Healthy Mom&Baby: Issue 36

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Fathers are Key Players in Breastfeeding, Safe Infant Sleep

It’s likely that the father of your baby spends more time in childrearing activities than his father or grandfather did. This is triple the attention dads are giving to their children within the past 50 years, and it’s creating better infant health. With dad involved, research shows moms have an easier time nursing baby and do so for at least 8 weeks, and baby is more likely to be put to sleep in a way that promotes safe infant sleep. Moms also consider their baby’s father’s opinion about breastfeeding, say experts at the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development. Dads are more encouraging and supportive of their partner nursing their child as compared to their father’s attitudes, according to a survey among 250 dads in Georgia. The survey also discovered that when dad wants their baby’s mother to breastfeed their child, this resulted in more moms nursing their newborns and sustaining breastfeeding for more than 8 weeks. Additionally, these same fathers also described placing their infants to sleep on their backs as advised by leading sleep experts, including the AAP, making dads great partners you can lean on during those first days and weeks of sleepless newborn care.


Help for the Blues Following Birth Many new moms experience emotions including being overwhelmed that don’t simply go away after baby’s birth. As you care for your newborn, breastfeeding and pumping around the clock, keeping up with all the appointments, you might wonder, is there anyone I can talk to about how I feel? How I’m coping? The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline is available 24 hours every day of the year. Calls and texts are free and your personal information is kept private. This service is not only for postpartum mothers; you can call while pregnant too when you need extra support. Even your loved ones can reach out if they need support, too. Counselors communicate in English, Spanish, and 60 on-demand languages. TTY users can use a preferred relay service. For support, call or text 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) to get the help you need, when you need it.

ISSUE 36 / 2024

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Healthy Mom&Baby


07/12/2023 10:34

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