The Feast 2022

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In the late 1980s, the Grayling community witnessed a rise in the number of people affected by substance abuse. In response, in 1987, the St. Francis Episcopal Church established an outreach center out of their place of worship: the G.R.A.C.E Center, or Grayling Regional Addictions Counseling Education Center.

SMALL AND MIGHTY by Michelle Ruiz

The G.R.A.C.E. Center is a fully licensed and accredited substance abuse counseling facility in Grayling, Michigan. They’ve been living their mission of “helping heal the lives of those in need” since 1987.

In its initial days, the center was simply a place for people to get substance abuse help. Carol Moggo, the G.R.A.C.E Center’s Administrative Director since 1995, says the program outgrew itself in just seven years. As more people became familiar with the services, it became more of a need in the community. Around the time Moggo started working, the G.R.A.C.E Center had moved out of the church into a building across the parking lot. Since then, the center has transformed into a fully licensed independent counseling agency. The services have expanded to include substance abuse treatment, child and family services, specialized counseling services, and education and consultation. The center is strictly an outpatient facility. They offer programs for individuals, families, and groups. Their daily counseling services help clients with things such as minor anxiety, depression, marital issues, and anger management services. Other services include domestic violence programs, and programs centered around family issues. Their ministry doesn’t stop there. The G.R.A.C.E Center has established partnerships with the courts, the Department of Human Services, and local schools. The center offers evaluation reports and court assessments for the community and can even double as a driver’s license center. “We’re a place that helps people! We’re small but mighty,” says Moggo. Additionally, the center offers several workshops and educational presentations suited for group environments such as businesses, church groups, schools, and other organizations. Topics may include alcohol education, mental wellness, trauma, and recovery as well as spiritual retreats. The center adapts and grows with the community. The treatments are a reflection of the community’s needs. Moggo says the center improves when they receive input from its clients. Staff from the G.R.A.C.E Center will often attend community events in the area, everything from parades to fundraisers, in order to maintain an ongoing relationship with the community they serve. Jody Robson, Clinical Director at the G.R.A.C.E Center, agrees with Moggo: the local outreach initiatives are a large part of

Left photo by Fudo Jahic on Unsplash.

26 | Right EASTMICH.ORG photo courtesy of Carol Moggo.

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