up to six months and friends of people with mental health issues are held the of age. 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Eden East Blumenort –Thursday, October 4 from 10 am - 12 pm at the building, 21 Loewen Blvd. Contact Kim at 371-0824 or email Blumenort EMC Church Niverville – Tuesday, October 9 from 10 am - 12 pm at the eastmanmss@mts.net Niverville Community Fellowship on 3rd Ave. MS Monthly Self-Help group meeting - for people living with Ste. Anne –Wednesday, October 10 from 10 am – 12 pm at multiple sclerosis. The group meets on the second Thursday the Ste. Anne Dayspring Fellowship Church evening of each month from 6 - 7 pm at Fernwood Place Kleefeld –Thursday, October 11 from 10 am - 12 pm at the apartments. Contact Nadine Konyk, Rural Client Services Kleefeld EMC Church Coordinator at 1-800-268-7582 or email St. Pierre-Jolys – Thursday, October 18 from 10 am - 12 pm in the St. Pierre Health Corner, 354 Prefontaine Ave. nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. Ste. Agathe - Tuesday, October 23 from 10 am - 12 pm at the MS Lunch Group- on fourth Thursday of every month, from 12 Ste. Agathe Hall – 1 pm at the Village Green Restaurant. Contact Nadine Konyk, St. Malo - Wednesday, September 19 from 10 am - 12 pm at Rural Client Services Coordinator 326-1434 or email the St. Malo School Lorette –Wednesday, October 24 from 10 am – 12 pm at the nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. Community Services Building(next to the pharmacy) Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba individual and support Contact: Terry from Super Start at 346-7021 or just drop in. groups - for persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns. Free monthly bus trips to the casinos of Winnipeg for a fun day Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Jake Epp at the Casinos. Pick up in Steinbach at 8:30 am, Ste. Anne and Paradise Village at approximately 9 am. Must be 18 years of Library from 7 – 9 pm. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. age or older. Prizes and $10 cash for everyone. Bingo on the Information and Support Sessions bus. Call Marilyn at 204-326-4939 for date information and to The Bethesda Regional Healthcare Auxiliary - meets on the reserve your bus seat. Next scheduled trips Tuesdays, September first Tuesday of every month except for the months of July and 11, October 16, and November 13. August at the Bethesda Hospital. We welcome anyone

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Grow Project Harvested in St. Pierre-Jolys

More Than Just News!

October 2012


Niverville Hosts Imagine Run

This field south of St. Pierre-Jolys yielded over $30,000 worth of soybeans for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Photo by Marianne Curtis

As of September 18, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank HELP harvest located south of St. Pierre-Jolys was completed for 2012. The last field, 55 acres of soybeans, yielded 37 bushels per acre that will be sold for about $15 per bushel. “This was a very good price and good yield,” stated Harold Penner, Manitoba Resource coordinator with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. This made the community’s contribution an estimated $30,525, which is matched by the federal government at a rate of 4:1 for a total of $122,100. Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of Canadian church-based agencies working to end hunger in developing countries by increasing and deepening the involvement of Canadians. Through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), a number of grain producers in the region donate portions of their crops, or they plant specifically to support the program. Nationally the CFGB has delivered $514,717,753 worth of programming and shipped 1,005,725 metric tonnes of food and sends to 76 countries around the world.

Over 850 people came out to participate in this year’s Imagine Run and Walk.

Approximately 850 people signed up for the fifth Annual Imagine Run and Walk that took place in Niverville on September 22. The streets throughout Niverville were closed for the day to make room for the hundreds of runners who came out to participate in this year’s Imagine Run and Walk. Founded by Mona Stott of Niverville, the Imagine Run is held annually by a committee of volunteers who care about suicide prevention and mental health. She founded the run after her own son, Joey, committed suicide in 2007. “Many people have lost loved ones to mental illness and suicide,” said Stott. “We want to erase the stigma of mental health and to break the silence and make it okay to get help.” Participants began arriving as early as seven in the morning to sign up for three different races. There was a 5K walk, a 10K walk and a half marathon. There was also live entertainment along the routes, games, bouncers, petting zoo and a clown.


October 2012

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

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