Alzafar Achbar

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The Alzafar Achbar is the Official Membership Newsletter of Alzafar Shriners: It is published monthly by Alzafar Shriners Stated Meeting ………………………….. 2nd. Thursday Monthly Chartered ………………………………………………… July 13, 1916 PHONE: 210-496-1625 San Antonio Shrine Auditorium: 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232: Alzafar Shriners E-mail: Official Website: 2018 ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Assistant Raddan ………………………………………Marty Bartlett High Priest & Prophet ………………………….Travis Elmendorf Oriental Guide …………………………………………Robert Norman Treasurer ………………………………………………………….Ron Trine Recorder ……………………………………………….Thomas Leverett 2018 APPOINTIVE DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ………………….Edward C. Rodriguez 2nd Ceremonial Master …………………………..James C. Hoyo Director ……………………………………………………Walter Koehler Marshall ……………………………………………………Thomas Martin Captain of the Guard ………………………………Ralph Flanigan Outer Guard ……………………………………………….David Hadley Chaplain ……………………………….P.P. Gregorio “G.I.” Flores 2018 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt P.P. Reese L. Harrison, Jr. ………Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bob” Jett …………….Emeritus Representative Daniel M. Hutchison III …………..Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bobby” Hunt P.P. Stuart H. “Stu” Simms 2018 FINANCE COMMITTEE Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Assistant Rabban ………………………………………Marty Bartlett Kyle Jackson ……………………………………………………….4 Years Richard Reyes III …………………………………………………3 Years Charles Davenport ………………………………………………2 Years Gary Bausell ………………………………………………………….1 Year ALZAFAR SHRINE PHOTOGRAPHER ………….Art Loera STATED MEETING The Stated Meeting of the Alzafar Shriners will be held on May 10th 2018 at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232. Dinner is at 6:00pm on a first come first served basis. The purpose of the Stated Meeting is to receive and ballot on petitions, to receive committee reports, to discuss and take possible action on agenda matters and any such other business, as might come before it. YOUR 2018 DUES CARD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ADMITTANCE TO STATED MEETINGS. BE SURE TO BRING THESE THREE THINGS:   

Your fez on your head Your dues card in your pocket The spirit of fun and good fellowship in your heart

Potentate Recorder

Jason Triggs Thomas D. Leverett

ILLUSTRIOUS SIR JASON R. TRIGGS POTENTATE OF ALZAFAR SHRINERS The spirit of competition is definitely filling the air. Everyone is putting the final touches on their performances and routines and ready to once again show that Alzafar is best in Texas and ready to take center stage as we travel to Tyler TX. for this year’s Texas Shrine Association ceremonial and competitions. If you have not registered or made your hotel reservations, it’s not too late. Contact the Alzafar Shrine office and we’ll be glad to get you all the information you need. Congratulations to our Assistant Rabban, Marty Bartlett, and his team for putting together a very successful golf tournament benefiting the Alzafar Transportation Fund. Noble Bartlett and his team committed countless hours of preparation and extraordinary efforts in obtaining sponsorships and donations. Only those who have had the opportunity to fill the shoes of an event coordinator of an event like this can truly appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to not only bring the team together, but also have everything in place so everything runs smoothly. Thank you Noble Bartlett and team for all you do for our patients in the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Our Fraternity has suffered the loss of many great men as of late. Men who I’ve looked up to, who have guided me, who I’ve laughed with, and who have challenged me to be a better person. I am so grateful to have known these great men and I am very thankful for what they have provided all of us. “I am always saddened by the death of a good person. It is from this sadness that a feeling of gratitude emerges. I feel honored to have known them and blessed that their passing serves as a reminder to me that my time on this beautiful earth is limited and that I should seize the opportunity I have to forgive, share, explore, and love. I can think of no greater way to honor the deceased than to live this way.” ― Steve Maraboli



Change is good

The year has started off great in raising money for our Shriners hospitals and transportation fund. We raised nearly $40,000 when it was all counted at the IHOPs in San Antonio and Laredo – so great job to everyone involved.

We all know that change is hard. Change is hard because we are wired to do the same thing again and again, regardless if that activity is good or bad. We also know how challenging it can be to go through change, but the positive consequences are what’s really awesome. I believe change is good. Even when it seems tough, one must learn to grow. Sometimes change happen slowly and sometimes a bit faster than anticipated, but change does happen. Doing something new, something different, something challenging tests ones mindset, ones beliefs and ones opinions. Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. One must embrace the opportunity of new experiences. When we look back at life, all the really amazing things will be because of new experiences. When one goes through a transition, one’s mind expands in ways that it hadn’t been the past. We find out about what we can handle and what we can’t. We learn about our limitations. We figure out what we are really made of. Without a doubt, change makes us more flexible and adaptable. We must learn to embrace change in a way that seems acceptable and achievable. If we learn to embrace change then we will learn to thrive in new situations. We need to walk tall with confidence into uncomfortable situations knowing that we can handle change. When you are open to change, you are open to saying YES. We must be open to new experiences and open to new opportunities. As we travel this journey together, I would like to quote Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

Our next major shrine-wide event is our Charitable Hospital Golf Tournament on May 4th at Brackenridge Golf Course. The tournament will include lunch, dinner, drinks throughout the day, some amazing prizes, a chance to shoot a golf ball out of a cannon and a chance to win a trip to the Masters next year for two for a hole in one. I have seen some of the silent auction items coming in (about 75 items so far), and the list already is starting to look impressive. You will also not want to miss the dinner and party that night. I am really excited about some of the hole in one and putting contest prizes that people can win. Please let me know if you can put a team of 4 together or call the office directly to register your team. If you are not a golfer, you can help us by locating silent auction items or finding hole or other sponsors. All donations are tax deductible, so we can all go out there and collect some donations. Yes, it will be one heck of a fun party that also raises a lot of money for our hospitals. This will be an event you don’t want to miss. So remember, we will be “Driving for Dollars and Putting for kids, so ya’ll Chip in.”


RECORDERS CORNER T-Bone Tommy Leverett

Well we are already in May, with over 40% of the year having passed. We have completed a few of he planned & approved capital projects. The trees look amazing. One more year and we will have the entire property trimmed up.

Circus, Circus, Circus that is all we hear from our Chief Rabban, Eric DeWalt. I think Eric has made some positive charges to the Circus and hope everyone gets behind him to insure we have a Great Alzafar Shrine Circus. As your Recorder, I think I will apply for a job in the Circus Shrine Circus, (75 th) this year. With everything going on in my office I feel like a juggler with multiple balls up in the air. Hopefully I am doing a good job and getting back with you on your request on a timely basis. If I fall short on my goal and let your ball drop please feel free to call me on my cell phone (210)617-8977. I truly love working with the Nobles, Masons and our wonderful ladies organizations and if it is important to you it will be important to us.

I would like to take this time to thank the many Nobles and units for making donations to our Mexico City Hospital, since our last stated meeting presentation and Achbar article. We have received from many units and individuals, stuffed animals for patients, color books and crayons for our educational unit, as well as financial donations from many Alzafar units and individuals, toward our purchase of a new surgical lazer machine, which will expand our burn care capabilities. Again, my heart felt thanks to all for helping make a difference in the health care of our kids. For anyone wishing to make a donation to the Mexico City Hospital, please make your checks payable to Shriners Hospital for Children–Mexico City, then on the memo line, Capital Projects. We also need Spanish reading books for kids age group K-12. This will help build the library for our educational program. On that note, in February we had 8 of our employees obtain their High School Diploma. A quick reminder, for anyone wishing to purchase a cabin at camp, please be reminded the transaction must be completed at the temple, such to insure all paperwork is handled correctly to transfer ownership, leases are paid up to date, along with reporting forms to Kendall County for taxes. Additionally, this is where the new owner will receive camp by-laws and rules. Please make it easier on all involved and do this at the office. We don’t care about your financial arrangements; we need to honor the process, for the benefit to all. Please continue to support your local Blue Lodges, each other, our Hospitals and your 2018 Divan as we proceed through another exciting and challenging year for Alzafar. A wise man once said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world”. Norman Vincent Peale

Camp Alzafar will always have a place in my heart. Many years ago, probably 20, Charlie Davenport and I were asked by members of Camp Alzafar to run for the Finance Committee to help keep an eye on the Divan and look after Camps best interest. I miss our cabin after 17 years and I still enjoy going out to one of Alzafar’s best asset. I think sometimes the Nobles forget their Masonic Oath they took and they want to complain about their fellow Mason and Nobles. Everyone with a Masonic relationship should be allowed to and encouraged to enjoy all the benefits that Camp Alzafar provides. To finish the story on Charlie D as the year progressed and his hearing started to fail Charlie would turn to me and ask “What did they say”? Sometimes I would try to explain to Charlie what was said and other times I would simple say raise your right hand and vote YES. We will all miss our good friend Charlie D. A true superstar of Nobles at Alzafar Shrine. Rest in peace my friend. We have lost too many great Nobles recently like Charlie D of the Directors Staff and Russ Pucket of the Golf Unit. Great Nobles that we can say made a difference in our lives and the Greatest Fraternity in the world the Alzafar Shrine. When you elected me as Recorder I told you my motto was “We aim to please, we don’t always hit the target. Come out and join us at the next event or Shrine Parade and find out why I say “Alzafar Rocks”!


MEMBERSHIP By: Al Rapoza The membership of the Shrine continues to grow through the efforts of every Noble. The slogan Membership... TOGETHER WE CAN signifies the joint effort that must be taken if we are to grow. Alzafar Shrine is determined to make membership a priority. "In order for our great fraternity to succeed, we must make sure every Noble understands the significance of membership". This is not an issue to be taken lightly. As your Membership Chairman, I will continue to work toward increasing the Shrine's membership. However, in order to make an impact, each individual Shriner must make this same commitment and work together to bring in new Nobles. If the Shriners don't pull together and start making strides toward increasing our membership, the Shrine will cease to exist as we know it. Remember: The key to our future is Membership... TOGETHER WE CAN.

The Boerne Shrine Club is gearing up for the annual Street Collection campaign to be held on April 21st in various intersections around the City of Boerne. It has been a very successful fundraiser in the past few years and we expect it to be even better this year as there will be a major car show going on in Boerne that will attract thousands of people to our city. We have lost 2 major fundraisers that were helping the Transportation Fund but we are working diligently to replace them with alternative fundraisers that will help us accomplish our mission to support the Transportation Fund. The time for the Street Collection is 8:00 am breakfast and preparation time at Kendall Lodge and the collection will be from 9:00 am to approximately 1:00 pm and then back to Kendall Lodge to wrap up the event. We look forward to seeing you in Boerne on the 21st. BURNING SUN By: Tony Calderon Start your engines Nobles! Your Burning Sun Unit is working hard to maintain our karts on the road. We had a blast at the Easter Party. We would like to thank everyone who had a hand in making it possible and fun. The Burning Sun unit was there to provide refreshing snow cones for the masses which we were happy to do. We had a great time this Fiesta season and with that in the books we continue to look to help were we can. So if you are looking for speed, excitement along with family fun come meet with us, every 2nd Wednesday of the month starting with quick social at 6:30 pm followed by the meeting at 7:00 pm room 5. We’ll save a seat for you.

BREWS BROTHERS By: Russell Brown

ANTIQUE CARRIAGE By: Rick “Tater” Reyes Hello to all you gear heads and car fanatics. Your Alzafar Shrine Antique Carriage Club is still gearing up for what we hope is the most successful car show we’ve ever had. So far, we have some really great sponsors coming in and we hope to have plenty of vendors in attendance as well to answer any car question you may have. The show is scheduled for Saturday, May 19th with the doors opening at 8am for registration. We’ve changed a few things for this years show so if you’ve never entered before, this might be the year for you. We’ve added a new Jeep division and have also changed up the Corvette division to promote more attendance at the show. We will have food served by our very own Hot Sands BBQ unit so make sure you come hungry. There will be door prizes and raffles and most importantly, trophies for the winners in each division and overall. For more information on the car show, please pay a visit to our webpage, We hope to see you all out there. Moving on into the month of April, our unit will be yet again hosting the sign in tables at the stated meeting as we have done for some time now. Also, we will be gearing up for the Poteet Strawberry Festival parade as well as participating in the Boerne collection day. We look forward to seeing all of you out there. Lastly, please remember that you don’t have to have an antique car, classic car, or car at all to be in our unit. Our only request is that you be a car enthusiast or simply want to be a part of a unit that enjoys the company of each other. Our meetings take place at the Shrine the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm. We’re looking forward to seeing you there. Until next time all you Noble Brothers.

Greetings from the Brews Brothers, Alzafar Shrine’s newest unit. Have you ever brewed beer before? If not, do you like to drink beer? Would you enjoy hanging out with Noble Brothers and learn a new craft? Doesn’t matter if you are a master home brewer, or just like to have a beer every once in a while, we would love for you to join us in the ancient craft of brewing beer. We meet the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30 in Room 5. C’mon by and raise a pint with us. Our unit is about more than just brewing beer for competition, or the basic consumption of beer, but education about beer as well. Do you know the difference between a Pilsner and a Lager? Or a Pale Ale and an IPA? Noble Vince Rivas has spearheaded this idea by bringing two similar brews to each meeting so that we can understand more about different styles. We had our first brew day March 10th and it was a great success. We had great fellowship, noshed on some decent food, and introduced each other to some of our favorite beers. Oh, and we started brewing our beer. This was a learning experience for half the group that attended. Since brewing a great beer is a trial and error process, from time to time we will be seeking opinions on our brews as we try to perfect our recipes for competition. Your honest opinion will be appreciated. Toasts this month go out to Noble Brother Scott Stefick, for stepping up to lead this merry band of brother, and Noble Brother Ryan Davis, for doing all the leg work on and hosting our first brew. Here's to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold pint-- and another one!

Lynda Hall Director of Sales and Marketing San Antonio Shrine Auditorium

Need A Venue For Your Next Special Event?

Look No Further! Contact Lynda at (210) 496-6334

CANYON LAKE SHRINE CLUB By: Tom Gilbert The Canyon Lake Shrine Club met on March 12, 2018. Vice President, Steve White welcomed everyone. Chaplain, Bob Wragg said the invocation. All members said the pledge of allegiance to the US flag and honors to the Texas flag. Steve White reported that the Shriners would like to give a presentation to the Sheriff’s Department and first responders to let them know about the Shriners Children Hospital. Sheriff Mark Reynolds responded that the Sheriff’s Department would welcome such a presentation. Noble Robert Furgerson challenged the Canyon Lake Shrine Club members to go to the Alzafar meetings in San Antonio the second Thursday of every month. Call Robert if you are interested and would like to car-pool. His number is 830-964-5544. The guest speaker for this month was Comal County Sheriff Mark Reynolds. He stated that one of his goals for this year was to try curbing the problem of drugs, and if they can accomplish that it would help to diminish the criminal activities like burglaries, and gang activities, etc. He also talked about the goals for the future such as the building of a new jail. Also there will be in-house training and a physical fitness policy. He answered all questions from the members. Please join us on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Canyon Lake Golf Club, 405 Watts Lane, Canyon Lake, TX. For more information, call President, David Mulholland at 830-964-5487 or Secretary, Tom Gilbert at 830-899-4839.

LEGION OF HONOR By: Alfred T. Rapoza The Legion of Honor has officially established a Drill Team. Members are Commander Art Canizales, 1st Lt. Cmdr Al Rapoza, 2d Lt. Cmdr Tony Calderon, and Capt. Carlos Vela. Thanks to 2nd Lt. Cmdr Tony Caldron for being our instructor. Beginning next month our meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month. The meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. in room 4 at the Alzafar Shrine. We have recruited four new members. If interested in joining the LOH, please contact 2nd Lt. Cmdr Tony Calderon at Our meeting is open to all Shriners. Visitors and families are encouraged to attend.

HILLBILLY CLAN #152 By: Rich Orr We crowned a new “Possum Queen”, Marina Raymond, at our Sadie Hawkins Dance in Feberary, an we also had a new cuz’n volunteer ta run fer thet coveted title fer next year, cuz’n Lori Propes. So if’n y’all see Lori comin with raffles r whatever, pleze hep her out. We need to put r thinkin caps on and see if’n we kin cum up with sum fund raising ideas. Our beloved “Betsy” truk needs sum serious work dun on her. Pleze keep r cuz’n Faye Davenport an family in yer thoughts an prayers, as they deal with the loss of Charley. The memorial service for Charley was nice. We hope ever one else is n good health, or gittin back ta good health. We’uns hope ta see y’all at r next meetin n Joon 2018.

THE LAREDO SHRINE CLUB By: Chris Turner The Laredo Shrine Club held its 2nd Annual Gun Raffle, benefiting the Alzafar Transportation Fund. The raffle was a huge success, netting approximately $8400. Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to everyone that purchased tickets. Congratulations to Larry Lowe for our biggest ticket seller by selling 150 tickets, raising $7570.00 for this fund raiser. Unfortunately, March was also a sad month as we lost one of our own, Noble Lazaro Medina passed away in early March. He will be greatly missed by all of the patients and families that he had helped throughout his many years of service and, of course, his Lodge Brothers and Alzafar Nobles. His family requested in lieu of flowers that donations be made to the Transportation Fund in Lazaro’s memory. The monthly restaurant bucket collections continue to be a big success. Laredo has a generous benefactor who month after month is graciously donating $100 bills to our bucket collections. The Club held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, at LaLaguana Restaurant. Several fund raising ideas were discussed and some of the Shriners will look into each idea to be able to give the club more information next month.



The Director’s Staff took part in the Celebration of Life for Noble Charley Davenport this past April 13th. A great time was had as we recalled fond memories of Charley and how he impacted each and every one of our lives. He was an institution in the Shrine and in this Director’s Staff. He will be sorely missed and we will carry his legacy of service and dedication to Alzafar Shrine and the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Our Recorder, Tom Leverett, attended our April 2nd meeting at the Inn of the Hills. Tom’s remarks were not only humorous but informative and encouraging. We are always honored to have him attend our meetings. We had a report on updated magnetic signage for vehicles used to pull our parade float. We have scheduled a day for cleaning, refurbishing and ensuring proper maintenance is performed on the float trailer. We are planning on participating in parades in Bandera, Fredericksburg, two in Boerne and four in Kerrville in the coming months. Our Vice President, Ron Holm, provided an overview of our outreach program for Shriners who have moved to the area and our usual contingent of winter visitors.

Remember that we are also hosting our annual Directors Staff Hoedown at the Pavilion on May 12th from 3pm to 10pm. Dinner will be served at 5pm. The event will have music, great food, silent auction, raffles, chicken bingo and more. For tickets, please contact Steve McMahan at 210-317-5863. By the time you read this, we have also participated in the Poteet Strawberry Festival Parade as well as gearing up for the Flambeau Parade in San Antonio. We look forward to seeing you around the many events that will be coming up this summer.

We invite any Nobles in the area to join us for our monthly meeting on the first Monday of each month at 11:30am. We meet at the Inn of the Hills, 1001 Junction Highway, Kerrville, Texas 78028. Any further information please contact Jim Bobbitt 830895-3615.

HONOR GUARD By: Al Aranda The club is in sorrow and sad as the Black Camel paid us another visit and policed up another of our members, Richard Marin, and at the same time, he policed up another Great Brother, Mason and a Super noble that supported the Temple Big Time, like he always used to say, “Happy Trails” Noble Charlie Davenport. Need to thank the lineups at the installation for the Daughters of the Nile, the Stated Meeting, the celebration of life for Charlie Davenport, the Strawberry Festival, and the Flambeau Parade. This past month was pretty busy, so a big thank you to all the Nobles and Ladies that supported the club. At our Fiesta gathering, we had a super spread and lots of fresh tea. We really had a good group of members, and as always everybody had a great time. Again we are reminding all members to be prepared to help out in our Toberfest coming up in September, remember, this is our fundraiser. Need to thank our first lady for getting new table covers for our room, they look pretty spiffy. Nobles, don’t forget to cook breakfast for the ladies and feed them in bed and be good boys all day on 13th of May, for it is Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to keep all members that are flying low in your prayers and May the Good Lord look over all of us to keep us healthy and safe. ROADSTER RUMBLINGS el Bucko In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said: "Let there be light" and so it is as Masons that we perceive light as knowledge. Well folks, I need someone to shed light on the problem of membership in our unit. The little Red Roadsters are still bright, shiny crowd favorites of yesteryear. They are still very fun to drive and even to be seen in them. But our membership has dwindled. In our heyday, one Fiesta Flambeau, we had 19 Roadsters on the road. So big were we, that we had to split into two groups in order to do maneuvers. For years we had a problem of supply of cars. Lots of folks wanted to join but we had no cars for them. Now we have cars available and no drivers! I need some light. At our April meeting, we voted to go dark for July and August. We also voted to buy a "Hole Sign" for the Charity Golf Tournament. Uncle Bud wants to know; if Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? He also wonders if Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks. Bueno bye for now.

NEMNUF By: Rick “Tater” Reyes Well the year is a quarter of the way over and your Alzafar NEMNUF clowns have been out and about, spreading joy and having fun. Our last two unit meetings were packed and we even had a couple of guest drop by to say hi. First, we had San Antonio’s very own, Danny Ingle drop by and pay the NEMNUF’s a visit. He is one of San Antonio’s best comedians who in fact has graced the stage at Alzafar for performances in the past. As a unit, we are planning on continuing last years comedy show and he has assured us that it will be yet another successful event at the Shrine. More details to come so keep your eyes and ears open for the date and time. We also had one of my good friends from El Riad Shrine in South Dakota drop by and visit. Paul “Rodeo” Maxwell dropped by while in town to say hi to everyone but also to see how us clowns in San Antonio operate as a unit. I’m very proud to say that we didn’t let him down. Aside from unit and Shrine stated meetings the NEMNUF’s had the privilege of participating in the Alzafar Easter party put on by our very own Oriental Guide Robert “Y-Not” Norman. There was a ton of people in attendance and from what we could tell, fun was had by all. In attendance was Garrett “Popp-E” Ethridge, Jon “Auzzie” Strandlie, Bobby “Ice Bucket” Miller, Paul “Wrong Way” Dawson, Mike “Tiddlywinks” Long, Albert “Short Stack” Escalante, Thom “Smiley” Hooks, Billy “Bucket Head” Peche, Bill “Sweat Pea” Mabry, and Rick “Tater” Reyes. Thanks to all you clowns that showed up for the event. Our next couple of weeks will be packed with fun so be on the look out for your NEMNUF’s as we plan to show up in force. We are excited to once again grace the streets of Poteet and San Antonio in both the Strawberry Festival and Flambeau Parades. We are also looking forward to Boerne collection days. We look forward to seeing everyone out in Boerne for what will most certainly be another outstanding collection weekend. As always, for those of you wanting to come learn more about our unit, our door is always open. Our meetings are the second Monday of each month with a meal at 6:30pm and the meeting at 7:30pm. Spouses and kids are welcome to attend. Until next time…

PROVOST GUARD By: Michael Raymond

RV CLUB By: Dave Browne

Our Midwinter 2018 TSPGA was held on March 23rd & 24th and was a resounding success. We had record participation from all around the state with a total of 80 Nobles shooting and 12 Ladies participating in the Friday Ladies shoot. Our own Robert Beckett picked up a trophy for being the High Two Hand-Shooter and Alzafar’s “C” Team placed a very respectable 3rd Place. Congratulations to our very own State Marshal for 2018 Steve Aikens and his Lady Rhonda for all their hard work in heading up the event.

The March rally was held at the Longhorn RV Resort in Niederwald.

We want to thank Illustrious Sir Jason Triggs for showing his support by not only visiting our event on Saturday, but staying and helping with the ‘breakdown’ of the tables afterwards. Thank you also goes out to First Lady Cynthia for visiting the Ladies shoot on Friday and the Ladies Luncheon on Saturday. A special thanks to Alzafar Shrine photographer Art Loera for his many hours photographing our Midwinter events on both Friday and Saturday. Finally, a thank you to Assistant Rabban Marty Bartlett and his Lady Martha for attending our awards banquet on Saturday night. Our next shoot will be at TSA in June. That will leave plenty of time for those wanting to join us by visiting one of our meetings that are held the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm for social time, dinner at 6:30 pm and meetings start promptly at 7:00 pm. Don’t forget to bring your Lady, as they are always welcome here.

This is just the second time we rallied at the park. Located on the highway between San Marcos and Bryan, it is a jewel. They have a 60 acre lake and the RV’s are arranged around it. Watching the sun set over the lake is a peaceful way to live. We had a pot luck dinner on Saturday that everyone enjoyed sampling the wide variety of dishes. The park is not too far from Cabela’s where the men had a great time shopping. They have something to see for everyone, including a rare gun collection. They also have a trophy buck room full of some of the most impressive antlers I have ever seen. We started to get ready for the TSRVA event in May that our club will host. The ladies made paper flowers for the fiesta theme. We look forward to meeting fellow Shriners from other parts of the state. The April rally will be held at the South Llano River RV Resort in Junction. This will be a new park for our club. Our May rally is the TSRVA event to be held at the Old River Road RV resort, located on the Guadalupe river near Kerrville. If you have an RV and want to have a lot of fun in a relaxed atmosphere with Brother Nobles and their Ladies, come out and rally with us. I know you will have a great time. Call Wagon Master Jim Miller (210-415-4358) or assistant Wagon Master Dave Brewton (210-643-0314) for information about the next rally. You can always call me at (210-6797356).


ALZAFAR ROD & GUN CLUB By: Craig Noyes Hello everyone. I am new to writing articles so please bear with me. I will start with some history of the Alzafar Rod & Gun Club as told by Past President Les Ratcliff and Past President Buck Bourne. The Rod & Gun Club has been in the Alzafar Shrine Family since 1968 when the first meeting was called to order at the Scottish Rite Temple by Acting President Harold Larson and Acting Secretary Abner Ross, with 13 other members in attendance. These Founding Members went on to hold Annual Turkey Shoots, Skeet & Trap Shoots for Servicemen, Fishing Tournaments and Trips throughout the years and by 1978 the Club had 105 Members. The Club that we know today is still active in ways that benefit the Hospitals and fulfills our mission that the original founders had envisioned. Our Members continue to have fun and support all functions of the Temple, including the Circus, Hospital, Picnics, Dances, Golf Charities, and other Charity functions. We have trips that we do to the Coast and Casinos that all members and Ladies enjoy and most recently we went to Eagle Pass and had a great time. We hope to have another Gambling Trip scheduled soon and will know more at the May Meeting as, the April meeting has been cancelled by members present because of Easter. We also hope to do a Coast Trip for Fishing and Shopping which will be later in the year because of the heat. Currently the Rod & Gun Club meets in the Temple Dining Room at 12:00 noon on the first Sunday of the month and we are having meals prepared by the Ladies Oriental Shrine (the food is delicious) but, next year Vice President Mike Barnes is planning to go to some restaurants for a few meetings which should be fun. If anyone has not paid their dues for 2018, please submit them as soon as possible. I would now like to take time to speak about one of our longtime members that recently passed away, Charlie Davenport, he did not fish or hunt, but he was always an active member and attended most every meeting and will be missed. Please keep Faye and family in your thoughts and prayers. That is all I have to say now so, I will see everyone in May. Thank You.

ALZAFAR SENIORS By: Roger Hopkins On April 5th, the Alzafar Seniors met in the Parlors with 31 members and guests in attendance. The meeting was opened by our President, Noble Earl “Tex” Phillips, one of our newer members, Bill Boon provided some humor followed by an invocation from our Chaplain, Noble Donald Garrido, PP. We then rendered honors to the America and Texas flags. We discussed those in sickness/distress and recognized our Past Potentate, sitting and past masters and members of our numerous affiliated groups. After a Treasurer’s report that we are still solvent and a Secretary’s report, we went to our program. Mr. Victor Robledo, Senior Lead Specialist for CPS’s Community Engagement Team, gave a very comprehensive update on issues related to CPS services and answered numerous questions. Victor is the son-in-law of our Chaplain Don Garrido and wife Lydia. We then enjoyed a great lunch of baked chicken provided by Dan and Mrs. Coburn. It was a great meal and had been prepared by the Coburns, not purchased from a restaurant. There was discussion about the meal for next month and it was decided to have Chicken Fried Steak from Denny’s and would be provided by Jerry and Bonny Hopkins. Before closing, our President thanked the wives for dessert and asked for volunteers for May. A final benediction was given by our Chaplain and everyone departed into a beautiful, sunny, day. We look forward to seeing many of you at our next meeting scheduled to take place in the Parlors on May 3rd. Until then, we hope that each of you stay in good health and continue to enjoy the many functions planned by the Shrine.

Don and Lydia Garrido with son-in-law Victor Robledo

ALTURI COURT #89, LADYS OF THE ORIENTAL SHRINE OF NORTH AMERICA Our installation day went absolutely fabulous. Our new High Priestess Lady Ruby Stinson, was honored by our vistors who came to honor everyone. The Divan, including our Potentate Jason Triggs and his Lady Cynthia were there as well. It was indeed an event we all will treasure. We were also entertained by our Lady Dancers dancing to the Hawaiian tunes, and gracious and generous donation giving by the Patrol unit to the Galveston and Houston Shriners Hospitals. We also enjoyed the company of our Houston LOS Court, Lady Sandy Rodriguez and her guest, and Fort Worth and Austin Subordinate Courts came as well. We have so many events coming up, I don’t know where to start. However—we do have our new Fiesta Medals for sale for a small price of $10.00, just ask any LOS member. They are stunning!! Happy Birthday to our PGHP and PHP Lady Charlene Carpenter, PHP Mary T. Dunnigan, and our Lady Alycia Lopez. We are looking forward to our first Sunday fund raiser for the Rod N Gun, and the Shriner Circus which is only 3 days this year, September 14th, 15th & 16th. Jul 27th and 28th is our Grand High Priestess visit and Banquet, September 8th-Ugly Sweater contest, November 7th is the Mad Hadders Birthday Tea Party and February 2, 2019 is Putting on the Glitz. This is just to name a few, which I'll also mention next month in our the Old Bag Luncheon, Midstate unit meet. OMG!! What a great year we are going to have! WOOT!!! WOOT!! WOOT!!

NEKODAH TEMPLE NO. 44 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE By: Princess Rita Young We will have our first Ceremonial May10th during session at 7:30pm with a practice on May 9th at 6:00pm. We would like for all of the ladies of the household to join us for this memorable occasion and to welcome our new members. The sewing room is diligently working (which is back to meeting once a month) - every 1st Tuesday at 10:00 am in the parlors to create hand-made items for the children in the hospitals. We invite all Nekodah members to come out and help; even if you do not know how to sew there is something for everyone to do. You may contact the Sewing Room Chair Pr. Marti Amos for information on items needed for the hospital projects. Save the date for these future events: Homecoming Tea—July 14th and Nekodah annual picnic--August 17th. We are preparing for our June trip (June 24-28) to Cincinnati, OH for the 2018 Supreme Session. Here’s the website to register: If you or someone you know would like to become a member of Daughters of the Nile, Nekodah Temple No. 44, please contact any of our members or the Membership Team: PQ. Peggy Songer, Pr. Amanda Brown, PQ. Charlie Bedgood, PQ. Barbara Wells, Pr. Cindy Garza and Pr. Rita Young.

W. B. Jack Ball Lecture & Dinner Tuesday, May 8, 2018 San Antonio Scottish Rite Banquet Hall Dinner: 7:00 PM WHO: Lodges

All Master Masons, Fellowcrafts, and Entered Apprentices of San Antonio area


W. B. Jack Ball Lecture & Dinner


Robert G. Davis, Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma*

WHEN: Board

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Format will be Table Lodge or Festive

WHERE: San Antonio Scottish Rite Banquet Hall 308 Avenue E San Antonio, TX 78205 COST:

$35.00 per person


Tuxedo preferred or Dark Suit

Please RSVP to Billy Peché 210.286.1356 or by May 1, 2018 with your choice of entree to ensure an accurate count. Please contact with any questions. PLEASE PASS THIS INVITATION TO ANY BROTHER WHO DID NOT RECEIVE IT! Hope to see you all there, Billy Peché, Worshipful Master Albert Pike Lodge No. 1169, A. F. & A. M.

FOR MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Enclosed is a contribution in the amount of $ ____________________ In Memory of _____________________________________________ In Honor of _______________________________________________ On the Occasion of _________________________________________ Please send acknowledgement card to: Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________

Contributed by: Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________

Mail to:

Alzafar Shrine Center

901 N. Loop 1604 West VESTER NEAL

San Antonio, TX 78232




FOR SALE: #2 Ben Hur at Camp Alzafar. Real nice on inside, new batteries in golf cart. Many extras. Asking $28,00.00. For more information, please call Billie Sutton @ 210-493-6299. FOR SALE: Khiva #53 at Camp Alzafar. 1997 Jayco Fifth wheel with two pullouts & includes 1 golf cart. Brand new refrigerator. Excellent condition and very comfortable. Asking $10,500.00 or best offer. Call Connie Daubenmire @ 210-685-8232 for more details. FOR SALE: Purchased new, 2004 Jayco Flight Travel Trailer. 27 ft. long, sleeps 7. Must sell due to illness. Asking $5,000.00 OBO. Trailer in storage at Camp Bullis. One owner. Less than 200 road miles. Call Jesse Araiza @ 512-769-0014. FOR SALE: 2 crypts at Anchor Lodge Cemetery. Make offer. Call Bob @ 210-824-4689. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Funeral Park. Asking $4,000.00 each. For more information call Noble A. G. Pinson @ 615-746-6888.

FOR SALE: 4 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each or negotiable. Call Judy Phillips @ 210-274-7713. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each. Please contact Vicki Gann @ 210-315-1325. FOR SALE: 4 adjourning plots in Brookside Memorial Park Cemetery, Houston Texas. Section 26 (Masters LawnMasonic Section), lot 251, spaces 3,4,5 & 6. Asking $4,995.00 each. Sell all or part. Call Noble Johnny @ 210328-1776. FOR SALE: 4 cemetery plots in Historic Hollywood Cemetery, Houston Texas. Perpetual care included. Price is $5,000.00 each. Contact Betty Chalfont @ 830-237-3229. FOR SALE: Corn roaster, like new condition. Nat Washer Lodge paid $13,000.00, will take reasonable offer. Please call Noble Andrew J. Perez @ 210-259-7953.





Albert Racer

James & Shelly Hoyo

Robert "Bob" Cox

P.P. JD Thomas & Lady Valerie

Bonna Lange

Charlene McGuire

Russell Puckett

Buck & Shirlee Bourne

Butch Solis

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Russell Puckett

Charlie Bedgood

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Ed & Frankie Tuma

Russell Puckett

Margaret L. Coyle

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Charlie Bedgood

Russell Puckett

Charlene McGuire

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Stephen McMahon

Russell Puckett

Barbara Strayer

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Buck & Shirlee Bourne

Russell Puckett

Jerry Rhein

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

P.P. Gary Radvansky & Lady Cheryl

Russell Puckett

Alzafar Golf Unit

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Hermon & Maggie Colegrove

Russell Puckett

Pat Ladwig

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

P.P. Bob Jones & Lady Cheryl

Russell Puckett

P.P. Gary Radvansky & Lady Cheryl

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Bruce & Pat Thomson

Russell Puckett

Keith & Beverly Jorgensen

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

James & Shelly Hoyo

Russell Puckett

Peg Tindall

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

George Wilson

Russell Puckett

George & Wanda Tucker

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Russell Puckett

Walt & Patsy Hammons

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Marlene Hudnall

Russell Puckett

P.P. JD Thomas & Lady Valerie

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Alfred Gray & Margaret Gray-Goff

Russell Puckett

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Yvonne Reimers

Russell Puckett

Dennis & Dianne Thole

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Jim & Sandy Miller

Russell Puckett

Letitia L. Farish

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Alzafar Hospital Gala Committee

Russell Puckett

Marlene Hudnall

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

P.P. JD Thomas & Lady Valerie

Russell Puckett

Bill & Mona Hyatt

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

P.P. J. Philip Knight-Sheen

Russell Puckett

Norma & Al Schwab

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Bill Barker

Russell Puckett

Will & Kathy Beal

Charles "Charley D" Davenport

Walt & Patsy Hammons

Tom Lawhon

Buck & Shirlee Bourne

Cheryl Starr

Alfred Gray

Tom Lawhon

Charlene McGuire

Don Maddox

Charlie Bedgood

Tom Lawhon

Jerry Rhein

Don Pack

The Charles Griffin Family

Tom Lawhon

Alzafar Golf Unit

Ella Kathryn Allred

Charlene McGuire

Tom Lawhon

Keith & Beverly Jorgensen

Harold Nasse, Jr.

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Tom Lawhon

Charlie Bedgood

Harold Nasse, Jr.

P.P. J. Philip Knight-Sheen

Tom Lawhon

Peg Tindall

Irvin Martin

Hermon & Maggie Colegrove

Tom Lawhon

George & Wanda Tucker

James "Duck" Wilcox

Barbara Strayer

Tom Lawhon

Walt & Patsy Hammons

James Higdon

Don & Patsy Starnes

Tom Lawhon

Dennis & Dianne Thole

James Higdon

James & Shelly Hoyo

Tom Lawhon

Bill & Mona Hyatt

Jayne Pritko

Scott & Terri Mabrito

Tony Alvarez

Ed & Frankie Tuma

Kenneth Wommack

Charlie Bedgood

Trinity Chelsea Thropp

P.P. Stuart Simms & Family

Lazaro Medina

Charlie Bedgood

Vester Neal

Charlie Bedgood

Lazaro Medina

P.P. Gary Radvansky & Lady Cheryl

Vester Neal

Charlene McGuire

Lazaro Medina

Don & Patsy Starnes

Vester Neal

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Robert "Bob" Cox

Ed & Frankie Tuma

Robert "Bob" Cox

Charlie Bedgood

Robert "Bob" Cox

James & Shelly Hoyo

MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 3rd 4th 5th 7th 10th 12th 19th 26th 28th

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting and Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Charity Golf Tournament Cornyval Parade/Helotes Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Directors Staff Hoedown/Pavilion Antique Carriage Car Show/Parking Lot Memorial Day Parade/Bandera Camp Alzafar Opening Festivities/Boerne MEMORIAL DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED

10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm All Day 9:30 am 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 3:00 pm-10:00 pm 9:00 am-5:00 pm 11:00 am

JUNE CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7th 7th-9th 11th 14th 16th

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting and Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Texas Shrine Association/Tyler, TX Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom Berges Fest Parade/Boerne

10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am

__________________________________________________________________ JULY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 4th 5th 15th-20th

INDEPENDENCE DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED 4th of July Parade/Seguin 10:00 am Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 10:00 am Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors 12:00 noon Imperial Session/Daytona Beach, FL

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