Jan21 - Equality In Focus - Training Framework, Action Plan and Resources for Film & Television Crew

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Equality training : Ask productions to set up equality training for all teams before each shoot, including bullying, harassment, employment rights, mental health awareness and unconscious bias training, especially for those in a hiring position (and ideally all).

Watch out for hidden loopholes : Ensure that the funding for a production is itself not impacting diversity (for example, requiring certain roles to have experience on high budget productions, which might inadvertently give those who have historically had more opportunities on those productions an advantage.)

Set KPIs and share your stats : Make a commitment to diversity by establishing target KPIs (as opposed to quotas) for all areas you are responsible for. Contribute stats you collect on diversity to organisations collating this data for the industry overall.

Avoid assumptions: Many production roles can be hands-on and physical, and it can be tempting to assume certain individuals cannot do certain tasks due to their physical attributes. Be careful to avoid assumptions like this. 15

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