Disc Jockey News January 2019 E-Edition

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Disc Jockey News January 2019 • Issue #150

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The Monthly Disc Jockey Newspaper

$25.00 for 12 issues

PAGE 2 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

No One Pays For Just Stacking By Mike Walter

I had an opportunity to help my friend Stephen recently, and as I often do, I learned a valuable business lesson from a casual comment that was made. Stephen owns The Cheese Cave, a great cheese shop close to me. My wife Kelly and I have become friends with Stephen in the last few years as we frequent his shop. He told me that Christmas Eve is his busiest day. He will do over a hundred cheese platters that day but it’s actually the day before that when all those platters need to be assembled, that is the hard work. Since I didn’t have an event on Sunday, December 23rd, I volunteered to help him out. As I was getting my instructions on assembling these awesome platters, Stephen was showing a few tricks to us on how to make everything look fancy. He taught us how to fan out certain cuts of cheese and spiral others. Then he warned us not to just stack them. “No one pays for just stacking,” he said. That line made me chuckle. Then, as I worked that day, those five words echoed in my head. It made me think of a post I’d seen in one of the many DJ Facebook groups I belong to. Someone had asked the question, “which is more important, a DJ’s talent or their

setup?” I answered that of course talent is more important, but a true professional cares about both. Stephen’s cheeses are similar. They are awesome. He is all about quality and freshness. But Stephen also knows that image is important as well. Great cheese stacked with no concern about presentation doesn’t justify the premium prices Stephen charges for his platters. But when you combine great cheese with an awesome display, you have an award-winning cheese platter that is so in demand, Stephen and his crew worked a fourteen hour day on December 23rd just getting them all ready (I lasted ten of those fourteen hours by the way.) So for my first article of 2019, I want to challenge you, dear reader, with this simple question. What part of your business is “just stacked?” What part of your business could use a little extra care and effort? If you can identify something (or a few things), then I urge you to focus on that this first quarter. Figure out a way to make that part of your business better because I guarantee, that’s probably an area that is costing you sales. Is it your social media? How often are you posting? Are you sharing good quality images or dark and grainy shots? Are you posting content that can stimu-

It’s Engagement Time! By Tamara Sims

Happy New Year! It’s that time of year again and an important time for us wedding industry peeps to “be engaged” as we meet with all of the newly engaged couples. Did you know that 16% of all engagements take place in December? And guess what… those couples are likely searching for wedding vendors in January and February. Are you ready? Have you evaluated your sales process from last season? What about your website? I recently attended Alan Berg’s Engagement Season Webinar to help prepare for the new year. These are just a few of his tips to get you started: 1. Use video on your website-short and sweet is best-60-90 second clips of your guests having fun. 2. Update your reviews. No potential bride wants to read your reviews from 2016. Alan also suggests having reviews or testimonials on every page on your website with no more than three sentences. 3. Do your pricing and packages need a makeover? If you booked every client, you met with last year perhaps it is time for a price increase. If you had a difficult year booking jobs, perhaps you could enhance your pricing or package to include more time, additional lighting, without having to lower

your pricing. All good things to review as we start the new year. 4. Are you still e-mailing a novel’s worth of information in an initial inquiry, or even worse, are you attaching a 10-page pdf? The initial e-mail is the beginning of a conversation, and you don’t want to scare your clients away right out of the gate. Your initial response should be a few sentences. Be concise, be yourself and ask questions that will lead to a meeting or better yet, a sale right over the phone. When you send an e-mail with a question or call to ac-

late discussion? And are you wisely using hashtags that will get you discovered by local clients and event professionals? Maybe it’s your website that has been neglected. Every client nowadays cyber-stalks us before they contact us and for many people that means spending time on our website Are they finding a site that is “just stacked” or something that is updated often and shows your true skills as a DJ? Are you blogging often enough to help your SEO or does Google completely ignore you? How about your set-up? When was the last time you set up for an event and then took a step back and took a really good look at your rig? I did that recently and couldn’t believe how dirty my beautiful white facade had gotten. I was embarrassed I hadn’t noticed it sooner. Bad job on my part. And while we’re talking about aesthetics, how about your own personal look. When we the last time you bought a new suit or outfit for your events? Are you up on the latest fashions? Did you know that Living Coral is the color of the year

for 2019? Do you know what Living Coral is? And finally, maybe it’s your talent. How often do you practice mixing? Have you ever taken an MC workshop? Ever take a dance class? All of these things can help improve your talents which will help you stand out in your market as a premium DJ who commands top dollar for his or her services. By the way, if you are looking to take a microphone workshop, I’ll be hosting them at Mobile Beat’s show in Las Vegas this March. Take my friend Stephen’s advice. When it comes to cheese platters, no one pays for “just stacked.” People have expectations and the reason The Cheese Cave is busy all year long and SLAMMED during the Holidays, is that Stephen and his staff know that quality and presentation go hand in hand. We need to know that too. Nothing in our businesses should be “just stacked.” Everything deserves that extra bit of care and concern. As 2019 gets started, now is the time to target what needs improvement and get to work on it. Happy New Year! Let’s have an awesome 2019! Mike Walter is the owner of Elite Entertainment of New Jersey and a nationally recognized expert in the area of multisystem company development and staff training. You can contact Mike at mikewalter@discjockeynews.com.

tion, it keeps the conversation going and feels much more natural. 5. Don’t give up easily. If you haven’t received a “no” response, the opportunity for a sale is still there. It is perfectly acceptable to follow up multiple times. Remember, the couple reached out to you because they were interested in YOUR company, so don’t be afraid to be persistent. 6. Ask for a meeting (phone or in person). If you don’t ask you may be missing out. Most couples truly do not know what to ask, and they may feel uncomfortable asking to meet because they simply do not know the protocol. After all, how many times does a couple book a DJ? What is your opportunity cost of giving up?

Ask for the meeting; ask for the sale, and book more business in 2019! Please feel free to share your comments with me at: tamarasims@discjockeynews.com or tamara@something2dance2.com Tamara is the Director of Sales and Marketing for Something 2 Dance 2 DJ Entertainment in Schaumburg, IL, which she proudly owns along with her husband Jay Sims. She has over 20 years experience in the wedding industry and loves creating wonderful wedding memories for her brides and grooms.

January 2019 In This Issue:

Page 2: Mike Walter Page 2: Tamara Sims Page 4: Mitch Taylor Page 5: Rachel Lynch Page 6: Ron Ruth Page 7: Harvey Mackay www.discjockeynews.com www.djntv.com 29442 120th St. Grey Eagle, MN 56336 Phone: 320-285-2323 Published by The Disc Jockey News

Editor/Educational Production Manager/ Sales For DJNews and DJNTV John Young john@discjockeynews.com 320-285-2323 office 612-597-4499 cell

Page 8: Alan Berg Page 9: Jeffrey Gitomer Page 10: Rob Ferre Page 10: Brian Kelm Page 11: Mike Lenstra Page 12: Matt Anderson

Deadlines: Advertisement deadlines are the 20th of the month. The publication is distributed on the 1st of every month. Subscriptions: Subscriptions to the Disc Jockey News are $30.00/year for US addresses. Subscribe online at: http://www.discjockeynews.com/subscribe Advertising: Our ad takers have no authority to bind this newspaper and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.

Page 13: Joe Bunn Page 14: Stevie Ray Page 15: Top 50 Charts Page 15: Different Spin Page 16: Year End Charts Disc Jockey News is published monthly by John Young DBA the Disc Jockey News, 29442 120th St., Grey Eagle MN 56336. Periodicals Postage Paid as Sauk Centre, MN and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Disc Jockey News, 29442 120th St., Grey Eagle, MN 56336.

Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 3

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PAGE 4 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

The 3 Rs and Goal Setting By Mitch Taylor

What do you do specifically do for your end of the year and to kick off expectations and goal setting for the new year ahead? L e t ’ s look at Goal Setting first. What are your overall goals for your company? Are they being achieved? Maybe they are...and maybe they’re not. If your financial goals are not being met, might I suggest you check out Mike Michalowicz’s book Profit First, and my good friend Jason Spencer’s coursework and community Profithood.Academy. Mike’s book combined with Jason’s know-how of the mobile DJ world will assist you in your own goals and getting what you specifically want out of your business. Maybe your goals are not financial based but more processed base. Most people need support and possibly a coach to achieve these kinds of goals. My friend Matt Radicelli from Rock The House in Cleveland is probably one of the best mentors I know to help you with this. Reach out to him and tell him I sent you. :) Now let’s examine the 3 Rs. The first of those is Results. What were the results of your efforts for the last year? Do you have a report card on your team and the events they perform? Our staff fills out a report card

(event feedback form) on every event they do. This helps me stay abreast of what’s going on out on the road each and every weekend and also allows me to get feedback on our team members from each other come review time at the end of the year. Maybe you’re not a multi-talent company, maybe you’re a single-op. What are the reviews from your client’s saying about you? That’s your own report card, and it reflects upon your entire business and public image. The next R is, you guessed it...Reviews. Our staff goes through their own personal review at the end of the year to determine raises and their growth potential in our company as well. They are rated on things such as Image, Reliability, Troubleshooting, Logistics, Office Interaction and much more. Their scores are numeric, and if they get over 70% on their performance review, then they receive a raise for the following year. We then discuss specifically their Outline of Goals for the following year and then what their Next Steps are to achieve those goals. We come to a consensus at the end of the meeting of what they feel they need to work on and how they want to move forward with our company. The final R is rewards. How are you going to reward your team for a job well done...and how are you going to reward yourself? There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel…(and no that light, hopefully, isn’t an oncoming train). Last year I rewarded our team members with plaques showing them how many events they had performed

for Taylored Weddings as recognition and thanking them for their service, as well as handing out their bonuses. This year, we didn’t do the plaques but instead opted to give out autographed copies of fellow DJ News writer Mike Walter’s book “On This Date In Music.” It was a well-received gift, along with bonuses of course, and the staff all took a picture that Mike personally called me to thank me for as well. Rewards don’t have to be monetary but often are. The point of the reward is to give one where and when it’s deserved and to provide a goal worth working towards. What goals are you setting and how

are you incorporating the 3 Rs into your 2019 plans? Drop me a line at mitchtaylor@discjockeynews.com and let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Mitch Taylor is an 18 year veteran of the mobile disc jockey industry, starting out on the cruise ships of Carnival Cruise Lines. He is a member of the American Disc Jockey Association. Mitch owns and operates Taylored Entertainment in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and can be reached at 906.786.6967 or via email at mitchtaylor@discjockeynews.com.

More Than Just A DJ By Rachel Lynch

Controller or mixer? Check. An enormous database of music? Check. Professional audio gear? Check. 500 business c a r d s ? C h e c k . Fancy lighting? Check. NOW you can call yourself a DJ. Or can you? In today’s technological and competitive market merely having professional DJ gear and knowing how to use isn’t enough. To make an impact in this unique industry, a DJ must wear many hats and wear them well. As a DJ who has reached a pinnacle in their career after 13 years, my view of what a DJ is had shifted 180 degrees from when I started. Looking back, I had no idea about the extra skills and flexibility needed beyond the decks and turntables to make it in this business. Even though technology has eased some of the burdens of being a mobile DJ with convenient gear and much more portable options a DJ in 2018 has a job more challenging than ever. The Salesman: I hate sales, or so I thought. I’ve always thought of myself as a terrible salesperson. In fact, every job I have ever upheld growing up has avoided two things, sales and math (the kind of math I was told I would need growing up and never did). When I decided to become a DJ, I figured it would be a safe way to avoid those two things. To my surprise, years later I have realized I couldn’t be more wrong. Selling your services is one of the most essential skills to develop as a DJ. After all, getting the job is just as important as having the gear. One of the most significant changes I made to my sales approach was to stop selling “equipment and years of experience” and start focusing on selling “me and my value as a DJ.” In the absence of value, everyone shops on price. The key is to show them why having YOU as their DJ will positively impact the total experience they are

seeking. Personality, charm, wit, kindness, dependability, and approachability are more important than the number of watts on the back of your powered sub. Honestly, nobody cares, but other DJs. While most of us never wanted to be a salesperson, and “just wanted to be a DJ” it’s just not that simple anymore. Sales are a part of what we do. I wish I had embraced this earlier on and wasn’t so stubborn on doing what I thought DJs did, just DJ. The Marketing Manager: Before social media took the world by storm, DJs relied heavily on promoters, the Yellow Pages (I’m dating myself now), word of mouth, business cards, and other less interactive platforms to get their brand out there. With so many options and types of social media to choose from it’s imperative to realize how our customers want to interact with us and view our “product.” It can be overwhelming, epically for those who are intimidated by technology and social media; however, it is now the task of a DJ to be current and involved with effective marketing and selecting the appropriate channels for their customer base. I’m not here to tell you how to market but rather why you need to. Word of mouth will always be the best advertising, but unfortunately, DJs working in the current climate will need to do their own promotions, ads, flyers, videos, and social media management if they want to be recognized as a player in this arena. Luckily, there are a lot of great apps that make creating promotional content a breeze. Some of my favorites are Canva, Clips, iMovie, Spark Post, Spark Video, LiveCollage, Grammarly. The R & D Department: Between YouTube viral videos, curated Spotify lists, SoundCloud, other music related apps; today’s DJ has an enormous task on staying on top of the charts, new dances, pop culture, news,

Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 5 and current trends. “DJs play music, much of what we do is beyond looking right? Why do I need to pay attention at the Billboard Top 100. Music conto all this extra noise beyond the current nects beyond what our ears hear. DJing music chart-toppers?” Well, I tell you is not just about the music anymore; it’s why because 75- 80% of the music in- about what’s going on around us too. dustry comes from digital distribution. Do your homeworking (unlike you did Music today is being pushed out at an in middle school) and dedicate someastonishing rate from multiple sources. time per week to do some pop culture Acquiring music today is instantaneous, searching and news. It will keep you and our audience is becoming more in- fresh and current. Trust me. The I.T Department: telligent and savvy about finding the While technology has made Djing music they love and listening to it the way they want to. It’s no longer about much more portable it has also caused what local radio DJs to master the tech arena as well. is pumping out or From DMX programming, web design, the DJ breaking correctly setting EQ values, to firmware new tracks. Now updates and wireless technology a DJ more than ever, is also their personal tech department. DJs have the Not to mention knowing your equiptask of research- ment’s applications and limitations as ing and staying well as troubleshooting when things on top of what go wrong (which they do). This means their audience doing research, rolling up your sleeves already knows and getting your hands dirty. Technoland loves. There ogy is only going to move forward, and is also a connec- we have to too. DJing in 2018 is much tion between pop more complex than two turntables and culture and what a microphone. So for those who are just getting music is currently trending. For started, be prepared to grow and learn example, a song in ways you never thought you would that was under have to. We are more than “just a DJ.” the radar finally explodes due to some Happy Mixing! You can find Rachel’s articles each high school who created a funny dance that is now a viral video or maybe a con- month on the Promo Only newsletter. troversial performance on the MTV mu- You can sign up at http://www.prosic awards where now people are inter- moonly.com to catch it each month! Rachel Lynch can be reached at ested in the song because of what they saw. With shows like X-Factor and the rachellynch@discjockeynews.com. Voice, our music is now tangled in pop culture, TV, YouTube stars, and overnight music streaming sensations. So

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PAGE 6 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

Five Predictions Of 2019 Customer Experience Trends By Ron Ruth

Over the past year or so I’ve been writing a lot about customer experience. I’ve become something of an evangelist in spreading the value and benefit delivering “WOW!” customer experiences can bring to business owners like you. It wasn’t long ago that experts said that customer experience is the next competitive battlefield. But, Anette Fanz, Founder & CEO of CX Journey INC has another opinion that I’m inclined to believe. She says, “Customer experience isn’t the next anything. It’s the here and now! It’s the current “Battlefield.” It’s the battlefield of yesterday. Why do these analysts keep coming up with those great headlines, and yet they know in their heart of hearts that companies need to be focusing on the experience today? The purpose of any business is to create (and nurture) a customer. Every day. Not two years from now. Today.” It could be said businesses are already at “war.” Numerous, large-scale consumer surveys conducted over the past few years confirm the notion that delivering “WOW!” customer experiences has or will become an even greater priority for most companies. That’s because, even though 80% of businesses believe they’ve gotten the whole “WOW!” customer experience delivery thing down to a fine art, less than 10% of consumers agree. Today, more and more businesses are following the lead of major brands known for delivering “WOW!” experiences. Those companies really have mastered CX delivery because they respect the long-term value and benefit of delivering those experiences.

A Gartner study from 2015 predicted that with the beginning of this new year, 2019, over 50% of businesses will invest more money into customer experience. Knowing that customers are willing to pay more for a product or service from businesses that deliver a better experience, is your business ready to jump into the CX delivery fray? As 2018 becomes history, everybody’s making projections and goals for the new year. Making note of winning trends and what successful companies are planning for the year ahead is one way to hone your customer experience delivery process. Here are my five, “WOW!” customer experience predictions that will most impact your customers and your business in 2019. Your Customers Will Expect More Warm and Fuzzy Feelings: You’ve chosen friends that make you feel good about spending time with them. Your mentors and business associates are people who make you feel secure because you share a mutual trust and respect. You continually do business as a consumer with others who make you feel appreciated with every contact. Without the positive feelings or emotions, these interactions create, you’d feel no loyalty to remain in those relationships and move on. Chances are, if you didn’t feel some sort of immediate emotional connection at first contact, you wouldn’t have been in those relationships in the first place. Your customers expect to enjoy those same warm, fuzzy feelings of belonging, care, and appreciation with your business and brand. Yes, the quality of the products and/or services you provide are extremely important, but their value takes second place to the emotional connection you make with your customer. That connection can determine the strength and length of their relationship with you because it drives their passion, loyalty, and advocacy. The emotional connection your clients feel they have with your brand is directly proportionate to how they feel about the experience of doing business with your brand---now and in the future. That’s why

successful corporations like Zappos, Disney, Dell, Apple, Nordstrom, Virgin Atlantic, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks and Amazon focus so heavily on creating an amazing client/customer experience. They know their customers will reward them through return business and referrals for years to come. Your Customers Will Become More Astute Comparison Shoppers: Your customers know what they want and expect when it comes to the experiences they want to enjoy. But, here’s the thing. Customers don’t just compare your business to your competitor’s business anymore. They’re no longer comparing your apples to other business apples. They’re now comparing your apples to everybody else’s oranges or pears or grapes or mixed fruit---and maybe even vegetables. In other words, customers compare you to the best service they have ever received – from any company they do business with---regardless of the industry. So, what are some companies that you enjoy doing business with and where you might even pay more for their service or product because they make you feel valued, special, important? What lessons can you learn from those interactions that you can implement into your own business? What are you waiting for? No one has a patent on the delivery of “WOW!” customer experiences. Knock yourself out. The sky’s the limit. Your Customers Will Expect A More Humanized Experience: Treat customers as part of your business’s extended family. Research studies have found that 64 percent of consumers point to shared values as the main reason they have a strong relationship with a business. They feel a sense of belonging. As humans, we tend to gravitate towards other humans who genuinely have our best interest at heart. That type of relationship makes us feel valued, special and loved. We love hanging out with people who make us feel good about ourselves. Care about and for your customers sincerely and compassionately. I know this step should be obvious, but care and empathy

are paramount in producing a sense of wellbeing. There are many reasons why a client will abandon their relationship with a company, but their perception that the company didn’t care is almost always at the top of that list. Every customer is a V.I.P.---a Valuable Indispensable Patron. They deserve your empathy. The moment they sense they are being treated as nothing more than a transaction, they will look for other options. Your Customers Experience Is A Reflection Your Team’s Experience: It’s been said that what happens on the inside of a business is going to be felt on the outside by the customer. That’s why businesses are placing more importance on establishing a company culture that is as attentive to the needs of its employees as they want them to be to their customers. When your staff feels appreciated and cared for, they are more likely to reciprocate through respect and appreciation of each other. They’ll also convey that same respect, care, and appreciation to your customers. Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies built around happy workforces says, “Your employees are your company’s real competitive advantage. They’re the ones making the magic happen–so long as their needs are being met.” You’d be hard pressed to find fault with that bold statement. Employees are not going to enjoy coming into work if they feel under-appreciated. On the flip side, research indicates that 87% of employees who are happy with their jobs are willing to work extremely hard for their business’s customers. Satisfied employees are also more productive, more efficient, will work harder, contribute more, and have better attendance records. When entrusted with the power of autonomy, the ability to act in the best interest of the customer without the need to get permission first, they’ll feel even more appreciated and remain loyal to the business and its culture. Spotlighting a good employee experience

Ron Ruth Continued On Page 7

Positive Thinking Has No Negative By Harvey Mackay

In my favorite comic strip “Peanuts,” drawn by Charles Schulz, Lucy asks Charlie Brown what day of the week he likes best. For the next few frames, we see Charlie thinking and thinking. Finally, he says, “You know, I’ve always been kind of fond of tomorrow.” For once, I have to disagree with good old Charlie Brown. My favorite day is Today, because every morning when I wake up, Today is what I have to work with. With the New Year upon us, I have a challenge for you. Stop worrying about that which you cannot control. Many years ago, this advice came from Robert Jones Burdette, an American humorist and clergyman: “There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept from fear and apprehension.” Various versions by numerous authors expanded on that theme: One of these days is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone. The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow’s sun will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet unborn. And then we get to the meat of the argument: This leaves only one day – Today. Any person can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens

of those two awful eternities – Yesterday and Tomorrow – that we break down. It is not the experience of Today that drives people mad – it is remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what will happen Tomorrow. Let that sink in for a minute. Today is the only day we can take action and have an impact. Sure, we learn from Yesterday. And of course, we plan for Tomorrow. But unless we approach each day with a renewed positive outlook, we are wasting enormous potential. And that is what I challenge you to exploit to the max. Use every tool in your toolbox to build on the traits you need to think and act positively each day. These include reliability, communication and listening skills, cooperation, loyalty and humor, among other qualities. If you are concerned that you are weak in any of these areas, resolve to improve. Make a New Year’s promise to yourself to not waste another minute on negative thinking. Make every Today better than Yesterday. I had the honor of knowing Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who endorsed my first book, “Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.” Dr. Peale happened to have a best seller of his own which you have probably heard of: “The Power of Positive Thinking.” That book, which he wrote in 1952, has sold more than five million copies. I recommend it as an essential volume on every business person’s bookshelf. Among the gems you’ll find in “Positive Thinking” are thoughts such as these: “You do not need to be a victim of worry. Reduced to its simplest form, what is worry? It is simply an unhealthy and destructive mental habit.” “The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.” “When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to you.” “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but rea-

Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 7 sonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. But with sound self-confidence you can succeed. A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but selfconfidence leads to self-realization and successful achievement.” Dr. Peale’s writings will inspire you to look at life through a more positive lens. Take a little time in the New Year to read – or reread – this valuable resource. Trust me, I dust off my well-worn copy whenever I start

to worry about Yesterday and Tomorrow instead of celebrating the opportunities I have Today. Mackay’s Moral: Have a positively Happy New Year! Reprinted with permission from nationally syndicated columnist Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times #1 bestseller “Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive,” “We Got Fired!...And It’s the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us,” and “The Mackay MBA of Selling in the Real World.

Ron Ruth Continued From Page 6 can create a better customer experience. Your Customers Will Be In Search Of Less Epic, More Caring Experiences: According to the Harvard Business School, increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent increases profits by 25 percent to 95 percent. That’s why so many small business owners are looking for even the smallest way to make a difference in the lives of its customers. They know you can’t create loyal customers if there’s nothing special about their business. It is imperative to search for ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace—but sometimes the most memorable experiences are the least epic and delivered at a minimal cost to the business. In an article on HelpScout.com, “The Frugal WOW: How Small Gestures Create Lasting Loyalty,” marketing strategist, Gregory Ciotti writes, “The essence of the ‘frugal WOW’—is the creation, practice, and implementation of small gestures that create lasting loyalty.” We all love it when someone does something unexpected for us. It makes us happy and feel better about ourselves and others. And, that “something” doesn’t have to be epic. It’s the thought that counts often carries tremendous value if it gives your customers the feeling that something positive happened to them. A “WOW!” customer experience isn’t measured by how much it cost, it’s measured by how much you cared. In 2019, if your business is experiencing stagnation, it’s most likely because your “WOW!” customer experience delivery process has either failed or is non-existent. One thing is certain, in this new year the unique delivery of a “WOW!” customer experience will become even more vital in distinguishing your business as the standard bearer of

excellence---differentiating you from the competition. Look over my predictions and focus on one or two that appeal most to you or where you already know your business needs work. Let that be the starting point for delivering even better “WOW!” customer experiences for your customers in 2019. Bonus Prediction: 2019 Will Be The Year Your Business Learns To Speak Fluent “WOW!”: “WOW!” is the language of high-paying customers who will also become your most loyal, raving fans. These are the customers every business wants to attract most. And, I can teach you how. From now through January 31st, Disc Jockey News readers can receive a complimentary, one-hour customer experience design consultation with me. You’ll learn how to ditch your outdated, unemotional, transactional business model as I walk you step-by-step through the process of designing “WOW!” experiences that produce real, long-term relationships with customers who are so happy, and trusting, they’ll be itching to pay, and pay you more, for your products or services. Request your complimentary consult by email: RonRuth@DiscJockeyNews.com Ron Ruth has been on the front lines of weddings celebrations for over 25 years as a Disc Jockey and certified, Wedding Entertainment Director®. He’s a well-known speaker and workshop facilitator in the DJ and wedding industries, a client experience designer and coach and a self-described Disney “Geek.” Get Ron’s FREE e-book, “The Client Experience Demystified” at RonRuth.com. You can reach Ron at 816224-4487 or RonRuth@DiscJockeyNews. com

PAGE 8 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

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It’s the end of wedding season and the end of the year, which means it’s also engagement season. The top 10 days to get engaged are happening NOW! That means a new crop of couples needing your services – yeah! It also means it’s a great time to take a look at the products and services you’ll be offering them – and at what prices. A WeddingWire WedInsights study reported that couples prefer to start with packages, versus a-la-carte. While a-la-carte pricing can give them more information, it can be overwhelming for the novice consumer – which describes most of your couples. Imagine if a restaurant gave you a list of ingredients in the kitchen, instead of a menu of their appetizers and entrees; theoretically, it’s more information, it’s just not helpful. Those menu items are packages of ingredients, prepared a certain way. Make it easy to buy Your goal is to make it as easy as possible to buy from you, even when your prices are higher… rather, especially when your prices are higher. If you have higher prices – and make it harder for them to decide – they’ll find someone else who makes it easier to decide; sometimes at higher prices, sometimes at lower. You want to avoid ‘decision paralysis.’ That’s when they get overwhelmed by the choices and choose not to decide at all. I don’t care how many products or services you have, no one needs them all. Your job is to reduce their choices, so the one or two options you present to them appear to exactly fit their needs. Power of three’s While many of you have heard me speak about having three packages: Low/basic (out of season), Most popular, and Kitchen Sink – no one needs them all. Rather than showing them all, to everyone, ask them better questions to determine which one (or ones), will get them the results that they want.

By Alan Berg

Then only show them those options, and ask for the sale, regardless of their budget (called Top-Down Selling). If many of your couples say, “You’ve given us so much to think about, we need to go home and process it all.” That’s your fault. Don’t dazzle them with your product knowledge; charm them with your care and attention to getting them the results they want. Back to pricing Is it time to raise your prices? For many wedding pros, the answer is yes, be it a little, or a lot. Remember that every dollar you raise your prices, without changing the package/products included, is additional profit for you. Conversely, every dollar you discount – without taking anything away – is profit you gave away. How do you know if you can raise your prices? Just play a little game. Ask yourself how many of your couples, in the last year, would have paid more to have you do their wedding? How much more? $10? $50? $100? $500? When you get to the point where most couples would still pay that amount more, but not all, and you feel relatively confident that you could refill the dates for those that say, “No,” then you’re at the right price. You may not be able to raise all of your prices, but how about some? Are your prices for DJing their wedding at the right price, but maybe you can raise the Gobo price a little? Is the menu price person for the plated dinner at the right level, but you can raise the food station price? If your business does a large volume, small changes can make a big difference. One friend of mine books musicians for ceremonies, cocktail hours, etcetera; each year he books hundreds of events. He raised his prices $25 per event, and the following year made an additional $12,000 in profit. If you do 50 weddings per year and can add another $50 per event, that’s $2,500 in profit! That looks like someone is going on vacation! Three ways to earn more Raising your prices is one way to earn more. Doing more volume is another, but that’s not always an option. Some of you are already maxed out on the number of events you can, or want, to do. Option 3 is to have a higher average sale. To me, that’s the best place to start, Alan as every of you can that.9 Bergone Continued Ondo Page






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Secret of Selling... Why Do YOU buy? By Jeffrey Gitomer

Think about the last few things you purchased. They hold the secrets to increasing your sales. Giving a seminar, I was in a stream-ofconsciousness talking about buying motives and why people buy. As usual, I was focused on the customer side, the probable purchaser side, the buyer side of the equation. Then out of the blue I said, “Think of something that you just purchased. Why did you buy it?” All of a sudden a one million watt light bulb went off inside my head. One of those instantaneous A-HA messages. I discovered an answer, and it’s an answer that everyone can understand. If you list the last ten things that you purchased you will discover the motives behind your own buying decisions, and at the same time, you will discover the formula for why others buy. Those “others” are your prospects, your potential customers, you know, the ones that you are erroneously trying to “sell.” When you list the ten items, do it on a spreadsheet. In the second column write down whether you needed what you bought, or just wanted it. In the third column, write down whether you could afford it on the spot, or you went over budget and had to charge it. In the next column, write down how you purchased. Did you go to them, did they come to you, or did you buy it online? If you bought it online, you might want to enter what time of day you bought it. Interesting to note that a high percentage of online purchases are made after 8:00 pm.

In the next column, write down whether or not you liked the salesperson (assuming there was one). In the next column, write down the percentage of influence that the salesperson had in completing the sale - one being the low, one hundred being the high. In the next column, enter your risk factor in making the purchase - one being the low, one hundred being the high. In other words, how much did you fear the purchase, and how much did you fear you were making the right purchase before you bought (usually the higher the purchase, home, car, the more hesitancy). In the next column, write the word “price” or “value.” If you went for price only, write price. If you went for value, the most, then write value. There’s a caution here: only put the word “price” if you went for the lowest price in the category, not the lowest price for the item. In other words, if you bought a BMW you didn’t buy price, you bought value regardless of where you bought it. In the next column, rate your experience by percentage, one being the low and one hundred being the high. One meaning “I’ll never come back,” and one hundred meaning, “I’ll be back, buy again, and tell my friends.” Then in the final column, write a sentence or two about how it happened. The story. If it takes three sentences, make it three. But write enough so that you understand what caused you to make the purchase of the item, and then what caused you to make the purchase from that specific company for that specific product or service. Now you have enough criteria to identify your own answers. Once you read over the spreadsheet you may find that you want to modify a few of them to get closer to your own reality. Pretty simple so far, huh? Let’s take it a little deeper. When you finished buying were you happy? Did you find yourself saying it was OK, but…? It’s important that you note all

Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 9 the “buts.” The buts are the obstacle to your There’s a hidden treasure. Of course purchases AND your sales. Did you learn there is, whenever you go down to the botlessons each time you bought about what tom of the ocean, the object is to find the you promised yourself you wouldn’t do hidden treasure. The hidden treasure will again? Those are the same obstacles to your be revealed to you when you go read (or sales. And were there cases where you se- re-read) Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. lected one vendor over another? Note those Conwell. All the sales-answers you need reasons because those are the same obsta- are buried in your own backyard. cles to your sales. You already possess the treasure. You Now let’s go all the way to the bottom of just haven’t discovered it yet. the ocean. Compare the way you buy to the Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of way you sell. How congruent are they? How twelve best-selling books including compatible are they? Are you throwing up The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book the same barriers that the people you bought of Selling, The Little Gold Book of Yes! from gave you? Are you missing the same Attitude, and 21.5 Unbreakable Laws nuances in your selling process that caused of Selling. His real-world ideas and you to buy or walk away? content are also available as online And so now it’s time for the ultimate courses at www.GitomerVT.com. For question: Would you buy from yourself? information about training and semiUnfortunately, the ultimate answer is: prob- nars visit www.Gitomer.com or www. ably not, and the reason is, you haven’t GitomerCertifiedAdvisors.com, or modified your selling process to harmonize email Jeffrey personally at salesman@ with the way your prospects buy. gitomer.com. Alan Berg Continued From Page 8 Raising your prices can result in a higher average sale, but so can selling more products and services to each couple. Don’t just sell them more, help them see that there are better results that they want, and help them buy those results. People’s priorities drive their budgeting; so, if it’s important to them, they’ll find the additional money. The budget is busted! The latest Newlywed Report by WeddingWire, on the WedInsights website, showed that “Couples underestimate how much they’ll spend on their wedding by roughly 40%.” They may come to you with a budget and, as they say down south, “bless their hearts,” they’re trying to stick to it. When reality sinks in, and they see that the results they want will require a higher budget, they often choose more of your upsells; that is, if you ask them again. Just because they said no to the additional singer in the band when they contracted, doesn’t mean they’ll say no if you ask them later. Just because they said no to the Sand

Ceremony, or Tying the Knot, doesn’t mean they’ll say no if you ask them again later. Remember, if you don’t ask, the answer is always No! The biggest regret If there’s one thing that I consistently hear from wedding pros like you, when it comes to pricing, it’s that once you’ve raised them, you’re sorry you hadn’t raised them sooner. There’s an old saying: “When’s the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago. When’s the second-best time? Today!” Your goal should be to make more profit while helping more couples have amazing weddings. Whether it’s a little or a lot, the best time to raise your prices is today! Alan Berg has been called “North America’s Leading Expert and Speaker on the Business of Weddings and Events”. Find out more about his speaking, website reviews, consulting, books, DVDs and audio presentations at http:// www.AlanBerg.com - email or call Alan, 732.422.6362

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PAGE 10 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

Don’t Make Resolutions, Make Promises To Your Clients By Rob Ferre

It’s a new year, and you probably said going into this year “2019 is gonna be the best one yet!” You probably made a variety of goals and resolutions for 2019. I am proud of you that you want to level up your success and be the best you. I get it, I do this too but a couple of years ago shifted from making resolutions to making goals. A mentor of mine Jason Hewlett who is a world class entertainer, singer and speaker taught me the power of the promise. He speaks on the power of the promise and how it can not impact our business but or personal lives also. Having resolutions and goals for the new year are great but what Jason has taught me that a promise is a proclamation. We are more likely to keep our promises when maybe a resolution will only fade within a month’s time. How many New Year’s resolutions have you made and not kept? How many promises have you made and kept? I resolve that we strive to make promises for the new year. Who do we make promises to and what promises do we make? In my training with Jason, he encouraged me to make a promise to my clients and the audience that I serve. Also, make promises to my family and last to what he calls “the one.” Who is the one in your

life? Is it your spouse? Your God? Yourself? I first and foremost as an entertainer think about the promises I make to my clients and audience. They expect the most of us. I don’t expect to be the best DJ in the world, but I expect to be the best for my clients. Give my audience the best of myself and 100% of my energy and focus. If you are like me, you may be doing multiple events throughout the week, and it can be tiring. But our clients expect us to give them the best show possible. So what promises are you making to your audience this year? Some of the promises I make can be simple but exemplify my brand and consistency. I promise to show up earlier to my events that I say I will. I promise to be 100% present at my events. I promise to be prepared with my music and performance materials before my show. There are a variety of things you can start doing today to fulfill that promise. Sometimes with our jobs, we forget why we are doing this. One of my biggest “why’s” is providing for my family. Keeping the promises to my wife from our wedding our wedding day is a big

motivator. It is also why I work. I want to provide and give her the life I had promised her when I got engaged to her. One of the biggest goals I made this last year was to take my wife with me whenever I had the chance to travel for my work. I

haven’t been able to take her every time, but when she is available from her career as a performer, we make it work. I also promise to be more present with my family and wife. I also promise to bring energy home. So often I have worked so hard and didn’t properly give my wife the attention and time she deserves. I am often keeping that promise by giving time and energy to our relationship. Last keeping my promise to the “One.” For me, this is personal but has a lot to do with my beliefs and faith. Keeping your promise to core beliefs and faith will help you be consistent. There are times when I have been challenged and I worry does this go against the prom-

ises I have made and the beliefs I hold true to my soul. One of my core beliefs in integrity. I am not perfect but I strive to be, and if I remember my promise to the One I will be on the right track. One thing I strongly believe in is keeping your contracts which are promises. I had an amazing offer to do an event in Venice Italy of all places in the world. I was so tempted to jump on the offer, but I had already had a contract a promise to do a wedding here in Utah. Utah vs. Venice: I know it’s not a hard choice but I made a promise to a client, and I would worry so much about the ramifications if I decided to take the higher paying event in Venice of all places. There are times we have to make a difficult decision, but I worry if I break my promise things could be a lot worse. Knowing the promise I made with my wedding client in Utah made it easy for me to say no. As we move into 2019, I encourage you to look at the resolutions you are making and turn them into promises which are proclamations of who you are. As my friend Jason Hewlett taught me, keeping my promise to my audience, my family and the One will define who I am as an entertainer and person. Here’s to 2019 and the promise keepers. You can connect with him at RobFerre@discjockeynews.com.

Hustle or Get Left Behind! By Brian Kelm

There is only one limit as to what you can achieve and how much action you can take on a daily basis! That limit is OURSELVES and how bad we want to succeed, thrive, and be the expert for all the people and businesses we serve as customers! Nobody can tell you how hard you can work, train, and good you can be – this is all on you and the hustle, grit, and commitment you want to put forth on a consistent, day-to-day basis for years! If you want anything these days, you have to earn it and outwork everybody around you. Who wants more usually gets rewarded. The time goes by regardless of if we get anything done, so use it wisely or an entire day or more is lost forever. It is your precious asset, and all of us get the same amount, so what makes the difference? How we choose to use it and make it work for us. Having your plan of what to do

set the night before, getting up early, working hard, cutting out all distractions, not wasting any opportunities, and being grateful for what you have and you work for will transform how you think, what you value, and who you become! If something shows up and it’s not a priority today, say “NO.” This discipline will shape what is important to you now and not get sidetracked by things of lesser importance. Every day you have an open canvas of how you invest your time and how valuable your time is based on the results you achieve! Nobody is going to do it for you, so you need to push yourself, grind it out, and stretch yourself further than you ever have before! In 2019, ask yourself the following questions: 1. “What am I hungry to achieve?” 2. “How do I plan on hustling and outworking everybody around me?” 3. “What projects would transform my life if I got them done?” Brian Kelm, CWEP, CGWP, WED Guild is a 25+ year wedding entertainment and planning professional that has been all over the United States. Based in Wisconsin. Serving Anywhere. He can be reached at briankelm@discjockeynews.com

The Way I See It: Finding The Hits In 2019 By Michael J. Lenstra

A LOOK BACK MTV launched at 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 1981. The first music video the channel played was the Buggles’ video for their 18-month-old #40 hit, “Video Killed the Radio Star,” which threw down the gauntlet, proclaiming that a new era was being born and the traditional medium of choice for listening to music—radio—was on its way out. But that really never came to pass; in fact, just the opposite seemed to have happened. Chris Feldman, author of The Billboard Book of #2 Singles, suggests that videos actually boosted radio. He states, “After several down years in the music industry in the early 1980s, MTV offered people what were essentially ‘four-minute commercials’ for new music that they may never have known about, prompting them to request those songs from the radio and ask for them in their local record stores. The ‘British Invasion’ of the 1980s, led by visual bands like Duran Duran and Culture Club, was largely prompted because people saw those acts and their videos on MTV.” A great example of the effect of music video at that time was Michael Jackson’s album Thriller. Released in late November of 1982, and previewed by the Paul McCartney duet “The Girl Is Mine,”

which had no music video but nonetheless hit #2 on the pop chart, the album sold steadily, but couldn’t overcome Men at Work’s Business As Usual to top the album charts its first couple months of release. That moment finally came in February 1983, as Michael’s hit “Billie Jean,” powered by its iconic music video, started a seven-week run at #1. That song pushed the album to the top of the sales chart as well, where it stayed for the next three months, as Michael’s followup single “Beat It” (also accompanied by a memorable video) also hit #1. For the last half of 1983, although the album occasionally returned to #1 for a week here and there as Michael kept hitting the Top 10 with songs like “Human Nature” and “P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing),” which didn’t have music videos, most of that time the best-selling albums belonged to the Police, Quiet Riot, and Lionel Richie. In early December, however, Michael released his epic 14-minute video for the song “Thriller.” Although the song itself only reached #4, the album (which by that point had been out for over a year) jumped back to #1 on the album chart at the end of December and stayed as the best-selling album each week until midApril of 1984. As there were no other singles released from the album (in fact, Michael was topping the charts at that time with another Paul McCartney duet, “Say Say Say,” that didn’t even appear on Thriller). It seemed the prime driver of the renewed interest in the album was the release of that video, giving Michael his seventh Top 10 hit from the album. That suggests that, rather than killing the radio star, video helped revive the radio star— prior to Thriller, only five albums (two

Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 11 of them soundtracks) had ever generated Clarence Carter’s “Strokin’,” which for a four Top 10 hits. During the video-rich time was certain to pack the dance floor, 1980s alone, 36 albums accomplished received almost no radio airplay because that feat, from acts such as Lionel Rich- of its suggestive lyrics. But people had to ie, Bruce Springsteen, Prince, Madonna, have found out about it from somewhere. George Michael, Milli Vanilli, Bobby If not radio, where? In those cases, the Brown, Debbie Gibson, Richard Marx, answer was often other dances where the Paula Abdul, Expose, Whitney Hous- song was played. WHAT TO DO ton, Genesis (and Phil Collins, solo), JaSo, if not radio, where are people disnet Jackson, Heart, Huey Lewis and the News, New Kids on the Block, and Mi- covering these new songs? Chris Feldman, who admits he rarely listens to traami Sound Machine, among others. ditional radio stations anymore, says he TODAY If music video failed to fulfill the bold finds new music from various sources. prophecy that the Buggles predicted and “I learned about ‘Gangnam Style’ from a make it a reality, the digital age may have Saturday Night Live sketch, and I heard done the job. In a report cited by an Au- a couple recent favorites from the show’s gust 2017 issue of Variety magazine, the musical acts. I learned about Rebecca future of radio as a main source of dis- Black’s ‘Friday’ because people on covering new music for the public may be Facebook were discussing how annoybleak. “AM/FM radio is in the midst of ing it was. I discovered Ariana Grande’s a massive drop-off as a music-discovery ‘Thank U, Next’ from a Yahoo article tool by younger generations, with self-re- that mentioned how she name-dropped ported listening to AM/FM radio among her ex’s in it. And every so often I’ll scan teens aged 13 and up declining by almost the Billboard Top 20, since that’s largely 50 percentage points between 2005 and sales and streaming driven, and check 2016,” according to a report published by those songs out on YouTube to stay up on New York University’s Steinhart Music what’s popular. The last liked song I reBusiness Program. “Generation Z (those member discovering from the radio was born after 1995), which is projected to Brandy Clarke’s ‘Girl Next Door,’ which account for 40% of all consumers in the I heard while getting a haircut. But as for U.S. by 2020, shows little interest in tra- how those songs that reach the pop chart ditional media, including radio, having initially get discovered? That’s probably grown up in an on-demand digital envi- a question for someone younger than ronment.” The survey found that digital me.” It was just a few years after that clasplatforms such as YouTube, Spotify, and Pandora Radio are now the mediums of sic Buggles song then that Freddy Merchoice where Generation Z and others go cury and Queen sang in Radio Ga Ga “You have the time you have the power; to discover new music. Adding to radio’s woes is the fact that You’ve yet to have your finest hour Ra“By 2020, 75% of new cars are expect- dio... “ The way I see it, that time may ed to be ‘connected’ to digital services, have come and gone. Finding that next breaking radio’s monopoly on the car big hit in the current age is much more dashboard and relegating AM/FM to just than just relying on radio to guide the one of a series of audio options behind the way. It practically requires watching social media, news articles, iTunes and wheel.” Of course, since the inception of the Amazon sales charts for digital music, Mobile DJ as an entertainment option, TV, screening new requests at events, DJs have often depended on radio and and so many other ways to see if a trend maybe the Billboard charts to help guide begins to appear. It may be the best way them to what would be the latest big floor to find the dance floor favorites in 2019. Until next month. packer at their next event. That has got~ Michael ~ ten increasingly more difficult given the Michael J. Lenstra is a self-described multitude of listening options that today’s listeners have. In the DJ world, however, Wedding DJ and is celebrating over 25 radio doesn’t always go hand-in-hand years in the Mobile DJ industry. He is a with what packs the dance floor. Songs full-time DJ/Entertainer, and is owner like ZZ Top’s “Sharp Dressed Man,” the of Alexxus Entertainment in Dubuque, Romantics’ “What I Like About You,” Iowa.He can be reached at mikelenand line dances like the Cha-Cha Slide, stra@discjockeynews.com the Cupid Shuffle, and the Electric Slide never reached Top 40 status. A song like

The Countdown Begins! You are looking at #12 in the last issues of the Disc Jockey News newspaper! Starting in January of 2020, we will be moving to a booklet publication which will be mailed out first class each month to DJNTV Insiders in both the US AND CANADA!! (Yay Canada! As they say, “It’s about time Eh!”) Current subscribers: If your renewal comes up in 2019, we will prorate your payment for the last issues which end December 2019. New Subscribers: Each month until September the subscription rate will go down as each issue is released. Starting in the fall of 2019, you can only subscribe as part of the DJNTV Insider area. Subscriptions for 2020: To get the new Disc Jockey News publication (think like a popular digest publication), you will need to be part of the DJNTV Insider area. Mailed copies will ONLY be sent to DJNTV Insiders! The DJNTV Insider area has exclusive member’s only video content, a private Facebook group for questions and learning, and in 2020, the only place to get the Disc Jockey News publication! You can join the DJNTV Insider area today and lock in the current rate! http://www.djntvinsider.com

PAGE 12 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

Getting Out of Your Own Way By Matt Anderson

The most common objection that I make to NOT being able to live the life I truly want is that I can’t afford it. That any necessary sacrifices would be too hard financially on me and my family. Most of my inner resistance bleats loudly in support of this like a herd of sheep who sense there’s a wolf nearby. So I feel quite lonely. My wife backed me four years ago on a business that I was sure would make millions and, since that landed me $80,000 in debt and contemplating bankruptcy, I feel quite lonely! BUT I, like you, have a different voice inside me too. A voice that is quietly telling me: To persevere That I can be really useful to plenty of people and That I should not be intimidated by others. It is scary because if I do give it my all and ‘fail’ or fall far short of what I’d love to see happen, then what? I don’t like to think about how that would make me feel. But that must not stop me or you. If you can relate, what do you do to tune into that supportive voice? Identify what brings you joy and purpose I started with a list of things I love to do and things I’d like to do more of. (I also listed what I wanted to stop doing and do less of - this was very helpful because I then worked hard to get them out of my calendar as quickly as possible). This could include simple activities that you can do nearby, and it could include a bucket list of all the things you’d love to do/be/have in the solar system before you die - whatever sounds more inspiring. Last week I went to see my favourite childhood football team for the first time since I was 10. Look, Aston Villa versus Rotherham (a team who hadn’t won away in 2.5 years!) was not going to be earth-shattering and televised globally as a life sensation, but the whole experience for me was quietly exciting and immensely satisfying. I had as much fun going to the gift shop and getting a scarf as I did seeing the match. It brought back some childhood thrill. A month ago my wife organised a tennis lesson for us. I hadn’t played since I was 11 when I’d quit because I was angry at my father. The lesson felt slightly euphoric at times even though it was an incredibly hot Caribbean day not meant for running around and swinging wildly at bouncing tennis balls. Finding clarity on your purpose can be a meaty topic. Simon Sinek’s Start with Why and Stephen Covey ‘s 7 Habits books are great places to begin. The point is to do more of the things you love. You will feel more than some joy. You will feel like you’re honouring yourself more, that you matter. This is HUGE because underlying much of why we don’t live beyond what we’re socially conditioned to achieve is some belief that we don’t really deserve to, that we’re not good enough. Your family, your place of work, and this world needs more people like you to disregard this totally useless so-called ‘life lesson’ that you’re not good enough.

You learned this most likely from people who - I’m willing to bet - have not since been celebrated on bookshelves, in poems, songs, plays or films as role models of near-human perfection for all times! 2. Soak up daily more of those positive feelings Abundance/plenty, love, success, accomplishment, creative spurts and happiness are all things to tune into on purpose every day AND stay there longer. Author Gay Hendricks explains that “by extending your ability to feel positive feelings, you expand your tolerance for things going well in your life.” Why? because it can feel increasingly like your new norm versus your old mediocre one. You are reprogramming your Mood Thermostat ever higher.

3. Schedule time for what you love every week Yes this is the only solution. You and I already know that we have the same number of hours in a day as Einstein, Mother Teresa, Richard Branson and Meryl Streep. Don’t listen to your excuses and your ego about how things are different for you. Yes I know you’re crazy busy and are running late for a/b/c. Me too. If you’re in a life situation like I was five years ago with new-born twins or you’re taking care of an ailing parent, then okay, you are in a temporary season that will pass before you know it. But nothing changes until you do. Even if all you start with is 30 minutes on a Sunday, start there. There is no magic solution. Either you do it and move towards a life you really love, or you don’t. Either you value what you say brings you joy and purpose or it’s just talk and you

can beat yourself up on your deathbed. As someone said to me this week at Costa Coffee in Paddington Station, “This isn’t a practice session.” 4. Beat your resistance every day As soon as I start listing the things I really want to do, my self-talk of fear shows up giving its strong opinions, and I expect yours does too: “Matt, you can’t afford to do these things. You need to focus more on money-generating things that work better now. You need to be more responsible financially for your family and be a proper father and husband. You don’t want to be maligned any further by your mother in law. This other stuff might not work and you can’t afford to sit around and play with it when you should be working on proven things you’ve done before. You need to play it safe right now.” And on and on and on. Matt Anderson continued on page 13

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Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 13

How to Keep It Fresh By Joe Bunn

Another holiday season is once again upon us. At this time year, most of our wedding business is wrapping up, and we are switching into full-blown corporate holiday party event mode. At Bunn DJ Company, we are very lucky in that we have clients that book us year after year. In fact, they usually book in January right after the holidays to ensure that they get the same DJ for the coming December! That’s what I call amazing repeat business! Some people wait until summer when they can assess how their year is going and still others are very last minute waiting until November to book. We try and do as many as we can to close out the year strong. So what are some things you can do to keep things fresh when you do the same event year after year? One of the things that you can do is change up your gear. I’m not saying go out andanted to switch things up on them. I loaned him an LED facade and my small FastSet table and also let him use my moving head trivia, then they are going to be looking to you for answers. Use other DJs as a resource! There are tons of DJ Facebook groups and podcasts (shameless plug for The PhDJ Podcast). Ask and pick the ones you like, then present your favorites to the client. Ask Mike Walter; I bet he can help you out!

Finally, what else does your company offer? Upsell them! Don’t underestimate the power of something like a photo booth at a stuff corporate event. It lightens the mood automatically. Do you offer karaoke? Tell them about it. It can fill the time when/if the dance floor isn’t exactly bumping. How about uplighting? Show your client before and after pictures of their room. As we know, lighting can turn a stuffy and boring ballroom into more of a club vibe. Even if you don’t have things other than DJ services to sell them, have a list of other vendors that you can refer to them that have specialties. For example, maybe they want a flash mob in the middle of the party. I have a group of dancers and aerialists and entertainers that I can call to pull that off and much more! How about an ice cream or food truck outside? A cigar roller? Amazing florals? Someone dressed up like Santa? I know people that can do all of this stuff. Don’t be afraid to pitch their services and offer their contact information. One, these items can possibly turn a boring party into cool and two, they are going to remember that you sent them the idea and you look like the hero. Plus, the vendor that gets the business is going to love you as well and probably send you even more business in the future! Win-win! Hopefully, you book a ton of holiday parties this year and can use some of these tips to wow a customer that you’ve been working with for years! Good luck and Happy Holidays! Joe Bunn is the co-founder of The PhDJ Workshop (www.pdhdjworkshop. com) and also the creator of the videos “Selling the Music” and “Marketing the Music” which can be found at djjoebunn.com.

Matt Anderson Continued From Page 12 point we have to acknowledge that we Sound familiar? Rather like the Mood Thermostat I made the best decisions we could at the wrote about before, the strategy to ad- time with the tools, knowledge and influences we had at that time. dress daily resistance is: You may already be living with the *Acknowledge your inner critic *Thank it for its concern and desire consequences of a lesser life. Quite often these show up as physical ailments to protect you *Turn your critic into a coach. Ex- like bad backs and stiff necks or headplain that the constant criticism is not aches. We know we’re not spending helpful, that you’ve had more than enough time on what matters most to enough in this lifetime, and ask it to us and our unhappiness and frustration give you some constructive suggestions gets stuffed up in our bodies: acid reto progress on whatever it’s telling you flux, bowel issues, rashes, aching joints, or poor posture. Are you living a lie or is a bad idea. Face your resistance and your fear/s. large incongruence somewhere? Sure, Be aware of what you do to get in your some of these things might be ageing, own way, of what you do that does not but it is quite possible that you will rid move you closer to who you were born yourself of other ailments when you start following your truest calling and to be. The battle must be fought every day. honouring who you really are. One bigger challenge is that these It never goes away. Some famous actors and athletes still throw up before events. rational arguments rarely get us to face Show up every day. Write the book, fears because fear comes from a differmake the calls, do the exercises, and ent part of brain that is usually not reask that person out for a date. Get in the sponsive to logical arguments. This is arena every day. One task. As Stephen where I find tapping helpful. Look into Pressfield acknowledges in The War of Jack Canfield’s book on the topic. All I know is I don’t want to die Art, “Adversity and lucky breaks are on every playing field.” You must have filled with the regret that I didn’t live heard the expression: the harder I work, my one life being fully true to myself because I was too scared. the luckier I get. Plus, while there appears to be eviListen to the inner voice that quietly tells you that you are capable of doing dence “that I can’t afford to do it”, I it. Everyone fails along the way. J.K. think it’s truer to believe that what I reRowling wrote: “It is impossible to live ally can’t afford is NOT to pursue what without failing at something, unless you matters most to me or NOT live the life live so cautiously that you might as well I truly and deeply want. And I want to make this public so I’d not have lived at all - in which case you be too embarrassed to give up and so fail by default.” 5. Face - or suffer - the real conse- that everything I learn can be used to help others (preferably you) get out of quences The pain of not being true to yourself their own way. Matt Anderson is the author of shows up as pain and regret. Most people die regretting the things ‘Fearless Referrals’ at: http://www. they did NOT do rather than the things thereferralauthority.com or at: Matt. they did. Probably because at some Anderson.intl@gmail.com

PAGE 14 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

I Could Listen Better If You Would Stop Talking By Stevie Ray

Jeanine approached me with an interesting question after a workshop I conducted about professional networking. “I am always really interested in what other people have to say about themselves,” she said, “but I never know when it is okay to interrupt them to ask a question. For instance, if someone is talking about her family, I want to ask about the kids, but they haven’t stopped talking yet. I don’t want to be rude by interrupting, but I don’t want to forget my question, either.” I appreciated Jeanine’s question, not just because maintaining a good flow of conversation is crucial to professional networking, but also because she was being consciously aware of her behavior while networking, and weighing its impact on the outcome of the interaction. This is a far cry from some people I have observed, who bowl through conversations with no more thought about what comes out of their mouths than a five-year-old. A game of catch “Conversation,” I said, “especially in a professional setting, is like a game of catch.” When two kids toss a ball back and forth, there is an unwritten rule. Only throw the ball when the other kid is ready to catch it. And you only get the ball back when he is ready to throw it.

While playing catch, the most important goal is to keep the ball from hitting the ground. If one kid throws the ball too far, it flies past the other kid, and the game has to stop. The worst thing is having a game of catch that builds up a nice rhythm, only to have it come to a halt while one kid has to run to pick up the ball. The same is true of conversation. We have all been networking, and everything seems to be going fine when, thud, the ball hits the ground. Because networking conversations carry greater implications, dropping the ball is even more stressful for everyone involved. I told Jeanine, “Before you interrupt someone, ask yourself if having the ball is worth taking it out of someone else’s hands.” Interrupting is the same as running over and yanking the ball out of another kid’s hands. The reason you didn’t have the ball in the first place is that they weren’t ready to throw it to you. Whatever reason you have for wanting the ball is never as important as the other person’s reason for wanting it. Don’t overthink the conversation I was at a networking event and asked a guy how he ended up in his current profession. His education began as a music major in college, which was a far cry from the consulting work he did for a living. I was curious about which musical instrument he studied, but he was still talking. And the point of his story was not about the instrument he studied, but about the circuitous route he took throughout his career. If I had interrupted to ask about his instrument of choice, I would have yanked the ball right out of his hands. I would have gotten the answer to my question, but ruined the game. So I waited, keeping

my question in the back of my mind, but also realizing that if we never got around to my question, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. After I listened until the end of his story, I was not only able to circle back to my question about his musical training, but because I truly listened, I was able to dig even more into his professional career. “Beyond that,” I told Jeanine, “don’t overthink the conversation.” Given the delicate dance that is professional networking, you don’t want to err on either side of the coin. Being too cautious makes you appear unsure or nervous; we don’t trust tentative people to handle tough jobs. On the other hand, some people think that throwing caution to the wind makes them appear bold, but being careless during conversation can be perceived as reckless; and no one trusts a big mouth. Building trust As Jeanine and I talked, Harvey listened and finally commented, “But some people never shut up. If you didn’t interrupt, you wouldn’t get a word in edgewise.” I said, “Networking is about building trust in as short a period of time as possible. When people talk, they trust the person who truly

listens. Listening to other people talk never builds as much trust as being allowed to speak uninterrupted. If you want this person as a client, it doesn’t matter if you get a word in edgewise; it only matters that they want to see you again, and work with you.” I told Harvey about a client I had who spoke in such a way that it was clear she had a lot to say and wanted a willing ear. I made a conscious effort to keep my mouth shut and my ears open. I kept thinking, “If she throws me the ball, I’m ready, but I’m not taking it out of her hands.” I ended up speaking much less than I normally do during a conversation (just ask my wife), and my client ended up saying, “I’ve got some great ideas of how to use your services for my company. Can I have your business card?” To me, that is a great ending to a smooth game of catch. Stevie Ray is a nationally recognized corporate speaker and trainer, helping companies improve communication skills, customer service, leadership, and team management. He can be reached at www. stevierays.org or stevie@stevierays.org.

Disc Jockey News • January 2019 • Page 15

Top 50 Charts for January 2019

The Weekly Printable Charts (Top 50, Recurrent and Billboard Singles) are available at http://www.DJNTV.com/charts Sponsored by iDJPool.com Pop 1 PANIC! AT THE DISCO High Hopes 2 ARIANA GRANDE Breathin 3 ARIANA GRANDE thank u, next 4 HALSEY Without Me 5 MARSHMELLO Happier f/Bastille 6 BENNY BLANCO, HALSEY & KHALID Eastside 7 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER Youngblood 8 BAZZI Beautiful f/Camila Cabello 9 KHALID X NORMANI Love Lies 10 POST MALONE Better Now 11 POST MALONE & SWAE LEE Sunflower 12 ELLIE GOULDING X DIPLO Close To Me f/Swae Lee 13 CAMILA CABELLO Consequences 14 TRAVIS SCOTT Sicko Mode 15 SILK CITY F/DIPLO/M RONSON Electricity f/Dua Lipa 16 THE CHAINSMOKERS F/K BALLERINI This Feeling 17 DJ SNAKE/SELENA/OZUNA/CARDI B Taki Taki 18 LOVELYTHEBAND Broken 19 KHALID Better 20 M RONSON F/MILEY CYRUS Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 21 ZARA LARSSON Ruin My Life 22 DAN + SHAY Tequila 23 LADY GAGA & BRADLEY COOPER Shallow 24 DEAN LEWIS Be Alright 25 ALESSIA CARA Trust My Lonely 26 LOUD LUXURY Body f/Brando 27 BAD BUNNY MIA f/Drake 28 WHY DON’T WE 8 Letters 29 AVA MAX Sweet But Psycho 30 IMAGINE DRAGONS Natural 31 TWENTY ONE PILOTS My Blood 32 LAUV There’s No Way f/JuliaMichaels 33 SHAWN MENDES & ZEDD Lost In Japan (Remix) 34 DRAKE Don’t Matter To Me f/M Jackson 35 GUCCI MANE/BRUNO/KODAK Wake Up In The Sky 36 LUKAS GRAHAM Love Someone 37 RITA ORA Let You Love Me 38 BENNY BLANCO & CALVIN HARRIS I Found You 39 MADISON BEER Hurts Like Hell f/Offset 40 CHARLI XCX 1999 f/Troye Sivan 41 ELIJAH WOODS X JAMIE FINE Ain’t Easy 42 STEVE AOKI Waste It On Me f/BTS 43 ELLA MAI Trip 44 LOGAN HENDERSON Pull Me Deep 45 LAUREN DAIGLE You Say 46 LSD (LABRINTH/SIA/DIPLO) Thunderclouds 47 XXXTENTACION X LIL PUMP Arms Around You 48 ZAYN No Candle No Light f/N. Minaj 49 KODAK BLACK Zeze f/Travis Scott & Offset 50 LIL DUVAL Smile B*tch f/Snoop & B.Greezy Urban 1 LIL WAYNE Uproar 2 LIL BABY & GUNNA Drip Too Hard 3 ELLA MAI Trip 4 TRAVIS SCOTT Sicko Mode 5 KODAK BLACK Zeze f/Travis Scott & Offset 6 MEEK MILL Dangerous f/Jeremih, PnB Rock 7 FLIPP DINERO Leave Me Alone 8 CARDI B Money 9 GUCCI MANE/BRUNO/KODAK Wake Up In The Sky 10 CARDI B Ring 11 QUEEN NAIJA Karma 12 JACQUEES You 13 LIL DUVAL Smile B*tch f/Snoop & B.Greezy 14 COCA VANGO Sauce All On Me 15 LIGHTSKINKEISHA & BSMYTH Ride Good 16 SHECK WES Mo Bamba

17 PARDISON FONTAINE Backin It Up f/Cardi B 18 DANILEIGH Lil BeBe 19 FRENCH MONTANA No Stylist f/Drake 20 YUNG BLEU Ice On My Baby 21 YOUNG DOLPH Major f/Key Glock 22 TYGA & NICKI MINAJ Dip 23 ANDERSON .PAAK Tints f/Kendrick Lamar 24 TORY LANEZ & RICH THE KID Talk To Me 25 ELLA MAI Shot Clock 26 AGNEZ MO Overdose f/Chris Brown 27 DRAKE Nonstop 28 FUTURE & JUICE WRLD Fine China 29 Q MONEY Neat 30 YELLA BEEZY Up 1 31 DRAKE Mob Ties 32 MONEYBAGG YO Say Na f/J. Cole 33 YG Slay f/Quavo 34 TRAVIS SCOTT Yosemite 35 H.E.R. Could’ve Been f/Bryson Tiller 36 6LACK Pretty Little Fears f/J Cole 37 SADA BABY Bloxk Party f/Drego 38 NICOLE BUS You 39 LLOYD Caramel 40 XXXTENTACION X LIL PUMP Arms Around You 41 JUICY J F/TRAVIS SCOTT Neighbor 42 QUAVO Pass Out f/21 Savage 43 NICKI MINAJ Good Form 44 VIC MENSA Reverse f/G-Eazy 45 T.I. The Weekend f/Young Thug 46 DAVIDO Fall 47 MEEK MILL Going Bad f/Drake 48 MIKE WILL/KENDRICK/PHARRELL The Mantra 49 VENUS Throw It Back 50 JORDAN HOLLYWOOD Let Me Find Out f/Lil Baby Adult Contempory 1 MAROON 5 Girls Like You f/Cardi B 2 TAYLOR SWIFT Delicate 3 ZEDD/MAREN MORRIS/GREY The Middle 4 ED SHEERAN Perfect 5 MAX Lights Down Low f/Gnash 6 BEBE REXHA Meant To Be f/F.G.L. 7 LAUV I Like Me Better 8 SHAWN MENDES In My Blood 9 CAMILA CABELLO Never Be The Same 10 KATY PERRY Cozy Little Christmas 11 JOHN LEGEND Have Yourself A Merry Little.. 12 LADY GAGA & BRADLEY COOPER Shallow 13 SIA Candy Cane Lane 14 ELIZABETH CHAN Best Gift Ever (‘18) 15 ERIC CLAPTON White Christmas 16 PENTATONIX What Christmas Means To Me 17 LINDSEY STIRLING Carol Of The Bells 18 LUKAS GRAHAM Love Someone 19 MARIAH CAREY With You 20 LOVELYTHEBAND Broken 21 INGRID MICHAELSON All I Want For Christmas Is... 22 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER Youngblood 23 BACKSTREET BOYS Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 24 MARSHMELLO Happier f/Bastille 25 SELENA GOMEZ Back To You 26 TRAIN Call Me Sir f/Cam/Travie McCoy 27 JIM BRICKMAN F/LUKE MCMASTER Raise A Glass (It’s...) 28 JOSH GROBAN Granted 29 WEEZER Africa 30 PANIC! AT THE DISCO High Hopes 31 HERB ALPERT Medley: Carol Of../We Wish.. 32 MICHAEL W. SMITH A Million Lights 33 PAUL MCCARTNEY Come On To Me

34 CHARLEENE CLOSSHEY I Heard The Bells On... 35 IMAGINE DRAGONS Natural 36 THE RUA Have Yourself A Merry Little.. 37 INGRID MICHAELSON Rockin’ Around The Christmas.. 38 ARETHA FRANKLIN Silent Night (‘18) 39 DAVID ARCHULETA Christmas Every Day 40 ARIANA GRANDE No Tears Left To Cry 41 GREGORY DARLING Unconditionally 42 STEVE PERRY No Erasin’ 43 STRAIGHT NO CHASER That’s Why We Celebrate 44 MATT HARTKE Not Everybody Calls It... 45 DAN + SHAY Tequila 46 LAUREN DAIGLE You Say 47 HANNAH KERR Winter Wonderland 48 MONKEES Unwrap You At Christmas 49 LEANN RIMES You And Me And Christmas 50 PENTATONIX Grown-Up Christmas List Country 1 DAN + SHAY Speechless 2 DUSTIN LYNCH Good Girl 3 THOMAS RHETT Sixteen 4 DIERKS BENTLEY Burning Man f/Brothers Osborne 5 KIP MOORE Last Shot 6 KANE BROWN Lose It 7 JASON ALDEAN Girl Like You 8 SCOTTY MCCREERY This Is It 9 JORDAN DAVIS Take It From Me 10 LUKE BRYAN What Makes You Country 11 MIDLAND Burn Out 12 CHRIS STAPLETON Millionaire 13 RILEY GREEN There Was This Girl 14 JAKE OWEN Down To The Honkytonk 15 MITCHELL TENPENNY Drunk Me 16 MICHAEL RAY One That Got Away 17 CARRIE UNDERWOOD Love Wins 18 OLD DOMINION Make It Sweet 19 JON PARDI Night Shift 20 TIM MCGRAW Neon Church 21 KEITH URBAN Never Comin Down 22 LUKE COMBS Beautiful Crazy 23 BRETT YOUNG Here Tonight 24 CODY JOHNSON On My Way To You 25 TYLER RICH The Difference 26 KELSEA BALLERINI Miss Me More 27 ELI YOUNG BAND Love Ain’t 28 BRETT ELDREDGE Love Someone 29 CHASE RICE Eyes On You 30 BLAKE SHELTON Turnin’ Me On 31 RODNEY ATKINS Caught Up In The Country 32 LOCASH Feels Like A Party 33 LEE BRICE Rumor 34 GRANGER SMITH You’re In It 35 MORGAN WALLEN Whiskey Glasses 36 RASCAL FLATTS Back To Life 37 RANDY HOUSER What Whiskey Does f/H. Lindsey 38 RUNAWAY JUNE Buy My Own Drinks 39 FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE Talk You Out Of It 40 MADDIE & TAE Friends Don’t 41 BRANDON LAY Yada Yada Yada 42 MORGAN EVANS Day Drunk 43 CARLY PEARCE Closer To You 44 BILLY CURRINGTON Bring It On Over 45 COLE SWINDELL Love You Too Late 46 ERIC CHURCH Desperate Man 47 BRAD PAISLEY Bucked Off 48 LAUREN ALAINA Ladies In The ‘90s 49 RUSSELL DICKERSON Every Little Thing 50 JUSTIN MOORE The Ones That Didn’t Make It..

PAGE 16 • Disc Jockey News • January 2019

Top 50 Year End Charts for 2018

The Weekly Printable Charts (Top 50, Recurrent and Billboard Singles) are available at http://www.DJNTV.com/charts Sponsored by iDJPool.com 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Pop Recurrents ZEDD/MAREN MORRIS/GREY The Middle DUA LIPA New Rules CAMILA CABELLO Never Be The Same MAROON 5 Girls Like You f/Cardi B KHALID X NORMANI Love Lies POST MALONE Better Now ED SHEERAN Perfect BAZZI Mine NF Let You Down POST MALONE Psycho f/Ty Dolla $ign 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER Youngblood MARSHMELLO & ANNE-MARIE Friends SELENA GOMEZ Back To You LAUV I Like Me Better ARIANA GRANDE No Tears Left To Cry BEBE REXHA Meant To Be f/F.G.L. G-EAZY & HALSEY Him & I CAMILA CABELLO Havana f/Young Thug TAYLOR SWIFT Delicate HALSEY Bad At Love BRUNO MARS & CARDI B Finesse THE WEEKND & KENDRICK LAMAR Pray For Me DRAKE God’s Plan CARDI B I Like It f/Bad Bunny/J Balvin MAX Lights Down Low f/Gnash IMAGINE DRAGONS Whatever It Takes MAROON 5 Wait SHAWN MENDES In My Blood ARIANA GRANDE God Is A Woman POST MALONE Rockstar f/21 Savage CHARLIE PUTH How Long SELENA GOMEZ X MARSHMELLO Wolves MARSHMELLO Happier f/Bastille CALVIN HARRIS & DUA LIPA One Kiss NF Lie IMAGINE DRAGONS Thunder BENNY BLANCO, HALSEY & KHALID Eastside DEMI LOVATO Sorry Not Sorry JUICE WRLD Lucid Dreams ARIANA GRANDE Breathin PANIC! AT THE DISCO High Hopes CHARLIE PUTH Attention BEBE REXHA I’m A Mess MACKLEMORE Good Old Days f/Kesha LIAM PAYNE Strip That Down f/Quavo DJ KHALED/BIEBER/CHANCE/QUAVO No Brainer DRAKE In My Feelings PORTUGAL. THE MAN Feel It Still SHAWN MENDES There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me... ED SHEERAN Shape Of You Urban AC Recurrents ELLA MAI Boo’d Up TANK When We CHILDISH GAMBINO Redbone DANIEL CAESAR Get You f/ Kali Uchis KHALID Location H.E.R. Focus BRUNO MARS That’s What I Like TONI BRAXTON Long As I Live TAMIA Leave It Smokin’ DANIEL CAESAR & H.E.R. Best Part SZA Love Galore f/Travis Scott BRUNO MARS & CARDI B Finesse RO JAMES Permission NE-YO Good Man PEABO BRYSON Love Like Yours And Mine CHARLIE WILSON Chills

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

JANELLE MONAE I Like That DVSN Mood KEITH SWEAT How Many Ways STOKLEY Organic RAHEEM DEVAUGHN Don’t Come Easy GALLANT Doesn’t Matter KENNY LATTIMORE Stay On Your Mind LEDISI All The Way AFTER 7 If I EN VOGUE Rocket QUEEN NAIJA Medicine MARY J. BLIGE Only Love JOHN LEGEND A Good Night f/BloodPop DJ KHALED F/RIHANNA/B. TILLER Wild Thoughts MAJOR. Honest ANDY STOKES Best Day Ever JOHNNY GILL What Is This SAM SMITH Too Good At Goodbyes MIGUEL Sky Walker f/Travis Scott VIVIAN GREEN Vibes PJ MORTON First Began CHARLIE WILSON I’m Blessed SHAWN STOCKMAN Feelin Lil Som’n AFTER 7 Too Late LIL DUVAL Smile B*tch f/Snoop & B.Greezy SEVYN STREETER Before I Do INDIA.ARIE That Magic JANET JACKSON Made For Now f/Daddy Yankee JEFFREY OSBORNE Worth It All K. MICHELLE Make This Song Cry SZA The Weekend VIVIAN GREEN I Don’t Know BRUNO MARS 24K Magic PORCELAN Lois Lane Hot Adult Contempory Recurrents ED SHEERAN Perfect ZEDD/MAREN MORRIS/GREY The Middle TAYLOR SWIFT Delicate BEBE REXHA Meant To Be f/F.G.L. IMAGINE DRAGONS Whatever It Takes MAX Lights Down Low f/Gnash MAROON 5 Girls Like You f/Cardi B MACKLEMORE Good Old Days f/Kesha IMAGINE DRAGONS Thunder PORTUGAL. THE MAN Feel It Still SHAWN MENDES In My Blood CAMILA CABELLO Never Be The Same CAMILA CABELLO Havana f/Young Thug HALSEY Bad At Love LAUV I Like Me Better LOVELYTHEBAND Broken MAROON 5 Wait P!NK What About Us CHARLIE PUTH How Long ARIANA GRANDE No Tears Left To Cry DUA LIPA New Rules ED SHEERAN Shape Of You SHAWN MENDES There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me... THE CHAINSMOKERS Something Just Like This FOSTER THE PEOPLE Sit Next To Me 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER Youngblood P!NK Beautiful Trauma MAROON 5 What Lovers Do f/SZA IMAGINE DRAGONS Natural NIALL HORAN Slow Hands WEEZER Africa SELENA GOMEZ Back To You PANIC! AT THE DISCO High Hopes

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

JAMES ARTHUR Say You Won’t Let Go IMAGINE DRAGONS Believer CHARLIE PUTH Attention BRUNO MARS & CARDI B Finesse DEMI LOVATO Sorry Not Sorry ZEDD & ALESSIA CARA Stay ALESSIA CARA Scars To Your Beautiful JASON MRAZ Have It All BACKSTREET BOYS Don’t Go Breaking My Heart JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE Say Something f/C Stapleton MARSHMELLO Happier f/Bastille BRUNO MARS That’s What I Like KYGO X SELENA GOMEZ It Ain’t Me DAN + SHAY Tequila ALICE MERTON No Roots WALK THE MOON One Foot MARSHMELLO & ANNE-MARIE Friends Country KANE BROWN Heaven LUKE COMBS One Number Away JORDAN DAVIS Singles You Up DAN + SHAY Tequila LUKE BRYAN Most People Are Good KENNY CHESNEY Get Along JASON ALDEAN You Make It Easy D LEE MURPHY/K. CHESNEY Everything’s Gonna Be Alright BEBE REXHA Meant To Be f/F.G.L. DYLAN SCOTT Hooked DIERKS BENTLEY Woman, Amen OLD DOMINION Hotel Key DUSTIN LYNCH Small Town Boy MORGAN WALLEN Up Down f/Florida Georgia Line SAM HUNT Body Like A Back Road CHRIS STAPLETON Broken Halos MORGAN EVANS Kiss Somebody RUSSELL DICKERSON Blue Tacoma JAKE OWEN I Was Jack (You Were Diane) THOMAS RHETT Marry Me THOMAS RHETT Life Changes SCOTTY MCCREERY Five More Minutes BRETT YOUNG Mercy COLE SWINDELL Break Up In The End CHRIS JANSON Drunk Girl LUKE BRYAN Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset CHRIS LANE Take Back Home Girl f/T. Kelly JASON ALDEAN Drowns The Whiskey f/M.Lambert CHRIS YOUNG Hangin’ On JIMMIE ALLEN Best Shot FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE Simple THOMAS RHETT Unforgettable HIGH VALLEY She’s With Me LUKE COMBS She Got The Best Of Me BLAKE SHELTON I Lived It MAREN MORRIS Rich KANE BROWN What Ifs f/Lauren Alaina BRETT ELDREDGE The Long Way OLD DOMINION Written In The Sand KANE BROWN Lose It BRETT YOUNG Like I Loved You RUSSELL DICKERSON Yours MITCHELL TENPENNY Drunk Me KIP MOORE Last Shot LUKE COMBS When It Rains It Pours DEVIN DAWSON All On Me LANCO Greatest Love Story KEITH URBAN Coming Home f/Julia Michaels LADY ANTEBELLUM Heart Break CARRIE UNDERWOOD Cry Pretty

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