Dawson Trail Dispatch May 2014

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The Sweetest Spring Festival

Unvaccinated Vita Student Not Allowed at School By Marianne Curtis A ten year old boy from Vita was not allowed to attend school earlier in April because his mother refused to vaccinate him against measles. Earlier in April, students at Shevchenko School were told they could not attend classes unless they were vaccinated after a possible case of measles showed up at school. As a result, Grade 5 student Aidan Walsh was forced to stay home from classes. Aidan’s mom Kim never had him vaccinated against measles because she believes he is safe with homeopathic remedies. The province is enforcing a policy that states any child who has not been vaccinated and may be at risk, has to stay home. “To me it almost seems like a bullying situation, you know? Get the needle! Get the needle! If you don’t get the needle, you can’t go!” said Kim. So far, in Manitoba there have been eight laboratoryconfirmed cases of measles and after the first two, the

Continued on page 2

Five-Year Highway Improvement Plan Announced By Marianne Curtis Pouring out fresh maple syrup on the snow for a tasty treat.

Several hundred people headed out to St. Pierre-Jolys to attend this year’s annual Sugaring Off Festival at the Cabane à Sucre. The annual Sugaring Off Party took place April 14 and 15 in the Cabane à Sucre, located on the grounds of the Musée de Saint-Pierre-Jolys Muséum in St. Pierre. Each year, visitors from all over the province come to the festival, which is designed to celebrate the tradition of tapping maple sap to make syrup and maple butter. As part of the celebrations, visitors to the Cabane à Sucre were shown how

Photos by Marianne Curtis

to properly tap Manitoba maple trees for the sweetness inside, followed by the dehydrating process and then they were given the opportunity to sample the finished product. This year’s event was full of indoor and outdoor activities, including taffy on snow, an interpretive centre demonstrating the production of maple syrup, horse wagon rides, museum tours, traditional French-Canadian dining and local entertainment. A fiddling contest took place on Sunday afternoon.

On April 8, Premier Greg Selinger was on hand to personally make highway improvement announcements for the region. According to Selinger, the province will be investing over $28 million in repairs and upgrades to various highways in the area, including Hwy 12. “This highway is a heavily travelled north-south tourist and trade route and these road investments will improve the ride for heavy trucks and commuters,” Selinger said. “The new projects include bridge replacements and paving and resurfacing of this roadway, which is a direct link to the Trans-Canada Highway, the national highway system and CentrePort Canada.”

Continued on page 3


May 2014

More Than Just News!

Not All Babies are Abandoned leave them be,” explained a representative for the centre. “If the nest was accidentally disturbed, simply put it back the best you can and mom will still continue to care for them.” She added that mothers only return to the nest to feed them once or twice a day, usually at night for only a few minutes so you likely won’t ever see her. “If you want to be assured she is returning to the nest, place a light string or yarn over the nest in an X pattern and the next day you will see it disturbed, which means she has returned,” she added. “Bunnies the size of a softball are already independent, so those need to be left alone as well.” If you do find a bunny that has After receiving their first ‘abandoned’ bunny of the season on April 23, the Manitoba Wildlife blood or an obvious injury, was caught by a cat, or if after two Rehabilitation Centre issued a reminder that not all wild animals are orphaned. days the string test is not By Marianne Curtis “If you find a nest of disturbed, contact the Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, as it With the arrival of spring comes a bunnies in your yard, will likely need care. growing problem well meaning “Bunnies are very difficult to garden and even animal lovers discover raise in captivity, so please help us ‘abandoned’ animals and bring flower pot, the best keep them in the wild where they them to the Manitoba Wildlife the representative thing you can do is belong,” Rehabilitation Centre. concluded. After receiving their first baby Each year the Manitoba Wildlife leave them be.” bunny on April 23, the Centre Rehabilitation Centre receives issued a reminder that not all thought to be orphans, but in a thousands of phone calls from abandoned animals are orphans. vast majority of cases they likely people who have found infant wild Each year the Manitoba Wildlife did not need rescuing at all. animals that they believe are Rehabilitation Center in Ile des “If you find a nest of bunnies in orphans. Chênes receives over 300 infant your yard, garden and even flower Eastern Cottontails that were pot, the best thing you can do is

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Wildlife Haven Asks for Help

The Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre in Ile des Chenes has put out a call for help after someone dropped off a litter of nine two-week old abandoned coyote pups over the first weekend of May. “They were found cold, abandoned, and near death on a property near Brandon and brought to our centre for care,” explained a representative. “We will have our challenges with these guys such as the formula bottle feedings right now, but then building the proper caging and obtaining food to ready them for a release about 4 months from now.” Anyone wishing to contribute to help them care for these and the many more babies the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre is receiving visit the web site for more details at www.wildlifehaven.ca/donate.php.

Measles continued... Continued from page 1 province’s public health officials sent a letter to parents of school-age children. The letter told parents if there is a risk of exposure to measles, an unvaccinated student could be asked to stay home for up to three weeks to prevent infection and ensure the child’s safety. Kim said the policy is not fair because vaccinations are not mandatory in Canada. “It’s a bit of a scare tactic, you know. If they don’t get the needle, he could get meningitis!” said Kim. Dr. Tim Hilderman, Medical Director of the province’s immunization program said the policy is about saving lives, not instilling fear. According to provincial data, 79 percent of children age 11 were vaccinated against measles in 2012. “Aiden could return to school immediately if he had the vaccine, even though it takes two to three weeks for it to kick in,” stated Hiderman. “Everyone else immunized at the school would already be safe.” Kim is not budging on the issue. “No way, no how. No,” she said. Aidan will have to stay home for two to three weeks and get through his school work with help from his mother. If another case is reported in the school, he will have to remain home longer. The province issued a statement that says, “Vaccination is voluntary in Manitoba as is the case in other Canadian jurisdictions. Public health officials in Manitoba do encourage vaccination as it is medically considered the best line of defence among any number of communicable diseases.” The statement also said, “Vaccination is something that is an individual or parental decision.” Manitoba Public Health in early May confirmed that most of the cases are in Winnipeg. As of May 4 Regional Health Authority lists show the Interlake- Eastern with 1 case, Southern Health-Santé Sud with 2 and Winnipeg has 5 confirmed reports. To date, there are no confirmed cases for Northern or Prairie Mountain Health Regional Health Authorities. There have also been recent outbreaks of measles in other parts of Canada, including a current outbreak in British Columbia where there are over 200 cases. In Canada, measles activity is also currently being reported by Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario. Symptoms generally appear 7 to 18 days after infection. Initial symptoms may include high fever (38.3C or higher), runny nose, drowsiness, irritability and red eyes. Small white spots may also develop on the inside of the mouth or throat. Three to seven days after the initial symptoms, a red blotchy rash appears on the face and progresses down the body. Measles infection can lead to complications, including ear infections, diarrhoea, pneumonia (lung infection) and encephalitis (brain inflammation). Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by the measles virus, which is spread through respiratory droplets in the air formed when coughing or sneezing. It may also spread through contact with items freshly soiled with nasal and throat discharge, but this is uncommon. An infected person is contagious and able to spread the virus from four days before the rash appears to four days after.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

May 2014


Recycled Orchestra Performs in Steinbach By Marianne Curtis

Community Education Centre and start a scholarship fund Centre in A group of teenagers playing Cateura, home of The Recycled instruments made from trash found Orchestra and considered one of in a landfill in Cateura, Paraguay the poorest slums in South performed before 900 people at the America. Steinbach Mennonite Church on Under the leadership of the April 30 to raise funds to create a orchestra’s conductor, who played better future for their community. a guitar made out of two cookie The Steinbach Arts Council tins, the orchestra performed worked with the Global Family songs including John Lennon’s Foundation to bring the The ‘Imagine’, Bach’s ‘Suite No. 1’, Recycled Orchestra tour to ‘Canon in D’, ‘Amazing Grace’ and Steinbach as part of a Canadian ‘Pink Panther’. national tour. The tour is expected What made the musical to raise money to build a performance unique were the

instruments. There was a bass made out of a can and pallet wood, a viola made out of a paint can, baking pan and a fork, a flute made out of a ½” pipe, a saxophone made out of a water pipe with buttons, a beer cap and a coin as keys, a cello made out of an oil can with a wooden spoon holding the strings and a trumpet made from water pipes and keys. “The world sends us music, but we send back music,” said Favio Chavez, Director of the orchestra. “People are starting to realize that you shouldn’t throw away trash

carelessly. Now they are starting to realize that you shouldn’t throw away people either.” Turning metal drums, oilcans, spoons, copper pipes, wire and bottle caps into cellos, violins, guitars and flutes, The Recycled Orchestra is proving that despite

their circumstances, the community has something beautiful to offer. The long-term goal is to partner with the Cateura community to build a school, as there is a dire need for access to quality education.

The Recycled Orchestra makes beautiful music with instruments created out of items scavenged from landfills in Cateura, Paraguay in South America, including a cello made out of an oilcan with a wooden spoon holding the strings.

Highway Plan continued... Continued from page 1 Over $28 million has been budgeted for Hwy 12 in 2014-15, the premier said, adding this year’s work includes rehabilitating the Seine River Diversion bridge just south of Ste. Anne; paving the north and southbound lanes of the 6-kilometre stretch from the Trans-Canada Highway to the Seine River Diversion and improving the intersection at Hwy 311 near Blumenort. The Premier listed other southeast projects that are part of the Manitoba government’s $5.5-billion Five-Year Plan. Other highway projects include paving Hwy 302 for eight km north of Richer, paving the Trans-Canada Highway for over 30 km east of Hwy 12 to the Brokenhead River including paved shoulders, rumble strips and intersection improvements at existing access points, paving 43 km of Hwy 12 from the Trans-Canada Highway north to Anola and on to Hwy 44, surfacing 12.2 km of Hwy 12 from Steinbach to the Seine River, completion of the Hwy 12 paving from the Trans-Canada Highway to the Seine River Diversion and the completion of the structure over the diversion. Further southeast project plans include micro surfacing of 22 km north of Piney and rehabilitating structures at east and west Pine Creek, east of Piney, as well as structures at Mud Creek and Sprague Creek, south of Sprague. Last year’s repaving project of the Dawson Road (Hwy 207) which runs through the town of Ste. Anne will continue this year and the province is committed to working with the Town of Ste. Anne to scope out other options for future upgrades. The upgrades are part of the Province of Manitoba’s new $5.5-billion, 5year core infrastructure plan developed in consultation with municipalities, business, labour leaders and industry associations across Manitoba.

Concert goers had an opportunity to meet members of The Recycled Orchestra after the performance.


May 2014

More Than Just News!

Independent Canadian Institutions Challenge the Government

Investing in Our Young People

The Supreme Court is functioning with eight members as opposed to the full compliment of nine. That should probably increase the workload of its functioning members. Its latest nominee was found disqualified by the rules. A year later, no other name has been put forward. One would think somebody else would meet the necessary criteria. The Senate reform questions posed by the government to the Supreme Court, namely the election of the same and term limits of members, were found to be outside of the purview of the Federal Government alone. The province’s entry into Confederation made a deal with our founding fathers that gave them, for all intent and purpose, a veto. A veto may be a strong word, but who will want to open another round of constitutional talks with the provinces on Senate reform. Like I said, these provinces have a veto. For a government that got in promising to be a champion for the provinces in ‘rebalancing’ Canada, this must smart. This is not the first skirmish this Government has had with the members of the High Court. Minister Vic Toews, when he was still in government, had eight or 10 rebuffs from these Elite 9 about questions put to them by this minister, I believe twice on the same question, tough on crime, short on common sense. Now the Minister is a judge. One can’t help but wonder how many of his judgments will be appealed. The irony is he is eligible to be nominated and sit on the Supreme Court. With the PM in charge of appointments and if a vacancy was to be available to Manitoba I am sure many good qualified Manitobans could do us proud but, I wouldn’t want to bet against ideology at this point. Again in Manitoba, the National Microbiology Lab has lost its Director, Dr. Frank Plummer, as he quit/retired/ was let go. They, the Feds, are advertising for a new biology boss but it looks like they are trolling for a bureaucrat. Their $132,000 starting salary is not the remuneration of a top scientist. This same lab has done great research in HIV, as Dr Plummer is world-renowned in that field. We are also in an era of potential epidemics such as ‘SARS’, ‘Bird flu’ and many other viruses that are being spread by jet travel. Measles is making a comeback, which puts an exclamation on this point. Last year they gutted the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA), the only place in the world where experiments and research could be performed on whole lakes. Now as this is a world-class microbiology lab, are we Manitobans in the doghouse? Shades of a yesteryear slap upside the head by Mulroney awarding the CF104 to Montreal when Winnipeggers were more qualified to refurbish the RCAF planes. This brings up two questions about PM Harper: are Manitobans in the doghouse again or is he against science, or is it both? On the Fair Election act the Government backed down considerably but it’s not good enough yet. They still wish to control the job of referee. Referees with the potential for party bias will not work. This Government continuously reminds us of their biases. What is being sidelined is the independence of our institutions; independence is a necessity for quality. Political partisanship is a recipe for disaster in anything but legislatures, case in point, the Senate. On that note, the original deal with the provinces was an independent House of sober second opinion. Perhaps the future appointment of Senators could be accomplished with less political bias. Political hacks of late have proven a wee bit problematic. All democracies are held in varied degrees of esteem based largely on the strength and Serving the communities along the historic Dawson Trail and beyond. independence of their The Dawson Trail Dispatch is a monthly newspaper institutions. One exception is distributed free of charge to their elected representatives. 50 Southeastern Manitoba communities. Even then, history points out, Published by: One One Consultants Inc. those who spend more energy on governing and less on Box 308, Richer, MB R0E 1S0 politics are more likely to create Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 better and compelling history Dan Guetre, Managing Editor and what follows are happy One One Consultants Inc., Publisher and content citizens. News Writers: Marianne Curtis and Dan Guetre Columnists: Lee Guetre, Peter Friesen, Anni Markmann, Peter Martens, Raylene Snow, Dave Millar Production/Design: Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck, Monica Guetre and Wilma Priebe Advertising: Karen Jorgenson and Dan Guetre

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Weapon Wielding Rapist Sought by RCMP

I am proud to say that since 2006, our Conservative Government has helped more than half a million young Canadians develop the skills they need to help them succeed in the job market. Helping youth receive the career training they need to enter the workforce and pursue a meaningful career is an excellent investment in our future. Between the Skills Link Program and Canada Summer Jobs Program, I was pleased to announce over $469,000 in federal funds for youth employment initiatives for Provencher this spring. In May, our Government provided $268,299 for the Segue Career Training and Employment Project, which will benefit 35 youth. The Steinbach Segue Training & Employment Project services the South Eastman Region, which includes, among others, the communities of Steinbach, Lac du Bonnet, Niverville, Pinawa, Ste. Anne and St PierreJolys. The Skills Link Program is designed to help youth facing barriers to employment. Some of these barriers include youth with disabilities, young newcomers, and youth in rural and remote areas. This program helps them to develop the skills and gain the experience needed to find a job or the confidence to return to school. I commend anyone who takes the initiative to better their lives, especially by going back to school and upgrading their employable skills. While in school, youth often require other sources of income to afford their tuition. In April of this year, I announced funding for the Canada Summer Jobs Program that helps students in Provencher earn money for tuition while gaining valuable work experience. With the help of $200,921 in federal funding, 44 organizations in Provencher will be able to hire summer students this year. Creating summer jobs for students benefits not only youth and employers, but also our economy here in southeastern Manitoba. Canada Summer Jobs provides funding for not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers, and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to create summer job opportunities for students between the ages of 15 and 30. In 2014, the Canada Summer Jobs program is expected to create approximately 35,000 jobs across Canada while helping employers address skills shortages. Since 2006, the Youth Employment Strategy has helped more than 555,000 young people. Additionally, through Economic Action Plan 2014, we are supporting up to 3,000 internships in high-demand fields and up to 1,000 internships in small and medium-sized businesses. We are also encouraging apprenticeships and careers in the skilled trades through grants and tax credits, along with support for training programs. I will continue to work with our Government to ensure that these and many other youth initiatives benefit our youth here in Provencher. I am interested in hearing from you on important issues like this one. You may contact my office toll free at 1-866-333-1933 or at 204-326-9889. You may also write my office at 8-227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, e-mail me at ted.falk.c1@parl.gc.ca or visit my website at tedfalk.ca.

On April 13, during early morning hours, a 16-year-old female was walking down Main Street in Steinbach when she was approached by a male in a black SUV-type vehicle. A verbal exchange occurred between the male and female at which point, the male suspect forced the female into his vehicle. The male suspect brandished a weapon and sexually assaulted the victim. The female victim was able to free herself from the suspect and fled. The male suspect is described as approximately six feet tall, with dark hair that is thinning in the middle, long at the sides, a slight beard, and was missing a tooth. He was wearing jeans, a black hoodie and black gloves. Steinbach RCMP are asking anyone with information to contact the detachment at 204-326-4452 or call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800222-8477, submit a secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to CRIMES (274637).

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

No Leadership Change at Buffalo Point Dear Editor: Buffalo Point First Nations would like to confirm that there have been no changes with the leadership of its community, despite inaccurate recent reports. The governance of Buffalo Point First Nation is led by Hereditary Chief John Thunder and Councillors Herman Green and Drew Thunder. Chief John Thunder is the 6th hereditary leader of Buffalo Point First Nation. On October 3, 1997, the position was passed on to John from his father who was the 5th Hereditary Chief, Jim Thunder. Jim Thunder became Chief in 1967, when the position was passed on to him from the 4th Hereditary Chief, Warren ‘Shorty’ Thunder. The hereditary system has been in place in Buffalo Point since the signing of Treaty 3 in 1873 and is recognized and respected by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Today Buffalo Point First Nation’s site continues to be a picturesque resort on Lake of the Woods in South Eastern Manitoba. The beautiful resort includes one of Manitoba’s top rated golf courses, Lake of the Sandhills, endless sandy beaches, campgrounds and marina, Resort Centre, restaurant and lounge, cabin rentals as well as cottage development. This vision became possible from the hard work and commitment of former Chief Jim Thunder and it continues to grow and prosper under the leadership of Chief John Thunder. Buffalo Point First Nation takes pride in being a progressive independent First Nation with successful economic development because of the consistent and effective leadership of Hereditary Chief John Thunder. Chief and Council Buffalo Point First Nations

Job Opportunities Available to Youth Facing Barriers

Segue Career Options program is designed to help young people 15 to 30 years of age who need to overcome employment barriers including youth who are single parents, youth with disabilities, young newcomers and youth in rural and remote areas. It includes 4 weeks of in-house employee development training and 8 weeks of fully subsidized employment experience with a potential employer workplace. “Since 2006, the Government of Canada has helped more than half a million young Canadians develop the skills they need to help them succeed in the job market,” said MP


NDP Keep Taking Vote Tax For political parties, the cost of democracy isn’t cheap. Running a modern day political party that is able to communicate its ideas and ensure that voters understand they have a choice at election time comes at a cost. There is already recognition of that in our democratic system and as a result, tax receipts are provided to those who make political donations. As well, those who run for election are eligible to be reimbursed for a portion of their expenses. For the past two years the NDP have been taking, a ‘Vote Tax’ that provides them a straight political subsidy based on the number of votes received in the last election. The NDP brought in the vote tax because they were having difficulty raising money the old fashion way, by earning it. Instead of going to Manitobans and asking for support based on their record or on their ideas for the future of our province, the NDP decided it was easier just to take the money through the vote tax subsidy. That means the NDP are collecting nearly $200,000 each and every year from taxpayers. The vote tax is not only a lazy way to get money for a political party but also a sign of a political party that is unable to sell itself and its ideas to Manitobans. The Manitoba Progressive Conservative Party was also eligible to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in the vote tax under the law but we have refused the subsidy. Instead, we have been focused on talking to Manitobans about the need for change and new ideas and through that have been receiving support. In fact, we have taken it one-step further and have launched a new policy initiative asking Manitobans to provide us their ideas on the future of our province as well. It is important for political leaders to listen to the ideas of all Manitobans as part of leading the province. Starting next month, you will be able to go to a website, policyblueprint.ca, and provide the PC Party of Manitoba with direct feedback on your ideas for the province. Manitoba’s NDP, after 14 years in government, are interested in neither working for your support nor listening to your ideas. Manitoba Progressive Conservative’s are taking the opposite approach by trying to earn your support and listen to your priorities. That’s the way to build a better province. I appreciate your comments and concerns. If you have any comments on these or other issues, you can contact me by writing, #3 - 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by phone at 204-326-5763, by fax at 204-346-9913, by e-mail at kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca or by visiting my website at kelvingoertzen.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

No Doctors for Hospitals in Rural Manitoba Every Manitoban deserves access to quality health care close to home. The NDP is spending more money than ever before, yet more and more emergency rooms are being closed and more and more frontline services are being cut. Thanks to this NDP government and the Health Minister’s incompetence, more communities are losing access to care closer to home. The hospital in Whitemouth is a prime example. At one time, there was an emergency room and hospital facilities. This was an essential service, not only to the community, but to the area as a whole. The community had this hospital for a generation, but thanks to the NDP, the facility has been converted to a personal care home and the closest emergency room is well over 30 minutes away. The NDP continues to take more of your tax dollars than ever before, yet the services you rely on are moving further away from your home. Since the NDP took office, over 2,200 doctors have left Manitoba to practice in other jurisdictions. Thousands of Manitoba medical graduates and physicians are choosing to complete their residency and practice in jurisdictions elsewhere. The community of Vita has been without an emergency room for well over 550 days. Repeatedly the Minister of Health has promised to reopen that emergency room. This remains another broken promise from a tired government. At the same time private clinics in the area are recruiting doctors without problems, this government has yet to recruit a doctor to the area. The government signed a 10-year, untendered contract with STARS to provide air ambulance services to Manitobans. An air ambulance is something that is important in this province, particularly in the case of emergencies that are hard to reach by road. It is also important, however, to tender contracts in order to get the best value and safety for the service you are requesting. In a rush to fulfill a campaign promise, the government signed a large, untendered contract. That’s not the way to use tax dollars effectively. This government has closed 19 rural emergency rooms. This government stood idly by as over 2,200 doctors have left to practice elsewhere. While more and more of your money is going to fund this health care system, you are getting less and less of those services closer to home. The time for tax increases, excuses, and closures is over. It’s time for a change. If you have any questions or comments, my email address is dennis.smook@leg.gov.mb.ca, I can be reached at my Legislative Office at 204-945-4339, or my Constituency Office at 204-424-5406.

Ted Falk with the staff at Segue Career Options. From left to right: MP Ted Falk, Noel Preteau Program Coordinator at Eden Health Care Services, Stephan Geissler staff member, Falk. “I am pleased to announce Debra Stockwell Program Director.

Provencher MP Ted Falk recently announced new federal funding for young people facing employment barriers in Manitobans. Segue Career Options will receive $268,299 from the Skills Link Program to help youth facing barriers to employment. Through the Steinbach Segue Training and Employment project, Segue Career Options will deliver training to 35 participants. The Steinbach location will service the southeast region that includes Steinbach, Beausejour, Lac du Bonnet, Niverville, Pinawa, Ste. Anne and St. Pierre-Jolys. The Eden Health Care Service,

May 2014

that young people in Provencher will benefit from our initiatives that connect them with jobs.” “Segue Career Options Inc. would like to acknowledge the Government of Canada for the Skills Link funding for our Youth Employment Project in Steinbach,” said Debra Stockwell, Program Director. “We are very excited to be able to continue to offer this program in Steinbach and the surrounding areas. This funding is essential to assist youth in our communities to make a successful transition into employment or return to school.”

More Than Just News!

May 2014


Pat Porter Active Living Centre offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs. For more information drop by the Centre, Monday to Friday 9 am - 4 pm, call 204320-4600 or online patporteralc.com. Membership is only $25 per year due by January 15 of each year for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights and eligibility to serve on the board or committees.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Helping Hooves Takes to the Trails

Up and Coming Events and Monthly Programs: Mature Driver’s Workshop: On Thursday May 8 from 9 am -12 pm. NO COST. Safety Services Manitoba in partnership with Manitoba Public Insurance is offering a workshop to experienced drivers who wish to brush up on their skills to enhance their driving performance. Please note – there is no testing involved and this workshop will not affect your driver’s license in any way! Contact 204-320-4600 or programs@patporteralc.com to register. (15 people required the workshop to run). Evaluations will be conducted from 1- 3 pm. Mother’s Day Supper: On Monday, May 12 at 6 pm. Come and celebrate MOM. Everyone is welcome! Please call ahead to register 204-320-4600. Cost $8 per person. Bingo: We will are hosting BINGO nights on Tuesdays, April 1, 15 and 29. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the games start at 7 pm. Please feel free to call the centre at 204-320-4600 for more information. Afternoon Country Jam: On Thursday, May 15 from 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Come out and listen to some good old time country music. The cost is $2 in advance for members, $3 in advance for non-members and $4 at the door. Coffee and dessert served. May Potluck: On Thursday, May 15 at 6 pm. If you know that, you would like to attend please call ahead and let us know what you would like to bring. Contact 204-320-4600. As always needed are salads, casseroles, desserts and buns. Cost is $5. Fitness Classes: Low impact aerobics and strengthening fitness classes with instructor Shanley on Mondays and Fridays from 9:30 -10:30 am. Drop in fee of $4. Old Time Country Dance: With live Band – Old Time Country Band – On Friday, May 30 at 8 pm. Tickets available at the centre. Advanced tickets $10 for members, $12 for non-members and $14 at the door. Lunch served at 10 pm. P.A.C.E. Program: We are offering the P.A.C.E. fitness program with our Urban Poling class on Thursday mornings. We will be doing a half hour of the P.A.C.E. program and a half hour of poling. Classes start at 9:30 am. Cost $2. Contact 204-320-4600. Choir: Choir practice is every Wednesday at 10 am (excluding the summer months). New members are always welcome. Computer Classes: Every Wednesday for 1 hour from 9 am - noon. Contact 204-320-4600 to make an appointment. Brain Injury Support Group Meeting: On Monday, April 28 at 7 pm. Computer Lab: Need help with your computer skills? Labs are 1 hour long and available every Monday to Friday, 9 am - 12 pm and 1- 4 pm from 9 am - noon. Classes at 9, 10 and 11 am. Cost $1. Contact 204-320-4600. Foot Care: On the first Tuesday, first Wednesday and third Tuesday of the month from 9 am - 2 pm. Run by a professional foot care nurse. Cost $30. Bring your own towel. Contact the centre to book an appointment. Beltone Hearing: On the third Friday of each month. Contact 1-800-6612653 for appointment. Parkinson’s Support Group: Meets the last Friday of the month at 1 pm. Wood Carving: Try your hand at our woodcarving. The group meets every Monday evening at 6 pm (excluding the summer months). Cost is $1 for the evening. Please bring your own supplies.

Weekly Programs: Monday

9:30 - 10:30 am Low impact fitness class with instructor 12 - 4:30 pm Drop-in Pool 1 - 4:30 pm Model Trains 1 pm Canasta 7 pm Tai Chi Tuesday 9:30 am - 3 pm Circle of Friends 12 - 4:30 pm Drop in Pool 2:30 - 4:30 pm Family Search Wednesday 9 am - 12 pm Computer classes (call to register) 10 – 11 am Tai Chi 12 - 4:30 pm Drop in Pool 1 - 4 pm Cribbage 1:30 – 4 pm Floor Curling 7 pm Old Time Country Band Practice Thursday 9:30 - 10:30 am P.A.C.E. Program and Urban Poling 12 - 4:30 pm Drop in Pool 1 - 4 pm Whist 6 - 8 pm Family Search Friday 9:30 - 10:30 am Low impact fitness class with instructor 9:30 am - 3 pm Circle of Friends 12 - 4:30 pm Drop in Pool Noon meals are available Monday through Friday. Cost $5.50. Contact 204-320-4605 by 9 am to reserve your meal for that day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus available at the office or in the newsletter. Bring a friend. Volunteer Opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters and receptionists.

By Marianne Curtis

ride. On May 4, Helping Hooves Ste. Anne area resident Pam started out from Ninette to Glenboro on Hwy 2, then following Glover and her best friend the Red Coat Trail all the way to Sandy Schmidt have hit the Perimeter Hwy. They will trailer “Pink Trail” again, raising around the city to Deacons Corner funds for Manitoba’s breast and ride the service road alongside cancer patients who require the Trans Canada Hwy 1 east to financial assistance while Richer. undergoing treatments. The “We are doing 161 miles in 13 duo is riding about 161 miles days with stops in 10 communities from Ninette to Richer in 16 along the way,” Glover added. “So days. far we have a more than 20 riders “After losing my step signed up for different legs of our daughter to breast cancer in 2009, I decided I wanted to do journey and fundraising activities going on in most of the towns we something in honour of her will ride into.” memory,” Pam explained. Anyone wanting to ride along “Because I’m a horse lover with the group at any point in the and would rather ride one route can contact Pam at 204-422than walk or run, whatever I 8076 or email did had to involve horses.” In 2010, she volunteered for a group in Alberta, Wild Pink Yonder, who used their horses to raise funds for breast cancer research. In 2011, Glover brought the group to Manitoba, ran a three-week long trail ride here and raised over $35,000 for Cancer Care Manitoba. Shortly afterward, she formed her own group and Helping Hooves Manitoba was born. “Instead of riding for research we turned our attention to Manitobans who need financial aid while undergoing treatment,” Glover continued. “Cancer of any kind is a battle for one’s life and we believe that many problems should not be an added stress at such a time.” Helping Hoovers partnered up with Helping Hands for Manitobans with Breast Cancer and hit the Pink Trail. In 2012 and 2013, several small events were held, raising over $10,000. This year the group brought back the

pam@helpinghoovesmanitoba.com for pledge sheets. There is no minimum pledge, just whatever can be collected. All money raised by rider’s pledges goes directly to Helping Hands for Manitobans with Breast Cancer. The only stipulation for participation is that rides PINK IT UP as much as possible! A Suds, Spud and Steak night is taking place at the ride’s final destination in Richer on May 16 starting at 4 pm at the Richer Inn. Johnni Splash, who formerly toured with April Wine and Corey Hart, will be performing at 6 pm. Tickets are $20 and are available at the Richer Inn.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

RCMP Nab Attempted Robbery Suspect

On April 30 at approximately 8:15 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of an armed robbery at the Steinbach Credit Union on Main Street. It seems an adult male who had just used the ATM was accosted upon exiting. He was approached by a male youth with a large knife demanding money. No money was given and the male suspect dropped the knife and fled. The suspect was seen fleeing north on Reimer Avenue. The victim did not sustain any injuries. At approximately 11:55 am, a youth suspect was arrested in Steinbach without incident.

May 2014


Hash Production Causes Explosion in Ste. Anne

Ovation: Showcase of Stars Don’t miss our biggest event of the year and Steinbach Arts Council’s 35th Anniversary celebration. Join us on Friday, May 23 at Steinbach Mennonite Church, 7:30 pm as we showcase artists from the past and present… including Judy Kehler Siebert, Che Anne Loewen, David Klassen, Madeline Hildebrand, The Treble Teens Alumni Choir directed by Shirley Penner and more! Call for tickets.

Join the choir Last call for those wishing to participate in our Treble Teens Alumni Choir, to be directed by Shirley Penner, and Handbell Choir, to be directed by Karen Peters. Please email your contact information to events@steinbachartscouncil.ca. More info can be viewed online at steinbachartscouncil.ca. Can you help? We are looking for The Treble Teens costumes, photos, video clips and memorabilia.

The Treble Teens Alumni Brunch The Treble Teens singers, crew, staff and volunteers are invited to register for a fun and informal reunion brunch. The brunch will take place on Saturday, May 24 at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre at 11am. Please call the SAC Office to register.

Summer Arts Day Camps are Filling Fast! Ages 5-12 will have a blast at our weekly camps running from Monday, July 7 – Friday, August 22 from 9 am - 4 pm at Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. Music, Crafts, Drama, Dance, Sports and Field Trips are a part of every camp! This year’s themes: Around the World, Your Community, The Olympics, Under the Big Top, Let’s Have a Ball, It’s a Jungle Out There, Under the Sea. Call now to register.

Spring Pilates Classes Benefit from Pilates classes with instructor Kimberley Koop. Pilates for Gardeners will help mobilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle, and work the abs and glutes to create a strong core to protect the back from harm. Pilates on the Ball will challenge your core to build muscle! Gain coordination, flexibility, joint mobility and improve your stamina. Classes run Thursday mornings starting May 1 at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. Call now to register.

Arts4Tots Preschool Program Register now for 2014-2015 - Arts4Tots Preschool Program. Ages 3-5 will love learning early childhood education through the Arts - Music, Drama, Dance, Crafts… and Culture! Creative learning is just part of what makes our preschool program so unique. Choose two, three or four days and we will make a preschool schedule suitable for you. Openings for Monday to Thursday mornings or afternoons. The program runs from Monday, September 15, 2014 – Thursday, June 11, 2015.

Open House Open House at the Loewen Green Art Scene. Join us at our beautiful heritage home gallery on Friday, May 30 at 7 pm. Enjoy local art, live music, good coffee and socializing. View more about the Loewen Green Art Scene on the SAC website.

A Fun Fair for the whole family Steinbach Arts Council’s Pre-Registration Day for Fall Programs is coming up on Thursday, June 5. Stop by the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre between 3 - 8 pm and enjoy family fun, free hot dogs, balloons, face painting and a bouncy house for the kids. Watch live dance and martial arts demos by XCOMPANY Physical Arts Training School. Plus have an opportunity to meet our instructors and receive 10% off your registrations for Fall programming including Creative Wellness, Music, Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, Cooking and Languages.

Perfect for your home or business Did you know that Steinbach Arts Council has a Buy or Lease Art Program? Stop by to see our selection of unique works by local artists!

Turning Heads in the Hall Gallery Enjoy artwork by over 90 artists from south eastern Manitoba in the Southeast Open Judged Art Exhibit, on until Friday, May 16 at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre Hall Gallery.

People’s Choice Award Congratulations to our People’s Choice Award winner Olivia Peters. View her artwork and much more including paintings, photography, pen and ink, pencil drawings, mixed media, pottery, woodworking, jewellery and egg art. Thanks to our sponsor, Good ‘n’ Natural.

Up next… Don’t miss a dual exhibit featuring Travel Photography by Myriam Boulet and Through My Eyes by John Pawlyk. Everyone is welcome at the Opening Reception on Wednesday, May 21 at 7 pm.

Be a part of the Summer in the City Festival! We are looking for volunteers for Friday, June 20 - Sunday, June 21 - Help with set up and take down, back stage, face painting, or Youth in the City planning and activities.

Ste. Anne Police executed a search warrant on this Ste. Anne residence after three men were taken to hospital after the garage exploded during hash production.

A garage that exploded on April 7 in Ste. Anne was being used to make hash oil, police said. Three men who were in the garage when the explosion occurred were rushed to Ste. Anne Hospital following the blast at the Gagnier Bay home at around 3:30 pm. One man was transported to the Health Sciences Centre where he was treated for burn injuries. The force of the blast was so powerful it blew out the attached garage’s overhead door and buckled a sidewall. “The damage is pretty extensive. One garage wall was probably blown out about four feet and the garage doors were blown off,” stated Ste. Anne Fire Chief Ken Dayment. “It went from there right into the attic and we managed to stop it right in the attic.” Officers executed a search warrant at the home the same night. Once inside, they seized several butane containers used to produce hash oil, Chief Marc Robichaud of the Ste. Anne Police Service told media. The drug is made by dissolving hashish or marijuana in solvents like acetone, alcohol, butane or petroleum. Investigators believe the explosion was caused by the gas. Damage to the house is estimated at about $150,000. Arrests are pending.


More Than Just News!

May 2014

Dawson Trail Dispatch

In Search of Truths John 3:1-2a: “Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2) He came to Jesus at night...” (All Scripture references are from the NIV). Nicodemus was polite. He was even respectful when he said to Jesus, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus answered Nicodemus in a way that is somewhat hard for Nicodemus to understand. 3) In reply, Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth; no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” This puzzled and baffled Nicodemus... 4) “How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!” Jesus comes back with an answer that is perhaps even more difficult for Nicodemus to understand... 5) Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” Perhaps Jesus invited Nicodemus to sit down and listen to what He has to say. “Nicodemus,” Jesus said. “To be born anew is to undergo such a radical change that it is like a new birth; it is to have something happen to the soul which can only be described as being born all over again and the whole process is not a human achievement, not at all, because it comes from the grace of God.” Maybe there is much more to Nicodemus’s question. Could it be that in his heart there was a great-unsatisfied longing? “You talk about being born anew; you talk about this radical fundamental change which is necessary. I know that it is necessary; but in my experience as a Pharisee, it is impossible. There is nothing I would like more; but you might as well tell me, a full grown man, to enter into my mother’s womb and be born all over again.” It is very clear to all of us that a life, which went on forever, could just as easily be in heaven or hell. The idea behind eternal life is a certain quality of life. But what kind of life was Jesus talking about? Eternal life is the kind of life that God gives in heaven. It is the kind of life that lifts us up above merely human, short-lived things into that joy and peace, which belongs only to God. With tender patience, Jesus explains to Nicodemus what must happen. When we are born of water and the Spirit there are two stages expressed. Water is the symbol of cleansing. When you ask Jesus to take possession of your life, He will forgive your sins. The sins of the past are washed away and I must add forgotten, never to be dealt with again. The Spirit is the symbol of power. When Jesus takes possession of your life, it is not only that the past is forgotten and forgiven. If that were all, we might well proceed to make the same mistakes in life all over again – but into life there enters a new power, the Holy Spirit, which enables us to be what by ourselves we could never be and to do what we by ourselves could never do. Water and the Spirit stand for the cleansing and the strengthening power of Christ, which wipes out the past and gives victory in the future. Did Nicodemus find what he was looking for? The apostle John does not leave us in the dark regarding the outcome of the encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus. It is a happy outcome at that! After Jesus was crucified, Joseph of Arimathea requested Christ’s body from Pilate so he could give his Saviour a proper burial. Helping in the burial was a man who now was not afraid to be seen with Jesus. John 19:39 ... He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. With the help of the Holy Spirit, Nicodemus now understood what Jesus had told him... 16) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that fulfills my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name. Amen.”

New Chapter for Community Owned Heritage Centre By Marianne Curtis On May 1, Niverville Heritage Holdings assumed full oversight of the Niverville Heritage Centre, Niverville Credit Union Manor and Heritage Life Personal Care Home operations after signing an

agreement with the Town of Niverville. Gord Damon, with Niverville Heritage Holdings, said that to ensure financial stability and oversight of the Heritage Centre a special operating agency was formed when the Centre was launched by

the Town of Niverville in 2004. “The involvement of the Town of Niverville was integral during the infancy of the Centre’s development toward an intergenerational meeting place for Niverville and surrounding communities,” explained Damon. Today the Heritage Centre is seen as a social entrepreneurial model for communities across the Province. The Town’s involvement has led to the Heritage Centre becoming a community owned campus that

provides childcare, medical care, primary health services, dental care, event hosting, assisted living and supportive housing for seniors and a state of the art 80 bed personal care home. The Centre welcomes nearly 50,000 visitors a year and provides employment for some 250 people while injecting over $13 million dollars annually into the Niverville and area economy, Damon added. The agreement ensures that the

Heritage Centre will remain a nonprofit entity with any future economic dividends being reinvested back into the community for recreation and social services. Niverville Holdings is also able to proceed with the final phase of construction, an age restricted life lease complex, allowing residents and friends of Niverville to age in place with dignity and support for generations to come.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

May 2014


Why Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead? Last month most of the world celebrated Easter. Nearly everyone has heard the story from the Bible concerning the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Scripture makes it clear that man, in his natural state, is a lost hopeless sinner. No matter how hard we try, we can’t stop sinning. God hates sin and can’t allow it in His presence. The only solution was to have the perfect sinless God-man, Jesus Christ, pay the penalty for our sins. Christ did that when He died at Calvary and allowed His lifeblood to be shed. God the Father, in Heaven, accepted His Son’s blood as perfect payment for your sins and mine. So now we know why Christ had to die, but why the resurrection three days later? 1. To show the miracle of sins forgiven to the whole world. Christ’s resurrection verifies to everyone that what He said about dying for our sins actually took place at Calvary. 2. To show God’s power over death. Because Christ lives again, so will everyone who trusts Him as Saviour. 3. To show that Christ, as God, still works miracles after His death, just like He did before. 4. To show the world that Christians serve a living Saviour today. Every other religious leader has died or will die and will stay dead. 5. To show God’s power to meet His children’s needs. All the power of God that it took to raise Christ from the dead is available to you and I today (Philippians 4:13). 6. To show us God not only wants to save us, but He’s alive so we can have sweet fellowship with Him. God desires that from us just as much as we do from Him.

7. To show us God has a purpose and plan for every person. We have a living powerful Saviour we can trust to fulfil that plan in our lives. Praise God! We serve a living, loving, powerful and compassionate Saviour! Do you know Christ as your Saviour? How is your relationship and fellowship with Him? If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. God bless you as you seek and serve Jesus Christ.

Steinbach Intersection Improvements to Help with North-South Traffic

Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger, Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton and City of Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen gathered at the most dangerous intersections in the region for a major highways funding announcement.

By Marianne Curtis Four significant road improvement projects on Hwy 12 in the city of Steinbach will be supported through the cost-shared Urban Highway Fund, Premier Greg Selinger and Mayor Chris Goertzen announced this morning. “Hwy 12 is an important north-south route for both travel and trade. These investments, through our Urban Highway Fund, are part of our long-term commitment to invest in roads and bridges throughout Manitoba,” said Premier Selinger. “We encourage other communities and municipalities to make use of this fund as it will cut their costs for select road repairs in half.” “The City of Steinbach is pleased to be partnering with the Province of Manitoba to fund much-needed improvements at these intersections,” said Mayor Goertzen. “As the gateway to the southeast for tourism and commercial traffic, it is important that all traffic, whether it’s heavy truck traffic or regular commuter traffic, be able to flow safely and efficiently.” The Hwy 12 construction projects will include improvements to the intersection at Park Road, creating a southbound leftturn lane and improving drainage at Madison Drive, improving the intersection at Millwork Drive and installing signals at the intersection of Acres Drive and Penfeld Drive, paving a 7 km stretch from south of Hwy 52 to Park Road in Steinbach. In addition their will be grading of roadside shoulders for 23.5 km south of Steinbach. Construction will proceed in stages over the next three years, starting this summer with the Park Road intersection work. The four projects are expected to cost about $6.9 million, said Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton, adding the province and the City of Steinbach will share the cost of construction under the Urban Highway Fund, which was introduced in the 2013 Budget. It enables municipalities to prioritize investments in provincial highways that affect their municipalities. Motorists are reminded to slow down and use caution when approaching and driving through construction zones, for their own safety and the safety of the workers.


May 2014

More Than Just News!

Funding to Local Organizations to Help Youth with Summer Jobs

MP Ted Falk speaks with Rachelle Préjet Facility Director of Garderie Ile des Chênes Daycare Inc. in Ile des Chênes.

Ted Falk, Member of Parliament for Provencher, on behalf of the announced that students in Provencher would have Honourable Candice Bergen, Minister of State for Social Development, access to summer jobs to help them gain valuable skills and work experience. Forty-four organizations in Provencher will be receiving funds to hire summer students this year, totalling $200,921. “Creating summer jobs for students, benefits not only youth and employers, but also local economies Manitoba Forestry Association, Seine-Rat River Conservation across the country,” said MP Falk. “Canada Summer District and the RM of Piney are jointly hosting a workshop called Jobs is yet another excellent example of how our ‘Setting Down New Roots’, to teach proper tree planting techniques. government is creating jobs and economic growth.” “We very much appreciate the Canada Summer Jobs Kevin Barkman, Manitoba Forestry Resource Officer, will be leading funding from the Government of Canada,” said the discussion on tree planting, seedlings available for landowners, Rhonda Kenning, Executive Director of the Growing forestry programs and services. There will also be an outdoor hands-on planting demonstration, tree Minds Child Care Centre in Niverville. “With this planting techniques, proper handling, spacing and care along with funding we will be able to increase staff levels during addressing common planting errors. A limited supply of seedlings may our busy summer months.” In 2014, the Canada Summer Jobs program is be available for sale for cash or cheque only. The workshop is taking place May 17 at the RM of Piney office in expected to create approximately 35,000 jobs, while helping employers address skills shortages. Vassar from 10 am to 2 pm.

Piney Hosts Tree Planting Workshop

Bombers Tackle Steinbach

Ted Falk seems pretty tiny as he is sandwiched between Paul Swiston and Glen January of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers during their visit to Steinbach.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

May 2014


Pet Advocate Launches Low Cost Neuter Program By Marianne Curtis An animal activist from Niverville has taken his passion to promotion the spaying and neutering pets and developed a program called No Nutts. No Nutts Low Cost Mini-Neuter Program is the brainchild of Barry Piasta, the founder of the Niverville Pet Adoption Fair and dogadoptionmb.com. “A spay and neuter program is important to control the pet population. Many more people would spay or neuter their pets if it was more affordable,” explained Piasta. “The No Nutts program focuses on neutering because spaying is more expensive and I can reach more dogs and help more families with less funds.” Piasta added that the name of his program is self explanatory. “It’s a neuter program,” he chuckled. “I just received a cheque from a woman in Palm Beach Florida, who sent us a donation for $50 USD, so this just goes to show how important it is to spay or neuter as many animals as possible,” Piasta continued. The No Nutts program is available for both cats and dogs. “I have secured enough funds to cover 15 dogs and 15 cats,” Piasta said. “I will now alternate adding dogs and cats to this program as I secure more funds.” The low cost neuter program offers pet owners a pre-surgical exam, surgery, pain relief, tattoo, nail trims, microchip, and shots, including rabies, Barry Piasta has made it affordable to neuter your cat or dog by establishing the No Nutts Low Cost Mini-Neuter Program. distemper, Para influenza and parvovirus vaccinations at a cost of $65 a pet. To raise money Piasta is selling a number of items including T-shirts, Morden’s Milk Chocolate covered almonds, X-treco clothes and through private donations. Donations can be mailed to dogadoptionmb Box 125, Niverville MB R0A 1E0.

Anola Man Pleads Guilty in Tache Death Twenty-one year old Dillan Friesen from Anola is awaiting

sentencing after pleading guilty to manslaughter for causing the death of a man at the Monominto pits back in 2012. At a mid-April hearing, Friesen pled guilty to throwing the punch that ultimately ended RM of Tache resident Lothar Krieg’s life after an altercation on July 7, 2012. In court, Friesen admitted to drinking at the pits in remembrance of a friend who passed away the previous year. After hours of drinking, Friesen started a fight with Krieg’s daughter’s boyfriend. The fight continued at Krieg’s residence where he was punched in the head. The single blow led to brain swelling, which resulted in his death three days later. RCMP initially charged Friesen with aggravated assault, but the charges were upgraded to manslaughter. In court a witness testified that Friesen and a friend left the scene and were heard bragging about the incident later. Friesen remains in custody and his sentence hearing was on May 6.

Fly on the Wall Recently I had the pleasure of having a terrible migraine headache. Pleasure you say? Well, I should clarify that statement. It was actually not the migraine headache that gave the pleasure but what happened as it was healing. I’ll start from the beginning. After spending a few hours at work, the migraine decided that it was a great time to rev up and really make me suffer. Now for me when I get a migraine, my head pounds with pain, I can’t eat (which is good because my stomach does more flip-flops than a gymnast on a trampoline and usually results in the expulsion of my stomach contents) and more likely than not, I am woozy and my body just wants to sleep it off. Why not take over-the-counter medication for it? Well, I’ve always felt that my body was designed to fight off such infirmities and unless there is a major reason otherwise, I won’t take drugs for it. After I’d returned home and had slept for about six hours, I managed to drag myself to the table, have a tiny bite of supper and then dragged myself off to the couch to continue resting. While laying there, somewhere between sleep and consciousness, I could hear my family in the kitchen as they finished their supper and then worked on cleaning up the dishes. This is the part where the migraine became the pleasure that I mentioned earlier. My daughter, in her cute little five-year old voice, let everyone in the house know that she had farted. She even repeated it in case the people on the space station hadn’t heard her. My son, who at the age of eight, lives for such things, quickly chimed in by singing his own original song about farting, he even included the sound effects to go along with the song. Thankfully, he made the sounds with his mouth instead of his... well, you know. Maybe it’s because I’m a man or just a child at heart but I thought that it was funny the way they did it. My wife, standing in the epicentre of the now raging fart-storm, did not think it was that humorous. With her motherly powers, she soon put a stop to it. Dozing off for a few moments, I awoke to a very quiet house. The only sound that reached my ears was the sound of my son quietly singing. I didn’t recognize the song but what did catch my attention was the beautiful voice that my son possesses. It was a pleasure to hear him sing without knowing that anyone else could hear him. While the migraine was terrible, it gave me the opportunity to be a ‘fly-on-the-wall’ to hear as my family engaged in fart related topics and to hear my son’s angelic singing. From the silly to the wonderful, this migraine gave me a blessed opportunity and because of that, it was worth it. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

Soup’s On Volunteer Wins Award

Joy Neufeld was among a number of volunteers recognized at Volunteer Manitoba’s 31st Annual Volunteer Awards on April 9. At the banquet, Neufeld received the Volunteer Manitoba’s Outstanding Rural Community Leadership Award. In 2004, she got the idea to start a soup kitchen in Steinbach. Soup’s On serves about 150 clients a week. “After visiting some of the organizations in the community, a soup kitchen was warranted in our community,” stated Neufeld. “The community makes it easy for me to do it, people come in regularly to help me cook, some make financial contributions and others donate food.” Neufeld plans to work with the soup kitchen for at least another five years. While she is there, she hopes to see the school lunch program grow. “Each of these award winners exemplifies what it takes to be a leader in their community and we are very proud to be able to recognize them in this manner,” said Donn Pirie, Board President, Volunteer Manitoba. The Annual Volunteer Awards Dinner is an event that celebrates and honours those individuals and families in our province who give their valuable time and energy back to their communities.


More Than Just News!

May 2014

Tache Fire Department Save Pets in Lorette House Fire By Marianne Curtis Tippy, the three-legged Yorkshire Terrier and beloved pet of a family in Lorette, is alive thanks to the heroic efforts of the Tache Fire Department after he was found under a wet piece of drywall after the fire was extinguished. On April 19, the Tache Fire Department responded to a house fire around 7 pm in the evening in Lorette after several explosions were heard in the community. “I came running down the hall and the garage was on fire,” recalled homeowner Ross Ikeda. “I went downstairs and got the kids and left through the patio door.” According to Peter Skjaerlund, fire crews were called to the home following several explosions. “An electrical fire in the garage ignited gas cans and a propane tank in storage and within minutes the house was fully engulfed,” stated Skjaerlund. “There was a boat with a little outboard boat motor, so there was gas in the gas tank there and in the quad; it had a gas tank. So those were the explosions that everybody heard.” The roofs of the garage and the house were engulfed in flames by the time firefighters arrived, said Skjaerlund, who estimated that it took crews at least four hours to extinguish the blaze. The entire family of four, including two adults and two children, along with two friends of the children and several pets, made it out safely, except for Tippy. Skjaerlund said one of the family’s pets was initially reported missing,

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Careless Smoking Cause of House Fire

A Lorette family’s home is a total loss after an electrical fire ignited gas cans stored in the attached garage.

A Steinbach family lost their home after a carelessly disposed cigarette ignited garbage stored in the garage. A Tache fire fighter uses the department’s pet oxygen resuscitation mask, specially designed for pets, to save Tippy, the three legged dog, when the pup was found under a piece of wet drywall after the fire was extinguished.

but firefighters found the small dog several hours after the fire, alive and soaking wet under a piece of drywall. Firefighters removed the pet and used the department’s pet oxygen resuscitation mask to save the dog’s life. The Tache Fire Department added the special oxygen masks to their rescue vehicle just over a year ago. The house was a complete loss. No one was injured in the blaze.

Crow Wing Marks 15 Years of Connecting Communities By Marianne Curtis Fifteen years ago a group of volunteers stepped forward and founded the Crow Wing Trail Association. Since then the organization has successfully undertaken the task of revitalizing the historic Crow Wing Trail and connected communities along the way through active transportation. The trail is a 191 kilometre historic trade route once used by the pioneers and is now the longest Manitoba section of the Trans Canada Trail. With volunteers from six municipalities and one First Nation, the communities have worked collaboratively to promote tourism while promoting active transportation. Crow Wing Trail President, Murielle Bugera, is looking forward to showing off the organization’s hard work at the annual meeting on May 15 at the Club Amical in St. Adolphe starting at 7 pm. The agenda includes the presentation of 2013 activities and 2014 plans, the launch of the 2012 Trail Maintenance Pilot Project Report and the unveiling of the new website. Shannon Blady, Minister of Healthy Living and Seniors will also attend. “We now know what it takes to maintain the trail from July to September and how much money is needed to rent equipment and cover volunteer honorariums,” stated Bugera. “We are committed to providing the communities south of Winnipeg with one of the best sections of the Trans Canada Trail in the nation.” Two year’s ago the Association hired a trail boss to maintain the trail for all modes of transportation, making it the only portion of the trail that is actively groomed and properly marked with signage along its entire length. “We are currently looking at the feasibility of also maintaining the trail during winter. The Crow Wing Trail is an important tourism attraction and this was made official when our Association was awarded the Manitoba Sustainable Tourism Award in September 2013,” added Bugera. “In addition, it is a national attraction, as it is part of the Trans Canada Trail.” Over the past fifteen years, the trail has been used for some significant events. In 2002, the Red River Métis Journey complete with Red River carts took place on the trail. The Actif Epica race has been held over the last three winters and there was a visit by Dana Meise in 2012 as part of his trek across all 23,500 km of the Trans Canada Trail. The Crow Wing Trail goes through the communities of Emerson, Ridgeville, St. Malo, St-Pierre-Jolys, Otterburne, Niverville and St. Adolphe, as well as the municipalities of Franklin, De Salaberry, Ritchot and the Roseau River First Nations.

Photo by Marianne Curtis

A family of six is temporarily homeless after a blaze destroyed their Steinbach home. On April 27, members of the Steinbach RCMP, along with the fire department and EMS, were dispatched to a report of a house fire on Cypress Place in Steinbach. When they arrived, RCMP found that a fire had spread from the attached garage into the house, which was fully engulfed in flames. By the time firefighters arrived, the flames had already spread up the house and into the roof. Six occupants of the residence were able to escape the blaze without injury. Damage to the house is extensive and the loss is estimated to be $400,000. According to the Office of the Fire Commissioner, the blaze started in an attached garage because of careless smoking igniting garbage and recyclables.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Fair and Festival Headliners Announced By Marianne Curtis Organizers of two of the region’s biggest summer festivals have announced their headlining acts for this year’s upcoming summer events. Country music fans will be thrilled with the Niverville Olde Tyme Country Fair committee’s recent festival announcements. On June 13, the Friday night entertainment at this year’s fair will include a variety of local talent including Matt Falk, Brady Dyck, Whiskey Talks, Federal Lights and Jordon St. Cyr. The next night Country music’s hottest new star, Tim Hicks, will headline the evening of June 14 at 9 pm. The Juno nominated country artist soared into the hearts and minds of Country music fans with his debut single ‘Get By’ in January 2013. Hicks’ second single, ‘Hell Raisin’ Good Time’ rocketed up the charts and was the No. 1 most added track at Canadian radio overall. The following weekend, head over to Steinbach because the Summer in the City organizing committee has

May 2014


Ste. Anne Lions to Host Pet Walk for Disabilities By Marianne Curtis

Above: Tim Hicks.

Right: Blaze of Glory - Bon Jovi Experience

Lower Left: Kenny Shields and Streetheart.

announced that two of Manitoba’s major acts will take the stage Friday night, June 20. The night will kick-off with Western Canada Hall of Fame Inductees Kenny Shields & Streetheart, followed by Blaze of Glory - Bon Jovi Experience. Blaze of Glory painstakingly duplicates Bon Jovi’s recordings and concert extras to create a remarkably authentic homage to Bon Jovi’s sold out concerts. Saturday night’s act, on June 21, which traditionally has been country, has yet to be announced.

On May 10, the community of Ste. Anne and the local Lions Club will be going to the dogs when the Ste. Anne Purina Walk for Dog Guides takes place. The annual event will kick off at 10 am at the Pavilion Park in the Town of Ste. Anne. One of 200 events taking place, the Ste. Anne Purina Walk for Dog Guides is organized by local volunteers and provides community members with a fun and meaningful way that positively impacts the lives of Ste. Anne residents living with disabilities. “The Ste. Anne Walk is one of 200 taking place across Canada this spring, raising funds to train Dog Guides for Canadians with visual, hearing, medical or physical disabilities,” stated Natalie Moncur with Lions Foundation of Canada/Dog Guides Canada. “To date, the Purina Walk for Dog Guides has collectively raised more than $10 million with help from the residents of Ste Anne.” It costs $25,000 to train and place a Dog Guide, but thanks to the funds raised by the Walk, Canadians can receive them at no cost. “We are truly grateful for the support of communities like Ste. Anne,” added Sandy Turney, Executive Director, Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. “As our largest annual fundraiser, the Walk goes a long way in helping provide Dog Guides at no cost.” One in seven Canadians is living with a disability and the demand for Dog Guides is on the rise. Dog Guides are trained to assist people who are visually impaired, hard of hearing or deaf, and those who have medical and physical disabilities. One hundred percent of the funds raised from the Walk will go towards providing Dog Guides to Canadians in need. The Purina Walk for Dog Guides is made possible each year by the generous support of the Walk’s title sponsor, Nestlé Purina PetCare, as well as national sponsors Fido and WestJet. There are prizes for those who participate in the Walk, including the chance to win a $500 Best Buy gift card, one year’s supply of pet food courtesy of Nestlé Purina PetCare and two tickets to anywhere that WestJet flies. To help others step towards independence, or to donate, please visit purinawalkfordogguides.com.


May 2014

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Join the Steinbach Storm Ready Team

Run for Mom on Mother’s Day On Mother ’s Day, expect to see hundred of joggers and walkers making their way through the streets of Steinbach when the 8th annual Run for Mom takes place. Taking place on May 11, the annual Run for Mom (RFM) is a Steinbach and area community event that consists of a five kilometre or ten kilometre run or walk. Greg Penner, event organizer, is looking forward to the event and he is grateful for all the help he has had along the way. “Many of our members have been on our team all 7 years and we are very thankful for each one of them and what they contribute to making RFM such a successful event each year,” stated Penner. “We are excited to see a record number of people who have registered.” “We can’t believe that we are here already,” said Penner. “Every year we have grown and it has become a community event.” The event also includes a kids’ race and this year a new event is being added. A middle distance run has been added of about 1 mile for children between the ages of kindergarten and grade 4. “This gives kids a chance to experience more of the race,” explained Penner. “They get to cross the actual finish line with everyone else; they also get a t-shirt.” Pre-registration is encouraged and cost for participation ranges from $15 for youth to $30 for an adult, dependent on length of the run and date of registration. Family rates are available also. To register or find more information visit the event’s website at runformom.ca.

Hospital Online Auction Huge Success For two weeks at the beginning of April, the Ste. Anne Hospital Foundation hosted their fifth annual online fundraising auction sale. Zoé Nakata, with the Ste. Anne Hospital Foundation, said the organization’s annual auction sale went very well. “We were able to raise over $35,000 because of amazing individuals, companies and bidders,” stated Nakata. “The money raised is going to help the Ste-Anne Hospital Fund continue to contribute to the excellent patient care of our local hospital by funding the purchase of equipment and construction projects.” Nakata added that the foundation would like to thank everyone from the sponsors to the bidders. Money raised during the annual online auction is the biggest fundraiser to raise money for the regions second largest hospital.

The City of Steinbach Storm Ready Team is currently seeking volunteers to act as weather spotters in times of severe weather, such as a tornado. Spotters must be residents of Steinbach or live within a 10 km radius of Steinbach. Each team consists of four members and is ‘on call’ for one week per month during the months of May through September. Denis Vassart, Emergency Planning Coordinator, explained the process saying that when needed, the storm watchers are notified by weather radio, text, telephone, or cell phone and asked to watch the sky for signs of severe weather developing. The Spotters will then contact the Emergency Operations Team, Local Radio outlets and Environment Canada if severe weather is imminent. “Should a tornado touch down in Steinbach, spotters will be asked to do a preliminary damage evaluation of their designated area and report this information to the Emergency Operations Centre Team so they can formulate a plan of action and keep the general public informed,” explained Vassart. Spotters are provided with training in-house and by Environment Canada, as well as guidelines on how to report a sighting and prepare action checklists. Steinbach Storm Ready partners with the Rest Haven Nursing Home as its first alert point as they have staff on duty 24 hours per day. Another important link is Goldenwest Radio who will broadcast weather warnings over AM1250 and Mix 96.7 FM. In 2010, the City of Steinbach became the first community in Canada to be certified as ‘Storm Ready’. Questions and comments can be directed to Vassart at 204-3925996 or by e-mail at dvassart@steinbach.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

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May 2014


Basement Treasure Trove Awaits Discovery in St. Pierre-Jolys By Marianne Curtis Within the basement of a historic building in St. Pierre-Jolys, a hidden treasure trove filled with crafts, antiques and collectables awaits discovery. Back in November, Vita artist Kim Newberg followed her dream and opened The Artist Pivot, a unique business that focuses on reusing and recycling. The Artist Pivot serves as a hub for local artisans, a place where artists can find materials for projects and a place where businesses and residents can drop off surplus or unwanted items. Set up similar to a flea market, the multi-room space is bursting with a Kim Newberg, owner of the Artist Pivot in St. Pierre-Jolys, has created a unique business that extols many local artists and crafters while collection of local crafts and art created by local artists, including Newberg’s promoting reuse of unwanted items. Photo by Marianne Curtis own unique creations. Mingled amid the items is a vast array of antique collectables that are all priced to move. “Most of the art that I create is called ‘altered’ art, which is re-purposing items and using found objects to create something new,” explained Newberg. “I work in several mediums to create paper art, dimensional collage and jewellery, however I have no boundaries.” What makes the Artist Pivot unique is that it is in a position to keep reusable items out of the landfill. There is even a free section in the store and a nearly free section, which makes the store a favourite with local qualifying and have to start at the teachers stocking up for an art class. back, but the most difficult aspect “These are made up of donated items received from both persons and was missing out on all the valuable businesses wanting to declutter and destash,” Kim added. “Because the track time, as that was my shop is divided into both retail sales and a small re purpose/recycle depot, opportunity to gain familiarity with it allows us to be self-sustainable and keep items that can be repurposed the circuit and catch up with the into artistic creations from ending up in the landfill.” more experienced drivers,” stated The Artist’s Pivot is not only for artists. There are a number of booths David Richert. “But, I’m ecstatic with overflowing with vintage and retro collections custom picked by thrifty our race results this weekend, chic-shoppers from St. Malo, St. Pierre-Jolys, Vita, Stuartburn and Ile des despite the mechanical issues with Chênes. the car, so we have some great things Some of the donated items are held aside for teachers, daycare workers, to build upon for the next race.” and church or children’s club leaders. All young children receive a free Richert, driving for Inter Europol paper pack anytime they come into the store that is made up from donated Competition, found himself in a items. Classes are also offered in various mediums. challenging position right from the start. After completing just one lap David Richert standing beside his Inter Europol Competition race in Practice 2, mechanical issues car after it became stranded beside the race track with mechanical struck and he was forced to stop his issues. car on the track. The damage was so extensive that he missed two Niverville race car driver, David Richert, managed to qualifying sessions later that claw his way back into the points after a disastrous afternoon and had to start both races start to the opening round of the Formula Renault from the back of the field with just Northern European Cup season. He provided, among one practice session under his belt. 32 drivers from 19 different countries, a wealth of talent He ended Saturday’s race in 20th to the historic circuit of Monza in Italy that took place position and finished Sunday’s race the second weekend of April. in 23rd after starting both races in “It’s obviously disappointing to miss out on the 32nd spot.

Richert Storms Back at Monza After Mechanical Issues

Imrie Retires! De Salaberry Brings Back Oil Recycling Program

On May 5, Falcon Lake’s Olympic sweetheart Megan Imrie announced her official retirement from Team Canada and competing in Biathlon. “Retirement’s official!” Imrie stated. “Thanks to my incredible team who made all the difference in making my career possible.” Raised on the ski slopes of Falcon Ridge, Imrie’s drive and determination kept her climbing steadily to the top. “There are way too many teammates, friends and individuals, institutions and organizations I’ve benefited from,” Imrie added. “I’m thankful to everyone who’s been on my side. I only hope I can do as much for you as you did for me in the next adventure!” Earlier this year, Imrie competed in Sochi 2014 Olympics in Russia, her second Olympic performance, where she competed in 6 races and her best completion was an eighth place. Four years earlier, she competed in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and finished fifteenth. Maria made her debut at the International Biathlon Union World Championships in 2008. She then competed at the global championship in 2009 and 2012. Imrie was not named to the world championship team in 2013 but did compete at the World Cup in Sochi that served as the Olympic test event where she finished 4th, a best in her career.

The RM of De Salaberry Council is once again promoting the return of the successful oil-recycling program that is designed with an incentive for individuals who bring used oil to the Eco Centre. At the beginning of May, the RM of De Salaberry Landfill has been providing a 1-litre jug of fresh oil to individuals delivering four litres of used oil to the Eco Centre Depot. Up to a maximum of 4 litres for 10 litres or more of used oil returned will be exchanged, which is the also the maximum per household that will be exchanged. The program is expected to run into the fall with the oil exchange lasting as long as supplies last. Residents can also drop off antifreeze.


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May 2014

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Women’s Institute Celebrates 25 Years Day One

We Build Day Two We Race

Members of the Crow Wing Trail Farm Women’s Institute include Dolorès Carrière, Roberta Leppky, Shelley Curé, Dawn Harris, Flo Dandenault, Elaine Fast and Murielle Bugera.

According to Murielle Bugera, the Brick by Brick banner represents The Crow Wing Trail Farm Women’s Institute of St. Pierre-Jolys was established in February 1988. This year, to mark their 25th anniversary, the campaign that was launched in an effort to give a final nudge to the the ladies will be hanging a Brick by Brick Banner in the De Salaberry construction of a new hospital. A banner was made on which everyone supporting a new hospital was invited to put his or her signature. District Health Centre.

Local Women Nominated for Women of Distinction Awards By Marianne Curtis Three women from the southeast are among numerous women to be recognized during the 38th annual YMCA-YWCA Winnipeg’s Women of Distinction Awards that is taking place May 7. The Women of Distinction Awards honours Manitoba women who have made a unique and exemplary contribution to the development of others in the community. Nomination for the prestigious Women of Distinction Award is itself an honour. Vicki Olatundun, Executive Director at Anna’s House Family Resource Centre in Steinbach, was nominated for her Volunteerism, Advocacy and Community Enhancement for showing dedication by creating, participating in or adopting programs that meet community needs.

“Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I’m okay with that because it’s the people who are crazy who makes things happen!” “Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I’m okay with that because it’s the people who are crazy who makes things happen!” said Olatundun. For the past two years, she has developed new programs such as the first pre-kindergarten skills

Left to Right: Vicki Olatundun, nominee for Volunteerism, Advocacy and Community Enhancement; Kailyn Melinda Dunn, nominee for Prairie Award of Promise; Gillian Plett, nominee for Prairie Award of Promise.

workshop in southern Manitoba. She was also the driving force in building Canada’s first Optometry clinic and the first dental implant program for the homeless. Two young women, one from Landmark and one from Niverville, were nominated for the Prairie Award of Promise. The Prairie Award of Promise recognizes a graduating grade 12 student outside of Winnipeg who has demonstrated scholastic achievement and shows promise of becoming a Woman of Distinction. The winner also receives a $2,000 scholarship. Niverville Collegiate student Kailyn Melinda Dunn was nominated by her peers for being driven, a self-starter, creative and a leader, among other things. She is a student council President, editor of the school yearbook and displays leadership qualities in her position as Leader of Students Working Against Tobacco, educating students about its

negative effects. She will graduate in June after maintaining an over 90 percent average all four senior years, each with a full course-load. Gillian Plett, from Landmark Collegiate (LCI), was also nominated for the Prairie Award of Promise. She coordinates food bank collections, clothing drives and more, as a co-leader of LCI’s Students with a Voice and has helped raise almost all of the $10,000 to build a school in Sierra Leone. She also gives her time to her peers and younger students as a tutor, bible camp counsellor, Sunday school teacher and a youth group leader at both church and school. Women of Distinction Awards were created by the Winnipeg YWCA in 1977 to honour the contributions and achievements of women. The winners were chosen out of 86 nominees and the awards were handed out in front of more than 900 guests at the Winnipeg Convention Centre.

St-Labre 200 Inc. is so unique and original, that we dare say it’s the only event of its kind in Canada. St-Labre 200 Inc. will be celebrating their 6th ever-growing successful two-day annual event on Friday, July 11 and Saturday, July 12. The St-Labre 200 requires 14 teams to build their own go-karts within 24 hours. Using supplied materials, teams are challenged to build go-karts from scratch on the first day and race them the next day in a fast-paced, nail biting 200lap race on a quarter mile dirt track. The main race takes place on Saturday evening and has the entire crowd in suspense. This year their honorary guest will be from the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Team Canada Women’s Hockey gold medalist, Jocelyne Larocque. For 2014, the St-Labre 200 event will raise money to help South East Habitat for Humanity, Anna’s House family resource centre and Sprague and District Historical Museum. Teams are encouraged to register now to make sure they are in the sand storm of the action with their go-kart because team registrations close as soon as 14-team quota is met. To register, go to the stlabre200.ca website and click on Events, followed by Teams then complete the registration form. ‘Be a Fan... Bring a Can’ donations will be accepted. Although they remain a free admission event, they welcome the donation of dry goods, which will be donated to the community soup kitchen Soup’s On.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Touch Quilts Help Alzheimer Patients The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba’s Touch Quilt Project has donated 80 Touch Quilts to Heritage Life Personal Care Home in Niverville to help people with Alzheimer. When feeling the different textures, Touch Quilts have been shown to increase sensory stimulation, which can provide comfort, increase happiness and enjoyment as well as lessen sadness and fear for those who receive one. To date, this project has donated over 4,000 Touch Quilts to residents of personal care homes throughout Manitoba. “These beautiful Touch Quilts are crafted by many volunteers in the community who help by donating fabric, assembling quilting kits and sewing the quilts,” said Trudy Mattey, Manager of Events, Volunteers & Annual Giving at the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba. “There are over 10,000 people living in personal care homes in Manitoba and we hope to give a Touch Quilt to each one.” Currently, more than 20,000 Manitobans have Alzheimer ’s disease or another dementia. The Alzheimer Society is committed to helping improve the quality of life for people with dementia with initiatives like the Touch Quilt Project. For more information on the project, visit the website, alzheimer.mb.ca/touchquiltproject.

Artists Celebrate the Beginning It was a full house on May 2 when the Steinbach Arts Council hosted their annual spring Celebrating the Arts event. This year’s event was extra special because it brought together 35 years of supporters and contributors for one night of celebration and reunions. The event, called ‘35 Years of Memories’, took place at the Friedensfeld Community Centre in Friedensfeld. Steinbach Arts Council Board Chairperson, Frances Funk said this was the best gala ever. “This is our largest fundraiser and we are absolutely excited that it coincided with our 35th anniversary,” stated Funk. While the event celebrated the council’s 35th year, it was also a fundraiser for the organization. Several pieces of art were up for auction, including paintings by Signature Artist Marilyn Pankratz along with Dylan Brown, Colleen Watchorn, Amanda van Riesen, Melanie Penner and Dan Hoeppner. Several guest artists also had pieces auctioned off during the evening.

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May 2014


Victims Receive Louder Voice Steinbach MLA and Manitoba PC Justice Critic Kelvin Goertzen joined Manitoba Regional Minister Shelly Glover and Winnipeg Police Association President Mike Sutherland at the announcement of a new federal Victim’s Bill of Rights in Winnipeg on Friday. The Victim’s Bill of Rights will provide victims of crime, rights to information about the court proceeding against the accused, the right to apply for restitution and the right to provide comment throughout the court proceeding.


May 2014

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

How to guarantee your garden starts off on the right foot Gardeners cannot wait to soak up the springtime sun and get their hands dirty in the garden. Such excitement is not just good for gardeners, but can benefit the garden in the months to come as well. Early spring is a great time to get a head start on the gardening season. Even if gardening season is still around the corner, completing the following projects can ensure your garden gets off on the right foot. Clear debris One of the best things you can do for your garden as winter winds down is to clear it of debris. Winter can be especially harsh on a landscape, and gardens left to the elements are often filled with debris once spring arrives. Dead leaves, fallen branches, rocks that surfaced during the winter frost, and even garbage that might have blown about in winter winds can all pile up in a garden over a typical winter. Clearing such debris likely won't take long, but it's a great first step toward restoring the garden before the time comes to plant and grow the garden once again. Examine the soil Soil plays a significant role in whether a garden thrives or struggles. Examining the soil before the season starts can help gardeners address any issues before they plant. Ignoring the soil until a problem arises can turn the upcoming gardening season into a lost opportunity, so test the soil to determine if it has any nutrient or mineral deficiencies. This may require the help of a professional, but if a problem arises, you might be able to adjust the acidity or alkalinity of the soil and still enjoy a successful gardening season. Another way to examine the soil is less complex but can shed light on when would be a good time to get back to work. Reach into the soil and dig out a handful. If the soil quickly crumbles, you can start preparing for gardening seasoning. But if the soil is still clumped together, it needs more time to dry out before you can begin your prep work. Initiate edging Edging is another task gardeners can begin as they get ready for the season. Edge plant and flower beds,

but be sure to use a spade with a flat blade or an edger designed to edge flower beds. Such tools will cut deep enough so grass roots that may eventually grow into the flower bed are severed. Depending on how large a garden is, edging can be a time-consuming task, so getting a head start allows homeowners to spend more time planting and tending to their gardens once the season hits full swing. Fight weeds Though weeds likely have not survived the winter, that does not mean they won't return once the weather starts to heat up. But as inevitable as weeds may seem, homeowners can take steps to prevent them from turning beautiful gardens into battlegrounds where plants, flowers and vegetables are pitted against unsightly and potentially harmful weeds. Spring is a good time to apply a preemergent weed preventer, which can stop weeds before they grow. Though such solutions are not always foolproof, they can drastically reduce the likelihood of weed growth. Though gardeners might not be able to start planting their gardens in late winter or early spring, they can still get outside and take steps to ensure their gardens thrive once planting season begins.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

May 2014


Weed out gardening myths from facts Gardening is an age-old activity that was once a necessity but has transformed into a hobby for thousands of people. While gardening still serves practical purposes, many gardeners still consider it a hobby first and foremost. Time-tested gardening techniques have prevailed, but there remain certain myths about gardening that are best dispelled. The following are some of the more common myths associated with gardening. * MYTH: Compost tea is more effective than traditional compost. All over North America and the United Kingdom, gardeners have jumped on board the compost tea bandwagon. Compost tea is a fertilizer created by steeping compost in water mixed with sugar in brewing kits. The mixture is allowed to sit and aerate to encourage beneficial organism growth before it is sprayed on plants. According to supporters, compost tea suppresses disease and boosts plant yields. However, there is no evidence to suggest that compost tea works any better than adding compost in its normal state to the soil. In fact, leaving buckets of the "tea" around to ferment could actually create a

breeding ground for E coli and other bacteria. * MYTH: Plants under stress should be fertilized. This is not the case. Horticulturists advise that fertilizing plants that are not deficient in nutrients can actually add to existing stress levels for plants. Plants are not often stressed by a lack of food, but rather heat, faulty planting or space constraints. A fed plant will use the energy to absorb the nutrients instead of defending against a blight or establishing better root systems. * MYTH: Young trees need stakes. It may be tempting to stake that little sapling to protect it against the weather and strong winds, but doing so may actually work against the foundling tree. Staking trees to inhibit swaying may not stimulate the tree to grow thicker, lower trunks that will help the tree in the long run. The Royal Horticultural Society recommends that saplings be staked for around one year and then have the stakes removed to encourage the tree to be strong and stable on its own. * MYTH: Water droplets and sunshine lead to burnt leaves. Gardeners have been told to resist watering their plants during the hottest times of the day. Many

assume it's because water droplets lying on leaves will magnify the sun's rays and burn the leaves. According to Dr. Gabor Horvath at the Eoetvoes University in Budapest, water droplets will rarely damage plants because the drops are too close to the leaves to cause burning before they evaporate. Watering during the hottest points of the day is not advised because water evaporates and gets wasted. * MYTH: Sand added to clay soil makes it looser and better for plants. Clay soil is a deterrent to gardening because it can be so hard to dig and difficult to cultivate, but some feel it's best to add sand to the clay to make it a better soil mixture. You would need a great deal of sand to do this in the right manner, but many gardeners simply dig a hole, add sand and hope for the best. However, water runoff will pool in the sand and not be absorbed by the clay, potentially causing the plants to drown. * MYTH: Adding compost or potting soil to the planting hole for a tree or shrub is beneficial. Gardeners frequently add compost or potting soil to the hole where the root ball of a tree or shrub will be placed. But this encourages the roots to grow only in this nutrient-rich area, rather than spreading throughout the landscape to form a stronger and more durable root system. If you are going to amend the soil, do so evenly across the landscape. * MYTH: Use gravel or rocks in the bottom of

planting containers to improve drainage. Rocks and gravel can actually impede the growth of plants and take away space for roots to grow. The drainage may be affected as well, as water will sit above the gravel or stones and saturate the roots. Stick with plain soil for better drainage results. A variety of gardening myths still prevail. Over time, behaviors can be changed if gardeners learn to separate myths from facts.


May 2014

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Stolen Recreation Vehicles Still Out There

Police recovered this Ford F-250 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan after it was used in a robbery in Île-des-Chênes on April 1.

Dawson Trail Dispatch By Marianne Curtis It has been a moth since the owner of an Île des Chênes business received a rude awakening when thieves broke into his property and made off with over $100,000 in equipment. Derek Roth, who owns Adventure Power Products, said that at 3:10 am on April 1, two individuals broke into his business compound and a very large theft occurred. “From what we can determine on our cameras, the individuals pulled up to our gate with an 05-07 Ford F-250 or 350 crew cab in white with a company logo on the door,” explained Roth. “They had a black enclosed sled trailer in tow. An individual got out and the truck drove away. They unbolted our gate, drove in and hooked up to my 32 ft. Eagle America 8 place aluminium trailer. They smashed the ignitions out of all of my ATVs and side-by-sides and started loading.” As it turns out the thieves had dropped the sled trailer that they had in tow at RWD welding. The RCMP have since found one vehicle used in the theft near Yorkton, Saskatchewan, along with the stolen Eagle America trailer. “They [RCMP] have recovered that truck and my 32-foot trailer now. It was abandoned. None of our equipment was there. But at least we know they’ve shifted course and they’re onto some other vehicles,” Roth said. He added that he believes there could be a link between a similar theft that took place from Chabot Implements in Portage la Prairie in March when a snowmobile and some other ATVs went missing. “I’ve spoken with Gilles Chabot personally about it,” stated Roth. “We’re trying to compare the similarities on it, and absolutely you know, they dealt with much of the same thing where they loaded a large amount, a high value of units and off they went, so I would think there might be a connection there.” The brazen thieves made off with a 2014 Kawasaki Teryx4 800 in yellow with cab enclosure and track kit. ($25,000), a 2014 Kawasaki Teryx2 800 in black ($18,000), a 2014 Kawasaki Teryx2 800 in Green ($20,000), a 2014 Kawasaki Brute Force 750 in Camo with Remington wheel and tire package ($12,000) and a 2006 Eagle America 32 foot aluminium trailer ($6,000). “Needless to say, this is a very big hit for us,” added Roth. Thieves also caused about $2,000 in damages. Anyone with information is asked to call the RCMP at 204- 433-7908, or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477.

DSFM Expands Voter’s List Due to recent regulatory changes by the province, the voters list for Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine (DSFM) has been expanded to give an opportunity for more people to vote. According to the province, the decision was made after a consulting process with members of the francophone community led by the DSFM. New regulatory measures will allow the changes to be implemented in time for the 2014 school division elections this fall, Premier Selinger said. Previously, only parents who had children in a DSFM school were eligible to vote for a DSFM school trustee. “We listened to the wishes of Franco-Manitobans,” said Selinger. “We have brought in changes that will allow more Franco-Manitobans to have their say and vote in the coming 2014 school division election this fall.” The DSFM list of eligible electors will now be expanded to include DSFM graduates who are at least 18 years of age and their parents or legal guardians, DSFM students who are at least 18 years of age and their parents or legal guardians, and the parents or guardians of children attending pre-kindergarten in DSFM. The expansion of the electoral list will more than double the number of voters eligible to elect school trustees, regardless of where they live in the province. It is hoped that a larger number of electors will come out and vote for trustees running in the upcoming fall trustee elections.

Dufrense Area Farmer Murdered in the Bahamas Fifty-six year old Edgar Dart was killed when a masked gang attacked his mother’s home in Emerald Bay, Grand Bahama on April 8. His cousin, Michael Dart, said the family were tied up during the raid and another male was attacked with a machete. “I think one of the boys was attacked with a machete. I don’t know the extent of his injuries. They were all tied up. They are too upset to talk because they are in complete shock,” stated Dart. “What is really shocking is that he was visiting his mother, Joy, after the death of his father. I am thinking he intervened when there was an altercation. His son was there as well. It is barbaric, horrific and just really shocking.” Dart immigrated to Canada from Devan, England 16 years ago. Until his passing, he farmed and operated a feed business north of Dufrense. Edgar was known in the area for being supportive of community events and activities when approached. The Royal Bahamas Police Force reported that three robbers tied up the family with duct tape and Dart was shot during the struggle. The attackers fled the premises after stealing jewellery and other personal items. No arrests have been made.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Niverville Makes Splash with Pool Project On April 15, the Town of Niverville excitedly revealed the details for a proposed outdoor pool for the community. However, if they expected to hear that it would be constructed this year, they went home disappointed. According to Niverville Councillor Myron Dyck, council has committed $500,000 towards the proposed $2 million project. The remainder of the money will have to be raised through donations and fundraising. “This means the community will have to raise $1.5 million through fundraising,” stated Dyck. “The Town of Niverville council has discussed this and we will not be adding any new taxation or changing the property taxes to raise money for the pool.” However, the town is getting the ball rolling by putting a portion of their $500,000 contribution towards the engineering portion of the project. “The time frame for the pool will depend on the fundraising,” Dyck added. “We don’t want to run out of money half way through the project.” The Town of Niverville council has named former Mayor Clare Braun as the head of the project fundraising committee. Other members will be selected in the coming weeks. The $2 million price tag pays for a redevelopment of the arena ground to include several features including a 5 lane junior Olympic pool, lazy river water feature, a leisure area with zero depth entrance, water slides, diving boards and spray toys. The estimated capacity of the pool facility would be for 250 users at once. Anyone wishing to donate to the project can contact the town office or email info@whereyoubelong.ca. The community will have to fundraise $1.5 million if they want to see this water park constructed in Niverville.

Vassar Woman Loses Cancer Fight The communities of Vassar, South Junction and Sprague are mourning the loss of one of their own after the recent passing of Katherine Barrow. The 21-yearold passed away on April 14 after a brief but courageous battle with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. She was the youngest daughter of Sian and Derek Barrow, of Vassar. Sian is an RM of Piney Councillor. The Dawson Trail Dispatch first introduced readers to Katherine’s story in October 2013 in an article titled “Vassar family grateful for community support during cancer fight.” The community had hosted a fundraiser to help the family with unexpected medical expenses.

Local Hockey Player Recognized On May 3, Hockey Manitoba celebrated the outstanding achievements of the province’s best hockey volunteers, coaches, officials, teams and players throughout the 2013-2014 hockey season at the Annual Awards Luncheon. From the southeast, a local hockey player, two volunteers and three officials was all recognized during the event. Renee Boily, from Woodridge, was one of nine hockey players to receive a Hockey Manitoba Scholarship. Bob and Shannon Normandeau were named as March’s Volunteers of the Month. Three officials were recognized from Eastman. Andrew Wilkenson of Steinbach was named Most Deserving, Nicholas Grener of Ile des Chênes was named Most Promising and Zach Friesen of Steinbach, and was named Most Improved.

Niverville Chamber Holds Contest for Newsletter Launch The Niverville Chamber of Commerce is looking for community participation when it comes to launching a newsletter for the community. According to the chamber, the newsletter will include community events, news, announcements, business profiles, history, sports, classifieds, business grand openings and much more. While the newsletter will be compiled by the chamber, anyone can advertise within it for a small fee.

May 2014


Ritchot Seeks Promotional Photographs The Municipality of Ritchot is looking for beautiful, fun, or active photos taken in the Municipality of Ritchot. “We need your pictures of people enjoying the Municipality of Ritchot,” said Lesley Gaudry, Ritchot Community Economic Development Officer. “We want to celebrate our municipality as a great place to live, work and play.” The photos can be of people, places, faces, events and activities taken within the municipality. Submitted photos become the property of the Community Economic Development office and may be used in promotional material such as community brochures, websites, volunteer recognition events and other promotions. Photos can be emailed to cedo@ritchot.com, mail or drop off the photos at the Ritchot Municipal Office at 352 Main Street, St. Adolphe, MB, R5A 1B9. They can also be uploaded to the RM of Ritchot Facebook page. The Chamber is also running a contest for a logo and an official name for the newsletter. All entries must be received by June 1st and there is no limit to the number of entries per individual. The winning entry will be selected by the Chamber Directors and first prize will be a full-page one-edition ad for a Chamber Member or an equivalent value gift card for a non-member. Please send all entries for the contest or any suggestions for content to hsparrow@mymts.net.


May 2014

Get a Second Opinion So you have completed your 2013 taxes. Congratulations on filing on time. Did you do it yourself? Have a friend or neighbour or family member do it for you. Or maybe someone who “does taxes” for others. It’s amazing how some people feel that if they get a refund it must have been done right! Well, it might not have been done wrong, but maybe you left some money on the table! Unfortunately the way our tax system works, you don’t know what you don’t know“ I’ll be the first to admit that if all you have is some T4s and other typical tax slips, there is normally not much value I can add. But there are times when you should have your taxes reviewed just to make sure. I normally recommend that you have your taxes reviewed every three years by a professional like myself just to make sure you haven’t missed out on some tax credits or deductions. Provincial credits and pension splitting can only be adjusted back three years, so that’s why I recommend every few years. My reviews of your past tax returns are free. If I don’t find anything, at least you have confirmation that the taxes were completed correctly. But most of the time I do find something that was missed. Not necessarily wrong. But Canada Revenue Agency isn’t going to tell you that you missed something (unless you forget to report income they know about; then they definitely let you know about it with a Notice of Reassessment months later. Here’s a list of items I often find when reviewing past tax returns: - RRSP contributions made during January / February. These receipts are often received in March, sometimes after taxes have been filed and then forgotten by next tax season - Donations claimed every year if they are small should be used every few years so some of it exceeds $200 which gets a better credit. - Seniors may not always get the pension income splitting correctly. This year I met some new clients and asked why they used the amount they did in the past. They thought it was “the correct amount”. I showed them what I recommended and saved them several hundred dollars for the 2013 taxes. I’m reviewing and adjusting the past three years to get them more money. I have new fans! - Medical expenses are often incomplete. Items often forgotten include premiums for health and dental plans paid via pay-cheque, travel health insurance and other items out of pocket, including laser eye surgery. Tax payers that move from Winnipeg to the rural may not know about the medical travel they can claim. - Child Care Expenses can include the lunch fees paid at the school (it’s for supervision). - Unused Tuition transferred to parent / spouse / grandparent is sometimes not done quite right. And the Manitoba Tuition Rebate is not always claimed. I’ve done a few of these this year for new clients that didn’t understand how to claim it. - Many are still not familiar with the Disability Tax Credit or the Manitoba Caregiver Tax Credit. I handed lots of these forms out this past tax season! - Those living in senior assisted living and claiming the Disability Tax Credit often don’t know that you can claim a portion of the rent as a medical expense. - The Education Credit can be missed when moving from rental to owned home or vice-versa. There are many different situations that I recommend you seek professional help to have the income taxes done. The first one is when someone dies. Do not try to do this yourself. I have seen the CPP death benefit included incorrectly on the tax return of the deceased instead of the beneficiary or estate. All assets are considered sold on the date of death and I’ve seen many items missed because the child or executor didn’t know. And see me soon after someone passes away if they have RRSPs or RRIFs. We may want to have some of those paid out instead of transferred to a spouse. When you sell an asset, get some help: disposition of shares, vacant land, farmland, rental property, cottage, or even your principle residence if you own more than one property. The capital gains calculation can get complicated. You don’t want to claim too much, but you don’t want to under-claim or not claim at all. That’s called Tax Evasion! Of course the self employed should not do their own taxes. Fine if you want to do your own book keeping, but get another set of eyes on those figures and statements. If you are not claiming your income and expenses correctly you are likely to be audited by Canada Revenue Agency. You don’t want to be audited. Trust me on that one. I’ve met a few people at the start of an audit and let’s just say they wish they had sought professional help a while ago. It’s painful now when you see how much taxes are owed! So if your taxes have been completed and filed, but not by someone who specializes in personal income taxes, ask me for a free review. It might be the best thing you do this year! It will at least let you have peace of mind knowing it’s been done correctly and completely. A quick reminder that those of us who are self employed have until June 15 to file (actually June 16 because the 15th is a Sunday). Remember if we owe, the interest clock has started on May 1. We just do not get penalized if we file by June 16. The interest rate is 5%, not bad for a short term loan. If you are not self employed, but are getting a refund, no worries, there are no penalties for filing now. If you think you will owe, come in as soon as possible. The penalty is 5% of what you owe, plus 1% each month, plus the interest. You’ve missed the deadline to avoid the initial penalty, but let’s get it filed ASAP. Even if you cannot pay CRA all at once, it’s best to get it filed soon, and then make arrangements for payments. Anni Markmann is a tax professional and owner of Ste Anne Tax Service, working, living, and volunteering in our community. Contact Anni at 204-422-6631 or anni@steannetaxservice.ca or 36 Dawson Road in Ste. Anne.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ile Des Chênes Salon Owner Up for Business Award

Stacey Thomas-Niebel, owner of Salon 421 in Ile des Chênes, has been named as a finalist for the 2014 Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards by the Women Business Owners of Manitoba. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis An Ile des Chênes salon owner is thrilled to be one of twenty-eight women named as a finalist in the 2014 Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Stacey Thomas-Niebel, owner of Salon 421, said she is pleased to be recognized for all her hard work by the Women Business Owners of Manitoba in the categories of Emerging Business and Home Enterprise. Thomas-Niebel opened her salon as a home based business in Ile des Chênes five years ago, in a small room in her basement. Over the years, the business has expanded to include a conversion of her entire basement into a modern day-spa and salon, which employs three stylists and one aesthetician. “Our mission is to provide our clients with the utmost in hair - body services and education, ensuring a positive and enjoyable salon experience, that supports a beautiful and healthy lifestyle,” Thomas-Niebel said. “We are continually striving to provide all clients from all walks of life with the style and look that compliments who they are and enhances each individual’s beauty.” Thomas-Niebel said that the key to success in

business is to have passion. “I had forgotten how far we’ve come until I started looking back during the nomination process. I had a goal and a dream and I have definitely stayed true to that dream,” Thomas-Niebel continued. “To be successful with any business you have to love what you do.” The province’s top female business owners will be honoured at a special event that will put the spotlight on their successes and achievements. The 2014 Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards is taking place on May 15 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. Women entrepreneurs are one of the fastest growing segments of the Canadian economy. Four out of five businesses are started by women and between 1991 and 2001, women’s self-employment increased by 43 percent. The more than 821,000 women entrepreneurs in Canada annually contribute in excess of $18 billion to the economy. The number of women-owned businesses that focus on manufacturing, construction, transportation and communications is growing rapidly.

Otterburne Author Releases Poetry Collection By Marianne Curtis Otterburne author Amy-Lee Moffatt shares the path of domestic violence she walked for many years in ‘Out of the Depths of My Soul’. As a domestic violence survivor, Moffatt is humbled by the stories she sees on the news. Her heart breaks for those living with violence and she can empathize with those who’ve escaped. The book is her testament for the things that she experienced herself. Moffat opens her heart and shares pieces written from as far back as when she was 14. “I had very little information about the dangers of the world and ended up in some pretty bad situations. I lived on the streets for a time, when I couldn’t couch surf at a friends until one day I found out I was pregnant and the guy I was with ended up in jail,” Moffat explained. She admits she tried to leave, but instead ended up living with a man who terrorized her daily until she was finally able to escape. Her second marriage was not much better. “When these things in my life were happening I would write. It was my escape, my coping mechanism, if you will, to deal with all the pain that I had no idea how to get away from,” Moffat continued. “My now husband encouraged me to put them all together and send them into a publisher. As I am a Christian I wanted a Christian publisher which we found at Tate Publishing.” Moffatt was a young teenage mother who struggled to reach her goals. However, with the support of an elite few she was able to raise her children, obtain her Social Work Diploma, walk through two violent relationships and meet the adoring husband she now lives with in Manitoba with their three children. She splits her time between her passion for writing and running a successful business with her husband and children. Her goals do not end here, and noted that with God’s grace, mountains will continue to be moved.

‘Out of the Depths of My Soul’, written by Otterburne author Amy-Lee Moffat follows her journey of recovery after escaping a life of domestic violence.

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at tatepublishing.com/bookstore, or by visiting barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

May 2014


Local Author Has Fun with Romance at Jake Epp Library

Marianne Curtis was thrilled to release ‘A Discreet Betrayal’ at the Jake Epp Library in Steinbach. Photo by Rebecca Guetre-Reddy

On April 15, Dawson Trail Dispatch writer and author Marianne Curtis officially launched a romantic thriller called ‘A Discreet Betrayal’ in her home town of Steinbach. Approximately 30 people came out for a special dessert and coffee night at the Jake Epp Library where the author shared stories about her publishing journey. She also treated guests to a spicy spoiler by reading the first chapter. “It was awesome to see so many people come out and offer their support,” stated Curtis. “Admittedly, this book is a work of fiction and very different than my previous book, so it was extra special to see the enthusiasm of those in attendance.” Two years ago, Curtis released ‘Finding Gloria’, a personal memoir. The self-published inspirational memoir has appeared at the top of the Amazon Bestsellers list several times. “Writing fiction took me beyond my comfort zone,” added Curtis. “As a journalist, I deal with facts. With my memoir, I told the truth. With Discreet, I got to make things up. That was fun!” Curtis is planning to release at least two more follow-up novels to ‘A Discreet Betrayal’. ‘A Discreet Betrayal’ is available at several stores in the region, including Little Details Gift Shop in St. Malo, Ile des Chênes Country Store, The Artist Pivot in St. Pierre-Jolys, Freedom Foods in Landmark and the La Broquerie Pharmacy. It is also available at McNally Robinson Bookstores in Winnipeg.

Gala to Celebrate Out of the Blue Participants Southern Health’s Regional Suicide Prevention Committee is ecstatic over the success of its fourth annual ‘Out of the Blue Campaign’. On May 8, the organization is hosting the ‘Blue Gala’ where schools, communities and individuals will be recognized for doing their bit in raising awareness of suicide prevention. Southern Health’s Regional Suicide Prevention Committee started getting busy back in February with school presentations in five different regional schools. More Blue Awareness activities took place earlier in April where local businesses, communities and organizations participated in Blue Awareness activities. The Out of the Blue Gala is taking place May 8 at the Pat Porter Centre to celebrate all the schools and participants with a dinner, awards presentation and a music performance by Rachel Ashley. To register for the gala contact 204-346-6691 or email outoftheblue@sehealth.mb.


May 2014


Elma Drop in Tuesdays 1-5 pm at Foyer Notre Dame Lorette 12 Wing Night - On Saturday, May 10 starting at 6 pm at the St.Amant Ave. Contact Iris 204-878-3552. Community Centre. Cost $5. Mitchell Flea Market & Yard Sale - On Sunday, June 8 from 10 am – Mitchell & Area Garage Sale – On Saturday, May 31, all day 4 pm. To rent a table or for more information contact in Mitchell. Register for your sale at the beginning of May. elmaccrental@gmail.com, 204-348-3971. Contact Adeline Loewen 204-326-5321, Text 204-381-2634, adeline.loewen@gmail.com. Gardenton Laura’s ‘You can eat that?!’ Wild Edible Adventure - On Saturday, Breakfast and Social - Every Tuesday morning, 7:30 - 9 am May 17, Fun adventure in wild edible plant identification, except the last Tuesday of the month when the social is held harvesting and preparation. One-day workshop, use common instead. Lunch starts at noon at the Mitchell and Area Seniors wild edibles in everyday meals. A single class has gathered as Centre. Contact 204-326-6944. many as 14 species of plants. Register 1 month in advance and save $20. Contact Laura Reeves 204-425-3520, Niverville info@psbotanicals.com. Town Spring Cleanup – From Monday, May 5 – Wednesday May 7 the Public Works will pick-up items not normally Grunthal collected such as broken furniture, appliances, old mattresses, AGM Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank – On Thursday, May etc. (please place items at the end of the driveway for free 15 from 7 – 8 pm at the Grunthal Fire Hall. Contact Grunthal pickup - you do not need to contact Public Works for pickCaring Hands Food Bank 204-371-1394, up). All items must be at the curb by NOON on Wednesday, grunthalcaringhandsfb@gmail.com, Robert Warkentin. May 7 for pick-up. Spring Rodeo – On Friday, May 16 – Monday, May 19. Participate in the Rough Stock Riding School on Friday and Saturday, or cheer on the contestants during the Jackpot Gymkhana, Manitoba High School Rodeo and the Manitoba Cutting Horse Association cutting horse show. A full canteen with great food all weekend as well as a chicken BBQ on Sunday. Admission $5 for the Saturday evening Gymkhana, $8 per day Sunday and Monday. Children 10 and under are free.

GriefShare - If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one we wish to help, you get support and learn about the grieving process. Contact 204-381-1155 to register or go to Nivervillegriefshare.com.

Moms N’ Tots Playgroup - Moms with children up to age six. Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am located in the lower level of Fourth Avenue Bible Church (62 4th Avenue S.). Free drop-in program with coffee and snacks provided, Hadashville along with a large open space for the kids to play while the Mother’s Day Dinner – On Saturday, May 10 at 6 pm at the moms visit. Contact Karen at klenzrpeters@hotmail.com. Recreation Centre. Featuring Mohutniy Ukrainian Dance Ensemble. Cost $15 per ticket. Contact Steve 204-426-2392. Piney Bingo - Every 2nd Friday at 7 pm. Tae Kwon Do - Every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Hadashville Community Club (Reynolds Recreational Centre) from 6 years Prawda old to adults. Pursue a black belt or learn new skills, great Circuit 30 - Alternate aerobic and weight exercises, with cool stress release and have an excellent workout at the same down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean time. Cost after registration fee is $40/month per person. Ask runners, and bring a bottle of water. Cost $2/class, Mondays about 2 week free trial. Contact Shelly at 204-426-5266 or and Thursdays at 7 pm, in the Reynolds School Gym. Contact KSTA.academy@gmail.com. Wendy 204-348-2433. Ile-des-Chênes Our Lady of the Roses Prayer Group – Meets on the first Saturday of every month, at 6:30 pm to recite the Rosary and learn about Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers and receive Blessed Rose Petals and other Sacramentals from Blessed Mother’s place of miracles. Contact Corinna 204-878-4908 or email her at corinnaswetz@hotmail.com for more info and register. Kleefeld Kleefeld Community Garage sale – On Saturday, May 17 from 9 am – 3 pm. 30 plus garage sales going on. Maps are at the gas station and fire hall. To start the day, come to the fire hall for breakfast starting at 8 am and then garage sale all day. Contact Candace Martens 204-381-2661, candacemartens@ymail.com. Community Playgroup - for parents, caregivers and children ages 0-5. Activities include time for playing, stories, songs and snacks. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Kleefeld Rec Centre. Contact Irene Ascough 204-377-5013. La Broquerie 50-Year Anniversary Swing Fest - On Saturday, May 31, at the La Verendrye Golf Course for the St. Adolphe Curling Club’s Annual Golf Tournament. Join us for a great day of golf, a fabulous meal and prizes. Cost $100 also includes bus, round of golf and cart. Deadline to register is Saturday, May 24. If you don’t have a team but would still like to golf, please contact Marc 204-883-2661 or cell 204-479-8666 and he will try to match you up with other golfers. Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste – From Saturday, June 21 – Sunday, June 22 beginning at 9 am with a free pancake Breakfast provided by Chevaliers de Colomb, Slo-Pitch Tournament, Beer Gardens & Canteen, fireworks spectacle and at a 8 pm a Saturday Night Social. Social Cost $10. Entry to park $5/person 13+. Inflatable games, pony rides, minitrain, petting zoo, airbrush tattoos and dunk tank. On Sunday starting at 11:30 am parade.

Busy Bodies Playgroup – Every Wednesday from 9 - 11 am at the Reynolds School Gym. Free to parents and children. Snacks provided. Contact Cassie 204-793-8290. Richer The Richer Métis Local Membership Drive - On Saturday, May 10 at the Richer School Gym 12 noon - 3 pm. To apply for your Métis Membership card and Harvester card. Price $10 per application and $5 for the Richer Métis local. On site will be The South Regional Métis to obtain your Harvester game tags and renewal stickers for $25. You must return last year’s tags and stickers to get new ones. Pictures will be taken with application same day. You must acquire an official genealogy that identifies a Métis Nation Ancestor. An official genealogy can be obtained from one of the following recognized Genealogical Institutions: St. Boniface Historical Society, phone 204-233-4888, or visit online at shsb.mb.ca, Métis Culture & Heritage Resource Centre online at metisresourcecentre.mb.ca. If your birth or baptism certificate does not show parents name please reapply for your birth certificate through Manitoba Vital Statistics 1-866-949-9296 or 204-945-3701. Dinner & Dance – On Saturday May 17 from 4 – 11 pm at the Richer Young at Heart Club with live band Denis Nykoliation, supper at 6 pm. Contact MARIE 204-422-8499 Seine River Services for Seniors - Program Contact Juliette Rowan Community Resource Coordinator at 204-424-5575 for Richer services or email labseinerss@gmail.com. Richer Recovery AA - Group meets every Thursday and Saturday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm at LUD Hall in Richer. Contact Lee at 204451-0255.

Monday Night Bingos - To raise funds for Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating grades 8 and 12. Children Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult to be on premises and must play bingo. Doors Seine River Services for Seniors- Health Centre/Centre de Santé Open at 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club, 22 Dawson Rd. from Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm. Services and programs MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact Doreen Pchajek at 422for seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, 5243 or doreen@spmf.ca. foot care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. Sprague Contact Community Resource Coordinator Juliette Rowan, 204- Bingo - Every 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm. 424-5285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Shopping Trips to Winnipeg’s St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, St. Malo leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s Clearspring Hike for Hospice - On Sunday May 4 at 12:30 pm and the Centre every last Thursday of the month, from 10 am - 1 pm. hike will commence at 1:30pm from the St. Malo Church Cost $10. parking lot and proceed along a portion of the Crow Wing Trail. Free registration. This is a family event focusing on Lorette raising awareness and funds for palliative care programs and Citizens on Patrol Program (COPP) – Volunteer opportunities. services in our local communities. For more information, If you go for walks, bike rides, jogs or even just drive around please contact Carolyn Fenny 204-346-6697 or the community, please put on a COPP vest and show your cfenny@southernhealth.ca. support or help with administrative duties. Can you donate an hour per month? Contact Trevor, 204-955-3434 St. Pierre-Jolys Lorettecopp@gmail.com. Annual Garage Sale Event - On Saturday, June 7 from 9 am - 3 pm. Many families set up their goods for sale and many New Horizons Seniors - Play cards, Scrabble, Wii and more. more go around St-Pierre-Jolys looking for good deals.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba – Depression support group meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. Located at the Health Corner DeSalaberry Hospital. Contact Judy Dunn 444-5228.

Sportscard Club hosting their annual show. Free Admission. We apartments. Contact Nadine Konyk, Rural Client Services are in need of sellers. Tables are only $20. Proceeds go to assist Coordinator at 1-800-268-7582 or email the SMS Sportscard Club and Southeast Helping Hands nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. Steinbach. Contact Don 204-380-4435, ddewey@hsd.ca. MS Lunch Group- On fourth Thursday of every month, from 12 Spring on the Farm – On Monday, May 19 from 10 am – 6 pm – 1 pm at the Village Green Restaurant. Contact Nadine Konyk, at the Mennonite Heritage Village. Celebrate spring with us at Rural Client Services Coordinator 204-326-1434 or email the village with a tractor parade, tractor games, pioneer nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. demonstrations and delicious Mennonite food. Contact Natashia Lapeire 204-326-9661, natashial@mhv.ca. Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba individual and support groups - for persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, Hanover School Division Festival of the Arts – From Wednesday, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns. May 21 to Saturday, May 24 at the Clearspring Centre. Opening Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Jake Epp Wednesday at 7 pm. Features student artwork from Hanover Library from 7 – 9 pm. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. School Division. Volunteers needed. Contact Ryan Loeppky Information and Support Sessions rloeppky@hsd.ca, 204-392-4723. The Bethesda Regional Healthcare Auxiliary - meets on the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries MS Walk - On Sunday, May 25 first Tuesday of every month except for the months of July and starting at the Porter Active Living Centre. Registration at 1 pm August at the Bethesda Hospital. We welcome anyone and start time 2 pm. Lace up for someone you love and join us interested in auxiliary work. Contact Verna Thiessen at 326for the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries MS Walk. Register online at 3028. mswalks.ca. Contact Barb Pettitt 1-800-268-7582 ext. 4919, barb.pettitt@mssociety.ca. Steinbach and Area Lions Club - meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month at the Magnolia Restaurant. Spring Home & Leisure Show – From Thursday, May 29 - Contact 204-326-2313. Saturday, May 31, at Clearspring Centre Mall. Introducing a wide range of products and services from local, national, and Carillon Toastmasters - meetings are open to adults who want international companies and home based businesses. Contact to improve their leadership and communication skills. Thursdays Glen Bogovics 204-470-4729 stbon2009@gmail.com. at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Public Library 255 Elmdale Street, Contact Doreen 204-326-7525. Relay For Life – On Friday, May 30 at A.D. Penner Park from 7 pm - 7 am. Celebrate survival, a tribute to the lives of loved ones Steinbach Al Anon Program - Meetings are held on Wednesdays and a night of fun, friendship and fundraising to fight cancer. at 7:30 pm. Steinbach United Church, 541 Main St. Ring the Teams participate in an overnight, non-competitive event in front door bell. support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Register online at relayforlife.ca. Contact Co-chairs Lindsay Penner or Marcie Young moms to be - Bi-weekly support group starts at 4:30 pm Friesen 204-320-1933 or Colette Toews 204-320-933, at Anna’s House B-11, Hwy 12N. Contact 204-346-0413. steinbachrelayforlife@gmail.com. Tolstoi The Chrysalis Fund Grant Deadline – On Saturday, May 31. Cross-Terrain ATV Derby – On Saturday, May 17. Fun and mud Grant supports registered charitable organizations that work to ATV derby, hare scramble, food and more. Hwy 59 south 3 support children and youth in Steinbach and area. Contact Debbie miles past Tolstoi turn east 2 miles on Lord Roberts rd, 1/4 mile Krahn 204-381-8122, #20 Hwy 12 N., south on left side. Contact Jared Fast 204-427-2445, thechrysalisfund@gmail.com jared@onehopecanada.ca.

Ste. Anne Dog Walk Fundraiser - On Saturday, May 10 starting at 10 am at the Parc des Redemptoristes – Pavillion Park, a 5 km walk organized by the Ste. Anne Lions Club. There will be contests, demos, and fun for everyone. Come join us! There is no registration fee and 100% of the funds raised will go towards the Purina® Walk for Dog Guides to provide Dog Guides at no cost to those who need it most. Help support local persons with disabilities step towards independence. Contact to register and donate purinawalkfordogguides.com. Charity Golf Tournament - On Thursday, May 29 for the SteAnne Hospital Fund annual charity golf tournament at Quarry Oaks Golf Course. Pre-register at the website. Tee off at 11 am followed by a delicious supper. Fun, games and prizes. Contact Zoe Nakata 204-771-6234, info@fondshopitalsteanne.ca. Providence Classic Golf Tournament & Banquet – On Tuesday, June 10 starts at11 am at the Quarry Oaks Golf & Country Club. Registration $150 includes 18 holes of golf with power cart, BBQ Lunch, full-course dinner. Contact Irma McKenzie 204-433-7488 ext. 236, irma.mckenzie@prov.ca Seine River Services for Seniors – Invite to all seniors interested in the Wii Bowling game to come, try it out and have fun. On Monday at 1 pm, at Le Club Jovial. Contact Juliette Rowan at 204-424-5285 Community Resource Coordinator for local services or e-mail labseinerss@gmail.com. Ste. Geneviève Library Night - Bibliothèque Taché Library at the Community Centre on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 - 8 pm. Selection of books in both French and English, all ages. Over 21,000 books including audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, large print books and magazines plus they can import books from any library in Manitoba. Special requests can be made to the librarian, Brandi Schmitz at 204-878 - 9488, bibliotachelibrary.com or in person.

International Cooking Class – Every second Tuesday, from 6 – 8 pm. Eastman Immigrant Services has invited immigrant newcomers to teach a cooking class. Cook a delicious meal. Hands on opportunity to prepare new and delicious foods, go home with recipes, know how & insider secrets along with having the chance to enjoy new friends in our community. Contact Lois Loewen Epp 204.346.6609 or Bingo - Every Sunday at 7 pm. Odd/even game Chance to win lois@eastmanimmigrantservices.com. $1,000 every Sunday. Book Sale - Bethesda Healthcare Auxiliary – On Tuesdays (gently Steinbach and not-so gently) used book sale at Clearspring Centre. Book Manitoba to Ecuador Fundraiser – On Wednesday, May 7 donations accepted year round at Clearspring Centre from 9:30 from, 8 – 9 pm at Boston Pizza, to support of medical supplies, am – 4 pm. soccer equipment, building materials and scholarships. Dinner tickets $25 ea. all you can eat pizza and pop. Silent Healthy Eating Cooking Classes - Every other week on Thursdays auction as well as a grand prize draw for an all expense paid at South East Helping Hands. No Charge, enjoy a meal with trip to Machu Picchu, Peru. Only 100 tickets have been other community members and learn how to plan & prepare printed. These tickets are selling for $100 each. Contact healthy meals on a budget. Contact and register 204-326-2599 Jolene Friesen 204-371-5133, jfriesen@hsd.ca. or southeasthelpinghands@gmail.com.

Woodmore Yard/Bake/Craft Sale – On Saturday, May 10 at Woodmore Hall starting at 9am, located 1 mile North of Hwy 201 on Road 24E. Canteen lunch. Silent Auction in support of the Woodmore Hall. Enjoy some locally produced baking. Crafted items for Mother’s Day and Hunt for Yard Sale Treasures. Contact Ken grifke@xplornet.ca.

Legion Craft & Bake Sale – On Saturday, May 10 from 9 am – 4 pm at the Legion Community Hall. Homemade and handcrafted products as well as some of your favourite trade products. All day canteen featuring hot meals and fresh pie. Organized by the Steinbach Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary #190.Table rentals $25 each. Contact Christie at 204-3269692 or Steinbach190LA@hotmail.com.

General Free Monthly Bus Trips to the Casinos of Winnipeg- Join us for a great day of fun and friendship. Visit McPhillips Street Station in the morning and Club Regent in the afternoon. Starting at 8:30 am pick-ups in Steinbach, Ste. Anne and Paradise Village. Must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes and cash giveaways every trip. Bingo played on the bus to and from the casinos for those wishing to play. Contact Marilyn at 204-326-4939 to reserve your seat. The next scheduled trips are on Tuesdays May 13 and June 10.

Ste. Rita Spring Supper - On Saturday May 31 at the Friendly Hands Club from 5:30pm, dinner at 6pm. Tickets are $15/ adult, 612 years of age, $7.50 and 5 and under free. Contact Marcel 204-866- 3647 or the hall 204-866-2219.

Adult Book Club - Tuesdays from 7 – 9 pm. Bring book suggestions or peruse our book lists. Meet some other book lovers too and bring a friend. At the Jake Epp Library 255 Elmdale St. Contact Tracey Pankratz 204-326-6841 programming@jakeepplibrary.com.

Ladies Get Fit Classes - Sponsored by Eastman Immigrant Services, every Wednesday at 7:15 pm at the Woodlawn School Annual Community Garage Sale – On Saturday, May 10 at gym. Aerobic, circuit training, weights, mats and stretching the T.G. Smith Centre. Bring your treasures to sell, or come exercises. Suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. Register down to find that diamond in the rough. As in past years, all contact Lois 204-346-6609. recovered City of Steinbach bicycles will be sold at this sale. If you would like to reserve a spot to sell your goods, the cost Steinbach Girl Guides - Every Tuesday at the United Church of is $20 per spot. Contact Jason Peters 204-346-6217, Steinbach, 541 Main St. Registration for girls 5-17. Develop jpeters@steinbach.ca. personal values and well-being, self-respect and respect for others; promote fun, friendship, adventure and challenges Mother’s Day Buffet – On Sunday, May 11 from 11:30 am – through new experiences; develop leadership and decision2 pm at the Mennonite Heritage Village. Take mom out for making skills; give service to the community; value the natural a Mennonite feast at the Livery Barn Restaurant. environment. Contact Natashia Lapeire 204-326-9661 Green Drinks South Eastman - South Eastman Transition Initiative natashial@mhv.ca. presents Green Drinks South Eastman. On the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at LBees, 5-275 Main St. Grab a coffee and Run for Mom - On Sunday, May 11, 2014 from 2 – 5 pm. discuss sustainable living. Contact Build, support the running community, and promote healthy rebecca_hiebert@yahoo.com. lifestyle choices for individuals and families. Proceeds support local charities and to improve recreational infrastructure. The Steinbach Rotary Club - meets every Monday at noon at the Register today for either the 5 or 10 km, Kids Run or Mini Kids Pat Porter Centre for active living. Contact Cornie at 326-3155. Run. Contact Vicki Olatundun 204-346-0413, vicki@annashouse.ca. Mental Health Information and Support sessions - for family and friends of people with mental health issues are held the Steinbach & Area Garden Club - On Monday, May 12 at 7 pm 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Eden East at the Mennonite Heritage Village. ‘Plant Combinations for building, 21 Loewen Blvd. Contact Kim at 371-0824 or email an Outstanding Garden’ with Arlene Ortiz, garden consultant, eastmanmss@mts.net who will be giving advice on creating beautiful combinations of annuals, perennials and vegetables for exquisite containers MS Monthly Self-Help group meeting - for people living with and gardens. Everyone welcome! Refreshments! Door prizes! multiple sclerosis. The group meets on the second Thursday $5 non-member fee. Contact sagardenclub.com for more evening of each month from 6 - 7 pm at Fernwood Place info. Women’s Business Network - Evening Meeting- New Directions for a Promising Future – On Wednesday, May 14. Time TBA. Hosted by Anni Markmann, Ste. Anne Tax Service, 36 Dawson Road, RSVP to Diane Stadnyk at diane@embracingsimplicity.ca. Sportcard - Collectables Show - On May 17 at Clearspring Centre from 10 am – 5 pm. Stonybrook Middle School

Woodridge ATV Awareness Day – On Saturday, May 24 from 10 am – 5 pm at the Woodridge Hall. Promoting the sport with a focus on safety and fire prevention. Kids can meet Smokey the Bear. Dealers such as FOX and FXR will be hosting display booth with new riding gear, many informational booths with MPIC, Conservation and Water Stewardship, RCMP. Contact Gary Gebhardt, Event Coordinator 204-429-3276 rebelrunner@live.com. Bingo - Every 2nd Sunday night at 7 pm.

Super Start Program - A Healthy Baby program - Southern Health Regional Authority. Program for pregnant women and families with infants up to one year of age. Sessions include song and rhyme time, discussions and games on topics related to healthy babies and healthy moms. Door prizes, nutritious snacks and milk coupons for all participating expectant moms or mothers who have babies up to six months of age. Contact 204-346-7021 or just drop in. Ste. Anne - Dayspring Fellowship Church on Thursday, May 8 at 10 am – 12 pm Niverville - Community Fellowship Church on Tuesday, May 13 at 10 am – 12 pm Sprague - East Borderland Primary Health Centre on Wednesday, May 14 at 10 am - 12:00 pm Ste. Agathe - Community Hall Centre on Tuesday, May 20 at 10 am – 12 pm St. Malo – St. Malo School on Wednesday, May 21 at 10 am – 12 pm Mitchell - Fellowship Church on Thursday, May 22 at 10 am – 12 pm Lorette - Seine River Church on Tuesday, May 27 at 10 am – 12 pm Grunthal – South Oaks School on Tuesday, June 3 at 9:30 am – 12 pm Blumenort - EMC Church on Thursday, June 5 at 10 am – 12 pm

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