Rhode Island State Normal School Catalogue and Circular: 1896

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umm; of lhe daily papers: all teachers and others who may be intcrestcd are invit('d. Durin g the y<·nr 189:1-96 the following lectures were giHn: Stptcmbe r l •l, 21, 2~, 1895, Dr. Hartwell, Dir('ctor of Physical Ednc·nLion in Boston, " Ph ysi(;a\ ]~ducation ;" February l:"J, ISOG, Dr. "E. Bcnj . .Andrews, P res. Brown l'niversity, ".\. Hcccnt Trip Through t he RoULh ;" l!'cbrtwry 29, l89G, Dr. Wm. A. Mowry , of ll ydc Park, ) las~ .. '' Books a nd I low to l·se 'l' hcm ;'' ) larch 21,1896. Dr. 'Vm. A . .\ lowry, " ll ow to '/'('acl t the Beginning!' of ll istory," illttstrnt<•d by the Bing. of B('njamin Fran klin; Marc h 28, !B9G, ·"~'·Fran cis II. Green," A G:trdcn of En glish Literatu re."

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