A clear focus on customer needs
Fundamental human rights are repeatedly violated
Our latest products for a modern workspace
A clear focus on customer needs
Fundamental human rights are repeatedly violated
Our latest products for a modern workspace
Dear reader,
Welcome to the new era of sustainable and hybrid working!
Digitalisation has not only profoundly changed our everyday lives, but also the world of work. Hybrid working introduced innovative working models, but also brought with it new challenges. We must tackle these challenges together if we want to successfully respond to the desire for more flexibility and a good work-life balance.
In these exciting times of change, the desire for greater social and environmental sustainability has also increased. These are values that we at actively and passionately advocate and that are firmly anchored in who we are and what we do. One impressive proof of this is that we have recycled more than 14 million PET bottles, from which we have produced more than 1.6 million environmentally friendly notebook bags. A commitment that makes a lasting contribution to protecting the environment.
Browse our impressive range, discover inspiring collaborations and marvel at our sustainable innovations.
We hope you enjoy reading about and discovering our products!
f. l. t. r.
Stephan Meyer, CPO Michael Mühlenbruch, CMO Ruedi Nauer, CEORESPONSIBILITY 08 Ecological responsibility 09 Social responsibility 10 Supply chain law
12 DICOTA Club introduced
14 dct.oem introduced 15 introduced
DICOTA 16 DICOTA introduced 18 Eco collections
Since the start of the year, there has been an even stronger focus on customer needs, leading to the creation of a new look for the group. Read all about the fine-tuned brand orientation here.
For more than 30 years, the DICOTA group has been a pioneer in the extremely fast-paced IT industry, helping to proactively shape customer needs and trends. In order to address different customer sectors in a more targeted way, we established the two strong brands, BASE XX and CATURIX.
Now all of the brands have found a new home, with the new group name paying tribute to the company’s long traditions and proud heritage:
DICOTA – introduced in 1992 as an acronym for “Die Computer Tasche” – has had the vowels removed to create
As part of this rebranding, tailored product solutions will be marketed under dct.oem and Details on the individual brands can be found below.
With this new, fine-tuned look, communication with customers and partners will be more clearly structured. Nothing will change on the legal and operational side of organisation and all known contact persons remain unchanged.
Continue to benefit from the added values of the
– Excellent availability of established trade products in the IT sector in over 60 countries
– Comprehensive range of services for all trade levels in the IT channels
– Reliable and proven tailored solutions
– Focus on social and environmental sustainability
The family is here for you and wants to inspire you with an outstanding service.
The first address for functional carrying solutions and accessories of the highest quality for mobile working.
The Helvetic Battle Lord as protector of the equipment of gamers and esport enthusiasts.
The smart, budget-friendly alternative that doesn’t compromise on quality and design.
The competent source for market-driven collections for CE manufacturers and private labels.
Professional customised solutions for companies and their specific needs.
Clients’ needs and expectations are at the centre of the day-to-day activities.
United Kingdom
Pfäffikon SZ
The is convinced that local support makes an important difference, with the familiar language and knowledge of local markets helping to make daily cooperation more efficient and making it easier to focus on the customer together.
With subsidiaries in Germany, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates, coordinates all activities from its group headquarters in Switzerland. Competent employees and partners in over 60 countries do their utmost to support customers with individually tailored solutions.
The places great emphasis on personal interaction and is always open to listening to its customers in order to meet their needs and share its enthusiasm for hybrid working with them. It always acts fairly and equally, ensuring that customers can rely on a loyal and committed partner.
And the journey isn’t over yet: with the continued expansion of’s international presence, the foundations have been laid for the continuation of the success story.
South Korea
Sheung Wan Hong KongSince the launch of the first collection made from environmentally friendly materials in 2010, DICOTA has been committed to improving its contribution to recycling used PET bottles by creating more products that are sustainable.
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time. It takes hundreds of years for plastic to naturally break down, leading to widespread damage to the environment, wildlife, ecosystems and human health. To combat this problem, DICOTA has decided to turn to recycling as a way to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.
One of the most common forms of plastic waste is the PET bottle. These can be found in landfills, oceans, and even on the sides of roads all over the world. However, instead of being a burden on the environment, these bottles can be transformed into something useful.
“Transforming used PET bottles into sustainable carrying solutions is not just recycling, itʼs upcycling – turning waste into something new and useful.”
The process of recycling PET bottles into polyester fibre is surprisingly simple. The bottles are collected, sorted and cleaned to remove any labels and residue. They are then chopped up into small flakes, which are melted and processed into fibres. These in turn can be spun into yarn and woven into a fabric that can be used for a wide range of products, including laptop bags.
Did you know that the product hangtags of all carrying solutions are made from FSC-certified paper and printed with soya-based inks?
Additionlally, there are alternatives being considered for the packaging of these products. Polybags, which protect the bags from weather, dust or damage during transport, will be replaced with a sustainable alternative that can be composted. The production of silica gel sachets, which help to absorb moisture that could damage the bags, requires a lot of water and chemicals, making it imperative to replace them with a sustainable alternative. Various solutions are also being tested to ensure problem-free delivery in future. Sustainability should be seen as an opportunity to optimise, not to compromise.
Your decision matters
In conclusion, the recycling of PET bottles into polyester and the production of laptop bags from this material is a great example of how waste can be transformed into a valuable resource. By choosing products made from recycled materials, we can all play our part in reducing plastic pollution and creating a more sustainable future.
Corporate social responsibility refers to the voluntary actions taken by a company to improve society in addition to fulfilling its business goals. It encompasses a wide range of initiatives and activities and is becoming increasingly important to both consumers and stakeholders, as they expect companies to not only make a profit, but to also have a positive impact.
Economic responsibility refers to the obligation to be profitable and create economic value for stakeholders. DICOTA has a consistent and well thought-out expansion strategy, which has and will result in the company constantly entering new markets around the world.
It is owner-managed by a team of three people with over 58 years of combined experience in the company and focuses on both quantitative and qualitative growth.
Legal responsibility refers to a company’s obligation to follow the law and comply with regulations.
The decision to be headquartered in Switzerland was well-considered, with the country’s stable political and economic situation, low levels of corruption, a stable currency and support for innovation and education being factors in this decision. In return, DICOTA pays taxes on all its operations and creates new and secure jobs in the regions in which it operates.
Corporate social responsibility is a long-term project that requires consistent effort and commitment. It is not something that can be solved within a few weeks or months of effort, but rather a continual process of improvement and refinement. DICOTA will engage
Ethical responsibility refers to a company’s obligation to act in an honest and moral manner. This includes treating employees fairly, avoiding exploitation and discrimination, and acting in an environmentally responsible manner. As a part of amfori, DICOTA has voluntarily decided to follow the elevenpoint “Code of Conduct” charter and is therefore strongly committed to improving working conditions in global supply chains.
in ongoing dialogue with stakeholders to implement appropriate strategies and address concerns. By prioritizing corporate social responsibility, DICOTA will be able to create long-term value for their stakeholders, as well as contributing to a more responsible and equitable future.
Philanthropic responsibility refers to a company’s obligation to give back to society. DICOTA not only give something back to nature by planting a tree for every preregistration on the CLUB but also supports the non-profit organisation Labdoo by collecting used laptops and donating an extra 25 euros for each one. bhz Stuttgart e.V. is committed to the participation of people with disabilities. DICOTA has supported them with a donation for the purchase of professional sewing machines.
The law aims to make companies responsible for violations in their supply chain. This is an explanation of what companies operating in the EU need to know about this new law.
In trade and production, fundamental human rights are repeatedly violated in the course of global supply chains. These include child labour, exploitation, discrimination and a lack of labour rights. Environmental destruction is also in the spotlight, including illegal deforestation, pesticide emissions and water and air pollution. Companies in the European Union earn money from what is produced in other parts of the world, which is why they also bear responsibility for respecting human rights throughout their supply chain.
“It is therefore becoming increasingly important for companies to address the challenges in their supply chains in a preventive manner.”
The “Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains” aims to compel companies to better fulfil their global responsibility. At the same time, the law will also reduce competitive disadvantages for companies that already voluntarily invest in sustainable supply chain management.
Reports on child labour, exploitative working hours or chemicals that end up in sewage and rivers, human rights. Stakeholders are also becoming aware of this issue, with customers and investors increasingly demanding consistent reporting. Politicians have also taken action: on 11 June 2021, the Supply Chain
Sourcing Obligations Act (LkSG) was passed in the German Bundestag and published in the Federal Law Gazette on 22 July. The aim is to strengthen the global enforcement of human rights and environmental protection and to give companies more legal certainty and security of action.
From 2023 onwards, European companies as well as organisations from other countries operating in the EU with at least 3,000 employees must implement human rights and environmental due diligence in their supply chains. From 2024, the law will also apply to companies with at least 1,000 employees. In principle, small and medium-sized enterprises should also fulfil their due diligence obligations in supply chains. The law applies across the entire length of the entire supply chain. In addition to the company’s own business operations, the business relationships and production methods of its direct suppliers must also be taken into account. If a company has factual indications that suggest a possible violation of a human rights or environmental obligation at indirect suppliers, it must also take action.
The due diligence obligations are based on the five core elements of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP) and relate to the company’s own business operations, the actions of a contractual partner and the actions of other (indirect) suppliers.
Affected companies must introduce a management system that analyses human rights and environmental risks in their own supply chains and derives appropriate preventive measures from this, as well as remedial measures in the event of damage.
At the same time, they are required to develop a complaints procedure: Affected persons who have knowledge of human rights violations or environmental violations must have the opportunity to point out these grievances. Furthermore, companies have the obligation to publish a policy statement on their human rights strategy and to report annually on the implementation of their due diligence obligations.
What happens when companies violate the law?
The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) checks whether the statutory due diligence requirements, including reporting obligations, are being complied with. Fines of up to 8 million euros can be imposed in the event of very serious violations, such as deliberate failure to take preventive or remedial measures. In the case of an annual turnover of more than 400 million euros, the fine can be up to 2% of the worldwide annual turnover. Furthermore, if a fine is imposed above a certain minimum level, it is possible to be excluded from the award of public contracts.
Are companies which operate in the EU at an international disadvantage?
Other countries already have legal regulations on due diligence, and an EU law has been drafted, with the presentation of a draft directive on sustainable corporate governance by the EU Commission on 23 February 2022. In addition to the protection of human rights, the proposal also includes environmental aspects and is intended to create uniform competitive conditions in the internal market. Germany supports the EUʼs legislative initiative and thus a binding international standard of due diligence.
Sources/by kind permission:
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) CSR in Germany (An initiative of BMAS)
160 million children are child workers
June 2021, UNICEF
27.6 million people were in forced labour
September 2022, ILO, Global Estimates of Modern Slavery
86 %
of forced labour cases are imposed by private economy
September 2022, ILO, Global Estimates of Modern Slavery
More than ½
of all forced labour occurs in either uppermiddle income or high-income countries
September 2022, ILO, Global Estimates of Modern Slavery
2.78 million workers die from work-related injuries or illnesses per year
December 2020, ILO, Safety + Health for All
DICOTA Club is the B2B partner programme for mobile carrying solutions and IT accessories.
The DICOTA Club provides SMB resellers with the right resources and benefits for a smooth, profitable buying and selling process. IT resellers in the Club will benefit from a high-quality rewards programme, a wide range of support in marketing and selling the products, an online quotation tool, volume conditions, direct support from the manufacturer and exclusive events.
In addition to the rewards programme, DICOTA has put together marketing and sales tools that are specifically tailored to the requirements of resellers from the SMB sector. For example, this includes an online quotation tool and volume conditions that take effect from an order quantity of only ten units, meaning it can be used by smaller sellers and resellers. Furthermore, members are given free product samples that can be tested for 45 days without obligation and, if so wished, can be purchased with a 50% discount on the RRP. Employee discounts are also available, as well as customisation, which can be carried out from a minimum order quantity of 25 units.
The Club is tailored to IT resellers. DICOTA specifically provides their SMB partners with attractive tools to help them stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. As a Club user, you will discover new sales strategies, receive marketing support, and gain access to a wide-ranging and future-oriented assortment of computer bags and accessories.
Sustainability is important not only in the production of bags but also in co-operation with partners. By joining the DICOTA Club, you enter into a cooperation that is based on reciprocity. Letʼs seize opportunities, profit and grow together!
Participation in the partner programme is free of charge and non-binding for specialist retailers. Registration is possible at any time at or with the QR code.
dct.oem, the expert source for individual Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) collections of mobile carrying solutions and accessories. For more than 30 years, the preferred choice of IT and CE brands, as well as e-tail and retail companies with their own brand strategy.
The full-service approach includes portfolio development, design concept studies, product engineering, prototyping and socially responsible manufacturing, as well as internal and external testing services. Using sustainable materials, collections are developed to meet the customer’s budget and are compliant with their policies and objectives. Furthermore, dct.oem offers comprehensive global delivery and logistics services tailored to the customer’s needs.
Companies entrust these challenges to dct.oem and discover the opportunities to unleash the full potential of their brand, expand their product offering into new sectors and exceed their business objectives.
A holistic approach to diversifying product offerings, and creating new and exciting revenue opportunities. offers tailored transport solutions for companies and their specific occupational areas that provide greater safety, efficiency and comfort and that are proven to increase employee satisfaction. is more than just a bag: it is a joint development collaboration at eye level with the customer to achieve the best possible results, based on a deep understanding of the respective field of application. The experts are on-site and lead joint workshops with competence and conviction. International companies in the public transport, civil engineering and special
construction sectors, as well as schools and education, are already relying on these services.
At the initial meeting, the parameters for the perfect solution is defined together with the client, base on requirements, budget and corporate identity. The use of sustainable materials, first-class components and high-quality manufacturing form the basis for a long product life. This results in low lifecycle costs, sustainable savings for the customer and an optimal user experience.
Are you working on a larger project or looking for an optimal solution within an estimated budget framework? The dct.oem and specialists are happy to support you
For more than 30 years DICOTA has stood for the highest quality, functionality and reliability. Today, this competence, passion and commitment is reflected in a wide range of laptop carrying solutions and accessories for hybrid working.
Sustainability is an integral part of the brand identity. As early as 2009 DICOTA produced the first bags made from natural materials, followed one year later by the first collection made from recycled PET. Today 95% of bags in the range are made from rPET, with up to 45 used bottles being given a second life as a laptop bag.
As employees become more and more independent in terms of when and where they work, DICOTA offers and ever-growing range of accessories for remote workers to make their working days as effective as possible. In addition to webcams, computer mice and charging adapters, docking stations (made in co-operation with i-tec Technologies) make the perfect addition to any hybrid workplace. The comprehensive range of privacy filters for notebooks, smartphones, tablets and monitors offer privacy for anyone who likes to work on the move or in public places.
Thanks to careful processing, extensive testing and continuous development, we create durable solutions with up to a lifetime guarantee for laptop cases against possible material and processing defects.
DICOTA is aware of its social and ecological responsibility and is actively shaping the future. The company is committed to finding innovative ways to conserve resources and to building fair and correct partnerships with customers, suppliers and employees.
Customers around the world trust DICOTA to protect and transport their electronic companions. The company’s position as a leader in quality is based on its strict material and processing philosophy, as well as comprehensive testing procedures.
Since DICOTA presented its first collection of environmentally friendly materials in 2010, the range of sustainable bags has expanded considerably. This makes DICOTA one of the brands with the most comprehensive range of sustainable carrying solutions.
The extremely popular BASE collection offers much more than its name might suggest: top quality, appealing functionality and comprehensive protection. Since 2021, customers have purchased millions of proven and popular top sellers in the Eco version. Subject to continuous further development and the improvement of every detail, each Eco BASE product provides a new and useful life to up to twelve PET bottles. Sustainable carrying solutions, available at very attractive price points. The BASE success story continues.
The Eco SCALE collection offers a range of useful functions. Classic DICOTA: the collection is made of recycled PET, giving it an all-round sustainable appearance and making it great for the environment. Customised logos can also be easily applied, starting from orders of just ten units. Particularly popular with corporate clients, but also with schools and universities.
The Eco CORE-series is the ideal choice for environmentally conscious business users who are looking for high functionality and quality, good performance and value for money. The collection, made from recycled PET- bottles, is extremely comfortable to wear and includes special features, such as a hidden pocket for a GPStracker or a zip pocket with an RFID-blocker, which are just some of the additional details that business people will appreciate for their extra security and convenience.
The Eco SELECT collection is the result of years of experience in developing high-quality B2B carrying solutions. This series is based on durable, recycled materials and is consistently geared towards professional users who value functional details just as much as “that certain something” in design. The separate outer compartment for power supply units and cables is particularly popular. It goes without saying that Eco SELECT also allows for the simple application of individual logos. They thus ensure the perfect outward effect.
The products in the PRO collection are the DICOTA S-class, i.e. the very best that can be offered, based on 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing premium carrying solutions. Eco PRO products are reliable, made from high-quality materials and provide the very best all-round protection and maximum functionality. Developed for people who particularly appreciate the best quality and clever details in everyday life.
The latest Eco collection in the range impresses with its simplicity and functionality. The design of the bags is ideal for an agile and sustainable lifestyle, with extraordinary colours and accents underscoring the individual style. For the first time in a collection there is now also a tote bag, which is impressively versatile: It can be carried as a shoulder bag, backpack or simply in your hands. Bags for flexible, active days, ready for everything you might expect.
The bags are sorted by construction type and in ascending order by max. notebook size.
This symbol indicates the price range from lowest ($) to highest ($$$). The price range varies depending on the construction and product types.
Eco Backpack BASE $
13 –14.1"
D30914-RPET 7640186418966
Eco Backpack PRO $$$
12 –14.1"
D30846-RPET 7640186419925
Backpack Plus SPIN $
14 –15.6"
D31736 7640158669211
Eco Backpack CORE $ 13 –14.1"
D32027-RPET 7640239421028
Eco Backpack Plus $
BASE 13 –15.6"
D31839-RPET 7640186419710
Backpack UNIVERSAL $
14 –15.6"
D31008 7640158662199
Eco Backpack Slim $$
PRO 12 –14.1"
D31820-RPET 7640186419529
Eco Backpack SCALE $
13 –15.6"
D31429-RPET 7640158666289
D31735 7640158669204
D31734 7640158669198
D31733-RPET 7640158669181
Eco Backpack Slim $$
MOTION 13 –15.6"
D32013-RPET 7640239420809
D32014-RPET 7640239420816
Eco Backpack Slim $$
MOTION 13 –14.1"
D32015-RPET 7640239420823
D32016-RPET 7640239420830
Backpack SPIN $
14 –15.6"
D30575 7332752004450
Eco Backpack $$
MOTION 13 –15.6"
D31874-RPET 7640186418195
D31875-RPET 7640186418201
D31876-RPET 7640186418218
Backpack ECO $$
14 –15.6"
D30675-RPET 7332752005594
Backpack Dual Plus $$$
EDGE 13 –15.6"
D31716 7640158668931
Backpack ECO $$
15 –17.3"
D32038-RPET 7640239421134
Eco Backpack SELECT $$
13 –15.6"
D31636-RPET 7640158668153
Backpack ONE $
15 –17.3"
D32086-RPET 7640239421707
Eco Backpack SCALE $$
15 –17.3"
D31696-RPET 7640158668740
Backpack GO $$$
13 –15.6"
D31763 7640158669471
D31764 7640158669488
Eco Backpack BASE $
15 –17.3"
D30913-RPET 7640186418959
Eco Backpack SELECT $$
15 –17.3"
D31637-RPET 7640158668160
Eco Backpack Dual $$$
GO 13 –15.6"
D31862-RPET 7640186418072
Eco Backpack CORE $
15 –17.3"
D32028-RPET 7640239421035
Eco Backpack PRO $$$
15 –17.3"
D30847-RPET 7640186419932
Eco Top Traveller $ CORE 13 –14.1"
D32033-RPET 7640239421080
Eco Top Traveller $$$
PRO 12 –14.1"
D30842-RPET 7640186419901
Eco Top Traveller $
SCALE 14 –15.6"
D31428-RPET 7640158666272
Eco Top Traveller $$
GO 13 –15.6"
D31863-RPET 7640186418089
Eco Top Traveller $ SCALE 12 –14.1"
D31427-RPET 7640158666265
Eco Top Traveller $ BASE 13 –14.1"
D31324-RPET 7640186418973
Eco Top Traveller $ BASE 15–15.6"
D31325-RPET 7640186418980
Eco Top Traveller $$
Twin PRO 14 –15.6"
D30844-RPET 7640186419987
Shopper Eco $
MOTION 13 –14.1"
D31977-RPET 7640186417426
D31978-RPET 7640186417433
Eco Top Traveller $$ SELECT 12 –14.1"
D31643 7640158668221
Eco Tote Bag $$
MOTION 13 –15.6"
D31877-RPET 7640186418225
D31878-RPET 7640186418232
D31879-RPET 7640186418249
Eco Top Traveller $$$
Twin SELECT 14 –15.6"
D31646 7640158668252
Eco Top Traveller $$
SELECT 14 –15.6"
D31644-RPET 7640158668238
Eco Top Traveller $$$
PRO 14 –15.6"
D30843-RPET 7640186419970
D30446-RPET 7640186418843
D30919-RPET 7640186418928
D30920-RPET 7640186418935
D30918-RPET 7640186418911
14 –15.6"
D30143-RPET 7640186419956
13 –15.6"
D30850-RPET 7640186419963
Multi ONE $
15 –17.3"
D32089-RPET 7640239421738
14 –15.6"
D31638-RPET 7640158668177
SELECT 14 –15.6"
D31641-RPET 7640158668207
Eco Multi BASE $
15 –17.3"
D30447-RPET 7640186418850
D30917-RPET 7640186418904
D30915-RPET 7640186418881
SELECT 14 –15.6"
D31640 7640158668191
14 –16"
D32088-RPET 7640239421721
Eco Multi Plus BASE $
15 –17.3"
D30492-RPET 7640186418874
14 –15.6"
D30144-RPET 7640186418706
14 –16"
D32032-RPET 7640239421073
15 –17.3"
D31432-RPET 7640158666319
Eco Multi Twin $$$ Eco Multi Plus $$ Eco Multi SELECT $$ Eco Multi Plus $$ Eco Multi PRO $$$ Eco Multi COMPACT $$ Eco Multi SCALE $ Multi ONE $ Eco Multi Twin CORE $Slim Case EDGE $$
10 –11.6"
D31213 7640158664209
D31210 7640158664179
Slim Case ONE $
13 –14.1"
D32091-RPET 7640239421752
Eco Slim Case Plus $
BASE 13 –15.6"
D31838-RPET 7640186419703
Eco Slim Case $$
MOTION 10 –11.6"
D31865-RPET 7640186418102
D31866-RPET 7640186418119
D31867-RPET 7640186418126
Eco Slim Case $
BASE 11–12.5"
D31300-RPET 7640186418775
D31302 7640158665121
D31301-RPET 7640186418782
Eco Slim Case $$
MOTION 12 –13.3"
D31868-RPET 7640186418133
D31869-RPET 7640186418140
D31870-RPET 7640186418157
Eco Slim Case $
BASE 13 –14.1"
D31304-RPET 7640186418799
D31306-RPET 7640186418812
D31307-RPET 7640186418829
D31305-RPET 7640186418805
Eco Slim Case $$
MOTION 14 –15.6"
D31871-RPET 7640186418164
D31872-RPET 7640186418171
D31873-RPET 7640186418188
Eco Slim Case $$$
PRO 12 –14.1"
D30990-RPET D30990-RPET
Slim Case ONE $ 14 –16"
D32092-RPET 7640239421769
Eco Slim Case $
BASE 15 –15.6"
D31308-RPET 7640186418836
D30848 7640158660560
Eco BASE 13 –16"
D31985-RPET 7640239420328
Eco Multi Roller $
SCALE 14 –15.6"
D31441-RPET 7640158666401
BASE 15 –17.3"
D32043-RPET 7640239421202
PRO 11–15.6"
D30924-RPET 7640186418720
Roller $$$
N25728K-V1 4019863257281
D31771 7640158669556
D31770 7640158669549
Professional backpacks with comprehensive functionality, sustainable quality and maximum visibility.
There can be no compromises when it comes to occupational safety and the right work equipment can help to prevent accidents. One example of this is DICOTA’s high-visibility rucksacks, which are designed to be used alongside workwear in accordance with EN ISO 20471:2013. These smart carrying solutions have been developed for demanding working environments, are made from environmentally friendly materials and provide practical storage space as well as comprehensive protection for work equipment, clothing and personal items.
Backpack Hi-Vis
25 litre
P20471- 01 7640186417556
P20471- 02 7640186417563
P20471- 03 7640186417570
Backpack Hi-Vis Base
24 litre
P20471-17 7640239421554
P20471-18 7640239421561
Backpack Hi-Vis
32 – 38 litre
P20471- 04 7640186417587
P20471- 05 7640186417594
P20471- 06 7640186417600
P20471-16 7640239421547
Backpack Hi-Vis
65 litre
P20471- 07 7640186417617
P20471- 08 7640186417624
P20471-15 7640239420670
Raincover Hi-Vis
25 litre
P20471- 09 7640186417495
P20471-10 7640186417501
32 – 38 litre
P20471-11 7640186417518
P20471-12 7640186417525
65 litre
P20471-13 7640186417532
P20471-14 7640186417549
Discover the officially certified products.
DICOTA is proud to be an official Designed for Surface partner. All products have gone through a certification and approval process at the Designed for Surface Lab, located on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington (USA). Through the partnership and certification of the products, DICOTA’s partners and customers receive carrying solutions and accessories that have been tested and tailored for use with Microsoft Surface devices, from Surface Pro, to Laptop, Go, Book, Laptop Studio, and so many more. Your device deserves the best.
Backpack Eco Slim PRO for Microsoft Surface
D31820 - DFS 7640186417662
Microsoft Surface
D31834 - DFS 7640186417716
Backpack Eco Dual GO for Microsoft Surface
D31862- DFS 7640186417679
Microsoft Surface
D31992- DFS 7640239420472
D31993 - DFS 7640239420489
D31994 - DFS 7640239420496
Messenger Bag Eco MOVE for Microsoft Surface
Bag STYLE for Microsoft Surface
D31497- DFS 7640186417686
Sleeve Eco SLIM
for Microsoft Surface
D31995 - DFS 7640239420502
D31996 - DFS 7640239420519
D31997- DFS 7640239420526
Case Slim Eco PRO for Microsoft Surface
D30990 - DFS 7640186417709
Microsoft Surface
D31998 - DFS 7640239420533
D31999 - DFS 7640239420540
D32000 - DFS 7640239420557
Accessory Pouch Eco MOVE for M Sleeve Eco SLIM L for Sleeve Eco SLIM S forD32047 7640239421240
D32046 7640239421233
D32048 7640239421257
Discover our range of customised education solutions
Every organisation has its own individual requirements – and we are ready to take on these challenges. Start your project today and work with us to find the right solution for your needs.
Charging Trolley
14 Tablets Plus
D31898-V1 7640239421837
14 Tablets
D32004 7640239428447
D32004 - CH 7640239428461
D32004 - UK 7640239428454
Charging Trolley
20 Tablets/Ultrabooks
D32005 7640239428478
D32005 - CH 7640239428492
D32005 - UK 7640239428485
USB- C to HDMI Adapter/PD (4k/100W) USB- C to Ethernet Adapter/PD (65W)Maximum connectivity on the move, at home or in the office.
The design of notebooks has evolved steadily over the years along with our ways of working. We now constantly travel and need to be prepared to work in a range of different environments, giving presentations remotely, having meetings in restaurants or working while onboard a plane or train. DICOTA docking stations and hubs are specially designed for optimum, comfortable working with modern notebooks. With these products, users are able to expand the capabilities of their mobile devices – such as notebooks and tablets – and connect a wide range of peripherals such as (multiple) external monitors, data storage devices, keyboards, input devices and other accessories.
Make sure that information and data will remain private.
The protection of your private and business data from unwanted eyes is important. This prevents data theft and complies with relevant EU regulations (GDPR). The filters are designed to provide a clear and sharp image when the user is facing the screen. At an angle of 30 degrees or more on either side, computer and mobile devices appear entirely black, while the user’s view is unaffected. Today DICOTA offers over 800 filters for a wide variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, notebooks and monitors. You can choose between three different attachment technologies as well as four protection systems.
How do I find the privacy filter that best fits my device?
The DICOTA Productfinder 4.0 makes it much easier and faster to find the right privacy filter. Thanks to its range of search options, everyone can easily find the filter or additional accessories that best suit their device. More than 70,000 devices are listed and they can be searched by product type, model name and brand. Visit to try it yourself.
Mobile devices are more important today than ever before. High-quality company laptops are constantly used on business trips and for external appointments. This makes it increasingly important to protect devices against theft. Stricter data protection requirements also play an important role, as a lost or stolen laptop has negative consequences that involve a lot of effort. You can choose between a key or number combination and locks with a single or master key. Stick-on or screw-on plate for all devices or surfaces without a lockable slot.
When using different devices, you often need to use to different locks, a situation for which DICOTA’s universal solutions offer a remedy. You don’t need to know who needs which lock, only how many locks you need. If the notebooks are replaced by new devices the locks can still be used, making them a long-term solution. The universal security cable locks are available with key and combination systems and include 3 interchangeable lock heads (T-Lock, Nano and Wedge).
The equipment of each player is essential for the very best results. Over 2’000 years ago, the Helvetic god CATURIX was not only a fighter for his people, but also a healer. CATURIX fulfils his task today in a new style and offers protection for every form of gaming equipment.
The specially designed backpacks and bags offer ultimate protection for high quality gaming hardware. Numerous suggestions were taken up directly from the gaming community: from the ability to securely stow and transport gaming notebooks (as well as gaming consoles) to smart detail solutions such as an integrated rain cover. In addition to the main compartment for hardware, there is enough storage space for gaming accessories. There is also room for the hot topic of esport personalisation, with the option to add your own team logos and badges.
A long product life is not the result of coincidence. It is based on the highest demands in terms of material, workmanship and extensive quality testing. Enjoy worry-free use of all CAUTURIX products.
Ecology plays a very important role in the selection process of our raw materials. The outer material of the backpacks is made from recycled PET bottles. One bag alone can reuse up to 47 bottles.
DECISIUN $$$ 15.6"
ATTACHADER $$ 17.3" CTRX-03 7640158669068
CURRIDUR $ 15.6"
BASE XX offers a wide selection of user-friendly and protective carrying solutions and accessories for mobile devices. The portfolio contains cushioned bags, backpacks, sleeves, locks and a webcam to fulfil every individual need for comfortable transportation and stands for functional design, durable material, solid processing and reasonable pricing.
All products have been developed to meet the multiple requirements of tenders as well as large projects. If you work in government, education or the private sector, you can enjoy numerous advantages.
Thanks to rigorous quality standards and testing protocols during production, each product enjoys an extended 5-year warranty.
All products are free from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and are fully compliant with the EU’s REACH standard.
The product development is based on the experience gained since the company’s founding in Germany in 2002.
Sleeve 13–13.3"
D31784 7640158669709
D31969 7640186417341
D31968 7640186417334
D31785 7640158669716
D31972 7640186417372
D31973 7640186417389
D31971 7640186417365
Sleeve 15–15.6"
D31786 7640158669723
D31975 7640186417402
D31976 7640186417419
D31974 7640186417396