A Focus on the Transitional Years

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The World Is Yours to Explore

We all have various interests, from the more physically challenging activities like sports and enjoying nature, to cultural events related with music and arts, or even sharing different hobbies. Joining some of these events and activities is a particular challenge when you are a young person with a disability or additional needs. We’ve put together information about some accessible activities, interests and sports that can give you an idea of some of the organisations that can support you to explore new interests and open up to new experiences. Interested in sport? It is important to have spaces that can provide fun, social and sporting activities which engage young people with exercise and keeping fit, as well as connecting them with new friends and encouraging them to participate in local events and activities. We all agree that sport has value in everyone's life, it is even more important in the life of a young person with a disability.

Below are 5 reasons why you should try a sport: Sports will help you to develop your social skills. Taking part in sport is a great way to socialise and make new friends with similar interests. Gaining more independence. Improving physical stamina and well-being. Some of the positive results are fewer secondary medical conditions i.e. diabetes, hypertension. A boost to your mental ability, motivation and combating stress. Helps you to grow in confidence.

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