The Courier - March 2019

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Annunciation of the Lord March 25

March 2019

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

Catholics at the Capitol

Catholic Foresters Name Mankato Man Fraternalist of the Year By ALISON MINK

From Catholic Forester | Volume 125 | Number 1. Copyright 2019 by Catholic Order of Foresters. Reprinted by permission of Catholic Order of Foresters, a fraternal benefit society since 1883. Visit for more information.

Catholics at the Capitol participants pray rosaries in the rotunda of the Minnesota State Capitol on Feb. 19

ST. PAUL--On Tuesday, Feb. 19, Catholics from all six Minnesota dioceses took to the state capitol in St. Paul to offer a Catholic voice to state politics through Catholics at the Capitol, an event organized by the Minnesota Catholic Conference. The event's master of ceremonies was Gloria Purvis, chairperson for Black Catholics United for Life and host of EWTN Radio's Morning Glory. Purvis led participants through the event's morning program at St. Paul's RiverCentre, which featured Phildadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, actor Jim Caviezel, and Minnesota's bishops speaking on topics perti-

nent to human life and dignity. Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka and House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler joined Purvis onstage to discuss how to be an effective citizen advocate, and the important role constituents play with their elected officials. In a second panel discussion, the Diocese of WinonaRochester's Lisa Kremer discussed her work with the migrant community alongside fellow panelists Emily Zinos of Hands Across the Aisle (a group against gender identity ideology) and Humphrey School of Public Affairs Policy Fellow Lynn Varco.

Capitol, cont'd on pg. 19

“ o how did you find out you were Fraternalist of the Year?” I asked Michael (Mike) Bach, who has been Chief Ranger (CR) of his court, St. Joseph 552, Mankato, Minn., for almost four years now. “It was quite funny actually,” Mike said, beginning to tell the story with help from his family. It all started with a letter. His daughter Christian nominated him to be Fraternalist of the Year but kept it a secret, then his wife Sandra (Sandy) found out by accident when she got the mail one day and saw an envelope addressed to Christian. Realizing it was a letter informing them Mike had been named Fraternalist of the Year, she and Christian set out to keep it a

Foresters, cont'd on pg. 4

INSIDE this issue

The Light Is On for You...

Meet Michael Ottman! page 6

...Pro-Choice Politicians? page 9

page 15

Pope Francis Watch

Vatican to Open WWII Secret 2 Archives of Pope Pius XII By COURTNEY GROGAN

The Courier Insider

VATICAN CITY, March 4, 2019 (CNA) - Pope Francis announced that the Vatican will open its archives on the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. Confidential files of the pope who led the Church during World War II will be made available next year. “Serious and objective historical research” will be able to evaluate Pius XII’s “hidden but active diplomacy” “in its proper light,” Pope Francis said March 4. The pope said that the full confidential files, called a “secret archive,” will be released March 2, 2020. The pontificate of Pius XII has been often misunderstood. Critics have accused him of indifference to the plight of the Jewish people during the Second World War, despite several already public documents which show the pope’s systematic efforts to assist Jews in Italy. In the late 1990s, debate over whether Pius XII did enough to counter the Nazis reached a high point with the publication of the deeply controversial book, “Hitler's Pope,” by British journalist John Cornwell. The book was highly critical of Pius XII, charging that he was culpably silent – if not an accomplice – in the rise of Nazism. A book published in 2015 documented how Pope Pius XII chose to resist Adolf Hitler with covert action in lieu of overt protest. Historian Mark Riebling, author of Church of Spies: The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler, drew on wartime documents and interviews with American intelligence agents to tell how Pope Pius XII secretly provided support for three attempts to overthrow Hitler. “The Church is not afraid of history, rather, loves it and would like to love it more and better,

How Would You Like Your Courier?

ears ago, the Courier was delivered in bulk to churches for parishioners to pick up after Masses, rather than individually to homes. Today, as we continue to evaluate our stewardship of diocesan resources, Courier staff is exploring the benefits and drawbacks of bulk mailings as one option for Courier delivery. If you prefer to receive the Courier at home, you still can! Let us know, and we'll keep sending it to you, regardless of other changes we may make to our delivery method. If you'd rather pick up the Courier at church, we'd like to know that as well. Please send your response along with your name, parish and reader ID (number directly above your name on the mailing label) to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 OR Thank you! Courier Staff March, 2019 w The Courier w

as God loves it!” Pope Francis said in a meeting with Vatican secret archives personnel in which he made the announcement. The Vatican archives for the entirety of Pius XII’s pontificate March 1939 - Oct. 1958 will open on March 2, 2020. The complete catalog is expected to include approximately 16 million documents. Pius XII “found himself leading the Barque of Peter at one of the saddest and darkest moments of the twentieth century,” Pope Francis said. He faced “moments of serious difficulties, of tormented decisions, of human and Christian prudence, which some might have seemed reticent,” he explained. For this, some have criticized Pius with “some prejudice or exaggeration,” Francis added. Pope Francis has previously considered Pope Pius XII’ cause for sainthood, according to a source in the Vatican’s Congregation for Causes of Saints. Benedict XVI declared Pius XII Venerable on Dec. 19, 2009, based on the recommendation of the committee investigating his cause. When Pope Paul VI started the beatification and canonization process in 1967, nine years after Pius XII’s death, he formed a committee of historians to conduct an in-depth study of his predecessor’s life and behavior, giving particular attention to the events of World War II. Their work led to the publication of “Actes et Documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale” (Acts and Documents of the Holy See related to the Second World War), an 11-volume collection of documents from the Vatican’s Secret Archive about Pius XII’s papacy during that tumultuous time. The remainder of the documents from Pius XII’s papacy have remained unpublished. “Knowing what I do about Pius XII, and having researched him for many years, I believe he wanted to be a saint. He wanted people in Germany to be saints,” Riebling previously told CNA. “When he heard that a priest was arrested for praying for the Jews and sent off to a concentration camp, he said: 'I wish everyone would do that’ … But he didn't say it publicly,” the writer acknowledged.

The Holy Father's Intention for

March 2019 Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities

That Christian communities, especially those who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.

Articles of Interest







Potential Pitfalls on the Path of Holiness____7 Sacrifice in Love_________________________8 Meet Michael Ottman!______________________9 Catholic Schools Updates___________________10 How to Report Suspected Child Abuse...___12 Called to Be Present...___________________13 "Evil, Pure and Simple..."___________________14 ...Pro-Choice Politicians?___________________15 Respond in Love..._______________________16 Finding Common Ground...________________17 Diocesan Headlines________________________18 Diocesan Calendar_________________________20 Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: Parochial Administrator Rev. Jason Kern: currently Vocations Director of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and member of the Formation Faculty of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona; in addition to his current assignment, appointed to the office of Parochial Administrator of St. Mary Parish in Winona, effective February 1, 2019. Parochial Vicar Rev. Luis Vargas: appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Rochester, effective February 1, 2019.

Sabbatical Rev. Ubaldo Roque Huerta: granted a sabbatical from February 1, 2019, to July 31, 2019. DOW-R Pastoral Council Sr. Marilyn Geiger, OSF: appointed to the Diocese of WinonaRochester Pastoral Council, effective January 28, 2019. Minnesota Catholic Conference Mrs. Marsha Stenzel: reappointed to the Minnesota Catholic Conference Education Committee for a three-year term, effective February 12, 2019.

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 110 - 3

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Matt Willkom, Editor Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Slayton, MN Postmaster.

Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Life and Safety for All! ear Friends in Christ,

Blessed Are You

During the past few months, many challenges to the credibility of the leadership and integrity of bishops has occurred, along with revelations about the past and the cover up of sexual abuse in the Church. Through letters, emails, and in person, the shock and hurt caused by these scandals and cover ups has been shared with me. My heart goes out to the victims, their families, and to all who have been scandalized. It is only the Lord who can bring healing and restore wholeness. On my part, I can keep up the strong effort to extend the safe environment training to everyone in the parishes of our diocese. The VIRTUS Program is working and any warning signs of grooming behaviors are investigated immediately. The safe environment programs are making a difference. Blessed are

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar Monday, March 4 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU

you for your persistence about moving forward with integrity and for the Church to not fall back into old practices. Thank you for your fidelity to Jesus Christ and for coming to Mass at your parish. Your faith strengthens my faith and encourages me to be persistent in building a culture of life and safety for all. Lent

As Lent begins on March 6, Ash Wednesday, we are invited to pray, fast, and give alms. Lent is a time for us to take stock of our lives and see, with the help of God’s grace, where and how we have fallen short of loving God and others. Our Triune God knows our hearts better than we do ourselves, so the first step in conversion and righting our relationship with God, is to take time to turn to the Lord in prayer. This way, He can show us how to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” Thus, before you determine how you will pray, fast, and give alms this Lent, be sure to ask the Lord for His suggestions – you may be surprised at His answer! Prayer is always important, but Lent is a time to focus more intently on this essential component of our spiritual life. I encourage you to take time with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration, which we are blessed to have offered at several parishes in our diocese, or in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle in every parish. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is truly and physically present, and making time to be in His Real Presence daily is one of the most effective ways to grow in holiness. It is by spending time with our Triune God that we can come to know Him personally and have our lives be transformed by His love and mercy. Prayerful reading of the Scriptures – Lectio Divina – is

Tuesday, March 5 10-2:30 p.m. - DOW-R Seminarian Evaluations - IHM Seminary, Winona Ash Wednesday, March 6 12:10 p.m. - Mass - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Thursday, March 7 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Cabinet Meeting Saturday, March 9 5:30 p.m. - English Mass - Main Celebrant - St. Mary Church, Worthington 7 p.m. - Spanish Mass - St. Mary Church, Worthington Sunday, March 10 9 a.m. - English Mass - St. Mary Church, Worthington 11 a.m. - Spanish Mass - St. Mary Church, Worthington 3 p.m. - Rite of Election - Queen of Angels Church, Austin Monday, March 11 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU

also a helpful way to spend time with the Lord and learn from Him. The Bible is the holy and inspired Word of God, and by learning how God has revealed Himself to mankind and sent His Son to save us from our sins, we can come to better recognize and understand how He wants us to live, and how we should respond to His love and grace. There are many good Catholic study Bibles, and many parishes offer Bible studies in Lent or year-round. St. Jerome famously said that ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ, so, this Lent, let us not forget this important part of our faith. Another integral part of Lent is taking the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance. Through this sacrament, Jesus Christ, in and through the person and ministry of the priest, absolves us of our sins. What a tremendous gift! The Jews of Jesus’ time recognized that only God can forgive sins, which is why they were so scandalized when they saw Jesus claiming to forgive sins. But we know that our God does forgive sins through His Son Jesus Christ, and this ministry of forgiveness of sins continues in the Church today. How privileged we are who are able to encounter Christ’s mercy and forgiveness every time we partake in the Sacrament of Confession. I encourage you to avail yourself of this powerful sacrament this Lent, and hear the words, “Go in peace; your sins have been forgiven!” This Lent, on March 29-31, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester is providing extra encouragement for people to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with The Light Is On initiative. Through testimonies of those who have had powerful experiences in the Sacrament of Penance, extra resources about the sacrament, and additional hours of it being offered, my hope is that many people will take the opportunity

Tuesday, March 12 11 a.m. - Austin/Albert Lea Deanery Holy Hour and Meeting - Austin

Thursday, March 14 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. - USCCB Education Committee Meeting - Washington, D.C. Saturday, March 16 10:30 a.m. - Irish American Mass - Sacred Heart Church, Waseca 4:30 p.m. - Mass - Second Sunday of Lent Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester Sunday, March 17 10 a.m. - Mass and Installation of Pastor, Fr. Berning - St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester Monday, March 18 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU Tuesday, March 19 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Presbyteral Council Meeting - St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea Wednesday, March 20 10 a.m. - Holy Hour and DOW-R Civil Corporation Board Meeting

this Lent, to go to Confession and know the peace and power of having all your sins forgiven. This is a perfect time to encourage those who have been away from the Church, or from the Sacrament of Reconciliation for a long time, to come back to the Lord. You can find more information about The Light Is On at light-is-on/index.html. Safe Haven Sunday

In recent years, pornography has tragically become an epidemic of huge proportions, with the majority of Americans somehow affected by this ubiquitous sin, whether by engaging in it themselves, having family or friends who are addicted to it, or who are victims exploited for the purpose of others’ sexual gratification and pleasure. With the internet so widely available in homes and on phones, pornography is reaching and harming more people than ever before – men, women, and children. God created human sexuality as a beautiful gift to be expressed in the Sacrament of Marriage, but pornography distorts that gift through lust and the use of other human beings for one’s own desires. Pornography harms not only those who watch it, but it also affects their relationships with those they love. Unfortunately, viewing pornography has been shown to re-wire the brain, and can be very addictive. But there is help. In addition to many resources that are available to help fight and overcome pornography, on March 3 all the six dioceses of Minnesota will observe the first annual Safe Haven Sunday. The Minnesota bishops have created this day in order to bring attention to tools and resources that can help individuals and families fight the damaging effects of pornography in our society and homes. Whether

Thursday, March 21 6:30 a.m. - Lauds & Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona 10:31 a.m. - Guest Speaker on Real Presence Radio 1 p.m. - Holy Hour and Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting Sunday, March 24 10 a.m. - Mass - St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Charles Monday, March 25 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Anointing Mass at St. Anne Extended Healthcare - Winona

Tuesday, March 26 11 a.m. - Holy Hour - Resurrection Church, Rochester 12 p.m. - Deans Meeting - Resurrection Church, Rochester 3 p.m. - Clergy Personnel Committee Meeting Resurrection Church, Rochester Thursday, March 28 10 a.m. - Catholic School Mass - Sacred Heart Church, Adams

you need assistance in overcoming an addiction to pornography yourself, are suffering from a spouse’s addiction, or you want to help your children from accidentally viewing pornography, there is help. Through the Sacrament of Confession, professional assistance, and the power of God’s grace, it is possible to live a pure life, even in the midst of our highly sexualized culture. Know that there is help out there and no one is beyond the power of God’s mercy and grace.

3 From the Bishop

Bishops and Rector Dinner

This year’s annual Bishops and Rector Dinner will be held Friday, April 12, at the International Event Center in Rochester. This dinner is always a wonderful opportunity to gather together with those who support our seminarians through their prayers and financial gifts to Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona. This year we will be honoring and hearing from the Most Reverend Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia. If you would like to attend, or sponsor a table for the evening, you can contact Susan Fiser at or 507-494-8844. Thank you for your continued support of our future priests. Blessed are you! Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

Saturday, March 30 5 p.m. - Mass - Celebrate with the Saints - St. Casimir Church, Wells Sunday, March 31 - Wednesday, April 3 Presbyteral Triduum Retreat - Buffalo, MN Wednesday, April 3 7 p.m. - Communal Penance Service - St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Charles

Thursday, April 4 6:30 a.m. - Lauds & Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona 6 p.m. - First Communions and Confirmations Federal Correctional Institution, Waseca Friday, April 5 6 p.m. - Confirmation - All Saints Church, Madison Lake - with St. Ann, Janesville; St. Joseph, Waldorf; All Saints, New Richland; and Immaculate Conception, St. Clair Saturday, April 6 11 a.m. - Confirmation - Resurrection Church, Rochester 4:30 p.m. - Mass - St. Marys Hospital Chapel, Rochester March, 2019 w The Courier w


Foresters, cont'd from pg. 1

secret from Mike. As it is normally Mike’s self-described ritual to get the mail when he comes home, he was taken aback when there was no mail for a few days. “I asked Sandy and she just said, ‘Don’t worry about it. I’m sure if you needed something it would be there. Just stop asking!’ So, I thought, I won’t talk about the mail anymore!” Mike recalled with a laugh. When more letters followed the first, Sandy realized they had a problem if someone was going to be contacting him, so they finally told him. “Dad probably thought it was a joke at first, like we were teasing him,” said Matthew, Mike’s youngest son. Mike confirmed this, saying until they brought out the letter to show him, he thought, “That’s a dirty trick!” As to how it feels now that he knows it isn’t a prank, Mike said with a smile, “It’s nice. I was shocked!” And a fitting title it is for Mike, who exhibits a kind of true neighborly love that can only be learned by humbling oneself enough to receive this kind of love from the other side.

her back. This came with its due challenges, as the assumption that Sandy and Mike were homeless meant they were often treated as though they were homeless. Sandy said, “There were times when people from our church were there to ‘do good’, not understanding our role at the shelter— not that it should matter—and Christian would say hi to them, but they wouldn’t say hi back. As a mother, just imagine what that feels like. It takes a toll on you.” An experience like theirs is an eye-opening look at society and its notions about the value of other people based on their perceived economic status. Both Sandy and Mike agree their time in the shelter was wonderful for providing them the opportunity to tangibly give back and serve, as well as to learn about the culture they live in. After nine months, Sandy remembered the moment she knew it was time to move on. “I’d lost my ability to see the good in people anymore. You can only be treated that way so many times. Christian and I were at a four-way stop in our car, and a man waved me through the intersection with a smile. I had to pull over and cry, I was so touched! Honestly, just smiling or holding the door open for a person makes that much difference. You never know where they’re coming from.” This unique opportunity to see life from a new perspective gave Mike and Sandy valuable insight to carry with them as they embarked on perhaps less intense service opportunities. Most notably of which is Mike’s favorite event, their annual Christmas party.

And a fitting title it is for Mike, who exhibits a kind of true neighborly love that can only be learned by humbling oneself enough to receive this kind of love from the other side.

Living with Less

Mike has been a member of Catholic Order of Foresters (COF) his whole life; his grandparents bought him a policy when he was born. In turn, when he had children, he bought each of them policies. Mike called Agent Duane Mock while they were still at the hospital, much to Sandy’s surprise, who thought he was crazy. Buying the children life insurance policies at birth would soon seem not so crazy in comparison to what came next, though. Shortly after Christian was born, Mike and Sandy made a drastic move—literally. They sold everything they owned and moved into a homeless shelter to become its resident managers. “I remember when we were sitting in church and Mike handed me the bulletin, saying, ‘They’re looking for resident managers at the homeless shelter, I feel called to this. Pray for me,’” Sandy said. “And I’m sitting there holding my newborn baby like, ‘Oh yeah, I’ll pray for you. Pray I will!’” Mike knew immediately it was the Holy Spirit calling them and they would be moving in, but it took Sandy a bit more time. They held a garage sale at Sandy’s parents’ house to sell everything, which was not difficult—they have never felt an attachment to material items. With everything sold, they moved into their small living space at the homeless shelter and began the next nine months of their lives doing more with less. They didn’t tell anyone who came in or out of the shelter that they were its managers. The shelter was for women and children, making it easy for Sandy to blend in with newborn Christian on March, 2019 w The Courier w

The Christmas Spirit

“Mike loves to decorate. Even when he was in high school, all the businesses around would hire him to decorate for them and he would win decorating contests in the town. It’s kind of his thing, so he can channel all that energy into the Christmas party. It’s an outlet for him,” Sandy explained. It is truly a passion project for Mike, who pulls out all the stops and brings in the whole family to help. Christian and her brothers James and Matthew provide their services to help set up and then dress up as elves for the party itself. “It takes a whole weekend for us to put it all together…to get all the trees to the church we have to use more than one car,” James said. The effort does not go to waste, as Mike said they usually get about 75-100 guests, with the number increasing every year. “We think it has to do with his Christmas spirit,” James surmised, looking to his father. Matthew jokingly chimed in, “And the elves! All the kids want to play with the elves.” The decorations serve a deeper purpose than simply making the room look nice, though. Mike revealed the heart beneath it, saying, “When we were at the homeless shelter, I always thought the food was good, but if we had tablecloths that would mean something, because it’s special.” Going the extra mile to make someone feel

Sandy and Michael Bach. Credit: Alison Mink

appreciated is what Mike and his family are all about. They are always tithing for COF events or necessities, like providing new tablecloths. “We just wanted to serve, so we learned hospitality and that’s why we do it so big. I love to serve,” Mike smiled. Court Impact

When asked how to achieve these perfect events, Mike said wholeheartedly, “Organization. Planning.” Mike’s organizational skills are unchallenged, as being the court youth director for around seven years and then switching to his CR position has provided him with ample opportunity to streamline events. “It’s a little less work [being CR], but I like it. It’s different. I like the business of it, the meetings…there’s always something to do, as we have a big enough court to have members who do things. And Sharon makes my job easy!” Mike said, mentioning Recording Secretary and Agent Sharon Mock. “Mike has been a great asset to our court. His enthusiasm and positive attitude of ‘We’ll make it happen’ has been a boost to our court’s activities,” Sharon told us. “He promotes COF membership, and has referred several individuals who then became members. In addition, he has personally served meals at the Salvation Army and encourages his children to be active in the Church.” Christian, who has taken over Mike’s duties as court youth director for the past three years, wrote similar praise of her father in the nomination, saying, “My dad is always willing to go above and beyond to help out with youth activities, and he is very strong in his Catholic faith. He loves spending his time helping around the church and does weekly adoration for an hour…he has put his whole heart and soul into serving St. Joseph’s court.” A man of faith, charity and humility, Mike exhibits holy virtues in every aspect of his life. After just spending an hour with him and his family, it was evident to me that he has a spirit willing to serve “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40) and take up their cross with them in his mission to ultimately serve God. Alison Mink is the associate editor of Catholic Forester.


Congratulations! Since our kickoff, the following parish has met its goal for the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal:

St. Joseph Parish Waldorf

March, 2019 w The Courier w

Missionary Discipleship


The Light Is On for You Bring Yourself and a Friend to Sacramental Reconciliation �as it been a while since you have

gone to confession? Do you care for someone who hasn’t been in years? Or, truly, how do we know whether someone has been to reconciliation? People tend not to trumpet it, after all. Maybe your closest friend has not been in years. Or, perhaps, you yourself have not been in months, even years. Something is holding you back. You need encouragement that the Lord’s mercy is waiting and real. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the greatest graces given to us by our Lord through his Church. But there is no question that it challenges many people, and many decide to ignore this great sacrament rather than embrace it as an opportunity for freedom in Christ. This year, we are trying to reach out to people who are anxious and reluctant about the sacrament, and help our brothers and sisters encounter God’s mercy. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is piloting an initiative a few other dioceses have employed, called The Light Is On. This March 29-31 will be a weekend when we focus on trying to reach out to those in the pews and Catholics who are not in the pews and encourage them to meet Christ in this healing sacrament. Some parishes will have confessions for an extended time period, and/or make those times better known to the wider community. The Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Rochester is holding its annual “24 Hours for the Lord” March 29-30, hosting 24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration, with priests available for sacramental

March, 2019 w The Courier w

reconciliation all night and then all day Saturday until 4 p.m. The opportunities are there. What we need your help with is making this amazing opportunity to encounter the Lord’s mercy better understood and known!

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

#DareToShare the Good News of Reconciliation

really good! What do you think?” Or share a parWe have created a website, www. ticular witness story, saying, “This really touched, to highlight the me” (assuming, of course, that it did touch you!). If beauty of God’s mercy in this you are moved to share your sacrament, and that our Lord own story, do that! Reluctant desires all sinners not to die, ave the ates people need to know this is but live. The website is a visudoable and that they are not al presentation of personal March 15, 2019 alone. You may not know witness stories, explanatory who you are moving in that Monthly day of fasting and prayer videos, how-to sheets, and simple act of sharing. The for the evangelization of Southern questions and answers about truth calls out to people, and Minnesota, concluding with a confession. People often need we are not responsible for Holy Hour at the Basilica of St. to “unlearn” mistaken notions others’ responses, but we are Stanislaus in Winona at 6 p.m. Are of reconciliation, but even responsible for sharing the you concerned for those who have more than that, they need to not encountered the joy of Jesus goodness we have known. be encouraged and invited to Christ? Join us in fasting once a This is an easy way to share return. This is the closest digimonth for nine months (Marchthe goodness of the Lord’s tal equivalent we have to “It’s November, mostly on the third mercy. going to be okay; just come Fridays). Susan Windley-Daoust If you are sharing the and see.” has more information (swindley@ website and/or your own What we need everyone All are welcome. experience of reconciliation, reading this to do is share you may consider including that website with people you August 2-3, 2019 the hashtag #daretoshare. know. If you know a person We are, in fact, daring each Unbound: Freedom in Christ conis struggling with returning of you to share this webference at St. Mary's University, to sacramental reconciliation, site. Theoretically, we could Winona campus. you could email it to them. If be covering the advertising you have no idea whether your space of southern Minnesota friends receive sacramental with color ads promoting recreconciliation, you could share it on Facebook or onciliation. But we’re not this year. We have someanother social media platform, saying, “This looks thing better than ads (which have their place); we




have disciples who love others enough to share this piece of the good news. The best outreach is always word of mouth. We are daring you, and encouraging you to dare others, to share the beauty of sacramental reconciliation in person, through email, and through social media. Let’s see how many we can reach through a loving offer of encouragement that points to the mercy of the Lord! There are many examples of social media being used for ugliness and lies. This is a great opportunity to take it back and contribute to a culture of goodness and mercy this Lent. When we reach to share the gospel of mercy with our friends and neighbors, it’s more than Southern Minnesota nice; the sacrament of reconciliation can completely transform a person’s life.

Potential Pitfalls The Heresy of Gnosticism

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

This month's column is written by my dear friend and colleague, Deacon Chris Walchuk, who also serves as an instructor for our diocesan Institute of Lay Formation.

-Todd Graff

ope Francis’ call to holiness in his apostolic exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate (“Rejoice and Be Glad”), is filled with joy and hope. He reminds us that God is calling everyone to holiness and “wants us to be saints” (#1), regardless of our circumstances or station in life. In keeping with his background in Ignatian spirituality, however, he has us pause in Chapter 2 to reflect on how we, as individuals, and as Church, approach the call to holiness. And, he warns us of potential pitfalls. The history of our relationship with God shows a human tendency toward subtly shifting from God-centered faith to self-centered faith. This human habit is particularly troubling because it usually retains the outward forms of the original God-centered practices, and the participants may not even realize that a change in focus has occurred. A good illustration of this is found in the Gospel of Mark when Jesus quotes Isaiah to accuse the Pharisees of hypocrisy: “In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts” (Mark 7:7). In Chapter 2, Pope Francis uses two ancient heresies, which have never really gone away, to illustrate this danger in our spiritual lives—gnosticism and pelagianism.

A diocesan evangelization and discipleship event will be held on Pentecost weekend, Friday-Saturday, June 7-8, at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist and the Kahler Grand Hotel in Rochester. On Friday, the diocese will host the Millennial Church Conference ( "This unique, engaging and refreshing day-long conference will empower clery, church staffs, and lay leaders to reach out to Millennial

Both gnosticism and pelagianism stem from our desire to be in control. Gnosticism has appeared in various forms throughout the history of the Church. It gets its name from the Greek word for knowledge, gnosis. Pope Francis tells us that modern gnostics believe, to varying degrees, that salvation can be attained through knowledge of, and strict adherence to, the doctrines and liturgical practices of the Church, rather than through the grace and mercy of God. He writes that gnostics “think of the intellect as separate from the flesh, and thus become incapable of touching Christ’s suffering flesh in others, locked up as they are in an encyclopedia of abstractions” (#37). He also warns, “Gnosticism is one of the most sinister ideologies because … it considers its own vision of reality to be perfect” (#40). It is important to note that Pope Francis is not saying that we don’t need doctrines, liturgical rubrics, or canon law. Rather, he is reminding us to keep them in their proper perspective. He emphasizes that God is a mystery who cannot be reduced to human understanding and that he is “full of surprises” (#41). We cannot force encounters with God through our practices; it is our job to respond to God however and wherever we encounter him. Pope Francis notes, “When somebody has an answer for every question, it is a sign that they are not on the right road” (#41). They may, intentionally or not, be trying to force their own will on others rather than being open to the will of God. He calls us to embrace the mystery of God, especially as he is present in the poor, weak, addicted, and vulnerable among us: “We can and must try to find the Lord in every human life” (#42).

adults in simple, practical and personal ways." On Saturday, the diocese will offer a day of prayer, sharing, witness and worship, featuring The Vigil Project (thevigilproject. com), leading into our celebration of the diocesan Pentecost Vigil Mass that evening at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. For more information, contact Todd Graff (507-858-1270 or

Lay Formation & RCIA

on the Path of Holiness


Deacon Chris Walchuk The Heresy of Pelagianism Pelagianism gets its name from a fourth-century British monk named Pelagius. He was appalled at the moral laxity of many Christians of the time and called for a strict asceticism among Christians. Unfortunately, his beliefs denied Grace. He taught that humans could achieve salvation through their own efforts without the Grace of God. Pope Francis writes that, historically, “many came to realize that it is not knowledge that betters us or makes us saints, but the kind of life we lead. But this subtly led back to the error of the gnostics, which was simply transformed rather than eliminated” (#47). Both gnosticism and pelagianism deny the working of Grace. They attribute to human effort, either intellectually or morally, the free gift of God in the sacrifice of his Son. Modern pelagianism often takes the form of self-help or strict, formulaic practices that promise results from God. Pope Francis emphasizes that “the Church has repeatedly taught that we are justified not by our own works or efforts, but by the grace of the Lord, who always takes the initiative” (#52). He goes on to note: “Still, some Christians insist on taking another path, that of justification by their own efforts, the worship of the human will and their own abilities.” He concludes that “the result is a self-centered and elitist complacency, bereft of true love” and obsessed with law, liturgy, doctrine, prestige, self-help and personal fulfillment (#57). All of this is a warning, not an accusation. Pope Francis ends Chapter 2 with an antidote to gnosticism and pelagianism and a beautiful reminder of the joy to be found in the Gospel. He sums up his previous arguments in paragraph 59: “Once we believe that everything depends on human effort as channeled by ecclesial rules and structures, we unconsciously complicate the Gospel and become enslaved to a blueprint that leaves few openings for the working of grace.” The message of the Gospel is clear and simple: Love God and love your neighbor. Our Holy Father reminds us of St. Paul’s claim, “For the whole law is fulfilled in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Gal 5:14). Pope Francis concludes by encouraging “everyone to reflect and discern before God whether [gnosticism and pelagianism] are present in their lives” (#62). As he closes this chapter, he offers us this wisdom: Amid the thicket of precepts and prescriptions, Jesus clears a way to seeing two faces, that of the Father and that of our brother. He does not give us two more formulas or two more commands. He gives us two faces, or better yet, one alone: the face of God reflected in so many other faces. For in every one of our brothers and sisters, especially the least, the most vulnerable, the defenseless and those in need, God’s very image is found. Indeed, with the scraps of this frail humanity, the Lord will shape his final work of art. For “what endures, what has value in life, what riches do not disappear? Surely these two: the Lord and our neighbor. These two riches do not disappear! (#61) March, 2019 w The Courier w


Sacrifice in Love



When praying for holy vocations and prayis never a shortage of ing for the church in general, I have found prayer requests and causes to freedom and joy in the midst of my offering, intercede for, both in our personknowing that God is at work in the midst of al lives and on behalf my sacrificing. It becomes clear of the church. Yet, as to me that it is not about me circumstances in the This Lent, or even so much about what church continue to be I’m offering, but about denying difficult, and the need offer a myself and finding union with for continued healing sacrifice. Christ. Jesus waits for us to enter remains obvious, I have Let it be a into his love, which we can do found myself reflecting through self-denial and opening and feeling called into sacrifice of ourselves to his loving presence. a deeper sacrifice and praise, of The church is learning anew offering on behalf of to yearn for God’s the church. As we enter confidence in presence. St. Basil into the season of Lent, God, and of the Great spoke we are reminded of our call to sacrifice not just for its own sake, trust that God of fasting as a weapon against but with confidence that when is working in we offer ourselves to God he fulthe devil, and, fills us and draws us to himself. your offering. all throughout I am speaking here of fasting Scripture, faston behalf of the church and its ing is called for. many needs. God is calling the In our tradichurch to return to an ascetical discipline, tion, we find saints who by which we really learn to offer sacrifice fast with great vigor. to God in love. When I offer a fast, it is much more fruitful to do so for a distinct purpose and not just out of a sense of duty or obligation.

March, 2019 w The Courier w

Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

Yet, today, we nearly caution against fasting. We think we might be too harsh on our bodies. This concern rises from our over-indulgent culture. Fasting is an opportunity to say no to ourselves and to also say a fervent yes to God. This Lent, offer a sacrifice. Let it be a sacrifice of praise, of confidence in God, and of trust that God is working in your offering. By offering your heart to God in sacrificial love, may you find true joy. And may the church and world benefit from your generosity. If you offer with a pure heart, God hears your prayer and bestows his loving grace into the hearts of all. May we beg the harvest master for laborers and bring the force of fasting to our generous Lord in our petition.

Meet Michael Ottman! Director of Youth & Young Adults,

This month's Youth & Young Adults column is written by Michael Ottman, who recently joined our diocesan staff as a coordinator of youth ministry. Join me in welcoming Michael to the Diocese of Winona-Rochester! -Aaron Lofy

y name is Michael Ottman, and I am the new coordinator of youth ministry for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. I am very excited for the opportunity to serve this diocese again and to help support your ministries at the parish! Just a little bit about who I am: I grew up in

New Poll Shows More Democrats, Younger Americans Identify as Pro-Life

WASHINGTON D.C., Feb 25, 2019 (CNA) - A recent poll shows a 17-point increase in the number of Americans who identify as pro-life, up from 38 percent earlier this year. The results follow a month in which several states passed expansive new pro-abortion measures. According to the Marist/Knights of Columbus poll, released February 25, equal percentages of Americans now identify as pro-life and prochoice. This is the first time since 2009 that the number of self-identified pro-life Americans is equal to or greater than the number calling themselves pro-choice. Barbara Carvalho, director of The Marist Poll, said the figures suggest that recent efforts to remove legal restrictions on the procedure, and widen the availability of abortion up to the point of birth, may have led to more people identifying themselves as pro-life. "Current proposals that promote late-term abortion have reset the landscape and language on abortion in a pronounced – and very measurable – way," she said in a press release. The numbers represent a significant change following a similar poll in January, with the largest shift in opinion registered among Democrats and people under the age of 45. The number of Democrats calling themselves pro-life increased by 14 percentage points since January. Marist found that more than a third of Democrats (34 percent) say they are pro-life, up from one in five only a few weeks ago. Over the same period, the proportion of Democrats identifying as pro-choice dropped from 75 percent to 61 percent. Political independents are split almost equally on the subject, with 46 percent saying they are pro-life and 48 percent pro-choice.

Young people also registered a broad change in opinion on abortion over the last month. The February poll also showed a 19 point jump in pro-life identification among people under 45 years old. Forty-seven percent of people under the age of 45 now say they are pro-life, compared to 48 percent who say they are pro-choice. One month ago, only 28 percent of people under the age of 45 said they were pro-life. Since January, the number of Americans who identify as pro-choice has dropped from 55 percent to 47 percent. The number of Americans who identify as pro-life increased from 38 percent in January to 47 percent in February. Since the release of a similar poll in January,, New York and Vermont have both passed bills removing most restrictions on abortion and allowing abortion to take place throughout a pregnancy. A similar bill in Virginia failed in committee. During a hearing, the bill’s sponsor admitted there was nothing that would prevent an abortion from

Youth & Young Adults

Aaron Lofy

Andover, and my family attended the Church of St. Paul in Ham Lake. There are five kids in our family, and I am number four. After high school, I attended Benedictine College and graduated in May of 2016. During my time there, I was blessed to be on the track team, work for our campus ministry and partake in events with FOCUS and St. Paul’s Outreach. Following graduation, I was a youth minister for two parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. In the summers of 2013 and 2014, I served as a Totus Tuus missionary for the Diocese of Winona, and, in the summer of 2015, I was an intern under Ben Frost and Peter Martin. I am looking forward to serving alongside all of you! If you have any questions, or know of any way I can help support your ministries, please let me know. My main roles will be: supporting youth leaders, working on missionary discipleship for youth, the Steubenville Conference, Camp Summit, NCYC and Totus Tuus. Know that you are all in my prayers.


Michael Ottman

being performed while a woman was in active labor. Both the January and February poll results showed that Americans are broadly opposed to late-term abortions at the center of several new laws in several states. An overwhelming margin of respondents—71 percent to 25 percent—said that they believed abortion should not be legal during the third trimester. This figure includes 60 percent of Democrats. Only 18 percent of respondents said that they believed abortion should be legal until the moment of birth. Eighty percent of Americans, up five points over last month, said they believed abortion should be limited to the first trimester of a pregnancy, including 65 percent of pro-choice respondents. The poll surveyed 1,008 Americans between Feb. 12 and Feb. 17 with a margin of error of +/3.5 percentage points.

March, 2019 w The Courier w

Learning Connections at St. Mary School, Owatonna

Catholic Schools


Submitted by JEN SWANSON

atholic schools have a unique advantage in creating connections that stand the test of time. Students not only develop a strong, healthy bond with each other, they also deepen their relationship with Christ. At St. Mary’s School in Owatonna, we strive to provide opportunities that not only keep our students engaged and excited to learn, but also build a strong sense of community that unites us, gives us security and support, and teaches us the value of belonging to something greater than ourselves. One of the ways we build a sense of community is by incorporating several multi-age initiatives. We know our younger students watch our older students very closely, and we know our older students are capable leaders who can set a great example. We have found this kind of relationship to be a win-win, and is positively received by our students, families, and staff. One of our new multi-aged groups that we created this year is pairing up some of our preschool classes with our 6th graders for science buddies. They have had much fun together, creating things like ice cream and peppermint oobleck. For these preschool students, the coolness factor is high. They

March, 2019 w The Courier w

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

are taking part in some cool science experiments with some really cool big kids. For the older students, they have had a chance to develop relationships with younger students and be an exemplar to them as they learn science together. The Preschool and 6th grade buddies aren’t the only multi-age learning groups we have in place. Our 5th grade students team up with our Kindergartners to be their reading buddies, mass buddies, and they also perform a fun Christmas play together for their families to enjoy. All of our younger grades have older students that they partner up with to be buddies. They help with things such as reading, spelling, math, and technology. We have found that our older students learn to be stronger communicators as they re-teach things they have already learned, and our younger students are engaged and excited to be working with the “big kids." Probably our favorite multi-age groups are our Spirit Groups. Spirit Groups are comprised of students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade who meet monthly to participate in activities that teach the virtues of our faith. Spirit Groups are a great way to build a sense of community while creating a positive learning experience for our students. They also

allow a wonderful opportunity for our 7th and 8th grade students to take on a leadership role. Students get to know one another on a deeper level, and together, create a culture where everyone matters. Students are encouraged to accept the challenges of being a better person in tomorrow’s world, and this helps them become respectful and caring citizens. Students leave Spirit Groups feeling closer to God and to one another. We also feel it is important to provide opportunities for our similar aged students to connect. One way we do this is by combining our 7th and 8th grade students in their core courses. We have found this practice to lead to social and academic continuity and success. Students develop meaningful relationships, and it creates a team-approach where cooperation and collaboration is more likely amongst the different grades. This year, our 5th and 6th grade students have an opportunity to take some enrichment classes together, with the goal of keeping them engaged. We have added Engineering and Design, 3-D Art, and Rhythm and Logic into our curriculum. The students love the opportunity to work together to spark their creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. This multi-age collaboration has created a bridge for our students to help prepare them for Junior High, and has enhanced relationships between the two grades. As a faith-based school, we have the unique opportunity to help students understand their special place in the family, the Church, and society. Many families choose Catholic schools for the strong academics, but they quickly learn they gain so much more - a family that provides a sense of belonging. Jen Swanson is the principal of St. Mary School in Owatonna.

Sacred Heart School, Adams, Is

Still Going Strong! Submitted by DARLENE BOE

going strong for 116 years! We have a dedicated faculty and staff who are committed to making a difference in our students' lives and seeing that our school is a place of great potential. Students encounter Jesus Christ every day through word, sacraments, prayer and community. We appreciate all the surrounding communities who support our school with their time, talent and treasures. Sacred Heart School is truly blessed! Here are just a few highlights: 1. Getting ready to take off for our annual Marathon. We raised over $38,000!

Catholic Schools

�acred Heart School in Adams has been



7 3

2. Raking leaves for Adams residents for a mission project. 3. Celebrating All Saints Day with Saint Mary, Isidore, Patrick and Kateri Tekawitha.

4. Singing Christmas carols at the Adams Nursing Home.



5. Our 4th and 6th grade Robotics teams win big at state! 6. Gr. 8 with their Kindergarten buddies perform the Butterfly Song for our Talent Show during CSW. 7. Christian students of the month for December and January.

Darlene Boe is the principal of Sacred Heart School in Adams.


2 March, 2019 w The Courier w

Safe Environment


How to Report Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect All but the final two paragraphs of the following article are excerpted with permission from a brochure of the same title, produced by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and last revised in November of 2017.

�nyone working or volunteering in a

parish or Catholic school who knows or has reason to believe that a minor (a child under the age of 18) is being abused or neglected or has been abused or neglected must report the abuse or neglect to proper civil authorities within 24 hours of the abuse or neglect becoming known to him or her. Many people working or volunteering in a parish or Catholic school, including clergy, are mandated reporters under state law (Minnesota Statute 626.556) and must report abuse or neglect of a child to proper civil authorities within 24 hours or face criminal charges. Under the law, mandated reporters must also follow up with a written report to civil authorities within 72 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays.

Thousands of Unaccompanied Minors Allege Sexual Abuse in Government Custody

WASHINGTON D.C., Mar 1, 2019 (CNA) - Thousands of migrant children and teens have reported being sexually abused or harassed while in government custody during the last four years, according to recently released government figures. According to reports made public by Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) earlier this week, between October 2014 and July 2018, there were 4,556 reports of sexual misconduct made to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement. Of those reports, 1,303 were deemed serious enough to be referred to the Department of Justice. "These HHS documents detail a staggering number of sexual assaults on unaccompanied children in their custody," Deutch said in a statement. "Together, these documents detail an unsafe environment of sexual assaults by staff on unaccompanied minors." The Office of Refugee Resettlement began keeping statistics on sexual abuse reported by “unaccom-

Outline of Reporting Process 1. Contact proper civil authorities – this is the local law enforcement or child protection agency in the county where the suspected abuse occurred. [You may ask for the support of another person, such as the school principal or director of religious education, and have that person with you when you make the call. However, the report must come from the person who has first-hand knowledge of the reasons to suspect abuse.] 2. Provide identifying information about the child, parent/guardian, suspected abuser, and anyone else involved.

3. Report as many details as possible about what happened. 4. Contact the person in charge at the parish or Catholic school where the suspected abuser works or volunteers.

5. Contact the diocese if the suspected abuser is a priest, deacon, religious, or any lay leader of a parish or Catholic school within the diocese. 6. Document and keep information you report and to whom you make reports

panied minor” migrants and refugees in the fiscal year 2014 - 2015. While the figures showed a rise in the number of complaints over time, the cause for rising and falling numbers in different years were not apparent. The number of sexual abuse claims rose after the Trump administration began the practice of separating minor children from their parents at the border during the summer of 2018. 851 of the 1,303 claims referred to the Department of Justice involved allegations of sexual assault or sexual harassment alleged to have occurred between two unaccompanied minors. 178 of the referred claims accused a staff member of assault or harassment of an unaccompanied minor. Among those claims were allegations that staff members had sexual contact with unaccompanied minors, showed minors pornography, or otherwise engaged in inappropriate relationships with them. 19 claims were made against adults who were not staff members; an additional 254 claims did not identify the alleged assailant. According the data released by Deutch, at least two staff members accused of sexual misconduct were arrested and charged. More than a dozen additional accused staff members were terminated from their positions.

the cries A Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse �earsisters

�od of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross.

�entle Jesus, shepherd of peace,

join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

Mary Hamann

Safe Environment Program Manager

Simply report what you know or suspect. The law enforcement or child protection agency will undertake any necessary investigation after your report is filed. Your role is simply to report what a child has made known to you, or what you have observed. We all want our children and young people to grow up in a safe community, surrounded by caring adults, and the Diocese of Winona-Rochester is determined to shape such communities in our parishes and schools. Each employee or volunteer in our parishes and schools must be subject to a background check, sign a code of conduct and attend a session of VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children® for Adults. We all must do our part to protect the most vulnerable.

In a Feb. 26 hearing discussing the report, Commander Jonathan White of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps told Deutch claimed that the “vast majority of (sexual abuse) allegations proved to be unfounded.” Speaking earlier this week about immigration, Bishop Daniel Flores of the Diocese of Brownsville encouraged Catholic to be attentive to the experiences of migrants, calling them “people the world often does not have time to talk to.” “We create policies without talking to people who are affected by them,” Flores said. “It’s so important for us as pastors to be in contact with the very concrete experiences of families,” he continued. “It is the work of the church to be hospitable,” he continued. On Thursday, Caitlin Oakley, spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services, told the website Axios that the department treated allegations of abuse seriously, and required background checks for employees. She underscored that “ORR acts swiftly to investigate and respond” to any allegation. “The safety of minors is our top concern when administering our unaccompanied alien children program,” said Oakley.

of our brothers and

who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

oly Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people's wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

©2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops March, 2019 w The Courier w

Called to Be Present

A Deacon's Reflection on Ministry �

find myself getting a little older every winter - not liking the cold (anything below -5 degrees), clearing my driveway after I’ve cleared my driveway, and hibernating from society with my annual bronchitis. I used to relish winter - camping in a snow hut I built, ice fishing, snowball fights - but not anymore, except maybe for snowball fights. It just dawned on me – I’m not the only one getting older. The folks in my parish are also aging, especially those who are a generation ahead of me, those who were in their 70s and 80s when I first arrived. These are the ones who did so much around the church for years before I came, and continued to do what they could, until time caught up to them. I especially recall the ladies who came to play cards in the church hall, setting up their own card tables and chairs, laying out their snacks and coffee, and finally putting up with me dropping in on them, hovering over their cards, kibitzing as to who had what and who had a “loner.” Yes, they put up with me because they knew I was kidding, but also because I paid them some attention. I don’t kibitz anymore because the ladies no longer are able to come together. Some have passed to the Lord while others find they can’t get out of the house like they used to. I may not kibitz, but I still try to put a smile on their faces during pastoral visits, be those visits in their home, a care facility, or their hospice bed. And its not just the gals I visit, although they do outnumber the guys I visit. I don’t plan my visits, although there are times (hardly ever) when I show up and there’s no one around. I figure if I plan my visits then I place myself on a time schedule so

here) that comes across to those who feel lacking in it. In their separation from family and church they still need to feel connected, and that’s what these visits are about. I used to do visits on my own, but came to understand that others, laypersons, can and should also be doing them. Deacons aren’t the only ones with a special love – we all have it from and with Christ. If you’re looking for more love, or you have more than you can contain within you, go visit someone you don’t know and give them a bit of your time - a few minutes or even an hour or more. Let them dictate how precious your time is to them. I guarantee you will come away from that visit with a happier heart than when you went in.


Deacon Pat Fagan

St. Joseph Parish, Owatonna

I can get from one to the next and fit everyone in. I like to say, “My time is not my own," meaning I let those I visit dictate how long we’ll be together. I’ve learned to read the signs and know when it’s time to leave. Some visits may last a few minutes, while others might last an hour or more. Visiting with the elderly, the infirmed, and the homebound is not a “duty” of the deacon; it is the duty of all of us baptized into the Body of Christ. Yes, we are all called to give a piece of our time to visit, to help keep connected to the parish, those who can no longer be physically among us, especially at Mass. Sure, we’ll visit family members, and even friends, but what about those who sit in front or behind us, or across the aisle from us, at Mass? We might even say to ourselves, “Say, I haven’t seen so-and-so lately. I wonder where they are?” Believe me, after a few weeks of not seeing a regular face in the seats, I say that to myself, and then I start asking around. About the worst thing you can hear from someone is that they’ve been in a hospital for two or three weeks and no one came to visit them. It’s not because no one cares, but that no one knew. Personally, I try my best to keep track of who’s in what facility around town. We have a half dozen or so care facilities here in Owatonna, ranging from self-sufficient to memory care and hospice, each with its own level of care due to the needs of each of its clients. I will be perfectly honest with you here: I don’t enjoy going out on these visits. This is because I’m an introvert – that’s a personality quirk, nothing contagious. But to remain perfectly honest, I love nothing more than these visits because they help to open me up by showing me how much people want to share of themselves. You see, my biggest attribute is my willingness to "be there.” To be there for someone who needs, who needs an ear to listen, a smile for their eyes, a hand to hold, needs someone who is strong as they used to be. In my preaching, I almost always offer one point concerned with the love of Christ, be that love of his to us or our love for him. It’s the sharing of that love (ours or his makes no difference


March, 2019 w The Courier w

Life, Marriage & Family


"Evil, Pure and Simple" Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann Reacts to Recent Abortion Legislation

he recent headlines from our nation concerning the respect for human life would cause anyone to question the sanity of our lawmakers. Included are actual statements from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, KS, who serves as chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Pro-Life Activities Committee, referring to legitimate laws passed in our country. I beg you to read this statement and pray for our nation and our lawmakers.

Abortion has always been built on a lie. Today, the lie is switching from 'abortion is a choice' to 'abortion is healthcare.' A law recently passed in New York not only legalizes abortion essentially for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy but removes any protection for children born alive after abortion. A similar bill was proposed in Virginia along with several other states, all in the name of women's health. This legislation is evil, pure and simple. And it shocks the conscience to see such evil legislation greeted with raucous cheers and standing ovations. Most grieving to our Lord of Life is

Men's Conference Second Keynote Announced �

he Diocese of Winona-Rochester is proud to announce the second keynote speaker for the 4th annual Men’s Conference: FR. PATRICK MARY BRISCOE, OP. Raised in Fort Wayne, IN, Fr. Patrick has recently finished his studies in theology at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. Ordained a priest in May 2016, he presently serves at St. Pius V Parish in Providence, RI, and as Deputy Senior Editor of the Catholic news site Fr. Patrick earned his bachelor’s degree from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, where he majored in philosophy and French literature.

March, 2019 w The Courier w

"We must educate family, friends, legislators, and fellow citizens about how it is never necessary to intentionally kill unborn children in order to save their mothers." -Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann that those who advocate for abortion put their eternal souls in jeopardy. It is sickeningly dishonest to claim that women's lives or health depend on intentionally killing their children. This is especially true for late-term abortion, which always involves the purposeful destruction of a child which could have been born alive, with much less risk to the mother, had they both received real healthcare. Now is the time for all Catholics - bishops, priests, and laity - to fight for the unborn with renewed vigor. We must educate family, friends, legislators, and fellow citizens about how it is never necessary to intentionally kill unborn children in order to save their mothers. Local

Since joining the Dominican Order, he has served in campus ministry, as a missionary in Kenya, at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, DC, and he has taught at Providence College. During the Jubilee Year Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP of Mercy, he worked on special assignment for the Knights of Columbus in Krakow, Poland, as an organizer at the World Youth Day Mercy Centre. The Man of God Conference will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019, at Loyola Catholic High School in Mankato. $25/person. Registration is now open at

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

action is especially important. Though ending Roe v. Wade is a central goal of the pro-life movement, if the decision were overturned, only 11 states would immediately ban abortion; the other 39 states would still allow it. I urge Catholics, and thoughtful Americans of all religions or none at all, to advocate for local change. Sign up for your State Catholic Conference or diocesan pro-life advocacy network, which can help you communicate to elected officials. Or seek out state and local prolife groups, including parish respect life groups, that are making a difference at the state level. Though we live in very dark days, we know that the Lord has already triumphed over death. But we must use this time on earth to be His hands and feet. This means each of us rededicating ourselves to prayer, and fighting for the most vulnerable among us, especially unborn children and their mothers.

Does the Church Correct 15 Jenna Cooper

Tribunal Coordinator & Judge

� ne topic that has been in the news lately is the question of whether Catholic politicians who support

pro-abortion legislation are—or should be—excommunicated. But while the sinfulness of abortion is clear, the subject of excommunication can be rather nuanced. What Is Excommunication?

To start off, what exactly is excommunication? Excommunication is a type of canonical penalty—that is, a certain punishment which may affect Catholics who commit one of the canonical crimes spelled out in the Church’s law. An excommunicated person remains a Catholic and is still required to fulfill all the obligations to which Catholics are bound, like attending Sunday Mass. However, an excommunicated person is prohibited from receiving the sacraments (and also from celebrating the sacraments if that person happens to be a priest), and is unable to exercise any ecclesial office or formal job within the Church. One important aspect of excommunication that often gets overlooked is that excommunication is classified as a medicinal penalty. That is, excommunication is actually meant for the offender’s own good—i.e., it’s like “medicine.” An excommunication is intended to serve as a sort of wake-up call to the offender regarding the seriousness of his or her sinful situation, as opposed to being something the Church does just to be vindictive or vengeful. Another crucial point is that there are two kinds of excommunication: “automatic” (called latae sententiae in our technical Latin) and “imposed” (called ferendae sententiae). Only a handful of canonical crimes have an automatic excommunication attached to them as the penalty, and in those cases the offender is excommunicated as soon as he or she knowingly and willingly commits such a crime. On the other hand, a ferendae sententiae excommunication can only come about as the result of a canonical trial or other ecclesiastical legal process. In these cases, excommunication is a punishment imposed by the proper authority after the offender

was proven guilty and unrepentant, similar to the way in which a secular judge would apply a sentence to a civil criminal offender. Before incurring an imposed excommunication, the offender would have had to have had the opportunity to seek canonical advice and argue in her or his own defense. Excommunication is also not meant to be a life-long punishment. As mentioned above, the hope is that an excommunicated person will become more aware of his or her problematic behavior and come to a place of sincere repentance, at which point the excommunication can be lifted.

Penalties vs. Sacramental Discipline

One final factor to keep in mind is that even if a pro-choice Catholic politician is not formally excommunicated, this is not the only Excommunication and Abortion part of canon law that could prevent him or her from receiving Holy Communion. Abortion is one of the crimes listed in the Code of Canon In the section of the Code related to sacLaw that carries the penalty of an automatic excommuramental discipline, canon 916 admonishes nication, as per canon 1398. But, this canon only applies all those who are conscious of serious sin to those who are involved in a specific, actual abortion. to refrain from receiving the Eucharist. One So for a Catholic politician to incur this kind of excomwould hope that any Catholic with even a basic level of munication, he or she would need to be either: faith formation would realize that supporting abortion 1. a woman choosing to have an abortion (who is a grave sin, and then behave accordingly with respect was also free from mitigating factors, such as to the Blessed Sacrament. grave fear or coercion); But failing that, canon 915 tells us that even a 2. a doctor or other healthcare worker performCatholic who is not bound by any formal canonical pening an abortion; or alty may still be denied Holy Communion if he or she is “obstinately persevering in manifest grave 3. someone directly and immediately sin.” Here, a grave sin is “manifest” if it involved in helping a woman Do is open public knowledge, as a politiobtain an abortion, e.g., by y o u h qu cian’s voting record and campaign doing something such as cano e s t i o n ave a paying the fee or driving platforms would most certainly be. n abo you law u t her to the appointment. When an offender is “obstinately that to s w o u l d persevering” in grave sin, this e Canon 1398 does not apply h e r e answ l i k e means that he or she is stubto those supporting or promotbornly carrying on in their sinful j c o o e ? E m ered ing abortion in general or in an p e a state or actions, even after the r abstract way. w i t h @dow i l seriousness of their situation r Yet, while a politician would . q u e " C o u r i org has been pastorally explained to not be automatically excommustio er n them by their bishop or pastor. nicated by promoting pro-abor" the subj i n tion legislation, it is theoretically So under canon 915 and/or e possible that, depending on the 916, it could be that a pro-choice l i n e ct . gravity of the effects caused by his Catholic politician is prohibited from or her support, a pro-choice politireceiving Communion, even without cian could still be punished with an being excommunicated per se. imposed excommunication after being In following the news media, it’s good to tried for a canonical crime. keep in mind that we don’t always know the full story of For example, canon 1369 tells us that: what may be happening canonically behind the scenes with an individual Catholic, even a Catholic whose life is A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments very much lived in the public eye. Still, it can be helpful of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely to know that the Church does regard public support for injures good morals, expresses, insults, or excites abortion as a serious scandal, and that there are ways hatred or contempt against religion or the already established in canon law for the correction of Church is to be punished with a just penalty. pro-choice politicians.

Prayer for an End to Infanticide

Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities

If it can be demonstrated that a Catholic politician’s support for a particular law in favor of abortion “gravely injured good morals,” depending on the circumstances it is possible that the appropriate Church authority could deem excommunication “a just penalty.”

Ask a Canon Lawyer

Pro-Choice Politicians?

The U.S. Senate recently failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act - legislation that prohibits infanticide by ensuring that a child born alive following an attempted abortion would receive the same degree of care to preserve her or his life and health as would be given to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. Please join us in prayer for an end to infanticide:

Jesus, Lord of Life, transform the hearts of all elected leaders to recognize that infanticide is wrong and must not be tolerated. Open hearts and minds to recognize and defend the precious gift of every human life. March, 2019 w The Courier w

Catholic Charities


Respond in Love

to an Increasingly Polarized World �arish Social Ministry (PSM) is the one

Catholic Charities program that directly focuses on Catholic Social Teaching and how those principles find expression in parish life. And one of the primary principles of Catholic Social Teaching is the life and dignity of the human person from conception until natural death. Our PSM program is actively engaged in the work of life and dignity. Besides me, PSM program members include Mankato Deanery PSM Coordinator Richard DeBona and Worthington Deanery PSM Coordinator Nicole Henrichs. In the current state of our polarized society, it is difficult to find common ground on a wide variety of issues related to the life and dignity of the human person. But Jesus’ call to love our neighbor as ourselves challenges us to enter into this often heated dialogue with love. Being engaged in politics is one of my least favorite activities, but I have found that, when I connect with my representatives and senators, they are human just like everyone else. Entering the relationship with respect, honesty, and civility keeps me from demonizing those whose views differ from mine. I strive to charitably let my lawmakers know when we disagree even as I affirm them when we agree. Without that underlying relationship, I cannot influence change in this realm. One of my roles has been to coordinate Catholics at the Capitol for our diocese on Tuesday, February 19. At this writing, more than 171 people have

March, 2019 w The Courier w

signed up to be trained in advocacy and are committed to meeting with their elected officials in the afternoon. It is great to see so many people willing to engage life and dignity in the political arena. In September 2017, Pope Francis began a twoyear campaign called Share the Journey with a goal of working for justice for immigrants and refugees. In our diocese, we offered the retreat Companions on the Journey, which was developed by Lisa Kremer who runs the Dream Catcher program for immigrant children in the Worthington area. Companions on the Journey gathered Hispanics and Anglos who were able to get acquainted, to share their stories, and to put human faces on the issue of immigration. It is true that our system is broken, despite the fact that we are a nation of immigrants. To help fix our broken system, our program promoted a petition drive throughout the parishes in our diocese on Migration Sunday, January 6, 2019, the Feast of the Epiphany. Many parishioners signed petitions sent to our federal lawmakers asking for comprehensive immigration reform and justice for immigrants and refugees throughout our nation. I have spoken often on the topic of immigration, with mixed results. This is currently a very polarizing issue in our society, but I stand on solid ground when I speak, because the Catholic Church supports justice for immigrants and refugees. Life and dignity covers the full realm of human experience, including protection of the child in the womb, combating poverty, overcoming racism, promoting justice for immigrants, peacemaking, end of life issues, and much more.

Tom Parlin

Director of Parish Social Ministry Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota

Recently, I did a day of reflection on life and dignity at Pax Christi Parish in Rochester. It was great to present this topic to 25 participants who were committed to making this world a better place. I will be doing this same reflection at St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna on Saturday, March 23, and on a future undetermined date at St. Mary Parish in Winona. Our PSM team hopes to present this reflection day within all deaneries of our diocese during Lent and beyond. Our PSM program recently released a Bible study on life and dignity of the human person, the second in a series following the first Bible study, The Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching. This Bible study is an opportunity for small groups to discuss the issues of life and dignity and does not require a scripture scholar to lead it. The Bible study is provided free of charge. The PSM program will continue to engage life and dignity issues in a variety of formats and venues. In Matthew we hear: “Amen I say to you, whatever you do to the least of these brothers (sisters) of mine you do to me” (Matthew 25:40). It is our Gospel call to heed these words. For more information about the work of Parish Social Ministry, call me at 507-454-2270 ext 246 or email me at

Emily Zinos

Guest Columnist Minnesota Catholic Conference

�hen I came back to the Catholic Church 20 years ago, it was due in large part to the Church’s public witness defending the sanctity of life in the womb. Since then, my experience of the Catholic faith has broadened my pro-life convictions into a concern for human life at every stage. The Church’s concern for the common good was on display for all to see at Catholics at the Capitol on February 19, as more than 1,000 Minnesota Catholics came together with one voice to defend the dignity of the human person. It was a beautiful day that left me feeling grateful for the opportunity to bring a consistent ethic of life to a wide scope of issues in political advocacy. The morning was filled with encouragement and education, including my participation on a panel of local Catholics who have

HF 11/SF 1597, the Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) bill, is a basic employment standard that allows employees to accrue up to six days of paid time off to care for themselves or a loved one. Too many working people are forced to make impossible financial choices between caring for themselves or a loved one and missing a paycheck or even getting fired. Good public policy should protect people who have to take time away from their jobs to handle serious family responsibilities, and people should not have to worry about being penalized for taking care of themselves, a sick child, or spouse. The legislation not only would help family life but would also send the message that children and families are real priorities within our society. We must stand for the dignity of the human person and protect the laborer when employers fail to provide just working conditions (CCC 2432-34). Please reach out to your legislator and ask them to support HF 11 (Lesch)/ SF 1597 (Pappas) and give all employees this basic right.

At Catholics at the Capitol, Lisa Kremer (3rd from L) shares with MC Gloria Purvis and fellow panelists Emily Zinos and Lynn Varco her experience running the Dream Catcher Program in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

taken up the call of discipleship to be faithful citizens. I am involved with a global multipartisan women’s coalition, which advocates for those who have been hurt by the influence of gender ideology. The same principle that motivated me to offer help to pregnant women seeking abortion 20 years ago now motivates me to protect children from suffering the medical harms of the transgender issue. In my work, much of my time is spent cooperating with people across the political spectrum, including many transgender-identified people, pro-choice feminists, and people who identify as lesbian or gay. In a time when many of us find ourselves living inside a “Catholic bubble,” I see this aspect of my work as a gift that challenges me to “head for the periphery” and bring the love of Christ to those who are often overlooked. My fellow Catholics at the Capitol panelist Lynn Varco captured this point in a quote he shared during our discussion, taken from the Epistle of Barnabas: Do not live entirely isolated, having retreated into yourselves, as if you were already justified, but gather instead to seek the common good together.

We cannot work for the common good all by ourselves; it is always a collaborative effort, and the goal is always a society where the dignity of every single person is acknowledged, and every person’s contribution is embraced. Catholics at the Capitol was a valuable lesson in finding common ground and working with legislators on both sides of the aisle. During the morning program we received practical tips about meeting with our legislators and discussing issues with them. This year, we focused on two issues: a bill that would ban commercial surrogacy, and a four-bill package highlighting the importance of the First 1000 Days of Life, from conception until a child’s second birthday.

Faith in the Public Arena

Finding Common Ground 17 for the Common Good

My afternoon lobbying companions included the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, and high school students from St. Agnes, making us a group that not only donned habits, but also represented the needs of the elderly, the poor, and youth. What a joy it was to find points of agreement with the three legislators we met with, even if we did not agree on everything. The presence and engagement of legislators from across the ideological spectrum throughout the day at Catholics at the Capitol highlighted the importance of working to find common ground for the common good. Advocating for the poor and the weak is just one of the many ways we build a culture of life. The poor, the vulnerable and the stranger are all just as worthy of the law’s protecting hand as the unborn, and for the same reason: every man, woman, and child is created in the image of God. That is not to say that all issues are of equal importance nor that those who propose harmful legislation should get a pass. It is to say that the evangelical witness of the Church demands our constructive engagement even with those with whom we disagree. One of the keynote presentations from Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia underscored the importance of bringing a consistent ethic of life to the Capitol: [A]ll of us are here today to live, to work, to do, as we struggle together for the dignity of the human person — all human persons, from the unborn child, to the poor, the weak, the immigrant, and the suffering . . . There are no pro-life Catholics or social justice Catholics—just Catholics.

Emily Zinos is the mother of seven children and serves as the Minnesota coordinator for Hands Across the Aisle.

March, 2019 w The Courier w



In the Diocese

Sister Rose Gillespie, OSF, 87, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on February 14, 2019. Lucille Ann Gillespie was born May 17, 1931, in Meadow Grove, NE, to Charles and Mary (Carraher) Gillespie. She entered the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Norfolk, NE, in 1950 and made perpetual vows in 1956. In 1969, Sister Rose requested and was granted a transfer to the Sisters of St. Francis in Rochester, where she renewed her vows in 1970. Her education for ministry included a bachelor’s degree in food and nutrition and a master’s in education. As a Rochester Franciscan, Sister Rose served for 24 years as an administrative dietician at Mayo Clinic Hospital – Saint Marys Campus. From 1994 to 2006, she participated in the Foster Grand Parent Program and served as a retired volunteer with Lutheran Social Services of Rochester. For the next 10 years, she served in many capacities as a volunteer at Saint Marys Hospital before moving to Assisi Heights in 2016.

The Courier Crossword

By W.R. CHESTER Across

1. Marriage at Mass

6. Failure to do good

8. Home of caffeinated Carmelites 9. Coherent theology 11. Israel's exile

14. Authoritative meeting 16. Regarding Peter

Down 2. Med City heights 3. Christogram 4. Promise

5. Final farewell

7. To be led through the mysteries 10. Church of the orient

12. Where the disciples were first called "Christians"

13. Prayerful affirmation 15. ______ salvi

17. Greek Mass part 18. Creed

˅˅˅ Last Month's Answers ˅˅˅

March, 2019 w The Courier w

Sister Rose is survived by her Franciscan Congregation, with whom she shared life for the past 48 years; a sister, Margo Wiebelhaus; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers Thomas, Frank, Charles, Leo, Philip, and Robert Gillespie; and three sisters: Rose Lewis, Katherine Murphy and Ellen Bartman. The Funeral Mass was Thursday, February 21, in Lourdes Chapel at Assisi Heights. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery at a later date. Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Suite 100 Rochester, MN 55901.

Sister Rita Marie Schneider, SSND, 86, professed in 1953, died February 18, 2019, in Notre Dame Health Care, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato. A native of Loretto, she graduated from Good Counsel Academy in 1950. She entered the SSND Candidature in 1950 and professed first vows in 1953. She taught primary grades in Minnesota and South Dakota until 1980. In the Diocese of WinonaRochester, she taught at St. John the Baptist, Mankato, and St. Casimir, Wells. In 1981, she became a member

of the marriage tribunal in the Diocese of Superior, WI. When she retired to Good Counsel in 2006, she was first an auditor and then an advocate for the Diocese of Winona’s tribunal, serving until 2011. She is survived by her sisters (Helen Gunderson, Catherine Dickhausen, Dorothy Hughes and Corinne Anderson) and brothers (James, Richard and Raymond) and their spouses; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, colleagues and former students; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Ralph and Rita (Connor) Schneider. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated Wednesday, February 27, at Good Counsel, with Fr. Gene Stenzel as presider. Burial of her cremains will follow at a later date in Good Counsel Cemetery.

Capitol, cont'd from pg. 1

Rosaries in the Rotunda

NCCW Responds to Recent Abortion Legislation The following letter was written by National Council of Catholic Women President Mary E. Stewart Blogoslawski on February 11, 2019.


t is with profound sadness that the National Council of Catholic Women contemplates the passage of the late term abortion legislation in New York now being promoted in other states of our country. The act of killing a child at any stage of life is unconscionable, but killing a baby about to be born into the world, who could even be in the birth canal or paritally delivered, can be considered as nothing more than a barbaric act unworthy of this great nation - a nation that noted the right to life in our Declaration

of Independence. We pray that our legislators will understand the sacredness and extraordinary gift of life and that abortion is not a political issue, but that there is a moral imperative to preserve and cherish life at all stages. We believe that there is always forgiveness for those who have chosen abortion, and we know that God loves them as He does all His children. We hope they find the healing they will come to need. There are wonderful options for those who carry a child but do not feel they can parent a child. With medical advances, there are few cases where the choice must be made of one life over another. The National Council of Catholic Women - deeply shocked and saddened by abortion legislation and, in particular, by late term abortion - wishes to register our opposition to these laws that destroy rather than preserve that most precious gift, life itself.


In the Diocese

In his keynote address, Archbishop Chaput discussed the importance of the active faithful in American public life. He said, "The lesson for us today is simply this: If we don't at least try to shape our times with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to do it with all our hearts and energy, then evil will shape the times, and ultimately shape us and those we love. That's why today matters. It matters because all of us are here today to live, to work, and to struggle together for the dignity of the human person - all human persons, from the unborn child, to the poor, the weak, the immigrant, and the suffering." After lunch, participants took buses from the RiverCentre to the Capitol to build relationships with their legislators. To keep discussions with lawmakers focused, participants were asked not to stray from two topics of current legislative concern in Minnesota: the first 1,000 days of life, a "unique period of opportunity when the foundations of optimal health, growth, and neurodevelopment across the lifespan are established;" and the Surrogacy Abuse Prevention Act. Four current bills (HF 909/SF 855, HF 1167/SF1383, HF 1226/ SF1438, and HF 681/SF 340) deal with improving Minnesotans' first 1,000 days of life by reducing disparities in prenatal care services, requiring a study on breastfeeding disparity rates, starting or expanding evidence-based home visiting pro-

grams to families with young children, and providing transportation for pregnant or parenting students to academic or parenting programs. The Surrogacy Abuse Prevention Act would take several measure to prevent the exploitation of women and commodification of children in surrogacy arrangements. Participants were also presented with their own copies of Minnesota: Our Common Home, a new document by the Minnesota Catholic Conference exploring Pope Francis' environmental stewardship encyclical Laudato si' and the importance of integral ecology to the life and dignity of all people. Elly Benin, a theology teacher at Pacelli Schools in Austin, who attended the event with several of her students, said, "Students learned that advocacy can be peaceful, positive, and cooperative even if legislators may not agree on some issues, and that it is important to look for common ground in those areas. Pacelli students particularly learned that their representatives knew who they were and followed them in their activities and sports!"

Jim Caviezel. Credit: Alyssa Duet

Bishop Quinn presents on the importance of the first 1,000 days of life.

Cotter (pictured), Pacelli, and homeschooled students were among the 188 registered Catholics at the Capitol participants from the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. March, 2019 w The Courier w

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary Church in Winona the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held first Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 76 W 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patty 507-429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info: Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral in Winona, 7-9 p.m. the first Friday each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-7601619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona March 14, Thursday St. John Nepomucene Parish of Winona will hold its annual soup & sandwich supper in St. Stan's church hall (625 E 4th St. in Winona) from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Homemade chicken noodle soup, ham salad sandwiches, beverage and a variety of homemade desserts. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Tickets available at the door. St. Mary Church, Geneva March 15, Friday Annual Fish Fry 4:30-7 p.m. Freewill donations accepted. St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Charles March 16, Saturday Gather, Eat & Be Irish starts at 6 p.m. Enjoy Irish Stew and the trimmings, plus music by The Henry Sisters. Raffle tickets available and winners announced. Sponsored by Court St. Charles Catholic Daughters. Open to the public. Free-will donations accepted. St. Patrick Church, LeRoy March 17, Sunday Mulligan stew served family-style 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Mulligan stew, cabbage slaw, dinner rolls, dessert. $8 adults. $5 students.

Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m.; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m; & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Attn: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary, Worthington Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11 am Sun. 1 pm Sun. 7 pm Sat. Austin, Queen of Angels Owatonna, Sacred Heart St. James, St. James 11 am Sun.; 5:15 pm Fri. 11:45 am Sun. 12 pm Sun. Windom,St.FrancisXavier Lake City, St. Mary Pipestone, St. Leo 11:30 am Sun. 6:30 pm each 3rd Sat. 2:30 pm Sun. (bilingual) Worthington, St. Mary Madelia, St. Mary Rochester, St. Francis 7 pm Sat.; 11 am Sun.; 7 pm Sat. Noon Sun. & 7 pm Thurs. 6:30 pm Tues. & Fri.

March 2019 Holy Trinity Church, Rollingstone March 21, Thursday Spaghetti Dinner 4:30-7 p.m. in the church community center. Spaghetti & meat sauce; lettuce salad; garlic toast; water, milk or coffee; ice cream & other desserts. $8 13 & older; $5 4-12; free under 3. University of St. Thomas, St. Paul March 29, Friday School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province to explore the issue of human trafficking during their annual Women's Leadership Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the James B. Wolfe Alumni Hall in the Anderson Student Center. The luncheon is free, but registration is required. Register at through March 20. St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Charles March 30, Saturday Lenten Retreat 9-11 a.m. with speaker Alicia Hauge. Come early for coffee and treats. No charge. No pre-registration required. Sponsored by Court St. Charles Catholic Daughters. Camp Victory, Zumbrota April 5-7, Friday-Sunday CEW (Christian Experience Weekend) Women's Weekend is an opportunity for Christian women (18+) to get away, meet amazing people, and focus on their relationships with Christ. Call Pax Christi Parishioners Terry Painter (507-254-3226) or Penny Cochlin (507-273-5517) with questions. Info and registration: / christian-experience-weekend-1 St. Stanislaus School, Winona April 6, Saturday St. Stan's Parish will hold its Spring Craft/Art/Gift Show from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the school gym. Shop our many vendors. Lunch available. Riverview Greens, Stewartville April 9, Tuesday St. Bernard Parish Men's Group presents Mama Tranchita's Spaghetti Dinner in the Riverview Greens Club House. Seating from 5-8:30 p.m. Featuring non-stop live entertainment from authentic "Italian" waiters, strolling musicians, and Mama's Boys & Girls. Grand prize drawing of $500 value (need not be present to win). Advance tickets $20. For tickets, call the church (507-5338257). Also available at Airport View & Crossroads License Bureau and St. James Coffee House in Rochester. Tickets are limited. Walk-ins welcome.

St. Mary's School, Owatonna April 13, Saturday 33rd Annual Knight of Knights Auction, a benefit for St. Mary's School, 4-9 p.m. Silent auction begins at 4; live auction begins at 7; checkout available starting at 8. Extraordinary raffles, great food & beverages, even better company. All are welcome. Wear your best flannel! 730 S Cedar Avenue in Owatonna. Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato April 14, Sunday The Rose Ensemble presents Voices of Angels, Benedictine Gregorian chant and choral music from baroque Italy, at 2 p.m. $15 general admission. $10 seniors 65+ and students with ID. Children 12 & under are free. Contact: or 651-2254340. The chapel is located at 170 Good Counsel Drive in Mankato. St. Columba Church, Iona April 14, Sunday Spring Dinner served 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in St. Columba Hall. Ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, sweet corn, coleslaw, desserts, pie. Free 0-3; $5 4-8; $10 9-adult. Lots of great raffle prizes. Take-outs and valet parking available. Everyone welcome! St. Paul Church, Minnesota CIty April 14, Sunday Annual Palm Sunday Ham Dinner & Church Festival. Ham & scalloped potato dinner $10 per person, or $25 per family. Bake sale, basket raffle, 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Loyola High School, Mankato April 27, Saturday Man of God fourth annual diocesan men's conference 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring keynote speaker Fr. Paul Hoesing. $25 per person. Contact Peter for more info: pmartin@ or 507-454-4643 x273. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona April 28, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration 2:30-4 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacred, Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Benediction. Confessions offered throughout. Refreshments to follow. Holy Redeemer Church, Eyota April 28, Sunday Diving Mercy Celebration 2-3:15 p.m. Exposition, 1st & 2nd class relics, rosary, confessions, music with choir. Diving Mercy Chaplet at 3. Join us! St. Ann Church, Slayton April 28, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 2 p.m. Confessions 2-3 p.m. with 2 priests available. Divine Mercy Chaplet after confessions.

• The Courier St. James Church, St. James April 28, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration 3-5:30 p.m. Chaplet at 3. Exposition & confessions 3:305:30. Benediction at 5:30. St. John Vianney Church, Fairmont April 28, Sunday Divine Mercy Novena prayed at 3 p.m. daily from Good Friday until Saturday, 4/27. Divine Mercy Sunday (4/28) celebrated 12:30-2 p.m., featuring the chaplet, holy hour, adoration and confessions. St. Joseph Church, Owatonna April 28, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration 3-4 p.m. Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Rosary, Benediction. St. Patrick Church, Brownsville April 28, Sunday French toast breakfast following 8 a.m. Mass, served until noon in Breza Hall. French toast, southernstyle scrambled eggs, sausage, cheesy hash browns, fresh fruit, coffee, milk & orange juice. Big Ticket and basket raffles, bake sale, silent auction, kids' games. $7 adults. $3 ages 6-12. Free under 6. 604 Adams Street in Brownsville. St. Peter Church, Rose Creek April 28, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday celebrated at 3 p.m. St. Joseph Church, Owatonna June 1, Saturday Mini-retreat for the Seven Sisters Apostolate, women who commit to praying one Holy Hour per week for their pastor or bishop. Speaking to the group will be Bishop Quinn, Apostolate Foundress Janette Howe, and St. Joseph Pastor Fr. Jim Starasinich. More speakers may be added. More details coming soon! Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester June 7-8, Friday-Saturday Diocesan Pentecost Celebration at the Kahler Grand Hotel and the Co-Cathedral. Friday is the Millennial Church Conference (millennialchurchconference. com). Saturday is a day of worship and witness featuring The Vigil Project (thevigilproject. com), followed by the Pentecost Vigil Mass that evening at the Co-Cathedral. Todd Graff has details: 507-858-1270 or tgraff@ Assisi Heights, Rochester June 16-22, Sunday-Saturday Seek First the Realm of God, a retreat presented by Fr. Tony Gittins, CSSp. What is "this" Jesus asks us to do in his memory? Are we people of hope? These questions and more will be discussed. $450 includes meals and lodging for the week. $250 commuter discount rate. Register by April 22 online at (select June 16 on the Events calendar), or call 507-280-2195.

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