Jenny Randles & Peter Hough - World's Best True UFO Stories

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a foot or so (. 3 m) in diameter and covered with spikes. They bounced along the wet ground, making a terrible sucking noise. Later Bob real足 ized that this sound was probably the spikes em足 bedding themselves in the damp soil. The two weird things moved apart and went to either side of the forester. B efore he had a chance to react, there was a strange smell. He experienced a sickening feeling, a burning in his throat and the sensation of being grabbed by the side of the legs and tugged forward. Then there was just blackness. B ob Taylor had plunged into unconsciOusness. The 6 1-year-old man came to with the sound of barking in his ears. His dog was racing around the little clearing, snarling and yapping in an足 ger and frustration. The woodsman's head was pounding. He was woozy; his throat was sore and he could not even scream for help. As he tried to stand he collapsed onto his knees, still with a bitter, dry taste in his mouth. B ob had no idea how much time had passed, but it still seemed to be mid-morning. Later esti足 mates suggested he was unconscious for about 20 minutes. He could see neither the craft nor the monsters. Had his dog frightened them away ? B ob crawled painfully towards his truck, his trusty dog trai ling anxiously behind. He scrambled into the cab and jerked it into gear, but his coordination was awry and he succeeded only in driving into a muddy ditch and getting stuck there. 36

World's Best "True" UFO Stories

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