The Courier - September 2017

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St. Matthew the Apostle September 21

September 2017

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN

Camp Summit Is Growing

Bigger than Ever


Five years ago, an idea of a new Catholic summer camp became a reality, and, for the first time, Camp Summit was offered to the youth of our diocese, with 50 participants taking part in the program. The idea was simple: offer a camp that is a lot of fun, but

also connects young people to the heart of Christ while building disciples through community. Now, five years into Camp Summit, the fruit has become quite visible, with nearly 300 campers attending, an overflow hotel reserved, and a long waiting list of Camp Summit, cont'd on pg. 9

Bishop to Renew Consecration of Diocese

WINONA--On Friday, September 8, 2017 - The feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Bishop John M. Quinn will renew the consecration of the Diocese of Winona to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, during a special 5:15 p.m. Mass. Seminarians and faculty from Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary will be in attendance, along with the parishioners of the Cathedral. All are welcome to this annual event; priests are welcome to concelebrate and deacons are welcome to vest. "It is our Diocesan tradition that we make this renewal every year on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an act of love and devotion to Our Lady," said Vicar General Msgr. Thomas Melvin. "You might recall that in 2008 Bishop Harrington consecrated the Diocese of Winona to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the very moment of conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary, Jesus entrusted His whole being to her. Similarly, by this act of consecration, we allow Mary to actualize her mediation, enriching our diocese with a higher degree of grace and greater likeness to Christ." Msgr. Melvin continued, "We surrender the diocese completely to God and His service, giving the same yes that Mary gave when she bore Jesus in her womb. The act of consecration dedicates the diocese and all of the good works that come from it to Our Lady and her desires, in order to more

Consecration, cont'd on pg. 4

INSIDE this issue

A Happy Problem page 11

Who Was Casey?


Solanus page 16

Remembering Fabian

Father page 17

Articles of Interest

The RCIA...________________________________5


Blessed and Beautiful_____________________6 Meet Our New Principals__________________8

The Courier Insider

Ups and Downs___________________________10 A Happy Problem__________________________11 The Surprising Prevalence of Mental Illness__12 Gender Ideology: Colonizing - not Cultivating..._13 Sharing the Good News...__________________14 V Encuentro______________________________15 Photo Credit: CNA

Who Was Father Solanus Casey?____________16

End of Migration Program Disappoints Bishops


WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug 23, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News) - After the Trump administration ended a parole program for young migrants from Central America, the head of the U.S. bishops’ migration committee expressed his disappointment. “In terminating the parole option, the Administration has unnecessarily chosen to cut off proven and safe alternatives to irregular and dangerous migration for Central American children, including those previously approved for parole who are awaiting travel in their home countries,” Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin, chair of the U.S. bishops' conference's migration committee, stated Aug. 21. The Central American Minors parole program was established in 2014, at the height of the spike of unaccompanied migrant children coming to the U.S.-Mexico border from Central America. While the number of unaccompanied minors coming to the U.S. had risen significantly beginning in the 2012 fiscal year, the number ballooned to its all-time peak of more than 50,000 in FY 2014. The number fell almost in half in the next year due to Mexico’s apprehensions of minors, but it again spiked to almost 47,000 in FY 2016. The parole program was established with the


intent of giving “at risk” children from Central America who were not granted refugee status a safe and legal avenue to the United States to reunite with their parents. Through the process, those parents lawfully present in the United States would apply for their children to be considered for parole, the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman explained in a report last year. Children denied refugee status could also be automatically considered for the parole program. They would be vetted by U.S. security and could lawfully apply for entry into the U.S. However, the report had brought up concerns with the program, such as “lengthy processing times,” lack of protections “for particularly vulnerable qualifying children,” and “restrictive eligibility criteria.” The program was ended last Wednesday. Children who received “conditional approval” for entry into the U.S., but had not yet made the journey, would no longer be accepted. More than 2,700 minors had won “conditional approval” to come to the U.S. but could no longer enter, the Washington Post reported. Additionally, more than 1,400 minors living

Migration, cont'd on pg. 4

Vist for online access to: The Courier TV Mass Diocesan News Our Events Calendar and more!

Diocesan Calendar________________________20 Correction On page 15 of our August 2017 issue, we wrongly identified Al Mulyck, husband of Bishop's Medal Recipient Irene Mulyck, as "John" in a photo caption. The Courier regrets this error.

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following appointments: Pastors Rev. Chinnappa Pothireddy: currently Parochial Vicar of St. Pius X Parish in Rochester; appointed Pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Rollingstone, St. Paul Parish in Minnesota City, and St. Mary Parish in Minneiska, effective August 19, 2017. Rev. Javier Ibarra, IVE: appointed Pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Mankato, effective September 1, 2017.

Rev. Timothy Biren: currently Chaplain for the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Jackson; appointed Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in St. Charles, Holy Redeemer Parish in Eyota, and St. Aloysius Parish in Elba, effective September 2, 2017. Parochial Administrator Very Rev. Peter Klein: currently Pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Blue Earth and St. Mary Parish in Winnebago and Dean of the Mankato Deanery; in addition to his current assignments, appointed Parochial Administrator of St. Casimir Parish in Wells, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Easton, and St. John the Baptist Parish in Minnesota Lake, effective August 5, 2017.

Child Abuse Policy Information

The Holy Father's Intention for September 2017

Parishes That our parishes, animated by a missionary spirit, may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen.

September, 2017 w The Courier

Diocesan Headlines_______________________17

The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 108 - 9

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona

Diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Youth: the Future of Our Church Catholic Schools

By now many of you, like me, will be back in school, as students, parents, teachers, staff, or administrators. While the start of the new school year can be bittersweet due to the end of summer, it is also a time of excitement as students and teachers alike can enter more deeply into learning about the Catholic Faith and God’s world around us. Education is not simply about learning new facts and exploring new subjects. It is more importantly about expanding our minds to better see and understand the many wonders God reveals to us through His creation. By studying a wide array of subjects, we can come

to know our Triune God, His work throughout history, and His plan for us. Even for those no longer engaged in formal study, it’s never too late to pick up a book and learn! As Catholics, we know it is important that our children’s education not only is academically rigorous, but that it also leads children and young adults to a deeper relationship with Christ. The world we live in is increasingly secular and pressures us to conform to its ways, which are often at odds with what Christ teaches us. Therefore, we must be careful to intentionally form the next generation to be disciples of Christ. This is why Catholic schools are a vital part of the Church’s mission. Catholic schools exist to help students encounter the person of Jesus Christ and to experience a deeper love for Him and His Church. They educate children in an environment where faith is incorporated into every subject - not just theology. Thank you to everyone in the Diocese of Winona who labors so hard to make our Catholic schools vibrant places of faith, learning, and evangelization! School Choice

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

Parents are the primary educators of their children and, as such, they should have the ability to choose the method of education they believe to be best for their children. This is why the Catholic Bishops have repeatedly spoken out in support of opportunities for school choice - which is more accurately parents’ choice -

September 1-3, Friday-Sunday St. Vincent de Paul National Assembly - Tampa, FL September 5, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Holy Hour 12 p.m. - Deans Meeting

September 7, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 10 a.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization - Corner of 8th & Main St., Winona 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting September 8, Friday 11:30 a.m. - Midday Prayer and Lunch with the Carmelites of St. Joseph - Annunciation Hermitage, Austin 5:15 p.m. - Mass of Renewal of the Consecration of the Diocese of Winona to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 9, Saturday 12 p.m. - National Day of Remembrance Prayer Service - St. Mary Cemetery at the Memorial of the Unborn, Winona 5:15 p.m. - Installation of Permanent Diaconate Aspirants to the Ministry of Acolyte - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

and providing parents easier access to Catholic education. Unfortunately, however, parents often do not have easy access to Catholic schools, due to finances and / or geography. In the recent legislative session, in the State of Minnesota, the Opportunity Scholarship Program made it to the final stages of negotiation but unfortunately failed to make it to the governor’s desk. The Opportunity Scholarship Program would have created scholarships for students to attend non-public schools, giving parents more freedom to choose the school of their choice for their children. Many people fear that school choice initiatives such as the Opportunity Scholarship Program would be detrimental to public schools. However, in places that have implemented school choice programs, public schools have themselves improved without loss of revenue. Providing parents the ability to choose a non-public school gives public schools more incentive to improve in order to better compete with other options in the community. It is our Catholic duty as parents and educators to see that the faith is passed on to the next generation, and Catholic schools are essential to this mission of catechesis and evangelization. In The Declaration of Christian Education, by Blessed Pope Paul VI, he points out that “the public power… must see to it… that public subsidies are paid out in such a way that parents are truly free to choose according to their conscience the schools they want for their children.” Let us thank God for the blessing of

Catholic schools and work to provide opportunities to allow parents to freely choose the school they deem best for their children. Synod

on Youth Vocations


In October 2018, the Synod of Bishops will convene to discuss the topic of “Young People, the Faith and the Discernment of Vocation.” Pope Francis hopes that through this meeting of bishops from around the world, the Church will gain insight into the lives of young people in the Church, and learn how she can better accompany them in their lives of faith and assist them in discerning their vocation and God’s plan for their lives. As we enter upon this time of preparation for the synod, the Vatican is hoping to gain input from young people around the world, in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges and joys of growing up in the Church today. To assist with this, a survey was created with questions pertaining to education, home and family life, being a youth and young adult in today’s world, and young people’s relationship with the Church. The Diocese of Winona not only provided this survey on its website to facilitate participation from Catholics in our diocese, but the survey was also given to numerous young people who participated in youth events this summer such as the Steubenville North Youth Conference. Ben Frost, Director of Youth and Young Adults for the Diocese of Winona, will be compiling the results of the survey to send to Rome.


In addition to the survey, I personally had the privilege of attending two listening sessions this summer, where youth from across our diocese shared their experiences about being a young Catholic and their hopes and dreams for how the Church can reach out to young people today. The youth who attended these sessions were full of excitement for the faith and are truly hope for the future. They spoke of the various challenges facing young people in our culture today, including the widespread influence of relativism and other prevailing ideologies. They also shared their experiences of how local parishes and the diocese have helped to foster vocations. I am grateful for their witness of faith and for their ideas of how the Church might more effectively reach out to them and their peers. It is always encouraging to see our youth engaged in the life of the Church and I ask you to join me in praying for the success of the synod on Youth and Vocations. The youth are the future of our Church!

From the Bishop

Dear Friends in Christ,

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

September 10, Sunday 11:15 a.m. - Blue Mass - St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester

September 22, Friday 11 a.m. - Mass - Catechetical Day at Lourdes High School, Rochester

September 30, Saturday 5:15 p.m. - Mass of Installation of Pastor, Fr. Kurt Farrell - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea

September 11-13, Monday-Wednesday United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Administrative Committee Meetings Washington, D.C.

September 23, Saturday 7 p.m. - Confirmation at Sacred Heart Church, Heron Lake; with St. Frances Xavier Church, Windom and Sacred Heart Church, Brewster

October 1, Sunday 9 a.m. - Confirmation at St. Mary Church, Worthington

September 14, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU September 15-18, Friday-Monday Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem Annual Meeting - St. Louis, MO September 19, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Holy Hour 12 p.m. - Presbyteral Council Meeting - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea September 20, Wednesday Minnesota Catholic Conference Meeting - St. Paul September 21, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

September 24, Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Confirmation at St. Adrian Church, Adrian; with St. Anthony Church, Lismore, and Our Lady of Good Counsel, Wilmot September 26, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU September 27, Wednesday 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. - Individual Meetings with Seminarians - IHM Seminary, Winona

October 3, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 5 p.m. - Evening Presenter at the 48th Annual National Meeting of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions - Bloomington October 4, Wednesday 4:45 p.m. - Vespers and Mass at IHM Seminary, Winona October 5, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU

September 28, Thursday 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Individual Meetings with Seminarians - IHM Seminary, Winona

October 6, Friday 10 a.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization - Corner of 8th & Main St., Winona

September 29, Friday 9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 10:30 a.m. - College of Consultors Meeting

October 7, Saturday 5 p.m. - Mass - Sr. Generose Gervais, OSF Memorial Symposium - St. Mary’s University, Winona September, 2017 w The Courier


Migration, cont'd from pg. 2

in the U.S. through the program would not see their status renewed and would have to find another legal avenue of applying for re-parole or for another immigration status to stay in the U.S., the Post reported. Minors from Central America can still apply for parole outside the program, but it “will only be issued on a case-by-case basis and only where the applicant demonstrates an urgent humanitarian or a significant public benefit reason for parole and that applicant merits a favorable exercise of discretion,” the administration announced. “Any alien may request parole to travel to the United States, but an alien does

not have a right to parole.” The program was critical in helping vulnerable young migrants fleeing violence or hardships in their home countries to reunite with their families in the U.S., Bishop Vasquez said. “Pope Francis has called on us to protect migrant children, noting that ‘among migrants, children constitute the most vulnerable group’,” he said. Many came from three countries in particular – El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala – all of which are among the worst in the world for homicide rates. Gang violence in particular forced many young people to flee their homes for the U.S., rather than be coerced into joining gangs or be killed back home. The

US Bishops Form Committee Against Racism By MATT HADRO

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug 23, 2017(CNA/EWTN News) - In the wake of the recent white nationalist rallies in Charlottesville, the U.S. bishops have announced that they are establishing a new Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism. “Recent events have exposed the extent to which the sin of racism continues to inflict our nation,” said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, on Wednesday. “Marches by hate groups such as the KKK and NeoNazis are outrageous to the sensible mind and directly challenge the dignity of human life. It is time for us to recommit ourselves to eradicating racism,” he said in his statement, "In His Image," upon the establishment of the committee. Bishop George V. Murry, SJ, of Youngstown, OH, will chair the new committee, which will focus on galvanizing the Church and society to fight the evil of racism and minister to its victims. It will also focus on engaging racism within the Church. “Through Jesus’ example of love and mercy, we are called to be a better people than what we have witnessed over the past weeks and months as a nation,” Bishop Murry said. “Through listening, prayer and meaningful

September, 2017 w The Courier

journey north through Mexico to the U.S. border was a dangerous one, with harsh desert conditions, drug trafficking, and hostile smugglers all posing threats to children. “The Church, with its global presence, learns of this violence and persecution every day, in migrant shelters and in repatriation centers. We know that children must be protected,” Bishop Vasquez said. While everything must be done to ensure the children remain at home, they must have the opportunity to move elsewhere if they have no other choice, he said. The program “provided a legal and organized way for children to migrate to the United States and reunify with families,” he said. “Terminating the parole program will neither promote safety for these children nor help our government regulate migration.”

collaboration, I’m hopeful we can find lasting solutions and common ground where racism will no longer find a place in our hearts or in our society.” In a press conference on the new committee, Bishop Murry described racism as the “original sin” of the United States, and a problem that remains “cancerous” for the country even today. “In recent years, our divisions have worsened. Hatred is more evident, and becoming more mainstream,” he said. “It has targeted African-Americans and other people of color, Jewish people, immigrants, and others. Our ability to face our problems together, with a common aim, has waned.” “For those who have been watching even with passing interest, it should be plain to see why we need a concerted effort at this moment. The times demand it. The Gospel demands it,” he said. The new committee will work together with other committees at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishop Murry said, to promote the Church’s message of human dignity against racism at the local levels. “We will focus on a national summit of religious leaders as an early and very important initiative,” he said. “This is not a task for a small and select group.” White nationalist “Unite the Right” rallies in Charlottesville, VA, on August 11-12 drew members of neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan groups, as well as other white supremacists. Organizers said the event was to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, but attendees also chanted racist messages. Friday night featured a torch-lit rally reminiscent of Klan rallies and Nazi rallies.

Consecration, cont'd from pg. 1

fully complete the will of her Son." As in the recent past, Bishop Quinn has requested the consecration of each parish in the Diocese of Winona to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, indicating the weekends of September 9/10 and September 16/17, or a Marian Feast over the next month or so, as appropriate times to consecrate parishes. "These special celebrations are also a time to renew our own personal consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary," said Msgr. Melvin. "This can be done as an act of unity with Bishop Quinn's consecration of the entire diocese, and with the other priests and parishes of the diocese.

On Saturday, a 20-year-old man from Ohio drove a car into the counter-protest which featured a diverse array of groups including religious leaders, Black Lives Matter, and the anarchist group Antifa. One woman was killed and 19 people were injured in the incident. The driver was charged with second-degree murder. After the incident, Cardinal DiNardo released a statement condemning the violence and calling for peace. The next day, he released a joint statement with Bishop Frank Dewane, chair of the U.S. bishops’ domestic justice and human development committee, specifically condemning racism, white nationalism, and neo-Nazi ideologies. The announcement of the new Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism is the bishops’ latest step in a series of efforts to fight racism and injustice in all their forms. The U.S. bishops’ conference is already planning a new letter on racism to be released in 2018. Last year, then-president of the conference Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville called for a national day of prayer and formed the Peace In Our Communities task force in the wake of nationwide protests of race-related shootings and shootings of police officers. Bishops on the working committee drafted a report they presented at the fall general assembly of the U.S. Bishops in Baltimore last November. Archbishop Wilton Gregory, who chaired the task force, said in the final report that “we find ourselves at a critically important moment for our individual communities and our nation as a whole.” “The Church has a tremendous opportunity and, we believe, an equally tremendous responsibility to bring people together in prayer and dialogue, to begin anew the vital work of fostering healing and lasting peace,” he said.

A Journey into the Pascal Mystery of Christ Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

In the sacraments of Christian initiation we are freed from the power of darkness and joined to Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

-General Introduction, The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

ast month, I shared a story about my Confirmation. In receiving this sacrament, I became a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church. Recalling my own experience of this sacrament provides a nice tie-in to the focus of this month’s column - the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). A few months ago, I was asked to consider serving as the director for our RCIA ministry here in the diocese. I was familiar with this ministry and had received some training and formation relating to it a few years back. But it was not an area of ministry that I felt that I had any particular expertise in. So I took some time for study, reflection, and prayer to discern if this would be a fruitful path for me (and for our diocese) to follow. What struck me most clearly in this discernment was that this process known as the RCIA is fundamentally a journey of faith - a way of being “formed” within the Church to live a life of discipleship in Jesus Christ. And, from my experience of working with our diocesan Institute of Lay Formation, I knew how powerful and life-changing the experience of being formed more deeply in our Christian and Catholic Faith can be. It has been a great privilege and blessing for me to see and experience hundreds of lay women and men of our diocese coming to a deeper knowledge of Christ and of His Church, and to allow this more intimate “knowing” of Christ to lead to an ever deeper love of Him and a closer walking with Him in loving service. The RCIA seemed to me to be a process of formation similar to what I’d come to know through the Institute. But its focus was on women and men who are inquiring and just seeking to begin this journey of Christian faith and witness. What a blessing to be invited to be part of the ministry which works and walks with people to welcome them into the Body of Christ, the Church! So, not without some trepidation, I accepted the responsibility and the privilege of helping to support and develop this ministry here in our diocese. And, most fortunately, I have a gifted and faith-filled companion on our diocesan staff to join with me in this ministry. Camille Withrow has been working on the RCIA in our diocese for the past few years as part of the Office of Faith Formation. She is continuing to do so as the coordination of this ministry has moved over to the Office of Lay Formation.

Camille experienced the RCIA first-hand when she entered the Church a number of years ago, and she is passionate about the importance of this ministry in bringing people to a living and vibrant Catholic Faith. Our diocese is blessed by her work and her witness! In June, Camille and I traveled to four sites across the diocese to meet with our local RCIA leaders. I was inspired by their dedication to this ministry, and their commitment to the people who come into our parish RCIA programs all across the diocese. Some have served in this ministry for many years, while others are just starting out. Many are working in this ministry in addition to carrying out various other responsibilities in their parishes. Several said how much they appreciated their work with people in the RCIA, and how it has strengthened their own faith lives. Our diocese is truly blessed by the faith-filled service of all these lay leaders. And we will continue to offer these gatherings in the future as a way to stay connected to where this ministry happens most concretely - at the parish level. Finally, we are planning a diocesan RCIA training and enrichment day for Saturday, September 23, at Saint Edward Parish in Austin (see the ad below). Entitled, Journeying Deeper Into Faith, Hope, and Love, the day will be led by Scott Sollom, an assistant professor of theology at Franciscan University and a nationally known presenter and trainer on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The morning program will focus on the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love, exploring how they relate to the formation of catechumens and candidates and how to catechize in a way that

Lay Formation



helps to develop these virtues. The afternoon program will offer an introduction and overview of the RCIA for those just beginning in this ministry and for those who would like to review the process in a fresh way. You can register for the day at our diocesan web page: RCIA.html. If you’d like more information about the day or about the RCIA, please contact Camille (507-858-1271 / or me (507-8581270 / In closing, I would ask you to pray for and support those working in RCIA ministry in our diocese and for those women and men coming into the RCIA as they seek to become part of the Body of Christ with us. Deo gratias!

Those who, through the Church, have accepted from God a belief in Christ are admitted to the catechumenate by liturgical rites. The catechumenate is not a mere expounding of doctrines and precepts, but a training period in the whole Christian life, and an apprenticeship duty drawn out, during which disciples are joined to Christ their Teacher. Therefore, catechumens should be properly instructed in the mystery of salvation and in the practice of Gospel morality, and by sacred rites which are to be held at successive intervals, they should be introduced into the life of faith, of liturgy, and of love, which is led by the People of God. -Second Vatican Council, Ad Gentes

September, 2017 w The Courier


Blessed and Beautiful Peter Martin

Faith Formation

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

�n today’s fast-paced world filled with business

that children have or the countless others who depend on you, it can be easy for a woman to lose her sense of her true dignity. In a world that is hyper-focused on productivity, it can be easy to


drome with 85 percent accuracy. “Nearly 100 percent” of pregnancies that tested positive for Down syndrome were aborted, CBS reports. While prenatal testing is not required in Iceland, healthcare providers tell every pregnant woman that the test is an option. The country, which has a population of 330,000, usually sees only one or two children a year born with Down syndrome – often the result, the article reports, of faulty testing. Other countries “aren't lagging too far behind” in Down syndrome abortion rates, the article states. “The United States has an estimated (abortion) rate for Down syndrome of 67 percent (1995-2011); in France it's 77 percent (2015); and Denmark, 98 percent (2015).” The CBS article included some discussion of the ethical dilemmas that prenatal screening and abortion of babies with Down syndrome present. Geneticist Kari Stefansson said for the piece, “My understanding is that we have basically eradicated, almost, Down syndrome from our society – that there is hardly ever a child with Down syndrome in Iceland anymore.” But when asked what this means for society, he cautioned: “It reflects a relatively heavy-handed genetic counseling. And I don't think that heavyhanded genetic counseling is desirable…You're having impact on decisions that are not medical, in a way.” “I don't think there's anything wrong with aspiring to have healthy children, but how far we should go in seeking those goals is a fairly complicated deci-

deadlines, meal prep, bills to pay, laundry to wash and fold, not to mention the many needs

Iceland Is Not "Eradicating" Down Syndrome REYKJAVIK, Aug 16, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News) - A recent article from CBS News proclaims that “few countries have come as close to eradicating Down syndrome births as Iceland.” The operative word here is “births.” Has Iceland discovered, through some groundbreaking technology and research, a cure to the chromosomal abnormality? No. How do you “disappear Down syndrome” then, as one of the article’s taglines states? You “disappear” people with Down syndrome. “Iceland isn't actually eliminating Down syndrome. They're just killing everybody that has it. Big difference,” tweeted actress Patricia Heaton, who has been outspoken about her pro-life beliefs. “There is nothing to celebrate in Iceland's ‘eradication’ of babies born with Down syndrome through abortion,” stressed Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International, a network of 1,800 prolife crisis pregnancy centers that counsel women and connect them with resources throughout the country. “These are precious human beings hand-crafted in the image of God, and no government or person on earth has the authority to rob persons with Down syndrome of their lives,” Godsey told CNA. “Down syndrome is not a death sentence, and it is monstrous to suggest otherwise.” Every pregnant woman in Iceland is given an option of a prenatal test that can detect Down synSeptember, 2017 w The Courier

forget exactly who you are with such a surrounding clamor on what you do. Missing as well in this fast-paced world is gratitude. Gratitude for the sacrifices that others make in our lives is often lacking because they have fallen into a false understanding that we are all part of a system where everyone “does their part” like so many ants in their colony. We were not made to be cogs in a wheel of productivity! We are made for so much more! The Annual Diocese of Winona’s Women’s Conference will offer amazing speakers who will help all women to see who they truly are: Blessed and Beautiful! Please join us this year in Mankato on Saturday, October 28, to take time to reenergize and reinvigorate your life in Christ! Register online at and bring your friends! With even a room for nursing mothers where the speakers will be streamed live, it will be an amazing event that is welcoming to all women! You will be so glad you attended!

sion,” he said. The article also admits that while people born with Down syndrome are at risk for various other health problems, many people with Down syndrome also live full and healthy lives, and are able to live independently or semi-independently, hold jobs, and have relationships. “Many people born with Down syndrome can live full, healthy lives, with an average lifespan of around 60 years.” Perhaps the best argument against the eradication of Down syndrome is Augusta, the cute little seven-year-old pink-clad girl peering out from the pages of the CBS article. Her mother, Thordis Ingadottir, took the test when she was pregnant with Augusta, but it failed to detect Down syndrome. Now, Ingadottir has become an advocate for people with Down syndrome. “I will hope that she will be fully integrated on her own terms in this society. That's my dream,” Ingadottir told CBS. “Isn't that the basic needs of Iceland, cont'd on next page

Iceland, cont'd from previous page

7 Life, Marriage & Family

life? What kind of society do you want to live in?” Godsey told CNA that parents whose children have Down syndrome or other genetic abnormalities need love and support – not abortion. “(These parents)...deserve love and support that will benefit their growing families, and abortion fails categorically to deliver on its false promises to benefit families, individuals and society as a whole,” he said. Godsey added that almost anyone who knows someone with Down syndrome would be completely against its elimination. “As anyone who knows a person with Down syndrome can tell you, these beautiful people are an absolute joy to their families and communities. The world grows exponentially poorer as we kill innocent babies for the ‘crime’ of failing to match up to our self-aggrandizing expectations.” The joy of life with a family member who has Down syndrome was celebrated by CBS in a different article, published to mark World Down Syndrome Day in 2015. It was a column by Marguerite (Maggie) Reardon,

a senior writer at CNET, about when she found out her daughter would be born with Down syndrome. For a long time, she considered abortion, though her husband was against it. What changed her mind was the day she found a community of other people with Down syndrome and parents of children with Down syndrome. She’s still an exhausted, stressed out parent, she wrote, but that’s not because her child has Down syndrome. It’s because she has two little kids who keep her busy. “It's true my daughter has some developmental delays. And she receives a bevy of therapies through Early Intervention to help keep her on track,” she said. “But she's also wonderful. She has a twinkle in her eye and an infectious grin that makes even the most miserable looking people on the subway smile when she stares them down. When she puts her head on my shoulder as I rock her to sleep each night, my heart melts no matter what kind of day I've had.” “I do think she is more special than other children, but it's not because she has Down syndrome. It's because I'm a completely biased and doting mother who thinks no one could possibly be as adorable, bright or funny as my own child,” she wrote. “And her name is Margot.”

September, 2017 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


faith within their schools. They assume the tasks of leadership, administration, curriculum and Marsha Stenzel instruction, staff development, student services, Superintendent of Catholic Schools parent relations, finances and facilities management, and development and recruitment. Our Catholic school principals hold a position of trust and service. Everything they do leads their students closer to Christ. As Superintendent of Catholic Schools, I offer my gratitude and prayers for those principals who have retired or pursued different employment options for the 2017-18 school year. I will miss each of them and their servant leadership to our schools. As a team, we have worked together toward a common goal, and I respect them for who they are and the role models atholic school principals articulate the mission of they have been to our students and staff. We have Catholic education to their communities. The princi- accomplished much as we strive to reach new heights pals in our Catholic schools promote a community of in the best interest of our students. I wish our princibelievers and strive to develop active communities of pals God's continued blessings, and may they always

Meet Our New Principals C

Trusting in God

Matthew Langsdale - St. John the Evangelist/ St. Pius X, Rochester Christopher Smith - Holy Spirit, Rochester Eric Sonnek - St. Felix, Wabasha

Sarah Striemer - St. John Vianney, Fairmont Jennifer Swanson - St. Mary's - Owatonna

Last month's Courier highlighted Matthew Langsdale, Eric Sonnek, and Sarah Striemer.

Going to Be a Great Year!


am excited to be a part of the vibrant and welcoming community at Holy Spirit Catholic School. I look forward to working with students, parents, and staff to help us grow together in mind, body, and spirit. My wife, Lynn, and I have been married for 23 years. We have three children: Joey, 20, a junior at Concordia University; Emma, 19, a sophomore at the University of St. Thomas; and Grace, 14, a freshman at Owatonna High School. For the last 13 years, I taught religion at St. Mary’s School in Owatonna as well as serving as the assistant principal in 2016-17. Before teaching at St. Mary’s, I taught 8th grade history at St. Michael Albertville Middle School for two years and global studies at Owatonna Junior High School for eight years. After growing up on a dairy farm and graduating from Medford High School, I earned a degree in history and a secondary social studies teaching license from the University of St. Thomas. Early in my teaching career, I earned a Master of Arts in education from Saint Mary’s University. When I began teaching religion at St. Mary’s School,

remember that everything is possible with God. As we celebrate the accomplishments of these principals, we also welcome their successors. Our incoming principals bring unique experiences, gifts, and talents to their new positions. I am confident that these new leaders will continue to proclaim the Gospel and lead Catholic schools as a foundational mission of the Church in the Diocese of Winona. Please join me in welcoming our new principals:


� I desired a deeper knowledge of the Catholic faith and earned a Certificate of Pastoral Studies from Saint Mary’s University through the Institute of Lay Ministry. Three years ago, I entered the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program at the University of Notre Dame and graduated last summer with a Masters in Educational Leadership. I am excited to begin this new chapter of life at Holy Spirit Catholic School, trusting in God that the experiences we share will help us more fully become the people He created us to be. Christopher Smith is the new principal of Holy Spirit School in Rochester.

Summer at St. Peter's School

y name is Jen Swanson, and I am excited to start my new role as principal at St. Mary’s School in Owatonna. I have been an educator in both public and private schools for 24 years. I have taught a variety of subjects and grade levels throughout my career in Minnesota and Hawaii. Most recently, I taught 6th grade at Bluff View Elementary School in Lake City. I have had many leadership roles during my career, but this is my first year as a principal. I am very excited to work with the faculty, staff, students, priests, and families in Owatonna. Everyone that I meet speaks highly of the school and their experiences there. They have been very welcoming to me, and I look forward to getting to know them better as the year progresses. I have three adult children. Drew (26) lives in Hawaii. Ryan (22) attends Winona State University. And Ben (20) attends

Minnesota State University, Mankato. Sadly, my husband passed away in January of 2016 from brain cancer. This has been a time of transition for our family, but I look forward to the challenges and rewards of working at St. Mary’s School. I have been impressed with the strong commitment to faith, education, and family that is evident at the school and in the people I have met. This is going to be a great year! Jen Swanson is the new principal of St. Mary's School in Owatonna.


W hat do teachers do all summer? I’ve heard that question many times over the years. It’s true we do take a little time for rest and refreshment. However, it’s also a time for reflection and planning for the new school year. St. Peter’s teachers were busy this summer, planning curriculum and units. The Diocese of Winona now has a consistent curriculum in all of its schools that is rigorous and challenging, aligned to state and national standards and infused with our Catholic faith. Here at St. Peter’s, teachers have prepared their classrooms, learning centers, and materials to provide a safe and engaging learning environment for students. They have created units on coding and collaborative media, written interactive lessons for the smartboard, read and chosen appropriate books for their students to use, and prepared innovative learning materials that align with the curriculum. Teachers at St. Peter’s School have also studied standardized and other test data to plan for differentiated instruction and write goals for each student. We want to September, 2017 w The Courier

First Grader Elizabeth Ott tries out the math calendars Mrs. Von Arx created.

Mrs. Fishel explores a Smart Board lesson on Growth Mindset.

make sure every child receives the learning support they need, but, just as important, we also want to challenge even our most advanced students by individualizing instruction and assignments. Sometimes that means teaching four or five different groups in one lesson. This is not easy, but it is so rewarding to see so much student growth! Teachers also attend several days of workshops throughout the summer to continue our own education and stay abreast of best practices in education. From

media literacy to Spanish to classroom dojo to children’s mental health, there’s no limit to what teachers are studying over the summer. And it shows in the excellent education our students receive here at St. Peter’s School! We ask God’s blessings on another year at St. Peter’s and on all staff, students, and families throughout the world! Rachel Fishel teaches seventh and eight grade and is principal of St. Peter's School in Hokah.

Ben Frost

Director of Youth & Young Adults, Communications and Public Relations

9 Youth & Young Adults

Camp Summit, cont'd from pg. 1

names of those who were unable to be accommodated. Camp Summit is accelerating at a pace that is hard for organizers to keep up, but it's a welcomed problem. History and Mission

Early in its development, Camp Summit's structures were modeled after a few midwest middle school camps that had seen significant success. Camp Survive in Duluth and Extreme Faith Camp in the Twin Cities and Superior, WI, had a great history of drawing young people and transforming lives. As the Diocese of Winona looked into these models, what made them unique was the way they journeyed with young people through a discipleship process. Campers came in as middle school students and were presented with the gospel message. As they entered high school, they returned to camp through formation years of prayer and leadership development. In addition to formation at camp, these successful models were very intentional in the way that young people were accompanied beyond summer programming. The process of discipleship was being carried out as a lifelong journey, not a one-time experience. Camp Summit began with a similar model, and with the assistance of prayer and dedicated youth ministry

leaders, we see the grace of conversion unfolding before us every summer and the journey of discipleship continuing throughout the year. Walk on Water

This summer's Camp Summit was another memorable event. The theme, Walk on Water, was taken from Matthew's gospel, and each day reflected the call of discipleship as seen through the story of Peter being called out of the boat and onto the water toward Jesus. Campers heard about the themes of fear, mercy, worship, and prayer, and then related the themes to daily experience. "When Peter fell, Jesus caught him and helped him back up, so we can trust Jesus," said Nicholas, a first-year camper. The Dream Team, consisting of high school freshmen, dedicated the week to prayer, formation, and service. They also were able to experience all the fun elements of camp and to forge new friendships. The rest of the high school contingent, known as the FIAT team, were present at camp as mentors to the middle school campers. FIAT members shared their testimonies, led small groups, and even took the time to pray with campers. Matthew, a high school junior from St. Joachim Parish in Plainview, first experienced Camp Summit as a camper and has now com-

pleted two years as a FIAT member. "I feel like I have more experience than last year and I'm able to be a better counselor and leader because of that," he said. "Just being able to open up to them about how I really feel about Christ. I've always been nervous in the past, but this year something's different. I don't know." While the diocese continues to learn how to make camp better every year, it's always humbling to see how God is working in the lives of young people. "It really does give kids a chance to open up to Christ," Matthew said, "because when you're older and you haven't had this experience, you're afraid to open up. You don't want to try new things. When you're younger, you're more open to experiences." Where Is the Lord Calling?

As another summer of Camp Summit has come to completion, the planning for next year is already beginning, and there are some significant decisions that need to be made. With attendance demand exceeding our current capacity, the diocese is exploring the feasibility of offering a second week of camp in 2018. The ideal would be to receive as many campers as possible, but the organizational and team demands are significant, and the question remains if it is prudent to expand or continue on with a single camp. A decision is expected this fall.

September, 2017 w The Courier


Ups and Downs


ach of us goes through particular ups and downs in our lives. We can carry burdens big and small. Sometimes people experience severe anxiety over these burdens, and sometimes people have a way of rolling with things that seems almost like ignoring the severity of an issue at hand. It always seems remarkable to me the human condition we find ourselves in, which, at times, can seem overbearing and at other times can bring incredible joy and happiness. We experience so many raw and real emotions in our lives, and while this is what makes for the beauty of life, it is also what makes life cumbersome at times. I have been reflecting on how our experiences of both difficulties and blessings really make up the journey of life. Life is an incredible mystery of circumstances, people, and activities. In the midst of all of that, we have free will to make choices that glorify God and choices that detract from His glory and holy will for us. I always find that this mystery, though at times it makes for hardship and trial, is beautiful enough to always be worth it. In a society where depression and suicide are so very real and hit all of us close to home or even personally, I would like to reflect on what it means for us to see God’s presence or plan unfold in our lives despite particular trials or difficulties. When feeling down and out, we often look for messages of hope that can help us get through it. When someone is trying to help us, we want to know that they truly understand what we are going through and even that they themselves have experienced similar struggles. This validation of our experience, and feeling like we can identify with someone because of what they have endured, is natural and often a means of great help. Yet as we each go through these experiences, we can have

Kruse Installed as Lector WINONA--On Sunday, August 6, the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Bishop John M. Quinn installed David Kruse, a seminarian for the Diocese of Winona, in the Ministry of Lector at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart's 10:30 a.m. Mass. In his homily, Bishop Quinn noted the challenge faced by the apostles Peter, James, and John just after the Transfiguration, when it came time to follow Jesus back down the mountain. "You get a glimpse of the Lord," he said. "You get that glimpse of what God offers us, but then you go back to the ordinariness of life. ... The same is true once you’re ordained. There’s such a marvelous moment of glory, then

a temptation to doubt God and His presence. We can feel like God is not close to us or, for some reason, does not want to help us. Sometimes we can even blame God or, because of shame, feel like God does not love us in our current state. When feeling this way, we can quickly end up allowing our burdens to bury us. In walking with people who are struggling, or in my own personal struggles, it is essential for me to return to the most fundamental truth of my existence. While we should in no way diminish the reality of mental illness, depression, or anxiety—these must be dealt with in a professional manner—we can aid our spiritual life by returning to the basics and simplifying the many complications that arise in our minds and hearts. The truth is that our identity is in being a beloved son or daughter of our heavenly Father. God wills our good and wants us to flourish as His beloved creation. You are loved. And that love has taken form in the sending of Jesus into the world to forgive you and heal you. Jesus has offered Himself on the Cross to bring you into the shared love of the Father. In returning to this truth, by looking upon a crucifix as a sign of hope rather than sorrow, or by repeating, “Jesus, I trust in you,” with the reality of His love for us in mind, we open ourselves to live again the truth of redemption in our lives. Life will never be perfect and is often not easy; yet when I learn to live out of the truth of my identity in Jesus rather than in the anxieties and worldly pressures, it is then that I can use my fear, anxiety, or grief as a means to draw near to the Heart of Jesus. When we live out of our identity as beloved sons and daughters, God continues to guide us with His presence. He shows us His plan and will, even if it only means that I have strength to carry on for today. Life comes at us fast and hard sometimes, but it also comes with truth that is based in the reality of what God has done for us. Amidst the many demands of life, we return today to focus our hearts on Jesus.With great frequency, we hear stories about people who have overcome difficulties and admit that they are so much stronger because of what they have

comes the ordinariness of the phone calls, the emails, the people who sometimes are difficult, yet Jesus says, we’ve got to go back down the mountain. In all of our lives, we glimpse the glory of the Lord. That’s why we come for the Eucharist: so we can be sustained each day, each hour, each second, by knowing there’s more than what shows up on the surface." Bishop Quinn continued, "David, today you’re receiving the Ministry of Lector because you made a conscious decision to come and greet the Lord, to be on His mountain, to be possessed by Him, but then to go back each day to the prayer, to the Holy Hour, the daily Eucharist, living with all of us, being friends with all of us, being accepting of all the limitations, and being able to say, ‘How good it is, Lord, that You have called me here to You.’"

Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

endured. I see this same thing in the process of discernment of young men and women. Overcoming adversity and doubt in our lives leads us to a more mature faith. We begin to realize that our faith is not just there to make us feel good, or among the list of things that make us a good person, but our faith becomes the identity and reality out of which life is truly lived. The presence of God, far from being a magic wand to get us what we want or to protect us from hardship, becomes a personal relationship that reveals His plan for our life. More than fixing our problems or removing them altogether, God teaches us about His plan to remain with us always in the Sacraments and through our own prayer life. In this way, we say with St. Peter in his first letter: In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:7). We suffer, knowing that God will lead us to future glory. Yet, at the foundation of this, whether in good times or bad, remember your identity of being a beloved son or daughter and the truth that God has a future full of hope for you: For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope (Jer. 29:11).

Diocese Natives Profess in Wisconsin, Tennessee

Capuchin Friar Michael Dorn, a native of Adrian, professed first vows as a Capuchin friar at St. Lawrence Seminary, the founding site of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph, Mount Calvary, WI, on July 21. Br. Mike will join 16 other friars at the Chicago formation house for continued ministry formation and formal undergraduate academic studies. This is in preparation for graduate studies at Catholic Theological Union, where Br. Mike will begin studies in September. Typically, a friar will make final vows 3-5 years after first vows. Capuchin Provincial Minister Fr. Michael Sullivan states, “Our brothers who professed their first vows were surrounded by family and friends, as well as our elder friars who were celebrating 25, 50 and 60 years of vowed life. We rejoice at our youngest members, who begin their journey surrounded by those of us who have journeyed a while. Both young and ‘not-so-young’ celebrating together the joy of gospel living. I offer my congratulations to my Brothers!” Br. Mike adds, “As Dr. Cornel West often remarks, ‘I am who I am because somebody loved me.’ It is only through God's grace and mercy, my Capuchin Brothers, and my September, 2017 w The Courier

Br. Michael Dorn (L) and Provincial Minister Fr. Michael Sullivan (R)

L to R: Bishop John M. Quinn, Sr. Madeline Rose Kraemer, Bennett Kraemer

family, both living and those who have passed on, am I able to walk this path by means of their love. It's this same love that I hope to co-generate with all of God's people (especially the marginalized) no matter where this life of fraternal minority continues to lead me.” The Capuchins are an international community of friars modeling themselves after St. Francis of Assisi. The brothers of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph, headquartered in Detroit, serve in a variety of ministries including social service, schools, chaplaincy, a retreat house and

parishes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Montana, Arizona, Nicaragua, and Panama. Established in 1857, there are currently 169 members in the St. Joseph province. On July 28, Sr. Madeline Rose Kraemer - a Dominican Sister; Austin native; and sister to Bennett Kraemer, an IHM seminarian - professed first vows in Nashville, TN. Bishop John M. Quinn traveled to Nashville to celebrate the Mass. Sr. Madeline Rose's mother, Megan Kraemer, writes, "We are forever indebted to the Bishop for the pure joy that he added to the occasion."

A Happy Problem Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

The Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse Annual Appeal is conducted by the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota. Funds raised support men studying to become priests for the Diocese of Winona, at the undergraduate and graduate levels of seminarian education. The appeal is not conducted by Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary. The following is a letter from Bishop Quinn regarding this important appeal.

�The e face a happy problem. good news is that after many years of declining

numbers of priestly vocations, we now see a turnaround and an increase in the number of men who are exploring and answering the call of Jesus to serve as priests. Our problem is that this is a major financial challenge, because of the cost to provide a college education for our seminarians. As you know, the cost of college education can reach well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Since our priests receive only a modest salary after ordination, it is imperative that the diocese be able to offer financial assistance to educate our future priests. Today, I ask that you join me in the formation of our future priests. We are blessed with eighteen seminarians discerning and studying for the Diocese of Winona. God willing, in the summer of 2018, I will ordain Deacon Brian Mulligan and Deacon Thé Hoang to the priesthood. I will also have the privilege of ordaining Matthew Wagner to the diaconate in the spring of 2018. Seven of the men are studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Eleven of the men are studying at the college level at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona. These young men have

Congratulations! Since our last printing, All Saints, New Richland Holy Family, Kasson St. Ann, Janesville St. Joseph, Waldorf St. Rose of Lima, Lewiston have met their goals for the 2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal!

(L to R) Front Row: Matthew Nordquist, Ezra Lippert, Michael Churchill, Bishop John Quinn, David Kruse, Mitchell Logeais, Matthew Wagner, Deacon Brian Mulligan. Middle Row: Deacon Thé Hoang, Bennett Kraemer, Isaac Landsteiner, Jordan Danielson, Brian Klein, Fr. Jason Kern. Back Row: Robert Scanlon, Matthew Koestler, Isaiah Lippert, Timothy Welch, Adam Worm, Teagan McDermott

heard Jesus calling them in the inner walls of their hearts and are responding to a call of love to serve God’s people tirelessly and selflessly. I request your prayers and support for our seminarians in their discernment of the priesthood. We are often reminded just how important our seminarians are for the life of the Church. The Church thrives where there are faithful priests. With the rising cost of tuition, the Seminarian Burse is vital in helping the Diocese of Winona meet the increasing expenses related to forming young priests. When these young men become priests, their priestly salaries will not be enough to pay off large college loans. Annually, the diocese grants $12,500 per seminarian for the room and board for undergraduates at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary and nearly $45,000 per seminarian for the major seminary tuition, room and board. I ask you to prayerfully consider a financial gift to the Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse. The burse, which was initiated by our beloved Bishop Harrington eleven years ago, is a tremendous blessing and the major source of funding that ensures the best priestly formation possible for the future priests of our diocese. A gift, as a sign of gratitude for the priests in your life, is always welcomed. Additional or first-time gifts may be sent to commemorate or show gratitude for the following occasions and more: •

a wedding or wedding anniversary

Christmas or other feasts and holidays

• • • • • • •

the memory of a loved one at the time of death Confirmation

a special priest

the birth of a child or grandchild Baptism

First Holy Communion

thanksgiving for prayers answered

I know you will consider my invitation with an open heart and join me in the task of forming future priests. Please continue to pray for our seminarians and for the faithful across the Diocese of Winona. Prayerfully yours in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

Catholic Foundation

Monica Herman


Your gifts to the

Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington

Seminarian Burse

help provide the resources necessary to educate our men who are studying for the priesthood: Deacon Thé Hoang - year 4 theology Deacon Brian Mulligan - year 4 theology Matthew Wagner - year 3 theology David Kruse - year 2 theology Michael Churchill - year 1 theology Ezra Lippert - year 1 theology Mitchell Logeais - year 1 theology Matthew Nordquist - year 1 theology Brian Klein - year 2 pre-theology Robert Scanlon - year 2 pre-theology Matthew Koestler - year 1 pre-theology Isaac Landsteiner - year 4 college Adam Worm - year 4 college Jordan Danielson - year 2 college Bennett Kraemer - year 2 college Isaiah Lippert - year 1 college Teagan McDermott - year 1 college Timothy Welch - year 1 college

Please give generously!

Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota PO Box 30098 Winona, MN 55987

September, 2017 w The Courier

Catholic Charities

The Surprising Prevalence of 12

Mental Illness You may recognize my picture from

articles I have written in the past, yet in a different role: interim faith formation director for the Diocese of Winona from January through April 2017. Since May 2017, I have worked at Catholic Charities, serving in the capacity of my professional training as a psychiatrist. As a Religious Sister of Mercy of Alma, MI, I completed a degree in human biology through Michigan State University; a medical degree through the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.; and an adult psychiatry residency training program through Washington University/Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, MO. I am now very grateful to be a part of the Catholic Charities team, serving this southernmost diocese of Minnesota! As an adult psychiatrist, I see persons who are 18 years old and older. Have you ever wondered what a mental illness actually is? Simply put, it is “a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood…. (and) such conditions may affect someone’s ability to relate to others and function each day.” Did you know that one in five people (or roughly 43 million Americans) experience a mental health condition in their lives? Also, that 75% of all chronic mental health conditions develop by the age of 24? Although most mental health conditions are not disabling, one in 25 American adults have serious functional impairment due to a mental illness. For example, when years of life lost to premature mortality or years lost to disability were ranked by the US Burden of Disease Collaborators, out of 291 general conditions and injuries, depressive disorders ranked fifth and anxiety disorders ranked thirteenth! In this article, I am not even addressing the significant impact of suicide or the average global costs spent on mental health (that easily outweigh common disorders or other diseases). It is not my intent to rattle off a bunch of statistics, but more so to highlight the staggering reality that mental illness is. Have you ever actually sat down and pondered it? Have you considered how common such illnesses are and the impact they have on our lives? I also wonder why, in general, we do not think of such illnesses or disorders in the same way as we may hypertension, diabetes, or cancer, in seeking professional help. One thing that attracted me to psychiatry is the profound fact that each of us is affected by mental illness in some fashion (personally or, perhaps, through one we love—a friend or family member). Another thing that attracted me to psychiatry is the significant misery and burden

September, 2017 w The Courier

Sr. Mara Lester, R.S.M. Psychiatrist Catholic Charities

assessment, and, if recommended, maintain follow up with a trusted provider. Catholic Charities (www. offers behavioral health and counseling services across the Diocese of Winona. Please see information on our staff and locations below. Catholic Charities Clinical Counseling Staff Joye Wolf, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist - Austin, Albert Lea, Owatonna

Kristine Madsen, Clinical Social Worker Mankato Annette Krutsch, Licensed (Counselor) - Winona that can be present in life due to mental illness, and the great resilience and courage it takes for one to acknowledge difficulty, whatever it may be, and move forward seeking help to live life to its fullest. Seeking help and working through concerning areas is not contradictory to one’s faith; quite the contrary! Obtaining help and maintaining treatment and/or therapy can be integrated with one’s faith life and is an active process that is woven into each person’s call to universal holiness in seeking virtue! It is important that each person deeply knows that an illness or disorder is not what defines them. Each of us has an ultimate identity from, for, and to God. As our Catholic teaching states, it is a fact that we are made in the image and likeness of God, and, especially as baptized persons, we are God’s adopted sons and daughters! I am sure that each of us may know someone, if not ourselves, who suffers from depression or anxiety, has experienced prolonged grief from the loss of a loved one, or struggles with addiction or poor self image. I ask you to bring these points I have addressed in this article to prayer and, if you are concerned, perhaps, speak to another in charity, or even yourself, about the possibility of a mental illness. So much can be eased with further education as well as one’s courageous commitment to look at such concerns directly, seek help with a diagnostic


Sister Mara Lester, RSM, Adult Psychiatrist Winona

John McGuire, Director of Family and Individual Counseling. Clinical Social Worker - Rochester Diane Dunn, Clinical Social Worker - Worthington Locations

Albert Lea - 507-377-3664 - 311 E Clark St. (mail to St. Theodore's Parish Center, 308 E Fountain St.), Albert Lea, MN 56007

Austin - 507-455-2008 - 430 10th Street NE, Suite 3 (mail to PO Box 366), Austin MN 55912 Owatonna - 507-455-2008 - 577 State Ave, Owatonna, MN 55060

Mankato – 507-387-5586 - 201 North Broad Street, Suite 100, Mankato, MN 56001 Rochester - 507-287-2047 - 903 W. Center Street, Suite 220, Rochester MN 55902

Winona - 507-454-2270 - 111 Market Street, Suite 2 (mail to PO Box 379), Winona, MN 55987 Resources prevalence/any-mental-illness-ami-amongadults.shtml US Burden of Disease Collaborators. The state of US health, 1990-2010. Burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors. JAMA. 2013 Aug 14; 310(6):591608.

Colonizing - Not Cultivating - Student Minds Our Response Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

ur schools should be places where children are trained to pursue the true, the good, and the beautiful—or, at the very least, equipped to honestly and rationally engage with objective reality. A school should be a place of education, not ideological instruction. But a “transgender toolkit,” approved on July 24 by the state’s School Safety Technical Assistance Council (SSTAC), is a clear instance of that vital mission being flipped on its head. The recommendations of the toolkit, advertised as means of combating bullying, instead distort reality and impede real education. The falsehoods of gender ideology— essentially, the view that gender is unrelated to biological sex and can be chosen at will— are not fit to be disseminated anywhere, least of all in our schools. The council’s decision to distribute this toolkit to public schools throughout Minnesota reveals that state bureaucrats are more concerned about colonizing students’ minds than forming them to seek the truth. Ideological Colonization

Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has drawn attention to what he calls “ideological colonization,” or the imposition of secular values on religious societies through threats or incentives. We typically think of ideological colonization in places like Africa, where Western nations and NGOs attempt to impose contraception and abortion on countries in exchange for development dollars. But Pope Francis has also linked it to gender ideology being taught in the classroom. The Pope told the Polish bishops in 2016 that gender theory is the “exact opposite of God’s creation,” and that this “sin against God the Creator” is an example of “ideological colonization” funded by powerful institutions. “Today, children are taught this at school: that everyone can choose their own sex. And why do they teach this? Because the books come from those people and institutions who give money,” the pontiff said, calling the situation “terrible.”

The transgender toolkit is a clear instance of ideological colonization in our own backyard. Through the threat of lawsuits against schools, well-funded activists work to enact anti-bullying measures that are instead vehicles for making disordered views of the human person and human sexuality normative in the broader culture, all the while punishing those who dissent. Denying Reality

We all agree that public schools should be places that are welcoming to all students, regardless of personal challenges that they bring to the classroom. Persons struggling with gender dysphoria or who identify as transgender should be treated with compassion and sensitivity, and reasonably accommodated. These steps should be taken to create an environment where students can participate in the pursuit of truth, unhindered by things that might hold them back, such as bullying or fear and anxiety. But the advance of gender ideology in the mask of anti-bullying programs undermines the heart of the educational enterprise by injecting a false vision of reality into the language and culture of schools. It requires students and faculty to speak and accept actions in contrast to plainly observable fact, namely, that boys are boys and not girls (or some other thing), and vice versa. As First Things editor R.R. Reno notes, gender ideology forces students to accommodate themselves to lies knowing that truthful words will be punished. Gender ideology has no credible scientific basis. It requires people to perpetrate falsehoods and is a clear example of the triumph of the subjective will taking precedent over objective reality; it has no place in a setting serious about intellectual inquiry.

13 Faith in the Public Arena

Gender Ideology

When we see gender theory imposed by public officials or perpetrated in schools, we have the responsibility to respond, proposing instead the reality of our created nature and the beauty of sexual difference—man and woman, made for each other and made for life. If the Church is to be a field hospital, as Pope Francis calls us to be, prospective patients need to know that things like gender theory that are peddled by the culture as elixirs of happiness are really poison, and that there is a place that offers healing and hope. In addition, we must continue to assert objective reality, and the task of pursuing the truth of things should guide our public discourse and our education system. Otherwise, our discourse becomes mere sophistry and our public policies become tools of oppression and exploitation by those in power.

Action Alert Protect young people from unnecessary deportations!

Ask MN Senators to co-sponsor the Dream Act of 2017

The Dream Act of 2017, S. 1615, was recently introduced in the US Senate. It is intended to protect immigrant youth who entered the United States as children and know America as their only home. Many of the estimated 780,000 individuals this bill would protect are contributors to our economy, veterans of our military, and leaders in our parishes and communities. The bill would offer qualifying immigrant youth "conditional permanent resident status" and a path to full, lawful, permanent residency and eventual citizenship. As Catholics, we have long supported DREAMERS as we believe in protecting the dignity of every human being, especially that of our children. The legislation helps prioritize border enforcement resources toward those who actually present a danger to our communities. Senators Klobuchar and Franken have yet to co-sponsor this legislation. Call them at the numbers below and ask them to co-sponsor and support the Dream Act of 2017.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar – 612-727-5220 Sen. Al Franken – 651-221-1016 September, 2017 w The Courier


Sharing the Good News Without Money, Extra Clothes, or Even Your Cell Phone! Deacon Joe Weigel


Holy Spirit Parish, Rochester

On July 21st three young women walked into the

Holy Spirit parish office and wished to share their faith stories. They had no money, no guarantee of a place to sleep, change of clothes, or even a cell phone. After a momentary awkward pause, more to do with their predicament than to our response, we invited them into our conference room where they spent an hour witnessing the impact of Jesus Christ on their lives. Not your typical Friday at the parish office. I found out later they were a small contingent of folk sent out from a Neocatechumenal Way conference in Washington D.C. From this conference, 600 individuals (in groups of 2 or 3) were given round trip plane tickets to various cities across the nation. They had literally the clothes on their backs and not much more. They were willing to walk if necessary to different cities in the areas where they would visit churches and share their stories and the Good News relying on the good will of folks they met on the way. And that’s exactly what they did. It turns out two groups (one of women, the other men) flew into the Rochester airport to spend a week in our diocese. The men attempted to go west and the ladies east. The ladies somehow received trans-

portation to Winona, sharing their stories in various parishes. After a few days in Winona, they made their way back to Rochester (via Lewiston and St. Charles) thanks to the generosity of folks who offered them food and lodging along the way. Eventually they made their way to Rochester and, after visiting several of the other parishes, ended up at Holy Spirit. They spent the previous night at the Dorothy Day center (it was a miracle there were beds available for them) and would have headed back again had Monica and I not invited them to spend the night with us. Besides offering them lodging and the opportunity to share our meals with us, we spent time going over our individual faith stories and the work Christ has done and continues to do in our lives. The three ladies are all from the East Coast: one from Philadelphia, one from New Jersey, and one from the Bronx NYC. One had ethnic ties to El Salvador and another to the Dominican Republic. All of them shared about the many mistakes they had made earlier in their lives and how they came to personal conversion thanks to an encounter with Christ in the Catholic Church. Their conversions were so profound that, in many cases, it led to the conversion and/or deepening of faith of their families and friends. So

strong is their faith now that they were willing to take a week and be sent out in the tradition of Jesus sending his disciples to witness the “Good News” to the world and to rely completely on generosity and the acceptance of the gospel. Sound crazy? Perhaps we need more faith. It turns out the Neocatechumenal Way is a growing ecclesial movement (founded in 1964) that focuses on the formation of Christian adults, those baptized as well as those looking for entrance into the Catholic Church. They tend to form small communities (20-50) within a parish. There are more than a million members from 40,000 inner-parish communities. They tend to bring about a renewal of the sacramental life (by concentrating on Scripture, liturgy, and community) especially among those who have distanced themselves from the Church or were poorly catechized. Their work has resulted in many conversions and a significant number of vocations. They send out missionaries to strengthen dying parishes and to manage, and in some cases even build, new seminaries. Of the three women we encountered, one is working with her father on building a new seminary while another was heading to Australia with her husband and five children, to join with five other families to form a missionary community to restore/ rebuild a dying parish. None of these works are paid for; members of the Neocatechumenal Way rely on contributions and the charity of those they encounter. After breakfast on Saturday, we dropped them off at another parish, where they would continue their evangelization for another day before flying back to Washington, D.C., on Sunday. We were out of town during the day on Saturday but had offered them hospitality should they need it for the evening. However, we never heard from them, so we can only assume they received an offer of lodging. In retrospect, I found this experience reinforced the parables of Jesus found in July’s Sunday gospel readings. The promise of Christ (the kingdom) is like the treasure in the field or the pearl of great price. If we nurture our faith, like the mustard seed, it will grow into a great plant which Jesus will use to draw others to Him. How deep is our faith? Are we willing to step out and share the love of Christ with others, leaving our comfort and security (even our cell phones) behind? Something to ponder. In the Diocese of Winona, Austin is home to its own community of the Neocatechumenal Way. For more information on this group, contact Fr. Raúl Silva at 507-433-1888 or

September, 2017 w The Courier

V Encuentro Hispanic Ministry

In the Diocese

Ministerio Hispano


St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Rochester

he V Encuentro is a process of consultation, reflection and evangelization taking place throughout the dioceses of the United States. It invites all Catholics to rediscover their missionary identity to be evangelizers – to bring the joy of the Gospel to all the corners of the world. The V Encuentro process is a great opportunity not only to get to know the encyclical “The Joy of the Gospel," but it also encourages all participants to listen to the call of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Windom our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to go out to the peripheries and reach out to every man and woman that for one reason or another has been forgotten or left out of the joy of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. This V Encuentro process is taking place in several parishes with Hispanic ministry throughout the Diocese of Winona. Some of those parishes that have already begun this process are St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, Queen of Angels in Austin, Sacred Heart in Owatonna, St. James in St. James, St. Francis Xavier in Windom, St. Mary in Madelia, Sts. Peter and Paul in Mankato, St. Mary in Worthington and St. Charles Borromeo in St. Charles. Other parishes are about to start the V Encuentro process in the coming days. The most important part of this process are the five meetings/sessions that take place at the local level: the parishes. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Rochester These five sessions help the participants understand and embrace the call to be missionaries. The next step in this process is the Diocesan Encuentro which will take place on October 15 in the Verizon Wireless Center in Mankato. For more information, please call Fr. Raúl Silva, Vicar for Hispanic Ministry and Pastor of Queen of Angels Parish in Austin, at 507-433-1888 (Ext. 2). There is also more informaQueen of Angels Parish, Austin tion at

�l V encuentro es un proceso de consultación, reflexión

y evangelización tomando lugar en todas las diócesis de los Estados Unidos. Esto invita a todos los católicos a redescubrir su identidad misionera para ser evangelizadores- para llevar la alegría del Evangelio a todos los rincones del mundo. El proceso del V Encuentro es una gran oportunidad no solo de llegar a conocer la encíclica “La Alegría del Evangelio”, también esto anima a todos los participantes a escuchar el llamado de nuestro Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco, a salir a las periferias y llegar a los hombres y mujeres que por alguna razón u otra han sido olvidadas, se han quedado al margen o fuera de la alegría de ser un discípulo de Jesucristo. El proceso del V encuentro esta tomando lugar en varias parroquias con el ministerio Hispano en toda la Diócesis de Winona. Alguna de estas parroquias que han empezado este proceso son St. Francis of Assisi en Rochester, Queen of Angels en Austin, Sacre Heart en owatonna, St. James en St James, St. Francis Xavier en Windom, St. Mary en Madelia, Sts. Peter and Paul en Mankato, St. Mary’s en Worthington y St. Charles Borromeo en St Charles. Otras parroquias están a punto de empezar el proceso del V Encuentro en los próximos días. La parte más importante de este proceso son las 5 reuniones/sesiones que toman lugar en el nivel local: las parroquias. Estas 5 sesiones ayudan a los participantes a entender y abrazar el llamado a ser misioneros. El próximo paso en este proceso es el encuentro Diocesano el cual tomara lugar el 15 de octubre en el Verizon Wireless Center en Mankato. Para más información, por favor llamar al Padre Raúl Silva, Vicario por el Ministerio Hispano y Párroco de Queen of Angels Parish en Austin, 507-433-1888 (ext.2). También para más información en

September, 2017 w The Courier

In the Diocese


Who Was

Father Solanus Casey? ďż˝ n November 18, 2017, Fr. Solanus Casey (1870-

1957), a Capuchin priest born in Oak Grove, WI (near Prescott), will be beatified in Detroit, where he spent the last 33 years of his life. To celebrate the beatification of this remarkable man who grew up so close to our home, the Diocese of Winona has organized a four-day pilgrimage to Detroit, featuring tickets to the Beatification Mass and tours of the Shrine of Christ's Passion, St. Anne, Old St. Mary, Sacred Heart Seminary (currently home to seven of our seminarians), the Father Solanus Casey Center, and other Detroit landmarks. Who Was Father Solanus Casey?

Fr. Solanus was born Bernard Casey, the sixth of 16 children, to farming Irish immigrant parents on November 25, 1870.

September, 2017 w The Courier

As a young man, he worked in Stillwater as a lumberjack, a part-time prison guard, and a street car operator on Stillwater's newly-installed electric trolleys. Though he'd previously held interest in the priesthood, a shocking encounter with the scene of a murder on the trolley tracks caused him to more keenly hear God's call. He began his religious studies in 1891, at 21 years old, at St. Francis Seminary High School in Milwaukee, WI, but was later dismissed for low grades. After returning home and praying, he travled to Detroit to join the Capuchins in 1896, taking the name Solanus. Though he continued to struggle as a student, his notable commitment to poverty, chastity, and obedience so edified his superiors and fellow religious that he was found worthy of priestly ordination in 1904. However, his designation as a "simple" priest prevented him from hearing confessions or delivering formal, theological homilies. For the next 14 years, Fr. Solanus served Sacred Heart Parish in Yonkers, NY, in the roles of sacristan, director of

the Young Ladies Sodality, director of altar boys, and doorkeeper. As he gratefully carried out this humble work, he gained a reputation for his patience, spiritual insight, comforting presence, and prophetic vision. Those he enrolled in the Seraphic Mass Association, used by Capuchins as a means of intercessory prayer, reported blessings in such high numbers that Fr. Solanus was directed to keep a record. The blessings continued when he was transferred to the Detroit monastery in 1924, and by the end of his life, he had filled seven notebooks with more than 6,000 cases of answered prayers. He suffered illness in the final months of his life and died in Detroit on July 31, 1957, at the age of 86. His last conscious act was to sit up in bed and exclaim, "I give my soul to Jesus Christ!" Fr. Solanus Casey was declared Venerable by St. Pope John Paul II in 1995. Reports of prayers answered through his intercession continue to this day. His legacy also includes the Detroit Capuchins' Soup Kitchen, which has been operating since he established it in 1929. Close to Home

Not only is the Diocese of Winona geographically close to the places where Fr. Solanus lived; his presence continues to be closely felt by parishioners here as well. The Diocese of Winona's Chief Finance and Administrative Officer Andrew Brannon has had a devotion to Fr. Solanus Casey for years, one that was solidified by Fr. Solanus' intercession in the case of Andrew's niece, who became ill with mysterious "bonewracking pain" for six months to a year as an adolescent. Inspired by accounts of intercession he was reading in Fr. Solanus Casey's biography at that time, Andrew enrolled his niece in the Fr. Solanus Guild. Shortly before some scheduled medical tests for his niece, he emailed Guild Director Br. Richard Merling to ask for prayers. Brother Richard responded to say that her name had been written on a tent card and placed on Fr. Solanus' tomb. "If you've ever seen a picture of Fr. Solanus' tomb," said Andy, "there are hundreds of little, almost like place cards you'd see at a fancy dinner, with prayer intentions written on them." Days later, Andrew's wife called her sister to ask how their niece's tests went, only to learn that the tests hadn't been carried out. The pain had suddenly vanished as Andrew's niece waited in the lunch line at school, at about 10 minutes to noon.

When Andrew went to send an email of thanks, he noticed the time on Brother Richard's last message, the one in which he'd informed Andrew that the tent card had been placed: 11:50 a.m. "His life was one of humility," said Andrew of Fr. Solanus. "It's his humility, I think, that allows God to work through him." Next door to Andrew's office, Administrative Assistant Ann Ringlien has her own story to tell. Ann had been working for the Diocese of Winona for about four months when she began to feel nauseous and dizzy. After tests at multilple hospitals, doctors discovered blood pushing against her brain stem. The surgery required was likely to leave her with side effects, such as speech problems, chronic headaches, or need for a wheelchair. As she lay in a hospital bed awaiting surgery, she was visited by Bishop John M. Quinn, who prayed with her and gave her a relic of Fr. Solanus Casey. "He said, 'You're probably not going to know who this is, but when I was a little boy growing up in Detroit, there was this Capuchin friar, and my dad took me to see this holy man. I think you should pray to him.'" She did. And, to the surprise of the neurosurgeon, Ann recovered from her surgery with very few side effects. "I really attribute a lot of it to Fr. Solanus," she said. "...I still pray to him all the time and talk to him all the time, and, you know, I just kind of consider him my buddy getting me through those hard times in my life." Finally, Bishop Quinn has felt a certain closeness to Fr. Solanus ever since meeting him in person in 1956. "My dad would often stop at St. Bonaventure Capuchin Monastery on Mt. Elliott Avenue in Detroit, to request that a Mass be offered for a deceased relative or neighbor. On one visit back in 1956, I was with my dad, who pointed out Fr. Solanus to me. He was the porter and greeter at the monastery and on that visit was standing at the door. As we were leaving, my dad asked Fr. Solanus to bless me. His blessing has continued to come upon me throughout my life, and I rejoice that on November 18, 2017, Fr. Solanus will be declared Blessed Solanus for the whole Church." Sources:

French, Bob. "The Surprising Case of Solanus Casey." The Word Among Us (July, 2015): 52-57 Father Solanus Guild. "The Message of Father Solanus Casey, Capuchin." June, 2014.

Remembering Father Fabian

"It was good to be his student; it was better to be his colleague; and it was best to be his friend." Bishop Quinn noted in his closing remarks the many people in attendance who had learned so much from Fr. Fabian. "One of the best things about being a teacher," he said, "is, long after the Lord brings you

In the Diocese

WINONA--On July 19, 2017, loved ones - including students, friends, and brother priests from the Diocese of Winona and beyond - gathered in St. Thomas More Chapel, on the campus of St. Mary's University, to say goodbye to Fr. Andrew Cyril Fabian, who died on July 14. The Funeral Mass was celebrated by Bishop John M. Quinn and concelebrated by Bishop Emeritus Bernard Harrington and many priests who had known Fr. Fabian. The homily was delivered by Msgr. Gerald Mahon, who was a student of Fr. Fabian in his first year of teaching at St. Mary's, 1964. "He paid attention when you had a blue notebook," Msgr. Mahon said. "He knew those names and made those connections." Msgr. Mahon shared memories of Fr. Fabian he'd gathered from several former students. Together, the stories painted a picture of a teacher who had grown legendary stature over his tenure at St. Mary's University. But, as Associate Professor of Philosophy Dr. Joseph Tadie expressed at the end of Mass,


home, you're still teaching." After Mass, pallbearers Mark Barber, Ph.D.; Brother Frank Carr, FSC; John Figliulo; Robert Kinyon; August Tadie; and Lance Thompson escorted the casket outside the chapel, where dozens of priests sang for Fr. Fabian.

Understanding and Solidarity

at the Immigration Retreat By SR. RUTH SNYDER, OSF

On August 12, a beautiful summer

day in Iona, the Barn at Corabelle served as the site for an immigration retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Winona Social Concerns Committee. Approximately 50 persons - priests, sisters and laity from parishes throughout the diocese - gathered for a day of theological reflection, sharing stories, and prayer. The day was led by Fr. Jim Callahan of St. Mary’s, Worthington, and Lisa Kremer, co-chairperson of the Social Concerns Committee. Lisa began the day by sharing the personal story of her family’s immigration background and calling us to remember our own stories. Fr. Callahan (in English) and Juan Valencia (in Spanish) gave theological and scriptural reflections that highlighted the dimension that faith plays in the issues surrounding immigration. Head sets were available throughout the day so that participants could get simultaneous interpretation in both English and Spanish. Some of the most profound moments of the day came after participants watched the short film, Dying to Live: A Migrant’s Journey, produced by Rev. Daniel Groody C.S.C. This documentary explores the topics of who migrants are, why they leave their homes, and the hardships they face on their journey. In small group discussions, many touching personal stories were shared by persons who had experienced that journey and still

faced difficulties. These very moving testimonies helped all present to understand and respond with a deeper sense of compassion. Exposition and a procession with the Blessed Sacrament followed. As we journeyed around the beautiful grounds, we prayed prayers based on the beatitudes. We ended the day with the Mass, celebrated by Fr. Gref Leif. In his homily, he reminded us that we need to listen to “the tiny whispering sound," the quiet voice of God, as Elijah had done. The music for the Mass, as well as throughout the day, was led by the “Siervos de Cristo” (Servants of Christ), one of the 11 liturgical musical groups from St. Mary’s in Worthington.

l 12 de agosto, un hermoso día de verano, en el "Granero de Corabelle" en Iona fue el escenario de un retiro de inmigración programado por el Comité de Justicia Social de la Diócesis de Winona. Aproximadamente 50 personas, sacerdotes, religiosas y laicos de parroquias de la diócesis, se reunieron para un día de reflexión teológica, y para compartir historias, experiencias y oración. El día fue dirigido por el P. Jim Callahan de St. Mary's, Worthington y Lisa Kremer, co-chairperson del Comité de Justicia Social. Lisa comenzó el día compartiendo la historia de inmigración de su familia y llamándonos a recordar nuestras propias historias. Fr. Callahan (en inglés) y Juan

Valencia (en español) dieron reflexiones teológicas y bíblicas que resaltaron la dimensión que la fe juega en los temas de inmigración. Audífonos estaban disponibles durante todo el día para que los participantes pudieran obtener interpretación simultánea, tanto en inglés como en español. Algunos de los momentos más profundos del día llegaron después de que los participantes vieron el DVD, Dying to Live: A Migrant's Journey, producido por el Padre Daniel Groody. Este documental explora los temas de quiénes son los migrantes, por qué abandonan sus hogares y las dificultades que enfrentan en su viaje. En discusiones en grupos pequeños, varias personas compartían lo que habían experimentado en sus viajes y las dificultades que tienen que enfrentar. Estos testimonios conmovedores

ayudaron a todos los presentes a comprender y a responder con una compasión más profunda. Después hubo exposición del Santísimo Sacramento con una procesión. Mientras andábamos alrededor de los hermosos terrenos, se rezaban oraciones en inglés y español, basadas en las bienaventuranzas. Terminamos el día con la Misa celebrada por el P. Greg Leif. En su homilía nos recordó que necesitamos escuchar "susurros," la voz tranquila de Dios, como Elías había hecho. La música para la Misa, así como a lo largo del día, fue dirigida por los "Siervos de Cristo," uno de los once grupos musicales litúrgicos de St. Mary's en Worthington. Sr. Ruth Snyder is a member of the Diocese of Winona Social Concerns Committee. September, 2017 w The Courier

In the Diocese


Evangelism at the Fair By TRISH JOHNSON

" stopped because the lady was just smiling at me and I thought she wanted to talk to me, personally.” And, she did. That quote was from a visitor to the Pipestone County Fair, August 2-5, 2017, where the St. Leo Tri-Parish sponsored a St. Paul Street Evangelization booth. Patt Johnson & Doug VanMoorlehem worked diligently to identify the loca-

Gift Shop Serves Regional Faithful By KEVIN BURNS

hen Ann Benson needed information to help deepen her understanding of her faith, she knew her choices were limited. "In order to get books on saints, inspirational stories, or even reference materials about Catholicism, I usually had to search in the Twin Cities or St. Cloud." That is, until she found the gift shop at Ss. Peter and Paul's in Mankato. Benson, a retired school teacher, knows the

September, 2017 w The Courier

tions for set up and to organize the materials for distribution. Bunny Johnson, Amy Konradi, and Trish Johnson assisted in inviting everyone who passed by to browse the plethora of information and items proudly displayed. More often than not, people stopped to chat for a moment and ask thoughtful questions about the Catholic Faith. The most popular item by far was the “Pick a Prayer” box. Inside were clippings from The Word Among Us with daily prayer meditations for anyone to pull out of the box and take with them as their own blessing. More than 100 rosaries were given out along with CDs, pamphlets, prayer cards and Miraculous Medals. These evangelists will raise the money necessary to continue “mobilizing Catholics to share the Gospel” and be seen at as many public events they are called to. When a smile is welcoming and kindness and care are expressed,

value of credible information. "I found well-written and researched books right here in my hometown. It's really been a treasure trove of great information." In addition to a wide selection of books, Ss. Peter and Paul's gift shop has crucifixes, rosaries, prayer cards and other religious items to be used in the home or given on special occasions, such as baptism, first communion, confirmation and weddings. "The response to our selection has been very positive," says Margie Larson, co-chair of the gift shop at Ss. Peter and Paul's. "Many people visiting from out of town - and even some from out of state - find things for themselves or their loved ones." The gift shop has recently expanded, adding faith-based greeting cards, statues, and an entire section devoted to children. "The children's section was a suggestion made by one of our parishioners," says Mary Huettl, cochair of the gift shop. "We have first bibles and story books about religious events and holidays, as well as children's medallions and rosaries. The kids and their parents have responded really favorably to

many will stop and most will be affected. That is taking evangelism to the street, the St. Paul way!

Trish Johnson is Director of Faith Formation for the TriParish of St. Joseph, St. Leo, and St. Martin.

this new selection." Interest in the gift shop has peaked with the recent closing of another religious store in Mankato. That has left a void the gift shop at Ss. Peter and Paul's Church is working to fill quickly. "We take feedback and suggestions from parishioners and visitors to expand our selection; and we even can help locate hard-to-find items via our suppliers," says Larson. That extra helpfulness has not been lost on Ann Benson. "I'm really not comfortable with online shopping," she says. "I'd rather be hands-on when purchasing religious items, and that's why the gift shop at Ss. Peter and Paul's is one of my frequent destinations." The gift shop is open before and after each weekend Mass as well as during the week by request. It's located in Xavier Hall, adjacent to the church, at 105 N 5th Street in Mankato. For more information about Mass times, visit www. Kevin Burns is a member of the pastoral council at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mankato.

Hurricane Relief

The Diocese of Winona is taking up a special collection to support those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Funds will support the humanitarian and recovery efforts of Catholic Charities USA and will provide pastoral and rebuilding support to affected dioceses through the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. To learn more and to donate, visit

Tell Us What You Think

Many thanks to all you readers who have taken a moment to weigh in on The Courier's proposed transition to a new magazine format. If you haven't yet sent us your thoughts, we encourage you to do so. An online prototype of the proposed magazine, The Disciple, can be found at This quarterly magazine would place heavier emphasis on catechesis, evangelization, and witness stories from parishioners here in our diocese, while leaving some news and events coverage to our new diocesan website ( Please keep in mind that, while the online prototype shows a lot of sample material, a real issue of The Disciple would be printed on paper (with an online version available) and would feature stories and columns from within our diocese whenever possible. Please send any feedback on the magazine prototype, or on your experience as a reader of The Courier, to Associate Editor Nick Reller at nreller@ or 507-858-1257. In your comments, please indicate your parish, age, gender, and whether you consider yourself a regular reader of The Courier. What do you like about the magazine format? What is it missing? How does it compare to The Courier? Finally, if you belong to a parish or diocesan group that would be interested in holding a focus group (of about 20 people) regarding this prototype, please indicate that as well. Thank you!

WDCCW Plans Convention By CINDY MELING

ROCHESTER--The Winona Diocese Council of Catholic Women's bi-annual convention will be held Saturday, October 14, at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Rochester. Its theme is Instruments of the Holy Spirit. The day will begin with Msgr. Thomas Cook's presentation on the Miracle of the Sun, which will see its 100th anniversary on October 13. Our second speaker of the morning will be Bishop John M. Quinn, who will center his talk on our theme, Instruments of the

Holy Spirit. He will also celebrate Mass with us that day, during which time we will install our new officers for the WDCCW. In the afternoon, Fr. James Seitz will center his talk on consecration to Mary. Matilda and Beulah are funfilled ladies who will bring songs and words on our theme at the end of the day. The laughter they bring will send everyone home with light hearts and a desire to learn more about our faith. All women are welcome--college students, high school students, young and old--to this marvelous day. See the ad below for registration, and call 507-220-1712 with any questions.


Cindy Meling is the president of the WDCCW.

-Courier Staff

Obituary Sister Lois (Mary Gilbert) Gilbert, SSND, 87, professed in 1950, died August 11, 2017, at Good Counsel in Mankato. A native of Minneapolis, she was a teacher, a high school guidance counselor, and a folk artist/educator. In the Diocese of Winona, she taught at St. Isidore in Litomysl (1964-65) and St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato (1965-66). She served as a guidance counselor and teacher at Good Counsel Academy in Mankato (197073 and 77-78). Following 48 years in elementary and sec-

ondary education, she used knowledge and skills gained through a sabbatical program to start a folk art program in Oakdale. She retired to Good Counsel in 2011.

September, 2017 w The Courier

SUBMISSION to the calendar

• The Courier September 2017

Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer St. Mary’s Church, Winona holds Mass for Life & Marriage the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty is held the first Saturday of each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. Gather in the Adoration Chapel. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. For times & locations:

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 8 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 8, Friday Special 5:15 p.m. Mass for the renewal of the consecration of the Diocese of Winona to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, celebrated by Bishop Quinn. All welcome to attend; priests welcome to concelebrate; deacons welcome to vest. St. Ann Church, Janesville September 8-10, Friday-Sunday Fall Festival. Golf tournament 9/8 @5 p.m. Soup & chili feed, bingo, and outdoor movie 9/9 @5 p.m. Famous turkey dinner after 10 a.m. Mass on 9/10, followed by live auction, kids' games, and bidding baskets. Info: St. Mary's Cemetery, Winona September 9, Saturday Prayer vigil held 12-1 p.m., with Bishop Quinn presiding, in observance of the fifth National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, organized by the Cathedral's Hearts for Life group. All are welcome. Info: Annie Casselman at 507-961-0037 or Holy Redeemer Church, Eyota September 10, Sunday Annual Fall Festival following 10 a.m. Mass. BBQ chicken dinner, big ticket raffle, arms length raffle, farmer's market, bake sale, children's activities. Info: 507-932-3294.

Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m. KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Vicario Parroquial de Sacred Heart, Owatonna. Tel. 507-451-1588 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Mariano Varela IVE Párroco de “SS. Peter and Paul”, Mankato. Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James. Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington. Tel. 507-440-9735 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin. Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Owatonna, Sacred Heart 11 a.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Sunday Austin, Queen of Angels 11 a.m. Sunday; 5:15 Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sunday Friday (bilingual) Lake City, St. Mary 6:30 p.m. each 3rd Saturday Rochester, St. Francis Madelia, St. Mary of Assisi 10 a.m. Sunday 12 p.m. Sunday & 7 Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. Sunday

St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11:30 a.m. Sunday St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sunday Windom,St.FrancisXavier 2:30 p.m. Sunday Worthington, St. Mary 7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. Sunday; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday & Friday

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Currie September 10, Sunday Annual Fall Festival. Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable, salad, pie. Also, crafts and country store. Handicapped accessible. All are welcome. Info: 507-763-3626. St. Anthony Church, Lismore September 10, Sunday St. Anthony Parish Fall Bazaar. Roast turkey dinner with glazed carrots and other trimmings served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Live auction, big ticket raffle, country store, family fun. St. John Church, Johnsburg September 10, Sunday Fall Dinner served 3:30-6 p.m. Roasted pork chops, mashed potatoes & gravy, dressing, pie, beverages, more. $10 adults. $5 Kids 5-12. Free 4 & under. Take-out meals available for $10. Johnsburg is 6.5 miles SW of Adams and 4 miles N of Stacyville, IA. St. Mary Church, Houston September 10, Sunday Annual Fall Chicken Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Chicken, potato salad, beans, bun, pie, bars, coffee & milk. $9 1/2 chicken. $8 1/4 chicken. Carryouts available. Raffle for cash prizes and hand-crafted wooden bowl by Roger Meyer. Tickets available now or at the dinner. Need not be present to win. 202 S. Sheridan in Houston. St. Mary Church, Worthington September 10, Sunday Fall Carnival. Outdoor Mass at 10 a.m., followed by food served until 3 p.m. Menu items from U.S.A., Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala. Also raffle, bake sale, beer garden, and kids' games. St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City September 10, Sunday Chicken BBQ Dinner with all trimmings served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $10 quarter chicken. $12 half chicken. $5 kids 10 & under. 419 W Lyon Ave. in Lake City. St. Adrian Church, Adrian September 17, Sunday Fall bazaar & dinner with raffle prizes, fish pond, country store, quilts, big ticket prizes. Roast beef dinner with real mashed potatoes, corn, trimmings served 4-7 p.m. Located off I-90 at 512 Main St. in Adrian. Info: 507-483-2013. St. Felix School, Wabasha September 17, Sunday Parish & School Annual Fall Festival 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fresh homemade doughnuts, grilled chicken dinners, the farm store, general and specialty auctions, bingo, inflatable slide, hoop shoot, kids' games, tootsie roll booth, lots of raffles, tons of prizes, and more. Proceeds go to St. Felix School. Info: 651-565-4446. St. Francis de Sales Oratory, Claremont September 17, Sunday Fall Jubilee 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bake sale, fresh produce, kids' games, silent auction. Meal of turkey in gravy over biscuits, green beans, coleslaw, beverage, pie. $8 over 11. $5 5-10. Free 4 & younger. Take-outs available. St. Gabriel Church, Fulda September 17, Sunday Harvest festival 4-7 p.m. Come for the meal and stay for the chance to bid in the silent auction. The meal is $9, and there are kids' tickets at the door. All welcome. 309 W Lake Ave. in Fulda.

St. Ignatius Church, Spring Valley September 17, Sunday 42nd Annual Fall Festival & BBQ Chicken Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Baked potato, coleslaw, roll, coffee, lemonade, homemade pie. $11 1/2 chicken; $8 1/4 chicken. Carry-outs available. Also silent auction, general store, kids' games. Raffle prizes include 1/4 beef, 1/2 hog, gas grill, quilt, assorted tool kit, girls' & boys' bikes, and $100 gift cards. Tickets available now or at the dinner. Need not be present to win. 213 W. Franklin St. in Spring Valley. Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Mazeppa September 17, Sunday Fall Bazaar 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Ham & Turkey Dinner. $12 adults. $5 kids 5-10. $1 4 & under. Also bingo, raffle, country store, kids' games. St. Aloysius Church, Elba September 24, Sunday Annual Fall Festival. Everyone invited! 10 a.m. Mass, followed by roast beef dinner served until gone. Silent auction, bake sale, kids raffle, cash raffle (drawn that day, with a grand prize of $1,000! Only 500 tickets sold!) For info, or to purchase a cash raffle ticket, call the parish office at 507-932-3294. St. John Baptist de la Salle Church, Dodge Center September 24, Sunday 25th Annual Turkey Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., following 10 a.m. Mass. $10 adults. $5 kids 6-10. Preschool free. Take-outs available. Also silent auction, bake sale, raffle tickets ($1 each), quilt raffle, games for kids & adults. Tickets at the door. Handicap accessible. 20 2nd St. NE in Dodge Center. Holiday Inn, Austin September 29-30, Friday-Saturday Fourth annual married couples retreat 6 p.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Saturday. $25 per couple. Special rate at Holiday Inn for those wishing to stay overnight in Austin. For more information, contact Peter Martin at 507-858-1273 or Resurrection Church, Rochester September 30, Saturday Fourth Annual Friends of the Poor Walk and Pancake Breakfast. 5k walk/ run and pancake breakfast (free will donation) will benefit the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Registration at 8:30 a.m. Run/walk begins at 9. 1600 11th Ave. SE in Rochester. 100% donations serve friends in need. Immaculate Conception Church, Rural Kellogg October 1, Sunday Annual family-style chicken & ham dinner served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Big ticket raffle, bake sale, basket raffle, garden produce, and grocery cart raffle. St. Ann Church, Slayton October 1, Sunday Annual Pit BBQ Chicken Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pit BBQ chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, homemade pies, beverages, all the trimmings. Carry-outs available. St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester October 1, Sunday Fall Festival. Turkey dinner donated by the Canadian Honker, cinnamon rolls, coffee, egg rolls, tamales & other Mexican food, big ticket raffle, silent auction, wine ring toss, kids' games, entertainment, and more. 1114 3rd St. SE in Rochester. Info: 507-288-7313. St. Matthew Church, Vernon Center October 1, Sunday Annual turkey dinner with trimmings, including homemade pie, served 4-7 p.m. $10 Adults. $6 Kids. Free 4 & under. Proceeds to faith formation classes. Take outs available - 507-549-3004.

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona October 6, Friday On the first Friday of the month, the Cathedral hosts Cor Jesu, a night of Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and Praise & Worship. The October date is Friday, October 6, from 7-9 p.m. All are welcome to attend; invite your family and friends! The Cathedral is at 360 Main St. in Winona. For details, search Cor Jesu Winona on Facebook, visit winonacorjesu.gitlab. io, or call Leandra Hubka (507-9903402) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041). Christ the King Church, Byron October 8, Sunday 8th Annual Fall Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Homestyle ham & turkey. Also a raffle and silent auction. Drawing begins at 1:15. St. John the Baptist Church, Minnesota Lake October 8, Sunday Fall Turkey Supper served 4-7 p.m. in St. Ann's Hall. $10 adults. Free under 5. Turkey, dressing, potatoes, salad, dessert. Take outs available. St. Patrick Church, West Albany October 8, Sunday Annual bbq chicken dinner served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. or until gone. Includes baked potato, vegetable, roll, beverages, dessert. Take a drive to see the colors and stop for food and fellowship. Between Wabasha and Zumbro Falls on Highway 60. St. Mary Church, Winona October 12, Thursday Susan Windley-Daoust, Ph.D., presents Why You Shouldn't Kill Yourself: Five Tricks of the HEART about Physician Assisted Suicide 6:00 - 6:45 p.m., followed by open discussion 6:45 - 7:15. Presentation will look at physician asssisted suicide, why people support it, and what Catholics should offer instead. Price Farm, Kasson October 13, Friday 100th Anniversary of Fatima celebration with Bishop Quinn. Adoration at 4:30. Procession and Rosary at 5. Mass at 5:30. Confessions available. Stay for a meal (food available for purchase after Mass). Info: www.giftoffatima2017. com or 507-634-6293. St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City October 19, Thursday Mass of Remembrance Healing Our Hearts. Special 7 p.m. Mass for anyone who has suffered the loss of a child through any means (including illness, accident, stillbirth, abortion, miscarriage) or anyone who has suffered due to infertility. Candle lighting ceremony during Mass. Refreshments in the fellowship hall following Mass. 419 Lyon Ave. in Lake City. Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Winona October 28, Saturday Fall Craft/Art/Gift Show 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school gym and church hall. Lunch will be available. Come shop our many vendors. Christ the King Church, Byron November 4, Saturday 9th Annual Fall Expo 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 30+ arts & crafts and home-based businesses. Most vendors will have cash and carry items for purchase. Kitchen accessories, food items, fine jewelry, decorative and functional home items, holiday decorations, skin care & cosmetics, hand-crafted soaps, baskets, appliqued towels & aprons, candles, purses, toys, and more. Baked goods, beverages, and lunch available. First 50 customers at 9 a.m. and first 50 after noon get gift bags! 202 4th St. NW in Byron.

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