J. Allen Hynek - The UFO Experience - A Scientific Inquiry (1972)

Page 303

seeing what he saw. Although a great many 'witnesses' signed the report, I doubt very much that they knew what they were signing or why. They would certainly have been mystified as to why their great leader was seeing something that was invisible to them. On the other hand, they would not have been too sur足 prised because after all, they looked upon Father Gill as a holy man. Many people in this world need glasses and fail to wear them. I should be very much interested to know whether or not Father Gill wears glasses, what his correction is, and finally, whether he was wearing them on that evening. Since a very simple hypothesis accounts, without any strain, for the reported observations, I shall henceforth consider the Father Gill case as solved. Moreover, I feel that the same phenomena are re足 sponsible for some of the more spectacular, unsolved cases in the air force files. December 20, 1967


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