Rhode Island Normal School Catalogue and Circular: 1882

Page 27




sehou l is open to visit ors during every session.

On Saturday, in ron nrc-

lion with t he usual exerc ises of the school, lectures nrc given hy Professors of Brown University. and by other~. upon subjects adapted to interest and inst ruct th ose actually engaged in teaching. as well as the pupils of th e sc hool. PHO)IP'I' AND HEGU I,A H r\T'I'Il:r\DANCE.

Th e work of each class is so syste matically arranged and so much of the in struction is g iven ind epe nd ent of text-books that it is greatly to the advantage of every pupil to be present on thc.fiNl day of the term, and, if possilJic, nt every exercise of the class. H:\ILHOAD A~D JL OHSE-C ..\H CO:'>OIUX I C.\TIO~ Wl'I'II '!'liE SC II OOJ,,

The railroad s whi c h centre in Providence enable pupils in n large portion of the State to board at home while attending 8c hool. Th e schoo l building is loc:ltcd on Benefit ~t rcet, corner of Waterman street, within a few minutes' walk of the Central Depot on Exchl\ngc Phwe. Horse-cars on all th e lines meet on Mark et ~quare , from which the sc hool building is easily accessible. All part~ of the city nnd State arc thus, hy m il road 11.ncl ho1路se-cars, brought into direct :md easy co mmuni cation with the school. Hail road companies furnish tickets at reduced rates to those attending t he Nor mal Sc hool. Th e Principal will aid pupils in obtaining t hese tickets.




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