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KEEPING CORRECT MANGA PROPORTIONS If you measure the average person from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot, the crotch would mark the halfway point of the body. It’s an easy way to eyeball the proportions and, if they’re off, make an adjustment. However, manga characters are not average. They’re often drawn slightly taller to create an idealized look. But be careful how you add the extra height. You don’t do this by “growing” the figure slightly taller all over. In fact, the head/neck/torso unit should remain the same proportion as on an average person. You only add extra length to the legs. So the average manga character’s crotch ends up as the halfway point between the top of the head and the ankles.

Too much additional height has been piled on. Clearly, her legs are oversized, which occurs sometimes when adding height. Don’t go overboard and throw the proportions out of whack.

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