Discovering Whittlesea issue 183, October 2019

Page 56

Pets’ Corner

Firework Season: Get Ready! by Whittlesey Veterinary Centre

It will soon be that time of the year where some of our pets get anxious or fearful, because of fireworks. If your pet gets worried about fireworks, there are things you can do to help them. Two to three weeks before the firework season starts: • Prepare a special area away from any windows for your pet to go to during firework events. They may already have a place they like to go to when feeling distressed. If so and it is feasible use this area. Place lots of blankets in there for your pet to burrow and hide in, helping them to feel more comfortable in there. Feed them their dinner and give them chews in there during the few weeks before fireworks begin. NEVER use it as a punishment, it’s meant to be a safe place for them. On the night of fireworks: • Feed your pet before the fireworks begin in case they become uncomfortable and don’t want to eat. • Exercise/walk your dog before any fireworks are likely to start. • Play moderately loud rhythmic music or have the TV on to help to mask the noise of the fireworks. • Give your pet an item of clothing that has your scent on to help them settle. • Close all windows to keep out as much noise as possible. • Close curtains early to keep out flashing lights. If your curtains are thin, hang a sheet over the top, so the flashing lights cannot be seen from the inside. • Act normally to avoid communicating to your pet there is something to be concerned about. • Avoid taking your dog out when fireworks are occurring, even if they are OK. It only takes one episode of a fear response being triggered to create future problems. If you do need to be out and about, keep your dog on a lead at all times. • The number of lost pets found, increases during the firework season. Make sure your details are correct on their collar identification tag and microchip and that all gates, fences, cat flaps, doors etc. are secure and escape proof. • Play a favourite game or do a favourite activity to keep them happy and prevent them becoming anxious or settle them down in their special place before the fireworks begin. 56



• Give your pet some tasty chews or a stuffed kong. Chewing helps to relieve anxiety, however, don’t be worried if they are not interested, this will depend on how anxious your pet is feeling. • NEVER get cross with your pet, this can make them worse. If they are already anxious or very fearful, any form of frustration, anger or punishment from you will only add to their anxiety or fear, leading to further problems. • Despite warnings you may hear, you can comfort them during fireworks, with a massage or long gentle strokes, to reduce their anxiety, but do make sure you remain neutral with no signs of anxiety in your voice or body. Comfort does not increase their fear! • Ignore all the noises yourself; act happy and relaxed as if nothing is happening. • Never force them to experience the fireworks in the hope they will get used to them, this will only make them worse. Imagine how you would feel if someone was forcing you to experience your worst phobia! • Remember to breathe calmly; breathing in a relaxed steady way can help your pet relax. • And finally, NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET HOME ALONE! If your pet is already quite scared of fireworks, there are things you can do to help them overcome their fear, but you need to start working with them now, teaching them that fireworks are part of everyday life and brings no harm or danger to them. Please contact us to arrange for one of our nurses to help you put a plan together and teach them to not just cope with fireworks but to find them ‘fun’. There are natural remedies and prescription medication available that can help them cope if started well before the firework season starts. Again, for more information on products available, please contact us at the surgery. OCT OBE R 2 0 1 9

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