The Courier, May 2016

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Special Insert:

Jubilee Year of Mercy



Pentecost Sunday May 15th

May 2016



Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN


to be in Christ with two talks that were both inspiring and entertaining. Herbeck urged those in attendance to confront the discomfort that so often keeps men from talking about their faith. He used a famous but misattributed quote to develop his point: "St. Francis never said, 'Preach the Gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.' But we Catholics love to think he did, and we would love to think that all that is necessary is to be a good person ... Yeah, be a good person, no doubt about it, but [other people's] faith

GARRISON, NY, April 7--The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, through their ministry, Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII), have announced that the theme for the 2017 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be "Reconciliation - The Love of Christ Compels Us." Each year, the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement organize and help promote the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Together, Christian communities around the world use the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity to share ideas for ecumenical education and celebration. Rev. Thomas Orians, SA, Associate Director of the GEII, said, “The year 2017 is the occasion of the 500th anniversary year of the beginnings of the Reformation. The theme "Reconciliation – The Love of Christ Compels Us" (2 Corinthians 5:1420) has been selected in consideration of this anniversary. The materials for the 2017 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has two accents: reflection upon the main concerns of the churches marked by Martin Luther's Reformation and recognition of the pain caused by the subsequent deep divisions that afflicted the unity of the Church. In selecting this theme, it is viewed as an opportunity to take steps

Man of God, cont'd on pg. 6

Week of Prayer, cont'd on pg. 5

Keynote speaker Peter Herbeck encourages men to evangelize with words.

By PETER MARTIN ROCHESTER--More than 300 men traveled to Rochester Lourdes Catholic High School on April 2 for the Diocese of Winona's first annual men's conference, "Man of God." Most of the men had never been to a men’s conference before, and many were blown away by what they experienced. Peter Herbeck, the keynote speaker, challenged the men to become who they are called

Theme Shared for 2017 Week of Prayer

INSIDE this issue

The Bible Is Your Love Story

page 4

Nothing Is Impossible

page 12

St. Mary's Remembered

page 13

The Courier Insider

Update: Minnesota 2 Child Victims Act The light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it.

hese are the words that begin St. John’s gospel. The contrast between light and darkness has long been a visual of the gospel message. From the beginning of time, the human race has experienced the affects of sin, which lead to suffering and despair, but our faithful God entered into the darkness and conquered it with his redemptive light. St. John’s words are particularly important to our diocese today. In recent weeks, the Diocese of Winona, along with several parishes and schools, has been notified that it has been named in lawsuits made possible by the Child Victims Act of 2013. These cases, which happened several decades ago, involving former priests, most of whom are deceased, are reminders of tragic sins of the past. In order to promote healing for victims and to bring forth the light of transparency, leaders of affected communities have begun to inform their communities and invite them into a period of prayer. Within one month the deadline to file will close, and our diocese, as a means of transparency, is working to update our website to disclose details of these lawsuits. This will be an ongoing process from now to the May 25th deadline and beyond. In the months ahead, the Diocese of Winona will work toward healing and just resolutions to the impending litigation. In a letter to the faithful of the diocese, Bishop John M. Quinn

Articles of Interest

The Bible Is Your Love Story_________page 4 VISION 2016 Update_________________page 5

asked for the support of Building Up Life Through Encounter___page 6 survivors as he stated: “As a diocese, we must Catholic Schools Updates____________page 7 acknowledge past cases of The Glue That Binds Us______________page 8 abuse and encourage the dignified treatment of the Jubilee Insert__________________after page 8 many survivors who have Totus Tuus Teams__________________page 9 come forward.” Bishop Quinn also encouraged transparen- Mother of Vocations_________________page 10 cy in the process ahead: These Great Fifty Days______________page 11 “We are communicating between the diocese, par- Nothing Is Impossible With God_______page 12 ishes and schools to be prepared to resolve claims Diocesan Headlines_________________page 13 in a just and equitable fashion. All of this prepara- Diocesan Calendar__________________page 15 tion and planning is taking Officials place to support victims and allow for the necessary healing in our diocese.” The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese The attorneys for the diocese and of Winona, announces the following: affected parishes and schools are in the process of working with our insurers to Appointments to Diocesan Very Rev. Raul Silva, effective resolve these matters. It is our comMarch 22, 2016. Pastoral Council mitment to ensure that the mission Ms. Lisa Tate, effective March of our diocese, parishes and schools Ms. Maribeth Bedtke, effec22, 2016. continues. tive March 22, 2016. Rev. Andrew Vogel, effecOur diocese and its communities Mr. Marvin Bronner, effective March 22, 2016; also are certainly facing challenges. We tive April 16, 2016. appointed Chaplain for the recently journeyed through Lent and Catholic Scouting programs in Deacon Patrick Fagan, effecinto the season of Easter, rememberthe Diocese of Winona, effective March 22, 2016. ing that our hope is in Jesus, who tive April 8, 2016. Mr. Juan Manuel Gonzalez, always transforms darkness into light. effective April 15, 2016. Let us unite ourselves to Jesus and Mrs. Olivia Gonzalez, effec- Deacon Appointment invite Him to accompany us as we jourtive April 15, 2016. ney toward healing and mercy. Deacon Michael Ellis, Sr. Edith Mary Hart, RSM, appointed to diaconal minisFor more information about the effective March 22, 2016. try at Sacred Heart parish in Minnesota Child Victims Act and to Dr. Jack Lane, effective March Owatonna and Holy Trinity read the full letter from Bishop Quinn, Parish in Litomysl, for five 22, 2016. please visit: Mr. Tim Lippert, effective years, effective March 19, We continue to encourage anyone 2016. March 22, 2016. who has been abused recently or in the past to come forward and report Child Abuse Policy Information the abuse to civil authorities.

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 107 - 05

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Monica Herman, Editor

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona Diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

May, 2016 w The Courier

Diocese of Winona - Child Sexual Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-4542270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Peter Martin, at 507-858-1264, or

Remember Our Mother �

ear Friends in Christ,

May, the Month of Mothers On the second Sunday of May, the nation observes Mother's Day, on which we remember our mothers, both living and dead. I am sure that many of us learned about the Blessed Virgin Mary from our mothers. What a wonderful gift from the women who gave us life! Our Blessed Mother is especially honored in the month of May with May Crownings celebrated in our parishes and Catholic schools. Mary is the first disciple to hear the Word of God, and she fully accepted God's plan for her life. She is the model of the Church, and, as the Mother of God, she intercedes for us as Our Mother. I hope you pray the rosary ever day and entrust your life

Catholic Charities Annual Appeal Every year on Mother's Day, we are invited to support Catholic Charities in our diocese. I encourage you to consider a gift to Catholic Charities in the special collection that will be taken up on Mother's Day. The theme of this year's Catholic Charities Appeal reminds us that Nothing Is Impossible with God. For those living in doubt, despair and desperation, God works through us to make healing, wholeness and hope possible for children, families, vulnerable adults, unmarried mothers, refugees, the poor, the uninsured, immigrants and the unborn, regardless of race, age, gender, faith tradition or ability to pay. Last year, with your support, Catholic Charities helped over 4,000 people, residing in over 2,000 households. Your financial support allows Catholic Charities to serve from offices in Worthington, Mankato, Owatonna, Albert Lea, Austin, Rochester and Winona. Every county of our diocese is home to someone who is helped. On May 7th and 8th, please join me in supporting this good work; please give generously to the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal! Defending Life

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

As a gift from God, each human life is sacred from conception to natural death. The life and dignity of every person must be respected and protected at every stage and in every condition. The right to life is the first and most fundamental principle of human rights. Catholics must actively work for a world of commitment to justice and peace through a greater respect for human life. Physician-assisted suicide, now referred to by some as "death with dignity," is the deplorable act of a doctor prescribing a lethal dose of medication for a patient to intentionally take his or her

May 1, Sunday 11 am – Confirmation – Sacred Heart, Adams; St. Peter, Rose Creek; St. John, Johnsburg; and Queen of Peace, Lyle – to be held in Adams 5 pm – Seeds of Wisdom – South Sudan School Fund Raiser – St. John the Evangelist, Rochester May 4, Wednesday 7 pm – Confirmation – St. Charles Borromeo, St. Charles; St. Aloysius, Elba; and Holy Redeemer, Eyota – to be held in St. Charles May 5, Thursday 8:05 am – Mass – May Crowning – Crucifixion Church, La Crescent 1 pm – Holy Hour 2 pm – Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting May 6, Friday 1 pm – IHM Finance Council Meeting – IHM Seminary, Winona 4:45 pm – Vespers – IHM Seminary, Winona 5 pm – IHM Seminary Baccalaureate Mass May 7, Saturday 8 am – Mass – St. Thomas More Chapel, St. Mary’s University, Winona 11 am – Commencement – St. Mary’s University, Winona 4 pm – Mass and Celebration of 225th Anniversary of Poland’s Constitution – Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona May 8, Sunday 10 am – Confirmation – Sacred Heart, Waseca

own life. Confronted with fear and doubt, people who ask to end their lives are vulnerable. They need our care and protection. To offer them lethal drugs to commit suicide is a victory not for freedom, but for the worst form of neglect. There are better ways to care for people with serious illness than to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Minnesota. I hope you will join me in fighting for the needs of the ill and the aged in our community. They need our love, compassion and support. Amoris Laetitia, the Joy of Love "Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth" (AL, 30). In 2013, Pope Francis called for two meetings of bishops from around the world - an Ordinary Synod and an Extraordinary Synod - to discern how the Church can call families to conversion and support them in the Christian life. Last week, Pope Francis published Amoris Laetitia, a letter to families around the world, encouraging them to experience the "joy of love" and to live as active, faithful and generous disciples of Jesus Christ. Pope Francis affirms the Church's understanding that authentic marriage is between a man and a woman in permanent fidelity, expressing their mutual love and openness to children, and abiding as a sacrament of Christ's love for his Church (52, 71). He speaks out against threats to this ideal in our culture, some of which are moral relativism, pornography, the "throwaway" culture, etc. Pope Francis also highlights Humanae Vitae (the teaching of Pope Paul VI), reiterating the indispensable connection between the unitive and the procreative dimensions of marital love (80). There is no watering down of the ideal in this text; however, Pope Francis does acknowledge that many people fall short of this ideal and are not fully integrated into the Catholic Church in Holy Matrimony. The Holy

May 10, Tuesday 2:30 pm – Mankato Deanery Meeting – Mankato 6 pm – Mankato Serra Burse Night – Shoreland Golf Club, St. Peter, MN May 11, Wednesday 11:30 am – Mass – Formation Week at IHM Seminary, Winona 7 pm – Confirmation – St. Felix, Wabasha and St. Agnes, Kellogg – to be held in Wabasha May 13, Friday 2 pm – Archbishop Bernard Hebda’s Installation Mass – Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul 6 pm – Confirmation – Ss. Peter & Paul, Mankato; Holy Family, Lake Crystal; and St. Joseph the Worker, Mankato – to be held at Ss. Peter & Paul May 14, Saturday 5:15 pm – Mass – Pentecost Vigil – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona May 15, Pentecost Sunday 2 pm – 1st Annual Diocesan Pentecost Mass – St. John the Evangelist, Rochester May 17, Tuesday 5 pm – Mass – DOW Priest Retreat, Winona May 18, Wednesday 11 am – Holy Hour for Vocations 7 pm – Confirmation – St. Joseph, Rushford; St. Peter, Hokah; and St. Mary, Houston – to be held in Rushford

Father calls us not to condemn, but to love those people, to look for goodness in their relationships and to find loving ways to help them understand God's teaching and bring them back into full unity with the Church (295). In a particular way, the pope calls bishops to teach, encourage and assist families in the path of Christian holiness. Pope Francis calls me to accompany families through the joys and the hardships of their lives. I understand that this text may cause some questions, and that we must continue this dialogue just as Pope Francis started the entire process with dialogue. I welcome your questions and concerns, and we know that we walk together in finding compassionate ways to bring all into full communion with Christ's Church. 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal The annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is a primary source of funding to help us sustain and expand ministries in our parishes, schools and Catholic organizations in southern Minnesota. The Catholic Church meets the financial, spiritual, educational and social needs of many people in our diocese and beyond. Each ministry exists to support the work of our local parishes. Please support the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Ministry is fundamental to our Church, and we are all responsible for bringing the message of Jesus to our neighbors. Small gifts add up quickly, and I am very grateful for your support! Vocations I am proud of our priests and thank them for their devotion and hard work. If you know a man who you think would be a good priest, encourage him to consider a vocation to the priesthood. During his studies in the seminary, he can test his vocation to see if Jesus truly is calling him to ministry. You would be amazed to hear how many priests first began to think of their vocations

May 19, Thursday 11 am – Holy Hour 12 pm -- Presbyteral Council Meeting - Albert Lea May 21, Saturday 7 pm – Winona Area Confirmations – to be held at the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona May 22, Sunday 1 pm – Luncheon honoring Fr. John Kunz's 40 Years of Priesthood – Mankato 5 pm – Loyola Catholic School Dinner - Mankato 7 pm – Loyola Catholic School Commencement – Mankato May 23, Monday 11:30 am – Premier Bank Day of Golf and Camaraderie – Owatonna May 24, Tuesday 11 am – Holy Hour 12 pm – Deans’ Meeting – Albert Lea May 25, Wednesday 11:30 am – Holy Hour 12 pm – DOW Finance Council Meeting – Winona May 26, Thursday 11 am – Diocesan Mass for Consecrated Life – Chapel of the Angels, Winona 2 pm – Holy Hour 3 pm – Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting May 29, Sunday 10:30 am – Corpus Christi Mass – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

because other people suggested it to them. It may be a pastor, teacher, family member or friend who first opens a man's heart and mind to priesthood. Pray for vocations. Ask the Master of the harvest to send laborers into the field; for, indeed, there is a very rich harvest to be gained for our Lord. He is also calling women and men to the consecrated life and to enrich the Church with their talents and gifts. From the founding of the Diocese of Winona, religious have helped to build up Catholic life through their selfless dedication. Health care, Catholic schools, social services and pastoral care are some of the major areas that continue to flourish because of the witness of religious women and men. The vows of chastity, obedience and poverty define the experience of those called to religious life. At the heart, however, of every vocation is Jesus Christ, who invites men and women to "come and see." Please pray for a generous response to His call. May Christ fill your heart with peace and give you a joy that nothing can take from you. I ask again for your prayers. I wish all of you a blessed feast of Pentecost on May 15 and a renewed desire to bring the Gospel in fresh ways to the ends of the earth!

From the Bishop

May the grace and peace of the risen Lord be with you during this Easter season. Alleluia! Christ is risen!

to her. O Mary, conceived without original sin, pray for us!


Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

May 31, Tuesday 11 am – Holy Hour 12:45 pm – Austin/Albert Lea Deanery Meeting – Austin June 1, Wednesday 11 am – MCC Board Meeting – St. Paul Chancery, St. Paul June 2, Thursday 9:30 am – Holy Hour 10 am – DOW Priest Pension Board Meeting – Winona June 3, Friday, Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 12 pm – Jubilee of Mercy for Priests and Seminarians – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona 6 pm – Catholic Schools Foundation Dinner – Visions Event Center, Winona June 4, Saturday 4:30 pm – Mass – Centennial Celebration – St. Peter, Hokah June 5, Sunday 3 pm – Jubilee of Mercy for Deacons – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona June 7, Tuesday 12 pm – Senior Priest Luncheon – Rochester May, 2016 w The Courier


The Bible Is Your Love Story By THERESA MARTIN

�hat sounds crazy, right? To most

Faith Formation

people, the Bible is an old book full of old stories, wars, and all sorts of ancient things that don’t touch their daily lives. Yet, the Bible is the living word of God! It holds more truth for our intimate lives than we could possibly imagine. The Bible is God’s love letter to you – to YOU! Sacred Scripture is just packed with love and marriage. Did you ever think about the fact that it begins and ends with a marriage celebration? In Genesis, we see the creation of humanity in God’s image: “male and female he created them.” This is from the first creation story (Gen. 1:26-27). Man and woman together are the image of God. The second creation story emphasizes this further, as God says, “It is not good for man to be alone,” and God makes woman. Now is that full image of God reflected again in man and woman (Gen. 2:18). And this is the first wedding – and that marital relationship is the reflection of God. This shows us that God’s love is nuptial; in other words, God’s love is as love in a marriage. In the final book of the Bible, Revelation, all of Sacred Scripture ends with the wedding feast of the Lamb. Who is the Lamb of God? We know this from Mass – it is Jesus Himself! And who is the Lamb’s bride? His bride is the Church – you and me. The final purpose of God’s salvation history for humanity is to bring us into union with Himself! (CCC 260). It is a beautiful, marital union between bride and bridegroom – drawing us into His divine life and into His sonship with the Father. What if I told you that the Old Testament was also about God wanting to bind His people into a marital union, a nuptial covenant, with Himself? Some could get lost in the events and wars; even the great moment of the Sinai Covenant where God spoke to Moses and made a covenant with him. This could be seen as a great, powerful God leading His people. Yet, it seems to resonate as a story of a ruler more than a lover. May, 2016 w The Courier

However, the prophets open our eyes to what the story is all about. Isaiah says, “your Maker is your husband … For the Lord has called you like a wife…” (Isaiah 54:5-7). Again, in Ezekiel 16: 7-8, 11-12, we read: “you grew up and became tall and arrived at full womanhood … you were at the age for love … I plighted my troth to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord God, and you became mine…” YHWH, the LORD, took Israel to Himself as a bride. Do you remember how the story goes, though? That bride betrayed her covenant with YHWH. And God wanted to scorn her, but forgave her and promised a savior – one that would renew the marital covenant with His people and atone for their sins: a bridegroom messiah! (Jesus is your bridegroom! He is the one who will lay his life down for you and give Himself to you…) This may seem strange, but even John the Baptist speaks of Jesus as the bridegroom. When some ask John if he is the messiah they’ve waited for, he says, “I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him. He who has the bride is the bridegroom; the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice; therefore this joy of mine is now full” (Jn. 3:28-30). What a vivid picture John gives us! He is not the bridegroom, but the “best man,” the one who is “the friend of the bridegroom” and the one who ought to rejoice with the bridegroom. And he brings this image home as he affirms that indeed “this joy of mine is now full.” The best man is rejoicing because the bridegroom has arrived and he is Jesus. St. Paul takes us even further into this mystery as he says, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her … This mystery is a profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:25-26, 32). The cross is the moment that Christ gave Himself up for His bride. He became one flesh with His bride. (As the bridegroom, the husband of the Church, He gives a most profound example. Being a good husband is not about forcing one’s will on another; it is about being the one to lay bare every selfish ambition, every ounce of pride and give yourself completely over to your bride in an absolute gift

Sr. Paul Mary Rittgers, R.S.M. Director

of self in love.) John reminds us of this: “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end” (Jn. 13:1-10). He loved them. God is love (1 Jn 4:8). That is who He is and how He acts. The great mystery that St. Paul referenced is the very fact that the cross is the marriage bed of the Lamb of God. Scott Hahn illuminates this in his discourse “The Fourth Cup.” Jesus was not merely celebrating another Passover but inaugurating the new covenant (Lk 22:20) as a wedding meal. The first two cups are towards the beginning of the meal, then they eat roasted lamb and unleavened bread. The third cup is the “cup of blessing,” which is the cup Jesus blessed and we receive at Mass in the Eucharist (1Cor 10:16). After they have all had a chance to drink from the third cup, they sing several psalms and go out into the garden. The fourth cup, which is actually called the “cup of consummation” is missing in the Last Supper’s feast! Jesus extends the meal all the way to the cross when He says, “I thirst.” He receives the bitter wine and consummates the covenant with His bride. Where Adam sinned, Christ was sinless and took on our shame. In that moment, naked, bare, He gives Himself to His bride. “When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” In the Latin He says, “consummatum est” – it is consummated; it is complete. He gives Himself completely to us, His bride. He gives His body, His blood and His very life – all to be united to His bride and bring us into His life. And how do we receive this selfless gift of love? How do we accept the bridegroom’s gift of his whole self? When we receive His body and blood in the Eucharist at Mass, we are participating in that moment! Mass is where the past, present and future collide! The Mass is the wedding banquet of the Lamb! It is not the Lion of Judah on the cross, but the Lamb of God. He is waiting there to give Himself to each human person in the deepest love. Let us no longer take the Eucharist for granted, but instead approach the altar with trembling love as a bride approaches the bridegroom. For His cross is His marriage bed, and He waits with passionate love to give Himself to you and draw you into His divine life! “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Rev. 16:9). Theresa Martin is a Catholic author, speaker and mother of six.


�s we now celebrate the great season of Easter,

we are writing to update you on the timeline of our VISION 2016 Pastoral Planning process. The Pastoral Planning recommendations from the 21 parishes undergoing significant change in VISION 2016, in addition to other parishes throughout the Diocese, were received by the Diocesan Planning Office in February and March. We reflected on and prayed about these submitted plans during the season of Lent. Our planning team is very grate-

Week of Prayer, cont. from pg. 1

toward reconciliation.” “The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017 finds its scriptural context in 2 Corinthians 5:14,” said Rev. Orians. “This year’s theme finds its origins in Pope Francis' 2013 Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel); in Paragraph 9, Pope Francis used the quote: "The Love of Christ Compels Us.” The Council of Churches in Germany (ACK) took up the work of creating the resources for the 2017 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. A committee comprised of ten members representing different churches met three times in 2014-2015 to develop the necessary texts. Within the 2017 materials there will be a particular emphasis on the ecumenical worship service for the Week, while at the same time commemorating the Lutheran Reformation. For 2017, it should be noted that this biblical text emphasizes that reconciliation is a gift from God, intended for the entire creation. "God was reconciling the world (kosmos) to God's self in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation" (v.19). As a result of God´s action, those who have been reconciled in Christ are called in turn to proclaim this reconciliation in word and deed: "The love of Christ compels us." The traditional period in the northern hemisphere for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is January 18-25. Those dates were proposed in 1908 by Servant of God Fr. Paul Wattson, SA, Founder of the Society of the Atonement, to cover the original days of the

ful for all the work and prayer that has been part of this difficult process. Bishop Quinn offers his gratitude to the priests, deacons, and lay faithful of the Diocese for the time and attention they gave to this important work. The recommendations we received from the parishes took into account the shifting demographic trends across the Diocese, the numbers of priests available for weekend Masses, and the infrastructure and size of the parishes. As many of you are already aware, some parishes are now facing the effects of lawsuits made possible by the Minnesota Child Victims Act of 2013. Because the Diocese and parishes must move forward while taking into consideration all the possible ramifications we will be facing, our Pastoral Planning timeline has been slightly affected. Bishop Quinn’s Pastoral Letter will come out in May and include a summary of the changes that have been received and approved. An accompanying VISION 2016 Implementation Handbook, with details on when and how each parish will implement changes, will come out in June. Thus, the date of change will likely be later than July 1 for some parishes. As we finalize details and publish the Pastoral Letter and Implementation Handbook, we will strive to keep you all informed of the process and its timeline.

At many of the Pastoral Planning meetings we were privileged to attend over the past year, we saw the zeal and willingness of parishioners to embrace the call of the new evangelization. We learned again that we need to invite others into a relationship with the Lord Jesus, but that first we have to have a deep relationship with Jesus ourselves. That is why we began all of our meetings with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We have to know Jesus and know that we are loved by him. The Resurrection of Jesus gives us hope in the implementation of VISION 2016. From the locked doors of fear, we, like the apostles, are sent forth by the power of the Holy Spirit into the world to proclaim the good news of the kingdom. We embrace the remainder of this planning process with the help of the Holy Spirit, and face these challenges and opportunities as a thankful people rooted in the gift of the Eucharist.

feasts of the Chair of St. Peter (January 18) and the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25) , and therefore have a symbolic significance. In 1966, the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and the Vatican Secretariat (now Council) for Promoting Christian Unity began collaborating on a common international text for worldwide usage. Since 1968, these international texts, which are based on themes proposed by ecumenical groups around the world, have been developed, adapted and published for use in the United States by GEII. Materials for the celebration in the United States of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2017 are prepared by the staff of the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute and will be available in the Fall of 2016. English and Spanish language posters, prayer cards, bulletin cover art, and other printed materials can be ordered directly from GEII for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which will take place from January 18-25, 2017. Materials for congregations can be requested with convenient secure online ordering at Additional materials for music, publicity, preparation notes and ideas for reflection can be downloaded from the website at no charge.

“that they all may be one” might be fulfilled. Through their mission and ministries they serve people of every race, religion, and walk of life. Their social ministries help the poor, the needy, and the homeless; people living with HIV; frail and elderly in hospitals and hospices; those in prison; and people seeking recovery from alcoholism and chemical addictions. They are part of the international movement to heal divisions within Christianity and among all faiths through their ecumenical outreach and research, Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII) in New York City, Centro Pro Unione in Rome, and service as diocesan ecumenical officers. Since 1945, the friars have been guardians and administrators for Sant'Onofrio al Gianicolo, Rome, official church of the papal order of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Through their prayers and pastoral ministries, they bring spiritual renewal, unity, harmony, and reconciliation throughout the world and carry the Gospel message to three continents. For more information about the friars, visit


On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained. --John 20:19-23


Msgr. Richard Colletti is Vicar General and Chancellor of the Diocese of Winona. Leandra Hubka is Msgr. Colletti's assistant.

* The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, a Catholic order of brothers and priests, was founded in 1898 by Servant of God Father Paul of Graymoor in Garrison, New York. Since that time, the Friars have worked for reconciliation and healing through “at-one-ment” — the unity of men and women with God and with one another — so that the prayer of Jesus May, 2016 w The Courier


Man of God, cont'd from pg. 1

Peter Martin, STL Director

Life, Marriage & Family

throughout the day they were able to adore Christ in Eucharistic Adoration as well as receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Several men’s groups were available throughout the day to give information and encouragement to men who would like to either join or begin their own men’s group in their home parish. On the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday, the men were especially encouraged to recognize the multitude of mercy they have received throughout their lives and to then extend that mercy to others. At the end of the conference, Bishop Quinn, who had been present throughout the day, offered Mass before the men were sent back to their families. He urged them to think of the positive relationships they'd had with the men in their lives, and to foster those and similar relationships in the future. Bishop Quinn shared the story of one of the best Christmas Mike O'Neill of Kasson wins a Last Supper gifts he'd ever received: a handwritten letter from print in the Knights of Columbus raffle. his father. "If you've never written a letter," the bishop comes through hearing, and what's heard said, "do it." is the Word of God ... [T]he devil loves it The men were so encouraged by the day and when we keep our mouths shut!" so blessed by the graces they received, that already The men not only enjoyed the talks, but they began making plans to return next year, but this time with more of their friends “who could use a day like today.” Count Man of God as a victory for faith in a world full of challenges. As Master of Ceremonies Fr. Jonathan Fasnacht put it: "The faith crisis is real, and the battleground is in the hearts of M.C. Fr. Jonathan Fasnacht facilitates the sharing of stories from representatives of men's men." groups in the diocese. Knights of Columbus Honor Guard lines the back row at Mass.

Building Up Life Through Encounter By KIMBERLY BAKER

ife too often moves at a breakneck pace. Technology is always at our fingertips to help us achieve more with greater speed. When this continuously fast-paced lifestyle overwhelms us, we risk losing our human touch with others. In contrast, Pope Francis often speaks of creating a "culture of encounter," which not only transforms the way we live in the world, but also beautifully affirms and facilitates a culture of life: To be called by Jesus, to be called to evangelize, and third: to be called to promote the culture of encounter. In many places ... the culture of exclusion, of rejection, is spreading. There is no place for the elderly or for the unwanted child; there is no time for that poor person in the street. At times, it seems that for some people, human relations are regulated by two modern "dogmas": efficiency and pragmatism.... Have the courage to go against the tide of this culture of efficiency, this culture of waste (World Youth Day Homily, July 27, 2013). In both our work and our personal lives, we May, 2016 w The Courier

can promote a culture of encounter. Rather than reducing our interactions to rushed necessities, how would we bring life to our corner of the world if we risked being fully present to others? In doing so, we discover the gifts of others and bring out the best in them, drawing them closer to God's love through such experiences. A culture of encounter builds up a culture of life because it acknowledges the dignity of each person. Unlike the "dogmas" of efficiency and pragmatism, which disregard people who are weaker, slower, or in need, authentic encounters have a positive twofold effect: we discover more deeply the priceless value of another, and we strengthen our own ability to love. Every life Christ transformed was based on an authentic encounter. He took time to talk with and heal others. Rather than being aloof or distant, he allowed the poor, the sick, social outcasts, and little children to come to him, as well as the "rich young man," the wealthy Zacchaeus, and the Roman centurion. He did not let vanity or ambition change his behavior based on who was watching him. He never categorized people into who was "important" and who was not. He was "all things

to all people," not in a frenzied desire for popularity or attention, but because he was grounded in his mission to bring each person to understand the love of his merciful Father in heaven. No person, whether rich or poor, healthy or sick, is unworthy of this encounter, for God will never cease calling us to himself. Wherever we are, let us risk the time and effort to genuinely see people, strengthening a culture of encounter. In so doing, we will promote respect for life--every person's life, at every stage and in every circumstance. Let us take the time to highlight the dignity and goodness of those around us, perhaps especially when they cannot see it in themselves. Let us reject what Pope Francis calls the "culture of exclusion" and the culture of waste, which is dehumanizing and sets up false standards of success. In the end our greatness will be measured not by how much we accomplished, but by how much we loved. Kimberly Baker is Programs and Projects Coordinator for the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. For more on the bishops' pro-life efforts, visit www.

Marsha Stenzel Superintendent

t is our responsibility to prepare students for their future--a world of digital information, frequent online collaboration, and increased connectivity. Increasing access to technology is essential for that future, and the learning tool of these twenty-first century students is light, mobile, and efficient. Rochester Catholic Schools (RCS) is thrilled to announce that a generous donor has graciously stepped forward with a $90,000 gift to fund a 1-to1 technology initiative that will provide every RCS

Bury the Dead � uring Lent, the students of St. Casimir’s School in Wells focused on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy—

one of which is to Bury the Dead. So how does one help young students understand the mercy involved with the process of death while at the same time eliminating some of the mystery surrounding this process? Take them to visit the wonderful staff at

Catholic Schools Spotlight St. Theodore School, Albert Lea The first St. Theodore Catholic School opened on October 2, 1911, with a total of three teachers and 55 students. To further serve their children, the congregation of St. Theodore Parish also opened a high school in the fall of 1923, but the high school was discontinued in 1934 to make room for the growing elementary school, whose enrollment reached an all-time high of 262 students in 1944. Enrollment decreased in the following decades, however, and St. Theodore School was forced to close its doors in 1971. In the early 1990’s, the St. Theodore community rallied to re-open its school, and in the fall of 1995, St. Theodore once again welcomed students into kindergarten through third grade. There were 43 students and three teachers. In October of that year, the first Parent-Student Association meeting was held, and the first computers were purchased. Fourth grade was added in 1996, along with more computers and internet access. The fall of 1997 brought the addition of a fifth grade; sixth grade followed in 1998. By this time enrollment had grown from 43 to 95 students, served by six full-time teachers, two aides and three specialty teachers for music, physical education, and art. Over the next 11 years, the school

7 Catholic Schools

Thank You!

student in grades 6-8 with a Google Chromebook for the 2016-2017 academic year. This wonderful gift speaks to both the support and generosity of our RCS community as well as to the intense desire to see technology integrated as a tool in the teaching and learning experiences of our students Rochester Catholic Schools students use computers to learn at their full potential. and staff. The individual use dents to solve problems and think critically by stimuof Google Chromebooks is a way to empower stulating analytical thinking. It is our hope that with the dents to learn at their full potential and to prepare implementation of this new initiative we will have the them for their future experiences in college and the ability to increase communication and collaboration between students, teachers, and parents. workplace. Using technology daily will encourage stu-

Bruss-Heitner Funeral Homes in Wells! for their loved ones, opportunities abound Funeral director Sue Nasinec did an absolutely marto practice respect and mercy. The tour of velous job showing the funeral home realthe students the ly demystified many aspects of this many ways in which momentous change in life—somemercy plays a part thing that we will all face at some in her daily routine. point. Thanks, Mrs. Nasinec, for proFrom accompanyviding thoughtful answers to the stuing the deceased in dents' many questions! a modern hearse to counseling families through the detailed Sue Nasinec gives a tour of a hearse to students process of planning and teachers from St. Casimir's School. funerals and burials

operated without a principal, and the Parish Administrator acted as the chief administrator of all school activities. Enrollment declined. In the 2012-13 school year, through the generosity of an anonymous parishioner, a dedicated principal was hired, as well as a full-time cook, and St. Theodore Catholic School began to reinvent itself, taking great strides toward long-term viability through the commencement of the accreditation process. In 2013, the school started a preKindergarten program. In 2014, it ended the sixth-grade program. And in 2015, St. Theodore School received full accreditation from MNSAA and became a Blue Zone Designated School. St. Theodore School strives to provide growth opportunities for children. We are privileged to watch them grow as students and members of the St. Theodore School community. This year, we have brought food to the hungry with our food drive, helped the sick by raising money for Pennies for Patients, and written letters and cards to the elderly and homebound. St. Theodore students have a reputation for confidence in public speaking and community leadership during and after their time at the school. All students participate in Mass and are often given opportunities to appear in front of groups. During our kick-off Masses for Catholic School’s Week, we gave first-, third-, and fifth-graders resposibilities for reading at Mass, and they did a wonderful job. At St. Theodore Catholic School, we place great emphasis upon preparation for middle school. Kids from all over Freeborn County are put together in one school for the first time. This can be a daunting

transition, but fifth-grade graduates of St. Theodore School have already been provided with many of the tools necessary to be successful. For example, they focus on mastering organizational skills and self-starting on homework assignments. Students are held accountable for timely and accurate work. Teachers are the backbone of St. Theodore, and we are very thankful for their support and compassion. They are great role models for our kids. Please visit to view biographies listing their experiences and backgrounds. All of our teachers have continued training and certification in their fields. They continue to develop new curriculum with the help and guidance from Notre Dame and to cultivate educational opportunities for the children. Test scores and academic success are great indicators of the quality education St. Theodore provides. St. The school participates in measures of academic progress through the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA). Based upon 2015 NWEA standardized testing results, St. Theodore students met or exceeded the following standards in every category in every grade. In math, 81% of students were at or above the national standards; Reading 87%; Language Arts 91%; and Science at 91%. Academic success is also readily apparent. Thirteen St. Theodore students participated in the Science Fair held at the Northbridge Mall last spring. Twelve of them received trophies, and the other was awarded a blue ribbon. Since our reopening in 1995, God has blessed us with 21 fruitful years of educating the youth of tomorrow. With God’s grace, we look forward to many more.

A Crowd Favorite �

acred Heart, Adams, sent its juggling team to perform a halftime show for 7,000 spectators at the Target Center for the Minnesota State Boys Basketball championship game on March 12. The event marked Sacred Heart's third halftime appearance at the state tournament since its juggling team was formed 13 years ago. In addition, the Sacred Heart jugglers have performed for the Minnesota Gophers men's basketball team once and for the Minnesota Timberwolves twice. Coach Greg Storey practices with the jugglers for 15 to 30 minutes after lunch every Thursday to keep them in top form. "The Juggling team is always a crowd favorite," Storey said. "Spectators enjoy watching these talented young people perform their skills." May, 2016 w The Courier



Jesus Christ:

The Glue That Binds Us

�y pastor recently shared in his weekly column a story which struck me profoundly. In current times, Christians and people of all faiths are facing challenges and persecution from every direction. Our faith is being put to the test, and we are under a full frontal attack. From the atrocities we read about in the news and witness with our own eyes on television, it is easy to begin to doubt our faith and, even worse, to lose hope. The following narrative put it back into perspective for me, and I hope you find comfort and confidence in it as well:

Some time ago, a doctor recounts how he was running on his treadmill, watching a video sermon by Louie Giglio (https:// What he heard completely changed his world. Louie was talking about how inconceivably BIG our God is and how He brought the universe into being. Then he went on to speak of how this God who created the universe also knitted our human bodies together with amazing detail and wonder. At this point the doctor was loving it—fascinated from a medical standpoint. He also remembered how he was constantly amazed during medical school as he learned more and more about God's handiwork. I remembered so many times thinking “how can ANYONE deny that a Creator did all of this?” Louie then went on to talk about how we can trust that the God who created all this also has the power to hold it all together when things seem to be falling apart; how our loving Creator is also our sustainer. At this point the doctor lost his breath. It was because Louie started talking about laminin. The doctor knew about laminin. Wikipedia describes laminins as a family of proteins that are “an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue.” Laminins are what hold us together, L I T E R A L LY. They are cell adhesion molecules. They are what holds one cell of our bodies to the next cell. Without laminins, we would fall apart. What the doctor didn’t know is what laminin looked like... May, 2016 w The Courier

...And now you do. This is not a ‘Christian portrayal’ of laminin it is the real thing. The same wondrous God who created the universe at the beginning of time knits everything together. --Fr. Glenn Frerichs, St. Rose of Lima, Immaculate Conception, and St. Anthony In our own diocese, we are faced with challenges like never before; the redefinition of marriage, religious liberty, issues of past abuse by clergy, questions of bankruptcy, and the need to make serious and painful decisions about the number of parishes we can serve with fewer priests, changing demographics and parishioners’ Mass attendance habits. We must remember and trust what Saint Paul wrote about Jesus in Colossians 1: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he himself might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the blood of his cross [through him], whether those on earth or those in heaven. And you who once were alienated and hostile in mind because of evil deeds he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through his death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before him, provided that you persevere in the faith, firmly grounded, stable, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, am a minister (Col 1:15-23). Jesus Christ is the glue which binds everything together. During these challenging times, may he grant us the grace to “persevere in the faith” and never lose sight of our baptismal call to holiness.

Monica Herman Director

This text originally appeared in the May 2015 issue of The Courier.

The descriptions below detail ministries funded in the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal and, as such, serve as documentation of the 2016 Appeal’s case for support. The stated amount of $2 million for the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal is the amount needed to conduct the Appeal and to partially fund the various ministries described below. Vocations and Ministry • Continuing formation and education for all priests and deacons • Institute of Lay Formation, now with 44 students and over 250 alumni • Seminarian housing, education and formation • Hispanic Ministry - dedicated priests and deacons to minister as chaplains to more than 21,000 Hispanic residents Pastoral Services • Tribunal Services and counseling Faith Formation & Youth Ministry • Ministry opportunities for young people across the diocese • Leadership to national youth conferences, diocesan youth conferences & rallies • Vibrant college ministry at Catholic Newman Centers in Winona and Mankato, where more than 1,000 students worship weekly and participate in faith formation, outreach and service programs • Increased and dedicated support to parish faith formation programs enrolling more than 10,000 students in parish and home school programs Catholic Schools • Dedicated support and leadership for administrators, teachers, and board members of the twenty-six elementary schools, four Catholic high schools and homeschoolers Office of Life • Programs and events advocating for the dignity of life • Marriage preparation and enrichment programs • Social justice and defense of conscience rights • Train more than 5,000 ministers and volunteers to protect our children Evangelization • Opportunities, events and resources spreading the Word of God and responding to Jesus’ call to evangelize Communications • Publish The Courier monthly. Each mailing is delivered to more than 39,000 homes • Interactive website & social media sites for current information & relevant news • TV Mass every Sunday for homebound, and those unable to travel to a parish, across a majority of the diocese • Broadcast informative and appealing messages throughout the year on television and radio, especially during seasons of Lent and Advent Gifts to the 2016 Appeal are used solely to support these ministries and shall be kept separate from other assets.

Jubilee Year


M e rc y

Pope Francis on the "Gospel of Mercy"

Special Insert - May, 2016


Jubilee of Mercy Days

An Excerpt from Pope Francis' General Audience at St. Peter's Square on April 6

�ear Brothers and Sisters, Good morn-

ing! …Encountering the multitudes, proclaiming the Gospel, healing the sick, being close to the least, forgiving sinners, Jesus made visible the love that is open to us all: none excluded! Open to all without borders. A love that is pure, freely-given, absolute. A love that culminates in the Sacrifice of the Cross. Yes, the Gospel is truly the “Gospel of Mercy,” for Jesus is Mercy! All four Gospels testify that Jesus, before taking up his ministry, wanted to be baptized by John the Baptist (Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22; Jn 1:2934). This event gives decisive direction to Christ’s entire mission. Indeed, he did not present himself to the world in the splendor of the temple; he could have done so. He did not announce himself with the sounding of trumpets; he could have so. And he did not come vested like a judge; he could have so. Instead, after 30 years of a hidden life in Nazareth, Jesus went to the River Jordan, together with many of his people, and there waited in line with sinners. He wasn’t ashamed; he was there with everyone, with sinners, to be baptized. Therefore, from the very beginning of his ministry, he manifested himself as the Messiah who takes upon himself the human condition, moved by solidarity and compassion.

As he said in the synagogue of Nazareth by identifying with the prophecy of Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Lk 4:18-19). Everything that Jesus accomplished after his baptism was the realization of that initial design: to bring to all people the saving love of God. Jesus did not bring hatred; he did not bring hostility; he brought us love, a love that saves! He made himself neighbor to the lowliest, communicating to them God’s mercy that is forgiveness, joy and new life. Jesus, the Son sent by the Father, is truly the start of the time of mercy for all humanity! ... Jesus’ heart beats, so to speak, in unison with the heart of the Father and of the Spirit, showing to all men that salvation is the fruit of God’s mercy. We can contemplate even more clearly the great mystery of this love by directing our gaze to Jesus Crucified ... It is on the Cross that Jesus presents the sin of the world to the mercy of the Father: the sin of all people, my sins, your sins, everyone’s sins. There, on the Cross, he presents them to the Father. And with the sin of the world, all our sins are wiped away. Nothing and no one is left

Mercy Never Fails! By LEISA ANSLINGER

�hink about the most powerful experience you have had of the love of God. Perhaps it was at Mass or the celebration of a sacrament, such as Confirmation or Baptism, your own or that of another. Maybe it was a particularly intimate moment with a spouse or good

out of this sacrificial prayer of Jesus... The Sacrament of Reconciliation makes present to each one of us that power of forgiveness that flows from the Cross and renews in our life the grace of mercy that Jesus purchased for us! We must not be afraid of our defects; we each have our own. The power of the love of the Crucified One knows no bounds and never runs dry. This mercy wipes away our defects. Beloved ones, in this Jubilee Year let us ask God for the grace to experience the power of the Gospel--the Gospel of mercy that transforms, that lets us enter the heart of God, that makes us capable of forgiving and looking at the world with more goodness. If we accept the Gospel of the Crucified and Risen One, our whole life will be formed by his renewing love.

read more on page 2

Events for the Year of Mercy

read more on page 4

Pope Francis at the April 6 General Audience. Photo Credit: CNA.

friend. Perhaps you were in a crisis, or you reached out to another in a time of need. Whatever the experience, at the heart of it all, was God’s mercy. Let us reflect on this for a few moments: during the Mass, we tell the story of and celebrate God’s mercy in many ways, from the readings we hear, to the prayers we pray, to the act of receiving Christ’s Body and Blood in Holy Communion. Our sacraments draw us nearer to God in specific ways, through God’s merciful action working through simple, earthly material such as water, oil, and human touch, not leaving us to our own devices, but declaring God’s love for us, often in spite of our human weakness and failing. When we know the love of others, or when we reach out to those in need, we know and share God’s mercy. The extent to which our human relationships mirror the love and mercy of God has direct bearing on the depth of love we experience with family, friends, in our parish communities, and in our service to others. In this Easter season, we are reminded of a powerful aspect of our faith in Jesus Christ: God’s love and mercy never fail! Whatever kind of death we experience – physical death, spiritual or emotional turmoil,

grief over the death of a loved one, the loss of job or meaningful work, the breakup of a relationship – death does not have the last word. This is cause for us to say “Alleluia!” Mercy is a sign of God’s enduring love. Take time in the next month to notice and reflect upon the power of God’s mercy, received and given. Leisa Anslinger is co-director of the Catholic Life and Faith group. This article is reprinted with permission from Mercy Now, a Catholic Life and Faith publication.

May, 2016 w The Courier


June Days Will Celebrate Jubilee of Mercy

Jubilee Year of Mercy

During June, the Month of the Sacred Heart, three “Jubilee of Mercy Days” will be held at regional sites across the diocese to celebrate the Jubilee Year in a special way. To be held on June 8, 9, and 10, these gatherings of laity, religious, and clergy will include time for prayer and reflection, conversation and community, and education and entertainment. Highlighting each of these days will be a morning presentation on the theme of Mercy, and an evening performance on the life of Dorothy Day, the cofounder of the Catholic Worker movement. The Door of Mercy: Crossing the Threshold

Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar, award-winning author, and popular speaker. During this Jubilee Year, he



is giving parish missions, retreats, and presentations on: The Door of Mercy: Crossing the Threshold. He will be in the diocese to present at our Jubilee Days on the following themes: •“The Divine Mercy of Our God” (Wednesday, June 8 – St. Mary Parish, Worthington) •“The Sacred Heart of Jesus” (Thursday, June 9 – Sacred Heart Parish, Owatonna) •“The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy” (Friday, June 10 – Resurrection Parish, Rochester). Mr. Binz has developed Bible studies in the church and offered numerous study trips and pilgrimages to biblical lands. He is the creator of Threshold Bible Study and the author of over forty books. These have earned top awards from the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Catholic Press Association. Information about his work may be found at www.

Mercy Days - June 8, 9 & 10 Daily Schedule

Day Program

Haunted by God: The Life of Dorothy Day

Haunted by God: The Life of Dorothy Day is an acclaimed play about the co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, who spent 47 years caring for the poor and leading the Catholic Church to a more active concern for the needy in US society. Hailed as “a moving, magnificent one-woman show,” this dramatic portrait follows Dorothy from her days as a 17-year-old Greenwich Village bohemian, through her middle years as a social activist and journalist, to her later years as an elderly, wise leader. Dorothy spent 47 years living with the poor and has been called “the most significant, interesting and influential person in the history of the American Catholic Church.” Haunted by God was written by Paul Amandes, Lisa Wagner-Carollo (who also portrays Day), and Robert McClory. Directed by Virginia Smith, with costume and set design by Daniel Ostling, this acclaimed production has been touring the U.S. since May 1990. Lisa Wagner-Carollo portrays Dorothy Day in Haunted by God and is the founder and director of Still

Point Theatre Collective. She founded the company in 1993, motivated by a strong desire to combine ministry and theatre. Lisa has also begun a theatre program for women at Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) and has expanded the program to two other Illinois institutions. She is the founder and co-director of The Imagination Workshop, a theatre company for adults with developmental disabilities. The company has produced original theatre works for over 15 years. The above information on Haunted by God and Lisa Wagner-Carollo is taken from the web page of the Still Point Theater Collective ( For more information on the “Jubilee of Mercy Days,” contact Todd Graff at the Diocese of Winona (507858-1270/ To register for the days online, visit: mercy.

Dear Friends in Christ, Greetings of Mercy!

8:30 am Gathering and Registration 9:00 am Morning Prayer 9:30 am Session led by Stephen J. Binz - "The Divine Mercy of Our God" (Wednesday, June 8 - Worthington) - "The Sacred Heart of Jesus" (Thursday, June 9 - Owatonna) - "The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy (Friday, June 10 - Rochester) 11:00 am Mass with Bishop Quinn 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm "Works of Mercy" program/activity 1:50 pm Wrap-up & Closing Prayer

This year, in the Diocese of Winona, we will gather on three special days to learn, pray, and share together on the meaning and the challenge offered to us by this Jubilee Year of Mercy. As our Holy Father invites us, “At times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives” (Misericordiae Vultus, #3).

2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm

Depart for a Sacred Heart parish Holy Hour at pilgrimage parish - Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - Sacrament of Penance available Afternoon and Dinner Break (dinner on your own)

Sincerely in Christ,

7:00 pm

Haunted by God: The Life of Dorothy Day

Pilgrimage Visit

Evening Performance May, 2016 w The Courier

These days offer us this very opportunity to “gaze” on God’s mercy, and so to “become” its sign through lives of holiness and service. Please join me for our diocesan “Jubilee of Mercy Days” on June 8-10. May God continue to bless you with his grace and great love!

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

3 Jubilee Year of Mercy May, 2016 w The Courier

Year of Mercy Calendar of Events

Jubilee Year of Mercy


In 2016...

July 1

Diocesan Jubilee of Mercy Week

July 26-31

• June 3 – Jubilee for Priests Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona • June 5 – Jubilee for Deacons Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona • June 8-10 – Jubilee of Mercy Days (See Page 2)

(or another Friday) Diocesan Holy Hour - 3 pm - Site TBD

World Youth Day - Krakow, Poland

August 5

(or another Friday) Diocesan Holy Hour - 3 pm - Site TBD

August 29

October 7

(or another Friday) Diocesan Holy Hour - 3 pm - Site TBD

Date TBD

Women’s Conference (Marian Jubilee)

October 18

White Mass (Jubilee for those who are ill or have disabilities) - 5:30pm - St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester

November 4

Catechetical Day - Lourdes High School, Rochester

(or another Friday) Diocesan Holy Hour - 3 pm - site TBD

September 2

Jubilee for Prisoners

(or another Friday) Diocesan Holy Hour - 3 pm - Site TBD

In May...

September 25

Catechetical Sunday

In Rome and the Universal Church… Saturday, May 14

November 6

November 13

Closing Mass - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona Closing of the Holy Doors Sacred Heart Sites Across the Diocese

In the Diocese… Friday, May 6

Special Jubilee Audience of Pope Francis

Diocesan Holy Hour

St. Peter’s Square

3pm, Sacred Heart Church, Heron Lake

Friday, May 27 - Sunday, May 29 Jubilee for Deacons St. Peter’s Square “The motto of the Holy Year, Merciful Like the Father, which is taken from the Gospel of Luke, serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure. Such a global convocation of deacons, men who, by their vocation and ministry, are closely associated with works of charity in the life of the Christian community, will serve to give witness to all that ‘mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life’.” --Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus # 10

The Sacred Heart Mercy Healthcare Center, Jackson, and Sacred Heart Church, Adams, also hold Holy Hours on the first Friday of each month at 11:30 am and 3:00 pm, respectively. “In order to be capable of mercy, therefore, we must first of all dispose ourselves to listen to the Word of God. This means rediscovering the value of silence in order to meditate on the Word that comes to us. In this way, it will be possible to contemplate God’s mercy and adopt it as our lifestyle.” --Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus # 13

Jubilee Web Page and Contacts The diocesan web page for the Jubilee includes information about the meaning of the Jubilee Year and about our diocesan celebration of the year. The address for the diocesan Jubilee web page is: If you have any questions about our diocesan plans for the Jubilee, please contact Fr. John Sauer in the Office of Divine Worship ( / 507-451-1588), Sister Paul Mary Rittgers, RSM in the Office of Faith Formation ( / 507-8581273), or Todd Graff in the Office of Lay Formation ( / 507-858-1270). May, 2016 w The Courier

Holy Doors and Pilgrimage Sites in the Diocese of Winona "With these sentiments of gratitude for everything the Church has received, and with a sense of responsibility for the task that lies ahead, we shall cross the threshold of the Holy Door fully confident that the strength of the Risen Lord, who constantly supports us on our pilgrim way, will sustain us. May the Holy Spirit, who guides the steps of believers in cooperating with the work of salvation wrought by Christ, lead the way and support the People of God so that they may contemplate the face of mercy." -Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus #4

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart – Winona 360 Main St.--Winona, MN 55987 507-452-4770

Sacred Heart Church – Adams

412 W Main St./P.O. Box 352--Adams, MN 55909 507-582-3120

Sacred Heart Church – Brewster

(served by St. Francis Xavier Parish, Windom) 516 10th St./P.O. Box 187--Brewster, MN 56119 507-842-5584

Sacred Heart Church – Hayfield

(served by St. Columbanus Parish, Blooming Prairie) 150 NE 2nd St./P.O. Box 27--Hayfield, MN 55940 507-477-2256

Sacred Heart Church – Heron Lake

(served by St. Francis Xavier Parish, Windom) 321 9th St./P.O. Box 377--Heron Lake, MN 56137 507-793-2357

Sacred Heart Church – Owatonna

810 S Cedar Ave--Owatonna, MN 55060 507-451-1588

Sacred Heart Church – Waseca

111 4th St. NW--Waseca, MN 56093 507-835-1222

Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel (Assisi Heights) – Rochester 1001 14th Street NW, Ste 100--Rochester, MN 55901 507-282-7441

Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Center Chapel – Jackson 803 4th St.--Jackson, MN 56143 507-847-3571

Generally, information on Mass times and contact information for each of the parishes is available online at the diocesan web site (www. and at the individual parish websites. A group planning a pilgrimage to one of these sites is asked to first contact the pilgrimage parish/institution regarding its plans and the arrangements needed.

Totus Tuus Teams: Witnessing the Gospel Director

�very year the arrival of summer means a flurry

of events in youth ministry. One such event is a retreat week called Totus Tuus. Parishes from around the diocese sign up to send a team of young adults to provide programming for youth in grades 1-12. Our Totus Tuus program actually starts with a training week in late May where young adults from around the country come to Winona to grow deeper in love with the Lord,

Hope Café

consumed by lessons, songs, Mass, Confession, games and activities. Parishes are also involved throughout the event. Families come together for an evening potluck and encourage the little ones as they participate in a largescale water fight. Mornings are a time for elementary grades to gather, while evenings are set aside for the older youth. Please pray for our Totus Tuus teams and parishes this summer. The continued growth of this program is proof of the fruit it bears. If your parish is interested in learning more about this event, please contact Ben Frost at

down with diners after bringing food at Hope Café on February 28th. Several parents joined their candidates in this service project. out to their tables. All are welcome. St. John Vianney's Hope Café is a program that started FAIRMONT--The 2016 Confirmation candidates in January 2015 as a response from St. John Vianney Church helped serve a to Pope Francis' calls to care hot meal to their community's less fortunate for the hungry, lonely and less fortunate. It provides a hot, nutritious meal at 6:00 pm in the church's Hospitality Area on the last Sunday of every month. It also provides St. John Vianney Confirmation candidates receive instructions for fellowship from serving guests at Hope Café. servers who sit Confirmation candidates and parents form a clean-up crew.

9 Youth and Young Adults

Ben Frost

learn the day-to-day structure of the program, and then break into teams to serve a number of dioceses. The Diocese of Winona is blessed to have two teams who, this summer, will serve twenty parishes and nearly 1000 young people. Totus Tuus is Latin for “Totally Yours." The name of this program alludes to its mission to inspire all students who attend to live as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and offer their lives as a complete gift to Him. Mary is also a common theme for the retreat, because she was the greatest example of how to live as “Totus Tuus." Mary gave her life completely over to God and consecrated her life to the will of the Father. The Totus Tuus experience is packed with excitement and fun, as well as solid catechesis and formation in Christian living. The day is

May, 2016 w The Courier


The Church: Mother of Vocations


sustained by the Christian community, which always disciples was gathered (cf. 6:2). Saint Paul gave Titus specific criteria for the remains a vital point of reference, just as a visible Rev. Will Thompson selection of presbyters (cf. Titus 1:5-9). homeland offers security to all who are on pilgrimage Still today, the Christian community is towards eternal life. Director always present in the discernment of Among those involved in pastoral activity, priests vocations, in their formation and in their are especially important. In their ministry, they fulfill perseverance (cf. Apost. Ex. Evangelii the words of Jesus, who said: “I am the gate of the Gaudium, 107). sheepfold […] I am the good shepherd” (Jn 10: 7, Vocations are born within the 11). The pastoral care of vocations is a fundamental The following is Pope Francis' message Church. From the moment a vocation begins to part of their ministry. Priests accompany those who for the 53rd World Day of Prayer become evident, it is necessary to have an adequate are discerning a vocation, as well as those who have for Vocations, April 17, 2016, "Good “sense” of the Church. No one is called exclusively already dedicated their lives to the service of God Shepherd Sunday." for a particular region, or for a group or for an and of the community. ecclesial movement, but rather for the Church and ear Brothers and Sisters, All the faithful are called to appreciate the for the world. “A sure sign of the authenticity of It is my great hope that, during the ecclesial dynamism of vocations, so that communities a charism is its ecclesial character, its ability to be course of this Extraordinary Jubilee of of faith can become, after the example of the integrated harmoniously into the life of God’s holy Mercy, all the baptized may experience Blessed Virgin Mary, like a mother’s womb which and faithful people for the good of all” (ibid., 130). In the joy of belonging to the Church and welcomes the gift of the Holy Spirit (cf. Lk 1: 35-38). responding to God’s call, young people see their own rediscover that the Christian vocation, The motherhood of the Church finds expression in ecclesial horizon expand; they are able to consider just like every particular vocation, is constant prayer for vocations and in the work of various charisms and to undertake a more objective born from within the People of God, educating and accompanying all those who perceive discernment. In this way, the community becomes and is a gift of divine mercy. The Church God’s call. This motherhood is also expressed through the home and the family where vocations are born. is the house of mercy, and it is the “soil” where a careful selection of candidates for the ordained Candidates gratefully contemplate this mediation vocations take root, mature and bear fruit. ministry and for the consecrated life. Finally, the of the community as an essential element for their For this reason, on the occasion of the 53rd Church is the mother of vocations in her continual future. They learn to know and to love their brothers World Day of Prayer for Vocations, I invite all of you support of those who have dedicated their lives to and sisters who pursue paths different from their to reflect upon the apostolic community, and to the service of others. own; and these bonds strengthen in everyone the give thanks for the role of the community in each We ask the Lord to grant to all those who are on communion which they share. person’s vocational journey. In the Bull of Indiction a vocational journey a deep sense of belonging to Vocations grow within the Church. In the course for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, I recalled the the Church; and that the Holy Spirit may strengthen of formation, candidates for various vocations need to words of the venerable Saint Bede, describing the among Pastors, and all of the faithful, a deeper grow in their knowledge of the ecclesial community, call of Saint Matthew: “Miserando atque eligendo” sense of communion, discernment and spiritual overcoming the limited perspectives that we all (Misericordiae Vultus, 8). The Lord’s merciful action fatherhood and motherhood. have at the beginning. To that end, it is helpful to forgives our sins and opens us to the new life Father of mercy, who gave your Son for our undertake some apostolic experience together with which takes shape in the call to discipleship and salvation and who strengthens us always with the other members of the community, for example: in mission. Each vocation in the Church has its origin gifts of your Spirit, grant us Christian communities the company of a good catechist, to communicate in the compassionate gaze of Jesus. Conversion which are alive, fervent and joyous, which are fonts the Christian message; together with a religious and vocation are two sides of the same coin, and of fraternal life, and which nurture in the young the community, to experience the evangelization of continually remain interconnected throughout the desire to consecrate themselves to you and to the the peripheries sharing in the life of the cloister, to whole of the missionary disciple’s life. work of evangelization. Sustain these communities discover the treasure of contemplation; in contact Blessed Paul VI, in his exhortation Evangelii in their commitment to offer appropriate vocational with missionaries, to know more closely the mission Nuntiandi, described various steps in the process of catechesis and ways of proceeding towards each ad gentes; and in the company of diocesan priests, to evangelization. One of these steps is belonging to one’s particular consecration. Grant the wisdom deepen one’s experience of pastoral life in the parish the Christian community (cf. no. 23), that community needed for vocational discernment, so that in all and in the diocese. For those who are already in from which we first received the witness of faith things the greatness of your merciful love may formation, the ecclesial community always remains and the clear proclamation of the Lord’s mercy. This shine forth. May Mary, Mother and guide of Jesus, the fundamental formational environment, towards incorporation into the Christian community brings intercede for each Christian community, so that, which one should feel a sense of gratitude. with it all the richness of ecclesial life, particularly made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, it may be a source Vocations are sustained by the Church. After the sacraments. Indeed, the Church is not only a definitive commitment, our vocational journey within of true vocations for the service of the holy People place in which we believe, but it is also an object of the Church does not come to an end, but it continues of God. our faith; it is for this reason that we profess in the in our willingness to Credo: “I believe in the Church." serve, our perseverance The call of God comes to us by means of a and our ongoing mediation which is communal. God calls us to formation. The one become a part of the Church and, after we have who has consecrated reached a certain maturity within it, he bestows his life to the Lord is on us a specific vocation. The vocational journey is willing to serve the undertaken together with the brothers and sisters Church wherever it has whom the Lord has given to us: it is a con-vocation. need. The mission of The ecclesial dynamism of the call is an antidote Paul and Barnabas is a to indifference and to individualism. It establishes good example of this the communion in which indifference is vanquished readiness to serve the by love, because it demands that we go beyond Church. Sent on mission ourselves and place our lives at the service of God’s by the Holy Spirit and plan, embracing the historical circumstances of his by the community of holy people. Antioch (cf. Acts 13, On this day dedicated to prayer for vocations, 1-4), they returned to I urge all the faithful to assume their responsibility that same community for the care and discernment of vocations. When and described what Sr. Bernadette, Sr. Sylvia, Sr. Monica, Sr. Crescentia and Sr. Virginia were five young the Apostles sought someone to take the place of who became sisters in a whole new way when they answered God's call to consethe Lord had worked women Judas Iscariot, Saint Peter brought together one crated life between 1911 and 1927. They are pictured with their parents, John and Connie through them (cf. 14: Pyzick of St. Casimir's Parish in Wells. This photo is shared by their niece, Sylvia (Pyzick) hundred and twenty of the brethren (cf. Acts 1:15); 27). Missionaries are Dziura of St. Theodore Parish in Albert Lea, so that it might inspire other young women. and in order to chose seven deacons, a group of accompanied and

May, 2016 w The Courier

Musings on These "Great Fifty Days" Todd Graff Director

--Pope Francis, Urbi et Orbi, Easter, 2016

�reetings in these Days of Easter Joy!

One of my colleagues of many years ago was Sister Jean Ersfeld, SSND, our wonderful diocesan Director of Liturgy in the 1990s. She was a person who truly embodied the Joy of the Gospel long before our present Holy Father drafted his apostolic exhortation on the subject. I remember Sister Jean’s reminder to us at this time each year that we are to honor and celebrate the Easter Season in some special way on each of the “great 50 days.” Her encouragement in this regard has stayed with me over the years, and I often share it with others in this holy season. These Easter days are a reminder that our Risen Savior reigns and that he has triumphed over the powers of sin and death in our world. Given the great challenges, divisions, and conflicts that face our world today, we must seek to bring our Easter message of hope and reconciliation to our sisters and brothers – both in small ways, and in terms of these larger forces that confront us. Saint Paul, in his Letter to the Romans, writes that, “it is the hour now to awake from sleep … the night is advanced, the day is at hand.” And so, he exhorts us to “throw off the works of darkness [and] put on the armor of light.” To put on the armor of light is to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:11, 12, 14). In his Letter to the Colossians, Saint Paul describes what this entails in a most eloquent and striking way:

“Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, peace, and love” – Do we truly believe and trust that these ways of living ultimately will triumph over the forces of sin and evil loose in our world? And, in the midst of deep pain and suffering – both personal and social – can we find our way to “be thankful?" The “works of darkness” that Saint Paul speaks of are very clear in our world today and can often seem overwhelming to us. Let us turn to the spiritual wisdom of another saint, Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622), who echoes the teaching of Saint Paul. Saint Francis saw a sure yet simple path toward holiness through the “little virtues” of humility, cheerfulness, gentleness, kindness, thoughtfulness, patience, and simplicity of life, and through the “everyday actions” of caring for, bearing with, and forgiving each other. Simply put, we are called to “Live Jesus!” In practicing these little virtues and performing these caring actions each day, we will live out our vocation, as Saint Francis expressed it, “to be who you are, and to be that well.” Such an ordinary, everyday practice of holiness will be a simple but profound witness to others of Christ and of his gospel. Closer to our own day, another soon-to-be saint, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, encouraged us in a similar way: Stay where you are. Find your own Calcutta. Find the sick, the suffering and the lonely right there where you are – in your own homes and in your own families, in your workplaces and in your schools. ...You can find Calcutta all over the world, if you have the eyes to see. Everywhere, wherever you go, you find people who are unwanted, unloved, uncared for, just rejected by society – completely forgotten, completely left alone.

Perhaps this, then, is a way for us to honor these Easter days and to proclaim its message in our lives. We are to “put on Christ” by practicing the virtues of patience, humility, gentleness, simplicity, honesty, and hospitality in our everyday lives – with our families, our coworkers, and our neighbors. And we are to keep our eyes and our hearts ever open to “the sick, the suffering and the lonely” right where we are – and to extend a hand of mercy. If we seek, as Sister Jean encouraged me, to perform a simple deed of love and care, or to speak a word of joy and hope, or to forgive another’s hurtful action during each of these “great 50 days” of Easter (and each day beyond), then the power of our Risen Savior will truly reign in our lives and in our world. Happy Easter, my sisters and brothers in Christ. “He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” Deo Gratias!


Lay Formation

The message which Christians bring to the world is this: Jesus, Love incarnate, died on the cross for our sins, but God the Father raised him and made him the Lord of life and death. In Jesus, love has triumphed over hatred, mercy over sinfulness, goodness over evil, truth over falsehood, life over death.

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do. And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful (Colossians 3:12-15).

We see and will continue to see problems both within and without. They will always be there. But tonight it is important to shed the light of the Risen Lord upon our problems, and in a certain sense, to ‘evangelize’ them. To evangelize our problems. Let us not allow darkness and fear to distract us and control us; we must cry out to them: the Lord ‘is not here, but has risen!’ (Luke 24:6). He is our greatest joy; he is always at our side and will never let us down. --Pope Francis, Homily at the Easter Vigil, 2016

May, 2016 w The Courier


Nothing Is Impossible with God! By MARY ALESSIO


Catholic Charities

may recognize the above quote, which inspired the theme of Catholic Charities' Annual Mother's Day Appeal, but how often do you and I embrace the sentiment? I remember the words of a wise parish priest who reminded me that God always sees the potential in us and is ready to use us as instruments of greatness. It is our destiny as children of God. Faith enables us to reach targets we think are beyond us, to solve intractable problems and to bring hope to those in despair. At first glance, the mission of Catholic Charities may seem daunting; maybe even a bit unnerving. We are called to serve the poor and those living on the margins. That calls for investing our time with many on the fringes of society—those with big problems— people who have been discarded and tossed away—those with broken hearts and broken spirits—the hopeless. At Catholic Charities we are called to go to places where our faith hits the pavement, not to simply pass by those in need with a feeling of sorrow. We are called to actually invite them into our lives and treat them with dignity and respect. Now, when was the last time you woke up, grabbed your cup of coffee and said, “I think I want to spend my day interacting with someone who has lost hope?” But that is exactly what you do when you support the efforts of Catholic Charities. You invest in hope! We carry you with us each day, and that hope you inspire replaces confusion, turmoil and, often, despair.

Please visit to watch Aya's story of hope, made possible by you!

Catholic Charities is the social service arm of the diocese. If we relied on our own strengths and efforts, we would be a dry and barren wasteland. We are ever mindful that without God working through you, the efforts of Catholic Charities within the twenty southernmost counties of our state would wither and bear no fruit. Last year, it was your support that provided help and created hope for more than 3,700 individuals and for more than 1,900 households, 61% of which had an annual income at or below $25,000. That healing and hope was provided to families in crisis, vulnerable adults and seniors, and children in need. Your generous support helped families, couples, and individuals receive competent and compassionate mental health services from licensed professionals. You assisted low income individuals lacking prescription medications and those living on the margins, needing guardian and conservator services. You welcomed the stranger and brought

new beginnings to children who were once surrounded by death and destruction. You helped create initiatives to provide single mothers and children with the transformation that comes from postsecondary education and jobs in healthcare. You provided opportunities for individuals 55 and older to volunteer 142,000 hours of service to those in need. That wise parish priest I mentioned earlier also reminded me that when we are blessed, we are expected to share those blessings with those living in poverty and on the margins. St. Gregory reminds us that it was not poverty, but humility, that led Lazarus to heaven; likewise, it was not wealth that prevented the rich man from attaining heaven, but rather his choice not to take action when he passed by those in need. At Catholic Charities, we strive to remember that our services are always meant to bring to realization the kingdom of God on this earth. With your support, we strive each day to conscientiously notice those in need, to love and serve them. The good we are able to accomplish comes from firm belief that “nothing is impossible with God." Every life matters. Every size gift matters. Your support of Catholic Charities' Annual Mother's Day Appeal makes a world of difference. God bless you for your compassion and life-changing generosity! Mary Alessio is Catholic Charities' Director of Advancement. Bob Tereba Executive Director Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Winona

Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese Many parishes throughout the diocese are committed to offer consolation to the Heart of Christ through a Mass of Reparation.

Please go online to visit dowcourier. org

to see the complete Mass list. May, 2016 w The Courier

St. Mary's Remembered OAK RIDGE--On June 11 at noon, Bishop Quinn will celebrate Mass and hold a dedication for a memorial to St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception at Oak Ridge, beside Immaculate Conception of St. Mary Cemetery where the church once stood. The public is invited to attend. St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate

Concert Celebrates 40 Years of Pipe Organ in Mankato MANKATO--A pipe organ that fills the entire upper back wall of a chapel is always a major player in a concert. On April 22, it truly was the headliner as Our Lady of Good Counsel celebrated 40 years since its installation. The School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato honored the milestone anniversary of the dedication of the Johnson & Son organ with a free concert featuring three top Minnesota organists. Appearing in concert were Kraig Windschitl, a New Ulm native who since 2005 has been the principal organist at Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, Minneapolis and Victoria; Christopher Stroh, who has been organist at the Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis, since 2006; and Jeffrey Patry, director of sacred music at Sacred

St. Mary's Church Memorial

Heart Catholic Church, Robbinsdale. They performed "A Festival of Franck," three organ chorales written by Cesar Franck (1822-1890). "True to our mission as School Sisters of Notre Dame, we offer a way to bring beauty into the lives of many by celebrating the wonder of this historic Johnson organ," said Sister Lucille Matousek, director of liturgy and music. "I think Franck's 'Three Chorales' are the organ's 'Happy Birthday' song!" This Johnson & Son Opus 499 pipe organ had been in service for nearly 100 years when the School Sisters of Notre Dame obtained it in 1975 for $15,000. Its purchase was possible through a legacy gift from the family of the late Sister Amata Raschka of nearby Sleepy Eye. The organ had been installed in St. Mary of the Sacred Heart Church in

stones and limestone foundation pieces from the church. The original church bell and sign were also incorporated in the design by Winona architectural firm, Owen Warneke & Associates. The altar and benches came from Biesanz Stone Company in Winona. And a local resident with an interest in the cemetery donated a row of spruce trees that will grow to block the view of nearby farm buildings in years to come. "We kept it a local project," explained Speltz. The memorial was finished last year, but the dedication was postponed until June 2016 to allow grass to grow around the structure. Now it is ready for visitors to sit on its limestone benches, take in the open scenery, and think about the past and future. Donations for the upkeep of the memorial can be made to: Saint Mary's Cemetery of Oak Ridge Memorial Fund Holy Trinity Catholic Church 83 Main Street Rollingstone, MN 55969 Immaculate Conception of St. Mary Cemetery is located just east of the intersection of Co Hwy 31 and Co Hwy 28 in Winona County. For more information, call 507-689-2644.


In the Diocese

St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception at Oak Ridge

Conception was built in 1876 by farming families who had immigrated from Luxembourg. The church operated as a mission of Holy Trinity Church in Rollingstone for many years before going into oratory status in 1998. Within 10 years of its closing, the building had fallen into disrepair and had to be demolished. "It was a tough deal when it was torn down," said Keith Speltz, caretaker of Immaculate Conception of St. Mary Cemetery and former St. Mary's parishioner. "We weren't happy, but life has to go on." And for St. Mary's Church, life did go on, in a way. Parishioners saved pieces of the building after the demolition. In 2013, its stained-glass window of the Virgin Mary found a new home at St. Mary's Church near Geneva. And two years ago, Speltz got to work organizing the project that would put the remaining materials to use. The memorial was built largely of bricks, key-

Boston's north end in 1877. The Jesuits decided to close and demolish the church in 1974, and an article about it caught the attention of Dr. Kim Kasling, organ instructor at what is now Minnesota State University, Mankato. On April 1, 1975, the School Sisters of Notre Dame took ownership and worked with Richard Lurth to transport and install it at Our Lady of Good Counsel. On Sept. 30, 1976 - the 99th anniversary of its first dedication in Boston - a dedication concert was held in Mankato. With the help of a thorough update and improvements in 1994, the organ continues to serve the SSND community in the chapel at Our Lady of Good Counsel as the organ approaches its 140th year in 2017.

Movers unload the console of the (then) 98-year-old organ after shipment from Boston in 1975. (Photo credit: The Free Press of Mankato) May, 2016 w The Courier

Thanks from SPOF

sent to the Propagation of the Faith, monies were sent to the various missionary groups who did appeals in our diocese this past summer as part of the Missionary Cooperative Program. We are pleased that less than two (2) percent of monies collected go to expenses of administration of the diocesan Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Bequests/Legacies for the Propagation of the Faith remain one of the main sources of income for the missionaries in the needy dioceses. Please continue to pray for the missions and to help the missions financially. I would especially ask people to remember “The Society for the Propagation of the Faith” in their wills and in estate planning. In the name of missionaries all over the world:

�ear Friends,

In the Diocese


I want to thank everyone in the diocese for his or her continued generosity to the Propagation of the Faith. These monies are put together with gifts from all the dioceses of the world and make up the General Fund. The Vatican works in consultation with the national directors of the Propagation of the Faith from around the world. The General Fund is divided up and given to over 1,000 needy dioceses. Each gets about $40,000 to use for the spread of the Gospel through their missionary work. In addition to the donations

Father Charlie Collins For more information about the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, visit





Fr. Milo Ernster


General Fund


Fr. Elmer Kellen


General Fund


Anna Pitzl & Fred Krost


General Fund


Mathias Taubel




Elizabeth Trunk


General Fund


Elizabeth Trunk


L. Weibel, Rome


Obituaries Father Paul Halloran Rev. Paul F. Halloran, age 89, of Walker, MN, and Sun Lakes, AZ, a retired priest of the Diocese of Winona, passed away on March 19, 2016. P a u l F. Halloran was born October 14, 1926, in Canton. He was the son of Joseph and Gertrude ( R y a n ) Halloran. After high school, he served in the Navy, and then attended the University of Idaho; Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona; and St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore, MD. He was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest by Bishop Edward Fitzgerald on May 30, 1953, and served in Winona at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart and as an instructor for Cotter High School before becoming Chaplain of the Newman Center at Mankato State University in 1957. Fr. Halloran went on to be Pastor for several parishes in the Diocese of Winona, including St. Joseph, Good Thunder; St. Leo, Pipestone; St. Bernard, Stewartville; St. Columbanus, Blooming Prairie; and St. Mary, Geneva. After retiring from active ministry in 1991, Fr. Halloran continued to assist at parishes near Walker, MN, and Sun Lakes, AZ. Fr. Halloran was known for his love and enthusiasm for life and the priesthood, and he was a beloved Pastor and friend among both young and old. He said he always wanted to be a priest, and once stated, “I can’t imagine anyone living a happier life than I’ve lived.” Fr. Halloran is survived by his brother John Halloran of Canton; sister Therese May, 2016 w The Courier

(Tish) Halloran of Wisconsin; and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by one brother and three sisters: Ryan Halloran, Maribeth Hasset, Rita Podolinsky, and Marilyn (Ed) Marnon. Sister Margaret Pirkl Sister Margaret Pirkl (Sister Cortona), 87, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Saint Mary's Hospital, Rochester, on March 19, 2016. Jeanette Margaret Pirkl was born July 7, 1928, in Summit To w n s h i p , S t e e l e County, to John and F ra n c e s (Wondra) Pirkl. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1946 from Most Holy Trinity Parish, Litomysl. Sister Margaret made first vows in 1949 and perpetual vows in 1952. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics (1951) from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, and a Master of Arts in Teaching (1969) from Michigan State University, East Lansing. Sister Margaret began her teaching career in 1951 at Sacred Heart School, Waseca, for one year. Following graduate study, she taught at the College of St. Teresa, Winona, for twenty-nine years and at St. Mary’s University, Winona, for one year. While at the College of St. Teresa, Sister Margaret touched the lives of thousands of students and others in her physical science classes. She tried to foster in her science students wonder and awe at the beauty of the earth and cosmos, and a sense of responsibility for the earth. She was instrumental in designing and promoting an integrated curriculum at the College of St. Teresa, “Design for Choice Makers." It was recognized nation-

KC Council First at State University MANKATO--St. Thomas More Newman Center Student Parish at Minnesota State University, Mankato, has long provided nourishment for young adults who have a hunger for a relationship with God and a need to grow spiritually during formative years in education. In March, sophomore Aaron Filzen gathered twenty-four men to establish Council 16480, Minnesota's first Knights of Columbus Council on a public university campus.

Filzen, a member of Rochester's St. John Parish when not at school pursuing a construction management degree, has created fraternal excitement among the Newman Center's men, including numerous Maverick athletes. As the academic year comes to a close, men of Council 16480 have caught the fever of March Madness, participating in a Council bracket to determine a champion of Brothers. Filzen and his newly anointed Council aim to bring membership to thirty college men when the Fall semester arrives.

Fr. Jason Kern (center) and Council 16480 at its initiation.

ally as one of the most innovative and effective endeavors in the nation’s higher education system, fostering intellectual, personal and spiritual growth. She worked tirelessly throughout her life at peace efforts at the city, state and national levels and had as her primary concern how the awareness of peacemaking can be brought to every committee, every classroom, and every activity where one finds oneself. Sister Margaret was a writer and was the initiator, coordinator and energizer behind the Franciscan Global Perspective Series published by the Franciscan Federation in 1987. In 1988 she received the Franciscan Peacemaker Award at the Franciscan Federation national meeting. She also served as a parish volunteer in Caledonia (1976-77), at Assisi Heights in the retreat office and as a Spiritual Director. From 1992-2000 she served as a presenter and resource person for Franciscan Sabbatical programs, retreats and workshops at Tau Center, Winona. She retired to Assisi Heights in 2003. Sister Margaret is survived by her Franciscan Community with whom she shared life for sixty-nine years and her siblings: John (Dannette) Pirkl of Franksville, WI, and Sister Franchon Pirkl, OSF, of Blooming Prairie. She was preceded in death by her parents. Sister Angelo Gross Sister Angelo Grose, 83, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on Sunday, April 3, 2016. Agnes E l a i n e Grose was born April 18, 1932, in Waseca to William and Louise ( H e c k l ) Grose. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in

1950 from Holy Trinity Parish, Waterville. Sister Angelo made first vows in 1953 and perpetual vows in 1956. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, in 1965, and a Montessori Degree from Los Angeles Montessori Training Center in Pasadena, CA, in 1970. Sister Angelo began her teaching career at St. Mary’s School, Owatonna, in 1953 and followed with teaching primary students elsewhere in Minnesota: St. Peter School, North St. Paul; St. John Vianney School, Fairmont; St. Columba School, Iona; St. Theodore School, Albert Lea; and St. Augustine School, Austin. After completing the Montessori Training Program, Sister Angelo worked for the Office of Education of the Diocese of Winona as consultant for Schools and Religious Education programs (197073). She served as director and teacher at St. Mary’s Montessori School in Owatonna from 1973-77 and again 197985. From 1977-79 she taught kindergarten at Immaculate Conception School, Watertown, SD, while also serving as religious education coordinator for the parish. She taught reading and worked in the library at St. John’s School, Rochester (1985-87), taught 3rd grade at St. Francis School, Rochester (1987-88), and served as Director of the Early Childhood Program at Saint Mary’s School, Winona (198894). From 1994-97 she was an educational assistant at Crucifixion School in LaCrescent, and then served as a pediatric volunteer at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, until her retirement to Assisi Heights in 2008. Sister Angelo is survived by her Franciscan Community with whom she shared life for sixty-six years and a sisterin-law, Lucille Grose of Waterville. She was preceded in death by her parents; four brothers: Lawrence, Leo, William and Edward; and six sisters: Sister Louisa Grose, OSF, Sister Florita Grose, OSF, Sister Marie Therese Grose, Mary Ann Zitzman, Theresa Jungwirth, and Louise Christenson. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, Rochester.

Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically on our website: or by emailing: and by the deadline in order to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the Events Calendar. We thank you for understanding that due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. Thank you! - Courier Staff

Other Events

Action with Prayer

St. John's, Rochester May 15, Sunday First annual Diocesan Pentecost Mass with Bishop Quinn. 2 pm. All are welcome, especially those who have entered the Church this year!

St. Mary’s Church, Winona offers a Mass for Life and Marriage on the first Thursday of the month, at 5:15 p.m.

St. Mary's Church, Winona June 12, Sunday Father James Berning to celebrate 25 years of ordination to the ministerial priesthood 10:30am - Mass of Thanksgiving 12pm - Picnic-style meal on rectory backyard 1-1:30pm - Program on rectory backyard RSVP before May 25 at parish office 507452-5656.

15 Diocesan Calendar

would answer the tough questions of our modern world. Directed by Sister Kathy Warren, OSF, with Father Jim Russell presiding. For more information, contact Sr. Judi Angst at 607-282-7441, ext. 206, or email: flim@ rochesterfranciscan. org.

SUBMISSION for the calendar

Assisi Heights, Rochester Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious June 13, Monday Liberty Mary McCarthy, author of A Pilgrimage of Hope: A Story Assisi Heights, Rochester The monthly Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, of Faith and Medicine, will speak on the relationship June 5, Sunday, 6:30pm-June 11, Saturday, 10:30am and Religious Liberty will be held on the first Saturday she developed with God through her battle with brain "Wisdom from St. Francis of Assisi for the 21st Century" of the month from 8:30 am to 9:30 am (after the 8:00 cancer. The event will take place from 6:30-8pm in This retreat prompts participants to ask how St. Francis the Spirituality Center at Assisi Heights. For more am Mass) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 360 Employment Opportunities information, email marymccarthy2015@gmail. Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament will be Sacred Heart, Waseca St. Francis of Assisi, Diocese of Crookston com. Rochester exposed and a beautiful rosary will be offered, along Sacred Heart Parish The Diocese of Crookston with prayer and reflection. Gather in the Adoration seeks FT Youth Faith St. Francis Parish seeks seeks FT Director St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City Formation / Youth Ministry FT (Sept-May) Faith of the Office of New Coordinator. Duties are: Chapel. Everyone is welcome. Formation Coordinator, Evangelization & June 26, Sunday grades 1-5. Duties are: Justice. Duties are: All-you-can-eat Dad's Belgian Waffles, toppings, -recruit & train Catechists Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion -communicate with parents -coordinate grades 1-5 -assist pastors & parish- sausage & beverages. 8:30am-12pm. Adults $8 at school in scheduling faith formation program es in New Evangelization Semcac Clinic is a delegate of Planned Parenthood. &-help teachers with lesson -support RCIA and sac-cultivate intentional dis- the door ($7 pre-sale), Kids 6-12 $5 (No pre-sale), rament prep programs ciples by training, eduPlease consider joining to pray from 3-4 p.m. each plans & materials 5 & under free. 419 W Lyon Ave. Contact: 651-345-work with adult and youth -build & work with teams cation & other resources Tuesday in front of Semcac at 62 E 3rd Street in advisory committee of volunteers toward par-promote works of 2715 or -schedule monthly junior / ish faith formation goals mercy, CRS/CCHD Winona. Contact: Patti Woodworth (507) 429-4636 senior high events Ideal candidate... grants, & local initiatives Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary's, first & third Sunday of the month, 1 p.m. Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m. Wabasha, St. Felix, weekly. Saturday 8 a.m.

The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m. KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

-plan/implement yearly service projects with youth & parents -schedule sacraments/ Masses with pastor, teachers & classes -support diocesan, national & international youth events -encourage parental involvement in youth ministry

Send letter of interest, resume & references to: Father Gregory Leif Sacred Heart Parish 111 4th St. NW Waseca, MN 56093

-holds bachelor's degree/ higher in Theology or related field/equivalent certification in faith formation. -is comfortable speaking publicly. -is fluent in Spanish. -has an understanding of the Catholic Church.

Send letter of interest & resume to: Sarah Kinsman/Welch St. Francis of Assisi Parish 1114 3rd St. SE Rochester, MN 55904


Ideal candidate... -has an educational background in evangelization and justice along with some years of experience in both -is a practicing Catholic with an understanding of the Church. Please send resume and references to: Jim Clauson Diocese of Crookston PO Box 610 Crookston, MN 56716 Interviews begin June 1.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas: Capellán del Decanato de Worthington. Tel. 507-341-0403 Padre José Morales: Capellán del Decanato de Rochester. Tel. 507-329-2931

Padre Mariano Varela IVE: Párroco de “SS. Peter and Paul” en Mankato. Tel. 507-388-2995 ext 103 Padre Raul Silva: Pastor de "Queen of Angels" en Austin, "Our Lady of Loretto" en Brownsdale, “All Saints” en New Richland, “St. Aidan” en Ellendale, “St. Mary” en Geneva.

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore 11 a.m. Sundays

Madelia, St. Mary 10 a.m. Sundays

Austin, Queen of Angels 11 a.m & 5 p.m. Sundays

Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul 1 p.m. Sundays

Lake City, St. Mary 6:30 p.m. every third Saturday

Owatonna, Sacred Heart 1 p.m. Sundays Pipestone, St. Leo

2:30 p.m. Sundays Rochester, St. Francis of Assisi 12 p.m. Sundays & 7 p.m. Thursdays St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11:30 a.m. Sundays St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sundays

Waseca, Sacred Heart 11:30 a.m. Sundays Windom, St. Francis Xavier 12 p.m. Sundays Worthington, St. Mary 7 p.m. Saturdays & 11 a.m. Sundays May, 2016 w The Courier

May, 2016

• The Courier

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