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My favorite pastime has been the “basketball� but already almost I can not practice it because I do not have the necessary time. When I was 14 years old was playing every evening with my cousin and my brother

In 5° semester the IPN I was present in a “camp” of the IPN. Case is the name of this camp is a camp of leadership. Together with my friend Fernanda and Yaz represent and for me was an unforgettable experience Since they were teaching you to be a leader and to achieve your goals.

The “ night � is one of the natural events that I like. I like the night because this way there are no many people in the street and the city And the city seems beautiful with so many lights. many persons think that the night is dangerous but I think that it is beautiful and I am not afraid to walk in her.

I like the “photos� because I feel we can immortalize the moment we can preserve for the whole life .

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