The Courier - January 2018

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Conversion of St. Paul January 25

January 2018

Keeping History

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN

Catholic Daughters Helping


Memorialize Lost Native American Girls

By JoAnn Biren

BLOOMINGTON--In a time of transition in religious life, three communities of religious women in Minnesota are collaborating to address challenges pertaining to living arrangements. The Sisters of St. Francis, of Rochester, have offered an available space at Assisi Heights to the Poor Clare Sisters of Bloomington. Due to aging and health concerns, the Poor Clare Sisters will move from 8650 Russell Avenue to Assisi Heights in early February, 2018.

This story first appeared in Murray County News on November 29, 2017.

�his is a story that is over 130 years in the making. It is

about six youngsters, Native American, from reservations in the Dakotas, who died in Avoca, MN, and are buried at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery in Avoca. The Catholic Daughters, Court Queen of Peace, are in the process of raising funds for their project: placing a marker with the names of the Native American students and their date of death. “We would like the community, a Church blessing and a dedication the weekend of May 19,” said Joyce Risacher, who came up with the idea of memorializing the youngsters. She discussed it with Rita Lear, and the two of them presented the idea at a meeting of the Catholic Daughters. They were given authorization by the group to move forward. Once it was approved by the group, a committee was formed and work to raise funds started. “We had instant help from Todd Hieronimus (local funeral director), John DeGreeff, a member of the local Knights of Columbus, Rich Lanners (a Forrester), and our wonderful committee. “This project aligns with the Catholic Daughters' mission statement of unity and charity,” Risacher went on to explain. “It will also be honoring the missionary work of the Sisters who taught at the Academy [of St. Rose, also called Holy Child Academy, where the girls died].”

MN Religious Communities to Share Living Spaces

Joyce Risacher and Rita Lear at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery in Avoca. Photo Credit: Murray County News

The committee is also hoping the marker, bearing the names of those who died, will foster relationships with the Native American community. Also of importance to the group is the preservation of local history. History. How is it written? Who is right, who is wrong? [...] Maybe more important would be the question, "Did those who acted those many years ago, do so with a kind heart or with one of superiority and malice?" Perspective.

History, cont'd on pg. 4

Sisters of St. Francis prepare Assisi Heights for the February arrival of the Poor Clare Sisters.

Living Spaces, cont'd on pg. 4

INSIDE this issue

Sealed by the Holy Spirit page 6

See Christ in Others...

Jesus Was a Refugee page 10

page 15

Pope Francis Watch

The Courier Insider


Photo Credit: CNA

Pope: Health Care Is Part of Church's Mission

VATICAN CITY, Dec 11, 2017 (CNA/ EWTN News) - Just as Jesus healed people during his earthly mission, care for the sick is a mission the entire Church is called to take part in, Pope Francis said in a message published Monday for the World Day of the Sick. “Jesus bestowed upon the Church his healing power…The Church’s mission is a response to Jesus’ gift, for she knows that she must bring to the sick the Lord’s own gaze, full of tenderness and compassion,” the Pope wrote in a message published Dec. 11. “Health care ministry will always be a necessary and fundamental task, to be carried out with renewed enthusiasm by all, from parish communities to the largest healthcare institutions.” “Doctors and nurses, priests, consecrated men and women, volunteers, families and all those who care for the sick, take part in this ecclesial mission.” The World Day of the Sick will be celebrated Sunday, Feb. 11, 2018, with the theme: “Mater Ecclesiae: ‘Behold, your son... Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home (John 19:26-27).” Reflecting on the scripture passage from which the theme was taken, Francis explained how John, as a close disciple of Jesus, could testify to the fact that Christ healed many people suffering from both spiritual and physical illnesses. Jesus, he said, “healed the sick as a sign of the abundant life of the Kingdom, where every tear will be wiped away.” The disciples know that Jesus’ heart is “open to all and excludes no one. The Gospel of the

Kingdom must be proclaimed to all, and the charity of Christians must be directed to all, simply because they are persons, children of God.” Pointing to the Church’s long history of care for the sick, including innumerable initiatives, Francis said we cannot forget this “history of dedication,” which continues “to the present day throughout the world.” In countries with adequate public health care systems, Catholic religious congregations and dioceses and their hospitals provide quality medical care that puts the human person at the center, also carrying out scientific research that fully respects life and Christian moral values, he said. And in countries with inadequate, or even non-existent, health care systems, the Catholic Church works to improve health, eliminate infant mortality and combat widespread disease. “In some parts of the world, missionary and diocesan hospitals are the only institutions providing necessary care to the population,” he noted. This is all a cause for rejoicing within the Christian community, but we also need to take that long legacy and use it to help us build a better future, he stressed. Especially in cases where Catholic hospitals fall prey to the business mentality that seeks to turn health care “into a profitmaking enterprise, which ends up discarding the poor.” “Wise organization and charity demand that the sick person be respected in his or her dignity, and constantly kept at the center of the therapeutic process,” he said. “May our prayers to the Mother of God see us united in an incessant plea that every member of the Church may live with love the vocation to serve life and health.”

Articles of Interest

The Art of Accompaniment__________________5 Sealed by the Holy Spirit____________________6 Characteristics of Christian Stewardship_______8 ...Anticipated Blessings_____________________9 Catholic Schools Updates__________________10 Are You Due for Recertification?____________12 Families Grow Vocations___________________13 Hearts of Flesh___________________________14 Jesus Was a Refugee______________________15 Passing on the Plans_____________________16 State & National Headlines__________________17 Diocesan Headlines________________________18 Diocesan Calendar_________________________20

It's all online!

Vist for online access to: The Courier TV Mass Diocesan News Our Events Calendar and more! Catholic Charities

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following: Deacon Deacon Thomas DeRienzo: granted Senior Status as a Deacon in the Diocese of Winona, effective November 16, 2017.

Mr. Kevin Aaker: appointed to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors for a three-year term, effective December 1, 2017. Mr. Dean Beckman: appointed to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors for a three-year term, effective December 1, 2017.

The Holy Father's Intention for

January 2018

Religious Minorities in Asia That Christians, and other religious minorities in Asian countries, may be able to practice their faith in full freedom. Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 109 - 1

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona

Diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. January, 2018 w The Courier

(ISSN 0744-5490)

Pray for the Persecuted World Day of Peace; Persecuted Christians in the Middle East On January 1, in addition to celebrating the Holy Day of Mary, the Mother of God and the start of a new calendar year, the Church also observes the World Day of Peace. This day was instituted by Blessed Pope Paul VI in 1968, and is a day to specifically pray for peace in our troubled world. This year, Pope Francis has chosen to focus on the plight of migrants and refugees, with his message for the 2018 World Day of Peace entitled, “Migrants and Refugees: Men and Women in Search of Peace.” One significant group of migrants and refugees today, is persecuted Christians in and

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

from the Middle East. While Christians in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and other countries in that region have suffered from wars and various hardships for a long time, persecutions of those holding to the Christian faith have increased in recent years. Because of this, the Church in the United States observed a day of prayer for persecuted Christians on Christ the King Sunday in November, as an occasion to bring awareness to the plight of Christians in the Middle East. This day also reminded us of our responsibility to do what we can to aid our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith, and who are oftentimes forced to flee their ancestral homeland due to ongoing unrest and persecution. It is important for us to pray for Christians who are undergoing the hardships of war and persecution, that they might be strengthened by Christ to endure their struggles and hold onto their faith in Christ. We must also remind our political leaders of their duty to work toward the long-term goal of peace in the Middle East, so those countries can once again be home to flourishing Christian communities. Additionally, we can use our financial resources to contribute toward those organizations that directly support Christians who have suffered the effects of genocide, war, and ongoing persecution. There are currently several groups that actively work to assist displaced Christians in the Middle East, including the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Relief Services. Recently, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the United States will now begin to directly give support to these

January 3-6, Wednesday - Saturday FOCUS Student Leadership Summit (SLS) - McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, IL January 6-12, Saturday - Friday Region VIII Bishops’ Retreat

January 14, Sunday 11:30 a.m. - Mass and Installation of Pastor - Fr. Javier Ibarra - Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Mankato January 16, Tuesday 11 a.m. - Holy Hour 12 p.m. - Presbyteral Council - Albert Lea January 17-18, Wednesday Thursday Strategy and Perspective on Transforming Catholic Schools - USCCB - Washington, D.C.

and other agencies that are on the ground helping Christians in the Middle East. Previously, the US government relied on the United Nations to funnel aid to this region of the world, but unfortunately little of that aid reached Christians. Channeling funds through churches and organizations that have proven to be effective in assisting Christians in the Middle East is encouraging news, and hopefully this will further efforts to care for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East, so they can return home and rebuild their lives in peace. Praying for the Protection of All Human Life; Project Rachel

On January 22, we commemorate the tragic outcome of the Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade, which legalized the killing of children in the womb in the United States. Catholics in the US observe this day as a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. For us here in the Diocese of Winona, there are several opportunities to join in prayer for the end to abortion and for the protection of human life. The diocese will be sponsoring a bus to the national March for Life in Washington D.C., and closer to home there will also be the March for Life in St. Paul. On the following Sunday, January 28, I will be leading a Prayer Service for Life at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Blue Earth, at 3:00 pm. Even if you are unable to attend any of these scheduled events, I encourage you to attend Mass, pray the rosary, and offer up some penance for the intention of protection of all human life,

January 19, Friday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 10:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 11:30 a.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

January 20, Saturday 11a.m. - Confirmation - St. Andrew Parish, Rochester, MI January 23, Tuesday 11 a.m. - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting - Winona January 24, Wednesday 11:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 12 p.m. - DOW Finance Council Meeting - Winona January 25, Thursday 6:30 a.m. - Lauds and Mass - IHM Seminary 9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 10 a.m. - Priest Pension Plan Board Meeting

from conception to natural death. For those suffering from the effects of abortion, Project Rachel is a diocesanbased organization that offers opportunities to find healing and wholeness after abortion. Abortion not only ends the life of a child, but it also deeply affects the mother who has an abortion, the father of the aborted child, and others close to them, including siblings and grandparents of the child. Project Rachel was started in 1984 in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in response to Roe vs. Wade. It has since spread to over 160 dioceses in the United States, and includes clergy and health care professionals who provide spiritual direction, counseling, retreats, and other resources to help those experiencing grief and guilt due to an abortion. I am thankful for Project Rachel’s presence in our diocese and pray that it may continue to provide hope and healing for those wounded by the scourge of abortion. Capitol 101

After a successful Catholics at the Capitol last year, in 2018 the Minnesota Catholic Conference will be hosting Capitol 101. Capitol 101 will provide Catholics from around the state the opportunity to gather at the state capitol in order to become better informed about the issues our state is currently facing, pray with fellow Catholics, meet with state legislators, and promote respect for human dignity at all ages and circumstances of life. Capitol 101 will be held on three dates: February 26, March 16, and April 17. Registration is limited, so I encourage you

January 26, Friday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Record Lenten and Easter Messages 1 p.m. - IHM Seminary Finance Council Meeting - Winona January 28, Sunday 8:30 a.m. - Mass and Consecration of Altar - St. Finbarr Church, Grand Meadow 10:30 a.m. - Mass - St. Ignatius Church, Spring Valley 3 p.m. - Prayer Service for Life - Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Blue Earth January 30, Tuesday 10:30 a.m. - Mass - Catholic Schools Week - St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Mankato

to go to www. to learn more and to sign up for one of the dates offered. This is a wonderful way to build relationships with those who represent us at the state capitol, and to live out our faith in the public arena. Catholic Schools Week

3 From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Every year, beginning on the last Sunday in January, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates National Catholic Schools Week. Catholic schools are not only a blessing to our students and families who desire to grow in their faith through a Catholic education, but they also strengthen our society by equipping young people to be faith-filled and responsible citizens who are capable of bringing Christ to their jobs, communities, and churches. I hope you will join with me in celebrating the presence of our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Winona, and take part in some of the many events being held during this year’s National Catholic Schools Week. Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

January 31, Wednesday 10 a.m. - Mass - Catholic Schools Week - Lourdes High School, Rochester February 1, Thursday 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 5 p.m. - Holy Hour with Winona Serra Club and FOCUS Missionaries Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona February 2, Friday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU 10:15 a.m. - Mass - Catholic Schools Week - Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona February 7, Wednesday 4:45 p.m. - Vespers and Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona February 9, Friday 7:45 a.m. - Teach at SMU January, 2018 w The Courier

Living Spaces, 4

cont'd from pg. 1

The Sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta, who currently live in St. Paul, will be the new residents of the Monastery of

St. Clare. A total of 11 Sisters from the Poor Clare community will be moving to Assisi Heights; two will live in the Health Care section, and the

History, cont'd from pg. 1

[...] In putting together this ‘story’ that came from various sources, it is easy to imagine the cold winters, the lonely prairie, the kindness of the Sisters from England who came to Avoca to teach, and the frightened youngsters who traveled so far from home. The Sisters, from the order of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, wrote down their thoughts and placed them in safekeeping at their Mother House, the convent. It is only in the last century that bits and pieces started to come together for not only the Sisters but also for those who call Avoca home and, most importantly (in this writer’s mind), for the Catholic Daughters Queen of Peace Court who decided to forge ahead and raise money to place a tombstone at St. Rose of Lima cemetery in Avoca for the six young Native American girls buried there in the 1880’s. Where does this story begin? Does it start in England with the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus; or maybe with Bishop Ireland and his vision to provide for the settlers who were making their way to the prairies of Southwest Minnesota? There was also the political climate of the day, placing Native Americans on reservations, and the thinking, at that time, that it was necessary to eradicate their language, beliefs and lifestyle; to educate them, mold them to the ways of those who had the power to do so.

other nine will live together on one floor of the Administration Wing, which is being renovated to serve as their monastery. The renovations are well under way, and include the addition of a chapel, a community room, and a larger kitchen, as well as updates to the sleeping quarters. Sr. Marlene Pinzka, who serves on the Sisters of St. Francis leadership team involved in the logistics of the move, does not anticipate major changes to daily life at Assisi Heights with the

arrival of the Poor Clare Sisters, though she says the communities will attend daily liturgy together and share in feast days and special events. What Sr. Marlene most looks forward to regarding the arrival of her new neighbors is "their prayerful presence and a joining of two branches of the Franciscan family!" Saints Francis and Clare were contemporaries and are considered co-founders of the Franciscan movement.

[...] The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus had such high hopes and, most importantly to them, faith, when they arrived in Avoca to open the school. The sisters were asked by Bishop Ireland to found a convent school, the Academy of St. Rose, also called the Holy Child Academy, and they also began a school for the parish, St. Rose of Lima school, according to Sister Roseanne McDougall, American Province archivist for the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. “The contract between the Archbishop and the Indian Bureau refers to the school as St. Francis Xavier Industrial School, perhaps due I to the integration of cooking, sewing nez Br and housecleaning into the academic curug riculum. There seems to have been as many ie r as 57 children in the combined schools,” she concluded. The Sisters arrived in Avoca on May 24, 1883. The house they were to live in was big, but according to writings of the sisters, there wasn’t any furniture, and it was dirty. They set to work to clean and settle in. Soon they had a large garden, and farm neighbors gifted them with several cows and pigs; they also raised chickens and turkeys. By July, their journal noted, “Our Sisters are all well and much improved by the climate of Minnesota, which is indeed very invigorating.” Winter on the prairie was still to come. The first snow fell on October 21 that year. Our Roots-Avoca, according to Sister Roseanne McDougall, is a synopsis drawn from the community journal kept by the Holy Child sisters during their years in Avoca (1883-1890). The author, Sister Dorothy Cropper, was at the time of writing, the archivist for the Sisters of the Holy Child in the United States; she has since died. Our Roots-Avoca finds this paragraph:

stayed home. Not even the train could get through to Avoca, so the people would be cut off from mail and supplies.

By Christmas the weather was -40 degrees. The cruets froze. One sister couldn’t use her right hand, the cold having affected it. When Sister Joseph tried to wash the clothes, they froze to the line. The fires required constant attention, for a stray ember could set the house on fire. The kitchen became the main gathering place for work and meals. Fresh eggs, milk and butter were kept on top of the stove so they could be kept edible. Most of the chickens froze to death. One very cold day the day scholars

January, 2018 w The Courier

The cold winters and lack of food supplies made the little group in Avoca easy prey for the hated ‘Consumption’ that forced itself upon the frail. In a recent phone conversation with Sister Roseanne McDougall, she shared she had the help of two retired sisters who were sorting through Avoca materials for the archives. “It is very hard for these sisters,” she explained. “They have come to feel deeply for these youngsters.” As she said this she excused herself to speak to one of the nuns. When she returned to the phone she said softly, “Another little one just died." Sister had tears as she explained, "The sisters love these children so much.” One by one the children died and were buried at St. Rose of Lima cemetery. All that is left now is an indentation in the ground where the graves are. From the archives of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus: Lucy Walters died on March 11, 1886; “reburial” was April 21, 1890. No further information. Mary Josephine Bordeaux died on March 10, 1887. February 3, 1889, Bertha Tapatieni died. February 12, 1889, Mary Catherine Xavier Tasunka died. The name “White Blanket” is associated with her. Buried beside Bertha Tapatieni. December 28, 1889, Alma Parent or Paient died. December 31, 1889, Inez Brugier died. And with a note of finality, at least for this story, Sister Roseanne McDougall found in the archives the following facts, gleaned from various articles in the archives: “The Sisters of the Holy Child left Avoca in 1890, and were succeeded at St. Rose by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet who taught in the school until 1902, when the school closed. “In 1905 it reopened as St. Bernard’s Hall, a military academy, with the Sisters of St. Joseph still teaching school. The school was destroyed by fire on February 12, 1910 and did not reopen,” she concluded. Donations for this project may be made to Minnwest Bank, Slayton, to the Catholic Daughters of St. Rose of Lima Cemetery fund. Or you may contact Rita Lear or Joyce Risacher.

JoAnn Biren is a staff writer for Murray County News and a member of St. Columba Parish in Iona.

The Art of Accompaniment

Lay Formation & RCIA

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

The Church will have to initiate everyone – priests, religious and laity – into this ‘art of accompaniment’ which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other (cf. Ex 3:5). The pace of this accompaniment must be steady and reassuring, reflecting our closeness and our compassionate gaze which also heals, liberates and encourages growth in the Christian life. -Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, #169

�his past month marked the fourth anniversary

of my father’s passing from this life into eternal life. The occasion brought forth many thoughts, memories, and reflections – of him and the good and holy man that he was, of the precious role entrusted to fathers, and of what I learned from him both about how to live and how to be “Dad” to my own six children. I took some time on that day to write an email to my children about my dad, their grandfather, and asked them to remember and to pray for him. I received back some beautiful and touching replies from them, which expressed their gratitude for “Grandpa Pete” and for what he passed on to them directly and through me as their father. One of my older sons wrote that if he is blessed to have children himself, the kind of father he becomes will be shaped significantly by me and by my dad, and by what he has learned from us. What a gift it was for me to realize again the great blessing that I have both in the experience of being raised by a man of faith and integrity, and to be able to share and to pass this wisdom and witness of Christian “fathering” on to my own sons. I relate this by way of introducing the second of four tasks our U.S. Catholic Bishops lay out for us in becoming “missionary disciples” – what Pope Francis describes above as the “art of accompaniment.” I experienced and learned about who I am and who I am called to be from the "accompaniment" of my dad. In observing how he lived, in listening to him, in asking for and heeding his advice and wisdom, and in just being with him, I learned how to be a truly Christian person in daily life, a servant leader in the workplace, and a caring and compassionate father in a family. And, I have sought to “accompany” my own children as well in this same path of learning and formation – both as persons and as disciples. This is a path that we’re all invited to follow on our Christian journey. To Accompany

The response to this encounter with Christ needs accompaniment. -Living as Missionary Disciples, p. 14

In two recent columns, I have written on a newly released statement of the United States Catholic Bishops (USCCB Committee on Evangelization and


Catechesis) entitled, Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization. The bishops state that missionary discipleship “begins with an encounter with Christ.” The personal encounter of Jesus Christ as “the way, the truth, and the life” is “the key event in the life of every disciple” (p. 9). This encounter brings about conversion, a change in the direction of our lives away from self-concern and self-absorption to a self-giving, self-sacrificing love for others. Such an encounter with Christ happens in prayer and in the sacraments, in hearing and pondering God’s Word in scripture, and in our relationship with others – i.e., “within the family,” “in and through the Church,” and “in others.” And, so, our encounter with Christ happens in our experiences of living with, learning from, worshiping with, serving, and being with other people. This is what “accompaniment” is all about. As our bishops state: “We cannot live a life of discipleship alone. We need others to model lives of discipleship and accompany us as we grow in the spiritual life and experience ongoing conversion” (p. 15). And, in this same way, we are called as “missionary disciples” to accompany others on their own journey of faith – “to love and accept all people in a way that invites each person to a deeper relationship with Christ and a greater alignment of their lives with his teachings” (p. 15). Accompaniment happens not only in the more formal and planned efforts of outreach and invitation of our parish communities, but also in “the everyday moments of life lived with Christian charity, faith, and hope.” Such moments allow each of us to “provide a witness to family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and others who may have stopped actively participating in the life of the Church or those who do not have a faith life” (p. 15). In these daily encounters and experiences, we are offered an opportunity “to be truly present to others, especially to those who are struggling.” When we reach out in compassion to those living in difficult situations which may cause them to feel alienated from their faith and from the Church, we can accompany them on a path of taking “gradual steps toward restored sacramental communion.” Our bishops teach us that such a witness is

especially needed and essential “in today’s world” (p. 15). Critical to this ministry of accompaniment, Pope Francis notes, is a genuine listening which is “more than simply hearing,” but is also “respectful and compassionate” of what the other seeks to communicate. Such listening is “an openness of heart” which makes a “genuine spiritual encounter” with another possible. Such listening “helps us find the right gesture and word which shows that we are more than simply bystanders” (Evangelii Gaudium, #171). Ultimately, what we seek in this work of accompaniment is to be a companion for others on a journey into deeper communion with Christ. Such spiritual growth is often a step-by-step and gradual process of leading people ever more truly into “the full appropriation of the mystery” (Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia in Asia, #20). Our own experiences of being accompanied and assisted by others in our walk of faith can help to guide us in this ministry and “teach us to be patient and compassionate with others, and to find the right way to gain their trust, their openness and their readiness to grow” (Evangelii Gaudium, #172). I am sincerely grateful to all of those who have and continue to accompany me on the path of discipleship as teachers, mentors, colleagues, spiritual friends, etc. Both in our ministry and in our day-today experiences, let us strive to be faith-filled companions and to support one another in learning and practicing this “art of accompaniment.” Deo gratias!

A Church which ‘goes forth’ is a Church whose doors are open. Going out to others in order to reach the fringes of humanity does not mean rushing out aimlessly into the world. Often it is better simply to slow down, to put aside our eagerness in order to see and listen to others, to stop rushing from one thing to another and to remain with someone who has faltered along the way. At times we have to be like the father of the prodigal son, who always keeps his door open so that when the son returns, he can readily pass through it. -Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, #48

January, 2018 w The Courier


Sealed by the Holy Spirit

Faith Formation

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

Bishop Harrington with St. Theodore Parish (Albert Lea) and St. James Parish (Twin Lakes) in Albert Lea on September 23


past fall, Bishops Quinn and Harrington Confirmed young adults throughout the Diocese of Winona. The Sacrament of Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which: • gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply into Christ • strengthens our bond with the Church

• associates us more closely with her mission, and • helps us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.

Bishop Quinn with Sacred Heart Parish (Heron Lake), St. Francis Xavier Parish (Windom), Good Shepherd Parish (Jackson), St. Luke Parish (Sherburn) and St. Joseph Parish (Lakefield) in Heron Lake on September 23

We are proud of all our young adults who have been sealed in their faith by the Holy Spirit! We look forward to all of the many great things God has called you to in participating in the One, True Church!

Bishop Quinn with St. Adrian Parish (Adrian), St. Anthony Parish (Lismore) and Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (Wilmont) in Adrian on September 24

Bishop Harrington at Holy Spirit Church in Rochester on September 24

Bishop Harrington with St. Bernard Parish (Stewartville) and St. Bridget Parish (SImpson) in Stewartville on October 1 January, 2018 w The Courier

Bishop Quinn with St. Catherine Parish (Luverne) and St. Mary Parish (Ellsworth) in Luverne on October 15

Bishop Quinn at St. Mary Church in Worthington on October 1

Class of 2017 from St. Leo Parish (Pipestone), St. Martin Parish (Woodstock) and St. Joseph Parish (Jasper), Confirmed by Bishop Quinn in Pipestone on October 22


Bishop Quinn with St. James Parish (St. James) and St. Mary Parish (Madelia) in St. James on October 28

Bishop Quinn with St. Mary of the Lake Parish (Lake City) and St. Patrick Parish (West Albany) in Lake City on October 28

Bishop Quinn with St. Columba Parish (Iona), St. Ann Parish (Slayton) and St. Mary Parish (Lake Wilson) in Iona on November 5

Bishop Quinn with St. Casimir Parish (Wells), St. John the Baptist Parish (Minnesota Lake), Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish (Easton), St. Teresa Parish (Mapleton), St. Joseph Parish (Good Thunder) and St. Matthew Parish (Vernon Center) in Wells on November 5

Bishop Quinn at St. Joachim Church in Plainview

Life, Marriage & Family

Bishop Quinn with St. Gabriel Parish (Fulda), Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish (Currie) and St. Anthony Parish (Westbrook) in Fulda on October 22

Bishop Quinn at St. John the Baptist Church in Mankato on December 2

January, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Foundation


Char a cter i s t i c s o f Christian Stewardship The following is excerpted from the essay Christian Stewardship: Putting the Eucharist into Action, by the International Catholic Stewardship Council (


stewardship is the “core curriculum” of the school of discipleship, from which one never graduates. However, Christians don’t embrace stewardship without God first calling them to adopt the role of the steward. ...[O]ur Blessed Mother [was] a model of stewardship par excellence, and even she was called by the Lord’s messenger before responding: “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word be fulfilled through me”(Luke

1:38). Our stewardship “vocation” is therefore something that we accept and grow into as we continue to grow in our relationship with God. Growth in stewardship means gradually enhancing our ability to see the whole of life as a sacred trust. It is our developing and ongoing response to the creative activity of God as it is encountered in personal experience, in the church, and in the world. It encourages us to constantly ask the psalmist’s question: “What return shall I make to the Lord for all the good He has done for me” (Psalm 116:12)? Characteristics of Christian stewardship include:

Being Open to Conversion. Conversion is essential to Christian stewardship. Good stewards open their hearts to the Gospel message when they examine and critique the ambiguities and inconsistencies in their own lifestyles on a regular basis. They constantly seek to understand what it means for human beings who have been blessed with so much abundance to be faithful stewards of all that God has created.

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

Committing to a Life of Prayer. Prayer is the very foundation of Christian stewardship, and yet the decision to enter more fully into a life of prayer is a deeper commitment than people realize. In order to be good stewards of our relationship with the Lord we must commit our time, which should include setting aside periods for prayer, for the reading of sacred scripture, and for full participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments.

Living in Gratitude. Christian stewardship is the commitment made in response to God’s generosity: to live a life of gratitude and to share oneself and one’s gifts generously as circumstances and talents allow. God has endowed His followers with more gifts than they can imagine-life and faith, time and relationships, health, talents, skills and material wealth. Everything one has is a gift from God, and a good steward thanks God daily for these blessings.

Making Choices that Glorify God. Stewardship means making daily, conscious choices that glorify God. Hundreds of decisions, large and small, are made daily that reveal a person’s priorities. The axiom, “Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are,” holds true. Too many times people allow self-glorification and the exaltation of wealth, social status, race, success, and their own sense of personal power get in the way of drawing closer to the Lord. However, one should be able to recognize the Christian steward by the place God has in his or her daily life. Christian stewards regard success, a high standard of living and the accumulation of material objects as secondary to a life of generosity, hospitality and the nurturing of personal relationships.

Sharing Gifts. As Christians we recognize that our gifts of talents and skills are meant to be cultivated and shared with others, beginning with our

Save the Dates February 12, 2018

February 17-18, 2018

CMA18 materials are mailed to households.

CMA18 kicks off in the majority of parishes.

January, 2018 w The Courier

Monica Herman

family and friends, with those whom we gather to share the Eucharist and with the world. Sharing the gift of ourselves blesses our family of faith and blesses those whom that family hopes to touch. As Saint Peter teaches: “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace, each in the measure he has received” (1 Peter 4:10). Showing Compassion. Good stewards can be identified by their compassion toward the world and its needs, and especially by their generous support of the poor and needy, the oppressed, and the underprivileged of the world. Compassion is more than performing isolated good deeds. It is a commitment to a way of life that reveals care and concern for others. As stewards of the Good News, we are called and commissioned to reach out prayerfully in Jesus’ name to offer a response to a world desperate to experience Christ’s loving presence. Good stewards take to heart the words of the Lord on the day of judgment: “In truth I say to you, whatever you did to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me” (Matt 25:40).

Giving Back to God. One of the influential early Church Fathers and Doctor of the Church Saint John Chrysostom wrote: “There are three conversions necessary: The conversion of the heart, the conversion of the mind, and the conversion of the purse.” Christian stewards acknowledge with gratitude that even their material wealth and financial resources ultimately come from God. And a conversion of the heart is needed before a conversion of one’s wallet can take place. Exercising good stewardship over the money one makes, manages, spends and offers back to God is a tangible measure of their spiritual health. Giving generously to their parish, diocese and institutions of the universal Church is second nature to good stewards. They prayerfully reflect on their ability to give and return the first portion of their financial resources back to God. The good steward’s desire is to put God first among his or her spending priorities. Again, they echo the psalmist’s question: “What return shall I make to the Lord for all the good He has done for me” (Psalm 116:12). Christian stewards know the joy of giving.

Ben Frost

Director of Youth & Young Adults, Communications and Public Relations

2017 was a monumental year for our diocesan

youth ministries, as we had significant gains in the number of young people we reached. We had the biggest summer on record in terms of program attendance, and new parish initiatives around the diocese have sprung up, revealing optimism for the young Church. As we tick over into 2018, diocesan youth ministry looks to continue the momentum and to spread its wings for flight into new adventures. Totus Tuus

This summer, the diocese will again offer the Totus Tuus program for our parishes. What’s new this summer is the anticipated addition of a third team to meet the demand from parishes, which has far exceeded our current programming ability. In order to make the expansion happen, a more robust recruiting effort will be necessary. To help with this effort, the Diocese of Winona has been in contact with the University of Dallas regarding a potential partnership that would invite university students to participate in our Totus Tuus program. Zach Clark, a former Winona Totus Tuus missionary who passed away in an automobile accident, was a student at the University of Dallas, and Zach’s family has been instrumental in building this partnership.

Campers wait for a turn on the ropes course at Camp Summit in 2017.

Camp Summit For several years, it has been a dream to expand Camp Summit and reach more young people. In 2017, camp reached capacity, and a hotel was used to maximize bed space. Now in 2018, the Diocese of Winona will offer two weeks of Camp Summit in late July and early August. Camp Summit now has room to accommodate 450 campers. With camp growing so quickly, we have hired a camp director; beginning this year, Janie Jorgenson will help oversee the management, development and growth of Camp Summit. We are excited to see our camp take these next steps. UNITE, Blaze and InterMission

As the diocese continues to grow in ministries, it’s also important to highlight the reality of many local initiatives that are taking root. The Mankato

9 Youth & Young Adults

A New Year Filled with Anticipated Blessings

Deanery has recently launched a monthly gathering called Blaze, in which teens come together for a night of Eucharistic adoration, worship and fellowship. In a similar way, the Rochester area youth ministers have offered UNITE, which occurs monthly and features keynote presenters and Eucharistic adoration. The Worthington Deanery offers an event called InterMission, which is modeled in the same manner as UNITE and Blaze. In addition to the activity at the deanery level, many parishes are teaming up to offer rallies, mission trips, service opportunities and experiences for young people to encounter the person of Jesus Christ. As we begin a new year, we humbly ask you, the faithful of the diocese, to wrap these initiatives into your prayer intentions. Without our Lord, our work is empty, so we ask our loving God to continue to hold us and guide the work of youth ministry within the Diocese of Winona. May God bless 2018!

January, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


See Christ in Others. Be Christ for Others. Rochester Catholic Schools Share a Common Goal

From the time we are little, we are all taught the Golden Rule: treat people the way you want to be treated. The students, staff and families of St. John the Evangelist / St. Pius X School, along with the rest of the Rochester Catholic Schools community, have taken this notion one step further: See Christ in Others. Be Christ for Others. See the gifts and goodness in everybody and treat people the way they need to be treated. See Christ in Others. Be Christ for Others is much more than a motto. This is the way that we strive to live our lives on a daily basis. We attempt to see the gifts and goodness that every person brings to this world. We welcome people from every background and celebrate our differences. We grow together as children of God in a Catholic school environment that celebrates the traditions we learn about in the Bible while we, at the same time, prepare young people to make a positive difference in the world. One of the many ways the students learn about the traditions of the Catholic Church is through their participation in the Living Rosary where each child plays a special role. The students, staff and families of St. John the Evangelist / St. Pius X Catholic School make special efforts to be what other people need based on their current situation and participate in many service projects. Each campus participates in the Christmas Anonymous campaign through Olmsted County that provides food, clothing, winter gear and toys to families that need extra support. Students also participate in the “Adopt a Family” service project during Advent. This project focuses on families who “slip through the net” of programs that are available in the community. Students bring in gift cards for food, clothing, and gasoline. They also bring in toiletries such as brushes, shampoo, toothbrushes and many other things that some of us take for granted. Jesus is truly alive in the children and adults of St. John the Evangelist / St. Pius X Catholic School and the

January, 2018 w The Courier

entire Rochester Catholic Schools Community. "He said to them in reply, 'Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise'" (Luke 3:10-11). -Principal Erin Widman, St. John the Evangelist / St. Pius X School, Rochester This fall, Rochester Catholic Schools shared the focus for the year: See Christ in Others Be Christ for Others. RCS teachers and staff were encouraged to "share their story" with one another and the students they serve. Sharing our stories is one of the first steps to building relationship - seeing beyond the visible and hearing what is in our fellow schoolmates’ hearts. These stories continue to be told on a daily basis as we work together to grow in faith and love. Entering the doors at St. Francis of Assisi School each morning, students are greeted by name and welcomed with a smile. Each day, we celebrate birthdays, share Scripture, and pray together as a school family. Our weekly HERO class meetings, monthly assemblies and virtues instruction not only help us learn tools for building positive relationships and communicating clearly with our peers, but help us grow in holiness as well. Our service projects this fall helped us see beyond our community, and gave us an opportunity to focus on how we could be Christ to people in need. We collected money for hurricane relief, donated food for a school backpack program, restocked shelves for the parish resource room, wrote letters of thanks to laborers, participated in the Baby Bottle Campaign for Catholic Charities, supported Christmas Anonymous, and did fall yard work for the parish grounds. Our student council led us in celebrating the National Day of Kindness, and during Advent we will provide support for the Missionary Childhood Association. As we share our gifts with others, we see Christ in those we have not met, and truly experience being Christ for others. In the busyness of our school week, we take time to attend Mass, pray the rosary with our parish, attend Mass at the nursing home, have Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction each month, participate in Advent prayer services and celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation. Each and every day, we grow in faith as we respond to the needs around us, discern God’s plan for our lives, and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us in using our gifts and talents to make the world a

better place, so that we can live with God in heaven one day. We look forward to the second half of the school year and all God is calling us to! -Principal Barb Plenge, St. Francis of Assisi School, Rochester Lourdes High School demonstrates the Rochester Catholic Schools’ theme to “see Christ in others, be Christ for others” through the creation of their We Help Others (WHO) Club, the creation and expansion of a committee structure for Student Council, and through the development of operating norms that stem from their newly defined root beliefs. This fall our staff concluded a year-long process through which they developed root beliefs, or guiding principles that inform the procedures, actions, and framework for conversations within the school. The root beliefs that follow were a result of a charge from leadership within the Alliance for Catholic Education and the Remick Leadership Program at the University of Notre Dame; Christian Dallavis and Fr. Nate Wills led the group through examination of the history, purpose, and desired outcome at LHS. This led to the production of the following six statements, out of which flow procedural expectations for all faculty, staff, students, and families: • God is present in all things. • Through God’s grace, we are transformed. • We are stewards of God’s creation.

• We are a family united in Christ. • We are all lifelong learners. • Every minute matters. A group of LHS students approached the principal, Mr. Menard, this past summer with an idea to unite and galvanize service efforts across the high school. This began the creation of the We Help Others (WHO) Club. WHO is dedicated to offering service learning opportunities to students in addition to their service participation within their high school activities. Examples of recent service opportunities included making tie blankets for local community assistance organizations and participating in Feed My Starving Children in the Twin Cities area. Additional school wide service efforts were conducted this year, including the “Baby Bottle Campaign” and fundraising to assist with relief efforts in communities affected by Hurricane Harvey and Maria, which yielded over $1,300. The student council of Lourdes High School has been reorganized to focus on the areas most critical to advancing the culture and mission of the school. In addition to executive members, students serve on the Catholic Service, School Spirit, Entertainment, and Student Input Committees. Not only has this structure proven to allow students to interact more meaningfully with school officials, but it has also promoted discussion

Loyola Pairs Prayer Partners

among students and peers about substantive topics relevant to schools today. As we work to be Christ for others, we must identify the other’s perspective and act with compassion to reconcile their desires with the institution’s, to make them feel known and loved, and to lead them to be virtuous. Additionally, by listening to our students and recognizing the positive impact they have on others whom they help, we see Christ in them; they are not just "challenging the leaders" or "acting as do-gooders," but they are searching for joy, justice and resolution that is desirable for all. That is Christ acting through them by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Principal Paul Menard, Lourdes High School, Rochester Holy Spirit Catholic School has officially started a youth conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. As you may know, an adult Society of St. Vincent de Paul is active in each Catholic parish in Rochester. The youth conference will work to support the efforts of the adult conferences as well as initiating its own projects to serve the needs of the poor. Students in fourth through eighth grade are referred to as Young Vincentians or “Vinnies.” Students in kindergarten through

• All people deserve to be loved and respected as people made in God’s image. • We reach our full potential as members of a welcoming, supportive, and joyful community.

11 Catholic Schools

third grade will be known as “Mini Vinnies.” Student council members will serve as the officers for the school conference, which will meet monthly to pray, reflect on scripture, and plan service opportunities for Holy Spirit Catholic School students. Teachers and administration will serve as advisors to the group and assist them in working to develop opportunities to help our school connect with local and international organizations to live up to and reinforce our root beliefs:

• We have the responsibility to develop our gifts & talents and share them for the common good. • Jesus Christ is our model for prayer, service, & how we build relationships. Students will meet in multi-age Spirit Groups each quarter to engage in a community-building service project to meet the needs of the poor and put Catholic Social Teaching into action. Students will also participate in grade-specific service projects as Vinnies and Mini Vinnies throughout the year to help us “see Christ in others and be Christ for others.” Pope Francis says, “Let the church always be a place of mercy and hope where everyone is welcomed and loved and forgiven.” It is our hope that, through the prayer and acts of mercy of the Holy Spirit Catholic School Youth Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, our school can become a haven of mercy, hope, love, and joy! -Principal Chris Smith, Holy Spirit School, Rochester


� -12 students at Loyola Catholic School paired up on December 1 as Prayer Partners for the season of Advent

and throughout the year, participating in a prayer service that explored the responsibility and the joy of praying for each other. Following the service, students spent time together, each creating a self-portrait to exchange and post on their locker as a reminder to pray for each other every day. A first grader announced, “This was the best day ever!” A senior shared happily, “I was hoping I would get a kindergartener for my partner, and I did!” Although Prayer Partners have been a tradition on Loyola’s lower campus for years, this is the first time we have extended the activity to all K-12 students. Sr. Mary Beth Schraml is the principal of Loyola Catholic School in Mankato.

January, 2018 w The Courier


Are You Due for Recertification? �uring

Safe Environment

Ministry Days in June of 2011, the Diocese of Winona launched the VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children safe environment live training. At that time, 90 people were trained to be facilitators of the two-hour live training course within their parishes and schools. An additional 173 people took the first two-hour training. Fast forward to today; almost seven years later, we have trained more than 12,000 people in the Diocese of Winona. In late 2016, we completed the recertification process with all the diocesan priests, deacons and school employees. In early January of 2018, we will launch a recertification for all employees and volunteers who received their initial training in 2011 and 2012. Although the initial Protecting God’s Children training remains a live twohour course, the recertification training will be accomplished through VIRTUS Online with a program called Keeping Our Promise Alive 3.0.

January, 2018 w The Courier

If you volunteer or work in one of our diocesan parishes or schools and took the training in 2011 or 2012, you will receive an email from VIRTUS Online with credentials to log in and take the online recertification training. The training will take about 30 minutes to complete and can be done at any time of the day. The online recertification training will review and reinforce what we can do as people of God to help prevent child abuse or to respond to it appropriately if it does occur. It will reinforce the five steps in our plan to protect God’s children: 1. Know the warning signs.

2. Control access through screening.

3. Monitor all ministries and programs. 4. Beware of child and youth behavior. 5.

Communicate your concerns.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this training, please contact your parish or school office, or me at 507-858-1244 or Thank you for everything you do to help create a safe environment in our schools and parishes for our children and young people.

Mary Hamann

Safe Environment Program Manager

Families Grow Vocations 13 Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations


fter spending time with family and loved ones this Christmas, I am reminded of the blunt reality of family life. While it is a wonderful gift to have the unconditional love and support that comes from family, I also realize that families continue to change and evolve as the years go on. These changes are due in part to old age or a loved one's death, but also to new marriages and the changing dynamics resulting in people going in different directions. On top of this, some of my family has spread out all over the country and so they no longer make it to the gatherings with the same frequency. Even I don’t always make it to the gatherings, as most of them are on weekends or holidays, which tend to be a priest’s busiest days. Yet, as I spend time with my own family, or as I am invited to parishioners' homes, I am inspired repeatedly by the love and support that is present in the home. We live in fragile times, and each of our immediate and extended families has brokenness and wounds that are being dealt with throughout our lives. In my own family, I am always reminded of how much the members of my family are in need of prayer and grace to help them through the year’s difficulties and life’s burdens. Yet, I am convinced that the family remains the most fundamental place to support and encourage vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. While we are careful not to push family members too hard or pressure them too much, the best way to promote vocations is by instilling in the family the life of discipleship and by helping each member to be a faithful follower of Jesus. The more we lead our families to Jesus, the more Jesus can call forth young people to serve Him in the Church. So while there are many opportunities to plant seeds and promote vocations in subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) ways in the family, we all can do three things in our families to promote vocations.

ongratulations to the recipients of Mankato Serra Club's 11th Annual Great Promise Award. These 12 students were recognized on November 29, 2017, for displaying the following qualities of future leadership in our Catholic community: service, generosity, compassion, trustworthiness and leadership. They were nominated by their teachers and religious education leaders in their sixth grade year and received the award as seventh graders.

First, pray. One of the things I have asked the school children where I frequently cover the school Mass is to pray the following prayer each time they walk by the chapel: Jesus, be in my heart. Jesus, be in my family. Jesus, be in my school.

This simple prayer reminds us to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, our relationships, and our work. Inviting Jesus deeper into the heart of our family is an essential way to support vocations. We need to move away from questioning whether God is calling someone to a vocation and to focus instead on helping them grow in a relationship with Jesus, who is the source and foundation of each vocation. How does one go about helping someone grow closer to Jesus? The answer to this is varied, but the reality is that closeness to Jesus almost always develops through encountering the depths of the Sacraments in the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and Confession. We think that youth will be bored, but they are longing for what is authentic and real, and there is nothing on this earth more real than the Real Presence. Young people experience the emptiness and broken-

The 2017 Great Promise Award recipients are (pictured L to R) FRONT ROW: Ella Blace, St. John the Baptist, Mankato; Alia Meehling, St. John the Baptist, Mankato; Aubrey Houg, Ss. Peter & Paul, Mankato; Angela Dickhudt, St. Joseph the Worker, Mankato; Joseph Kremer, Holy Rosary, North Mankato; James Younge, Holy Rosary, North Mankato; BACK ROW: Owen Engesser, Ss. Peter & Paul, Mankato; Lydia Meehling, St. John the Baptist, Mankato; Emily Coudron, St. Joseph the Worker, Mankato; Logan Burgess, Ss. Peter & Paul, Mankato; Macallan Meehling, St. John the Baptist, Mankato; and John Calsbeek, Holy Rosary, North Mankato.

ness of this world, and encountering the living mercy of God in Confession is a powerful way to transform hearts. Sometimes it takes a retreat experience away from the routine of the parishes they grew up in, but when young people are given authentic encounters of prayer and the Sacraments, they hunger for more. This experience plays out repeatedly in ministry. Secondly, live as disciples. After keeping prayer an essential part of family life and vocational discernment, we see that living as disciples remains the most fundamental way that vocations take shape. In order to effectively live as disciples we need fellow disciples who encourage and support us on the journey of life. In the words of Pope Francis, “Missionary disciples accompany missionary disciples" (Evangelium Gaudium, 173). We cannot stand alone in following Christ, especially in the culture of today. Families provide a natural groundwork for living as disciples together. It creates a dynamic different than those found with peers or friends, when we see our families as a group of disciples who are journeying both individually and together toward living as faithful followers of Jesus. If we could open our families up to becoming more and more a place where Christ is the center and is alive in our relationships, then the dynamic of living together as followers of Jesus would naturally flow. Life in Christ leads us on the journey that will enrich and bless our lives to the fullest. Christ leads us, calls us, and fulfills us! The final way that, as families, we can open the door to vocations is through the love that families share. I do not pretend that family life is perfect, and I did not come from anything even remotely resembling the perfect family; yet knowing that I had the love and support to do what I needed to get through life made it possible to open myself to God and His will. The family is the first place we learn that we are provided for and being nurtured. God is the ultimate provider of our lives and wants to nurture us as we follow His plan. By sharing the bond of love in the family, we begin to realize that God, who loves each of us unconditionally first, is the One we can trust in completely to lead our lives. When family life shows the groundwork of love and care, we can allow God’s love to shine forth more fully into our lives. This new year, beg Jesus to be the center of your life, your family, and your school and work. Let Jesus show His plan for your life by praying, by living as a disciple with other disciples, and by letting the unconditional love of your family be a sign that points to God and His providential will for your life. January, 2018 w The Courier


Hearts of Flesh A Week at Catholic Heart Work Camp


Deacon Pat Fagan

St. Joseph Parish, Owatonna

Students take a break from home repair to pose with the resident, Elaine.

� few months ago, I had the pleasure and honor

to accompany 23 of our youth as one of seven chaperones on a mission trip to Kansas City, KS. The mission trip was part of the Catholic Heart Work Camp (CHWC) program, which arranges Christ-centered camps in larger cities around the country each summer. The CHWC, based in Orlando, FL, makes contacts and arrangements with local charity groups in each city to see where there is a need for help, where youth and young adults can put their hands, feet, and hearts at the service of others, to be the “Face of Christ” to those in need. This is so much more than a mission trip to help others; it is a retreat, a means to come

closer to Christ and our faith like none you’ve ever attended at a retreat center. The kids, as well as the chaperones (many of whom worked just as hard as the kids, if not more so) were called to be open to the grace of God and to let that grace work through them to bless those they were sent to help. The week was a good mix of loud, high-energy music, prompting jumping, flailing arms, hands, and feet, and lots of motion; faith and moral lesson-telling videos; and inspirational and touching skits and speaker presentations at the end of the day. Every day started with a 6:15 wake-up call for breakfast. This was followed by a bit of loosening up the sleepy limbs to get us ready for the day’s

Students and chaperones stop for lunch on the long drive home. January, 2018 w The Courier

activities. Next - and this was done every day - we celebrated Mass, offered by a local priest who was joined by clergy traveling with their teens (two priests and two deacons: one newly-ordained transitional and myself). Even though Mass was held in the school gym, with most all seated in the bleachers, you couldn’t have asked for a more reverent gathering and celebration of the faithful. These kids knew Jesus was with them, then and there. Awesome! After Mass, we gathered as small teams of five or six kids with a chaperone to get necessary supplies and lunches to take to our various assignments. Many of the teams were assigned to help elderly residents with the upkeep of their homes. One local assistance organization, Hope Builders, not only selected those homes that were in most need of work – new paint, yard work, cleaning – but also sent representatives to assist with the heavy detail work and guidance for the teams. This is where my team was assigned to work. On the last day, when we were nearing completion, I asked the home owner if she wouldn’t mind coming out and talking to the kids. Her talk, in my opinion, was one of the more stirring talks we had during the week. She had been giving all her life, until she had no more to give and found that she was the one in need; now she could offer her gratefulness to the community, and to these kids, for caring for her. I’m sure this was the common theme no matter where the kids showed up to work. Not everyone went to spruce up homes. Many teams went to places like food shelves and clothing distribution centers to assist in accepting and sorting items, and to have personal contact with clientele. Others were assigned to daycare facilities to work with children, to play and read with them, helping them learn to spell their names, and to clean facilities and toys to lessen the possibility of spreading germs. At all places, hands, feet, and hearts were busy at the sharing of self with others, being Christ to others. During that week, many new friends and acquaintances were made, even if only for a short time. The presence of Jesus was there, and I’m sure His presence has been carried home in everyone who attended. Seeds have been planted - of grace, of self-giving, of awareness that what we do to or for another can affect our own lives. If this deacon had to make a choice between going on a week-long silent retreat or going on a week-long mission trip with a bunch of kids, the mission trip would win, hands down. Seeing Jesus at work through the kids is the best reminder that God gave us hearts of flesh, not stone. God bless.

Jesus Was a Refugee �s

I look to Immigration Sunday on January 7, 2018, I also reflect on the Feast of the Holy Family, which we celebrated on December 31. While these two events may seem on the surface to have very little in common, they actually intertwine in the story of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I m a g i n e being a father, only wishing to provide for your wife and child, to protect them from harm, to keep them warm and fed. Certainly Joseph, being a loving father, would have had those concerns. The same is true for the fathers of the families we serve in our Refugee Resettlement Program. When I talk to them, they tell me stories of horror, fear of death, trauma, and a sense of powerlessness to provide for their children. Do they stay or do they go? This is the choice millions of refugees in Iraq, Syria, Somalia and many other countries around the world must make. A refugee is a person who

42 years. We reunite families - parents with children, husbands with wives, brothers with sisters. As the only resettlement agency in southeastern Minnesota, our program addresses the most fundamental needs of all new refugees, including access to shelter, food, clothing, income, and medical care. Through extensive case management and our effective referral network, we help them secure safe and stable housing, financial literacy, education, and stable employment. These are the key components to building assets and gaining financial independence. We at Catholic Charities believe that we must not sit back and contentedly accept that we are safe while others struggle. In Christ, we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another (Romans 12:5). We share with our refugee brothers and sisters the universal truth that, regardless of faith tradition or ethnicity, we all love our children and family and only seek to find a safe place to call home. As we celebrate Immigration Sunday on January 7, I encourage you to consider that, both through our faith tradition and our human condition, we have more in common with refugees than we often think.

Catholic Charities

Kristina Hammell

Director of Refugee Resettlement Catholic Charities

has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. Refugees do not want to leave their home. After all, home is where they grew up playing with friends, visiting relatives, going to school. But now home only brings terror and possible death for their children and families. Just as refugees flee to protect their children, Joseph and Mary sought refuge in Egypt in order to protect Jesus. The Holy Family was forced to flee when Herod ordered the slaying of all male Hebrew children under the age of two. Just as we are appalled to think of the terror and death Herod meted out on innocent infants and their heartbroken families, we must not forget that there are Herods in today’s world. Everyday refugees throughout the world are forced to flee terrorists and regimes that kidnap, torture, and kill innocent men, women and children. Ignoring their plight is not an option. Called by our faith to have compassion for all and to welcome the stranger, we must not see the stranger as our enemy or as someone to fear. Rather, we are called to see the face of Christ in the eyes of those seeking refuge and to greet them with kindness and compassion. Our Refugee Resettlement Program has welcomed refugees from all different walks of life, faith traditions, and ethnicities, for the last


January, 2018 w The Courier

Faith in the Public Arena


Passing on the Plans The Rogue One Rebel Force Needed in the Public Arena Sarah Spangenberg

Communications Associate Minnesota Catholic Conference

Urge Congress to Support Dreamers

�s Catholics, we lose a lot of battles in the pub-

lic arena. Sometimes giving up and opting out appears to be the best option, but it is not. Each of us has a small but crucial role to play in God’s great story of salvation, which often does not look much like earthly victory. The heroes of the most recent Star Wars film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, bring this dynamic to life on the silver screen and provide a profound image of our duty as Catholics in today’s culture and public arena: to be workers, ministers, and prophets of a future not our own. The Standalone Hero?

In 1977, the film A New Hope ushered in the first Star Wars trilogy, in which we followed the scrappy Luke Skywalker as he fulfilled his destiny to become a Jedi. Much of the plot follows Skywalker in his enterprises, showcasing his courage, his quick wit and resourcefulness, and his skills as a pilot and a fighter. Luke, in many ways, is the hero of the story. However, what looked like standalone heroism 40 years ago had another thing coming last December with the release of Rogue One. The film is a sort of caveat, interrupting the plot of The Force Awakens (to be continued in The Last Jedi, coming out this month) to give viewers a glimpse into what took place before we met Luke Skywalker. Turns out, a lot of other people had work to do before Luke could shine. Passing on the Plans

Rogue One follows a ragtag group of rebels on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, a space station strong enough to obliterate entire planets in one strike. Retrieving those plans, stored in an enemy base on a remote planet, would enable the rebel alliance to destroy the weapon and put an end to its destructive power. To make it happen, each member of the team has a small but crucial role to play. Just how crucial each man’s part is can be seen most

January, 2018 w The Courier

dramatically in one scene in which a line of rebels passes the plans along like a sprinter’s baton as Darth Vader cuts them down. The last man standing just manages to slip them through a closing door before meeting his own end. It’s clear in this moment that if one single actor in this great heist fails to execute—even if his only job was to pass the plans from one man to the next—the plan would have failed. Their mission is successful; the plans are recovered. Tragically, however, the team does not survive to celebrate their victory; the enemy, realizing its defense has been compromised, makes a last-ditch attempt to stop the rebels by using the Death Star to destroy the planet. Here’s the point: unless these unsung heroes were willing to do their part, even at the cost of their lives, Luke Skywalker may have remained an anonymous farm boy on Tatooine. His role was no more important than theirs. Part of Something Greater

Especially in the public square, it often feels like we as Catholics are fighting a losing battle. It is sometimes tempting to think when it comes to our political system, well, it seems like change will never come, so why bother? We must not forget that the work of public policy and advocacy takes the contribution and commitment of many people. It is the work of many years, sometimes many generations. Each one of us is a link in the chain, necessary because we hold together something much bigger than ourselves. We are charged with passing the baton of faith, handing down God’s plan. In the words of the Archbishop Oscar Romero Prayer: We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that the Kingdom always lies beyond us.

The Dream Act of 2017 (H.R. 3440 & S. 1615), which has bipartisan support in both the House and Senate, is intended to protect immigrant youth who entered the United States as children and know America as their only home. The young people who stand to benefit by this bill are contributors to our economy, military veterans or current service members, students in our universities, and leaders in our parishes and communities. They should not be forced to live their lives in constant fear of deportation at any moment or of separation from their families. Members of Congress need to hear from their constituents on this pressing issue that affects the future of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) youth and young adults. As Catholics, we believe in protecting the dignity of every human being, especially our children. The following members of Congress have already shown their support for Dreamers by signing onto the bill as co-sponsors. Please call them to thank them and ask for their continued support of Dreamers. Current Co-Sponsors

Rep. Timothy Walz (1st District) 202-225-2472 Rep. Betty McCollum (4th District) 202-225-6631 Rep. Keith Ellison (5th District) 202-225-4755 Rep. Rick Nolan (8th District) 202-225-6211 The following members of Congress have not yet signed on in support of the Dream Act of 2017. We ask you to call them today to urge their support by signing on as a co-sponsor. Not yet sponsoring the Dream Act of 2017 Rep. Jason Lewis (2nd District) 202-225-2271 Rep. Erik Paulsen (3rd District) 202-225-2871 Rep. Tom Emmer (6th District) 202-225-2331 Rep. Collin Peterson (7th District) 202-225-2165

Members of God’s great mission: it is true we may never see the end results. But if we allow this reality to discourage us, then the sacrifices of those who came before us will have been in vain, and the next generation will be left empty-handed. As the culture around us threatens to silence the truth about God and the human person, we must stand as an alliance of cultural rebels, each one playing our small but necessary part in God’s plan.

Knights of Columbus Join Pro-Life Citizens at Donate $1.4 Million MCCL March for Life! 17 to Rebuild HurricaneDamaged Churches “The Knights of Columbus is committed to building up Catholic families and strengthening parish life,” said Anderson. “The effort to restore these muchneeded houses of worship is appropriate for the Knights, who are most effective within the local parish structure of prayer and service to others.” The organization raised $3.8 million for disaster relief following the storms. More than $720,000 was used to fund immediate post-storm assistance, covering food, water and shelter. Many knights have also volunteered locally to help in their parishes communities following Harvey and Irma. In addition, the Knights have donated $100,000 to repair and relief efforts in Puerto Rico, which is still struggling to recover after Hurricane Maria hit in September. Founded by Venerable Father Michael McGivney, the Knights of Columbus began in New Haven, Connecticut in 1882. Today, they have 1.9 million members across the globe. The Knights, who are the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also donated $6.7 million to aid dioceses throughout New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana in 2005.

Hurricane Harvey aftermath in Texas. Credit: US National Guard.

Pro-Life citizens gather at the Minnesota State Capitol for the 2017 March for Life.

Submitted by BILL POEHLER

atholics who would like to help save the lives of unborn children and to protect their mothers from the devastation of abortion can make a real difference on Monday, Jan. 22. The annual MCCL March for Life will begin at 12 PM on the State Capitol grounds. The 2018 March for Life, sponsored by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), commemorates the 45th anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton U.S. Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. These devastating rulings have resulted in the deaths of more than 60 million unborn children, including more than 625,000 in Minnesota. “Abortion is the greatest human rights issue of our time,” said MCCL Executive Director Scott Fischbach. “We encourage Catholics throughout Minnesota to speak up for the sanctity of human life by participating in the MCCL March for Life.” Each year on Jan. 22, citizens march and call on lawmakers to enact protective legislation. Citizens can encourage their lawmakers to attend the MCCL March for Life. Prominent pro-life state and national officials are expected to attend the March. Every pro-life voice is needed to demonstrate that the prolife movement is as strong as ever! Help make this the largest, most effective MCCL March for Life by attending this onehour event with your family and friends. Marchers will be provided with pro-life signs on the Capitol Mall. In case of severe weather, check the MCCL website ( and Twin Cities news outlets or contact MCCL at or 612825-6831. Remember: The MCCL March for Life begins at 12 noon on Monday, Jan. 22, at the State

Capitol. Buses will come from across Minnesota; watch your local paper for details. For more information, visit, e-mail or call 612-825-6831. See you there!

State & Nation

HOUSTON, TX, Dec 17, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News) - As Texas and Florida continue to rebuild from a devastating hurricane season, the Knights of Columbus are offering $1.4 million to aid the reconstruction of badly damaged churches. “Getting parish facilities up and running again does not just meet a practical need,” said Knights CEO Carl Anderson. “The people in the affected areas see the revival of their churches as a spiritual joy and as an important signal of recovery for the larger communities that surround these churches.” Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas on Aug. 25 and continued over the next five days, killing dozens and causing up to $180 billion in damage. The hurricane is believed to have affected 13 million people. Not even a month after Harvey hit, Hurricane Irma tore through the Caribbean before making landfall on Sept. 10 and making its way through Georgia and the Carolinas. The hurricane was responsible for at least 134 deaths and caused billions of dollars in damage. In Texas, $760,000 will be given by the Knights to seven churches to help the parishes rebuild. Another $690,000 will be given to six churches in Florida and Virgin Islands.

Bill Poehler is the communications director for Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life.

January, 2018 w The Courier

Golden Jubilee

received her nurse practitioner certification from the University of Texas in San Antonio, TX, and a master’s degree in community health from Texas Woman’s University in Houston, TX. Her career was primarily spent working as a nurse practitioner in a variety of different settings for over 40 years. Sister Barbara is currently retired, but spends time volunteering and is presently serving on the leadership council and academy board for the Sisters of Saint Francis.

In the Diocese


L to R: Sr. Barbara Goergen, Sr. Andrea Turbak and Sr. Linda Wieser

�hree members of the Sisters of Saint Francis,

Rochester, will celebrate their Golden Jubilee in January, 2018, having professed their first vows in 1968. Sister Andrea Turbak, formerly Sister Christoph, daughter of Jerome and Cecilia Turbak (both deceased), was born in Watertown, SD, and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Holy Rosary Parish in Kranzburg, SD. Sister Andrea received a bachelor’s degree in theology and philosophy from the College of St. Teresa in Winona and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from St. Catherine University in St. Paul. In addition, she earned a master’s degree in culture and spirituality from Holy Names University in Oakland, CA. Her career was primarily spent in pastoral care, working in Jackson and Austin, MN; Monte Vista, CO; and San Francisco, CA. Her other ministries include time spent in nursing at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in

January, 2018 w The Courier

Minneapolis; as a teaching assistant in nursing at St. Catherine University; teaching elementary and high school in Owatonna; and as codirector of Assisi Heights, the Congregational home of the Sisters of Saint Francis, from 1996-2000. From 2003-2014, she served as a chaplain at St. Anthony Foundation in San Francisco, CA, a Franciscan social service organization dedicated to serving the homeless, working poor and those suffering from addictions. Having returned to South Dakota, Sister Andrea is currently serving in the House of Hospitality in the Black Hills. Sister Barbara Goergen, daughter of Herman and Madelain Goergen (both deceased), was born in Austin and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Augustine Parish in Austin. Sister Barbara received a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the College of St. Teresa in Winona. She also

Sister Linda Wieser, daughter of Al and Melinda Eden Wieser (both deceased), was born in La Crosse, WI, and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Crucifixion Parish in La Crescent. Sister Linda received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona, and received her master’s degree in pastoral ministry from Creighton University in Omaha, NE. She started her career in elementary education, working in Tracy and Minneapolis. She then shifted careers to pastoral ministry, serving in Pueblo and Walsenburg, CO. She served as novice director for the Rochester Franciscan Community from 1985-1992. For the past 25 years, Sister Linda has been doing Integrative Therapies. Her current ministry is at Riverseasons in Rochester. In addition, Sister Linda has been very active in Rochester Franciscan Community committees and leadership. She has spent time focused on projects at Assisi Heights, including: annual Journey of Peace events, promoting affordable housing, raising awareness about human trafficking, and serving as a spiritual advisor for Saint Vincent DePaul ministries. She has facilitated Heritage Retreats and Compassionate Living Retreats, as well as retreats and presentations on meditation and work/life balance.

Austin Area CCW Fills 81 Boxes of Joy By CINDY HEIMER

Cindy Heimer is a member of St. John the Baptist Parish in Johnsburg.

Madonna Living Community Wins BHS Spirit Award Submitted by DIANE SOLHEID-MILLER

�enedictine Health System has awarded its annual

Spirit Award to Madonna Living Community in recognition of our recently-launched spiritual care program designed specifically for residents with dementia. Traditionally, we think of human beings as mind, body, and spirit. It can be difficult to understand the spirit, especially as it relates to those with memory loss. A hallmark of dementia is the loss of connections. People often feel disconnected from time and place, from friends and family, from themselves and their faith communities. At Madonna Living Community (MLC), we have created one of the only spiritual care programs in the area designed specifically for residents with dementia. This spiritual care group focuses on the fundamental needs of people with dementia including: feeling safe, loved, respected and valued, experiencing joy and the ability to express emotions. We also focus on their need to be occupied in a meaningful way, to have a sense of belonging, celebrate with others and grow personally. The spiritual care program uses Scripture readings, artwork, figurines

Hope Harbor Seeks Participants in Winona Area By MARY MEYER

�ope Harbor is a non-profit Christian group home,

serving teen girls ages 12-17, and their families, whose hopes have been crushed by bullying, abuse, exploitation, pornography, eating disorders, selfharm, relational aggression, and much more. The organization, licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, provides a Christ-centered, safe, and loving environment in a group residential setting. The voluntary placement provides a year-long program, a self-paced education component, indi-

Madonna Living Community CEO Christine Bakke (left) and Spiritual Care Director Diane Solheid-Miller (right) display Benedictine Health System's Spirit Award.

and other sacred items to stir the spirituality of each person. We also have discussions with themes related to the emotions resident may be experiencing along with offering reassurance and love. After the implementation of the Spiritual Care group at MLC, a family member stated, “This group is my mom’s favorite thing about living here.” The Spiritual Care group not only touches the lives of the residents, but family members as well. vidual and group counseling, and interaction with churches and other community organizations to develop life skills and tools that lead to a successful future. Parents take an active part in the programming by attending parenting classes and family counseling once a week. Hope Harbor has accepted two girls into the Winona program and is currently seeking four additional participants. Pictured are (left to right) Steve Nett, board member; Mary Meyer, site director; Kate Forkner, teacher; and Lael Lemire, lead house staff, as they make future plans for the organization. Hope Harbor serves families within a threehour radius of Winona, which includes nearly all of the Diocese of Winona. The organization receives no government funding and operates solely on the generosity of churches, grantors, individual parties, community volunteers, and tuition from participating families.


In the Diocese

he Austin Area Council of Catholic Women, consisting of members from 13 parishes, conducted the Box of Joy program. The program was created by Cross Catholic Outreach in response to the needs of severely poor children in developing countries. This “hands-on program” allows parish members to pack and deliver personalized gifts to poor boys and girls around the globe, bringing joy to those who need it the most. Cross Catholic Outreach’s dedicated priests and nuns run feeding centers, start clinics, build schools and operate orphanages in developing countries all over the world. Much of their work focuses on helping children, many of whom are orphans. The Box of Joy program supplements the life-saving ministries of the priests and nuns and lay ministers who work with

the children, enabling their outreach to have a greater impact on the lives of the poor. This year, the focus of delivery is Haiti, Vietnam, Honduras, and Guatemala. With the participation of their parishes, the Austin Area CCW filled 81 boxes and delivered them to the collection site. In total, the Box of Joy program collected 45,000 boxes in 2017. The gifts that are sent will have a profound impact, showing desparately poor children that they have value and have reason for hope. Encouragement and love changes the life of the child who feels that love. Families who pack the boxes here in the United States are also blessed. Children who participate develop a charitable heart and a greater sensitivity to those in need. As Pope Francis has expressed, “We will be judged by God on our charity, on how we have loved our brothers and sisters, especially the weakest and neediest.” Box of Joy is an opportunity to make a difference and to glorify God.

The Spiritual Care group touches the spirit of each individual differently. One resident, who is mostly non-verbal, started to sing the hymns that were familiar to her. Since that time, she participates in the singing portion of the Spiritual Care group. One of the Wellness staff stated that the residents are more talkative and engage in conversation with each other more during the Spiritual Care group than for any other activity that is offered. The Spirit Award was presented at Benedictine Health System's Annual Convention in Duluth, September 26-28. Each year, the award is presented to one of BHS's 51 associated communities that has developed a project that exceeds its core values and mission statement. Madonna Living Community includes Madonna Towers located in northwest Rochester, Madonna Meadows located in southwest Rochester and Madonna Summit of Byron. Madonna Towers has been serving Rochester since 1967 offering Independent and Assisted Living apartments, Memory Care, 62 private rooms, Skilled Nursing Center, Short-term rehabilitation, and a Home Health Agency. Madonna Meadows is an assisted living campus which includes memory care services as well. Madonna Summit of Byron opened in 2016 and includes Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care. Diane Solheid-Miller is the spiritual care director for Madonna Living Community in Rochester.

For more information, or if you are interested in donating, please contact Mary Meyer at 507-4746411 or You may also visit our website: Mary Meyer is the site director at Hope Harbor's Winona location.

January, 2018 w The Courier

SUBMISSION to the calendar

January 2018

Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary's Church in Winona on the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held the first Saturday of each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. Gather in the Adoration Chapel. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. For times & locations:

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, 7-9 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-760-1619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

Other Events Crucifixion Church, La Crescent January 4, Thursday All are welcome to join in the celebration of four Masses being filmed for broadcast to the homebound. Help us capture the experience of a full church for our viewers! 10 a.m. filming Mass to be aired 1/14 (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) with Fr. Greg Havel. 11 a.m. filming Mass to be aired 1/21 (3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time) with Fr. Greg Havel. 1 p.m. filming Mass to be aired 1/28 (4th Sunday in Ordinary Time) with Fr. Bill Kulas. 2 p.m. filming Mass to be aired 2/4 (5th Sunday in Ordinary Time) with Fr. Bill Kulas. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona January 15, Monday Registration deadline for Wisdom, an adult faith formation DVD study series

Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m.; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m; & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: Diocese of Winona, Attn: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James Tel. 507-375-3542

Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313

Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington Tel. 507-440-9735

Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Owatonna, Sacred Heart 11 a.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Sunday Austin, Queen of Angels 11 a.m. Sunday; 5:15 Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sunday Friday (bilingual) Lake City, St. Mary 6:30 p.m. each 3rd Saturday Rochester, St. Francis Madelia, St. Mary of Assisi 10 a.m. Sunday 12 p.m. Sunday & 7 Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. Sunday

St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 7 p.m. Saturday St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sunday Windom,St.FrancisXavier 2:30 p.m. Sunday Worthington, St. Mary 7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. Sunday; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday & Friday

• The Courier

that will be held over 8 sessions 1/30-3/21, either Tuesdays 7-8:30 p.m. or Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. Gain the peace of knowing God cares for you and can show you a path through any circumstance. Cost is $23 for the series. Register online at or pick up forms in the Cathedral's Gathering Space and St. Mary's Commons. Contact: Donna 507-454-1296. St. Thomas More Newman Center, Mankato January 20, Saturday Mankato area Pre-Cana retreat 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pre-Cana ministry assists couples as they prepare for married life by taking time to reflect on various aspects of the marriage relationship. The Newman Center is located at 1502 Warren Street in Mankato. Register at catholicmavs. org/pre-cana-online-registration. MN State Capitol, St. Paul January 22, Monday Annual March for Life begins at 12 p.m. on the Capitol grounds. The 2018 March for Life, sponsored by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, commemorates the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling. Holy Spirit Church, Rochester February 4-March 25, Sundays Life in the Spirit 2018 seminars to be held Sundays 1:30-3:30 p.m. Free admission. Life in the Spirit aims to release the amazing gifts and charisms planted in your soul at Baptism and awakened at Confirmation. Let Jesus send a new Pentecost of God's love in your heart! Pax Christi Church, Rochester February 10, Saturday InterMISSION 5:15-9:30 p.m. An evening rally for high school teens to grow together through prayer, sacraments and engaging programs. InterMISSION is presented by Partnership for Youth, which also organizes the Steubenville Youth

Tell Us What You Think

Many thanks to all readers who have weighed in on The Courier's proposed transition to a new format. If you haven't yet sent us your thoughts, we encourage you to do so. An online prototype of The Disciple, can be found at This quarterly magazine would place heavier emphasis on catechesis and evangelization, leaving some news and events coverage to our diocesan website ( While the online prototype shows a lot of sample material, a real issue of The Disciple would be printed on paper (with an online version availConference. 4135 18th Ave. NW in Rochester. Register online at St. Ignatius Church, Spring Valley February 16, Friday 33rd Annual Fish Fry served 5-7:30 p.m. Carry-outs: 507-346-7565. Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, Mankato March 18, Sunday 2 p.m. organ concert featuring sacred

able) and would feature stories and columns from within our diocese whenever possible. Please send feedback on the magazine prototype, or on your experience as a reader of The Courier, to Associate Editor Nick Reller at or 507858-1257. In your comments, please provide your parish, age, gender, and whether you consider yourself a regular reader of The Courier. What do you like about the magazine format? What is it missing? How does it compare to The Courier? Finally, if you belong to a parish or diocesan group that would be interested in holding a focus group (of about 20 people) regarding this prototype, please indicate that as well. Thank you! -Courier Staff music played by Ryan Mueller on the historic Johnson & Son pipe organ. Free-will offering. No tickets required. Contact Sr. Lucille Matousek at 507389-4223 or Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Winona April 22, Sunday Bishops & Rector Dinner. 3-4:30 p.m. seminary tours. 4:30 social. 5:30 dinner & program. Registration info coming soon!

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