Coral Lorenzen - Flying Saucers - The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer Space

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ORIGIN: Ubatuba, Sao Paulo SENT BY: Dr. Olavo Fontes DA TE: 1 0/24/57 The sample received was a small piece of a silvery-white metal, slightly oxidized on its surface and with a very low specific grav­ ity. It came from the same fragment as the sample used in the analysis reported on Bulletin No. 1 5 . 00 1 issued by the Mineral Production Laboratory.

ANALYSIS REPORT The spectrographic analysis identified the unknown metal as mag­ nesium (Mg) , and showed it to be absolutely pure-as it can be concluded from the study of the spectrographic plate taken with the Hilger Spectrograph. No other-metal or impurity was detected in the sample analysed; even the so-called "trace elements," usually found with any metal, were not present. A photocopy of the original spectrographic plate is shown in Fig. 2B. There are five spectra recorded on it. Each one has a position which is marked by a number already registered in the film. They can be identified, from above to be­ low, as the following :

26 28 30 32 34 36

Fe Mg (a salt) Unknown Fe Fe

A comparison was made between the spectrum of the unknown metal and that of a chempur magnesium salt. It showed clearly that they were identical-in fact, all their spectrum lines cor­ responded with each other. This demonstrated the extreme purity of the metal in the sample. As it is shown in Fig. 2B., all lines in the spectrum of the unknown belo!l� to the element mag­ nesium. Even impurities that might exist in the carbon rod used as electrode ( i.e., traces of Mn, Fe, Si and Ti ) , sometimes ap­ pearing as contaminants, were not detected in this case. A group oi representative lines of magnesium was marked on

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