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Words: Steve Hanson Photos: Bink Design & Dick Gray H ere we go, not even the end of February and things are busy. An RFC conference in Phoenix, awards banquet in San Diego and a couple days’ worth of racing in Parker AZ back to Johnson Valley for King of the Hammers now off to Laughlin. Many more races in the horizon, the Mint 400, San Felipe 250 etc. and a wedding just a turn ahead. Pretty obvious 2020 is already full throttle with or without me ready. Isn’t that how life comes at us ready or not green, green, green! The gun goes off, the light goes out, the green flag drops, no matter how you start your race there is no time to find yourself stuck on the grid caught sleeping while everyone else has left you in their dust. Don’t get left behind searching for the trans-brake releasing button the right gear at the right RPM. Isaiah tells us to keep moving forward, seek God for your renewal and don’t get stuck in the past. ISAIAH 43:18-19 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” As 2020 pins the needle at full RPM, I encourage you to take stock of what you have going for you. When it comes to your performance on the racetrack last year; a winning season or disappointing season it is in the past. Only look back to learn from your failures/successes. Focus on everything you accomplished and build on that, don’t let last year’s disappointments defeat you. Surround yourself with the best that can help you, not isolating yourself from others. The Christian walk: standing firm, is not a walk to take by yourself. We must have each other in order to stage, make the grid and peel out! God bless you in 2020. IF YOU DO THESE THINGS IN 2020 YOUR LIFE WILL BE BETTER ONE YEAR FROM NOW!


1. Turn ownership of Your Life Over to Jesus. 2. Attend Church Regularly. 3. Participate in a Small Group. 4. Serve in a Ministry.