Double You Relationships - Free Sample

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Double Your Relationships

Based on a true story

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To all men who struggled to seduce beautiful women. Apply this book to your life and you shall never struggle again.

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Page 3 of 25 Table of Contents Double Your Relationships.............................................................................................................. 1 Author’s Note 7 Chapter 1: We got Engaged. ........................................................................................................ 10 Passion and Love: Error! Bookmark not defined. The Beauty of Love....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. The Richest Person in the World Error! Bookmark not defined. Love is Forbidden......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. The Meaning of Life Error! Bookmark not defined. Out of Love Motivation is Born.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Love Drives Fate Error! Bookmark not defined. Love and Deception ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Out of Love, Sacrifice is Born Error! Bookmark not defined. Out of Love, Dedication is Born ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Out of Love, Passion is Born Error! Bookmark not defined. Love and Friendship..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Love and Values Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter One Summary................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter 2 The End of the World. 12 We Had a Fight.......................................................................................................................... 13 The Fear of Losing Her 14 Conflicts..................................................................................................................................... 15 Seeking Help Error! Bookmark not defined. Finding Answers in a Haystack:.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. How to Deal with a Breakup Error! Bookmark not defined. Treating Emotional Pain............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter Two Summary Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter 3 Starting the Game ........................................................................................................ 16 A Light at the End of the Dark Tunnel 17 The Path to Attraction and Seduction ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. The Alpha Male Error! Bookmark not defined. Let the Games Begin .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Our First Outing Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter 3 Summary .................................................................................................................. 19 Chapter 4 Methods of Attraction and Seduction 20 Attraction Switches................................................................................................................... 21 Here are some examples. ......................................................................................................... 22

Preparation - Before Going Out:........................................................................................... 23

Approach and Open Error! Bookmark not defined.

Approach:..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Mystery Method Error! Bookmark not defined.

Phase 1 – Attract – A1, A2, A3 ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A2 – Female to Male Interest Error! Bookmark not defined.

Negative Compliments (Negs): .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A3 – Male-to-Female Attraction Error! Bookmark not defined.

Phase 2 – Comfort – C1, C2, C3.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

C1 – Build Rapport Error! Bookmark not defined.

Physical Connection..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

C3 – Intimacy Error! Bookmark not defined.

Phase 3 – Seduction – S1, S2, S3.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

S1 – Foreplay Error! Bookmark not defined.

S2 – LMR – Last Minute Resistance ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

S3 – Sex – The Close. Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter 5 Field of Beautiful Women .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Sacred Weekends Error! Bookmark not defined. Locked in Set ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Truisms Error! Bookmark not defined.

Hoops ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Shit Tests: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Peacock Theory:........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Qualification and Disqualification: Error! Bookmark not defined. Markers:....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

The Attraction Funnel Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 5 Summary ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 6 Dubai Here We Come Error! Bookmark not defined. Dubai in Action:............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Night Game in Dubai Error! Bookmark not defined.

Opening in Night Game:............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Eye Contact Error! Bookmark not defined.

Body Language and Posture ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Day Game Error! Bookmark not defined.

Opening Methods in Day Game:.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Challenges in Day Game: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Shopping Bag Opener .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Hired Guns Game: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Day Game at the Mall: ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Deep Connection Routines: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 6 Summary ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 7 Error! Bookmark not defined.

London, here we Come.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Bootcamp Basics Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Deep Connection Routines: ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Training – Day 2 Error! Bookmark not defined.

Training – Day 3 ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Hired Guns Game in London: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Building Rapport .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Your Perfect Girl Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 7 Summary ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 8 Moving to South Africa Error! Bookmark not defined.

Landing in Johannesburg, South Africa........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Why Are Women Attracted to Bad Boys: Error! Bookmark not defined. Johannesburg – A city of Life and Beauty:................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Moving to Sandton Error! Bookmark not defined.

Analysis Paralysis ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Opening in Johannesburg Error! Bookmark not defined.

Opening on the Gautrain ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Bitch Shield Error! Bookmark not defined. Opening in Standard Bank ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Opening in Sandton City Error! Bookmark not defined.

Being Alpha on Dating Apps.........................................................

Approaching in Bookstores

Bookmark not defined. Opening at the Gym:....................................................................

Night Game in Johannesburg:

Bookmark not defined. Speed Dating Events Error! Bookmark not defined. My first Bootcamp in Johannesburg............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Congruence Error! Bookmark not defined.

My Second Bootcamp in Johannesburg....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Moving Sets: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Deep Connection Routines .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Jewelry Routine Error! Bookmark not defined. How to Create a Sexual Tone:...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 8 Summary Error! Bookmark not defined.

Analysis Paralysis: ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Bitch Shield: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Being Alpha on Dating Apps: ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Deep Connection Routines: Error! Bookmark not defined.

Negative Compliments – Negs..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Moving Sets Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 9: The Perfect Girlfriend in Saudi Arabia ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Moving to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Error! Bookmark not defined.

Meeting Women in Riyadh Saudi Arabia..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Jeddah Error! Bookmark not defined.

The Veiled Girlfriend:................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 10 Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Alpha Male Communications 101................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

You can find a link to learn about this book here:

Page 6 of 25 Forbidden Patters in Seduction ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. The October Man Sequence Error! Bookmark not defined. How to Elicit Multiple Girls: ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Advanced Symbolic Morphology Error! Bookmark not defined.

Author’s Note

Throughout my years in high school and in college. I struggled to attract women. Whenever I met an attractive girl, I would approach her to talk, but I failed For some mysterious reason women did not find me attractive. I spent most of my life living in oblivion, not being able to answer the question: why was it that any woman I approach did not want to go out with me, or have a relationship with me?

When I went to college in North Carolina, in the US, I used to settle for any girl that would talk to me. I thought being nice, having friendly conversations and just being a friend to girls, they would like me enough to go out with me, I was wrong on all accounts. I would be stuck in the friend’s zone.

When I became a working professional in my mid-twenties, I would have random relationships here and there, only very few turned into a long-term relationship. After meeting the love of my life – Helen, and falling head over heels for her, I was ready to commit. We were finally having a serious relationship that would turn into a potential engagement and then finally marriage.

In my one-year relationship with Helen, being in love with her I felt like I was the richest man in the world, everything was perfect. Then we had the biggest fight ever, and we ended up breaking up. It was all over. The intense love that I felt was no longer there, the feeling left a hollow void in my heart, a painful wound that I thought would never heal. The feeling of pain created hatred towards women. It was in this moment that I decided on a new resolve, to find the deepest secret on how to be attractive to women, how to attract women and have a longterm relationship with them. To seek the truth to solve the biggest problem in my life.

After researching online, I stumbled upon a book, “The Game” by Neil Strauss. A true story about an average person who met a secret community in the US that dedicated their lives to meeting and attracting beautiful women. It was a matter of applying the book to my life. I discovered the simple truth that the number one quality that women find attractive in a man is confidence. I decided to make that my mission, how to elevate my confidence to a new level so I can attract the woman of my dreams.

There is an unfathomable amount of videos online on how to attract women. Some of the content is fake, and lots of it is acted just to increase the number of views. There is a daily influx of creators who show videos about seducing women, but you will not know what is true or not. You may try a technique you saw online but you will not know why it did not work. In this book, I will show you a systematic way on how to build up your confidence to approach, attract and seduce women.

I will share what I learned in my mission of attracting high status women. I will show you the techniques and tools I used, I will cover how I applied the concepts I learned in books of seduction, bootcamp training and social interactions with women in different countries.

I will walk you through how I formed relationships with women in Dubai, Bahrain, London and in Johannesburg South Africa. I will cover the interactions I had, the rejections I faced and the

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relationships I formed. I will explain the best methods I cultivated to attract women I met in the daytime and at night.

I answer the questions on how to attract women in shopping malls, on dating apps, in café’s, in bars or restaurants, and in business conferences. I will cover the different techniques I used and how you can apply the same techniques to your life, so that you no longer struggle to attract women. I will show you what worked for me in different countries in attracting women. I will explain how to read women’s body language to know when to escalate the interaction and what to say next to let a woman be intensely attracted to you. I will cover the process of talking to women, creating attraction, creating an emotional connection to building sexual attraction.

I went to London to attend a training bootcamp that I paid $ 1500 dollars for, I will cover what I learned in the training and the content I used to meet and attract women. I will cover the infield part of the training that we did with the instructor and allow you to avoid mistakes to fast track building your confidence with women.

When I was in living in Johannesburg South Africa I signed up for a three days bootcamp training where we covered daytime, and nighttime attraction techniques. I will mention the materials I used in the training and what worked for me. I paid $1200 dollars for the training along with my wingman where the instructors observed us live as we were approaching women and running the material. The instructors gave us immediate feedback on fixing our sticking points, I will cover what you can do to observe your mistakes and the techniques to fix them. I will mention a powerful NLP – neuro Linguistic Programming technique that I used to build up my confidence. If you have approach anxiety I will cover the different techniques you can use to fix it.

I will talk about how to build alpha male personality traits that will leapfrog your confidence. I will also mention what I did to help increase my confidence when approaching models and promoters at professional events. I will cover the material I used that worked well for me to attract women who work in shops, malls, and fashion events, they are known as hired guns. I will talk about the best ways to attract women in international exhibitions and corporate seminars.

In many situations you may have experienced rejection from a girl, I will cover the techniques you can use to overcome rejection statements; one of those techniques is called ‘the boyfriend destroyer’. I will mention actual examples that I faced when a woman rejected me and then came back to talk later in the same night and qualified for me. I will mention the best ways that worked for me to kiss a girl you just met, and how to number close her.

I invite you to join me on this adventure where I will cover the secrets to attracting women of beauty. If you thought that beautiful women are out of your league, I will prove you wrong, and I will back it up with proven examples. If you think you can never build up enough confidence to approach and attract a beautiful woman I will prove to you that you can and that you can take her home the same night. If you ever faced a problem in attracting women that you met on dating apps, I will give you exact techniques on how to solve it.

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If you would join me on this journey to find out how to attract the woman of your dreams, to help you form different relationships with women that you never thought was possible. I will uncover the secret that allows you to see the ‘matrix’ of attracting and seducing women where they will chase you instead of you chasing them. I will share the content of seduction experts that taught me different techniques on how to talk, how to touch and how to approach beautiful women

If you want to have immediate results I invite you to apply the techniques I mention in this book, you can copy them exactly or modify them and apply them. The more you apply them the faster the results. The more you apply the material I cover in approaching women the more women you will attract and form relationships with. If you want to form a romantic relationship with a woman, or a sexual relationship or have just a one night-stand, the material in this book will show you how.

Forget everything you may know about women. Ignore all the generalizations you read about or heard on social media about women. Ignore the preconceived notions you saw online or in videos. If you have limiting beliefs about sleeping with a Fashion TV model, or a Playboy playmate I will prove that it is possible. Professional seduction experts have been attracting celebrity women for years. These guys are not Hollywood stars or professional athletes, they understand the rules of the game, and more importantly know how to apply it to attract women of high status.

You don’t need money, fast cars, or wealth to attract women of beauty, it can help you, but you do not need it, this book will show you how. All I need from you is an open mind, so when you read this book, simply apply the concepts. Please do not judge the content or the material, and do not generalize before you apply the material, because pre-judgement and generalization as per NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming – will limit your experience in life and the results you desire.

Knowing the content is only one half of success, taking action and seeing the results is the other half. Success is never guaranteed however you can expedite it by taking action to reach your goal.

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Chapter 1: We got Engaged.

“Being madly in love with Helen, I felt like I was the richest man in the world.” Fonze Viera

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We had discussed our engagement party to be in April 2007. Helen and I decided to have it over the weekend so it’s easier for the families and our friends to attend. Plus, the weather is perfect in Bahrain in April, and we would have it outdoors to leverage the breeze and the fresh air. Perfect for a celebration of happiness. We had been dating for nine months before I decided that she was the one for me. Dating a Muslim girl in a conservative country is very different than the rest of the world. We would go out to private places since we cannot be seen in public together due to Muslim rules. We must be husband and wife or at least engaged in a Khutooba or Milcha before we can be seen in public. Our dating consisted of going to restaurants that had private tables for us to eat at, known as family rooms. Many times, families wanted to dine out privately so certain restaurants would have family sections that are separate from the public dining area of the restaurant. We would see many young couples on the way there, all dating to find the one that will be sharing their lives for the rest of eternity.

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Chapter 2

The End of the World.

“One of the most attractive qualities in a man is confidence.”

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We Had a Fight

Just like a normal couple, we had fought throughout the relationship. Arguments, teasing here and there, intense arguments, where both of us leave the conversation turned off or frustrated, and then we talk again the next day, sometimes I apologize and sometimes she does and then we kiss and makeup. This was typical of a lovey-dovey couple. Youthful love is very different than mature love for a married couple in their thirties and forties. For some strange reason, time goes much faster when you are younger and madly in love than when you are older and married.

But on that day, we had that one fight! That one big fight that stays with you for eternity. It is the fight that you start to think about all day, where you can’t sleep at night. Just lying awake thinking about it, because it hurt your feelings deeply, and it’s because the fight was with someone you love and care about. Those fights are very bad, and make you feel all kinds of negative emotions that affect your eating, sleeping, motivations, and goals, and sometimes they can make you take life-altering decisions. Those big decisions can have a massive positive or negative impact on your future.

Years later after studying NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), I learned that you should not make big decisions when you are in a bad stage in your life and you’re feeling a lot of negative emotions. You may run the risk of making a wrong decision that can alter the course of your life forever. For example, if someone very close to you passed away, stay away from making a bold decision to move to a big city, or quit your job and go do a master's/doctoral degree. These decisions may seem right at the time but because you made the decision when you were feeling a negative impact in your life it can backfire. NLP covers emotional states in depth. For example, women process their environment with the kinesthetic sense, in other words, they interpret the events that occur in their lives with their feelings and emotional senses. As per the NLP classification, women’s primary system of interpreting their world is: kinesthetic and the secondary system can be either visual or auditory depending on other factors such as college degree, upbringing, extracurricular activities and so on. Men’s primary sensory system is usually visual, and the secondary can be auditory or kinesthetic and in some rare cases olfactory (smell). Therefore, men interpret their world with visual cues and then make logical decisions based on the events that occurred to them. For example, if you went to college with your high school sweetheart, and you guys broke up during college, do not make the immediate decision to move to a different city. Fix the relationship if you desire to, if not, then continue and make the decision to move or do anything else six months or more after the breakup.

The aim is: do not make a rash decision that can have a major impact on your life when you are in a negative emotional state. You should always make big decisions when you are in a resourceful and rich or positive emotional state. Making decisions when you are in a positive and happy emotional state increases your likelihood of making the right decisions in your life. Of course, there are no guarantees, but from an NLP psychology perspective, making big life decisions when you are in a positive emotional stage in your life yields more successful results in the long term.

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The big fight we had put a major dent in my feelings for Helen. It hurt deeply right in my heart. The more you love and care about you partner the bigger the impact of the fight, and the bigger the emotional pain, I learned this the hard way.

The Fear of Losing Her

The fight lasted for days, and it was one of the longest days of my life. Constantly thinking about something that hurts is very painful emotionally. The effect of the emotions starts to play tricks in your brain, you start to question everything about the relationship, your beliefs, your religion, and your life. The constant question that sucks your energy and leaves you with a hole in your heart in always asking: Why this is happening? Why me? This question of ‘why’ was consuming my soul.

- Why did this happen to me?

- Why is this happening to me?

- Why am I feeling like this?

- Why did God do this to me? Does God hate me?

- Why didn’t this happen to anyone else? Is God testing me?

- Why did Helen do this to me? Did I do something bad to her? I was always good to her.

Trying to answer these questions is like an emotional vortex that sucks your energy and your life with it, along with any happy feelings you may have. I felt this awful feeling of hurt firsthand. My favorite food tasted dull; my favorite drink was bland when I drank it. Wearing my favorite jeans or shirts felt dull. My motivation to go work-out was dead, “Why should I go to the gym, I have no one to look good for, what’s the point? It doesn’t matter anymore, nothing I do does.”

I had no desire to go out with my friends or socialize, I just wanted to be left alone with my thoughts, trying to figure out this hole in my heart that left me empty. “And I cannot even call Helen, I have no idea what I am going to say.”

I accept physical pain over emotional pain any day, any time. Physical pain will last for a bit, then you take some pills and put a cast on it, and it's gone. And you feel much better afterward. With emotional pain, you simply cannot do anything, it’s always going to be there, you can’t just put a bandage on it, you can’t take pain killers, they won’t do anything, and you can’t ask someone to fix it or make it go away.

“I was so happy in our relationship, why did this happen? Why did this happen to me? I’m always a good person, I don’t hurt anyone, I go to church, and I pray to God. I donate money to the poor. So why me”

I realized later that there are no answers to the question of “Why”, and even if there were, they will not satisfy you, or take away the pain. Logic does not tix emotional pain. Even if you answered the question accurately, it would not relieve the emotional pain. The pain will still be there.

So, trying to answer the endless questions of “why” a waste of energy and time is.

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The biggest fear I felt in this fight is, “am I going to lose her?” Is this the end of our relationship? Is this it? Is this the answer?

If so, then why did I waist nine months of my life?

More “why” questions with no real answers. The fear of losing her, combined with the sad and frustrated emotions I felt made the feeling in my heart worst and worst. I felt like the frustration and sadness were turning into fury and vengeance. My sadness started to turn to hate by blaming her for the fight.

All these swirling emotions were racing in my mind unconsciously. I felt like I had no control over them. It was like there was a storm in my mind, each thought was like lightning force hitting my brain and into my heart. Each lighting strike was stronger and worst that the previous one. How do you deal with a storm that is out of control? How do you navigate it?

Seven days passed, and finally, I spoke with Helen. The fear, sadness, and anger were still there. But hearing her voice after seven days of being apart turned something deep in my stomach. That I loved her, and I missed her immensely. I remember when I dialed her number, she picked up the phone and said “Hello”, hearing her voice again and imagining her face, her lips, her eyes sent a sensation in my heart, like a sudden surge of electricity into my nerves, I closed my eyes and tried to control my tears, but I couldn’t hold the tears. I barely said, “hello, Hi Helen.” And my tears rushed down my cheeks. It’s strange, I normally never cry in relationships, but Helen was different. She was the one.

I sensed sadness in her voice, and she sensed it in mine. Trying to speak without crying was difficult, I tried to control my composure and my tone. Swallowing between words did not help at all. She knew me too well and I knew her too well for us to try to hide the emotions. Hiding the sadness was not possible. The conversation was tense, sad, and going nowhere. We talked for a bit more and then said we will talk later. We were still both hurt immensely from the fight. Deep down both of us had a feeling that this fight could be the end of the world for both of us. And the worst part is that we had to tell our parents that we fought and were no longer together, that is the wort part that gives off the worst feeling.

The feeling that tells you that you may lose something special to your heart is a very nasty feeling. Not knowing what is going to happen and trying to find a solution to what seems to be an impossible situation, the explosion of emotions of anger, frustration, fear, and nervousness all lead to energy exhaustion. No caffeine will not help, eating chocolate and Nutella will not help. With stress comes a lot of bad habits, I would stop going to the gym, I would not have an appetite for eating. I don’t want to go out, I just want to stay in and listen to sad music. You want to veg out and watch a few sitcoms to try to put back that smile on my face. The old funny sitcoms that I liked are no longer funny like they used to be. “Dammit Helen, you made me feel like I was the richest man in the world by falling for you, and then you made me feel the opposite of happiness like I’m the poorest man in the world”.

“Serious relationships are difficult to manage.”


Conflicts deal with persuasion. In other words, you want to convince your partner of your viewpoint. I learned the hard way that the best way to resolve conflicts is to do it when you are in a relaxed state of mind. Even if you are slightly tense, avoid conflict will just add.

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Chapter 3 Starting the Game

“The world’s greatest mystery is the mind of a woman.” Eric Von Markovic a.k.a “Mystery” author of “Mystery Methods”

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A Light at the End of the Dark Tunnel

I think society, the education system, and our parents failed us miserably because they did not teach us men the most important life lesson – how to attract and seduce beautiful women. If our education system focused on this one simple lesson, then you would see a substantial decrease in crimes against women such as rape, sexual assaults, and attacks. Here is my proof.

John is a sixteen-year-old in high school. He has low self-esteem and an introverted personality. He likes video games and computers. He has two close friends in school and is not popular among the girls. He has a crush on Amanda, a popular blonde in his class, but he never got the guts to go and talk to her, even if he did, what would he say. John continues to play online video games and asks the players online how to best approach and talk to Amanda. They tell him just to be himself and go talk to her. John is not convinced by this approach and so he asks his close friends. His friends come up with lame pick-up lines. John brushes them off and decides to ask his sister’s friend Rachael who is older, more mature, and seems she would have the right answer. Rachael’s advice was to pick a time when not many people were around, the more private the better. Approach Amanda, introduce yourself politely with a smile, and ask her if she would like to go to the movies sometime. John told Rachael that it would be too forward to ask her out, since maybe Amanda doesn’t know him well, plus maybe she has a boyfriend, and that he would look silly.

After much thought and research John decides he will go for it and approach Amanda the next time he sees her at her locker. Approaching her at her locker would seem the best time to do it since it would be quiet and not be many people around. Two days later, in the early morning, John spots Amanda going to her locker to get her things. It’s quiet just as he thought, not many people around so this is the perfect time to go. But something in his stomach is turning so fast like the wheels of a speeding car. Its anxiety, fear, and hesitations, the negative thoughts of: “what if she will not like me? What if she thinks I’m a creep or a weirdo? What is she doesn’t even recognize? What if my breath smells bad. what if… what if… what is….

John decides to take a leap and says screw it; I’m going anyway. As he approaches Amanda he notices her strawberry-blonde curls, and he indulges in her clear skin and beauty as he is thinking, “Wow! She is even prettier up close than at a distance. Now is the time, or never.” He gets close to her and locks up.

John: “Ahh.. Hi Amanda” with a shaky voice.

Amanda: “Ohh, Hii.”

John: “I’m John, we were in Geography class together, last year. “

Amanda: “Okay, Heyy, sure”

John: “What did you end up getting in that class anyway?”

Amanda: “I got a B. It was okay. Do you need help with homework or an assignment or something? “

John: “Oh no, wait! Do you? I can help you out in Math or Calculus class, anything you need help with.”

Amanda: “Oh it’s okay, I think I got it….”

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Suddenly two of Amanda’s girl friends rush over her from behind with very high energy screaming and laughing.

Amanda’s friends: “Heyy Amanda”

Amanda’s startled.

John is abruptly in shock and confusion.

Amanda’s friends: “Come join us, we have some details about last weekend.”

Amanda to her friends: “Really! Hmmm… share, now!”

And just like that they whisk her away.

Amanda briefly to John: “Sorry gotta go.”

Amanda’s friends: “Whose that..”

Amanda: “Some guy from my geography class two years ago…”

Amanda’s friends: “Ewww”

John feels defeated, lost in a pool of confusion, anxiety, and nervousness. Not knowing what to do, he walks back to his locker, feeling sad, and frustrated.

“What an idiot I was, what did I do!”

“She barely looked at me. That was just awful.”

John goes home angry, his mind swimming in a sea of fury and frustration. He resorts to the Internet, and slowly starts to ask himself why Amanda did not even care to look at him. Why she didn’t like him. Everyone told me to “be myself,” they told me just to approach her and talk to her. And that’s exactly what I did.

So why didn’t it go well? What went wrong?

These are questions that John would never know the answers to. Sinking in frustration he starts getting onto the internet, and a network of negative thoughts starts to cloud his mind. “Women are just plain bitches, and Amanda is the biggest one.”

I’ll show her the real John.

John starts going online and learns about hacking techniques to hack her social media accounts. To study Amanda’s life online, and to see who she hangs with, who are her friends, and who she sleeps with.

John is an example of millions of kids around the world who are shy, have low selfesteem, and feel afraid when approaching women. Many of those men carry the same frustrations into college and way into their adult lives. Many of those men later resort to activities such as stalking, obsession, and in many cases attacks on their potential targets. Because of their low self-esteem, they feel trapped, and the only choice they must is to resort to illegal activities. I strongly believe that if men learned the fundamentals of how to attract a beautiful woman successfully, we will witness a massive reduction in crimes against women globally. The good news is there are proven options for you to learn how to attract the woman of your dreams, which this book will explain. All you must do is apply the techniques mentioned and you will experience monumental success in pursuing your dream girl. You cannot jump the gun; you will need to learn the steps as building blocks and finally learn how to attract high-value celebrity-status women. It starts with learning the foundations, then into techniques, and then into the advanced implementation of techniques.

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Chapter 3 Summary

- Being an alpha male is one of the key ingredients for attracting women.

- The five characteristics of being an alpha male are:

o Smile when you walk in public.

o Be well groomed with a clean cut.

o High confidence.

o Connecting with people, being able to have an energetic conversation with people where you can add value to the interaction.

o Sense of humor.

- Part of being an alpha is being in great shape. You don’t have to be a super athlete but being in good shape drives up confidence unconsciously. So, aim to work out at least 3 times a week and keep to a healthy diet.

- Get used to being in social settings. Attend workshops, conferences, and exhibitions, this will make you comfortable in public gatherings. Also being comfortable in public events builds up your communication skills and allows you to interact with attractive women. Have you noticed the pretty promotion girls in exhibitions? Strike up conversations with them and get comfortable talking to beautiful women in a professional setting.

- Women’s main representation system – how they perceive the world is kinesthetic or emotions driven. Whenever a woman is talking to a guy her gut feelings will send her signals on how she feels, whether she feels relaxed or tense, or this guy is ‘creepy’. What the guy says, and the nature of the conversation plays a big part in driving the woman’s emotions.

- The phrase ‘words are the keys to a woman’s heart’. An alpha male understands this rule and knows what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to win a woman over.

- Always focus on contributing positive value to a conversation. Bring positive feelings from your experience and talk about them during an interaction and allow her to feel what you felt in that experience.

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Chapter 4

Methods of Attraction and Seduction

“Attraction is not a choice” David DeAngelo, a.k.a. Eben Pagon

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Attraction Switches

Mystery aka Eric Von Markovic loved magic. As a kid growing up in Toronto, Canada, he enjoyed performing magic tricks in front of groups of people and the applause he would get at the end. Being able to show his magic skills was a huge motivation for him to go out and perform in front of strangers. This gave him the courage to approach random people on the streets, at restaurants and cafes, and perform for them. At the same time, Mystery had challenges with attractive women growing up. He was shy and reserved when talking to beautiful women. At the age of 21, he decided to make a radical change in himself to solve this problem. He started going out every day, by taking the bus to the city center of Toronto and approaching women there.

Use used his magic tricks to approach crowds and then learned to use similar techniques to approach beautiful women. For ten years, he was approaching women randomly and saw what works. This method allowed him to develop the skillset needed to be able to attract super-hot women. Most men do not succeed at attracting the highest level of beauty: fashion models, actresses’ celebrities, and Victoria’s Secret models. Only a few super-confident wealthy businessmen or successful men can. Mystery decided that you do not need to be a wealthy, actor, or businessman to be able to attract gorgeous women, and he proved this point with his book, “The Mystery Method” where he outlines the model that he used to date some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood.

At the same time, Mystery was researching group and communication theory by reading books on Evolutionary Psychology. The research gave him a foundational background on human behavior, attraction, and relationships. Specifically, the common attraction switches that turn women on. Since they are based on Evolutionary Psychology, the same attraction switches work globally on women of different native backgrounds, religions, and beliefs because we all share common characteristics as humans. Even though women have different personalities they share the same common attraction switches regardless of where they are from. This is why when you ask any woman about that attracts you in a man, ninety percent will say “confidence”.

Here are the attraction switches:

1. Leader of Men

A person who leads a group of men to a certain objective, goal, or outcome.

2. Willingness to emote or show emotion.

Showing emotions in different situations shows that he has warm feelings.

3. Pre-selection

When a man walks with another woman into a venue, the more attractive the woman is, the more attractive the man is perceived to be because he is chosen by another woman.

4. Risk Taker

A man who takes risks has a higher chance of being successful than a man who doesn’t. Also shows he’s excited and willing to try different things adding more to the experience.

5. Care giver

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When showing that he cares for a pet, a family member, or a close friend, show’s the man is in touch with his feelings, which means she can experience those feelings.

The goal is to demonstrate your personality with the above attraction switches. If you demonstrate any three of the above switches a few times, the woman – your target – will be deeply attracted to you. And if you show four or more of the switches she will be in love with you. Again the above is based on evolutionary psychology so they work across cultures. There are books on Evolutionary Psychology that prove this such as Sperm Wars, The Selfish Gene, The Evolution of Desire, and the Art of Seduction.

Here are some examples.

Leader of Men: When you are the head of a department, or a CEO, CIO, or CFO – those are examples of the Leader of Men attraction switch. A chief level officer or director/executive level denotes that you are leading a group of people toward a goal, or an objective to achieve –hence a leader of the group. When the target learns that you are the CEO, founder, or Director of a company she will feel the attraction level of that switch. A business owner is also a leader of the men attraction switch.

Willingness to Emote: When you love something, you have a passion for a hobby and you practice it, that is a willingness to emote. You are showing a deep connection to something you are passionate about, such as pursuing a dream, a goal, and an objective certain education degree. These are examples of emotions that you are displaying. When you are sad and you cry due to a loss of a family member or a friend, that shoes that you are in touch with your emotions and the target will feel that. If you can demonstrate that in your interaction with her, she will feel attraction towards you due to that attraction switch – willingness to emote.

Pre-selection: Let’s say you met a girl in a café, and you started talking to her, and then you tell her that you helped your friend in university with her project, and now she wants to buy you a thank you gift. That’s an example of pre-selection. Another example is when you show the target a picture of your ex-girlfriend, that is another example of pre-selection. When you invite a female friend to come with you to a bar, restaurant, or a café then you are preselected – because the friend chose to come with you rather than to any of her other friends. When you walk into a venue with an attractive female friend, most people automatically assume you are dating, and hence the women will immediately feel jealous, and they will feel attraction towards you. The hotter the girl you walk in with, the more attraction the women will feel towards you. All this happens unconsciously, the women cannot explain it, they simply feel it, and most of them don’t know why they feel it. As David DeAngelo once put it

“Attraction is not a choice”.

Risk Taker: When you run your own successful business. When you make a bold move, and you take off and move to another country away from your home and family. If you change careers in the middle of your life and decide to take a leap of faith, these are all examples of risk-takers. A risk-taker shows that you have the courage and will to try something new and pursue it. It shows that you are not afraid of the consequence, and you are willing to take that jump to make something happen for yourself. Therefore, business owners are naturally

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attractive in the eyes of women. Ultimately, they are successful risk-takers. And women find that super attractive.

Care giver: when your mom is ill, or any other family member and you drop everything to go and take care of her, and visit them in the hospital. This shows you have a great caregiver; this translates that if you love your girl you will be there for her when she is ill, and she will feel comfortable and safe with you. When you demonstrate that in your relationship, she will feel a deep attraction towards you.

Demonstrating the five attraction switches is a key to a woman’s heart and a key ingredient for her to feel attraction towards you. I will show you how I used content from the five attraction switches that let girls become attracted to me. You use the material of attraction switches after the opening phase in the approach. After you open a set, and while you are in conversation. We will talk about the dos and Don’ts in conversation, for example, when you are interacting with the group, creating attraction, never talk about politics or religions, these are boring conversation topics that do NOT generate any attraction for you. They are a waist of your time and energy. We will cover this in detail later in the book.

Preparation - Before Going Out:

Before going out, you must plan your night in your head. You now have a mission to accomplish so you must set goals for the night that you want to achieve. For example:

- I will open 20 sets.

- I will open mixed sets and average-looking sets.

- If I see a solid nine I will approach and open without hesitation.

- I will do 20 number closes.

- I will dance with three girls on the dance floor.

You must define what you want to do that night and write it down physically on paper or your phone and take it with you. During the night review where you are in your goals and work on completing them. If you are just starting as a beginner you may have a goal like I will open 20 sets today and engage them. Or I will do three number closes and so on. You do not want to limit yourself to the goals, for example, you don’t want to set a goal “I will open only girls of nines and tens” this will limit your behavior, and if the venue does not have nines and tens then the night is wasted. Goals help give you direction and focus so you don’t get distracted. On a typical night, there are many distractions, so you want to stay focused. Avoid drinking alcohol unless the girl invites you to drink. Alcohol makes you more tired and distracts you easily, it is your enemy.

Here are the nine preparation steps before going out:

- Eat lots of fresh fruits to generate energy.

- Do sets of sit-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks to generate your blood flow. (If your max is 30 pushups do 35, and so on)

- Take a shower and wash your genitals thoroughly.

- Apply body spray (use citrus-scented ones)

- Use cologne (preferably designer label)

- Rehearse your routines and act them out loud.

- Use visualization, imagine yourself like James Bond, having a great night full of successes. Feel the emotions.

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- If you are going out with a wing man practice introducing him/her to the set – out loud.

control it, but the general advice from all professional seducers is not to drink if you want to have success in a night game.

Befriending the bar tender in the top venue places that you will frequent will go a long way for you. Here is what I did that worked well for me. After going to Zuma a few times, and since I was not living in Dubai at the time, we needed to have connections, especially at a time when we were there and wanted to book a table at the last minute. By the way, having a table at the venue is very high value, especially in popular bars and clubs. I tell the bartender that I’m having a catering party in three weeks' time, and that I’m looking for a bar tender for four hours. The event is in the daytime, from 4 pm to 8 pm, I’m looking for someone to handle the drinks at the bar. Of course, full compensation will be provided. Naturally, he says yes sure, I get his mobile number to send him the details one the date is confirmed. I make sure I tip him well at the end of the night when we leave. Done! Now I have him on my mobile and I can reach him any time.

In the future if I’m in Dubai and I’m looking for a last-minute table booking at Zuma, and they tell me it is fully booked, I can reach out to the bartender and ask him to help, having someone on the inside goes a long way to get things done. The bartender knows all the staff at Zuma and has high authority when it comes to influencing hostesses. It doesn’t matter that you will not have your catering party, but you tipped the bar tender well that night, and other nights, he will remember you. Also, if a new bar or club opens in Dubai, you can get the bar tender’s opinion on it, and he will give you honest feedback. Most bartenders know where other bars and clubs are because most of them are looking for better opportunities and better pay.

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