Healthy Mom&Baby: Issue 33

Page 51

healthy babies


That Nurtures Your Baby By Charlotte Wool, PhD, RN



hat if you learned that the everyday act of diapering could promote and support your baby’s health and development? That the routine actions of moving, touching and caring for your baby and their skin during a diaper change could create trust, connection and a surge of positive emotions that support baby’s overall health and wellness? That idea alone would turn a rote task into a mini masterpiece! Diapering can be enjoyed and beneficial for baby—not just endured— say the experts of the Huggies® Nurse Advisory Council. Their program, “Every Change Matters: A Guide to Developmental Diapering Care,” explores the research regarding how the very simple act of diapering provides healthful and developmental opportunities for bonding, attachment,

closeness, stress reduction and comfort between you and your infant. Before you ever change your baby’s first diaper, you’ll likely spend months preparing to do so. Maybe you’ll put a changing table in baby’s nursery, or act on the advice of an experienced mom and set up “diapering stations” with supplies all around your home. You’re aiming for ease and convenience— right? You’ll likely change 10,000 diapers before baby transitions to a potty. Isn’t it nice to know you have the opportunity to also help baby grow stronger and healthier during these times? During baby’s first days, you’ll change up to 12 diapers a day—that’s up to 12 opportunities to hug your baby close to you, connect, bond and form fun rituals together that turn the ordinary task of diapering into something extraordinary.

Mindful Moments During Diaper Time Parenting can be stressful and overwhelming—especially when you’re not getting all of the sleep you need. You may feel tempted to rush through daily care tasks to get on to other activities with baby. In your hurry, you might miss out on these little moments to bond with your baby! Diapering is the perfect time to practice mindfulness in your care habits. Mindfulness means being completely engaged in the present moment. It’s taking your life off autopilot; paying attention to each and every second with your baby; and becoming aware of baby’s moods, movements, expressions and most importantly, baby’s cues. Like any good habit, it takes practice. Create a sensory symphony at

ISSUE 33 / 2022

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Healthy Mom&Baby


20/07/2022 16:21

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