Nottingham Diocesan Yearbook 2022

Page 216

AROUND OUR RELIGIOUS HOUSES Holy Cross Priory, Leicester During the summer of 2020 the Leicester Dominican community elected a new prior, Fr John-Patrick Kenrick who has worked in London, Cambridge, Oxford, and for 6 years in Russia and Ukraine as the Order’s Vicar General. He has also been novice master and then Dean of St Edmund’s college, Cambridge. He, Fr Anthony Rattigan, former prior, and Fr Luke Doherty are kept busy with the ordinary round of parish life, the chaplaincy to the two universities and visiting the hospital, schools and prison. In 2020 we were joined by Fr John Farrell, former provincial, and then Fr Richard Ounsworth, former provincial bursar. Fr John keeps busy with talks on zoom and retreat work, although that has been reduced as a result of Covid restrictions. In his spare time he has given our garden a complete makeover. Plants long lost in the former jungle have been uncovered and nurtured and new plants have also been judiciously introduced to create a harmonious integration of several smaller spaces with their own distinct shape and character. Fr Richard has also been using zoom to give lectures on the New Testament and to give tutorials to students as far away as the USA. He has also given study days for lay Dominicans and day retreats to Dominican sisters. On Tuesdays Fr Richard guides and inspires the keen members of the Leicester scripture group. Thanks to his remarkable culinary skills the brethren now regularly enjoy home baked bread.

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Although the rhythm of priory life has changed more than once due to the Covid crisis, the work we do has not changed that much. We still celebrate mass at the usual times and hear confessions. The Covid lockdown has produced some new opportunities. The need for livestreamed mass led to requests for an improved system and that has resulted in vastly improved quality of transmission on YouTube. Fr Luke divides his time between Leicester prison, a handsome building which some innocent tourists use as a backdrop to selfies, and his very demanding role as bursar, which at present includes overseeing the repairs to the parish centre now called The Frassati centre after St Pier Giorgio Frassati. As prison chaplain Fr Luke regularly visits the prisoners who are most vulnerable. Sometimes the intervention of chaplains can help the inmates open up more about either their own experiences and hopes for the future, or their interest in religion as part of their rehabilitation. Prison chaplaincy is both a preaching opportunity and also a chance to answer questions which the inmates may have about God, religion, or scripture. Some inmates will find a great deal of consolation in their faith, at a time where they may be isolated and off from their families. Normally, Mass is said in the prison every week and the chaplains will put on classes to increase knowledge of the Bible, or classes on how to pray the Rosary”.

Poor Clare Colettines, Bulwell

Nottingham Diocesan Yearbook

Articles inside

Religious Obituaries

pages 239-254

Diocesan Clergy Obituaries

pages 221-238

Around our Religious Houses

pages 216-220

Around our Diocese

pages 183-205

Around our Schools

pages 206-215

Clergy Anniversaries

pages 155-182

Consecration to Virginity

page 154

Historic Churches Committee

pages 138-141

Liturgical Calendar 2022

pages 142-151


pages 152-153

Chaplaincies to other language communities

pages 104-106

Catholic Organisations and Societies

pages 123-137

Directory of Parishes

pages 65-102

Academies and Schools

pages 117-122

Celebration of Mass according to the 1962 Missal (Extraordinary Form

page 103


pages 62-64

Diocesan Charities

pages 55-57

Clergy of the Diocese and Seminarians / Diaconate Students

pages 33-35

Communities of Consecrated Life

pages 47-50


pages 36-42

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, CaTEW

pages 19-20

Clergy Anniversaries since 1850

pages 58-61

Secular Institutes and Secular Orders

pages 51-54

Preface & Editorial

pages 14-16
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