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Children’s Easter Party April 1st 2-4pm

The Alzafar Achbar is the Official Membership Newsletter of Alzafar Shriners: It is published monthly by Alzafar Shriners Stated Meeting ………………………….. 2nd. Thursday Monthly Chartered ………………………………………………… July 13, 1916 PHONE: 210-496-1625 San Antonio Shrine Auditorium: 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232: Alzafar Shriners E-mail: Official Website: 2018 ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Assistant Raddan ………………………………………Marty Bartlett High Priest & Prophet ………………………….Travis Elmendorf Oriental Guide …………………………………………Robert Norman Treasurer ………………………………………………………….Ron Trine Recorder ……………………………………………….Thomas Leverett 2018 APPOINTIVE DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ………………….Edward C. Rodriguez 2nd Ceremonial Master …………………………..James C. Hoyo Director ……………………………………………………Walter Koehler Marshall ……………………………………………………Thomas Martin Captain of the Guard ………………………………Ralph Flanigan Outer Guard ……………………………………………….David Hadley Chaplain ……………………………….P.P. Gregorio “G.I.” Flores 2018 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt P.P. Reese L. Harrison, Jr. ………Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bob” Jett …………….Emeritus Representative Daniel M. Hutchison III …………..Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bobby” Hunt P.P. Stuart H. “Stu” Simms 2018 FINANCE COMMITTEE Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Assistant Rabban ………………………………………Marty Bartlett Kyle Jackson ……………………………………………………….4 Years Richard Reyes III …………………………………………………3 Years Charles Davenport ………………………………………………2 Years Gary Bausell ………………………………………………………….1 Year ALZAFAR SHRINE PHOTOGRAPHER ………….Art Loera STATED MEETING The Stated Meeting of the Alzafar Shriners will be held on March 8th 2018 at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232. Dinner is at 6:00pm on a first come first served basis. The purpose of the Stated Meeting is to receive and ballot on petitions, to receive committee reports, to discuss and take possible action on agenda matters and any such other business, as might come before it. YOUR 2018 DUES CARD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ADMITTANCE TO STATED MEETINGS. BE SURE TO BRING THESE THREE THINGS:   

Your fez on your head Your dues card in your pocket The spirit of fun and good fellowship in your heart

Potentate Recorder

Jason Triggs Thomas D. Leverett

ILLUSTRIOUS SIR JASON R. TRIGGS POTENTATE OF ALZAFAR SHRINERS What a fantastic time we all had in Laredo for the George Washington birthday celebration and parade. The Nobles and Ladies of the Laredo Shrine Club kicked off the weekend with their warm hospitality and supplied a great BBQ dinner and musical entertainment. A special recognition for Lady Carolyn Schmies from Laredo, as she was the one who secured the seating for our Ladies to view the parade, and our Chief of Staff, Bob Tucker, who safely transported our Ladies to and from the seating area. This was also the first challenge for our Chief Host, Kyle Jackson, and his crew and they definitely made us proud. Anytime there was a need, someone from the team was always there to take care of it, not to mention they also make some pretty good food. We all will definitely be in good hands as we continue throughout the year. IAM Committed Now RU? This is the battle cry for our Imperial Potentate, Gary Bergenske, this year for his membership campaign. Through the fantastic work of our Membership Chairman, Al Rapoza, Alzafar was awarded GOLD status for our membership efforts. This means we will have to work extra hard to keep our gold status and surpass our membership results from last year. The challenge is out for every Noble to recruit at least one new Shriner. If you know of someone who would make a good Mason or a Shriner, simply log on to to refer him and his information will be directed straight to our Membership Committee. Our future depends on our membership and it is the responsibility of each of us to do all we can to help it grow. Our last Officer’s Call (OC) meeting was a huge success. Lots of information was shared with one another and the spirit of teamwork was definitely in the air. Don’t let your unit or club miss out on the upcoming opportunities or available assistance from your fellow Nobles. I look forward to seeing officer representation from every unit and club during our next meeting on Tuesday March 27th at 7:00pm in the dining room when roll call is conducted. "Together we can...Together we WILL!"

CHIEF RABBAN Eric DeWalt On your mark, get set, GO On your mark, get set, GO. Wow, we have really hit the ground running. I am still trying to catch my breath from this busy start to this New Year. I have been looking at our Shrine calendar and it's not going to slow down either! First I would like to say, Congratulations and a big thank you to our new Potentate, Illustrious Sir. Jason Triggs and his Lady Cynthia for an amazing Gala. Fabulous food and great friends were the perfect ingredients for a wonderful evening, not to mention the ROCKING BAND. As we move forward, there is a busy few months to come and we will need the continued support from all our nobles and ladies to make this another successful year. March is filled with activities. We just got through with IHOP (thank you Marty) and we now move onto the Masonic Youth Brunch (good luck Travis) and then the Shrine Children's Easter Party (lead by our OG Robert). Please check your availability and lend a hand where need be, these guys need your help to make these events a success. There are also several TSA Mid-Winter events in March including TSA Clown, Provost Guard and the Shotgun MidWinter. If you haven't attended a mid-winter in a while, take a mini vacation and go to one. You will renew friendships with your counterparts from other temples, brush up on some skills and, most importantly, have fun. My focus this year will be on the 75th Annual Shrine Circus. Plans are already being made and I look forward to sharing with you all some new ideas about making this year's circus an amazing event. Remember, the funds we raise from the circus, help us keep the lights on at the Shrine and make necessary upgrades to our building. In the coming months I will be working with the various units and clubs ask for your support and help to make sure this large undertaking comes together. Remember, Circus, Circus, Circus. I know this year will be busy but the excitement is what fuels me. I respectfully ask for your Time, Talent and Tithing and I promise this journey will be fun and rewarding. One man can make a difference, but one man cannot do it alone.


Oriental Guide Robert Norman

The Divan had a great midwinter meeting in Corpus Christi this past weekend. We learned a lot of information from a number of Imperial Divan speakers regarding consolidation and other suggestions regarding our hospitals. More will come regarding those suggestions. It was a great bonding experience for all of us and you could really tell that our group of 7 on the Divan this year will be able to work very well together. It promises to be an exciting year.

WOW. The saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun”. That couldn’t be more true. February was a very busy month and yet we all survived. What a great time and great memories we are making. From TSA Mid-winter, our Stated Meeting, Laredo Parade and two IHop days... the month was jammed packed with things to do. But we wouldn’t change it for anything. We are already two months into this year and looking forward to what is coming. We don’t plan on slowing down in March.

By the time this article comes out, IHOP will have concluded, as well as our time working at the rodeo to sell Foreigner CDs to make money for our hospitals. A lot of unit and club opportunities are coming up to raise monies for our hospitals, but the next major shrine-wide event is our Charitable Hospital Golf Tournament on May 4th at Brackenridge Golf Course. The tournament will include lunch, dinner, drinks throughout the day, some amazing prizes, a chance to shoot a golf ball out of a cannon and a chance to win a very large cash prize for a hole in one. Please let me know if you can put a team of 4 together or call the office to register your team. If you are not a golfer, you can help us by locating silent auction items or finding hole or other sponsors. All donations are tax deductible, so we can all go out there and collect some donations. Yes, it will be one heck of a fun party that day, but we also plan to raise a lot of money for our hospitals.

With that being said, don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Shrine Easter Party on March 25th from 2-4. Bring your children, grand-children, great grand-children, neighbors, friends and co-workers. Just come on out and enjoy the fun with family and dear friends. It will be a great time. We are finalizing all the plans and look forward to hosting our first children’s party of 2018. We are still looking for Easter baskets to give to the children that come to this event. If you are willing and able to donate baskets for this event, we would be so grateful for your generosity.

Shriner of the Month Jose G. Ayala


Noble Ayala has been a very dedicated Shriner on both sides of the Border who truly epitomizes what being a Shriner is all about. For the past few years he has been working very hard with patient transportation and establishing the initial communication between patients and the Shriners Hospitals to begin the admission process when the need arises. If a child needs him, he will be there, regardless of the hour.

I was invited to speak at the TSA Mid-Winter Conference in Corpus Christi. The Texas Temples, along with Imperial Representatives wanted to know what methods we used in our recruiting efforts. This was truly an honor. The Alzafar Shrine Nobles pulled their resources and together as a team, we made it happen. My thanks to everyone.

Noble Ayala has made great personal sacrifices without asking for anything in return. For example, he spends hours with the families who are waiting for their special permits at the Port of Laredo until they are given their permits. Once he does that he drops them off at the bus station and provides meals for them out of his own pocket. He also uses his personal vehicle as the majority of families have no way of getting around and he answers the call to serve as a true noble. One recent example of his work is a case of an 18 year old boy who suffered severe burns in Nuevo Laredo. Despite the initial reaction from many that he would not be accepted due to the age of the patient, he worked very hard so that Shriners Hospital Galveston could accept the patient. Working hard with Maria Olmos in San Antonio, they ran into a roadblock regarding air transportation through Laredo. Despite many others giving up and deciding to wait until the next day to complete the transportation process, Noble Ayala never gave up and spent the entire night working with Maria until they found a transport for the patient from Laredo.

Let's make this year even better than last year. I believe we can do it. Our committee has some great ideas in place that will benefit the Shrine. We currently have over 1,500 Nobles. If we could recruit at least one new Noble this year, it would be for the record books. If any of the committee members can help, please feel free to contact them. We will be visiting all Masonic Lodges in 39-A-B-C. I look forward to serving you again. I welcome your suggestions and comments.


THE BAND By: Richard Wallace

Hello fellow Nobles from the Antique Carriage Club. The month of January came and went with a flash and as a unit we are already gearing up for our annual Antique Carriage Club Car Show. This year’s event will be held in the parking lot of the Shrine and we anticipate a large turnout. We are moving forward with a full head of steam and we’re not looking in the rear view. The show will take place on Saturday, May 19th from 8am to 5pm and we hope to see you there. We are already receiving request for registration and sponsorship, so if you’re interested, please contact myself or you can go to for details, registration forms, and online payment information. This will not be an event you want to miss!

We really enjoyed performing at the Potentate’s Ball and would like to thank Jason and Cynthia Triggs for their hospitality. Performers were Jason Gilmore, Billy Steele, Gordon Brewer, Beth Packer, Tom Kopcho, Joe Buenrostro, Cindy Bausel, Chuck Thompson, Eric Fenton, Emilio Casarez, Bonnie Verzosa, Don Franz, Richard Wallace, Robert Packer, and Past Potentate John Dunn.

Due to the great winter freeze of 2018, our normal stated business meeting was moved to Saturday for the month of January. The meeting was held at the Taco House on San Pedro and food and fun was had by all. We welcomed three new nobles into the unit at the meeting. Those new nobles were Eddie Herman and his 1977 Jeep CJ-7 and 2007 Mercedes SLK, Noble Sheldon Shed and his 1923 T-Bucket, and Noble Michael Long and his 2016 Ford Mustang GT. That’s right fellow Nobles. You don’t need to have an antique or classic. Heck, you don’t really need to own a car at all. The only requirement for our unit is that you are a car enthusiast and you have the drive to help our cause. Although, having a car does help. As we move into 2018 as a unit, please remember that we are always looking to assist in any way we can. Please feel free to drop by our stated meetings which are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm in room 9 at the Shrine to let us know if our assistance is needed. We are never more than an email or phone call away should any unit need our help. We plan to be back at the Shrine for our regular stated meetings starting in February so drop on by if you have the time. Lastly, for anyone looking for a unit to join, you are always welcome at our table. We are excited for the coming months and we are looking forward to meeting new nobles as the year progresses. See you at the Shrine!

By the time this issue comes out we will have already performed at the Grand Master’s Alamo Commemoration and at the Masonic Youth Brunch. We would like to welcome back Ron Amos on trumpet and new member, Paul Dawson, on trombone. We are always looking for more performers, especially woodwinds, low brass, and percussion. We meet on Thursday evenings from 6:00pm until 7:30pm in Room 7. Come on by good music and good fellowship, a combination that’s hard to beat. If you have any questions, please call Richard Wallace at 210-219-6861 or email at

BURNING SUN By: Tony Calderon

BOERNE SHRINE CLUB By: Miguel Inclan The Boerne Shrine Club is eagerly awaiting the IHOP National Pancake Day to be celebrated on February 27th. Our club will be working the IHOP located at The Rim Shopping Center in San Antonio’s Northwest Side. We are looking forward to raising awareness and funds for our hospitals.

Hello Nobles. Get ready to start your engines! With the Laredo Parade in the books we continue to ride. As we continue to ride for the Shrine we are constantly working on our craft. We are looking forward to the Strawberry Festival followed by the Fiesta Flambeau Parade to show off our driving skills with precision and excitement. We will be holding kart workshops throughout the year to sharpen our skills and keep every kart on the road. So if you are looking for speed, excitement along with family fun, come meet with us every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm in room 5. We’ll save a seat for you.

The week of February 4th-11th was Burn Awareness Week and the City of Boerne marked the occasion with a proclamation read by Mayor Mike Schultz. The club remains steadfast in their mission to raise awareness of the dangers of burns, especially amid the wave of recent house fires in Kendall County. Our next meeting will be held on February 21st at The Longhorn Café. Meeting is opened for dinner at 6pm and business follows. Come see what the Boerne Shrine Club is up to.

THE DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS By: Richard Wallace We are beginning to choose music for All-State Competition in Tyler this coming June. If you would like to be a part of the new program, come on by and join us. We are always looking for more musicians. Currently we are performing on brass instruments that are played in the band; Bb trumpets, Bb marching French horns, marching trombones, marching baritones, etc. We do have instruments that we can lend to you. We need low brass and percussion players. We are also need percussionists and we have drums for you to play. We are a very low-pressure organization in terms of expectations and very flexible concerning time commitment. Thursday evening practices in Room 8 start at 7:30pm and end at 9:00pm. If you have any questions, please call Richard Wallace at 210-219-6861 or email at Come on out and join us!

CANYON LAKE SHRINE CLUB By: Tom Gilbert The Canyon Lake Shrine Club met on January 8th. President David Mulholland welcomed everyone. The invocation was said by Lee Stroman. The members said the Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and honors to the Texas flag. President, David Mulholland reported that the Alzafar Gala had made over $100,000 for the transportation fund. He thanked all the Nobles that had donated for this cause. Larry Remy reported that the Potentate’s Ball will be held on February 3rd. The price for the ball is $20 per person. Anyone wanting to attend, please RSVP by January 26th. Steve White reported that all beds at the Shrine Burn Center in Galveston are full. He also reported that February is National Burn Awareness Month. Please join us on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Canyon Lake Golf Club, 405 Watts Lane, Canyon Lake. For more information you can call President, David Mulholland at 830-964-5487 or Secretary, Tom Gilbert at 830-899-4839.

GOLF UNIT By: Walt Atencio Keeping in line with an established tradition, year’s agenda begins with our ladies joining treating us with some great fixings. Thank ladies for your great support that the Golf appreciates throughout the year.

the and you Unit

February began with over 30 Nobles and Ladies joining the Alzafar family at the celebration and presentation of the 2018 Potentate and Divan members. It continued with the units' support of the IHOP Shrine Children’s fund raiser. The Golf Unit provided representatives at two IHOPs with at least three members per shift (4 shifts each day) were present throughout the day from 7 am to 7 pm. Culminating a busy February, besides two fun and one official monthly scheduled rounds of golf, the Golf Cart and 8 golfers, Nobles Hamilton, Studdard, Farmer, Todd, Bourne, Callison, Seals and Wilmore will represent the unit and Alzafar at the Laredo parade. Looking forward, Noble Studdard has scheduled the Ladies Night Out dinner on March 14th at Saritas Restaurant on Lockhill Selma. If you plan to join the outing, and did not sign up at the Unit meeting, RSVP is requested by calling the unit special events Noble Studdard at 210 386 9538.

let us take care of all your printing needs MAGAZINES CATALOGS POSTCARDS CALENDARS BROCHURES & MORE

John Updike put it very gently “Golf appeals to the idiot and the child in us. Just how childlike golf player become by their frequent inability to count past five”. F O R E

GUADALUPE VALLEY SHRINE CLUB By: Charles E. Allbritton Guadalupe Valley Shrine Club (GVSC) is currently selling a Children’s Book to raise funds for our Scholarship program which is awarded on an annual basis. The name of the book is: “Stuart Finds a Home”. The book is written by Nancy Falster with Illustrations by Molly Nichols. This book is dedicated to all, young and old, who help rescue, foster and adopt animals in need. The book is autographed by Nancy, Molly and Stuart the Dog, who assisted greatly in the development of this wonderful book. Abandoned as a puppy, then rescued by a local farmer, this book tells a great story of a dog’s life on the farm through the eyes of Stuart, a lovable dog. The questions scattered throughout this book make it a perfect read aloud for children–however, people of all ages would enjoy this unique story. Stuart’s adventures are based on true stories because Stuart is a real dog and Falster Farm is a real farm. The books are $15.00 each. If you are interested, please contact any Officer or member of the Guadalupe Valley Shrine Club to purchase a book or sponsor a book(s) for a child in the Shriners Hospital for Children–Galveston.

HILL COUNTRY SHRINE CLUB By: Jim Bobbitt Members of the Hill Country Shrine Club had a busy December and early January. January was spent preparing for the upcoming year and making plans to support the IHOP fundraising drive in February. When the weather allows we plan on doing maintenance on our float and updating signage for our tow vehicles. We welcomed one new member in January. We look forward to the coming year and hope to be able to have several successful fundraising efforts. We invite any Nobles in the area to join us for our monthly meeting on the first Monday of each month at 11:30am. We meet at the Inn of the Hills, 1001 Junction Highway, Kerrville, Texas 78028. Any further information please contact Jim Bobbitt 830895-3615.

We cordially invite all Nobles and Ladies in the area to join us at our monthly meeting on the third (3rd) Monday of each month at 6:00 PM. For additional information on meeting locations and schedules please contact: Allan Ditmore, President (210-771-4601); Charles Allbritton, Vice President (210-508-8344) or Kenneth Neuse, Secretary/Treasurer (830-708-0906).

Need help booking a venue for your next event? Lynda Hall Can Help! Contact her at 210-496-6334 To find out how


HILLBILLY CLAN #152 By: Rich Orr We held r annual Sadie Hawkins Dance, 24 Feb 2018 an as usual it was a success. All r proceeds went ta tha Shrine hospitals that we support an ta tha Transportation fund. The Silent Auction was also a big success. We had Marryin’ Sam do us tha honors of hitchin us agin, an then we crowned a new Possum Queen. Good dancing music was also tha order of tha night. Now we need ta start thinkin about havin a new lady cuz’n run fer this coveted title of Possum Queen fer next year. Pleze keep Charley Davenport an his family in yer thoughts an prayers as they try ta recover from Charley’s recent illness, as well as any other cuzn’ s who are under tha weather. We hope ever one else is in good health. We’uns hope ta see y’all at r next meetin in April . HONOR GUARD By: Al Aranda We started the New Year with a big ole in Laredo. As always, we had a super time. The Ladies really enjoyed their shopping and most of all their Bingo games. This year we had a big crowd at Laredo, at the Past Potentate Gala and al the Installation of our new Potentate. It seems like we all are getting over our sickness, kind of slow, but we are getting there. It has been pretty bad this time. Don’t forget to keep Carol Pavliska in your prayers, as she had a freak accident and is out of the net for the time being. Need to thank the Line Up at the Stated Meeting and the Super Line Up at the Installation. They really looked spiffy. Also, need to thank all the Nobles that supported the Unit at the I-Hop. Before I forget, need to give a big atta boy to our President for being the Drill Commander at the Installation. Need to congratulate all of the Divan and to let them know we are here to support. Let us know what support they need from us. We really had a super gathering at our luncheon at Longhorn. Let's do the same thing on 11 March at the Spaghetti Warehouse. As I have done before, I’ll plant you for now and dig you later. May the Good Architect keep us safe and in good health and look after our troops and everyone that is sick.

No meeting was held in January due to the ominous weather forecast to avoid having any of our members on the road. We will have our next scheduled meeting on Tuesday the 20th of February. We have continued to provide transportation to both Houston and Galveston and by the time this is published, we’ll have supported another clinic in Laredo. We look forward to seeing any of you with an interest is providing support to our Shrine Hospital Children.


LEGION OF HONOR By: 1st. Lt.Cmdr Alfred T. Rapoza

The Laredo Shrine Club held its officer installation on Saturday, January 27th at the Laredo Lodge. Potentate Jason Triggs & his Lady, Cynthia, accompanied by members of the Alzafar Divan made the trip to install the new officers. Travis Cabello, President, Jose Ayala, 1st Vice President, Enrique Ceballos, 2nd Vice President, Chris Turner, Secretary and Kenn Schmmies, Treasurer.

Greetings from the Alzafar Shrine Legion of Honor. We are beginning a new year under the professional leadership of Cmdr. Art Canizales. The Unit intends to participate in as many Shrine activities as possible. We’ve made some changes regarding membership with the assistance of a membership Chairman 2d Lt.Cmdr Tony Calderon. At our installation, we also established an Executive Committee which will review petitions and to insure the Unit is following the written By Laws.

The Shriners’ Hospital for Children held its 1st Outreach Clinic for 2018 and it was a huge success. We had 111 scheduled appointments and actually saw 100 patients in the 2 day event. I would like to thank Rita Young and the Daughters of the Nile for their generous donations of stuffed animals, which are given to the children attending our clinics. The children really like receiving something just for them at these clinics. A big thank you to all of our volunteers and to the drivers of the Alzafar Hospital Corps. We cannot sponsor these clinics without help from our volunteers.

We would like the Unit to grow since we only have 14 paid members. If you are interested in returning or would like to join the Unit, please contact 2d Lt. Cmdr Tony Calderon at The date and time of the meetings will be changing. As soon as it’s approved, it will be posted. Our previous Adjutant resigned and was replaced with Capt. Carlos Vela. We welcome you to come by and visit. Hope to see you at our meeting.

ALTRUI COURT NO. 89 LADIES OF THE ORIENTAL SHRINE OF NORTH AMERICA By: Lady Frankie Tuma, High Priestess Aloha, y’all. Our ladies are getting ready to attend LOSNA Grand Council to be held in Honolulu, HI in May. What a grand time for all. I was so looking forward to making my 13th trip to Hawaii but my health had other plans for me. I’ve been diagnosed with stage 4 mastastic cancer, so I will be undergoing treatment for the next year. Our Court put in their bid for unit meet in 2020. We held our first meeting last Thursday and elected officers. Lady Mary T. Dunagan, PHP as President, Lady Roberta Ensor, PHP as Vice President, Lady Karen Tilghman, PHP as Secretary and Lady Irene Pendleton as the Treasurer. Those officers along with other members of the court, will be working hard preparing for the best unit meet ever. We held our Election of Officers for the Court of 2018-19. Those elected are Lady Ruby Stimson, High Priestess, Lady Irene Pendleton, Princess, Lady Dee Dee Kintigh, Associate Princess, Lady Alycia Lopez, Recorder, Lady Tiffany Caldron, Treasurer, Lady Ann Teague, 1st Ceremonial Lady, Lady Jeannette Davis, 2nd Ceremonial Lady. Also elected to a three year term was Lady Betty Cockrell as trustee, three years. Congratulations to all and I know these dedicated ladies will do a tremendous job. The installation of officers will be held March 31st at Alzafar. All are invited to attend and congratulate the new officers. This is the last time I will be sending information about Altrui Court. Many thanks to all my officers and supporters. I bid all a fond aloha, it’s been great. Aloha kisses and panda bear hugs.

NEKODAH TEMPLE NO. 44 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE My Goodness, the year has gone by so quickly… I want to thank everyone for their incredible support and enthusiasm especially to my husband, David and my family for their understanding and assistance. Also, thank you to Ill Sir Gary Radvansky and the Alzafar Nobles for their support throughout the year. Queen Shelia Boudreau. The 2018 Public Installation of Officers is April 8th at 6 pm in the Alzafar Ballroom. Help us keep the household roster up to date. If you have new contact information such as mailing or email address or phone # you may send it to the Nekodah group account:

NEMNUF By: Rick "Tater" Reyes Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you…. Over the last 10 years, I bet I’ve played that song in my head more than I care to admit to. That song is one that I’m sure all clowns have played over and over again but very seldom get past the chorus. The chorus truly defines who we are as a unit and its one of the biggest reasons why I became a clown so many years ago. I know that no matter where I go in this world and no matter what’s going on in my life, good or bad, I’ll always have my brothers, my family, my clowns on one side and those same jokers on the other to make me laugh when I need it most, to support me in all endeavors and to pick me up no matter what’s going on. We are a true family in every sense of the word. For those of you wishing to join our family, you need only show up to our monthly stated meeting which is held the second Monday of each month in the NEMNUF room at the Shrine. We usually eat at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7:30 and your lady and children are encouraged to attend. Now, I’ve heard many reasons as to why a person doesn’t want to be a clown. Most of the time its because they’re not too sure about wearing makeup. I can assure you that we do have social members who are not required to dress up but are allowed to come to our meetings and are welcome to call themselves a NEMNUF. That being said, here is my story and why I feel that being a clown is one of the most rewarding units in the Shrine. Some years ago, when the Galveston hospital was flooded due to the Hurricane, some of our burn patients were seen at the Houston hospital. I happen to be at the Houston hospital to visit the kids one Friday. As I was walking down the hallway I heard a faint voice yell out from behind me. Payaso! As I turned I could hear her once again yell out Payaso (clown in Spanish). As she gathered enough air to exclaim it one more time, I quickly scurried over to her so that I could save her the effort as I knew every word, every step, even the slightest movement had to carry some form of pain. I don’t remember how old she was but I do remember that she couldn’t have been older than my youngest at the time. As I walked up to greet her, I was told that she had been burned over the vast majority of her body and that our Galveston burn hospital had managed to save her life.

I don’t recall why she was at the Houston hospital and the only thing I can gather is that she was there for a routine check up since Galveston was closed. While the nurse and my escort spoke with the mother, I began playing with her. She wanted to squeak my nose, so I let her. I did a couple of simple magic tricks and you’d have thought I was a Vegas act. I simply played as if we’d known each other for a life time and before you know it, she was laughing and giggling and mustering up every bit of energy to take whatever game it was to the next level. After what seemed like an eternity, I looked up at the mother and noticed that she was crying. I wasn’t sure what had happened and was terrified that I had done something wrong. The next thing she said, molded me and truly drives me to this day to be the best clown I can. I asked her what was wrong and she said, that was the first time she had seen and heard her daughter laugh out loud and act out of pure joy since her accident. That very moment is when I knew that being a Shrine Clown would allow me to have the greatest impact to our children in the hospitals and to date, I’ve not been proven wrong. So, for all of you in the Shrine who are looking for a unit, we welcome you to ours. Who knows? Maybe one day you too will feel the joy that I did all those years ago. Until next time my brothers.

PROVOST GUARD By: Michael Raymond Alzafar’s Provost Guard Unit has the honor of hosting this years' TSPGA Mid Winter shoot which will be held March 23rd and 24th. There will be a Ladies shoot on Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm at Mission Ridge Range and Academy. The Provost Guard units will shoot Saturday morning at the Bexar Shooting Complex located at 15391 Bexar Bowling Rd. in Marion. Take IH10 east exit Trainer Hale Rd, turn right and go about 1 mile as the crow flies. Our February meeting saw our unit continue to grow as we voted in four new members. We are pleased to welcome into our ranks Scott Brown, C. Boyd Scott and Alzafar’s current High Priest & Prophet, Travis Elmendorf. The Provost Guard Unit would like to extend an open invitation to all Shriner’s who are looking perhaps for a Unit where they are encouraged to bring their Ladies to the meetings and where they are sure to enjoy the delicious meal and fellowship. We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month in the Provost Guard/Shotgun Unit room, social time starts at 6:00 PM, dinner at 6:30 pm and the meetings start at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there. ROADSTER RUMBLINGS By: el Bucko Greetings Roadsters and fans thereof. It is with sad heart that I pass on that our good friend and Brother Jose Guerra has laid down his working tools. Lady Elva tells me his passing was really sudden. Even tho he had fallen and had some infection problems, he was in good spirits and thankfully no pain. Noble Guerra was a long time member of the Red Roadsters. He and his Lady Elva were active at parades and social functions. He will be sorely missed. The parade schedule is not out as of this writing, but the usual springtime parades like the Poteet Strawberry Festival are sure to be in the planning stages. The new Parade Marshall, Rick "Tator" Reyes, will provide more information as it becomes available. Mark Twain told us to get the full measure of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.

RV CLUB By: Dave Browne The January rally was held at the Brazos Valley RV Park located in Caldwell. The Brazos Valley Park was a new park for our club rally, and it was a delight. Yours truly came from Grand Lodge in Waco so I had the chance to spend a whole week at this park. I highly recommend staying here if you are traveling around the Caldwell area. The weather was good, so you could get out and explore. Many of our members scoped out the various restaurants in the area. I particularly enjoyed the fried stuffed avocado. The turnout at the rally was great with 13 rigs present. Some of our new members are domino players, so there was a 42 game going every day along with the card players. The kitchen at the park was nice, so we had a club breakfast and dinner during the rally. Some folks took trips to Brenham to see the Blue Bell Creamery. Others took a trip to College Station to visit the Bush Library. The February rally is going to be held in Galveston at the Galveston Island RV Resort February 22nd-25th. We have a tour of the Shrine Hospital scheduled. The March rally will be held at the Longhorn RV Resort in Niederwald. This park is a “diamond in the rough”. We are looking forward to having a good time there. If you have a RV and want to have a lot of fun in a relaxed atmosphere with Brother Nobles and their Ladies, come out and rally with us. I know you will have a great time. Call Wagon Master Jim Miller (210-415-4358) or assistant Wagon Master Dave Brewton (210-643-0314) for information about the next rally. You can always call me at (210-6797356).

ALZAFAR SENIORS By: Roger Hopkins On February 1st the Alzafar Seniors met in the Parlors with 28 members and guests in attendance. The meeting was opened by our new President, Noble Earl “Tex” Phillips, followed by an invocation from our Chaplain, Noble Donald Garrido, PP. We then rendered honors to the America and Texas flags. We discussed those in sickness/distress and recognized our Past Potentate, sitting and past masters and members of our numerous affiliated groups. We then enjoyed a great lunch of pasta, salad and Italian bread, all provided by our President and his Lady (Tex and Sandra Phillips). After a Treasurer’s report that we are still solvent and a Secretary’s report we went into our business meeting. There was much discussion about what to do regarding our meals in the future. It was decided that in March we would try Bill Millers’ menu and Nobles’ Roger Hopkins and Bill Boon would make arrangements. Before closing, our President thanked the ladies for dessert and asked for volunteers for March. A final benediction was given by our Chaplain and everyone departed into a beautiful, sunny day. We look forward to seeing many of you at our next meeting scheduled to take place in the Parlors on March the 1st. Until then we hope that each of you avoid the flu and have enjoyed the many functions planned for the Shrine.

SHOTGUN UNIT By: Greg Pate Greeting Nobles. It’s the Shotgun Unit Secretary giving you some news you can use. The Alzafar Shotgun Unit had some pretty busy months in January and February leading up to the Texas Shrine Shotgun Sports Association (TSSSA) shoot 3 March at Comal County Shooting Sports, just north of Spring Branch. It’s going to be a blast! In January, the unit had a great turn out for our first scheduled practice for the year. The possibility of inclement weather didn’t stop the unit from throwing some lead at the little orange disks. Thanks to all the unit members, family and friends for showing up. Overall, the unit had a great time shooting, socializing, and a robust lunch served up by the Unit President, 2nd VP and their Ladies. Hopefully, in the next issue, I’ll be able to report the “Smokin’ Clays” brought home some trophies to add to collection currently on display in the Director’s Staff office. After TSSSA, we’ll change gears and start focusing on shooting sporting clays in preparation for our 2nd major shoot of the year, the TSA shoot in June at Tyler. Keep the Shotgun Unit in your prayers that we shoot straight and miss little. Come out and join us for our next practices scheduled for April 7th, a charity shoot at Joshua Creek & 21st of April at Joshua Creek shooting sporting clays. We hope to see you there. Before I depart, love to leave you with a little tip. Skeet/Trap shooting is a lot about the social, just as much as the shooting.


3RD Tuesday Each Thursday 2nd Wednesday 2nd Thursday Memorial Day

July 4 & Labor Day

7:00pm Room 9 6:30pm Room 7 7:00pm Room 5 12:00pm as desig. 12:00pm Camp Pavilion 7:00pm Room 4 6:00pm as desig. 7:00pm Directors Rm. 7:30pm Directors Rm. 7:30pm Room 8 7:30pm Room 7 6:30pm Room 9


1st Monday 2nd Thursday 3rd Wednesday 2nd Tuesday Each Thursday 2nd Tuesday Each Thursday


1st Monday 3rd Tuesday

7:30pm Room 12 7:00pm Room 6 Wed. Before Stated 7:00pm Pavilion 4th Monday 7:00pm Room 11 4th Thursday 7:00pm Room 4 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Room 10 3rd Monday 7:00pm Room 5 2nd Monday 7:30pm Room 11 Each Wednesday 7:00pm Room 8 4th Monday 7:00pm Room 6 1st Wednesday 7:00pm Provost Gd. 1st Tuesday 7:00pm Room 10 1st Sunday 11:00am Dining Room 1st Wednesday 6:00pm RoustaboutRm 4th Weekend As Designated 1st Thursday 12:00pm Parlors 2nd Monday 7:00pm Directors Rm. 1st Monday 7:00pm Parlors 1st Wednesday 7:00pm as desig.


3rd Wednesday 2nd Monday 4th Saturday 3rd Monday 1st Monday 1st Wednesday

2nd Sun. Feb.,Apr. 5:00pm Roustabout Rm. June, Aug.,Oct.Dec.


6:30pm as desig. 6:30pm Lakeside GC. 6:30pm Ramada Inn 6:00pm as desig. 11:00am Inn of the Hills 7:00pm as desig.



4th Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd Thursday



1st Monday

7:00pm Parlors

7:30pm as desig.

7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Alzafar Annex Alzafar Annex Alzafar Annex Parlors

PAST POTENTATES OF ALZAFAR SHRINE 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

Frank R. Newton, SR.* Ted Millburn* J. A. Patterson* Henry Rabe* Robert Burne* Sylvan Lang* Robert S. Michael* Nathan K. Tracy* H. W. Weber* Herman Horner* Charles D. Hall* S. X. Callahan* John Lomax* Henry A. Hirschberg* A. J. McKenzie* Louis P. Hartung* Anton N. Moursund* G. G. Grebenheimer* Porter Loring* P. D. Mathis* Geo. F. Dullnig* Willard E. Simpson* C. Baumberger, Jr.* William Eifler* William H. Wallace* Daniel O’Connell* O. J. Solcher* Rennie Wright* Albert A. Green* W. D. Turbeville* Ted E. Poppe* Alfred W. Harlos* Sam A. Chapman* Richard Adams* Roy Akers* Glen K. Schuepbach* W. C. “Pat” Welch* Elliot J. Bilhartz* Ray H. Trimmier* T. M. McCormick* H. S. Norman* W. B. Jack Ball* Floyd J. Griffin* Henry W. Eitt* Harvey McDonald* L. L. Woodman* George W. Henry* Barney Norris* Jack B. Lee* Robert B. O’Connor E. Jeff Ashcraft, Jr.*

1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

D. Neal Talley* Wm. H. Ferguson* Keith Gerstner* Jack W. Cones, Jr.* Bruce Waitz* Floyd F. Graham* Drue H. Floyd* Jack O. Dietz* H. C. Kopplow* W.H. “Bill” Elmore* Thurman Barrett, Jr.*

Floyd O. Schneider* Reese L. Harrison, Jr.

Burdit W. McCoy* James V. Gullette* Joseph M. Clark* George D. Van, Jr.* Joe Roy Halloway E. C. “Bud” Jordan* Sidney D. Autry* Terry McGuire* James Dockery, Jr.* George J. Labinski* James W. Todd Ray Fuller* Robert “Bob” Jett Emmett C. George* E. C. “Ed” Vest* Tom Boothe* Jerry Krupp* Harry D. Rose* Robert D. “Bob” Green

Robert “Bobby” Hunt Bob Stephens* Loren Hayes J. Phillip Knight-Sheen

Wayne R. Duncan Steve R. Molnar Stuart H. “Stu” Simms

Frank B. Hunter* Joseph Calvey Paul F. McCombs James “Jim” Strayer* Richard “Rick” Reyes Gregorio “G.I.” Flores

Robert “Bob” Jones Tom Young Mario G. Vargas Jay Dee Thomas John Dunn Gary R. Radvansky

MEMBERS OF ALZAFAR AND WHO ARE PAST POTENTATES OF OTHER SHRINE CENTERS 1964 Roy Reynolds (El Bekal)* 1970-71 Eldon Wesner (Anezeh)* 1979 Ray Robison (Suez) 1981 Donald Garrido (Abou Saad) 1983 David Martin (Suez) 1998 Terry Zittle (Abou Saad) * Asterisk Denotes the Passing of Our Illustrious Sir



Albert Racer

Stephen McMahan

Albert Racer

Warren & Rene Hensley

Albert Racer

P.P. JD Thomas & Lady Valerie

Albert Racer

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Albert Racer

P.P. Gary Radvansky & Lady Cheryl

Albert Racer

Jack Elliff

Albert Racer

Bill Mellon

Danny Gunnels

Jesters Court No. 60

Danny Gunnels

Stephen McMahan

Danny Gunnels

Bill Mellon

Dennis Lafferty

Charlie Bedgood

J.D. Jones

Norman & Marty Eastman

James "Duck" Wilcox

Charlie Bedgood

James "Duck" Wilcox

Charlene McGuire

James "Duck" Wilcox

Jim Stultz

Jayne Pritko

David Hensley

Jerry Schero

Warren & Rene Hensley

Jose Guerra, Sr.

Don & Patsy Starnes

Jose Guerra, Sr.

Buck & Shirlee Bourne

Jose Guerra, Sr.

Alzafar Red Roadsters

Lewis Gimbel, Jr.

Bill Mellon

Lois Mae Nail

P.P. John Dunn & Lady Margaret

Louise Clark

Dottie Griffin

Myles Pattillo

Doris Davis

Nettie Wells

Bill Mellon

Richard L. Cunningham

Guadalupe Valley Shrine Club

Velma Woodson

Ken & Lou Skinner

Viviano Rodriguez

Bill Mellon

Roberto Pachecano

Darrell Stockinger

George L. Wyatt James "Knox" Duncan, Jr.

Robert E. Kyle O D Lancaster

FOR SALE: #2 Ben at Camp Alzafar.Arthur Real nice on FOR SALE: 2 crypts at Anchor Lodge Cemetery. Make Vernon F. Hur Kelley B. Williams inside, new batteries in golf cart. Many extras. Asking offer. Call Bob @ 210-824-4689. $28,00.00. For more information, please call Billie Sutton @ FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Funeral 210-493-6299. Park. Asking $4,000.00 each. For more information call FOR SALE: Khiva #53 at Camp Alzafar. 1997 Jayco Fifth Noble A. G. Pinson @ 615-746-6888. wheel with two pullouts & includes 1 golf cart. Brand new FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the refrigerator. Excellent condition and very comfortable. Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each. Please contact Asking $10,500.00 or best offer. Call Connie Daubenmire @ Vicki Gann @ 210-315-1325. 210-685-8232 for more details. FOR SALE: 4 adjourning plots in Brookside Memorial Park FOR SALE: #16 Hella at Camp Alzafar. Newly remodeled Cemetery, Houston Texas. Section 26 (Masters Lawninside and out. Sleeps 10 people comfortably. Comes Masonic Section), lot 251, spaces 3,4,5 & 6. Asking completely furnished, including appliances and two window $4,995.00 each. Sell all or part. Call Noble Johnny @ 210A/C units. A 300 gallon water tank with pump and pressure 328-1776. tank. Golf cart with lift kit, weather cover and stereo FOR SALE: 4 cemetery plots in Historic Hollywood Cemetery, Houston Texas. Perpetual care included. Price is system. Listed at $38,000.00. For more information or to schedule a viewing appointment, contact Rich Orr at 210$5,000.00 each. Contact Betty Chalfont @ 830-237-3229. 885-2325. FOR SALE: 2004 Harley Ultra Classic Shrine Edition "Jester FOR SALE: 27 ft. 2004 Jayco trailer. $6,000.00. Call Purple". 14K miles, 1 inch la chopper lowering kit, vance Jesse Araiza @ 512-769-0014. and hines true duals and tuner, painted inner fairing, FOR SALE: 4 burial plots at Chapel Hill Cemetery in the chrome factory wheels, removable trunk kit. Too many Military Honors section. $900.00 each. Contact Noble options to list. Many extras going with bike. $8,500.00 or Daniel Carbaugh @ 210-661-3492. serious offer. Call Chris Celis @ 210-253-0397 or FOR SALE: 2 crypts at Anchor Lodge Cemetery. Make offer. Call Bob @ 210-824-4689. FOR SALE: Corn roaster, like new condition. Nat Washer . Lodge paid $13,000.00, will take reasonable offer. Please call Noble Andrew J. Perez @ 210-259-7953.


MARCH CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1st 3rd 5th 8th 25th 27th

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting and Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Masonic Youth Brunch/Ballroom Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Children's Easter Egg Hunt/Pavilion OC Meeting/Dining Room

10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 2:00-4:00 pm 7:00 pm

__________________________________________________________________ APRIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS 5th 9th 12th 14th 28th

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting and Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Strawberry Festival Parade/Poteet Fiesta Flambeau Parade/San Antonio

10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am 7:00 pm

__________________________________________________________________ MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 3rd 5th 7th 10th 26th 28th

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting and Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Cornyval Parade/Helotes Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Memorial Day Parade/Bandera Camp Alzafar Opening Festivities MEMORIAL DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED

10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm 9:30 am 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 11:00 am

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