Dickinson Ranch 46th Annual Sale Catalog

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Dickinson Ranch Simmental, Angus and Red Angus

Low Maintenance Cattle with Longevity

Dickinson Ranch

Saturday, March 17, 2018 1:00pm At the ranch north of Gorham, Kansas -Selling98 Bulls - 11 PB Simmental, 51 SimAngus, 19 Angus, 17 Red Angus 39 Open Heifers - 7 PB Simmental, 30 SimAngus, 2 Angus

Dickinson Ranch 46th Consecutive Production Sale March 17, 2018 At the ranch north of Gorham, KS Complimentary Lunch: 11:30 A.M. Sale: 1:00 P.M.

Sale Day Phone Numbers 1-888-603 BULL Home: 785-998-4401 Coleen’s Cell: 785-623-3044 Mitchell’s Cell: 785-735-4107

Kirk’s Cell: 785-735-4347 Casey’s Cell: 785-735-4856


Consulting Herd Veterinarian

J.C. Barr 405-433-5636

G. John Thouvenelle, DVM 785-483-5822

Livestock Press Representatives and Ringmen Kansas Stockman Kristian Rennert 308-440-9463

High Plains Journal Nick Wells 785-443-0233

Allied Genetic Resources Cory Wilkins 256-590-2457

Allied Genetic Resources Marty Ropp 406-581-7835

Ultrasound Data: Will be available March 7th. Directions to Sale: From I-70 and Victoria Interchange: 8 miles north to (T) in road, 1 mile east to (T) in road, 1 mile north until road turns east, 2 miles east to Blue Hill School, ¼ mile north to Dickinson Ranch sign on east side of the road. From Natoma on Hwy 18: South of town 9 miles until road turns west, 3 miles west to (T) in road, 1 ¾ miles south to Dickinson Ranch sign on east side of the road.

We do not spend much time pampering and showcasing “the look” of our cattle as we expect our stock to go out and work for us. Our cows are pastured and graze year round receiving minimal supplements without any hay, grain or cubed feed. In addition to being raised and bred to be rugged, we still strive to provide phenotypically eye appealing stock. Come take a look for yourself on sale day!

Dear Friends, Welcome to our 46th Production Sale! Thank you for taking the time to evaluate our breeding program philosophy in maintaining a low cost, functional cow herd. For those who know our program and have purchased our genetics, we thank you for your confidence in our cattle. For those who are just starting to follow our breeding program, we want to show you what our cattle can do; please feel free to call or stop by to visit anytime throughout the year. Due to the drought, the bulls and heifers were weaned on September 24th and were put on a ground hay ration for 30 days. The first of December, they were started on a four-step ration of wet distillers, sorghum silage, ground hay, and 5 pounds of corn. They have gained very well and are expressing growth without putting on excess fat. We strive to produce functional cattle that will hold up during the breeding season and beyond. The cattle look exceptionally good and are functional as assured. We collected cow weights, hip height, and body conditions scores 30 days after weaning the calves this fall. We will submit these numbers to ASA, along with each cow’s DNA to help correlate cow size and condition to calf weaning weight. The first calf heifers, the letter “C” cows, averaged 1000 pounds. The three and four-yearold cows, the letter “B” and “A” cows respectively, averaged 1150 pounds, while the five-year-old cows, the letter “Z”, averaged 1125 pounds. The first calf heifer’s calves weaning weights ranged from 500 to 600 pounds, which is still 50% or more of their body weight. They accomplished this without being fed any processed feed or grain. Although we might not have the biggest weaning weights, our efficiency is the same or better. The best defense against low prices is to be able to be a low cost producer. We are excited about the way our steers have fed out the past two years as they have graded 96% choice or higher. They were fed a high roughage ration and were not implanted. Seven out of the twelve prime carcasses were red steers and four out of the seven were purebred Simmental. Several Certified Angus Beef carcasses were purebred or high percentage Simmentals. Additionally, we continue to sell butcher beef throughout the year and repeatedly receive compliments on how tender and flavorful the meat is. We know that our cattle will work from birth to the rail, and our heifers will be efficient as well as low cost cows. We continue to push our cows to function on our resources with limited protein or supplements without hay or processed feeds. You will find new sire groups this year as we strive to incorporate new genetics into our program. So far, we are quite satisfied with how they have calved, performed, and how good their dispositions are. We know that national cow herds have expanded and that cattle prices declined, therefore, producers need to be more efficient and cost effective. We believe the genetics that we have to offer will help you save costs on the female side by passing on the efficiencies that we breed into them to your herds. On the bull side, we feel that we are doing the same by siring calves that come easy with no hassle, wean off heavy, and perform on the rail. As always if you need help selecting cattle, feel free to give us a call. We hope to see you on sale day! If you cannot make it to the ranch on March 17, 2018, we would be more than happy to help you bid on the phone or make arrangements for someone to handle your bid! Sincerely,

The Dickinson Family

General Sales Information Terms and Conditions of Sale of sale; E) Females shown competitively after time of sale; F) Cows sold with calf at side that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale.

Insurance of Purchase and Risk Each animal becomes the property of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser until loaded after the sale. Arrangements will be made to have insurance available when making settlement.

Seller’s Semen Right 1.

Terms and Bidding Terms of sale are cash or check to the clerk at the conclusion of the auction. Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder. The auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes between two bids and his decision shall be final.

Health Each bull sold will be tested for brucellosis and TB no sooner than 24 days prior to the sale date, and proper certificates will be furnished to purchaser guaranteeing the animals sold are free from such diseases. All bulls are fertility examined and guaranteed breeders. Fertility guarantee and scrotal measurements will be furnished to buyer.


Options and Privileges of Return or Adjustment 1.

Registration and Transfers All animals have record papers and these will be transferred to purchaser. Record information not in this catalog at press time will be supplied from the auction stand.

Announcements and Sale Day Supplement Printed material on the sale day supplement takes precedence over printed matter in this catalog. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over printed matter on the sale day supplement or in the catalog. All animals will be sold by lot number as announced by the auctioneer. Every effort has been made to assure correctness of the catalog. In most cases, information quoted concerning the animals has been taken from the respective breed association’s official records.


Personal Liability All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk and the owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accident which may occur.

Identification Seller offers each animal with the readable tattoo corresponding to its catalog designation and registration when applicable.

Breeding Guarantee and Definitions 1.



All bulls are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: A) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale; B) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser; or C) Animals shown competitively after being purchased from Dickinson Ranch. Bulls are guaranteed breeders if not allowed to run with the herd until at least 14 months of age and either: A) Settles 1/3 or more of the healthy cows he serves; B) Is the sire of 20 or more animals; or C) Settles cows by natural service and passes a fertility test administered by Dickinson Ranch consulting veterinarian during any 6 months trial (provided for in Paragraph 2 of the section titled “Options and Privileges of Return or Adjustment” in these terms and conditions) shall be considered a breeder. Any guarantee with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between the Purchaser and Seller. Females are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: A) Female calves sold at side of dam; B) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale; C) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser; D) Females used in ovum transplant after time

Seller reserves the right to keep a breeding interest with/without possession in any bull so designated in this catalog or during the auction. Future semen collections of the bull must be made known to all owners. These collections and costs will be divided according to each owner’s interest, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by all owners. On any and all other bulls in the sale which are collected in the future, Seller reserves the right to 100 vials of semen with registration rights and will pay his portion of the collection costs.


The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the Purchaser and Seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either within six months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age, whichever occurs later, with the expectation of claims involving parentage of defects. All returns or refunds will be paid in the form of a credit. a. This credit will be limited to the purchase price less the salvage value of the animal and usage fees. i. Salvage value =Market price x greater of sale day weight as listed in this catalog or current weight. ii. Usage fee is set at 25% of purchase value of the animal for each season of use. In the event an animal is claimed to be a non-breeder, the animal may be returned to the ranch of the Seller at Purchaser’s expense if in good physical condition and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the Seller’s state. The Seller shall be entitled to a six month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove that the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of the Purchaser, replace the animal with another of equal value or grant the Purchaser a credit on any products marketed by Seller. Either of these options shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. If the Seller proved the animal to be a breeder, it shall be the obligation of the Purchaser to take delivery of the animal and pay all expense incurred for transportation. The Dickinson Ranch consulting veterinarian will make the determination of breeder or non-breeder.

Rights and Obligations The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding on both. Animals resold following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the parties connected thereto are not covered by the above terms and conditions. Neither the owners, auctioneers, or any other person connected with the management or conduct of this sale assumes any liability, legal or otherwise, except as set forth in these terms and conditions.

QUICK GUIDE to ASA EPDs and $ INDEXES Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and –5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing what units they are expressed in. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, A would be expected to sire 15-pounds more weaning weight than B. If calving ease were the trait, A would be expected to sire 15-percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we’d expect A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org. Listed below are the units ASA EPDs are expressed in:               

All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat. Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight. Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers. Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight. Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters. Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk. Marbling (MRB): Marbling score. Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth. Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye. Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age. Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight. Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight. Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score.

$ Indexes: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide a piece of the economic puzzle. That’s where $ indexes come in. Through well-conceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes: 

All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield. Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.

Using API and TI: First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a+50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes

Spring 2018 Sire Summary Simmental Breed Average DS 148Z 49B DS KDZ 255M 241R DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 179S 265C DS SF 209Z 220C DS SF 209Z 259C DS SF 209Z 309C DS SF 209Z 398C DS Z FORCE 179S GW PREMIER 734Y GW ROBUST 605Z GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y J BAR J NIGHTRIDE 225Z S D S IN FORCE 112Y

CE 11.7 9.4 21.2 16.8 10.9 17.9 15.1 .912 11.2 14.9 16.3 12.9 13.2 22.8 19.9

BW 0.5 1.6 -1.0 -2.3 2.0 -3.1 -0.6 -0.5 0.6 -0.6 -1.1 1.5 1.2 -4.8 -4.6

WW 62.8 68.0 54.7 62.6 67.3 61.6 67.3 47.1 68.4 51.9 66.4 86.6 71.2 56.5 42.4

YW 97.0 112.2 66.2 89.9 98.4 80.8 93.9 62.7 108.4 71.7 114.5 132.3 116.1 91.8 63.5

MCE 6.7 13.2 13.9 13.0 8.4 11.6 11.9 7.6 9.6 10.9 14.0 2.1 6.2 11.4 10.0

Milk MWW Stay CW YG Marb REA API TI 21.1 52.5 10.0 28.5 -.21 .33 .61 124.4 70.10 14.4 48.3 9.2 39.5 -0.08 0.12 0.38 119.9 70.7 4.9 32.3 14.7 7.2 -0.39 0.40 1.04 157.8 73.1 10.5 41.8 15.2 19.7 -0.35 0.13 0.94 145.9 73.5 12.8 46.4 9.8 31.2 -0.37 0.23 1.17 117.7 68.4 17.7 48.5 14.7 12.8 -0.28 0.22 0.80 150.3 76.0 13.2 46.8 12.2 24.3 -0.40 0.01 0.97 129.4 71.3 17.2 40.8 6.9 6.4 -0.19 0.06 0.23 92.2 51.3 8.5 42.7 12.1 35.5 -0.27 0.23 1.12 126.2 70.2 16.9 40.8 15.6 116 -0.49 0.48 1.31 146.5 69.7 18.8 52.0 11.5 37.1 0.05 0.74 0.25 162.6 85.2 25.3 68.6 12.3 50.4 -0.34 0.56 1.34 152.9 90.7 21.7 57.3 10.4 41.1 -0.17 0.75 0.62 154.7 85.8 12.7 41.0 9.6 17.8 -0.13 0.93 0.48 179.6 88.3 31.5 52.7 17.0 1.3 -0.20 0.73 0.34 172.2 75.8


CED 6 17 11 5 9 12

BW 1.3 -3.5 -.2 -.8 .5 .3

WW 50 46 62 55 47 58

YW 88 91 116 96 74 99

CEM 8 10 7 6 6 10

Milk 24 28 18 17 16 20

CW 34 21 49 40 28 34

Marb .49 .55 .7 .64 .29 .39

RE .44 .62 .71 .47 .34 .54

$EN -3.39 9.52 4.14 5.87 9.12 8.72

$W 46.71 70.44 63.25 52.68 39.07 65.59

$F 44.54 53.73 87.00 69.20 19.07 39.60

$G 30.76 40.74 38.84 35.97 23.76 26.31

$B 108.21 97.21 155.77 145.05 85.83 91.30


CED 6 13 10 -5

BW WW YW MILK CEM STAY MARB YG -1.8 59 91 21 5 10 .46 .02 -4.7 70 116 14 16 16 .96 .05 -4.9 50 92 21 8 11 .75 .14 .1 70 122 16 3 13 .45 .18

CW REA HerdBuilder GridMaster 22 .13 97 50 32 -.05 221 56 18 -.38 158 54 43 .29 135 54

Thanks to everyone who made 2017 a success! Be sure to come early this year to view another great set of livestock. As always we will be providing our signature brisket sandwich with all of the fixings.

Simmental Bulls DS 220C 134E


Reg. #: (3376324) Birthdate: 3/20/2017 Adj. WW: 612



Tattoo: 134E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1010

DS 220C 207E


E P CE D 16.2

Reg. #: (3376343) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 634

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.4 58.4 79.8 10.2 18.7 47.9 16.5 0.8 0.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C Indexes DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S API TI DS LORD OF RING 55X 140.4 69.9 DS MS LR 55X 167B DS MS SF 63S 337Z Notes:This is the first set of 220C calves. We used him on all the 2nd calf heifers. They are super easy calving and good looking. His mother weighed 1060 lbs at preg check.

E P CE D 18.2

DS 220C 210E

DS 220C 214E


Reg. #: (3376344) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 591

PB Tattoo: 210E Birth Weight: 78 Adj. YW: 970

E P CE D 17.8

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.0 50.0 64.9 11.3 13.3 38.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS LORD OF RING 55X DS MS LR 55X 290B DS MS LEGACY 128P 265Z Notes:Solid black. Top 1% CE, 20% API

DS 220C 325E


Reg. #: (3376321) Birthdate: 4/6/2017 Adj. WW: 546


Indexes API TI 137.9 65.1

Tattoo: 207E Birth Weight: 74 Adj. YW: 1075

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -2.4 55.0 74.4 10.4 15.9 43.5 10.4 0.8 0.1 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C Indexes DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S API TI DS LORD OF RING 55X 141.3 68.3 DS MS LR 55X 149B DS MS SF63S 281Y Notes:Dam raised last years high selling 9D. Top 1% CE 2% BW 15%API. Black blaze


Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.1



Reg. #: (3376346) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 725


Tattoo: 214E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1078

E P CE D 16.2

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.4 72.6 91.3 10.8 16.3 52.5 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS FORCE I 63S DS MS SF63S 332A KD MS SHEAR FORCE 28S Notes:Solid black Top 3%, CE 4%, API 5% TI

CW 20.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.9 0.2 Indexes API TI 150.1 80.2


Tattoo: 325E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1106

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.3 63.7 84.9 11.6 14.8 46.7 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS 241R 123A DS MS KDZINGER 255M 246R Notes:

Reg. #: (3376372) Birthdate: 4/2/2017 Adj. WW: 632

CW 5.3


E P CE D 17.0

DS 177Z 329E



CW 17.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.2 Indexes API TI 143.8 74.3

Lot 4



Tattoo: 329E Birth Weight: 88 Adj. YW: 1032

E P CE D 12.3

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 1.5 65.8 92.8 8.3 7.3 40.2 27.1 0.4 0.2 DS LEGACY 128P DS LEG 128P 177Z Indexes KD MS FORTUNE 500 129J API TI DS LORD OF THE RING 243S 134.3 70.6 DS MS LORD OF RING 2O5Z DS MS LEG 128P 269W Notes:Black blaze. He is thick and Good.Top 20% CE and 25% API


46th Consecutive Production Sale

Lot 6


DS 398C 420E


Reg. #: (3376392) Birthdate: 3/25/2017 Adj. WW: 685



Tattoo: 420E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1147


E P CE D 12.8

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 0.1 69.8 103.1 10.9 9.5 44.3 31.1 1.1 0.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 398C Indexes DS MS ZINGER 193R 370U API TI DS Z FORCE 179S 142.8 77.6 DS MS SF 179S 249Z DS MS LEG 128P 236W Notes:Solid black. Top 20% Weaning Top 25% yearling Top 10% API and TI

DS 209Z 468E


Reg. #: (3376416) Birthdate: 4/2/2017 Adj. WW: 700


DS 209Z 464E


Reg. #: (3376403) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 722


Tattoo: 464E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1128

E P CE D 14.6

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.7 67.4 103.3 11.6 14.9 48.6 30.3 0.8 0.1 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z Indexes DS MS LEG 128P 273W API TI DS 6 SHOOTER 151M 137.5 72.8 DS MS 6 SHOOTER 151M 226 KD MS BLACK PENTIUM 222K Notes:Solid black. Top He Has 9 EPDS in top 30% or Higher. A good one here


Tattoo: 468E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1095

E P CE D 15.9

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.7 65.3 96.4 12.7 14.6 47.2 26.0 0.8 0.1 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z Indexes DS MS LEG 128P 273W API TI GCF FIRST DREAM P13 139.0 73.1 KD MS FIRST DREAM 147T KD MS KDZINGER 255M 246R Notes:Solid black. He is thick and Good.Top3 % CE 15% API

DS 259C 476E


Reg. #: (3376407) Birthdate: 4/3/2017 Adj. WW: 623


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.6 49.9 72.6 11.7 16.4 41.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P DS LORD OF RING 55X DS MS LORDRING 55X 181A DS MS 6 SHOOTER 228P Notes:Black blaze. Top 2% CE


Reg. #: (3376414) Birthdate: 4/25/2017 Adj. WW: 804

E P CE D 14.3


Tattoo: 476E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1048

E P CE D 16.8

DS 209Z 530E

CW 12.4

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.0 Indexes API TI 262.2 60.8

Lot 10



Tattoo: 530E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1288

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.1 77.8 115.5 10.4 12.4 51.3 38.1 1.0 0.2 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z Indexes DS MS LEG 128P 273W API TI DS Z FORCE 179S 149.5 82.0 DS MS SF 179S 186W DS MS ZINGER 10H Notes:Solid black. Good stout bull. Top 10% CE, 5% WW 5% API 3% TI


Be sure to visit and like our Dickinson Ranch Facebook Page!

DS 346C 50E


Reg. #: (3376295) Birthdate: 3/6/2017 Adj. WW: 649



Tattoo: 50E Birth Weight: 85 Adj. YW: 1087

E P CE D 10.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 0.8 65.8 100.0 11.3 11.9 44.8 30.6 0.5 0.0 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C Indexes DS MS SON OF BOONE API TI DS ZINGER 193R 309U 103.4 61.8 DS MS 309U 261Z DS LEGACY 128P 313T Notes:Solid red with a little white on his face. He is thick and good

46th Consecutive Production Sale




Reg. #: (3376294) Birthdate: 3/10/2017 Adj. WW: 607

3/4 Tattoo: 49E Birth Weight: 78 Adj. YW: 1117

E P CE D 15.6

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.9 59.4 97.6 8.7 20.3 50.0 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P DS SIX SHOOTER 116R DS MS 116R 91X KD MS LIMITUP 215K Notes:Solid black. Good stout bull here



Reg. #: (3376300) Birthdate: 3/8/2017 Adj. WW: 670


CW 27.1

Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.3 Indexes API TI 143.8 76.3

Lot 13



Tattoo: 58E Birth Weight: 75 Adj. YW: 1109

E P CE D 17.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -1.5 67.4 90.3 11.7 9.3 43.0 20.7 0.7 0.6 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS J BAR J NIGHTRIDE 225Z Indexes J BAR J MISS ND 793X API TI DS Z FORCE 179S 156.1 81.7 DS MS SF 179S 41C DS MS LEGACY 128P 246Y Notes:Solid black, thick and deep. Top 10 % API, 15% TI. Out of a first calf heifer.



Reg. #: (3376305) Birthdate: 3/10/2017 Adj. WW: 615


Lot 14


Tattoo: 83E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1071

E P CE D 16.5

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -1.2 58.7 84.7 13.0 15.5 44.8 18.4 0.7 0.5 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW PREMIER 734Y Indexes GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 551U API TI DS Z FORCE 179S 150.3 75.0 DS MS SF 179S 235C DS MS 241R 19Y Notes:Solid black out of a first calf heifer. CE and top 15% API



Reg. #: (3376306) Birthdate: 3/15/2017 Adj. WW: 645

E P CE D 17.6



Tattoo: 86E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1041

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -1.9 60.1 79.8 9.3 13.8 43.9 14.0 0.7 0.6 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS J BAR J NIGHTRIDE 225Z Indexes J BAR J MISS ND 793X API TI DS Z FORCE 179S 154.1 78.1 DS MS SF 179S 157C DS MS MANIFEST 107Z Notes:Solid black Night Ride he is thick and good. Top 10% CE,15% API. Out of a Heifer.


Lot 15 DS 177Z 182E


Reg. #: (3376337) Birthdate: 3/25/2017 Adj. WW: 548

E P CE D 13.5

3/4 Tattoo: 182E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1079

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.8 59.9 86.9 8.8 10.9 40.8 DS LEGACY 128P DS LEG 128P 177Z KD MS FORTUNE 500 129J DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS 241R 24A DS MS PS 14N 109R Notes:Solid black. He will make super females.

46th Consecutive Production Sale


CW 22.7

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.2 Indexes API TI 123.9 64.3


DS 241R 192E



Reg. #: (3376340) Birthdate: 3/29/2017 Adj. WW: 583

Tattoo: 192E Birth Weight: 90 Adj. YW: 964

E P CE D 13.3

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 2.0 48.5 62.7 5.3 6.9 31.2 DS KDZINGER 221J 255M DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS FULL FIGURES 103L DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD RING 53Z KD MS FULL FORM 210 Notes:Black blaze.

DS 398C 243E



CW 10.1

Reg. #: (3376355) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 548

E P CE D 12.2


Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.2 Indexes API TI 122.6 61.1



Tattoo: 243E Birth Weight: 92 Adj. YW: 1024

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 1.2 66.5 103.8 8.4 5.0 38.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 398C DS MS ZINGER 193R 370U DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD OF RING 350A DS MS 241R 319U Notes:Black blaze. Good looking bull.

CW 33.5

Carcass REA MRB 0.9 0.2 Indexes API TI 123.7 67.4

DS 29C 232E Reg. #: (3376349) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 677



Tattoo: 232E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1154

E P CE D 12.8

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.3 65.9 102.9 14.4 20.2 53.1 30.7 0.7 0.3 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 29C Indexes DS MS 309U 161Z API TI WS BEEF MAKER R13 142.9 77.8 DS MS ET-B MAKER 229B DS DA MS 343U 265Y Notes:Solid Red. He is thick and good. Top 25% API and TI, top 1% MCE

DS 398C 245E


Reg. #: (3376356) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 695

3/4 Tattoo: 245E Birth Weight: 88 Adj. YW: 1069

E P CE D 13.3

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.1 55.5 87.1 9.5 12.9 40.7 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 398C DS MS ZINGER 193R 370U DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD OF RING 204Z DS MS SHEAR FORCE 11T Notes:Solid black

DS 259C 331E


Reg. #: (3376373) Birthdate: 4/6/2017 Adj. WW: 633


CW 21.9

Carcass REA MRB 1.0 0.2 Indexes API TI 123.2 63.7



Tattoo: 331E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1154

E P CE D 12.4

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 0.9 74.3 99.9 9.9 18.3 55.4 29.7 0.8 0.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C Indexes DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P API TI DS FORCE I 63S 122.0 71.9 DS MS SF 63S 337Z D A 7178 298M Notes:Solid black. Top 15% WW and top 25% API and TI

Fishbacher’s cattle on grass in Texas “Our first purchase from Dickinson Ranch was a show heifer in 2014. In 2015 we bought a herd bull and two more heifers since then. My cowherd goal is to make Simangus cattle graze the entire year, without purchasing hay. That is why I choose Dickinson Ranch since they make there cows graze and perform in a harsh environment. The bull is very sound and athletic and his calves have outperformed A.I. calves that had a better growth E.P.D. The females we purchased are easy keepers that will all calve in the first month of my calving season.” ~Marcel Fischbacher Dumas, Texas


Fishbacher’s past purchases on grass in Texas

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS 209Z 314E


Reg. #: (3376369) Birthdate: 4/13/2017 Adj. WW: 727

3/4 Tattoo: 314E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1173

E P CE D 16.4

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.8 70.7 104.7 12.7 12.6 48.0 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z DS MS LEG 128P 273W DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS KDZ 241R 123T KD MS SIX SHOOTER 25R Notes:Solid black. Top 25% API and TI

DS 177Z 403E


Reg. #: (3376388) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 687


26 E P CE D 10.3


CW 32.5

Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.4 Indexes API TI 142.6 79.6

Lot 24 P

CW 14.1

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.2 Indexes API TI 110.1 58.6

Lot 25



Tattoo: 437E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1080

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.4 57.8 91.7 11.3 15.2 44.1 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE DS ZINGER 193R 309U DS MS 309U 149Z DS MS RF 170S 15W Notes:Solid Red. He is thick and good.


Lot 16

Tattoo: 435E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 992

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.5 51.5 72.9 8.6 15.2 40.9 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD RING 330Y DS MS DEW TIME 72U Notes:Soid black.

Reg. #: (3376398) Birthdate: 3/22/2017 Adj. WW: 649

Indexes API TI 144.2 77.1


E P CE D 12.5

DS 346C 437E

Carcass REA MRB 0.7 0.2

Tattoo: 403E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1138

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 1.2 72.9 103.2 8.3 10.8 47.3 DS LEGACY 128P DS LEG 128P 177Z KD MS FORTUNE 500 129J DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEG 128P 283Z DS MS GAR SOLUTION 84R Notes:Soid black. Top 20% WW, 25% API and 20 %TI

Reg. #: (3376396) Birthdate: 3/20/2017 Adj. WW: 670

CW 30.8


E P CE D 12.8

DS 309C 435E


CW 25.4

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.0 Indexes API TI 105.3 58.9

Lot 26

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS 220C 28E


Reg. #: (3376287) Birthdate: 3/6/2017 Adj. WW: 641

5/8 Tattoo: 28E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 915

E P CE D 15.5

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.4 55.4 74.1 9.5 20.1 47.9 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS Z FORCE 179S DS MS SF 179S 122A 58W Notes:Solid black. Top 20% CE



Reg. #: (3376297) Birthdate: 3/9/2017 Adj. WW: 635


Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.2 Indexes API TI 129.3 67.2


CW 18.5

Indexes API TI 145.6 73.0

Reg. #: (3376289) Birthdate: 3/9/2017 Adj. WW: 685


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.3 61.9 84.0 9.3 19.7 50.5 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 265C DS MS SOND806 129Y HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS MS KDZ 255M 192P Notes:Soid black Top 4% REA

DS GW SUBSTANCE 117E Reg. #: (3376318) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 585


Tattoo: 33E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1045

E P CE D 14.4


Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.6


DS 265C 33E


Tattoo: 52E Birth Weight: 78 Adj. YW: 1028

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.6 52.1 82.4 8.1 23.2 49.2 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P DS Z FORCE 179S DS MS SF 179S 286Z DS REDIRECT 118T 260W Notes:Solid black. He is thick.

Reg. #: (3376335) Birthdate: 3/22/2017 Adj. WW: 655

CW 10.1


E P CE D 14.6



CW 19.0

Carcass REA MRB 1.0 0.3 Indexes API TI 128.6 69.2



Tattoo: 117E Birth Weight: 85 Adj. YW: 1059

E P CE D 15.0

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.1 53.7 92.6 8.2 29.6 56.5 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K DS MS SHEAR FORCE 41T DS MS GAR CIMERON 1R Notes:Solid black He is thick and deep. Top 25% API

CW 25.6

Carcass REA MRB 0.9 0.5 Indexes API TI 144.0 71.9


Tattoo: 174E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1036

E P CE D 14.8

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 0.4 55.2 86.9 6.9 20.5 48.1 22.5 0.5 0.5 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y Indexes GW MISS MATERNAL 558P API TI DS LORD OF RING 55X 142.7 71.4 DS MS L RING 55X 36Z 255X Notes:Black blaze out of Substance. He is thick and deep. Top 25% API



Reg. #: (3376325) Birthdate: 3/19/2017 Adj. WW: 572

E P CE D 16.4


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.5 43.8 65.3 8.6 21.4 43.3 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD OF RING 28X DS MS SHEAR FORCE 48T Notes:Solid black In Force son. Top 20% API



Tattoo: 135E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 991 CW 6.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.5 Indexes API TI 147.3 65.9

Be sure to check out our heifer offering below. Several are halter broke again this year! DS NIGHT RIDE 193E


Reg. #: (3376341) Birthdate: 3/31/2017 Adj. WW: 628



Tattoo: 193E Birth Weight: 85 Adj. YW: 1228

E P CE D 17.6

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -1.3 70.3 106.2 11.6 9.4 44.5 31.0 0.6 0.6 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS J BAR J NIGHTRIDE 225Z Indexes J BAR J MISS ND 793X API TI DS SF 179S 209Z 152.4 81.7 DS MS SF 209Z 339C DS MS 241Y 62Y Notes:Solid black Night Ride son. He is thick and good. Top 10% CE Top 15% API and 15% TI. Out of a heifer.

46th Consecutive Production Sale




Reg. #: (3376359) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 675



Tattoo: 250E Birth Weight: 90 Adj. YW: 1158


E P CE D 10.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 1.8 69.4 114.4 7.1 16.5 51.2 41.1 0.4 0.5 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y Indexes GW MISS MATERNAL 558P API TI DS ZINGER 193R 309U 132.4 76.4 DS MS SHEARFORCE 63S 212 217T Notes:Solid black Substance son. They are thick and deep.

DS 309C 306E


Reg. #: (3376368) Birthdate: 4/6/2017 Adj. WW: 617


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.4 50.7 71.8 9.8 16.0 41.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD RING 236Y DS MS KDZ 241R 123T Notes:Solid black.


Reg. #: (3376370) Birthdate: 4/6/2017 Adj. WW: 593

39 E P CE D 15.2

Tattoo: 280E Birth Weight: 68 Adj. YW: 1138

E P CE D 12.4

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -1.0 71.8 103.0 10.6 11.2 47.1 29.2 0.3 0.0 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C Indexes DS MS SON OF BOONE API TI DS LEGACY 128P 173X 116.4 68.6 DS MS 309U 415B DS MS EBV 39M Notes:Soid Red. He is a real standout, good looking bull.

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.1 Indexes API TI 108.2 56.3

Lot 35 P

CW -6.8

DS 309C 328E


Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.3 Indexes API TI 115.8 55.9



Reg. #: (3376371) Birthdate: 4/2/2017 Adj. WW: 565


Tattoo: 328E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1040

E P CE D 11.8

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.4 47.9 74.3 6.0 16.1 40.1 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD RING 136Y DS MS PS 14N 395T Notes:Black blaze. He is stout and good .

CW 15.2

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.1 Indexes API TI 103.0 54.3


Tattoo: 400E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1075

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.1 58.9 81.5 9.9 15.6 45.0 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P DS Z FORCE 179S DS MS SF 179S 305Z DS MS DANNY 55W Notes:Solid black. He is a good looking bull.


CW 13.4

Tattoo: 321E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 905

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.6 34.1 42.6 7.5 28.1 45.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K DS MS SHEAR FORCE 14T DS MS GAR SOLUTION 84R Notes:Solid black out of a good older cow.

Reg. #: (3376386) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 595

Reg. #: (3376364) Birthdate: 4/13/2017 Adj. WW: 656




E P CE D 15.7

DS 259C 400E


Tattoo: 306E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 976

E P CE D 13.3

DS 309C 321E

DS MS 346C 280E

CW 16.4

Carcass REA MRB 1.0 0.2 Indexes API TI 129.3 97.4

Lot 38

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS 179S 405E


Reg. #: (3376389) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 637

5/8 Tattoo: 405E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1042

E P CE D 12.0

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.3 56.9 72.9 8.2 14.2 42.6 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K DS Z FORCE 179S 473L DS P. STOCK 14N DS MS PS 14N 369T KD MS RED BROTHER 181F Notes:Solid black. Out of a good older cow.



Reg. #: (3376395) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 542


CW 13.3


Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.3 Indexes API TI 119.2 64.2



Tattoo: 430E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1000

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 0.2 57.7 86.4 5.8 17.6 46.4 21.8 0.5 0.4 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y Indexes GW MISS MATERNAL 558P API TI DS LEGACY 128P 128.6 69.7 DS MS LEGACY128P 217Y DA MS 6807 SON 268S Notes:Solid black. The Substance bulls are thick and moderate.


Reg. #: (3376406) Birthdate: 4/2/2017 Adj. WW: 596


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.6 51.4 82.3 8.4 15.9 41.6 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD OF RING 178W KD MS LIMITUP 215K Notes:Solid black.


Reg. #: (3376412) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 812

E P CE D 15.0

Tattoo: 429E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1175

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 1.4 67.6 112.1 6.5 18.5 52.3 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD OF RING 239W D A R MS AMB 303F OF 217K Notes:Soid black. Top 25% API, 20% TI

DS 309C 467E

CW 39.1

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.6 Indexes API TI 141.1 78.7


Reg. #: (3376404) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 610


Tattoo: 467E Birth Weight: 78 Adj. YW: 1016

E P CE D 13.6

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.3 51.4 77.4 7.9 15.6 41.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD RING 322Y DS MS 241R 319U Notes:Black blaze. He is thick.

CW 15.8

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.1 Indexes API TI 113.1 59.2


CW 18.5

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.0 Indexes API TI 106.3 56.6

Lot 43



Tattoo: 514E Birth Weight: 74 Adj. YW: 1215

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.4 74.6 111.6 12.6 13.4 50.7 35.4 0.7 0.6 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW PREMIER 734Y Indexes GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 551U API TI DS Z FORCE 179S 155.2 83.8 DS SF 179S 317C DS MS LEG 128P 376Z Notes:Solid black. Out of a first calf Heifer. Top 10% API and TI


Reg. #: (3376394) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 681


Tattoo: 471E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1107

E P CE D 14.2



E P CE D 11.7


E P CE D 12.5

DS 309C 471E




Reg. #: (3376299) Birthdate: 3/8/2017 Adj. WW: 616



Tattoo: 57E Birth Weight: 85 Adj. YW: 1116

E P CE D 18.2

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -2.0 61.3 96.4 9.6 7.8 38.5 24.5 0.3 0.7 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS J BAR J NIGHTRIDE 225Z Indexes J BAR J MISS ND 793X API TI DA FINAL ANSWER 96Y 145.0 76.9 DS FAN 96Y 19C DS MS LEGACY 128P 286A Notes:Solid black Night Ride out of a heifer. Top 20 % API and 25% TI

46th Consecutive Production Sale





Reg. #: (3376304) Birthdate: 3/9/2017 Adj. WW: 558


Tattoo: 79E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1116

E P CE D 17.7

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -2.6 57.5 93.4 9.3 23.9 52.6 22.1 0.7 0.5 CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 Indexes HAPPY GEE OF CONANGA 919 API TI CCR GRAVITY 9064A 145.7 74.1 DS MS GRAVITY 81C KD MS ZINGER 64N 108R Notes:Solid black. Out of a first calf Heifer. Top 20% API

DS 346C 101E



Reg. #: (3376311) Birthdate: 3/11/2017 Adj. WW: 567

Tattoo: 101E Birth Weight: 85 Adj. YW: 1006

E P CE D 11.3

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.6 63.7 88.2 7.3 12.9 44.8 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE DS LEGACY 128P 173X DS MS 172X 150Z DS MS REDBRO 76G 377M Notes:Solid red. He is thick and good looking.

DS 265C 156E


Growth BW WW YW -0.1 60.9 78.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEG 128P 260B 255X Notes:Solid black.

MCE 8.5

Reg. #: (3376363) Birthdate: 4/4/2017 Adj. WW: 586

E P CE D 12.8


Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.3



Reg. #: (3376314) Birthdate: 3/14/2017 Adj. WW: 584


Tattoo: 113E Birth Weight: 90 Adj. YW: 1019

E P CE D 14.7

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.3 63.8 99.9 8.7 20.6 52.5 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 DS MS FINAL ANSW 12Y DS LEG 128P 152W Notes:Soid black and good. Top 20% API and TI

DS 28C 228E


Indexes API TI 112.0 63.3

CW 29.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.7 Indexes API TI 148.7 79.1


Reg. #: (3376348) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 679


Tattoo: 228E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1219

E P CE D 18.9

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -3.0 43.4 78.5 8.5 17.1 38.8 13.4 0.2 0.4 SINCLAIR TIMELESS 8BA4 DS DA TIMELESS 28C Indexes FINAL ANSWER96Y 143A API TI DS LORD OF RING 55X 127.7 60.7 DS MS 55X 125C DS MS LEGACY 128P 272A Notes:Black blaze and he is good. Out of a first calf heifer


Tattoo: 279E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1096

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.5 62.7 94.3 8.9 13.2 44.5 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 DS MS MIMI 1B DS MS LEG 128P 277Z Notes:Solid red and as thick as they come.


Carcass REA MRB 0.5 -0.1 Indexes API TI 94.2 59.1

CW 15.7



Tattoo: 156E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1116

Maternal Milk WW 14.0 44.4

DS 346C 279E


CW 22.9


Reg. #: (3376332) Birthdate: 3/24/2017 Adj. WW: 577

E P CE D 12.4


Lot 47

CW 25.3

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.1 Indexes API TI 107.0 62.3

Lot 52

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS 220C 308E


Reg. #: 3376675 Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 691

1/2 Tattoo: 308E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1134

E P CE D 16.1

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.5 59.2 89.7 9.1 15.2 44.8 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DA FINAL ANSWER 96Y DS MS FAN 96Y 59A DS MS SOND806 105Y Notes:Soid black. He looks good.

DS 259C 452E


Reg. #: (3376399) Birthdate: 3/22/2017 Adj. WW: 544


CW 21.3

Carcass REA MRB 0.0 0.3 Indexes API TI 0.0 0.0

13 year old cow on winter pasture, we only have room for tuff, efficient cattle with longevity.



Tattoo: 452E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 925

E P CE D 12.1

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.1 59.2 82.9 6.0 18.2 47.8 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P

CW 18.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.1 Indexes API TI 97.9 59.6

DS MS EMBLAZON 79Y 43W Notes:Soid black

DS 431B 469E


Reg. #: (3376405) Birthdate: 4/2/2017 Adj. WW: 677

Lot 54 1/2 Tattoo: 469E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1034

E P CE D 13.6

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.2 54.5 73.7 9.6 22.9 50.2 DS LORD OF RING 100Z DS LR 100Z 431B DS MS FORTUNE 500 64S DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEG 128P 286W D A 7178 298M Notes:Soid black.



Reg. #: (3376313) Birthdate: 3/17/2017 Adj. WW: 651

E P CE D 14.3

CW 11.7

Indexes API TI 131.7 69.5


Tattoo: 108E Birth Weight: 85 Adj. YW: 1100 CW 26.4

Carcass REA MRB 0.7 0.6 Indexes API TI 137.4 75.2



Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.4


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.5 61.7 95.8 5.5 20.3 51.1 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P CONNEALY DANNY 5398 DS MS DANNY 55W DS MS SHEAR FORCE 380R Notes:Solid black and soggy.



Reg. #: (3376296) Birthdate: 3/9/2017 Adj. WW: 594

3/8 Tattoo: 51E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1045

E P CE D 15.2

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.4 48.5 70.0 7.4 24.2 48.4 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K S D S IN FORCE 112Y S D S PRINCESS 925W DA 6807 208R 343U 308X DA MS 7178 172N Notes:Soid black Inforce son with calving ease.

DS 347C 234E


Reg. #: (3376350) Birthdate: 4/5/2017 Adj. WW: 620


CW 8.2

Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.7 Indexes API TI 143.3 70.4



Tattoo: 234E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1203

E P CE D 12.1

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.6 66.5 108.7 7.8 14.5 47.7 34.0 0.3 0.1 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C Indexes DS MS SON OF BOONE API TI BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 105.9 64.3 DS MS MIMI 31B DS 309U 84Z Notes:Soid red. He is a real standout with good numbers.

46th Consecutive Production Sale




Reg. #: 3376674 Birthdate: 3/18/2017 Adj. WW: 674

3/8 Simmental Tattoo: 450E


Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1238

E P CE D 13.6

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 1.3 57.0 101.1 6.2 21.1 49.6 32.9 0.4 1.0 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y Indexes GW MISS MATERNAL 558P API TI GARDENS PRIME STAR 144.0 79.1 DS DA PRIMESTAR 75Y 38W Notes:Solid black Substance son. He is thick and deep. Top 25% API, 1% for Marb.

DS 87B 489E


Reg. #: (3376408) Birthdate: 4/15/2017 Adj. WW: 704


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.7 68.7 109.0 8.1 18.7 53.0 SINCLAIR TIMELESS 8BA4 DS DA TIMELESS 87B DS MS F ANSWER 21Z DS LEGACY 128P 173X DS MS SF172X 147A DS MS RED FORT170S 255U Notes:Solid black with really good numbers.


Reg. #: (3376342) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 659

62 E P CE D 13.2

Indexes API TI 120.7 71.6

We are excited about our 9D calves! See our Allied ad for details. P

CW 10.8

Carcass REA MRB 0.7 0.3 Indexes API TI 117.7 63.1

Lot 61



Tattoo: 225E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1199

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.6 62.6 98.8 8.3 10.3 41.5 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 29C DS MS 309U 161Z TR COLT 45 UT806 DS DAAR MS COLT 45 3B DS MC CONQUEST 28Z Notes:Solid red. Look really good.


Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.3

Tattoo: 205E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1127

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.8 51.7 73.1 5.7 19.5 45.3 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 265C DS MS SOND806 129Y O C C PROTOTYPE 847P DS DA MS OCC PROTO 20B 61W Notes:Solid black. Has good numbers.

Reg. #: (3376347) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 651

CW 33.9


E P CE D 14.9

DS 29C 225E


Tattoo: 489E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1120

E P CE D 14.5

DS 265C 205E

Lot 59

CW 26.4

Carcass REA MRB 0.1 0.3 Indexes API TI 119.4 65.9

Lot 62

46th Consecutive Production Sale


More than just a bull... By Marty Ropp I’m just buying a bull….right? Most of us don’t really believe that, yet the gravity of the decisions associated with selecting the next generation of seed stock may be greater than you first think. All of us consider the calves these bulls might sire and the value they should return to the ranch. Most consider pricing bulls based on a projection of years of service hopefully 4-8 years barring injury and the calf performance we might expect them to sire. If you don’t keep your own replacement heifers, this makes some sense. If like most you keep females, the long term effects of this year’s buying decisions on ranch profitability may not be quite as obvious until we break it down based on the long term maternal value traits we are purchasing.         

Let’s assume your operation purchases 4 bulls this coming spring of 2018. First calves born in spring of 2019 First daughters calving in spring of 2021 (First granddaughters calve in 2023) With any luck at 2 or more of these bulls are still breeding at age 7 (2024) Last calves born sired by these bulls in 2025 Last calf crop females have their first calves in 2027 (Their first daughters calve in 2029) In 2028 a substantial share of the 2-7 year old cows are daughters of the bulls purchased 10 years before. In the year 2036 there are still a few 11 and 12 year old daughters in your herd sired by the 2018 purchased bulls. In the year 2036 the granddaughters and great granddaughters of the bulls purchased 18 years ago still make up a substantial portion of the genetics of your herd.

I know, most of us don’t like to think about the year 2036. Seems like the Bi-Centennial was just a few years ago... If however your plans are to keep or make the beef business an important part of your families livelihood as far out as 2036, which most of us do, the bulls you purchase this year will still be an important piece of the profits you enjoy or the challenges you are still working through nearly 20 years from now. Sire selection is that important, so use all the tools available to make the best decisions you can every time! So, if you would like to see a snap-shot of your cow herd 10-20 years from now in 2036, you need only spend some time with the seedstock herd you purchase bulls from. With the exception of a few differences created by environment, what you see is where you are headed! The size, disposition, body condition, udders, feet, calving ease, fertility, longevity, etc of your future cow herd is right there to see. Not just the mature cows either, make sure you look at the 2 and 3 year olds too and consider the direction your source is moving. That is why it is so crucial to choose a seedstock source that is headed where you want and need to be.

Angus Bulls DA Absolute 3E Reg. #: 19044365 Birthdate: 02/10/17 Adj. WW: 692


AN Tattoo: 3E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1229

E P CED D 11.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat -1.4 50.0 89.0 9.0 17.0 34.0 0.5 0.6 0.01 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Indexes Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 $EN $W $F $G $B DA 6807 208R 1.6 41.4 43.2 38.5 117. 2 DA MS 208R 258X DA MS 1407 145P Notes:The thickest and deepest bull in the pen. Good bull.

DA COMRAD 38E Reg. #: 624789662 Birthdate: 03/07/17 Adj. WW: 552


E P CED D 5.5

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat -0.7 25.0 44.5 4.5 8.5 17.0 0.3 0.3 0.005 Connealy Consensus 7229 Connealy Comrade 1385 Indexes Happy Gee of Conanga 919 $EN $W $F $G $B EF Complement 8088 0.8 20.7 21.6 19.2 58.6 DA MS Compliment 185C D A Ms 6I6 66M Notes:A Comrade out of a Compliment first calf heifer.

All lots will be ran through a ring live so you can evaluate their true presence while submitting your bids


AN Tattoo: 38E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1038

46th Consecutive Production Sale

Lot 64


DA Absolute 126E Reg. #: 19056514 Birthdate: 03/20/17 Adj. WW: 621


AN Tattoo: 126E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1100

E P CED D 6.5

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat 1.0 55.0 96.0 7.0 19.5 38.5 0.5 0.6 0.012 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Indexes Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 $EN $W $F $G $B DA 6807 208R 3.2 52.5 54.4 35.4 125. 1 DA Ms 208R 148W DA MS 7178 321N Notes:Another Absolute ET. They have more growth and power.

DA Combination 133E Reg. #: 19056256 Birthdate: 03/20/17 Adj. WW: 557


AN Tattoo: 133E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 945

E P CED D 7.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb -0.6 48.0 81.0 8.0 18.0 Connealy Consensus Connealy Combination 0188 Indexes Black Cayra of Conanga 8127 $EN $W $F $G Da Final Answer 96Y 3.8 41.7 30.5 DA Final Answer 96Y 195C DA MS 6807 208R 229U Notes:A another good Combination out of a first calf heifer.

DA Et Absolute 154E Reg. #: 19041046 Birthdate: 03/20/17 Adj. WW: 699


DA Et Absolute 152E Reg. #: 19044369 Birthdate: 03/07/17 Adj. WW: 563




AN Tattoo: 154E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1096

E P CED D 9.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat 0.3 54.0 100.0 7.0 21.0 33.0 0.5 0.7 0.029 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Indexes Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 $EN $W $F $G $B S A V Final Answer 0035 -8.1 44.9 60.3 38.7 118. 5 DA MS Final Answer 21Z DA MS T510 79P Notes:You will like these ET Absolute bulls they are thick and deep.

DA Et Absolute 165E Reg. #: 19041044 Birthdate: 03/20/17 Adj. WW: 686


E P CED D 8.0

E P CED D 9.0

AN Tattoo: 152E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1026

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk -0.3 40.0 80.0 6.0 23.0 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 D A Nelson Target 42M DA MS Nelson Target 42M 275R DA MS 6I6 18M Notes:A good Absolute ET.

DA Et Absolute 155E Reg. #: 19056513 Birthdate: 03/20/17 Adj. WW: 586


CW 29.0

Carcass RE Marb Fat 0.4 0.6 0.027

Indexes $EN $W $F $G $B -2.0 34.5 34.2 33.9 100. 4

AN Tattoo: 155E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1030

E P CED D 6.5

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat 1.0 55.0 96.0 7.0 19.5 38.5 0.5 0.6 0.012 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Indexes Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 $EN $W $F $G $B DA 6807 208R 3.2 52.5 54.4 35.4 125. 1 DA Ms 208R 148W DA MS 7178 321N Notes:Another Absolute ET. They have more growth and power.

AN Tattoo: 165E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1239

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk 0.1 42.0 82.0 6.0 19.0 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Sinclair Timeless 8BA4 DA MS Timeless 112Z Da MS 208R 243X Notes:Be sure and check these bulls out.


Lot 65

CW 27.0

Carcass RE Marb Fat 0.4 0.5 0.027

Indexes $EN $W $F $G $B 2.1 31.9 36.3 33.2 95.9

Loomix is utilized to supplemental all bred cows and heifers. We haven’t fed ANY bales to bred cows or heifers in over a decade!

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DA Et Absolute 238E Reg. #: 19044363 Birthdate: 03/26/17 Adj. WW: 587


E P CED D 7.0

AN Tattoo: 238E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1100

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk 0.6 51.0 90.0 8.0 16.0 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 DA 6807 208R 343U DA MS 343u 292Z DA MS Bexter 13P Notes:Another Absolute ET.

DA Proto 210C 361E Reg. #: 19056579 Birthdate: 03/25/17 Adj. WW: 648



Carcass RE Marb

Indexes $EN $W $F $G 2.4 38.4 44.3



Lot 71

AN Tattoo: 361E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1128

DA Proto 210C 363E Reg. #: Birthdate: 03/26/17 Adj. WW: 601


E P CED D 8.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat -0.7 34.0 51.0 8.0 17.0 21.0 0.3 0.4 0.007 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C Indexes DA Ms 208R 148W $EN $W $F $G $B DA 6807 208R 343U 17.3 30.8 -10.8 31.8 75.5 DA MS 343u 78X D A MS Rainmaker 340 152F Notes:These are the first 210C angus bulls. They are thick and meaty with great dispositions.

E P CED D 6.5

DA Combination 370E Reg. #: Birthdate: 03/16/17 Adj. WW: 655

DA 210C 380E Reg. #: 19041049 Birthdate: 03/30/17 Adj. WW: 693


AN Tattoo: 370E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1084

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk 0.5 45.0 70.0 7.5 18.5 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C DA Ms 208R 148W DA 6807 208R 343U DA MS 343U 48Y Da Predestined 27W Notes:He is thick and stout.


E P CED D 3.5

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat 0.2 41.0 75.0 7.5 21.0 27.5 0.4 0.6 0.016 5 Connealy Consensus Connealy Combination 0188 Indexes Black Cayra of Conanga 8127 $EN $W $F $G $B Baldridge Navigator N5 6.4 38.8 37.9 36.2 110. 7 DA Predestined 27W D A MS Paramount Ambush 344E Notes:A Combintion out of a Predestined. He looks Good.

E P CED D 12.0

DA 210C 382E Reg. #: 19041050 Birthdate: 03/30/17 Adj. WW: 643

DA 210C 384E Reg. #: 19041048 Birthdate: 03/31/17 Adj. WW: 593


E P CED D 10.0

AN Tattoo: 382E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1130

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb -0.9 32.0 61.0 8.0 18.0 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C Indexes DA Ms 208R 148W $EN $W $F $G Sinclair Timeless 8BA4 12.0 25.0 6.9 DA MS Timeless 62B Da MS Navigator 59W Notes:Calving ease and still has some growth and thickness.



Carcass RE Marb Fat 0.3 0.4 0.012 5 Indexes $EN $W $F $G $B 7.7 39.7 13.9 28.7 81.6 CW 24.0

AN Tattoo: 380E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1154

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk -1.0 42.0 67.0 9.0 18.0 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C DA Ms 208R 148W B C Mid Emblazon 854E 702 DA MS Emblazon 38Y Da MS 7178 42W Notes:Another thick 210C.



AN Tattoo: 363E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 961


Carcass RE Marb

Indexes $EN $W $F $G 9.6 38.6 10.5



AN Tattoo: 384E Birth Weight: 74 Adj. YW: 1068

E P CED D 9.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat -0.4 40.0 64.0 9.0 18.0 26.0 0.4 0.5 0.019 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C Indexes DA Ms 208R 148W $EN $W $F $G $B DA 6807 208R 343U 10.8 35.8 6.8 32.1 88.2 DS MS 343u 351Y DA MS Premium Beef 80S Notes:These are a really good set of these 210C calves.

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DA Combination 386E Reg. #: 19056673 Birthdate: 03/16/17 Adj. WW: 633


AN Tattoo: 386E Birth Weight: 78 Adj. YW: 1115

E P CED D 8.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat -0.9 51.0 86.0 10.0 18.0 25.0 0.4 0.5 0.024 Connealy Consensus Connealy Combination 0188 Indexes Black Cayra of Conanga 8127 $EN $W $F $G $B S A V Final Answer 0035 1.7 44.7 37.2 33.7 92.3 DA Final Answer 26Y DA MS 7178 321N Notes:A good Combination out of a Final Answer.

DA Capitalist 387E Reg. #: 19043062 Birthdate: 03/16/17 Adj. WW: 690


E P CED D 10.0

AN Tattoo: 387E Birth Weight: 76 Adj. YW: 1150

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk -0.4 43.0 70.0 10.0 18.0 S A V Final Answer 0035 Connealy Capitalist 028 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 DA 6807 208R 343U DS MS 343u 339Y D A Ms 7178 131L Notes:Capitalist son that looks really good.

DA 210C 389E Reg. #: 19041047 Birthdate: 04/01/17 Adj. WW: 613


Lot 78

CW 24.0

Carcass RE Marb Fat 0.4 0.4 0.024

Indexes $EN $W $F $G $B 8.4 38.1 14.9 30.1 83.1

Lot 79

AN Tattoo: 389E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1048

E P CED D 5.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat 0.7 37.0 63.0 6.0 20.0 21.0 0.3 0.5 0.006 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C Indexes DA Ms 208R 148W $EN $W $F $G $B DA ET 6807-71B 69P 8.8 32.0 7.0 32.7 78.4 DA MS 6807 Son 268S D A MS Paramount Ambush 304F Notes:Be sure to check this bull out.

DA 210C 396E Reg. #: 19041045 Birthdate: 04/02/17 Adj. WW: 628


E P CED D 6.0

Growth Maternal BW WW YW CEM Milk 1.0 47.0 76.0 7.0 15.0 O C C Prototype 847P Da Proto 210C DA Ms 208R 148W DA 6807 208R 343U DA MS 6807343u 213a Da MS Navigator 118X Notes:Top $EN Angus bulls here.

Thanks to all the people who helped in 2017 and to those who will help in 2018!


AN Tattoo: 396E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1131

46th Consecutive Production Sale

CW 19.0

Carcass RE Marb Fat 0.3 0.4 0.015

Indexes $EN $W $F $G $B 9.5 36.3 22.5 30.7 74.2

Lot 81




Reg. #: 3845175 Birthdate: 02-10-2017 Adj. WW: 682

RA Tattoo: 1E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1204

E P CED D 11

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -5.4 50 84 5 19 8 13 -0.19 0.5 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BROWN ULTIMATE X7752 Indexes BROWN MS OBJECTIVE U7837 Herd Builder Grid Master HXC CONQUEST 4405P 118 51 DRRA MS CONQUEST 16A DRRA MS 20A 1J 360S Notes:Super good Bull. An ET out of our good donor 16A. He is powerfull.



Reg. #: 3845177 Birthdate: 02-10-2017 Adj. WW: 659



Tattoo: 10E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1179

E P CED D 11


Reg. #: 3845179 Birthdate: 02-12-2017 Adj. WW: 616

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -5.4 50 84 5 19 8 13 -0.19 0.5 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BROWN ULTIMATE X7752 Indexes BROWN MS OBJECTIVE U7837 Herd Builder Grid Master HXC CONQUEST 4405P 118 51 DRRA MS CONQUEST 16A DRRA MS 20A 1J 360S Notes:A really good flush of ET Ultimates.





Reg. #: 3845183 Birthdate: 02-14-2017 Adj. WW: 603

RA Tattoo: 15E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1181


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -2.1 69 112 8 13 13 34 -0.02 0.51 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BJR MONU 4X-303 152 53 DRRA MS 4X 152N BJR LAKINA 319-810 Notes:These Premeir bulls out of 152N are power bulls for use on cows.

Tattoo: 12E Birth Weight: 68 Adj. YW: 1047

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.6 69 105 9 6 13 27 -0.1 0.59 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master DRRA BJR 20A 1J 161 52 DRRA MS 20A 1J 309R DRRA MONU 4X 303 208L Notes:The Premier bulls are taller and have more power.



Reg. #: 3845181 Birthdate: 02-13-2017 Adj. WW: 582

Tattoo: 13E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1032


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.6 69 105 9 6 13 27 -0.1 0.59 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master DRRA BJR 20A 1J 161 52 DRRA MS 20A 1J 309R DRRA MONU 4X 303 208L Notes:Another good Premier out of 309R.

Our cows and heifers are expected to calve unassisted on the range. Kirk calves out over 550 cows and calves by himself while taking care of daily chores. There isn’t any time for special treatment!



46th Consecutive Production Sale

Lot 66




Reg. #: 3845185 Birthdate: 02-15-2017 Adj. WW: 743

RA Tattoo: 16E Birth Weight: 82 Adj. YW: 1198


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.6 69 105 9 6 13 27 -0.1 0.59 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master DRRA BJR 20A 1J 161 52 DRRA MS 20A 1J 309R DRRA MONU 4X 303 208L Notes:For use on cows. He has a lot of good things going.



Reg. #: 3845187 Birthdate: 02-15-2017 Adj. WW: 655



Tattoo: 18E Birth Weight: 86 Adj. YW: 1087


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -2.1 69 112 8 13 13 34 -0.02 0.51 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BJR MONU 4X-303 152 53 DRRA MS 4X 152N BJR LAKINA 319-810 Notes:For use on cows.



Reg. #: 3845191 Birthdate: 02-15-2017 Adj. WW: 499

Lot 87



Reg. #: 3845189 Birthdate: 02-15-2017 Adj. WW: 621

Tattoo: 21E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1135


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -2.2 58 99 4 16 10 27 -0.19 0.4 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BROWN ULTIMATE X7752 Indexes BROWN MS OBJECTIVE U7837 Herd Builder Grid Master BJR MONU 4X-303 121 52 DRRA MS 4X 152N BJR LAKINA 319-810 Notes:For use on cows.

RA Tattoo: 23E Birth Weight: 58 Adj. YW: 954


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.6 69 105 9 6 13 27 -0.1 0.59 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master DRRA BJR 20A 1J 161 52 DRRA MS 20A 1J 309R DRRA MONU 4X 303 208L Notes:Smaller bull with less birth weight.



Reg. #: 3845193 Birthdate: 02-16-2017 Adj. WW: 728

Lot 89

RA Tattoo: 24E Birth Weight: 100 Adj. YW: 1245


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -2.1 69 112 8 13 13 34 -0.02 0.51 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BJR MONU 4X-303 152 53 DRRA MS 4X 152N BJR LAKINA 319-810 Notes:For use on cows. He has a lot of good things going.


46th Consecutive Production Sale

Lot 91




Reg. #: 3845195 Birthdate: 02-17-2017 Adj. WW: 701

RA Tattoo: 26E Birth Weight: 84 Adj. YW: 1203


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.6 69 105 9 6 13 27 -0.1 0.59 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master DRRA BJR 20A 1J 161 52 DRRA MS 20A 1J 309R DRRA MONU 4X 303 208L Notes:Good looking bull.



Reg. #: 3845197 Birthdate: 03-15-2017 Adj. WW: 827



Tattoo: 32E Birth Weight: 90 Adj. YW: 1318



Reg. #: 3845969 Birthdate: 03-09-2017 Adj. WW: 621

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -2.1 69 112 8 13 13 34 -0.02 0.51 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BJR MONU 4X-303 152 53 DRRA MS 4X 152N BJR LAKINA 319-810 Notes:For use on cows. These are some really good Red Angus bulls.

E P CED D 10




Reg. #: 3845201 Birthdate: 03-17-2017 Adj. WW: 599

RA Tattoo: 103E Birth Weight: 75 Adj. YW: 1031


Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -1.9 62 103 2 16 10 29 0.23 0.38 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON EPIC R397 K Indexes BECKTON KIT F468 JL Herd Builder Grid Master HXC CONQUEST 4405P 114 52 DRRA MS CONQUEST 28Z DRRA MS LANCER 60N Notes:A heifer bull out of the Epic bull. A little different pedigree.



Reg. #: 3845205 Birthdate: 03-25-2017 Adj. WW: 616

RA Tattoo: 56E Birth Weight: 70 Adj. YW: 1046

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -4.5 48 83 5 19 11 13 -0.08 0.51 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BROWN ULTIMATE X7752 Indexes BROWN MS OBJECTIVE U7837 Herd Builder Grid Master RED HILL B571 JULIAN 84S 144 52 DRRA MS JULIAN 84S 278C DAAR MS SON OF BOONE 193X Notes:A heifer bull out of a first calf heifer.



Reg. #: 3845203 Birthdate: 03-25-2017 Adj. WW: 592

Tattoo: 146E Birth Weight: 80 Adj. YW: 1030

E P CED D 10

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.3 63 99 7 16 13 24 0.03 0.65 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 160 52 DRRA MS MIMI 72R DRRA MS CANYON 181K Notes:A good Premier ET out of a good MIMI cow.

RA Tattoo: 147E Birth Weight: 72 Adj. YW: 1042

E P CED D 10

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.3 63 99 7 16 13 24 0.03 0.65 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 160 52 DRRA MS MIMI 72R DRRA MS CANYON 181K Notes:Another good flush mate to Lot 96.


46th Consecutive Production Sale

Lot 96




Reg. #: 3845207 Birthdate: 03-25-2017 Adj. WW: 618

RA Tattoo: 150E Birth Weight: 78 Adj. YW: 1058

E P CED D 10

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk Stay CW REA Marb -3.3 63 99 7 16 13 24 0.03 0.65 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BROWN PREMIER X7876 Indexes BROWN MS DESTINATION T7664 Herd Builder Grid Master BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 160 52 DRRA MS MIMI 72R DRRA MS CANYON 181K Notes:The Premier bulls out of 72R could work on heifers.

We’ve enjoyed meeting new people and sharing our story at the Kansas Cattle Drive in Buhler the last three years. Look us up next year!

Simmental Heifers DS MS GW SUBSTANCE 115E


Reg. #: (3376316) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 580

PB Tattoo: 115E Birth Weight: 80

E P CE D 12.1

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.6 61.3 93.3 7.3 21.0 51.7 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW MISS MATERNAL 558P NICHOLS MANIFEST T79 DS MS MANIFEST 32X DS MS ZINGER 154H Notes:Solid black. Halter broke.

DS MS 220C 37E


Reg. #: (3376290) Birthdate: 3/7/2017 Adj. WW: 532

102 E P CE D 9.6

Indexes API TI 149.3 79.2

Lot 99 P

CW 18.3

DS MS 220C 132E


Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.2 Indexes API TI 140.6 75.9


Reg. #: (3376322) Birthdate: 3/20/2017 Adj. WW: 554

E P CE D 19.1



Tattoo: 132E Birth Weight: 80

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.5 49.5 69.4 9.2 14.9 39.7 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS LORD OF RING 55X DS MS LR 55X 106B DS MS EMBLAZON 16X Notes:Solid Red

CW 7.6

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.2 Indexes API TI 145.5 68.0


Tattoo: 179E Birth Weight: 86

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 1.5 73.8 118.5 13.6 11.2 48.1 DS 309U 148Z DS 148Z 49B KD MS PF 283J 476L DS ZINGER 193R 309U DS MS 309U 160Y DS MS RED FORT170S 273U Notes:Red blaze


Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.5

Tattoo: 37E Birth Weight: 70

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.4 67.1 86.1 11.9 12.7 46.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEG 128P 237B DS MS KDZ 255M 251P Notes:Solid black

Reg. #: (3376336) Birthdate: 3/22/2017 Adj. WW: 793

CW 26.5


E P CE D 15.4

DS MS 49B 179E


CW 42.8

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.1 Indexes API TI 128.7 74.6

“The heifer I bought from you just had a bull calf! She just got right with it and pushed it out!” ~Chris Vonlintel Victoria, Kansas

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS MS 259C 295E


Reg. #: (3376365) Birthdate: 4/6/2017 Adj. WW: 591



Tattoo: 295E Birth Weight: 80

E P CE D 15.4

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.7 61.6 86.0 13.2 15.4 46.2 19.8 0.8 0.1 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C Indexes DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P API TI DS KDZ 255M 241R 133.1 70.1 DS MS 241R 119A DS MS PS 14N 115R Notes:Black blaze. Super fancy side profile. Halter broke.

DS MS 259C 298E


Reg. #: (3376366) Birthdate: 4/16/2017 Adj. WW: 653

PB Tattoo: 298E Birth Weight: 88

E P CE D 16.6

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.6 55.0 72.0 13.1 13.4 40.8 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS 241R 30Z DS MS RED FORT170S 212U Notes:

DS MS 346C 29E


Reg. #: (3376417) Birthdate: 3/9/2017 Adj. WW: 635

107 E P CE D 15.1


Carcass REA MRB 0.9 0.1 Indexes API TI 134.9 67.8


Reg. #: (3376387) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 497


Tattoo: 401E Birth Weight: 86

E P CE D 11.7

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 1.6 66.1 106.0 8.8 9.6 42.6 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P DS LORD OF THE RING 243S DS MS LORD OF RING 20Z DS MS ZINGER 193R 370U Notes:Solid black

CW 35.5

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.1 Indexes API TI 128.7 70.8


CW 20.2

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.0 Indexes API TI 110.6 61.7

Lot 106



Tattoo: 97E Birth Weight: 80

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.9 54.3 74.0 10.8 19.1 46.2 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z DS MS LEG 128P 273W DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEG 128P 241W DA MS 7178 265N Notes:Solid black. Show potential.


DS MS 259C 401E

Tattoo: 29E Birth Weight: 80

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.1 64.0 85.7 11.2 12.8 44.8 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE DS LEGACY 128P 173X DS MS SF 172X 148A DS MS RED BROTHER 76G 37 Notes:Solid red. Halter broke. Great future cow.

Reg. #: (3376309) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 526

CW 9.9


E P CE D 11.2

DS MS 209Z 97E


Lot 103

CW 10.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.1 Indexes API TI 124.7 63.4

DS MS 346C 114E


Reg. #: (3376315) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 485

E P CE D 11.2

3/4 Tattoo: 114E Birth Weight: 70

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.6 48.9 75.1 11.8 14.3 38.8 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE DS ZINGER 193R 309U DS MS 309U 89Y DS MS RED FORTUNE 133S Notes:Solid Red

46th Consecutive Production Sale


CW 14.2

Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.0 Indexes API TI 101.9 53.7


DS MS 220C 116E


Reg. #: (3376317) Birthdate: 3/16/2017 Adj. WW: 611

3/4 Tattoo: 116E Birth Weight: 70

E P CE D 16.1

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.9 53.9 74.4 10.4 16.9 43.9 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS Z FORCE 179S DS MS SF 179S 123B DS MS SUREBET 8Y Notes:Solid black

DS MS 259C 236E


Reg. #: (3376352) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 642


114 E P CE D 15.4


Reg. #: (3376334) Birthdate: 3/27/2017 Adj. WW: 558


Tattoo: 170E Birth Weight: 72

E P CE D 15.1

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.0 60.0 84.9 11.7 14.3 44.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DS 309U 148Z DS MS 148Z 131B DS MS RED FORT170S 168U Notes:Solid black

CW 17.4

Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.3 Indexes API TI 136.6 68.9


CW 25.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.1 Indexes API TI 126.4 70.2

Lot 111 P

CW 32.3

Indexes API TI 131.9 71.3


Tattoo: 268E Birth Weight: 80

CW 1.3

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.1 Indexes API TI 124.8 58.2

DS MS 259C 246E


Carcass REA MRB 0.4 0.2


Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.9 39.8 56.8 11.6 15.7 35.6 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z DS MS LEG 128P 273W KD ZINGER 313F KD MS KD ZINGER 313F 47R KD MS 501N Notes:Soid black.


Indexes API TI 138.8 67.6

Tattoo: 239E Birth Weight: 90

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 1.3 66.1 101.6 12.3 5.9 38.9 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 29C DS MS 309U 161Z DS ZINGER 193R 309U DS MS 309U 153Z DS MS FORT 500 390T Notes:Solid red.

Reg. #: (3376361) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 536


Carcass REA MRB 0.9 0.3


E P CE D 10.7

DS MS 209Z 268E

DS MS 220C 170E

Tattoo: 236E Birth Weight: 90

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.8 70.8 97.3 11.1 14.9 50.3 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P KD RED FORTUNE 170S DS MS 170S 349Y DS MS LEG 128P 241W Notes:Solid black. Gentle and halter broke.

Reg. #: (3376354) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 642

CW 11.3


E P CE D 15.1

DS MS 347C 239E


Reg. #: (3376357) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 462

3/4 Tattoo: 246E Birth Weight: 80

E P CE D 15.8

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.9 56.7 76.5 10.3 14.1 42.4 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS 241R 4A KD MS 508N Notes:Solid black

DS MS 431B 303E


Reg. #: (3376367) Birthdate: 4/9/2017 Adj. WW: 502

E P CE D 15.4

CW 13.7

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.1 Indexes API TI 118.8 62.6



Tattoo: 303E Birth Weight: 80

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.0 34.4 46.8 9.5 21.3 38.5 DS LORD OF RING 100Z DS LR 100Z 431B DS MS FORTUNE 500 64S HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K DS MS SHEAR FORCE 48T KD MS SIX SHOOTER 151M 2 Notes:Solid black

46th Consecutive Production Sale


CW -4.7

Carcass REA MRB 0.8 0.4 Indexes API TI 139.7 63.4


DS MS 259C 419E


Reg. #: (3376391) Birthdate: 3/25/2017 Adj. WW: 595

3/4 Tattoo: 419E Birth Weight: 84

E P CE D 13.2

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.0 72.2 98.4 8.9 14.6 50.6 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 259C DS MS 6 SHOOTER 238P DS FORCE I 63S DS SF 63S 54A DS MS 6 SHOOTER 151M 285 Notes:Solid black. Nice profile. Halter broke.

DS MS 209Z 436E


Reg. #: (3376397) Birthdate: 3/20/2017 Adj. WW: 525


Reg. #: (3376308)

E P CE D 14.0


CW 4.0

Indexes API TI 121.2 59.9


CW 17.1

DS MS 347C 455E


Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.1

Indexes API TI 138.9 71.1


Reg. #: (3376400) Birthdate: 3/26/2017 Adj. WW: 577


Tattoo: 455E Birth Weight: 80

E P CE D 11.5

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.3 62.1 93.7 11.1 11.3 42.4 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE DS ZINGER 193R 309U DS MS 309U 133Y DS MS RED FORTUNE 205T Notes:Solid red



Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.3


CW 25.2

Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.0 Indexes API TI 105.7 61.3


Reg. #: (3376307) Birthdate: 3/17/2017 Adj. WW: 600


Tattoo: 93E Birth Weight: 85

E P CE D 12.8

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 0.7 81.3 113.2 5.4 15.3 55.9 37.3 1.1 0.3 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW ROBUST 605Z Indexes GW MISS GPRD 123X API TI DS FORCE I 63S 133.5 79.3 DS MS SF63S 281Y DS MS KDZ 255M 344S Notes:Solid black. Super nice, moderate framed heifer. Halter brok.


Tattoo: 95E Birth Weight: 90

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.7 71.6 107.0 6.6 17.7 53.5 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW ROBUST 605Z GW MISS GPRD 123X DS KDZ 255M 241R DS MS 241R 76Z KD MS 6 SHOOTER 151M Notes:Solid black


Lot 116

Tattoo: 59E Birth Weight: 72

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.9 58.0 86.3 9.9 13.4 42.4 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 220C DS MS SHEAR FORCE 13S DA FINAL ANSWER 96Y DS MS FAN 96Y 43C DS MS LEG 128P 116A Notes:Solid black

121 Birthdate: 3/14/2017 Adj. WW: 603 p

Indexes API TI 123.2 70.7


E P CE D 17.6


Carcass REA MRB 0.9 0.1

Tattoo: 436E Birth Weight: 84

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.8 51.4 62.6 11.0 11.0 36.7 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 209Z DS MS LEG 128P 273W DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEG 128P 233W KD MS 516N Notes:Solid black

Reg. #: (3376301) Birthdate: 2/1/2017 Adj. WW: 503

CW 27.6


E P CE D 14.9

DS MS 220C 59E


CW 34.4

Carcass REA MRB 1.0 0.4 Indexes API TI 142.6 77.8

Lot 120

46th Consecutive Production Sale




Reg. #: (3376310) Birthdate: 3/13/2017 Adj. WW: 641



Tattoo: 99E Birth Weight: 90

E P CE D 10.4

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 2.9 77.0 116.7 3.6 16.9 55.4 43.4 1.0 0.3 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW ROBUST 605Z Indexes GW MISS GPRD 123X API TI DS LORD OF THE RING 243S 127.2 75.4 DS MS LORD RING 292Y DS MS PS 14N 369T Notes:Baldy! Baldy! Baldy! Really gentle halter broke heifer.



Reg. #: (3376319) Birthdate: 3/18/2017 Adj. WW: 607


Lot 122


Tattoo: 120E Birth Weight: 82

E P CE D 12.4

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB 1.3 80.8 114.0 6.6 19.1 59.5 38.8 0.9 0.4 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW ROBUST 605Z Indexes GW MISS GPRD 123X API TI DS LEGACY 128P 136.7 81.0 DS MS LEG 128P 290W DS MS 6 SHOOTER 248P Notes:Solid black. Fancy profile, great hair. Couldn't ask for a better attitude.

DS MS 265C 213E


Reg. #: (3376345) Birthdate: 4/4/2017 Adj. WW: 595

5/8 Tattoo: 213E Birth Weight: 90

E P CE D 13.2

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.3 58.4 76.9 9.6 12.5 41.7 DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 265C DS MS SOND806 129Y DS LEGACY 128P DS MS LEGACY 128P 353A DS MS SHEAR FORCE 48T Notes:Solid black



Reg. #: (3376393) Birthdate: 3/17/2017 Adj. WW: 595

E P CE D 13.2

CW 15.6



Carcass REA MRB 1.0 0.3 Indexes API TI 125.8 65.6



Reg. #: (3376358) Birthdate: 4/1/2017 Adj. WW: 566


Tattoo: 249E Birth Weight: 84

E P CE D 13.6

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW -0.3 57.6 96.2 11.7 21.0 49.8 27.3 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW PREMIER 734Y GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 551U DS ZINGER 313F 221J DS MS KDZ 221J 354P 29M Notes:Solid black. High production heifer with a classy look.

Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.5 Indexes API TI 134.7 72.9

Halter broke.


Tattoo: 424E Birth Weight: 76

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.9 58.6 92.5 10.8 22.1 51.4 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW PREMIER 734Y GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 551U NICHOLS MANIFEST T79 DS MS MANIFEST 205Y KS MA 504N Notes:Soid black



Lot 123

CW 23.9

Carcass REA MRB 0.2 0.4 Indexes API TI 133.3 71.7

Lot 125

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS MS 309C 458E


Reg. #: (3376401) Birthdate: 3/26/2017 Adj. WW: 580

5/8 Tattoo: 458E Birth Weight: 82

E P CE D 14.9

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -0.2 57.7 81.0 8.6 15.3 44.2 DS SF 179S 209Z DS SF 209Z 309C KD MS 535N DS KDZ 255M 241R DS 241R 384U DS MS SIX SHOOTER 289S Notes:Solid black



Reg. #: (3376376) Birthdate: 3/14/2017 Adj. WW: 580



Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.1 Indexes API TI 115.4 62.7

CW 26.6

E P CE D 16.3

E P CE D 15.3

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -1.7 45.2 65.6 7.8 20.8 43.4 6.7 0.5 0.5 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K S D S IN FORCE 112Y Indexes S D S PRINCESS 925W API TI KD RED FORTUNE 170S 136.2 64.4 DS MS SF 170S 316Y 150W Notes:Solid black. Moderate framed, brood cow prospect. Halter broke.

Lot 128 P

CW 30.0

DS MS 130C 277E


Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.4 Indexes API TI 121.3 69.5


Reg. #: (3376362) Birthdate: 4/7/2017 Adj. WW: 576

E P CE D 19.0



Tattoo: 277E Birth Weight: 72

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -3.1 39.4 75.2 6.4 23.1 42.9 SINCLAIR TIMELESS 8BA4 DS DA TIMELESS 130C JIPSEY EARL 57A DS LORD OF RING 55X DS MS 55X 114C DS MS MFEST 140Y 289A Notes:Solid black

CW 11.3

Carcass REA MRB 0.1 0.4 Indexes API TI 126.1 60.3


Tattoo: 191E Birth Weight: 80

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -2.2 52.9 92.6 6.6 22.4 48.8 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BROWN ULTIMATE X7752 BROWN MS OBJECTIVE J7837 DS MANIFEST 140Y DS MS MFEST 140Y 365A 258X Notes:Solid red


Tattoo: 235E Birth Weight: 84

Indexes API TI 151.6 77.0

DS MS SOND806 129Y DS MS DREAM ON 83W Notes:Solid black


Reg. #: (3376351) Birthdate: 3/28/2017 Adj. WW: 548


Carcass REA MRB 0.6 0.6

Tattoo: 181E Birth Weight: 84

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW 0.2 63.0 100.1 9.9 15.9 47.4 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW PREMIER 734Y GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 551U

Reg. #: (3376339) Birthdate: 3/25/2017 Adj. WW: 599




E P CE D 13.2



Tattoo: 343E Birth Weight: 74

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.2 60.4 97.7 11.4 15.9 46.1 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GW PREMIER 734Y GW MISS LUCKY CHARM 551U DS Z FORCE 179S DS SF 179S 38C DS MS LR 55X Notes:Solid black

Reg. #: (3376415) Birthdate: 3/20/2017 Adj. WW: 640

CW 17.6


E P CE D 16.4



CW 22.6

Carcass REA MRB 0.0 0.5 Indexes API TI 140.9 70.4

The cows behind these bulls and heifers are some of the most efficient, economical and easy doing females around. The two pictured above are 12 and 12 years old.

46th Consecutive Production Sale


DS MS 49B 510E



Reg. #: (3376411) Birthdate: 4/20/2017 Adj. WW: 631


Tattoo: 510E Birth Weight: 78

E P CE D 11.7

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW MCE Milk WW CW REA MRB -0.7 65.4 105.3 8.3 19.7 52.3 31.9 0.2 0.2 DS 309U 148Z DS 148Z 49B Indexes KD MS PF 283J 476L API TI HXC CONQUEST 4405P 107.7 66.5 DS MS CONQUEST 96Z 297X Notes:This heifer is an exceptional solid red heifer. Halter broke.

DS MS 29C 496E



Reg. #: 3376409 Birthdate: 4/15/2017 Adj. WW: 528

E P CE D 12.7

Growth BW WW YW -2.1 54.0 78.9 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 29C DS MS 309U 161Z

MCE 8.9


Tattoo: 496E Birth Weight: 78

Maternal Milk WW 14.3 41.3

CW 13.8

Carcass REA MRB 0.5 0.2 Indexes API TI 113.0 62.3

DS MS SON OF BOONE 238Z DS MS LEGACY 128P 106S Notes:Solid red

Lot 133 DS MS 347C 499E



Reg. #: (3376410) Birthdate: 4/16/2017 Adj. WW: 652


Tattoo: 499E Birth Weight: 76

E P CE D 11.6

Growth Maternal BW WW YW MCE Milk WW -1.0 60.8 89.3 9.9 7.1 37.5 DS SF172X 312A DS SF 312A 346C DS MS SON OF BOONE DS ZINGER 193R 309U DS MS 309U 161Z MD MS 20A 1J 217S Notes:Solid red

CW 21.4

Carcass REA MRB 0.3 0.0 Indexes API TI 109.3 61.3

Angus Heifers DA MS Premium Beef 76E Reg. #: *Pending Birthdate: 42804 Adj. WW: 637


AN Tattoo: 76E Birth Weight: 76

E P CED D 6.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat -1.5 30.0 59.0 10.0 21.0 12.0 0.2 0.4 G A R Precision 1680 GAR Premium Beef Indexes G A R Ext 2928 $EN $W $F $G $B Sinclair Timeless 8B A4 7.0 28.0 29.0 40.0 56.0 DA Timeless 34C DA Final Answer 96Y 375A Notes:A really fancy Angus heifer out of the good GAR Premium Beef bull who has worked really well in our "no frills" program. Halter broke.

DS MS Combination 413E Reg. #: 19059158 Birthdate: 03/16/17 Adj. WW: 625


Lot 136

AN Tattoo: 413E Birth Weight: 72

E P CED D 4.0

Growth Maternal Carcass BW WW YW CEM Milk CW RE Marb Fat 0.4 53.0 88.0 7.0 18.0 28.0 0.4 0.5 Connealy Consensus Connealy Combination 0188 Indexes Black Cayra of Conanga 8127 $EN $W $F $G $B DA 6807 208R 0.8 45.0 39.4 35.2 100. 5 Da MS 208R 255X DA MS 7178 321N Notes:Another really good registered Angus heifer. Halter broke.


46th Consecutive Production Sale

Lot 137


Gor ham,KS 7859984401

Westmorel and,KS


Dr. Mark Tracy

Martin Ulrich

Bill Jones

Beef Specialist

Sales Agent

Dealer - Kirwin, KS

308-962-6445 (NE, KS)

785-483-9721 (KS)

785-543-7994 (KS)

Dickinson Ranch 2324 370th Ave Gorham, KS 67640

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