promoting blogs

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Promoting blogs Daniela Dalbokova March, 2009

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Summary  10 Tips for promoting blogs •


Make announcements

Use email to grow a blog


Make it accessible

Run a contest

Use Social media / microblogging

Set up some Carnivals of loyal comments or participate in Blog carnivals

 Appendix

Comment 

Find other blogs in your niche and comment,

Look a little outside your niche – blogs where is some overlap in topic,

Search for new blogs in your niche to read / bookmark / comment on / digging / stumbling,

Answer comments that others leave on your blog,

Comment on popular and less popular blogs (less well known blogs are more likely to follow every comment back to the source witch could be a potential source of links),

Make real comments that add something to the conversation (If you say something worth reading, most people will want to go to your blog to see what else you are saying),

Make helpful suggestions to other bloggers. and

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Use email to grow a blog 

Email other bloggers when you write something that you think will interest them,

Send email to present you to people who left comments on your blog,

Don’t use newsletters that simply convert your RSS feed into emails, Offer some exclusive content and link to posts at your blog.

Newsletters build a core community and enhance reader engagement: people who subscribe to a newsletter are among the most loyal and committed members of your blog community. They could promote your blog trough other communities.


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Cross- promote 

Cross promote each other with other bloggers: do a guest blog swap once a month with another blogger (you write on their blog for a day and they write on yours ) 

Cross Promote Your RSS Feed with Blog Widgets Crossblogging université d’été MEDEF


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Make it Accessabile  Optimize your blog posts for search engines: Name well your anchor text; have descriptive Titles. Make sure your titles actually enhance the entry. Manage your trackback & comment spam. Use great categories.

 Make sure you have RSS available. Place it in your sidebar, which is exactly where people will look for them. Offer RSS & Feed Subscription and Posts Via Email Buttons.  Write Compelling Snippets/Descriptions (in a manner to encourage the reader to click and 

read the full entry). If your blog is part of a larger site, such as a corporate blog on a site for a major company, don’t just link to the main page of the blog. Syndicate your recent headlines in the sidebar to

encourage visitors on the main site to check out the blog too.  Post Often. Create Unique Stories. Use a Related Posts Plugin.  Make links to other blogs; you will often make those bloggers aware of your blog’s existence when

people click from your blog to theirs. And they will either link to you on that story or on something you blog about in the future.

 Ping Other Sites.  Avoid Widget Overload! Be aware that having a large number of javascripts can slow down your site.

 Install Global translator plugin and promote to other languages.


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Run a contest  

Most interesting post, comment, link… Exemple:


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Make announcements 

If you are planning to write about a topic a couple of days from now, find some blogs about the topic of your future post, add to the conversation, mentioning that you’ll be talking about the topic on your blog in a few days.

Connect with people (professionnal groups) via social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and tell them about your blog (posts).

Join bloggers communities.


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Use Social media / microblogging 

Give your readers easy way to pass your blog on to others. (“add to social media” bouttons – choose a small number that relate to your niche rather than adding every one available).

Use microblogging services (tumblelogs) such as Twitter and tumblr. Start blog sites on other networks such as squidoo, blogger,, hubpages and link in to your own blog.


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Set up some Carnivals of loyal comments or participate in Blog carnivals


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Carnivals of loyal comments  Each blogger write a post featuring one, two or three of their loyal commenters and add that link to the carnival.  Make your weekly Say It Forward post to thank your commentors and add the permalink to the carnival.


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Blog carnivals  A Blog Carnival is a particular kind of blog community. There are many kinds of blogs, and they contain articles on many kinds of topics. Blog Carnivals typically collect together links pointing to blog articles on a particular topic.  A Blog Carnival is like a magazine. It has a title, a topic, editors, contributors, and an audience. Editions of the carnival typically come out on a regular basis. Each edition is a special blog article that consists of links to all the contributions that have been submitted, often with the editors opinions or remarks.  If there is a carnival for a topic you are interested in, following that carnival is a great way to learn what bloggers are saying about that topic. If you are blogging on that topic, the carnival is the place to share your work with like-minded bloggers.


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Sources & links

Microbogging: • • • Blog promotion Expand Your Blog Audience Blog widgets • Search optimization for blogs • Carnaval of Loyal Comments • Blogcarnivals: • Carnival of family life • Skin care carnival • To organize a carnival

Bloggers communities: b5media Ping Other Sites: • ping Google’s Blog Search • ping-o-Matic Research for other blogs: • Google Alerts • StumbleUpon Together. Free your energies

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