Indie Chick

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The Original Muse: Joey Tierney Be authentic in whatever you do and don’t be afraid to share it with the world!

through the diaries inspire other women. I've had some great experiences in my life but also some very tough ones, and I want other girls who are out there to see that not only are they not alone, but they can achieve anything they set their mind to. It's also given me the opportunity to meet other strong women from all over the world from different backgrounds and professions - all with a new kind of story to tell, and I love that! What advice would you give to the future Indie Chicks of the world? There's really nothing you cannot do as long as you set your mind to it. The best things in life are often the hardest to achieve and take a lot of work, but the rewards are often amazing. So, don't ever give up! We all have the potential to be the best Indie Chick out there.

ORIT GARBOURG Can you share a moment of life that was a hardship? How did you turn that into positive?

Some things in life can be difficult and overwhelming, but you can always push those things a little bit further. Bikram Yoga taught me that. Yoga has connected my mind, body and soul, and created deeply fulfilling change and growth on every level. With my commitment to regular practice, I am able to clear my mind and connect with my heart in a way that flows into my everyday life that brings me such joy. I have so much gratitude for my practice because it has given me back to myself and I have learned so much about who I am. None of this would have happened if on May of this year I didn’t have a tragic bicycle accident injuring both of my knees that prevented me from running, working, and even doing my daily routine. My energy was low, I was stressed and even a bit afraid I wouldn’t be able to pay the rent on time. My roommate Pat suggested I sign up with Bikram Yoga LES. I had heard good things about Bikram but weren’t sure if this was the right time to make a monetary commitment. Sometimes you have to take a risk; and I did, no regrets. I am a much better person today, fully recovered both physically and mentally and ready to boom! Oh yeah just remember, think positive, breath and keep a good balance. That’s how I roll.


WHAT INSPIRED HAUTE STREET X THE MUSE DIARIES? Being surrounded by fascinating women all of the time inspired us to create the muse diaries. The MUSE diaries is a platform for interesting, international women to tell their stories and inspire the people around them. MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF ADVICE? Anything is possible. IF YOU COULD GO BACK TO ONE MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE - WHEN WOULD IT BE? I would love to be in Santorini with my husband. It was paradise. IF SOMEONE WAS WRITING A STORY ON YOUR LIFE, WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD CALL IT? They would call it … DIAMOND LIFE. :) WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL CONNECTION TO THE INDIE CHICKS AND WHY HAVE YOU CHOSEN TO SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT? I’ve known Chiara for many years and I’m so inspired by her and proud of what she has accomplished. The Indie Chicks are AWESOME! WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU? Usually by 7AM I’ve watched 2 episodes of Law & Order.

photo by: Cyle Suesz

TELL US ABOUT A MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE THAT “CHANGED” YOU. When I first moved into Olive Crest group home at the age of 14 - I knew I had a tough road ahead. The girls were not that friendly so I focused on school and the arts. I emancipated on my 18th birthday.



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