The Courier - October 2017

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St. Luke the Evangelist October 18

Reaching Out October 2017

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN

WINONA--On September 7, Deb McManimon, a regional missionary for St. Paul Street Evangelization and member of St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna, traveled to Winona, where she, Bishop John M. Quinn, and several FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionaries set up a table on the corner of 8th and Main streets, between the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart and the Winona State University Campus, to evangelize. The group was equipped with rosaries and other free

prayer materials to distribute to passersby, and a sandwich board notified pedestrians that a priest (Bishop Quinn) was available for listening, prayers, and blessings. "We've actually had some priests who, if somebody's interested in confession, have done confession right out on the street with them," said McManimon, who first became involved with St. Paul Street Evangelization more than two years ago, when she attended training in Detroit.

Reaching Out, cont'd on pg. 2

Ribbon Cutting Celebrates Seminary Renovations

WINONA--Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house on September 29 at 2 p.m. to celebrate the completion of Kelly Hall’s renovation. Bishop John M. Quinn was present to welcome back seminarians and faculty who had spent a year offsite during the construction. Over four million dollars in donations for the project was raised through the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota’s “Rooted in Faith” campaign, which brought awareness to the significant challenges of an aging building and outdated equipment. The renovations began in August of 2016 with cosmetic updates and remodeling projects that included asbestos removal; the installation of new windows, plumbing, and an HVAC heating and air conditioning unit; and electrical updates. Rooms throughout the building were updated to enhance the process of priestly formation. The entire building was fitted with improved technological capacities. New public restrooms were added to serve visitors. A new choir loft was added to the chapel. The kitchen was completely renovated to increase functionality and efficiency. Immaculate Heart of Mary Rector Fr.

Renovations, cont'd on pg. 2

INSIDE this issue

How to Build a Culture of Life page 5

A Continuing Call... page 6

Meet Our New Seminarians

page 8

Reaching Out, cont'd from pg. 1

"They actually put us out on the street before I even got trained, and I pretty much had a panic attack, but it was cool," she said. "It sounds really scary, but it's wonderful. And people appreciate having an opportunity, I think, to have somebody ask them about their faith or to just give them something to remind them about their faith, because we live in a world where there's a lot of wounds out there, a lot of hurt, and to offer comfort and the love of the Lord is pretty important, I think." St. Paul Street Evangelization teams typically go out once a month or more, according to McManimon. "We go into a public place where there's traffic, and then we just offer people free items and to pray with them, and, depending on the conversation that's started, they may want to go deeper and get connected with the Church. But even if they walk by and don't want anything, they see some Catholics out on the street who are willing to talk about their faith." About 30 minutes into their evangelizing on Sept. 7, the group, which had split to cover two street corners, had given rosaries and medals to about a dozen people who were interested in them and had prayed with multiple people, including


one young man whose mother had breast cancer and another who faced possible military deployment. The evangelists also took prayer requests on paper to deliver to the chapel in the diocesan pastoral center. St. Paul Street Evangelization is currently forming two teams in Winona, at St. Mary's Parish and at St. Mary's University. Meanwhile, FOCUS missionaries on the Winona State campus are serving as contacts for students reached by St. Paul Street Evangelization who may want to follow up with further conversation. One of those FOCUS missionaries is Peter, who is a few weeks into his first year on mission after becoming involved with FOCUS during his senior year at University of Mary. "I like it," he said. "Everyone's willing to have a pleasant conversation, which is great and keeps it really happy and in a good mood, and then you can try to go a little deeper. I think just starting from those positive vibes is really great. There's no soul that's not worth a little putting yourself out there to try and reach." St. Paul Street Evangelization will return to Winona on October 6. Bishop Quinn will join his fellow evangelists at the same corner, 8th and Main, at 10 a.m.

Articles of Interest

How to Build a Culture of Life_______________5 A Continuing Call..._________________________6 To Be a Christian Steward___________________7 Meet Our New Seminarians_________________8 Catholic Schools Updates___________________10 A Healing Journey________________________11 Combating Racial Disparities________________12 Celebrate Fatima!_________________________13 Diocesan Headlines_______________________14 Diocesan Calendar________________________16 Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following appointments: Rev. William Valle Pacheco, IVE: appointed Parochial Vicar of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mankato, effective July 1, 2017.

The Holy Father's Intention for

October 2017

Workers and the Unemployed That all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good.


We are looking forward to the next chapter of cont'd from pg. 1 our seminary as we form the next generation of Bob Horihan said, “We are enormously grateful priests with a renewed facility able to provide for and humbled by the generosity of all those excellence in a formation program wholly cenwho have contributed to this project. This reno- tered on Christ.” After the ceremony, visitors enjoyed facility vation was able to occur thanks to their care for tours and refreshments. the future of the Church and her future ministers.


Vist for online access to: The Courier TV Mass Diocesan News Our Events Calendar and more!

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 108 - 10

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona

Diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. October, 2017 w The Courier

(ISSN 0744-5490)

October: Respect Life Month ear Friends in Christ, Fatima

October 13 marks the 100th anniversary of the sixth and final apparition of Our Blessed Mother to the three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, in Fatima, Portugal. On this occasion, the Virgin Mary repeated her request to pray the rosary daily, and for people to repent of their sins and change their lives. This time, St. Joseph and the Child Jesus also appeared. The large crowd, meanwhile, witnessed what is known as the “miracle of the sun,” where the sun marvelously appeared to spin and fall to the earth, before returning to its normal place in the sky. To mark the anniversary of this event and the entire series of apparitions at Fatima, I will be

presiding at a Fatima anniversary celebration on October 13 at the Price Farm near Kasson. The celebration will begin with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 4:30 p.m., followed by a Rosary Procession, and concluding with Mass at 5:30 p.m. Even if you are unable to attend, I encourage everyone to heed our Blessed Mother’s instructions to pray the Rosary, confess and seek pardon for our sins, do penance, and pray for the conversion of sinners. The world will never know true happiness without Jesus Christ, and Our Blessed Mother wants nothing more than to lead us to Him! Respect Life Month

Every October, the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month. From the killing of innocent children through abortion, to assisted suicide for those facing old age or disease, to the breaking up of immigrant families seeking better lives in the U.S., to the ongoing scourge of racism, we as Catholics are called to be a voice for the defenseless and voiceless in our world. It is important to both pray and work for the protection and respect of human life in all its ages and stages. Let us not be afraid to proclaim with our words and actions that life is a beautiful gift from God! Gene Editing

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

In August, news broke that scientists had successfully used a new technique called CRISPR, allowing them to edit genes of human embryos. This caused much excitement since the edits included changes made to the embryo’s germ, or reproductive, genes. Scientists foresee not only that this technology could one day be used to treat diseases in one person at a time, but that altered genes could be passed onto future descendants

as well. However, although many people have been quick to praise this as a wonderful scientific breakthrough, there are many moral and ethical concerns. First among them is the fact that human beings the embryos on which the scientists are conducting experiments - are created solely for the purpose of scientific experimentation and then being killed after the research is completed. Thus, vulnerable human beings are being exploited and used merely as a means to an end, which is never justifiable. Secondly, in order for any scientific work to be ethical, it cannot utilize any methods that are in and of themselves immoral. However, with CRISPR technology, scientists are necessarily using embryos created through in vitro fertilization. This process is contrary to God’s plan for children and human sexuality, as it divorces creation of new human life from the interpersonal union of man and woman, and instead relegates it to a sterile laboratory. All children have the right to come into being through the loving union of a man and woman, and, as the Catechism teaches, techniques such as in vitro fertilization “disassociate the sexual act from the procreative act. The act which brings the child into existence is no longer an act by which two persons give themselves to one another, but one that ‘entrusts the life and identity of the embryo into the power of doctors and biologists and establishes the domination of technology over the origin and destiny of the human person’” (2377). In addition to these two major concerns, there are other important considerations as well. One is that when one tinkers with embryos and their germ cells, not only do any changes made affect the human whose genes are being edited, but those gene alterations will be passed onto future generations as well, should the human embryos be

October 1, Sunday 9 a.m. - Confirmation at St. Mary Church, Worthington

October 9, Monday Sacred Heart Major Seminary Board of Trustees Meeting - Detroit, MI

October 3, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 5 p.m. - Evening Presenter at 48th Annual National Meeting of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions - Bloomington

October 10, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 1 p.m. - Loyola Schools Pastors Meeting 5:30 p.m. - White Mass - St. Marys Hospital Chapel, Rochester

October 4, Wednesday 4:45 p.m. - Vespers and Mass at IHM Seminary, Winona October 5, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting October 6, Friday 10 a.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization - Corner of 8th & Main St., Winona 7:30 p.m. - Sr. Generose Gervais, OSF, Memorial Symposium - Meaning and Purpose in Medicine - St. Mary’s University, Winona October 7, Saturday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Sr. Generose Gervais, OSF, Memorial Symposium - Meaning and Purpose in Medicine - St. Mary’s University, Winona 5 p.m. - Mass - St. Thomas More Chapel, St. Mary’s University, Winona October 8, Sunday 10:45 a.m. - Mass of Installation of Pastor, Fr. Will Thompson - Pax Christi Church, Rochester

October 12, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 4 p.m. - Mass and Knights of Columbus Pancake Supper - St. Elizabeth’s Healthcare Center, Wabasha October 13, Friday 4:30 p.m. - 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Celebration - Kasson October 14, Saturday 10 a.m. - Speaker for Winona Diocese Council of Catholic Women - St. Francis Parish, Rochester 11 a.m. - Mass - St. Francis Church, Rochester 1 p.m. - DOW Pastoral Council Meeting - St. Francis Church, Rochester October 15, Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Confirmation - St. Catherine Church, Luverne, with St. Mary Church, Ellsworth 3 p.m. - Mass - Diocesan Hispanic Encuentro Verizon Center, Mankato October 17, Tuesday - October 18, Wednesday Meeting with Catholic Education Committee and the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities - Boston, MA

allowed to live, grow up, and have children of their own. Since we do not yet have any way of knowing the full implication and unintended consequences of gene editing, we must be very careful to avoid embracing these new discoveries without exploring the full effects of how they would affect all those involved, both those whose genes are originally edited, and those who inherit altered genes. Lastly, there is the risk that if embryonic gene editing becomes common in order to treat certain diseases, the process could easily be abused in order to create “designer babies.” If any genes can be altered in the embryonic stage, parents could start requesting certain traits or abilities to be included or enhanced in their child, making children into commodities custom-ordered by parents, instead of gifts from God. Furthermore, if “designer babies” are found to be not exactly according to their parents’ specifications, parents could easily be pressured to abort their “imperfect” child, just as today many children are killed in the womb when they are found to have Down Syndrome or some other health issue. In light of all these concerns, it is important to keep in mind that the Church does support using scientific technologies to benefit the health of individuals, as long as they use moral means and respect the dignity of every human person involved. It is disturbing that so often scientists, and the general public along with them, hold moral and ethical concerns of little consequence. However, we must always remember that there are some lines, such as killing humans in any stage of life, that must never be crossed. Catholics and the Catholic Church have a long history of being at the forefront of many scientific discoveries and advances, but it is imperative that we always put human dignity at the forefront of scientific endeavors.

October 19, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 11:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 12 p.m. - DOW Finance Council Meeting

October 21, Saturday 5 p.m. - Mass of Installation of Pastor, Fr. Edward McGrath - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Harmony October 22, Sunday 10 a.m. - Confirmation - St. Leo Church, Pipestone, with St. Martin Church, Woodstock, and St. Joseph Church, Jasper 2 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Gabriel Church, Fulda, with Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Currie, and St. Anthony Church, Westbrook October 23, Monday - October 25, Wednesday DOW Presbyteral Days - Okoboji, IA October 26, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 10 a.m. - Pension Plan for Priests Board Meeting 7 p.m. - Speaker for “Theology Uncorked” - The Oaks, Winona October 27, Friday 11:15 a.m. - Mass - Pastor/Principal Day - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea October 28, Saturday 11 a.m. - Confirmation - St. James Church, St. James, with St. Mary Church, Madelia 5 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City, with St. Patrick Church, West Albany

500 Years Since the Protestant Reformation


October 31, 2017, marks 500 years since Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther was a Catholic Augustinian monk who not only decried many of the abuses that were occurring in the Church at the time, but also had a profound sense of his sinfulness and his need for forgiveness. Unfortunately, his desire for correcting faults in the Church and the need to reassure himself of his own salvation, led him to break with the Church and preach many doctrines and practices that contradicted or were simply incompatible with Catholic theology. The upheaval caused by Luther and others led in turn to the Catholic Counter Reformation. The Church both affirmed and clarified Catholic doctrine, and sought to correct abuses that were prevalent at the time. In order to shed light on this time of Church history, I will be speaking on the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation at the monthly “Theology Uncorked” gathering in Winona, on Thursday, October 26. More details can be found on The Courier event page. I hope to see you there!

From the Bishop


Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

October 29, Sunday 10 a.m. - Mass - Deacon Retreat - Alverna Center, Winona 2 p.m. - Marriage Anniversary Mass - St. Francis Church, Rochester October 30, Monday 7 p.m. - Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation Worship Service - Bethel Lutheran Church, Rochester October 31, Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 10 a.m. - Meeting with Ascension Health Associates November 1, Wednesday 12:10 p.m. - Mass - Solemnity of All Saints Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona November 2, Thursday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 5 p.m. - 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil - sidewalk near Planned Parenthood, Rochester November 3, Friday 7 p.m. - Cor Jesu - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona November 5, Sunday 10 a.m. - Confirmation - St. Columba Church, Iona, with St. Ann Church, Slayton, and St. Mary Parish, Lake Wilson 3:30 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Casimir Church, Wells, with St. John the Baptist Church, Minnesota Lake; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Easton; St. Teresa Church, Mapleton; St. Joseph Church, Good Thunder; and St. Matthew Church, Vernon Center October, 2017 w The Courier

Faith Formation


Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

There's still time to register for our annual Diocese of Winona Women's Conference, which will be held October 28 at St. John the Baptist Church in Mankato. This year's theme is Blessed and Beautiful. See the ad to the right for more information on the event, and, below, read up on our presenters, Danielle Bean, Janette Howe, and Theresa Martin. Women of the Diocese of Winona, don't miss this conference!

October, 2017 w The Courier

Culture of Life The following is excerpted from Respect Life Program, © 2017, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. The Problem Watching the news and reading the headlines, we may feel helpless seeing the heartbreaking lack of respect for human life. How do we respond when our efforts seem small in the face of the culture of death? Our Christian Identity

To understand more fully how to defend and protect human life, we must first consider who we are, at the deepest level. God creates us in his image and likeness, which means we are made to be in loving relationship with him. The essence of our identity and worth, the source of our dignity, is that we are loved by God: “We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures; we are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son.” We are called to divine intimacy, true communion with God, and we can grow in this closeness with him through daily prayer, reading the Scriptures, and frequent participation in the sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist. Our Mission as Christians

The knowledge and realization of how deeply we are loved by God elicits a response of love that simultaneously draws us closer to God and, at the same time, impels us to share his love with others. Embracing a relationship with God means following in his footsteps, wherever he may call. Just as Jesus invited St. Peter and St. Andrew to become his disciples, he invites us to do the same: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Being a disciple of Jesus naturally includes sharing the Gospel with others and inviting them into a deeper relationship with God. As Christians, our identity and our mission are two sides of the same coin; like the apostles, we are called to be missionary disciples. Missionary Discipleship

This doesn’t necessarily mean quitting our jobs or moving to foreign countries. For most of us, our mission field is daily life: “Christ teaches us

how to evangelize, how to invite people into communion with him, and how to create a culture of witness: namely, through love. A Christian life lived with charity and faith is the most effective form of evangelization.” The first step towards living this life is allowing Jesus to meet and transform us daily. If we respond to his grace, our lives will show we have something beyond what the world offers: we follow a person whose love changes our lives, so we want others to also experience his transforming love. When we live in union with God, open to his prompting, we’re more able to see the opportunities for witness and his guidance in responding to these opportunities. We may fear doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong thing, but we do not need to be afraid. Jesus promised his disciples, “I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Identity Crisis

As a society and as individuals, we often measure ourselves by false standards: by what and how much we do, our successes or failures, how others treat us, the degree of our pleasure or independence, etc. And when these changeable substitutes prove to be insufficient, or when we are faced with challenges and suffering, we may feel helpless, alone, or abandoned; we may be tempted to feel as though our lives have decreased value or worth. But God’s love—individual, real, unchanging—is the true source of our worth, identity, and dignity. It really is not a question of who we are, but rather whose we are. Because his love will never change, nothing can reduce our Godgiven dignity, and nothing can diminish the immeasurable worth of our lives.

to leave if she continues the pregnancy, we need to lovingly walk with her. When family members or friends become seriously ill, we need to assure them that God still offers them something in this life, and they still have purpose. We need to consistently be with them every step of the way. Sometimes our actions speak for themselves; other times, words are needed. Whatever the situation, Jesus knows how to speak to each person’s heart; we simply need to follow where he leads.

5 Life, Marriage & Family

How to Build a

A Culture of Life

This is how we answer our missionary call. This is how we build a culture of life, a culture that joyfully proclaims the truth of God’s love, purpose, and plan for each person. Changing the culture is a process of conversion that begins in our own hearts and includes a willingness to be instructed and a desire to be close to Jesus—the source of joy and love. When we encounter Christ, experience his love, and deepen our relationship with him, we become more aware of our own worth and that of others. His love for each person is cause for great joy, and growing understanding of this priceless treasure motivates us to share his love with others. Our lives are often changed by the witness of others; so too, others’ lives may be changed by our witness and authentic friendship with them. Let us go, therefore, and not be afraid. God is always with us.

Our Response

When someone is facing great trials, we need to meet them where they are, walk with them on their journey, intercede for them, and be open to sharing Christ’s love however he directs. When a woman becomes pregnant, and her boyfriend threatens

October, 2017 w The Courier

Lay Formation


A Continuing Call A Contemporary Response The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew... I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy.

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

What Is Evangelization? Evangelization is the proclamation of the gospel - the “good news” that we are saved from the darkness of sin and death by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Paschal Mystery is the enfleshed expression of God’s eternal love for us, a love made visible and present to us in the person of Jesus Christ. It is a love which changes everything, including our hearts and our lives. “Faith in Christ brings salvation because in him our lives become radically open to a love that precedes us, a love that transforms us from within, acting in us and through us” (Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei #20).

-Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium #1

As I write this, I am busily pre-

paring for the initial session of this year’s Institute of Lay Formation class. Beginning this fall, the institute is providing a one-year formation program and process on the Church’s mission of evangelization. Our theme for the year is Forming Missionary Disciples for Gospel Witness. This program seeks to respond to a calling that goes back to Jesus’ own words and ministry, as he instructs his disciples to be his “witnesses … to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8), and to “go, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This has been the unceasing task of the Church from that time on, and the Church’s ministry of evangelization has taken on various expressions in different eras and different cultures. Our more recent popes have taught clearly that the work of evangelization is essential to the Church’s mission in the world. Blessed Pope Paul VI affirmed that the Church “exists in order to evangelize” (Evangelii Nuntiandi #14). Our present Holy Father, Pope Francis, has declared that, by virtue of our baptism, “all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples [and] agents of evangelization” (Evangelii Gaudium #120). Recently, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis) issued a document, Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization. This statement is intended to serve as a “leadership resource,” offering principles that the Church’s leaders (e.g., in parishes, dioceses, schools, etc.) “can apply to their efforts in evangelization and missionary discipleship within their particular pastoral context and as part of their existing planning process” (p. 1). The “immediate inspiration” for this resource comes out of Pope Francis’ frequently expressed desire for the Church to move outward in its focus and its activities - to reach out to our sisters and brothers living on the margins of life, and to bring them the “good news” of God’s steadfast love and care for them. He is calling upon our Church, as the bishops describe it, to move from “a mindset of maintenance to mission.” As they state, “The focus must be outward directed, not on the parish as it is, but October, 2017 w The Courier

Who is Called to Evangelize?

on how the parish or faith community can better and more fruitfully lead, minister, and engage people in the call to witness and discipleship” (p. 2). This document will help to guide our institute class as we pray during the course of this year for the Holy Spirit to form us to be more vibrant witnesses of the gospel and ever more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. I will spend this column, and the next, reviewing this document and its message for our US Church today. The document has three parts: 1. Theological Summary of the New Evangelization 2. Developing a Pastoral Missionary Discipleship


3. Appendix: Questions for Reflection


We will focus initially on the first part of the theological summary. In introducing this section, the bishops remind us of Pope Francis’ invitation at his very first general audience (on March 27, 2013) to “move beyond a dull or mechanical way of living our faith” and instead to “open the doors of our hearts [and] our lives … [to] the light and the joy of our faith in Christ.” The challenge Pope Francis offers us, as the bishops describe it, is “to witness to Christ in every aspect of our lives.” They then proceed to explore this calling in terms of some foundational questions concerning evangelization.

All baptized members of the Church are called to take on the task of evangelization - i.e., all of us! We are to share the gospel not only with those who have not yet heard of Christ but also with those “who no longer join us around the Lord’s table.” And we are also called to continually be evangelized ourselves through an ongoing renewal and deepening of our faith lives, through our participation in the sacramental life of the Church (especially the Eucharist and Penance), and by an active living out of our faith. In following this path of personal renewal, we seek to become “evangelizers who proclaim the good news not only with words, but above all by a life transfigured by God’s presence” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium #259). In the next column, we will explore what the bishops propose as a “method” of “formation for missionary discipleship.” In closing, I ask for your prayers for the women and men who are beginning this new institute year and seek to be formed and to live out more deeply this call to Christian witness and evangelization. Deo gratias! [F]ollowing Jesus means learning to come out of ourselves in order to go to meet others, to go towards the outskirts of existence, to be the first to take a step towards our brothers and our sisters, especially those who are the most distant, those who are forgotten, those who are most in need of understanding, comfort and help. There is such a great need to bring the living presence of Jesus, merciful and full of love! -Pope Francis, First General Audience, March 27, 2013

To Be a Christian Steward A Summary of the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Pt 4:10).

hat identifies a steward? Safeguarding material and human resources and using them responsibly are one answer; so is generous giving of time, talent, and treasure. But being a Christian steward means more. As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. Disciples as Stewards

Let us begin with being a disciple—a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. As members of the Church, Jesus calls us to be disciples. This has astonishing implications: • • •

Mature disciples make a conscious decision to follow Jesus, no matter what the cost.

Christian disciples experience conversion—lifeshaping changes of mind and heart—and commit their very selves to the Lord.

Christian stewards respond in a particular way to the call to be a disciple. Stewardship has the power to shape and mold our understanding of our lives and the way in which we live.

Jesus' disciples and Christian stewards recognize God as the origin of life, giver of freedom, and source of all things. We are grateful for the gifts we have received and are eager to use them to show our love for God and for one another. We look to the life and teaching of Jesus for guidance in living as Christian stewards. Stewards of Creation

The Bible contains a profound message about the stewardship of material creation: God created the world, but entrusts it to human beings. Caring for and cultivating the world involves the following: •

Joyful appreciation for the God-given beauty and wonder of nature

Congratulations! Since our last printing,

St. Ignatius, Spring Valley and

St. Mary, Winona have met their goals for the 2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal!

Protection and preservation of the environment, which would be the stewardship of ecological concern

Development of this world through noble human effort—physical labor, the trades and professions, the arts and sciences. We call such effort "work." Work is a fulfilling human vocation.

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota The following is a summary released by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to accompany its pastoral letter on stewardship, Stewardship: A Disciple's Response.

Respect for human life—shielding life from threat and assault, doing everything that can be done to enhance this gift and make life flourish

The Second Vatican Council points out that, through work, we build up not only our world but the Kingdom of God, already present among us. Work is a partnership with God—our share in a divine-human collaboration in creation. It occupies a central place in our lives as Christian stewards. Stewards of Vocation

Jesus calls us, as his disciples, to a new way of life—the Christian way of life—of which stewardship is part. But Jesus does not call us as nameless people in a faceless crowd. He calls us individually, by name. Each one of us—clergy, religious, lay person; married, single; adult, child—has a personal vocation. God intends each one of us to play a unique role in carrying out the divine plan. The challenge, then, is to understand our role—our vocation—and to respond generously to this call from God. Christian vocation entails the practice of stewardship. In addition, Christ calls each of us to be stewards of our personal vocations, which we receive from God. Stewards of the Church

Stewards of God's gifts are not passive beneficiaries. We cooperate with God in our own redemption and in the redemption of others. We are also obliged to be stewards of the Church— collaborators and cooperators in continuing the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, which is the Church's essential mission. This mission—proclaiming and teaching, serving and sanctifying—is our task. It is the personal responsibility of each one of us as stewards of the Church. All members of the Church have their own roles to play in carrying out its mission: • •

Parents, who nurture their children in the light of faith

Parishioners, who work in concrete ways to make their parishes true communities of faith and vibrant sources of service to the larger community

9 Easy Ways

All Catholics, who give generous support—time, money, prayers, and personal service according to their circumstances—to parish and diocesan programs and to the universal Church. Obstacles to Stewardship

Catholic Foundation

Monica Herman


People who want to live as Christian disciples and Christian stewards face serious obstacles. In the United States and other nations, a dominant secular culture often contradicts religious convictions about the meaning of life. This culture frequently encourages us to focus on ourselves and our pleasures. At times, we can find it far too easy to ignore spiritual realities and to deny religion a role in shaping human and social values. As Catholics who have entered into the mainstream of American society and experienced its advantages, many of us also have been adversely influenced by this secular culture. We know what it is to struggle against selfishness and greed, and we realize that it is harder for many today to accept the challenge of being a Christian steward. It is essential, therefore, that we make a special effort to understand the true meaning of stewardship and live accordingly. A Steward's Way

The life of a Christian steward models the life of Jesus. It is challenging and even difficult, in many respects, yet intense joy comes to those who take the risk to live as Christian stewards. Women and men who seek to live as stewards learn that "all things work for good for those who love God" (Rom 8:28). After Jesus, we look to Mary as an ideal steward. As the Mother of Christ, she lived her ministry in a spirit of fidelity and service; she responded generously to the call. We must ask ourselves: Do we also wish to be disciples of Jesus Christ and Christian stewards of our world and our Church? Central to our human and Christian vocations, as well as to the unique vocation each one of us receives from God, is that we be good stewards of the gifts we possess. God gives us this divinehuman workshop, this world and Church of ours. The Spirit shows us the way. Stewardship is a part of that journey.

to Build a Strong Estate Plan

Taking time to create an estate plan can help you decide how to distribute the hard-earned resources you’ve accumulated throughout your lifetime. Follow this framework to build a plan that achieves your personal and charitable goals and recognizes the people and the causes that matter most to you. 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Determine which people and charities should receive your assets and whether the gifts should be made outright or in a trust. Contact us to learn about a variety of ways to remember the diocese in your estate plan. Select a trusted family member, friend or responsible party—a bank or trust company, for example—to administer your estate, those who will follow the instructions in your will and distribute assets as you choose.

Prepare an advanced directive (also known as a health care power of attorney) to indicate who should make health care decisions for you, if you are unable to do so. You should also decide if you want a living will, one that directs no extraordinary life-sustaining medical procedures are used to prolong life when there is no hope of recovery. Outline your funeral plans, including the names of people you want to be notified after your passing. Calculate your net worth and list all of your financial assets, including bank account numbers, insurance policies and retirement plan assets.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Compile a list of all your personal data, including Social Security number, date of birth, and digital information— such as online accounts, user names and passwords.

Record the locations of important documents: vehicle titles, a marriage certificate, copies of prior years’ tax returns, as well as the name of your accountant and estate planning attorney.

Ensure that your will is available outside of your safedeposit box, which in some states can be closed when you die and may not be immediately accessible. Consult an estate planning attorney or tax advisor for assistance as you develop your plan.

Reprinted from the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge

October, 2017 w The Courier



Meet Our New Seminarians

Matt Koestler

grew up in St. Charles and is the youngest of four children. His fondest childhood memories are of playing ultimate frisbee with friends and of canoe trips with his dad and grandpa. He attended Winona State University, where he earned a four-year degree in environmental geoscience. Geology jobs being scarce, Matt found employment with an electrician to pay for graduate school, where he was studying at the time he was called to the seminary. How did you first hear your call to discernment at the seminary?

Isaiah Lippert grew up in the country, about five miles north of Easton. He is the eighth child in a homeschooled family of ten children. Growing up homeschooled had its ups and downs, he says, but he sees today that his childhood had numerous unique blessings. One of those blessings was having lessons of the Catholic faith integrated into his curriculum. Another was the amount of time he got to spend with family. Isaiah says that, because he and his siblings didn't typically interact with many people of the same age until high school, they did practically everything together. This gave them a close bond, and Isaiah considers his siblings to be some of his best friends to this day.

It's wonderful to be in a place that has so many people who want to help me grow in my relationship with God. Being in the presence of God so often - whether during Mass, Adoration, or just personal prayer time in the chapel - has been such a blessing. In seminary, there are so many reminders of God's love for me and of how he is with me during my triumphs and struggles, that it has given me a profound sense of peace. What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

Take time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and the gifts that God has given you, so that you can use that knowledge to work on your relationship with God. Journey each day with God at your side, for he will not lead you astray.

Matt Koestler October, 2017 w The Courier

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary is blessed this year with four new seminarians who are discerning priesthood for the Diocese of Winona. I am pleased to introduce Matt Koestler, Isaiah Lippert, Teagan McDermott, and Tim Welch. Please pray for these men as they grow in knowledge and faith!

What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

Who has had the strongest influence on your faith journey?

How does it feel to be entering the seminary?

Director of Vocations

necessarily made me more attracted to the priesthood, but their "yes" definitely affected the way I thought about vocation, even if only subconsciously. Sometimes I think we can fall into the mindset that we're called to marriage unless God appears in a miraculous vision to tell us otherwise, but because of my siblings' witness of openness, holy orders and ordination seemed normal and just as likely for me as any other vocation. This witness was probably even more substantial than I realize.

While working full time and taking graduate courses, I was approached by my priest to teach fourth-grade religion class. I couldn't say no, but I didn't yet know why. In the midst of my chaotic life, I found myself looking forward to every week helping my fourth-graders grow in their relationship with God, and soon I realized I too was growing my own relationship with God. After the Christmas break, I really wanted to focus on school, but the more I tried, the more I found myself desiring to grow in my relationship with God. I discerned that the best way I could not only grow in my relationship with God but also help others grow in theirs, was by entering into the seminary. My parents had strong Catholic faith. My dad role modeled good values, morals, and discipline. My mom taught me prayer and how to turn to God in times of need.

Rev. Jason Kern

Isaiah Lippert

What are your interests and hobbies? I greatly enjoy participating in theater, playing music, making art, playing sports, running, reading, writing, juggling, working with wood, hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, canoeing, drinking tea, having deep conversations, and playing strategy games. How did you first hear your call to discernment at the seminary?

My discernment process has been a very gradual development over time, so it is hard to pinpoint when I first "heard the call." One of my first positive encounters with the seminary came at a discernment retreat called Quo Vadis Days when I was about 12 years old. Besides giving me a chance to become acquainted with the building itself, my days at Quo Vadis gave me an opportunity to see how priests and seminarians lived, learned about the faith, and spent time with Jesus in the sacraments. I remember feeling a profoundly deep peace when praying in the seminary's St. John Vianney Chapel, and that was one of the reasons I have always desired to come back. Since then, though, the desire has been amplified gradually. I began to realize about halfway through high school that nothing I did ever quite felt complete when it was apart from God. I learned a lot in high school, had a lot of good times with friends, and was given a lot of fun opportunities to better myself through competitive activities, but my goals in grades, in human relationships, and in awards only made me feel restless, and achieving them never fully satisfied me. It was in the restless times caused by these things that I found rest in prayer, and that was a sign for me that God's will was what I truly wanted to do. Who has had the strongest influence on your faith journey? Other than my parents, I would say that my older siblings were the most influential in my faith journey, particularly in discerning the call to priesthood. I was only about eight years old when one of my older sisters joined a religious order, and her twin brother entered the seminary. I don't know if their response to God's call

Following God seems scary sometimes because, in vocations (particularly to the ordained and consecrated life), Christ calls us to a way of life that is radically different than what we are used to. Our friends may not quite understand our choices, our own family may become confused, and following God may feel like giving up everything we've ever known. When you trust in the Lord, though, He will never lead you astray. In some ways, I do feel like I've left a world behind, but it all makes sense. Here at the seminary, I have just begun to scratch the surface of God's love, and it is truly out of this world.

Teagan McDermott was born in southeastern Idaho, in a town called Pocatello, where he and his two older brothers were "up to a lot of shenanigans." At the age of nine, he moved to St. Charles, where he completed elementary and middle school. After that, he attended Lourdes High School in Rochester, where he fell in love with the Catholic faith. Lourdes, he says, has had a great impact on his life. What are your interests and hobbies? All throughout middle school and high school, I've done a lot of--well, just about everything. I was a "jack of all trades." I love playing sports. I played football, track, wrestling, ultimate frisbee. I'd say that ultimate frisbee was probably my favorite. And on the other side of things, I was very involved with singing, choir, musicals, plays. I was in all sorts of clubs throughout high school, even being president of a few. When it boils down to it, I really enjoy most things as long as I can do them with people. How did you first hear your call to discernment at the seminary?

The first time I thought about it seems like a faded dream now. I was in sixth or seventh grade, sitting in my Wednesday faith formation class in St. Charles, and a priest or a seminarian came into the room and gave a talk. I wish I remembered who it was, and what exactly he said, but I remember being really inspired coming home that night. A deep sense of peace flooded me at the idea of being a priest. I remember the words, "I think I want to be a priest," escaping my mouth on the car ride home. For me, it was weird saying it, and it seemed unreal at the time. It just kind of slipped out. But it didn't really bother me that much. But, ah, life moved on; I forgot about it until I was a sophomore at Lourdes, when the idea came back. This time, the idea haunted me like a plague. I ran from the thought again.

Tim Welch grew up in Stockton and is the old-

est of seven children in his family: three boys and four girls. His fondest childhood memories are of playing in the back yard with his siblings, fly fishing with his dad, playing card games with his mom, and visiting his grandparents. Tim attended Cathedral School, St. Stan's School and Cotter High School, all in Winona, where he received a foundation for his faith. How did you first hear your call to discernment at the seminary?

Teagan McDermott

I was like the prophet Jonah. Yet the work of God is amazing; about three years later, I decided that running from it could not change the fact that God is was calling me here for some reason. One year after high school ended, I finally decided to go and see if priesthood is the vocation that God has placed into my heart. Who has had the strongest influence on your faith journey?

Well, other than God, it's rather hard to say who had the strongest influence. There have been so many people who have influenced my life that I'd need a really long list. I think, if it comes down to it, it'd be my mother and stepfather. Parents are the first teachers of the faith, and I definitely would not have been where I am today if they had not shared their love of our beautiful faith with me. Later in my life, as I've started moving toward discernment and putting priesthood on the front burner again, I have had many amazing people helping me along my way, consisting of a few high school friends, most of Rochester's youth ministers, the young adult community, Mother Mary's prayers and Daily Mass, and I can't forget about the Lord! How does it feel to be entering the seminary?

You know, it's kind of an unreal feeling. Admittedly, I did not think my life was going in this direction. It seems like every day, I have this paradox of a feeling, where I think, "Lord, why did you call me here?" and "Lord, thank you so much for calling me here!" However, above those feelings, I'm so very blessed to be here. There is an energy here that I have never felt anywhere else in my life. It's amazing when you get 50 dudes together in a common goal of holiness. A floodgate of opportunities to grow and focus on Christ opens. I've already grown because of my brothers. And though discernment can be difficult at times, the blessings that follow are truly worth all the hardships. All in all, it is where I am supposed to be right now.

I first felt the call to discern at the seminary when I was in fourth grade. At St. Stan's, where I went to school, we had seminarians come and visit us in our classrooms, and the joy that was on their faces and the knowledge they had about the Catholic faith really stuck out to me. I can even remember telling one of them, "I want to be a seminarian when I get older." With this first spark, I remember spending more time in prayer and asking God if I could become a priest when I got older. This desire to become a priest continued to stay with me all that year. That summer I attended Quo Vadis Days, which was a vocations camp mostly aimed toward the vocation of priesthood. I remember the joy of hanging out with the priests and seminarians, listening to their vocation stories and having Mass with them, and thinking how much I wished I could be with them as they truly knew the love of Christ and shared it wholeheartedly with others. That love of and for Christ was what made the priests and seminarians who they were, and I wanted nothing less than to come to know that love as well.

What are your interests or hobbies? In high school, I participated in track and cross country, which was a great time just to run and get some exercise, even when you felt terrible after a four-mile run. Those who know me know I have a thing for trains, and model railroading is a favorite pastime for me as I set up my layout and run the locomotive around the track. Finally, I enjoy drawing, as it is a great way to relax and put my thoughts onto paper.


What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

To all those who are discerning their vocation, I think the best advice I can give is don't be afraid. So many people are afraid of what the Lord is calling them to, and many run away from it. But don't do that. Embrace the call the Lord is sending you. Your vocation is a call from God himself, and he has chosen this vocation especially for you to become the man or woman he wants you to become according to his plan. Most importantly, pray daily, because without prayer, you will not be able to hear the Lord's call for you.

How does it feel to be entering the seminary?

Entering seminary has been a blessing, as I feel right at home here. I especially love daily Mass, which is celebrated at the beginning of our day to fill us with Christ's true presence to enter into a new day. Entering seminary has also helped me to open up and become more social with my brother seminarians and establish the fraternity that is so important in the seminary community. Also, the daily opportunities to pray have been a relief for me as I come back from class and need time just to sit and pray to Christ to help me relax and remember that I am here because of him, and he will lead me to where he wants me to go, which may be to the vocation of priesthood.

Tim Welch

What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

Brothers and sisters, it is such a beautiful thing to give your youth to Jesus! If you have the thought of priesthood or religious life, go to a place of discernment. It isn't jail, where you have to go to Mass every day (contrary to what I used to believe). It's incredibly freeing to find out if God is calling you or not. If he is calling you, then you're in the right place. If not, then you've spent this time in a place where the soil is so rich for growing in holiness. Truly, it's a win-win. It all starts with trust and prayer, brothers and sisters. Trust that the Lord has something great planned for you, and he'll provide every single grace you need for your vocation. Know that some days are not going to be easy, but going back to that trust and faith will bring you through. Also, start a relationship with our Blessed Mother. She was a great help in my decision to come to the seminary. Whatever vocation God is putting in your heart, bring it to the Lord and Our Lady in prayer.

October, 2017 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


Together at Last By ANGIE WINCH

�or years, Loyola Catholic School

has dreamed of uniting our students on one campus. That dream finally came true this fall, with students in preschool through grade 12 attending Loyola on the Good Counsel Hill campus. To celebrate Day One, August 23, staff lined the sidewalk, greeting students at arrival time. We piped music throughout the building, and outside there were “grab and go” breakfast items, photo ops, balloons, "welcome" posters in our students’ first languages, and the excitement of starting a new year together. An all-school assembly set a tone of faith, community, mutual support, gratitude, and high expectations. Our seniors led the school song and formed a “human tunnel” for younger students

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

to pass through on the way to their first class. Loyola’s all-school, back-to-school liturgy on Friday, September 1, was another celebration of faith, community, and the joy of being together. Bishop John LeVoir of the New Ulm Diocese and pastors of Mankato area parishes joined in our celebration. Mass concluded with Loyola’s tradition of having our seniors (the class of 2018) escort our kindergarteners (the class of 2030) from the chapel to the courtyard to share a picnic lunch. Angie Winch is a marketing and communications associate for Loyola Catholic School in Mankato.

Tractors Cruise for St. Mary's WORTHINGTON--On August 5, 2017, supporters celebrated the fourth annual tractor cruise fundraiser for our Lady of Good Council church in Wilmont and St. Mary's School in Worthington. Tractors were on display for spectators to enjoy before the cruise took place across the beautiful rural landscape. Riders and drivers enjoyed coffee, juice, and bars when they stopped in Saint Killian along the route. The day was finished with a delicious pork loin dinner in the Wilmont park. All proceeds go to

cover tuition costs of St. Marys students. Msgr. Richard Colletti had the honor of driving a restored Oliver tractor owned by Gary and Sharan Honermann.

Representatives of the preschool class at St. Felix School, Wabasha, display artwork made by the preschoolers to be auctioned off at the St. Felix Fall Festival on Sunday, September 17. The cross is composed of individual pictures of the children in prayer. October, 2017 w The Courier

A Healing Journey Ben Frost

Director of Youth & Young Adults, Communications and Public Relations

�asulynews 10, 2015, marked an incredibly painful day for me, came that Zach Clark, a Winona Totus Tuus

missionary, was involved in a fatal car accident. Zach had traveled home to spend the Fourth of July break with his family in Keller, TX, and, during his return to Minnesota to meet up with his team and finish the second half of the summer program, his car hydroplaned in an area of flash flooding. This tragedy broke the hearts of many, including his teammates, the communities that Zach served, and, most importantly, the Clark family. Following the accident, I accompanied our Totus Tuus missionaries to Texas to attend Zach’s funeral. We arrived at the church for the wake service, and Zach’s parents, Barry and Kathy, as well as Zach’s brother, Josh, were there to greet us. While this gathering was difficult, it was also a time of immense grace. Zach’s family was overtaken with sorrow for the loss of an amazing son and brother, yet they also showed sincere strength as they remembered a young man who, until the very end, was a tender soul who shared the love of God with everyone he came into contact with. Following the Mass of Christian Burial, I had some time to speak with Barry and Kathy, and I invited them to come to Minnesota to see where Zach served and to meet some of the people he influenced. The two were very supportive of the idea, but understandably wanted some time before they would make such a journey. I assured them that we would welcome them when the time was right. Over the coming months and years, I kept Barry, Kathy, and Josh in my prayers and tried to stay in touch with them over the phone. I loved hearing the stories of how Zach’s life was continuing to influence communities. One significant development involved Zach’s

Youth & Young Adults

Remembering Zach Clark


Fr. Andrew Beerman (far right) shares a memory of Zach Clark, as (L to R) Bishop John Quinn, Barry Clark, Kathy Clark, Ben Frost, and Monica Herman (obscured) listen, following the July 20 Mass of Remembrance.

beloved college, the University of Dallas. Zach’s presence on campus during his time at the university was so evident that one of the new dormitories was named in his honor. All of the dorms on campus had been named for Catholic saints, and, in an act of gratitude, the University of Dallas named its newest dorm Clark Hall. I cherished keeping in touch with the Clark family, and was still hopeful that we would be able to arrange a trip to Minnesota when the time was right. In the early months of 2017, I had a discussion with Bishop Quinn regarding Zach. We were recalling his sacrifice and dedication to Totus Tuus and youth ministry. In that conversation, it was determined that Zach was more than worthy of receiving the Bishop’s Medal, an award that is given to individuals who offer profound service to the Church. It is the highest award that Bishop Quinn can offer. I immediately reached out to the Clark family and relayed the news that their son was to receive the Bishop’s Medal. In the weeks and months to follow, we finally began the process of lining up the Clark family’s journey to the Diocese of Winona. On July 19, Barry and Kathy Clark flew into

The Clarks visit with parishioners touched by the missionary work of their son, Zach.

Rochester, where I picked them up, and we quickly hit the ground running. We scheduled visits to three of the parishes that Zach had served during his Totus Tuus programming. As we drove around the diocese, Kathy had her phone out viewing pictures that Zach had sent to her during his travels. We found landmarks from those pictures and met pastors, parents, and youth, all of whom had felt Zach's impact on their lives. There were many graced moments through these travels. Some families were moved to tears as they shared memories of Zach. On July 20, a Mass of Remembrance was offered at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, and following the homily, Bishop Quinn called up Barry and Kathy Clark, shared a few words, and honored Zach posthumously with the Bishop’s Medal. Many faithful came to participate in prayer and support including several Totus Tuus alumni and teammates. The time together was filled with grace as we remembered and honored a remarkable life. As the Clark family’s journey was coming to an end, Barry and Kathy mentioned that the journey north was an experience of healing for them. I was so happy to hear this, and as I have reflected on this further, I can honestly say that their journey was also a source of healing for me. Coming to peace with the tragic accident of July 10, 2015, has been a difficult process for me personally. I was not only Zach’s supervisor through Totus Tuus, but, as with all the missionaries I work with, I forged a friendship with him. As Barry and Kathy Clark spent three days in our diocese, I remembered that death is not the end. Love breaks the bonds of death. Zach lives on in the hearts of those who knew him. Barry and Kathy are a living testament of Zach’s goodness, of his sacrifice, and, ultimately, of his sanctity. Zach’s influence will continue on in our diocese. We will continue to remember his smile and his love for the Lord. We will also experience his impact through the establishment of a new endowment, set up by the Clark family to support Totus Tuus and youth ministry in our diocese. Zach’s legacy continues to live on, and through the Pascal mystery, new life will come. I ask our diocesan family to continue to wrap the Clark family in prayer. May they always feel the grace and support of their northern friends who have been so graced to have their son enshrined in our hearts. What a journey it has been! October, 2017 w The Courier

Faith in the Public Arena


Combating Racial Disparities Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

Bishop George Murry of Youngstown, OH, chairs the USCCB's Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism. Photo credit: CNA

�acial disparities continue to persist in American

life. As a response, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recently instituted a new initiative to fight racism in all its forms. Though racism—irrational animus toward others based on their skin color, ethnicity, or race—is a sin within the human heart and cannot be fully eradicated by public policy, we can work in the public arena to mitigate its effects. Combating racial disparities will require overcoming policies championed by both the political right and left that entrench established ideological and economic power structures. In other words, it requires the wisdom of Catholic social teaching. Racism Is About Exclusion

The effects of racism can be measured many ways, but one way to look at them is the degree to which African Americans and other persons of color are excluded from social, economic, and political participation in American life. The possibility of participation in the econo-

October, 2017 w The Courier

my, in cultural life, and in politics, is, according to the Church’s social doctrine, a necessary condition for human flourishing. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1959 states, “The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design.” Laws remain on the books that, while not necessarily discriminatory on their face, disproportionately affect persons of color. Fostering Racial Justice

The policies that exacerbate racial disparities and deny social participation today are found primarily, though not exclusively, in three areas: education, criminal justice, and the family. For example, too many children of color are trapped in underperforming schools, and, as a result, there is a significant achievement gap between white students and students of color, particularly African-American and Latino students. As education is the great ladder of opportunity, denying children the right to a good education puts a significant barrier in their path to social, cultural, political, and economic participation. Kids need a lifeline, and giving families greater choice in education is a top civil rights imperative. Similarly, kids trapped in failing schools and who lack hope often turn to a life of crime, which is known today as the school-to-prison pipeline. And because of overly punitive sentencing policies that helped politicians win elections, we imprisoned many non-violent people unnecessarily, particularly African-American men, when what they really needed was treatment, counseling, or a job. Putting more people in prison will

certainly limit crime in the short term, but not without other long-term costs. Fortunately, public officials on both sides of the aisle now recognize these costs and Minnesota has led the way in criminal justice reform during the past few years, enacting policies such as “ban the box” and drug sentencing reform. But more can be done, such as reconsidering the length of probation sentences imposed on offenders who have shown good character, as well as identifying ways to eliminate the collateral consequences of a conviction that impede access to education, employment, and housing. Imprisoning large numbers of AfricanAmerican men during their prime education and earning years has severely harmed their longterm economic prospects as well as their ability to marry and form families. Many of these men are considered unmarriageable, and, as a result, 70 percent of African-American children are born out of wedlock to women who are often not even partnered, let alone married. A major difference in the percentage of white and black children born to married parents (64 to 30) is perhaps the most significant cause of racial disparities, and one that creates a cycle of poverty and exclusion that leads back to the education-toprison pipeline. According to the Institute for Family Studies, “Black children in the United States enjoy less family stability than white children, experiencing close to twice as many family transitions—union dissolutions and partnership formations—as white children. Family instability is associated with a host of negative outcomes ranging from asthma to obesity, and from teen pregnancy to substance abuse. It is also negatively linked with fundamental predictors of success in adult life like educational attainment. For these reasons, black children’s family instability is an important part of the U.S. stratification story.” Similarly, welfare reform was meant to encourage marriage and foster family stability, but it is often structured in ways that either do not encourage marriage or even discourage it. That needs to change. The data is in: family structure matters to child well-being, and kids need both their mothers and fathers to play active roles in their lives. To be sure, combating racial disparities is a complex and challenging problem. Other issues, such as discrimination in employment and housing, and the creation of barriers to economic mobility by the monopolistic behavior of businesses and industries, also play a role. But to decrease the reality of an economy of exclusion and foster greater social participation by minorities and persons of color, education, criminal justice, and marriage are important places to start.

Celebrate Fatima! �

his is a very special time of grace. October 13 marks the 100th anniversary of Our Lady's final apparition to three shepherd children, Servant of God Lucia, Saint Francisco, and Saint Jacinta, in Fatima. What does this mean? What was Our Lady’s message, and why does it matter today? What do we know about Mary, the mother of Jesus? Mary was the only woman whose coming was foretold. We read in Isaiah 7:14, “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son...” Her mission was also known before she came into the world. It was a mission of spiritual warfare, to help obtain the final victory over evil. In Genesis 3:15, God tells the serpent, “I will A crowd witnesses the miracle of the sun in Fatima, Portugal. put enmity between you and the woman; and between your seed and her seed, He will strike at your head while you strike at his heel.” This is where include the wedding feast at Cana (“Do whatever he tells we learn that God’s plan for salvation would be fulfilled you”) and the crucifixion, when Jesus said to his mother, “Woman, behold your son; son, behold your mother” through a woman, and that woman is Mary. The Blessed Virgin plays an important role in the (John 19:26). As a mother, Mary wants to protect and care for her struggle between good and evil. There is no denying children. Just as God used prophets throughout the Old that the Blessed Mother plays a significant role in God’s Testament, God is using his mother to remind us of the plan of salvation - she is central to the plan, after her importance of staying on the path to God and of living son, Jesus. The scripture passages that point to this the Gospel message. Mary’s apparitions are not new messages or new information. She is reminding us of the importance of turning our lives back to God. And her message is always the same: live the Gospel message by praying the Rosary for world peace and the conversion of sinners. The Mother of God entrusted the three children of Fatima with a message of peace for the whole world, and we are in great need of world peace today. In order to spread the message, the children needed to experience much prayer, sacrifice, and suffering. And today, we must do the same. When our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima, she instructed them to “return here on the 13th of each month for the next six months and at the same hour. Later I will tell you who I am and what I want. Rosary procession at Andy and Natalie Price's farm Afterwards I will return here yet a seventh time.” in Kasson on Saturday, May 13. She asked them, “Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and of supplication for the conversion of sinners?” The children responded, “Yes!” Are we willing to do the same today (Fatima for Today. Ignatius Press. 2010)?

Recent Fatima Events

This Month

Rosary procession following 11:30 a.m. Mass at Resurrection Parish in Rochester on Sunday, August 13.

Rosary procession following 9 a.m. Mass at St. Mary of the Lake Parish in Lake City on Wednesday September 13.

St. Felix Church, Wabasha October 13, Friday Rosary Rally on the front steps of the church, following 8 a.m. Mass. We will pray for peace and conversion of all families of the world. We will also ask Our Lady of Fatima to give us the graces we need to live as God wills. Bring your rosary, and let us pray with all our might in reparation of all our sins and those of the whole world. Andy and Natalie Price Farm October 13, Friday 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. 4:30 p.m. Adoration & Confession. 5 p.m. Rosary Procession. 5:30 a.m. Mass with Most Rev. John M. Quinn. 6:30 p.m. Dinner (food available for purchase). The farm is located at 23274 670th Street in Kasson. For more information, call 507-259-7675.

Our Lady also asked them to “pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.” This message is for all of us today as well. The miracle of the sun in Fatima is real, and it happened on October 13, 1917. There were photographers who captured the crowd of 70,000 spectators. This miracle was predicted for a specific date and happened as promised. Many people came out of curiosity; many were unbelievers; and many were devoutly praying the Rosary, knowing the power within it. Some reported that Our Lady of the Rosary appeared and rose toward the east and turned the palms of her hands toward the dark sky. While the rain had stopped, dark clouds continued to obscure the sun, which suddenly burst through them and was seen to be a soft spinning disk of silver. "Look at the sun!" Those gathered saw the sun “dance” and “spin” in the sky; the opaque disc began rapidly spinning, radiating scarlet, yellow, and deep purple hues. It did this three times, faster each time, before appearing to break loose from the sky. It zigzagged toward earth, then returned to its normal position and appearance. There was an image of St. Joseph, the Child Jesus and also Our Lady of Mt. Carmel appeared to the children. (Journey to the Immaculate Heart. Marian Press. 2016). As a mother, our Lady wants none of her children to be lost, but all to be saved. Let’s faithfully and generously carry out the message of Fatima.

Fatima Anniversary



We can pray the Rosary daily for world peace.

We can consecrate ourselves to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Read more about this in 33 Days to Morning Glory by Father Michael Gaitley or St. Louis de Montforte's 33 Day Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.

• •

We can attend Mass on five first Saturdays and pray for reparation for outrages against Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Such prayer includes confession, receiving Communion, praying the Rosary, and meditating for 15 minutes on the life of Christ and our Blessed Mother.

We can spread devotion and invite others to learn about the message of hope for peace found through Our Lady’s messages. We can take advantage and obtain a plenary indulgence from now until November 26, 2017, as proclaimed by Pope Francis.

Our Lady’s mission is to bring all children to Jesus. Through Baptism we are all called to participate in this apostolic mission. Let’s answer her call and live the message of Fatima. Everyone is invited to join Bishop John Quinn at the 100th anniversary of Fatima celebration to be held on Friday, October 13, 2107, at the Andy and Natalie Price Farm, located at 23274 670th Street in Kasson. Further information can be found at Questions? Call 507-259-7675. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

-Our Lady of Fatima, Third Apparition, July 13, 1917

Maria Schultz is the parish coordinator for St. Patrick Parish in West Albany and St. Mary of the Lake Parish in Lake City.

October, 2017 w The Courier

In the Diocese


Diaconate Candidates Installed as Acolytes WINONA--Eleven permanent diaconate candidates for the Diocese of Winona were installed into the Office of Acolyte by Bishop John M. Quinn on Saturday, September 9, during the evening Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. Pictured left to right are: (front row) Scott Schwalbe, Randy Horlocker, Kevin Aaker, Bishop John Quinn, Michael Zaccariello, Terrence Smith, Director of Permanent Diaconate Msgr. Thomas Cook, (back row) Scot Berkley, Jack Lavalla, Steve Landsteiner, Bill Keiper, Frank Cesario, and Robert Miller.

Lay Carmelites Celebrate Order of the Holy Sepulchre Holds Annual Meeting ST. LOUIS--The Equestrian Order of the Holy Rev. John M. Quinn; Sir Randy Horlocker; Most Temporary Profession Sepulchre of Jerusalem held its annual meeting Rev. Bernard J. Harrington; Sir Mark Schietel; Sir

WINONA--St. John Paul II Lay Carmelite Community, Winona, celebrated temporary profession for (pictured left to right) Barbara Herried, Connie Marshall, and Jim Jenks on August 5, 2017, at St. Casimir's Church in Winona, where the group meets on the first Saturday of each month. The ceremony was presided over by Msgr. Matthew Malnar of the Diocese of La Crosse, where all three of the newly professed live. Temporary profession occurs after two years of formation with the Carmelite community. Another two years after temporary profession, members may complete full profession. Anyone interested in learning more about the Lay Carmelites in the Winona area may contact Director Tammy Palubicki at 507-458-2645 or

in St. Louis, MO, September 15-18. Pictured are members from the Diocese of Winona: (L to R) Lady Tanja Hegland; Lady Sidna Tulledge-Schietel, M.D.; Rev. Msgr. Gerald A. Mahon; Lady Cathy Tiegs; Lady Mary Sciallis; Sir James Hegland; Lady Terese Horlocker, M.D.; Most

Gabriel Sciallis, M.D.; and Sir Robert Tiegs, M.D. The following newly-vested members are not pictured: Rev. Patrick Odell Arens, Very Rev. Raul Ivan Silva, Sir Steve and Lady Sherilyn Bahnemann, and Sir William and Lady Saundra Groslie.

S o u n d s o f September Draws Listeners, Funds Submitted By YVONNE CORY

EASTON--September 10, 2017, was a beautiful day inside and outside at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Easton, for the parish's second Sounds of the Season concert, titled Sounds of September. More than 250 people from southern Minnesota and northern Iowa enjoyed the harmonious sounds, glistening stained glass windows, and fellowship after the concert. Five extremely talented instrumental and vocal groups provided the sounds. Sheila Rame, a harpist from Alden, began the program with songs from The Sound of Music. Vocal groups included P31, female vocalists from Blue Earth; Heart Song, of Fairmont; and the Murry Brothers, of Delavan. Very Rev. Mark McNea, of Winona, closed the program, singing an Irish blessing. Dan Haugh, a parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, was the master of ceremonies, assisted by Our Lady of Mount Carmel's own Twisted Sister. Both added a touch of humor and special insight throughout the concert. October, 2017 w The Courier

Sheila Rame

Parishioners, as well as the planning committee, are very grateful to all who helped support this fundraising concert in so many ways. The funds raised are helping to reach the goal of adding a handicap entrance to the southeast side of the 101-year-old church. Construction will begin in the spring of 2018. Yvonne Cory belongs to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Easton.

Very Rev. Mark McNea

Obituaries Sister Clairvaux McFarland, 86, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes in Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on Sunday, September 3, 2017.

Many thanks to all you readers who have taken a moment to weigh in on The Courier's proposed transition to a new magazine format. If you haven't yet sent us your thoughts, we encourage you to do so. An online prototype of the proposed magazine, The Disciple, can be found at This quarterly magazine would place heavier emphasis on catechesis, evangelization, and witness stories from parishioners here in our diocese, while leaving some news and events coverage to our new diocesan website ( Please keep in mind that, while the online prototype shows a lot of sample material, a real issue of The Disciple would be printed on paper (with an online version available) and would feature stories and columns from within our diocese whenever possible. Please send any feedback on the magazine prototype, or on your experience as a reader of The Courier, to Associate Editor Nick Reller at or 507-858-1257. In your comments, please indicate your parish, age, gender, and whether you consider yourself a regular reader of The Courier. What do you like about the magazine format? What is it missing? How does it compare to The Courier? Finally, if you belong to a parish or diocesan group that would be interested in holding a focus group (of about 20 people) regarding this prototype, please indicate that as well. Thank you!

Sister Mary Roman Adam, SSND, 93, professed in 1951, died September 8, 2017, at Good Counsel in Mankato. A native of St. Paul, she entered the School Sisters of

Notre Dame after working six years in the accounting department of The Golden Rule department store in St. Paul. Following profession of vows, she taught school for 10 years and then, in 1961, was called to service in the congregational headquarters in Rome. She served in clerical and accounting positions and, in 1968, was named the congregation’s first general treasurer. After returning to Minnesota in 1976, she became the business manager for Good Counsel Hill. In 1979, she became the Mankato Province treasurer, a position she held until 1997. She continued to work with investments for several SSND provinces until she retired in 2002. Sister Mary Roman is survived by a sister, Therese (Robert) Schwinghammer; a sister-in-law, Rita Adam; nieces and nephews and their families; cousins; friends and colleagues; her sisters in the community of the School Sisters of Notre Dame; and SSND associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Roman and Marguerite (Robertson) Adam; her brother, Roman; and a sister, Marian A Funeral Mass was celebrated by Fr. Eugene Stenzel on September 13 in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel. Sister Mary Roman requested that her body be donated to science, and it was accepted. A burial date will be determined later.


In the Diocese

Tell Us What You Think

Colette Marie McFarland was born May 21, 1931, in Chicago, IL, to William and Alice Marie (Courtois) McFarland. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1949 from Bergenfield, NJ, having moved there in June of 1949. Sister Clairvaux made first vows in 1952 and perpetual vows in 1955. She received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona (1963) and a master's degree in art education from Winona State University (1967). For 19 years, Sister Clairvaux was an intermediate teacher in Minnesota schools: Queen of Angels, Austin; Sacred Heart, Waseca; St. Peter, Delano; and St. Augustine, Austin; as well as Holy Redeemer School in Portsmouth, OH. For 10 years (1971-81), she served as an art professor at the College of St. Teresa in Winona. From 1981-89, Sister Clairvaux was a graphic designer at Saint Marys Hospital and at Assisi Heights. In

1990, she engaged in two years of experiential learning in iconography, after which she wrote several icons for schools, parishes, and colleges. Her major icons include the life-size San Damiano Cross at Assisi Heights and Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter; St. Clare at Assisi Heights; Trinity of Our Lady of Tenderness at Mayo Clinic Hospital, St. Marys Campus; and Our Lady of Kobonal for Kobonal, Haiti. Sister Clairvaux is survived by her Franciscan congregation, with whom she shared life for 68 years; her sister, Alice (Mickey) McFarland of Hawley, PA; and several nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death were her parents and her brother, William. A Funeral Mass was held September 11 at the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes at Assisi Heights, Rochester. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Development, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Suite 100, Rochester, MN 55901.

-Courier Staff October, 2017 w The Courier

SUBMISSION to the calendar

October 2017 • The Courier

Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer St. Mary’s Church, Winona holds Mass for Life & Marriage the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty is held the first Saturday of each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. Gather in the Adoration Chapel. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. For times & locations:

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events Sacred Heart Care Center, Austin October 7, Saturday Annual craft & bake sale 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Auxiliary. Quilt raffle, crafts, plants, silent auction, baked goods, gourmet items, homemade candy, sloppy joes, hospitality table, and trash & treasure. Christ the King Church, Byron October 8, Sunday 8th Annual Fall Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Homestyle ham & turkey. Also a raffle and silent auction. Drawing begins at 1:15. St. Columban Church, Preston October 8, Sunday Farm to Table Pork Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Natural pork loin, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, corn, coleslaw, homemade applesauce, buns, homemade pie, and beverages. Adults $12. Kids 5-12 $6. 4 & under free. Carry-outs available. Raffle tickets $5 per chance for more than $3,000 in cash and prizes. Pre-sale tickets available by calling Gerrie Daley at 507-765-2187. Church is at 408 Preston St. NW in Preston.

Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m. KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Vicario Parroquial de Sacred Heart, Owatonna. Tel. 507-451-1588 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de “SS. Peter and Paul”, Mankato. Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James. Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington. Tel. 507-440-9735 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin. Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Owatonna, Sacred Heart 11 a.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Sunday Austin, Queen of Angels 11 a.m. Sunday; 5:15 Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sunday Friday (bilingual) Lake City, St. Mary 6:30 p.m. each 3rd Saturday Rochester, St. Francis Madelia, St. Mary of Assisi 10 a.m. Sunday 12 p.m. Sunday & 7 Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. Sunday

St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11:30 a.m. Sunday St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sunday Windom,St.FrancisXavier 2:30 p.m. Sunday Worthington, St. Mary 7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. Sunday; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday & Friday

St. John the Baptist Church, Minnesota Lake October 8, Sunday Fall Turkey Supper served 4-7 p.m. in St. Ann's Hall. $10 adults. Free under 5. Turkey, dressing, potatoes, salad, dessert. Take outs available. St. Patrick Church, West Albany October 8, Sunday Annual bbq chicken dinner served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. or until gone. Includes baked potato, vegetable, roll, beverages, dessert. Take a drive to see the colors and stop for food and fellowship. Between Wabasha and Zumbro Falls on Highway 60. Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Wilmont October 8, Sunday Fall dinner & bazaar serving 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, applesauce, buns, and dessert. Big ticket auction, silent auction, and quilt raffle. St. Mary Church, Winona October 12, Thursday Susan Windley-Daoust, Ph.D., presents Why You Shouldn't Kill Yourself: Five Tricks of the HEART about Physician Assisted Suicide 6:00 - 6:45 p.m., followed by open discussion 6:45 - 7:15. Presentation will look at physician asssisted suicide, why people support it, and what Catholics should offer instead. Price Farm, Kasson October 13, Friday 100th Anniversary of Fatima celebration with Bishop Quinn. Adoration at 4:30. Procession and Rosary at 5. Mass at 5:30. Confessions available. Stay for a meal (food available for purchase after Mass). Info: or 507-634-6293. Sacred Heart Church, Owatonna October 13, Friday Mass and Holy Hour in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Fatima Miracle of the Sun. Rosary at 11:45. Mass at 12:10, followed by Holy Hour and a second Rosary. St. Felix Church, Wabasha October 13, Friday Rosary rally following 8 a.m. Mass. Praying for peace and conversion of all families of the world on the 100th anniversary of Fatima. Bring your own rosary. St. Peter Church, Hokah October 14, Saturday Annual roast beef & dressing dinner served 4-8 p.m. Adults $11. Kids 6-12 $5. 5 & under free. Kid prices for dine-in only. Carry-outs available at adult price. St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City October 19, Thursday Mass of Remembrance Healing Our Hearts. Special 7 p.m. Mass for anyone who has suffered the loss of a child through any means (including illness, accident, stillbirth, abortion, miscarriage) or anyone who has suffered from infertility. Candle lighting ceremony during Mass. Refreshments in fellowship hall following Mass. 419 Lyon Ave. in Lake City.

Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona October 22, Sunday St. John Nepomucene Parish will hold its annual fall festival in the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Hall (625 E 4th St. in Winona), beginning at 11 a.m. Lunch available. Big ticket raffle, gift card raffle, quilt/cash raffle, silent auction, candy booth, kids' games, and chair massages (12-3 p.m.). Big ticket drawing at 5 p.m. All are welcome. St. Patrick Church, Brownsville October 25, Wednesday Generations of Faith. This year's theme: "Responding in Prayer." Six Wednesday-evening gatherings, 5:307:30. The dates are: 9/27, 10/25, 11/29, 1/24, 2/28, 3/21. Potluck suppers, skits, games, activities, classes for youth, speakers for adults. Faith formation for the whole family. Please save the dates! 604 Adams St. in Brownsville. The Oaks Wine Bar, Winona October 26, Thursday Theology Uncorked is a monthly presentation and discussion on a subject of relevance to our Catholic lives and identity. Expand your knowledge as you enjoy a cool drink in a classy setting! This month's presentation will be at 7 p.m. at The Oaks Wine Bar (75 W 3rd St. in WInona), with our very own Bishop Quinn discussing A Catholic Understanding of the Reformation and the Counter Reformation. Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona October 28, Saturday Fall Craft/Art/Gift Show 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school gym and church hall. Lunch will be available. Come shop our many vendors. Christ the King Church, Medford October 28, Saturday Annual fall festival and turkey dinner served 5-6:30 p.m. in church basement. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, rolls, and homemade pumpkin bars. $12 adults. $5 kids 7 & under. Quilts, crafts, 50/50 raffle. Christmas greeneries and baked goods available for purchase. Pre-sale tickets encouraged; call Martha (507456-8217) or Simone (507-213-5031). St. Mary Church, Chatfield October 29, Sunday Annual Sharing the Seasons tablesetting display 9a.m.-12p.m. in Maddock Hall (corner of Twiford St. and 4th St. SW in Chatfield). More than 20 tables will feature a wide array of dishes, tableware, and other collections of interest, each with a personal story to be shared. $7 admission price includes breakfast. Tickets at door. Handicap accessible. St. Mary School, Caledonia October 29, Sunday St. Mary Parish 51st Holiday Bazaar 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Roast beef family dinner served 11-1: roast beef, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, coleslaw, roll, desserts, beverages. Lunch served 11 until gone: sloppy joes, hot dogs, walking tacos. Auction at 3 p.m. Also, gift shop, stage raffle, pull tabs, tip boards, gun raffles, bake shop, chance booth, kids' booth, sweet shop. For the kids: cake walk, fish pond, ring a drink, bean bag toss, plinko, bingo, luck of the draw. $20 big ticket for a chance to win $4,000 1st prize, $2,000 2nd prize, $1,000 3rd prize, $500 4-10th prizes. $100 11-20th prizes (need not be present to win). Hourly drawings for $50 Quillin's gift cards sponsored by Bank of the West (must be present). At the school: 308 E South St. in Caledonia.

Bethel Lutheran Church, Rochester October 30, Monday Lutherans and Roman Catholics will join in a mutual worship service at 7 p.m. on the Eve Day of Reformation, following the gesture that Pope Francis and Lutheran leaders realized last year in Sweden. Bishop John M. Quinn and Bishop Steve Delzer will lead this ecumenical prayer. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona November 3, Friday On the first Friday of the month, the Cathedral hosts Cor Jesu, a night of Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and Praise & Worship. Join Bishop Quinn for the November date on Friday, November 3, from 7-9 p.m. All are welcome to attend; invite your family and friends! The Cathedral is at 360 Main St. in Winona. For details, search Cor Jesu Winona on Facebook, visit, or call Leandra Hubka (507-990-3402) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041). Christ the King Church, Byron November 4, Saturday 9th Annual Fall Expo 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 30+ arts & crafts and home-based businesses. Most vendors will have cash and carry items for purchase. Kitchen accessories, food items, fine jewelry, decorative and functional home items, holiday decorations, skin care & cosmetics, hand-crafted soaps, baskets, appliqued towels & aprons, candles, purses, toys, and more. Baked goods, beverages, and lunch available. First 50 customers at 9 a.m. and first 50 after noon get gift bags! 202 4th St. NW in Byron. Church of the Crucifixion, La Crescent November 4, Saturday Annual roast beef dinner served 3:307:30 p.m. Home-cooked roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, coleslaw, rolls, and apple pie squares. Info: 507-895-4720. St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester November 5, Sunday Dr. Gregory Peterson, professor of music and college organist at Luther College, will offer a concert at 4 p.m. Open to the public. Free-will offerings accepted. St. Mary Church, Geneva November 5, Sunday Annual Soup & Pie Event 4:30-7 p.m. Homemade soups: chili, ham & bean, chicken noodle. Also a variety of homemade pies. St. Patrick Church, LeRoy November 5, Sunday Annual Turkey & Ham Fall Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $10 adults. $5 students 5-10. Free 4 & under. Bake sale and bucket raffle. Eagles Club, Rochester November 14, Tuesday The Rochester Christian Women's Connection will host their montly luncheon at the Eagles Club (917 15th Ave. SE in Rochester) at 11:45 a.m. Cost is $13. After the luncheon, Mary McCarthy, a local author and recipient of the Catholic Writer's Guild Seal of Approval, will discuss her book, A Pilgrimage of Hope: A Story of Faith and Medicine. Reservations are required to Jan at 507-288-1144 or by November 10.

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