The Courier - July 2017

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St. James the Apostle July 25

ST tory of Grace N D O July 2017


Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN




Diocese of Winona Holds Ministry Days

WINONA--The Diocese of Winona held Ministry Days on the campus of St. Mary's University June 8-9. Both clergy and lay leaders from around the diocese heard speakers address the event's theme: Go, and Make Disciples: Forming Missionary Disciples for Gospel Witness. In the weeks leading up to Ministry Days, Bishop John M. Quinn announced four points of focus for evangelization in the Diocese of Winona: Encounter--Invite others to experience the person of Jesus Christ and His saving love. Accompany--Walk in love and care with others on their spiritual journey. Community--Worship and together as Christ's Body.


Mission--Always move outward in healing and hope to the broken people and places of our world.

Bishop John M. Quinn (center) with Deacon ThĂŠ Hoang (left) and Deacon Brian Mulligan (right) after their ordination on June 23, 2017, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.

WINONA--On June 23, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Bishop John M. Quinn ordained seminarians ThĂŠ Hoang and Brian Mulligan to the Order of Deacon. The ordi-

nation--attended by priests, deacons, religious, and lay parishioners from across the Diocese of Winona--was the diocese's first ordination to the transitional diaconate in Ordination, cont'd on pg. 4

With these points in mind, participants took in messages from the event's two keynote presenters, Adam Janke and Leisa Anslinger. Adam Janke serves as Program Director for St. Paul Street Evangelization, a grassroots, non-profit, Catholic evangelization organization with 318 teams of evangelists and a goal to "build a bridge of trust from the public square into the local parish."

Ministry Days, cont'd on pg. 4

INSIDE this issue

Welcome Father Kern! page 10

Spiritual Martyrdom of the Diaconate page 11

Diamond Jubilees page 14

Articles of Interest

Formed Together___________________________5 Don't Miss the Marriage Retreat!_____________6 Fifteen Years Since the Charter______________7 Catholic Schools Updates___________________8 Totus Tuus Teams__________________________9 Welcome Fr. Kern!________________________10 Spiritual Martyrdom of the Diaconate________11 Children's Stewardship____________________12 Politics for Love of Jesus___________________13 Diocesan Headlines_______________________14 Diocesan Calendar________________________16 li el






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The Courier Insider


The Holy Father's Intention for July 2017 Lapsed Christians: That our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life.

Sainthood Causes Advance


VATICAN CITY, Jun. 17, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News)-Pope Francis recognized the heroic virtue of six persons on the path to canonization, as well as the martyrdom of an Italian man who died from injuries of a beating he received while imprisoned in a concentration camp for resisting fascism. The Pope met June 16 with the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, giving his approval for the causes to move forward. He recognized the martyrdom of Venerable Teresio Olivelli, a layman "killed in hatred of the Faith" Jan. 17, 1945, at the age of 29. Venerable Olivelli was born in 1916. He graduated with a degree in law and went on to comment in papers on legal and social issues of the time before becoming a volunteer soldier in the Spanish Civil War and in World War II. During the war, his views towards the Italian fascist regime of Benito Mussolini soured. He founded a newspaper dedicated to promoting the Christian message and tried to infuse a Christian message into the regime. He later broke from it entirely after seeing the reality of the deportation of Jewish people as per racial laws. He became part of the Italian Resistance movement in Milan. He was apprehended on April 27, 1944 and taken to a prison where he was tortured and beaten before being moved to another prison. On July 11 his name was added to a list of 70 inmates to be shot, but he fled and hid in a field until he was recaptured. He was then transferred to a concentration camp in northern Italy before being moved to the Flossenburg and Hersbruck camps in Germany. While there he shared food rations with inmates and treated their injuries. He died from injuries he received after defending a Ukrainian inmate from being attacked. He was kicked in the stomach and intestines and struck 25 times. Olivelli's beatification process began in 1988. Originally sought as a martyrdom, this was rejected because of doubts, though he was found to July, 2017 w The Courier

have lived a life of heroic virtue and was named 'Venerable' by Pope Francis in 2015. Officials of the cause remained adamant that Olivelli was killed in hatred of his faith and therefore re-submitted a “positio” – a collection of documents submitted for sainthood causes – in 2016, hoping it would lead to his beatification without the usual required miracle. Based on new findings it was approved by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and now by Pope Francis, affirming that he was killed “in hatred of the faith,” paving the way for his beatification. Another cause moving forward is that of Sr. Maria degli Angeli, born Giuseppa Margherita Operte in Turin in 1871. Born into a wealthy family, she experienced loss at the young age of 14 when her father and brother died within three months of each other. Left alone with her mother, they entered more deeply into the Christian life, becoming Third Order lay Carmelites. When Giuseppa heard that a priest in a neighboring parish was circulating the rumor that she would open an institute for poor young girls, she took it as a sign of her calling and in 1894 opened the Institute of St. Joseph in a palace inherited from her parents. She began a religious community of Third Order Carmelites who live an active apostolate according to the spirituality of the great reformers of Carmel, which since 1970 is called the Carmelite Sisters of Saint Teresa of Turin, and has two branches, one contemplative and one active. She died in the monastery of Cascine Vica on Oct. 7, 1949, having lived an active life centered on contemplation. The other persons declared ‘Venerable’ are: Bishop Antonio Jose de Souza Barroso of Porto (1854-1918); Bishop Jose de Jesus López y González of Aguascalientes, founder of the Congregation of the Maestro Catholic Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1872-1950); Bishop Agostino Ernesto Castrillo, OFM, of San Marco and Bisignano, (1904-1955); Fr. Giacomo da Balduina, OFM Cap., (1900-1948); and Sr. Umiltà Patlán Sánchez of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (1895-1970).

It's all online!

Vist for online access to: The Courier TV Mass Diocesan News Our Events Calendar and more!

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following appointments: Senior Priests Rev. Paul Surprenant: currently Pastor of Christ the King Parish in Byron and Holy Family Parish in Kasson; granted Senior Priest status, effective July 3, 2017. Rev. Joseph Fogal: currently Pastor of Pax Christi Parish in Rochester and Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mazeppa; granted Senior Priest status, effective July 1, 2017. Rev. Charles Collins: currently Pastor of St. Pius X Parish in Rochester; granted Senior Priest status, effective June 26, 2017.

Finance Council Very Rev. Russell Scepaniak: appointed to the Diocese of Winona Finance Council for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2017. Rev. William Thompson: appointed to the Diocese of Winona Finance Council for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2017. Sr. Jean Keniry, OSF: re-appointed to the Diocese of Winona Finance Council for a fourth five-year term, effective July 1, 2017. Priest Pension Plan Mr. Daniel Kutzke: re-appointed to the Pension Plan for Priests of the Diocese of Winona Board of Trustees for a fourth three-year term, effective July 1, 2017 Mr. Timothy Scanlon: re-appointed to the Pension Plan for Priests of the Diocese of Winona Board of Trustees for a second three-year term, effective July 1, 2017.

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 108 - 7

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona

Diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Go, and Make Disciples! �ear Friends in Christ, Evangelization

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

with tools to engage others in conversation regarding the Catholic faith. At the end of the day, those in attendance had the opportunity to go onto the street in downtown Rochester and gain hands-on experience in evangelization. Regardless of whether one has had formal training, however, it is important to remember that we are all called to evangelize! It is easy for us to think that the task of evangelization is someone else’s job, but in fact all of us who are baptized are tasked with the mission of evangelization. On the Feast of the Ascension on May 28, Pope Francis spoke of how, upon Jesus’ ascension into heaven, Christ gave His Church the responsibility of spreading His Word to the whole world. Our Holy Father explained, “[the Church] exists to announce the Gospel… the joy of the Church is to announce the Gospel.” He further exhorted everyone to “continue with enthusiasm and courage our journey, our mission of bearing witness to and living the Gospel in every environment.” One of the most effective ways to evangelize is simply by living out your faith. Pray before meals, even when you are at a restaurant or have guests over; have statues or paintings of the saints in your home; attend Mass every Sunday, even when you’re on vacation; offer to pray for others; and “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” (1 Peter 3:15). There are many ways to live your faith and be a witness in the world. May we never tire of living out this mission to boldly proclaim the Gospel to our world which is so thirsty for our Triune God!

June 30-July 4, Friday-Tuesday USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders Orlando, FL

5 pm - Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem Dinner for new investees

July 12, Wednesday 10 am - Record TV Mass - St. Mary’s Church, Winona

July 15, Saturday 11:30 am - Day of Prayer in Honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Annunciation Hermitage, Austin

July 13, Thursday 6 pm - Keynote Speaker for St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Our Lady of Fatima 100th Anniversary Celebration - Durand, WI July 14, Friday 2:30 pm - Round Table discussion with Steubenville North Youth Conference attendees

Natural Family Planning Awareness Week Every July the Catholic Church in the United States holds Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, this year July 23–29. These days are set to coincide with the anniversary of Humane Vitae, Blessed Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on human sexuality and God’s plan for marriage, and also the July 26 feast day of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This week is a wonderful opportunity for us to better educate ourselves on the beauty of married life, where spouses offer themselves to each other through a complete gift of self and are open to life and the blessing of children. The various methods of Natural Family Planning allow couples to respect their fertility while providing a husband and wife both effective and moral ways in which to postpone a pregnancy for legitimate reasons. I encourage everyone, whether married, engaged, preparing for marriage, or single, to take the time to learn more about the benefits of Natural Family Planning and how it strengthens marriages, is safe for a woman’s body, and also respects God’s design for procreation. Ordination and Vocations On June 23, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I, along with our whole diocesan Church, celebrated the joyful occasion of the ordination of Brian Mulligan and Thé Hoang to the Order of Deacon. It has been three years since we have had a diaconate ordination in the Diocese of Winona, and I am grateful for these faithful men who have said “yes” to the Lord’s call, and who are

July 19, Wednesday 12 pm - Pastoral Center Staff Luncheon July 20, Thursday 12:10 pm - Mass to honor Zachary Clark - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona 1 pm - Holy Hour 2 pm - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

July 16, Sunday 10 am - Mass at Steubenville North Youth Conference - Mayo Civic Center, Rochester

July 30, Sunday 10:30 am - Rite for Institution of Acolyte for DOW Seminarian Matthew Wagner Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

July 18, Tuesday 5 pm - Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem Dinner

August 1-3, Tuesday–Thursday Knights of Columbus 135th Supreme Convention - St. Louis, MO


embarking upon the final stage of their journey to the priesthood. Deacon Brian is stationed this summer at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Mankato with Fr. Tim Reker as his deacon supervisor, and Deacon Thé is at St. Francis Church in Rochester with Msgr. Cook as his deacon supervisor. Both will return to Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the fall to complete their preparation for priestly ordination. This summer I will also have the privilege to celebrate the Rite of Candidacy for four seminarians who will be beginning their theological studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit this fall. In addition, I will confer the Ministry of Lector and Acolyte on other seminarians currently in formation in the major seminary. The number of seminarians for the Diocese of Winona has been steadily increasing in the last few years, but we still are very much in need of more priests to serve our Church in southern Minnesota. Please continue to encourage young men to consider whether God may be calling them to the priesthood, and please pray for all our seminarians as they carry on with their studies and formation. Thank you for your prayers!

From the Bishop

Go, and Make Disciples: Forming Missionary Disciples for Gospel Witness was the theme of our recent Ministry Days for clergy and lay leaders, held June 8-9 in Winona. These two days of prayer, engaging speakers, and fellowship with others from around the diocese were a time to reflect on how we can better evangelize in our various ministries throughout the Diocese of Winona. The sessions focused on examining how we are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ and are sent to go out and accompany others to deepen their relationship with Christ and His Church. Evangelization is a priority for the Bishops of the United States, because there is a great need in our country for evangelization. This is why the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops convened the Convocation of Catholic

Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America over the Fourth of July weekend in Orlando, FL. Inspired by Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel, the purpose of this gathering was to examine the challenges and opportunities for forming missionary disciples in America in this day and age. Bishops from across the nation brought delegations of clergy and lay leaders, and more than 3,000 participants were expected to attend. It is our hope that through this gathering of prayer, workshops, and keynote speakers, participants will be encouraged and equipped to more effectively engage the culture around them as missionary disciples. The delegation from the Diocese of Winona consisted of myself; Bishop Harrington; our Vicar General Msgr. Tom Melvin; Fr. Raúl Silva, Vicar for Hispanic Ministry; Ben Frost, Director of Youth and Young Adults and Public Relations; Manolo and Olivia Gonzalez; Nicole Henrichs; Bev McCarvel; Deb McManimon; Nelle Moriarty; and Dana Petricka. Please keep us in your prayers, that we may take the insights and tools from the convocation, and use them to further the mission of Jesus Christ in southern Minnesota. One way we are already assisting Catholics in our diocese in the effort of evangelization, is by hosting a Basic Evangelization Training on June 10. Held in Rochester, this training was led by Adam Janke from St. Paul Street Evangelization, a grassroots, non-profit, Catholic evangelization organization. Mr. Janke was also one of our keynote presenters for Ministry Days. In this one-day training, Mr. Janke provided the approximately 50 participants

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

August 5, Saturday 5:15 pm - Rite of Candidacy for DOW Seminarians Matthew Nordquist, Ezra Lippert, Mitchell Logeais and Michael Churchill - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona August 6, Sunday 10:30 am - Rite for Institution of Ministry of Lector for DOW Seminarian David Kruse - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona August 7, Monday 5 pm - Round Table discussion with Camp Summit Youth attendees 7 pm - Mass - Camp Summit July, 2017 w The Courier


cont'd from pg. 1 three years. "You know, it's been three years since I've been able to ordain anyone," said Bishop Quinn at the beginning of his homily. "Boy, these hands are warm!" Bishop Quinn's repeated advice to the two candidates was to "access the grace of your vocation." In his homily, he referred to Georges Seurat's famous pointillistic painting, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, encouraging Thé and Brian to step back from the isolated "dots" in their own lives to see the larger "story of grace" God was painting through them. "Today, we're stepping back," Bishop Quinn said, "because God has been at work in your lives from the moment of your conception, and God has been calling you. Moment by moment, it just seems like, 'Yeah, I went to school, then I came to the seminary, then I got my degree,' and all those little points, but you've got to step back to see that this has been God's plan for you from all eternity. Remember, you are not news to God. God is news to you. ...He's already seen this moment, and has yearned for this moment, for you to become His deacons, and He is calling you beyond that to Sacred Orders and to the priesthood. You've got to step back, and to see not just a lot of isolated moments but a story of grace. ...Don't ever forget your part in the salvation story of all of those to whom you're going to minister." "All of us get caught up in immediate problems," Bishop Quinn later added. "We get caught up in problems of our state, moments of our Church. Yet, look to the bigger picture and to the sign of hope that you are to us, your brothers in the presbytery. If there would be any time you'd think we'd have no vocations, it would be now. And yet, I'm ordaining two to the diaconate and more after them, and more keep coming. ... We have to step back to see just how committed Christ


Ministry Days, cont'd from pg. 1

In his presentation, "Effective Tools for Parish and Diocesan Evangelization," Janke suggested some key qualities of parishes that evangelize succesfully. Successful parishes, he said, maintain a focus on intercessory prayer, connect discipled families and parishioners to visitors and new parishioners, and understand that not all "sacramentalized" Catholics are necessarily "evangelized," and so do not make false assumptions about parishioners' personal engagement with the faith based on Mass attendance alone. Leisa Anslinger serves as Director of Catholic Life and Faith, "a pastoral resource center supporting parish and diocesan evangelization and stewardship leaders." She has

Adam Janke July, 2017 w The Courier

is to us through His Heart and an unconditional love. Access the grace of your vocation and see the picture of grace in your life and in the Church. And may our gracious God, who's begun this good work for you, one day bring it to completion." After the ordination, the new deacons thanked their teachers, families, and others who assisted in their formation, Deacon Brian speaking in English and Deacon Thé in Vietnamese and Spanish. This summer, Deacon Brian is serving St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Mankato under the supervision of Fr. Tim Reker, and Deacon Thé is serving St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Rochester under the supervision of Msgr. Thomas Cook. Both will return to Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit this fall to complete their preparation for priestly ordination, which is currently planned for Friday, June 8, 2018, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. "I can tell you the joy deep in my heart when it's time to ordain deacons," Bishop Quinn told the candidates at the June 23 ordination. "The only greater joy will be a year from now, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, when I'll be able to elevate you again, as deacons, to the Order of Presbyter." written several books for pastoral leaders and e-resources on catechesis and stewardship. In her presentation, "Forming Missionary Disciples for Gospel Witness," Anslinger asked participants to reflect on who they were called to be as missionary disciples, and to identify the kinds of people they were trying to reach with the message of Jesus Christ. She encouraged participants to discuss with others at their tables the hopes and dreams for evangelization within the diocese and at their parishes, saying, "A lot of the wisdom that we need sits at these tables with you all." Some of the hopes and dreams offered by those in attendance were being in tune to the Holy Spirit and His will, creating within a parish a sense of community that reaches the outer community, and engaging families who receive many of the Sacraments but are otherwise uninvolved with their parishes. As the presentation progressed, Anslinger offered survey results that highlighted the spiritual needs of groups who could be reached

Leisa Anslinger

through evangelization. Near the end of her presentation, Anslinger referred to her husband, a bridge engineer, to add a new dimension to the popular use of bridge building as a metaphor for evangelization. "He doesn't just go putting up a bridge," she said. "They have to go to the site, and they have to look at how deep a foundation [they are] going to have to lay. Where are we trying to go? How are we going to get there? They literally talk about the 'approach.' And sometimes, there's something in the way, and they have to figure out how they work around it. ...I think that applies to us as well. Our foundation is our faith in the love of God and salvation in Jesus Christ. Our foundation is our desire to form missionary disciples for Gospel witness. But we need to know how we're going to do that in our time and our place, in our circumstances. Where are the obstacles? What are we trying to do? Where are we trying to go?"

Formed Together Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

The fundamental objective of the formation of the lay faithful is an ever-clearer discovery of one's vocation and the ever-greater willingness to live it so as to fulfill one's mission. -Pope St. John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici #58


he members of the diocesan Institute of Lay Formation Class of 2017 were blessed and commissioned at the Pentecost Vigil Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on Saturday, June 3. Bishop John Quinn commissioned this current class, calling the graduates into "leadership in service to the people of God" in the parishes and institutions of the Diocese of Winona. I would like to share with you the contents of a letter that I wrote to our Institute class members, as I believe it captures, in some small measure, the grace and the working of the Holy Spirit present in their experience together over these past three years. Dear Institute of Lay Formation Class of 2017, Greetings of Peace in Our Risen Lord and in the Communion of the Holy Spirit! First of all, congratulations on this day of your commissioning and blessing as members of the Institute's Class of 2017! We have been truly blessed by our journey together over these past three years, and today we honor each of you for your hard work and dedication during these years, and we affirm the grace that has guided and accompanied us along the way. My most heartfelt words to you today are, "Thank you!" Thank you for reading, studying, and writing, even when countless other tasks were facing you. Thank you for sharing your reflections and your experiences so honestly with each other. Thank you for opening your spirit when we gathered for prayer during our sessions. Thank you for sharing your mind and heart through your papers and conversations. I have been deeply inspired by the depth of your faith and the true goodness of who you are. The journey of these past three years has been an immensely rich one for me, and it has been such a blessing to be your companion in this formation process. I am so grateful to each of you for what you have brought to this experience--your lives, your questions, your struggles, your hopes for the Church, your support of one another, your desire to become ever closer to Christ, your openness to growth in the Spirit, your willingness to be of service to God's people, etc. You are each a great witness of God's love at work in the world! Through the presence of the Risen Christ in our midst and the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we have been formed into a true community of faith and of shared service and ministry to the world and to the Church. Congratulations again to each of you and to your class, together, on this day of your commissioning and blessing! Our bishop and our diocese entrust you with the work of the Gospel and call you to faith-filled leadership in service to the people of God in the days ahead.

Remember that you are now and always members of our diocesan Institute of Lay Formation community and that we will continue this journey of faith and formation together. God’s grace and blessings to each of you this day and always!

And the Institute moves forward as well. To support and promote our diocesan Church’s ministry of evangelization, the Institute of Lay Formation is offering–through its Emmaus component–a year-long formation program on Forming Missionary Disciples for Gospel Witness. This program is open to Institute alumni and to all other leaders in our local parishes, schools, institutions, and lay movements and associations. Set to begin this fall and to take place during the 2017-18 academic year, the program will include prayer and reflection, study and discussion, and discernment concerning our call–both as individuals and as a community– to live out our Christian witness more deeply and fully. Participants in the Emmaus program will meet for five weekend sessions (i.e., from Friday evening through midafternoon on Saturday), which will be held at the Alverna Center in Winona. Overnight accommodations are available at the Center, and there is also a Saturdayonly option for participants. For more information on the Institute of Lay Formation’s 2017-18 Emmaus program, please contact me in the diocesan Office of Lay Formation (507-858-1270 or Applications to the program are due by Tuesday, August 1. I ask your prayers both for those Institute graduates recently commissioned by Bishop Quinn, and for those discerning their participation in this coming year’s program on forming missionary disciples. We are truly blessed with our vibrant lay formation community here in the diocese. Deo gratias! The Institute of Lay Formation Class of 2017 MONICA JEAN ANDERSON – Holy Trinity, Litomysl TROY ANDERSON – Holy Trinity, Litomysl KATHRYN BAUSTIAN – St. Catherine, Luverne LARRY BRAND – St. Casimir, Wells (Certificate of Participation) MONICA BURTIS – St. John Vianney, Fairmont DR. SCOTT BURTIS – St. John Vianney, Fairmont DOREEN L. COLEMAN – Holy Family, Kasson ARLO JOSEPH DREES – Queen of Angels, Austin

Lay Formation

in One Body of Christ


MARK M. ENGESSER – Sacred Heart, Adams DONNA MACK FAKLER – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona KATHY FOERSTER – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona SONYA FUJAN – St. John Vianney, Fairmont BOU GAZLEY – Holy Spirit, Rochester MIRANDA GOFF – St. Columbanus, Blooming Prairie (Certificate of Participation) TIMOTHY M. GOSSMAN – St. Mary, Chatfield MARY JANE GUY – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona MARY A. HAMANN – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona / Diocese of Winona JENNY CATHERINE HENDRICKSON – St. Columbanus, Blooming Prairie BECKY HOFFMAN – St. Columbanus, Blooming Prairie (Certificate of Participation) NORB KELLY – St. Patrick, Lanesboro ROSEMARY KUTH – St. John Baptist de la Salle, Dodge Center (Certificate of Participation / Class of 2003) JOYCE LEHMAN – Pax Christi, Rochester MARY MEINE – Resurrection, Rochester PATRICK MERRICK – St. Anthony, Westbrook SHELLY MERRICK – St. Anthony, Westbrook JOE NEMCIK – Queen of Angels, Austin JEAN AMELIA PETERSON – St. Bernard, Stewartville BROOKE PRONSCHINSKE – St. Joseph, Rushford (Certificate of Participation) MAUREEN PRONSCHINSKE – St. Joseph, Rushford SHANNON REKER – St. Adrian, Adrian LYNN M. RICHTERS – St. Catherine, Luverne MARY ROBINSON – Holy Redeemer, Eyota SHANE R. ROESSLER – Sacred Heart, Waseca ERIC SCOTT ROSE – St. John the Evangelist, Rochester SHARON SCHOUWEILER – St. Joachim, Plainview KIM R. SHIMAK-HANSEN – Resurrection, Rochester LESLIE SLATER – Our Lady of Good Counsel, Wilmont MARYANNE SMITH – St. Ann, Slayton TRAVIS SMITH – St. Ann, Slayton PATRICE R. STEIER – Resurrection, Rochester TOM STOLTMAN-HAMILTON – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona BECKY WENDLER – St. John Vianney, Fairmont COLLEEN WILSON – St. John Baptist de la Salle, Dodge Center (Certificate of Participation / Class of 2003) DEBRA WOBSCHALL – Sacred Heart, Waseca

The Institute of Lay Formation class of 2017 July, 2017 w The Courier

Don't Miss the Marriage Retreat! Elizabeth Ministry 6

�et’s face it: marriage can be hard. If you have not found that to be the case, con-

Life, Marriage & Family

gratulations newlywed (why are you reading this on your honeymoon?)! All kidding aside, marriage is difficult because one of us is imperfect… ok, fine, both of us are! Everything in life--if it is striving for growth, depth, and perfection--is difficult. People, corporations, teams, etc. do not become successful because they found the easy path. They become successful because they started out on a path with a goal in mind, and, when things got difficult, they did not quit; they overcame the difficulty and continued on the path. So it is with marriage. A marriage retreat is a time for a couple to step aside from the daily grind and “huddle” (as they do in football). It is a time to regroup and join together with your spouse to focus on how well things have been going. It is a time to evaluate the relationship. How have you been communicating? How have you been feeling? What are the joys you have experienced? What are the frustrations? Marriage retreats are not just for those who are struggling in marriage.* Those who consider their marriage quite healthy often benefit the most from a retreat because they recognize the blessings they have received, as well as recognizing the ways that they can grow even deeper! They also find that they have more to give, not only to each other, but to the greater family to which they belong. A Catholic marriage retreat is also a great opportunity

July, 2017 w The Courier

for spouses to encounter the relationship they have with the Lord. It is a time to invite Christ into their lives in a way that they may not have considered before. If you feel that your relationship with Christ is “as good as it could be," then I would encourage you to come on this retreat. One of the greatest ways for Christ to work in our lives is when we set time aside to be with Him one-on-one. If your only impression of married couples retreats comes from the portrayal of them in movies, please erase that. This retreat does not have set-aside times for group sharing/therapy. The retreat’s main focus is the relationship between you and your spouse and your relationship with Jesus Christ. Sharing does happen (and, in fact, most couples find this to be very rewarding), but it happens in a very real way over a meal or during our wine and cheese social. It is not forced, and if you are not comfortable sharing, you are not required to do so! The fourth annual Married Couples Retreat will take place this year in Austin. Our evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29, at a local parish with Adoration and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will end the evening with a social gathering and begin the next morning with a full day of talks, with plenty of time set aside for reflection. If it’s not until the end of September, why bring it up now? Marriage retreats, for some, are like a nagging whisper that they would much rather push away until it’s too late. I am offering the invitation to join us at the married couples retreat now so that those who would much rather put it off would think and pray seriously about doing something great for themselves and for their spouses! *However, for those who are deeply struggling, I would suggest that you look into a Retrouvaille retreat (www.

Support in Childbearing Years

aving suffered a miscarriage, moved our whole family (away and back), and experienced the joy of our daughter's birth, my family and I have been blessed by our parish's Elizabeth Ministry chapter many times this past year! Elizabeth Ministry is based on Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45). It is a program in which women help other women during times of pregnancy, birth, adoption, or infant crisis. It also provides support to those who are suffering the pain of miscarriage, inftertility, or failed adoption. The concept is called like-to-like ministry, in which a woman volunteers to become a minister in the area in which she has experience. For example, a woman who has twins would visit someone expecting twins. Continued support is given throughout the pregnancy and after the birth. This support comes in the form of visits, phone calls, cards, and other means of outreach that remain confidential. They also help with meals, babysitting, and other services on an as-needed basis. Elizabeth ministers come as friends. They are not experts or counselors but representatives of your church. They may bring a small Elizabeth Ministry gift bag with spiritual and inspirational resources on their first visit, but the most important gifts they offer are themselves and their experience. No lengthy training is needed to volunteer for the program.

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

Fifteen Years Since the Charter Mary Hamann


Safe Environment Program Manager

Safe Environment

The content of the following article is excerpted from a June 2, 2017, letter from the USCCB's Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People.

�ithin the Catholic Church, 2002 was a mile-

stone year for child and youth protection. With the promulgation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, more commonly known as the Dallas Charter, national standards were set in place to bring healing to those who have been abused, as well as outline the prevention of future abuse. 2017 marks the 15th anniversary of the Charter, and it provides the opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made within the Church as well as the areas where continued growth is needed. Throughout these past 15 years, we have continued to establish cultures of protection and healing where all within the Church are treated with the respect they deserve as being made in God’s image. June [marked] the 15th anniversary of the Charter; now is a good time to be mindful about the progress that has been made regarding child and youth protection in the Church. The Church has provided outreach to victims/survivors over the past 15 years since 2002, as well as taken steps to prevent such harm from happening again. In 2002, the crime and sin of child sexual abuse was brought out in the open for all to see. In bringing light to this crisis, the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People was approved. A nationwide network of victim assistance and safe environment training was created to implement the requirements of the Charter. Individually and together, we acknowledge mistakes of the past. We acknowledge our responsibility and role in the suffering this has caused, and we continue to ask forgiveness. Fifteen years later, we remain committed to the principles of that Charter, and we ask for your continued help, support, and prayers, as we: promote healing and reconciliation with victims/survivors of sexual abuse, respond effectively to allegations of sexual abuse, become accountable for our procedures, and protect the faithful in the future. We humbly invite anyone who may have experienced abuse to please come forward. And if anyone is currently being abused, please contact the police. What the Church Is Doing Now It has been 15 years since the Charter for the Protection of Children was approved in Dallas. The Charter is a comprehensive set of procedures established by the USCCB in June 2002 for

addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. It also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of abuse. The Charter directs action in all the following matters: 1. Creating a safe environment for children and young people 2. Healing and reconciliation of victims and survivors 3. Making prompt and effective response to allegations 4. Cooperating with civil authorities 5. Disciplining offenders Since 2003, an annual report has been published on the progress made in implementing the procedures of the Charter. Those reports, based on annual independent audits, tell us progress has been made. Thousands of people have come forward to report past abuse and have received pastoral care in hopes they can find healing. In one audit year alone (from July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016), more than 4.5 million children in Catholic schools and religious education programs were trained to recognize abuse and how to tell someone. More than 2.3 million adults working or volunteering in parishes and schools have been trained to recognize warning signs of abuse, grooming, healthy boundaries, and how to report. More than 97% of these adults have also had background checks. Our Holy Father Pope Francis has called upon all dioceses to observe a "Day of Prayer and Penance" for survivors of sexual abuse within the Church. The Diocese of Winona will offer Masses to commemorate this "Day of Prayer and Penance" in the fall of 2017.

Prayer for Healing and Reconciliation Almighty and most loving God, through your Son your compassion brought healing to many. We ask for your healing once more for all who have been profoundly wounded by abuse, especially those who have been hurt by your ministers. In your mercy, we also ask for forgiveness. Words cannot express fully the sorrow we have for the great harm done by those who were called to be trusted. In your goodness, we ask for the grace to be a source of healing to all who have been abused and to be ever vigilant in protecting all your people. Grant, we pray, our prayers for healing and forgiveness, for we ask them through your Son, Christ our Lord. Amen

July, 2017 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


S t . P e t e r ' s The Students � Build Little Free Library HOKAH--When Librarian Shari Carlson of Hokah Public Library asked St. Peter's School's 6th-8th grade students to paint a "little free library" for the city of Hokah, the students planned, designed, and painted a replica of the hundred-year-old St. Peter's Church/ School building. "The kids did an amazing job," said Principal Rachel Fishel. "It's all about doing great things through community collaboration." The "little free library" is on display at the Hokah Public Library until its installation near the St. Peter's rectory.

Gospel Through Curriculum

he Diocese of Winona's curriculum team met June 12-14 at Lourdes High School in Rochester. The diocesan curriculum writing process partnered with the University of Notre Dame’s ACE Collaborative four years ago to provide clear understanding in the design of a more effective curricula and assessments to enhance student learning. Teachers and administrators from all Diocese of Winona Catholic schools collaborated and wrote team department outcomes, course outcomes, and unit concepts and goals throughout their three days of training in Year I, in addition to a scheduled fall and spring training day. Year II focuses on course planning, unit cover page, lesson planning, formative and summative assessments, and improving classroom curriculum, in addition to a fall and spring training day. Teachers and administrators in attendance return to their respective schools and train their faculty members as the process continues throughout the year. The classroom curriculum is designed to provide students a rigorous year-long learning experience. Most importantly, the teachings of the Catholic faith permeate into everything that is done in the classroom. The infusing of Gospel values given to us in Scripture provides the basis of Catholic education. The Year I training in June provided multiple opportunities for the language arts curriculum to ensure the multigrade building blocks were providing the academic foundation for the next block. Teachers wrote course outcomes which centered on single grade stepping stones for team and department achievement. The unit concepts were written to provide understanding that is coherent and content rich. The

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Year I session ended with the writing of unit concepts and goals which were created to provide critical thinking skills for all students. As to an update on the diocesan curriculum writing process, content areas of social studies and math are now complete and being integrated into the classroom. Religion is in its second year of curriculum writing, which is based on the standards of the Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Science will meet in July/August to design assessments and instruction to create student evidence of achievement. This year’s science training will provide the teacher tools to anchor the curriculum standards and assessments which guide instruction. Curriculum is to be the instrument of change in education. In order to ensure change, its meaning and understanding must be clearer than it is currently. In the end, this curriculum process is a map for teachers and students to achieve the desired performance outcomes in which learning activities and assessments enable every student to learn and experience success in education rooted in Gospel values.

K-12 language arts curriculum trainers attended Year I curriculum training at Lourdes High School June 12-14.

A Huge Part of My Life By NATHAN DREES

�y Catholic education has been a huge part

of my life and will continue to be for the rest of my life. I have gone to Pacelli Catholic Schools since I was a preschooler. My class saw many changes when I was in elementary school. Sixth grade was completely different from my class in fifth grade - 30 new faces and names to learn with a few familiar ones thrown in. Even though my class’ number has dwindled to 14 students, I’m proud to say I know every single one of my peers by name. My classmates are my family, and my teachers are always there to help my family and me. We are shown right from wrong at a very young age; as we grow older, we learn right from wrong in a whole new light. Pacelli has given me a love and passion for my faith and a lifelong relationship with Jesus that I would not have had at any public school. It has given me a family to go to for support when I am in need of assistance, a hug, or a shoulder to cry on. My Catholic education has

July, 2017 w The Courier

formed me and my classmates to be outstanding young people and citizens. It has been such a blessing to be able to learn about the faith that has been given to me by my parents, teachers, and peers. The education I have received at Pacelli Catholic Schools has made me the person I am today. Nathan Drees is a 2017 graduate of Pacelli High School in Austin.

Totus Tuus Teams: lives as a complete gift to Him. Mary is also a common theme for the retreat, because she was the greatest Ben Frost example of how to live as totus tuus. Mary gave her life Director of Youth & Young Adults, completely over to God and consecrated her life to the Communications and Public Relations will of the Father. The Totus Tuus experience is packed with excitement and fun, as well as solid catechesis and formation in Christian living. Each day is consumed by daily very year, the arrival of summer means a flurry of lessons, songs, Mass, confession, games, and activievents in youth ministry. One such event is the retreat ties. Parishes are also involved throughout the event. week Totus Tuus. Parishes from around the diocese Families come together for an evening potluck and sign up to have a team of young adults come in and get to encourage the little ones as they participate offer programming for youth in grades 1-12. in a large scale water fight. Mornings are a time for Our Totus Tuus program actually starts with a trainelementary grades to gather, while evenings are set ing week in late May, during which young adults from aside for the older youth. around the country gather to grow deeper in love with On Thursday, July 20, a special Noon Mass will be the Lord, learn the day-to-day structure of the proheld at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in honor of gram, and then break into teams to serve a number Zach Clark, a former Totus Tuus missionary who passed of dioceses. The Diocese of Winona is blessed to have away during his summer of service. Zach's parents, two teams serving our young people, and this summer those teams will serve 16 parishes and nearly 1,000 Barry and Kathy Clark, will be present to receive the Bishop's Medal on Zach's behalf from Bishop John M. young people. The Latin Totus Tuus means “Totally Yours." The Quinn, who will preside over the Mass. The Mass is name of this program describes its mission. All the open to all, and we especially invite any families who students who attend programming are encouraged to interacted with Zach during his time in our diocese. Please pray for our Totus Tuus teams and parishes live as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and offer their


this summer. The continued growth of this program is proof of the fruit it bears. If your parish is interested in learning more about this event, please contact Ben Frost at Totus Tuus 2017 Schedule Week 1: June 11-16 Team #1 - Pipestone/Woodstock Team #2 - Winona-Cathedral Week 2: June 18-23 Team #1 - Dodge Center/Blooming Prairie/ Hayfield Team #2 - St. Charles/Elba/Eyota

Youth & Young Adults

Witnessing the Gospel


Week 3: June 25-30 Team #1 - Rochester-Resurrection Team #2 - Austin-St. Augustine Week 4: July 9-14 Team #1 - Stewartville/Simpson/Spring Valley Team #2 - Plainview Week 5: July 16-21 Team #1 - Adrian Team #2 - Wells Week 6: July 23-28 Team #1 - Mapleton Team #2 - Rochester-St. Francis Week 7: July 30-August 4 Team #1 - Fairmont Team #2 - Wabasha





Week 8: August 6-11 Team #1 - Chatfield Team #2 - Caledonia

The Diocese of Winona's 2017 Totus Tuus missionaries received training at St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul. L to R: Matt Koestler (Team 2), Kirsten May (Team 1), Isaac Landsteiner (Team 1), Amber Klein (Team 2), Alli Theis (Team 2), Hunter Shriver (Team 2), Shanna Stencel (Team 1), and Vianney Nguyen (Team 1). July, 2017 w The Courier



Welcome Father Kern!

�hen Bishop Quinn asked me to replace

Fr. Thompson and become Vocations Director for the Diocese of Winona, he asked me a second question in that same conversation. However, my mind was swirling with the reality of taking on this role, and I failed to listen to a single word about what else he was asking me to consider. Graciously, Bishop repeated himself as if it were normal for the things he asks of his priests to not be heard. Since saying goodbye to my parishes and readying my mind and heart for this new role, I am grateful to God for this adventure. I have arrived happily to Winona to start this work of vocations promotion and formation of men at IHM Seminary (where I will reside). While I have a lot to learn, I am excited to invite men to consider the priesthood and men and women to search out God’s call to conse-

crated life. The gift of consecrated celibacy is such a beautiful and unique gift to witness the love of God to the world. I am happy to promote the beauty of this dedicated lifestyle in service of God and the Church. I recently celebrated my fifth anniversary of ordination to the priesthood and remain firmly grateful for God calling me to this life. I have loved being a pastor in southern Minnesota, and, while I will miss that deeply, I know the plan of God is at work in this new role. First of all, I am so excited that Bishop Quinn has ordained two men, Brian Mulligan and Thé Hoang, to the Diaconate and that, God-willing, he will ordain them to the priesthood next summer. Ordinations are a gift to the Church, and the Diocese of Winona rejoices for these two men to begin their life of service. Additionally, this fall the Diocese of Winona will have a total of eight men in major seminary formation, which means that if the Lord will continue to bless us, we will have ordinations in the years ahead as well. Please keep your prayers coming to sustain these men to do the will of God and be open to the gift and sacrifice of laying down their lives in service to God and His Church.

Vocation Spotlight: Fr. Paul Surprenant

While there are eight men in theology studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit for our diocese, we will also keep growing our numbers in the newly renovated Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona. This college seminary is such a blessing in that the men for our diocese are able to be formed right in our back yard. Numbers are only one tangible reality to the work of vocations—the primary work is forming these men to shape their hearts to the Heart of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. May the Lord continue to bless our diocese with future priests, and, even more, with holy priests. In my personal experience in the Church, I have seen consistently two areas produce vocations to both the priesthood and religious life: strong Catholic families and discipleship ministries. These two areas of emphasis work hand in hand but really take shape at different times in a person's life. Family life is the backbone of society and the Church. It is the place where love is first received and learned. It is the place of unconditional care and support. Yet, for a young person to hear God’s voice, the family has to see itself as witnessing to more than just a group of people who love each other. The family has to let God breathe His loving grace into their relationships and become a family that prays together and shares their faith with one another. Talking about the Scriptures before the Sunday Mass or reflecting on something that stood out in the Sunday homily are a couple of ways this can happen. Families that pray the rosary or divine mercy chaplet or go to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament together become united in something more than just themselves. Find ways to infuse God into your life and pray for your family members. Strong family life centered on God will always remain the backbone of vocations in the Catholic Church. Secondly, fostering a culture of discipleship within our parishes and communities will continue to be essential to furthering vocations. When speaking of discipleship, my primary concern is first that we have made a firm commitment to following Jesus Christ by living as a member of His Body the Church. This means that we are faithful to Jesus and the Church He founded. We have to see discipleship as nothing other than walking this life with Christ. However, upon committing to a life of intentional faithfulness to the Church, we On July 2, 2017, Fr. Paul Surprenant will join the ranks of senior priests in the Diocese of Winona. Since his ordination in 1973, he has served St. John's Parish in Rochester, St. John Vianney Parish in Fairmont, St. Theodore Parish in Albert Lea, St. Kilian Parish in St. Kilian, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Wilmont, St. Anthony Parish in Lismore, St. Pius X Parish in Rochester, Christ the King Parish in Byron, and Holy Family Parish in Kasson. Shortly before his June 23 retirement celebration, Christ the King & Holy Family Office Manager Christine Kunz asked Fr. Surprenant to look to the future and also back on the years spent living his vocation so far. What's next upon retirement?

I plan to live in Hartford, SD, eight miles west of Sioux Falls, closer to my remaining nine siblings, 29 nieces and nephews, and numerous great nieces and nephews. I will continue to be a priest, but I will also be a consultant for the diocese, helping parishes with their artwork and assisting with designing beautiful sanctuaries. I believe in the beauty and healing that art can bring to an environment, and I look forward to helping create beautiful, spiritual sanctuaries in area parishes. What do you consider your claim to fame?

July, 2017 w The Courier

When I was growing up, my mother loved listening to Reverend Billy Graham, and she would often have us listen to his sermons when he was on the TV or radio. Many years later, I

Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

need to have others to support us and walk with us as intentional disciples. This could mean someone who can encourage us and support us or a group of people who we can grow with in the faith. An example of this is what is happening at our Newman Centers in the diocese with FOCUS missionaries. They form small groups and encourage people to return to the sacramental life of the Church. They then encourage individuals in their groups to go deeper and consider starting small groups of their own. This is done through an intentional friendship and walking with the people that they have come to know. They multiply disciples by building them up to live faithfully first and then send them out to bring others back to the faith. It is my experience that this model of discipleship and outreach bears great fruit when a whole community buys into this vision of faithfulness to Christ and the Church and then invests intentionally in people to assist them in following Jesus. This leads to the question of "What does God want for my life?" And, often, a religious vocation manifests itself as the young person seeks a deeper relationship with God. This begs the question: how does a vocations director support families to live a more intentional Catholic lifestyle? How does he encourage Christian discipleship that builds communities that naturally produce a culture of vocational discernment? I don't have every answer, and I will learn as I go, but we must trust in Jesus’ model and in the manner in which He walked with His disciples, forming them and encouraging them and sending them out to establish Christian communities. We have to raise up leaders in the Church who are willing to invest in others, to walk with people, to form them in faithfulness to everything the Church teaches and believes. This is perhaps a new way of approaching catechesis and evangelization, but it is deeply rooted in everything we are about in the Church. May God continue to lead us deeper in our way of thinking about vocations to have hearts ready to serve and to say yes to God! was attending a groom's dinner at the Rochester Athletic Club when, to my surprise, I saw Reverend Graham. I had the opportunity to meet him, and, to my delight, Reverend Graham stated that he had attended a Mass at St. Pius X in Rochester that I presided at. What joys or challenges of priesthood stick out in your mind? I'm so proud that I was part of the faith formation program in all the churches I ministered to. I was also involved in three Catholic grade schools! The biggest challenge of the Catholic Church is in addressing the paradigm shift that occurs, and continues to occur, in our society. Tell us something surprising. Many years ago, I came across a piece of Roseville Pottery made in 1947, the year I was born. Roseville Pottery is made from clay found in Ohio, which is quite similar to the clay found in Germany. Each year, Roseville Pottery makes pieces with a flower that identifies the year that it was manufactured. It is hand painted and fired. In researching Roseville Pottery, I discovered that 66 pottery designs were created in 1947, the Year of the Magnolia. Finding and collecting these pieces became a passion of mine. I so loved the chase, meeting collectors, discussing pottery, and eventually finding and buying 65 of the 66 magnolia pieces available.

Spiritual Martyrdom of the Diaconate sense. Indeed, your local deacon is ordained to a life of permanent service to God and the Church, which requires a form of martyrdom as witness to the Gospel. Pope St. John Paul II once said to deacons,

Deacon Robert Yerhot

Assistant Director of the Diaconate

martyrs in the past tense. They talked about the ancient saints who died for the Faith, men and women like Ss. Peter, Paul, Agnes, Lucy, Stephen (the first martyr of the Church and a deacon), and many others of whom we read in the history books. Nowadays, people are talking about martyrs in the present tense, men and women who are even now dying and witnessing to the Faith in great numbers. We admire the ancient ones and have compassion for the contemporary. I suspect, though, that martyrs are people with whom we do not readily identify or see as relevant to our own lives. We do not see a connection between them and us. We know from the Sacred Scriptures that everyone who is baptized is called by God to embrace the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This means we all are to live and die like Jesus lived and died in order to experience resurrection and eternal life in heaven. With baptism, we are incorporated into the death of Christ, and are called to suffer and die for Jesus and the Faith. For nearly all of you reading this article, it will not entail a bloody martyrdom but rather a spiritual one, a holy, redemptive suffering appropriate to your particular vocations. Yes, here in southern Minnesota we are called to witness to the Faith, for this is what martyrdom means, i.e., a life of witness. Did you know that the deacon in your local parish cluster was especially called to such a life of dedicated witness or martyrdom when he was ordained? What is so central to the spirituality and life of all deacons is their adoration of God, their constant attention to the Word of God and obedience to the will and Word of the Father who sends

Deacons therefore, are called to participate in the mystery of the cross, to share in the Church’s sufferings, to endure the hostility she encounters, in union with Christ the Redeemer. It is this painful aspect of the deacon’s service that makes it most fruitful (Catechesis on the Diaconate, October 20, 1993).


�hen I was a boy, people would talk about


Pope Benedict XVI said,

St. Stephen

them as witnesses – martyrs – of the Gospel. To be a martyr means to be a witness and the spiritual martyrdom of the diaconate is based upon on a deacon’s humility before God and the Church. Only then can a deacon be sent forth to serve, to herald the Gospel, to preach the Good News, and to be available to each and every one of you in your need. This is why deacons are obliged to pray the Liturgy of the Hours; why they assist at Mass as often as possible; why they go to Confession so often; why their devotion to Mary and the saints is so deep; why they baptize, marry, and bury you and your loved ones; why they spend so much time in the prisons, food shelves, nursing homes, St. Vincent de Paul societies, homeless shelters, and more. Deacons do all of this for what reason? Not for personal gain or profit, but to suffer as Jesus suffered in proclaiming the Gospel, to suffer with Jesus as he now suffers in the realities of peoples’ lives, to be a martyr – witness – in this

The task of proclamation and the call to suffering for Christ are inseparably together. The call to be a teacher ... is at the same time intrinsically a call to suffering in communion with Christ, who has redeemed us… He who wishes to avoid suffering, to keep it far from himself, will have pushed away life itself… He cannot be a servant of truth and thus a servant of faith. There is no love without suffering… (Homily, June 30, 2008). Just as the popes have said, service comes after first being in communion with Christ and the Church. All the deacon’s ministry flows from his humble communion with Jesus the Word and the Church. Deacons are to be deeply prayerful men who are to contemplate God’s Word and in obedience to that Word as expressed in the local Church, to suffer the needs of others. The next time you see your local deacon, remember that more than 18,000 deacons are serving the Church in this way in the United States alone, and many thousands more are doing so throughout the world, all men who are striving to live a life of witness–spiritual martyrdom–to the Gospel. Why? Out of love for God, the Church, and you!

July, 2017 w The Courier


Children's Stewardship Monica Herman

Catholic Foundation

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

Using an Allowance to Help Teach Stewardship

Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves. -Andrew Carnegie

�very parent wants to raise children who share

and give generously. When our children someday meet God face to face, we want to know that they will hear Jesus say to them the same words the master said to those who used their talents wisely: “Well done, my good and faithful servant... Come, share your master’s joy” (Matthew 25:21). However, raising a generous child is a chal-

lenge in a society that constantly teaches children to want more and more things for themselves. One of the key factors in teaching children to be generous is to let them see you giving. After all, children mimic what they see, not what they hear. Today, many donations to the parish offertory may be made electronically, monthly, quarterly, or via mail. Thus, children may never actually see their parents give. A child who never sees a parent place an envelope in the offertory could grow up thinking, “My parents never gave any support to the Church. Why should I?” Therefore, it is important that parents talk with children about the charitable gifts the family makes. If you would like to increase your giving, you might even ask your kids about ways the family budget could be adjusted so that there is more to share with God.

Congratulations! Since our Feb. 18 kick-off,

We all know that money can’t buy happiness. Wealthy people can be just as unhappy as poorer people. Rather, happiness comes from being content with what we have and feeling like we are making a difference in the world. We can put our children on the path to a happy and successful life by teaching them how to use and manage money so that it brings them contentment, fills their needs and allows them to help others. Financial experts suggest that children should be taught to divide their allowance into four sections: to spend, to save, to invest and to donate. Spending covers basic needs and wants. Saving teaches patience and planning. Investing looks to the future. For children this might mean future educational needs. Donating gives kids satisfaction by allowing them to be a part of sometime important, like the offertory. Our Lord calls each of us to share what we have. He tells us, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and even more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more” (Luke 12:48). Children who learn to give away a portion of their financial blessings not only are following the Lord’s command, but they also begin to discover that sharing part of their money can be very satisfying. This column is borrowed from the Archdiocese of St. Louis' stewardship web page.

Good Shepherd, Jackson

St. Francis, Rochester

Immaculate Conception, Kellogg

St. John, Rochester

Immaculate Conception, St. Clair

St. Joseph, Lakefield

Resurrection, Rochester

St. Luke, Sherburn

St. Agnes, Kellogg

St. Patrick, LeRoy

You've blessed me with friends, and laughter, and fun.

St. Columba, Iona

St. Patrick, West Albany

St. Finbarr, Grand Meadow

Ss. Peter & Paul, Blue Earth

With rain that's as soft as the light of the sun.

have met their goals for the 2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal!

Irish Prayer of Gratitude

You've blessed me with stars to brighten each night. You've given me help to know wrong from right. You've given me so much. Please, Lord, give me too a heart that is always grateful to you. Amen.

July, 2017 w The Courier

Politics for Love of Jesus 13 Faith in the Public Arena

Rachel Herbeck

Policy & Outreach Coordinator Minnesota Catholic Conference

�n my work for the Minnesota Catholic Conference,

I meet many Minnesota Catholics who have a deep aversion to politics. In their experience, politics are so steeped in special interests and dominated by power games that they don’t see why a Catholic should wade into such an imperfect arena. These sentiments are understandable. The state of politics can be incredibly discouraging, and it may be tempting to simply wash our hands of the whole business. But a recent meeting with some women involved in the Catholic Advocacy Network reminded me of why that’s not an option for disciples of Christ. These ladies were not political activists, yet they were doing their part to influence the political process for good. When asked to explain why, one said, “We don’t like politics, but we love Jesus.” This is the foundation for our political participation: our love for Jesus. Being active in politics is a practical way in which we answer Christ’s call to

Action Alert Urge Senators Klobuchar and Franken to Co-Sponsor the Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act! A bill to address the dire situation of Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria has passed the US House. But now the Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act must pass the US Senate. Minnesota senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken need to support this important bi-partisan legislation. Please call them and urge them to show their commitment to addressing genocide by co-sponsoring the Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act, which is currently before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar – 612-727-5220 Sen. Al Franken – 651-221-1016

love him through love of neighbor. With this mindset, we can face the discouragement and obstacles not out of love for politics, but out of love for Jesus. Our Firm Foundation We are created to love God in everything that we do; we exist to love God. While there are many ways to do this, Christ tells us that we tangibly love him by loving our neighbors. We truly love our neighbors when we begin to will their authentic good. In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis writes, Accepting the first proclamation, which invites us to receive God’s love and to love him in return with the very love which is his gift, brings forth in our lives and actions a primary and fundamental response: to desire, seek and protect the good of others. Jesus’ love is the first principle. We encounter his love and we truly love him in return when we seek and protect the good of others. The political arena provides us with concrete opportunities to love our neighbor. Political participation allows us to influence law and policy-making to uphold and pursue the good of every human person. We are convicted that the social doctrine of the Church proposes the very key to human happiness and fulfillment. We love our neighbor when we work to create a society where every person can truly flourish. The public square is a place that is in desperate need of Catholics on fire with the love of Jesus, and it is exactly where we belong. We see clearly that the public square is seemingly devoid of goodness and truth. We are being beckoned into politics to fill that void with the light and love of Christ. As we set out on this task, our relationship with the Lord fuels us. We go forward, energized by loving Jesus through our love for others.

It is no secret that we don’t always seem successful when it comes to politics; our viewpoints do not always win the day, and the process can be frustrating and imperfect. Set afire with love for Jesus, we can persevere through setbacks and discouragement. If we merely loved politics, our measure would be success. But as Mother Teresa reminds us, we are called to be faithful, not successful. We press on through discomfort and willingly make sacrifices, not because we are convicted of politics, but because we are convicted that our participation is a vital expression of our love for Christ. Inspired by and rooted in this love, let us claim our place as Catholics in the public square. Let us tirelessly work to influence our laws and lawmakers to cultivate communities rooted in truth, not because we like politics, but because we love Jesus.

Overcoming Challenges Keeping Christ as our foundation will allow us to persevere in the face of the setbacks and challenges we’re bound to experience in the political arena. July, 2017 w The Courier


Diamond Jubilees years in Winona, La Crescent, and Rochester. Sister Lorraine also wrote and published several short stories for children in the 1980s. She is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester. Her current ministries revolve around social justice issues and the environment.

Sister Patricia Beck, formerly Sister Kent, was born in Dayton, OH, and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Our Lady of the Rosary, professing her first vows in 1957. Sister Patricia received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona as well as a master's degree in administration from Winona State University. She spent her career in education and administration, serving as principal for more than 20 years, and taught in Rochester; Easton; Austin; and Chicago, IL. Sister Patricia currently works at the Tri-Parish Ministry of Care at St. Augustine's Parish in Austin.

Sister Mary Frederick, formerly Sister Dion, was born in Waseca and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Sacred Heart Parish, professing her first vows in 1957. Sister Mary received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona. She spent her career primarily in education, teaching in Austin; St. Kilian; Lismore; Easton; Glencoe; Santa Ana, CA; and Watertown, SD. She spent many summers teaching Bible School in Vanceburg, KY. Sister Mary is currently retired but regularly volunteers in various ministries at Assisi Heights.

In the Diocese

RO C H EST E R - - S eve n members of the Sisters of Saint Francis will celebrate their 60th Diamond Jubilees (60 years) with their religious community this month.

Sister Marilyn Blesius, formerly Sister Masseo, was born in Chicago, IL, and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Juliana Parish, professing her first vows in 1957. Sister Marilyn received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona as well as a master's degree in elementary school administration. Her career was primarily spent in elementary education in Winona and Albert Lea. She also spent a portion of her career as a principal and assistant principal in Austin, St. Paul, and Forest Lake. Sister Marilyn is currently retired, living in Woodbury. Sister Julia Tomsche, formerly Sister Dolorita, was born in Minneapolis and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in NE Minneapolis, professing her first vows in 1957. From 19601961, she was a nursing student at St. Marys Hospital in Rochester. Her primary career was spent as an LPN working in hospitals and nursing homes in St. James; Rochester; Winona; Austin; and Denver, CO. Sister Julia is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester. Sister Lorraine Anne Doherty, formerly Sister Mary Keith, was born between Fountain and Wykoff and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Saint Francis Parish in Rochester, professing her first vows in 1957. Sister Lorraine received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona. She spent her career primarily teaching grades 1-4 in North St. Paul; Owatonna; Easton; Winona; and Norfolk, NE. In addition to teaching, she was a receptionist and information clerk for many July, 2017 w The Courier

Sister Johanna Orlett, formerly Sister Jacob, was born in Portsmouth, OH, and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Our Lady of Sorrows in West Portsmouth, OH, professing her first vows in 1957. Sister Johanna received a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the College of St. Teresa in Winona. She also received a master's degree in pastoral services from Loyola University in New Orleans, LA, as well as a master's degree and Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. She spent her career primarily in education and parish ministry, working in Portsmouth, OH; Winona; Salisbury, NC; and Hamlet, NC. She also served as a faculty development officer, director of religious education, director of remedial services, and coordinator at the Center for Peace and Justice Education, and initiated institutional research projects for colleges. Sister Johanna also spent many years as a professor at the College of St. Teresa in Winona. She is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester. Sister Cecily Schroepfer, formerly Sister Helen, was born in Sleepy Eye and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Mary Help of Christians Parish, professing her first vows in 1957. Sister Cecily received a bachelor's degree in music education, theology, and history from the College of St. Teresa in Winona. She also received a practitioner certification from the Society of OrthoBionomy International, located in Santa Fe, NM. Sister Cecily spent her career primarily in elementary and musical education, working in Winona; Rochester; Norfolk, NE; and Silver Spring, MD. She also pursued a career in pastoral ministry, working in Winona; Lodge Grass, MT; and Lame Deer, MT. Sister Cecily currently provides a healing ministry, working with Crow and North Cheyenne people in Billings, MT, and Sheridan, WY.

Standing (L to R): Sisters Julia Tomsche, Marilyn Blesius, and Cecily Schroepfer. Seated (L to R): Sisters Patricia Beck, Mary Frederick, Lorraine Doherty, and Johanna Orlett.

Sr. Mariella Hinkly

Sr. Virgana Kacmarcik

In addition, four members of the Sisters of St. Francis, Rochester, will celebrate their 75th Diamond Jubilee (75 years) with their religious community in July 2017. Sister Mariella Hinkly was born Mary Jane Hinkly in Luverne and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, professing her first vows in 1942. Sister Mariella received a bachelor's degree in English, theology, and history from the College of St. Teresa in Winona as well as a master's degree in education from Winona State University. She spent her primary career teaching children in grades K-8 as well as children with dyslexia. She taught in North Saint Paul; Golden Valley; Delano; Winona; St. James; Austin; and Cresco, IA. While in her hometown of Luverne, she taught faith formation classes to second grade children, visited the elderly and others in need, and was a member of Luverne's Tourist Club. Sister Mariella is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester. Sister Virgana Kacmarcik was born Angeline Kacmarcik in St. Paul and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Saint Peter's Parish in North St. Paul, professing her first vows in 1942. Sister Virgana received a bachelor's degree in art from the University of Denver in Denver, CO, and a master's degree in fine arts at the University of

Sr. Joyce Rowland

Sr. Bernadette Servaty

Notre Dame in Notre Dame, IN. She spent her career primarily teaching in grade schools in Ellsworth; Rochester; Austin; Winona; Sleepy Eye; Owatonna; Golden Valley; Portsmouth, OH; Watertown, SD; and Chicago, IL. She also spent many years as an art educator working at the College of St. Teresa in Winona. During her years of teaching, Sister Virgana instilled a love for and appreciation of art for her students and a loving care for all of God's creatures. She is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester.

ships with persons such as Hubert Humphrey, Al Quie, and Jimmy Carter. Sister Joyce also served on the Title IX Committee that helped draft legislation to open a path for female participation in athletics. She also spent time ministering to those with Hansen's disease in Nicaragua and Carville, LA. Her last years of ministry, from 1982-2000, were spent as an outreach minister for Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Green Valley, AZ. Sister Joyce is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester.

Sister Joyce Rowland was born Cecilia Rowland in Minneapolis and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Annunciation Parish in Minneapolis, professing her first vows in 1942. Sister Joyce received a bachelor's degree in English from the College of St. Teresa in Winona as well as a master's degree in education from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. She later earned a doctorate in philosophy from St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO. She spent her primary career in teaching and college administration in Austin; Rochester; Winona; and Las Animas, CO. Sister Joyce worked at the College of St. Teresa for many years, serving as president from 1969-1980. During her tenure as president, she served on a Presidential Commission on Women in Higher Education, an experience that helped develop relation-

Sister Bernadette Servaty, formerly Sister Mary Jude, was born in Osseo and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Theodore's Parish in Albert Lea, professing her first vows in 1942. Sister Bernadette received a bachelor's degree in business administration and economics from the College of St. Teresa in Winona and also attended the University of Denver's School of Business in Denver, CO. She spent her career primarily as an administrator working at St. Anne's Hospice in Winona, and she served on their board of directors for three years. She also served as the treasurer at St. Francis Sanatorium in Denver, CO, and at Sacred Heart Hospice in Austin. In addition, she worked as an accountant and a business office aide in Chatfield and Rochester. She is currently retired and resides at Assisi Heights in Rochester.

F a t i m a Celebrations Continue By MARIA SCHULTZ

�ost people reading the Courier know


Bishop Bernard Harrington with shepherd children reenactors, Jonah Benham (as Francisco), Lucia Benham (as Lucia), and Chiara Husby (as Jacinta) at the 100th anniversary celebration of the Marian apparitions in Fatima, held on May 13 at the Price Farm in Kasson.

Implore your parish priest to promote the Rosary and have Rosary processions in honor of this great gift from Our Lady and to save America today. The Rosary is the weapon of prayer needed to save America for us and for our children and to save souls for eternity. Information regarding these and other upcoming events on the 13th of each month for the 100th anniversary of Fatima can be found at:

Courier Reveals Prototype for Magazine Format

In the Diocese

about Our Lady of Fatima and how she appeared to the three children—Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco--in 1917. Many people also know that Our Lady has come many times to help us get back to God. Her message is always the same: to pray the Rosary, which is a meditation on the Gospel message and on the life of Jesus. In 1917, Our Lady requested that we pray the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and end the war (WWI). She also said, “…but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the pontificate of Pius XI." She also gave this warning: “When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father." This light in the sky was so intense that people called the fire department to report fires (but there were no fires, just the sky ablaze with the warning). This was visible all over Europe as well as in

Washington, D.C., and San Diego, CA. The Chicago Tribune archives for January 25, 1938, regarding this light in the sky can be found online. Our Mother is trying to help us today, and the message of Fatima is even more needed today than it was in 1917. Our beloved America is divided. The Rosary can bring graces for our leaders in government to make good and right decisions before God. In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appeared six times: on May 13, June 13, July 13, Aug. 19 (late because the children had been kidnapped), Sept. 13 and Oct. 13 (when 70,000 people witnessed the Miracle of the Sun). One hundred years later, in the Diocese of Winona, we are determined to celebrate each of these apparitions. On May 13, Bishop Harrington celebrated Holy Mass in Kasson in honor of the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. The Rosary and a Eucharistic procession preceded Holy Mass. On June 13, Monsignor Mahon, Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church in Rochester, celebrated Holy Mass at 12:10 p.m. with the Rosary and Eucharistic Procession at 11:30 a.m., and will he will celebrate again in the same way on July 13. Another Rosary procession will be held on Sunday, August 13, at the Church of the Resurrection (1600 SE 11th Avenue in Rochester) at 12:30 p.m., following the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Everyone is invited to come and pray for peace.

St. Aloysius Adjusts Mass Schedule ELBA--In July and August, St. Aloysius Parish will reduce its Mass schedule to only the first and third Saturday of each month at 7 p.m. Mass times for September and onward are yet to be determined.

your comments, please indicate your parish, age, gender, and whether you consider yourself a regular reader of The Courier. What do you like about the magazine format? What is it missing? How does it compare to The Courier? Finally, if you belong to a parish or diocesan group that WINONA--The Courier staff seeks parishioner would be interested in holding a focus group feedback as it considers a transition to a maga- (of about 20 people) regarding this prototype, zine format heavily focused on catechesis and please indicate that as well. The Courier staff evangelization through columns and inspirational plans to continue gathering feedback through witness stories from parishioners in the Diocese July and possibly into August. The Courier staff asks respondents to please of Winona. Now available for viewing is an online prototype keep in mind that while the online prototype of such a magazine, which has the working title, The shows a lot of sample material, a real issue of Disciple. The Courier staff asks readers to view the The Disciple would be printed on paper (with prototype at an online version available) and would feature and send any feedback to Associate Editor Nick stories and columns from the Diocese of Winona Reller at or 507-858-1257. In whenever possible.

Franciscan Spirituality Center Offers Finding God in All Things LA CROSSE, WI--Those who have questioned where God is in the events of their lives, or what their purpose and desires truly are, are invited to a new nine-month retreat experience at the Franciscan Spirituality Center, 920 Market Street in La Crosse. According to an FSC press release, "Finding God in All Things uses the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola to explore various prayer practices and discern the fingerprints of God in everyday life. In a safe and

welcoming setting, this small group of men and women will explore the spiritual practices of prayer, meditation, contemplative dialogue, Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), gospel contemplation, the Examen, and discernment through monthly gatherings for reflection and discussion, daily emails, and regular meetings with a spiritual director." St. Ignatius was a 16th century Spanish priest and theologian who founded the Jesuit Order. Known for his practical spirituality, he developed the Spiritual Exercises to help people deepen their relationships with God. For centuries, the Exercises were given as a long retreat in solitude and silence, but they have been adapted as a "retreat in daily life" for laypeople. This program is open

to people of all faith backgrounds. FSC Spiritual Director Deb Hansen decided to offer the program because she has personally experienced the benefits of the Exercises. "Being able to see God at work in all aspects of my life has been literally lifechanging. Whether you are just starting a spiritual practice or want to enhance your current practice, you will see the world in a whole new way." Cost is $450, which includes the nine-month program and lunch each session, plus additional fees for spiritual direction. The opening session for Finding God in All Things is Sept. 16, 2017. A complete schedule for the subsequent monthly sessions is available at www. For more information, call 608-791-5295. July, 2017 w The Courier

SUBMISSION to the calendar

July 2017 • The Courier

Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the Events Calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Action with Prayer St. Mary’s Church, Winona holds Mass for Life & Marriage the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty is held the first Saturday of each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. Gather in the Adoration Chapel. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. For times & locations:

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary's, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, 1st Sat. 9 am Wabasha, St. Felix, every Sat. 8 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events St. John the Baptist Church, Rural Adams July 9, Sunday Johnsburg Polka Jamboree 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Family-friendly event featuring 11 a.m. Polka Mass, food, cake walk, raffle, games for all ages. Info: 641-220-1445. St. Mary's Church, Winona July 12, Wednesday TV Mass to be filmed at 10 a.m. (17th Sunday in O.T. with Bishop Quinn), 11 a.m. (Transfiguration of the Lord with Fr. Berning), 12 p.m. (19th Sunday in O.T. with Fr. Kulas), and 1 p.m. (20th Sunday in O.T. with Fr. Kulas). All are welcome! Help us fill the church! St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester July 13, Thursday Mass in honor of 100th anniversary of Fatima. Rosary and Eucharistic Procession at 11:30 a.m., Mass at 12:10 p.m. Crucifixion Church, La Crescent July 14-15, Friday-Saturday Crucifixion Parish will hold a rummage sale from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday ($6 per bag, larger items as marked) and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday ($3 per bag, larger items half price.) Lunch will be available both days. The church is located at 420 S 2nd St. in La Crescent.

Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m. KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Vicario Parroquial de Sacred Heart, Owatonna. Tel. 507-451-1588 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Mariano Varela IVE Párroco de “SS. Peter and Paul”, Mankato. Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James. Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington. Tel. 507-440-9735 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin. Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Owatonna, Sacred Heart 11 a.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Sunday Austin, Queen of Angels 11 a.m. Sunday; 5:15 Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sunday Friday (bilingual) Lake City, St. Mary 6:30 p.m. each 3rd Saturday Rochester, St. Francis Madelia, St. Mary of Assisi 10 a.m. Sunday 12 p.m. Sunday & 7 Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. Sunday

St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11:30 a.m. Sunday St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sunday Windom,St.FrancisXavier 2:30 p.m. Sunday Worthington, St. Mary 7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. Sunday; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday & Friday

Mayo Civic Center, Rochester July 14-16, Friday-Sunday Steubenville Youth Conference, featuring 2017 ministry team: Brian Kissinger, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Katie Prejean, Matt Regitz, Paul J. Kim, and Sonar. Open to youth who have completed grades 8-12. More information at partnershipforyouth. o r g / s t e u b e n v i l l e - r o c h e s t e r. Registration forms at offices/youth-and-young-adults/ steubenville-north.html Camp Koronis, Paynesville July 23-26, Sunday-Wednesday MCCL Life Leadership Camp is 4 days of pro-life education and training to equip students in grades 9-12 to be knowledgeable pro-life advocates. The camp is part of the Life & Leadership Camps Initiative, a nationwide pro-life program developed by the National Right to Life, Louisiana Right to Life, and Wisconsin Right to Life groups. Life Leadership Camp covers issues including abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide, and includes instruction, workshops, and outdoor activities. Students will network with other pro-life teens from across the state and acquire the tools to be pro-life leaders at their schools. The camp is located at 15752 Co Rd 181, Paynesville, MN 56362. Register at St. Bernard Church, Stewartville July 23, Sunday The St. Bernard/St. Bridget cluster will host a celebration for Fr. Wilmot's 40th anniversary of priesthood. Refreshments will be served at St. Bernard's in Marian Hall after a 10 a.m. Mass until 2 p.m. for all who wish to offer congratulations.

Holy Trinity Church, Litomysl July 30, Sunday Litomysl Summer Festival. Polka Mass at 10 a.m., followed by festival 11-4:30. Family fun, food, silent auction, live music, prizes galore. The church is located at 9946 SE 24th Ave in Litomysl, about 10 miles south of Owatonna. For more information: 507-451-6616 or www.litomysl. Page Theater, St. Mary's University, Winona August 4, Friday World premiere musical performance. Francis & Clare plays at 7 p.m. on 8/4 and 8/5, and 2 p.m. on 8/6. A full-length musical with more than 20 original songs! For more information, call Sisters of Saint Francis Communications Director Kathy Gatliff at 507-529-3523. Resurrection Church, Rochester August 4, Friday A Night with Paul Todd and Paul Todd Jr. Christian music concert to benefit the development of religious education materials for children within the autism spectrum. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Concert starts at 7 p.m. Free-will donation (suggested amount: $15). For ticket information, call 507-288-5528 or email Resurrection Church is located at 1600 11th Ave SE in Rochester. Resurrection Church, Rochester August 13, Sunday 12:30 p.m. Rosary Procession following 11:30 a.m. Mass. Come pray for peace in honor of the 100th anniversary of Fatima. Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX September 6-9, Wednesday-Saturday National Council of Catholic Women annual convention. Theme: Catholic Women: Living the Joy of the Gospel.

Visit for more information and to register. Early bird rate of $300 expires June 30, 2017. St. Anthony Church, Lismore September 10, Sunday St. Anthony Parish Fall Bazaar. Roast beef dinner with trimmings served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Live auction, big ticket raffle, country store, and family fun. St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City September 10, Sunday Chicken BBQ Dinner with all trimmings served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 419 W Lyon Ave. in Lake City. Franciscan Spirituality Center, La Crosse, WI September 16, Saturday Finding God in All Things is a new nine-month retreat experience. Read more on page 15. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 23, Saturday Pre-Cana Retreat. $125 per engaged couple. Prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony. For more information, contact Peter Martin at 507-8581273 or Holiday Inn, Austin September 29-30, Fri.-Sat. Fourth annual married couples retreat 6 p.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Saturday. $25 per couple. Special rate at Holiday Inn for those wishing to stay overnight in Austin. For more information, contact Peter Martin at 507-858-1273 or St. Thomas More Newman Center, Mankato October 21, Saturday Pre-Cana Retreat. $125 per engaged couple. Prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony. For more information, contact Peter Martin at 507-8581273 or

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