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new visual “articulations”. The artists involved in such a process are aware of the fact that the contact with the audience will take place later, and only through the immortalized and static image. This encourages them to rethink the work they have to do on themselves. Thus, the reconstruction of their performing body is achieved by using moments of

From Europe to South America

exchange and contamination that occur during the very performing

During last year Vason was involved in a project in South America, during which he realized a photographic mapping, whose fil rouge was dance, in turn detectable in the static pictures of various local performers. In “Still Movil”, a joint initiative with Red Sudamerica de Danza, Vason intended to combine two languages, dance and photography, thus transcending their dichotomy. The static result of the gesture becomes exposure on the digital camera, along with the here-and-now fluidity of the movement, establishing a relationship through a play of conflicts and encounters, and originating sparkles of unexpected creativity, immediately gathered by the photographer’s digital camera.

action. Their ultimate aim: succeeding in having the same perceptual live performance impact on the eyes of the spectator. Vason’s notion of exposure, portrayed in his pictures, reveals an essential desire for communication, as if in every picture taken, based on a synesthetic underlying principle, a message could be discerned: yelled or just whispered, this message is transmitted through exposed or “deconstructed” bodies, through sectioned, explored, disclosed and glorified bodies. They become subjects and objects of a multireferential transmission that transcends the liveliness factor, by freezing it onto a digital camera, thus giving spectators the possibility of a continuously enjoyable vision.

This project describes a journey through artistic residences in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, taken in the first semester of 2011; in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Peru, Chile, 93

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.