Dawson Trail Dispatch April 2011

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Provencher Residents Head to Polls By Marianne Curtis On May 2, voters across Canada will be casting their ballots to elect a new federal government. In Provencher, we have four candidates that have stepped forward to vie for our votes. Conservative MP Vic Toews has decided to let his name stand for another term after being first elected as Provencher ’s Member of Parliament back in 2000. As a member of Stephan Harper ’s government, he has served as Minister of Labour, Minister of Justice and most recently, Minister of Safety. “I have worked hard to deliver results for Provencher and we can see the results of Canada’s Economic Action Plan all across Provencher,” stated Toews. “While there is still work to be done, Provencher MP and incumbent Conservative candidate Vic Toews has breakfast with residents in Middlebro Provencher like the rest of Canada, while campaigning. has weathered the economic storm better than most.” If the Harper government is reelected, Toews is confident that they will continue with the Economic Action Plan. “Through the Economic Action Plan, Canada has managed to regain almost all of the jobs that were lost, creating over 480,000 net new jobs – this is an impressive record,” Toews adds. “We must ensure that Canada has a stable national government that can provide leadership and keep us on the path toward economic recovery.” Toews is going to have his work cut out for him during this election. Former provincial MLA Al Mackling has come out of retirement at

Continued on page 2

Anola resident and former Agriculture Canada employee Terry Hayward is eager to work for the people in Provencher as he travels the southeast speaking to residents and pounding in signs.

NDP candidate and former Manitoba Legislative Member Al Mackling has come out of retirement at eighty-three to take on Toews in Provencher.

Green Party candidate Janine Gibson campaigns close to her home in Grunthal in a “word of mouth” campaign.


April 2011

In the front row from left to right: Justin Maynard, Andre Mellor, Manager Rich Pilotte, and Ralph Collette. Second row: Marcel Beaudoin, Coach Jean Maynard, Russ Hebert, Jean-Guy Gosselin, Dave Collette, Dave Gentes, Derek Heppner, MVP Russ Beaudette, Real Lambert, Darrell Dubois, Ray Maynard and Chris Gunderson. Missing are: Rick Pilotte and Gaby Gosselin.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Tin Cup Champions

Credit Union Welcomes New Manager

On March 21st the St. Malo Alouettes defeated the St. Malo Pirates in overtime to win the Tin Cup. The overtime goal was scored by Real Lambert and assisted by Dave Collette. The Alouettes, coached by Jean Maynard, took the series three games to one. The Tin Cup is a league in St. Malo which has been around since 1968. The Tin Cup league has 5 teams, Vikings, Rats, Habs, Pirates and the mighty Alouettes. This league is for players who want to play noncontact hockey. Players can’t be carded.

As of April 2 the Niverville Credit Union has hired Ken Rempel as the financial institution’s new general manager. Rempel, who grew up in Niverville, has worked in agriculture and financial services for many years. According to credit union board chairperson Cal Schellenberg, the board chose Rempel because of his knowledge of the area and his background in management. “He has a strong track record of sales and marketing success, operational improvements and business results,” stated Schellenberg. “He is also an experienced negotiator and leader that believes in the power of teamwork.” Rempel takes over the reins from George Sawatsky who stepped down earlier this year after a 45-year career with the Niverville Credit Union.

Provencher Candidates continued... Continued from page 1 eighty-three to take him on after being named the surprise New Democrat Party (NDP) candidate for Provencher. “I am running because I am very concerned about what is happening in Canada,” Mackling said. “The government has been undermining all of the social fabric we have built over decades – there should be enough resentment out there about where the Harper government is taking this country that change will occur.” Mackling is no stranger to politics – he spent many years as a MLA and served as a cabinet minister with Edward Schreyer and Howard Pawley. Toews said he welcomes Mackling into the race and expects a good, clean campaign. He added that he even worked for Mackling as a provincial lawyer when Mackling was in cabinet. “Al Mackling is a gentleman, and not to be underestimated,” Toews said. Liberal Candidate Terry Hayward lives in the RM of Springfield with his wife on a farm. His portfolio includes a thirty-three year career in the federal government with Agriculture Canada where he remained “a-political”. He explained that after his retirement in 1996 he saw things he didn’t like so he became involved with the party that he felt would do a better job for Canadians. “I am running because we need Canada’s democracy to return to one where the people have a voice, where there is respect for our institutions and where the full economic potential of Canada can be realized,” stated Hayward. “Living and working across Canada has shown me the strength and commitment

of our people – I’ve spend my entire career working for a better Canada based on good governance.” While campaigning, he says people do not want a federal election at this time but he is optimistic that change will be seen at the polls. “I don’t know that anyone wants to have an election right away but this is our democracy, if things are not working well, we go to the polls,” says Hayward. “If the residents feel that the people that have been working for us haven’t really been doing their jobs we will see it at the polls.” You won’t see any signs erected by Green Party of Canada candidate Janine Gibson because she is standing by her party’s platform of being environmentally conscious, so she is running a “word of mouth” campaign. She remains the only Green Party candidate ever to represent our region in a federal election. “It just goes to show that we are strong enough now that we can have a candidate in every riding across Canada,” explained Gibson. “If we get a certain percentage of the vote that means people recognize that we need to take care of the environment.” Gibson feels strongly that many of the country’s issues could be resolved if the population took an environmentally conscious look at the country. “I think people need to pay attention to where their food comes from – this has implications in health care such as some cancers could be prevented with less pesticide use,” explained Gibson. “We also need to be fiscally conservative but let’s also look at things for our grandchildren.” She stands strongly behind the family farm and agriculture.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

April 2011

Ste. Adolphe Bridge Finally Re-opened By Marianne Curtis For the residents in St. Adolphe, the reopening of the Pierre Delorane Bridge in the community spells freedom at long last after nineteen months of lengthy detours. On March 8, the bridge at St. Adolphe was officially re-opened after sustaining major damage during the 2009 spring flood. Part of the Pierre Delmore Bridge suddenly buckled and it cost the province 15 million dollars to repair it. Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton was on hand to personally open the bridge, which is vital to the community. “When I looked at the faces of local residents that will be able to drive over the bridge, that made it all worth while,” stated Ashton. “Its more than a $15 million investment – it’s a lifeline to this community and those that live around this area.” The bridge has been closed in August 2009 after support piers shifted. In early 2010, the province fast tracked the project financially and construction commenced in the spring. However high water levels affected the project over the summer and the fall opening date was pushed back until spring 2011. Initially the bridge was expected to be open in the fall, but the province decided to take the extra time needed to upgrade the bridge to last several more decades explained La Verendrye MLA Ron Lemiuex. “The repair took longer than we anticipated but we decided that since the bridge was going to be closed anyways it would made sense to do the best possible repair job,” added. “Instead of just fixing a portion of the bridge we did a total makeover to make sure it will last for another thirty to forty years.” RM of Ritchot mayor Bob Stefaniuk is pleased that the bridge was reopened before the community was forced to close the ring dyke. “In the event that we close the dyke, the bridge is the only way out of the community – we are glad that it has finally opened,” stated Stefaniuk. All traffic lanes on the bridge are now open however

Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation Steve Ashton and La Verendrye MLA Ron Lemiuex get ready to officially reopen the St. Adolphe Bridge. Photo by Karen Jorgenson

there will be brief, single-lane closures over the next few weeks and during the summer to complete final repairs. As well, road approaches and landscaping work will be done later in the spring and summer around the bridge. In addition to the bridge repairs, the structure has been rededicated. New signs identify the bridge by name, acknowledging the long history of the Delorme family in the area.

Ste. Anne Teen Arrested with Internet Luring By Marianne Curtis A 15-year-old boy from Ste. Anne was arrested and charged based on allegations that he enticed an 8-year-old Ontario girl to send nude pictures to him via her IPod. The arrest stemmed from Ontario where the Guelph Police Service said it received a complaint from a woman that her 8-year-old daughter had been lured into sending nude pictures on the internet. Ste. Anne Police Chief Marc Robichaud called the case “disturbing”. “There is no other way to describe it but (as) disturbing,” said Marc Robichaud, Ste. Anne’s chief of police. Police say that the 8-year-old had been using a chat program she downloaded off the internet on her iPod. Following a forensic examination of the girl’s iPod, a suspect was identified. Guelph police contacted officers in Ste. Anne and on March 4 the suspect was arrested. Police maintain there is a possibility the teen didn’t know the young girl was only eight. He has spoken with officers and they say he has been cooperative. Evidence was collected from the teenager’s home and he was released into his parent’s custody. Although no charges have been laid so far, Robichaud believes the arrest should serve as a reminder to parents. “You wouldn’t leave them alone in a shopping mall or (on) the streets. The internet is exactly the same,” said Robichaud. Organizations such as Cybertip.ca warn parents that the internet is the “Door that is Not Locked” and parents should be more proactive in protecting their children from online predators. This includes following the recommendation that children under 10 should not be allowed to access chat forums that could put them at risk. Parents are encouraged to visit www.thedoorthatsnotlocked.ca to find out more about protecting children.



More Than Just News!

April 2011

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Election 2011 or Flagellation 2011 As the opening political salvos echo across the Canadian landscape it appeared that a majority government was possible, but only for a fleeting moment. After five years of twisting, mutilating and spindling the truth, the 19-point lead in the polls and the necessary 2 to 3 points more needed for a majority appears to be still elusive… or is it a retreat. But let’s face it; too much of a minority government is not good for the country. Alas, the Tories have just about started to believe their own press about the reckless coalition ganging up on them and any hope of a majority is quickly disappearing into the scourge of politics American style. Attack ads! Well, let us look at election fatigue and timing. With a 19-point lead in the polls, the budget which would produce the biggest deficit in history was undoubtedly crafted in such a way as to make sure of its failure at the hands of the opposition, and become the opening shot of the election for the Tories. Furthermore, if they form the next government, the goodies promised will be scaled back to an affordable level with the obvious excuses given “reflecting the new reality of the day” - with, of course, the degree of reality reflecting the number of Tory MPs elected. That is, will it be a majority or a minority situation? Next is the demonizing of the word coalition. In the real world, opposition MPs generally cooperate

to bring down a government if they collectively disagree with the direction of its policy and direction and, if numerically, they have the numbers. Reality follows, sinister is a comment from the unwise that will turn around and bite your own arse. Tories were the only ones, while in opposition, who tried to form a coalition with the Bloc, specifically, in 2004. In 2008 the Bloc, although not in the coalition, agreed not to upset the upstart Grit and NDP proposed coalition for at least two years but had a memo of understanding on fiscal stimulus. The Prime Minister either suffers from memory loss or it is a case of can I get enough people to believe this bull until the election is over. I suspect the latter. If you study coalitions in politics they only show practical politics, such as the one between the “Reform” and the “PC” to create the new “Tories”. The art of governing is the merging of practical “can do ideas”; if it’s good for the “Tories” it should be good for their opposition. Another “canard” is the phrase “the reckless opposition throwing us in an unwanted election”. Was proroguing a parliament in 2008 to seek a majority in that election considered an election that everybody wanted? Or was that an example of extreme self-serving Harper interest at the full cost of an election? I would venture to say more people feel this 2011 election

is necessary as opposed to the 2008 election, if only because more people are getting very tired of the insecurity and games of minority parliaments. In the course of the campaign how many people will realize that a Tory swipe at the opposition is a swipe at your own “back side”. I venture to guess this will self-inflict enough damage to see your majority evaporate. As you get nearer and nearer to the headline that will say “Harper miscalculates again” you will get crankier to crankiest, then no matter what language you demonize in attacking everybody else, opposition numbers will collectively receive more than 50 percent of the vote. Majority goes poof! The reckless opposition will derail a fragile recovery. That is a subjective “crock”. The next budget will follow this election to set a course for the next fiscal year. Today’s economy has been set by past budgets and how far from

accurate will be determined by the corrective measures in future budgets. Even if it comes to pass that the corrective budget will be a Grit /NDP budget. The Grits know deficit reduction we can believe in. The NDP know social fairness. The relevant questions are whether the new generation of fighter jets will cost $9 billion (your forecast) or $20 billion (the opposition and the Americans forecast), many of us would like a sober second look. Ten billion makes us nervous. The new two percent reduction in corporate tax is looking more and more like an entitlement with nothing to do with job creation. A telling analogy is the CEO of CN taking home more than $2.78 million in 2008, more than $5.75 million plus last year and on target to benefit in pay and bonuses of $7.7 million in 2010. Bonuses have a direct impact on profits and tax cuts equal more profit to the bottom line. This number seems to have benefited greatly from ongoing corporate tax cuts and we could be forgiven if we viewed them as entitlements. What will be this final remuneration number in 2011 with the benefit of another corporate tax cut? I dare say the hard pressed middle class is not amused. How many of us, do you think, feel that we are entitled to the benefits of our labors? Probably a substantial majority don’t you think? Nowhere do I see numbers for job creation corresponding to these corporate tax cuts. If they existed would they

not be plastered all over the newspapers? How much of these CN profits have found their way into Tory election coffers? How many other Corporate CEOs are receiving entitlements? I am sorry I forgot I was only entitled to ask two questions in English. Would it help if I rephrased one or two in French? Damn, I wasted a question on that. Yet the burning sentiment is a stable majority government and you are wasting good campaigning time on blaming the opposition. Amend your foolish ways or this is what will happen. You will get to present a new minority budget. You will be defeated in the big House. You will then go see the Governor General and he will most certainly refuse you leave for another election because of voter fatigue. He will then call on the Grits and the NDP (which is his duty) to attempt to form a government and, to your chagrin, without the Bloc! The Bloc, who much like your Reform roots, have destabilizing dreams and wonderful pensions. Your greatest nightmare is that a future “new” Tory leader will eventually get a majority and take “your page” in history. I’m so damn good at this history thing it’s embarrassing. Seriously, my factitiousness is directionally proportional to the credibility of this campaign and I’m trying to maintain my sense of humor. Sanity, forget it, that’s long gone. I suppose it would be better for my health if I bought a case of whiskey and woke up in June.

Through the Looking Glass Apathy Sucks! Federal politics has a huge effect on our daily lives. It determines what kind of social programs we have access to, or lack thereof; how much tax money will be deducted off our earnings, and what return we will see for those tax dollars. The Federal Government serves as our face on the world stage. How we are perceived as a nation is determined not only by our own personal actions at home and abroad, but also by the actions of our elected officials and the choices they make. There is a lot riding on your vote. Please, don’t think for one minute that it doesn’t matter. It does! In a democracy it is the only voice you have to say, “I agree!” to whomever represents your interests the best. It is a small way for you to say, “I live here, this is my home, and I know how I want to see it run!” If current events say anything to you, they should be saying, “VOTE!” People

are dying for the freedom of choice we enjoy in Canada - literally. Beyond just the importance of your vote is educating yourself in order to make that vote really count. My advice is don’t vote rigidly for one party because it’s your long standing tradition, or how you were raised. Vote on the issues that speak to you, regardless of party lines. Listen to what each candidate has to say. Forget the myth that politics are boring. Politics are exciting. Sports fans could equate politics to horse racing (first past the post), baseball (hitting a policy home run), or hockey (dropping the gloves and throwing a good punch at the opposition, or scoring a goal in the five hole when the other team isn’t looking). Movie and book lovers can equate politics to a good romance, drama, mystery or sometimes, a chilling horror! Love reality TV? Some of

Serving the communities along the historic Dawson Trail and beyond.

By Marianne Curtis

the so called reality shows are nothing compared to the drama that occurs in the House of Commons every day. Try watching CPAC for an afternoon. The shouting and insults could curl the toes of the best “trash TV” lover. Apathy is boring. And it can be deadly. If we are not careful about who we elect, it can be harmful to us as a whole. As I stated above, politics affects us in so many ways that we need to make informed choices. Don’t vote based strictly on tradition and allegiance. Vote on the issues that matter to you. Educate yourself on those issues and use the reasoning skills you were born with to come to a decision worthy of your time to cast that vote.

The Dawson Trail Dispatch is a monthly newspaper distributed free of charge to 50 Southeastern Manitoba communities. Published by: One One Consultants Inc. Box 308, Richer, MB R0E 1S0 Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Dan Guetre, Managing Editor One One Consultants Inc., Publisher News Writers: Marianne Curtis, and Dan Guetre Columnists: Lee Guetre, Peter Friesen, Anni Markmann, Peter Martens, Production/Design: Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck, Linda Bennett and Wilma Priebe Advertising: Karen Jorgenson and Dan Guetre

For Advertising Call: Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Email: sales@dawsontrail.ca Subscriptions: $29.95 annually plus GST for Canadian Subscriptions. $52.95 annually for International Subscriptions

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More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Windfall Rebate Raises Questions If you receive money back that you should never have paid to begin with are you receiving a windfall? That’s just one of the questions motorists should be asking themselves in the wake of the announcement by the NDP government and Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) that motorists would be receiving a 45 percent rebate on the premiums they have paid. By now many Manitobans will have discovered the pattern that has developed regarding their insurance payments. They overpay for a few years and then are sent a rebate during the year of a provincial election. Usually the rebates are in the range of 10 percent. That was the plan again this election year until the NDP government suddenly announced that there was $250 million of ratepayers’ money sitting at MPI that really wasn’t needed and shouldn’t have been paid. While the NDP no doubt are hoping this feels like a mini-lottery win for all Manitobans what it really does is shine a light on the fact that for years Manitobans have been overpaying for their car insurance. In fact, including the latest rebate, Manitobans have collectively overpaid for the insurance on their vehicles by a whopping $600 million. The pattern of several years of overpayment followed by an election year payout continues this year with perhaps the size of the rebate being both a reflection of the overpayment and the desperation of the NDP government. What is clear is that there is something not quite right with the way that, under the NDP, Manitoba’s public auto insurer is operating. The overpayment of premiums is only one aspect of it.

Another is the fact that the NDP have used MPI as something of a personal piggy bank, raiding it for a variety of projects that have little connection to auto insurance. The most flagrant of these was the $20 million the NDP attempted to take from MPI to give to the universities a few years back, an attempt that was dropped after massive public outcry. The other concern is that it is very difficult to actually examine the financial position of MPI because the government refuses access. How these massive overpayments are allowed to pile-up remains a mystery to a large extent because the books are tightly sealed. MPI is owned by Manitobans and operates for the benefit of Manitobans. Like other Crown Corporations, such as Manitoba Hydro, it creates value when managed properly. Getting the rebate cheque will be nice, but the NDP needs to answer why you were overcharged for years to begin with. I appreciate your comments and concerns. If you have any comments on these or other issues, you can contact me by writing, #3 – 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by phone at (204) 326-5763, by fax at (204) 346-9913, by e-mail at kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca or by visiting my website at www.kelvingoertzen.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

April 2011


Reopening of Pierre Delorme Bridge Restores Full Access to St. Adolphe Area The Pierre Delorme Bridge is now open with full traffic access. Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton and I were able to make this announcement earlier last month as we officially reopened the structure on Hwy 210 and rededicated the bridge to Pierre Delorme. The Pierre Delorme Bridge is a key piece of infrastructure in the Red River Valley and I’m pleased that area residents and local businesses will again have access to it. We invested over $15 million in the reconstruction work and although the contractor’s progress was delayed last summer and fall by near-record rains and high water levels, the structure has been reopened well before spring. The bridge was closed August 20, 2009, after an unexpected geological event damaged the bridge’s foundation. Reopening the bridge was a high priority and completing such major repairs on a bridge of this size, in just over a year, is an excellent turnaround. Crews were able to minimize damage to the bridge during the demolition phase and this saved money and time on the overall project. The new Pierre Delorme Bridge is expected to last for decades to come. All traffic lanes on the bridge are now open; however, there will be

MPI Needs to Close Loopholes Dear Editor: A recent CTV news story highlighted one case where a thief was given between $30,000 and $60,000 after smashing up a stolen car and getting injured in the process. That’s over and above the cost to our health care system for fitting him up with expensive prosthetic limbs and other procedures. To add insult to injury, MPI also conceded they will sometimes pay for criminals’ family members to be flown in to visit them in the hospital. MPI will even provide compensation to the families of criminals that die in stolen cars. Worst of all, the NDP voted down a bill in 2008 that would have ended such nonsense. It’s time to tell Andrew Swan, the Minister responsible for MPI, to wise up. Cut off the benefits to criminals or resign...taxpayers have had enough. What can people do? Contact Minister Swan at 945-3728 or minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca to have your voice heard. Agnes Gosselin St. Malo, MB

Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision On March 14th at approximately 10:30 p.m, Steinbach RCMP, as well as local Emergency Services and EMS, were dispatched to the scene of a two vehicle collision on Hwy 303, east of Hwy 216 in the Rural Municipality of Hanover. Investigation indicates that a 1999 Suzuki was traveling Westbound when it crossed the centerline of the highway and collided with an Eastbound 2007 Volvo Semi. Both drivers were transported from the scene by ambulance. The driver of the Suzuki, a 16-year-old male from the Steinbach area, was taken to hospital in Steinbach where he was pronounced deceased. The driver of the truck was not seriously injured. Speed or alcohol is not believed to have been a factor in this collision. Weather was likely a contributing factor due to mild temperatures, blowing snow, heavy drifting and icy road conditions.

brief, single-lane closures over the next few weeks and during the summer to complete final repairs. As well, road approaches and landscaping work will be done later in the spring and summer around the bridge. In addition to the bridge repairs, the structure has been rededicated. New signs identify the bridge by name, acknowledging the long history of the Delorme family in the area. I would like to thank Hubert Delorme for saying a few words at the opening of the bridge and extend my thanks to the family members that came out to commemorate the rededication of the bridge to their ancestor. Province Announces $1 Million for Community Centres and Teams Young people, families and communities will enjoy improved sport and recreational opportunities and facilities, and the work of parent volunteers will be supported thanks to the new First Sports Program for recreation and sports clubs and their teams, Premier Greg Selinger has announced. Community and recreation centers are important hubs for children and families. Investing in children by supporting the places where they are often first introduced to sports and activities is what First Sports is all about. The $1-million First Sports program

will provide grants of up to $10,000 for community and recreation clubs and affiliated teams to purchase shared sports equipment such as hockey nets and baseball bases, as well as maintenance items such as grounds-keeping equipment. The program will also help community clubs serving youth to undertake small capital projects to maintain and improve the condition of their facilities. The First Sports Program will help volunteers and staff continue to provide opportunities for families across the province to play and grow. Applications for First Sports are available today at community centre offices across the province and online at www.gov.mb.ca/housing/ cpp/index.html. As always, I appreciate hearing your comments and thoughts on these and other provincial initiatives. I encourage you to contact me by e-mail (rlemieuxmla@mts.net), by phone (878-4644), or by mail at 101-1309 Dawson Road, Box 517, Lorette, MB R0A 0Y0 and together we can continue to move La Verendrye and Manitoba forward.


April 2011

Smoke Detector Alerts Senior

More Than Just News!

Tache Goes Green By Marianne Curtis

The 2-storey home of Ed Chatel still smoulders after an early morning fire levelled the structure.

An 83-year-old Woodridge man is alive today thanks to a smoke detector alerted him of the early morning fire which destroyed his home. On March 3, at around 1:30 a.m., the Sprague Fire Department responded to a fire at the 2-story home of 83-year-old Ed Chatel. Sister-in-law Mavis Chatel said that the elderly bachelor was awakened in the middle of the night by the smoke detector and managed to escape with only the clothes on his back. “He is okay but he lost everything,” said Chatel. “He got out when the smoke detector went off and he came out with just a t-shirt, socks and his pants.” Mavis, who lives across the street said, that cause of the fire is unknown. “When a guy brought him here – we live across the street – the house was totally engulfed – there is no doubt about it, he would not have made it out without the smoke detector,” Mavis stressed.

La Broquerie Looks into Employee Handbooks The RM of La Broquerie is in no hurry to fill a number of vacancies in the municipal office, or at least not until council has a chance to streamline the municipality’s employee handbook. Over the past few months the RM of La Broquerie has lost their chief administrator, assistant administrator, public works foreman, bylaw officer and several other employees. While the municipality is currently operating with the assistance of new assistant administrator Claude Moquin and Roger Bouvier, the municipality is in no hurry to fill the vacancies. By law, municipalities are required to have an employee code of ethics and code of conduct. The RM of La Broquerie council has decided to create a handbook that includes hiring and harassment policies and a code of ethics and conduct. It will also include clear job functions and descriptions for all employees including those working in public works. Plans are that these documents will be up to date before they fill the administrator vacancy. According to Reeve Claude Lussier, the current employee handbook dates back to early 2000. “There are some portions that need to be brought up to date,” Lussier said. Council is also looking into making it clearer. “The whole idea of an employee handbook is to eliminate confusion – everything will be on paper and they (staff) will know exactly how to proceed.” The RM of La Broquerie doesn’t expect to fill the position of chief administrator until after this spring’s anticipated flood situation has passed.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

développement économique des not-for-profit environmental municipalités bilingues du organizations and the Federation of The RM of Tache is getting some Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, local Canadian Municipalities. funding to help support environmentally friendly initiatives in their communities. RM of Tache municipal administrator Dan Poersch confirmed that the municipality is receiving $60,000 towards several green initiatives that are expected to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The RM of Tache is looking at several large projects including a method to capture methane at the municipal landfill. The money received will also be used to switch current lighting along streets to LED as well as increasing composting and improvements to the municipal wide recycling program. These projects were selected by a grassroots committee that was formed last year to identify areas where greenhouse gas emissions can be potentially reduced including waste management, transportation, and residential. The RM of De Salaberry and the Village of St. Pierre are also participating in the pilot program. The funding came from the provincial government under a program called the Community Led Emissions Reduction pilot project (CLER). The province offered $3.5 million in grants for various projects. The money is expected to help develop and implement projects and activities that reduce greenhouse gases and support lasting changes. The pilot project CLER program is a partnership with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities, Conseil de

Mobility Aids Available Are you in need of mobility equipment to get around? Seine River Services for seniors can help you. Mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers and canes are available for up to three months on the recommendation of a medical professional. A nominal fee is required. For more information please contact Juliette Rowan at 424-5575.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

April 2011


Lévesque Named New Health Board Chair Steinbach 55 Plus offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs. For more information call the center 3204600.

Special events coming up in April 2011 Parkinson Disease information session: Monday April 11th. 1:30 p.m. Presented by the Parkinson’s Society of Manitoba. There is no charge for this workshop. Call the center to register 320-4600. Navigating the Health Care System: Thursday April 21st. 2:00 p.m. Presented by Frances Peters. Our modern health care system is a complex maze that people sometimes find overwhelming. Empower yourself to become an active participant in your own health care. There is no cost to this workshop. Old Time Country Dance: Friday April 29th. 8:00 p.m. Live band: The Frazer River Boys. Tickets in advance: $8 member, $10 non member, $12 at the door for all.

Monthly Programs Single Ladies’ Night Out: The first Friday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Enjoy supper out at a local restaurant. Call the center for place to meet. Foot Care: The first and third Tuesday of the month from 9:00-3:00 p.m. Run by a professional foot care nurse. Cost: $25. Bring your own towel. Call center to book an appointment. Pot Luck Supper: The second Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Main dish and beverages are provided. Cost: $5.00 per person. Bring along a casserole, salad or desert. Call center to reserve your seat. March entertainment is Steinbach 55 Plus Old Time Band and the meat is chicken. Birthday Party: The first Wednesday of the month. All members with a birthday are invited for complimentary cake and coffee. Guests are asked to pay $2.00. Entertainment provided. Perogy Bee: The first Monday of every month. Beltone Hearing: The third Friday of each month. Call 1-800-661-2653 for appointment. Brain Injury Support Group: The last Monday of the month. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Weekly Programs Monday

9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Fitness Class 1:00 p.m. Canasta 1:00 p.m. H.O. model railway project 7:00 p.m. Wood Carving 7:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Tai Chi Tuesday 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Adult Day Program Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Fitness Class 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Tai Chi 10:00 a.m. Choir practice 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cribbage 1:30 p.m. Floor curling 7:00 p.m. Old time country band practice Thursday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Bridge and Whist Friday 8:30 - 3:00 p.m. Adult Day Program Noon meals are available Monday through Friday. Cost $5.50. Call 320-4605 by 9:00 a.m. to reserve your meal for that day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus available at the office or in the newsletter. Bring a friend. Billiards: Monday to Friday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Computer Lab: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cost $1.00. There are lessons with Alex Cupples on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Call the center for more information. Volunteer Opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters, receptionists, etc. We welcome new volunteers. Membership at Steinbach 55 Plus is only $20 per year. Memberships are due in January of each year. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities, drop by the Center Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or call 320-4600 or go to www.steinbach55plus.com.

Guy Lévesque has been appointed by Manitoba Health as the new Board Chair of South Eastman Health. Lévesque is a long-time resident of the Town of Ste. Anne where he served as Chief Administrative Officer for over 26 years. He is married and has two children who currently work in healthcare. He is also a proud grandfather of four. “I am thrilled to be joining a dynamic and forward thinking Board of Directors,” said Lévesque. “I have often admired the health system in South Eastman for its dedication to patient safety and quality of care. Treating people with care and respect will be an important priority for me as new Board Chair.” During his time as Chief Administrative Officer he collaborated with government and community stakeholders to improve the healthcare system in his own town of Ste. Anne. However, Lévesque readily and whole-heartedly accepts his new responsibility and role of approaching healthcare from a regional perspective. Lévesque will spend some time doing a regional tour to better understand the healthcare needs of other districts in South Eastman and meet with staff and other key stakeholders of the RHA following his orientation. Lévesque replaces outgoing, retired Chairman, Aurèle Boisvert, from the R.M. of Ste. Anne, who is ending his term on March 31st. Manitoba Health has also appointed two new members to the board. Roy Enns of Steinbach and Ron Tardiff of Lorette join the Board of South Eastman as new members while Jean Balcaen from Richer and Leo Van Den Bussche of St. Adolphe have both been reappointed.

Former Town of Ste. Anne administrator Guy Levesque was recently named as the new chairperson for the South Eastman Health regional board of directors.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ritchot Ready for Sod Turned Spring Flooding On Middle School

Construction of a new middle school in Steinbach has officially begun after the Hanover School Division recently turned the sod and kicked off the project. Education Minister Nancy Allen was on hand to help the Hanover School Division dig in and officially start construction on the new Clearspring Middle School. “This school is a leading edge, green technology building that is already being used as a learning tool,” stated Allen. “It is a model in our country on how schools should be built and we are really proud of it.” Last month, the Hanover School Division awarded the project to PennCo Construction of Blumenort. Doors to the new school will open for classes in September 2012.


April 2011

Committee Wants to Honor Richer Founder

The RM of Ritchot council recently met with Ron Lemieux, MLA for La Vérendrye to discuss the municipality’s protection plans in preparation for this year’s anticipated flooding event.

By Marianne Curtis The RM of Ritchot has been working diligently behind the scenes in preparation of an anticipated flooding emergency. RM of Ritchot Mayor Bob Stefaniuk says that his council and community have been getting prepared despite a spell of favourable weather. “The flood forecast has not changed very much over the past while and we are still expecting water coming in from the south,” stated Stefaniuk. “I am confident that we are prepared. Unless something significant happens we should be okay.” Stefaniuk added that based on the current forecast the flood may not be as damaging as first anticipated but it will be a major inconvenience for residents. Most of the municipality’s flood prone properties are protected to the 1997 plus two feet level. Under favourable conditions, there is a one in ten chance that the area could see 2006 water levels. There is an 8 out of ten chance that water will rise up to two and a half feet above 2009 levels. Unfavourable conditions would put the level at one foot higher than 1997 but there is only a one in ten chance of that happening. Despite the optimistic attitude, the RM of Ritchot is proceeding with preparations. As of March 24, the RM of Ritchot’s emergency measures office opened for business. Manned by trained volunteers, residents can find access to answers and resources. They can also pick up sandbags. Harold Schlamp, emergency coordinator for the RM of Ritchot advises residents to schedule an appointment to have empty sandbags delivered to residents or business. “The driver will bring the bags and supply information on how to build a dyke properly along with the names of contractors that will deliver sand,” says Schlamp. Residents will be required to pay the contractor and then make a claim to Disaster Financial Assistance for reimbursement later, if possible. “There are things that residents can do – knowing your flood proofing elevations is one of them,” Schlamp added. “Moving equipment, propane tanks, drums and other items to higher ground is another.” Videos on how to build and determine how many sandbags are needed is available at the municipal website. Anyone requiring assistance can call 883-2147. In addition an automated phone line at 883-2596 has been hooked up to provide daily updates on Red River water levels.

The Enfant-Jésus Heritage Site Committee in Richer is looking for information on the history of one of Richer’s founding fathers so that a proper monument can be placed in his honor. Patricia Gendreau, the committee’s archivist, is looking for concrete historical information on Pierre Michaud. In 1903 Pierre donated 17 acres of his land for the future building site of the school, convent, chapel, rectory and parish hall in Richer. “As Pierre Michaud is an important figure in our town’s history, we hope to have a commemorative monument installed on his reserved grave site, next to his wife’s, in the Enfant-Jésus Cemetery,” explained Gendreau. “We are looking for any photos, documents or genealogy facts of the Michaud or the Favreau Family.” What the committee does know is that Pierre Michaud, son of Julien Michaud and Marie Josephine Proulx, was born in La Limouzinière, France in 1867. The Michaud family came to Canada in the late 1800’s and Pierre’s family settled in Richer at the turn of the century. In 1904 Pierre Michaud wed Hélène Favreau, daughter of Pierre Favreau and Marie Guilbault, in the Thibaultville Chapel. This was the first wedding in the chapel. Helene served as a midwife and also worked on their farm. The early settlers would be childless. Helene’s sister, Marie, married Henri Mercereau. Her other sister, Thérèse, married Maurice Marcoux. After Helene’s death in 1944, Pierre moved to Wade, Ontario, where he lived with his cousin, Marcelle Warren. He spent his remaining years there. “One day he went to gather blueberries in the nearby forest and never returned; only his pail was found near

Pierre Michaud and his wife Hélène Favreau, taken from the Enfant-Jésus Heritage Site Archives.

a railroad track and he was never heard of afterward,” Patricia added. Anyone with further information or wanting to participate in this project can call Patricia at 422-6880.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

April 2011

Arts for Tots Preschool Program Early Registration for Fall 2011. Register today….Spaces are limited! The most creative way to learn early child development through dance, theatre, music and visual arts – for ages 3-5. Instructors: Miss Carol & Miss Pam Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday 9 – 11:30 a.m. & 1 - 3:30 p.m.

Free Classes – Looking for more Seniors! Granny’s Secret Recipes – Tuesdays, April 5 & 12 – 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Create Summer in the City your recipes in a nutritious way – get handouts for variations on many recipes. A great time to make meals and socialize! June 17 & 18 – looking for Performers and Artists for the Main Stage. Grandma & Grandpa’s Green Thumbs – April to June 2011. We are looking Musicians, Bands, Singers, Actors, Dancers! Visual Artists – painting, drawing, pottery, sculpture. Join the Artists in the for seniors to share their gardening knowledge with local elementary students. City tent – limited numbers. Here’s a great opportunity for you! Send in your Call our Visual Arts Coordinator @ 346-1077 application today; available at Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre or check our website. Call for Entry for KR Barkman Concert in the Park 2011 Series. Steinbach Arts Council Clubs Musicians, Bands, Singers, Actors, Dancers… Interested in performing? Here’s a great opportunity for you to perform in the KR Barkman Park on Main Photo Club with Dan Hewson – First Monday of the month Street. Event runs from June to July. We are currently taking applications. These Southeast Artists Group – Tuesday mornings 9:30 -11:30 a.m. New! Welcoming are free concerts open to the public, and are designed to promote local talent, so new artists for only a $2/Drop in fee! Call Gary Holden 346-9623 for details. don’t delay! Send in your application today, available at Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre or on our website.

‘Celebrate the Arts…in Mask-erade Style!’ Fundraiser Gala 2011 Save the Date! The Steinbach Arts Council is pleased to announce the date of their upcoming ‘Celebrate the Arts…in Mask-erade Style!’ Annual Fundraiser Gala Dinner and Dance will be on Friday, May 13. Watch for early bird tickets – on sale March 31st.

Summer Art Day Camps – 15% off

Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Ages: 17+. You can drop in and learn the art of drawing – or improve your drawing skills if you are a painter. Designed for students who have little or lots of drawing experience, this course provides an introduction to basic techniques and fundamental concepts of drawing and also a continuing of your skills.

Creative Adult Art Classes for 17+ yrs - Pottery: Barb Plett Wednesdays until May 4, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. - Watercolour I: Mondays until May 2, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. For those who are new to watercolour, learn the basics. - Watercolour II: April 12–May 31 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. For those who have previously taken watercolour.

Summer in the City Festival Receives Federal Support The Steinbach Arts Council received an investment of $16,800 from the federal government in support of the Summer in the City Festival. The Summer in the City Festival will showcase local artists, artisans and heritage presenters through music, dance, comedy, visual arts exhibitions and tours of the community.

Vita Woman Nominated for Women of Distinction Award By Marianne Curtis

Remember to register by April 29. Have the best summer ever! 4 & 5-day camps for kids aged from 5-12 years, A Vita woman that has left her mark on the running from July 11- August 26. Experience activities in music, dance, drama, community in which she lives has been visual arts and sports/recreation and physical arts. Camp themes: Blast from the nominated for a prestigious Woman of Past, Topsy Turvy Holidays, A Pirates Life for Me!, Sporty Camp, Heritage Distinction Award. Hunt, Year 3000 Michelle Gawronsky is one of many women that are up for an award at the upcoming May 4 YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction Award’s Southeast School of Dance presents... 35th Annual Banquet and Awards night. Gawronsky was nominated by Candace Living the Rhythm – Southeast School of Dance Recital. Family and friends are invited to come and watch the performances on Saturday, April 16, 2 & 7 p.m. Maxymowich, who considers her a mentor. “She has been a role model to me and many – SRSS Theatre others,” Maxymowich stated. “She is an everyday woman and a living inspiration to any girl Backyard Theatre Company or woman looking to succeed on their own terms, in a world still dominated by the “good Final performance! boys.” Live, Act & Dream, Steinbach Arts Council, Backyard Theatre Class 2010- ol’ Maxyymowich credits Gawronsky for 2011. Final Performance is on Thursday, April 28, 7:00 p.m. at the SRSS Theatre. Six months of classes in singing, acting and movement lead up to a theatre showcase- encouraging her to become a psychiatric nurse and to follow her dreams. recital for friends and family. “I have seen Michelle work hard in everything she does and watching her continually inspires ‘From the Beginning’ me to do better and be a better person,” Maxymowich adds. “She is an inspiration for Exhibit by John Nielsen. Exhibit runs any generation.” April 6 – May 2. See you at the SAC Gawronsky has a long history of service Hall Gallery! within the community of Vita. She is actively involved at the Vita and District Health Center in a variety of capacities including as a Music lovers and singers! paramedic and activity director at Whispering Pines Personal Care Home. However, she is A 250-voice mass choir for ‘The better known for her advocacy for improved Great Hallelujah’, a Steinbach and health care and services for the Vita area, region community event proudly community and her tireless efforts as vicepresented by the Evangelical president of the Manitoba Government Mennonite Conference, the Steinbach Arts Council and CHVN. ‘The Great Hallelujah!’ will be a powerful and dynamic Employees Union. She is also an active worship-concert celebration in the black gospel tradition. Under the leadership of volunteer within the community. Steinbach’s own, and international singer/song-writer/recording artist, Danny Plett, The YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction and accompanied by Danny’s four piece band of professional musicians, ‘The Awards Program is an inspirational and exciting Great Hallelujah!’ will be performed at the Steinbach Mennonite Church on April 30, 2011. Admission free event!

Drop-in Drawing with Jack Tate


Michelle Gawronsky (right), from Vita is up for an award at the upcoming 35th YWCA Women of Distinction banquet in May. She was nominated by Candace Maxymowich, who she has been mentoring.

celebration of talent, achievement, imagination and innovation, honouring Manitoba women who have made a unique and exemplary contribution to the development of others in our community. The annual presentation of these awards reflects the Y’s commitment to increase public recognition of these women who have earned our admiration and respect.


April 2011

More Than Just News!


Blumenort Are you looking to get in shape? Are you looking for a place to socialize with fellow community members? Walking is the best and cheapest form of exercise to maintain or reach your physical activity goals. The Hanover walking club will help you reach your fitness goals and give you the opportunity to mingle with your Blumenort neighbours. We meet every Friday. If you would like more information on the Walking Club, please contact Travis at 346-7132.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Lorette Royal’s Make it a Double

Lorette If you or anyone you know is interested in enrolling a child in Kindergarten for the 2011-2012 school year at École Lorette Immersion, please phone the school office at 878-4233 to make arrangements to pick up a registration package. The children must be 5 years of age by December 31, 2011. There will be a Fundraiser/Craft Show in Lorette on Saturday, April 16th. It will start at 9:00 a.m. and run until 3:00 p.m. This event is in support of the Bles dor Senior Club. Grunthal The Keenagers are a 70 voice choir that sings to bring glory to God and to bless the singers and audiences. Come and enjoy great music, coffee and fine dessert on April 8th, 7:30 at the Elim Church in Grunthal on Main Street! There is no admission however any donations received will go to the Elim building fund. Friendensfeld There will be a Country Dance at the Friedensfeld Hall on Saturday April 9. Start time is 8:00 p.m. and tickets are $10.There will be lunch served and also a Silent Auction. This event is Alcohol free. For more info please call Bill at 346-2445 or Karen at371-1333. Music will be by “D” Good “Ole” boys. Richer The Enfant-Jésus Heritage Site in Richer will host a Good Friday Walk on April 22. Meet at the Richer LUD Hall at 10:45 a.m. The walk starts at 11:00 a.m. Way of the Cross inside the Enfant-Jésus Church to follow the walk at around 11:30 a.m. Otterburne Providence College & Seminary would like to extend an invitation for you to join them for the Class of 2011’s Graduation Ceremonies. Providence Seminary Graduation Ceremony will take place on Saturday, April 16 at 10 a.m. Providence College Graduation Ceremony will take place on Sunday, April 17 at 2 p.m. Both Ceremonies will be held at Providence College & Seminary, Hanna Centre Jubilee Auditorium, Otterburne. Vassar The Vassar Recreation Centre will host a Pancake Breakfast at the Vassar Hall on Sunday, April 17 from 8:30 to noon. Also rainbow auction, 50/50 cash draw and door prize. Funds raised go towards the swimming pool expenses. St. Adolphe The St. Adolphe Cultural Committee presents House-concert with singer/storyteller Roger Dallaire and his musician Daniel Gervais on Wednesday April 6th, 7:30 p.m. at 1388 Road 210 in St. Adolphe. Admission is $15 per person. Lunch will be provided. For more information please call 883-2383. Steinbach Canadian Blood Services has added an extra Spring blood donor clinic to meet anticipated demand for blood over the Easter holidays. The clinic on Monday, April 18 is in addition to the regularly scheduled clinic on Thursday, April 21. You can help by donating at either clinic from 12:30 - 3:30 & 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Over 200 blood donors are needed at each of these clinics for surgery, trauma, cancer and other patients over the holiday season. You can help. Make a commitment to save a life by donating and by bringing a friend to ensure an optimal blood supply during the holiday season. Call now for an appointment - 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236 6283).

The Lorette Royals U14 Tween B ringette team won two major championships during March. The winning team consisted of: (top row left to right) Joy Howden and Darrin Lynch, Melina Audette, Jayann Madeychyk, Nicole Leclaire, Reilli Howden, Hayley Lynch, Tracey Levasseur; (middle left to right) Gabby Pfeil, Colleen Levasseur, Taylor Sumner, Sarah Taylor, Alyssa Mcdonald and Breanne Gagne. Bailey Lepla is missing from the photo.

On March 27 the Lorette Royals U14 Tween B ringette team made it a ‘double’ when they took the Provincial Ringette Crown at the Billy Mosienko Arena in Winnipeg. Two weeks earlier the girls had won a hard fought series to take the Winnipeg Ringette League Championship. It wasn’t an easy weekend for the girls as one loss in the Round Robin meant they had to play three games on the third day of the tournament while the undefeated Selkirk Stingers advanced directly to the final, explained the Royal’s Coach Joy Howden. “To see them play that third game on Sunday with such heart and determination was the best!” recalled Howden. “I had such a great time coaching these girls this year! To see them come together as a team like they did is so great, and I am so proud of all of them for all their hard work and awesome accomplishments!” Despite losing to the Selkirk Singers in their Round Robin game, the Royals proved to be too much in the first of two Gold medal games where they dominated Selkirk with a 6-4 victory. This set the stage for the re-match and after building up an early lead that they would never relinquish; the Royals won 8-5. “We asked them to give it their all and they did, every one of them,” Howden remarked. The Lorette Royals were a bit of a hybrid team this year with three players from long- time rival Springfield invited to play with the team. Former foes became fast friends when Taylor Sumner, Jayann Madechyck, and Bailey LePla joined the team in the fall of 2010 and had an immediate impact on the team.

Free monthly bus trips to the casinos of Winnipeg. Please join us for a fun day at the Casinos. Pick up in Steinbach is at 8:30 a.m. and at Paradise Village at approximately 9 a.m. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. There are prizes and cash for everyone. There will also be bingo on the bus. Call Marilyn at 326-4939 for date information and to reserve your seat on the bus. The next scheduled trip is April 12th. The Christ our Savior Youth Ministry presents a Youth Rally featuring Massive Worship on Friday, April 8, 2011. Start time is 7 p.m in the Steinbach Mennonite Church at 345 Loewen Blvd. Admission is by Donation with all proceeds to South East Helping Hands. All ages are welcome to attend. Old time country dance April 29 at 8 p.m. - Midnight. There will be a live band, The Frazer River Boys. Advanced tickets for sale at Steinbach 55 Plus office. $8 member and $10 non member or $12 at the door for all. All ages are welcome. Lunch served at 10:00 p.m. Come Walk the World in a Day at Culturama!! Join Eastman Immigrant Services for the region’s most culturally colourful festival of its kind! This free festival showcases a variety of cultural performances. You can enjoy professional international dance, music, art and visit booths while you sample the wonderful array of free traditional international food on offer! There will be kids’ crafts and musical story telling. Free admission to all, everyone welcome! For more info call Zoe at 371-1509 Help keep Steinbach a beautiful place to live by participating in the annual Pick Up and Walk Community-Wide Clean Up Saturday, April 30.Meet at the T.G. Smith Arena at 9 am to pick up your route and instructions. A complimentary barbecue lunch will be served at 12 noon. For more information, contact Grace Hiebert at 326-9020, ext 229. Landmark Come learn to line dance! No experience required. First hour dedicated to learning the basic steps, second hour is open to practicing what has been learned or working on more complicated steps at the Landmark Kinsmen Community Centre (right beside the Landmark Arena). April 7, 14, and 21. Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 pm Cost is $5 per evening per person. Everybody is welcome! General The super start program, a healthy baby program run through south Eastman health/santé Sud-est inc. This is a program for pregnant women and families with infants up to one year of age. Each session includes a song and rhyme time, discussions, and games on topics related to healthy babies and healthy moms. We offer a door prize and a nutritious snack. Also, we have milk coupons for expectant mothers and mothers who have babies up to six months of age who participate in the program. This month, our session will be held on… Thursday, April 7 from 10 a.m - 12 p.m. at the Blumenort EMC Church. Tuesday, April 12 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the 4th Ave. Bible Church. Wednesday, April 13 from 10 a.m - 12 p.m. at Ste. Anne Dayspring Fellowship. Thursday, April 14 from 10 a.m - 12 p.m. in the Kleefeld Recreation Center. Tuesday, April 19 from 10 a.m - 12 p.m. in the Mitchell Mennonite Church (CMC). Thursday, April 21 from 10 a.m - 12 p.m. in the St. Pierre Health Corner, 354 Prefontaine Ave. Tuesday, April 26 from 10 a.m - 12 p.m. in the Ste. Agathe Hall. Wednesday, April 27 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. in the Lorette Community Health Office. For more information please call terry from super start at 346-7021 or just drop in.

Residents Encouraged to Participate in Census By Marianne Curtis Every five years Statistics Canada conducts a census and the next census will take place May 10. In preparation several municipalities and the City of Steinbach are working together to encourage everyone to participate. Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen explains why participation is needed. “The census numbers determine the amount of provincial and federal funding our communities receive,” said Goertzen. “With everyone’s participation we can maximize our federal and provincial support and ensure the continuance and creation of first-rate programs and projects in our communities.” The census includes every person living in Canada as well as Canadians who are abroad. When completing a questionnaire, respondents provide important information that is used to make decisions for neighborhoods, communities, province and the country. Reeve Stan Toews of the R.M. of Hanover encourages everyone to be counted. “The 2011 Census is important to our municipalities to identify the future needs of the residents,” Toews added. “It is also a source of revenue other than property taxes.” The RM of La Broquerie has committed to working with Census Canada in collecting data from residents, adds Reeve Claude Lussier. “This joint effort will serve us well in the future as it will guide us in the development of policies and services that the RM of La Broquerie needs to be able to reflect the aspirations of its people,” stated Lussier. Communities depend on census information when planning for new schools, roads, waterworks, public transit, and police and fire services. Town planners use census information on households and families to plan current and future housing needs, health care, and day-care centers. Population estimates obtained from the census are used to allocate transfer payments from the federal government to the provinces and territories and from the provinces to municipalities. As a decennial census, data from the 2011 Census will be used to determine the number of Members of Parliament.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

April 2011


Skate-a-thon a Success The 3rd annual St. Pierre Recreation Center’s 3rd Annual Skate-a-thon was a great success. During the one day event, twenty-three skaters participated and collectively raised a total of $2,560. The top two skaters, Mikael Berard and Jocelyn Collette both skated over three hundred laps. They were closely followed by Myles Friesen, last year’s champion. In total, the three skate-a-thons have raised over $11,000 in funds for the St. Pierre Recreation Center. The money is being used towards the kitchen and hall renovations.


April 2011

Raffle Winners Announced

More Than Just News!

Humane Society Back in Business

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Adoptable of the Month

Seine River Services for seniors has announced the winners of the SRS Raffle Fundraiser which was held on February 17. The Grand Prize of $614.75 was won by Mr. J. Holmes of Ste. Anne. Second prize of $368.85 was won by M. Zebrasky and third Prize of $245.90 was won by L. Saindon of Richer. Fourth Prize, $200 worth of gasoline, donated by Richer Husky went to Mrs. Brisson of La Broquerie. Fifth prize, an outdoor swing and hammock which By Marianne Curtis was donated by Don Vincent Backhoe & Excavation, went to Mrs. Two months after deciding to close their doors, the Steinbach Humane J. Lessard Kulchyski of La Society board has announced that the organization will be able to remain Broquerie. in operation, thanks to help from the community. To adopt this pet or one of the adorable pets currently living in At the end of January, Lisa Rogal, one of the founders of the Steinbach foster care and looking for forever homes, contact the Steinbach Humane Society, regretfully announced that the organization could not Humane Society at 326-1274. remain in operation. The group, which operates with the help of foster Hi there, my name is Chance because the SHS gave me a second families and volunteers, was forced to make the decision due to lack of chance at life. I’m a friendly medium-sized, short-haired, housefunding and support. trained border collie blend looking for a warm safe place to call “Due to lack of funding and manpower we could no longer stay open,” home. explained Rogal. “It was very disappointing.” I’m told that I look like a miniature German Shepard though I’m However, when the news hit that the organization would be no longer friendly and playful. I especially like to take baths and play in the operating, the public stepped up. Thanks to the support of two recent tub where I act like a toddler. Are you looking for a little boy to play fundraisers, the group was able to pay off nearly $4,000 in outstanding vet fetch with? I am too! bills and recruit some new volunteers. My adoption fee is $250 and includes my first vet health check, “It is very exciting to be back in action saving lives,” stated Rogal. “But neuter surgery and tattoo, first vaccinations and first de-worming. we need funds for a new building and more foster homes so much.” Rogal said that the group will look at applying for grants to achieve their goals. Until now, fundraisers have modestly supported the organization’s Despite a high success rate, the organization has been unable to raise rescue operations but did not allow for future growth. enough money to keep the organization afloat and proceed toward their The Steinbach Humane Society was founded in June 2008 by Karen dream – constructing an actual humane society building in the community. Pruden and Lisa Rogal. Since then about 300 animals have been rescued Anyone wishing to either adopt a pet, foster an animal or wishing to help By Marianne Curtis and housed with volunteer foster families until they found new homes. in other ways is encouraged can contact Lisa at 326-1274. Come September, grade six students attending school in Niverville will find themselves moving to the high school instead of remaining at Niverville Elementary School. Hanover School Division superintendent Ken Klassen has confirmed that the division has received approval from the province that four new portable classrooms can be located at the Niverville Collegiate due to lake of room at the elementary school. “The portable classrooms will be By Marianne Curtis placed at the high school because there is no room at the elementary school,” Six seniors programs from throughout the region Klassen explained. “We have looked at will see funding funnelled into their programming the yard and realized that we could fit two or three portables at the school but after a recently federal announcement. On March 22, Provencher MP Vic Toews if we keep adding there would be no announced that 14 projects totalling $160,000 will be playground left.” The Hanover School Division has a invested in through the New Horizons for Seniors new school for Niverville in their five Program. Of these 14 projects, six groups located year plan but it could take awhile before within south Eastman will share a total of $63,083. “These projects will encourage seniors to funding could be in place. contribute their skills, knowledge and experience for “That means that in the short term we have to look at portable classrooms,” the benefit of the entire community,” stated Toews. Serving Seniors groups in Ste. Anne, South Klassen continued. “If growth continues Junction, Niverville, Steinbach and Middlebro will we will need to have a bigger solution.” When school reconvenes in September, benefit from the additional funding. Le Club Jovial Inc. in Ste. Anne will receive the the existing elementary school will become a kindergarten to grade 5 school most funding at $25,000. The money will be used to and the high school will become a grade repair the floor and replace the pool table so that 6 to 12 school. This is expected to give seniors can continue to participate in cards, pool the school division the option of creating and luncheons. a middle school in Niverville at a later The Steinbach 55 Plus will receive $10,000 to replace the chairs in the auditorium. date. In South Junction, two groups are getting funding. Meanwhile, the division has already The LGD of Piney Community Resource Center is decided to create one wing of the Niverville Collegiate for grades 6 to 8 slated to get $6,860 to replace three computers so students in order to segregate the younger that seniors can continue to use the systems and students from the older ones. There is take computer classes. The Pinegrove Seniors are also consideration being given to hosting getting $8,635 to replace the floor in their facility. In Niverville, Golden Fellowship Circle is getting a special orientation and welcome day $7,918 to replace four stoves, kitchen counters and for new students where only the grade 6 and 7 students are at school on the first backsplash so that seniors can continue to participate day, which is already being done at some in the weekly meal program and other activities. Finally, the Eager Beaver Seniors Club from of the division’s other schools. The Hanover School Division is Middlebro is getting $4,670 to replace the furniture, continuing to work with the community appliances and equipment at the facility so seniors and parents on this issue. An can still participate in the weekly meal program, social information meeting is expected to take club and special events. place in the next few months for parents of students who will be going to the high school next year.

Niverville Students Prepare for Move

Southeast Programming for Seniors Get Funds

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

April 2011


Fire Levels Niverville Businesses By Marianne Curtis The community of Niverville was left reeling after an early morning fire at the end of March completely destroyed a strip mall containing seven businesses. Niverville fire crews were called to the Main Street strip mall located on the east side of the community around 1:30 a.m. on March 29 after a 911 call was placed by a passer-by who spotted flames coming from a second floor window. The volunteer fire department along with the help of neighbouring fire departments was finally able to control the blaze three hours later but the building was a total loss. The $2.2 million blaze destroyed the entire building containing businesses including a bakery, bookstore and linen and glassware rental business as well as a number of offices, shops and warehouse space. No one was injured in the blaze. Despise the entire loss of her business, Kristin Von Riesen and her sister who own the Slice of Life Bakery, remains optimistic. “We are definitely going to rebuild and be running as soon as possible,” she says. “We were hoping to expand a little but now that the whole building is coming down we can start over.” She admitted that while the initial call was a shock and for a moment she panicked.

The sign in the forefront is the only thing left after a $2.2 million fire destroyed the entire strip mall containing several businesses at the east end of Niverville.

“We were kind of worried that it was just our bakery and that we had caused some sort of fire,” Von Riesen added. “It was a relief to know that it wasn’t started by us.” A couple of the other businesses destroyed included ‘A Touch of Glass’ which is a linen and glassware rental business and ‘Solomon’s Porch, which is a bookstore, along with a woodworking shop and several upstairs offices.

Niverville mayor Greg Fehr says that the fire is a blow to the community. “These businesses have suffered a setback because they will have to find somewhere else to continue operating,” Fehr says. ``At the same time, it could have been worse and we are grateful that the fire department was able to contain the blaze.” While the exact cause of the blaze is not known at this time, the fire commissioner’s office has determined that the blaze started at the center of the mall and spread outwards.

Book Sale Nets Over $15,000 By Marianne Curtis For the ninth consecutive year the Bethesda Regional Health Care Auxiliary has hosted a successful book sale at the Clearspring Center thanks to both donators and buyers alike. After four days thousands of gently used books, records, tapes, magazines, puzzles, and games found new homes and over $15,000 was raised by the Auxiliary. The money raised at the event, which took place March 23 to 26, will be used to purchase a $70,000 gamma probe for the Bethesda Hospital. The specialized equipment is used primarily for sentinel lymph node mapping, which makes breast cancer detection less invasive. Bethesda Regional Health Care Auxiliary spokesperson Verna Thiessen was pleased with the success of this spring’s sale. “The community and the volunteers are what make sales like these a success,” praised Thiessen. “Without their help this fundraiser would not be as successful.” The Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary started hosting the

There was something for everyone among the thousands of books that were donated to the Bethesda Regional Health Care Auxiliary Book Sale where $15,000 was raised for equipment at the local hospital.

annual book sale several years ago and has raised well over $100,000 for a variety of medical equipment needed in the region but not covered by Manitoba Health. Since 1980 the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary has presented nearly $400,000 worth of medical equipment to Bethesda Hospital. Cash donations are also being accepted. They can be mailed to the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary at 316 Henry Street, Steinbach R5G 0P9.


April 2011

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Someone Who Understands Hebrews 4:14-16 … 14) Therefore, since we have a great high priest which has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15) For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16) Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (NIV) We look at our Lord’s life and crucifixion here on earth and listen to his words and we say, “Here is someone who understands what is happening to us.” He has experienced all life’s bitterness and heartaches. He knows how difficult it is for me to overcome old habits that are harmful to my spiritual life. He understands our indifference and our soul’s resistance to change. He understands the power of sensual attraction. He has felt the arrogance of others; He has seen the smirks and ill-disciplined smiles. He has experienced chilliness and the inability of others to understand. He knows. He understands. That means we can approach Him in prayer with confidence. Doubts come and go, but we need not be alarmed or become overwhelmed by them. Doubt is not a first sign that our faith has failed but that it is being attacked. When doubts come we should counter by reminding ourselves of their source and that what the devil says about God is not true … Satan is a liar. Then we can renew our mind and strengthen our heart with the truth that God is the God who does not lie. He is working for our good. There is nothing like Christ’s presence to dispel the fear, the panic, and the terror of the unknown. Any hour can bring disaster, danger and distress from many unknown quarters. We live in a world driven by fear and troublesome times. However, you and I can live at peace because of the Holy Spirit who lives in our heart. Sometimes you and I think that all is doomed to failure. But then all at once there comes the awareness, the consciousness, the realization that the Holy Spirit is there. His presence makes all the difference. Things are not so black or so terrifying. The outlook changes and there is hope. Then we find ourselves delivered from fear. Rest returns and we can relax. This is the special work of God’s gracious Spirit that communicates with our fearful heart. He comes quietly to reassure us that Christ Himself is aware of our problem and deeply involved in it with us. The Bible teaches that Christ brings peace to a troubled heart. That means Jesus Christ delivers us from tension, rivalry, and cruel competition within our circle of friends. Should we allow the devil to suck us into this quagmire, it would not take long to find that envy would show its ugly face. This is where the smallest of things can grow into horrible hate. It is when ill-will and contempt come into being, the place where heated rivalry and deep discontent is born. It is here that dissatisfaction gradually grows into a way of life where one has to be forever standing up to claim their rights. Most of us have had to break up some form of ruckus, where someone or somebody was trying to get to the top. But more important was the fact that it was the Holy Spirit’s presence that put an end to all the rivalry. In our human relationships, when we become acutely aware of being in the presence of Christ, our foolish, selfish snobbery and rivalry will end. This is the place of rest, and I must remind myself over and over again that in the end it is Christ who will decide and judge what my status really is. After all, it is His judgment of me/us that is of importance. Any human measurement is at best bound to be pretty unpredictable and unreliable. To be close to Christ is to be conscious of His abiding presence which is made so real in our mind by the indwelling Holy Spirit. There is the wider but equal awareness of God all around us. We live surrounded by His presence. We are open minded individuals, open to His scrutiny. He is conscious of every circumstance we encounter because we belong to Him. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that will fulfill my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honor Your Name.” Amen.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

April 2011


Ile Des Chênes Celebrates Green Re-opening By Marianne Curtis The RM of Ritchot recently became the first municipality in the province to go green by connecting three community buildings together on one geothermal system which is expected to save money through energy efficiency. On March 19, residents from Grande Point and Ile des Chênes celebrated the completion of extensive renovations at the community’s local recreation center with the RM of Ritchot officially going green. The project, which is also a first in the entire province, consisted of installing a geothermal system that connects the arena, and the fire-hall. It also will soon be cooling and heating the new community center once construction is complete. Roger Perron, Economic Development Officer of Ritchot Community Development

Corporation, said this project makes Ritchot one of the greenest municipalities in Manitoba. “We are the first to have a district geothermal system capable of heating three or more buildings,” stated Perron. “The arena now operates in an environmentally friendly manner.” Ritchot Mayor Bob Stefaniuk expects that the geothermal system will pay for itself over the years. “This is a very efficient system,” said Stefaniuk. “It will last a long time, which will save us a lot of money in the long run.” The Ile des Chênes arena project cost $1.3 million, with the province kicking in $430,000 through the Building Manitoba Fund. The arena board expects to reduce their utility costs by 50 percent. The project involved replacing the existing ice surface concrete, ice plant, dasher boards, bleachers and zamboni room. The natural gas

heating system was removed and a Geo-thermal system was installed. A new zamboni room was also built with geo heat in the ice pit and the zamboni room. An electric zamboni was purchased to replace the existing propane powered ice maker. Ron Lemieux, MLA for La Vérendrye, and Ritchot Mayor Bob Stefaniuk get ready to cut the ribbon at the grand re-opening of the Ile des Chênes Arena.

Garden Club Gears Up for Spring By Marianne Curtis The arrival of spring may be delayed but the Steinbach and area Garden Club is excitedly preparing for another season by hosting an event for all garden enthusiasts from throughout the region. Karen Loewen, President of the Steinbach & Area Garden Club says that the club is hosting several upcoming evenings and the general public is invited to participate. On April 18, the group is hosting a Gardener’s Desert evening. The event, which will take place at the Mennonite Heritage Village draws twohundred and fifty gardeners and their friends. “This event is open to the public as well as garden club members,” explained Loewen. “We organize this evening, not as a fundraiser, but solely for the enjoyment of the gardeners and to highlight gardening in the area.” For the event, Lyndon Penner, a well known Calgary horticulturist and CBC Radio’s gardening expert will be guest speaking on the topic of “Adventures of Gardening on 4 Continents.” “. “It’s all related to gardening, from the fantastic silent auction prizes

(which are donated by gardening related businesses) to the food and decorating, and of course, the speaker,” Loewen added. The evening event will take place April 18 at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $18.00 and are available by calling Anne at 326-2396. SAGC memberships are also available at that number. In addition to the desert evening, the group will be hosting a plant sale in May and at least two garden tours, one of which is expected to draw several hundred gardeners from Winnipeg. The Steinbach and Area Garden Club (SAGC) has a membership of about 150 local gardeners with approximately 60% being in Steinbach, and the remaining 40% from 18 communities throughout the southeast.

Sugaring Off Festival Coming to St. Pierre During the month of April the annual sugar festival will take place in St. Pierre at the Cabane Sucre. The annual Sugaring Off Party is being held on April 16 and 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Cabane à Sucre, at the Musée de Saint-PierreJolys Museum in St. Pierre. Each year visitors from a wide area come to the festival, which is designed to celebrate the tradition of tapping Maple sap to make syrup and maple butter. As part of the celebrations, visitors to the Cabane Sucre are shown how to properly tap Maple trees for the sweetness inside. They are then shown the dehydrating process followed by the opportunity to sample the finished product. This weekend event promises to be full of activities, including taffy on snow, an interpretive center demonstrating the production of maple syrup, horse wagon rides, museum tours, traditional FrenchCanadian dining and local entertainment. There is no admission.


April 2011

Tetrault Makes Bid for Dawson Trail By Marianne Curtis

More Than Just News!

Hanover Ag Fair Receives Federal Funding

One of south-eastern Manitoba’s largest summer festivals is getting extra funding thanks to the federal government. On March 21 it was announced that the Hanover Agriculture Fair, which takes place each summer in Grunthal, will receive $30,100 in federal funding towards their upcoming 66th Annual Fair. The fair, which is slated to take place August 18 to 21, draws spectators and participants from Provincial PC leader Hugh McFayden across the province to celebrate welcomes candidate Larry Tetrault (right) to agriculture in the region. The the team after he was recently named the Hanover Agriculture Fair showcases first PC candidate for the newly formed local bands, musicians and singers constituency of Dawson Trail. along with a rodeo, agriculture fair and historical demonstrations. McFayden said. “His experience in The federal grant was made local government will be an possible through the Building important asset as we go forward.” Communities through Arts and This is not the first time that Heritage program. Tetrault has made a bid for provincial politics. Four years ago, he was unsuccessful in his bid to replace Jake Penner when he retired after years as Emerson’s legislative member. The Manitoba PC Party now has Several railway crossings 33 nominated candidates for the next throughout southern Manitoba will provincial election. “Our party has never been see improvements made after the stronger than it is today – we are federal government pitched in ready to take on the NDP machine $22,800 towards four projects. The funding, which is under a new and offer Manitoban’s something program called Grade Crossing better,” added McFayden. Tetrault will be taking on current Improvement Program, will be used La Verendrye MLA and cabinet to replace existing incandescent minister Ron Lemiuex who was lights with LED lights at rail recently nominated as the first NDP crossings. The four projects include the candidate for Dawson Trail. The Liberal party has yet to name their replacement of a total of 38 lights at candidate for the fall provincial crossings along Highways 11, 12, 302 and at Oakbank Road. election. The LED replacement initiative is the result of a study on LED Technology for Improved Conspicuity of Signal Lights at Highway-Railway Grade Crossings sponsored by Transport Canada The community of St. Pierre is participate by organizing a “blue (TC) and its stakeholders. The going blue this summer in support event” can visit outoftheblue- replacement is expected to for more immediately have a positive effect on of the “Out of the Blue” Suicide jasonsdublues.ca rail safety in the area. information. Prevention program. The St. Pierre Community in Bloom committee is in the process of planning their summer flower basket order after making the decision to fill them with a variety of blue flowers this year in support of the program. This is just one of many “blue” events being planned for during the month of April and beyond. The “Out of the Blue” program which is being funding by South Eastman Health, is geared to address suicide prevention by providing education and skill development by providing education and skill development to community and to service providers. During February and March, South Eastman Health’s Suicide Prevention Committee visited schools and talked to students about “the blues”. Now they are opening up the campaign to the general public by encouraging them to “go blue” and participate in certain awareness activities which are outlined on their website. At the end of May, the event will be capped off with a gala event where awards will be presented to the best participants in each category. Anyone wishing to either learn more about suicide prevention or

Former RM of La Broquerie administrator Larry Tetrault has been named as the first official Conservative candidate in the new provincial riding of Dawson Trail. On March 21, Tetrault was officially named as the first Conservative candidate for the new riding of Dawson Trail after he was acclaimed at a nomination meeting that night. “It is time for change in Manitoba especially in Dawson Trail,” stated Tetrault. “The NPD government is tired and out of touch with rural communities. We need a fresh outlook and renewed energy, not grandiose projects that only serve a few.” No stranger to politics, Tetrault has served his community for 36 years as the Chief Administrative Officer at the RMs of La Broquerie and Springfield. The bilingual father of five has deep roots in the farming community, is an experienced business owner, and has served on numerous boards. “The residents of Dawson Trail want change,” explains Laurent Tétrault. “After 12 long years at the helm of our province, the government has become tired and is lacking in new ideas. Manitoba’s economy is lagging behind, we have returned to deficit financing, and our rural communities have been abandoned. It is time to inject new energy in our province.” Provincial Conservative leader Hugh McFayden was on hand to congratulate Tetrault. “I am excited about Larry and I welcome him to the team – he shares the same values and concerns,”

St. Pierre Goes Blue for Cause

Railway Crossings Get Funding

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Grunthal Looks at All-Day Kindergarten The Hanover School Division is polling parents with students going into Kindergarten in Grunthal on how they would feel about an allday kindergarten class. According to Randy Hilderbrand, people from Grunthal have been coming forward and asking for an all-day kindergarten class, every second day. “This is something that we have already been experimenting with in Niverville,” Hilderbrand explained. The Niverville Elementary School has been offering the every second day, all-day class for two years now with such success that it is carrying on into a third. “The board is open to whatever a community wants when it comes to kindergarten schedules,” he added that there is no board mandate on the matter. The Hanover School Division has decided to send out a survey to parents to see how they feel about the concept before any decision is made on the matter.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Mediation Lake Added to Protected Areas List By Marianne Curtis After years of controversy the province has finally added Mediation and Sylvia Lakes in Whiteshell Provincial Park to their natural protected areas list. In recent years Mediation Lake has been at the center of controversy after wildlife protection groups were successful is shutting down a bid to construct a youth camp at the location. These groups raised concerns that such a development would negatively impact the lakes after clear cutting in the area was believed to be the cause for a mass fresh water clam die-off. Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie explained why the province added the lakes to their list. “These two areas were the focus of public reviews related to the proposed Tim Horton Foundation Youth Leadership Camp,” said Blaikie. “The review process has led to our decision to ensure the Meditation Lake area remains as undeveloped backcountry and that the lands adjacent to the camp at Sylvia Lake will not be developed or made accessible for new cottage development.” Under the new policies both lakes will be managed as natural, undeveloped landscapes for today and for future generations. A land-use category change will be initiated in the near future adding an additional level of protection to these sites, Blaikie added.

Billet Families Wanted in Steinbach Should a flood emergency take place this spring, the City of Steinbach has committed to being a host community for evacuees. The provincial Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) has officially requested that the City of Steinbach be ready to host flood evacuees if needed. Denis Vassart, Steinbach’s emergency coordinator is asking local residents to step forward and sign up as billet families, similar to what was done during the 1997 flood. “We need to know who can host families and how many people they would be willing to have in their home for a time that could exceed two or three weeks,” stated Vassart. The City of Steinbach is also preparing in the event that the arena or other similar facility may be required. If this happens, the Red Cross or federal government’s National Emergency Stockpile System would supply cots and blankets. Vassart pointed out that EMO has indicated that there is only a ten percent chance that Steinbach will be used as a host community, but the city must be ready for the “worst case scenario”. Anyone interested in opening their home to possible flood evacuees is encouraged to contact Vassart at the City of Steinbach office by calling 326-9877.

More Than Just News!

Armed Intruder Arrested

April 2011


RHA Unveils Strategic Plan South Eastman Health and its board of directors recently unveiled their new 2011-2016 Strategic Plan which is expected to meet the board’s vision of achieving wellness and the best possible health by residents in southern Manitoba. According to Monique Vielfaure Mackenzie, the strategic plan is the final product that came from months of discussion, consultations and research. “The plan was developed using an evidence-based approach to determine the Health Authority’s focus for the next five years,” said Vielfaure Mackenzie. “Results from our recent Community Health Assessment were taken into consideration to identify the best possible approach to meet the health needs of our citizens.” South Eastman Health’s list of Strategic Priorities includes strengthening regional primary health services; enhancing regional mental health services; fostering greater individual ownership and responsibility for health; addressing the expanding health needs of the region’s aging population and achieving more equitable health service delivery across regional populations. In addition, the RHA Board defined five evidence-based Strategic Themes that will guide all health services designed to meet the region’s Strategic Priorities throughout the five-year planning period. These themes include a continued focus on patient safety and quality, addressing the impacts of regional population growth, strengthening communications among providers and the community and a focus on recruitment and retention.

In the early morning hours of October 9 Steinbach RCMP responded to a residence on Barkman Avenue in Steinbach where a female reported that she had been attacked in her garage by an intruder armed with a knife. Members attended and determined that a 21year-old female resident of the home had returned from taking her dog for a walk and was attacked when she entered her garage. The female was able to fight off the attacker and yell for help. The attacker then fled on foot. He was described as being Caucasian male, five feet ten inches tall with a skinny frame. A police dog attended but was not able to track the suspect. The victim suffered minor injuries to her hands as a result of the confrontation. On March 11 Steinbach RCMP, with the assistance of the RCMP Major Crime Unit and the Ste. Anne Police Department, arrested 30-yearold Ronald Dyck of Steinbach. He has since been charged with Break, By Marianne Curtis Enter and Committing an Assault with a Weapon. Dyck has also been An RM of Reynolds business recently received a major funding boost charged with Break, Enter and Theft thanks to the federal government and Canada’s Economic Action Plan. for an incident that occurred at the On March 4 Berger Peat Moss Inc, which is located in Hadashville, same residence last June 23. received Federal funding of $1,072,763 through the Community Adjustment Dyck is still in police custody and Fund (CAF) as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan. will be remanded into custody. Denis Lebel, director of Operations from Berger Peat Moss, said his company will invest the money in local operation improvements. “Berger Peat Moss is investing in the Hadashville plant to enhance our production capacity and become more competitive while ensuring a long term relationship with the community,” said Lebel. “This will enhance current operations and create job opportunities.” According to Lebel, Berger will construct storage pads; build field access roads and open bog areas; implement the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program; enhance screening equipment in the plant; and purchase loading and field harvester operating equipment. Berger Peat Moss, which originated from Quebec, opened the operation in Hadashville in 2008. The company invested $6 million in an operation to harvest and sell peat moss while bringing twenty new jobs into the area. For almost 50 years Berger Peat Moss, Ltd. has been harvesting peat moss in Quebec and in 1986, harvesting began in New Brunswick. The company provides services to professional growers in over 15 countries.

Feds Invest $1 Million in Hadashville Business

Help Earthquake and Tsunami Chamber to Host Volunteer Appreciation Victims in Japan

The RM of De Salaberry Economic Development Office is looking for the names of a few good women or men that may have been exemplary volunteers in the municipality throughout the past year. Every year the municipality and St. Malo Chamber of Commerce recognizes an individual that has made a significant difference in the community by naming them Volunteer of the Year during a special evening event complete with an award and public recognition. “That‘s the night we recognize the efforts of individuals in our community for their tireless contributions to our community,” stated Lorraine JonesRacine, president of the St. Malo Chamber of Commerce. This year, the organization plans to present twelve individuals with an award to recognize their efforts. In addition two awards will be given two youth volunteers under the age of 25 who have made contributions to school, organizations or community through volunteer work. This year’s Volunteer Recognition evening will take place May 14 at the Iberville Hall in St. Malo. To nominate a worthy volunteer please contact Lorraine at 347-5624.

Hike for Hospice Kicks Off in May On May 1, the St. Malo Provincial Park will be the site of the 8th annual Hike for Hospice. Registration starts at 1PM and at 2PM participants will take part in a six kilometer walk through the park to raise money for the region’s palliative care program. The purpose of the Hike for Hospice Palliative Care is to help South Eastman Health raise much-needed funds for the region’s local hospice palliative care program. It is also held to raise awareness of hospice palliative care programs and services within the community, and awareness of the phenomenal professional, family and informal caregivers who care for those at the end of life. The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association reports that 80% of Canadians say they want quality hospice palliative care at the end of their life, yet currently less than 15% of Canadians have access to this type of care. Preregistration can be done by downloading the registration form from the South Eastman Health website or at the event. Registration fees range from $10 for students and $25 for adults. All money raised will remain in the region and used locally.

Caisse Financial Group has announced a donation matching program up to $10,000 and is inviting its members and all those interested in helping the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan to make a donation at any of their 26 branch locations or via e-Caisse online banking service. Caisse Financial Group will match donations collected at its branches and via e-Caisse, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000. “As a co-operative we are committed to the well-being of communities, and the entire community of Japan desperately needs the immediate assistance of individuals, organizations and businesses across the globe to be able to surmount the difficulties they face. We want to encourage all those willing to join the critical fundraising efforts, therefore Caisse Financial Group will match donations, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000, similar to the matching program we offered for the recent catastrophe in Haiti,” announced Joël Rondeau, Chief Executive Officer. Donations collected will be remitted to the Canadian Red Cross. For further details please visit www.caisse.biz.

Clued In How many of you have heard of Clue: The Movie? I know I have, but then again, I have a VHS copy and have watched it numerous times. This little gem came out in 1985 and is based on the Parker Brothers board game Clue. Using the names from the game: Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Ms. Peacock, Colonel Mustard and Mr. Green; along with a few extra characters to round out the roster like the butler, the maid, the cook and Mr. Boddy. The characters must try to discover who the killer is before they get killed or the police arrive, whichever comes first. As the movie plays on the characters get more and more frazzled trying to find out who the killer is and this, of course, adds to the hilarity. From accidentally finding secret passages, to having a Doberman pinscher outside the Conservatory, to having the lights turned out, they must keep trying to stay ahead of the killer (…was that a gunshot?). One of my favorite parts is when Colonel Mustard has just finished going through another frightening ordeal and he stresses to everyone that he can’t handle anymore surprises. As he finishes speaking, he steps forward and just misses having a chandelier crash down on him. As it smashes right behind him he gets this awesome look of shock and terror on his face. That scene alone nearly bursts my sides with laughter. One more thing, this movie also has a very unique feature to it… it has three surprise endings! Quite cool. Now after having watched it again, my mind turns to the board game and how much I enjoy playing it. The question is, do I risk inviting my five yearold son to play a round of Clue with me? After having been whupped at Candy Land and more recently at Monopoly, I’m not sure that I want to take the chance at being outsmarted at Clue. I’m just not sure that I can handle that type of humiliation. Of course, I could get lucky and win… Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.


April 2011

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Spring Clean Your Way to a Healthier Home Spring cleaning is an annual tradition at households across the country. Whether you live in a studio apartment or a sprawling mansion, the rejuvenating feeling of spring stems from more than just the warm air outdoors. It’s also the opportunity to open the windows and let that warm air breathe some new life into your home. Though spring cleaning is primarily about ridding a home of a season’s worth of clutter, it should also be about making a home healthier for the months to come. Once the clutter has been cleared, the following cleaning tips can make your home a healthy haven when those inevitable spring showers arrive. Tackle mold and mildew Few homes can escape the wrath of mold and mildew during the winter months. In addition to being unsightly, exposure to mold can also cause a host of physical problems, including respiratory ailments, eye irritation, and nasal and sinus congestion. There are highly effective products available to control mold and mildew and prevent any future problems, such as those that commonly result from spring rains. Clean the filters, ducts and vents Spring might be synonymous with warmer temperatures, but for allergy sufferers spring can be a difficult time of year. When spring cleaning, don’t forget to thoroughly clean filters, ducts and vents to help decrease exposure to airborne allergens. Protect against viruses and bacteria Effectively cleaning a home can involve several preventive measures to keep everyone free from viruses and bacteria. A high quality disinfectant will rid a home of many “potential sniffles.” Clear the garage and basement of potentially harmful supplies Garages and basements are often used to store paints, paint thinners, oils, solvents, and other potentially toxic supplies. If any of these toxic supplies are old, consult your local municipality to determine how best to discard such items. For those you want to keep, be sure the lids are tight and not leaking potentially harmful chemicals into the air. Make up for lost time For those who don’t consider spring cleaning an annual tradition, it’s never too late to start making your home a healthier place. Embrace eco-friendly cleaning A healthy home should also be one that’s healthy for the environment.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

Recognizing Roof Damage The spring season is a time for many things, from rediscovering the great outdoors to clearing the clutter leftover from another long winter. For many homeowners, that spring cleaning also means a careful examination of a home’s exterior. Winter can prove especially harsh on a home’s exterior, in particular the roof. While stains on the ceiling or obvious leaks are easy ways to detect roof damage, many times problems with a roof are not so obvious. For homeowners hoping to give their roof a thorough endof-winter examination, consider the following tips for recognizing roof damage. * Look on the ground surrounding the home. While it might seem odd to look down to see if a roof has been damaged, some of the most telltale signs of roof damage could be right in the yard, nearby bushes or driveway. Strong winds, common in many regions during the winter months, can blow off shingles. Those shingles can then land in the yard, trees, bushes, driveway, etc. In areas that receive heavy snowfall during the winter months, these shingles can get buried in the snow, all the while giving homeowners a false sense of security with respect to their roof. Once the snow clears, homeowners should take a walk around the property and look on the grounds for any shingles, be it full shingles or pieces of shingle. This is best done as soon as possible and definitely should be done before the first lawn mowing of the spring season. * Get on the ladder and get up on the roof. The best way to detect any roof damage is to go up on the roof. Certain roof damage requires careful inspection, as not all roof damage announces its presence via a leaky ceiling or blown off shingle. Roof damage from hail, for instance, leaves marks or dents on the shingles and can even crack the shingles’ tabs. Oftentimes, such damage isn’t noticeable to the naked eye, requiring a careful rooftop inspection. * Inspect for fire damage. The obvious response to being advised to inspect a roof for fire damage is to ask, “Well, if my home hasn’t been on fire, how can my roof have undergone any fire damage?” Unfortunately, even a neighboring fire can cause fire damage to roofs within its proximity. Heat from a nearby fire can cause damage to a roof that was never actually on fire. That damage will manifest itself via scorch marks on the roof or areas of the roof that seem inconsistent. Such inconsistencies might be the result of melting, which could also have caused damage to the material beneath the shingles, be it wood or metal. Homeowners living in neighborhoods where there was a fire over the winter should look for signs of fire damage. * Inspect the roof’s supporting cast. Homeowners living in regions where heavy snowfall is common should also look at the support beams in their attics. Roofs tend to take a beating in regions with heavy snowfall, as the weight of all that snow can take its toll over time. That toll can extend to support beams in the attic, resulting in sagging supports or cracks. Even if the roof appears to have made it through another harsh winter, it’s still a safe and smart bet to see how well the roof’s supporting cast handled the harsh weather as well.

April 2011



More Than Just News!

April 2011

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Restore Your Property Once Winter Weather is Gone Restoring a yard after a long winter is a springtime rite of passage for many homeowners. Harsh winds and heavy snow can take their toll on even the most beautiful landscape. Spring is a homeowner’s first chance to survey the damage and begin restoring the yard to where it was before all those strong winds and snowstorms. To get started on your yard this spring, consider the following tips. * Don’t begin too early. The early bird might get the worm, but the early homeowner might get a damaged lawn. If temperatures for an upcoming free weekend are unseasonably warm, it’s best to avoid doing spring yard cleanup until there have been several warm weekends to thaw the ground. Unless the ground has completely thawed, footsteps on the yard will damage the grass, compacting the soil and preventing the air and moisture that soil needs from doing its job and penetrating the soil. What’s more, if the yard is raked before the ground has thawed, the rake might just be pulling the grass out by its roots. * Survey the property. A close survey of the property will give homeowners an idea of just how big or small their restoration project will be. A thorough survey will reveal any problem areas and may also reveal some unexpected guests. Rabbits and squirrels often nest in yards during the winter. Rabbits will nest in the ground, while squirrels typically build nests made of leaves in the trees. Unless it’s entirely necessary, avoid removing any nests, and be sure to carefully inspect the yard before the season’s first mow. * Out with the old. When the cleanup process is ready to begin, it’s time to

remove remnants from last season. This includes removing any dead plants as well as last year’s mulch. If new mulch is simply thrown on top of old, plants could suffocate. Dead leaves also tend to gather during the winter, often up against fences or a home’s exterior walls. Rake up these dead leaves and add them to the season’s compost. * Get rid of thatch. Thatch can be soil’s worst enemy, preventing its access to the sunlight, air and moisture it needs to make the lawn look beautiful and healthy. Thatch removal can be tiresome, but visit the local hardware store and pick up a dethatching rake to make the job a little easier. Thatch removal isn’t always necessary every spring. Many homeowners have found removing thatch every other year is effective enough. * Aerate the yard to revive the soil. Soil often becomes compacted as spring becomes summer and summer becomes fall. This is especially true of yards that are heavily used, be it by kids playing outdoors or families who love to host warm weather gatherings in the yard. Aerating in the spring removes plugs of sod from the soil, loosening it up and making it easier for air and water to reach the roots. * Address those ugly bald spots. Bare spots in a yard can result from any number of things, be it a dog urinating in the yard or even disease. Early spring, when temperatures are a little cooler and

promote grass growth, is a great time to address the yard’s bald spots. Do so by clearing away the spots and sprinkling the freshly exposed soil with some grass seed. Then add some fertilizer and be sure the newly seeded areas get some water until the new, healthy grass begins to grow in.

Identify All Those Pesky Springtime Pests When the warm weather arrives, people venture outdoors and animals wake up from hibernation. Many insects hatch or revive from winter slumber and can be commonly seen in and around the home. Once temperatures rise to about 12 C, many insects start their life cycles anew with eggs or larva hatching and winged and webbed creatures rearing their attenaed heads. It can be frustrating for homeowners facing an insect infestation, especially when bugs are found in quantities inside or around the perimeter of the home. There are many insects one might see in spring. * Ants: Small black ants, called pavement ants, come out of dormancy and begin to forage for food and nests. Although pavement ants build their colonies outdoors, they will venture inside for easy food sources. They can be nuisance pests if not quickly tackled. Carpenter ants are large, black ants that are found in and around the home. They build nests and channels in wood, so they can be particularly troublesome to homeowners for the potential structural damage they may cause. If they are seen in number inside of the home, there already may be an established colony inside of the walls. * Bees: Bees and wasps may overwinter in home attics or eaves and then come out of dormancy. If a large bee is seen inside of the home, chances are it is a queen looking for a good nesting area in which to lay her eggs and set up her new colony. Treat bee and wasp problems early on before established nests can be created. * Termites: Subterranean termites swarm when it is warm or in the morning. Swarming termites are those taking flight to create new nests and colonies. Swarms can be scary for homeowners as they likely indicate a termite problem inside of the house. Consult with a professional exterminator if termite infestation is suspected. * Spiders: Where there are other insects, there will be spiders to prey on them. When building a nest, spiders prefer out-of-the-way places that are dark and comfortable. There are some spiders, like the wolf

spider, that will actively attack insects instead of lying in wait for a web to snare them. To keep spiders out of the home, make sure it is pest-free. Some homeowners like spiders around the home because they can prevent other insects from becoming nuisances. * Flies and gnats: Springtime may be a season when certain varieties of flies and gnats emerge from their infant stages and take flight. Certain flies and gnats bite, while others simply are buzzing nuisances. * House centipedes: It’s likely that homeowners will encounter house centipedes mostly in spring and fall because the insects are either coming out due to the warmer weather or retreating indoors to find a warm place to stay. These centipedes prefer a cool, damp place to live,

like a basement or bathroom, and generally lay 60 or more eggs at one time. They feed on many different insects, including spiders. But their alarming appearance, which includes 15 pairs of feathery legs, makes few homeowners content to share a residence with them. As humans and other animals become active and enjoy the warmer weather, so, too, do many insects and arachnids. Springtime is a common season to encounter many of the “bugs” that disappeared when winter weather reared its ugly head.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

More Than Just News!

April 2011

What is a Water Table? The zone of saturation is the underground depth at which the ground is totally saturated with water. The upper surface of this zone is called the water table. It

is also the level at which groundwater pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. The water table can fluctuate depending on the season and weather conditions. When there is an excess of rain or runoff, the water table may rise considerably. During periods of drought, the water table may diminish. It’s also important to note that a water table is not a flat line of water. The table actually fluctuates depending on the landscape and human modification of subterranean topography. The water table may be shallow in some areas and deep in others. In some cases, people may live in areas with a “high water table.” A high water table may contribute to leaks in basements and crawl spaces. That’s because hydrostatic pressure, or the pressure of the groundwater pressing up against the home foundation, can cause the water to find weak points and other areas of entry. In these instances, a method of keeping the water from entering the home may need to be investigated.



More Than Just News!

April 2011

Dawson Trail Dispatch

My Province of Manitoba Income Tax Crusade

It’s becoming more and more noticeable. It’s actually starting to drive me crazy! There are still a few weeks left before the April 30 Personal Income Tax deadline and I’ll still complete hundreds of tax returns before then. That is not what is driving me crazy. I normally review the 2010 Income Tax Summary with my clients once their taxes are completed. I review their total, net and taxable incomes (sometimes they are different for various reasons). I review the nonrefundable tax credits they are claiming. Then I get to the part that is driving me really batty. “Here is the amount of your federal tax payable and here is the amount of your Province of Manitoba tax payable”. Then I pause. Now here is where I’ve started to hesitate more and more. And this is what is driving me crazy. I point out again how much their

provincial tax payable is. And recently I’ve started to point out that about 10 years ago this figure used to be about 60 percent of what the federal tax payable used to be. Now it’s anywhere from 80 to 120 percent! Yes, I have actually seen many tax returns where the provincial tax payable is actually HIGHER than the federal tax! How can that be?? Well, the Province of Manitoba stopped increasing the tax brackets used for calculating income taxes and for calculating various non-refundable credits. The Feds and the Provinces used to have the brackets indexed to inflation so that all the brackets increased a little bit each year. About 10 years ago the Province of Manitoba decided to stop increasing its brackets with inflation. It realized it could get more tax revenue each year if it didn’t. (You earn a bit more income each year, you don’t pay any more federal taxes, but you sure do pay more provincial taxes!) Those with lower incomes, those with children, and seniors have been affected the most. Those with high incomes and not many credits to claim have been affected the least. Do I have your attention now?!? If you have already completed your

taxes (by yourself, using software, or using a tax preparer or tax professional like myself) have a look at your tax summary or page four of the T1 General or look at your Notice of Assessment if you have already received it. Look at how much your Federal Tax Payable is; and look at how much your Provincial Tax payable is! I bet if you take your provincial tax payable and divide it into your federal tax payable, it is way more than 60 percent! If you still have some past tax returns (you should be keeping them for 6 years), have a look at those from several years ago. I bet the provincial taxes payable were a much lower percentage of federal taxes than they are today! For the past ten years the Province of Manitoba has left their tax brackets and the amount of the tax credits the same almost every year. The federal amounts have been indexed to inflation. Here’s an example: the basic federal credit for 2010 is at $10,382; the same Manitoba basic credit is at $8,134 (about 78 percent). Back in 2003, the federal amount was $7,756 and the provincial amount was $7,634 (about 98 percent of the federal amount). So say you had taxable income of $10,382; you would pay absolutely no federal income tax, but you would be paying some Provincial Taxes! So much for our provincial government’s concern about those with low incomes! If they were really concerned, don’t you think they’d do something about this?? The Age Credit in 2003 was $2,016 for the feds and $1,890 for the province (or 94 percent). Today the Age Credit is $6,446 for the feds and $3,728 for the province (now only 58 percent)! A senior (65+) today could earn almost $17,000 and pay no federal tax.

But at $12,000, that same senior would be paying Provincial taxes! Does that seem fair to you?? And the Government does not have to announce anything, send out a news release, or even vote on anything to keep their brackets the same. So that’s why no one knows about it or notices it. I’ve written about this before, but maybe I can get your attention in the midst of “tax season”. If you have already completed your taxes, have a look at your taxes payable and see what I’m upset about. And what can we do about it? Well, you can write to your MLA and our Premier and our Finance Minister! Or you can drop by my office and sign my petition. I already have many

signatures, but would love to have hundreds more. There are some other petitions going around the province too. One of my tax clients brought some up to the Anola area to place in some public places. I had one at the Ste Anne Curling Club during the season. If you are there for their Annual Suds Spud & Steak Night on Friday April 29, I’ll make sure a petition is there too! Maybe with hundreds of voices we can get our Provincial Government to start increasing their brackets and indexing them to inflation so we aren’t paying more and more taxes each year without even knowing about it. They need to be held accountable!

Anni Markmann is a tax professional and an independent financial advisor working, living, and volunteering in our community. Contact Anni at annimarkmann@mts.net or 422-6631 or 107 Central Ave in Ste Anne.

More Than Just News!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

April 2011


Spring Rush is Here Despite the cold February there were 12 percent more listings than last year and sales were up 10 percent from last year at this same time. The inventory of houses on the market rose 16 percent from last year’s inventory. This meant more houses to choose from for buyers, the second highest inventory of resale homes in the past 5 years. You would think that with more

inventory house prices would decline, however just the opposite has taken place. The dollar volume for the month is also up 14 percent from last year at $171 million – and last February was a record February for dollar volume. One factor that is at work here is the 0.8 percent vacancy rate in rentals which in turn drives up housing prices and makes the housing less affordable. When

there’s less opportunity to rent, people look for options to buy. That means that there are more people looking for a particular home and often they find themselves in a bidding war. If you are a builder or an investor maybe you should look at buying or building rental properties. Shortage of rentals also drives up rental prices. Another avenue is to build some homes for sale on the current market, maybe pre-sell them and get your buyers to pay in installments. This is actually a good thing for buyers because they only pay land transfer tax on the lot as opposed to the home as well. There is always an opportunity if you look for it. Note: This is our opinion. Always take a longer time period, study the trends and ask questions before investing your hard earned cash. For more info in this housing shortage you can see a study done on this matter, “Manitoba’s Rental

Housing Shortage” on www.winnipegrealtors.ca under “Position Papers”. The following statistics are from February 2011 sales. 20 percent of all residential detached sales were under $150,000,

22 percent between $150,000$199,999, 20 percent between $200,000-$249,999, 16 percent between $250,000-$299,999, 8 percent $300,000-$349,999, 7 percent between $350,000-$399,999, 2 percent $400,000 and up.

Travis Olifirowich (371-7223) and Eileen Lewis (371-0255) are with Prudential Riverbend Realty. For information on this article feel free to contact them.


April 2011

More Than Just News!

2nd Annual Online Auction

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Bizpal Launched in Hadashville

The Ste-Anne Hospital Fund is pleased to announce its 2nd Annual Online Auction taking place on eBay from April 5th to 15th. The products and services featured at this year’s auction will again serve those interested in building, remodeling or landscaping. For example, last year’s items included air conditioning units, water softener, fascia and soffit package, bathroom fixtures, cabinetry, lighting packages, concrete, asphalt, prairie stone, excavation and backfill packages, sandblasting, roofing & siding packages just to name a few items. This activity will help the Fund reach its goal of 1.5 million which represents the community contribution to the Ste-Anne Hospital’s development project: a new surgical suite and a solarium patients’ lounge dedicated to Doctor Doyle. Please check out our website www.steannehospitalfund.ca/auctions and Q&A section to see how you can benefit as a donor as well as a buyer.

Business Gateway Opens in St. Pierre Entrepreneurs in the RM of De Salaberry and area have access to the Manitoba Business Gateway thanks to a recent opening at the Bilingual Service Centre. Marcel Mulaire, president of the St. Pierre Chamber of Commerce, is pleased with the opening. “As president of the St. Pierre Chamber of Commerce and owner of a small business, I am very encouraged to see a business gateway being set up here providing additional access to programs, services and information in both French and English to support entrepreneurs and businesses in the Red River Region,” said Mulaire. The Manitoba Business Gateway provides single-window access and referrals to a wide range of business and employment information and services. These include business starts, permits and licences, financial programs, business planning, recruiting, training and managing employees, business expansion and growth, exporting and more. The Manitoba Business Gateway will also provide businesses with improved access to the province’s growing list of online services including the Manitoba Business Portal, Manitoba BizPaL, Online Name Reservation and TAXcess.

Fundraising Success for Middlebro Parks and Recreation Saturday, April 2 was the day picked by the Middlebro Parks and Recreation group as the day to have a fundraising Pancake Breakfast, and it turned out to be a very good day indeed. Blue sky, nice temperatures and a great turnout helped to make the day a success. Many people came out to enjoy the Pancake, egg and sausage breakfast that was served up by local volunteers. There was also a 50/50 draw and a silent auction held while breakfast was being served. There were games for the children to enjoy, and face painting as well. Approximately 160 people came out to support the event. Event organizers said that the event would not have been the success it was, without the help and support of the many volunteers that gave their time. Organizers also wish to thank everyone that came out and enjoyed the food, fun and games. Middlebro Parks and Recreation Organizers hope that this is just the first of many successful fundraising opportunities which will help with getting a new play structure in the community. One hundred percent of the proceeds derived from the Breakfast event will be used directly to fund new playground equipment in the town of Middlebro.

St. Labre 200 Giving Back to the Community! St. Labre 200 is a 2 day go-kart building and racing competition where teams have 24 hours to build their own go-kart with a specific list of material. Every team hopes to have their gokart be fast and tough enough to endure the grueling 200 laps (50 miles). This dirt track is rough and very unforgiving on the motorized creations. Drivers push their vehicles to the limit in hopes of earning the prestigious St. Labre 200 trophy. Spectators are invited to visit and cheer on their favorite team during the build off and race all while enjoying the many side activities and live bands during the weekend of July 16th and 17th. St. Labre 200, a nonprofit organization, was created by local individuals and is run by volunteers who want to give back to their community. Currently in its third year, St. Labre 200 has been able to donate much of its proceeds to organizations in need of funds, helping the local community be a better place. This year St. Labre 200 would like to hear from organizations in the southeastern Manitoba. Please tell us why you feel your organization would benefit from proceeds raised by this rapidly growing event. Whether it be fundraising for medical research, community development and well being or simply to help those in need, St. Labre 200 wants to hear from you! In your letter please include, organization name, a short description of your organization, why you think your organization could benefit from the moneys raised, how this money would be used and contact person with address, email or telephone number. Please send to: St. Labre 200, P.O. Box 192, St. Labre, MB R0A 2NO or email: contactus@stlabre200.comuf.com. Entry deadline is May 31st. Check them out online at www.stlabre200.comuf.com.

Canada Day Festivals Get Funding Two communities in the southeast will have some extra money to spend while planning their Canada Day celebrations, thanks to modest federal grants. On March 22 the Federal Government announced that Celebrate Canada funding will be given to four communities within Provencher, including South Junction and Steinbach. The South Junction Community Club received $825 towards their planned Canada Day events. Activities being planned include a flag raising, birthday cake and fireworks. The City of Steinbach received $7,000 towards their annual Canada Day celebrations for promotional materials, fireworks and a birthday cake. Funding was also allotted for festivities in Pinawa and Emerson.

Deputy Reeve Gary Gaetz and Peter Bjornson, Minister of Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade, celebrate the official unveiling of BizPaL at the RM of Reynolds office.

By Marianne Curtis Starting and running a business in the Whitemouth Reynolds Planning District just became easier, thanks to BizPaL, an online business permit and licence service that saves time spent on paperwork and helps entrepreneurs start up faster. David Turchyn, Chair of the Whitemouth Reynolds Planning District, welcomed the launch of BizPaL in the rural municipalities of Whitemouth and Reynolds. “BizPaL is a tremendous partnership involving all levels of government, and we are very pleased to have it available to our residents,” said Turchyn. “Current and future business owners will benefit from this service and in turn create more opportunities in the area.” The RM of Reynolds joined the project back in 2008 after having heard of the program and they recently completed the task of entering the applicable info into its website. BizPal is an online, one-stop service for entrepreneurs that simplifies the process of finding information on business permits and licenses from all levels of government. It provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information on the permits and licences they need to establish and run their businesses. There are now over 40 municipalities in Manitoba on board, with more announcements expected in the near future.

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