Dawson Trail Dispatch April 2021

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April 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

A Comforter in All Times Have you ever wondered why you are here on planet earth? People that believe in evolution have difficulty finding real true purpose in life because they believe they are a result of fate and chance, rather than design. I’ve heard people say, “This world would be a better place if I’d never been born” or “I’m Daddy’s little mistake,” or “I am of no value in this world so I may as well not be here.” Our government promotes these thoughts by legalizing euthanasia as an easier way out of our problems; rather than face them and deal with them as God intended. Let me assure you, from the authority of God’s Word, the Bible, that you are not an accident of nature but rather appointed of God for a special purpose. Ephesian 1:4 tells us that God “Hath chosen us in him (Christ) before the foundation of the world.” God in His foreknowledge knew man would sin and disobey Him. This sin has brought heartache, disease, environmental problems and worst of all, separation from and loss of fellowship with God. But God had a plan. Even before man sinned God had arranged with His Son, Jesus Christ, to go down to earth, be born as a human, live 33 years and then die on a cross and shed His blood as total payment for all men’s sins. Ephesians 1:9 calls this a “Mystery” that was hidden up till 2,000 years ago. God has “chosen” that all people can come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible says He will not turn anyone away, because He loves the world (people). If you are struggling with many questions in life, Revelation 3:20 says Christ is knocking on your heart’s door asking permission to come in. If you invite Him in, He will forgive all your sin, make you a child of God and be a Comforter to you at all times. He will give you the proper solution to all life’s questions and give you purpose and hope. No one else can do this for you. Why not come to Jesus Christ today, while there is still time and He is still knocking? There may come a time when it is too late. Don’t put this decision off; it is too important to just let it slide for another day. Praying that God will help you make the right decision today!! God Bless you as you seek Him and His will in your life.

Memberships: 2021 memberships available for $25 per person. Join now to enjoy our member’s benefits! COVID Popup Clinics: Appointments are required for these sites, and can be made by calling the vaccine call centre at 1-844-626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC) from 6 am to 8 pm daily. Have your health card ready. Visit gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/clinics. Breast Cancer Screening: April and May. CancerCare Manitoba’s mobile mammography clinic is hitting the road and parking at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre for the months of April and May. Use this opportunity to get screened and make sure you’re healthy for many years to come! Screening is offered on an appointment only basis. Please call 1-855-952-4325 to make an appointment. Pen Pals: Letter writing fun! Pat Porter Active Living Centre in collaboration with the Shine Homeschool group is looking for people interested in participating in a pen pal program. Those interested would exchange letters with students from the group on a regular basis. This group of young and bright students frequently volunteers at the Centre and would love to chat with you. Sign up and make a new friend! Please call 204-320-4600 or email communications@patporteralc.com if you would like to be added to the mailing list. Fireside Stories: On Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 pm on Facebook! Grab

a cup of tea/coffee and get cozy every Tuesday afternoon at 1 pm as Meg and Cathy from our Circle of Friends program read from the Stuart McLean collection. Join us live on Facebook/patporteral at 1 pm or watch later on your own time. PPALC Cookbook: Share your recipes with us! We’re making a cookbook and we need your help! Do you have a recipe with a special story? We are looking to put together a cookbook featuring recipes (and their associated stories) submitted by you! Share your favourite recipe and include a story. For example, tell us where it came from, the first time you made it or anything else you’d like to say! Types of recipes are not limited. You may submit main dishes, snacks, baked goods or desserts. To submit a recipe you may drop it off at the Centre or email communications@patporteralc.com. It would be great if you included a photo of the finished product also! We look forward to seeing your delicious recipes! Perogies: Freshly made and for sale! Handmade by staff at the Centre, these cottage cheese perogies are delicious and ready to be enjoyed. $6 per dozen. Please call 204-320-4600 to order. PPALC 2021 Calendars: Featuring local photographers! Come grab a calendar for 2021! Featuring beautiful photographs submitted by local photographers. $5 each and available for pickup at the Centre. Give us a call at 204-320-4600 to order one today!

Centre Closure: The Pat Porter Active Living Centre will be closed to all non-essential programming and services until further notice. We are following the public health authority recommendations and encouraging you to stay home as much as possible and make sure we all reduce our contacts. This is for your safety, my safety and the safety of all of our loved ones. This is a community effort and we can do this! We will remain open for essential services: Meals on Wheels in Steinbach and Grunthal will remain open for meal delivery only, please make sure you call by 9 am if you would like to order a lunch. If you need help with shopping, mobility equipment or transportation call to make arrangements for us to provide assistance. If you, or someone you know just needs someone to talk to, please call us 204-320-4600 and one of us will gladly spend some time with you. Staff will be at the Centre from 9 am – 4 pm if you need support or assistance. Please feel free to call and we can assist you. We are here for you! We are in this together and we will come out of this together. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities from Monday to Friday, at 9 am to 4 pm call Sonja at 204320-4603 or the reception desk at 204-320-4600.

Niverville Woman Named to Ducks Unlimited Board Colleen Dyck from Niverville was one of six influential leaders recently appointed to the Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) board. In her new role, Dyck will support the organization’s work to conserve wetlands and deliver large, landscape-level impact that advances sustainability, biodiversity and climate resiliency. Dyck is an award-winning entre-

preneur and international agriculture ambassador. She is the owner and operator of GORP Clean Energy Bars & Mixes, a manufacturing facility located on the family grain farm, Artel Farms. She is also an active community leader who is passionate about supporting emergency food assistance programs around the world. DUC is one of the largest and lon-

gest-standing conservation organizations in the country. Established in 1938, DUC has conserved 6.5 million acres of wetland and associated natural habitat across Canada. These habitats, including one in Niverville, provide valuable environmental benefits to society by mitigating floods, filtering pollutants from water, storing carbon and supporting wildlife.

Municipalities Sign Waste Management Contract Both the RM of Stuartburn and the RM of Piney are celebrating the signing of their first mutual joint municipal garbage contract. This past month, the BPPS Recycling and Waste Management Board was officially launched with the signing of the agreement between the RM’s of Stuartburn, Piney and Buffalo Point First Nation. According to the RM of Piney,

“This exciting new partnership provides for a new and innovative opportunity to manage solid waste within southeast Manitoba.” Many operational details are evolving as the partners move away from Eastman Recycling pickup service to our regional solution,” added Stuartburn council. “Our primary goal is continued recycling services without inter-

ruption, but there will be some transitional challenges,” reads a notice from the municipality. The municipalities remind residents to be patient as the Buffalo Point-Piney-Stuartburn Waste Management Board works to improve service delivery and a more environmentally sustainable approach to solid waste management for the southeast region.

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