The Courier - April 2018

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Annunciation of the Lord April 9

April 2018


Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN

Diocese Celebrates New Co-Cathedral, Updated Name

St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral in Rochester.

WINONA--The Congregation for Bishops has decreed that the former Diocese of Winona will now be called the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and that St. John the Evangelist Church of Rochester will be designated as a co-cathedral. “This is a significant moment in our diocese’s history,” said Bishop John M. Quinn of the Vatican’s announcement. “My heart is lifted by this news as I know that the presence of a co-cathedral in Rochester

will provide unique ways to share the gospel in our diocese’s fastest growing city.” The word “cathedral” is derived from the Latin cathedra, meaning “chair.” The chair is an ancient symbol of apostolic authority. The cathedral is generally located in the major metropolis of a diocese. At the time the Diocese of Winona was established, Winona was a key location, by the railroad and along the Mississippi River. Now, 128 years later, popula-

Winona-Rochester, cont'd on pg. 4

"A Viable Parish"

Inside St. John's Co-Cathedral ROCHESTER--In light of the Vatican's announcement that St. John the Evangelist Church will be elevated to the status of co-cathedral for our diocese, Courier staff went to Rochester for a closer look at the city's oldest parish, and to discuss the parish community with Pastor Msgr. Gerald Mahon and Parish Administrator Margaret Kelsey. Mahon and Kelsey agree that outreach and hospitality have been high priorities in parish operations. "When we did the renovation of the church in 2000, one of the desires we had was to be partners with the city, and, in particular, to be partners with the Mayo medical community," said Msgr. Mahon. "I'm really appreciative of ... this larger sense of the church of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. It's a visible sign, with the cathedra and the bishop's presence, to engage more with a growing city and a city that's maturing and really developing." "It is affirming of the mission and our vision in terms of becoming a more welcoming and hospitable Catholic community," Kelsey added. Of the many visitors the parish receives, due, in part, to its proximity to the Mayo Clinic, she said, "They're looking for a home away from home, and our parishioners have really responded to this call for offering hospitality, and you

Viable Parish, cont'd on pg. 10

INSIDE this issue

Co-Cathedral Announced at Chrism Mass page 4

Why Have a Co-Cathedral? page 10

Cathedral Histories page 11

Pope Francis Watch

The Courier Insider


New Exhortation Praises "Middle Class" of Holiness By HANNAH BROCKHAUS

Vatican City, Apr 9, 2018 (CNA/ EWTN News) - Pope Francis released an apostolic exhortation in which he aims to “repropose” the universal call to holiness – which he says is the mission of life for every person. Published April 9, Gaudete et Exsultate, or “Rejoice and Be Glad,” is Francis’ third apostolic exhortation. It is subtitled “On the call to holiness in the contemporary world.” The 44-page exhortation explains that holiness is the mission of every Christian, and gives practical advice for living out the call to holiness in ordinary, daily life, encouraging the practice of the Beatitudes and performing works of mercy. Francis mentioned the holiness “in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance I see the holiness of the Church militant. Very often it is a holiness found in our next-door neighbours, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence. We might call them ‘the middle class of holiness.’” Francis said that all Catholics that, like the saints, “need to see the entirety of your life as a mission,” and explained that this is accomplished by listening to God in prayer and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance in each moment and decision. “A Christian cannot think of his or her mission on earth without seeing it as a path of holiness,” he stated, explaining that this path has its “fullest meaning in Christ, and can only be understood through him.” Using the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Francis wrote that “holiness is nothing other than charity lived to the full.” As a result, the measure of our holiness stems not from our own achievement, but “from the stature that Christ achieves in us.” Therefore, Pope Francis said, to walk the path of holiness requires prayer and contemplation alongside action; the two cannot be separated. The pope also touched on what he calls the “two enemies of holiness” – modern versions of the heresies of Pelagianism and Gnosticism, saying that these lead to “false forms of holiness.” In the modern form of Gnosticism, Francis said, one believes that faith is purely subjective, and that the intellect is the supreme form of perfection, not charity. This can lead Catholics to think that “because we know something, or are able to explain it in certain terms, we are already saints,” he said, when really, “what we think we know should always motivate us to respond more fully to God’s love.” In contemporary Pelagianism, he said the common error is to believe that it is by our own effort that we achieve sanctity, forgetting that everything in fact “depends not on human will

April, 2018 w The Courier

or exertion, but on God who shows mercy (Rom. 9:16).” The pope explained that “the Church has repeatedly taught that we are justified not by our own works or efforts, but by the grace of the Lord, who always takes the initiative,” and that even our cooperation with the gift of divine grace is itself “a prior gift of that same grace.” Some may be asked, through God’s grace, for grand gestures of holiness – as can be seen in the lives of many of the saints, Francis said – but many people are called to live the mission of holiness in a more ordinary way, and in the context of their vocation. However large or small one’s call seems, Francis said that acts of charity are always undertaken “by God’s grace,” not as people “sufficient unto ourselves, but rather ‘as good stewards of the manifold grace of God’ (1 Peter 4:10),” he said. The pope offered several practical recommendations for living out these “small gestures.” In addition to the frequent reception of the sacraments and attendance at Mass, he said that in the Beatitudes Jesus explains “with great simplicity what it means to be holy.” He also said that a way to practice holiness is through the works of mercy, though he warned that to think good works can be separated from a personal relationship with God and openness to grace is to make Christianity into “a sort of NGO.” The saints, on the other hand, show us that “mental prayer, the love of God and the reading of the Gospel” in no way detract from “passionate and effective commitment to their neighbors.” The pope highlighted several qualities he finds especially important for living holiness in today’s culture, including: perseverance, patience, humility, joy, a sense of humor, boldness, and passion. Boldness and passion, he said, are important in order to avoid despondency or mediocrity, which he said can weaken us in the ongoing spiritual battle against evil. In the journey toward holiness, “the cultivation of all that is good, progress in the spiritual life and growth in love are the best counterbalance to evil,” he said, emphasizing that the existence of the devil is not a myth or an abstract idea, but a “personal being that assails us.” “Those who choose to remain neutral, who are satisfied with little, who renounce the ideal of giving themselves generously to the Lord, will never hold out” against temptation, he stated. “For this spiritual combat, we can count on the powerful weapons that the Lord has given us: faith-filled prayer, meditation on the word of God, the celebration of Mass, Eucharistic adoration, sacramental Reconciliation, works of charity, community life, missionary outreach,” he listed. About the importance of prayer on the path to holiness, the pope said that though “the Lord speaks to us in a variety of ways, at work, through others and at every moment… we simply cannot do without the silence of prolonged

Exhortation, cont'd on pg. 17

Articles of Interest

Christian Stewards: People of the Resurrection_5 ...Pope Paul VI Will Be Canonized____________6 Forming Lay Leaders..._____________________7 April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month______8 Catholic Schools Updates__________________9 On Co-Cathedrals_________________________10 On Church Weddings______________________12 April 22 Is Good Shepherd Sunday_______13 Overcoming Gun Absolutism_______________14 ...Great Power at Your Fingertips?_______15 National Headlines________________________16 Diocesan Headlines_______________________17 Diocesan Calendar_________________________19

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The Holy Father's Intention for

April 2018

For Those Who Have Responsibility in Economic Matters That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths. Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-4542270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of WinonaRochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 109 - 4

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Slayton, MN Postmaster.

Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Christ Is Risen! ear Friends in Christ,

Easter: the Foundation of Our Faith

Christ is risen; alleluia, alleluia! I greet you with the joy of the Risen Lord, as we continue to celebrate the glorious feast of Easter. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith, for, as St. Paul reminds us, “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins… But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a human being, the resurrection of the dead came also through a human being.” (1 Corinthians 15:17,20-21). Ever since original sin entered the world, men and women have

continued to turn away from our Triune God, choosing their own will and desires over the commandments that God laid out for us. We in our frailty are so wounded by sin that we are not able to restore ourselves to a right relationship with our loving Creator. However, our God did not leave us abandoned, but in His unfathomable love and mercy chose to become like us in all things but sin, and to suffer cruel torture and death on the cross to atone for our sins. What amazing love, that our God would die for us! Furthermore, Christ not only paid the price for our sins, but through His resurrection, He shows us that He has power over death, and that all those who believe in Him might also share in eternal life. This is the reason for our joy, and the joy of Easter. It is why Easter is the most important feast of the year, and we celebrate it for a whole 50 days, and every Sunday throughout the year as well. The Lord and His resurrection are our hope and the source of our joy, so may we all be people of Easter joy throughout this Easter season and beyond. Christ is risen – alleluia! Co-Cathedral

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

At our diocesan Chrism Mass on March 26, I had the privilege of announcing to all those present, that the Holy See has accepted our request to have a co-cathedral erected in the Diocese of Winona. St. John the Evangelist Parish in Rochester has been designated as the parish to be elevated to the status of a co-cathedral. As such, the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist will have a cathedra, the Bishop’s chair that is the symbol of the apostolic authority of the Bishop of Winona. The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona,

and now St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral in Rochester, will be the sites of many diocesan celebrations and special events. Since the Diocese of Winona was established in 1889, Rochester and the central part of the diocese have experienced tremendous growth in population and cultural and religious activity. Rochester is now not only the largest city in the Diocese of Winona, but it is the third most populous city in the state of Minnesota, and has become a thriving cultural center. The elevation of St. John the Evangelist Parish to the status of a co-cathedral will provide an increased Catholic presence and witness in Rochester and the center of our diocese. The Holy See has also changed the name of our diocese to reflect the addition of a co-cathedral and cathedra. Effective immediately, the Diocese of Winona will now be called the Diocese of WinonaRochester. This hyphenated name is customary for dioceses that add a co-cathedral in a different city than the original cathedral. In the coming months, we will be making this name change throughout all of the institutions in our diocese. I invite you to join me in rejoicing at this exciting news, and time of celebration for our diocese. I pray that the addition of a co-cathedral will serve to bring more people to encounter Christ and His Church, and I entrust the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. John the Evangelist. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is vibrant and our parishes are Spirit-filled and mission-directed to proclaim Jesus Christ and to engage our culture with the power of the Gospel.

April 1, Easter Sunday 10:30 am - Solemn Easter Mass - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

April 14, Saturday 7:30 am - 5 pm - Regional V Encuentro Arrowhead Conference Center, Alexandria

April 6, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at SMU 2 pm - Mass at the Federal Medical Center, Rochester

April 15, Sunday 10 am - Confirmation at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester, with St. Pius Church, Rochester 2 pm - Confirmation at St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester

April 7, Saturday 9 am - 5 pm - Man of God DOW Men’s Conference - Lourdes High School, Rochester April 8, Divine Mercy Sunday 11 am - RCIA Candidate Reception and Confirmation - St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish, Mankato April 9, Monday 4 pm - Sacred Heart Major Seminary Board Meeting via Conference Call April 10, Tuesday 11 am - Holy Hour - St. Augustine Church, Austin 12:30 pm - Austin-Albert Lea Deanery Meeting - St. Augustine Church, Austin April 12, Thursday 11 am - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting Pastoral Center, Winona April 13, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at SMU 12 pm - 7 pm - Regional V Encuentro Arrowhead Conference Center, Alexandria

April 17, Tuesday 9:30 am - Holy Hour 10:30 am - College of Consultors Meeting Pastoral Center, Winona April 18, Wednesday 4:45 pm - Vespers and Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona April 19, Thursday 1 pm - Holy Hour 2 pm - Cabinet Meeting 6 pm - 2018 Catholic Medical Association Spring Dinner/Speaker Event - Rochester Golf and Country Club April 20, Friday 7:45 am - Teach at SMU 7 pm - Confirmation at Pax Christi, Rochester, with Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Mazeppa April 21, Saturday 10:30 am - Diocese Pastoral Council Board Meeting St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm - Permanent Diaconate Candidate Meetings


Catholic Charities Annual Appeal On May 12 / 13, Catholic Charities will be holding its annual Mother’s Day appeal in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Catholic Charities has 17 programs here in southern Minnesota, and seven regional offices, to serve those who are poor, marginalized, or struggling with the demands of daily life. With your help, Catholic Charities is able to minister to families in crisis, vulnerable adults and seniors, children in need, unmarried mothers, the homeless, refugees, the uninsured, and the unborn. Next month, I encourage you to be generous in giving to the Catholic Charities annual appeal. Your gifts are truly life-changing for those whose lives are touched by the work of Catholic Charities. Thank you for your help in serving the least among us. World Day of Prayer for Vocations

On April 22, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Universal Church will observe the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This is a day dedicated to praying for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, and encouraging young people to consider whether the Lord is inviting them to follow Him in this way of life. Our Triune God never ceases to call men and women to consecrate their lives to Him. Rather, it is we who can sometimes fail to hear the voice of the Lord! The 2018 theme for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is “Listening, discerning, and living the Lord’s call.” In today’s world, with constant noise and distractions, it can be hard to experience quiet, and listen to

April 22, Sunday 10:30 am - RCIA Candidate Reception and Confirmation - St. Thomas More Chapel at St. Mary University, Winona 3 pm - 7:30 pm - IHM Seminary 15th Annual Bishops and Rector Dinner - IHM Seminary and St. Mary’s University Toner Center, Winona April 25, Wednesday 11 am - DOW Catholic High Schools Baccalaureate Mass – Mankato 7 pm - Confirmation at St. Rose of Lima Church, Lewiston, with Immaculate Conception Church, Wilson, and St. Anthony Church, Altura April 26, Thursday 9:30 am - St. Paul Street Evangelization Corner of 8th and Main Streets, Winona 1 pm - IHM Seminary Finance Council Meeting - IHM Seminary, Winona 4 pm - Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota Board Meeting - St John the Evangelist Parish, Rochester April 27, Friday SMU Celebration of Scholarship and Honors Convocation - St. Mary’s University, Winona April 28, Saturday 4:30 pm - Mass - St. Marys Hospital Chapel, Rochester

the Lord’s voice. However, cultivating silence and times of prayer is essential if we are to hear and heed the Lord’s call. The Lord can get our attention in loud and sudden ways, but more frequently He speaks to us in the silence of our hearts. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord through prayer, we will not only better be able to hear how Christ is inviting us to follow Him, but we will also come to better understand our deepest desires and what will bring us true joy. Our world tells us that material wealth, treasure, fame, and popularity will satisfy us, but as St. Augustine famously said, God has made us for Himself and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. Pope Francis reminds us on this World Day of Prayer for Vocations that, “If [the Lord] lets us realize that He is calling us to consecrate ourselves totally to His kingdom, then we should have no fear! It is beautiful – and a great grace – to be completely and forever consecrated to God and to the service of our brothers and sisters.”

From the Bishop

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

April 29, Sunday 10 am - Mass - Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Mazeppa May 1, Tuesday TH 380 Readings in Trinitarian Theology Final Exam May 2, Wednesday 7 pm - Confirmation at St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Charles, with St. Aloysius Church, Elba, and Holy Redeemer Church, Eyota May 3, Thursday 1 pm - Holy Hour 2 pm - Cabinet Meeting May 4, Friday 7 pm - Confirmation at Sacred Heart Church, Owatonna, with Holy Trinity Church, Litomysl May 5, Saturday 10 am - Confirmation at St. Joseph Church, Owatonna, with Christ the King Church, Medford 4:30 pm - Vespers and Mass, followed by Dinner and End-of-Semester Skits - IHM Seminary, Winona May 6, Sunday 10 am - Confirmation at Sacred Heart Church, Waseca 1 pm - Confirmation at the Federal Correctional Institution, Waseca April, 2018 w The Courier


4 cont'd from pg. 1 tions have shifted. Rochester has become the third largest city in Minnesota, and three-quarters of the diocese’s population resides in the region between Rochester and Mankato. In 2015, an initial inquiry was sent to the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops, asking for the designation of a co-cathedral in Rochester. The Congregation for Bishops subsequently sent the diocese requirements for the process and directed the establishment

Inside St. John the Evangelist. Photo courtesy of Strut.

Co-Cathedral Announced at Chrism Mass

of a diocesan planning committee. This committee determined that St. John the Evangelist Church should be elevated to the status of a co-cathedral. The co-cathedral committee, and other groups involved, considered the size of the church building, location, architecture and overall ability to function as a co-cathedral. Other factors included its proximity to the Mayo Clinic, the arts, culture, media, and industry, which provide an opportunity for further evangelization by our local Church. Also, St. John the Evangelist Church is the “mother church” of Rochester, being the oldest parish in the city. The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona will not change in status. It will continue to be the seat of the diocese and will host diocesan celebrations and Masses, and ordinations. A liturgical ceremony is scheduled for June 24, 2018, at which the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Pope Francis’ delegate to the United States, will formally designate St. John the Evangelist Church as the co-cathedral. During this ceremony, a new cathedra, or bishop’s chair, will be blessed, bearing witness to the apostolic ministry of sanctifying, teaching,

Crucifix at St. John the Evangelist

and shepherding. Details of this ceremony will be forthcoming. Implementation of the new title, “Diocese of Winona-Rochester,” should be completed throughout the parishes, schools and diocesan institutions by July 1, 2018.


�very year, as the Church enters into Holy Week, our

diocese comes together to celebrate the Chrism Mass. This liturgical celebration is commonly known for its blessing of holy oils and renewal of priestly vows. The gathering is generally attended by priests, deacons, religious and a delegation from each of the parishes, which cultivates a sense of unity as the diocesan family enters into worship through the Holy Mass. This year, the Chrism Mass was held on Monday, March 26 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. A large diocesan choir, accompanied by instrumentalists, was led by Dr. Del Kahlstorf, liturgist for the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, and Dr. Patrick O’Shea, director of choirs for Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. The liturgy was interspersed with hymns in both Spanish and English, reflecting a growing presence of Hispanic Catholics in the diocese. During his homily, Bishop John M. Quinn spoke of God’s generosity. He reflected on the ways that God lifts up His people and bestows blessings upon the Church. Following these remarks, Bishop Quinn announced that the Holy See planned to elevate St. John the Evangelist Parish of Rochester to the status of co-cathedral. He expressed his excitement to welcome Papal Nuncio Archbishop Christophe Pierre for the celebration of the elevation in June. Later in the liturgy, Bishop Quinn informed those in attendance that the diocese was also given a new name.

April, 2018 w The Courier

Photo courtesy of Strut.

Photo courtesy of Strut.

“The Holy Father now refers to us as the Diocese of Winona-Rochester," he said, referring to a decree by the Holy See. The news seemed well received, and many of those in attendance discussed the announcement during a post-Mass reception, where Bishop Quinn

and many other priests were available to greet the people, and where the faithful of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester had extra reason to celebrate: a new co-cathedral, a new name, and the anticipation of Jesus Christ’s resurrection at Easter.

Christian Stewards Monica Herman

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

This article is reprinted with permission from the International Catholic Stewardship Council.

or those immersed in the secular world, Easter is long over. The pastel bunnies, the chocolate eggs, the color-splashed jelly beans which appeared in the marketplace so temptingly just as Christians were beginning the fasting of Lent, have long been swept from the store shelves to be replaced in anticipation of the next marketable holiday. For the Christian steward, how backward this all seems. Yes, we believe that the Paschal mystery and the life-changing events of Easter are not over. They are not an end but a triumphal beginning, and they have altered us in a quite radical way. The mystery and miracle of Easter challenge us to live as different people, as people of the Resurrection. What does this mean? For those new Catholics who participated in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a period of mystagogy

helps to understand this mystery. Indeed, this ancient Greek word actually means “to lead through the mysteries.” During mystagogia, many parishes introduce their new members to service in a quite practical way. Here are the ministries of the parish; here are the charities we support; here are the needs of our community and our congregation. How do you choose to live out your faith in the Resurrection in a quite tangible and real way? How do your gifts fit into our needs? Essentially, however, this is a question that the Easter season calls forth in all Christian stewards, not just our newest members. We have lived through Lent and the Paschal mysteries, all the while trying to deepen a relationship with the person of Christ. It’s as simple, yet as amazing and complex as that. The deeper the relationship grows, the more we become rooted in it, the more this relationship with Christ comes to dominate our lives. We no longer compartmentalize Jesus, we hold him at our center. And the mysteries lead us to the fundamental question at the heart of all Christian stewardship, the question that Easter compels us to ask: How do I steward my resources - my time, my money, my abilities and gifts, my very life - so that they are in service to the Kingdom of

God? It’s not a part-time question. It’s not a seasonal question that’s swept off the shelf periodically. It’s the basic question which the Easter season demands of us: Jesus, how do you want me to serve you?

Catholic Foundation

People of the Resurrection



We thank the following parishes who have met their goals for the 2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal:

All Saints Parish New Richland

St. Joseph Parish Waldorf

Good Shepherd Parish Jackson

St. Luke Parish Sherburn

April, 2018 w The Courier

Fifty Years After Humanae Vitae,

Pope Paul VI Will Be Canonized

Faith Formation


Faith Formation and Youth Ministry on FIRE for Christ


and Youth Ministry have been meeting for years now throughout the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at FIRE meetings. FIRE meetings offer Fellowship, Inspiration, Resources, and Encouragement. The meetings are held at different parishes throughout the diocese and include time for prayer, fellowship and a prepared talk from an invited guest speaker. All those in attendance appreciate the opportunity to speak to others about the life we all share in common, and we all walk away in gratitude for the work that God has entrusted to us. Every year, the directors dedicate one meeting to a spiritual retreat. This year, we all met at the Annunciation Hermitage in Austin and were invited to go deeper in our faith in God by our retreat director, Fr. Jonathan Fasnacht. We all attended Mass, were able to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and had time for Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

April, 2018 w The Courier

�he Vatican confirmed that Pope Paul VI will be

canonized in October of this year. Blessed Pope Paul VI’s famed Encyclical On Human Life will also turn 50 on July 29. Pope Paul VI lead the church during the tumultuous time during and directly after the Vatican II Council. Although he wrote several other encyclicals, he will be remembered as the author of Humanae Vitae because of the amount of stir it created. During the time of its writing, many people around the world felt that the Catholic Church should no longer condemn the use of contraception, and they anticipated that Blessed Pope Paul VI would be the one to “bring the Catholic Church into the new age.” Up until 1930, all Christian churches banned the use of contraception within marriage because it denied one of the purposes (ends) of marriage: children. In 1930, the Anglican Church was the first to declare contraception allowable within marriage. With the approval of “the pill” in 1960 by the FDA for contraceptive use, most other

Analysis: Paul VI Is Truly the Pope of Humanae Vitae By ANDREA GAGLIARDUCCI

VATICAN CITY, March 31, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News) - Pope Paul VI’s love for life, highlighted in his encyclical Humanae Vitae, is at the center of the miracles that paved the way to his beatification and canonization, both of which involved unborn children. Because of these miracles, “Paul VI might be invoked as the protector of the rising life,” Fr. Antonio Marrazzo, the postulator of his cause of canonization, told CNA. As noted, both of Pope Paul VI’s approved miracles were performed for unborn children. In neither of the two cases was the mother ever in mortal danger. In both cases, it was not a first pregnancy. In both cases, the pregnancy could have ended with an abortion, a miscarriage, or a significant deformity for the child. In both cases, the possibility of a therapeutic abortion was suggested. Both the baby were born and are still in good health. All of these circumstances seem designed as reminders Bl. Paul VI is the pope of the Humanae Vitae. Humanae Vitae 14 reads: “Therefore we base our words on the first principles of a human and Christian doctrine of marriage when we are obliged once more to declare that the direct interruption of the generative process already begun and, above all, all direct abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as lawful means of regulating the number of children.” An abortion was, in fact, suggested to Mrs. Vanna Pironato, wife of Alberto Tagliaferri, in 2014, while she was pregnant with her second baby. A note from the postulator of the late pope’s canonization explained that “on Sep. 23, 2014, Mrs. Vanna Pironato, during her 13th week of gestation of her second pregnancy, was hospitalized because of a threat of abortion, due to the premature break of the amniochorial membranes, which caused the consequent leak of amniotic fluid.” Doctors informed Pironato that she could miscarry,

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

Christian denominations left it up to the conscience of couple. The Catholic Church, however, through Blessed Paul VI, declared that its use within marriage was not only illicit, but that it brought with it many grave concerns. Some of those concerns were enumerated in the encyclical: an increase in marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards, lack of reverence due to a woman (reducing her to a mere instrument for the satisfaction of man’s desires) (cf. HV, 17). In the next few months, as we lead up to its fiftieth anniversary, we will speak more about the beautiful truths that are found in the encyclical Humanae Vitae.

though she didn’t, and she was discharged from the hospital Sep. 29. Her pregnancy continued, despite a continual loss of blood and amniotic fluid. Doctors suggested that Pironata undergo an abortion, but she and her husband refused to do so. A friend reminded her that Pope Paul VI was going to be beatified shortly thereafter, on Oct. 14, and that he had worked a miracle for an unborn child. She, along with her husband and their son went to a shrine that the Paul VI used to visit, St. Mary of the Graces in Brescia, on Oct. 29, 2014. From that day forward, Pironato prayed daily for Bl. Paul VI’s intercession, throughout a very difficult pregnancy. Despite a series of hospitalization and the continual loss of amniotic fluid, Amanda Paola Tagliaferri was born on Dec. 25, 2014, prematurely, at a gestational age of 26 weeks. Amanda was immediately taken to the neonatal intensive treat unit. Discharged Dec. 27, 2014 in stable condition, she was later hospitalized for further cares at the Legnago hospital. She was discharged Apr. 11, 2015, in good health. The postulator noted that “baby Amanda Tagliaferro was constantly monitored and she is still in good health.” It was a miracle prolonged over three months, as for those three months, the child had practically no amniotic fluid, and so a malformation or even a miscarriage were considered almost certain. This miracle is similar to the one that initially paved the way for Bl. Paul VI’s beatification. That miracle took place in the United States in 2001. In that case, an unborn child was in critical condition, after suffering ruptured organs. Again, in that case, miscarriage or a serious deformity was expected. Again, in that case, an abortion was suggested, and the mother refused. She prayed for the intercession of Paul VI thanks to the suggestion of an Italian nun. The baby was born in good condition at his 8th month of gestation, and he is now doing well. The miracle of Amanda Tagliaferro was not forwarded to the postulator of Bl. Paul VI’s cause. Instead, he learned of the miracle after reading an interview with the mother in a local newspaper, and he asked for further clinical data based upon that interview. According to the postulator, it was as if Paul VI wanted to give a sign: you do not have to look so much for the miracle, because it is already there.

Forming Lay Leaders For Discipleship and Gospel Witness Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

There has been a growing awareness of the identity and mission of the laity in the Church. We can count on many lay persons, although still not nearly enough, who have a deeply-rooted sense of community and great fidelity to the tasks of charity, catechesis and the celebration of the faith. At the same time, a clear awareness of this responsibility of the laity, grounded in their baptism and confirmation, does not appear in the same way in all places… The formation of the laity and the evangelization of professional and intellectual life represent a significant pastoral challenge. -Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, #102

�he Institute of Lay Formation (previously named the Institute of Lay Ministry) began in the diocese in the

fall of 1998, as the first class of 40 lay people gathered to begin their two-year formation program. Since that time, there have been six Institute classes, and more than 300 lay people have participated in the Institute’s formation process – representing 70 parishes and four church institutions of the diocese. In addition to these lay leaders, 17 of the deacons of our diocese participated in the Institute before entering diaconate formation. The best testament to the Institute’s value is the witness and the ministry of our students and alumni. The community of faith that Institute students build among themselves and the service they offer to their families, neighborhoods, communities and Church, are the very life of this unique, faith-filled experience. One of these alumni described her participation in the Institute as "the most rewarding, faith-building, Spiritfilled experience of my life." A New Institute Class

Our diocese is now recruiting the seventh class of the Institute, to begin its formation this coming fall. In establishing this new class, the Institute continues its mission to form lay women and men for a deeper living out of their Christian vocation in the world, and to

Information Sessions

Formation Process

There are three aspects of the Institute’s formation process: Catechesis (Intellectual Formation), Lay Leadership (Human and Pastoral Formation), and Prayer and Reflection (Spiritual Formation). Each of these areas of formation has a particular focus during the three-year process. For example, the focus for catechesis is on: “The Creed” during the first year; “The Sacraments and Prayer” during the second year; and “Christian Morality” during the third year. And, each of the three years has its own name and particular identity: •

• •

Credo: Together in Faith (Year I)

Oremus: Together in Prayer (Year II)

Caritas: Together in Service (Year III) Formation Sessions

During each of its three formation years, the Institute program consists of eight Saturday sessions (from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) held from September through April, and a weekend retreat at the conclusion of the year (from Friday evening through Saturday afternoon). Each Saturday session is devoted to prayer, instruction, discussion, and reflection. Students have the option of completing one, two, or all three years of the formation process. During their years of formation, Institute students will study the Church’s tradition and teaching. They will spend time together in prayer and reflection, and seek to discern how the Spirit is calling them to a life of deeper holiness and discipleship. Time will also be devoted to building their skills as lay leaders in such

The Institute of Lay Formation is accepting applications to its next class, to begin this fall. Information sessions on the Institute and the application process will be held as follows:

Tuesday, April 10 - 7-8 p.m. St. Adrian Church, Adrian 512 Main Avenue Meet in the Church Hall. Thursday, April 12 - 5-6 p.m. / 7-8 p.m. Choose either time. Resurrection Church, Rochester 1600 11th Ave. SE Meet in Room C.

Saturday, April 14 - 9-10 a.m. St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea 308 E Fountain St. Meet in Marian Hall. Monday, April 16 - 7-8 p.m. St. John the Baptist Church, Mankato 632 S Broad St. Meet in Marian Room.

areas as evangelization, collaboration and leadership. After successfully completing their formation process, students are formally commissioned for lay leadership in service to the people of God in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. (Men discerning a possible vocation to the diaconate need to complete the Institute as a prerequisite for entrance to diaconate formation in the diocese.) The Institute of Lay Formation has a vibrant and strong history of calling the lay people of our diocese to a deeper living out of their faith and their Christian vocation. This legacy will continue on as we form a new class of Institute students, and as they begin their formation journey together this fall. Deo Gratias!

Lay Formation

Todd Graff

prepare them for more faithful and effective lay leadership in the Church. The Institute addresses the lay vocation in its full sense. While a part of their vocation is directed to service within the formal life of the Church, the broader aspect of the laity’s vocation relates to proclaiming and giving witness to Christ within the secular world (i.e., within our workplaces, our families, our neighborhoods, our civic settings, etc.). In Pope Francis’ words, we as lay people are to “bring the perfume of Christ’s love not only in churches and parishes, but in every environment.”


The Institute forever changed the way I view and wish to live my faith in my day to day walk with Jesus Christ. -Institute of Lay Formation student

An Invitation Dear Friend in Christ,

Greetings of Peace! I invite you to consider applying to our diocesan Institute of Lay Formation. The Institute is a program and process of prayer, study, and reflection on the Catholic Faith, on the life of discipleship and witness in the world, and on service and ministry within the Church. To apply, you will need to complete an application form and have it signed by your pastor (to indicate your parish's support of your application). The application deadline is Friday, June 29. Application information and materials are available on our diocesan website ( and by contacting the diocesan Office of Lay Formation & RCIA (507-858-1270 or Information sessions on the Institute will be held across the diocese in mid-April (see details on this page). If you have any questions about the Institute at any time, please don't hesitate to contact me. I wish you God's grace and guidance as you consider your participation. May God bless and be with you! Sincerely,

Todd Graff Director of Lay Formation & RCIA April, 2018 w The Courier

Safe Environment


April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month �innesota Communities Caring

for Children recently put out some data in light of Child Abuse Prevention Month (April), and the information made me realize how far the Catholic Church has come in its fight to prevent child abuse. VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children live training is designed to increase public awareness of child sexual abuse and to provide adults with the knowledge and tools they need to prevent and, if necessary, to respond appropriately to child sexual abuse. To date, close to 12,000 employees and volunteers have been VIRTUS trained in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Through our Circle of Grace children’s program, adults work with children and young adults to recognize that each of us lives within a Circle of Grace that holds our very spirit in body, mind, heart, soul, and sexuality. Children and youth are taught to identify and maintain appropriate physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual boundaries; recognize when boundary violations are about to occur; and demonstrate how to take action when boundaries are threatened or violated. In 2017, more than 11,000 children received the Circle of Grace training.

April, 2018 w The Courier

Below is the information released by Minnesota Communities Caring for Children, home of Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota (

• April is Child Abuse Prevention Month; it is a time to celebrate the good things our communities do to promote healthy child development, as well as a time to reflect on the work that still remains.

• We all have a role to play in healthy child development, and our goal this April is to help others recognize that role and the ways in which we can maximize our impact. • Did you know? Research commissioned by Prevent Child Abuse America shows that most people are already involved in prevention by mentoring children or parents (70%), donating (80%), or advocating for children and families (77%). However, people do not realize these actions relate to prevention! Only 27% of respondents engaged in those activities reported involvement with child abuse prevention.

• According to our research, there is a strong message of hope. Most people think child abuse and neglect is a serious problem, and most people believe that the problem is preventable.

Mary Hamann

Safe Environment Program Manager

• Even more importantly, our research shows that it is normal for adults to be involved in prevention. 97% of adults have said they would take action on behalf of children; they just do not know how. • By helping to show others how they can be involved in child abuse prevention and explaining how every day actions can create the context for thriving communities, we can activate those people who want to be involved and encourage even more to learn more about what prevention is and how they can play a role.

• This year, we are encouraging people to join with most Americans and take one of three simple actions: Mentor a child or parent. Advocate for policies that support children and families. Donate time or money to child-serving organizations.

St. Mary's School, Madelia Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Submitted by JEN SLATER

�t. Mary’s School in Madelia has been a busy place

this school year! We are celebrating our second year of growth in number of students. We are seeing that families increasingly value what we have to offer. From a holy, happy and safe environment, to the great test scores and academics we help children in our area achieve; our Catholic mission is being shared with more and more families. Our dedicated staff work tirelessly to ensure that the standards are being taught and they know just who they are teaching day in and day out. Each of our students is encouraged to grow and share the gifts and talents God has given them. We are also working hard to make improvements on our buildings. We have already renovated our student bathrooms, added a classroom, reconfigured a new library space, replaced many classroom windows and we will soon be replacing the windows in our gymnasium and our social hall. We are asking our

Catholic Schools

A Busy Place


alumni to help support our newest mission. If you are an alumnus and would like to help, please find us on Facebook or call the school for more information. On Thursday, April 5, we hold kindergarten round up. We welcome any age students of any faith at any time. If you have interest in joining our family, please contact our school either by email or phone. You can email Principal Jen Slater at jenlslater@ or call the office at (507) 642-3324. We look forward to growing our family even more in 2018-2019!

Jen Slater is the principal of St. Mary's School in Madelia.

Sacred Heart School, Adams

In Pictures 1. Students dressed as St. Mary, St. Bernadette, St Francis of Assisi and St. Patrick for the All Saints Day Mass. 2. Lydia, a first-grader, celebrated Grandparents Day with her grandma and grandpa, eating homemade rolls and playing Bingo.



3. The Sacred Heart Vex Robotics Team will attend the World Championship in Louisville, KY, at the end of April. There, they will compete with teams from China, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, and many other places. 4. Sacred Heart's famous juggling team practices in gym class each week and performs at various functions, such as halftime at local basketball games. The jugglers have also performed at a Timberwolves game and a Minnesota Gophers game.




5. Principal Darlene Boe was made into a "human sundae" to celebrate the raising of over $34,000 for the school marathon. 6. Kindergarteners and first-graders sang a song for a Communion reflection at a Sunday liturgy. 7. For a mission project, students in grades 4-8 raked leaves for local Adams residents.


7 April, 2018 w The Courier

Diocese of Winona-Rochester


Why Have a Co-Cathedral? �s the Diocese of Winona-Rochester pre-

pares for the historic addition of St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral, many of our readers might be wondering how common a co-cathedral is in our Church. While the vast majority of dioceses worldwide have one cathedral, it’s not uncommon to see examples of dioceses elevating churches to co-cathedrals, especially in circumstances where demographics change. The US Church has seen several churches elevated to the status of co-cathedral. A simple Google search uncovers 16 examples: Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-Cathedral Archdiocese of Anchorage

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Archdiocese of Baltimore Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph Diocese of Burlington

Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Diocese of Fort WayneSouth Bend Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More Diocese of PensacolaTallahassee St. Joseph Co-Cathedral Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph Diocese of Brooklyn Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine Diocese of Trenton

D You i d Know

St. Patrick’s Co-Cathedral Diocese of Great Falls-Billings

Viable Parish, cont’d from pg. 1

see people respond to it over and over again, so it only seems right that we're in a place that we can offer this to an even broader community." This chapel is used for daily Mass and small liturgical celebrations "I think we have taken seriously all of the significant at St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral. factors that create a viable parish," said Mahon. "We have beautiful liturgical music, and, also, the space that we have in our church is so welcoming; our welcoming hospitality is a really significant piece that makes us viable. We have a wonderful formational team, ... a Catholic school, which is another sign of our viability. Outreach is a very, very high priority for us." Just a few notable examples of the parish's outreach include: Door Ministry, which provides vouchers, meals, This statue of Mary, sculpted by Joseph Aspell, occupies a devobus tickets, and assistance from volunteers to tional space at St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral. members of the larger community on Tuesday ple who love the Catholic Church and and Thursday mornings, serving up to 2000 desire to follow, coming people each year. to a co-cathedral will generate within • A school built in South Sudan with $1 million them some enthusiraised by parishioners. Though civil war has asm for their belongclosed the school, the parish continues to eduing. We all desire to belong, cate students of the school who have relocated. and so I think belonging to • St. John's Block Party, a music event that, over a co-cathedral is a sign of its 10-year run, raised more than $120,000 for enhancing what we already do local charities. and a way in which we already "We always are looking for where there is a need," are a very viable parish.” Kelsey said, "and that is how our staff determines what “We’re so thrilled and we are going to be working on in the future. Is this pleased, and I think we are event going to be meeting a need? Is it going to offer called to more,” Kelsey hospitality? Is it going to welcome people? Those three added. “It calls us to questions help us judge whether we're going to move something more in terms forward with a new program or a new event." of who we are and our own Will a change to co-cathedral status have any effect search and desire to share on St. John’s form of outreach? something that we love. It “It seems to me that it will enhance what we’re gives us that much more of already doing,” Msgr. Mahon said, “because, for peoan opportunity.” This statue of St. Joseph and a young Jesus, sculpted by Joseph Aspell, stands in the gathering space at St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral..

April, 2018 w The Courier

Basillica of St. Mary Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

The A ? r and chdiocese Con-Catedral Dulce Nombre de Jesus M o Diocese of Fajardo Humacao (Puerto Rico) curre inneapo f St. Pau nt lis t l ook name after Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker its Po Diocese of Samoa-Pago Pago Minn pe Paul in 1 966 ea Mary polis’ Ba VI elevate s to a c d An especially familiar example from this o-cath ilica of St. edral. list is the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and MinBefor then, e neapolis. The archdiocese’s website chronii t w know n as t as cles a history of change: he Archd i o c ese of St. • In 1850 a papal decree formerly estabPaul. lished the Diocese of Saint Paul.

St. John Gaulbert Cathedral Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown

Cathedral of St. Joseph Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph

• In 1888, the Diocese of St. Paul was elevated to an Archdiocese after its Catholic population grew to 130,000 people and 195 church buildings. In the following years Minneapolis saw incredible growth of population and affluence, and, in 1966, Pope Paul VI issued a decree elevating the Minneapolis Basilica to the status of co-cathedral, and the Archdiocese of St. Paul became the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

The truth is that co-cathedrals can be found throughout the Catholic Church. These designations show the reality that the Church is not stationary, but always growing and adapting to the changing world, seeking to further the work of evangelization. As our Diocese of Winona-Rochester now takes this momentous step forward in our own story, we call upon the Holy Spirit to assist us in building up generations of missionary disciples. It is our prayer that the presence of St. John the Evangelist Co-Cathedral will assist in this mission, bearing witness to the sanctifying, teaching and shepherding of God’s faithful in this diocese.

A Cathedral More Than a Beautiful Building By BISHOP ARTHUR SERRATELLI Reprinted with permission by Catholic News Agency

� hen Constantine legalized the Christian faith with the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., the Church

emerged from Rome’s subterranean cemeteries and moved into the city’s basilicas. In these buildings, courts of justice were held as well as other public functions. In the basilicas of imperial Rome, the apse, located at the farthest point opposite the main entrance, was the seat of authority. Here the magistrates would sit in judgment. Here the emperor would be enthroned. Because of the importance of this space, the early Christians transformed the apse into the sacred space for the liturgy. Here the bishop, surrounded by his priests, would sit on a slightly elevated chair. Christians began to decorate their new liturgical space with elaborate artistic themes borrowed from imperial Rome. In this period of transition from a persecuted Church to a legal religion, the simple representation of Jesus as a young shepherd gave way to a more stylized image of Jesus as teacher and ruler of the world. This can be seen in the fourth century basilica of Santa Pudenziana, one of the oldest places of Christian worship in Rome. In the beautiful mosaic adorning the apse of Santa

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist From The History of the Diocese of Winona, Éditions du Signe, 2014

Pudenziana, Christ wears the purple-trimmed gold toga of the Roman emperor. The shepherd has become the ruler of the world. He holds a book in his left hand. He extends his right hand, expounding his lesson in the fashion of a classical Roman teacher. On either side of him are the apostles to whom he is entrusting his teaching and authority for future generations. Early Christians worshipping in this basilica would see in the mosaic above Christ seated on a jewel-encrusted throne with his apostles surrounding him. Directly below him, they would see their bishop seated with priests beside him and his faithful before him. Instinctively, they understood. In the life of the Church, the bishop continues Christ’s mission. His seat or cathedra is the place of Christ’s own authority. Thus, in Christian tradition, the cathedra symbolizes the bishop’s role as the teacher to whom Christ entrusts a particular church to sanctify and govern. In every diocese, there is one church designated as the cathedral. In a prominent place in the apse or sanctuary of this church stands the bishop’s seat or cathedra. This is what makes a particular church building a cathedral and the bishop’s church.

The first Catholics, of Irish and German descent, came to Winona around 1854, though Fr. Augustine Ravoux had visited the site of Winona as early as 1841 on one of his journeys from St. Paul to Prairie du Chien. In 1856, Bishop Joseph Crétin, the first bishop of Minnesota Territory, visited Winona and offered the first Mass of which there is a record, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Urell. At that first Mass, all the Catholics of the vicinity met and a parish was organized.... ...[The Church of St. Thomas was completed in 1857]... ...On December 27, 1889... [Fr. Joseph Cotter, the pastor of St. Thomas Parish] was consecrated as the first Bishop of Winona. With this appointment... the church came to be called St. Thomas Pro Cathedral. ...The number of Catholics of German nationality was small, but there was a desire among them to have a church and, especially, a priest who would continue to instruct them and their children in their native language... [so they built St. Joseph Church four blocks away, completing it in November of 1862]... ...The inadequacy of the St. Thomas Pro Cathedral to meet the needs of the growing Diocese of Winona became more and more apparent as time went on. In 1944, [money was raised] for the construction of a new cathedral... [and]discussion began for the merger of Saint Thomas Parish and Saint Joseph Parish to form the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. On June 15, 1950, the Vatican granted a petition to unite the parishes, only four blocks apart, but long separated by language and nationality. On October 25, 1952, Bishop Edward Fitzgerald consecrated the altar and celebrated the first Mass in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. Liturgical directives of the Second Vatican Council necessitated an updating and renovation of the cathedral [between 1979 and 1982]. These included acoustic improvements, installation of a new pipe organ, and remodeling of the sanctuary. Also, the cathedra (chair of the bishop) was moved, as were the shrines of St. Mary and St. Joseph... The main altar was reduced in size and brought forward. ...The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart underwent another major renovation starting in 2005. This included the major remodeling of the church space, the addition of an Adoration Chapel, and a large gathering space. The newly remodeled cathedral was rededicated on June 5, 2007. [Very Rev. Mark McNea is the rector of the cathedral.]

Because of its theological significance, the cathedral is usually the most beautiful and historic of all the churches in a diocese. In fact, the presence of the bishop’s cathedra makes the cathedral itself a symbol of the theological role of the bishop for the local Church and a reminder to the faithful of the very nature of the Church herself. Bishops are successors of the Apostles. The inspired author of the Book of Revelation describes that apostolic mission. He says that the New Jerusalem is built on twelve foundations “and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles” (Rev 21:14). As the foundation supports a building and keeps the entire structure together, the bishops have the divine mandate to keep the church united in the faith that comes to us from the apostles. “The individual bishops are the visible source and foundation of unity in their own particular Churches…it is in these and formed out of them that the one and unique Catholic Church exists” (Lumen Gentium, 23). As the Second Vatican Council teaches, the Church, in its deepest reality, is a communio. It is a sharing through grace in the life of the Father given us through Christ and in the Holy Spirit. And, the most visible, most important

11 Diocese of Winona-Rochester

The Church of St. John the Evangelist celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2013. This parish was the first Catholic church in Rochester, founded in 1863 by Father James Morris on the very block that the current church stands today. The first church was dedicated on December 1, 1872, and, after almost 30 years of growth, an expansion called for a new cornerstone to be laid on October 12, 1900. With an awareness of the need for Catholic education, three new schools opened for classes on this same block in 1913: a grade school, St. John High School for girls, and Heffron High School for boys. Plans were formulated during the 1950s to replace the old church. The new building, built in 1956, became one of Rochester’s most distinctive architectural structures of the times. The church, built of Mankato stone, was very simple with straight lines, but was impressive and dignified in its contemporary style. Reverend Monsignor Gerald Mahon, pastor since 1995, oversaw a major renovation of the church which culminated in the dedication of the new space on May 19, 2002, the Feast of Pentecost. The interior of the church was turned 180 degrees and a new chapel, gathering space, fellowship area, and peace garden were all added during the project. The parish received permission to connect with the downtown pedestrian subway allowing patients and caregivers access to the church from the neighboring buildings of the Mayo Medical Center. The parish is committed to upholding the church’s rich tradition of the arts as seen in the sculptures and stained glass throughout the space. The final event of the Sesquicentennial took place on November 9, 2013, when Saint John Parish presented a concert premiering the piece “What I Have Seen and Heard,” an original composition by Saint John Parish’s director of liturgy and music, Sebastian Modarelli. The work followed the journey of the church’s patron saint, Saint John the Evangelist, through some of the most moving stories of the Gospel. Most Reverend John M. Quinn, bishop of Winona, was present and offered a message of gratitude and thanksgiving for all who have had a role in the history of this parish, and he recognized its vital presence as a gift to the Rochester community and the Diocese of Winona.

From The History of the Diocese of Winona, Éditions du Signe, 2014

manifestation of the Church as communio is “the full, active participation of all God’s holy people in the same liturgical celebrations, especially in the same Eucharist, in one prayer, at one altar, at which the bishop presides, surrounded by his presbyterate and by his ministers” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 41). And so each time the bishop, who is the high priest of his diocese, celebrates the Liturgy in his cathedral with the priests and the faithful of the diocese, the very mystery of the Church is made visible. Because of this theological richness of the cathedral, people over the centuries have consecrated their native soil with so many magnificent cathedrals. With much labor and many sacrifices, believers have built, maintained and renovated Notre Dame in Paris, Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Hohe Domkirche St. Petrus in Cologne, Stephansdom in Vienna and St. Patrick’s in New York, to name a few. They understood, as we do today, that the cathedral is more than a beautiful church. It is the sacred place where God makes visible his Church as a hierarchical communio, as the Body of Christ, as the sign and sacrament of salvation for the world. Bishop Arthur Serratelli is the bishop of Paterson, NJ.

April, 2018 w The Courier

On Church Weddings

Ask a Canon Lawyer


Jenna Cooper

Tribunal Coordinator & Judge

sation from canonical form.” Or, in other words, since the requirement of canonical form is what we call a merely ecclesial law (that is, a law which the Church actively created for the sake of the well-being of the faithful, rather than a question of basic morality or a precept received from God Himself), the bishop has the authority to relax this obligation in certain special cases. Problems and Their Resolution

Dear Jenna, With the wedding season upon us, I was hoping you could shed some light on this important topic. Many of our young people who do wed are now coming up with all kinds of ways that are problematic with the Church. This, as I'm sure you are aware, has resulted in many invalid marriages and problems within families whose children are Catholic. A good explanation of the dos and don'ts on this topic would be very helpful. Also, what to do to con-validate an invalid marriage?

-Scott Bute St. Casimir Parish, Wells

o start off with an answer to this great question, it might be helpful to review the Church’s teaching on what constitutes marriage on the most essential level. Namely, marriage is a life-long, faithful, exclusive union between one man and one woman which is open to the creation of new life. Although only marriage between two baptized Christians is a sacrament, anyone who enters into a matrimonial union that aligns with the Church’s understanding of marriage still has a (presumptively) true and valid natural marriage. We all know that these days, secular society often promotes other understandings of what marriage could be. Yet we as Catholics believe that our basic definition of marriage applies universally to all human beings across the board, whether baptized or not. Therefore, we know that no matter who we are considering, a “marriage” between two men or two women; or a wedding where the couple vowed to stay faithful “just as long as love shall last;” or a union where the couple decides never to have children under any circumstance, while taking steps to prevent pregnancy from ever occurring; or a “marriage” that is not an exclusive relationship, is not truly a real marriage at all. Sadly, these days many young people have lacked good role models of the Church’s teachings on marriage and family life when they were growing up. Indeed, they may have lacked even good secular role models of a healthy natural marriage. Additionally, contemporary popular media often tends to normalize the idea of divorce and remarriage. Because of this, it can happen that today’s young adults might enter into marriage with a confused idea of what matrimony actually demands, or they may approach their wedding day intending to promise something other than what the words of the wedding vows actually say. April, 2018 w The Courier

What happens if a Catholic fails to observe canonical form in his marriage, and also did not receive a dispensation prior to the wedding? Such a person would Still, the good news is that since, in God’s plan, the then be in what we call an “irregular union,” meaning fundamental nature of marriage is written very deeply that while they are living as a married person, they are on the human heart, most people do have at least the not technically considered married in the eyes of the genuine intention of entering into a true marriage on Church. This is a serious situation, because it means their wedding day, despite whatever confusion may that that individual is essentially living in a state of cohabitation as a non-married person, just as a boybe floating around in our cultural milieu. As a result, friend and girlfriend might live together without being among the general population it’s relatively rare to find married. Judging the basic facts of the action itself (i.e., a marriage that is invalid on account of the mistaken not judging the consciences of the persons involved), assumptions or bad intentions of the spouses. this kind of living arrangement is gravely sinful. But happily, often this kind of problematic scenario Requirements for Catholics is fairly simple to put right. For a couple who has no Turning now to those prerequisites for a valid marriage impediments, or reasons why they might be unable to which apply only to Catholics, our current canon law marry each other, all they need to do is approach their requires that baptized Catholics be married “accordpastor and ask to be married properly. If no impediing to canonical form” in order for their wedding ments exist, they can exchange their marital consent to result in a valid marriage. “Canonical form” is officially before the appropriate Catholic minister, more or less just a technical way of saying and their situation would then be fully “in a Catholic ceremony.” Because marresolved. Sometimes people call this Do y riage for Christians is a sacrament that o “having their marriage blessed,” or a u qu h impacts the whole Christian commu“convalidation,” but technically in cano e s t i o n ave a n la abo canon law this “blessing” is really nity, the Church directs Catholics to you ut w t hat the actual wedding itself. exchange their matrimonial conto s w o u l d ee l If one or both parties does sent before a properly-appointed i k e her answ have an impediment, things e minister (usually a parish priest e r e ? d jcoo can be much more complicator deacon), and ordinarily in a per@ E m a i l with dow ed. For example, if one or both Catholic church building or cha.o of the parties was previously pel in the context of the approved que " C o u r i rg stio e married, the tribunal would r liturgy. n" the i n need to investigate whether If a Catholic bride or groom subj ect those previous marriages were fails to do this—for example, if they line valid. If they were found to be marry in a non-Catholic church, or . invalid, the parties would be free to before a justice of the peace, or if they marry once they received a declaration go to Las Vegas to have Elvis preside over of nullity (a.k.a. an “annulment”). However, their wedding—their marriage is not consince some failed marriages may still have been fully sidered valid, even if they otherwise were capable of valid ones, there is never any guarantee that a person marrying each other and had the proper intentions for who applies for an annulment will wind up receiving their married life. one. Still, living in accord with the Church’s marriage Exceptional Cases laws is vital for both our spiritual life and our eternal salvation. While obviously the best thing is to make But of course, we all know that life can be complicated, good choices in the first place, nobody should let a comso what happens if it’s practically impossible for a plicated past history deter them from trying to make Catholic to marry in a Catholic ceremony? For instance, things right in the present. It’s important to keep in what if a Catholic man wants to marry a Lutheran mind God is always pleased whenever we take a step to woman, but it will cause a great deal of conflict among reconcile ourselves with His Church, and we can have the bride’s Lutheran family if the wedding of their only full confidence that He will happily give us whatever daughter takes place in a Catholic Church? In difficult strength and grace we need to face the challenges this pastoral situations like this, it is possible for the local might involve. bishop or his delegate to grant what we call a “dispen-

April 22 Is

Good Shepherd Sunday Rev. Jason Kern

ast fall, I filled in at a parish for the weekend Masses. Before starting Mass, they had an introduction given by the lector for that day. After a couple of brief announcements and welcoming me as the guest celebrant for the Mass, the lector said, “Let us now say our parish prayer for vocations.” The entire congregation opened up the hymnal to the front cover where there was a special prayer for vocations that was offered. I was impressed! I even asked someone if they were doing this just because the vocations director was there or if they do it every week, and indeed this was their weekly custom. April 22 is given the title World Day of Prayer for Vocations in the Church. This is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. It is a special day set aside to remind all of us of the importance to pray for young people who are discerning God’s will and to beg the Harvest Master to send more laborers for the harvest! God is calling our young people; may we pray for them to hear His voice amidst so many voices that press upon them. The USCCB provides this description of the day:

The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). As a climax to a prayer that is continually offered throughout the Church, it affirms the primacy of faith and grace in all that concerns vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life. While appreciating all vocations, the Church concentrates its attention this day on vocations to the ordained ministries (priesthood and diaconate), to the religious life in all its forms (male and female, contemplative

Pope Francis gives an address each year for this day of prayer. This year, he addressed three aspects of the call to a vocation: to listen, to discern, to live. Here is a brief excerpt from his address: The 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations once again proclaims this good news to us, and in a decisive manner. We are not victims of chance or swept up in a series of unconnected events; on the contrary, our life and our presence in this world are the fruit of a divine vocation! Even amid these troubled times, the mystery of the Incarnation reminds us that God continually comes to encounter us. He is God-with-us, who walks along the often dusty paths of our lives. He knows our anxious longing for love and he calls us to joy. In the diversity and the uniqueness of each and every vocation, personal and ecclesial, there is a need to listen, discern and live this word that calls to us from on high and, while enabling us to develop our talents, makes us instruments of salvation in the world and guides us to full happiness.

Pope Francis has made this a priority in the current life of the Church as he has called a synod for this coming October on the theme of young people and their relationship to faith and vocation. Making this priority shows his concern for how we as a universal Church can continue to walk with young people to help them listen to God’s call, discern what God is calling them to, and take action to live what they have heard. In what ways can we be more intentional about helping young people listen to God’s call? How can we help them sort through the multitude of options to discern and sift out what God’s voice is inviting them to? How can we help them respond with joy and excitement about the call to do the will of God in their lives? While responses

to these questions could fill a number of pages, I will briefly say we have to be ready to teach young people to pray and learn the way of following after Jesus in a friendship! Upon experiencing the beginnings of the journey of discipleship and conversion, they can begin to distinguish his voice from the many pressures and expectations that are put upon them. Then, as they hear that consistent voice calling them to trust, they can take action to follow the path that is laid for them by our Lord. God is faithful and will always guard the young person who seeks his or her vocation with integrity and availability to the will of God.


Director of Vocations

and apostolic), to societies of apostolic life, to secular institutes in their diversity of services and membership, and to the missionary life, in the particular sense of mission ad gentes.


April, 2018 w The Courier

Faith in the Public Arena


Overcoming Gun Absolutism �ive years ago, just after the Sandy Hook massacre, I wrote a highly criti-

cized column on gun control. The causes of gun violence, I noted in that column, run deeper than easy access to guns, and include a media culture filled with violence, and consumer choices supporting it. But I denied that we are powerless as a matter of public policy to decrease gun violence. I also reiterated long-held positions of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, namely, support for improved background check systems and bans on certain semiautomatic weapons and highcapacity ammunition magazines. Multiple mass killings have transpired since Sandy Hook, most recently in Parkland, FL, and the wisdom of the bishops’ consistent stance remains clear. It is past time to put aside gun ideology and come together to protect the right to life. The Limits of Gun Regulation

Most gun regulations proposed in the wake of these tragedies will not significantly decrease gun deaths overall – most of which are suicides, followed secondly by homicides in urban areas. Similarly, mass shootings are not primarily about guns. These tragic events, shaped by our violent culture, are often born out of despair. Hurt people hurt people. If we limit access to guns, in some instances those same persons will find other ways to kill. The needed policy changes and moral renewal are more comprehensive than simply changing gun laws. Yet, gun policy matters. Common-sense regulations to prevent the most egregious acts of gun violence come with very little cost and may save hundreds of lives per year. Getting Beyond Absolutism, Fear, and Ideology

To move forward, the ideologies of gun absolutism need to be abandoned. Gun opponents need to recognize that outright gun abolition is unlikely any time soon. The use of effective force in self-defense is a natural right, and the U.S. Constitution protects the use of a gun to do so. If the policy goal is protection of human life, then the policy strategy should aim to build common ground and enact, incrementally, sensible laws. A policy strategy motivated instead by an ideological hatred of guns rather than the defense of persons is a political dead end. Similarly, gun-rights advocates must recognize that they can either be part of the solution or remain part of the problem.

April, 2018 w The Courier

Much like abortion proponents, the rhetoric of gun-rights advocates often implies that any sensible and humane regulation is an illicit imposition on one’s choice—in this case, choice of weapon. Hunters and farmers may prefer the use of AR-15s with bump stocks for recreation or defending livestock. But one must weigh a desire for a faster tool to shoot prairie dogs against the protection of the common good and others’ right to life. Others claim military-style weapons are necessary to protect against a tyrannical government, the true meaning of the Second Amendment. The likelihood of a “well-regulated,” Minnesota citizen-militia being called up to fight the federal government is essentially zero, and the likelihood of an unsanctioned and unregulated militia effectively doing so is even smaller. These arguments against background checks and banning bump stocks are a distraction from real, common-sense reform. Becoming People of Peace

Gun-rights absolutism often stems from fear and false worldly wisdom that counsels protection while nurturing a culture of death. According to the Center for Injury Research and Prevention, there are approximately 350 million guns in circulation in the United States; 113 guns for every 100 persons. Almost two million children live with unlocked, loaded guns in their home, and one out of three homes with kids has a gun. In 2014, 2,549 children (age 0 to 19 years) died by gunshots and an additional 13,576 were injured. At what cost does our obsession with guns achieve the “protection” we demand? There is a reason Our Lord said that those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Though pacifism is a legitimate and noble strain of our Christian tradition, Catholic social teaching is not opposed to gun ownership for hunting or self-defense. In our society, it is a right and should be exercised responsibly. But we must ask ourselves as Christians whether an absolutist position in support of gun rights—borne more in fear than faith—is what we want to convey to others. Are we promoting a culture of life and of peace? Are we working to turn swords into plowshares? Are we offering a credible witness to our faith as people of peace? As disciples of the Prince of Peace we must renounce the trafficking, sale, or stockpiling of weapons that have no serious civilian uses, and promote policies ensuring gun ownership promotes public safety and defends life, instead of hastening its destruction.

Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

Take a stand today to support common sense gun laws that uphold the common good and right to life. Call your legislators and ask them to support the following legislation: HF 1605 (Pinto)/SF 1262 (Latz) - Gun violence protective orders authorized for persons posing a danger to others. This bill allows law enforcement and family members to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others. HF 1669 (Pinto)/SF 1261 (Latz) - Closing loopholes in current background check requirements related to the transfer of firearms. The bill requires all private party firearms transfers to be processed through a federal firearms license holder and for a private party to pass a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check before a firearm may be transferred between private parties. To find contact information for your state senator and state representative, call 651-296-8338 or visit ActionCenter and click on directory.

What if You Had

Mary Alessio

Director of Advancement Catholic Charities

�illions of adults and children have watched The

Wizard of Oz. It’s a classic. If you are like me, your first encounter with the movie was a bit daunting. I remember hiding under a blanket for a good portion of it. Life outside of Kansas may have been enticing, but it was also intimidating and scary. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I recognized various life lessons tied to the characters. I began to see the influence of the scarecrow’s wisdom, the tin man’s love, and the lion’s courage and fortitude. But, beyond all those great qualities, I saw the power of compassion come alive in those characters when their priorities shifted to help someone in need; it was a great and life-changing power they all possessed. It was just hidden under the surface. One of my favorite lines from the movie still echoes in my head. The great and powerful Oz says to Dorothy, “You always had the power; everything you were looking for was right there with you all along!" The Catholic Charities 2018 Annual Appeal poses the question, “What if you had great power at your fingertips?” Paradoxically, Jesus told us that the Kingdom of God is within us. He wanted us to know Heaven was within our reach and that he was the way. And his example of compassion is a life-changing power! St. Matthew beautifully articulates the glory of Jesus in his compassion. Jesus did not simply act out of compassion. He defined compassion. Matthew tells us that it is out of compassion the dead are made alive (9:18-26), it is out of compassion the blind receive their sight (9:27-31), it is out of compassion the mute can talk (9:32-34), and it is out of compassion Jesus prays for us (9:35-38). He taught, preached, and healed out of compassion. Compassion literally means to “suffer with us.” Jesus shows us over and over again that his entire ministry is summed up by one word: compassion. He gave us a new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you”(John 13:34). His greatest act of love and life-changing compassion for all mankind was that he willingly suffered and died on the cross for our sins. Compassion calls you and me to experience the suffering of others and to respond by providing help and creating hope. At Catholic Charities, your compassion is life-changing for families in crisis, vulnerable adults and seniors, and children in need. Last year your compassion changed the lives

of more than 6,400 individuals residing in more than 3,900 households; 60%of those households had an annual income at or below $25,000. As the social service arm of our diocese, Catholic Charities’ 17 programs provide compassionate care for people throughout the 20 southernmost counties of Minnesota. It is the power of your compassionate generosity and support that makes the difference. Because of you: •

• • • • • •

Young, single parents are provided a pathway to move onward to education completion and upward to employment in a healthcare profession with licensed social workers accompanying them on the journey to selfsufficiency. Low-income individuals lacking prescription drug insurance are assisted with enrolling in programs to receive their prescriptions at reduced or no cost. Families, couples, and individuals are provided with competent, caring, and licensed mental health services, regardless of their ability to pay. The homeless are provided shelter and compassionate care by volunteers who staff the Winona Warming Center. Older adults are connected with elementary children to develop meaningful relationships across generations through Pen Pal and Book Buddies tutoring programs.

Adults 65 years and better are provided with support services that allow them to remain independent living in their homes and engaged within their communities.

The promise of hope and new beginnings replace memories of fear for children who come from parts of the world where the only childhood memories they have are those of war, death, and destruction.

Those unable to make reasonable choices about their lives and property are provided with compassionate caseworkers who serve as court-appointed guardians/conservators.

Catholic Charities

Great Power at Your Fingertips?


Jesus reminded us that what we do for another we do for him (Matthew. 25:45). We belong to each other. The key to attaining true happiness and everlasting joy comes when we “suffer with each other” and seek means to remedy it. There is no one who has not, or will not, suffer in this lifetime. We have ample opportunities each and everyday to help alleviate the loneliness, sorrow, and heartache of others. The compassion of Christ lives within you and me. At times, it may just be hidden under the surface (as with those beloved characters in the Wizard of Oz), waiting patiently to come to life. Compassion is the great power at your fingertips! When we encourage and nurture compassion within our children, we are giving them a priceless gift - a gift that will bring them more joy than anything money can buy. Compassion won’t just change the life of the person in need; it will change your life forever! Your compassionate generosity, your prayers on our behalf, and your support of our mission makes all the difference. Heartfelt thanks for your kind, life-changing support of Catholic Charities Annual Appeal—Mother’s Day weekend—May 12 and 13.

Mary Alessio Director of Advancement

April, 2018 w The Courier

U.S. Bishops Issue Statement on C a t h o l i c E m p l o ye rs Win Injunction Against Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 16 WASHINGTON—The U.S. his principle of non-violent resistance, even CASC Mandate

In the Nation

Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Administrative Committee has issued the following statement March 28 marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Administrative Committee serves as the Board of Trustees for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Committee's full statement follows: No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn 15:13). April 4th marks 50 years since the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. On this day, as we reflect on his life and work, we need to ask ourselves if we are doing all we can to build the culture of love, respect and peace to which the Gospel calls us. What are we being asked to do for the sake of our brother or sister who still suffers under the weight of racism? Where could God use our efforts to help change the hearts of those who harbor racist thoughts or engage in racist actions? This anniversary gives us an important moment to draw inspiration from the way in which Dr. King remained undeterred in

April, 2018 w The Courier

in the face of years of ridicule, threats and violence for the cause of justice. Dr. King came to Memphis to support underpaid and exploited African-American sanitation workers, and arrived on a plane that was under a bomb threat. He felt God had called him to solidarity with his brothers and sisters in need. In his final speech on the night before he died, Dr. King openly referenced the many threats against him, and made clear that he would love a long life. But more important to him, he said, was his desire to simply do the will of God. Our faith urges us to be courageous, to risk something of ourselves, in defending the dignity of our neighbor who is made in the image of God. Pope Francis reminds us often that we must never sit on the sidelines in the face of great evil or extreme need, even when danger surrounds us. St. Paul proclaims that: “We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body” (2 Cor. 47-10). We can best honor Dr. Martin Luther King and preserve his legacy by boldly asking God—today and always— to deepen our own commitment to follow His will wherever it leads in the cause of promoting justice.


CASTLE ROCK, CO-- A federal judge has ruled in favor of Catholic Benefits Association (CBA) members, issuing declaratory relief and a permanent injunction against the Obamacare CASC (contraception, abortifacient, sterilization, and related counseling) Mandate. The ruling also eliminates $6.9 billion in fines that have accumulated against CBA members. The judgment means that the government cannot force Catholic employers who are members of the CBA to provide the mandate CASC coverage. The court stated that the federal government "violated RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act)" by trying to coerce members into providing CASC services. Four years ago, the CBA challenged the Department of Health and Human Services' mandate (HHS mandate) in the district court, claiming that the mandates were in direct conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Two federal lawsuits were filed in 2014 by the Catholic Benefits Association (CBA), a membership association that represents more than 1,000 Catholic employers, including the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. U.S. District Court Judge David Russell ruled that his decision is permanent. The court's injunction binds not only the current administration but future administrations, protecting CBA members from any other regulation in the future that tries to use the "women's preventive services mandate" to force CBA members to violate their conscience. "This is the tremendous win," said CBA Chief Executive Officer Douglas G. Wilson. "The first freedom in the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment right to freedom of religion. The court has rightly ruled that employers should not be forced to violate their beliefs and cover morally problematic elective and often low-cost choices that individuals may wish to make."

Cotter Schools Join Locks Fr. Tom Niehaus o f Co mp a s s i o n Ef f o rt R e c e i v e s Birthday Quilt Submitted by LINDA SCHRUPP

Submitted otter Schools proudly partnered with Catholic VANGNESS Charities for our Lenten outreach project this year. Throughout Lent 2018, individually packaged locks were available for students, faculty, staff, families, and friends of Cotter to decorate with a “sign of compassion.” The locks were then locked on to our fence display – an outward sign of each individual’s hope and commitment towards living with compassion every day. In addition, a $5 donation for each lock decorated was invited and encouraged. All donations were given to Catholic Charities to be used in direct support of refugee children and their families in southern Minnesota. Over the 40 days of Lent, Cotter Schools achieved our goal of decorating 500 locks! And we successfully raised $2500 in support of our refugee brothers and sisters across the diocese. We are grateful to all who so generously supported this project.


eed a spark for your spirit, ladies? The Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (WDCCW) has the perfect ‘fuel’ for you! It’s the 20th Biennial Conference of the Province of St. Paul/Minneapolis Council of Catholic Women. You are part of that province! The six Catholic dioceses of the state of Minnesota come together once every two years to pray, share, learn, socialize and celebrate together. This year we will gather at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont on June 25-26. You have the option to attend one or two days. I hope you’ll attend both! Monday will be leadership training development led by the leadership team from the National Council. Tuesday will feature speakers Kathy Bonner and Sheila Snow Hopkins, Mass with Bishop Quinn, and so much more. Registration information should arrive at your parish office by April 16. Look for the flyer. Ask for it if you don’t see it! Find a friend or two in your parish and register to come. “Ignite the Spirit Within” you - the women of your parish, our diocese and our province. See you in June!



t the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, March 17, at St. John Baptist de la Salle Church in Dodge Center, the parish honored Fr. Tom Niehaus for not only his 40th birthday but also his enthusiastic shepherding of St. John Baptist de la Salle, part of the Mary, Mother of Mercy Catholic Cluster which includes Sacred Heart, Hayfield; St. Columbanus, Blooming Prairie; and the oratories of St. Vincent de Paul, Linda Schrupp is the local admissions coordinator for West Concord; St. Francis Cotter Schools and Winona Area Catholic Schools. de Sales, Claremont; and St. Mary, Geneva. The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus from Bishop Edward Fitzgerald Assembly 548 out of Rochester also participated in the Mass. The ladies from St. John’s presented Father with a handmade quilt, hand embroidered and stitched by ladies of the parish. Fr. Joe, an associate pastor from Goodhue and priest friend of Father’s, also joined the festivities.

In the Diocese

I g n i t e t h e Spirit Within


Dianne Vangness is the secretary of St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish in Dodge Center.

Fr. Tom Niehaus (left) and Fr. Joe display the quilt Fr. Niehaus received for his 40th birthday.

Jeanette Fortier is the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocese Council of Catholic Women.

Exhortation, cont'd from pg. 2 prayer.” “Naturally, this attitude of listening entails obedience to the Gospel as the ultimate standard, but also to the Magisterium that guards it,” he stated, “as we seek to find in the treasury of the Church whatever is most fruitful for the ‘today’ of salvation.” Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the United States bishops' conference, praised the exhortation in a statement released Monday, saying: “In this exhortation, Pope Francis is very clear – he is doing his duty as the Vicar of Christ, by strongly urging each and every Christian to freely, and without any qualifications, acknowledge and be open to what God wants them to be – that is ‘to be holy, as He is holy’ (1 Pet 1:15). The mission entrusted to each of us in the waters of baptism was simple – by God’s grace and power, we are called to become saints.”

April, 2018 w The Courier



In the Diocese

Sister M. Ellene Gross, SSND, professed in 1945, died February 28, 2018, at Good Counsel. A native of Napoleon, ND, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1942 and professed First Vows in 1945. She served as a home service sister, nursing assistant, home health aide and parish volunteer. Many of her years of service were on Good Counsel Hill in various capacities, including the Good Counsel Academy boarder department, motherhouse and academy food service and taking care of the priest and guest dining rooms. She is survived by her sisters, Helen Schmidt, Eleanor Waelhof and Phyllis Babnick; her brother Adam; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends and colleagues; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Christina (Schwartzenberger) Gross; and her brothers Joseph, Andrew, Alfred, Anton and Valentine. Her funeral liturgy, with Father Joseph Fogal presiding, was held March 7 in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial in Good Counsel Cemetery. Deacon Edwin Bonnarens died peacefully March 5, 2018, in California, where he had spent the final years of his life. Born August 27, 1939, in Sigourney, IA, he graduated from high school in 1957 and served in the U.S. Army from 1957-60. He married JoAnn Johnson in 1964. They had no children but cared for many. Deacon Ed worked in construction as a heavy equipment mechanic until 2002. He was ordained August 9, 1986, in the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO. He served at St. Ann Parish in Warsaw, MO, for two years, followed by service at St. John Francis Regis Parish in Kansas City, MO, through 2002. He then moved to Minnesota, where he served at St. John Vianney Parish in Fairmont and Holy April, 2018 w The Courier

Family Parish in East Chain from January 2003 until December 2014. His main ministry was helping his widowed older sister, Barbara Ann Flammang. He is preceded in death by his wife, JoAnn, who died on Easter Sunday, 2012. His funeral liturgy was held March 15 at St. John Vianney Church in Fairmont. Msgr. Tom Melvin, as the Bishop's representative, was the celebrant.

Sister Christina Cegelske, OP, died March 7, 2018, at St. Dominic Villa in Hazel Green, WI. S i s t e r Christina was born June 1, 1924, in Fairmont, the daughter of Peter and Mollie (Kuntz) Cegelske. Prior to entering the Sinsinawa D o m i n i can Congregation, Madeline Jean Cegelske served in the U.S. Navy, 1944-46. She was a nurse at the U.S. National Naval Hospital in Bethesda, MD, and at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Norman, OK. Madeline obtained the rank of pharmacist mate, second class. Sister Christina made her first religious profession as a Sinsinawa Dominican Aug. 5, 1949, and her final profession Aug. 5, 1952. She taught for 28 years, specializing in kindergarten; cared for family members for nine years; served as director and teacher for a day care center for six years; and volunteered for 11 years. Sister Christina served in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Sister Christina cared for her family in Fairmont from 1977-1986. Her parents and sister, Elisabeth Kammerer, preceded her in death. She is survived by her Dominican Sisters with whom she shared 68 years of religious life. A Memorial Mass was held at the Dominican motherhouse in Sinsinawa, WI, March 22. Burial of the cremains will be in Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Fairmont at a later date. Memorials may be made to the Sinsinawa Dominicans, 585 County Road Z, Sinsinawa, WI, 53824-9701 or online at

Sister Valerie Olson (Sister Katrine), 90, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on March 12, 2018. Valerie Cecilia Olson was born April 18, 1927, in Lismore to Elmer and Cecilia (Weitzel) Olson. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1951 from St. Mary Parish in Ellsworth. Sister Valerie made first vows in 1953 and perpetual vows in 1956. She completed a nine-month secretarial course at Mankato Commercial College in 1945 and received an Associate in Arts Degree from Rochester Community College in 1986. Sister Valerie served in the business office at Saint Marys Hospital in Rochester for 27 years

and followed that with 15 years as personnel coordinator in human resources at Saint Marys, where she coordinated recruitment and selection of applicants for various positions at the hospital. She retired in 1995 and served as an Auxilian for three years before moving to Assisi Heights, where she volunteered in various capacities until her retirement in 2004. Sister Valerie is survived by her Franciscan Congregation with whom she shared life for 67 years and her siblings Floyd (Mary Ann) Olson of Omaha, NE; Diane (Albert) Larsen of Mankato; and Eileen (Herman) Wineke of Ellsworth. Preceding her in death were her parents; a brother, Roy Olson; and a sister, Ardys Lockey. A Funeral Mass was held March 21 in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes at Assisi Heights in Rochester. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Suite 100, Rochester, MN 55901.

Sister M. Karen Lay, SSND, 91, professed in 1946, died March 27, 2018, at Good Counsel. A native of St. Paul, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1943 and professed First Vows in 1946. She served as a teacher, principal, Newman Center staff member, diocesan staff member (Bismarck), B e g i n n i n g Experience leader and parish minister. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she was a principal and teacher at St. John the Baptist, Mankato (1961-65); staffed the St. Thomas More Newman Center (1965-66); and directed programs for the Good Counsel Education Center (1990-92). She is survived by her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, colleagues and former students; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Philip and Anna (Mechtel) Lay; her brothers, Lawrence and Joseph; and her sisters, Sister Germaine Lay, SSND, Rose Weiss, Irene Pihl, Marceline Lay and Sylvia Weiss. Another brother died in infancy. Her funeral liturgy, with Father Joseph Fogal (a former student) as presider, was held April 4 in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial in Good Counsel Cemetery.

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary Church in Winona the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held first Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 76 W 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info: Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral in Winona, 7-9 p.m. the first Friday each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-7601619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events St. Patrick Church, Brownsville April 15, Sunday Breakfast in Breza Hall follows 8 a.m. Mass, served until noon. French toast, southern-style scrambled eggs, sausage, cheesy hash browns, fresh fruit, coffee, milk, orange juice. $7 adults. $3 6-12. Free under 6. 604 Adams St. in Brownsville. MN State Capitol, St. Paul April 17, Tuesday MCC's Capitol 101. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. An event to help Catholics take part in state government. Learn what goes on at the Capitol, such as how an idea becomes a law, and hear from legislators about how you can make a difference. Pray for our legislators. 3 dates offered: Feb. 26, Mar. 16, Apr. 17. Sessions not designed to build upon one another. Registration required for this free event. capitol-101 Assisi Heights, Rochester April 20-22, Friday-Sunday Beginning Experience offers a weekend retreat to help adults grieve the loss of a love relationship through

Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m.; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m; & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Attn: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James Tel. 507-375-3542

Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313

Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington Tel. 507-440-9735

Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11 am Sun. 1 pm Sun. 7 pm Sat. Austin, Queen of Angels Owatonna, Sacred Heart St. James, St. James 11 am Sun.; 5:15 pm Fri. 11:45 am Sun. 12 pm Sun. Windom,St.FrancisXavier Lake City, St. Mary Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 pm Sun. 6:30 pm each 3rd Sat. 2:30 pm Sun. (bilingual) Worthington, St. Mary Madelia, St. Mary Rochester, St. Francis 7 pm Sat.; 11 am Sun.; 10 am Sun. Noon Sun. & 7 pm Thurs. 6:30 pm Tues. & Fri.

death, divorce or separation. Participants step into an opportunity to love themselves, others and God in a renewed way. Mass and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation are available. For more information, contact beminnesota@gmail. com or leave a message at 507261-8248. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona April 21, Saturday FOCUS Women's Retreat, featuring music and ministry by His Own. Enjoy talks, praise & worship, adoration and confession. Retreat begins with 8 a.m. Mass at the cathedral and concludes by 4 p.m. A light breakfast with coffee and a lunch will be provided. Registration $20. To register, visit www.dow. org/event-details/473

St. John Vianney Church, Fairmont June 25-26, Monday-Tuesday 20th Biennial Conference of the Province of St. Paul/Minneapolis Council of Catholic Women. Meet with CCWs from all six MN dioceses! Registration info should arrive at your parish office by April 16; ask if you don't see it! St. Michael Church, Sioux Falls, SD July 26-27, Thursday-Friday A Disciples Response, 2018 ICSC Region VIII Stewardship Conference. Two-day conference

provides opportunity to gather with parish and diocesan staff from the 10 Catholic dioceses of MN, ND and SD. Learn best practices in stewardship and development. For more info: Melinda North (605) 988-3725. To register: stewardshipconference. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 22, Saturday Pre-Cana retreat for couples preparing for marriage 9 a.m. 6:15 p.m. Register at event-details/469

St. Stanislaus Basilica, Winona April 21, Saturday Spring Craft/Art/Gift Show from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school gym (602 E 5th St.) Lunch will be available. Come shop our many vendors. St. Patrick Church, West Albany April 29, Sunday Annual chicken bbq served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. or until gone. On scenic Hwy 60 between Zumbro Falls and Wabasha. Sacred Heart Church, Adams May 6, Sunday Celebrating Fr. Swamy Pothireddy's 25th anniversary of priesthood with a reception following 11 a.m. Mass. Calvary Cemetery, Rochester May 12, Saturday Living Rosary for the Unborn at 11 a.m. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald Assembly 548. All are invited. Info: Alan Peterson at 507-421-3205. St. Thomas More Newman Center, Mankato May 19, Saturday Pre-Cana retreat for couples preparing for marriage 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Register at https:// /pre-canaonline-registration. Pax Christi Church, Rochester May 19, Saturday Diocesan Pentecost Vigil Mass 7-8:30 p.m. We will pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the people and ministries of our diocese. Mass celebrated by Bishop Quinn. All are welcome, with a special invitation extended to members of lay movements and to those who have recently entered the Church through RCIA, and their sponsors. April, 2018 w The Courier

April 2018

• The Courier

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