The Courier - March 2020

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St. Joseph March 19

Life Is Precious March 2020

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

Catholic Charities Welcomes New Executive Director Submitted by SHEILA COLLOM

WINONA - On Thursday, January 30, as a month dedicated to multiple pro-life efforts drew to a close, Bishop John M. Quinn and the rest of the staff at the Diocese of WinonaRochester Pastoral Center welcomed Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla, daughter of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, for a visit. Dr. Molla gave testimony on the love her parents had for each other, St. Gianna's sacrifice of her own life so that Gianna Emanuela might live, and the latter's calling to dedicate her life to sharing her saint mother's pro-life witness.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian physician, wife and mother who died in 1962 after refusing an abortion and also a hysterectomy that would have saved her life while leading to the death of her unborn child. She was beatified in 1994 and canonized in 2004. Her intercession is often sought by married couples hoping to achieve pregnancy. A relic of St. Gianna was placed in the altar of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at its renovation dedication in 2007.

WINONA, Jan. 28, 2020 - Shanna F. Harris has been named Executive Director of Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota, succeeding Robert Tereba, who directed the agency for the past two decades. Harris comes to Winona from Casper, WY, where she served as the director of the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies for the last seven years. Prior to that position, she was the executive director of the United Way of Natrona County for 10 years. Harris has a genuine heart for serving poor and vulnerable persons. She earned both a Master of Public Administration degree and a Bachelor of Science in Education degree from the

Director, cont'd on pg. 14

INSIDE this issue

Prayer: a 'Gift of Grace' and a 'Battle' page 5

How We Spent Catholic Schools Week 2020 page 8

Marta Portillo to Speak on St. Oscar Romero page 14

Pope Francis Watch


Pope Francis: The Gift of Tears Is Precious

The Courier Insider

VATICAN CITY, Feb. 12, 2020 (CNA) - During his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis discussed the second beatitude, Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, emphasizing the value of compunction. Mourning “is an attitude that became central to Christian spirituality,” the pope said Feb. 12 at the Vatican's Paul VI Hall. The desert fathers calld this “an inner pain that opens up to a relationship with the Lord and with one’s neighbour; a renewed relationship with the Lord and with one’s neighbour,” he said. Mourning can have two aspects, Pope Francis said: “for death or for the suffering of someone” and “tears shed over sin – for our own sin, when the heart bleeds for the pain of having offended God and one’s neighbour.” He said that it is “a question of loving the other in such a way that we are bound to him or her until we share his or her pain … it is important that others make a breach in our hearts.” “I have often spoken about the gift of tears, and how precious it is,” he said. “Can one love in a cold way? Can one love by function, by duty? Certainly not. There are the afflicted to console, but sometimes there are also the consoled to afflict, to awaken, who have a heart of stone and have forgotten how to weep. It is also necessary to reawaken people who do not know how to be moved by the pain of others.” While bitter, mourning can “open one’s eyes to life and to the sacred and irreplaceable value of each person, and at that moment one realizes how short time is,” the pope reflected. Turning to weeping over sin, Francis said that it is not anger at having made a mistake, which he called pride. “Instead there are those who mourn the evil done, the good omitted, the betrayal of the relationship with God. This is mourning for not having loved, which springs from having the life of others at heart. Here one weeps because one does not correspond to the Lord Who loves us so much, and we are saddened by the thought of the good not done; this is the meaning of sin. They say, 'I have wounded the one I love', and it pains them to tears. God be blessed if these tears come!”

A Matching Grant for Our Catholic Schools___6

Evangelium Vitae: the Gospel of Life_______10 God Is Inviting You Deeper This Lent_____12 Annulments as Healing?__________________13 Diocesan Headlines_______________________14 Diocesan Calendar________________________16

Credit: CNA

He said it is “difficult but vital” to face one's own errors. “Let us think of the weeping of Saint Peter, which leads him to a new and far truer love: they are tears which purify, which renew. Peter looked to Jesus and wept: his heart was renewed.” Pope Francis contrasted St. Peter with Judas, “who did not accept that he had made a mistake and, poor man, took his own life.” “Understanding sin is a gift from God, it is the work of the Holy Spirit. We, by ourselves, are unable to understand sin. It is a grace we must ask for … This is a very great gift and after we have understood this, there comes the grief of repentance.” The pope referred to St. Ephrem the Syrian's saying that “a face washed with tears is unspeakably beautiful.” “The beauty of penitence, the beauty of tears, the beauty of contrition,” the pope exclaimed. “Christian life finds its best expression in mercy. Wise and blessed is he who welcomes the pain linked to love, because he will receive the consolation of the Holy Spirit which God always forgives, even the worst sins, always is the tenderness of God Who forgives and corrects.” He added that “God always forgives: let us never forget this.. The problem is in us, that we tire of asking for forgiveness, we become wrapped up in ourselves and we do not ask for forgiveness. This is the problem; but He is there to forgive.”

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the

March 2020 w The Courier w

Prayer: a 'Gift of Grace' and a 'Battle'_________5

How We Spent Catholic Schools Week 2020__8

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Matt Willkom, Editor Nick Reller, Associate Editor

(ISSN 0744-5490)

Dare to Give Hope: The Light Is On___________4

Catholic Schools Updates____________________7

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 111 - 3

10th of the month prior.

Articles of Interest

The Holy Father's Intention for

March 2020 Catholics in China We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the Gospel and grow in unity. Corrections On page 4 of our February 2020 issue, we congratulated the parishes that met their goals for the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Missing from that list was Immaculate Conception Parish in Kellogg, as well as any parish that made its goal after the addition of funds raised by affiliated parishes without goals of their own. On the same list, the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist was misnamed the "Co-Cathedral of St. John the Baptist." The graphic has been corrected and reprinted on page 14 of this issue.

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: Moderator of the Curia Rev. William Thompson: currently Pastor of Pax Christi Parish in Rochester and Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mazeppa; in addition to his current assignment, appointed Moderator of the Curia of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, effective February 1, 2020.

Child Abuse Policy Information

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Where to Find the Courier •

Hard copies of the Courier are available in the churches of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at the first weekend Masses of each month.

An online version may be viewed at /offices/ courier/index.html

To be added to the home delivery list, readers should send their names and addresses to:

Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving ear Friends in Christ, Lent

On February 26, we began the Holy Season of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. These 40 days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are a way for us to more deeply enter into the mystery of Christ’s suffering, passion, and death on the cross, which He endured out of His deep, inexhaustible love for us. “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) Ever since our first parents sinned and chose the lie of the devil over the love of our Heavenly Father, the human race has been enmeshed in a struggle with sin and evil. Despite our best efforts and intentions, we continue to do what we do not want to do, and don’t do what we want to do (cf. Romans 7:15). We

all experience the battle between good and evil, both on the global level in wars and violence, and in our hearts, where we must daily fight against the temptation to give into sin and selfishness. However, we have hope because Jesus came to pay the price that we sinful humanity could not pay. By Christ’s redeeming death on the cross, Jesus cancelled the debt of our sin and made it possible for us to once again enjoy the gift of eternal life, face-to-face with our Triune God in heaven. Furthermore, the Lord continues to give us the grace we need to reject sin and temptation, and say yes to the Lord’s commands and will for our lives, even – and especially – when it may be hard. But the lives of the saints show us that when we allow ourselves to be transformed by God’s grace and draw close to Him through prayer and the sacraments, we will be given the strength to choose good over evil and live a life of grace. Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar March 9, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU

Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are all practices that help us to grow deeper in our lives of faith. They assist us in letting go of earthly things, so that we can more easily focus our gaze on Christ, turn away from sin, and be faithful to the Gospel. St. Therese of Lisieux describes prayer as the raising of one’s mind and heart to God. It is the way we communicate with our Triune God, and is essential in order to have a relationship with Him. After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the highest form of prayer, one of the best ways to pray is by simply spending time in Christ’s Eucharistic Presence. By adoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we allow Him to heal and transform us with His love.

March 10-12, Tuesday-Thursday USCCB Administration and Education Committees, Washington D.C. March 14, Saturday 10:30 a.m. - Irish American Mass - Sacred Heart Church, Waseca March 15, Sunday 10 a.m. - Mass - Third Sunday of Lent - St. Mary Church, Caledonia March 16, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU 6:30 p.m. - Film Solemn Easter TV Mass - Chapel of St. Mary of the Angels, Winona - All welcome

The saints knew the secret of holiness was prayer, so we would do well to follow their example and prioritize making time in our lives to draw close to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Fasting frees us from focusing on the things of this world, and allows us to turn our gaze to the Lord and the things of eternity. While the Church has certain prescriptions for fasting and abstaining from meat during Lent, it is important for us to use this holy season to take stock of our lives and determine what earthly pleasures might be distracting us from God, and which may be beneficial for us to give up, either temporarily or permanently. Lastly, almsgiving serves to lessen our attachment to material possessions, and aids us in reaching out to our neighbors in need. St. Peter Chrysologus in one of his sermons spoke of how almsgiving is essential to and inseparable from prayer and fasting: “Fasting bears no fruit unless it is watered by mercy [almsgiving]. Fasting dries up when mercy dries up. … Give to the poor, and you give to yourself. You will not be allowed to keep what you have refused to give to others.” (from the Office of Readings for Tuesday of the Third Week in Lent). Together, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving aid us in turning away from our pride, sin, and selfishness, and towards our Triune God. To again quote St. Peter Chrysologus: “There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. … Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are one, and they give life to each other.” May you all deeply enter into this Lenten Season with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and have a spiritually fruitful Lent.

The Sacrament of Penance is a beautiful and integral part of conversion, both during the Season of Lent and year-round. Through this sacrament we seek to grow in love of our Triune God by coming to a greater awareness of and sorrow for our sins, and acknowledging the ways we have failed to love God and our neighbor. After we confess our sins in the Sacrament of Penance, Christ Himself forgives us through the priest’s absolution, wiping our souls clean and giving us grace to be faithful to the Lord and sin no more. Our merciful God freely offers us this gift of reconciliation, and we must not grow tired of coming to Him with humble and contrite hearts. As Pope Francis has said numerous times, our Triune God never tires of forgiving us; rather, it is we who grow tired of asking for forgiveness! On March 20-22, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester will hold its second annual “The Light Is On” weekend, where parishes throughout the diocese will be offering extended times for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All Catholics, and especially those who have been away from the Church and / or Confession for a long time, are encouraged to return to this sacrament of healing, to unburden themselves of all that is keeping them from God, and to receive the Lord’s mercy and love and be reconciled to Christ and His Church. In Rochester, the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist will be holding its 24 Hours for the Lord on March 20-21, where there will be priests available to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance for 24 hours straight, along with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church. If you have not been to Confession in a long time, I invite

March 19-20, Thursday-Friday Visit St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Wynnewood, PA

March 28, Saturday 5 p.m. - Mass - Celebrate with the Saints - St. Casimir Church, Wells

March 21, Saturday 5:15 p.m. - Mass and Bishop’s Medal Presentation - Pax Christi Church, Rochester

March 29, Sunday 8 a.m. - Mass - St. Patrick Church, Brownsville 9:30 a.m. - Mass - Church of the Crucifixion, La Crescent 4 p.m. - Communal Penance Service - Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka - Winona

March 22, Sunday 10 a.m. - Mass - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Mazeppa March 23, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU March 24-25, Tuesday-Wednesday Minnesota Catholic Conference Meetings State Capitol, St. Paul

March 18, Wednesday 1 p.m. - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting

March 26, Thursday 10 a.m. - Holy Hour & DOW-R Civil Corporation Board Meeting 4 p.m. - Anointing Mass & Knights of Columbus Pancake Supper - St. Elizabeth Health Care Center, Wabasha

March 19, Thursday 10:31 a.m. - Guest Speaker - Real Presence Radio

March 27, Friday 3:30 p.m. - Teach at SMU

March 17, Tuesday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Presbyteral Council Meeting - Pax Christi Church, Rochester

The Light Is On

March 30, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU March 31, Tuesday 12:30 p.m. - DOW-R Seminarian Evaluations 4 p.m. - IHM Seminary Bishop’s Advisory Board Meeting - IHM Seminary April 1, Wednesday 1 p.m. - DOW-R Seminarian Evaluations 4:45 p.m. - Vespers & Mass - IHM Seminary

and encourage you to return this Lent. If you do not remember what to do or say, simply share that with the priest, and he will be happy to walk you through the sacrament. Our Lord rejoices when a beloved son or daughter returns home to Him, so do not be afraid to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation – the light is on for you! Bishops and Rector Dinner

3 From the Bishop

On Friday, April 17, Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary will host its annual Bishops and Rector Dinner, at the International Event Center in Rochester. This year’s honoree will be the Most Reverend William Callahan, Bishop of La Crosse, who is a great supporter and promoter of vocations, and regularly sends seminarians to IHM Seminary. The Diocese of WinonaRochester is blessed to have nine seminarians studying philosophy at IHM, and the seminary is responsible for the formation of seminarians from several other dioceses as well. Your prayers and generous financial support are greatly appreciated, which enable Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary to continue the important mission of educating and forming our future priests. Blessed are you! Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

April 4, Saturday 9 a.m. - DOW-R Pastoral Council Meeting - Pax Christi Church, Rochester 3:45 p.m. - FOCUS Retreat - Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch, Stewartville April 5, Palm Sunday 10:30 a.m. – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona April 6, Monday 7 p.m. - Chrism Mass - Sacred Heart, Owatonna April 7, Tuesday 10:31 a.m. - Guest Speaker - Real Presence Radio April 9, Holy Thursday 7 p.m. - Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona April 10, Good Friday 5:30 p.m. - Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester

April 2, Thursday 1 p.m. - Holy Hour & Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

April 11, Holy Saturday 8 p.m. - Solemn Easter Vigil - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

April 3, Friday 11 a.m. - Anointing Mass & Lunch - St. Anne Extended Healthcare - Winona

April 12, Easter Sunday 11:15 a.m. - Solemn Easter Mass - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester

March 2020 w The Courier w

Missionary Discipleship


Dare to Give Hope

The Light Is On

�ent is a period of our liturgical

year dedicated to repentance: honestly admitting our wrongs to our loving God, and receiving his mercy and grace. It is amazing grace, as the classic song says, and such an incredible gift. So why do we drag our feet and resist this incredible gift? Because it's awkward? Because we're busy? Because we're embarrassed? Because we're afraid? Because we don't know an act of contrition? Part of missionary discipleship work is making it easier to talk about what should be the easiest, most joyful reality to talk about, Jesus Christ. We can extend that during Lent to the bracing grace of repentance. How do we talk about it? How do we encourage it? Simple: we share stories of grace and light, recognizing our common sinful humanity, the greatness of our God, and the beautiful sacrament of the Church. If you are reading this, WE NEED YOU. The Light Is On Southern Minnesota (www/ ) is centered on the

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

weekend of March 20-22 this year, and we are focusing on making it a social media initiative. Last year our website got more than 50% of its traffic from Facebook, and another significant boost through emails and church websites. The Real Life Stories posts were most shared, and by a huge margin. And most people read other pages (such as "how to" or "24 Hours for the Lord") from reading one of the witness posts. We need people on Facebook and Instagram to be sharing these website stories. You may not know who needs to receive reconciliation, but you can share with your friends how moving you found one of those witness stories. If the

Lord nudges that person's heart, he or she likely will read it. If you aren't a social media person, but you have email, you can receive our The Light Is On Southern Minnesota Lenten inspiration emails twice a week during Lent. Just go to the website and scroll to the bottom and sign up. AND... once you sign up...consider sharing those emails with your bible study, family, friends in town, etc. Again, you can say "I just needed to share this--what a beautiful story!" and add the link. It doesn't get easier than this, friends. Jesus Christ is too good to keep to our ourselves, and sacramental reconciliation is as well. Be a bridge of hope and reconciliation by sharing the availability of God's mercy this March. And I'll see you in line!

The Light Is On Southern Minnesota Has it been a while since you received the mercy of God? Do you have family or friends who need hope and encouragement to return to the sacrament? Please visit our website for hope, witness and support, and sign up for the March inspiration emails from people within our diocese. You can go to confession anytime, but The Light Is On weekend is March 20-22.

24 Hours for the Lord 24 hours of adoration and confession at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. This vigil is a concrete way, says Pope Francis, for people to experience the mercy at the center of the Catholic faith - "to touch the grandeur of God's mercy with their own hands." All are welcome for prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and confession March 20-21 (4 p.m. Fri. - 4 p.m. Sat.). The Center Street parking lot entrance will be open all night. Come and rejoice in the Lord's mercy!

Social Media Evangelization Videoconference Training Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest? How could you use that time for evangelization - and especially to promote The Light Is On? Join us on March 3 at 3:30 p.m. for an hour of conversation about how to be a witness online and reach out to those who are not in the pews. Contact Michele Klein (mklein@ to reserve a spot. You will need a smartphone or computer with mic and camera. March 2020 w The Courier w



What Is Prayer?

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

Prayer is both a gift of grace and a determined response on our part. It always presupposes effort. The great figures of prayer of the Old Covenant before Christ, as well as the Mother of God, the saints, and he himself, all teach us this: prayer is a battle. Against whom? Against ourselves and against the wiles of the tempter who does all he can to turn man away from prayer, away from union with God. We pray as we live, because we live as we pray. If we do not want to act habitually according to the Spirit of Christ, neither can we pray habitually in his name. The ‘spiritual battle’ of the Christian's new life is inseparable from the battle of prayer. -Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2725

�reetings of Peace, and Lenten Blessings! One of the three great spiritual disciplines of the

Lenten season is prayer (along with fasting and almsgiving). Many of us long for a deeper and richer spiritual life, and prayer is essential to any spiritual growth we might experience in our walk of faith. Lent is often a good time for us to recommit ourselves to a consistent and committed practice of prayer. But, prayer is, as the Catechism describes, both “a gift of grace” and “a battle.” So, how to wage the “battle?" I would like to share some wisdom and insights on prayer, drawing both on our Church’s tradition and teaching, and on some contemporary wisdom and guidance that I’ve come across recently.

We have several sources within our Church tradition to help us understand the nature of prayer. First, many of the saints have given us excellent descriptions of prayer. • • • •

St. John Damascene provided a classic definition of prayer, describing it as “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God.” St. Augustine taught that prayer “is nothing but love,” and that it should arise from the heart.

St. John Vianney spoke of prayer in a similar way, as “the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges.” St. Therese of Lisieux also saw prayer in relation to the heart, describing it as “a surge of the heart.” For her, prayer is also “a simple look turned toward heaven” and “a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”

More recently, St. Teresa of Calcutta shared this beautiful reflection on prayer: “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our heart.” Finally, St. Francis de Sales offers some practical advice regarding prayer, teaching us that, “Everyone needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy – then we need an hour.”

A second source of guidance on the nature of prayer comes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which defines prayer as a “vital and personal relationship with the living and true God” (CCC, #2558). And, our prayer is Christian prayer “insofar as it is communion with Christ” (CCC, #2565), and a “covenant relationship between God and man in Christ” (CCC, #2564). A final perspective on the nature of prayer comes from Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was well known for his practice of a daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament. He wrote beautifully of the importance of prayer in our spiritual lives: Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are preceded by a personal encounter with him. I have found that it takes some time to catch fire in prayer. This has been one of the advantages of the Holy Hour. Sitting before the Presence is like a body exposing itself to the sun to absorb its rays. In those moments one does not so much pour out written prayers, but listening takes place. The Holy Hour became a teacher for me. Although before we love anyone we must have knowledge of that person, nevertheless, after we know, it is love that intensifies knowledge (Treasure in Clay, pp. 190-191. Ignatius Press). Sustaining Prayer

I recently read a brief and insightful book by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, entitled, Domestic Monastery (Paraclete Press). In it, Fr. Rolheiser “explores how monastery

Lay Formation & RCIA

A 'Gift of Grace' and a 'Battle'

life can apply to those who don't live in a cloister,” and touches on topics such as family life, friendship, parenting, and our understanding of time. I found his spiritual reflections to be most valuable. In the book, there is a chapter on, “Ritual for Sustaining Prayer,” and I would like to share some of its wisdom. In the beginning of the chapter, he compares prayer to a marriage and comments that, “Love and prayer work the same.” That is, they cannot be maintained “simply through good feelings and good intentions,” but require “ritual, routine, and rhythm” (p. 41). He then draws on the lessons offered by monastic prayer, which is “simple, often rote,” consistent in structure and duration, and which allows each monk “the freedom to invest himself or hold back, in terms of energy and heart, depending upon his disposition on a given day” (p. 43). Then moving on to another analogy, he compares prayer to eating where there “needs to be a good rhythm between big banquets … and the everyday family supper.” If we were to try and make every meal a banquet, this couldn’t be sustained because no one has the energy and time for this. Rather, our everyday prayer can be “short, routine, and predictable,” with occasions for greater formality, higher “celebration [and] aesthetics,” and a longer investment of time and energy (p. 43). He brings these images together by stating that: Prayer is a relationship, a long-term one, and lives by those rules. Relating to anyone long-term has its ups and downs. Nobody can be interesting all the time, sustain high energy all the time, or fully invest himself or herself all the time. Never travel with anyone who expects you to be interesting, lively, and emotionally invested all the time. Real life doesn’t work that way. Neither does prayer. What sustains a relationship long-term is ritual, routine, a regular rhythm that incarnates the commitment (p. 44).

He ends the chapter with a reference which reflects back to the earlier part of my article – i.e., the wisdom of “the saints and the great spiritual writers” on prayer. He affirms that they have taught us that, “there is only one non-negotiable rule for prayer: ‘Show up! Show up regularly!’” Deo Gratias!

Prayer is, as it were, being alone with God. A soul prays only when it is turned toward God, and for so long as it remains so. As soon as it turns away, it stops praying. The preparation for prayer is thus the movement of turning to God and away from all that is not God. That is why we are so right when we define prayer as this movement. Prayer is essentially a ‘raising up’, an elevation. We begin to pray when we detach ourselves from created objects and raise ourselves up to the Creator. -Dom Augustin Guillerand The Prayer of the Presence of God, p. 91

March 2020 w The Courier w

A Matching Grant for

Catholic Foundation


Our Catholic Schools

�everal months ago, a grant opportunity was presented to our elemen-

tary Catholic schools across the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation is also offering the DOW-R Office of Catholic Schools a challenge grant, which will support our elementary Catholic schools with an opportunity to enhance educational excellence and grow enrollment. The Schulze Family Foundation offered a “Challenge Matching Grant” for up to $50,000. The Office of Catholic Schools will be required to raise $50,000 and the Schulze Foundation will match the $50,000, totaling $100,000. The deadline for this matching grant is April 30, 2020. The Office of Catholic Schools has presently received $41,359.81 with a total number of 215 donors toward the matching grant and will need to raise an additional $8,640.19 to reach the $50,000 match. The Schulze Foundation Challenge Grant for the Office of Catholic Schools would: •

assist teachers in keeping student learning the priority,

treat each classroom's student learning objectives uniquely, while recognizing the need to have similar expectations for all teachers.

ensure teachers and administrators obtain the adequate knowledge on assessment, which drives curriculum, and

March 2020 w The Courier w

The entire $100,000 matching grant will be divided equally and applied to each individual Catholic elementary school for professional development. Professional development provides the necessary training for teachers to remain current on new resources and tools for educational improvement. This directly impacts all of our 4,350 students attending all of our Catholic elementary schools in the DOW-R. If you have not donated toward the matching grant, we invite you to participate with a jubilant and open heart. Donations may be sent to the: Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota Box 30098 Winona, MN 55987

Please direct any questions to Monica Herman at or 507-858-1276.

Monica Herman

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

Catholic education in the Diocese of WinonaRochester is a ministry of the Church which is integral to our faith. Our Catholic schools are an expression of our faith and a gift to all those attending as well as our faith communities. May we continue to support our next generation of Catholics and ensure the excellence in education as we depend on our Catholic schools to send the message of salvation to all. Thank you to those who have so kindly donated toward this goal. It is your generosity and support which continues to sustain our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester for over 164 years.

Learning Life and Dignity At Holy Spirit School, Rochester

Catholic Schools

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools


God, we know you created all of humanity in your image and likeness. Help us to always see you in the faces of our classmates, teachers, family members and friends. Help us to follow you. Amen.

ach month at Holy Spirit Catholic School, we focus on a principle of Catholic Social Teaching, and we ask students and teachers in two grade levels to visit Madonna Towers, an established continuing care retirement community, in northwest Rochester. Recently, we focused on the Life and Dignity of the Human Person. The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching (USCCB, 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching). The principle of Life and Dignity of the Human Person recognizes that because we are all made in the image and likeness of God, we all have the fundamental dignity and rights to basic human necessities. Recently, our kindergarten and third-grade students traveled to Madonna Towers to continue our partnership with the residents there. Our purpose for partnering with Madonna Towers is simple. We seek to take the love of Christ in our hearts and share it beyond the walls of our school with the residents at Madonna Towers. Our students gain as much or even more from this experience than the residents they interact with. Our students learn that everyone matters. They experience first hand that all people are made in the image of God. They come to understand that all people have dignity; all people should be valued and respected. Students and residents interacted through song,

Austin KCs Sponsor Poster and Essay Contests Submitted by JEAN MCDERMOTT

AUSTIN - Representatives from the Austin Area Knights of Columbus Council 1201 awarded certificates and prizes to elementary, middle school and high school students who were finalists in the local Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest and Citizenship Essay Contest. Students were recognized after the all-school Mass celebrated during Catholic Schools Week at Pacelli Catholic Schools. The goal of the Knights of Columbus essay contest is to give students the opportunity to define the role of a Catholic citizen in many different scenarios and to strengthen the bond between the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic community and Pacelli Catholic Schools. Senior Rory Bickler placed first in the high school essay contest and received $50. 8th graders Andrew Frederick (1st place) and Avari Drennan (2nd place) were awarded $50 and $30,


crafts, and conversation. It was only for a short time, but the minutes they shared had an impact. Melinda Rud, wellness coordinator for Madonna Towers, said, “I really appreciate all the time and effort that it takes to have the Holy Spirit students come to Madonna Towers. I have heard nothing but great feedback from the residents! Thank you. We would love for you to come and visit the rest of the school year.” Jaci Jurgenson, third-grade teacher, said, “Madonna Towers went extremely well today. Every single resident asked me if the kids could come back soon. Ms. Rud asked about being penpals, if we could do a Mass there, if we would come back and do other activities. The pairing was perfect!” Annalenna Tonelli, a servant of the poor who spent most of her life serving those in need in Africa, reminds us: [Those] who count for nothing in the eyes of the world, but so much in the eyes of God . . . have need of us, and we must be with them and for them, and it doesn’t matter at all if our action is like a drop of water in the ocean. Jesus Christ did not speak about results. He only spoke about loving each other, about washing each other’s feet, of forgiving each other always.

What Tonelli speaks of is what our goal is for our

students. To help them realize that the people who count for nothing, the people who may be forgotten or pushed to the side are the very people we need to share our lives with. This is where our faith comes to life and changes lives, no matter how small our actions, no matter how young or old the participants are, God’s love and mercy prevail, enrich, transform, and cleanse us anew. Thank you for supporting our efforts at Holy Spirit and all Catholic schools to teach our children a living faith, a faith that is active in our daily lives, in our relationships with others, and in our community. My hope is that this new generation- the generation of children now enrolled at Holy Spirit, will be the ones who humbly surrender their lives to build God’s Kingdom of love, justice, and peace in a world that so desperately needs transformation. Eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of life, bless us with the courage to defend all life from conception to natural death. Bless us with the strength to respect all peoples from east to west, from north to south, so that we may truly follow the call of Jesus to be good neighbors. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Chris Smith is the principal of Holy Spirit School in Rochester.

respectively, for their winning middle school essays. They are pictured top with KC representatives Ryan Bickler and Neil Drees. The Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest was open to all boys and girls ages 5-14. The students developed original posters and slogans to help remind us that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. First ($30), second ($20), and third ($10) place were awarded in three age brackets to the following students: Age 5-7; Nataly Gomez Munoz (1st), Aubrey Roehl (2nd), Diego Ortiz Reyes (3rd): Age 8-10; Kiara Hernandez (1st), Kaitlyn McMahon (2nd), Marlie Klankowski (3rd): Age 11-14; Lydia Dress (1st), Coral Alfaro Hernandez (2nd), Atem Achuoth (3rd). They are pictured bottom with KC representatives Ryan Bickler and Neil Drees. Each of these contests were conducted at the local level with the first-place entries advancing to a district competition. There is opportunity to continue to state, national and international levels of recognition. Congratulations to all participants and good luck to our district finalists. Jean McDermott is the principal of Pacelli Schools in Austin.

March 2020 w The Courier w

How We Spent

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St. Mary’s, Worthington

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St. Casimir’s, Wells


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St. Felix, Wabasha

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St. Mary’s, Owatonna

March 2020 w The Courier w


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St. John Vianney, Fairmont

Crucifixion, La Crescent

Sacred Heart, Adams


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March 2020 w The Courier w

Life, Marriage & Family


Evangelium Vitae The Gospel of Life

�wenty-five years ago on March 25,

St. John Paul II issued his apostolic letter The Gospel of Life. The Catholic Church has always proclaimed the dignity of all human life. This month, let us recall St. John Paul’s words, which are as timely now as they were 25 years ago (perhaps more):

The commandment “You shall not kill,” even in its more positive aspects of respecting, loving, and promoting human life, is binding on every individual human being. It resounds in the moral conscience of everyone as an irrepressible echo of the original covenant of God the Creator with mankind. … It is therefore a service of love which we are all committed to ensure to our neighbor, that his or her life may be always defended and promoted, especially when it is weak or threatened. It is not only a personal but a social concern which we must all foster: a concern to make unconditional respect for human life the foundation of a renewed society. (77) The eclipse of the sense of God and of man inevitably leads to a practical materialism, which breeds individualism, utilitarianism, and hedonism. ... The values of being are replaced by those of having. The only goal which counts is the pursuit of one’s own material wellbeing. The so-called “quality of life” is interpreted primarily or exclusively as economic efficiency, inordinate consumerism, physical beauty and pleasure, to the neglect of the more profound dimensions – interpersonal, spiritual, and religious – of existence. In such a context suffering, an inescapable burden of human existence but also a factor of possible personal growth, is “censored,” rejected as useless, indeed opposed as an evil, always and in every way to be avoided. When it cannot be avoided and the prospect of even some future well-being vanishes, then life appears to have lost all meaning and the temptation grows in man to claim the right to suppress it…. In the materialistic perspective described so far, interpersonal relations are seriously impoverished. The first to be harmed are women, children, the sick or suffering, and the elderly. The criterion of personal dignity – which demands respect, generosity, and service – is replaced by the criterion of

March 2020 w The Courier w

efficiency, functionality, and usefulness: others are considered not for what they “are,” but for what they “have, do, and produce.” This is the supremacy of the strong over the weak. (23) Although laws are not the only means of protecting human life, nevertheless they do play a very important and sometimes decisive role in influencing patterns of thought and behavior. I repeat once more that a law which violates an innocent person’s natural right to life is unjust and, as such, is not valid as a law. For this reason I urgently appeal once more to all political leaders not to pass laws which, by disregarding the dignity of the person, undermine the very fabric of society. ... [Yet] it is not enough to remove unjust laws. The underlying causes of attacks on life have to be eliminated, especially by ensuring proper support for families and motherhood. A family policy must be the basis and driving force of all social policies. For this reason there need to be set in place social and political initiatives capable of guaranteeing conditions of true freedom of choice in matters of parenthood. It is also necessary to rethink labor, urban, residential, and social service policies so as to harmonize working schedules with time available for the family, so that it becomes effectively possible to take care of children and the elderly. (90) What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of life. All together, we must build a new culture of life: new, because it will be able to confront and solve today’s unprecedented problems affecting human life; new, because it will be adopted with deeper and more dynamic conviction by all Christians; new, because it will be capable of bringing about a serious and courageous cultural dialogue among all parties.

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

While the urgent need for such a cultural transformation is linked to the present historical situation, it is also rooted in the Church’s mission of evangelization. The purpose of the gospel, in fact, is “to transform humanity from within and to make it new” (Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 18). Like the yeast which leavens the whole measure of dough (Matt. 13:33), the gospel is meant to permeate all cultures and give them life from within, so that they may express the full truth about the human person and about human life. (95)

March 2020 w The Courier w

Vocations Youth & Young Adults


God Is Inviting You

Deeper This Lent � ow does God intervene in our lives when we begin to feel disheartened? Whenever I

experience stress or pressure mounting over situations that are often inevitable in life, the Lord seems to consistently remind me of a few things. I’ve noticed a pattern of three things that happen in my life when I begin to feel isolated, discouraged, or like the heaviness of life is starting to cloud my hope and joy. By allowing this pattern of God’s rescuing grace to draw me back to Him and to the joy of living life in Him, I have found a pathway that leads to peace. First, I become aware of my need for friendship and the relationships in my life that sustain and strengthen me. Inevitably, when I take the time to nurture those relationships, I rediscover peace and gratitude for the wonderful people in my life. Even in the times when I am slow to reach out, I

find that God places those friends in my life, either by them contacting me or by circumstances allowing us to cross paths. God desires us to journey through this life with others. Secondly, the Lord reminds me of my own need to keep things simple and return to the most fundamental relationship in my life, that is, my relationship with God Himself. God reminds me in prayer of His love for me and quiets my heart, allowing me to rest in Him and find strength to face life’s circumstances. By allowing myself a return to quiet and deeper prayer, I am renewed in His love and freedom. This also usually serves as a great time to seek Sacramental Absolution by confessing and repenting of my sins, allowing me the freedom of heart to turn more completely to the Lord.

A group of young adults from across the diocese recently attended a Pathways TEC (Together Encounter Christ) retreat at Good Shepherd Church in Jackson. Attendees spent three days contemplating the life, death and resurrection of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. The next TEC retreat will be June 26-28, 2020, at St. Leo's Church in Pipestone. For more information about Pathways TEC visit the Youth & Young Adult page at or contact the TEC coordinator Monica Anderson at 507-363-1809 or

March 2020 w The Courier w

Young Missionaries Bring the Gospel to Prisoners in Chile

Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

Lastly, I am reminded of how much I sometimes seek my own identity in things like productivity or efficiency rather than in living out of my identity as a beloved son of the Father and in relationship with God and in fellowship with others. When I overvalue work, my interior life dries up and needs to be nourished with the Spring of Life. In this last reminder, it is most often the Lord teaching me to be grateful for the simple things in life and to be content with all that He has provided for me. Rather than grasping at pleasure or some kind of worldly escape, the Lord invites me to a place of contented trust. Knowing I am loved and provided for allows me to return a joyful prayer of praise to the Lord for all that I have in my life. These three realities are where I feel like God wants to deepen our lives during this Lenten season. Will you find time to nurture the relationships that will strengthen you by putting God, fellowship with other Christians, and gratitude of God’s blessings at the forefront of your life? By living the Christian life in this manner, we live our vocation of holiness in the world by keeping Jesus Christ at the center of our lives. We avoid a worldly mentality that buys into the rat-race of the western world. We avoid making the next fleeting pleasure our escape from the interior isolation we feel, and we learn to seek after the Heart of Jesus little by little. Invite others into your life to share the Christian journey, and notice the ways God uses them to help you see His grace and work to grow deeper as a Christian disciple this Lent.

TALCA, CHILE, Feb. 5, 2020 (CNA) - A youth ministry group in the central Chilean Diocese of Talca spent the week of Jan. 27 – Feb. 1 doing prison ministry at a local men’s prison. Nine young people with the Mercy Action youth group volunteered at the Penitentiary Prison of Talca for the week. Led by Deacon Guido Goossens, they began each day with prayer and then traveled to the prison, where they offered a morning catechetical activity on a specific theme and a recreational activity in the afternoon based on the morning catechesis. They stayed overnight at a nearby Catholic school, where they also ate. After the day’s ministry, they returned to the school to share their experiences and to prepare spiritually for the next day. Nicolás Zúñiga Contreras, who participated in Mercy Action for the first time, shared his

Aaron Lofy

Director of Youth & Young Adults,

experience with the prison ministry. He told the Diocese of Talca, “It was a very enlightening experience, which took some courage. I came with a lot of prejudices based on the fact that [these inmates] are in prison, for whatever reason, but we’re going to get them out of their routine and help get them assimilated into Catholic life again.” “I’ve gone on mission in other circumstances but this one has been the most meaningful,” he added. “I felt I needed to do something different, and here I felt like I was making a contribution, like a piece that was missing from a puzzle.” The Mercy Action mission concluded with a Mass at the prison celebrated by the Apostolic Administrator of Chile, Bishop Galo Fernández. Mercy Action also does prison ministry during the rest of the year, and is part of Misión Alégrate (Rejoice) of the Talca diocesan youth ministry.

Annulments as Healing? 13 � henever people reach out to us in the tribunal in order to begin the marriage nullity process, we know

they have been through a lot. No matter how a marriage broke down, or whose “fault” it was, or whether or not a declaration of nullity can ultimately be granted, the experience of a failed marriage is never easy. Many times, people begin the marriage nullity process because they have been told it is a healing experience. But is this actually the case? Like so many things related to canon law, the answer is a qualified “yes and no.” The Official Purpose of the Nullity Process

To start with the “no” part of the answer, it’s important to keep in mind that the direct, official goal of the marriage nullity process is simply to seek the truth of what actually happened in a given case. In this way, the marriage nullity process is different from something like psychological treatment or pastoral counseling, where a person’s emotional well-being is meant to be the direct object of the process. To give a very simplified explanation, the nullity process basically boils down to: the petitioner (i.e., the party seeking the declaration of nullity) approaches the tribunal, alleging that his or her marriage was invalid for a specific, recognized reason, such as one or both of the parties lacking the psychological capability to consent to marriage or a lack of a proper intention in marrying. Then, a good portion of the rest of the process is dedicated to the petitioner backing up this initial claim, through things such as naming witnesses who can corroborate their story or submitting relevant documents such as counseling records. At the end of the process, three canon lawyer judges go over all the assembled evidence and meet privately to discern whether the

Ask a Canon Lawyer

Jenna Cooper

Tribunal Coordinator & Judge

supposed cause of nullity is actually proven with moral “side effect” of the process. certainty, or “beyond any reasonable doubt.” Just as some people may find the Naturally, we make every effort to guide petitionexperience of revisiting old memories ers (and respondents, if they choose to participate) challenging and painful, others may find through the nullity process in a pastoral way. We prothat this experience brings them clarity vide qualified canon lawyers as advocates to assist the and closure. Likewise, while some may parties in assembling their case or their response, and find it difficult or slightly embarrassing we try to be as sensitive as possible when asking difto share private information with the ficult questions or sharing hard news. tribunal, others may find it validating to But, even so, the fact of the matter is that going have the Church listen to their story and through the marriage nullity process can be emotiontake it seriously. ally difficult at times. It can be challenging for some It’s also good to remember that just people to revisit old memories, and sometimes the because an experience is painful, this whole process can feel daunting. doesn’t mean that it can’t also be healWhile nobody in the tribunal wants anyone who ing at the same time. To use an analogy, comes to us to be in emotional pain, we are limited in people who undergo lifesaving surgery what we can do to help that pain specifically. For one usually find the experience physically thing, being a canon lawyer is different from being a painful, but they know that the pain is mental health professional, so none of us here in the temporary and also the cause of their office are legally qualified to do any sort of psychologigreater well-being. cal counseling! But also, in order to ensure the fairness of a nullity trial for everyone involved, judges Why Is This Important? do have to maintain an officially neutral Do stance, which generally isn’t compatIt’s important for those you a q ible with substantial emotional and considering the process for a declaracano uestio have spiritual accompaniment. tion of nullity to have an accurate n a n la you We do strongly encourage idea of what it can be like as an b w t hat out to s w o u l d people involved in the nullity emotional experience, first of all like process to find some outside because challenging experiences here ee ans were ? Em emotional or spiritual supare often harder than necessary d jcoo a port, such as a pastor or parp e r @ il when some of the more potenwith dow ish priest who knows their tially difficult aspects come as r. o situation well, or possibly even a surprise. Naturally, we don’t ques " C o u r r g ier tion" through reaching out to a therwant people to be shocked if t h i n e s apist. But the tribunal itself simthey find that the nullity process ub ply isn’t designed to meet these is not always comfortable or easy line. ject kinds of needs. for them. Even for people who don’t find the nullity process to be particularly emotionally difficult, having a clear On the Other Hand… idea of what can be expected can still help In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that “you will know them approach the tribunal with more confidence. the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John Additionally, understanding what the marriage 8:32). So it is certainly our hope in the nullity process really is—and is not—can help people tribunal that by helping people to come determine whether this is truly the right option for to know the truth about what actuthem at a given point in their life. A person who is ally happened in their marriage, this mainly seeking emotional healing is likely to find that knowledge of the truth will ultimately they are better served by something like pastoral counhave a freeing, and thus hopefully also seling, while a person seeking clarity about the truth of healing, effect. their marriage will know that approaching the tribunal Besides this, it’s good to remember is an appropriate choice of action. that every person is different! As mentioned above, the nullity process is not directly oriented toward emotional healing, but some individuals may still subjectively experience this kind of personal healing as a beneficial

March 2020 w The Courier w

Marta Portillo to Speak on St. Oscar Romero

14 In the Diocese


�uring the season of Lent, and as we approach


cont'd from pg. 1

University of Wyoming. Harris is looking forward to life in Minnesota and making her home in Winona. Catholic Charities serves the 20 southernmost counties of Minnesota, spanning the territory from the Mississippi River to the South Dakota border. With a mission to serve the poor and vulnerable, the marginalized, the alienated, and the stranger, Catholic Charities’ staff and volunteers serve people without regard to religion, race, gender, or ability to pay. Offices are located in Winona, Rochester, Mankato, Worthington, Albert Lea, Austin and Owatonna. For more information, please visit its website - www.ccsomnorg.

the 40th anniversary of the death of St. Oscar Romero on March 24, the Diocesan Social Concerns Committee and Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota are pleased to host special opportunities to learn more about St. Romero from a person who knew him and worked with him. Marta Portillo, a resident of our diocese, was a catechist with Oscar Romero in El Salvador in the late 1970s until his death in 1980. She will share with the audience her experiences and how she interacted with Romero and the people of El Salvador during very turbulent times. All are invited to attend any of the following presentations throughout the diocese:

Sheila Collom is the director of administration services for Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota.

Thank You!

Wednesday, March 4 - 6:15 p.m. - The Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Rochester

Monday, March 9 - 7 p.m. - Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mankato Wednesday, March 11 - 7 p.m. - The Church of St. Leo in Pipestone

Sunday, March 15 - 2 p.m. - The Church of St. Joseph in Owatonna Friday, March 20 - 7 p.m. - The Church of St. John Vianney in Fairmont

Saturday, March 21 - 10 a.m. - The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona

Please contact the individual churches or Parish Social Ministry Director Tom Parlin at Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota for detailed information. Tom can be reached at or 507-454-2270 ext. 246.

Lisa Kremer is a parish social ministry coordinator for Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota.

At the conclusion of the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal, the following parishes had met their goals: All Saints New Richland

Pax Christi Rochester

St. Casimir Winona

St. Mary Chatfield

Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka Winona

Queen of Angels Austin

St. Charles Borromeo St. Charles

St. Mary Lake Wilson

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Winona

Resurrection Rochester

St. Columba Iona

St. Patrick Brownsville

Christ the King Byron

Sacred Heart Adams

St. Columban Preston

St. Patrick LeRoy

Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Rochester

Sacred Heart Heron Lake

St. Finbarr Grand Meadow

St. Patrick West Albany

Good Shepherd Jackson

Sacred Heart Waseca

St. Francis of Assisi Rochester

St. Peter Hokah

Holy Family Kasson

Ss. Peter & Paul Blue Earth

St. Ignatius Spring Valley

St. Pius X Rochester

Holy Family Lake Crystal

Ss. Peter & Paul Mazeppa

St. Joachim Plainview

St. Rose of Lima Lewiston

Holy Redeemer Eyota

St. Agnes Kellogg

St. John Baptist de La Salle Dodge Center

Holy Spirit Rochester

St. Ann Janesville

St. Joseph Lakefield

Holy Trinity Rollingstone

St. Ann Slayton

St. Joseph Waldorf

Immaculate Conception Kellogg

St. Anthony Lismore

St. Leo Pipestone

Immaculate Conception St. Clair

St. Anthony Westbrook

St. Luke Sherburn

March 2020 w The Courier w

Do You See the Gifts Around You? �

n December 12, 2019, I was honored to be one of 13 people to receive Rochester Mayor Kim Norton’s Medal of Honor Award. I was nominated by staff from Madonna Towers for services to the elderly. When I saw the video of the event, my first thought was maybe the award was meant for an old person who shares with other old people! I was greatly humbled to receive it... to get an award for something you love to do... singing brings such joy to my life! When I heard what the other 12 recipients have done, I didn’t think I was a worthy nominee. The medal and certificate sit on a shelf in my living room. When I look at it, I reflect on the people God has put in my life who encouraged and supported me not only in music but in my work with the Council of Catholic Women. Go back and look at the phrase, “the people God has put in my life.” A few days later, while attending Mass at Assisi Heights, Fr. Steven, who presided, told us he had asked a group of college students who

Jeanette Fortier is the president of the WinonaRochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

The Courier Crossword By W.R. CHESTER

5. Holy Spirit symbol 7. Daughter of the Across first Count of Luxembourg 4. First Gospel 9. A distinct syllable 6. Following prinfor each note ciples of valid reasoning 11. Friday fish fry origins 8. Ecclesiastical coat of arms 12. Theology for the care of souls 9. Object which rested on top of 13. __ to Joseph... the Ark of the 14. Shares a feast day Covenant with Felicity 10. Verbal index of 15. Color of penance the Bible 16. March 25 17. Great pope 18. King's Men 21. First man standing 24. Gave up a fortune to save the marginalized 25. Latin for lamb 28. First part of a Holy Land understanding 29. DOW-R Ordinary 30. Ego ___. 31. Struck a decisive blow against Druidism 32. St. Cyril was banished three times from this see. Down 1. Color of Our Lady 2. El Greco 3. Chastity Project speaker 4. Your word is a lamp to __ feet...

19. Tolkien's literary discussion group 20. Brief lenten celebration 22. Corporal container 23. Form of a candle 24. DenzingerSch�nmetzer 26. A defect Nathanael was without 27. Outer vestment



Sister Francis Clare Schares, SSND, 94, professed in 1945, died January 20, 2020, in Notre Dame Health Care, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato. A native of Gilbertville, IA, she graduated from Good Counsel Academy in Mankato in 1942. She entered the SSND Candidature that same year and professed first vows in 1945. She was first an elementary and secondary grade teacher in several Minnesota, Iowa and North Dakota Catholic schools. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she taught at St. Felix, Wabasha (1945-48); St. Anthony, Lismore (195159); Mankato Loyola (1967-71); and St. Casimir, Wells (1976-77). She then began full-time ministry in the charismatic renewal movement, first in the Diocese of New Ulm, and then in a free-lance position based at St. Rita Convent, West Allis, WI. She returned to Mankato in 2003. Sister Francis Clare is survived by her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, colleagues and former students; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Clara (Mangrich) Schares; her sisters, Delores Frost, Adeline Gibbons and Mary Frost; and her brothers, Gene, Ray, Vince, Leo and Alvin. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated January 27 at Good Counsel, with Fr. Gene Stenzel as presider.

In the Diocese


they admired, who was an influence in their life. The members of the class who were Christian spoke of many people: athletes, actors, singers. Several of the Muslim students said Mohamed. So what do you think it is that makes us baptized people of faith not respond with “God” to that question? It happened to me! After the award ceremony, an interviewer from KIMT TV asked why I volunteer to sing. Caught off guard, I responded that I wondered who will sing for me when I am old and in nursing care. I want to take those words back. What I really wanted to say was, “God has given me a special talent, and I want to share it with others and bring them joy.” I’d like to extend an invitation to you to join the Council of Catholic Women for their spring meeting on Saturday, April 25, at Sacred Heart Church in Brewster. The day begins with a light breakfast at 8 a.m., and the meeting starts at 9. We will conclude by 2:30 p.m. Come because you want to see and be surrounded by the gifted people God will put in your life that day. And who knows what person God has chosen for you to be a gift to! I practice singing in the shower most mornings. If these interviews are going to keep happening, I’ll have to practice my interview skills there too. For being prompted by the Holy Spirit to read this article, I thank you. God has given you as a gift to me.

^^^ Last Month's Answers ^^^

March 2020 w The Courier w

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer

Other Events

Mass for Life & Marriage St. Mary Church, Winona, first Thursday each month at 5:15 p.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty First Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. in the Cathedral, 360 Main Street, Winona. Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese Daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info: Cor Jesu Cathedral, Winona, 7-9 p.m., first Friday each month, Sept. - May. Adoration, confessions, music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For details, search Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-7601619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

World Wide Web March 3, Tuesday Discipleship quads check-in videoconference at noon. Are you interested in starting a discipleship quad? Are you in one, and want to discuss how it is going? Brainstorming & support available! Contact Susan Windley-Daoust at for the Zoom link. You will need a smartphone or computer with camera & mic. Christ the King Church, Byron March 6 - April 3, Lenten Fridays Our famous fish fry served 5-7 p.m. all Lenten Fridays (March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3). $13 adults. $12 seniors 62+. $7 kids 6-12. Free 5 & younger. $45 for families. Take-outs available. 202 4th St. NW in Byron.

Traditional Latin Mass Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm

The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday morning on: KTTW Channel 7 (Sioux Falls, SD) at 7; KPTH Channel 44 (Sioux City, IA) at 8:30; KEYC Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30; KEYC-DT2 Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30; KAAL Channel 6 (Austin/Rochester) at 9; HBC Channel 20 (Southeastern MN) at 3 p.m. (and repeated Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.); WKBT Channel 8 (La Crosse) at 7:30; or on our website, (click "Weekly Mass").

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore 11 a.m. Sundays

Pipestone, St. Leo 1 p.m. Sundays (bilingual) Rochester, St. Francis Austin, Queen of Angels Noon Sundays & 7 p.m. Thursdays 11 a.m. Sundays.; 5:15 p.m. Fridays St. Charles, St. Charles Lake City, St. Mary Borromeo 6:30 p.m. 3rd Saturdays 10 a.m. 4th Sundays (bilingual) Madelia, St. Mary St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Saturdays Windom, St. Francis Xavier Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul 11:30 a.m. Sundays 1 p.m. Sundays Worthington, St. Mary Owatonna, Sacred Heart 7 p.m. Saturdays.; 1 p.m. Sundays.; 11:45 a.m. Sundays 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays & Fridays

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Vicario Parroquial de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary, Worthington Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

March 2020 Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, Mankato March 6, Friday 7 p.m. Lenten Organ Concert featuring Dr. Jacob Benda on the 1877 Johnson & Son Pipe Organ, Opus 499. The featured number will be "The Seven Last Words and Triumph of Christ" by Pamela Decker, with other compositions by Charles Tournemire/ Maurice Durufle, Stephen Paulus, A.G. Ritter and David Conte. All welcome. Free-will offerings accepted. Hosted by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. 170 Good Counsel Drive in Mankato. St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Charles March 14, Saturday 6 p.m. Irish stew meal following 5 p.m. Irish-inspired Mass. Entertainment by Ravenfire Band. Sponsored by Court St. Charles Catholic Daughters #1791. Free will donations accepted. Gather, eat & be Irish! St. Patrick Church, Le Roy March 15, Sunday Mulligan Stew Dinner served familystyle 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Diocese of Winona-Rochester March 20-22, Thursday-Saturday The Light Is On Southern Minnesota. Come and see the great mercy of God! Info: www. St. Pius X Church, Rochester March 21, Sunday Polka Mass 6 p.m. Roast pork meal in Kennedy Hall after Mass. $15 11-adult. $5 5-10. Free 4 & younger. $40 family max. Live polka band 7:30-9 p.m. 1315 12th Ave. NW in Rochester. Info & registration: St. Mary School, Caledonia March 27, Friday Annual fish fry served 4-8 p.m. in the gym. 3 pieces of cod, Irish potatoes, coleslaw, bun, coffee or milk. $11. Pie available for purchase. Carry-outs available by calling 507-725-5405. Basket and cash raffles available, with a grand prize of $3,000. 308 E South St. in Caledonia.

• The Courier

Filming of the Hour-Long

Televised Easter Mass with Bishop John M. Quinn

Monday, March 16 6:30 p.m. at the

Chapel of St. Mary of the Angels 1155 W Wabasha St. in Winona

All are welcome! Help us present a full church to our homebound members on Easter morning! St. Paul Church, Minnesota City April 5, Sunday Ham & scalloped potatoes dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $10/person or $25/family. Bake sale, silent auction, basket raffle and prize drawings at 1 p.m. St. Patrick Church, Brownsville April 19, Sunday Spring Fling following 8 a.m. Mass. Breakfast served until noon. French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, cheesy hash browns, fresh fruit, coffee, milk, orange juice. $8 adults. $5 kids 6-12. Free 5 & younger. Big Ticket, quilt and basket raffles; bake sale; silent auction; kids' games. 604 Adams Street in Brownsville. www. St. Joseph Church, Owatonna May 30, Saturday Seven Sisters Apostolate Second Annual Morning of Reflection Diocese of Winona-Rochester, featuring Seven Sisters Foundress Janette Howe and St. Joseph Pastor Fr. Jim Starasinich. Updates to follow in the Courier's April or May issue.

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