Coco Eco Magazine

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JOHN SHEGERIAN John Shegarian and his green DNA are at the center of Electronic Recyclers International, a company who leads the electronic recycling movement globally, and has to date successfully been able to keep every aspect of their business green and sustainable. “At ERI, our DNA and culture are green from top to bottom. From the small business cards we hand out on recycled paper and electric forklifts, to the hybrid cars our sales force has driven since 2007. Green isn’t just important — it is who we are.â€? Now the world’s largest recycler of electronic waste, ERI is licensed to de-manufacture and recycle all types of electronic equipment processing 250 million tons of electronics annually. John is so passionate about the process that he has included everyone and everything in his dedication to sustainability, including ERI’s current partnership with Recycle Across America, to endorse proper bin labeling. “We agree that standardized labeling is one of the most important pillars of both UHVSRQVLEOH DQG SURĂ€WDEOH UHF\FOLQJ Âľ This passion and dedication has brought John to voice Green is Good, D UDGLR VKRZ RQ L+HDUW5DGLR ERDVWLQJ WKH KLJKHVW WUDIĂ€F RI DQ\ HFR focused radio show, globally. With more than 800 guest appearances, -RKQ GLVFXVVHV PDQ\ HFR LVVXHV ZLWK VRPH RI WKH ZRUOG¡V PRVW LQĂ XHQWLDO voices. “We are honored to host the most interesting people in the sustainability world — and everyone from Ben & Jerry’s, to Ford and Walmart have been on the show. The guests have made the show an incredible journey for me, and for that I am very grateful.â€?

Photo: Global Green USA

Photo: Shane Maritch

LES McCABE You could call Dr. Les McCabe an accomplished leader. The latest addition to Global Green USA as President and CEO hails from \HDUV RI VHUYLFH ZLWK WKH \RXWK RULHQWHG QRQ SURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQ Semester at Sea, based out of Virginia. Global Green USA itself is an organization dedicated to helping the planet through catalytic projects, transformative policies, and cutting edge technology. Global Green LV DQ DIĂ€OLDWH RI *UHHQ &URVV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO IRXQGHG E\ 3UHVLGHQW Mikail Gorbachev in 1993, to cultivate a global value shift for a more promising future. “I’m incredibly inspired by Global Green’s 20 year history and its focus on people — fostering a value shift that helps us all protect and preserve the environment.â€? Amongst the repertoire of projects Les is currently working on, the New Orleans water project is top of his list. “Our focus will be on educating neighborhoods on how to manage storm water in a cost-effective way. What we’re learning from the green infrastructure and water works projects in New Orleans are valuable urban water management techniques that can be translated to any community impacted by sea level rise,â€? explains Les. In addition to the water project, New Orleans is also home to another exciting GHYHORSPHQW ´:H QRZ KDYH DQ RIĂ€FH LQ WKH ORZHU WK :DUG DQG DUH LQ the last stages of building our Holy Cross Project there, which will be FRPSULVHG RI Ă€YH VLQJOH IDPLO\ KRPHV DQG D &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW and Climate Action Center. It’s really exciting for me to be a part of the completion of that huge initiative.â€? MEN WE LOVE



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