The Courier - February 2018

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Ash Wednesday February 14

February 2018

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN

M any Hands, Many Lands F T O H R W D air rade



oots in




�thical Trade, also known as Fair Trade, has been

in existence for many years, with organizations like SERRV (Sales Exchange for Refugee Rehabilitation and Vocation) and 10,000 Villages functioning for more than 50 years. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) began a collaboration with SERRV more than 20 years ago, which has expanded their Ethical Trade program. So what is Ethical (Fair) Trade? To put it simply, it is an effort to give poor people in developing nations a fair price for the quality products they produce. In the past, they worked for large corporations or local buyers sometimes referred to as “coyotes,” receiving subsistence wages while their products were marketed for substantial profit. Ethical Trade endeavors are working to change the system, giving these poor people a hand up rather than a hand out. While organizations like CRS work on a national scale, efforts by local and regional people and groups also make a difference. Winona resident John Kennedy traveled to Honduras in 2003 to see first-hand the work of his sister, Sr. Mary Kennedy, a School Sister of Notre Dame (SSND). Reaching past the usual mission of pastoral development, education (many rural students don’t make it past 6th grade) and social advocacy, the Sisters address a broader spectrum of needs of the indigenous populations. For example, the few rural women who find employment end up being taken advantage of in the garment industry, traveling hours to and from jobs that

Items for sale at a Many Hands Many Lands fair trade market.

are strenuous, low-paying and in physically taxing settings, away from their children and families. The Sisters advocated for ‘micro-loans’ to help some workers get Many Hands, cont'd on pg. 4

IHM Renovation Fund Exceeds Phase 2 Goal WINONAPhase 2 of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary Renovation Fund has exceeded its $1-million goal, with $1,206,000 raised for Phase 2 renovations. This phase of renovations to the seminary will include the addition of an annex to Kelly Hall, with an elevator to bring barrier-free access to the 68-yearold building for the first time. Thank you for your generous support!

INSIDE this issue

Renew Faith. Extend Mercy. Inspire Hope. page 6

Jesus Christ Is Better Than Sports page 14

Caucusing for Human Dignity page 16

Pope Francis Watch

Proving Our Commitment___________________5 Renew Faith. Extend Mercy. Inspire Hope.____6 Don't Miss Man of God!_____________________8 March for Life____________________________9 ...Lived in Community______________________10 The Rite of Election..._____________________11 Catholic School Updates___________________12 Jesus Christ Is Better Than Sports_________14 Active Aging Programs Expand______________15 Get This Party Started..._____________________16 Diocesan Headlines________________________17 Diocesan Calendar_________________________19

2 The Courier Insider

Articles of Interest

Photo Credit: CNA

Pope Baptizes 34 Babies, Calls for Love at Home

By ELISE HARRIS VATICAN CITY, Jan. 7, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News) - Keeping with papal tradition, Pope Francis marked the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord by celebrating Mass in the Sistine Chapel, during which he baptized 34 infants, 16 boys and 18 girls, telling parents that love at home is the first requirement of passing on the faith. “If there is no love at home, if the language of love isn't spoken between mother and father at home, you can't do it,” the Pope said Jan. 7, telling parents to “transmit the faith, but do it with the love of the family, at home.” In his brief, off-the-cuff homily, the Pope told parents that in baptizing their children, they are making the “first step” in the task of transmitting the faith. “We need the Holy Spirit to transmit the faith, or else we can't do it,” he said, adding that to transmit the faith “is a grace of the Holy Spirit.” However, even with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Francis stressed that truly transmitting the faith to one's children “can only be done in love; in the love

of the family, of the father and mother, grandmother and grandfather.” Catechists come later in life to help in transmitting the faith with “ideas and explanations,” he said, but told parents “don't forget this: have love.” He also told parents to be childlike in their own prayer, saying children communicate in the only way they can, but “it's the language Jesus likes a lot.” “Jesus advises us to be like them, to speak like them. May your prayers be simple like children,” he said, telling parents that in their own prayer, “say it in your heart like they do” when they cry, and “the Lord will teach you how to be like them, how to speak to them.” Francis closed his homily telling mothers that if the babies cry and “start to have a concert” because they are uncomfortable or hungry, to breastfeed them without fear or hesitation if it is the latter, “because this is also a language of love.” After celebrating Mass, the Pope made his way to the Apostolic Palace, where he led pilgrims in the traditional Angelus prayer, as he does every Sunday.

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following: Senior Status Rev. Thomas Jennings: currently Pastor of St. Catherine Parish in Luverne and St. Mary Parish in Ellsworth; granted Senior Priest status, effective October 8, 2018. Appointments Rev. John M. Sauer: currently Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Owatonna and Holy Trinity Parish in Litomysl; in addition to his current assignments, appointed Parochial Administrator of St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna and Christ the King Parish in Medford, effective January 22, 2018. Rev. Stephen Abaukaka: appointed

Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna and Christ the King Parish in Medford, effective January 22, 2018.

Corrections On page 10 of our January 2018 issue, we wrongly identified Erin Widman as the principal of St. John/St. Pius X School in Rochester, and attributed a statement to her. In fact, the current principal of St. John/St. Pius X School is Matt Langsdale, and the statement came from him. On page 11 of our January 2018 issue, we wrongly identified Sr. Mary Beth Schraml, SSND, as the principal of Loyola Catholic School in Mankato. Sr. Mary Beth did submit the article attributed to her, but she is now Loyola's mission integration associate. Adam Bemmels is the principal. The Courier regrets these errors.

The Holy Father's Intention for

February 2018

Say "No" to Corruption That those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption. Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 109 - 2

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona

Diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. February, 2018 w The Courier

(ISSN 0744-5490)

A Time for Conversion Lent: A Time for Conversion

This year, Lent begins on February 14. The Church offers us this season of penance and conversion as a time to take stock of our lives, identify how we have fallen short of being the disciples Christ calls us to be, repent, and seek to change our lives. It can be difficult to be honest with ourselves and admit our faults and failings. We all have habits and parts of our lives that we would prefer to keep hidden, or that we would rather not make the effort to change. However, the Lord calls us to an ever deeper relationship with Himself, and it is only by letting Him prune away the diseased and sinful parts of our lives that we can grow in holiness and be the sons and daughters He is calling us to be. I encourage you to embrace the holy season of Lent as a time to renew your relationship with our Heavenly Father, and

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

your commitment to His call to holiness. One practice that is helpful in identifying how we can better live out our call to holiness, is the daily examination of conscience. Taking time to prayerfully reflect on the events of each day provides us with an opportunity both to examine how we may have failed to do what the Lord was asking of us, and also to see the many ways our Triune God has blessed us throughout the day. When the examination of conscience becomes a daily practice, we can begin to see more clearly our particular struggles and sins, and also become more aware of God’s presence in our daily activities. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also an essential aspect of Lent and our personal conversion. If you haven’t been to Confession in a while, now is the time to go! In the Sacrament of Penance, we encounter Christ and His mercy through the ministry of the priest, as it is Christ Himself who forgives our sins. It can be a powerful experience to admit we have sinned and are resolved to change our lives, and receive Christ’s mercy and forgiveness. I encourage you to take advantage of this beautiful sacrament during this Lenten season. The door of mercy is open for you. I also encourage you to look at how you can practice the three traditional disciplines of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Prayer is essential to a deeper relationship with Christ because we can only know someone better by spending time with him. Making time to attend Mass during the week or praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration are both wonderful ways to strengthen our prayer life this Lent. For fasting, one can fast not only from food, but from other pleasures as well,

February 1, Thursday 1 pm - Holy Hour and Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 5 pm - Holy Hour for Vocations with Winona Serra Club and FOCUS Missionaries - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona February 2, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at St. Mary University 10:30 am - Mass - Winona Area Catholic Schools and Cotter - St. Stanislaus Kostka Basilica, Winona February 9, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at St. Mary University February 10, Saturday 5:30 pm - Winona Area Catholic Schools Gala Signatures Event Center, Winona February 13, Tuesday 11 am - Holy Hour and Presbyteral Council Meeting - Albert Lea

such as television, listening to music, or spending time on the internet. Fasting allows us to spend more time in prayer and reminds us that only God can satisfy the yearnings and desires of the human heart. Almsgiving not only detaches us from our reliance on material wealth, but also is a concrete way to serve those less fortunate than us. May we all strive to put the Lord first in our lives as we embrace the ways the Lord is calling us to pray, fast, and give alms this Lent. Catholic Ministries Appeal 2018

February 17 and 18 mark the kickoff weekend for the 2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). The annual CMA provides a third of the annual income for the diocese, and funds a range of parish and diocesan ministries. These include opportunities for our youth to encounter Christ through events such as Camp Summit, Steubenville, and Totus Tuus; and opportunities for ongoing catechesis and formation for adults, including our Institute of Lay Formation, marriage preparation, and resources in our media center. Funding also provides for various ministries in our diocese such as Hispanic Ministry, the services provided by our Marriage Tribunal, and the filming and broadcasting of TV Masses for those who are homebound. Please be assured that the money donated to the CMA is restricted and is not used for any legal fees, and if a parish goes over its goal, 100% of those funds go back to that parish. Because of your contributions, the Catholic Church is able to continue to further the mission of Jesus Christ in southern Minnesota. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

February 14, Ash Wednesday 12:10 pm - Mass - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

February 15, Thursday 10 am - Seminarian Visits - IHM Seminary, Winona 5 pm - Prayer Service for Life - Sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood, Rochester

World Day for Consecrated Life February 2 is the day when the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation, which commemorates Mary and Joseph presenting Jesus in the temple, 40 days after His birth. On this day, the Church also celebrates the gift of consecrated life present in the Church. All of us, by virtue of our baptism, are consecrated as sons or daughters of God and called to holiness, but our Lord calls some to a more radical life of following in His footsteps. Consecrated men and women serve as beacons of light in our dark world, as they seek to unite themselves more closely with our Triune God through prayer and service to others. The consecrated life is meant to anticipate the life we all hope to enjoy one day in heaven, where one neither marries nor is given in marriage (Matthew 22:30); it also witnesses to the fact that the pleasures of this world are fleeting and that true joy is found by giving oneself completely to Jesus Christ and His Church. Those of us living in the world are probably most familiar with seeing ordained ministers – bishops, priests, and deacons – and consecrated men and women in religious orders who visibly serve the Church in schools, parishes, or other ministries in the community. However, there are many other forms of consecrated life as well. These include monastic communities, with monks or nuns who separate themselves more completely from the world in order to dedicate themselves to contemplation, penance, and prayer for the salvation of souls; the Order of Virgins, women who are consecrated by their bishop to a life of perpetual virginity, and live lives of prayer and service to the Church. Consecrated widows live a life of celibacy dedicated to God

February 20, Tuesday 11am - Holy Hour and Deans Meeting - Albert Lea 2:30 pm - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting Albert Lea

February 16, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at St. Mary University 10 am - Seminarian Visits - IHM Seminary, Winona

February 21, Wednesday 11 am - Anointing Mass - St. Anne Extended Healthcare, Winona 7 pm - Recording of Easter Sunday TV Mass Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

February 17, Saturday 4 pm - Mass - St. Joseph Church, Owatonna 5:30 pm - Mass - Christ the King Church, Medford

February 22, Thursday 11:30 am - Holy Hour and Lenten Day of Reflection for Priests - Fairmont

February 18, Sunday 8 am - Mass - St. Joseph Church, Owatonna 10 am - Mass - St. Joseph Church, Owatonna 3 pm - RCIA Rite of Election - Queen of Angels Church, Austin

February 23, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at SMU February 24, Saturday 5 pm - Mass at St. Luke’s Church, Sherburn


after the death of their spouse; hermits, either as part of a religious institute or under the direction of their bishop, detach themselves from the world to live a life of solitude, fasting, and penance; and in Secular Institutes, men and women profess vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience while serving as a leaven of the Gospel in the midst of the world. As you can see, there are many forms of consecrated life and ways that the Lord continues to call men and women to serve Him. Here in the Diocese of Winona, in addition to the 18 young men currently studying for the priesthood, we also have several men and women who have heard the Lord’s invitation to leave everything behind and give themselves totally to our Triune God in the consecrated life. Please pray for these men and women, and encourage young people to consider whether the Lord might be calling them to the priesthood or consecrated life. Christ is the only One who can fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts, so we must not be afraid to listen to Him and follow where He leads. Consecrated life is a beautiful gift to the Church, so pray that we may have an abundance of consecrated men and women in our Church and diocese who are witnesses of the joy and love of Christ!

From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

February 25, Sunday 8:30 am - Mass at Good Shepherd Church, Jackson 10:30 am - Mass at St. Joseph Church, Lakefield February 27, Tuesday 9:30 am - Holy Hour and College of Consultors Meeting March 7, Wednesday 10:30 am - Mass - St. Mary School 140th Anniversary - Owatonna March 8, Thursday 6:30 am - Lauds and Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona 9:30 am - DOW Seminarian Evaluations March 9, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at SMU 10 am - Holy Hour and Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting February, 2018 w The Courier

Many Hands, 4

cont'd from pg. 1

their own sewing machines (mostly foot-treadle), which enabled them to do their piecework in their villages, and care for their children in a cooperative child care center near their working area. Sister Mary organized coffee bean growers to learn how to improve the quality, care, harvest and preparation of their beans, advancing them from taking as little as the equivalent of 20 cents (US) per pound for their crop to today’s market price, of a more refined product, hovering around $2/lb. The coffee co-op grew from a founding core of 10 members to the 2017 ranks of about 65 members, and it is still growing. Further, she has cultivated loans and contributions here in the Diocese of Winona to equip the coffee growers with bean hullers, drying sheds and American contacts for other planning, such as drying, storing, shipping and marketing. Sister Mary Kennedy identifies artists, seamstresses, weavers and other producers among villagers who produce excellent products but lack a fair market for their goods. Her brother John was moved to tap the talents of friends in Minnesota to found a Fair Trade organization, naming it “Many Hands Many Lands”(MHML), to foster a marketing enterprise to get products from Honduras to

Minnesota, and get the lion’s share of the purchase price back to the producers of the goods. Student mission groups, mostly from Catholic high schools and colleges, who visited the SSND missions were solicited to bring Honduran goods back to the States in their luggage, saving significant shipping costs. MHML sponsors Fair Trade Markets once or twice per year, in conjunction with other Fair Trade marketers in Rochester and other southern Minnesota towns, to expand this effort. The Markets are staffed entirely by volunteers, the majority of whom have been local Winonans, particularly Cotter High School students, who serve MHML to satisfy a community service component in their curriculum. In fact, Sister Mary visited Cotter High School in a 2015 trip to the States to share her story with students in a number of classes. MHML has expanded their international Fair Trade product offerings over the years to include products from Africa, Asia, South and Central America, and Native Americans. It is in their nearand long-range plans to invite parishes throughout the Diocese of Winona to entice parishioners to sponsor Fair Trade endeavors in their own communities, providing “Many Hands Many Lands” advisers to assist parishioners as needed. John dreams of a time when he can open a permanent market in Winona and other area com-

Diocese Raises $5,125.92 for Retired Religious WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Religious Retirement Office has extended thanks to the faithful of the Diocese of Winona, who contributed $5,125.92 to the 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious. Since the collection first launched in 1989, contributions from the Diocese of Winona have totaled $2,606, 429.76. National Religious Retirement Office Executive Director Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM, said, "Generosity to the collection enables our office to distribute financial and educational assistance that help religious communities

provide for older members while continuing to serve the People of God. Proceeds offer much-needed support for medications, nursing care, and other day-to-day necessities. A portion of the appeal also underwrites programming and education that promote longterm retirement planning. These resources focus on helping communities to reduce costs, enhance eldercare, and identify additional sources of income." Currently, 32,000 elderly sisters, brothers and religious order priests benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious.

munities to sell Fair Trade products year round. When asked why he is doing this, he replied: “After you see the plight of the people, it is hard not to do anything. It’s a hand-up to these people, and this is fun.” John is highly committed and driven to make a difference in the lives of the people he is serving. To learn more about the work of “Many Hands Many Lands” check out the website at The next Fair Trade Market in Winona is scheduled on Saturday, March 24, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Polish Heritage Center Annex, 363 E. 2nd Street, Winona. Tom Parlin is the administrator of Catholic Charities' Parish Social Ministry Program.

FOCUS Trains 8,000 Evangelists at Leadership Summit By JOE SLAMA

CHICAGO, Jan. 8, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News) - The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) wrapped up a record-setting Student Leadership Summit on January 6, following a week of keynote addresses, training, and prayer. “Just being here with people who have the same beliefs as me, [sic] and who really love God, you can just feel the joy as soon as you walk in the room,” said Isabella Kotval, a freshman at Spring Hill College. FOCUS was founded in 1998 to evangelize on college campuses, primarily those of non-Catholic universities. They are currently present on 137 campuses, most of which are in the United States. The Student Leadership Summit (SLS), held biennially, aims to train college students to evangelize at their schools. The selected theme for this year’s gathering, which met Jan. 2-6, was Inspire & Equip. SLS18 hosted 8,000 participants, far surpassing FOCUS’ expected 5,000. The previous conference saw around 3,400 attend. FOCUS takes as inspiration in its evangelizing techniques the example of Christ and his apostles, and centers its ministry on forming “small groups living in authentic friendship that want to pursue Christ radically,” as FOCUS founder Curtis Martin said in his keynote on the last night. SLS “gives you the tools… to identify the people in your life that God is calling you to share your story with, and to help them encounter Jesus,” said Erin Shay, a senior at Temple University, who has been accepted as a missionary for FOCUS in the 2018-19 academic year. The first afternoon of the conference opened with Mass, followed by keynotes from Kelsey Skoch, a regional director for FOCUS, and Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron, of Los Angeles. Participants were then divided into the small groups with whom they would spend the conference learning and training.

FOCUS, cont'd on pg. 13

February, 2018 w The Courier

Proving Our Commitment Mary Hamann


o prove our commitment to accountability and our procedures for the protection of children and young people, the Diocese of Winona partakes in an annual audit conducted by an outside auditor, StoneBridge Business Partners. Behind the data are innumerable hours that have been put into these efforts

the cries A Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse �earsisters

�od of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross.

�entle Jesus, shepherd of peace,

join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

We recently received notification from StoneBridge Business Partners that we have passed the audit ending June 30, 2017. Bishop John M. Quinn thanks everyone for all their continuing efforts in providing a safe environment for all our parishes and schools. "This is another sign of our commitment as a Catholic community to provide a safe environment for everyone," he said.

of our brothers and

who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

5 Safe Environment

Safe Environment Program Manager

by our bishop, pastors, parents, parish and school staff and volunteers, Catholic school teachers, and principals. Our promise has remained strong, but we must not become complacent with what we have accomplished. We need to continue to create a culture of protection of the innocent and healing for those who have been abused.

oly Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people's wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. ©2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops February, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Foundation


Renew Faith. Extend Mercy. Inspire Hope.

�aterials for the 2018 Catholic

Ministries Appeal will be mailed to homes this month. The goal for the Appeal has been set at $2.1 million. It will officially launch the weekend of February 17. In the theme of the 2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal, we hear language of action: Renew Faith. Extend Mercy. Inspire Hope. We hear Christ’s invitation for discipleship as he calls us to shape our lives in imitation of Him. We remember that it is through our actions that we demonstrate the faith, mercy and hope Christ has planted in our hearts. Jesus Christ offers us infinite love and mercy that flows from His Most Sacred Heart. We are strengthened through Him to renew faith, extend mercy and inspire hope as

we come together as one Church. We hope that the compelling testimonies we share throughout 2018 will instill confidence that our Church and its ministries continue to grow in Christ’s love. Our Church needs you, each and every one of you, to grow ever closer to Christ and become who you are destined to be – witnesses to the truth in love. So many of you have seen the good that has come from the many important ministries supported by the Catholic Ministries Appeal. These ministries reach God’s people of all ages and circumstance, and they depend on your sharing of the gifts He has given. Several questions arise each year with the Catholic Ministries Appeal, and below are frequently asked questions and answers that I hope you will find helpful.

Monica Herman

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

1. Why do we need the CMA-funded ministries? The Catholic Church serves the needs of thousands of people across southern Minnesota. While some of these services are offered at the parish level, it is often more effective when many join together in ministry and service of the people of southern Minnesota. Each diocesan ministry exists to support and further the work of our local parishes.


Our heartfelt thanks go out to all parishes who met their goals for the 2017 Catholic Ministries Appeal!

February, 2018 w The Courier

All Saints, New Richland

St. Agnes, Kellogg

St. John Nepomucene, Winona

Christ the King, Byron

St. Ann, Janesville

St. Joseph, Lakefield

Good Shepherd, Jackson

St. Ann, Slayton

St. Joseph, Waldorf

Holy Family, Kasson

St. Anthony, Westbrook

St. Leo, Pipestone

Holy Family, Lake Crystal

St. Columba, Iona

St. Luke, Sherburn

Immaculate Conception, Kellogg

St. Felix, Wabasha

St. Mary, Winona

Immaculate Conception, St. Clair

St. Finbarr, Grand Meadow

St. Patrick, LeRoy

Resurrection, Rochester

St. Francis, Rochester

St. Patrick, West Albany

Sacred Heart, Adams

St. Ignatius, Spring Valley

St. Pius X, Rochester

Ss. Peter & Paul, Blue Earth

St. John, Rochester

St. Rose of Lima, Lewiston

5. Why does it cost so much to run the Catholic Ministries Appeal? It doesn’t. Only 5% of the dollars collected, or five cents of every $1.00 raised from the Catholic Ministries Appeal, are used for its administration. 5% is at or below the standard cost (state-wide and nationally) of administering a like-size Appeal in both religious and secular organizations. 2. Are CMA funds used to pay legal fees or settlements from sexual abuse cases? No. Appeal money has never been used for victim settlements or legal costs related to clergy sex abuse cases. Gifts to the 2018 Appeal will be used only for the benefit of designated ministries and programs identified. An independent board of directors stewards all funds and ensures they are distributed appropriately. 3. What can you tell me about the security of donations made to the CMA? As noted on the Catholic Ministries Appeal pledge card, “All gifts will be used solely for the restricted purposes of the 2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal. The Appeal supports specific ministries and programs of the Diocese of Winona. The restricted purposes are identified specifically on the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota website, www. catholicfsmn. org.�

6. How are parish goals determined? The formula to calculate parish goals is based on two factors: Church Support and Registered Families. The formula takes into consideration the ability of the parish to raise money based on the number of registered families and the actual amount of money the parish generates from church support. Gifts, bequests and special fundraising are not included in the calculation. However, 50% of gambling revenues are included as church support. Church support from the most recently completed fiscal year is calculated for each parish. If a parish financially subsidizes a Catholic school, then the amount of church support is reduced by 50% of the amount of subsidy paid to the school in the most recently completed fiscal year. The net amount of church support for a parish is then divided by the total church support for all parishes in the Diocese. The result of this calculation is the church-support percentage. The second factor is the number of Registered Families in the parish. This number is taken from the most recent calendar year-end census report. The number of registered families in a given parish is divided by the total registered families in the Diocese. The result of this calculation is the registered-families percentage. The two percentages are then averaged, the average of the two factors is the percentage of the Appeal goal that the parish is targeted to achieve.

7. What happens if our parish exceeds our goal? Again this year, 100% of every dollar exceeding the goal will be returned to the parish. We are very grateful for your faithful and generous heart. As you prayerfully consider your financial gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal 2018, be assured that it will be used solely for ministries such as Catholic Schools; Vocations; Lay Formation; Life, Marriage and Family; and Evangelization. As always, please let me know what questions and concerns you have. I can be reached at, or call me at (507) 858-1276.

7 Catholic Foundation

4. Who administers the Catholic Ministries Appeal? The Catholic Ministries Appeal (formerly known as the Annual Diocesan Appeal) is one of the major efforts of the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota in fulfilling its mission to financially support spiritual, educational and social needs of the Catholic community across southern Minnesota. The Foundation is an independent Minnesota nonprofit corporation that is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c) (3). An independent board of directors stewards all funds and ensures they are distributed appropriately.

The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota (EIN: 41-11691198) is an independent Minnesota non-profit corporation that is tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). Contributions are used only for the benefit of designated purposes identified in the statement of purpose and for no other purposes. To learn more about the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota, visit www.

February, 2018 w The Courier


Don't Miss Man of God! �he Diocese of Winona's annual

Faith Formation

men’s conference, Man of God, will be held at Lourdes High School in Rochester on Saturday, April 7, 2018. This year’s Men’s Conference will feature Jesus Christ. He is the Person we center the whole day upon. We will have the opportunity to spend time with Him oneon-one in the Adoration Chapel; we will have the opportunity to be reconciled by Him through the Sacrament of Reconciliation; and we will be able to unite ourselves to Him as we participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Unless our lives are centered on Christ, we

will not be the men who God created us to be. In order to assist us in being Christcentered, Jason Angelette will be one of our keynote presenters. Jason Angelette studied at Southeastern Louisiana University, where he received an undergraduate degree in health promotion and exercise science. He worked for many years in the health and fitness world as a certified personal trainer and fitness director at a nationally recognized athletic club, where he met his wife, Elise. It was in meeting his wife that he was led into a conversion in his Catholic faith, and the call of Christ echoed in his heart and eventually carried them to Washington, D.C., where he received his masters degree in theological studies from the Pope John

Bishop Quinn delivers a homily at the 2017 Man of God conference.

February, 2018 w The Courier

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage & Family at Catholic University of America. Since 2007, they have been co-directors of the Faith & Marriage Apostolate for the Willwoods Community, a Catholic nonprofit located in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Jason Angelette

� small, but hearty contingency from the

Diocese of Winona made their way out to Washington, D.C., on January 19 to join hundreds of thousands of others at the National March for Life. This year commemorates the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. As we do every year, we begged God to end this atrocity, which has ended millions of innocent lives. We prayed for the softening of the hearts of the lawmakers, as well as for the men and women suffering the traumatic effects of abortion. Most of all, we asked God to be merciful upon our nation for the sin of abortion; surely the blood of so many innocent ones cries out to God from the ground (cf. Genesis 4:10).

9 Life, Marriage & Family

March for Life

March Speakers: Pro-Life Strength Lies in Love By MARY REZAC

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 19, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News) - The pro-life movement’s most powerful tool lies in its ability to love, speakers said Friday at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. This year’s annual March, the theme of which was ‘Love Saves Lives’, was an historic event for numerous reasons - it marked the 45th anniversary of the March, it was an uncharacteristically balmy 50 degree day in January, and it was the first time the event was addressed live by the sitting President of the United States. “I want to thank every person here today who works with such big hearts to make sure parents have the care and support they need to choose life,” President Donald Trump told the crowds from the White House via a satellite feed. “Because of you, tens of thousands of Americans have been born and reached their full God-given are the living witnesses of the theme ‘Love saves lives,’” he said. Some speakers shared personal stories of love in difficult moments and pregnancies to emphasize this year’s theme during the March for Life rally. One such story was told by Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), who was joined on stage by her family, including her 4 year-old “miracle” daughter Abigail, who punctuated her mother’s remarks with questions and exclamations. Beutler told the audience that while she was pregnant with Abigail, an ultrasound revealed devastating news - their daughter was not developing vital organs properly within the womb, and she would likely suffocate to death as soon as she was born. Beutler said that she and her husband were told the baby had a “zero percent chance” of survival, and that most parents in their situation opt to get an abortion. “We prayed, we cried ... and in that devastation, we saw God,” Beutler said. Unwilling to abort, the couple sought doctors and experimental treatments that could give their daughter a chance at life. She said their love of their daughter and unwillingness to give up would save her life. “Through divine intervention, and some very courageous doctors who were willing to take a risk, we now get to experience our daughter Abigail, who is a healthy, happy 4-year-old big sister,”

Pro-Life, cont'd on pg. 17

February, 2018 w The Courier

Missionary Discipleship Is 10 Lay Formation

Lived in Community The Church as Communion is the "new" People, the "messianic" People, the People that "has, for its head, Christ… as its heritage, the dignity and freedom of God’s Children… for its law, the new commandment to love as Christ loved us… for its goal, the kingdom of God… established by Christ as a communion of life, love and truth.” -Pope Saint John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici #19, quoting Vatican II, Lumen Gentium #9

� ne of the great treasures of our Catholic faith is our strong sense of community. We

do not live our faith in a private or individualistic way. We live our faith in “a communion of life, love and truth,” as the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council teach us. This is true in a number of ways. As a Church, we pray and worship together daily in the celebration of the Eucharist. We believe that this Eucharistic celebration forms us into one body, the Body of Christ. And, this celebration unites us not only with our sisters and brothers with whom we gather physically, but also with our family of faith living throughout the world, and even with the great Communion of Saints in Heaven. Ours is a communion “in this world and in the next, union with Christ and in Christ” (Blessed Pope Paul VI, General Audience, June 8, 1966). Together, we form one Body in Christ. We teach and learn the Faith, not as individuals studying on our own, but as a community guided by our Holy Father and our bishops. The Faith is passed on within this community of believers and within the smaller communities of our families. It is this Faith which was passed on from Jesus Christ to his Apostles and first followers, and then passed on from them to the next generation of the Church’s leaders and disciples, and eventually, through the ages, passed on to us. This is the teaching and tradition of the Church, which are safeguarded, preserved, and nurtured in community. We even believe, as Catholics, that we are saved in community (i.e., in the Church). Again, as the Second Vatican Council teaches: It has pleased God to make people holy and to save them, not merely as individuals without any mutual bonds, but by making them into a single people, a people which acknowledges him in truth and serves him in holiness (Lumen Gentium #9).

Pope Francis echoes this teaching in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, where he states: No one is saved by himself or herself, individually, or by his or her own efforts. God attracts us by taking into account the complex interweaving of personal relationships entailed in the life of a human community. This people which God has chosen and called is the Church (#113).

The model and source of the Church’s communion rest in the divine communion of persons in the one God. We believe in the communion of God as Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Son is united with the Father, and the Father with the Son, in the February, 2018 w The Courier

love of the Holy Spirit (Christifidelis Laici #18). And it is the power of this divine communion which brings about communion within the Church – our communion with Christ, and our communion with one another in Christ. From the communion that Christians experience in Christ there immediately flows the communion which they experience with one another; all are branches of a single vine, namely, Christ. In this communion is the wonderful reflection and participation in the mystery of the intimate life of love in God as Trinity (Christifidelis Laici #18). Community

Evangelization invites people to the Body of Christ, which is the Catholic Church (Living as Missionary Disciples, p. 16).

In their recent statement Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization, the U.S. Catholic Bishops describe how Jesus forms us as his disciples and provides us with the model and the method for evangelization. They describe this method as: Encounter, Accompany, Community, Send. In previous articles, I have focused on “Encounter” (November) and “Accompany” (January). In this article, we are looking at the concept of “Community.” First, the bishops describe the Church as “a community brought together by the work of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son, “transforms

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

our hearts … builds up the communion and harmony of the people of God … brings forth a rich variety of gifts.” To boldly proclaim, live, and share the good news (“gospel”) of our salvation in Christ, we need the grace of the Holy Spirit. We cannot evangelize apart from God’s Spirit at work in us, drawing us into the “communion of life, love and truth” which we seek to give witness to in the world (p. 16). Second, the Church’s sacramental and liturgical life builds up the community of the faithful. In Baptism, we welcome new members into our family of faith. In Marriage, two lives are joined in a sacred unity which brings about new life. And, when the Church community gathers to celebrate the Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life,” the faith of her members is strengthened as we receive and become the Body of Christ. This communion brought about by the sacraments opens the “door to evangelization,” and allows the faith community to be “a place of invitation, welcome, and hospitality.” As Pope Francis teaches us: The Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through the beauty of the liturgy, which is both a celebration of the task of evangelization and the source of her renewed self-giving (Evangelii Gaudium #24).

Finally, our bishops, in reflecting on the Church in the United States, note that our community of faith “is composed of members of many different cultures.” For the varied members of our communities to have an authentic and personal encounter with Christ which can grow into their becoming missionary disciples, “respect, understanding, and openness to this diversity” is critical. A “true hospitality” and “sense of welcome” must be extended “to all members of the community… [including] the divorced and widowed, immigrants, those seeking assistance, and those who feel alienated from the Church” (p. 32). It is good for us to recall the great dignity which is ours in being members of the Body of Christ. It is a dignity founded upon our baptism and nourished and nurtured in our celebration of the Eucharist. Together, we are one in Christ Jesus, and we are called in communion to bear his presence to a world longing for his saving love. Deo gratias! Jesus Christ, by communicating his Spirit to his brothers and sisters, called together from all peoples, made them mystically into his own body. In that body, the life of Christ is communicated to those who believe… As all the members of the human body, though they are many, form one body, so also are the Faithful in Christ. -Pope Saint John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici #20, quoting Vatican II, Lumen Gentium #7

The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion 11 of the parish community are asked to reflect upon the catechumens’ and candidates’ state of formation along with their progress through the RCIA. This rite offers the parish community an opportunity to show their approval of those in the RCIA process and to come together as a whole to pray for those on this journey. Through this rite, the catechumens and candidates are sent forth to the Rite of Election with the assurance of the parish’s support and care for each of them.


he Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) prepares and forms women and men for initiation and entrance into the Catholic Church. As the Church’s text for the RCIA states:

The rite of Christian initiation is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults [RCIA], #1).

This journey of formation in the life of faith, which prepares one for entrance into the Church, unfolds in several stages and is marked by several liturgical rites. After completing an initial time of inquiry into the Faith, called the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate, an unbaptized person is accepted into the Order of Catechumens and enters the Period of the Catechumenate. In this period, the faith of the catechumens, and their conversion to God, is nurtured and grows. They are “given suitable pastoral formation and guidance, aimed at training them in the Christian life” (RCIA, #75). The completion and conclusion to this period is celebrated liturgically in the Rite of Election. For those participating in the RCIA who have already received the Sacrament of Baptism and are preparing to enter the Catholic Church (called "candidates"), the Church celebrates the Call to Continuing Conversion. Rite of Sending

As our Lenten season is approaching, many of the catechumens and candidates in our parish RCIA groups are preparing to meet our bishop at the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. Prior to this diocesan celebration is an optional rite at each parish called “The Rite of Sending.” This rite is especially important for our parishes as it offers a chance for the local faith community to come together as a whole in support of the catechumens and candidates. During the celebration of this rite, the pastor, deacon, members of the RCIA team, and all members

h s i r P a munity Com


The faith community plays an important role in this rite as well. During the rite, the bishop asks parish members present if they support the testimonies of both the catechumens and the candidates. Not only is it important that we take the time to come to know those who are going through the RCIA process so that we can confidently answer this question, but we are also charged with an even greater task – to support them with Rite of Election and e our prayers and to accomh t f o Call to Continuing Conversion pany them as they Role journey closer to the The diocesan Rite of Election Easter Sacraments. and Call to Continuing olun s Following the v e i m Conversion is a significant d so y. But it ot Rite of Election, n a , r sn ist taff moment in the journey the elect (forsh s CIA min Church i eam. i r a p t R for our catechumens CIA f the e stor, sh’s merly the cate pa the pari inistry o parish R vital rol h t , y e a l and candidates, and it e n m l echumens) i h e h a t s t ypic nvolved that thi are on lics, hav o help h t i “is the focal point of the o enter into g o e m h y u h r r t t w ro ffi ili Ca sa teer tant to a to those aptized sponsib urney th alled the Period Church’s concern for the r c b o y re impo ed solel bers, as and a s they j liever is getof Purification and catechumens” (RCIA, v y e y a r m r b b t e e s s s s h i e t m e t c l n r i a a h u d Enlightenment, which takes s d E d m #121). By this liturgical di an A. ari fa is All p ay in th and can the RCI iation o humens st place during the Lenten seaf t c rite, the Church “formally i l i s o e s p n t n s i s to me iod in the r the ca ed to a u r h son and includes the celebrae c p ratifies the catechumens’ g cate arious icipate ying fo prepar livin a t e v tion of the “scrutinies” on the r r h g e a t p n p readiness for the sacrad th k ei on to know an nd by b to “see aith and Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays p u f a ments of initiation.” f th to ting didates, their pa he way o #1). of Lent. This period, which imme, n t Celebrated on the First ca on ter ” (RCIA n m e diately precedes their reception e th and ion Sunday of Lent, the rite also God convers of the Sacraments of Initiation at “marks the beginning of the period the Easter Vigil, “is a time of reflection, of final, more intense preparation … durintensely centered on conversion.” ing which the elect [which they are now called] Our diocesan celebration of the Rite of Election will be encouraged to follow Christ with greater genand Call to Continuing Conversion will take place on erosity” (RCIA, #121). For the baptized candidates as Sunday, February 18 (the First Sunday of Lent), at well, this rite marks the beginning of their final prepaQueen of Angels Parish in Austin. All members of our ration to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and diocesan Church are invited to participate in this sigEucharist, and to enter into the full communion of the nificant liturgy of our local Church of the Diocese of Winona. Church.

A Personal Witness Camille Withrow

have had the privilege to attend this rite as a candidate, sponsor, member of the parish community, and as a diocesan staff member supporting the RCIA. Each time, the piece that stands out most to me is seeing several hundred people coming together from all across the diocese in support of those in the RCIA. From the viewpoint of a candidate, it was incredible to be joined in company with so many other individuals walking on the same road through the RCIA process. Although everyone will have a different story, it is comforting and strengthening at the same time to see and meet others journeying toward Christ as you await the coming Easter Vigil. In addition to meeting those who are also going through the RCIA process, it is inspiring to see the local faith community represented at this rite. Whether it be pastors, RCIA directors, sponsors/godparents, or parishioners, each person attending is supporting you and the reason you are there. Every person who filled the pews brought such joy to my heart. To know that everyone present was invested in the journey that I was making to become Catholic not only was heartwarming, but it provided me with a beautiful example of what it means to live this faith, and it inspired me to an even deeper desire to grow closer to our Lord. As I reflect upon this rite from the perspectives of a sponsor, parishioner, and diocesan staff member, the

first Sunday of Lent is a day that I always look forward to. It is an honor for me to meet the catechumens and candidates throughout the diocese, and it is a great blessing to be able to witness their faith and to offer my support and prayers as they journey closer toward the Easter Sacraments. While, as a candidate, I was inspired by those around me representing my parish and diocesan community, I am now, as a fully initiated Catholic, inspired by the catechumens and candidates. To witness the joy, commitment and wonder of those in the RCIA always gives me encouragement in my own faith journey and reminds me of the great blessing it is to be part of the Body of Christ. What an incredible opportunity we have as members of the Church to support and care for others in our communities in this way, and to let their examples be a witness to us as well! February, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


This Year So Far at

St. Mary's School, Worthington By JACKIE PROBST

hey say a picture is worth a thousand words. The following are some photos to show you what St. Mary’s School students from Worthington have been doing! September

In September, in accordance with Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si: On the Care of our Common Home, Sister LuAnn and the third and fourth graders put on rubber gloves and got to work cleaning up around the school and church. In addition, in September, St. Mary’s students gathered to walk or ride in the annual Turkey Day Parade. Students handed out more than 1,000 pinwheels, which were assembled by an amazing group of volunteers!

Turkey Day Parade


October began with our annual marathon walk, for which we raised almost $16,000. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, so we walked inside the school and had relays in the gym! Pictured are some students taking a refreshment break!

Day of the Dead

Annual Marathon


November began with our second annual Day of the Dead altar, created so that students could learn more about how our Hispanic brothers and sisters honor their loved ones who have died. Each student made a sugar skull to use as a decoration on the altar, and they brought in photos or mementos of loved ones they have lost. Our amazing parent group once again organized a Family Pizza Bingo Night for families. There was lots of fellowship, fun, prizes, and pizza! St. Mary’s School held their annual Veterans Day Program, in which they provided an opportunity for students, parishioners, and community members to honor our Veterans.

Family Pizza Bingo Night


December started with our second grade students receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Throughout the month, students gathered around the Advent wreath to hear the weekly Gospel message and do activities in multi-age groups. We finished December with our annual Christmas concert. We were able to visit two local care facilities and spread some Christmas cheer by singing Christmas carols for the residents. On Sunday, December 10, 2017, St. Mary Parish, Worthington, celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The altar was bedecked with roses as Mariachis and Aztec dancers accompanied the entrance procession. More than a thousand people attended, and the church exploded with joy. During the celebration, 12 parishioners were recognized for their contributions to the parish and community, each being presented with a golden rose. The golden rose is a symbol which the Holy Father gives to individuals or organizations for their works of mercy, justice, and peace. Principal Jackie Probst was presented a rose by St. Mary Pastor Father Jim Callahan, for her work in bringing awareness of diversity, justice, and peace to the students, their families, and the faculty of St. Mary’s School. All of us at St. Mary’s School have been blessed in so many ways, and for that we are eternally grateful. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our mission as we continue to educate children in the faith. Jackie Probst is the principal of St. Mary's School in Worthington. February, 2018 w The Courier

Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert

Veterans Day Program


FOCUS, cont'd from pg. 4

Speakers throughout the conference included bishops, priests, and lay men and women. Among these was an appearance by Jim Caviezel, who played Christ in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. At training sessions throughout the week, members were instructed in a different skill each day. They then returned to their small groups to relay what they had learned, allowing them to teach what they had just been taught. Topics included leading Bible studies, providing effective personal testimonies, and inviting others to become missionary disciples. The talks “gave us tools and insights, and then we got to be able to share it with the friends that we made, so that we could build those authentic friendships,” said Nicole Kotval, a senior at Spring Hill College. In addition to keynotes and training sessions, a number of “Impact Sessions,” drew from a wide variety of topics, including philosophy, moral theology, speakers’ personal stories, application of Church teaching, and spirituality. In addition to the approximately 5,000 college students who were in attendance, Martin told CNA, “our alumni are here, seminarians are here, and finally, parishioners are here, parish leaders are here.” Among the alumni in attendance were Conner and Jennifer Wurth, missionaries assigned to Southeast Missouri State University. They are married and live there with their newborn daughter, Isabel. Both Conner and Jennifer experienced reversions to the Catholic faith while undergrads at the University of Tulsa through the FOCUS missionaries there. The two told their stories to CNA. Jennifer said that “I didn’t go to Mass going into college for most of my freshman year.” When she did return to Mass at the end of that year, “my heart wasn’t in it.” In her next year, however, a FOCUS missionary at Tulsa invited her to a Bible study, through which she was able to receive the idea “that I was made to be in relationship with Jesus.” “I felt like they loved me back to Jesus,” Jennifer said of the missionaries at her campus, “and they were Jesus for me in a lot of ways, that they loved me enough to share the truth with me.” A key part of this was the consistent desire of missionaries to meet her where she was, a trait she says she strives to bring to her ministry. Her husband, Conner, tells a similar story, saying his family stopped practicing the faith regularly while he was in grade school. This, he said, led to a decline in his moral and spiritual life. However, “something in my upbringing told me

church is at least somewhere you should go,” he said, and he began attending Mass at irregular intervals shortly before starting at Tulsa. It was after the first Mass of the school year at Tulsa’s Newman Center that he met an older student, Adam, who would eventually become his fraternity pledge father and was involved with FOCUS missions. At this point for Conner, “I was still living the same exact life that I had been living.” However, after several invitations from Adam, he ended up attending FOCUS’ other large biennial conference, SEEK, in 2013. It was at the SEEK conference that he took the opportunity to return to confession. “It was that which brought the desire in me to go back to confession for the first time since my Confirmation five years prior,” he said. “During the night that I was going to confession, there was also adoration. That was the first time that I had experienced adoration, so I had never had the opportunity to see Jesus face-to-face like that before.” In addition to Mass offered every morning at SLS, perpetual adoration was available in a makeshift chapel, and the penultimate night of the conference on Thursday was dedicated to an adoration and confession service. This adoration service profoundly moved attendant Chris Rueve, a freshman at the University of Missouri - Columbia. “During adoration, I was overcome with the most joy that I’ve ever experienced, and I realized that I need to give this to other people and not just keep it for myself,” Rueve told CNA after the conference. The final day of the conference consisted of three additional keynote speeches before Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago. Mike Sweeney, former first baseman for the Kansas City Royals, urged attendees to “set the world on fire as who we are, as who God wants us to be.” He spoke about the importance of friendship with Christ, invitations to others, and an “eternal mindset.” The next speaker was Lisa Brenninkmeyer, of the women’s ministry Walking With Purpose, who spoke on spiritual warfare, drawing from her experience as a mother raising children in the faith. The final keynote speaker of the morning was Jason Evert, co-founder of the Chastity Project, who highlighted the importance of prayer over constant action, even in ministry. “If you’re hyper in the apostolic life, it is a sign of spiritual laziness,” Evert said. “No commitment to the works of the apostolate, no matter how urgent, can ever replace the need for prayer.” The closing Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Cupich, who said in his homily, “We need to claim who we are and focus on who Jesus calls us to be.” He highlighted the importance of family life, saying, “we can’t evangelize in the world unless we find the Gospel in our own families.”

Youth & Young Adults

Members of the Newman Centers at Winona State University and Minnesota State University, Mankato, represented the Diocese of Winona at the FOCUS Student Leadership Summit in Chicago.

He also called attention to various social issues, referencing Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical on care for our common home, Laudato Si’, and highlighting issues concerning both abortion and undocumented immigrants. “You in your generation should be particularly focused on the unborn,” he told those gathered, “because there are many who are not able to be in this auditorium today because they were not allowed to come into the world, and they’re your generation.” He urged those present to allow themselves “to be immersed in the concerns of the world, so that we don’t have a Church, or a group of people who say they are Catholics and Christians, who are self-referential,” borrowing a term used often by Pope Francis. Cardinal Cupich also highlighted the importance of the Eucharist in Christian life. “It gives us a touch of eternity that we should allow to influence our entire life,” he said, “that we live with this sense of transcendence, that we’re not alone as we take up the issues of the world.” “Today, take the next step of the journey of your life, to see where you are going,” Cupich said, concluding his homily. “Embrace this moment, cherish it as an opportunity for you to begin the journey of life in a fresh way.” SLS alternates each year with the SEEK conference. SEEK2017 was held in San Antonio, and attended by approximately 13,000. The next SEEK conference, as announced Wednesday night at SLS, will be hosted in Indianapolis Jan. 3-7, 2019.

February, 2018 w The Courier

Better Than Sports Rev. Jason Kern



Jesus Christ Is

�ince I was a kid growing up in Owatonna, I have

played and loved nearly every sport. I still wonder what my neighbors thought about our family as, day and night, in nearly every kind of weather, my brother and I pounded the basketball on our driveway pavement. I loved playing sports and watching them all the time. While I write this, the NFL playoffs have just started, and the Vikings will play this weekend. Many Minnesota sports fans are nervous about being heart-broken again if the Vikings lose in a crushing

February, 2018 w The Courier

Director of Vocations

loss, and others have bought in and decorated their homes in purple. As a fan, I also find myself excited but nervous for the big games ahead. With all the videos I see posted on social media about the team or individual players, and with the numerous articles online or in print about our Minnesota team, I marvel at how good we are at telling the story of the Vikings. We are passionate fans, dressing ourselves in a color we might otherwise never wear. We yell, "Skol!" as an expression of cheering on our team. We will spend hours in front of the television, and it will unite our families

(or divide them if it goes poorly) over the game of football. While there is nothing wrong with getting excited and passionate about our favorite team, and I think all of us welcome a bit of a distraction during the bitter cold winter, I would like to invite us to consider this in a bigger context. Please excuse me as I ask this question: what do you live for? Please refrain from getting defensive. As I say, I will watch the games and cheer for the purple and gold! Yet, I often think to myself, what am I so passionate about that I allow it to affect my moods? What do I care so deeply for that I would give hours of my time to see it? How do I prioritize my schedule so that I can be present for the things I care about? You can probably guess where I am going with this. What is the most important thing in my life? Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him and His Church. Yet, do I get excited about encountering Him and really allow myself to experience a deep passion for Him? Hundreds of thousands of people will dress in purple and scream at the top of their lungs for their beloved team. We built a billion-dollar stadium, which is exciting, but does it tell where our priorities lie in our culture? We used to build incredible churches; now our churches look like any other place, and our stadiums stand out as the most influential place in our cities. Have we lost our passion for the greatest truth that will never change nor disappoint? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Does the way I live reflect this? Do my daily choices demonstrate that God is the most fundamental reality of my life and the whole world? This isn’t meant to be accusatory or condemnatory, it's meant to be an examination of the state of our hearts. If we were as passionate about sharing Jesus as we are about the latest news about our athletes and celebrities, we might experience a "bandwagon" effect, where people would see our passion and it would become contagious. Vikings fever has struck the area; once that passes, Super Bowl or not, how will we continue to invite youth to care more about Jesus than sports? Do we ever get to the point of conversation, where we speak about our love for our faith rather than the highlights from the game? Consider this: for every conversation you have had about the Vikings or football in the last few weeks, could you match it with a conversation about Jesus and your faith? Jesus Christ will always be worth following more than any team or player. Only Christ can lead us to eternal life, which is more fulfilling than any number of Super Bowls. As followers of Jesus, perhaps we could all ask whether we expend more for love of God or team. Let’s invite someone to follow Jesus and His plan rather than the game plan the Vikings came up with! Skol Vikings; but even more, Blessed be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

Active Aging Programs Expand Jennifer Halberg

� grant from the Minnesota Department of Human

Services provides funding to support the expansion of health and wellness programs for older adults through Catholic Charities' Active Aging Program. The Active Aging Program will support older adults residing in 20 Minnesota counties by providing access to evidence-based self-management programs proven to positively influence healthy aging, provide support for caregivers, prevent falls, and improve self-management of chronic disease. Provided by trained staff and volunteers, the programs are offered at no cost to participants. Together, this carefully selected portfolio of programs will help high-risk older adults and caregivers to better manage chronic conditions, improve quality of life, lower health care costs, reduce the risk of falls and better manage caregiver challenges. The programs include: The Aging Mastery Program, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Chronic Disease Self-Management, Chronic Pain SelfManagement, Matter of Balance, Fit and Strong! and Stay Active and Independent for Life.

The Aging Mastery Program is a 10-week health and wellness program for those age 55 and better. The goal of this program is to empower older adults to make and maintain small but impactful changes. The classes will explore navigating longer lives, physical activity, sleep, healthy eating and hydration, financial fitness, medication management, advanced planning, healthy relationships, falls prevention, and community engagement. For each of these classes, we will provide basic educational materials developed from highly trusted sources, a checklist of potential next steps, and a system for tracking behaviors. Participants will earn points for positive actions and rewards. It is a great program to meet new friends, provide support and encouragement to your peers, and become more involved in your community.

Fit & Strong! is an evidence-based 12-week physical activity/self-management program that targets people with lower extremity osteoarthritis. It meets twice per week for 90 minutes per session. The first hour is comprised of exercise incorporating stretching and flexibility, low-impact aerobics, fitness walking, strength training, and balance exercises, followed by health education and group problem solving for behavior change. Although the program lasts only 12 weeks, it has been shown to significantly increase engagement in physical activity out to 18 months, accompanied by significant improvements in lower extremity joint stiffness, pain and function; lower extremity strength and mobility; anxiety and depression. Participants learn about the benefits of physical activity, how to manage arthritis, how to exercise safely, and how to develop and maintain a healthier, more active lifestyle – without pain. Matter of Balance is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults. MOB classes are held for eight sessions, twohours each. During these classes, participants will learn to set realistic goals for increasing activity, discuss reducing fall risks in their home environment, learn exercises to increase strength and balance, and view falls as controllable. Workshops are interactive and focus on peer support, problem-solving, skill building, exercise training, videotapes, and sharing practical solutions. Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is designed to prevent falls and includes exercise classes, educational materials and self-assessments. The classes are designed specifically for older adults and focus on strength, balance, flexibility and aerobics. All exercises and aerobics

can be done sitting or standing and are very adaptive. Classes consist of a warm up, aerobics, balance, strength, stretching, and an educational component. Performing exercises that improve strength, balance and fitness are the single most important activity that adults can do to stay active and reduce their chance of falling. The Chronic Disease SelfManagement Program is a six-week program that meets once a week for two hours. It is for anyone over the age of 18 who has a chronic condition and wants to take charge of ongoing health problems and get relief from pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. This program is for individuals with conditions such as: heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, chronic pain, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety or other health concerns. Participants learn:

15 Catholic Charities

Active Aging Program Director Catholic Charities

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a self-care educational program for friend or family caregivers. This program provides caregivers with tools and strategies to better handle the unique challenges that a caregiver may face. Powerful Tools helps caregivers develop skills and confidence to better care for themselves while caring for others. It is a six-week series led by trained facilitators using a standardized curriculum. The weekly topics range from reducing your stress to communicating in challenging situations and mastering caregiving decisions. The curriculum in this program has shown to improve: self-care behaviors, management of emotions, self-efficacy, and the use of community resources.

Techniques to manage pain and fatigue

Proper use of medication

• • • •

Easy exercises to help improve or maintain strength and energy Nutrition tips

Methods to talk effectively with family, friends and health professionals How to evaluate new treatment options

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program is a six-week program that meets once a week for two hours. It is for people over the age of 18 who have chronic pain and are looking to better manage their symptoms and their daily lives. The workshop provides information and teaches practical skills. It gives people the confidence and motivation they need to manage the challenges of living with chronic pain. Participants learn: •

Techniques to deal with problems such as fatigue, isolation and poor sleep

Proper use of medications

• • • • •

Exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility and endurance Communication skills Healthy eating

Pacing activity and rest Goal setting

To learn more or to register for a class near you, visit Catholic Charities' website at https://www. If you have questions, or to request a class in your community, please contact Active Aging Programs Director Jennifer Halberg at 507-454-2270 or

February, 2018 w The Courier

Get This Party Started

Faith in the Public Arena


Caucusing for Human Dignity

�t may not be a presidential election

year, but Minnesotans will still vote on governor, the state house of representatives, and two U.S. senate seats. These decisions can potentially shift balances of power on both state and national levels. Yet, many Americans don’t seem to think either party is making good use of that power. According to the Public Religion Research Institute's 2017 American Values Survey, less than a third of Americans say Democratic policies are leading the country in the right direction, and less than a quarter say the same of Republican policies. These are not encouraging numbers, but instead of decrying the state of politics, as Catholics we are called to action. You can still make a New Year’s resolution to participate in the public arena, first by getting to know your legislators, and secondly, by attending your local precinct caucus. Fulfilling Our Duty to Participate in Public Life

It is our duty to actively participate in public life (CCC 1915). The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that, while “participation is achieved first of all by taking charge of the areas for which one assumes personal responsibility” (CCC 1914), such as care for the family and faithfulness at work, there are also important steps we can take to influence the public square. As Catholics, we need to help establish party platforms that promote and defend human dignity. The Second Vatican Council gives us a great starting point to form a platform for human dignity. The teaching document Gaudium et Spes reminds us, “Whatever is opposed to life itself … whatever insults human dignity … as well as [the treatment of people] as mere instruments of gain rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others like them are infamies indeed” (Gaudium et Spes, 27). Too often, parties and their politicians will focus their efforts on promoting a singular aspect of human dignity, but this narrow vision casts a shadow over the rest of the human person. As Catholics, we must bring the Gospel of Life into these darkened corners, helping our parties and political leaders come to a full recognition and defense of every individual’s innate human dignity. No Experience Required

You don’t need a long resume of political experience to make an impact. In fact, you’ve already got the job. As a constituent and disciple, it is February, 2018 w The Courier

your job to let your legislators know whether their decisions truly represent you. If legislators never hear from you, they cannot properly do their job. To be a constituent is no small job, and it may leave you wondering, “Where do I even begin?” Go back to the resolution: get to know your legislators and attend your party caucus. Step one: find out who represents you. Use our “Find Officials” tool (, but don’t stop there. You can also influence who becomes your legislator and what your party stands for. Step two: attend your local precinct caucus the evening of February 6. During the caucus, you get to vote for which candidates the party should endorse, and to propose resolutions that can shape the party’s platform. For more details on caucuses, head to The Power of Prayer

You may be thinking, "Party lines are too deeply drawn; there’s no way a conversation with my legislator or my single vote at a caucus can make a difference." If not for the grace of God, you’d be right. Saint John Paul II reminds us in Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) that it is through the light of reason and God’s hidden grace that, “every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can … come to recognize … the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree” (Evangelium Vitae, 2). Therefore, before taking steps one and two, start where everything begins… with God. We must, as faithful citizens, begin in prayer. Pray that Christ’s light of reason and grace enlighten legislators and constituents alike so that we may come to recognize and defend the human dignity of all.

Katherine Cross

Communications Manager Minnesota Catholic Conference

Register Today for Capitol 101 Join fellow Minnesota Catholics at the State Capitol for a morning of education in advocacy. Capitol 101 is an educational event empowering Catholics to take an active role in state government. Register today to join us on February 26, March 16, or April 17, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. You can also schedule a meeting with your legislators for the afternoon. To make the day more interactive, registration for each event is capped at 100 and closes one week prior to each event date. Participants will learn the ins and outs of what goes on at the State Capitol (such as how an idea becomes law), and hear from legislators about how to make a difference. Join us before or after the main program for special opportunities to pray together for our legislators. Head to for further details and to register.

Pro-Life, cont'd from pg. 7

A Prayer Service for Life was held on Sunday, January 28, at Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Blue Earth with Fr. Peter Klein presiding.

NCCW Board Members March for Life Submitted by BEV MCCARVEL

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Executive Committee of the National Council of Catholic Women, along with board members from nearly 40 provinces around the country, convened in Washington, D.C., in January for the annual NCCW Board of Directors meeting. They discussed new national initiatives, such as NCCW’s collaboration with the US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking to provide mentoring and other support for victims of human trafficking, a new education committee initiative to share Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium with councils of Catholic women across the country, and the creation of new councils of Catholic women for young women from high school age to young adulthood. The board also unveiled their new program linking school students in the U.S. with their counterparts in the Holy Land. Board members attended the ProLife Leadership Mass on Thursday, January 18, at the Franciscan Monastery in Washington, D.C., and the Prayer Vigil

for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. NCCW President Maribeth Stewart said, “It is always so wonderful for our board to gather as it highlights the dedication to and work for our mission of spirituality, leadership and service for all Catholic women. We were excited to explore our new initiatives and to mark the progress of all our programs.” NCCW members then continued the long-standing tradition of participating in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. This year NCCW joined hundreds of thousands of marchers on January 19, where the mood was hopeful as attendees were addressed by President Trump (in a live feed video), Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and many other influential pro-life leaders.


In the Diocese

Beutler said. “She says that someday she’s going to be the boss of mommy’s work - look out Speaker Ryan.” Sr. Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life told the crowd the story of Raquel, a scared pregnant woman who came to the sisters for help and told them that while she believed abortion was wrong, she could never tell another woman what to do. That all changed one day when Raquel met a fellow scared pregnant woman in an elevator. She took the mother’s hand and had her feel the kicks of her own unborn baby. “Yeah, my baby’s gonna be a linebacker. He’s gonna be strong and he’s gonna be blessed,” Raquel told the woman. “Why is he gonna be blessed? Because he’s here.” Raquel then told the woman that she would have a girl, and could name her Raquel Jasmine, after the “fabulous lady you met on the elevator.” Two years later, Raquel met the woman again at the doctor’s office. She was pushing a stroller with twin girls named Raquel and Jasmine. “It was such a small thing, this loving exchange, and the impact reaches in to eternity,” Sr. Bethany Madonna said. “You may not see the impact of your love, but God sees it. The love in your hearts is totally unique to you...and your love saves lives.” Other speakers addressing the March included Speaker of the House

Paul Ryan, Pam Tebow, the mother of former pro-football player Tim Tebow, U.S. Representatives Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Chris Smith (R-NJ) as well as Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, Orthodox Church of America, and Bishop Vincent Matthews Jr., President of the International Missions Department of the Church of God in Christ. Ryan encouraged the crowd - mostly made up of young people, he noted - that love is the reason the pro-life movement is on the rise in the United States. “The pro-life movement is on the rise because we have love on our side,” Ryan said. “We believe every person is worthy of love and dignity.” “That’s one thing that gets lost [in the political debate about abortion] - just how compassionate the pro-life movement really is,” he said. “I’m proud of what this movement has done for women who have gone through the pain of abortion, how it supports single mothers who are struggling to support their children... this is the face of the pro-life movement,” Ryan added. He also noted several pro-life bills that have been passed by the House in the past year, including the just-passed Born Alive Survivors Protection Act, which protects the lives of babies who survive failed abortions. “Most importantly, we are striving to do all of this without judgement in our hearts, but with compassion and love for all of the victims [of abortion],” he said. “Thank you for being here...this is one that we will win this day. Thank you. God bless you, tell everybody come back next year and bring three friends.”

Bev McCarvel is the leadership commission chair for the NCCW and a member of Sacred Heart Parish in Brewster. In the picture below, she appears directly under the word "Service" on the banner.

February, 2018 w The Courier



In the Diocese

Mother Rosemary Therese Quinn, 71, died December 16, 2017, surrounded by her community in Houston. She had suffered with cancer for many years. She was born on May 21, 1946, in Teaneck, NJ, to John and Anne (McBride) Quinn. She grew up in New Jersey and studied at St. John's University, NY, earning a degree in psychology and theology. She also attended Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School, and worked at MCA Universal Studios and Waterford Iron Founders in Ireland. Called by God, she joined a Carmelite community in Amery, WI, in 1982. This community was then relocated to the Diocese of Winona. In 1987, Mother Rosemary oversaw the building of the Hermitage in Houston, and she loved to tell stories of God's miraculous interventions during the building phase. The community of the Hermits of St. Mary of Carmel was founded by Mother Rosemary in 1994 and was raised to an Institute of Diocesan Right in 2000. She was the prioress for many years and held in her heart all the people who shared their lives with the community. Mother Rosemary is survived by her Carmelite Sisters and her immediate family: sisters, Ann Tisa and Moira Rice; her brother Sean Quinn; seven nieces and nephews, and 17 grandnieces and grandnephews. The funeral liturgy was held on December 22 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. In lieu of flowers, please send offerings to the Hermits of St. Mary of Carmel.

Sister M. Brenda Penning, SSND, 83, professed in 1960, died December 28, 2017, at Good Counsel in Mankato. A native of Ashton, IA, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1958 and served as an elementary teacher, program director, and parish director and worker. In the Diocese of Winona, she taught at St. Mary in Worthington (1977-81) and, in addition to teaching, was involved in the Marriage Encounter team, the Beginning Experience support group, and the Parish Council and Liturgy Committee. She coordinated the religious education program at St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester (1981-83) and in 1995 was appointed the first parish director in the diocese, serving at St. Anthony, Lismore, and St. Kilian, St. Kilian. In 1999, she became a pastoral associate at St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato until 2002, and from 2003-2008, she was a parish minister in Wabasha and Kellogg. She also coordinated liturgical ministers, including February, 2018 w The Courier

priests, at Good Counsel from 2008 through 2013. She is survived by her sisters Theresa McCarty, Marian Penning and Christine Solko; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends and colleagues; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Lawrence and Ann (Schwarz) Penning; her sisters Mildred Schnurr and Helen Peplau; and her brothers, Robert, Leonard and George. The funeral liturgy, with Fr. Andrew Olsem as presider, was held January 3 in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial of cremains in Good Counsel Cemetery.

Sister M. Honora Elsen, SSND, 99, professed in 1938, died December 29, 2017, at Good Counsel in Mankato. A native of Loretto, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1935. She taught religion and home economics at Good Counsel Academy (1940-54), served as SSND Mankato Province postulant directress (1962-66) and vocation director (1962-70). Throughout her years of ministry, she served in various capacities at Good Counsel, including community administration, and in retirement as sacristan. She is survived by her sisters-in-law, Eileen Elsen and Betty Elsen; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, former students and colleagues; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Elizabeth (Becker) Elsen; her sister, Sister M. Flavia (Marie); and her brothers, Nick, John and Al. The funeral liturgy, with Fr. Eugene Stenzel as presider, was held January 4 in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial in Good Counsel Cemetery.

Monsignor Leroy Literski, beloved pastor and friend to many, passed away on January 3, 2018, at St. Anne of Winona. He was 92. Roy E. Literski was born on October 12, 1925, in Winona, to Frank and Emilia (Brezinski) Literski, and at the age of 6 he moved with his family out to the farm in Rollingstone. In 1943, he graduated from Holy Trinity High School in Rollingstone, having received a wonderful education from the Franciscan Sisters. He attended St. Mary’s College before transferring to the Catholic University of America in the Basselin Scholars Program, a special, three-year honors program in philosophy, and then the Pontifical North American College in Rome for further graduate studies and was ordained on December 19, 1953. He celebrated his Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Casimir’s Church in Winona, and then began his ministry as parochial vicar at St. Stanislaus, Winona. From 1957-59, he went back to Rome and earned a Ph.D in philosophy at the University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), returning home to St. Mary’s College, Winona, to teach philosophy for the next nine years and serve as chaplain on the campus.

In 1968, Fr. Literski became the rector of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Winona, at which time he was also made a domestic prelate (Monsignor). In 1970, he was appointed pastor of St. Francis Xavier, Windom, and St. Augustine, Jeffers. In 1975, he was appointed pastor of St. Stanislaus, Winona. In addition to being pastor, he was assigned as vicar general from 1980 to 1984, until he took on the assignment as pastor of Resurrection, Rochester, and built the new church. In 1991, Msgr. Literski became the rector at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart until his retirement in 1996. In addition to his pastoral assignments, he served on the Bishop’s College of Consultors and as moderator of the Winona Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and Diocesan Presbyteral Council. Besides being a highly respected priest, Fr. Roy was a beloved brother, uncle, cousin and friend to many. He was known for his deep faith and dedication to his priestly ministry. He was sought out constantly throughout his priesthood, even in retirement, for prayer, advice, mentoring, consolation, and the celebration of baptisms, weddings, and funerals. He had a great love for his family and friends, as well as priestly fraternity and friendships. Most of all, he loved being a pastor. He is survived by his sister Eileen Kaul, as well as many nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters Leona and Hildegard; and brothers, Raymond, and Zygmunt “Bud.” A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on January 10, 2018, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. The Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, concelebrated with Monsignor Roy’s brother priests. Monsignor was laid to rest in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Winona. Sister M. Yvonne Nohava, SSND, 100, professed in 1938, died January 6, 2018, at Good Counsel in Mankato. A native of Lonsdale, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1935 and served as an elementary and high school teacher. In the Diocese of Winona, she taught and was principal at St. John Nepomucene, Winona (1946-52) and had the same responsibilities at St. John, Mankato (1952-58). She taught high school science (mainly physics and chemistry) and math at Loyola High School, Mankato (1964-69) and Good Counsel Academy, Mankato (1969-78). When she retired from fulltime teaching in 1989, she came to Good Counsel and taught in the Good Counsel Learning Center for several years. She is survived by her sisters Julie Washa and Theresa Zitzow; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, former students and colleagues; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Francis and Mary (Jirik) Nohava; her sisters Agnes Hincks, Josephine Mamer, Catherine Frank, Sister Lillian (Rose) Nohava, Sister Rosemary (Mary) Nohava, Magdalen Nohava, and Leona Tupa; and her brothers, William, John (who died at age 14), Francis (who died in infancy), Francis and John. The funeral liturgy, with Fr. Eugene Stenzel as presider, was held January 11 in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial in Good Counsel Cemetery.

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary's Church in Winona on the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held the first Saturday of each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. Gather in the Adoration Chapel. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. For times & locations:

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, 7-9 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-760-1619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

Other Events Holy Spirit Church, Rochester February 4-March 25, Sundays Life in the Spirit 2018 seminars held Sundays 1:30-3:30 p.m. Free admission. Life in the Spirit aims to release the gifts and charisms planted in your soul at Baptism and awakened at Confirmation. Let Jesus set a new Pentecost of God's love in your heart! St. Ignatius Church, Spring Valley February 16, Friday 33rd Annual Fish Fry served 5-7:30 p.m. Carry-outs: 507-346-7565. MN State Capitol, St. Paul February 26, Monday Minnesota Catholic Conference's Capitol 101 to be held 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. An educational event empowering Catholics to take an active role in state government. Learn what goes

Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m.; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m; & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: Diocese of Winona, Attn: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James Tel. 507-375-3542

Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313

Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington Tel. 507-440-9735

Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Owatonna, Sacred Heart 11 a.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Sunday Austin, Queen of Angels 11 a.m. Sunday; 5:15 Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sunday Friday (bilingual) Lake City, St. Mary 6:30 p.m. each 3rd Saturday Rochester, St. Francis Madelia, St. Mary of Assisi 10 a.m. Sunday 12 p.m. Sunday & 7 Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. Sunday

St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 7 p.m. Saturday St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sunday Windom,St.FrancisXavier 2:30 p.m. Sunday Worthington, St. Mary 7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. Sunday; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday & Friday

on at the State Capitol, such as how an idea becomes a law, and hear from legislators about how you can make a difference. There will also be opportunities for prayer on behalf of our state legislators. Offered on 3 dates: Feb. 26, Mar. 16, Apr. 17. Each session will be generally the same; they are not designed to build upon one another. Registration is required for this free event. Visit www.mncatholic. org/capitol-101 for details. St. Stanislaus Church, Winona March 8, Thursday St. John Nepomucene Parish of Winona to serve Annual Soup & Sandwich Supper 4:30-6:30 p.m. in St. Stanislaus Church Hall (625 East 4th Street in Winona). Homemade chicken noodle soup, ham salad sandwiches, and homemade desserts. Adults $7. Children 6-12 $3. 5 & under free. Tickets available at the door. Carryouts available. The public is welcome. St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea March 10, Saturday Catholic Charities Immigration Retreat held 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. An opportunity for Hispanic and long-term Minnesota residents to encounter each other as the face of Christ to one another. This retreat will use microphones that allow instant translation of talks that will be alternately in English and Spanish. A chance for us to put a human face to the immigration issue. St. Patrick Church, LeRoy March 11, Sunday Mulligan stew served 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Family style service. Mulligan stew, cabbage slaw, dinner rolls, dessert. Adults $8. Students $5. St. Mary Church, Winona March 16, Friday Fish Fry & Luck of the Irish Festival starts 4:30 p.m. Fish fry $10/plate. Pot of Gold prizes throughout the evening ($1/chance), silent auction, casino tables with fun money, and raffle drawing for cash prizes totaling $6,000. Winners announced at 9 p.m. St. Mary School, Caledonia March 16, Friday Annual fish fry in the gym 4-8 p.m. 3 pieces of cod, Irish potatoes, coleslaw, bun, and coffee or milk. $10. Several basket and cash raffles available, with $3,000 grand prize. Carry-outs available by calling 507-725-5405. School is at 308 E South St. in Caledonia. St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City March 17, Saturday St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef Dinner served 5-8 p.m. Homemade Irish soda bread, live entertainment, beer and wine available, prize for best costume. $15 advance tickets. $20 at the door. Send check and self-addressed envelope to: St. Mary of the Lake, 419 W Lyon Avenue, Lake City, MN 55401, or call 651-345-4134. Tickets limited; call soon.

Tell Us What You Think

Many thanks to all readers who have weighed in on The Courier's proposed transition to a new format. If you haven't yet sent us your thoughts, we encourage you to do so. An online prototype of The Disciple, can be found at This quarterly magazine would place heavier emphasis on catechesis and evangelization, leaving some news and events coverage to our diocesan website ( While the online prototype shows a lot of sample material, a real issue of The Disciple would be printed on paper (with an online version availNicollet County Fairgrounds, St. Peter March 24, Saturday Luck of the Irish evening event (21+) to benefit John Ireland Catholic School in St. Peter. Pork dinner served 5-7 p.m. at Johnson Hall at Nicollet County Fairgrounds. Silent and live auctions, cash raffle drawing, bingo and other games. Dinner tickets $15. Raffle tickets $30. Mail checks to Joseph Yokiel 912 N 4th Street, St. Peter, MN 56082, or purchase tickets at the door. Polish Heritage Center Annex, Winona March 24, Saturday Many Hands Many Lands Fair Trade Market 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 363 E 2nd Street in Winona. Info: www. St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester March 24, Saturday Concert by famed Argentinian pianist Horaccio Lavandera at 7:30 p.m. Lavandera will perform Beethoven, Schubert, Gershwin and others, as well as the US premiere of some pieces from his CD Imágenes, rated among the 20 best albums of the year by Ted Gioia (New York Times). A once-in-a-lifetime recital in Rochester! Free-will offerings accepted. Lourdes High School, Rochester April 7, Saturday Man of God diocesan men's conference. More info on page 6.

able) and would feature stories and columns from within our diocese whenever possible. Please send feedback on the magazine prototype, or on your experience as a reader of The Courier, to Associate Editor Nick Reller at or 507858-1257. In your comments, please provide your parish, age, gender, and whether you consider yourself a regular reader of The Courier. What do you like about the magazine format? What is it missing? How does it compare to The Courier? Finally, if you belong to a parish or diocesan group that would be interested in holding a focus group (of about 20 people) regarding this prototype, please indicate that as well. Thank you! -Courier Staff Good Shepherd Church, Jackson April 8, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday. 8:30 a.m. Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 3:30. Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. Confessions 12-3 p.m. Holy Redeemer Church, Eyota April 8, Sunday Divine Mercy celebration 2-3:15 p.m. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament and second-class relics of St. Sr. Faustina, St. Francisco and St. Jacinta, followed by Rosary, Confessions and choir music. 3 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet. St. Ann Church, Slayton April 8, Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday. 2 p.m. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, followed by Confessions til 3. Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3. St. Patrick Church, Brownsville April 15, Sunday Breakfast in Breza Hall following 8 a.m. Mass, served til noon. French toast, southern-style scrambled eggs, sausage, cheesy hash browns, fresh fruit, coffee, milk, orange juice. $7 adults. $3 6-12. Free under 6. 604 Adams St. in Brownsville. Sacred Heart Church, Adams May 6, Sunday Celebrating Fr. Swamy Pothireddy's 25th anniversary of priesthood with a reception following 11 a.m. Mass.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, Mankato March 18, Sunday 2 p.m. organ concert featuring sacred music played by Ryan Mueller on the historic Johnson & Son pipe organ. Free-will offering. No tickets required. Contact Sr. Lucille Matousek at 507389-4223 or American Legion, Dodge Center March 23, Friday 13th annual fish fry sponsored by St. John Church's Catholic Women's Group, served 4-7:30 p.m. All you can eat fish (battered or baked), baked potatoes, baked beans, salads and desserts. $10 adults. $6 kids 6-12. Free 5 & under. Quilt sale sponsored by Common Thread Quilters. Proceeds go to St. John's Youth Faith Formation Program. February, 2018 w The Courier

February 2018

• The Courier

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