Beyond the known realization - Paul Selig

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words. But we must say it is not as hard as you believe it to be, once you understand that everything is just an idea. Who you are is an idea. What you do is an idea. Who you know is an idea of who you know. All that needs to transform is a simple idea, and the ideas that serve as obstacles to your realization are the very things that you are gifted in an encounter with now. Anything that would preclude the light from shining as and through you will now be known, will now be addressed, will now be resurrected, or unburied, if you wish, so it may be known and seen and released for the benefit of all. Now, at this juncture, we must say to Paul, we are taking the reader to a place that is not so comfortable, so please allow us to do this. Any shame you hold about the body, any shame you hold about your sexual being, any shame the body holds that it has used to deny the Divine must now be reclaimed in a higher way. Any belief that your limitation in form could possibly preclude the action of the Divine as and through you must be understood as a false teaching. The idea of the body as a temple is all well and good, but even what is within the temple must be known as holy, not just the structure, but all that has known itself within the temple walls. And that must include every encounter with pain that the body has known itself in. On this day we would like to offer you a new teaching, on the resurrection of form and the release of form from the disability that it has claimed itself in. Unlike the planet you express on, which would never do itself harm, you have harmed yourselves incredibly through fear and through shame and through disregard of the True Self, who knows who she is and can never be ashamed. The teaching you receive now is about the requirement for release that is now present, as the body itself begins to flower. Anything that would obstruct the flowering of the body can now be attended to, and will be attended to as you align to it. We will say these words on your behalf: On this day I choose to encounter each one who encounters these words in a promise of the new, an agreement to the new, that the being that you are will now be re-known in a pure state, a return to innocence, as the Christed Self requires itself to move as you, to move through you, in participation with the re-creation of a world. And anything that is not of God, or of love, or of agreement to God, that which you have held in darkness, may now be released in offering to the Creator to be healed.

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