The Courier - September 2019

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St. Vincent de Paul September 27

September 2019

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

What Is Eucharistic Adoration? Pope

Participants in the diocesan Catechetical Day sit in Eucharistic Adoration at Rochester's Lourdes High School in 2016.

On September 23-24, the MISSIONARIES OF THE MOST HOLY EUCHARIST will present a Eucharistic Adoration Mission at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. In preparation for the mission, and in light of a recent Pew Research study concerning belief in - or knowledge of - the Real Presence among US Catholics (more on page 10), the Courier has reprinted the following article by the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, intended to familiarize readers with Eucharistic Adoration. What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is the sacrament that Jesus established when he took bread and wine, blessed them, and declared them to be his body and blood (see Luke 22:17-20). He commanded his disciples to “Do this in memory of me.” He had earlier foretold that his presence in the Eucharist would be real and substantial: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever ... Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (John 6:51, 54-55). When a Catholic priest follows this command of Jesus and offers the words of consecration,

the bread and wine are permanently changed, and they become Jesus: his body, blood, soul, and divinity. [CCC 1373-1376, 1406, 1410, 1412-1413] How Long Is Jesus Present in the Sacrament of the Eucharist?

Jesus is present in the sacrament permanently. His presence is abiding, not something that vanishes at the conclusion of Mass. The hosts remaining after Communion are kept in a special place of honor called the tabernacle. [CCC 1377, 1379] Why Is the Blessed Sacrament Reserved in a Tabernacle?

The tabernacle was first intended for the reservation of the Eucharist in a worthy place so that it could be brought to the sick and those absent from the Mass. As faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist deepened, the Church became more conscious of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord under the Eucharistic species.

Adoration, cont'd on pg. 10

Francis: Discover the Beauty of Prayer in Adoration By COURTNEY GROGAN

VATICAN CITY, Aug. 18, 2019 (CNA) - Pope Francis said Sunday that prayer in adoration of God and service to others spreads the fire of God’s love, changing the world one heart at a time. “I invite everyone to discover the beauty of the prayer of adoration and to exercise it often,” Pope Francis said August 18. Adoration of God in prayer is necessary to allow the fire of love that Jesus brought to the earth to envelop our entire existence, the pope explained. Prayer, cont'd on pg. 2

INSIDE this issue

The Power of Praying with People page 4

Understanding Vos Estis page 14

Can Catholics Disagree...?

page 15

Pope Francis Watch

Articles of Interest

The Power of Praying with People___________4


Supporting Catechumens...__________________5 Introducing Curatio...______________________6

The Courier Insider

St. Felix Strong!___________________________8 Youth & Young Adults_____________________9 Special Insert: Eucharistic Adoration________10 Quality Men..._____________________________12 ...IRA Required Minimum Distrubtion Gift___13 Understanding Vos Estis_________________14 Can Catholics Disagree...?__________________15 National Headlines________________________16 Diocesan Headlines_______________________17 CNA

Prayer, cont'd from pg. 1

In his Angelus address, the pope reflected upon this Sunday’s Gospel from Luke in which Jesus says to his disciples, “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” “These words are intended to help the disciples to abandon any attitude of laziness, apathy, indifference and closure to welcome the fire of God's love; that love which, as Saint Paul reminds us, ‘has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit,’” Pope Francis said. “Jesus reveals to his friends, and also to us, his most ardent desire: to bring to earth the fire of the Father's love, which kindles life and through which man is saved,” he said. The Gospel is a limitless fire that saves and changes the world beginning with a change inside the heart of each person, Francis said. For this, he explained, it is necessary to adore God and serve others. “It is a question of not living in a hypocritical way, but of being willing to pay the price for coherent choices - this is the attitude that each of us should look for in life: consistency - paying the price to be consistent with the Gospel,” Pope Francis said. “It is good to say that we are Christians, but above all we must be Christians in concrete situations, bearing witness to the

Diocesan Calendar________________________19 Gospel which is essentially love for God and for our brothers,” he said. Pope Francis pointed to the example of communities and groups of young people who dedicate their summers to service to others. The pope said that he admires those who devote themselves to the service of the sick, the poor, and people with disabilities. “To live according to the spirit of the Gospel it is necessary that, in the face of ever new needs that are looming in the world, there are disciples of Christ who know how to respond with new initiatives of charity,” he said. “May Mary Most Holy help us to let our hearts be purified by the fire brought by Jesus and to spread it with our lives through decisive and courageous choices,” Pope Francis said.

Rev. Anthony Arokiyam: appointed Pastor of St. Ann Parish in Janesville, All Saints Parish in New Richland, and St. Joseph Parish in Waldorf for a six-year term, effective August 1, 2019. Deacon Rev. Mr. Alex Salazzar, IVE: appointed to diaconal ministry at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mankato for a one-year term, effective August 1, 2019.

September 2019 The Protection of the Oceans That politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world's seas and oceans.

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the

September , 2019 w The Courier w



Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Matt Willkom, Editor Nick Reller, Associate Editor

(ISSN 0744-5490)

The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments:

The Holy Father's Intention

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 110 - 9

10th of the month prior.


Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Clergy Personnel Committee Rev. Gregory Havel: appointed to the Clergy Personnel Committee, for the duration of his time serving as Dean of the Mankato Deanery, effective July 11, 2019. Catholic Charities Ms. Colleen Helms: appointed to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors for a three-year term, effective September 1, 2019. Loyola Catholic Schools Dr. Timothy Murray: reappointed to the Loyola Catholic Schools Board of Trustees for a three-year term, effective July 1, 2019. Mr. Chris Roe: appointed to the Loyola Catholic Schools Board of Trustees for a three-year term, effective July 1, 2019. Where to Find the Courier •

Hard copies of the Courier are available in the churches of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at the first weekend Masses of each month.

An online version may be viewed at /offices/ courier/index.html

To be added to (or removed from) the home delivery list, readers should send their names and addresses to:

Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Pray for Us! Padre Pio Relics

St. Pio of Pietrelcina is one of the Church’s most recent, and beloved, saints, having died in 1968, and canonized by Pope St. John Paul II in 2002. Better known as Padre (Father) Pio, St. Pio was born into a poor family in Pietrelcina in southern Italy in 1887. Ordained in 1910, he became well-known and soughtout for his spiritual counsel and advice, spending many hours each day hearing confessions and speaking with those who came to him for guidance. His life was marked by a deep and profound spirit of both prayer and suffering, and he is famous for bearing the marks of Christ’s

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar September 4, Wednesday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - MCC Study Day, St. Paul

wounds on his body, the first priest known to have the stigmata. His sanctity was wellknown both during his lifetime, when countless people would flock to him for Confession, and at his death, when a crowd of over 100,000 people showed up for his funeral. From the very beginning of the Church, the remains, or relics, of holy Christians have been venerated as a tangible connection to those who have gone before us, and now enjoy their eternal reward. Relics remind us of how we are body and soul, temples of the Holy Spirit, and that although the saints are no longer with us on earth, we are still connected to them through the Body of Christ. The Church carefully preserves relics – objects or body parts of the saints – and encourages the faithful to honor and venerate them. By doing so, we are able to draw closer to our Triune God through the bodies and physical objects of those who are with Him in heaven. Many times throughout history, our Lord has chosen to work miracles through relics of the saints, just as He sometimes worked miracles through them while they were still on earth, and as He continues to grant their requests on our behalf now that they enjoy the beatific vision. This year, select relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina are touring the United States and Canada, so that those who are not able to travel in person to Italy can have the opportunity to view and venerate the relics of this great saint of the Church. The relics that are on tour include

September 5, Thursday 9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 10:30 a.m. - College of Consultors September 6, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Conference Call - Catholic Higher Education Committee 1 p.m. - Blessing of Classrooms - St. Stan’s School, Winona September 7, Saturday 5:15 p.m. - Confirmation at St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea; with St. James, Twin Lakes September 8, Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Mass of Renewal of the Consecration of the Diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 10, Tuesday 11 a.m. - Presbyteral Council Meeting - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea September 11, Wednesday 12:45 p.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization Corner of 8th and Main Streets, Winona 4:45 p.m. - Vespers and Mass of the Holy Spirit - IHM Seminary, Winona

Padre Pio’s mantle (cloak), glove, hair, handkerchief soaked with his sweat, as well as crusts of his wounds from his stigmata and cotton gauze with his blood. These relics are displayed in beautiful reliquaries that are not only able to be viewed, but also touched, by the faithful. The Diocese of WinonaRochester is privileged to be able to host these traveling relics on October 2, when they will be available for veneration in Rochester at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. I will celebrate Mass at 12:10 pm, and this will be followed by time for veneration of the relics until 9:00 pm that evening. I encourage the faithful of our diocese to take advantage of this unique opportunity of having St. Pio’s relics in our diocese, and use this as an occasion to seek St. Pio’s intercession for ourselves, our families, and our diocese. St. Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us! 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is an international campaign focused on praying for the end to abortion and conversion of hearts. It was started in 2004, in Texas, in response to the opening of a Planned Parenthood clinic. Because of the Biblical significance of 40 days being a timeframe in which God transforms His people, the founders of 40 Days for Life decided to set aside 40 days for prayer, fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful vigil for the intention of the end to abortion. From one town in Texas, the intentional campaign

September 12, Thursday 10:31 a.m. - Guest on Real Presence Catholic Radio 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 4 p.m. - IHM Seminary Advisory Board Meeting September 13, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU

September 14, Saturday 10 a.m. - National Day of Remembrance Prayer Service - St. Mary Cemetery at the Memorial of the Unborn, Winona 4:30 p.m. - Diocesan Blue Mass - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester September 15, Sunday 9:30 a.m. - Mass and Blessing of Statues Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester 2 p.m. - Diocesan Marriage Anniversary Mass Pax Christi Church, Rochester September 16 - 19, Monday - Thursday Diocese of Winona-Rochester Presbyteral Days in Okoboji, IA September 20, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU September 20, Friday - September 23, Monday Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Annual Meeting and Investiture Des Moines, IA

of 40 Days for Life has now spread across the U.S. and also to every other inhabited continent in the world. In the Diocese of WinonaRochester, there is a 40 Days for Life campaign at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Rochester. This year, the campaign will run from September 25 to November 3, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. I personally take the opportunity to regularly pray outside of the Rochester clinic, along with our Immaculate Heart of Mary seminarians, and I encourage you to participate in this effort of prayer for the intention of ending abortion as well. Taking part in this vigil is not only a wonderful witness to life, but it also reminds us of the power of prayer, as there are countless stories of people’s hearts being changed by the 40 Days for Life campaign, and abortion clinics closing because of it. Some of these powerful stories of conversion are found on the 40 Days for Life website, To sign up to participate in the vigil in Rochester, you can contact Heidi Miksanek at MedCity40days@ Month of the Holy Rosary

Next month, we celebrate the Month of the Most Holy Rosary. This is a perfect occasion to commit or recommit ourselves to praying the rosary for peace and the conversion of sinners, as the Blessed Mother instructed the three shepherd children at Fatima. As we meditate on the mysteries of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, the rosary brings us closer to our

September 24, Tuesday 10 a.m. - Holy Hour 11 a.m. - DOW-R Civil Corporation Board Meeting 2:30 p.m. - Conference Call - Catholic Higher Education Committee 7 p.m. - Pilgrimage to Greece Pre-Departure Meeting - Resurrection Church, Rochester September 25, Wednesday 11 a.m. - Deans Meeting - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea September 26, Thursday 6:30 a.m. - Lauds and Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - New Pastor Preparation: Fall Session - Pastoral Center, Winona September 27, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU


Lord, and asks our Lady to intercede for us with her Son. The rosary is also a wonderful way to pray with the whole family, and I encourage you to find ways of incorporating the rosary into your personal and family life, whether it is by praying the rosary after dinner, before bed, while driving to work, or on a family road trip. The rosary is a powerful spiritual tool, and through it our Blessed Mother leads us closer to her Son. The Blessed Virgin Mary is also a powerful adversary against the evil one, and as we strive to follow Christ in our fallen world, with temptations constantly coming at us from the devil, the world, and our own fallen nature, we should always remember to flee to our heavenly mother and ask for her assistance. Let us never hesitate to go to the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask for her help, entrusting ourselves to her and her unfailing protection. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!

From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

October 1, Tuesday 11:30 a.m. - Mass - Pastor/Principal Day - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea

October 2, Wednesday 10 a.m. - Interview for The Chair TV Show Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester 12:10 p.m. - Opening Mass for the Public Veneration of St. Pio of Pietrelcina “Padre Pio” Relics - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester October 3, Thursday 10:31 a.m. - Guest on Real Presence Catholic Radio 11 a.m. - Conference Call - Catholic Higher Education Committee 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

September 27, Friday – September 28, Saturday Sacred Heart Major Seminary Centennial Mass of Thanksgiving and Celebration - Detroit, MI

October 4, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Blessing and Dedication of New Stained Glass Window - St. Marys Hospital Chapel, Rochester

September 29, Sunday 2 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Catherine Church, Luverne, with St. Leo, Pipestone; St. Adrian, Adrian; St. Anthony, Lismore; and Our Lady of Good Counsel, Wilmont

October 8, Tuesday – October 18, Friday Footsteps of St. Paul Pilgrimage to Greece

October 7, Monday 4 p.m. - Sacred Heart Major Seminary Board Meeting

September , 2019 w The Courier w

Missionary Discipleship


The Power of

Praying with People This month’s column is offered by DEB MCMANIMON, a parishioner of St. Joseph’s Church in Owatonna and a regional missionary for Saint Paul Street Evangelization.

� ave people ever shared a story with you about a

difficulty going on in their life and you responded with, "I’ll pray for you"? That is a wonderful thing to do, and it's something we should do for our brothers and sisters in Christ. I’d like to challenge you to take another step: pray for that person, out loud, right then. For most of us, that is outside of our comfort zones. If you are like most Catholics, you do your best to avoid

September, 2019 w The Courier w

spontaneous prayer in front of other people. It is surprising to many to find out just how simple it can be to overcome the discomfort and create a new habit of learning to pray out loud, in the moment. You can start very simply and say, “Is it okay if I pray for you right now about that?” Almost everyone responds, “Yes.” Then ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. We use the acronym ACTS to give people a simple prayer method: Adoration (praise God), Contrition (we are sorry for the times we have fallen away from God’s plan for our lives), Thanksgiving (remembering God’s blessings to us), and Supplication (the particular issue/ person that needs help). You will probably feel awkward the first time that you pray for someone (I know that I did) but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

CATHOLIC IN RECOVERY IS A SUPPORT GROUP Susan Windley-Daoust for people recovDirector of Missionary Discipleship ering from tions of all types, and meant to be engaged in tandem with a specific 12-step group. One Catholic in Recovery group meets in Austin at Queen of Angels Church Thursdays at 7 p.m. (Jane, 218-429-1522, paulonrabbit@ Another group begins soon in Winona, meeting at St. Casimir's Church Mondays at 6:30 p.m. (Tom, 507-429-2936, Want to start a group? Contact Susan at, or explore

Your challenge is to pray for at least two people this month. The first one will help you get started, and the second one will let you know that it gets easier each time. I always try to remind people that I pray with how very much God loves them. Some people have never heard that, and some haven’t heard it for a long time. It has been amazing to me to see the changes happening in our diocese and throughout the Midwest when Catholics learn that they can and should share their faith in their communities, and are given the tools to do just that. The Holy Spirit is moving in powerful ways in every community where we have done a talk or training. Hearts are being set on fire. We are becoming the people that God has called us to be – a light to the world. We are especially blessed in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester with the tremendous support and involvement of Bishop Quinn, with all those in the diocesan staff, with our religious, and with our lay faithful who are dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Church that he founded. There is something powerful happening here, and we ask for your continued prayers as we work to encourage and enable more and more Catholics to live their baptismal call.

Deb McManimon (R) and Bishop John Quinn evangelize on the corner of 8th and Main streets in Winona.

We have teams in Pipestone, Mankato, Owatonna, Rochester and Winona. Check out the calendar at for our upcoming outings. You can always contact me, too, for more information: Deb McManimon Local Director, Midwest St. Paul Street Evangelization

[Note] There have been (as of press time) a minimum of 21 outings in Southern Minnesota this summer of 2019, with 16 more currently scheduled, and more being added! If you think it wouldn’t work in your community, think again— there has been outreach in city parks, at farmer’s markets, in front of Walmart, and at county fairs. Let Deb help you brainstorm what could work for your city or rural community.

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

[This month's column is written by CAMILLE WITHROW, the program associate for the RCIA in the Diocese of WinonaRochester.] Christian initiation in the catechumenate should be taken care of not only by catechists or priests, but by the entire community of the faithful, so that right from the outset the catechumens may feel that they belong to the people of God.

-Vatican Council II, Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church

he Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the formation process by which people are initiated and accepted into the Church as they “seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts” (RCIA, #1). The RCIA process is accomplished through the labor and love of many. When we think of those involved in RCIA, we typically think of clergy, catechists, and other team members. But, did you know that Christian initiation is the responsibility of all the baptized? The Second Vatican Council, as quoted above, teaches that all those who are baptized have a responsibility to understand and show their concern for the initiation of adults. Also, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the lay faithful by virtue of their reception of Baptism and Confirmation are to share in the spreading of the message of salvation in Jesus Christ (CCC, #900). What an important role we are all called to within the Church! It is important that the local Church community always be prepared to give aid to those searching for Christ. All followers of Christ are charged with the task to spread the gospel according to their abilities. Hence, all members of the community should be assisting the catechumens and candidates throughout the entire initiation process. If there is no community of faith or Christian life to welcome the catechumens and candidates into, their catechesis will run the risk of being barren. We all share responsibility, then, to assist these individuals in our parish as they journey closer to God, and the RCIA text lays out the distinct roles that this calls us to throughout the RCIA process. While we have a role in supporting both the (unbaptized) catechumens and (baptized) candidates on their faith journey, I will focus here on what this role looks like with the catechumens. The RCIA is divided into four distinct periods of formation, and the faithful have a role in each period. The first of these is the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate (also referred to as the Period of Inquiry). The mission of the Church and her members at all times is to share and make known Christ’s message to the world in both word and deed. Within this first period of RCIA, the Church community should give witness to this mission by sharing with the inquirers the good news of the gospel, and by welcoming them into personal conversation, into their homes, and into community gatherings. There is a time of discernment prior to the Rite of Acceptance, which is the liturgical rite inquirers go through before moving to the next period of their formation.

RCIA leaders should be able to see in the inquirers evidence of “a sense of the Church, and some experience of the company and spirit of Christians through contact with a priest or with members of the community” (RCIA, #42). While the welcome we extend to the inquirers is most important during this period, their active contact with the community and her members is also to be considered in discerning their path forward in the process. The Period of the Catechumenate is the next period in RCIA. While this period has a heavy emphasis on catechesis, it is important that the liturgical and pastoral aspects of the RCIA process be honored here as well. The community has an important role during this period through the public blessings and prayers celebrated with the catechumens. The faithful are welcome and encouraged to be present at these celebrations, when possible, and can take an active role in the singing, prayers, responses and acclamations. At the end of this period there is an optional rite, the Rite of Sending, which also includes an important role for the members of the parish community. Through the Rite of Sending, the community has an opportunity to publicly express its approval of the catechumens, and then offers specific intercessions to help strengthen them on their journey. By participating in this rite, the community sends the catechumens forth to the Rite of Election, assured of their parish’s care and support. The Rite of Election is the second major liturgical rite in RCIA, and it is the rite that closes the catechumenate period. The Rite of Election is celebrated by the bishop and includes the broader diocesan community. During this rite, the bishop asks the community present if they affirm the testimony that is given about the catechumens, and if they are ready to include the catechumens in their affection and prayers as they move toward Easter. We see here the importance placed on the community, both to affirm the readiness of the catechumens and to pray for them as they progress towards their reception of the Easter sacraments. The Period of Purification and Enlightenment then follows the Rite of Election, and typically happens during Lent. This period focuses intensely on the spiritual health and growth of the catechumens, now called “the Elect.”

5 Lay Formation & RCIA

Supporting Catechumens In Their Initiation Journey

There are a number of liturgical rites that take place during this period and that involve the parish community. The RCIA text states that “the faithful should take care to participate in the Rites of the Scrutines and presentations” (RCIA, #9.4), which take place during this period. The parish community should also provide the elect with an example of, and give witness to, their own spiritual renewal in penance, faith, and charity. The last part of the RCIA process includes the Period of Mystagogy and the Neophyte Year, which take place after the sacraments of initiation (i.e., Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) are received. During this period, the newly initiated (“neophytes”) are actively and warmly welcomed as part of the community at the Sunday Masses during the Easter season, and are helped to feel at home in the larger parish community. The community grows with the neophytes in deepening their understanding of the Paschal Mystery, and, together with the neophytes, seeks to give active witness to this by works of charity and service. We can see that all baptized individuals have a critical role in the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults. While each period calls for a distinct role for the faithful, it is important that the community provide consistent care and support to those in RCIA throughout their time of formation. Through the support of the larger parish community, those seeking initiation into the Church will see what the Christian faith looks like in practice, will receive support and prayer as they grow deeper in their faith, and will find a welcoming home to be received into. What a beautiful and powerful role we have in bringing others to Christ and into his Church!

Faith is not an isolated act. No one can believe alone, just as no one can live alone… Our love for Jesus and for our neighbor impels us to speak to others about our faith… I cannot believe without being carried by the faith of others, and by my faith I help support others in the faith.

-Catechism of the Catholic Church

September , 2019 w The Courier w

Life, Marriage & Family


Introducing Curatio An Apostolate for Health Care Professionals By DIANNE JOHNSON, RN

�he modern profession of health

care was invented by the Church. Not only were its first practitioners members of religious societies, as were the Sisters of St. Francis who founded St. Marys Hospital, now part of Mayo, but the whole set of animating principles and ethical rules that framed it were all based on a thoroughly Christian worldview. Unfortunately, the original drivers of health care have been usurped by a utilitarian worldview, which is about: 1. the elimination of pain, rather than the restoration of health (and compassion [suffering with] when health cannot be restored); 2. customers who demand that they receive what they want, rather than patients who seek to be restored to their proper functioning; 3. the replacement of the medical professional with medical functionaries whose concern is to give the customers what they want; 4. a view of each "customer" as a collection of replaceable parts that can be changed to match the customer's desires, rather than as an integral whole with a discoverable nature that is the basis of saying what counts as health; 5. widespread moral relativism which undermines and compromises good biomedical ethical decision making and can cause moral distress for the health care professional.

September , 2019 w The Courier w

Enter Curatio, an approved apostolate in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for Catholic health care professionals who seek to change this paradigm. Curatio ex corde Christi means “healing from the heart of Christ." In essence, Curatio was formed to defend a culture of life, to stand squarely with the church in health care and to live and act as leaven in witness to Christ. The members seek to grow in holiness so they can bring Christ to others in health care. This is important, because what is different about Catholic health care is the animating principle of caring, which is from the Heart of Christ. This means Catholics in health care enter the work from the Heart of Christ and, in a proper sacramental relationship, have at their disposal graces and resources unavailable to others. These resources do not present them with some other task others in health care do not have; rather, they make it possible for them to do the work in the fullest way without fear of burning out in the face of the exceptional burdens which are inherent in the work. Curatio sees this as part of the evangelizing work of bringing Christ into every corner of existence. It does not mean that every doctor or nurse in Curatio is a chaplain, but simply that he or she is animated in the work by the Heart of Christ. It will be His love, His Heart, that will sustain us in the trying environment of today’s health care. Curatio members understand the inherent dignity of the human person, as one created by God, and, through prayer, ask for the strength, virtues, and character to strive for holiness in the midst of their work. Their very presence, then, is a witness to the Gospel of Life, as they continue Christ’s mission to care for and heal the sick. The apostolate creates opportunities to pray together with a monthly holy hour, sponsored retreats, talks and biomedical conferences and other liturgical events within the archdiocese. Monsignor James P. Shea, the president of the University of Mary, North Dakota, will be the retreat master at Christ the King Retreat Center this fall on the weekend of November 15-17, 2019.

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

Bishop Quinn blesses Sr. Generose Gervais on the World Day of the Sick, 2016, in Rochester.

Curatio was introduced to the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at a gathering at St. James Coffee Shop earlier this summer in Rochester, and we hope to return! With the blessing of Bishop Quinn we are reaching out to other health care professionals in the diocese to strengthen those medical professionals to be what they are called by God to be, and, perhaps, one day, to restore medicine to its Christian roots. Come join us! Website: | Confidential prayer requests: 1-844-CURATIO | Email: Our diocesan contact is Marilyn K. Baker, MA, RN: or (507) 2067212. Dianne Johnson is the founder and mission director of Curatio.

oly Spirit, comforter of hearts, A Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse �ear the cries of our brothers and sisters � heal your people's wounds

�od of endless love,

ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross.

�entle Jesus, shepherd of peace, join to your own suffering

the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

who have been gravely harmed,

and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. ©2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops September , 2019 w The Courier w

St. Felix Strong!

Catholic Schools


Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

• Academics: Positive growth in NWEA scores, teacher attendance at two trainings: Responsive Classroom and S.M.A.R.T curriculum, a classroom set of ukeleles for the music department, and the continued development of the S.T.E.M. Program

Steve Hoeppner, of the Richard Schulze Foundation, presents a check to Principal Eric Sonnek. They are flanked by Fr. Gregory Parrott and four of the donors to the St. Felix Strong Campaign.


�s the 2019-20 school year begins, St. Felix

School has a lot to be thankful for. This past year we have accomplished much. We have completed the following thanks to the wonderful community of Wabasha Kellogg and the surrounding area:

How This Classical Catholic School Welcomes Children with Down Syndrome By COURTNEY GROGAN

LOUISVILLE, KY., Mar 21, 2019 (CNA) - Students with Down syndrome study Latin and logic alongside their classmates at Immaculata Classical Academy, a Catholic school in Louisville, Ky., that integrates students with special needs into each of their pre-K through 12 classrooms. The school emphasizes “education of the heart,” along with an educational philosophy tailored to the abilities of each student. About 15 percent of students at Immaculata have special needs. “When you look at these students with Down syndrome in a classical setting, it is truly what a classical education is all about -- what it truly means to be human,” the school’s founder, Michael Michalak, told CNA. “You can't learn compassion in a book,” Michalak explained. He said the students at Immaculata are gaining “the ability to give of yourself to help others” through mutual mentoring constantly taking place in the classrooms. Michalek founded the academy along with his wife, Penny, in 2010. The couple saw a need for a Catholic school in which students like their daughter, Elena, who has Down syndrome, would not be segregated

September , 2019 w The Courier w

• We installed a playground. • Our enrollment is staying steady over the past year. • Upgrades: Updated WiFi, new laptops for teachers, new and improved lighting in the gym and tunnel, and automated faucets in the first-floor bathrooms.

from her siblings. They wanted to keep their children together without compromising educational quality or spiritual formation. “A classical education is, I think, the best education for a child with special needs because it is an education in everything that is beautiful, true, and good. It is perfect for these children,” Penny told CNA. The school’s course schedule is configured so that students can move up or down grade levels by subject at each class hour, according to individual needs. “A second-grader might go to third grade math class and a child with Down syndrome in second grade might go over to first grade or might stay in second grade,” Michael Michalak explained. “Nobody is looking around and saying, 'Oh, they are going to special classroom.’ They are just going where they need to be.” “In the midst of all of this we are not leaving students behind,” Penny added. “We keep our high academic standards while integrating students with special needs.” Since its founding, the independent Catholic school has grown to a student body of 160. Other Catholic schools across the country have begun looking to Immaculata as a model, the Michalaks say. “Whenever anyone visits our school, they always say, ‘Oh my goodness the joy of this place!’” Penny told CNA. The couple attributes the school’s sense of joy to the Holy Spirit and “the joy of belonging.” “Inclusion is more of a buzzword these days, but it is true that we all want to belong and we all want to be loved,” said Michael Michalek. "Prayer is the air that we breathe. We start the day with prayer. Every class starts with a prayer and ends in a prayer,” said Penny, who entrusted the school to our Our Lady at the school’s founding with St. Maximilian Kolbe as its patron. "Our whole philosophy is to teach every child as if we were teaching the Christ child, so that is how we

• Our St. Felix Strong Campaign raised a little over $50,000 dollars for a tuition assistance program, professional development for teachers and enhancing classroom curriculum. Our community helped us raise $25,000 and the Richard Schulze Foundation matched that $25,000.

We would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support of St. Felix, and for their support of Catholic education in general. Eric Sonnek is the principal of St. Felix School in Wabasha.

handle each and every student," Penny continued. A developing religious community, the Sisters of the Fiat, also teach at Immaculata. The sisters take an additional vow to serve those with with special needs, along with the traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The school’s founders say they are aware of their unique witness and role in a world where many children with Down syndrome are aborted. The estimated termination rate for children prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome in the United States is 67 percent; 77 percent in France; and Denmark, 98 percent, according to CBS News. At the annual March for Life in Washington, DC, students from Immaculata Classical Academy hold signs that read, “Abortion is not the cure for Down syndrome." The students are united in mission as “a prolife school” and pray together for an end to abortion for their brothers and sisters with Down syndrome around the world, Michalak said. The Michalaks have also adopted three children with Down syndrome. Michael sees the founding of a school like Immaculata as the natural Catholic response at a moment in history when children with Down syndrome are especially at risk. "Look at what the Catholic Church has done throughout history: We see orphans; we build orphanages. We see sick people; we build hospitals. It is in this particular time and place that we saw the need to take the lead on this and to start a school that incorporates the whole family.” His wife adds, “When you are doing something that you feel called by God to do, it is a vocation, it is a mission, it is a can you not be full of joy when you know that this is the will of God. It is very rewarding.” This article was originally published on CNA Feb. 2, 2018.

Steubenville Youth Conference 2019: Aaron Lofy

This month's column is by MICHAEL OTTMAN, the coordinator of youth ministry for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.



12-14, the theme of the Steubenville Conference at the Rochester Civic Center was Belong. A popular quote that many seemed to remember from the weekend was, “The opposite of belonging is fitting in.” It’s not about just changing appearances or acting as someone we are not, to simply “fit in," but it’s about being loved for who we are and were created to be. We ultimately belong to our heavenly father who loves us dearly. The conference featured the music of SONAR and presentations by: Paul George, a speaker, consultant and life coach. Paul wrote the book Rethink Happiness: Dare to Embrace Got and Experience True Joy and hosts The Paul George Show, a weekly national radio show and podcast.

Fr. Joseph A. Espaillat II, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York who founded the Messengers of Christ ministry. Katie Hartfiel, author of Woman in Love.

Jason Evert, author of 10 books, including How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, and speaker on the virtue of chastity. Nic Frank, a youth minister in Rockford, IL.

In case you are wondering, "Can I rewatch the talks?", the answer is yes! Search "Steubenville Rochester 2019" on YouTube. All of the main talks are available to watch and share from there! If you are on the fence about attending next year, I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch a couple of these talks. It may help in the decision process moving forward!

Youth & Young Adults

Director of Youth & Young Adults,


It was a beautiful weekend to see young and seasoned hearts encounter the Lord! There were more than 1,500 youth gathered for the weekend. Within that number, there were more than 200 youth and adults from our diocese who attended! Now that we have all these hearts on fire for our faith, what’s next? Do we let this flame settle, and wait until the next conference? When things start to return to “normal” life, do we still remember that we belong? I encourage all who attended to continue to grow in faith! In times of doubt, remember how the Lord worked during this conference, and then continue to look forward for what God has next in your journey. The emotions from the weekend may start to settle, but know what you encountered was real and that you belong. For those who have never attended, pray about going next year! If the Lord calls, do not be afraid to answer.

September , 2019 w The Courier w


cont'd from pg. 1

What Is the Relationship of Eucharistic Adoration to the Mass?

The celebration of the Mass is the origin and purpose of the worship shown to the Eucharist outside the Mass. Eucharistic adoration extends Holy Communion in a lasting way even as it prepares the faithful to participate more fully in the celebration of the Mass. It leads us to acknowledge Christ’s marvelous presence in the sacrament and invites us to deeper spiritual union with him in the reception of Holy Communion. What Is the Importance of Eucharistic Adoration?

Eucharistic adoration is the respect and worship we give to Jesus, who is truly present to us under the appearance of bread and wine. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure; by not only celebrating it but also by praying before it outside of Mass we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace. As St. Alphonsus Liguori noted, “of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.” [CCC 1418]

Exposition is the placement of the sacred host outside the tabernacle for public adoration. This can take many forms. The simplest form is the opening of the tabernacle doors. Another form is the removal of the sacred vessels from the tabernacle for a more prominent and visible placement. The Church also permits a “full” exposition, when the sacred host is clearly visible in a vessel called a “monstrance.” There are three purposes of Eucharistic exposition: (1) to acknowledge Christ’s marvelous presence in the sacrament; (2) to lead us to a fuller participation in the celebration of the Eucharist, culminating in Holy Communion; and (3) to foster the worship which is due to Christ in spirit and in truth. People who observe Eucharistic adoration experience a deeper devotion to Jesus, and this manifests itself in countless ways. The primary fruits are repentance and conversion which lead to increased charity - that is, the love of Christ alive in his people. The adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist also leads to greater reverence at Mass, a deeper desire for personal holiness, and a

There are many ways to pray. We may meditate silently by gazing on the sacred host. We may silently speak to Jesus from our mind and heart. We may also rely on devotions and prayers from Catholic tradition, such as the reading of Scripture, recitation of the rosary, or the litanies. When two or more are gathered before the Sacrament, they may pray or sing hymns together.

What Is the Purpose of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament?

What Are the Fruits of Eucharistic Adoration?

WASHINGTON D.C., Aug. 10, 2019 (CNA) - After a recent survey found that two-thirds of Catholics do not believe Church teaching about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Catholic commentators are stressing the importance of better faith formation. “We should never assume that ‘everyone here knows the basics.’ We have to constantly reiterate the basics and take every advantage that we have to catechize,” said John Bergsma, a professor of theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. A recent Pew Research study found that just 31% of U.S. Catholics they surveyed believe that the bread and wine used in the Eucharist, through a process called transubstantiation, become the body and blood of Jesus - a fundamental teaching central to the Catholic faith, known as the Real Presence. Sixty-nine percent of Catholics that Pew surveyed reported their belief that the bread and wine used during the Eucharist “are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.” This mindset made up a majority in every age group surveyed. “Most Catholics who believe that the bread and wine are symbolic do not know that the church holds that transubstantiation occurs,” Pew reported Aug. 5. “Overall, 43% of Catholics believe that the bread and wine are symbolic and also that this reflects the position of the church. Still, one in five Catholics (22%) reject the idea of transubstantiation, even though they know about the church’s teaching.” Interestingly, a small percentage of those surveyed 3% - claimed to believe in the Real Presence despite not knowing that this is what the Church teaches. Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron said the study made him angry because it showed poor formation for generations in the Church. “This should be a wake-up call to all of us in the Church - priests, bishops, religious, laypeople, catechists,

September , 2019 w The Courier w

How Long Have Christians Practiced Eucharistic Adoration?

Christians have adored the Eucharist as long as the Church has celebrated the Eucharist - that is, from the time of the Apostles. The earliest texts that speak of the Mass are probably older than some of the New Testament books. In every generation since the generation of the Apostles, the Church Fathers wrote about Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. In the second, third, and fourth centuries, Christians in lands as far-flung as Italy, Egypt, North Africa, and Cappadocia (modern-day Turkey) testify to the special care given to the Eucharist that was reserved for the sick and homebound.

Survey on Catholic Belief in the Eucharist Prompts Calls for Better Catechesis By JONAH MCKEOWN and KEVIN JONES

stronger sense of union with the parish and the whole Church. Ever since the early centuries of Christianity, the Church has linked Eucharistic devotion to service to the poor. More recently, the practice has lead to an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.

^ Bishop Quinn visited St. Ann Parish, Janesville, for its 10th anniversary of Adoration in 2015. Fr. Michael Cronin (L), then pastor, joined him at the church’s Chapel of Divine Mercy.


What Is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament?

How Should We Pray During Eucharistic Adoration?

parents, everyone - that we need to pick up our game when it comes to communicating even the most basic doctrines of the Church,” Barron wrote on his blog Aug. 6. The Catechism of the Catholic Church in paragraph 1374 states:

In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist ‘the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained’ is a substantial presence by which Christ, God and man, makes himself wholly and entirely present.

Bergsma told CNA that he found the results of the Pew survey unsurprising, as similar polls in the past two decades have turned up similar results. He said many of the self-identified Catholics surveyed probably don’t show up at Mass very often, if at all. “Really what this poll shows, once again, is that there are large numbers of persons in the United States who consider themselves ‘Catholic’ almost as an ethnic or cultural category, because they received one or more sacraments when they were children, or their family is traditionally Catholic,” Bergsma said. “However, although these persons consider themselves ‘Catholic’ as a demographic category, they haven’t and don’t practice the Catholic faith, and they haven't made much effort to learn what the Catholic Church teaches.” He called for better catechesis, especially in parish and school settings, to counter the lack of belief shown in the survey. For Bergsma, a former Protestant pastor who once preached vehemently against the Catholic Church, a big factor in his conversion was encountering the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist. “Jesus said, ‘This is my body … this is my blood.’ Every Christian who claims to follow Christ should take him at his word and believe in the Real Presence,” he said. “The early Christians surely did, and reading the earliest Christian writings on the Eucharist is what converted me on this issue... For those who don’t know or reject the Church’s teaching, I would encourage them to give it a chance. Read, for example, what the Catechism says about the Eucharist, and ponder it with an open mind.”

What Is the Best Way to Promote Eucharistic Adoration? The best way to promote Eucharistic adoration is by doing it! Make frequent visits to Jesus at the tabernacle. Invite your spouse, your children, your neighbors, and co-workers to join you. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us, “Because Christ himself is present in the sacrament of the altar, He is to be honored with the worship of adoration. ... To visit the Blessed Sacrament is…a proof of gratitude, an expression of love, and a duty of adoration toward Christ our Lord”(CCC 1418).

This should be a wake-up call to all of us in the Church - priests, bishops, religious, laypeople, catechists, parents, everyone that we need to pick up our game when it comes to communicating even the most basic doctrines of the Church.

-Bishop Robert Barron Father Bradley Zamora, director of liturgy at Mundelein Seminary in Illinois, told CNA that the Eucharist - and what the Church teaches about it - is the “very core” of the Catholic faith, and the fact that it seems to be so misunderstood is disheartening. “As a person of faith, as someone who has chosen to follow Christ as a disciple, you have to be willing to enter into the narrative of what we believe,” he said. “You have to be willing to give your heart completely to Christ, you have to put on eyes of faith, you have to open your ears to the very voice of Christ. This is the disposition, as difficult as it may be, that our faith begs of us. When we gather for the Eucharist we see and hear things happening in front of us, but beneath what we see and what we hear is the very Paschal Mystery coming to life before our eyes.” Zamora, like Bergsma, emphasized the need for better catechesis and teaching about the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. He also said that Catholics do themselves a “disservice” as a Church when they don’t speak about the mysteries of the faith as often as they can. As a seminary professor, he said he tries to bring his seminarians back to the reality of the Real Presence constantly as he teaches them how to celebrate Mass. “When we pronounce the words of the institution narrative, ‘This is my body,’ and ‘This is my blood,’ it is Christ Himself who prays those words again in our time and space just as He did at the Last Supper,” Zamora explained. “What we do when we gather for prayer is not some stage play, but rather we re-present the very mystery Christ instituted.”

Come to the

Eucharistic Adoration Parish Mission! �ll are invited and encouraged to attend an upcoming Eucharistic Parish Mission preached by the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, on September 23 and 24, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. The Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist is a public clerical association founded in 2007, whose charism is the promotion of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in parishes and dioceses. Their preaching assists in bringing Catholics to a better appreciation and deeper love of what the Church calls the “source and summit” of our faith: the Most Holy Eucharist. The mission will take place during the evenings of Monday, September 23, and Tuesday, September 24, with a separate Eucharistic reflection talk each evening, and

24 Reasons

will include Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The Missionaries will also be preaching at all weekend Masses of the Cathedral cluster on the weekend of September 21/22, as well as at daily Masses on Monday, September 23, and Tuesday, September 24. The Cathedral was privileged to host the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist five years ago, and parishioners still speak of the powerful mission, and the renewal of Adoration that followed, with many people becoming newly committed to a weekly Holy Hour with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Cathedral is excited to once again host the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, to help bring about a greater love and devotion to Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is blessed to have Eucharistic Adoration Monday 7:30 am - Saturday 8:00 am, and there are several other Eucharistic Adoration chapels across the diocese as well. All are invited to this life-changing mission, and please spread the word to all those who may be interested.

2. Day and night Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because of his Infinite love for you! Behold I will be with you always even to the end of the world, because I have loved you with an everlasting love, and constant is my affection for you. (Mt 28:20; Jer 31:3)


12 Reasons From The Teachings Of The Church

3. The specific way that Jesus asks you to love him in return is to spend one quiet hour with him in the Blessed Sacrament. Where your treasure is, there is your heart. ... Could you not watch one hour with me? (Mt 6:21; 26:40)

1. You are greatly needed! The Church and the world have a great need of eucharistic adoration. (Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Cenae)

2. This is a personal invitation to you from Jesus. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. (Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Canae)

4. Your hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will repair for evils of the world and bring about peace on earth. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Jesus and ready to make reparation for the great evils of the world. Let your adoration never cease. (Pope John Paul II, Dominicai Cenae)

5. Day and night Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because you are the most important person in the world to him! Christ is reserved in our churches as the spiritual center of the heart of the community, the universal Church and all humanity, since within the veil of the species, Christ is contained, the invisible heart of the Church, the Redeemer of the world, the center of all hearts, by him all things are and of whom we exist. (Pope Paul IV, Mysterium Fidei) 6. Jesus wants you to do more than to go to Mass on Sunday. Our communal worship at mass must go together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic adoration in order that our love may be complete. (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)

7. You grow spiritually with each moment you spend with Jesus! Our essential commitment in life is to preserve and advance constantly in Eucharistic life and Eucharistic piety and to grow spiritually in the climate of the Holy Eucharist. (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)

12 Biblical Reasons

1. He is really there! I myself am the living bread come down from heaven. (Jn 6:35)

For Spending a Holy Hour Before the Blessed Sacrament

3. Jesus is counting on you because the Eucharist is the center of life. Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing that the sacrament of love shall be at the center of the life of the people of God so that through all the manifestations of worship due him shall be given back ‘love for love’ and truly become the life of our souls. (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)

Everyone is encouraged to consider attending one or both of the evening missions, including those from outside the city of Winona, and those who may not be Catholic or are not currently practicing the Faith. The mission will be held at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, 360 Main St., at 7:00 pm on September 23 and 24. The Masses that will include preaching on Eucharistic Adoration by the Missionaries are: 5:15 pm on Saturday, September 21; 7:00 am, 9:00 am (at St. Casimir Parish in Winona), and 10:30 am on Sunday, September 22; 7:00 am on Monday, September 23; and 12:10 pm on Tuesday, September 24. Confessions will be available after the Monday and Tuesday daily Masses, as well as after the missions on Monday and Tuesday night. For more information on the mission, you may contact Leandra Hubka, Head Adoration Coordinator at the Cathedral, at or 507-9903402, or call the Cathedral office at 507-452-4770. To learn more about the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, please visit

4. When you look upon the Sacred Host, you look upon Jesus, the Son of God. Indeed, this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day. (Jn 6:40)

Young people adore the Eucharist at the 2013 Steubenville Youth Conference in Rochester. 8. The best time you spend on earth is with Jesus, your Best Friend, in the Blessed Sacrament! How great is the value of conversation with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, for there is nothing more consoling on earth, nothing more efficacious for advancing along the road of holiness! (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)

9. Just as you can’t be exposed to the sun without receiving its rays, neither can you come to Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament without receiving the divine rays of his grace, his love, his peace. Christ is truly the Emmanuel, that is, God with us, day and night, he is in our midst. He dwells with us full of grace and truth. He restores morality, nourishes virtue, consoles the afflicted, strengthens the weak. (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)

10. If Jesus were actually visible in church, everyone would run to welcome him, but he remains hidden in the Sacred Host under the appearance of bread, because he is calling us to faith, that we many come to him in humility. The Blessed Sacrament is the ‘Living Heart’ of each of our churches and it is our very sweet duty to honor and adore the Blessed Host, which our eyes see, the Incarnate Word, whom they cannot see. (Pope Paul VI, Credo of the People of God)

11. With transforming mercy, Jesus makes our heart one with his. He proposes his own example to those who come to him, that all may learn to be like himself, gentle and humble of heart, and to seek not their own interest but those of God. (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei) 12. If the Pope himself would give you a special invitation to visit him in the Vatican, this honor would be nothing in comparison to the honor and dignity that Jesus himself bestows upon you with the invitation of spending one hour with him in the Blessed Sacrament. The divine Eucharist bestows upon the Christian people the incomparable dignity. (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)

5. Each moment that you spend in His Eucharistic Presence will increase his divine life within you and deepen your personal relationship and friendship with him. I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly. I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him shall bear much fruit because without me, you can do nothing. (Jn 15:5)

6. Each hour you spend with Jesus will deepen his divine peace in your heart. Come to me all of you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you ... Cast all of your anxieties upon the one who cares for you ... My Peace is My Gift to you. (Mt 11:28; Pt 5:7; Jn 14:17) 7. Jesus will give you all the graces you need to be happy! The Lamb on the throne will shepherd them. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water. (Rev 7:17)

8. Jesus is infinitely deserving of our unceasing thanksgiving and adoration for all he has done for our salvation. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honor, glory and praise. (Rev. 5:12) 9. For peace in our country! When my people humble themselves and seek my presence... I will revive their land. (2Chr 7:14) 10. Each hour you spend with Jesus on earth will leave your soul everlastingly more beautiful and glorious in heaven! They who humble themselves shall be exalted. ... All of us, gazing on the Lord’s glory with unveiled faces, are being transformed from glory to glory into his very image. (Lk 18:14; 2Cor 3:18) 11. Jesus will bless you, your family and the whole world for this hour of faith you spend with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Blessed are they who do not see and yet believe ... Faith can move mountains... What is needed is trust... Behold I come to make all things new. (Jn 20:29; Mk 11:23; Mk 5:36; Rev 21:5)

12. Each moment you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament brings joy, pleasure, and delight to his Sacred Heart! My joy, my pleasure, my delight is to be with you. (Prov 8:31)

September , 2019 w The Courier w


Quality Men Rev. Jason Kern


Director of Vocations

� hese past few weeks have been busy as our seminarians prepare to return to semi-

nary. Our 18 seminarians gathered for a wonderful week of fraternity and prayer. We are blessed with five new seminarians this fall, and the week provided a great opportunity to get to know those who are returning. Our gath-

Seven Priests in Seven Years

What's the 'Secret Sauce' at this Ohio Parish? By MARY FARROW

HUDSON, OH, May 26, 2019 (CNA).- Starting in 2013, and every year since for the past seven years, one young man from the parish of St. Mary’s in Hudson, Ohio, has been ordained a priest of Jesus Christ for the Catholic Church. It’s a rarity in the Catholic Church in the United States to have that many priests coming from one place in such a short time span. The timing of it all was something that could have only been orchestrated by God, said Fr. Ryan Mann, one of the “seven in seven” priests, who was ordained in 2014. Between staggered entrances to seminary after high school, college, or the start of a career, and some of the men dropping out of seminary for a year or two only to come back, “the seven in seven could not have been orchestrated ahead of time,” Mann told CNA. CNA spoke with three of the “seven in seven” priests to find out what it is about St. Mary’s parish that is fostering so many vocations. Seminarians and Priests as Role Models

Before the seven, there was Fr. Stephen Flynn, a priest from St. Mary’s who was ordained in 2008. He “got the ball rolling” among the young men at St. Mary’s, Mann said. “Once the ball got rolling, it was easier to call this guy and say, ‘Hey what’s it like?’ or if he was home in the summertime you can see - ‘Is he weird? Oh he’s normal, oh good, I can be normal and do this,’” he said. “In many ways he was kind of the first fool who went to seminary” and had the courage to make the leap, added Fr. Patrick Schultz, a priest from St. Mary’s who was ordained in 2016. Schultz said that, starting with Flynn, the seminarians from St. Mary’s would return to the parish on their breaks from seminary and spend a lot of time with the youth group, which allowed other young men to get to know seminarians on a personal level. “When you talk about the ‘secret sauce’, I think it’s the fact get one seminarian, and you make him as September , 2019 w The Courier w

ering took place at the former convent of the Religious Sisters of Mercy outside of Jackson. The tri-parish there hosted us with wonderful food and welcomed us to their churches. We were blessed to spend a day on Fox Lake and enjoy our annual baseball game. Being at the convent made prayer and the Mass convenient as well. Beyond what we did while out there, I watched the friendships of the men deepen, and I am certain that our

visible as possible to demystify what being a seminarian is,” he said. “That’s how you create a culture of vocations. It helps you see that there’s such a thing as discerning priesthood - when you’re signing up for seminary, it’s not signing up to be a priest, you’re discerning priesthood." Additionally, he said, the formation that seminarians receive help them not only to become holier, but to become more fully human and more fully alive, which is helpful for others to see who are considering a vocation. “So you enjoy life, you love movies, you love bonfires, you love chips and salsa, you love watching Nacho Libre - you’re not just this cloistered off, speaking in Latin, farremoved ethereal person,” he said. Fr. Rich Samide, a priest from St. Mary’s who was ordained in 2018, told CNA it “helped immensely” in his discernment to know someone who had already gone to seminary. “Seminary was not some unknown place with unknown men studying for priesthood. I knew that if I went to seminary, I would already know several of the seminarians,” he said. “They were real to me, and made the idea of going to seminary real. I knew them as men who had normal interests, and diverse personalities. I could see that I could flourish as a seminarian, and as a priest, through their example.” Each priest that CNA spoke with mentioned the example of happy and holy priests who were already at the parish - in particular, Fr. Damian Ference, who served as parochial vicar at St. Mary’s parish for several years. He encouraged vocations, he prayed for them and mentioned them in homilies and intentions, and he spent time investing in the young people at the parish, Samide said. “He mentored so many of us who were considering the option of priesthood or religious life, and, especially for the young men considering the priesthood, he gave a lived example of how priesthood might look for us. I had never really gotten to know a priest personally before him, and that helped so much in my discernment,” Samide said. Schultz said he knew Ference when he was in high school and Ference was a “freshly ordained” priest, and that his enthusiasm for Christ and for life was attractive. “This is a dude who had a rock band as a priest at the parish, he knew culture and movies and books, and he lived his vocation with such an intensity and a joy, that it was like well, if that’s priesthood, that’s not that bad!” An Active Youth Group

The second thing that each priest highlighted was the importance of the Life Teen program at the parish - a youth group that has engaged 5th graders through high

next generation of priests will be a strong support to one another. We have strong candidates for priesthood, and I am encouraged by their readiness to grow and pursue holiness and a full and authentic Christian life. After the gathering, the men returned to their seminary the following week and began the new semester with a retreat and opening conferences. It is starting out as a great year for our seminarians, and I’m grateful to lead this group of quality men as they seek holiness and conformity to Christ the Good Shepherd. Please keep them in your prayers. In the coming months, we will feature our new seminarians in the Courier so you can hear more about them.

schoolers at the parish for 25 years now. “I would be remiss...if I did not mention the pivotal role that Life Teen had in my faith formation and in my eventual discernment of a priestly vocation,” Samide said. “Life Teen provided me with a solid community of disciples that encouraged me to go deeper in my relationship with Jesus Christ, and, quite frankly, catapulted me into discipleship.” While he had always attended Mass on days when he was obligated to, Samide said Life Teen helped him make his faith his own, and introduced him to friends who encouraged him to seek God. “From that place of discipleship, I began to discern the priesthood,” he said. Schultz also pointed to the active Life Teen program as a key to fostering vocations, and encouraged parishes to heavily invest in their young people. “Have a disproportionate, unreasonable commitment to helping young people meet Jesus,” Schultz said. “Like as a budget item, helping young people meet Jesus, encounter Jesus, and choose to live life with him as the greatest adventure is one of the most important things.” For Mann, Life Teen was not something he became too involved in until he was a young adult, and he was asked to help with the program. But St. Mary’s has always been a place where young people have been welcomed and involved in parish life, he said, which helped foster a culture of vocations. “We always have young people around, they always felt very welcome and at home here,” he said. “We had priests hanging out with our youth group during adoration, or teaching them night prayer, or praying a rosary with them, or praying to saints with them, being with them, sharing the spiritual tradition of the Church,” he added. A Personal Invitation

Another thing all three priests mentioned to CNA that helped foster their vocation was that someone, at some point, looked each of them in the eye, called them by name, and encouraged them to at least consider discerning the priesthood. “For almost every guy someone looked us in the eye and said: ‘You should be a priest, I think you’d be really good at it. You should consider it,’” Mann said. It’s biblical, he added, because Jesus called each of his disciples by name. “I think the average high school guy going to our

Seven Priests, cont'd on pg. 17

Impact Your Catholic Community and Benefit from an

IRA Required Minimum Distribution Gift Monica Herman

�f you are aged 70½ or older, you have the opportunity to save on taxes and make a charitable rollover gift from your IRA. With a direct transfer from your traditional IRA to a qualified charity, you satisfy your minimum required distribution for the year. IRA Charitable Rollover transfers are income tax-free. IRA Charitable Rollover Fast Facts:

You must be 70 ½ or older.

Only traditional IRA accounts are eligible. The IRA Charitable Rollover cannot be used with other retirement plans such as a 401(k), 403(b) or a SEP IRA.

Transfers cannot be made to Donor-Advised Funds, Charitable Gift Annuities, or other life-income arrangements.

Contact your IRA administrator to begin this process. Please provide the following information:

Contact: Monica Herman, Director (507) 858-1276


For gifts designated for the benefit of a specific endowment fund, parish, school, cemetery or field of interest please contact The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota.

The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota 750 Terrace Heights, Suite 105 Winona, MN 55987 Tax ID# 41-1691198

Transfers must be made directly from the IRA to a qualified charity.

• Your taxable income can be reduced by up to $100,000, the maximum allowable.

Supporting Seminarians What is the difference between the IHM Seminary’s Hearts on Fire Appeal and the Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse?

�he IHM Seminary’s Hearts on Fire Appeal directly supports the operations of the IHM Seminary. For over seven decades, Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary has helped men to encounter the living Christ and

discover whether he is calling them to follow him as ordained priests. The Hearts on Fire Appeal directly funds the work to make that happen. Fifteen dioceses send their men to IHM, and the Hearts of Fire Appeal funds the operations of the Seminary, so that these men have a place to come for discernment and formation. The Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse was created in 2006 to assist in covering the expenses of the men from the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to attend seminary and discern a life of sacred service to parishes and faithful across southern Minnesota. As the cost of all education has risen dramatically in recent years, so too has the cost of seminarian education and formation. The Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse covers the cost of room and board while the seminarians attend IHM Seminary and all the educational expenses of those who go on to attend Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI.

Catholic Foundation

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota


Congratulations! Since our Kick-off, the following parishes have met their goals for the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal:

All Saints New Richland

St. Finbarr Grand Meadow

Christ the King Byron

St. Francis of Assisi Rochester

Good Shepherd Jackson

St. Ignatius Spring Valley

Holy Family Kasson

St. Joseph Lakefield

Immaculate Conception St. Clair

St. Joseph Waldorf

Resurrection Rochester

St. Luke Sherburn

St. Ann Janesville

St. Mary Lake Wilson

St. Anthony Westbrook

St. Patrick LeRoy

St. Casimir Winona

St. Patrick West Albany

St. Columban Preston

St. Rose of Lima Lewiston

Seminarians pray the Rosary in the chapel at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona. September , 2019 w The Courier w

Ask a Canon Lawyer


Understanding Vos Estis �ecently,

on May 7, 2019, Pope Francis issued a document titled Vos Estis Lux Mundi (“You are the light of the world”) as a response to the abuse crisis. Although this document has been in the news quite a bit lately, there has not been much popular, accessible discussion on the actual content of the document. And so, to start off, here are some of the document’s main points:

Vos Estis clarifies the criminal nature of certain offenses. As has been discussed here in previous columns, not all sins are actually considered “crimes” in canon law. While anyone committing serious sins is certainly in need of repentance; and while a person who publicly perseveres in a state of grave sin cannot receive Holy Communion (cf. can. 915 – 916); canon law can only impose active punishments on those who commit offenses that are specifically recognized as crimes by the law of the Church. Prior to Vos Estis, one obstacle to properly punishing certain scandalous offenses was ambiguity over whether such actions constitute formal canonical crimes. For example, some offenses, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, are clearly identified as crimes by both canon law and the civil law of the secular government. Other crimes, such as violating the seal of the confessional, are not relevant to civil law but are considered canonical crimes by the Church. However, some offenses—e.g., using one’s position of authority to pressure an adult into committing sinful acts— while being clearly sinful, did not seem to fall into any specific category of canonical crime. However, article 1 of Vos Estis clarifies that this kind of abuse of authority is indeed a “delict” (i.e., a crime) that can and should be punished. Additionally, Vos Estis art. 1 also indicates that any attempt made by an authority figure to conceal, cover up, or avoid prosecution for an instance of sexual abuse is itself a canonical crime. Vos Estis introduces the concept of a mandated reporter into canon law. Many of us are already familiar with the concept of a “mandated reporter” in secular civil law. That is, certain people, such as teachers, social workers, health care professionals, and others are required by law to report any suspicion of child abuse to the appropriate state authorities.

September , 2019 w The Courier w

Vos Estis art. 3 seemingly borrows this concept and applies it to the internal law of the Church. Now, any priest or person in consecrated Jenna Cooper life is required to alert the proper Church authoriTribunal Coordinator & Judge ties (usually the local bishop) whenever he or she “…has notice of, or well-founded motives to believe that, one of the facts referred to in article 1 [i.e., crimes involving sexual abuse] has been Reports can also be made directly to the Holy committed.” See in Rome. And, in fact, it is a requirement that Many of the new canonical mandated reportRome be informed of and involved in every such ers had already, as a result of their professioncase (cf. art. 7). al position, been civil mandated reporters. Vos Once the metropolitan archbishop ascerEstis does not change this, and art. 19 explicitly tains that the accusation is not obviously false or directs Church personnel to comply with state unfounded, he makes a request to the appropriate laws regarding the reporting of potential abuse. dicastery (or “department”) of the Roman Curia However, these mandated reporters now must that he, the archbishop, be officially assigned to report suspected abuse twice, on two differinvestigate the case (Art. 10). ent “tracks”—they must report it to the Once the metropolitan archbishDo correct state authorities, and then y op is thus assigned, the investigao u h que again to the appropriate Church ave sti tion of the alleged abuse is carc on a anon authorities. a b y ried out in a way that follows law out ou Incidentally, Vos Estis t w h o a the general principles of all to s also states that, although ee u l d l i k e t trials or processes within the h a n ere swer some individuals within e ? Church. That is, there is a d j coop Em the Church are mandated e a focused period of evidence r reporters, “Any person can w i t h @dow i l gathering, and the accused r . submit a report concerning q u e " C o u r i org is given a chance to defend stio er the conduct referred to in n " himself. At every step, care is the article 1” (Art. 3, §2). subj i n taken to ensure the rights of ect l i n everyone involved are respectIt spells out procedures for e. ed. investigating bishops accused of crimes. Even before Vos Estis, It underscores the need to care for it was understood that bishops were victims. As art. 5 of Vos Estis states: responsible for the safety and well-being of their The ecclesiastical Authorities shall commit flock, and that any instance of abuse should be themselves to ensuring that those who state reported to the local bishop, who would investithat they have been harmed, together with gate and attend to the situation. However, what their families, are to be treated with dignity was less clear was what should be done if the and respect, and, in particular, are to be: a) bishop himself was suspected of having commitwelcomed, listened to and supported, including ted an offense that needed to be reported. through provision of specific services; b) offered A major portion of Vos Estis is dedicated to spiritual assistance; c) offered medical assisclosing this gap in the law (Articles 6 – 18). In a tance, including therapeutic and psychological nutshell, if a bishop is accused of abuse, a report assistance, as required by the specific case.” can be made to the local metropolitan archbishop, i.e. the bishop of the local archdiocese. If the local While care for victims has always been a matarchdiocese is without a bishop at the time, or if ter of justice and Christian charity, Vos Estis makes the archbishop himself is the one accused, then a special effort to highlight this point. a report can be made to the “senior suffrage” bishop—that is, the bishop of a “regular” diocese Note: The full text of Vos Estis can be found online within the province who has been a bishop within on the Vatican website: the province for the longest period of time (Art. content/francesco/en/motu_proprio/documents/ 8). papa-francesco-motu-proprio-20190507_vos-estislux-mundi.html

Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

matters that affect the common good. And, because important laws are made that affect his diocese at the state and federal level, he will join with other bishops in a “conference of bishops,” such as the Minnesota Catholic Conference, to collaboratively engage public officials with one voice. What Is Binding?

� his session, the Catholic bishops of Minnesota advocated in favor of a policy that would allow undocument-

ed immigrants to drive legally in Minnesota. The bishops and Minnesota Catholic Conference staff have received plenty of feedback from Catholics throughout the state, and in many instances expressing their disagreement with that policy proposal. This issue raises an occasion for asking what many of these Catholics are wondering: “Are we ‘bad Catholics’ for disagreeing with the bishops on this or other matters?” Or, perhaps, “Are the bishops overstepping their authority by taking such specific positions?” The key to answering these questions is to clarify the way in which the public policy positions of bishops are binding on the faithful. This is particularly vital at a time when society needs the perspective of the Church to bring the light of the Gospel to the polarized political debates of our day. The laity must consider carefully the policy positions proposed by bishops and work to make them their own insofar as they are built on the foundation of Gospel principles. Bishops as Teachers

A bishop, whose authority is given to him by virtue of apostolic succession, has the great commission to be the herald of the Gospel in his diocese. He is the shepherd of all the souls in his diocese, not just Catholics, and is entrusted with their pastoral care. The most basic witness of the Gospel is to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbor. One way in which we love our neighbors (that is, work for their authentic good) is to advocate for laws and policies that promote their well-being. Bishops must speak out in defense of the dignity of every human person, not because they are Catholic, but because we are. A bishop who, seeing injustice being done to persons in his diocese, and who did not speak out in their defense, would be weakened in his ability to be a herald of the Gospel. If a person or group was suffering and did not hear the voice of the Catholic bishop and Catholic community coming to their defense, is it likely that they will give the Church’s proclamation of the Gospel a real hearing? Maybe, maybe not. The bishop then, by virtue of his teaching office, has a responsibility to speak to the public about human dignity, as well as identify for the faithful specific local

Certainly, not every policy proposal advocated by the Minnesota Catholic Conference is embraced by legislators. Neither are they embraced universally by every Catholic. The effect of such disagreement requires clarification and reflection. The Code of Canon Law (canons 750-53) spells out the duties of Catholics regarding their adherence to the Gospel and the teaching authority of the Church. In brief, there are certain doctrines that one must believe “with the assent of faith” in order to be a Catholic. These include everything within “the one deposit of faith” and anything proposed by the Magisterium as divinely revealed—for example, the dogma of the Trinity, or the Virgin Birth. The assent of faith is also required for teachings that follow either logically or historically from divinely revealed truth, such as the real presence of Christ in the Eucharistic species. A second category of teachings the “religious submission of the intellect and will” on the part of the faithful. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith explains that religious submission is required “when the Magisterium, not intending to act ‘definitively,’ teaches a doctrine to aid a better understanding of Revelation and make explicit its contents, or to recall how some teaching is in conformity with the truths of faith, or finally to guard against ideas that are incompatible with these truths” (Doctrinal Commentary, 35). Many aspects of the social doctrine of the Church fall into this category.

Justice for All, 20). But this does not mean that the policy positions proposed by the bishops should be treated as just another political opinion among many to be considered. Catholics should take their bishops’ political positions seriously, acknowledging that the Church's guidance in these matters “is an essential resource for Catholics as they determine whether their own moral judgments are consistent with the Gospel and with Catholic teaching” (Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, 33). Christ, Source of Teaching Authority

Faith in the Public Arena

Can Catholics Disagree with the 15 Public Policy Positions of Bishops?

Again, in a technical sense, one might disagree with a policy prescription of the Minnesota Catholic Conference as a matter of prudence, as these proposals are less binding than other pronouncements of the teaching authority of the Church. But, depending on the issue, the moral principle on which it is based must be given at least the religious submission of intellect and will, and one’s discernment requires consideration of a reasonable policy alternative before concluding the bishops’ judgment is erroneous. Bishops are not perfect, nor is every pastoral judgment they make always the correct one. Still, Jesus Christ has invested bishops with His teaching authority, a charism on which Catholics can rely in good conscience to shape their work in the public arena, even if sometimes they may ultimately disagree on matters of prudential judgment.

Prudential Judgment and Obedience

Most of the policy positions taken by the bishops of Minnesota (unless they involve opposition to legislation sanctioning an intrinsic evil like same-sex marriage or assisted suicide) fall into neither of these two categories. They belong to what is called “ordinary prudential teaching on disciplinary matters,” which involve teachings that are contingent upon time and circumstance and which, unlike the first two categories, are subject to error insofar as they are decided upon by fallible human beings. The USCCB has described how bishops “do not claim to make these prudential judgments with the same kind of authority that marks our declarations of principle. But we feel obliged to teach by example how Christians can undertake concrete analysis and make specific judgments on economic issues. The Church’s teaching cannot be left at the level of appealing generalities” (Economic

In some parts of the United States, life seems to be getting worse because citizens are facing their problems alone. These communities have seen declines in marriage, voting, church attendance, and volunteer work. Even when money comes back to town, happiness does not return if people there do not reengage. The educated and wealthy elites, on the other hand, tend to live in places where institutions are strong or have enough money to insulate themselves. Join the Minnesota Catholic Conference on Wednesday, September 4, from 9 a.m. to noon at St. Catherine University for a keynote address from Tim Carney, author of Alienated America. Tim Carney traveled from the dim country bars of southwestern Pennsylvania to the bustling Mormon wards of Salt Lake City collecting data. His research shines a light on why failing social connections are responsible for the great divide in America. Come hear more about Alienated America – one of the most talked-about books of 2019, and what Carney proposes as remedies to our challenges. Plus, a distinguished panel of local respondents offers their thoughts on alienation in America, the fracturing of public life, the challenges of building vibrant communities, and opportunities for faith communities in addressing some of these issues. This event is free, but online registration is required. Visit AlienatedAmerica to register today. September , 2019 w The Courier w

In the Nation


USCCB International Justice & Peace Chair and CRS CEO Respond to Call for State Department, USAID Cuts


WASHINGTON D.C., Aug. 13, 2019 - In a letter from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to the Department of State and USAID, the Administration froze between $2-4 billion that Congress approved, and the Administration signed into law for America’s development and diplomacy programs. While OMB has lifted the freeze, this is the first step in a potential rescission of the appropriated but “unobligated funds” not yet been committed to a specific contract or project) for

10 State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development accounts. The Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace and Archbishop for the Military Services USA, and Sean Callahan, President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services, issued the following statement opposing these cuts:

Local churches and Catholic Relief Services partner with the U.S. government to reduce poverty, alleviate suffering, and foster peace around the world. Rescinding some of these and other international poverty-reducing funds will limit the United States’

ability to support poor and vulnerable communities, respond to global health challenges, address root causes of forced migration, and advance international religious freedom, global security, and peacekeeping. From Central America to the West Bank and Gaza, U.S. policy decisions that cut foreign aid already increase poverty and create a vacuum for instability. We urge the Administration not to rescind foreign assistance funds. We urge Congress to reject any rescissions that target poverty-reducing and peacebuilding accounts and require the Administration to obligate previously appropriated funds. The conflicts and crises today are dire. U.S. moral and financial leadership is necessary.

USCCB Migration & Domestic Justice and Human Development Chairs Oppose New Rule on Immigrants and Families Who Access Public Benefits


WASHINGTON D.C., Aug. 13, 2019 - Bishops from two committees at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) expressed their strong opposition to a final rule on public charge put forth by the Department of Homeland Security. The rule, which is expected to be officially published on August 14 and will take effect 60 days after publication, will undoubtedly have a negative consequence for families accessing critical public benefits for which

they otherwise qualify. Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Migration, and Bishop Frank J. Dewane, Bishop of Venice, FL, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, offered the following statement. This rule will undermine family unity and lead many lawful immigrants to forgo vital assistance, including enrollment in nutrition, housing, and medical programs. Families already in the U.S. will be faced with deciding whether to access critical assistance programs for which they qualify, knowing that in doing so they could jeopardize their ability to stay here with

Title X: Protect Life Rule Comes in as Planned Parenthood Walks Out WASHINGTON D.C., Aug. 19, 2019 (CNA) Planned Parenthood will no longer receive Title X funds and has withdrawn from the program entirely. The decision took effect Monday, as the deadline passed for compliance with new program rules. The organization, the nation’s largest chain of abortion providers, confirmed their withdrawal from Title X after a court refused to grant an emergency injunction against the Protect Life Rule, which bars fund recipients from referring women for abortions, prevents participating groups from co-locating with abortion clinics, and requires financial separation of government-funded programs from those that carry out abortions. August 19 was the last day for the group to file a “good faith” undertaking to comply with the new rule. The decision means Planned Parenthood will lose about $60 million in federal funding, about one-fifth of total Title X funds, and approximately 15% of its annual federal funding. The organization’s acting president Alexis McGill Johnson said Monday that “The Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood grantees out of Title X.” Johnson had previously called the Protect Life Rule an attempt by the president to “bully us into withholding abortion information from our patients.” Calling the Protect Life Rule a “gag on health care providers,” Johnson said in a previous statement, issued last week, that the rule is “a blatant assault on our health and rights, and we will not stand for it.” On Monday, Doreen Denny, Senior Director of Government Relations at Concerned Women for America, said it was “a day of reckoning” for the abortion provider. “Planned Parenthood has no entitlement to federal funding, and they apparently have no plans to comply with federal rules either,” Denny said. “For years, Planned Parenthood has skirted federal law to promote its abortion business on

September , 2019 w The Courier w

the backs of the American taxpayer. “If Planned Parenthood truly cared about promoting health, it would stop peddling abortion and start supporting women. Planned Parenthood’s threat to withdraw from the Title X program proves one thing: health care is not their primary business; abortion is,” said Denny. The abortion provider’s departure from the program altogether is a change from their initial response to the rule. Previously, the organization had intended to remain in the program, but refuse funding. HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary Diane Foley called this arrangement “inconsistent” in a letter to the organization. In guidance issued by HHS on August 8, the department responded directly to Planned Parenthood’s objections to the rule, noting that the organization operated less than 10% of participating sites nationwide. “To the extent that Planned Parenthood claims that it must make burdensome changes to comply with the Final Rule, it is actually choosing to place a higher priority on the ability to refer for abortion instead of continuing to receive federal funds to provide a broad range of acceptable and effective family planning methods and services to clients in need of these services.” Despite operating less than 10% of the Title X fund recipient clinics, Planned Parenthood received about 15% of the country’s total Title X funds. Title X is a federal program created in 1965 that subsidizes family-planning and preventative health services, including contraception, for low-income families. It has been frequently updated and subject to new regulations. The administration previously said in June that it would delay enforcement of the rule, provided that fund recipients submitted a compliance plan and made a “good faith” undertaking to comply with most of the rule’s requirements as soon as possible. Facilities are required to end co-location with abortion sites by March 2020.

their loved ones. And, it will reduce the ability of many to reunify with family in the U.S. We have already seen the culture of fear that the anticipation of this rule has created in our communities. Ultimately, we believe that this rule is in tension with the dignity of the person and the common good that all of us are called to support. The USCCB also opposed this rule when it was initially proposed by DHS and submitted joint comments with Catholic Charities USA detailing concerns with the rule and urging it be rescinded.

Hundreds of Lawsuits Filed on First Day of NY Litigation Window

ALBANY, N.Y., Aug. 15, 2019 (CNA) - More than 400 lawsuits were filed in New York state on the first day of a one-year window in the statute of limitations, allowing abuse survivors to file suit against their abuser or the institution where the abuse occurred. The lawsuits include an allegation against a sitting bishop and a RICO suit against the Diocese of Buffalo and the Northeast Province of the Jesuits. Other suits were filed against laicized former archbishop Theodore McCarrick, and against retired Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany. Hubbard has denied the allegations. The one-year window was created through the Child Victims Act, which altered New York’s statute of limitations for filing criminal claims and civil claims for survivors of child sexual abuse. Previously, a survivor had until they reached the age of 23 to file either claim. This has now been changed to 28 for criminal charges, and 55 for civil cases. The one-year window began six months after the passage of the law. The Catholic Church, Boy Scouts of America, and the state’s public schools all stated they were prepared for a potentially large number of abuse survivors to file lawsuits. It is unclear how many of the 427 suits concerned the Catholic Church or a member of the clergy, and some lawsuits contained multiple plaintiffs making a claim against the same person. Over 45 patients filed a lawsuit accusing an endocrinologist at Rockefeller University Hospital of sexual abuse. An additional suit was filed by a woman who says she was raped by recently-deceased convicted sex offender/financier Jeffrey Epstein and three of his associates. The most high-profile Catholic accused in a suit is Bishop Robert Guglielmone of Charleston, South Carolina. Guglielmone is accused of misconduct dating back 40 years ago, when he was a priest in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, which comprises most of Long Island. The suit alleges that Guglielmone sexually abused a young man over a period of years while he was serving as pastor of St. Martin of Tours parish in Amityville. Previously, the accusation had been determined by Church authorities to not be credible, according to a statement released to local media in Charleston, though the diocese stressed that civil law enforcement had been informed. A new, Vatican-ordered investigation is now underway, though it is unclear who is undertaking the investigation. In a statement, Guglielmone denied all the accusations and said that he was looking forward to establishing his innocence. “I offer my prayers daily for those whose lives have been hurt or devastated by the actions of a member of the clergy or by any other persons, especially all abused children and other vulnerable persons,” Guglielmone said. “It is particularly tragic when the abuse is at the hands of a priest in whom their spiritual care and well-being has been entrusted.”

Seven Priests, cont'd from pg. 12


�lease come and be a part of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s Annual Fall

Convention, on the theme Together We Rise, on Saturday, September 28, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Bernard Parish in Stewartville (166 4th Avenue SE). It will be a wonderful day! Our gathering together will empower attendees to reach out through prayer, education, and service to help all women rise to the dignity that is ours as daughters of Christ. We’ll do it with laughter, friendship, and dialogue under the loving guidance of Mary, our Lady of Good Counsel. Our three speakers for the day are:

�by atholic Charities of Southern Minnesota was notified Charity Navigator on July 1, 2019 that it has attained

the coveted 4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to both accountability and transparency. Four star rated charities, in the judgment of Charity Navigator, use their resources efficiently, sustain their programs over time, and practice good governance and transparency. Charity Navigator, which was founded in 2001, evaluates over 9,000 charities in the United States. Its mission is to provide donors with essential and objective information to give them confidence in the charitable decisions they make. As part of its commitment to objectivity, Charity Navigator accepts no contributions from the charities that it evaluates. One hundred percent of its revenue comes from donations. Visit its website at www. .


In the Diocese

youth group at some point is seriously asked to consider this. And our parish is very supportive,” Mann noted. Samide said he was also given a personal invitation to consider the priesthood. He also noted that a personal invitation can sometimes be the confirmation a young man has been looking for in his discernment. “...members of the parish were not afraid to approach me and other young men and ask us if we had considered the option of priesthood. That boldness was invaluable to me,” he said. “A young man might be thinking about the possibility of priesthood, but often he is too afraid to articulate it to anyone else. When someone else approaches him and says that he/she sees gifts in him that could make him a good priest, it serves to reassure him that what he is perceiving in his heart is real and merits more discernment,” he added. The priests also each mentioned specific prayer for vocations as a key aspect of their parish. There were prayers for vocations during the parish’s daily rosaries, during weekly holy hours, at Mass and on other occasions. But ultimately, Mann said, there’s not necessarily a 5-step program that will ensure the fostering of vocations - it’s about making disciples of Jesus, he said. “It’s very tempting and alluring to say, ‘Give me the five steps to have vocations at my parish, and you could probably write a book and make a lot of money with that, but it doesn’t work that way,” he said. “Those steps tend to put everything in our control... like its a vending machine. If I do these 5 things, the output has to be vocations. But really it’s much more biblical, what happened here,” he said. “When people have a living and active relationship with Jesus Christ, and seek to do his will in their lives, vocations will develop organically,” Samide noted. “As parish communities seek to grow as disciples, they will encourage younger members to consider ways that they might serve the Lord. Discipleship is the key.”

Catholic Charities Recognized for Excellence

This is the second year in a row that Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota has received a 4-Star rating. Only 32% of charities evaluated ever receive two consecutive 4-star ratings. This indicates that Catholic Charities exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in Minnesota and in the United States; thereby setting the agency apart from its peers. Commentating on the rating, Robert Tereba, Executive Director, said, “We are very pleased to have attained this rating from Charity Navigator for the second year in a row. It tells our donor community that their expectations for accountability, transparency, good stewardship, and concrete results that change lives have been independently confirmed. Donor investments in our mission are not only valued; they are in good hands.” For the fiscal year that began on July 1, 2019, contribution revenue is expected to make up 25% of Catholic Charities operating budget. Donation revenue last year helped Catholic Charities’ staff and volunteers serve over 7,900 people residing in over 3,700 households; 63% of which had annual incomes at or below $25,000. Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota serves children, families in crisis, vulnerable adults, seniors, refugees, the uninsured, the poor, the homeless, and the unborn - regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, faith tradition or ability to pay.

Note: Forbes, BusinessWeek, and Kiplinger’s Financial Magazine, among others, have profiled and celebrated Charity Navigator’s unique method of applying datadriven analysis to the charitable sector. They evaluate ten times more charities than the nearest competitor and attract more visitors to their website than all other charity rating groups combined making it the leading charity evaluator in America. Cathy Nelson is a gifted musician and composer from Rochester. An NPM grant winner, Cathy will speak to how music affects us. She will also sing for and with us as we raise our voices in songs of faith.

The schedule for the day is as follows:

Registration, Rosary & Confessions - 8 a.m. Convention Convenes - 9 a.m.

Kathy Bonner Speaks - 9:30 a.m.

Mass, followed by Installation of Officers - 11 a.m. Lunch follows Mass & Installation Carrie Berran Speaks - 1 p.m. Cathy Nelson Speaks - 2 p.m.

Closing Prayer & Raffle Drawings - 2:50 p.m. Adjournment - 3 p.m.

Also included at this convention are: a truckloading for the Haiti Mission and Rochester Medical Mission, Purse and In-the-Bag drawings, religious and NCCW items for sale. The morning of the convention, eight lucky women will have their names drawn to sit at a delightfully decorated table and be served their noon meal. Don’t consider yourself a member of W-RDCCW? No problem! Come and experience three great speakers, Eucharist, good food, and more. The Executive Board of the DCCW will be rising early on the 28th and our spirits will rise when we see your smiling face. Rise up and join us! Registration is due by September 14, 2019. The registration fee includes the noon meal. To register, please fill out and detach the slip below, and send it to: Dianne Vangness 706 Bullis Street Kenyon, MN 55946

If you need a gluten-free meal, please attach a note with your registration slip. Jeanette Fortier is the president of the W-RDCCW.

Kathy Bonner is a NCCW Leadership Team member and author of the NCCW program on domestic violence. Kathy will present a handson, dynamic and down-to-earth keynote on our convention's theme.

Carrie Berran was voted the NBA's Youth Coach of the Year. This Twin Cities mother of four will share who inspired her to rise and how she now helps others. She is a woman of faith who has much to share with women of all ages.

September , 2019 w The Courier w


In the Diocese


By W.R. CHESTER Across

3. Outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace

6. One of five from Aquinas 8. Soli ____ Gloria

9. Pope Emeritus 11. ____of man.

12. Emblem of purity

13. Evangelized by Cyril & Methodius

14. Another nickname for St. Bakhita 15. Golden tongue

16. Introduced death and sin

20. Relics coming to Rochester

Last Month's Answers

The Courier Crossword

21. Publican turned Apostle 22. Its first bishop was the patron saint of seafood Down

1. Rite of sprinkling 2. Mother order


4. Final pardon


5. Central part of a church 6. Louisiana subdivision

7. Philosophy denying free will 8. Roland's legendary sword

9. Gonzaga's spiritual director 10. City of Januarius

September , 2019 w The Courier w

13. "Rome" in German 14. Plainview patron 17. Eve's husband

18. All the Church's members, except those ordained 19. Baptismal matter

Sister Rosemary Meiman, OSU, died suddenly on July 11, 2019, in Great Falls, MT, where she was presenting a program on the Ursuline Indian Missions. She was principal of Villa Maria Academy in Frontenac from 1966-69. The daughter of Joseph Henry and Margaret Howell Meiman, she was born Mary Elizabeth on Feb. 4, 1929, in Covington, KY. She graduated from Ursuline Academy in New Orleans, LA, and entered the Ursuline Sisters in 1946, making her vows in 1949. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the College of New Rochelle in New York and a master’s degree in education from St. Louis University. Sister Rosemary began her ministry as an educator in 1952 and served as a teacher and principal in schools in Missouri, Illinois and Minnesota until she retired from St. Rose of Lima School in De Soto, MO, after serving as principal from 1981-97 Sister Rosemary was principal of Villa Maria Academy when the school was destroyed by fire in 1969. She also served on the Ursulines’ Central Province leadership team and was the province’s archivist for 17 years. Upon her retirement in 2014, she moved to New Orleans, where she worked with the Ursuline archives and gave tours of the Ursuline Sisters museum at the Ursuline Academy there. For many years she also led a group each summer to the Ursuline Indian Missions in Great Falls for a weeklong program. Sister Rosemary was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers, George and Phillip Meiman. She is survived by her brother Joseph Meiman, her sisters-in-law Joan and Kay Meiman, and many devoted nieces and nephews. A Funeral Mass was celebrated July 20 at the National Votive Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in New Orleans. Burial was in the Ursuline Sisters’ mausoleum on the academy campus. Memorial gifts may be made to the Ursuline Sisters Retirement Fund, 353 S. Sappington, St. Louis, MO 63122.

Sister Jeanne Burns, formerly known as Sister Thomas Raymond Burns, died Thursday, July 18, 2019, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, MI. She was 90 years of age and in the 71st year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. Sister Jeanne was born in Chicago, IL, to Thomas and Laura (Mackey) Burns. She graduated from Bishop Muldoon High School in Rockford, IL, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Barry College (University) in Miami, FL; a Master of Education degree from University of Florida in Gainesville, FL; and a Master of Education degree in guidance/ counseling from Siena Heights College (University) in Adrian, MI. She was also certified in clinical pastoral education by Aquinas Theological Institute in Dubuque, IA, and as a hospital chaplain by the U. S. Catholic Conference and by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education. Sister spent 19 years ministering in elementary and secondary education in Jacksonville, Miami Beach, Miami and West Palm Beach, FL; and in Cleveland, OH. Sister was principal for six years at St. James in Miami, FL. She served as vicaress general for the Adrian Dominican Congregation from 1968–78. She was a chaplain at Rochester Methodist Hospital in Rochester for one year and director of pastoral care for six years at St. Vincent Hospital in Toledo, OH. She also ministered for 18 years at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, CA, where she was a chaplain for three years, vice-president for 11 years, and a patient relations representative for four years. Sister became a resident of the Dominican Life Center in 2013. Sister was preceded in death by her parents and her sisters: Catherine T. Noble, Bette Doherty, Rosemary F. Kerper, Lorraine Suerth and Frances Rooney; and her brothers: James Burns, John Burns, William J. Burns, Thomas R. Burns Jr. and Robert M. Burns. Sister Jeanne is survived by loving nieces and nephews and her Adrian Dominican Sisters. Funeral Mass was in St. Catherine Chapel at the Dominican Life Center July 23, followed by burial in the congregation cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, MI, 49221.

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary Church in Winona the first Thursday each month at 5:15 p.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held first Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 76 W 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patty 507-429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info:

Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral in Winona, 7-9 p.m. the first Friday each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit prayer/corJesu, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-760-1619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041). Monthly Day of Fasting & Prayer for the Evangelization of Southern Minnesota prayer intentions are listed at dowr. org/offices/missionary-discipleship/ monthly-prayer.html. This month's day of fasting & prayer is Friday, September 20, with a Mass at 8:30 a.m. at Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Blue Earth.

Traditional Latin Mass Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday morning on: KTTW, Channel 7 (Sioux Falls) at 6:30; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30; KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30; KAAL Channel 6 (Austin/ Rochester) at 9; WKBT Channel 8 (La Crosse) at 7:30; or on our website, (click "Weekly Mass").

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary, Worthington Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore 11 a.m. Sundays

Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sundays (bilingual) Rochester, St. Francis Austin, Queen of Angels Noon Sundays & 7 p.m. Thursdays 11 a.m. Sundays.; 5:15 p.m. Fridays St. Charles, St. Charles Lake City, St. Mary Borromeo 6:30 p.m. 3rd Saturdays 10 a.m. 4th Sundays (bilingual) Madelia, St. Mary St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Saturdays Windom, St. Francis Xavier Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul 11:30 a.m. Sundays 1 p.m. Sundays Worthington, St. Mary Owatonna, Sacred Heart 7 p.m. Saturdays.; 1 p.m. Sundays.; 11:45 a.m. Sundays 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays & Fridays

Other Events St. Ann Church, Janesville September 6-8, Friday-Sunday 3-Day Fall Festival. Friday: 4 p.m. golf tournament. Saturday: 5 p.m. all-you-can-eat chili & soup. $7 adults. $5 kids under 12. After meal, bingo, meat raffles, music by Generation Gap. Sunday: 10 a.m. Mass followed by pulled pork dinner. $10 adults. $5 kids 6-12. Free under 5. Servant & New Item live auction after dinner. Vikings game broadcast. Beer garden all weekend. Silent auction and bucket and big money raffles Saturday & Sunday. Bounce house and yard games for kids. Holy Trinity Church, Rollingstone September 8, Sunday Festival in Holy Trinity Community Center. 8 a.m. flea market. 10 a.m. Mass. Festival at 11. Chicken lunch, brats, hot dogs, pie, ice cream. Bingo 12-2 p.m. (cards 2 for $1). Country store, quilt sale. Basket raffle and big ticket drawing at 2:05. Big ticket available to parishioners, at Rollingstone locations, and at the festival. All welcome. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Currie September 8, Sunday Fall Dinner in church basement 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables, salad, pie, desserts. Craft & country store. Handicap accessible. St. Anthony Church, Lismore September 8, Sunday Fall Bazaar. Turkey & dressing dinner with trimmings (phenomenal glazed carrots!) served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Live auction, big ticket raffle, country store, family fun. St. Mary Church, Houston September 8, Sunday Fall Chicken-Q 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $10. 1/2 chicken, potato salad, beans, bun, pie, coffee/milk. Carry-outs available. Raffle tickets available for 1 p.m. drawing. Need not be present to win. St. Mary Church, Lake City September 8, Sunday Fall Festival 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. BBQ chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, beans, coleslaw, rolls, homemade pie, coffe, milk. $10 quarter chicken. $12 half chicken. Kids 10 & under $5. Silent auction, bucket raffle, bake sale, farmers' market, kids' games. Sacred Heart Church, Waseca September 13-15, Friday-Sunday 3-Day Fall Festival. Friday fish fry 5-7 p.m. and 6:30 live auction. Saturday burger fry 4:30-7 p.m., super bingo 2 p.m. Polka Mass 5:15. Street dance 6:30-10 p.m. Outdoor movie 7 p.m. Sunday Mass 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Pork commercial dinner 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Big ticket drawing 3 p.m. Outdoor games & activities all weekend. Info: www.

Schoenstatt on the Lake, Sleepy Eye September 13-15, Friday-Sunday Building the Domestic Church Family Retreat 7 p.m. Friday - 1 p.m. Sunday. Presentations for parents and kids, Mass, food, games, crafts. $85 per adult or child aged 16+. $50 for first child 15 or younger, and $25 for each additional child. Kids 5 & younger free. Includes lodging and meals. Register by 9/7. Space limited. RSVP to Katie 507-7947727 or catherine.rockers@gmail. com. Info: www.schoenstattmn. com St. Patrick Church, West Albany September 13-15, Friday-Sunday Parish CCW rummage sale 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Produce table and lunch available. Free-will offering for most items. Sale will repeat Sept. 20-22. St. Mary Cemetery, Winona September 14, Saturday Prayer Vigil 10-11 a.m. with Bishop Quinn. Part of National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Vigil info: Annie Casselman 507-501-8503. Other locations: Holy Redeemer Church, Eyota September 15, Sunday Fall Festival 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Starts with Polka Mass at 10, featuring Litomyslaneous Polka Band. Pit bbq chicken dinner served 11-1. Big ticket and arm's length raffles, bake sale, farmer's market, apple bake-off, kids' games, music, useda-little sale. All proceeds to youth education.

Pax Christi Church, Rochester September 15, Sunday Marriage Anniversary Mass 2 p.m. 507-454-4643 x273 or pmartin@ Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Mazeppa September 15, Sunday Fall Bazaar. Ham & turkey dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $12 adults. $5 kids 5-10. $1 4 & younger. Bingo, raffle, country store, kids' games. St. Felix Church, Wabasha September 15, Sunday Fall festival 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. in auditorium and school grounds. Mini donuts, chicken dinners, farm store, general & specialty auctions, bingo, bounce house, minnow races, kids' games, tootsie roll booth, raffles, more. All proceeds to school. Info: 651-565-4446. St. Leo Church, Pipestone September 15, Sunday Tri-Parish Fall Festival with beef meal & homemade desserts 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at St. Leo's Hall. Mayowood Stone Barn, Rochester September 17, Tuesday 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. open house to honor Bob Tereba's leadership of Catholic Charities. Barn is at 3345 Mayowood Rd SW in Rochester.

Events, cont'd on back

September , 2019 w The Courier w

September 2019 Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Blue Earth September 20, Friday Monthly Day of Fasting & Prayer for Evangelization of Southern Minnesota. 8:30 a.m. Mass for those needing to know God's love.Intentions listed at offices/missionary-discipleship/ monthly-prayer.html St. Joachim Church, Plainview September 20-22, Friday-Sunday 3-Day Fall Festival. Friday: Father/ Daughter Ball 6:30-8:30 p.m. for girls 3-13 years old. $30 / family, includes photo with props, snacks, dance. Register by 9/13. Saturday: Mother/ Son RAD Zoo 10 a.m. - noon. Learn about and touch animals from Reptile & Amphibian Discovery. $30/family, includes games, crafts, snacks. Register by 9/13. Saturday: Oktoberfest (21+) 7-11 p.m. Wine, beer, food, live auction, music. $30 advance registration (by 9/13) or $35 at door. Sunday: Chicken dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Beer tent, kids' games & train rides, concessions stand, bake sale, farmer's market, video game trailer. Live auctions 9 p.m. Saturday & 1 p.m. Sunday. Cash raffle with $2.500, $1,000 & $500 for 9 winners $100 per ticket available at parish office & after Masses (only 200 sold). Register at or 507-534-3321. Pax Christi Church, Rochester September 21-24, Saturday-Tuesday Parish Mission with Fr. Cedric Pisegna. All invited to these evening sessions Sunday-Tuesday at 7 p.m. Enter deeper into the Paschal Mystery and "Live With Passion!" Some of Fr. Cedric's talks are at: St. Ignatius Church, Spring Valley September 21, Saturday Fall Festival 5-7:30 p.m. in parking lot. Chicken dinner with baked potato, cole slaw, roll, coffee, lemonade, homemade pie. Silent auction 5:30-7:30, includes gift certificates and items donated by businesses. Raffle tickets for 6 cash prizes ($150-$400), 1/4 processed beef, 1/2 processed hog, 10 yards rock, $100 gift certificate. Need not be present to win. Dinner, music, fellowship! Civic Center, Mankato September 22, Sunday St. Thomas More Newman Center at Minnesota State University fundraising gala 4:30 p.m. at Civic Center, featuring Mark Bartek, FOCUS area director. $800 / table of 8, or $100 per individual ticket. Proceeds support the Newman Center. Seating limited. Register by Sept. 5 at, or by calling 507-387-4154 or emailing St. John Vianney Church, Fairmont September 22, Sunday Fall Festival & Turkey Dinner 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Cookies by the Pail, Heavenly Baskets Raffle, KC Bingo, dunk tank. Adults $10 presale tickets ($12 at the door). Kids 4-10 $6. 3 & younger free. Call parish office for info or tickets: 507-235-2460.

St. Joseph the Worker Church, Mankato September 22, Sunday Fall Festival 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in parking lot & auditorium. Great food includes hot beef commercials. Silent auction, raffles, free kids' games, hay ride, more! All welcome! 423 W 7th Street. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 23-24, Monday-Tuesday Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist to present a Eucharistic Mission at 7 p.m. Monday & Tuesday, featuring a talk, Eucharistic Adoration, benediction and confessions. The missionaries will also offer homilies at at Cathedral cluster weekend Masses (9/21 & 9/22) and confessions after daily Mass (7 a.m. 9/23, and 12:10 p.m. 9/24). All are welcome! St. John Vianney Church, Fairmont September 27-28, Friday-Saturday Unbound: Freedom in Christ, with Neal Lozano. Info & registration: Resurrection Church, Rochester September 28, Saturday Friends of the Poor Walk/Run 2019 & Pancake Breakfast 9 a.m. 8:30 registration. Free-will donations benefit Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Info: or Sacred Heart Care Center, Austin September 28, Saturday SHCC Auxiliary Craft/Bake Sale 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Raffle includes handmade quilt & HP laptop computer. Lunch available. St. John Baptist de la Salle Church, Dodge Center September 29, Sunday Buffet-style turkey dinner 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $11 adults. $5 kids 6-10. Preschool free. Take-outs available. $1 raffle tickets. Silent auction, bake sale, quilt raffle, bingo, kids' games. Tickets at door. 20 2nd St. NE. St. Matthew Church, Vernon Center September 29, Sunday Turkey dinner with trimmings & homemade pie, served family-style 4-7 p.m. Raffle and silent auction. St. Patrick Church, West Albany September 29, Saturday Fall Chicken BBQ & Silent Auction, served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. or until gone. St. Pius X Church, Rochester September 29-30, Saturday-Sunday 2-Day Fall Festival Saturday: activities 8 a.m. - 9 p.m., including rummage sale, beer & brats after 4 p.m. Mass, karaoke, bean toss, silent auction, raffles, family movie night. Sunday: activities 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., including kids' games, silent auction, raffles, and Taste of St. Pius (food selection from area restaurants). Info at rectory (507288-8238) or

• The Courier

Dakota Ridge Best Western, Eagan October 4-8, Friday-Tuesday Retrouvaille, a Catholic-rooted lifeline for troubled marriages. Learn the tools to rediscover each other and save your marriage. 100% confidential. Contact: twin.cities. or 800470-2230. Resurrection Church, Rochester October 4, Friday Catholic Evangelization Outreach 7 p.m. (music starts 6:45). Barry & Laura Peratt to share compelling conversion testimory. No cost. No registration. All welcome. Light refreshments to follow. Childcare provided. Shalom Hill Farm, Windom October 4-6, Friday-Sunday Married Couples Retreat. Info: 507454-4643 x273 or pmartin@dowr. org Christ the King Church, Byron October 6, Sunday Fall Dinner 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., following 10:30 Mass. Homestyle ham & turkey. Raffle & silent auction 1:15. Immaculate Conception Church, Kellogg October 6, Sunday Family Style Chicken & Ham Dinner served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Big Ticket, basket and grocery cart raffles; bake sale, garden produce. Handicap accessible. Take-outs available. St. Ann Church, Slayton October 6, Sunday Pit-Grilled Chicken Dinner with homemade pie & all trimmings, served 11 a.m. Carry-outs, country store and craft room available in the school. All welcome! Info: 507-8368030. 2747 29th St. in Slayton. St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester October 6, Sunday Fall Festival 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., featuring turkey dinner with trimmings, Vietnamese egg rolls, tamales & other Mexican food, Big Ticket and stretch raffles, silent auction, country store, wine ring toss, kids' games, live entertainment and more! Info: 507-288-7313. St. Peter Church, Hokah October 12, Saturday Buffet-Style Roast Beef Dinner with homemade dressing, served 4-8 p.m. $11 adults. $5 kids 6-12. Free 5 & under. Adult carry-outs only. St. Columban Church, Preston October 13, Sunday Farm-to-Table Pork Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Natural pork loin, real mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, corn, coleslaw, apple sauce, buns, homemade pie, beverages. $12 adults. $6 kids 5-12. Carry-outs available.

St. Mary Church, Minneiska October 13, Sunday TX-Style French Toast Breakfast 9:30 - noon, following 8:30 Mass. French toast, sausage, apple sauce, coffee, milk, juice. $7 adults. $3.50 kids 6 & younger. Bake sale & ticket drawing at noon. St. Mary Church, Winona October 13, Sunday River City Festival 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10:30 Mass (with Children's Choir), followed by $10 chicken-q served 11 until gone. $1 raffle tickets for more than 50 prizes. $10 raffle tickets for two Vikings/Packers tickets for Dec. 23 home game. Dozens of gift baskets for silent auction. Jewelry & seasonal knick-knacks for sale. Gift cards, quilts & other prizes to be won in ping pong pull. Baked goods from country market. Kids' Carnival games & prizes. St. Pius X Church, Rochester October 18-20, Friday-Sunday Pathways Together Encounter Christ (TEC) #71 Retreat. Visit to register for TEC or to apply to be on the team. Faith formation directors and youth ministers attend their first TEC at no cost. More info: TEC Coordinator Monica Anderson 507363-1809 or monij_13@hotmail. com. Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Winona October 19-20, Saturday-Sunday St. John Nepomucene Parish's 2-Day Fall Festival in St. Stan's Church Hall. 5-7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a..m - 3 p.m. Sunday. Lunch available both

days, with big ticket, gift card & quilt/ cash raffles; silent auction; baked goods & candy booth; kids' games. Chair massages Sunday 12-3. Big Ticket drawing Sunday at 3. Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Winona October 26, Saturday Fall Craft, Art & Gift Fair in school gym and church hall 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch available. Shop our many vendors. St. Augustine Church, Austin November 2, Saturday Women's Conference 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Info: 507-454-4643 x 273 or St. Mary's Church, Geneva November 3, Sunday Soup & Pie 4:30-7 p.m. Chili, chicken noodle, ham & bean, and a variety of homemade pies. Free-will donation. Christ the King Church, Byron November 9, Saturday Fall Expo 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 30+ arts & crafts and home-based businesses. Cash & carry items from most vendors. Pampered Chef, Avon, Watkins, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Tupperware, Monat, Paparazzi, Thirty One, Usborne Books, LuLaRoe, decorative & functional home items, holiday decorations, skin care & cosmetics, baskets, appliqued towels & aprons, candles, purses, toys and more. Baked goods, beverages and lunch available. First 50 customers at 9 a.m. and first 50 at noon will receive a gift bag. 202 4th St. NW in Bryon.

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