Rhode Island Normal School Catalog 1907

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salamanders, frogs, toads, liza rds, turtles, snakes, besides ferns, mosses, liche ns, liYerworts a nd many kind s of flowe ring plants.

PHYSICAL SCIENCE. The departme nt of physical science occupies a lecture-room, two labo ra tories, one each for physics a nd c he mistry, and a photographer's d ark -room. E ac h room is s upplied with a large amount of blackboard space, runnin g water, gas and electric light. .A locker, set of drawers, table space and complete outfit of apparat us is prO\·ided for each stude nt. The lect ure-room is com ·eni e ntl y situated between the tvvo labora tories, and is fitted with dark curtains, la nterns a nd scree n for lantern projection. The physical laboratory has a large lecture-table, and fortye ight sets of drawers a nd lockers for the use of the students. There is abundant table space an~.l apparat us to acco mmodate twenty-fo ur st ud ents at a time. The windows are fitted with dark curtains, and each table has separate e lectrical connection s for indiYiclual work in e lectricity. The c hemica l laboratory has tiled floor and tab le- tops, g lass s helves for reage nt bottles, and a very complete s upply of apparat us a nd reage nts. The room is well ventil ated and five ext ra hoods are pro,·ided for work ,,·ith noxious gases. Adjoining the chemical laboratory is a co mm odious clark room fitted with every conveni e nce for photographic work.

MINERALOGY. The mineral ogical laboratory has wooden curtains for dark ening the room , a large screen for lantern p ictures, a nd a stereopticon. The tables are tile-topped and are furnished with

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