Dawson Trail Dispatch November 2011

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Southeast Cellular Service Becomes Huge Issue

Lorette Girl Receives Medal of Bravery

By Marianne Curtis Since the provincial election there has been a renewed interest on all fronts to bring reliable cellular service into areas of the southeast that currently don’t have service or have limited service. The push started when the four reeves from Stuartburn, La Broquerie, Piney and Franklin met together to discuss how to lobby for better cell phone service. The urgency for action was recently escalated when wildfires tore through all four municipalities, making it dangerous for residents and emergency crews. “The potential for fatalities was great during the fires,” Stuartburn reeve Jim Swidersky stated. “We want the provincial and federal governments to agree to the need for service and then act on it.” He added that the reeves are even discussing setting up their own board or planning group to pursue this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. “It is more than just having the service for emergencies because businesses and industries require modern communication so they can stay in business,” Swidersky stressed.

Continued on page 3

2011 Poppy Campaign Underway

Fourteen-year-old Pazia Toyne from Lorette was honored with a Medal of Bravery for her role in saving a little girl’s life three years ago in Alberta.

By Marianne Curtis On October 28, the Governor General, David Thompson, presented the Medal of Bravery in a ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa. Fourteen-year-old Pazia Toyne earned the award for her selfless action, risking her life to save the life of another child while her family was living in Alberta.

“It just feels really strange or like it wouldn’t have happened to me,” Pazia said in an interview, thinking back to the incident. On December 11, 2007, 10-year-old Toyne risked her life to rescue a five-year-old girl who had fallen through the ice

Continued on page 3

The 2011 Poppy Campaign of the Royal Canadian Legion is underway in Steinbach. Steinbach Legion Branch #190 began the distribution of thousands of Poppies to local businesses, schools and other venues during the two-week campaign. Members of the Steinbach Branch #190 and volunteers from the Stoneybrook Squadron #307 of the Royal Canadian Air Cadet League will conduct the distribution of Poppy boxes to local businesses. Members of the community will also have the opportunity to pick up a Poppy from members of the Air Cadets, Scouts and Guides at Canada Safeway on November 4 and 5. The Poppy Campaign is the foundation of the Legion’s Remembrance Program, which provides Poppies to members of the community as well as the opportunity to participate in Remembrance Day services. The Poppy has been a symbol of Remembrance since 1921 and is known internationally as a symbol of collective reminiscence to honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.


November 2011

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Province Issues Stop Work Warning to Granny’s

The Department of Health and Safety has ordered Granny’s Poultry in Blumenort to address a number of concerns by November 18 or they will be issued a stop work order. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis On October 28, UFCW Local 832 members working at Granny’s Poultry in Blumenort were informed that the Workplace Safety and Health Division have issued an Improvement Order against Granny’s. The department of Safety and Health has subsequently issued a “Stop work warning” and given Granny’s a number of matters to deal with immediately or the stop work warning will become a stop work order. UFCW Local 832 represents over 500 members working at Granny’s Poultry. UFCW Local 832 President, Jeff Traeger, is pleased to have won this battle for the many employees at Granny’s. “The health and safety committee at Granny’s Poultry, along with our union representatives worked tirelessly on this complaint to make sure the company protected our members,” stated Traeger. “For too long the company ignored the health concerns and by this improvement order will now be forced to ensure the safety of its workers.” According to Traeger, for years, workers have been complaining of respiratory issues and poor air quality at the poultry plant in the Turkey Evisceration Area. The health and safety committee regularly tried to investigate the problem but management refused to cooperate. After the company continually denied the complaints, the union hired an Occupational Hygienist to investigate the issues and, along with reports and studies of poultry plants in the United States on similar issues, a complaint was made to the Provincial Health and Safety Division. Workplace Health Safety conducted an inspection on September 26. During the inspection, it was found that workers were suffering symptoms including coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore and burning eyes and seeing circles of light in front of their eyes. These symptoms would go away over the course of the weekend, only to resurface during the workweek. One of Granny’s employees describes what he went through while working in the evisceration department. “I started wearing the paper mask and then had to go to a respirator because it was so hard on my lungs,” he stated. “The levels of the toxins are so bad that people are taking time off work to let their bodies heal. The company is worried about their bonuses and don’t seem to care about the safety of their employees.” The order dated October 19 gives Granny’s until November 18 to improve the ventilation systems because workers are experiencing symptoms indicative of chloramine exposure. “The ventilation system in the Turkey evisceration area must be evaluated and improved by a professional mechanical engineer to ensure sufficient fresh air and air circulation and to assist in diluting airborne contaminants in this area,” stated the order. “The water from the chlorine baths is mixing with the turkey’s themselves to produce chloramines. This mixing must be reduced as much as possible to reduce airborne chloramine exposure.” Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia (from the turkeys) and used to disinfect water supplies. Chloramine fumes can cause an individual to become congested and cause sneezing, sinus congestion, coughing, choking, wheezing, shortness of breath, and asthma. The likelihood of becoming sick from a chemical increases with exposure time and concentration. Prolonged exposure also causes skin problems, gastric and digestive issues and kidney and blood problems.

Niverville Seeks Responders The Niverville Fire and Emergency Services department is once again looking for recruits to serve in the community as first responders. Keith Bueckert said that the group is looking for individuals interested in taking the Emergency Medical Responder course. “We are looking for licensed people in town that would like to

join our group,” stated Bueckert. “Our service is to be first responders only, not transport patients to hospital.” When an emergency calls are made in Niverville, EMR’s respond to the site and begin providing treatment until the ambulance arrives. Niverville currently has 20 licensed EMR members who have responded to one hundred calls for service and average about 120-150 calls per year. The Niverville Fire and Emergency Services Department will be offering a training session in the New Year, which will provide interested volunteers with the training for their emergency responder’s license. Training is expected to take ten months including 100 hours of in class training, two exams and a provincial licensing exam. Anyone interested in joining or applying for the course can call Keith Bueckert at 781-9113 for more details.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

Trans-Canada Pipelines Supports Community Centre By Marianne Curtis On October 25, the RM of Ritchot and Trans-Canada Pipelines met to finish a deal, which gives the company naming rights to the new state-of-the-art geothermal community center in Ile des Chênes. In a deal cited as a first for Trans-Canada Pipelines, the RM of Ritchot was presented with a $150,000 contribution from the company, which buys them naming rights to the building. Roger Perron, with the Community Development Corperation, explained how the rare deal came about. “We approached them some time ago with this idea. They have never done this before. In exchange for financial support we gave them naming rights to the hall while the building remains owned by the RM, which is something new for the municipality too,” Perron stated. “The company has been in the community since the 50’s and they have been a neighbour in the community for so long, so by doing this it is a gesture towards supporting the community.” Officially named the Trans-Canada Centre, the building was officially opened for business at the beginning of October. Doors to the hall portion first opened October 4 when the centre was filled with polling stations during the provincial election. Meanwhile, construction on other parts of the structure is ongoing. The Garderie Ile des Chenes Daycare Centre is getting their space set up so that they can be ready for business in the New Year. The daycare was approved for 94 childcare spaces, which Bob Stefaniuk, RM of Ritchot mayor, and Ritchot Roger Perron, Ritchot Community are filling up quickly. Development Corporation, accept a cheque from Steve Loney on behalf of Trans-Canada Perron noted that discussions are ongoing to get Pipeline. Photo by Marianne Curtis medical services in the building also, “We have an interested doctor that wants to build a clinic and a doctor that is interested in working full time at the clinic. We just have to work out an agreement,” Perron continued. “We also have a pharmacist that wants to open a clinic in the building.” The Trans-Canada Centre is a first of its kind in the province. The structure is a LEED Silver building Continued from page 1 including many energy efficient components, such as geo-thermal heating. This district heating system is The municipalities have asked for assistance from a number of one of the first in Manitoba because it also connects government officials, including recently elected La Verendrye MLA Dennis to the IDC Arena and the RM of Ritchot Fire Hall. Smook and Provencher MP Vic Toews. “I have raised this with both MTS Allstream and with Rogers and I am working with the appropriate Minister in order to ensure that there’s some kind of resolution to this problem,” assured Toews. “This is simply unacceptable that in such a large area of southeastern Manitoba, where all kinds of risks could occur, that there’s little or no cell phone service.” Toews added that in discussions he has heard from the phone company that they don’t have the funding to provide the service to every corner of the province. Premier Greg Selinger recently went on record saying that it is up to the province and municipalities to continue to present their case to MTS and other telephone companies. “The province could subsidize construction for more cell towers but it is up to the companies to supply the service,” Selinger stated. “I think we do need better service coverage and we have to talk to the regulator to find out what the minimum standards should be.”

Cell continued...

Bravery continued... Continued from page 1 in High River, Alberta. Pazia, along with several other children, had been on the ice while walking home from school when one of the girls walked too close to a hole. The ice broke and the girl fell in the water. “Right when I said, ‘No! don’t go there!’ the ice cracked and she fell through.” Pazia recalled. Pazia heard the cries for help and without any concern for her own safety ran towards the crying victim. She found the other child up to her neck in water, clinging to a piece of ice. Pazia slid on her stomach to reach her. As she tried to pull the victim out, Pazia also fell into the water. After much effort, she managed to get back onto thicker ice and drag the other girl to safety. Provencher MP Vic Toews praised the brave little girl. “The actions of Pazia Toyne are those that exemplify the best of us and she is a fine example to all Canadians,” stated Toews. “The Medal of Bravery she has earned today is well earned indeed. Alberta’s loss is Manitoba’s gain.” Pazia was one of 44 people presented with Medals of Bravery at the special event.

November 2011


NCI to Celebrate 50 Years On November 9, the Niverville Collegiate is celebrating their golden anniversary with a special event and celebration. The evening will include a formal program with speakers from various generations who will share their memories and reflections on the school. Tours of the school and several displays will also be set up. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the formal portion will begin at 7 p.m.


More Than Just News!

November 2011

Dawson Trail Dispatch

The Political Changes are Here with Bombastic Fanfare Bills are being introduced in Parliament, which will have profound effect for years to come. Of course gun control, or the lack thereof, and the dismantling of the Canadian Wheat Board are creating the greatest emotional upheaval in many segments of society. Nevertheless, too many in society, myself included, believe that gun management in some form is a necessary tool going forward as we transfer ourselves from a society of bucolic rural mores to an urbanized and materialized population. As the cost of Law and Order Omnibus bills is becoming known, prevention of crime will still be the most effective cost management tool but does not seem to be on the political radar. So it is with great trepidation that I see Ministers of the Crown frantically searching for the illusive five second TV clip announcing more jail cells, longer prison terms, and promising budget cuts.

The Minister in charge of finding budget cuts has a strong taint of mismanagement of G20 funds and it seems the law and order Ministers are unable to connect the dots of how society functions. Managed judges do not make an independent judiciary, which is a foundation of our democracy. If in the future we find ourselves in good times with a balanced budget, sufficient coin in our pockets and a safer society thank your lucky stars because I’m sure it will be strictly due to how the cosmos lines up. The Government has announced that the information on the gun registry will be destroyed so as to prevent future governments from attempting to restart anything down that path, all the while claiming to satisfy the taxpayer’s will as the final arbitrator. Yet, if a province would want the information, they, being elected by the same taxpayer, then what? It smells like ideology playing to a selfish libertarian streak in all of

to less painfully screw the farmer. There were pronouncements of doom and gloom at the time, but the government of the day cushioned the landing. Cereal crops became animal feed crops and change was managed. Many profited. Some retired. Most adapted quite well. Will the change be managed again? It depends on the government supplying the proper parachutes. I find their language somewhat facetious, the “New Conservative Government”, that is. Their line is, “Farmers are sufficiently sophisticated to manage the markets”. Of course. Yet what about “Supply Management” programs which us, nothing more and perhaps insult markets? even a wee bit less. Working at For the uninitiated, this is a price building a society? …..Not! For all intents and purposes the control of dairy, eggs and poultry Wheat Board is toast. As most of products mandated by government, which as grocery us are not farmers, it will impact items probably doubles the cost to us about as much as the us. This program has nothing to elimination and passage of the historical Crow Rate in the pages do with supply and demand in the accepted economic sense but plain of yesteryear. In a nutshell this old fashioned government control was a subsidy to railways so as

and subsidies. I gather that in this case the farmers cannot be trusted to be sufficiently sophisticated to manage the markets. Now in my defense of all those supply management farmers who are having a coronary at my deviation from the accepted hymn book, here is my reasoning. Other farmers are competing on the world market with their produce, despite American and European subsidies, and the cost of these items at the grocery store reflects this and are always affordable and in abundance. Can the same affordability be said of eggs, poultry and milk products? Not even close. There comes a time when sacred cows such as “Supply Management” is just too much bull to digest. So Parliament is again open for business or party politics, your choice. I’m beginning to sympathize with the non-voters. No, I am not joining their ranks but if politicians continue to demean politics, their ranks will swell.

Support for Canadian Farmers and the Economy Our Government has worked Canadian farmers. In fact, a recent hard to expand trade opportunities analysis by the Federal Market and marketing freedom for Access Team shows that by collaborating and coordinating market-access efforts and activities, we have – together with the provinces, territories and industry – succeeded in reopening, maintaining and expanding markets for many Serving the communities along the historic Dawson Trail and beyond. Canadian agricultural and food products. The Dawson Trail Dispatch is a monthly newspaper Canadian beef exports to Russia distributed free of charge to have more than tripled (328%) 50 Southeastern Manitoba communities. and surpassed $23 million Published by: One One Consultants Inc. ($23.8M) in 2010 after increased Box 308, Richer, MB R0E 1S0 beef access in 2009. We’ve also Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 secured a more stable trading environment with China after negotiating transitional measures Dan Guetre, Managing Editor for canola seed exports, which One One Consultants Inc., Publisher News Writers: Marianne Curtis, and Dan Guetre enabled farmers to maintain Columnists: Lee Guetre, Peter Friesen, Anni Markmann, Peter Martens, exports of canola (seed, oil and meal) to China in excess of $1.8 Production/Design: Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck, billion in both 2009 and 2010. Linda Bennett and Wilma Priebe We are the world’s fifth largest Advertising: Karen Jorgenson and Dan Guetre exporter of agriculture and food products with annual exports worth over $35 billion. Our trade For Advertising Call: in agriculture and food products Phone: (204) 422-8548 contributed more than $11 billion Fax: (204) 422-9768 to our trade surplus. This market access report Email: sales@dawsontrail.ca clearly demonstrates our success Subscriptions: $29.95 annually plus GST for Canadian Subscriptions. in increasing trade opportunities $52.95 annually for International Subscriptions for our producers and strengthening their bottom line.

Canada Post Agreement Number 42079020

By reopening, maintaining and expanding international markets, we are making sure that Canadian farmers can make their living from the marketplace and continue to drive our economy. Our ambitious pro-trade plan has deepened and strengthened our trading relationships in priority markets, opposing trade-restrictive measures and defending Canadian interests. The Federal Market Access Team report highlights accomplishments between January 2010 and March 2011 in ten key markets for commodities including beef, pork, canola, wheat, pulses and animal genetics. In 2009, Minister Ritz created the Market Access Secretariat (MAS) to coordinate government initiatives with industry to pursue new and existing markets for the agriculture sector. The MAS is closely working with the Federal Market Access Team which gather resources from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, supported by a Senior Market Access Coordinating Committee. Canada’s farmers and food processors do more than just produce the food for our tables –

they help drive our economy. The potential for growth of the sector lies mainly in our ability to expand our markets abroad. We are committed to giving marketing freedom to Western Canadian grain farmers. A commitment we’ve followed through on by introducing the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act. Open markets attract investment, encourage innovation, create value-added jobs, and build a stronger economy. Our legislation gives Western Canadian barley producers the freedom and flexibility to sell their own barley to any foreign or domestic buyer, including the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). Re-opening, maintaining and expanding markets remain a top priority for our Government. Our policies are working for Canadian farmers across the country and we will continue to explore new markets to further strengthen the future for our farmers. Please feel free to contact my office if you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss. You may contact my office toll free at 1-866-333-1933 or at 204-326-9889 or in Lac du Bonnet at 204-345-9762. You may write my office at 8 - 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by fax at 204-346-9874 or by email at toewsv1@parl.gc.ca.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

I would like to sincerely thank everyone for your confidence in me and for voting to return me to the legislature as your representative for the new Dawson Trail Constituency. I appreciate having the opportunity to work with the communities of the southeast and to be a representative for rural Manitoba in the legislature. I look forward to continuing the work we have started and delivering on more projects for our communities. I would also like to thank all of my friends and especially my family who came out to help with this election. Your unwavering support and commitment means a lot to me. My office is once again open from Monday to Friday in the Centerpoint Mall in Lorette. Manitoba moves forward with plan to improve health care, create jobs, expand education and training Improving health care and building Manitoba’s economy by expanding education, training and job opportunities are the government’s top priorities that we outlined in the speech from the throne. Manitobans have asked us to keep building and that’s why we are getting to work to fulfil our commitments to improve health care, create more jobs, and expand education and training opportunities for everyone. The speech outlined key priorities of your government’s new mandate including: Improving Health Care: - Providing Manitobans the fastest access in Canada to world-class cancer screening, testing and treatment. - Hiring 2,000 new nurses and nurse practitioners, 200 more doctors and 50 more physician assistants. - Expanding medical training by creating 22 more medical residencies. - Ensuring every Manitoban has access to a family doctor. Expanding Education, Training and Job Opportunities: - Reducing class sizes to a maximum of 20 students for kindergarten to Grade 3. - Upgrading school shop equipment and working with rural school divisions to expand broadband Internet access. - Creating more opportunities for companies to hire apprentices and expanding access to skilled trades training in rural Manitoba. - Constructing a new skilled trades and technology centre at Red River College. - Building Manitoba Hydro for the benefit of all Manitobans. Building Safer, Healthier Communities: - Hiring 100 additional police officers and 50 cadets to serve throughout Manitoba including 50 officers on Winnipeg streets. - Speeding up prosecutions with more prosecutors and weekend court sittings. - Working with the federal government to strengthen the Criminal Code by making gang recruitment an explicit crime and cracking down on knife crimes, arson, home invasions and carjackings. - Working with police on the best way to expand the electronic bracelet monitoring program. - Creating and expanding after-school programs for youth at risk. - Building more soccer facilities, field houses, playgrounds and splash pads. Preserving Manitoba’s Affordability Advantage: - Guaranteeing Manitobans pay the lowest combined bills for electricity, home heating and auto insurance in Canada. - Helping more Manitobans renovate their homes to make them more energy efficient. - Taking thousands more small businesses off the tax rolls while ensuring regular and sustainable increases to the minimum wage. - Eliminating education property taxes for seniors and farm owners. - Investing in universities, freezing tuition to the rate of inflation, reducing student loan interest rates to prime and amending student aid rules. Protecting the Environment: - Building Bipole III down the west side of Lake Manitoba and permanently protecting one of the last tracts of undisturbed boreal forest left in the world. - Working with local governments and the agriculture industry to protect water quality. - Continuing a five-year plan to renew and improve provincial parks and campgrounds. As always, I appreciate hearing your comments and thoughts on these and other provincial initiatives. I encourage you to contact me by e-mail (rlemieuxmla@mts.net), by phone (878-4644), or by mail at 101-1309 Dawson Road, Box 517, Lorette, MB R0A 0Y0 and together we can continue to move Dawson Trail and Manitoba forward.

The Seine River Services for Seniors is looking for someone who enjoys driving. The person should be able to drive to Winnipeg once a month and available mornings or afternoons. It is preferable the


From Promises to Practical

Thank You!

Volunteers Needed for Seniors’ Group

November 2011

volunteer owns a large sized vehicle or van. Outings are to Kildonan Place or St.Vital Shopping Centre and seniors would be required to pay a fee-for service. If there is anyone interested, please contact Community Resource Coordinator Juliette Rowan at 4245575.

With the 2011 provincial election campaign now complete, the business of the Legislature has resumed and the discussion has moved from election promises to the practical reality of government. As a re-elected member of the Official Opposition, I will continue to work hard to both hold the NDP government to account for its decisions and offer constructive alternatives to policies on a range of issues. One of the promises made by the NDP during the election was to cap class sizes at 20 students from Kindergarten to Grade 3. As a parent of a child in Kindergarten, this commitment has personal appeal but there have been many questions raised by school administrators about the practical implementation of this policy. In most school divisions in the southern part of Manitoba there will be many classes in the Kindergarten to Grade 3 range that have well over 20 students. In the Hanover School Division alone there are over 70 classes in this grade range over 20 students. With schools already overcrowded in many of our Divisions, how are the additional classroom spaces this policy demands to be created? Is the NDP simply planning to put up more huts on school yards that are already full of them? Last week when asked these questions, the NDP Minister of Education was unable to answer these questions. She was also unable to answer who would actually be paying for the additional resources that would be needed to run the classes. Would the province pay? It was, after-all, their promise. Or would it be left to the school divisions to raise taxes? The Minister did not have an answer. She also couldn’t answer how rigid the policy would be. If there is only one class that has 21 students, are two new classes created with 10 and 11 students respectively to ensure that the cap is adhered to? The promise to lower class size has an immediate appeal to both teachers and to parents and we all want our kids to get as much out of their early education years as possible. For that reason the government needs to give parents and teachers some assurance that the promise will not simply result in more unsuitable classroom space but rather real classrooms for a better learning environment. It also needs to fill in the gaps as to how this promise will work in practical terms when it comes to classes very near the cap. The promises of the election campaign are over. Its back to the work of ensuring there are practical solutions to the problems that face Manitoba. I appreciate your comments and concerns. If you have any comments on these or other issues, you can contact me by writing, #3 – 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by phone at (204) 3265763, by fax at (204) 346-9913, by e-mail at kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca or by visiting my website at www.kelvingoertzen.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Historic Freedom Walk Treks through Region

Photo by Marianne Curtis

A delegation from Shoal Lake #39 First Nation made their way through Prawda, Hadashville, Falcon Lake, West Hawk and Richer in late October as they walked to Winnipeg to raise awareness and support for First Nation water rights in their traditional territory. For years, the community has fought against the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba’s extraction of water from Shoal Lake without their consent. Walkers began a four-day trek of more than 300 kilometers to the Legislative Building in Winnipeg on the historic anniversary of the signing of Treaty 3. Shoal Lake First Nation is located at the east end of Indian Bay, a section of Shoal Lake that straddles the Manitoba-Ontario border.


November 2011

More Than Just News!

Steinbach MLA Officially Sworn in at Legislature

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Groups Vie for Funds in National Competition By Marianne Curtis Three community projects from the southeast are vying for funding from a nationally held competition through the Aviva Community Fund. The community of Niverville is one of three communities in Manitoba competing for $100,000 in funding through the Aviva Community Fund Competition. If successful, the money is slated for improvements at Hespeler Park.

“We would love to build a large natural, accessible playground for the MANY children in our community and feel that it would draw a lot more people to this 80+ acre park.” Niverville’s Park and Rec committee has composed an entry to compete in the third annual Aviva Community Fund competition. If the group won $100,000 the money would be used to create a natural, accessible playground in the community’s largest park. “We are going into year three of a 5-year plan for our park, a park which currently has soccer fields, baseball diamonds, walking paths and a large picnic shelter, but is lacking a playground,” explained the committee. “We would love to build a large natural, accessible playground for the MANY children in our community and feel that it would draw a lot more people to this 80+ acre park.” In Lorette, the Tache Community Day Care center is also looking for funds. “We are seeking financial aid in purchasing a permanent location to provide childcare services for the school age program,” stated their entry. The location that would be best suited for the purposes of the daycare is Center Jubinville, which is up for sale by the Knights of Columbus. Manitoba’s Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Patricia Chaychuk mades it official last Wednesday, Garderie Ile des Chênes Daycare is also looking for a piece of the pie. The Daycare, October 19th, signing a declaration and Oath of Office making re-elected MLA Kelvin Goertzen the which is currently under construction within the Trans-Canada Center in Ile Des Chenes, is expected to open in January with space for 94 children. They are looking member of the Legislature for the Steinbach Constituency for the coming term. for funding so they can purchase equipment that will furnish the new center, including purchasing items that meet the development needs of children in their care. The Aviva Community Fund Competition is an attempt by the company to make a positive impact in Canadian communities, whether that’s through providing new opportunities for at-risk youth, education, helping the environment, or cultural activities, by funding local and national initiatives for change. To help the committees achieve their goal public participation is needed. People can vote once a day per email address at www.avivacommunityfund.org. Voting takes place until November 9. Your community arts center is nothing without each member of the community. Donations big and small help to make us what we are. Our annual fundraising campaign is underway! The Steinbach Arts council presents over 60 programs through the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre, and now we need your help—to keep programs affordable, purchase equipment, and to maintain our vibrant facility. Our 2011-12 goal: to raise $50,000.00 SAC will acknowledge your donor support on our donor wall, signage and future programs and events. Thank you for recognizing the importance that culture, arts and music play in our lives SAC has been working hard to prepare for our annual Young Artist’s in Concert Café Night. We know that by November 5th it’s going to be chilly, so we’re preparing some warm and flavorful drinks to tantalize your taste buds. These are included in the ticket price for our Café Night show, and just another reason to buy tickets now! This year’s Café Night will feature an acoustic set by members from the Liptonians: Michael Jordan, Bucky Driedger and Matt Schellenberg from Steinbach! Come support local musicians and your local Arts Centre for only $12/adult and $6/student! Held at Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre, 304 Second St, 346-1077. The Liptonians - they are Manitoba guys. They started their music right here in Steinbach and have since seen their careers expand. Come join them for the Songwriting Workshop, November 5. Sunday, November 27 will be the 14th Annual Home Tour and Tea. Homes are lined up and interior decorators, greenhouses, and florists are responding to the invitation to create unique and visually stimulating, fully decorated homes to usher in the spirit of Christmas. Every year SAC receives absolutely positive feedback about how neat it is to see different homes around Steinbach decorated for the holidays and then enjoy delicious desserts and coffee. Mark your calendar for the 14th annual Home Tour. Win a Limo ride for you and five friends – travel the tour in style. For every ticket sold, you can enter your name for this prize – thanks to Mr. Stretch Limo. Which PEI fiddler will play till you’re “Head over Heels”? The answer is Cynthia MacLeod! And yes, she’s coming to Steinbach on Monday, November 28 at 7:30 p.m., SRSS Theatre in Steinbach. Head over Heels is only the first of five albums released by this energetic musician. We’ve listed her in your annual 2011-12 SAC brochure, but we didn’t have enough room to say how excited we are for this show! Don’t miss Southeast Artist Group’s Art Show and Sale dates: the Fall Show is Saturday, November 5 at Clearspring Mall, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. near IGA and the Christmas Show is Saturday, December 3 at Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. These professional artists will be doing live painting demonstrations, as well as displaying some completed works. There will be lots to see, and remember: these make great Christmas gifts as well! Be well in 2012! We have winter Wellness classes to make you feel great. On Mondays, try kick boxing or pilates; Tuesdays is Body Pump; Wednesdays is Yoga. Limited spaces so sign up now. The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra will be performing their Christmas POPS concert at Steinbach Mennonite Church on Tuesday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m. The Hanover Symphony Singers will once again perform under Millie Hildebrand’s direction. There will be a contest to play with the Symphony. Check your schools for details. Come enjoy this annual holiday favorite An Excellent Opportunity for Age 16-30. If you love the arts and want to make a difference, Steinbach Arts Council would like to invite you to be a part of our Youth Arts Council. It’s a great opportunity to build your resume and learn great skills! Plus get free tickets to the concerts and events you help organize and run. Have a say in what you would like to see happening with the arts in Steinbach. Please email events@steinbachartscouncil.ca now. On now at the Hall Gallery: Out and About by Kevin Friesen, photographer, from November 9 to January 6. Opening night is Wednesday, November 9 at 7 p.m. at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Bethesda Auxiliary Hosts Successful Fall Book Sale

More Than Just News!

November 2011

Communities Celebrate COPP Week Several communities in the southeast celebrated their community based crime prevention volunteers during the annual COPP’s week, which took place from October 23 to 29. In Steinbach, the Citizens on Patrol Program (COPP) held an open house on October 24. The public was invited to City Hall and talk to a few of the program volunteers to hear about their experiences as volunteers patrolling the community. The town of Niverville recently implemented their ‘Citizens on Patrol Program’. Angela Janz, chair of Town of Niverville’s Protective Services, said because of this program crime rate statistics in Niverville are down. “We have a very active COPP

program in our community with quite a large membership which has been very effective in just keeping a watch on our community and letting the citizens know there are eyes and ears out there,” stated Janz. She added that the program has been instrumental in helping keep crime numbers low in Niverville. “Once people know that residents are on the lookout for crime it lessens the opportunity for vandalism and crime,” she added. “Our crime rate is low right now and down from previous years.” The town of Niverville also credits the St. Pierre RCMP for having a full staff of thirteen officers for the first time in years as also making a significant difference. The COPP, sponsored by Manitoba Public Insurance,

Taps Open in Steinbach By Marianne Curtis

Thousands of gently used books found new homes during the second annual Bethesda Auxiliary fall book sale.

By Marianne Curtis The Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary is pleased to follow the success of their annual spring book sale by hosting their second successful fall book fair. For three days, starting October 20, the ladies of the Bethesda Auxiliary held their second “Fall Book Faire” at the Clearspring Center in Steinbach. Thousands of gently used books found new homes and over $9,000 was raised by the organization.

“Not only do we benefit from an improved facility but we also know that literacy improves the health of individuals by enabling them to find better jobs and improve quality of life.” Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary Spokesperson Verna Thiessen is once again pleased with the sale. “We had many books left over from our spring sale, plus we had numerous new donations,” explained Thiessen. “We had a great turnout.” Funds raised during the sale will go towards the purchase of a resuscitation unit for Bethesda Hospital’s recovery unit. The resuscitation unit is expected to cost about $40,000. “No longer will they have to share this important piece of equipment with the emergency room,” Thiessen added. “Not only do we benefit from an improved facility but we also know that literacy improves the health of individuals by enabling them to find better jobs and improve quality of life.” Over the years the Bethesda Hospital Auxiliary has hosted ten successful sales which have raised over $148,000.


Steinbach residents have rolled out the welcome mat to businesses such as Boston Pizza after a recent referendum saw 72 percent of people voting in favor of serving alcohol within the community. Voters were asked to have their say on three questions on the ballots that would allow beverage rooms, cocktail lounges and private club licences. On the question of Beverage Room Licence: 2,226 people voted in favor, 999 voted against; Cocktail Lounge Licence: 2,272 people voted in favor, 958 voted against; Private Club Licence: 2,302 people voted in favor, 908 voted against. This is welcome news to Boston Pizza Director of operations Jonathan Enright. “We are now moving forward with plans to open a restaurant in Steinbach,” stated Enright. “We want to make sure that we can move this forward as quickly as possible.” The restaurant chain hopes to see construction of the sports bar begin in spring with a fall opening. Keith Unger, president of the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce said he was not surprised by the vote. “This vote was tied to jobs and new business and I think our culture has changed over time through immigration and generations moving in and moving on,” Unger said. “Our local entrepreneurs will embrace it and take advantage of it because it sparks a new interest in businesses moving to Steinbach.” The City of Steinbach council is pleased to see the matter settled; however, they did voice surprise over the huge margin of support. “My first reaction was ‘wow’!” stated councillor Jac Siemens. “This was something I didn’t expect. I think people are tired of going to a referendum on the liquor question over and over.” As per The Manitoba Liquor Control Act, City Council is required to give third reading to by-law at the Council meeting on December 6. This was the seventh time that Steinbach residents have visited the polls specifically to vote on whether to sell liquor in town.

Garbage Survey Underway Residents in St. Malo and Otterburne will get their say on how they want their garbage picked up after the municipality consults with the public. The RM of De Salaberry council recently decided to send out a survey to residents in Otterburne and St. Malo to determine if there is an interest in receiving curbside garbage pickup. The RM of De Salaberry council is also preparing a tender submission requesting services for garbage pickup services for both communities. Council noted they would not issue the tender until the landfill committee approves it and until the survey responses are received from residents. The tender is expected to run from 2012 to 2015 and include dumpster services to commercial ratepayers.

continues to gain popularity throughout the province. There are now 66 active groups and 1,800 COPP volunteers dedicated to reducing crime within their communities and neighborhoods, said Ted Hlynsky, vice-president of claims control and safety operations of Manitoba Public Insurance. “COPP is a grassroots program specifically designed to serve as a highly visible crime deterrent,” said Hlynsky. “This crime-prevention and education program provides additional eyes and ears for the local police agencies.” This year marks the 10th Annual Citizens on Patrol Week.


More Than Just News!

November 2011

Visual Arts Programming Underway The fall Visual arts programming, which kicked off in September and is running until December, is jam packed with activities including pottery, drawing, photography, and water color. According to Shannon Neufeld, Marketing Coordinator the Steinbach Arts Council, the visual arts program is doing very well. “The Visual arts program is alive and growing with plenty of classes for every age group,” stated Neufeld. To ensure the continued success of the program the Steinbach Arts Council has hired Chelsea Beaudoin to oversee the visual arts programs and the organization’s buy or lease arts program.

Culprit Sought After Mischief Vita to Host Health Authority to Vehicles General Meeting The Steinbach Arts Council’s visual arts program is doing very well with students signing up to participate in a variety of programing including painting.

The public is invited to join the board of South Eastman Health when they host their 16 annual general public meeting. South Eastman Health is hosting this year’s event on November 7 at the Vita Ukrainian Hall in Vita. The topic of the night will be Strengthening Regional Primary Health Services with guest speaker Barbara Wasilewski, Executive Director of Policy & Strategy for the Health System Innovation Division Public Health and Primary Health Care Branch. Also on the agenda is the board’s presentation of their annual report to the community, which will focus on the many highlights surrounding healthcare throughout the region. The board will also be presenting bursaries to several students that are participating in health care related programming. Doors open at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. There will also be various health information displays set up.

How Much to Green My World? My passion for green products has given me the opportunity to speak to many, many like-minded people that are thinking the same thing I’m thinking. As we see energy prices rise and hear about how vulnerable and costly the grid really is, we realize that we like having the “things”. So not having the comforts of electricity is not an option. But securing our own power generation is affordable, especially if you live in Ontario or Alberta where we pay double what our neighbors pay for power. There will be a time when the ratepayers will be paying whatever it cost to build and maintain “the grid”. So the time to learn about off-grid technology is now. Educating ourselves is what many of us are doing now and fortunately many resources are available online for talking to someone like me. Prices of off-grid systems range from 20 to 30k installed. When you consider that you will never have another hydro bill and you will not have to endure the announcement of another rate increase from your power company, that doesn’t sound too bad. In fact, it’s better than putting your money in the bank. Not to mention the value an off-grid system adds to your home. In California, where homes have had solar power for some time are coming onto the market and even in a depressed market the homes with a solar system will bring three to five percent more than without and are also on the market for a shorter time. So when I get asked the question, “How much to green my world?” I say start with installing a power factoring device along with LED bulbs, you will spent about 1k. Then install a solar thermal system. That will cost you between 10k and 15k and you will have saved about 50 percent of your power requirements. Finally spend between 20k and 30k for an off-grid system. Now you have a system that has a lifespan of about 20 years. The batteries should do about 10 years. This system may include a little turbine, pending on the power sources available to you. Take advantage of the “Canada Retrofit Program” and receive a $1,250 grant and if you are in Manitoba you can also receive a 10 percent “Green Manitoba Tax credit” when you do your taxes. Oh yeah, did I mention we can provide financing? So look at greening your world one baby step at a time. It’s important to educate yourself as to how much power you’re using and measure the savings as you implement your solutions. Comment or Questions? Join the conversation at www.greening-myworld.blogspot.com.

During the early hours of October 18, several vehicles had their windows smashed, particularly the driver side windows. In one instance, one of the vehicles was rummaged through. It is uncertain at this time if anything was taken. Police did receive a call of a person described as wearing a dark hoodie attempting to break into one of the vehicles, however, police were not able to apprehend the suspect. The incidents occurred on Goossen, Gordon and Main Street in Steinbach. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at 326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477 (TIPS) or www.manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Stuartburn Needs Fire Fighters On the heels of one of the worst wild fire incidents in the RM of Stuartburn, the Stuartburn Fire Department is putting out a call for volunteer fire fighters. According to Fire Chief Orest Paciorka the department is “in dire need” of more volunteers. Anyone interested in joining the Stuartburn Fire Department is encouraged to contact the municipality. Training is provided to successful applicants. Meanwhile, the RM of Stuartburn council is planning to host an appreciation dinner for the many volunteer fire fighters that worked diligently during the recent wild fires near Sundown, Gardenton and Stuartburn. “We want to thank them for their outstanding service and dedication in fighting the wildfires which caused a state of emergency from October 6 to October 13,” stated council. Many volunteers were onsite for days with little or no breaks before fires could finally be contained. An exact date and location is yet to be determined.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Get Your Shot

Dawson Trail Dispatch journalist Marianne Curtis rolls up her sleeve and gets the flu shot. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis During the month of October, several thousand southeast residents attended one of 38 flu clinics that were held throughout the region. South Eastman Health CEO John Stinson encourages residents who haven’t received their annual flu shot to do so soon. “It is important to protect yourself from getting the flu and more importantly to protect those you love, you work with, friends and community,” stated Stinson. “It helps prevent illness and helps the impact on our emergency rooms and hospitals.” Anyone older than six years old can get a flu shot at no charge at any one of the remaining flu clinics. Signs and symptoms of influenza are cough, sore throat, runny or stuffed nose, muscle or body aches, headaches and fatigue. If young children are exposed to influenza, complications can arise including ear or sinus infection, lung infections or even pneumonia. It can also make chronic health problems worse like asthma, heart disease and diabetes.

Watching My Past This last year, I’ve been noticing that more and more television series seem to have begun to take up a much bigger section of store shelves. I find this quite interesting as some of these shows I haven’t heard about or seen since I was quite a bit younger. It’s almost like seeing old friends again after a long separation. While there are a lot of new series as well, I’m more interested in the older ones. The older ones seem to be cleaner and less crude than more recent ones. A while back, we picked up the complete seasons of an 80’s television show titled, “The Greatest American Hero”. While my wife doesn’t remember watching the show, she does recognize the theme song. I can remember watching the show and thinking how great this show was. The premise is that an ordinary man is given a suit with special powers and needs to use it for good purposes. Unfortunately, within minutes of receiving the gift he loses the instruction manual (yes, it came with a manual) and must learn what the suit can do through trial and error. Being a bit of a klutz this man experiences a lot of error and this adds to our viewing enjoyment. One thing that he just can’t seem to get the hang of is the flying aspect. There will be odd moments when he’ll be flying straight but then his arms will wave and he’ll be all over the place. Many crashes ensue. Another series that we enjoyed was Gilligan’s Island. With the humor being clean, it’s great to watch as a family and laugh together at the crazy antics of these stranded castaways. After all, they only went out on the boat for a three-hour tour and three seasons later they were still trying to figure a way off the island. Secretly, I don’t think they really wanted to leave. Think about it this way, they live on this beautiful tropical island with limitless food, no dangerous beasts, no crowds (the occasional headhunter does stop by but that always ends happily) and they never seem to run out of clean clothes to wear. Sometimes it great to curl up on the couch and watch these shows from my past and enjoy what I consider to be a simpler time. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

November 2011


Caisse Deemed “Outstanding” Caisse Financial Group was bestowed the award for “Outstanding Large Business” at the Manitoba Business Awards Gala held by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce recently, following their nomination by the Conseil de développement économique du Manitoba. Joël Rondeau, Chief Executive Officer, accepted the award on behalf of the Caisse, noting that it is the staff and Board of Directors that should be recognized. “We are very proud to accept this award as a co-operative organization and as a bilingual organization, especially on the eve of celebrating our 75th anniversary and the International Year of Cooperatives in 2012,” indicated Joël Rondeau. “It is equally satisfying to be recognized for having been successful in business while respecting our community and co-operative values.”

Caisse Financial Group is the result of the merger of four Manitoba Caisses and the Fédération des caisses populaires du Manitoba on September 1st, 2010. With more than $900 million in assets, 240 employees, 30,000 members and 26 branch locations, Caisse Financial Group is among the largest financial co-operatives in Manitoba and the only bilingual

financial co-operative. “This award is a testament to our staff and Board’s commitment, especially throughout our transition. I take this opportunity to congratulate them and thank them for their efforts. It is because of them that we were able to receive this award,” concludes Joël Rondeau.


More Than Just News!

November 2011

Daylight Saving Time Ends November 6

Manitobans are reminded that daylight saving time will end in the province early Sunday, November 6 when clocks will be set back one hour. Under the Official Time Act, daylight saving time ends on the first Sunday in November and resumes the second Sunday in March. The official time change back to standard time will occur this year at 2 a.m., Sunday, November 6 at which time clocks should be set back to 1 a.m.

Steinbach 55 Plus offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come, pay us a visit, and consider participating in some of our programs. For more information, call the center 320-4600.

Up and coming events for November Digital Camera: Getting those digital camera pics on to your computer. Join us Tuesdays, November 1, 8 and 15. Time: 1:30 p.m. How to download and upload your digital camera pics. Join us in this enlightening workshop. Cost is $1.00 per session and is presented by Alex Cupples. Housing Information: Monday, November 14, 1:30 p.m. Seniors Issues Topic: Housing. Presented by David Driedger, CEO for the Havengroup. Cost $1.00. Please call the center to register. Clearspring Mall Walkers Annual “Kick- off breakfast: Wednesday, November 16, 8:00 a.m. Meet at Centre Court, Clearspring Center. Clearspring Centre supports physical fitness and welcomes mall walkers Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to close. This annual “Kick Off” is an enjoyable morning, which includes walker registration, mall, door prizes, complimentary breakfast. Old Time Country Dance: Friday, November 25. With the live band, Buckskin and Satin. Advanced tickets; $8.00 members, $10.00 non-members, $12 at the door for all.

Monthly Programs Single Ladies’ Night Out: The first Friday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Enjoy supper out at a local restaurant. Call the center for place to meet. Foot Care: The first and third Tuesday of the month from 9:00-3:00 p.m. Run by a professional foot care nurse. Cost: $25. Bring your own towel. Call the center to book an appointment. Pot Luck Supper: The second Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Meat and beverages are provided. Cost: $5.00 per person. Bring along a casserole, salad or desert. Call the center to reserve your seat. Birthday Party: The first Wednesday of the month. All members with a birthday are invited for complimentary cake and coffee. Guests are asked to pay $2.00. Entertainment provided. Beltone Hearing: The third Friday of each month. Call 1-800-661-2653 for appointment. Brain Injury Support Group: Last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Parkinson Support Group: Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

Weekly Programs Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday

9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Fitness Class with instructor Canasta Tai Chi Circle of friends Fitness Class with instructor Tai Chi Choir practice Cribbage Floor curling Old Time Country Band Practice Bridge and Whist Circle of friends

Noon meals are available Monday through Friday. Cost $5.00. Call 3204605 by 9:00 a.m. to reserve your meal for that day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus available at the office or in the newsletter. Bring a friend. Billiards: Monday to Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Computer Lab: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cost $1.00. There are lessons with Alex Cupples on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Call the center for more information. Volunteer Opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters, receptionists. Membership at Steinbach 55 Plus is only $20 per year. Memberships are due in January of each year. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities, drop by the Center Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or call 320-4600 or go to www.steinbach55plus.com.

Dike Survey Underway for Landmark The community of Landmark is another step closer to seeing the end of their flooding woes after a recent public hearing held in the community. Back in May, the province set aside a total of $740,000 to conduct feasibility studies for permanent flood protection dikes in 11 municipalities, including the RM of Tache, specifically for Landmark. Residents met on October 26 in Landmark at a public open house where they were encouraged to share their input on future flood protection initiatives for the community. In conjunction with the province, the LUD of Landmark also retained the services of Tetratech to review possible flood protection initiatives. It has been about 13 years since work on constructing a real dike on the east side of Landmark was first proposed. At the time costs associated with the project were estimated at $220,000, which included the construction of a dyke along the east side of Landmark and improving the ditch along the west side where Hwy 206 and Hwy 210 meet, causing a “bottle neck”. The actual construction of the dike will be funded under the Community Diking component of the CanadaManitoba Flood Mitigation Program announced on August 27, 2010. Construction will be cost-shared by the federal, provincial and municipal governments on a 45/45/10 basis. Once the study is complete, construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2012.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Hiebert Named to Parole Board of Canada On October 26, former Steinbach RCMP Detachment staff sergeant Jake Hiebert of Steinbach was appointed as a part-time member of the Parole Board of Canada. Provencher MP Vic Toews was

pleased to make the announcement. “Our Government is committed to ensuring appointments to the Parole Board of Canada are based on merit and ability,” said Toews. “As an independent decision-making

RCMP Seek Public’s Assistance in Assault St-Pierre Jolys RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance with the investigation of an assault which occurred on October 14. Investigation indicates that on October 14 at approximately 9:30 p.m. an unidentified male knocked on a door of a residence in Grunthal, Manitoba. After opening the door, the home owner was pushed into the residence and assaulted, suffering minor injuries. The assailant then fled the residence. The suspect is described as approximately 5’9" tall, with a stocky build and a medium complexion. He was wearing black pants and a blue hooded sweater. RCMP have completed a composite sketch and are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the suspect. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the RCMP St-Pierre Jolys Detachment at (204) 433-7908, their local police

tribunal that plays a significant role in contributing to the safety of our communities, it is imperative that we appoint highly qualified and committed people. I look forward to seeing Jake on that board and representing the interests of Canadians as he takes on these important responsibilities.” Based in Saskatoon, Hiebert will continue to call Steinbach home while he sits on parole panels across

Thieves Make Off with Cigarettes

agency, or Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS). You can also submit online at Some time between 9:00 p.m. on the www.manitobacrimestoppers.com 9th of October and 6:00 a.m. on or text “TIPMAN” plus your October 10 suspects gained entry message to CRIMES (274637). into Tetrault Trucking located at 210 Rue Principale, La Broquerie. The suspect(s) gained entry to the business by prying out a garage door window. Once inside the suspect(s) gained entry to the supply room of the Shell Gas Station. The suspect(s) stole 24 cartons of cigarettes at an estimated value of $1,800. Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating the subject(s) responsible for this break and enter. If you have any information you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at (204) 326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or www.manitobacrmestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Landmark Group Releases Second CD By Marianne Curtis

Vibrating Beds opening. Former drummer Kevin Klassen also joined them on stage. “This event was amazing. It is one thing to know that we have so many fans, but to see this crowd all here for us, wow! We are so grateful,” stated Sawatsky, who does all the writing for the group. “The crowd knows every word to our songs and

I write thinking about how this part will be awesome when the crowd sings it.” Produced by The Newform Label & BE:Cause Industries “You are the Moon” celebrates a new era for the band which has changed their style from Christian Rock to Indy Folk since their releasing their first self titled album back in 2008.

A trio of musicians from Landmark felt like rock stars when they took to the stage before several hundred screaming fans when they officially launched their second CD. The Ripperz, consisting of singer and lead guitar player Chris Sawatsky, drummer Travis Warkentin and bassist Mark Wiebe are excited about coming out of the studio and sharing their latest selection of music with the rest of the country. The group has played together on and off for the past decade and have been “on” for the past few. They’ve been a steady force on the local music front since 2008. “Absence made us stay together. I moved to Vancouver and when I came back it was nice to have a band to come back to,” explained Warkentin. “Then the album in 2008 was well received and we kept going.” After spending months in the studio the Ripperz excitedly launched their new CD titled “You are the Moon” at the West End Ripperz bassist Mark Wiebe gets the crowd going while performing one of the band’s older Cultural Center on October 27 with favourites when they launched their most recent CD called “You are the Moon” at the West West End Boys from Regina and End Cultural Centre to a nearly sold out crowd.

November 2011 Canada where it is decided if inmates are ready to be released from prison. Hiebert is pleased that he got the position and admits that it is the position he has been trying to get for about three years. “I am excited to hear the news,” said Hiebert. He admits that it took a lot of studying, exams and interviews before he received this appointment. “I studied hard and I am very thankful that the federal government has faith in me and my abilities to contribute to public safety across Canada.”


Hiebert brings to the board 39 years of experience as a police officer. He started his career with the Winnipeg Police Service in 1970, and in 1974 with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Prior to his retirement in 2009, he served as the Staff Sergeant for the Steinbach RCMP Detachment. After he retired, Hiebert was appointed the Independent Chairperson at Stony Mountain Penitentiary. Over the last three years, he was a member of the City of Steinbach Emergency Preparedness Committee.


November 2011

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ile des Chênes Business Goes to the Dogs

Lucy Thornhill, one of the owners of Tender Touches in Ile des Chênes, is very passionate about making sure that animals entrusted to their care are treated humanely and as lovingly as possible. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis Walking through the doors of an Ile Des Chênes business a customer may think they are walking into a beauty salon, with the exception that customers walk on four legs, not two. Since opening their doors six years ago, Tender Touches has seen their four-legged clientele grow to 600 due to their service, which puts the animals’ treatment, first in a non-traditional atmosphere. Lucy Thornhill and Jane Seath, who offer over two decades of experience

and share the same passion for animals, specialize in treating animals in their care as gently and lovingly as the pet owners themselves. “We believe that dogs deserve to be treated humanely with patience, kindness, and respect,” explained Seath. “They should live and learn as stress-free as possible, protected from fear, force, and pain. We use gentle, positively reinforcing methods.” Their methods are well established and they welcome owners to enjoy a cup of coffee while watching Fido get bathed and groomed. “There are so many animals that get abused at grooming facilities, so owners are rarely welcomed,” Seath continued. “There is no closed door policy here. We specialize in older dogs and dogs that have had bad experiences elsewhere.” Appropriately named Tender Touches, the grooming service is in high demand. There is a waiting list of almost a year for evening and weekend appointments. This success has encouraged the owners to expand their services to include a doggy daycare and offer obedience classes. “Studies are showing that dogs do not like to be alone, many experience distress and anxiety when alone and the longer time alone, the greater the affect,” Seath continued. “We started the daycare in June. We have room for 20 dogs to come in for the day and wear off steam.” Lucy and Jane’s Tender Touch Daycare for Dogs is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is an outdoor play yard, indoor play area designed with the dogs safety in mind and even items like treadmills to offer an exercise option. In addition, doggy obedience classes are also

Registered Disability Savings Plan If you or someone you care about has a disability and is under age 50 this article will be of great interest to you! First, let me clarify what “someone with a disability” means. For this program, you fit the definition if you have been approved by Canada Revenue Agency for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). I spent some time last spring making sure those who I thought would qualify indeed get approved for the DTC so that they could qualify for this new savings program. I also recently met with a tax client who is fully employed, but recently qualified for the Disability Tax Credit. We spent some time talking about this new savings program and he will participate from now to age 49 as part of his retirement savings plan. Let me introduce the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) to you. It allows the plan holder (individual or parent) to save up to $200,000 in a tax-deferred account up to age 59. You’ll notice at the top of the article I referenced someone under 50. That’s because after the last contribution is made, you need to wait 10 years before making any withdrawals. For most that would be up to age 49, then wait 10 years and start withdrawing at age 60. Here’s the best part about this plan: the Canada Disability Savings Grants and Bonds. For many the reason to set up these plans is the financial assistance from the government. The assistance comes in two ways: an income-tested matching Grant and an income-tested Bond. These Grants and Bonds can be paid into a RDSP up until the end of the year in which the beneficiary turns 49. The amount of the Grant and the Bond that can be received is based on “family income”. How that is determined depends on the age of the beneficiary. Under 18, the family income is the parents’ income. Once 18, it will be based on the individual’s income (and spouse). Let’s look at the matching Grant first. If the family income is under $83,000, then the Grant is equal to 300% on the first $500 deposited and 200% on the next $1,000 deposited. So by contributing $1,500, the RDSP could add Grants of $3,500. You’ve taken your $1500 and grown it to $5,000! And you can do that every year up to age 49. If the family income is over $83,000, then the Grant is limited to 100% of the first $1,000 deposited. Still a good deal! The maximum total Grants paid is $70,000 per individual The Bond available is meant for lower income families. No contribution is needed. Just open the plan and if the family income is under $24,000 a Bond of $1,000 is added. The Bond is prorated for incomes up to $41,000. The maximum total Bonds paid is $20,000 per individual. A new twist was added in 2011. If you hadn’t opened a plan earlier, the Grants and Bonds are retroactive as early as 2008 when the plan was introduced. There are some annual maximums, so don’t wait too long. As an example, say you are an individual with lower income and open a plan now. For 2008, 2009, and 2010 and now 2011, you have accumulated the Grant entitlement at the 300% rate and the other matching grant at the 200% rate. Plus, the Bond of $1,000 for each of those four years. So if you open the RDSP in 2011 with a deposit of $2000, you could collect $10,000 of government funds. And you still have some Grants to carry forward to another year. Is there a catch? Yes, you cannot open the plan, collect the grants and then withdraw in a short period of time. Any withdrawal would trigger the payback of ALL the Grants and Bonds paid in the previous ten years. The plan is really meant to be a long term savings plan for a disabled person. What about provincial disability programs? When the RDSPs were first announced, it made sure that any future withdrawal would not impact GST credits or other federal programs. And the provinces have also stated the there would be either a full or partial exemption of RDSP withdrawals for income-tested provincial disability benefits. If you need more information, please call me and I can send out some information to you. I also plan to put on a seminar before the end of the year specifically about this new savings plan. If you’d like to be advised when and where it will be, please contact me. Anni Markmann is a Certified Financial Planner and tax professional living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact her annimarkmann@mymts.net or at 422-6631 or at 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne.

available. Pet owners participate in a six week program led by one of Winnipeg’s best dog experts. With the holiday season coming up, gift certificates are also available for all services provided. To find out more contact Lucy or Jane at 878-3176.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Antique Culvert Discovered in Stuartburn

The RM of Stuartburn is hoping to find a good home for this antique culvert, which has been dated as being over 100 years old. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis The RM of Stuartburn council is hoping to find a good home for a piece of history that was discovered buried beneath one of the municipality’s roads a few years ago. About four years ago the RM of Stuartburn was doing some ditching near Caliento which including replacing existing culverts with new ones. While excavating near the corner of 46E and 9N near the old CN bridge the municipal excavator made a unique discovery. Instead of a traditional metal culvert or even a homemade one made of drums welded together excavators discovered a well made antique oak culvert held together with steel rings. Jennifer Blatz, RM of Stuartburn’s acting administrator, said that the discovery was unique enough the municipality did some research into the rare find. “I called some people inquiring as to when they thought it had been originally installed and I was alerted to the fact that the man who probably installed it was still living in Vita,” Blatz explained. “He worked with CN rail in the early 20th century and I called him personally to see if he remembered exactly when it was installed and unbelievably he did – he indicated that the culvert was installed in or around the year of 1905.” Despite being interred for a century, the carefully excavated piece is in remarkable condition. The estimated 100-year-old culvert is sitting behind the municipal office in Vita but the RM of Stuartburn council is hoping that either a museum or collector that will ensure that this unique discovery is preserved will adopt it. “It is in remarkably good shape and not something that we see very often. So far the Morris Museum has taken a piece for their displays and the reeve from Emerson has indicated an interest in taking a piece,” added Blatz. The RM of Stuartburn invites organizations or individuals interested in preserving this remarkably sound piece of history to make a request to council.

November 2011 History of Stuartburn to Appear in Time for 125th Anniversary 13

2011 is the 125th anniversary of both the town of Stuartburn and of Ukrainian settlement in Manitoba. It is fitting that 2011 is also the year that Dr. John C. Lehr’s social, economic and geographic history of Stuartburn, entitled Community and Frontier: A Ukrainian Settlement in the Canadian Parkland, will be released.

“Immigrants from western Ukraine settled the Stuartburn district of south eastern Manitoba at the dawn of the twentieth century.” Published by the University of Manitoba Press, Lehr’s research is based on an analysis of immigration, homestead, tax and school records, pioneer memoirs, and the Ukrainian and English language press. “Immigrants from western Ukraine settled the Stuartburn district of south eastern Manitoba at the dawn of the twentieth century,” says Lehr, a member of the Geography Department at the University of Winnipeg. “In less than 20 years they laid the foundation of a multifaceted community where religious, social, political and economic values collided.” From the details of pioneer life, Community and Frontier reveals a complex web of inter-ethnic and colonial relationships that created a community that was a far cry from the homogeneous ethnic block settlement feared by the opponents of eastern European settlement in western Canada. “Although there are a number of excellent histories that deal with the subject from a broad regional perspective, there wasn’t a detailed study that places the process of land settlement in a theoretical context while retaining a focus on the human details of the process,” says Lehr.

John Lehr

“I also wanted to demonstrate that the story of western Canadian agricultural settlement is as dramatic and interesting as the largely mythologized story of western settlement in the United States.” Community and Frontier launches at 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 7 at Winnipeg’s McNally Robinson Booksellers, 1120 Grant Avenue. John C. Lehr is a professor in the Geography Department at the University of Winnipeg. He is a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Canada. With Yossi Katz, Lehr co-authored Last Best West: Essays on the Historical Geography of Western Canada and By their Faith Shall they Live: The Hutterite Colonies in North America 1874-2006.


November 2011

De Salaberry Wants Secure Gravel Supply The RM of De Saleberry has decided that instead of spending money purchasing gravel from other sources it would benefit the municipality to purchase their own gravel pit. According to council, it was decided that having a municipal gravel pit would result in an overall cost savings while meeting the municipality’s gravel needs. “This would give us the ability to plan in advance for gravel on our own roads,” stated council. “The purchase of a gravel pit will be in line with our current planning.” The RM of De Salaberry council agreed to enter into negotiations to purchase property at NW 33-3-5E for the sole purpose of establishing a gravel pit which is expected to meet the municipality’s needs for years to come. The sale is on condition that the mineral rights from the site are transferred to the municipality. In 2011, the RM of De Salaberry spent $240,000 out of their budget to purchase gravel from other sources.

More Than Just News!

Water Utility Supervisor Needed for Niverville

The Town of Niverville is accepting applications for the full time position of Water Utility Supervisor. As part of the Public Works management team, this motivated and experienced person will be responsible to plan, organize, supervise and direct the Water Utility Division. This includes the treatment and delivery of potable water to municipal customers, regulatory compliance and related inspection and other duties. You are invited to submit your cover letter and resume together with salary expectation, references and other pertinent data to Ryan.Dyck@whereyoubelong.ca or EMAIL YOUR COMMUNITY EVENT TO EDITOR@DAWSONTRAIL.CA fax (204) 388-6110. Only those OR FAX 204-422-8548 selected for a personal interview will be contacted. Please visit Town St. Malo St. Malo fall supper will be held at the Chalet Sunday, November 6th from 4 pm website at www.whereyoubelong.ca for a full job description. to 6:30 pm.


A Craft Show and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, November 26 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Chalet Malouin in St. Malo. For more information contact Aline at 347-5249.

entrepreneurs with disabilities or health

St. Pierre conditions across rural Western Canada The will be a Rainbow Auction with over 50 tables of Crafts, Baking Goods & in a community futures video contest Products on Saturday, November 5 from 10 am – 3 pm at the St-Pierre Rec. called “Just Watch Me!” Centre. Proceeds to Physique Plus. Call Cecile at 433-3202 or Melissa at 433The contest is open to self-identified 3617 for more information.

Tobacco Free 1-2-3 will take place Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Bethesda Hospital in Conference Rm #1. It will run from November 10 - December 1. Tobacco Free 1-2-3 is a free program that will help you learn how to quit, to be aware of medication that can help you quit. It will also connect you with others who are taking steps to quit. For more information and to register, please call Irene Ascough at (204) 346-6690 or Email tobaccofree@sehealth.mb.ca Marchand Marchand Chapel is holding its first community GOSPEL MUSIC EVENT on Sunday, November 27 from 2 pm to 4 pm with refreshments served after. Concert format includes LyndaRose & Gary (houseband), a short open mic session, and the feature band, ISAIAH 6. There will also be a free draw for a guitar for 17 years old and under. Admission is free but a free will offering will be held. Everyone welcome! For more information contact Gary Brown 424-5544. Niverville The Niverville Fire and Emergency Services are hosting a fundraising Perogy Supper on November 11 from 5 pm to 8 pm at the Golden Friendship Center, 118 Second Ave. Donations are welcome. Ste. Anne The CAP site is offering a workshop at Bibliothèque Ste. Anne Library on Tuesday & Thursday 4 pm to 5 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. It is a beginner Internet Workshop. During this workshop you can set a free e-mail account and can learn how to send and receive e-mails. You will also learn how to do a basic web search and be given the opportunity to surf the Web. Contact Nicole Starzec at (204) 380-2559 or Bibliothèque Ste. Anne Library at (204) 422-9958 for more information. Lorette Lorette community Christmas concert will take place Sunday, December 4 at 7 pm. It will feature the Seine Singers, Lorette Community Children’s Choir, Reimer 6, along with Nicholas Messner, and the Two For The Road Vocal Duo. There is also a Sing-along. The concert will be at the Notre Dame de Lorette Church. Adult tickets - $5, School-aged children (K-12) - $3, Pre-school children – FREE. (Tickets are available from Seine Singers choir members, or at the door.) Proceeds from the concert will go to Arts Lorette. For tickets or more information, call Arlene Schulz at 878-2016 or Denise Reimer at 878-2629

Truck Rolls on Trans Canada Hwy

During the morning of October 5 east bound traffic along the Trans Canada Highway was limited to a single lane after a semi went out of control and rolled. RM of Tache fire Chief Peter Skjaerland said the truck was heading east at the time and ended up rolling in the center ditch. While the truck sustained extreme damage, the driver walked away with a few cuts and bruises. The trailer, loaded with empty food containers, split wide open during the incident. It took cleanup crews several hours to transfer the load and clean up the debris. Photo by Marianne Curtis

Landmark Entrepreneur Enters Video Contest

“Putting on the Glitz” New Years Eve Dinner and Dance on Saturday, Dec. 31 at A Landmark entrepreneur has entered the Iberville Hall in St. Malo. Cocktails at 6:30 pm, Dinner at 7:30 pm, Dance a unique contest which could land her from 9 pm to 1 am. Cash bar. Tickets are $35. Contact Lorraine at 347-5624 or $1,000 and exposure for her business. Louise at 347-5503. Hosted by the St. Malo & District Chamber of Commerce. Lorena Mitchell of EvolveGreen will Celebrating St. Malo’s 120th Anniversary (1892 – 2012). be competing against other

Steinbach FREE MONTHLY BUS TRIPS TO THE CASINOS OF WINNIPEG. Call your friends and neighbours and join us for a fun day at the Casinos. Pick up in Steinbach at 8:30 a.m. and Paradise Village approximately 9:00 a.m. Must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes and $10 cash for everyone. Bingo on the bus. Call Marilyn at 326-4939 for date information and to reserve your seat on the bus. The next scheduled trips are November 8th, December 13th and January 10th. Everyone on the November and December bus will have their name entered for the Christmas Draw.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

persons with a disability or ongoing health condition. Mitchell has Multiple Immune Disorder. The “Just Watch Me” contest is sponsored by Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program. The organization helps rural

Local Charity Hosts New Holiday Shopping Event ’Tis the season to begin holiday shopping and support two local charities at the same time. Agape House, the regional shelter that supports women and their children in crisis, will host Home for the Holidays on Saturday, November 5, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Brass Lantern Banquet Centre in Steinbach. “This particular event will showcase homemade, handmade and gift products by artisans, crafters, and giftware carriers from all over the area,” said Board VicePresident Melissa Perkins. In addition to the vendors, there will also be live music, holiday bites, children’s activities, and a holiday photo shoot where you can have your holiday photos taken right on-site. If all of this doesn’t get you into the holiday spirit, they will also be drawing FREE door prizes all day. Door admission to the event is a donation to Agape House or a ‘Tin for the Bin’ for Southeast Helping Hands. “The holiday season is a particularly busy time for both charities and the needs are especially high for families during this period,” indicated Executive Director Tracie Rigby. For further information on this event call 392-4650 or email agapehouse@hotmail.com.

entrepreneurs with disabilities pursue their business goals by providing business advice, training, mentorship and access to repayable business loans. The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program is offered by Community Futures – a rural economic development program funded in western Canada by Western Economic Diversification Canada. Community Futures offices are non-profit organizations guided by volunteer boards of directors and staffed with business professionals. Together, they help communities find ways to improve, grow and become better places

to live and do business in. The panel of judges from Canada’s small business community will review all entries and select their “top 5” videos. Once these finalists are selected and posted in the online screening gallery, voting will begin. The top 5 finalists will be announced November 7 with voting starting the same day until November 26. A winner will be announced on December 2. You can watch Mitchell’s contest video at www.communityfuturespanwest.ca/ contest/all-videos.php

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Tache Encourages Composting In an attempt to encourage residents from throughout the municipality to compost, the RM of Tache hosted a successful one day truck load sale of backyard compost bins. On October 29, the municipality made compost bins available for purchase at three RM of Tache fire halls. Two hundred bins for residential use only were made available at each of three locations in St. Genevieve, Landmark and Lorette. RM of Tache mayor William Danylchuk said that the municipality is committed to implementing a waste reduction policy throughout the municipality to battle climate change. “Composting is a simple and effective way the community can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prolong the life of the municipal landfill site by diverting organic waste,” said Danylchuk. “We are actually diverting the product into a useable product that can go back into gardens and flower beds and of course this is the direction in which the municipality has been going with the emissions reduction program for the past two years.” RM of Tache resident and dairy farmer, Alvin Plett, dropped in to pick up three composters for himself and two of his children. “I think this is a great idea; however, what I find frustrating is with all the push to compost and be environmentally friendly, there is nothing for farmers,” stated Plett. “We get non-returnable drums, pallets and feedbags and we don’t know what to do with them other than taking them to the landfill. This is something that needs to be addressed next.”

RM of Tache fire Chief Peter Skjaerland shows resident Alvin Plett how to assemble his new composter and how easy it is to use. Photo by Marianne Curtis

The compost bins were made available in part through the Community Led Emissions Reduction program with funding from the provincial government. The municipality is not only encouraging residents to become more environmentally friendly, they have completed recent upgrades to two

Food Bank Opens in Grunthal Those in need of food assistance from the Grunthal area will no longer have to worry about traveling to Steinbach after the community recently opened a new food bank. Paster Jarrod Chamberlin from Elm Mennonite Church said the food bank was set up to address a growing need in the area.

municipal public works shops in Landmark and Lorette to make sure they are more efficient. The community and the municipality identified these projects as priority projects after having collected data on their greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 and holding public consultations. “It’s got to start somewhere. We are looking at many possibilities, including at our church. We have a hut that we maybe can do something out of, but at this point we’ve got to fill the need,” stated Chamberlin. “We are meeting with the people and discussing how to get a depot in place.” The group is working with Hank Klassen from South East Helping hands to get established in Grunthal. Once the organization is fully running Klassen said the group will take over food bank distribution for the Grunthal area which will be a “big help” to the already highly used Steinbach based organization.

November 2011


Hanover Establishes Recreation Reserve The RM of Hanover has implemented a new policy that will see the municipality establishing a specific recreation reserve fund. According to council, the policy ensures that development fees collected from subdivisions and multi-family dwellings are used to assist in the recreation needs of each specific community. For example, development fees collected from projects in Grunthal will be used to assist recreation projects in that community. “The purpose of this policy is to establish criteria for the withdrawal of funds from the reserve for the purpose of recreational or green space purchases or capital projects,” stated council. “It is important that council know the long term needs and capital development plans from each community.” Under the policy, the RM of Hanover commits to placing development fees into the Recreational Development reserve fund by community. This is expected to ensure that money collected in Kleefeld is not spent on projects untaken in New Bothwell, for example. Other money could be added to the reserve from the sale of reserve properties and donations. Any community or organization

wishing to draw from the reserve can apply for funding by filling out an application put together by the RM of Hanover. This includes requests for projects that require a matching contribution from the municipality. Council may also approve applications for funding from accounts for projects that extend the life of existing recreation facilities. Applications are available at the RM of Hanover office.

Wii Bowling for Seniors Seine River Services for seniors would like to invite all seniors interested in the Wii Bowling game to come and try out their bowling skills and have fun. We are hoping to start in January, 2012, on Monday afternoons, at Le Club Jovial in Ste. Anne. We would like to form six teams of four players each and we also need a good amount of spare players as well. Any senior who is interested is encouraged to come and play the game and beginners are also welcome. Those who would like to participate in this event please contact Juliette Rowan at 424-5575.

Handy Tips When Getting Pre-Approved For a Mortgage When most people are starting to consider buying a home one of the questions they ask themselves is “Can I afford it?” So off to the bank they go. Some questions that you may want to ask are obvious. Others not so obvious. Here is a suggested list you may want to consider. Why would I want a pre-approval instead of just going and finding a home first then coming to the bank or mortgage broker? By getting a pre-approval does that give me a guaranteed interest rate and if so, for how long? How much can I get approved for? What does amortization mean? What is the cost of borrowing for different amortization lengths? What are the current interest rates and are they on their way up or down? What are the different rates for open or closed mortgages and different terms? If I go with an open mortgage can I lock in at any time? If I decide to sell my house before the term is up will there be a penalty? Can I make extra payments and if so how many or how often? Can I pay my mortgage off early and if so are there any penalties? If I’m pre- approved does that mean when I complete an offer to purchase with my realtor I don’t need to include a clause that states it is subject to financing? What other kind of closing costs can I expect to incur? If I take out an extra loan after my pre-approval will that effect my pre-approval or will I still able to borrow the same amount? What is my debt service ratio and how is it determined? What is my credit score and how does that work? How much money will I need down? What is the cost of going through CMHC and does it change with different amounts of money down? What are land title fees and how much are they? If you ask the right questions I can guarantee you will save a lot of time and energy when looking for a home. We hope this was informative and it helps you to determine the proper mortgage choice that works best for you. If you have any questions call Travis Olifirowich at 371-7223 or Eileen Lewis at 371-0255 at Prudential Riverbend Realty.


November 2011

More Than Just News!

Tetrault Leaves Springfield Municipality Recently defeated Dawson Trail constituency Progressive Conservative candidate Larry Tetrault has called it quits from his position as administrator in the RM of Springfield. Tetrault said that when he returned to work after the election he decided it was time to move on. He joined the staff of the RM of Springfield back in 2007 after leaving a three-decade post with the RM of La Broquerie. “I came back to work and had some discussion with council and I have decided to resign from my position as CAO and rest for a while,” Tetrault stated. “I don’t have any plans for the future right now.” RM of Springfield reeve Jim McCarthy confirmed that council accepted Tetrault’s resignation effective October 12. “During Larry’s tenure the Municipality of Springfield experienced unprecedented growth in all aspects of community development,” stated McCarthy. “Larry was an enormous asset and he will be missed.” Tetrault resigned at the beginning of November 2006 from his position as administrator in the RM of La Broquerie, a position he held for 32 years. At the time he had stepped down from the position to join the race to become the next Progressive Conservative candidate for the constituency of Emerson.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

November 2011


Accountable Politicians Arts Council Fundraiser Underway Require Ethics On October 25, Providence University College hosted its annual public Lecture series, this year on the theme, “God, Government, and Gospel: Christians and Politics.” The guest lecturer for the occasion was Bill Blaikie, an ordained minister and a retired MP and MLA. For 32 years in elected office, Blaikie distinguished himself as a rare Canadian politician with an ability to weave together almost seamlessly his faith and his political affections. Blaikie gave three addresses, “The Naked Public Square vs. The Naked Marketplace,” “Market Fundamentalism: Idolatry and Inequality,” and “Top Ten Scriptures for Faith and Public Life.” He addressed the audience more like a prophet than a politician. To those in public office, he warned, “When we treat the market as something other than a human creation we have created an idol.” Summarily, he called on the public to resist the wages of greed and rediscover a moral center based on an equitable social wage. But to accomplish this, leaders need nothing short of a spiritual vision that can comprehend both God’s generous love for the whole world and the need to discern the principalities and powers that are working against that generosity. Throughout his lectures, Blaikie referred to his new book, The Blaikie Report: An Insider’s look at Faith and Politics. Bill Blaikie, retired MP and MLA spoke at Providence University College recently. Regarding the church, Blaikie lamented the reality that instead of for the frequently undemocratic and marketplace, many Christians are too holding governments accountable inequitable actions of the busy singing the praises of the market. Citing the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan, Blaikie pondered why so many in the church walk on the other side of the road politically when it comes to being neighbourly. And when the church is critical, it fails to see how it is often complicit in the very terms Nearly $30,000 in outstanding bills response when they questioned it judges. At the same time are keeping the RM of La Broquerie their accounts is making it more governments need to create nonbooks from adding up and the difficult to collect now. partisan opportunities for public The RM of La Broquerie council discourse outside the realm of municipality intends on pursuing recognizes there will be some issue politics. collections. According to council a number of with collecting the accounts. One The day ended with a panel of old accounts from up to five years for about $2,000 may cause Providence faculty and student ago have piled up to close to $30,000 problems because the property in respondents and a healthy question question has changed hands and answer period. Blaikie gave a in outstanding accounts. Reeve Claude Lussier confirmed several times since. final reminder that, in the matter of The RM of La Broquerie council public policy, we all struggle to see that there are about thirty outstanding accounts. Many of hopes to have this matter settled by through a glass darkly. In humility, them are small. However, there are the end of the year. we should not pretend we have the several major ones dating back an definitive flashlight. average of three and a half years. “Some have to do with development and paving,” stated Lussier. The municipality’s auditors and accountants have been questioning the municipality on why these The Steinbach RCMP are asking accounts have not been collected. for assistance in identifying the “They are accounts receivable but suspect responsible for the break we are not even sure if we can collect and enter of several stores within on some of them,” Lussier added. the Clearspring Mall in Steinbach The municipality has written off which occurred on the night of several accounts for amounts less October 1st. In each case, the culprit than $250. Any outstanding left with an undisclosed amount of accounts for amounts greater than money. that will be pursued. Anyone with information on this “We are trying to eliminate them incident is asked to contact the so we can start the new financial Steinbach RCMP Detachment at year with zero on those accounts,” 204-326-4452, the Manitoba Lussier continued. He added that Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477 most of the outstanding account (TIPS) or holders have already been www.manitobacrimestoppers.com contacted. “The fact that we can’t or text “TIPMAN”plus your respond to why they didn’t get a message Crimes (274637).

La Broquerie to Collect Old Bills

Clearspring Mall Thieves Sought by RCMP

The Steinbach Arts Council has launched a fundraising campaign with hopes of raising $50,000 to help support its many programs and initiatives. According to Shannon Neufeld, Marketing Coordinator the Steinbach Arts Council, it is looking for financial help to keep programs affordable, purchase equipment and maintain their facility. “A portion of the funds raised will help pay for improvements on the outside of our building as well as in our entrance and the restroom areas of the center,” explained Neufeld. “It also supports our creative arts bursary fund, designed to make arts accessible to everyone.” Donators will be acknowledged on the SAC’s donor wall, signage and future programs and events. “Our community arts center is nothing without each member of the community,” Neufeld continued. “Donations big or small help to make us what we are.” New this year, the Steinbach Arts Council is offering up the opportunity for businesses and groups to have an event named after them. “We are looking for sponsors for concerts, exhibits, programs and special events,” she continued. Recent examples include the Century 21 Christmas Home Tour, Ledingham Celebrate the Arts Dinner or Steinbach Flooring Canada Photography Exhibit by Kevin Friesen. Sponsors can also support individual programs such as the Steinbach Dental Clinic Pottery Program. While the Steinbach Arts Council is situated in Steinbach, participants to programs and users of the facility come from nearly every community in southern Manitoba. Anyone interested in supporting the Steinbach Arts Council can call 346-1077.

Steinbach Humane Society Pulls Plug Again By Marianne Curtis For the second time in less than a year the volunteer-run Steinbach Humane Society has called it quits. Lisa Beauchamp Rogal said that it is with great regret that the organization is disbanding. “Due to personal health reasons Karen Pruden and I are resigning,” “Our lives have been stated Rogal. “Due to the lack of manpower we will be closing the forever changed doors of the organization.” through the work Karen Pruden and Lisa Beauchamp Rogal founded the we’ve done.” Steinbach Humane Society in June 2008. Without a formal location, the organization has relied on volunteers that could foster cats and dogs until a new home was found. Over the past three years, the Steinbach Humane Society has saved, reunited and re-homed over 350 animals. “We have met and worked with many amazing people,” Rogal continued. “Our lives have been forever changed through the work we’ve done, and it’s been an honor and privilege to have been in the business of saving lives.” The organization offers a special thank you to the “wonderful selfless fosters” and volunteers both past and present. “Without them we could not have opened this organization in the first place,” Rogal concluded. Earlier this year the Steinbach Humane Society pulled the plug due to lack of financial resources. At the time, the organization owed $3,900 in veterinary bills. However, a number of fundraisers and private donations helped pay the bills and the organization went back to business as usual.


November 2011

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

November 2011



More Than Just News!

November 2011

Victorian Christmas in Steinbach Step back in time as the Steinbach United Church offers a delightful Victorian Christmas performance. This year’s presentation, A Victorian Christmas in Rupert’s Land, sees Governor George Simpson try to recreate Queen Victoria’s Christmas traditions at Lower Fort Garry. Hilarity ensues with mistaken identity, boisterous fur traders and uncooperative weather conditions. Many of our Christmas traditions began during the reign of Queen Victoria. In this fourth production of Victorian Christmas Steinbach United Church will once again create the ambiance of this era. “Our goal is to create a little piece of history so our guests experience these traditions. We serve high tea and flaming plum pudding, decorating with fine linens and our best china,” said Gay Boese, committee member.

Elegant Victorian decor from a previous Christmas performance by Steinbach United Church.

While the newest offering presents a plot with Manitoba flare, previous shows have highlighted Dickensian England and reflected on the life of Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert. “The performances have been really popular, many people who have attended a past performance are eager to see another. Every year our performances have sold out,” said Boese. Victorian Christmas in Rupert’s Land is on Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4 at 3:00 p.m. The venue is the CE Building of the United Church at 541 Main Street in Steinbach. Tickets are $17.00 per person and can be purchased by calling 204-3266857. Attention to detail creates the Victorian Christmas Atmosphere.

New Flexible Admission Policy Opens Doors to Skilled Adult Learners No degree? No problem. Christian professionals who wish to study at the master’s level no longer need to complete an undergraduate degree before being admitted to Providence Theological Seminary. The Seminary’s new Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy will offer full acceptance to individuals with learning equivalent to a Bachelor of Arts. The policy is among the first of its kind for Canadian seminaries (www.providenceseminary.ca/seminary/rpl/.) It meets or exceeds best practices as set forth by the Manitoba government (www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ael/ all/plar/). “Many highly skilled students want to study at Providence Seminary,” says Marie Raynard, an RPL advocate and Associate Registrar at Providence. “They have learning from a variety of work and ministry experiences. The RPL process will eliminate duplication of that learning. If they can prove they already have the necessary knowledge or skills, why ask them to repeat it?” Raynard says the new policy will save students money and encourage those already working in church and para-church ministries to pursue further education. Provost Dr. David Johnson agrees. “I believe RPL contributes to the Seminary’s goal of making accredited theological education more accessible to more people. It puts Providence on the cutting edge of educational services to students.” The new policy is about opening doors to learners, but it does have limits. “Not every application for RPL will be accepted,” Raynard says. “RPL is about learning, not just experience. Anyone going through the process will need to prove that they are currently competent in a variety of areas.” The RPL process will require applicants to compile a portfolio that documents their learning and matches that learning to the seminary’s list of “BA Learning Outcomes.” These outcomes outline what the seminary expects a BA graduate to know and be able to do. Applicants will receive assistance from administrative staff throughout the process. Plans are underway to develop and implement an RPL program for Providence University College. Validating what students have accomplished outside of traditional classrooms

will benefit both individual students and the community as a whole. This is one more way Providence is pursuing its mission of teaching people to grow in knowledge and character for leadership and service.

Fall Satellite Offices for Sport Development Sport Manitoba - Eastman is establishing satellite offices near you to make it easier for sport clubs and associations to tap into their services. If you are a non-profit sport club/ association and looking for resources and information for sports programming and development call 268-2172 or toll free at 1-866-774-2220 (ext. 6) to book a one-on-one appointment. Sport Manitoba - Eastman Region would like to meet with you to discuss your club/organization’s needs. They will be at the Council Meeting Room in Steinbach on Wednesday, November 23 and in Vita at the Vita and District Health Centre on Tuesday, November 29 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. They will be traveling with a representative from the department of Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors. They will be available for appointments as well to discuss: - Resources for recreation programs - Ideas on how to start a fundraising campaign - Tips on building renovations - Direction in planning your project - Grants available to assist with projects/programs

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

November 2011


Is It Possible? ... No More War Isaiah 2:4.... He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. (NIV1984) Can it be possible that someday soon the world will see the end of war? Is it too much to hope for a day when people will get tired of killing one another? Now we ask ourselves; what has happened to all the memories of the wars of yesterday? Have we forgotten all the suffering, all the dying? Have we forgotten the pictures of all those beautiful little children whose torn bodies carry the scars of a world filled with hate, a world that somehow has gone mad with hate, and a world that does not know how to settle issues other than through the barrel of a gun? Questions like these cannot be truthfully answered from a human heart that does not know God. We live in a day and age when all of us see through the eye of journalist’s lens what happens on the battle fields; in towns, cities, countrysides. We have the journalists embedded with troops so that we can see the battles as they happen. Many times what we see pulls at the heart strings. We experience sadness; it is almost as if we where there in the battle. We see and experience death as it happens to our very own men and women in the Canadian Armed forces. We see the pain in the eyes of these young soldiers, sailors, airmen and support people who fight back tears; but they carry on with their duties, believing in their heart of hearts that someday this war will end and this senseless dying will experience a new age of peace. It is as though the Holy Spirit is saying, “Peter! I want you to share with all your readers; those who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior as well as those who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior. That there is a day coming when we will experience such peace, no more war, no more dying, no more temptation, no more sorrow … only pure peace, such peace that your heart will burst out in praise with Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To God be the glory great things He has done!” We are reminded in many different ways that most nations are almost totally ignorant of God. However, there is a day coming when that will change. You will hear people say, “Come. Let us go worship the Lord. Let us go listen to what the Scriptures teach.” In those days the world as we know it today will be ruled, not by guns and bullets, but by Jesus Christ Himself. The Lord Himself will settle international disagreements; all nations will stop making weapons of war. They will spend their time and technology making the things that benefit their people; it will be truly a time of peace. Isaiah the prophet said, “Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” I understand this to mean that all wars will stop and all military training will be halted. Can you imagine what it would be like when all countries in the world stop making war? When we could worship freely the One who saved us from our sins or transgressions? Can you imagine the truth behind what Scripture teaches … that Christ will never remember our sinful past if we acknowledge our sin? That Christ is this very moment preparing a place for us … for those who have accepted Him as Lord and Savior. We do not want to miss that day, do we? Why not invite Christ to come into your heart right now. It does not matter where you are. You might be sitting in a waiting room, coffee shop, restaurant or an office reading this column. Call a trusted friend who knows Christ and let them know what you are prepared to do. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness to fulfill my heart desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honor Your Name.” Amen

Accident Takes Life of Ontario Woman On Oct. 30 at approximately 12:00 p.m. Falcon Beach RCMP responded to a single vehicle rollover on Highway #1 Approximately 20 km west of Falcon Lake. Investigation revealed that the driver of an SUV traveling westbound went off the highway into the south ditch and rolled the vehicle several times. The 37 year old male driver and the 30 year old female passenger were taken to hospital where the female passenger was pronounced dead. Names are not being released at this time pending notification of next of kin. Both occupants were from Ontario. Police are continuing their investigation to determine the cause of the collision. Alcohol is not believe to be a factor.


More Than Just News!

November 2011

Feds Approve Loans for RM of Hanover By Marianne Curtis Three projects in the RM of Hanover will continue to proceed after the federal government recently approved $5.7 million in low-cost loans to the municipality. On October 7, Provencher MP Vic Toews met with members of the RM of Hanover council to inform them of the approval of $5.7 million in lowcost loans for three projects to upgrade their wastewater and drinking water treatment systems. “Our Government understands the importance of infrastructure in maintaining strong and prosperous communities,” stated Toews. “The Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program has enabled municipalities across Canada to invest in water and waste services, fire halls and other housing-related infrastructure projects that are essential to growing their communities”. Doug Cavers, CAO for RM of Hanover says that the municipality is grateful for the funding. “Access

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Steinbach Credit Union announces site of new branch

SCU Prepares to Build Up in Steinbach

Steinbach Credit Union announced that a major milestone has been achieved in its plans to build a new branch and corporate head office in Steinbach when it unveiled the site for its new building. The new building will be located along Main Street, on the property between Steinbach Place and Lumber Avenue. “I am pleased to announce that the new branch and corporate office will be on Main Street, just down the block from our current location,” said Ted Falk, SCU Board President. “As a town grandfather and significant member of the Steinbach business community, it is important for SCU to remain in the heart of Steinbach”. Planning for the new branch and corporate head office has been underway for some time. “We had several site location options to consider,” stated Glenn Friesen, CEO. “And in the end, we made our Mel Schroeder, Henry Funk and Doug Cavers from the RM of Hanover were on hand when Provencher MP Vic Toews announced that they’d been approved for $5.7 million in low-cost decision with the impact to our members and the community top-ofloans for three projects in the municipality. mind.” One option the credit union to secure long-term funding has with infrastructure needs within our considered was to build on its allowed our Municipality to keep up local communities,” added Cavers.

New Programs Expected to Help Students Succeed This year students from the Steinbach Regional High School will be among the first group across the province to participate in a new education program recently launched by the province. The new program is one of three recently launched that are designed to keep students engaged in school, active in their communities and help them get the support they need to succeed. The Manitoba Mentors - Connecting Learning and Work was launched at the beginning of this school year in seven schools across Manitoba, including the Steinbach Regional High School. The program, which is partnered with the Alliance of Manitoba Sector Councils, is a three-year pilot project that will see students matched with employers who will provide group mentoring, speakers’ panels, site visits to employers and businesses, small group discussions and one-to-one mentoring through job shadowing, internships and job placements. By the end of year three, it is estimated over 2,500 students will be involved in Manitoba Mentors - Connecting Learning and Work from across the province. Another program that is available to students is the Youth Making a Difference Grant Program which provides students and youth working with teachers or adult supervisors with up to $1,000 to develop and implement social justice and community development projects in schools or in the community.

St. Pierre Jolys RCMP Seek Missing Youth St. Pierre Jolys RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in locating a missing a 15-year-old female youth, Jay-lynn MCIVOR. MCIVOR was reported missing on October 13th. She is described as 5' 7" tall and about 122 lbs. with brown hair and brown eyes. Jay-lynn McIvor is considered to be an at-risk youth and police are concerned for her well-being. Anyone with information regarding her whereabouts is asked to call the St. Pierre Jolys RCMP at (204) 433-7908 or their local police agency.

Steinbach Completes Lagoon Project The City of Steinbach is pleased to announce that the completion of the largest capital project in the city’s history is finally complete. Mayor Chris Goertzen is pleased that the Steinbach Lagoon Expansion project is finally complete and in operation. “The goal of council was to equip our city with infrastructure that would accommodate future growth,” said Goertzen, “That is exactly what this lagoon expansion accomplishes. This facility will serve our present and future citizens for many years.” Only one of the three newly constructed cells will be put to use this fall with the other two cells being put into service as needed over the next few years. The project saw the addition of three effluent storage cells with a combined size of approximately 1.0 million square metres, as well as the addition of a primary wastewater treatment cell at about 30,000 square metres in size. The final work of fencing, seeding, and construction of the access road has been completed and final test results are being reviewed by the City together with Manitoba Conservation. The total project cost just over $10.5 million with

Niverville Assists Wetlands Project The Town of Niverville council has been successful in its bid to obtain provincial approval to turn the community’s old lagoon site into natural wetlands. A year ago, council passed a resolution that saw a concept study conducted on the transformation of the former wastewater lagoon. Organizations such as Ducks Unlimited and the University of Manitoba stepped forward and a partnership was formed. Just recently, the Town of Niverville council agreed to provide an annual grant to the University of Manitoba over the next three years for a total of $214,000 to aid in the research of wetland and traditional phytorremediation of decommissioned municipal lagoons. Phytorremediation describes the treatment of environmental problems using plants that mitigate the environmental problem without the need to excavate the contaminant material and dispose of it elsewhere. The town of Niverville council noted that not only would the project be good for the environment, it will also be benefit the community financially. It will cheaper to turn the old lagoon into a wetlands site than to undertake traditional decommissioning. The natural wetlands will be created as an extension of Hespler Park.

$7.0 million in funding ($3.5 million each) from the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba under the Building Canada Fund.

existing site. “Physically relocating the credit union during construction at our existing site would have presented great challenges. It would have been an inconvenience for our members, extremely expensive, and challenging logistically,” continued Friesen. “We believe our new site location will provide the benefits of a clean build from the ground up, without service interruption.” The Steinbach Credit Union Board’s vision for the new building is to amalgamate the branch and corporate head office functions. “When we began operations in 1941, we had 95 members and member assets under $1,000,” said Falk. “Today, we are Manitoba’s largest credit union with over 80,000 members and over $3.4 billion in member assets. In order to gain efficiencies, we’d like to see all of our 297 Steinbach employees under one roof.” Currently, the corporate office functions are housed in seven separate satellite locations throughout Steinbach. Negotiations to secure ownership of the five properties located between Steinbach Place and Lumber Avenue concluded recently. A memorandum of understanding with the City of Steinbach is in place, and final legal agreements ensuring the successful site transition are anticipated without undue delay. Plans for the new building are still being finalized and construction is expected to commence in spring 2012. “This is an exciting new chapter for SCU. We know that our new branch and corporate office will make SCU members and the city of Steinbach proud,” said Falk.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

Project ‘DEADLINE’ Results in Weapons Seizure

On Sunday, October 16, units from the RCMP Altona Customs and Excise Section and the Canadian Firearms Program: National Weapons Enforcement Support Team (NWEST) executed a search warrant in the RM of La Broquerie. This search was the culmination of a joint investigation involving the RCMP Customs and Excise Altona Office and NWEST. An extensive search of a rural land location, multiple outbuildings and vehicles was undertaken over a three day period was done with the assistance of numerous RCMP units. They included the RCMP Customs and Excise Boissevain Office, the RCMP D Division Search and Rescue Team, the RCMP East District Containment Team, the RCMP Steinbach Detachment, RCMP D Division Customs and Excise and with support from the Winnipeg Police Service. The successful search resulted in 49 firearms related charges being laid against James Anthony Rush, a 37year-old resident of that location who is now in custody. Some of the items recovered include: - 2 prohibited handguns with obliterated serial RCMP Inspector Tyler Bates, Officer in Charge of numbers Border Integrity. - 1 prohibited semi-automatic assault rifle - 4 non-restricted rifles - 2 pellet handguns various calibers. - 2 pellet rifles The investigation into this matter is - multiple high capacity magazines and ongoing and police anticipate further - thousands of rounds of ammunition of charges may be forthcoming.

Drive Away Hunger Tour Huge Success On Friday, October 14, Farm Credit Canada’s (FCC) Drive Away Hunger program finished the last leg of its eighth annual journey with 2.4 million pounds of food collected for food banks nationwide. FCC Drive Away Hunger involves driving a tractor and trailer through communities to collect food and cash donations for food banks across the country. One hundred percent of donations go to Canadian food banks. The FCC Drive Away Hunger Manitoba tour took place in the communities of Blumenort, Brandon, Dauphin, Grunthal, Ile-des-Chênes, Kleefeld, La Broquerie, Landmark, Morden, New Bothwell , Niverville, Portage la Prairie, St. Pierre, Ste. Anne and Steinbach. “Our employees are passionate about this cause, which impacts far too many Canadians,” said FCC President and CEO Greg Stewart. “With their support

and the help of our customers, other businesses, schools and community groups, FCC has raised 7.6 million pounds of food since 2004. It’s overwhelming to see so many members of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry come together to share their products to feed those who need it most in our communities.” In Manitoba, 189,172 pounds of food was collected for food banks across the province. Food collected during the tour itself ranged from soup, peanut butter, flour, pasta, dried peas and lentils. Everyone we encountered was generous and helped fill food bank shelves. FCC Drive Away Hunger began in 2004 when an employee in Ontario organized a local tractor tour. He collected food donations from his local community as a way to give back and help food banks serve people in need.

Quad Stolen On October 25, Steinbach RCMP received a complaint that a Suzuki 4 wheeler was stolen from the driveway of 584 Main Street in Steinbach. The quad was secured to the deck of the residence and the suspects cut the locking device and pushed the quad away from the house. It appears that the Quad was loaded into another vehicle and hauled away. The quad is described as a 2008 Blue and white Suzuki LT-R450 quad racer. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP at 326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1800-222-8477 (TIPS) or www.manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

November 2011


Municipalities Praised for Professionalism with Evacuations By Marianne Curtis Many southeast residents spent Thanksgiving weekend grateful for their lives after a number of forest fires forced evacuations region wide. Evacuation orders started rolling in October 5, starting with the RM of Stuartburn when an out of control grass fire forced 50 residents to leave their homes to seek safety in Vita. In a matter of a day, smoke smothered the area from fires burning out of control near Gardenton, Stuartburn, Sundown, Piney, Sandilands, Marchand, La Broquerie and Pansy. In the RM of Stuartburn approximately 160 people were evacuated along with approximately 100 people from Lonesand and Caliento north to Zhoda and Hwy 12. In the RM of La Broquerie approximately 350 people from Marchand were evacuated. In the RM of Piney, approximately 300 to 400 people were evacuated from the Sandilands and Woodridge areas. In the RM of Hanover residents from Pansy were evacuated to Grunthal. Catherine Wiens and her family were some of many that were forced to find a safe place to stay in Steinbach after being told to leave their Marchand home. “I didn’t think the fire was that bad. I saw the fire and the smoke and but a couple hours later someone knocked on the door. I couldn’t believe it,” recalled Wiens. “There was not a real sense of panic but the scariest part was being in Steinbach and not knowing what was going on and then reading facebook or twitter updates from people saying the town burned down. That was the worst.” Wiens added that she was grateful for

Smoke rises over Marchand a few hours before the town is evaculated as an out of control forest fire threatens the community.

the way the RM of La Broquerie handled the situation. “Even though it was a rush they were very organized. They even marked the homes that they’d already told to evacuate,” Wiens noted. “We had to register in La Broquerie and many of the families were forced to leave during supper so it was nice that they even had food set up for us.” Acting Manitoba fire commissioner Dave Schafer said about 75 firefighters from at least eight departments worked on the fires non-stop over a few days before everything could be declared under control. Water bombers were also called in to help contain the blaze.


More Than Just News!

November 2011

Young Local Amputees Help Mark 30 Years of CHAMP Seminars Champs were Junior Counselors at the seminar, answering questions and offering advice to the younger Champs. In one seminar session, Champs demonstrated their standard and recreational artificial limbs and devices to the group. The seminar covered subjects of interest for all age groups, including the latest developments in artificial limbs, parenting an amputee child, dealing with teasing and bullying, learning to drive and the importance for amputees of staying active.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

New Heating Unit at Providence to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

Seminars are life-changing events, particularly for first-time attendees. “Meeting others with exactly the same concerns, and seeing how they have overcome them, has a profound effect on how they regard their amputation,” says CHAMP Director Lucie Waddell. CHAMP and all its programs are funded solely through public support of The War Amps Key Tag and Address Label Service. For more information, call 1 800 250-3030 or visit waramps.ca.

Providence College led a tour through their campus recently to celebrate its new heating unit facility. Harold Barg, Senior board member of Providence and President of NDL Construction, Ron Lemieux, Minister of Local Government, Provencher MP Vic Toews, Dr. August Konkel, President of Providence University College & Theological Seminary and Cliff Graydon, MLA for Emerson had an opportunity to see the technology up close.

Isabella pauses for a photo at the seminar.

Isabella Tweed, 15, of Ile des Chênes, and Telysha Warkentin, 1, of Blumenort, recently attended The War Amps annual Western Child Amputee (CHAMP) Seminar in Edmonton. This year is a special one, marking the 30th anniversary of CHAMP Seminars, which are held regionally across Canada. Isabella was born missing part of her right hand, and Telysha was born a left arm amputee. They attended the three-day seminar, which dealt with all aspects of Telysha enjoys the “Play and Learn” session with Alberta Junior Counsellor Emilio at the growing up as an amputee. Older seminar.

Compost Depot Yields Modest Results

This summer saw the City of Steinbach’s Solid Waste Department try something new in the area of composting by installing community compost depots. From mid-May to mid-October, two compost depots were available every Saturday at the Steinbach Junior High School and at Woodlawn School. While the compost depots were well used, the volume of material collected was significantly less than the department initially anticipated. Solid Waste Department Head, Eldon Wallman, explained that volume has dropped significantly

due to the drought conditions. “Our aim was to collect about 5 tonnes of compostable material every Saturday,” stated Wallman. “Unfortunately, the dry summer meant less lawn mowing and therefore much fewer grass clippings for the depots. Material went down to less than one tonne on most Saturdays.” Although considerably less material was collected than planned (35 tonnes), there were still other positive aspects to the program. Depot workers estimate that at least half the people using the community depots were new to composting and had never brought material to the Landfill’s compost depot. As well, comments from the public were very positive. “People were very appreciative of the concept and expressed hope that we keep the composting program alive in one form or another,” said Wallman. Now that the collection depots are closed for the season the public is reminded they can still bring their bags of leaves, grass clippings, and garden waste to the Steinbach Landfill to be composted. Dry conditions led to a less than anticipated amount of materials being dropped off at local compost depots however the program is still deemed a success in its inaugural year.

Wind turbines will now provide Providence University College with nearly half of its energy needs. The project received support from the Government of Canada, the Province and the RM of De Salaberry. “This investment created jobs at a critical time for Manitoba’s economy while improving the infrastructure that Providence University College will need to maintain its reputation as an advanced education leader,” said Provencher MP Vic Toews. “Our government’s support for the knowledge economy has not only made a difference in the short term but also set the foundation for future prosperity.” The Government of Canada invested $557,000 in two construction projects at the campus through its Knowledge Infrastructure Program. The college provided matching funding while the Province of Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro and the Buller Foundation all contributed additional funding. “Every step we take to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions is a step in the right direction and this will make a significant difference at Providence University College,” said former MLA and Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux. “This new heating unit will not only save money but will improve the health of the environment by removing approximately 180 tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, the equivalent of taking 33 cars off the road annually.” The province invested $84,000 through the Community Led Emissions Reduction (CLER) Initiative’s competitive fund for the installation of a new biomass heating unit for buildings on the Providence University College campus. The unit replaces natural gas heating and is expected to generate cost savings of up to $50,000 per year. The addition of wind power to the campus’s existing geothermal heating and cooling system will further reduce the college’s carbon footprint while a new lecture theatre and seminar rooms for distance learning will expand the college’s reach. “This biomass heating system is an excellent example of governments, businesses and community institutions like Providence working together to become better stewards of the world,” said Dr. August Konkel, president, Providence University College and Theological Seminary. “Not only will this greatly reduce Providence’s carbon footprint, we’ve designed this system to be a demonstration site to showcase the crucial role rural Manitoba business can play producing non-fossil-fuel energy.”

Homes Wanted for Christmas Home Tour The Steinbach Arts Council is looking for homeowners wishing to participate in the 14th annual Christmas Home Tour and Tea Community Fundraiser. According to Shannon Neufeld, Marketing Coordinator the Steinbach Arts Council, it is looking for homes to showcase in the 14th Annual Home Tour and Tea. “This is a heart-warming event that brings the community together in the celebration of Christmas, fellowship and an appreciation for architectural, interior and floral design,” explained Neufeld. “This event doubles as a fundraiser for the Arts Council so we can continue to offer a wide range of programs to promote the arts and enhance the quality of life in our community.” The Steinbach Arts Council is looking for homes in a variety of styles such as Victorian, contemporary, country estate, traditional, modern, country, European, timber frame, folk and heritage homes. “Homes will be decorated for the Christmas season by florists and designers, and local green house and landscape designers,” Neufeld added. The actual tour will take place on November 27 and the public will be invited to tour the homes, and then enjoy tea and desert at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Center. The Steinbach Arts Council is also looking for community volunteers to serve as committee members. Anyone wishing to volunteer or showcase their homes can contact 346-1077 for more information.

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